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EXHUMATIONS OF THE DEAD* I "A DEAD HOUSE IS HIS CASTLK.— DltKXF.LtU. (old German writ:*r)—-free translation. Nunquam minus d-jmi qiiam in domnWelsh dead man loquitur. SIR,-You recently gave insertion to <1. lettN from me on a public topic—Exhumations, which incidentally involved a good deal of remark on a disgusting, because needless, adoption of this practice tDwartl the remains "f Ann Thomas, a pauper. Had that letter evinced "pr- vate pique, "petty malignity, "personal censure, you would, of tonrse, have no mare allowed than I should L11,re presumed to ask its publication. Yet it has ..elicited more than one- anonymous repondellt in The Silurian, who, strange to say, find all this, and more, therein May I trespass again to a short extent on your spacc ? You will say, doubtless, that thc paper admitting these attacks is the proper arena for my de- defence. True—but your little contemporary the Li- beral ( ) Silurian, evincing the 'ast ditferece between beral ( ) Sf?trt fnt, evincing the vast ditfercnce between while allowing nameless parties—"A Welshman," and Medicus"—to vituperate me and Mr. Batt, by name, ad libitum, refuses room for answer except at the price of an advertisement. You, exhibiting the reality of your claim to that characteristic, gave insertion to my leHer, because its subject was one affecting public, and wholly inoffensive towar.d private feeling. I asserted that the digging up dead bodies is a shocking spectacle, a revolting, violence done to public feeling, only to be justified by its necessity. Is this disputed? Surely not ? What meant all the horrified sensation formerly produced in a whole neighbourhood on the detection of a body having been stolen by resurrection men," if this is disputable ? The" post mortem" process, and that more elaborate, of the Dissecting room, differ only in the extent of the anatomising, and the remains were sure of finding re-sepulture somewhere. The rites of religion had been already performed over them, yet what an outbreak of execration always followed this species of exhumation See to what cruel expedients (by the way) we resort in claiming for the knife of Science wretched paupers who die unclaimed by friends, purely to remove mercenary temptation to the violation of the grave Conceded, then, that the act is in itself most foul," does it not follow, that needless wanton resort to it is more than foul, is strange and unnatural," is an abo- mination, a loathsome one ? The sole remaining ques- tion, therefore is, was or was there not a necessity in this case? Was or was there not the very questionable excuse for it of some professional neglect? I, wholly unconnected with all parties, having carefully read the evidence, (rather disgustingly displayed at great length in the Silurian) declared that there was no neglect, therefore no necessity. As an obscure recluse, though not always such, they were free to scorn my dechuings, butLo!Lo! in the midst of the towering fury of "A Welshman," and of "Medicus," that 7 should dare to meddle, I should remonstrate, I should defend a gen- tleman, the victim of a conspiracy in my opinion, out comes the official declaration, the judgment after careful revision of the whole evidence, and in the teeth (displayed in pure sardonic retraction of the lips one can well conceive !) in the very teeth, I say, of these very angry gentlemen asserts (and on my vety grounds) the same thing acquits Mr. Batt of all blar.ie wipes off the foul stigma which a stupid verdict if not jury had attempted to attach to him—no less foul an one than that of causing—culpably—the death of a fellow creature! I certainly presumed to say, that juries are but fallible men. The highest authority, deputed by the legislative wisdom of a British Senate, to investi- gate anù definitively pronounce on the merits of this case, pronounce the same thing,— a verdict against them and their verdict. It comes to precisely a contrary conclusion on the evidence upon which they were sworn to truly and faithfully judgment give Now as it was the jury's verdict solely, that my letter impugned,—the Heedlessness of the disinterment solely that I reprobated—the jurymen (men from the moon or Under its influence for aught I know) utter strangers— the parties who got up the drama (that has turned from intended tragedy to broad farce against themselves) equally, I declare, unknown, how comically wonderful it is, that two (if not a dual man) should start up, draw goosequill upon me, present foolscap, and effuse ink and bile, charging me with personal aspersion, malignity, pique," &c. I no man call a knave or ass, 'Tis his own conscience holds the glass, quoth Gay, and I say ditto. It would be waste of time to attend to the pitiful malignity" (as Medicus writes) of "A Welshman vented agaimt trlat professional character which before his ink was dry, the Poor Law Commissioners declared to be falsely in{peached, I shall merely try to relieve the dullness of looking down on baflled and impotent irascibility by a "smil e of passing contempt"—(I plagiarise again:) "A Welsh- man" said, I "re&soned like a Tvro 'I would remind him that there go. 8ft things to the effect of reasoning on any person; MjP^wn capability to understand as well as of the other to convince. How is the gentleman "off" for brainI I hope he didn't expect me to find him reasonings and Reason too I would be loth however to leave this grave subject (excuse a bad pun) with a tone of levity. It is indeed a grave, an important subject; in one of its points of view, I do say, of atrocious character. The point I allude to, is the fact of an innocent man's having been accused of causing the death of a fellow crea- ture. I am not any longer to beg the question of Mr. Batt's exculpation. He is exculpated. The verdict is overturned. There did not exist any sufficient ground for that Inquest, which when once instituted, might require the exhumation. Then I say, again and again, a cruel, a most base, cowardly, and malignant attempt at moral assassination is most strongly to be suspected, at least, in the "rise and progress" of the imputation. I would appeal to you, Sir, to any candid man, woman, or (almost) child, to confess what your feeling would be to-morrow should you see your townsmen running to the churchyard to see a body dug up, you standing the mark of all eyes and of Rumour with her thousand tongues as the person who had occasioned the death r It is not in the common course of things for such in- justice to be inflicted on professional men, or who would ever become one ? But I have trespassed too long. Who, not interested, will dispute what I say in parting ? who with the feeling of a man (not to say a Christian) \i11 not respond to it, Amen ? If tearing the dead from the grave be a shocking and loathsome act—if the rushing to its perpetration on trivial grounds add moral ugliness to thc proceeding, to what a climax of absolute criminality of the creeping and occult, the serpent character, the stab-in-thtydark atnre, doe it amount, if worse than wanton lying, if interested views should be for a moment believed to have been at the bottom of the whole ? I was going to have said, the whole deplorable catastrophe which my latest" pitiless archer" from the citadel of The Silurian "Medicus" says, "is now matter of history;" but it seems doubtful whether this does not refer to the deplorable decision of the Poor Law authorities which I can well believe is to them a. catastrophe" maxime dejlendumas cutting the ground from under their feet. I am pleased to ifnd that what The Silurian has dignified with the name of the Garth- brengy Controversy" is to become part of the History of England I have written but one letter, so shall cut a poor figure. "A Welshman" has suggested to some future Hume another name for this one-sided conflict, drawn from a favourite little topic in his 1etter-I wish it may not go down to posterity as the Utensil Con- troversy Daiith. J. LOV/NES. [In consequence of the late arrival of an ord-r for a number of copies of our last publication, containing Dr. Downes's letter, which we could not supply, we have been induced, by the great local interest the sub- ject has excited, and from the greater space afforded us by the publication of a supplement, to republish the article.] LATER INTELLIGENCE FROM AMERICA. ARRIVAL OF TIlE" GREAT WESTERN."—The Great Western." arrived at Liverpool on Friday morning, bringing news from New York to the 6th, a week later than the "Hibernia." The uneasy feeling relative to the course to be taken by the President, in his message to Congress, is on the increase. The ground for this is to be found in an article from the TVasltingtvn Lmon, understood and recognised as the President's official organ. The Cllion goes into a lengthy detail of what the Americans consider to be the position of the two countries as to occupation in Oregon, enlarging on the fur trade, and closing with an attempt to prove that territorial aggran- disement is the sole object of Great Britain. STATE OF TRADE.—Trade continues in a flourishing condition, nearly every manufactory being in full work. Although this briskness is pretty general, yet a slight depression has taken place in some branches, particu- larly in the button and fancy glass line, where some of the people are put on short time. The building trade has not been so good for several years; journeymen can scarcely be obtained.—Birmingham Pilot. THE CHANCELLOR OF TlIE DUCHY OF LANCASTER. —The absence of Lord Granville Somerset from all the recent Cabinet Councils has occasioned a good deal of unfounded speculation. We are informed that the No- ble Lord was on his way from the Continent to England, on purpose to attend them, when he was arrested at Chalons-sur-Saone by a violent fit of the gout, which rendered it impossible for him to travel, it having, in fact, confined him to bed. So great, however, was the impatience of his Lordship to take a part in the delibe- rations of his colleagues, that he set out before his con- valescence was established, and contrary to the recom- mendations of his medical attendants. TOltADO IN FRANCE.— The Courrier du (Sard states, that a tornado, similar to that which occasioned such terrible disasters at Cette, fell on the loth instant in the commune of ;\le,.nes, T11e occurrence is thus described bv that journal :—" The sky suddenly became overcast and presently a rain, mixed with hn, which lasted about 20 minutes, fell upon the village. When it ceased, the cloud s were seen flying from the south with frightful rapdity, leaving a train behind them resembling the smoke from the locomotives. A dull and sinister sound was shortly afterwards heard, whieh seemed to presage some dreadful calamity. This was succeeded by a whirlwind, which uprooted trees of the size of a man's body wherever it passed. It uprooted r.o 1"5 than GO of various sizes upon one single estate. The column was perceptible at 2,000 yards distance. In the district of Fourques the meteor occasioned considerable damage j no person fortunately was injured, but the half of the ro:)f of a farm was rc- moved to a considerable distance by it, trees were also here torn up, and several carts overturned.




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