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FEMALE EDUCATION. Cambrian seminary, LANSDOWN HOUSE, TENBY. T?8TABLISHED by a Lady and Gentleman of the th first respectability and family connexions, more of af twenty years residents of Tenby, for the instruction i' their OWn and a limited number of the daughters of trh aristocracy on the most approved principles of thon¡e Education. The Establishment is governed by nor regulations of the English and Parisian Seminaries t'ow in greatest repute, and conducted by superintendents th ected with much care from the professional talent of the Metropolis, who (with their assistants) on a system illth to the present enlightened views of society, teach their different departments English, French, Latin, lan) German, Music, including Singing, Piano, Harp, and Guitar; Drawing, Painting, Dancing, Gymnastics, ■^p broidery, Plain an d Fancy Needle Work, with every Other requisite essential to a religious, elegant, useful, and highin, finished education. APplications addressed to the superintendents of the abfishment will immeditely be replied to. Lordon June 24th, 1845. NOTICE. DIRECT   STEAM COMMUNICATION 1 IIETWEEJ'i ?????g?? LIVERPOOL??ND SOUTH Immuggeor?l? WALES. T*K Public is respectfully informed that the Iron TScre% S?er, TINTERN, Cant Walters, just ed trade, is intended to ?n? ? ?"? ?'-<??. ? is intended to ?P'y"'g between IVRILPOOL and NEWPORT, M?? ,?? /?ioy, in the beginning of October. fms esspl has been designed and built by Mr Guppy, Of BRISTOL, whose reputation as a Ship Builder will be guarantee for her capability as a desirable conveyance or Goods and Passengers. For particulars of the times of sailing and rates of freight for Goods and Passengers, apply to DARBY and kilt, Sweeting Street, Liverpool; or to N. B. CALDER, Ebbw Wharf, Newport. N. B The charges will be moderate. Liverpool, Sept. 1st, 1815. ENGLAND INDEPENDENT OF ICHABOE. BRAIN'S GUANO. THIS being the third year of its introduction to the -Igricultural World, it has been proved on almost every description of crop and soil by practical men to be superior to the imported, as it can always be depended 011, being of uniform strength and composition, founded On the analysis of the best Peruvian, without its im- purities. Extract of a Letter received from J. W. Kelsey, Esq.:— Hope Farm, near Folkstone, Kent, e¡ "Octobcr 17 th, 1844. Sil,-Your Guano has turned out well, quite answer- ing my utmost expectation; it has made my turnips best Ilt the poorest part of the field, being the spot where I employed it. I will thank you to send me the price of Your Bone Powder, and remain, yours respectfully. J. W. KELSEY." The price, E9 per ton including sacks, wharfage deliver, to the railway, and where the distance does not exceed ten miles from London delivered free. Also BRAIN'S highly-concentrated LIQUID GUANO, for Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, Grass Lawns, &c., Is. 9d. Per quart bottle, which added to eighty gallons of water make a most powerful liquid manure. To be had t all respectable Florists, Seedsmen, and Chemists, in town and country.  Crushed BONE 23s. per Quarter, warranted to stand the most rigorous analysis, sacks included. ?' ?UM(g.?p;?te of L,?p ),'23s. per ton, in quantities not I. than three tons, warranted pure. ?teatn '?ks, Thomas Street, Stamford Street, Black. friars' R?d, London. AGEXTS. CARDIFF.Messrs. Hall. B LANl::LLY..Mr. Davies, Belle Vue Cottage. BRISTOL .Messrs. Maule and Co., Florists. EXPTEP.NLIessrs. Sclator and Sons, Florists, LORD ELDON'S APERIENT fills. "Habitual Costiveness," said the late Mr. Abernethy, I have no hesitation in saying, is the foundation or forerunner of every disease to which the human frame is s c- c t. THE great success with which these Pills, the pre- Tpai-ation ofan eminent Court Physician, have been Ministered for upwards of half a ccntiir" to his n?ime- "OLIR Patients, as well to the late Lord Eldon as to other .?tinguished Members of the legal and clerical profes- sions, whose sedentary or studious occupations necessarily CUtaii diseases of the digestive or visceral organs, with all the train of evils ari s'ing therefrom, has induced the Proprietor, in submitting this invaluable medicine to the Public, to S^t6' as conciselv as possible, that it is not put fb?h)'-L a11 as concisely as posslb e, t la t It IS, not put fv?' ?- :Medicines, as an antidote to  disease ??? to Persons of both sexes who suffer fron? h abi t,,i al COstIveness, indigestion, loss of appetite, or evcnh and morbid state of the liver &nd digestive organs, they will, by promoting a proper secretion of bile, relieve the constitution and restore the energies of both body aid mind in fact, when their efficacy is generally Known, these Pills will rank in this Country, as well as IrL Foreign Climates, as the most valuable Family Medi- Clne extant. They are particularly efficacious in all complamts arising from obstruction in the Liver, Spleen and Biliary Ducts, and from morbid or disordered secretions of the Stomach and Bowels, restoring the Unctions of these important organs (upon which the general health so much depends) to a vigorous and regular action. Decided benefit will be found from the Use of these Pills in those cases of Indigestion, the symp- toms of which are Loss of Appetite, Sallow Complexion, lalns in the Head, Fevered Tongue, Unpleasant aste in the Mouth, Flatulence, and Confined State of the Bowels. As an Universal Family Aperient, they will be found an invaluable Medicine, as, from the mildness of their Operation, they may be taken by persons of all ages and either sex, and will be found (if taken as directed) to have the peculiar advantage of not leaving the Bowels in a confined state after their operation, which is invariably t case with all drastic and violent Purgatives. They ""Ill be found a most valuable Aperient Medicine to per- êO¡; travelling, as they may be taken without danger of in all variations of temperature. or charitable purposes, or for those who cannot afford Medical attendance, a cheaper and better medicine is not to be procured. 4 Sold in boxes at Is. lid. 2s. 9d.; and (silvered) at M., by JOHN WHITE, Chemist and Druggist, p Ui.ldhall-Square, Carmarthen, O. E. Davies, Chemist and Druggist, High-street, Haverfordwest, and by all Respectable Medicine vendors in the Kingdom, & Whole- sale at the Warehouse, No. 13, Great St. Thomas Apostle, London. TESTIMONIAL TO LORD ELDON'S PILLS.  have subjected to a careful chemical analysis e I Ills prepared by  of t, e 1 ills prepared by you, and find them to consist of e ffecti.ial  ^6**01113 ?'"?? -Y mercuria l Pre- paration whatever. Yours &c 13, Charlott("-street Bedford-f UÜE, M.D., F.R.S. 13, Charlott?treet. Bedford-??h ?" ??-? LA MERT ON DEBILITY, NEITVOUs^rss ALL DISORDERS ARISING from EXCESS &c "c. He who in pleasure's downy arms Ne\ r k-st his health or youthful charms, A hero lives, and justly can Exclaim, in me behold a man, published fin a sealed envelope), Twelfth Edition, ??c 2?. 6?., o?- sc? &y?M?,ee, i'o K?'y address, is. 6 d. ^LF-PIIESERVATION: a Popular Essay on those cri?oncealed Disorders of the Generative System Or ??'na; in certain solitary habits, youthful excesses, ahd VtCt'on> ? termmntin? ;n Nervous Debility, Local .institutional Weakness, and all those 111 kmgs, fifties, and Tremors, which afflict the Weak, the K *S!t?,.y? and the Delicate. With Practical Observa- r;?llS on Marriage, and on the Anatomy, Physiology, and jjl. s°ases of the Reproductive Organs, with plain direc- j?.*?ase'! of the Reproductive rgans, with plain direc- 0r-s for their perfect Restoration. Ihe- SAMUEL LA'MERT. CONSULTING SUROIOON. D, Bedford-Street, Bedford-Square, London, "Rtri_ culatcd Member of the University of Edinhnrgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothecary's Hall, London, &c. "Lon? experience in the treatment of a clas of diseases ;j"icrtonc?ected and most imperfectly understood hy the ??t bulk of the medical profession, has enabled the J^rii(.|. to prov'' that there arc concealed causes of Nervous t),-bilit, in ex?tpn?. where the mere routine practitioner OUld never dream of finding them; trac(?able to certain '?its. forming the most secret, yet daily and fatal springs  domestic misery and premature mortality."—WAKEFIELD OVP\NI.. \V.. consider this book rea)!v ou?ht. as a matter of safety. t e placed in the hands of every youth whue appearance j° "Uicates any ?nd?.icY to n('rvou debi!ity or premature .'?-'y. Mr. I.a'Mert has treated the subject in a very ?-e:.t,?? ?:)d inteUig'cut mMner, and we are certainly  at the prpv.?ence and the coMequer.ce? of those v '1? it his )rovin,-e tu pourtray aii,.l alleviate.LONDON 'V-NAL or (j)DIERCE. G,PUblishetl by the Author, and sold in London by S. -"hcrt, 51 and 32, Paternoster Row; E. W. Shackell, ^oyjiisejier> Guildhall Square, Carmarthen Cambrian ?ce. Swansea; Newton, Bookseller, Church Street, ?'erpool; Watts, Snow Hill, Birmingham; Henley, heltenham; Fryer, Bath and by all Booksellers. -Ir. I.a'Mert is to be consulted daily at hi.- residence nd country patients in their letters are requested to be en minute In the details of their symptoms, age, general nabits of living, and occupation in life. The communi- :tlO 1,!lUst. be accompanied by the usual consultation fpfe 1, without which no notice whatever can be taken their application and in all cases the most inviolable -r,y may be relied on. 9, BEDFORD STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON. THE ABOVE WORK MAY BE HAD j At Mr. SHACKLEI.L S, Bookseller, OUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. Prirf 2s. 6d. or frnc, ti- post, for s fid. THE GREAT GERMAN ROMANCE! Just published, price Is. 6d., Part 78 of "The Novel News- itis, I)itblishe 1, I. containin a tranlation tram the original German) of THE JEW. A Romance of the 1 ifteenth Century. TBy C. SPINDL _R, author of The I?valide, &c.— "The peculiar situation of the Jews at this period is clearly pourtrayed in this interesting work, which abounds with incidents and characters amply sufficient to set up five common novelists in their tnde." Lately published, in the Novel Newspa-j>r, uniform with the above, THE INVALIDE or, Pictures of the French Revo- lution. By the author of "The JeIW." Complete, price Is. 4d. THE ROSE OF THISTLE ISLE. By Mrs. CAIILF.N. Complete. Is. 4d. THE SALAMANDER, a Naval Romance. By EUGENE SUE. Complete, 9d. THE NOVEL NEWSPAPER SERIES Is published in Parts, 8vo. each containing one or more complete works, without the slightest abridgment, and J forms a Standard Library Edition of the most popular Novels, Romances, and Tales. By the most esteemed authors, giving for One Shilling, Works originally pub- lished at a Guinea and a half! The series now extends to 78 parts, and includes the best productions of the most distinguished British, American, and Continental writers. Amongst the for- mer will be found the chefs-d'ceuvres of Scott, Gold- smith, Defoe, Smollett, Godwin, Mackenzie, Miss Por- ter, Mrs. Brunton, Miss Lee, Mrs. Radelitl*e 'Ilrs Heime, lrs. Charlotte Smith, &c.; and amongst the latter, those of Cooper, Carlen, Bird, Dana, Brockden, Brown, Clavers, Fay, Fouque, Hoffman, Kennedy, Longfellow, Marmontel, Neale, Paulding, Sedgwick, Sims, Spin- dler, Thompson, Sue, Tuckernran, Willis, &c. Each work is complete in a neat wrapper, at prices varying from 6d. to Is. 6d. each. Parts I to 77, may also be had in 17 vols., handsomely bound in cloth, as. per volume. Catalogues forwarded, on receipt of a postage stamp, to any part of the kingdom. COOPER'S NOVELS, complete in One Volume, handsomely bound in cloth, price 8s. 6d. The Pilot, The Spy, The Pioneers, Last of the Mohicans, Lionel Lincoln," The Prairie, Red Rover, Water Witch, Ima- gination. Printed from the original text, and without the slightest abridgment. London: Bruce and Wyld, 8i, Farringdon-strect; Watson, Edinburgh Macleod, Glasgow Le Messurier, Dublin; Philip, Liverpool; Hey wood, Manchester; E. W. Shackell, Carmarthen and all Booksellers in Wales. THE BEST TEA IMPORTED. M AA LL LEr- AAF GUNPOW'DI4 BY APPOINTMENT. IN this age of quackery and pretension, when the place and privileges of the true, are constantly usurped by the false and the fraudulent, it is difficult to afford the public the unerring means of.i-L l(igiiieiit.-r.s. BROCKSOPP, HOW, & Co., of 233 and 234, High Street, Southwark, London, respectfully hope that their standing in the Tea Market will be considered as the best guarantee for the superiority of their articles, and as distinguishing them from puffing adventurers of the day. The above Teas have acquired an extraordinary celebrity, and are used by all connoisseurs, while their price brings them now within the reach of all. The Howqua's Mixture of 40 rare Black Teas is now reduced to 5a. 8d. per lb. Catty Package, and the Mowqua small-leaf Gunpowder, to 8s. 2d. per lb. Catty Packaga. Half and Quarter Catties may be had. CAUTION.—These Teas are genuine only when con- tained in original Chinese Catty Packages, and sccurdft; with the seals of Howqua" and Mowqua." N.B. Tea-dealers, Confectioners, &c., desirous of becoming Agents, may apply as above. AGEXTS FaIt THIS DISTHICT — Llandilo, Thomas James, Bookseller. Llandovery, E. Lewis, Tea-dealer. Llanelly, agent wanted. Brynmawr, David Edwards, Tea Dealer. Brynmawr, John Jones, Draper. Bridgend, Thomas Williams, Chemist & Tea Dealer. Brecon, Phillip Bright, Chemist. Chepstow, agent wanted. Haverfordwest, Thomas Williams, Chemist. Lampeter, W. T. Davies, General Merchant. Monmouth, W. Cossens, Chemist, Post Office. Newport, Henry Clappcrton, Bookseller. Neath, P. E. French, Chemist and Bookseller. Narberth, Jason Meyler. Tea Dealer. Pembroke, John Ormond, Chemist, Post Office. Pembroke Dock, E. Mc Lean. Commercial How. Swansea, C. T. Wilson, Castle-square. Tenby, W. G. W. Freeman, Chemist, High-street. Abergavenny, W. T. Hurst, Chemist, Neville-street. Dowlais, David Lewis, Tea Dealer. Llantwit Major, Ann Jenkins, Tea Dealer. Mold, Win. Pring, Bookseller. Tredegar, Edward Davies,Stationer. For Stopping Decayed Teeth, HOWEVEIL LARGE THE CAVITY. Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen Dncagcr, Her lloyal Hiqhness the Duchess of Gloucester, His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and the principal Nobility. MR. CLARKt?'S SUCCEDANEUM, for stopping decayed teeth, is far supenoi to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth without any pres- sure or pain, becomes as haru as the enamel immediately after application, and remains firm 111 the tooth for life not only rendering extraction unnecessary, but also mak: ing them again useful for mastication. All persons can use Mr. C^akke's feuccbDA^LtiM themselves with ease, as full directions are enclosed-price i)s.-and sold by all respectable Medicine-vendors in lown and Country and can be sent by post, on recemng a post-office order. Prepared only bv Mr. Clarke, Surgeon-Dentist, 61, Grosvenor-street, Bond-street (removed from 53, Ilarley- street, Cavendish-square.. Loss OF Clarke still continues to supply toe loss ot teeth, from one to a complete set, upon his beautiful system of Self-adhesion which has procured him such unnersal approbation in some thousands of cases, and recommended by Sir C M Clark, Bart., Sir M. Tiernev, Bart., M.D. Dr. Chambers, Dr. Paris, Dr. James Johnson, Dr. Conquest, and numerous other Mem beis of the Medical Profession, as being the most ingenious system ot snpplying artificial teeth hitherto invented. I bey are so contrived as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining stumps, without causing the least pain, rendering the operation of extraction quite unnecesstyy and in order that his system may be within the reach of the most economical, he will continue the same moderate charges. Mr. Clarke, Surgeon-Dentist, iNo. ol, Grosvenor-street, Bond-street, Londt,n.-At home from eleven till four. MIl. CLARICE'S TOOTH-POWDER, which has procured him such universal approbation, In some thousands of cases, is highly recommended by numerous Physicians and Surgeons, as being the best tooth-powder ever yet prepared it prevents and eradicates the tartar from the teeth, and imparts to the gums that ruddy appearance, and to the teeth a pearl like whiteness. Mr. Clarke can say with safety (as it is prepared only by him), that, if analysed, its properties would be found to be of the purest kind. It can be sent by post, on receivinrr a post- office order and it is sold by most respectable Chemists in town and coiiiitry-pricc d. Just Published, Price 2s. Gel., free by post 3s. 6d., a New and important Euition of "THE SILENT FRIEND," A MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervous J- A Debility, Constitutional Weakness, excessive In- dulgence, A-c. With Observations on Marriage, &c. with 10 Coloured Engravings. By Rand L. PERRY and Co., Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors, and sold at their residence also by Strange, 21, Pater- noster Row; ilannay & Co., 6:3, ÖxfQrd street: Noble, 109, Chancery Lane Gordon, 146, Lcadenhall-street; Purkiss, Compton-street, London. OPINIONS OF THE PHESS. We regard the work before uS. The SiLEN 1 IT^*TT,vrl as a work embracing most clear and practical vie\V of a cnes of complaints hitherto little understood, and passed over by the majority of the Medical profession, for what reason we are at a loss to know. We must however confess tnat a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds, that we not onlv recommend, but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly. or suiienng tioni indiscretion, to profit by the advice contained in its pages. Age and Argus. ?'Thc Authora ofTIŒ SILI?NTIRIEND seem to be horoughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints winch are, we fear, too prevalent in the present day. The per- spicuous style in which this book is written, and the va- luable hints- it conveys to those who are apprehensive of entering the marriage state, cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal."—ERA. This work should be read bv all who value health and wish to enjoy life, for the truisms therein contained, defy- all (Iotil)t.-r-%RNIET',S' JOUlt.'iAL. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, Is a gentle stimulant and renovator in all cases of Debility, whether Constitutional or acquired, nervous mentality, irritation and consumption—by the use of which the impaired System becomes gradually and effectually restored to pristine health and vigour. Sold in bottles, price YIS. and 33s. ThL E,5 Cases may be had as usual at their Establishment. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy for searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the blood, removing all cu- taneous eruptions, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples on the head, face, Secondary Symptoms, &c. Price lis. and 33s. per bottle. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lis. per box, Have long been used with perfect success in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation. Irritation, &c. These Pills are free from mercury, capaiva, and other deleterious drugs, and may be taken without interference upon in every instance. Sold by all medicine venders. Messrs. Perry & Co. may be consulted at their residence 19, Berners-street, daily from 11 till 2, and 5 till 8. On Sundays from 10 till 12. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White. Chemist, Friend. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Liverpool and Bristol, calling at Swansea and Milford, During the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1845. THE NEW AND i'°1>VKIi-:FUL IRON STEAM SHIP, ERIN, JAMES BECKETT, Commander. IS intended to Sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, JL with Goods and Passengers, for FROM BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA, Tuesday, Sept. 2 7 morn Tuesday, Sept. 16. G morn Tuesdai- Sept. 2,* 7 morn Tues(lilv 2 3. 10 morn Tuesday, — 9.10 morn Tuesday, — 23 10 morn Tuesday, Sept. 30. 6 morn. The Erin leaves Milford for Bristol, twenty-two hours after sailing from Liverpool. FROM SWANSEA CALLING AT MILFORD.. Wednes., Sept. 3 6 morn I Wednes.,Sept. 17 5 morn Wed?es., Sept. 3 6 nio-? n Wednes., 2 3 1 0 morn Wednes., 13. 9 morn Wednes., — 23.10 morn FROM LIVERPOOL CALLING AT MILFORD. aturlay: Sept. 6. 11 morn I aurda):, Sept. 20 12 noon S .,atur(lay, Sept. 6 11 iiiorn I Salurda y 27 7 morn Saturday, 13. 8 morn | j Saturday, — 2 7. 7 morn The Erin leaves Milford for Liverpool, seven hours after sailing from Swansea. FARES To Liverpool, Cabin, £ 1; Steward's Fee, 2s. Gd.; Deck, 7s. Gd. Goods forwarded free of Commission. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, Steam-Packet Office, Swansea, Mr. GEO. H. EVANS, 2, St, Stephen-street, Bristol; Mr. THOMAS M'TEAR, 1o, Water Street, Liverpool Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Mil- ford or to the Captain on Board. All Freights pad on delivery of the Goods, and land- ing and warehousing at the expense and risk of the Con- signee. September, 1S4-3. BRISTOL GENERAL &STEA;PAY  0?-6 1, Quay, Bnstol. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to M Sail from CUMBERLAND B ASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1845. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PIICENIX. Friday, Sept. 5. 8 morn I Friday. Sept. 19. 8 morn Friday, 12. 2 after. | Friday, 26. l'after. FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. Tuesday Sept. 2. ?.Tmorn I TneKday, Sept. in. 5 morn Tuesday, 9 9'morn Tuesday, 23.9?morn Tuesday, Sept. 30 4,morn FOR DUBLIN. VICTORY, Tuesdays —SHAMROCK, Fridays. Friday Sept.;¡. 8 morn I Friday, Sept. 19. 8 morn Friday, 12. 2 aiter. Friday, — 23 2 after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tuedavs.-SA nRI A, Fridays. Tu?day.Sept. 2. O'morn Sept ?. 6'mom Friday' — s 7'morn Friday, — 19 7'morn Tn?day — 9 morn Tii-([aN- 33 ?'mnrn Frida" 1, 2 Fm,a-V' 26. 2 after. Tuesday, Sept. 30 4 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA. Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. T?<-?Hy Pent. 2 ? morn I 'T"0,day, Sept.. 16 6 morn Fridnv, Sept, 5- R morn r'I' ,ep. IJ. 0 morn Frî,b\ ;Rmorn '1'\1<1' -I!), 8 morn ? 't.?- — 9.M ?"rn T??day, ? ?3. 9'morn ? 1 'rH ay, 3. 2 after. Tuesday, Sept. 30. 4 after. I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesdays.—PHCENIX, Fridays. T')fsday,Sept. 2 6 morn Tuesday, Sept. 16 6 morn Fridat, 8 morn Fridav, 19 8 morn Tuesday, 9 11 morn Tuosdav, 2.10 morn Friday, — 12. 2 after. Fridai, — 26. 1 after. Tuesday, Sep;. 30 6 morn T,Ies,],,Li?, 8(,P.. io 6 niorn FROM TENBY. Tuesday, Sept. '2 8'morr J I Tuesday, Sept. ?. 8 morn j Saturday, — S. ? morn S,.ittir,llvs. 9 morn 2. 8'i-.iorr Sept. morn Saturday, — 13 5 mom Saturday. — 27 4 morn Tu,,d!l:V, Sept. 30, 7'morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Sept. 1. 6mo-n | Tnpq^ay, Sept. 16 6 morn Tuesday, — 9.H mOln Tuesday'. — 23. 10 morn Tuesday, Sept. 30 6 morn, FROM HAVERFORDWEST, OU.LIXO AT PATER MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Fridav, Sept. 5. ol*" I Friday, Sept. 19. 7'morn Friday, — 12 2 after. I Friday, 26 I I after. FROM MILFORD. STAR. atnrday, Sent. 6. 4 morn I Saturday, Sept. 'JO. 4 mom Friday,— 12 12 night I Friday, 26. l1after. FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BERESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. TIII>ollav, Sept. 2. 6'morn 1 Thursday, Sept. 18. 8 morn Thnrsrlav, 4, 7'morn I Fridav, 19. 8 morn Fridav. 5. 8 morn R;ttllrclay, 20.. 8'morn Saturday, 6. 8'mom Tuesday, 2? 10 m)'-n Tup?day 9 10'morn | Thursday, — 25 ll'morn Thursday,—n.l'?MM"' I Fridav, — 23 2 morn Friday. 12 'tiir,lay, 27 3 morn Saturday, 13. 4 morn Tuesday, — 30 5 ? morn Tuesday, 16. 6 morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tuesday, Sept. 2. 7 ',morn Thursday' ,Sept. 18 8 morn Thursday, 4 8 morn Friday. 1 9 morn Friday, — 5.S?moru Saturday, — 20 9 morn Saturday, 6. 9 morn Tuesday, — 23 10'morn Tuesday, 9. 10'mom | Thursday, — 35. I morn Thursday, — 11 l'morn Friday, — 26 2 morn Friday, H. 2'morn Saturday. — 27. 4'morn Ratlmlay, 13 4 morn Tuesday, 30.6 morn Tuesday, — 16-— 7 morn FOR ILFIIACOMBE. TORRIDGE. The only Steamer going direct and that lands and embarks PVSSENGEKS AT TIIE PlrR, w¡thOllt the aid of Boats. Tn('da" SelJt 2. 7 morn I 'Pue?(1, Sept. 16. 7 morn FRI'WY— 5 • 8'inorn 19 8 inoi-n Tuf-s'ia'y —<)'.H mom Tuesday, M.10',mnrn Friday, iz, atter. Friday. — 26. 2 after, Tuesday, Sept. M. 6 morn FROM ILFRACOMBE. PASSENGERS EMBARKED AT THE PIER. TORRIDGE. Wednes., Sept. 3. 8',morn Wednes., Sept, 17. 8'morn Saturday, G.10 morn I Saturday, —?.tOmorn Wednes.. 10 I after. Wednes., —21 1 > no?n Saturday, 13. 5 morn Saturday, — 27. 4 morn LYM(){;TII.- The Torridgo calls off Lynmouth, going to and returning from llfracombe, weather permitting. Passen- gers landed and embarked on payment of Is. each. Luggage to be paid for at a moderate charge, for which purpose a large boat is always in attendance. For particulars apply to Ir, Thomas Baker, Lynton. FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. LORD BERESFORD, Mondays. COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Sept. I. 4 morn Monday, Sept. 15. 3 morn Wednes. — 3. 5 morn Wednes 17 5 morn Monday, — 8. 7'morn Monday, — 2'2. 7 morn Wednes. 10. 9,moi-n I Wednes. D,iiiorii Monday, 3ept. ::9. 3 morn FROM ILFIIACOMBE TO SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Mondays. COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Sept. 1. 3 after. I Monday, Sept. 15 3 after. Wednes, 3 1 after. Wednes. 17 4 ftcr. Monday! 8 12 noon. Monday, 22.12 noon. Wednes! 10 1 after. I Wednes. — 24 ljafter. Monday, Sept. 2d 3 after. To and from CARDIFF, LADY CHARLOTTE and PRINCE OF WALES, daily, Sundays excepted. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—-Female Stewards on Boarcl,-Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailinc;. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods,Packages, Parcels, &-c., sliotild be addressed:- for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Son*, o3, Bar-k; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay streetfor Cardifl, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh,street-and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownhain Wharf, liotweils. AGENTS.—Mr. R. S TA^ILIL Cainrarthcn Mr. George Hughes, Trnby; Nly. John Rees, Haverfordwest; Mr!" Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. 1. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford; Mr. Martin, llfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will (?am I'ac, ts ',vill not be accountable forany Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (ifrost or damaged) above the value of £ ■>; nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Luggage (if lost or the value un- loss in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the timeoi" delivery; nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, agd freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of ueiivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes Ail letters seeking information to be post paid. Bristol, September, Ulto. HEALTH, 10^3 liFE, A nip HAPPINESS. P.RTI.'S LIFE PILLS, (the best Medicine in the JL World) are now established as the only certain cure of disease in the human frame. Sufficient has already been advertised in' the public prints to convince any reasonable person that the efficacy of this medicine is unbounded, and that every disease will soon vanish from the effects of this popular remedy. Already the Pro- prietors have received and published 26 different sheets of Testimonials and, besides, have received some thou- sands of letters confirming all the statements published, and proving the immense benefit derived by all classes by taking LIFE PILLS. Testimonials are re- ceived daily, and it would be impossible in a newspaper to publish one half received; and the following are se- lected as people well known in their respective neigh- bourhoods, and whose testimony is unquestionable. Further sheets of Testimonials may be had gratis of all agents. From Mr. TV. Alexander, Bookseller, Yarfhouth :— Great Yarmouth, March 27, 1845. Gentlemen,—Being recently at Norwich, I called upon a gentleman at his request. He said, having seen your name in the newspaper as an agent for the sale of Parr's Pills, and also letters addressed to you testifying their efficacy in the cure of various complaints, I resolved to try them. I had been very unwell for two or three years, my stomach much out of order, and I constantly felt a painful difficulty in breathing I employed two medical gentlemen, and took a great quantity of medicine, but derived no benefit; on the contrary, I found myself daily declining and getting weaker, so that I could scarcely walk from one street to another indeed I was in a me- lancholy desponding state. Accordingly I purchased a box and took them as directed. At the end of a week I was much better, having taken, I think, only eighteen pills; consequently, I continued taking them regularly, and when I had taken two boxes and a half, I became quite well, and to this day I have enjoyed life, having now good health and good spirits. If, however, I feel any slight indisposition, I have recourse to the medicine I have so much reason to prize, which restores me to my usual good health. This gentleman wished his case to be made public, although, for obvious reasons, he could not authorise me to give his iiaiiye. This timid, perhaps in some cases, prudent cautiousness, is not uncommon. A neighbour- ing gentleman has several times admitted to me that he derives great benefit from the occasional use of Parr's medicines, but will not permit me to mention it to any one. I am, dear Sir, yours respectfully, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. P.,S.-The Pills have entirely removed the Cough and Asthma. You will probably remember the name of the respecta- ble octogenarian gardener, 1\1r. Cowlcs, of Blunderstone, who still (with his son-in-law) attends our excellent ve- getable and fruit market. Mr: Cowles, when I last saw him, a few week ago, was in excellent health, and although SS years of age, works at digging in his garden several hours in the day. He still continues occasionally to take the medicine, which he believes, under Provi- dence, to have been the means of conferring on him so much comfort. WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Mr. Hackett gave the following unsolicited testimonial to the Efficacy of Parrs Life Pills before leaving New York. TO THE PROPRIETORS OF LIFE PILLS. Sirs,—Having used Parr's Life Pills on several occa- sions when attacked by violent Bilious complaints, and having been fully satisfied of their efficacy, I beg leave, in justice to you, as proprietors of the medicine, to tes- tify as mucli. Yours, respectfully, Long Island, Nov. 9, 1814. vV. H. HACKETT. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Beware of spurious imitations of the above Medicine, none are genuine unless the words" Parr's Life Pills" are in WIIiTE LETTERS on a rFD (jUOUND. engraved in the Government Stamp, pasted round each box; also the fac- simile of the signature of the Proprietors. T. HOBERTS 8: Co.. Crane Court, Fleet Street, London," on tll, directions, Sold in boxes at Is. I as. 9d., and family packets lIs, each. Bv JOHN W. WHITE, Chemist, Agent for Carmarthen Mr. (f E. Da,ie,?, r)l-u-,?i?t .?ir. l?ro?sor Chemist, Rhymney, and by all respectable Medicine Venders, Sold in boxes at Is. qcl., 2s. W., 'and family packets at lis., by Edwards, 61, St. Paul's; Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchy" ard London; Mottershead and Co., Manchester and J. and R. Raimes and Co., Edinburgh Mitchell, Apothecaries Company, Glasgow; and by all respectable drugajsts and patent medicine retailers throughout the kingdom. Directions are given with each box, bv John W. White, Chemist, Agent for Carmarthen Mr. 0. E. Davies, i Druggist, Haverfordwest; Mr. Prosser, Chemist, Rhym- ney; J. S. Evans, Chemist and Druggist, Cardigan, and by all respectable Medicine Veli(lors ALL BIAY DE CURED! 1 BY -? ???  HOLLOW AYS OINTMENT. FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS. Extract oj a Letter from John Martin, Esq., Chronicle" Office, Toùago, ¡Fest I¡¡dies February .1th, 1815. To PitorrssoIt HOLLOWAY. Sir.-I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this Island. especially those who cannot afford to en:p!ov medical gentlemen, are very anxious of having your astonishing Medicines within their reach, from the im- mense benefits some of them have derived from their use, as they have been found here, in several cases, to cure Sores and Ulcers of the most malignant and des- perate kind. One Sent}eraan in this Island, who had, I believe, about fifty I uniting ulcers about his legs, arms, and body, who had tried all ether Medicines before the arrival of yours, but all of which did him no good; but yours cured him in about six weeks, and he is now, bv their means alone, quite restored to. health and vigour. (Si-)ned) JOHN MARTIN. PILES, FISTULAS, AND BEARINGS-DOWN. A remarkable Cure by these Pills and Ointment.—A half-pay lieutenant, lately residing at St. Helicrs, Jersey, whose name by request is omitted, had for three years suffered from piles and fistula, besides a general bearing down, of the most distressing nature. He had twice undergone an opeiation, but to no purpose, and at last gave himself up to despair. Yet, notwithstanding this complication of complaints, together with a debilitated constitution, he was completely cured of all his infir- mities and restored to the full enjoyment of health bv these justly renowned medicines, when every other means had failed. Extraordinary Cure in the IVeOt Indies, of Leprosy and other direful skin diseases. June 3rd, 1814. Mr. Lewis Iteedon, of Georgetown, Demerara, writes under the above date-that Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage, ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful descrip- tion, as likewise leprosy, blotches scales and other skin I diseases of the most frightful nature, and that the cures effected there by these wonderful medicines are so nume- rous and extraordinary as to astonish the whole population. Cancered Breast.- A Wonderful Circumstance. Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull, Bootmaker, Tatton, near Southampton. February 9th, 1845. "To PROFESSOR HOLLO WAY. SIR,—The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of Cancers or Abscesses, of twelve years' I standing, in my wife's breast. In the latter part of the time, eleven wounds were open at once. The Faculty declared the case as past cure, several pieces of bone had come away, and I expected that my poor wife would soon have been taken from me. It was then that a friend recommended the use of your Pills and Ointment, which to our utter astonishment, in the space of about three months, healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life. I shall ever remain Your most grateful and obedient servant, (Signed) RICHARD BULL." Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Jeremiah Casey, No. 1, Compton-place, Compton-street, Brunswick'sjuare, London, April 25th, 1815. To PROFESSOR HOLLO-WAY. SIR,—I beg to inform you that I believe I had been, for more than three years, one of the greatest sufferers in the world with Chronic Asthma. For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm. I never went into a bed very often, indeed, I have been obliged to pass the night without being able to recline sufficiently to lay my head on a table, lest I should be suffocated. No one thought I should live over the winter, nor did I expect it myself; but I am happy to say that I am now ab!e to work from morning to night, and that I sleep as well as, ever I did in my life: and this miracle (I may say) was effected by rubbing your invaluable Ointment twice a day into my chest, and taking ten of your Pills at bed-time, and ten again in the morning, for about three months. en (Signed) nu JEREMIAH CASliY. In all Diseases of the Skin, B id Legs, Old Wounds and Ulcers, Bad Breasts, Sore Nipples, Stoney and Ulcerated Cancers, Tumours, Swellings, Gout, Rheu- matism, and Lumbago, likewise in cases of Piies; Holloway's Pills, in all the above cases, ought to be used with the Ointment; as by this means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty; and in liaif the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone. The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of Mosehettoes, Sand-flies, Chiego-foot, Yaws, and Coco-bay, and all skin Diseases, common to the East and West Indies, and other tropical climes. Burns, Scalds. Chilblains, Chapped Hands and Lips, also Bunions and Soft Corns, will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment. Sold by the Proprietor, 241, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectolble Vendeis of Patent Medi- cines throughout the Civilized World. :n Pots and Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., -4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. FRUIT SEASON. THE experience of past years having proved the advantage, at this season, of acting upon the advice of the Faculty, in the substitution of weak Brandy and Water, as an ordinary beverage, for Beer or other fer- 7ileiitable liquors, and' at no greater cost, J. T. BETTS, Jun. and Co. trust that thev need only to caution the public against any of the spurious articles offered for sale, being foisted upon consumers in lieu of their Patent Brandy; and, at the same time, to refer to its supe- riority and economy for preserving Fruit. /??\ /??? ?FATENT?.   BETT'S PATENT BRANDY is protected against fraudulent substitution, when sold in bottles, bv being secured with the Patent Metallic Capsules, embossed with the words "BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY, 7, SMITHFIELD BARS. Purchasers of single bottles, at 3s. 6d. each, cannot be too parti- cular in observing that the Cap- sules are so embossed. This pure and healthful spirit is preferred by the high- est Medical Authorities to any other; and IS usee, to the exclusion of Foreign Brandy, at St. Thomas s, Guy St. George's, the Westminster and other Hospitals; at the Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, and other Infirma- ries; and, indeed, at the principal sanative institutions throughout the country. PATRNT BRANDY may be cotained, in the Cap- suled Bottles, bv NN-a- of sample, and at 18s. per Gallon in bulk, of the most respectable Wine and Spirit Mei- chants, in every locality. The DISTILLERY, 7, SMITH- FIELD BARS, LONDON, is the only Establishment of J. T. BETTS, JUN. & Co. Tilt; TWEXTY-FIFTH THOUSAND. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope, price 38 and sent free on receiving a Post Office Order, for 3s 6d. M A N H 0 0 D: the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE with Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORA- TION addressed te those suffering from the destructive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- tion followed bv observations on MARRIAGE, and the treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhoaa, Gleet, &c. illustrated with cases, &-c. &c. By J. L. CLRTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row: Burgess. Medical Bookseller, 28, Covontrv-st., Ilaymarket; Mann, 39. Cornliill; Barth, Bridges-street, Strand, London; Philip, South Castle- street, Liverpool; Pritchard, Chronicle Office, Ches- ter Fannin &- Co., 41, Grafton-street, Dublin Messrs. Robinson, 11, Greenside-st. Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Union-st., Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrews- bury; Times Office, Hereford; and sold in a sealed envelope by all Booksellers. CAUTION In consequence of the numerous complaints made to the Authors bv patients who have been induced to pur- chase spurious copies of this work, advertised by illiterate and designing parties, under titles approximating as closely as possiate to the word" MAXHOOD," thp fol- lowing declaration is added to this advertisements with a view that the public may not be imposed upon, in their selection. DECLARATION. J, William Whinrey Oaring, of Smart's Buildin2:s, Holhorn in the County of Middlesex. Printer, do solemnly declare that I have printed Nineteen thousand Five Hundred Copies, of Messrs. Curtis and Company's Medical Work. MANHOOD, exclusive of the Twentieth' Edition now printing by me, and that the whole of th"=e copies were duly d-divered to Mr. William Wilton, Bookbinder, residing at No. 4. Bream's Build- Ing-s, Chancry Lanp, from the month of May. one thousand eight hundred and forty, to February, one thousand eight hundred and and I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to be true. WILLIAM WHINREY GEAR NG. Declared and subscribed at the ) W'lLLIAM MAGNAY, Mcyision House. London, this Oth ? Lord Mayor of day of April, 1841, be"ore me, ) London. I OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The numberless instances daily occurring wherein affec- tions of the lung- putting on all "the outer appearances of ■ (fbnsumption—which, however, when traced to their source, are found to result from certain baneful habits-l'ullv- prove that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice; and we feel no hesitation in that there is no member olsociet, by whom the i book will not be found useful, whether such person hold the relation of a Parent, a Freeeptrr, or a Cler,-ymal.-SUN Evfning P,U1W. l\If'sr' Curtis's work, entitled Manhood,' is one of the few books now coming before the public on such a sub- ject which can lav claim to the character of being strictly professional, at the same time it is fully intelligible to all who read it. The moral and medical precepts given in it render it invaluable."—MAGNET. To the married, it, well as the unmarried, this little ) work alike affords .consolation and cure in peculiar cases, and w."art' dJÏ'1; a service to sopiety m recommending it to general n.)tice.L'rl,SPX A",D BRitTS MERCURY. Messrs. CURTIS and Co. are to be consulted daily at their residence, No. 7, Frith-street, Soho-Square, London. Country patients arc requested to be as minute as pos- sible in the detail of their rascs-the communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of ;El and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on. The aboyc IV ork is Sold at the Cambrian Office, Swan- sea, the Journal Office, Carmarthen, and by all respect- 1 able Booksellers, by whom it is sent, post-paid, in a sealed envelope, for 3s. 6d. ???????-??/???? ?,CTHE -PA-rRI <? ??? ???(???c? 4V ???-???S?<?-??? JEST ? J_? l<????? ???????.)?????o???o'?-J!   JM?LAND'S P REPARATIONS, FOR THE HAiR! THE SKIN! & TiqE TEETH! The August Patronage conceded by our Gracious Queen, the Royal Family, and the several Sovereigns and Courts of Europe, and the fact of their general use in all countries, together with the numerous testimonials constantly received of their efficacy, characterize them with perfection, and sufficiently prove their value. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. This ELEGANT, FRAGRANT, and TRANSPA- RENT OIL, in its preservative, restorative, and beau- cifying qualities, for the Human Hair is unequalled throughout the whole world. It preserves and re-pro- duces the /<a?-, even at an advanced penod of j'fe: prevents it from o or <M)-Ht My7 prevents it frm faping og' or turning grey; restates grey hair to its original colour; frees it from scurf ani dandriff, and renders it soft, silky, cllrly, and glossy.—Facts abundantly proved' by innumerable tes- timonials, which are open for inspection at the pro- prietors. For CHILDREN, it is cspeci.^ly recommended as forming the basis of A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF I HAIR Price 3s. 6d.—7s.-Familv Bottles (equal to 4 small) 10s. 6a., and double that size, 21. C A UTI ON. Each genuine bottle has the words RGWLANirS MACASSAR OIL engraved in two lines on the W rapper; and on the back of the Wrapper nearly 1,000 times, containing 29,028 letters. All others are spurious Imitations. ROWLAND'S KALYDOR, An Oriental Botanical Discovery, and perfectly free from all mineral or metallic admixture. It purities the Skin f.-om all Eruptive Maladies, Freckles, Salloicness, kc. To the Complexion it imparts a radiant bloom, and a softness and delicacy to the Hands, Arms, and Neck. —Price 4s. 6d. & 8s. 6d. per bottle, duty included. CAUTION.—Beware of IMITATIONS containing mine- ral astringents utterly ruinolls to the complexion, and which by their repellent fiction endanger health. Each genuine bottle is enclosed in a beautiful Envelope from a Steel plate by Messrs. Perkins and Bacon, on which are the words ROWLAND'S KALYDOK; and A. ROWLAND and SOX, 20, Hatton-Garden, is also engraved (by authority of the Hon. Commissioners of Stamps,) on the Government Stamp affised on each bottle. R'DWLAND's ODORITO, or Pearl Dentifrice. A FRAGRANT WHITI: POWUV.R, prepared from Oriental Herbs of inestimable virtue for preserving, and beau- tify iny the TEETH and strengthening 'the GUMS. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes spots of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel, im- parting the most pure and pearl-like whiteness; and gives sioeetness and perfume to the breath. Scurvy is by its means eradicated from the gnms, and a healthy action and redness are induced so that the teeth (if loose) are thus rendered firm in their sockets. Price 2s. 9d. per box. CAUTION.—To protect the Public from Fraud, the Government Stamp (as on the KALYDOR) is affixed on each box. ———— IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Unprincipled SHOPKEEPERS for the sake of gaini.ng a trifle more profit, vend, the most spurious COMPOUNDS under the same names, and under the implied sanc- tion of Royalty they copy the labels, advertisements, and testÙw;n£al,, (fict.itims names and addresses be- ing substituted for the real) of the oriciiwl prepara- tions, and use either the word "GENUINE," or a FEIGNED name, in the place of ROWLAND'S." It is therefore highly necessary to see that the word ROWLAND'S" is on the Wrapper of each Article. i All other are FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS, Th» genuine Articles are sold by the Proprietors- a.; above, and by Chemic-t? and Per:fumer.

[No title]