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CARMARTHENSHIRE. APRIL QUARTER SESSIONS, 1846. NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next Ge- "1 neral Quarter Sessions of the Peace for this Coun tyl "III be held at the Shire-hall, in the Town of CARMAU- THEN, on THURSDAY, the NINTH day of APRIL ne*t, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at which hour and place all County business will commence and be Proceeded with; and that at Twelve o'Clock on that day, t. e Court will proceed to the adoption of such provisions the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Rural police of the said County as shall be necessary, when oe Court will be moved that the pay of the second class of Rural Police Officers be increased two shillings weekly uPon the same scale as those in the County of Glamorgan, and the Court will then proceed to the transaction of business relating to the assessment, application, Illid management of the County Rate and will pass 1111 bills examined and approved of by the Finance That on the same day application will e Tllade to the Court for leave to borrow on the Pfedit of the County Rate of the said County, the sum of tree Thousand Pounds to be laid out and expended towards building the new bridge at or near the Town of t'landilo-fawr, in the said County. And on the same day, the report of the Committee appointed as to the C,onsolidation of the County and Borough Gaols will be taken into consideration. And that on the same day the Notice given of application for such a sum of money as Qn a survey may be found necessary to be laid out in new roofing Llandilo Hall, will likewise be considered. And, on the same day, the Certificate of the Chairman of the Carmarthen County Roads Board of the sum of E400 being required to be raised by a County Road Rate, in jld of the County Road Fund, will be produced to the Jur-tices at such Court of Quarter Sessions. And Notice is hereby also given, that all Appeals and Traverses to be tried at these Sessions must be entered 1l the Clerk of the Peace's Office on or before 10 o'clock In the morning of Saturday, the 11th day of April next, (the second day for business of the said Sessions), & that On the said 11th day of April, at the hour last aforesaid, all randand Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and Persons j'ound by Recognizances, must attend and answer to their names; and the several Magistrates of the County are requested to cause all depositions taken before them, and relating to Felonies and Misdemeanours to be pro- fited at the said Sessions, to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace on or before the Fourth day of April "ext, and in all cases arising subsequently, imme- diately after being taken. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Court will Proceed with business on the said 11th day of April In the following orderFirst, Trials of Prisoners; Secondly, Trials of Traverses Thirdly, Hearing Appeals and Common Motions. Notice is also given, that all Persons having claims 1ainst the County, must send in their accounts to the Clerk of the Peace's office at Carmarthen, on or before the Thirtieth day of March instant, and must attend before the Finance Committee of Magistrates on Thurs- ay, the 2d day of April next, at the County Grand Jury nOOIIl, in Carmarthen, at 11 o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of having such claims audited, if required, Ot erwise they will not be paid. Dated this 18th day of March, 1846. BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace. To CHARLES BISHOP, Esq., Clerk of the ?. Peace for the County of Carmarthen. NV-E the undersigned, being two of Her Majesty's t"" Justices of the Peace usually acting in and for he Llandilo Division of the said County, within which ?ndilo New Bridge is situate, do hereby in conformity ,lth the 3rd section of the Act of 4th and 5th Victoria, t' aap. 49, intituled An Act to provide for repairing, im- '?"'8, and rebuilding County Bridges;" Give you °tice of our intention to apply to the next Court ofQuar- ter Sessions, to be held in and for the said County, at the "?rehaU, in the Town of Carmarthen, on the Ninth j ay of April next, for leave to borrow on the credit of the p°unty Rate of the said County, the further sum of three t,?"'arid pounds to be laid out and expended towards dill d.lng the New Bridge, at or near the Town of Llan- l)if\Vr. in the said County, and within the Llandilo .1510n ?ated this twentieth day of February one thousand ei ght hundred and fortv six. WILLIAM PEEL. J. LEWIS. lrIh compliance with the before recited Act, I, Charles t IS op, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Carmar- then, do hereby give notice, that the Notice of which the foregoing is a copy, will be taken into consideration by the Justices assembled at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held at the Shirehall, in the Town of Carmarthen, in and for the said County of Car- marthen, on Thursday, the Ninth day of April next.— Dated this 18th day of March, 1846. BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace. CARDIGANSHIRE. t4STER QUARTER SESSIONS, 1846. JVOTICE is hereby given, that the next General Quar- th C ter Sessions of the Peace will be held and kept at he County Sessions House, in the Town of Aberayron, of and for the said County, on Tuesday, the Seventh day "f April next, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, when all persons summoned to attend as Jurors and bound oVer to prosecute and give evidence at the said Sessions, are required to attend. The Magistrates of the County re requested to return all depositions taken before them In cases to be tried at the Quarter Sessions to the Clerk lDf the Peace, at least one week previous to the Sessions, alid in all cases which may be heard within one week the depositions to be returned forthwith; the recog- nizances of prosecutors and witnesses must be filed at the PPening of the Court, on the first day of the said Sessions. The Magistrates' Clerk and the Attorneys practicing in the said Court, are requested in all cases of appeal to be heard at the said Sessions, to transmit to the Clerk of the Peace for the information and guidance of the Chair- lnan, copies of the examinations upon which the reftioval is grounded, and of the grounds of appeal lIeven days previous to the Sessions. b The Court will proceed with the Trial of Prisoners before the hearing of Appeals. COUNTY AND POLICE RATES. The Finance Committee of Magistrates will sit in the IN "gistrates' Room, in the County Sessions House, at Aberayron, immediately after the opening of the Court on the first day of the said Sessions, to examine and in- vestigate the Bills and demands upon the County, and to regulate the County expenditure. All persons who have any demands upon the County tnUSt transmit their Bills to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before Tuesday, the thirty-first day of March instant. The Court will proceed with the business relating to the Assessment, Application, and Management of the County Rates, and to pass all Bills and demands that 8hall have been examined and approved of by the Finance Committee of Magistrates, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of the first day of the said Sessions, and also to assess and tax the said County with a Police ltate, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Constabulary force, according to the provisions of the acts ■^d and 3rd Victoria, c. 93, and 3rd and 4th Vie. 88. LUNATIC ASYLUM. And at the said next General Quarter Sessions, a Com- JhHtee of Justices will be appointed to treat and enter ^lto an agreement with the justices of some other County or Counties, Borough or Boroughs, or with the sub- licrlbers to some Lunatic Asylum heretofore established by voluntary contributions, for the erecting or providing an Asylum for the Pauper Lunatics of this County in Accordance, and as directed by the Act 8th and 9th Vic., c. 126 CARDIGAN OLD GAOL. And notice is hereby also given, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions, application will be made for a 8rn not exceeding Fifty Pounds out of the County *unds, to be applied and paid to the Secretary and Irea- SUrer of the Cardigan National School, in order to reIm- burse the funds of that charity, the amount expended hereout in the repairing and improving of the Old Gaol 111 that town. SURVEYORS OF BRIDGES. And notice is hereby also given, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions the present mode of paying ?e Surveyors of Bridges will be considered, in order to any alteration with reference thereto that may be deemed advisable. COUNTY ROADS BOARD. }¡ In pursuance of the Act 7th and 8th Vic., c. 91,1 do hereby give notice, that at the said next General Quarter Sessions the Justices then and there assembled will elect Id appoint three persons to be members of the Count) goads Board of this County, in the room of the Right Honorable the Earl of Lisburne, Matthew Davies Wil- Jjarns, and John LewQs, Esquires, members thereof, who have resigned. DISCONTINUANCE OF THE RURAL POLICE. In pursuance of the Acts 2nd and 3rd Victoria, c. 93, 3rd and 4th Victoria, c. 88, and on the requisition of atthew Davies Williams, Thomas Owen Morgan, John f,gh Pryse, William Eardley Richards, and William lilsley Jones, Esquires, five of Her Majesty's Justices o the Peace acting in and for the said County, to me directed and delivered I do hereby further give notice, that at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of the first day of the said next General Quarter Sessions of the tl eace, it will be proposed that the Justices then and t lere assembled do report in writing under their hands tl one of her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, that in the opinion of the said Justices the County and strict Constables appointed under the said Acts, or either of them, are then no longer needed in the said bounty: and in further pursuance of the said Acts, and I another requisition under the hands of the said five last mentioned Justices of the Peace to me directed and elivered, I do also hereby further give notice, that if it e all be made to appear at the time it shall be so pro- Posed to the Justices so assembled as last aforesaid, that hey do report to Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State that the said County and District Constables are "0 longer needed in the said county, but the same are Still needed in certain districts or divisions of the "aid County, it will be submitted that a report be made o her Majesty's Secretary of State, stating the number of Constables which ought to be appointed for such Dis- trict's or Divisions, together with the circumstances upon N"hi,h the determination of the Justices shall be oun ed. ROBERTS, 1) Clerk of the Peace. ated this 17th day of March, 184G.. BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY. DR. TUllXElt'S TESTIMONIAL. SIR,—I do not hesitate to express my conviction, that C? YOUR PATENT BRANDY is fully as free from every- thing injurious to health, AND CONTAINS AS PURE A SPIRIT AS THE BEST VARIETIES OF FOREIGN BRANDY. I remain, Sir, your most obedient Servant, EDWARD TURNER, Professor of Chemistry in the University of London. 0THIS IS THE ONLY BRANDY /?\??/\ ENGLAND PROTECTED BY THE IN ENGLAND PROTECTED BT THE PATENT?- PATENT METALLIC CAPSULES \?*??N?( AV THUS EMBOSSED WITH THE   TCX? ? ADDRESS OF THE FIRM. BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY may be obtained, in the Capsuled Bottles, at 3s.6d. by way of sample,& at 18s. per Gallon in bulk, of the most respectable Wine and Spirit Merchants, in every locality. The Distillery, 7, Smith- field Bars, London, is the only Establishment of J. T. BETTS, Jun. and Co. BLAIR'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS. A severe Case of Rheumatism, communicated by Mr. Allen, Proprietor of the" Nottingham Mercury." Mercury Office, Nottingham, March 17, 1845. SIR,-I have the pleasure of forwarding you the par- ticulars of a case in which BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS have proved eminently suc- cessful. A young woman, named Mary Wain, accompanied by her parents, who reside at Watnall, near this town, called upon me on Saturday last, being desirous of making her case known for the benefit of the public. It appears that Mary Wain had for some years past been a great sufferer from Rheumatism, but that in October last she was more than ordinarily afflicted, so much so that her father fetched her from her place of service, in order that she might have the attention of her mother at home at that time-to make use of the mother's description, she could not lift her hand to her mouth, or her foot the height of sixpence from the floor." Having heard of Blair's Pills, the father purchased a box at my shop about the second week in October; the Pills ?ook immediate effect, for I am assured by the parenTs and the girl herself, that on the following day she "Qi'ld not only lift her hand up to feed herself, but sh,- t also move about on crutches. Since that time she had five more boxes of the Pills, and, if I may judge from appearances, is as well as she ever was in her life, and has been so for some months past. I am, Sir, yours truly, To Mr. Prout, 229, Strand. RICHARD ALLEN. The never-failing effects of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS in curing every description of Gout and Rheumatism, have secured to them a celebrity unequalled by any medicine of past or present times. They not only give relief in a few hours, but restore to perfect health in an inconceivably short space of time. They are equally speedy and certain in lumbago, sciatica, pains in the head or face, and indeed of every rheumatic or gouty affection; in fact, such has been the rapidity, perfect ease, and complete safety of this medicine, that it has astonished all who have taken it, and there is scarcely a city, town, or village in the kingdom, but con- tains many grateful evidences of its benign influence. Sold by Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London; price Is. 1d., and 2s. 9d. per box and by his appointment by Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square, Carmar- then Mortimer, ditto Mrs. Evans, near the Cross do.; Morgan, Merthyr Tydfil: Phillips, Cardiff: Williams, Brecon; Morgan, Abergavenny; Williams, Newport; Goulstone, Llandovery; Fanor, Heath, Monmouth; Jones, Brecon; Phillips, Newport; Mathews, Aber- gavenny Williams, Milford: O. E. Davies, and Har- ries, Haverfordwest, J. S. Evans, Cardigan, and by the venders of medicines generally throughout the kingdom. Ask for BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS and observe the name and address of "Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine Medicine. ALL MAY BE CURED! II I k? 1 61 I ?il I. i HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS. llxtract oj a Letter from John Martin, Esq., Chronicle" Office, Tobago, West Indies February 4th, 1845. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Sir,—I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this Island, especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen, are very anxious of having your astonishing Medicines within their reach, from the im- mense benefits some of them have derived from their use, as they have been found here, in several cases, to cure Sores and Ulcers of the most malignant and des- perate kind. One gentleman in this Island, who had, I believe, about fifty running ulcers about his legs, arms, and body, who had tried all other Medicines before the arrival of yours, but all of which did him no good but yours cured him in about six weeks, and he is now, by their means alone, quite restored to health and vigour. (Signed) JOHN MARTIN. PILES, FISTULAS, AND BEARINGS-DOWN. A remarkable Cure by these Pills and Ointment.—A half-pay lieutenant, lately residing at St. Helicrs, Jersey, whose name by request is omitted, had for three years suffered from piles an d fistula, besides a general bearing down, of the most distressing nature. He had twice undergone an operation, but to no purpose, and at last gave himself up to despair. Yet, notwithstanding this complication of complaints, together with a debilitated constitution, he was completely cured of all his infir- mities and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines, when every other means had failed. Extraordinary Cure in the West Indies, of Leprosy and other direful skin diseases. June 3rd, 1841. Mr. Lewis Reedon, of Georgetown, Demerara, written under the above date—that Holloway s Pills and Oint- ment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage- ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful descrip- tion, as likewise leprosy, blotches, scales and other skin diseases of the most frightful nature, and that the cures effected there by these wonderful medicines are so nume- rous and extraordinary as to astonish the whole population. Cancercd Breast.— A Wonderful Circumstance. Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull, Bootmaker, Tatton, near Southampton. "February 9th, 1845. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,-The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of Cancers or Abscesses, of twelve years' standing, in my wife's breast. In the latter part of the time, eleven wounds were open at once. The Faculty declared the case as past cure, several pieces of bone had come away, and I expectedthtt my poor wife would soon have been taken from me. It was then that a friend recommended the use of your Pills and Ointment, which to our utter astonishment, in the space of about three months, healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life. I shall ever remain Your most grateful and obedient servant, (Signed) "RICHARD BULL." Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Jeremiah Casey, No. 1, Compton-placc, C'ompton-slreet, Brunswick-square, London, April 2oth, 1845. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,-I beg to inform you that I believe I had been for more than three years, one of the greatest sufferers in the world with Chronic Asthma. For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm. I never went into a bed very often, indeed, I have been obliged to pass the night without being able to recline sufficiently to lay my head on a table, lest I should be suffocated. No one thought I should live over the winter, nor did I expect it myself; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work from morning to night, and that I sleep as well as ever I did in my life and this miracle (I may say) was effected by rubbing your invaluable Ointment twice a day into my chest, and taking ten of your Pills at bed-time, and ten again in the morning, for about three months. (Signed) JEREMIAH CASEY. In all Diseases of the Skin, Bad Legs, Old Wounds and Ulcers, Bad Breasts, Sore Nipples, Stoney and Ulcerated Cancers, Tumours. Swellings, Gout, Ria- matism, and Lumbago, likewise in cases of Piles; Holloway's Pills, in all the above cases, ought to be used with the Ointment; as by this means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty, and in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone, The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of Moschettoes, Sand-flies, Chiego-foot, Yaws, and Coco-bay and all skin Diseases, common to the East and West Indies, and other tropical climes. Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands and Lips, also Bunions and Soft Corns, will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment. Sold by the Proprietor, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectable Vendors of Patent Medi- cines throughout the Civilized World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. ROWLAND'S ODONTO, OR, PEARL DENTIFRICE. Patronised by Her Majesty" The Queen," and the Royal Fattiily of Great Britain, as well as the several Sovereigns and Courts of Europe. "UIE importance of possessing A FINE SET OF J. TEETH is universally acknowledged by all who attach the due value to Personal Advantages and the blessings of health. A regular, firm and pearly row of teeth ever insures favourable impressions, while the n- dispensable agencies which they fulfil in respect to the functions of health demand our utmost care and atten- tion in their preservation. Disorders of the Teeth, however slightly regarded, are inevitably attended with evils which affect the whole system. Whatever renders mastication painful or im- perfect, not only lessens our relish and enjoyment of food, but also prevents that perfect comminution and mixture of it with the saliva which is indispensable to perfect digestion, and hence arise an endless train of diseases of the stomach, while at the same time the body is deprived of its wonted nourishment, and the whole system languishes in a state of discomfort and disease. Perhaps among all the disagreeable consequences that follow fast the decay of the teeth-an impure breath must be the most mortifying to its possessor, as it is the most generally offensive in society. The Decay of the Teeth arises from various causes; but, principally, it may be attributed to early neglect, ill heaith, or the use of Tooth Powders containing mineral and other deleterious acids, which give a momentary whiteness to the teeth, while they corrode the enamel The extreme prevalence of this last cause is too well known to need comment. To this hot, indeed, is prin- cipally to be attributed the long Botanical Research, which has happily terminated by the most felicitous dis- covery ever given to the world for the Preservation of the Teeth, Gums, and Breath, viz.— ROWLAND'S ODONTO, or PEARL DENTIFRICE. A White Powder for the Teeth, compounded of the Choicest and most Recherche Ingredients of the Oriental Herbal the leading requisites of cleanliness and efficacy being present in the highest possible degree. It extir- pates all tartarous adhesions to the Teeth, and ensures a Pearl-like Whiteness to the enamelled surface. Its Anti-Septic and Anti-Scorbutic Properties exercise a highly beneficial and salutary influence; they arrest the further progress of decay of the Teeth, induce a healthy action of the Gums, and cause them to assume the brightness and colour indicative of perfect soundness, while, by confirming their adhesion to the Teeth, they give unlimited enjoyment and fresh zest to appetite, by perpetuating effective and complete mastication the Breath also, from the salubrious and disinfecting quali- of the Odonto attains a sweetness and fragrance truly grateful to its possessor. It speedily removes those ravages which children sus- tain in their Teeth, owing to improper use of sweet and acid articles, which imperceptibly destroy them. As the most efficient and fragrant aromatic purifier of the Breath, Teeth, & Gums ever known, ROWLAND'S ODONTO has now for a long series of years occupied a distinguished place at the louets or tne Sovereigns and the Nobility throughout Europe, while the general demand for it at once announces the favour in which it is universally held Price 2s. 9d. per box. CAUTION.—To protect the public from Fraud, the Hon. Commissioners of Stamps have directed the Pro- prietors' Name and Address to be engraved on the Go- vernment Stamp thus— A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton-Garden, which is affixed on each box. Sold bv them and bv Chemists and Perfumers. All other ODONTOS are FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS ON THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. WITH TWENTY-FIVE COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. Just Published, Sixteenth Thousand, in a sealed envelope, price 2s. dd., or post-paid, to any address for 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps, or Post- Office Order. SELF-PRESERVATION a Medical Treatise on the Secret Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Maturity. Illustrated with Twenty-five Coloured Plates, on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Organs, explaining their various structures, uses, and functions, and the injuries that are produced in t,h rn ,by solitary habits, and other excesses. With practical observations on the Treatment of Nervous Debility, Local and Constitutional Weakness, Syphilis, Stricture, and other diseases of the Urethra. By Stricture, LA'MERT, Consulting Surgeon, 9, Bedford- SAMUEL street, Bedford-square, London, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothe- caries' Hall, London, &c., &c. REVIEWS OF TIIE WORK. The author of this singular and talented work is a legally qualified medical man, who has evidentlv had considerable experience in the treatment of the various disorders, arising from the follies and frailties of early indiscretion. The Engravings are an invaluable addition, by demonstrating tha consequences of excesses, which must act as a salutary warning to youth and maturity, and by its perusal, many questions may be satisfactorily replied to, that admit of no appeal, even to the most confidential friend."—IRON TIMES. "This is deci-ledly the most scientific and yet most intelligible work of the kind, we have ever yet perused; and the engravings and explanations which accompany it, present a moral and highly instructive lesson, by delineating the evil efi'ects of youthful folly and excess. The subject is altogether treated in a very superior manner, AND THE AUTHOU BEING A LEGALLY QU VLIFIIJD MEDICAL IAN, we recommend his work to public notice with the utmost confidence."—RAILWAY BELL. Unquestionably this is a most extraordinary and skilful work, and ought to be extensively circulated; for it is quite evident that there are peculiar habits acquired at public schools and private seminaries, which are totally unknown and concealed from the conductors of those establishments. and which cannot be too strongly reprobated and condemn- ed. The engravings that accompany the work are clear and explanatory; and being written by a duly qalified medical practitioner, will doubUessbe the means of saving many a youth, as well as those of maturer age, from the vari'OUS evil consequences resulting from indiscretions. -MAGNET. Published by the Author and may be had at his resi- dence; also from S. Gilbert, 52, Paternoster Row, and Hannay and Co., 63, Oxford Street, London; Mr. Shackell, Bookseller, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen, Cambrian Office, Swansea; Davey, 1, Broad St. Bristol; Newton, 16, Church Street, Liverpool; and by all Booksellers. At Home for Consultation daily, from Nine till Two, and from Five till Eight; and all letters immediately replied to, if containing the fee of fl, for advice., &c.-9, Bedford Street, Bedford Square, London. "r The work may be had in Carmarthen, of Mr. Shackell, Bookseller, Guildhall Square, price 2s. 6d; or may be had post free, to any address, by enclosing 3s. 6d. in postage stamps to the author's residence. Messrs. R. and L. PERRY & Co. may be consulted at 19, Berners-Street, Oxford-Street, London, daily, and at 106, Duke-Street, Liverpool, every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; & at 10, St. John-Street, Deans- gate, Manchester, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wed- nesdays. TTTP SILENT FRIEND." ON HUMAN FRAILTY. Price 2s 6d., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom, in a Sealed Envelope, from either of the above Establishments on receipt of 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps or Post Office Order. A MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervous Debility, Constitutional Weakness, excessive In- dulgence, See. With Observations on iniarriage, &c. with 10 fine Coloured Engravings on steel. By It. and L. PERRY and Co., Consulting Surgeons. Published bv the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford street: Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-Street, Liverpool; Rawle, Church-St., Liverpool; Ingham, Market-Street, Manchester; D. Liver ]?cll, 136, Argyle-Street, Glasgow; R. Limbay, 11, Elms Row, Edinburgh; Powell, 10, Westmoreland, Street, Dublin; J. W. White, Guildhall-Square, Car- marthen, and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine Vcndors in Town and Country. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. We regard the work before us, The SiLENT FRIEND, as a work emhraein most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto little understood, and passed over by the majority of the Medical profession, for what reason we are at a los to know. We must however confess that a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds, that we not only recommend, but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly, or suffering from indiscretion, to profit by the advice contained in its palles. Ajre and Ar^us. had as usuaf at their Establishment. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy for Se?O(L Symptoms, searching out and purifying t, ?'-diF, Aa,umours of the blood, removing all cutaneous '? ??ns, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples gn the head, facc,?c?. Price 11s. and 33s. per bottle. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS Price 2s. 9d., 4,s. 6d. and lis. per box, Have long been used with perfect success in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation, Irritation &c. These Pills are free from mercury, capaiva, and other deleterious drugs, and may be taken without interference upon in every instance. Sold by all medicine venders Messrs. Perry expect, when consulted by letter, the usual Fee of One Pound, to be addressed to the London Establishment, where all communications and orders are requested to be forwarded. A minute detail of the case is necessary. Messrs. R. and L. Perry & Co. mav be consulted as usual, at 19, Berners-street, Oxford-Street, London, daily, and at 106, Duke-Street, Liverpool, every Thurs- day, Friday, and Saturday, and at 10, St. John-Street, Deansgate, Manchester, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, punctually, from 11 till 2, and 5 till 8. On Sundays from 10 till 12. Aent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall Square, of whum may be had the Silent Friend. FEMALE EDUCATION. CAMBRIAN SEMINARY, LANSDOWN HOUSE, TENBY. ESTABLISHED by a Lady and Gentleman of the first respectability and family connexions, more than twenty years residents of Tenby, for the instruction of their own and a limited number of the daughters of the aristocracy on the most approved principles of Home Education. The Establishment is governed by the regulations of the English and Parisian Seminaries now in greatest repute, and conducted by superintendents selected with much care from the professional talent of the metropolis, who (with their assistants) on a system suited to the present enlightened views of society, teach in their different departments English, French, Latin, Italian, German, Music, including Singing, Piano, Harp, and Guitar; Drawing, Painting, Dancing, Gymnastics, Embroidery, Plain and Fancy Needle Work, with every other requisite essential to a religious, elegant, useful, and highly finished education. Applications a ddressed to the superintendents of the establishment will immediately be replied to. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Liverpool and Bristol, calling at Swansea and Milford, During the Month of APRIL, 1846.  THE NEW AND POWERFUL ??  )?\ IRON STEAM SHIP, ????- TROUBADOUR, •Sgjgllggr JAMES BECKETT, Commander ITS intended to Sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, with Goods and Passengers, for BRISTOL and SWANSEA, CALLING AT MILFORD. Tuesday, April 7. 2 after. I Tues., April 21 2 after. Tuesday, 14. 8 morn ) Tuesday, 24. 8 morn FROM SWANSEA. Wednes.,AprH 1. 7 moral Wednes.,AprIH5. 6 morn I 8 2 after. I Wednes., April 1 5 6 morn Wednesday,— 8. 2 after. ) Wednesday,— 22 :,2 after. WeLlnesd ??dnesday, Apn129. 9 morn From BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA & MILFORD Satur., April 4. 3 after. | Satur., April 18. 2 after. Satur.,  4 3 after. I Saturday, Saturday, U. 9 morn ) Saturday, — 25. 9 morn FARES:—To Liverpool, Cabin, ;Cl Steward's Fee, 2s. 6d.; Deck, 7s. 6d. Goods intended for the above Steamer, from Liverpool, must be at the Trafalgar Dock two hours before the ad- vertised hours of sailing. Goods forwarded free of Commission. All Freights paid on delivery of the Goods, and land- ing and warehousing at the expense and risk of the Consignee. Goods carefully forwarded, to Neath Aberavon. I Llandilo, Llangadock, Llandovery, Llanwrtyd, and Llan- gammarch Wells, &e. &c., by PRICE'S VAN, which leaves Swansea for those places every Wednesday mov- ing at ten o'clock.  BRISTOL GENERAL 4u  ???? ?SAHON COMPANY *???????? Office 1, Quay, Bristol. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BARIX, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of APRIL, 1846. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. I Friday, April 3 lOJmom I Friday, — 10 5 morn ) Friday, April 17. 9 morn Friday, 24. 5 morn I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, I PHCENIX. Tuesday, April 7. llafter. Tuesday, 14 6-Imorn I Tuesday, April 21.12lafter. Tuesday, 28. 61morn FOR DUBLIN. VICTORY, Fridays. i Friday, April 3. 10imorn I Friday, 10. 4iafter. Friday, April 17. 9 morn I Friday. — 24. 4iafter. I Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tuesdays.-SABRINA, Fridays. i ,rjday. April 3 lO^morn Tuesday, 7 3 after. Friday, — 10 4 Rafter. I Tuesday, — 14 7 morn Friday, April 17: 9 morn Tuesday, 21. Rafter. Friday, —24. 4Rafter. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. Friday, April 3.1?:¡o:n 1 Tuesday, 7 2,af'ter. I Fnday. — 10 4^after Tuesday, — 14 7 morn Friday, April 17. 9 morn Tuesday, — 21. l^after ] Friday, — 24. 4lafter. Tuesday, — 28. 7 mom 1 11 -1 return a. uesaays ana r riaays. I FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesdays.-PH(ENIX-, Fridays. I Friday, April 3..».10imorn Tuesday, 7. 3 after. Friday, 10. 5 morn Tuesday, 14 7 morn I Friday, April 17 9 morn I T'???'d 5_ 1 — 21 2 after. Frida-: 21. 5 morn Tuesday, — 28 7 morn I FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. Saturdayf April 4 11 morn I Tuedav. —7.4?:tcr. Saturday, 11 (ijmorn ,1 ,atur(l  Tuesday 14 9.?1niortiI Saturday, April 18 lOimorn Tuesday, 2 1:: :101 ? -Olrlll Sa.turdåv —?.6morn Tuesday, — 28 9.\morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, April 7. 3 after Tuesday, 14. 7 morn Tuesday. April,;l. aftr'l Tuesday, — 28 7 mora FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER, MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Fridav, April 3 9 morn Friday, 10.. 4 after. Friday, April 17. 9  Frida'. 24. 4 a?M i ROM IAIILFORD. I I ST AR. Satur., April 4. 5 morn I Saturday, I,- 1 inorn Satur., April 18. 4mom Saturday, 25. 1 morn FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY-Tuesdays & Fridays. BERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. Thursday, April 2 10 morn Friday, — 3.11 morn Saturday, 4.11morll Tuesdav, 7 3 morn Thursday, — 9- 5 morn Friday, — 10 o'2morn Saturday -] 1. 6!¡morn Tuesday, 14. 7\morn _1_ .1 r.on Thursday,ApriI16- 8',mont Friday 7. 91morn Saturday, — 18.t0?morn Tuesday, — 2' 2 morn Thursday. — 23. 4?orn Fridav 24. 5 morn Saturday, —2j.6mom Tuesday, 28. 8 morii inursuaj, Ajiut ou y mOn! I FROM SWANSEA. BERESFORD-Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY—Thursdays & Saturdays. Thursday, AprU 2. )0 morn Friday, 3. 11 morn Saturday, 4.I noon. Tuesday, 7. 4 morn rday. — 9. 5,,niorii Friday. — 10. G'.morn Saturday, — 11 6>,morn Tuesday, — 14 8imom Thursda" y,Aprill6. 9.imom Saturday, —t8.nmurn 21, 2 .o,, I ThuMday, —?.5morn Fridav — 24. 6 mom Satur(IY. —35.C?morn Tuesday, —28.8?orn inursuay, April 30 9imorn FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. I LORD BERESFORD—Mondays. COUNTY-Wednesday. Monday, April (5 12 noon. Wednesday,— 8. 2 morn I Monday, 13 5 morn Wednesday,- 15. 6 morn Monday, April 20.11 morn I Monday, )7. 5 inorn Wednesday,— 29. 6 morn I FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. I LORD BERESFORD—Mondays. COUNTY—Wednesdays. I Monday, April 6 4 after. Wednesday,— 8. fi morn Monday, 13. 9 morn Wednesday,— 15. 10 inorn Monday, April 20 3 morn I Wednesday,— 22. 5'morn I Monday, 27 4 after. Weine-sday,- :17.10inornI FROM BRISTOL. I I — LADY CIIARLOTTE. ak I I Monday, Apliww 7 morr. Wednes., — 18 81 morn Friday, M. 9- morn 1 Monday, 23 2 after. Wednesday,— 25. 4 after. I Fridav, 27. 5\morn FROM CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE. I Wednes., April 1 -i logo Thursday, 2. 7?o!'n Cnd.i y — 3 8 mon. (y, = t.: !) fflTIon, onda;, (j llfia 2. aR(Fr. BSIesday, April 17 61mom ??r?y, 19. 7*,moru I SaWrduy, — 21. ? 'morn I T8da;, 24 IMlaT ThwnAn v. — ?R. 3,?t' I Th ;t. ? I I- I 2zi il7xr,.4 The whole of the ato^^essels are &t?d u?-  .tKe onvcyance of passeng  dgoods.  )N<tt?j'ds on Board.—Carri?cs Horses ?p?????M?. Horses and Carriage' be shipp  n))J)<  ?M))?oi'c Particti l ars in-?ty 1) (al by a ga W Particulars may b«MMghied by a afflie Bristol Steam Navigation Coil Office, Qtivf, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, l abels, &C., should be addressed:— for Swansea, to W. Ter & SonJ. 33, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay street^-for.O^tliff, to R. H. Johnson. Clare street Hall, Marshfitreet i-^aitd for Newport, to J. Jones, ltownham IV]iarf,.Hotivells. AGENTS.—Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. George Hushes, Tpnby :jM?'. John Rees, Havcrfordwest; Hxigl?ic-, Tcnl?)-;A& d'. Bowen, Pater Mr. John ?. Mr. Palmer, Sm'll't <iM T. rncr, Swansea; Mr. P?tj?M? ri-?fjjr?p?? Martin, Ilfracombe??nd Mr. J. CWI, Lynton. ?? ? ? '? N,)TI cro4ietors of the LI4, Heam Packets will not be accoun J P t e for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (iflost or damaged) above the value of X5; nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Lujgage (if I ost or damaged) above the value of2«s.; un- less in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery; nor will they heanswerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at I the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. All letters seeking information to be post paid. Bristol, April, 1846..


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