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SDUTH WALES RAILWAY. THE. Royal Assent having been given to the South ,,?,-Y,,ail%vay Bill, holders of Scrip in that under- ?Mng are desired to forward the same to this office, on °r before Monday, the 8th of September next, with a letter rcqiiestin?? to be registered for their respective IIhres, a form of which letter will be furnished on appli- CatIon to me. The receipt of the scrip will be duly acknowledged, and sealed certificates prepared for ex- change as soon as possible, of which due notice will e gl,en. Shares in respect of which no application for registry B all be made on or before the above date will be tegistol.e(I in the names of the original subscribers after "nich no shares can be passed otherwise than by formal transfer under the Act. By order, N. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. 449, West Strand, London, Aug. 8. 1845. PROVISIONALLY REGISTERED. THE GREAT WELSH JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. Capital: Four Millions, in 160,000 Shares Of t 2 5 each. DEPOSIT Els 7s. 6d. per SHARE. OFFICES 10, OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS, CITY. PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. Sir Henry Lambert, Bart., Aston Rowant, Oxon., Direc- tor of the London, Oxford, and Cheltenham Railway. Henry Lloyd Harris, Esq., Llandovery, Director of the Welsh Midland. William Green, Esq., Leytonstone, Essex. Francis Dalton, Esq., :¿3, Norfolk Street, Strand, London. Charles Knyvett, Esq., Streathy, Reading, Berks, Direc- tor of the Manchester and Birmingham Continuation. J-ohn Faultes, Esq., Ashfield, near Wrexham, Director of the Manchester and Birmingham Continuation. William Laugford Foulkes, Esq., Barrister, o, King's Bench-walk, Temple. Charles Collins, Esq., Caldwell Hall, near Kidder- minster. Thomas Edwards, Esq., Camberwell. James Bulkeley, Esq., Laurel Cottage, Thames Ditton. Leonard Albin, Esq., 22, Nelson Square, Peckham. Ii. C. Leahy, Esq., 5, St. James's-square. With power to add to their number. BANKERS. Jones, Lloyd, and Co. ENGINEER. Sir John Rennie, F.R.S. ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. Francis E. H. Fowler, Esq. STANDING COUNSEL. Charles Egan, Esq., Lincoln's Inn. SOLICITORS AND PARLIAMENTARY AGENTS. Messrs. Yates and Turner, Great George-street, West- minster. lOINT SECRETARIE3. Charles M. Chatfield, Esq. H. V. Deere, Esq. ?B? GREAT WELCH JUNCTION RAILWAY •p .presents to the Capitalist, the Landholder, and the nubile, advantages which cannot be afforded by any o er hne. The promoters of this line originally in- tended simply to construct a road, which, taking its departure from Bangor, should ultimately find its term- Bus at Swansea, with a view to combine in favour of the Principality the Midland and Southern Lines. T.;e rapid march of events, however, in the railway world has resulted in a matøw devia.tion from and extension of the views of the promoters. The rejection of the South Wales Railway in its original form forced upon the responsible parties in the Great Welch Junction Railway Company the onus of extending their operations in comp Wales, so as to give to that wealthy and energetic population an equal share of the adrJHftages presented to the North and Centre of Wales. Th obligation is toot lessened by the egregiouslv absurd now enter- ed by the South Wales line of making a tunnel under Severn, to obviate the difficulties created by the veto of the Lords of the Admiralty as to a bridge. The loss of time and inconvenience resulting from the Use of a ferry, as proposed by another company, are too Obvious to require comment, and the promoters of the Great Welch Junction Railway Company are not dis- posed to insult the understanding of the public by 'wi tutlllg a comparison between the facilities of crossing thELt river at th? Aust, as suggeted by a third company, and the erection of a suspension bridge at the Stone Bench, two miles from Gloucester, on the direct line from Swansea to London. Under these circumstances the promoters have deemed it to be their duty to adopt the greater portion of the South Wales lines, so as to form one uniform system of railway unequalled in the facility of construction, un- exampled in the extent of its connections, and presenting to the shareholders and the public advantages which it is Dot in the power of any other railway to hold forth. With reference to this state of thing has the Great Welsh Junction Railway Company been formed, and it Will be constructed on the following plan:- The Great Welsh Junction Railway takes a double de- parture from Bangor and Port Dynllaen. It embraces In the main course of line (amongst other towns, too nu- merous to be mentioned here), Carnarvon, Harlech, and Dolgeily. Passing between Dinas Mowddy, and Pennant, it traverses Welch Pool to Shrewsbury leaving Shrews. bury it skirts Colebrook Dale and the iron districts, and includes Ludlow. Leominster, Hereford, Ross, Mon- mouth, Merthy" r Tydvil, Neath, Swansea, and Carmar- then, and fincls its southern terminus at Pembroke. Several large and small branches are attached to this ?e, the most important of which are 1. W elch Poo), Montgomery Newtown, and Bishop i» Castie to Ludlow, 2. Ross and Gloucester. 3. Monmouth and Gloucester. Crossing the Severn bv a bridge at the Stone Bench, two miles blow that citv," and joining the Bristol and Chel- tenham Rail. 4. Monmouth and Chcpstow. o. Mon- mouth, Newport, and Cardiff. This line directly touches nine seaports, namely: Uano-or Port Dvnllaen, Gloucester, Chepstow, Newport, Cardiff, Neath,"Swansea, and Her Majesty's Dockyard Olt Pembroke. It passes through upwards of thirty large towns. To the Slate-quarries of North Wales it presents an Unlimited market. It furnishes a direct communication between North and South Wales and every ot UT part or the empire, by means of upwards of twenty different rail- ways, completed or projected. The inexhaustible mineral wealth of the Principality will find through this channel a certain and prontable outlet; whilst the manufacturing energies of its population (witness Newtown) will recei ve a fresh im petus from the proximitv into which thev will be brong 1t nh theu best ct.  WU1 tV'r \est customers. It also furnishes ?nim. o.t straight ??"<? London, and an 7? '?T line of communication h.twpcn th. Metropolis and Swansea. These unpar.UeIc.d advantages will afford to the shareholders a di?dend as yet une?am pled in railway annals. The company will be a narrow- guage company; but, to avoid the possibility of an eCective oppi'sition, it is intended so to construct the line as to admit of an uninterrupted communication with the ?roM-gua"e lin?-, who will be permitted to use the roads ?Hd stations of the great Welsh Junction Railway Company, tl,,cir own plants, paying a passenger and °?3.?e mileage.. ?The'line djcs not present any engmpermg ,.? ??port: but power will be reserved to ?is?t-ic At 'l^Pheric Principle, if deemed advisable, in eertam l' ftIO, r, ?f It. eritially in priiic'ple a nai-io l?i-e, ??UDications have been opened by the promoters of me Gl,atINr'elsii Junction Raiiway Company '?tt) all the ??''row-gua?e companies, for mutual support in main- t'Unin? the integrity of a guage for.d up Jd tile ea. lu r hnes by the Legislature. It is manifestly the interest of all the narrow-gunge Companies to support the Great Welsh Junction line, which alone presents the certain means of defeating the Rrasping views of the Great Western Company. Application fyr the Prospectus and Plan of the Line, for Shares, and for information, to be addressed to the Oillt Secretaries, or to the Accepted A /cuts.—W. P. Hooper, Esq., Solicitor, Ross; J. Morgan, Esq., Solicitor, Merthyr lydvil; G. arid R. Anderson, Esqrs., Solicitors, Ludlow j M. Griffiths, Esq., Solicitor, Bang-or; H. Hinton, Esq., Solicitor, Weniock; J. A. Williams, Esq., Solicitor, Monmouth; A. Cuthbcrtson, Esq., Solicitor, Neath; Baldwin and Morgan, E«qrs., Solicitors. Chepstow; E. Leach, Esq., Solicitor, Pembroke; W. Griffiths, Esq., Solicitor, Dolgellv; H. Morgan, Esq., Solicitor, Cardifl; .J. W Jenkins, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea W Bouville, sq Solicitor, Carmarthen E. B. Jones, Esq., Solicitor, Newtown. CHARLES M. CHATFIELD, HENRY V. DEERE, JOINT SECRET ARTES. THE GREAT WELSH JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. I iunyi or APPLICATION FOR siiAitr.s. To the Provisional Committee of the Great Welsh Junction Railway Company. Gentlemen,—1 request you to allot me shares in the above undertaking; and I hereby agree to accept the same, or any less number which iiiav be shotted to me, and also to pay the Deposits thereon, and t expcute the Subscribers' Agreement, Parliamentary Contract, and all other necessary instruments, when required so to do. I am, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, Name in full Residence Post Occupation. Reference. Usual Signature CORNS AND BUNIONS. PAUL'S EVERY MAN'S FRIEND, l'atronised by tlte Royal Family Vobilitlf. JS a sure and speedy Cure for those severe annoyances, without causing the least pain or inconvenience. Unlike all other remedies for Corns, its operation is such as to render the Cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary; indeed, we may say, the practice of cutting Corns is 'at all times highly dangerous, and has been frequently at- tended with lamentable consequences, besides its liability to increase their growth; it adheres with the most gentle pressure, producing an instant and delightful relief from torture, and, with perseverance in its application, entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions. Testimonials have been received from upwards of 100 Physicians and Surgeons of the greatest eminence. Prepared by John Fox, in boxes at Is. lid. or three small boxes in one, for 2s. 9d; and to be had of Mr. King, Napier-street, New Town, Hoxton, London; and all Wholesale and Retail Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. The genuine has the name of John Fox on the stamp. A 2s. 9d. box cures the most obdurate corns. ASK FOR PAUL'S EVERY MAN'S FRIEND." ABERNETHY'S PILE OINTMENT. What a painful and noxious Disease is the PILES, and comparatively how few of the afflicted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill! This, no doubt, arises from the use of powerful aperients, too frequently administered by the profession indeed, strong internal medicine should always be avoided in all cases of this complaint. The Proprietor of the above Ointment, after years of acute suffering, placed himself under the treatment of that eminent surgeon, Mr. Abernetli.v,was by him restored to perfect health, and has enjoyed it ever since without the slightest return of t he disorder, over a period of fifteen years, during which time the same Abernethian prescription has been the means of healing a vast number of desperate cases, both in and out of the proprietor's circle of friends, most of which cases had been under medical care, and some of them for a very considerable time. Abernethy's Pile Ointment was introduced to the public by the desire of many who had been perfectly healed by its application, and since its introduction the fame of this Ointment has spread far and wide; even the Medical Profession, always slow and unwilling to acknowledge the virtues of any Medicine not prepared by themselves, do now freely and frankly admit that Abernethy's Pile Oint- ment is not only a valuable preparation, but a never- failing remedy in every stage and variety of that appalling malady. Sufferers will not repent giving it a trial. Multitudes of cases of its efficacy might be produced, if the nature of the complaint did not render those who have been cured unwilling to publish their names. Sold in covered Pots, at 4s. 6d., with full directions for use, by C. King, (Agent to the Proprietor,) Napier street, Hoxton, New Town. London where also can be procured every patent Medicine of repute, direct from the original Makers, with an allowance for taking six at a time. rf.{{r lie sure to ask for Abernethy's Pile Ointment," nnd observe the name of C. Kins, on the Government Stump affixed to each Pot, 4s. 6d., which is the lowest price the proprietor is enabled to sell it at, owing to the great expense of the ingredients. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Medicine vendors IN O-rrmarthen and throughout Wales also by the fol- lowing appointed agents: — Mr. UO.xie, AIR. Havling, and Messrs. Weston and Jennings, Chemists, Messrs. Webb and Head, Mr. Davies, Mr. Parker, Mr. Jones, and Messrs. Merrick, Booksellers, Hereford Foster and Marston, Druggists, and Griffiths, Stationers, Ludlow; Meredith and Davies, Leominster Powle, Cooke, Cocks, and Bellamy, Ross Stanway, Wilson, Taylor, and Middlcship, Kington Farror, Dawe, and Dowding, Monmouth; Price and George, Abergavenny; Williams and Prosser, Brecon; Phillips, Cardiff; Jenkins, Dawe, Wilson, and Cambrian Office, Swansea Wilson, Newport; and by all respec- table Chemists and Medicine Vendors in every markt town throughout the UnitedKiivdom. STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. PATRONIZED NV RTR.I; MAJESTY TRRN QUEEN, His Royai Highness jrriiiee Albert, Her Royal Highness the DUCHESS of Kent, His Ma j esty the King of the Bel g ians, His Mijestv the King of Pruss i a, His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, And nearly all the Nobility, the Bishops an d the Clergy. MR. THDMASsS SUCCEDANE" FDR filling- Decayed Teeth, however large tlfe cavity It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the' enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, It arrests all further progress of decay, and renders them a?ain useful In mas- <Iea?<m AU pčr'sons can use Mr. THOMAS'S SUC- CEDANEUM THEMSELVES WITH EASE, as full directions are enclosed. Prepared only by Mr. Thomas, Surgeon-Dentist, 64, Berners-street, Oxford street, London. Price 4s. 6d. Sold by his appointment by Mr. Mortimer, Druggist, Cross, Carmarthen; Warren, King Street, do R. M. Davies, King Street, do. Morgan and miliums, Druggist, Llandilo; Treweeks, Druggist, Pembroke; and 0. E. Davies, Druggist, Haverfordwest; or Mr. Thomas will send the Succedaneum by post to any part of the Kingdom. LOSS OF TEETH, Mr. Thomas continues to SUPPLY THE LOSS OF TEETH without springs or wires, upon his new system of Self-adhesion, which has procured him such universal approbation, and is recommended by numerous phy- sicians and surgeons being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented. They adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining stumps without causing the least pain, rendering the operation of extracting quite unnecessary. lIe also begs to invite those not liking to undergo any painful opera- tion as practised by most members of the profession, to inspect his painless yet effective system. Mr. THOMAS, Surgeon Dentist, 61, Berners street, Oxford-Street, London.—At home from 11 till 4. Those interested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority over all others, to be entirely and scrupulously correct. M" THOMAS'S new method of fixing Artificial Teeth has obtained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent Physicians and Surgeons Sir James Clark, bart., Physician to her Majesty Dr. Locock, Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty Dr. Fer- guson, Pliv, eiin Accoucheur to her J. a.esty Dr. Bright, Ph'ysician Extraordinary to her Majesty «IR B C Bro- die, Bart., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty the late Sir A. Cooper, Bart. Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty, R. Keate, Esq., Sergeant Stii-geon to her Majesty; Dr. Mcrriman, Physician to her It. 11. tile Duchess of Kent, and numerous other Members of the Profess ioll. Sold by J. W. White, Chcnnst, Guildhall-Square, k U .v 'I r Carmarthen; Mortimer, di_ tto Irs. EVANS, NCAR the Cross, do.; Morgan, Merthyr Tdfil. I hdhps, Cardiff: Ci-oss, do. ?\ l or?,iii, Williams, Brecon; Morgan, Abergavenny; Williams, Newport; Goulstone, LIandovery tanor Heath, Mon- moiith; Jones, Brecon; PHJL'PS -NEWPORT; Mathews, Abergavenny Williams, Milford. Harr.es, Haverford- west, and by the venders of niedicilles generally through- out the kingdom. '\7' 1 "I I V O t T ,?)\T l ??,??'3 AND LA'MERT ON DEBILITY, NERVOUSNESS, AND ALL DISORDERS Aln, frombXCESS, &c. He who in pleasur. 's downy arms Ne'r lost his health or youthlul charms, A hpro lives, and justly can Exclaim, in me behold a man. Just published (in a sealed envelope ), Ticclfth Edition, price 2s. Cd., or sent by post, free, to any address, 3s. Gd. SELF-PRESERVATION a Popular Essay on those ? ConccakJ Disorders of the Generative System originating in certain solitary habits, youthful excesses, or infection, and terminating in Nervous Debility, Local and Constitutional Weakness, and all those Sinkings, Anxieties, and Tremors, which afflict thp Weak, the Sedentary, and the Delicate. With Practical Ubser\ tions on Marriage, and on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Reproductive Organs, with plain chree- tions for their perfect Restoration. By SAMUEL LA'MERT. COXSVLTING SuncKox. 9, Bedford-Street, Bedford-Square, London. Matriculated Member of the University of btlJ1lhur(h, Honorary Member of the London Hospital iledical Society, Licentiatc of Apothecary's Hall, London,&c. Long experience in the. treatment of a clas 01 diseases hitherto neglected and must imperfectly understood by the great bulk of the medical profession, has enabled the writer to prove that there are concealed causes of Mervous Debility in existence, where the mere routine practitioner would never dream of finding them: trac'able to cert.un habits forming the MO't (I:tili, aii,l fatal springs Ol domestic misery and premature mortjjjty."—vVakef,ei<» JOURNAL. We consider this book really ou''ht.? ^Bp11^ of safety, to be p)acfd in the bauds of every youn?'ho? appearance indicates any tendenev to nervous debility or piematme decay. Mr. La'Mert has treated the subject in a Y-ry scientific and intelligent manner, and we arc certainly amazed at the prevalence and the consequences of those evils it is his province to pourtray and alleviate."—LONDON JoritNAi. OF COMMERCE. Published by the Author, and sold in London by S. Gilbert, .51 and O2, Paternoster Row; E. W. Shackell, Bookseller, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen Cambrian OFFIE", Swansea; Newton, Bookseller, Church Street, Liverpool Watts, Snow niil, Birming-ham; Henley, Cheltenham Fryer, Bath and by all Booksellers. Mr. La'Mert is to be consulted daily at his residence and country patients in their letters are requested to be very minute in the details of their symptoms, age, general habits of living, and occupation in life. The communi- cation must be accompanied bv the usual consultation fee (ifE I, without which no notice whatever can be taken of their application and in all cases the most inviolable secresy may be relied on. 9, BEDFORD STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON. THE ABOVE WORK MAY BE HAD At Mr. SHACKELL'S, Bookseller, GUILDIIA LL-S QU A RE, C ARM A RTH E N, Price 2s. 6d.; or free by post, for S3. 6d. THE AMERICAN MEDICINE. DR. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE Medicines have long been known throughout the American Continent, and appreciated for their extraordinary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. In many hundreds of certified instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge of an un- timely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day had utterly failed; and to many thousands they have permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of health, without which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were unacquainted with the beautifully phi- losophical principles upon which they are compounded, and upon which they consequently act. The first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various impurities and cruditie constantly settling around them and to remove the hardened fasces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind as to pro- duce habitual costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to all regular anatomists, who examine the human bowels after death and hence the prejudice of these well informed men against the quack medicines of the aije. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red colour from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming check. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the Vegetable Life Pills are well known to be infallible DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a ow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind :-Flatulellcy, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn and Headaches, Restlessness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Lan- your, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish as a natural consequence of its cure. Costiceness by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhoea and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secretions of the mucous membrane. Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation through the process of perspiration in some cases, and the thorough solution of all intestines ob- structions in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on those im- portant organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worse cases of Gravel. Also Worms by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air vessel s of the lungs from the mucous, which even slight colds will occasion, which, if not removed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful diseases. Scurvy Ulccrs, andlnceterate Sores, by the pcifect. purity which these Life Pills give to the blood and all the humours Scor- butic Erptions lnd Bad. Complexions, by their alterative effects upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morbid state of which occasions ail hruptivc Complaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking improvement in the the SAiu. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two, even in the worst citses- Piles-as a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to hund eds in the city of New York, that the originator of these invaluable Pills was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards of thirty-five yeais, and that he tried in vain t'very remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Materia Medica. He, however, at length tried the medicine which is now offered to the public, and he was cured in a very short time, after his recovery had been pronounced not only improbable, but absolutely impos- sible, by any human means. The Life Medicine will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sursapariila, and will I immediately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD; never fail in the sickness incident to young females and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nervous debility and weakness of the most impaired constitutions. The PHCENIX BITTERS are sold in bottles Ut -is. (id. and 9s. each; and the LIFE PILLS in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 3d., and 4s. Gd. each. SOLE AGENTS. White, Chymist, Carmarthen Wii.sox, Chymist, SWANSEA. VATCIIELL, Chymist, CAKDIFK. ALL MAY BE CURED ?3   &. ? )) THE EARL OF ALDBGRQUGJ4 CUUEi) BY TT 0 L L 0 W.,A, Y'S PILLS. Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, dlst Feb 1815. TO VROFI'.SSOlt HOLLO WAY. Sir, Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your Pills as you did. I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for the amount, and at the same time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the Faculty at home, and all over the Continent, had not been able to effect; nay! not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have another Box and a Pot of the Ointment, in case any of Iliv family should ever require either. Your most obliged and obedient servant, Signed, ALDBOROUGH. A wonderful Cure of Dropsy of Five Years' standing. Coiv ol'' aLetter from Mr. Thjinis Taylor, Chemist, Stockton Durham, 17th April, 1815. TO PIWFESsolt IlOLLOWA Y. SIR —I think it my duty to inform you that Mrs. j Clough, wife of Mr. John Clough, a respectable fanner of •Acklam, within four miles of this place, had been suffering from Dropsy for five years, and had had the best medical advice without receiving any relief. Hearing of vour Pills and Ointment, she used them with such surprising benefit that, in fact, she has now given them up being so well, and quite able to attend to her house- hold duties as formerly, which she never expected to do again. I had almost forgotten to state that she was given up by the Faculty as incurable. AVhen she used to get up in the morning it was impossible to discover a feature in her face, being in such a fearful stated This cure is entirely by the use of your medicines. I am, Sir, yours, &c. &c., (Signed) THOMAS TAYLOR' A Cure of Indigestion and Constipation of the Bowels. Copy of a Letter [W1l1 G. H. Wythen B.ixfer, Esq., Author of the Baok of the liastiles," &e.. &e. The Brynn, near Newtown, :\Iollt3',)mc'ryshirc, North Wales, March 3rd, lSI.r). TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,—I consider it my duty to inform you that your Pills, a few boxes of which I purchased at Mr. Moore's, Druggist, of Xewtown, have cured me of constant indi- gestion and constipation of the bowels, which application to literary pursuits had long entailed upon me. I should strongly recommend Authors, and studiously-disposed persons generally, to use your valuable Pills. You have my permission to publish this note, if you wish to do so. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, (Signed) G. R. WYTIIKN BAXTER. A Cure of Asthma and Shortness of Breath. Extract of a Letter from the R v. David Williams', Resident Wesleyan minister at Beaumaris, Island ol Anglesea, North ales, January TO PROFESSOR IIOLLOWA Y. I Siit,-Th-, Pills which I requested you to send me were for a poor man of the name of Hugh Davis, who i before he took them, was almost ullable to walk j or the want of breath! and had only taken them a few days when he appeared quite another ?? his b'eath is now e?/ and natural, and he is increasing daily in strength. eas y aii( i ii(ttiti-(t l, iii(t lie is iiici-e;tsiii,-? 111 stl'cll,tll N.B.—These extraordinary PiliswiH cure any case of Asthma or Shortness of Breath, however, long standing or distressing the case may be, even it the Patient be unable to He down in bed through fear of being choked with cough and phlegm. This I Vonderful Medicine can be recommended with the greatest confidence for any of the following Diseases:— Ague, Asthma, Bilious complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel complaints, Cholics, Constipation of the Bowels, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipclis, Female irregularities, levers, of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head- ache, Indigestion, Inflammations, Jaundice, Liver com- plaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of the Urine, Sore throats, Scrofula or King's Evil, Secondary symptoms, Stone and Gravel, Tic Doloureux, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections, Worms of all kinds, Weak- ness from whatever cause, (-e. &c. These truly invaluable Pills can be obtained at the establishment of Professor Holloway, near Temple Bar, London, and of most respectable Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World, at the following prices; —Is. lid., 2s. 9d., -is. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each box. Ther"is;¡ <,olls¡(!L>rable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B,-Directions for the guidance of Patients in every Disorder are affixed to each box. ENGLAND INDEPENDENT OF ICHABOE. BRAIN'S GUANO. Tills being the third year of its introduction to the Agricultural World, it has been proved on almost every description of crop and soil by practical men to be superior to the imported, as it can always be depended on, being of uniform strength and composition, founded on the analysis of the best Peruvian, without its im- purities. Extract of a Letter received from J. W. Kelsey, Esq. :— Hope Farm, near Folkstone, Kent, "October 17th, 1844. Sir,- Your Guano has turned out well, quite answer- ing my utmost expectation it has made my turnips best at the poorest part of the field, being the spot where I employed it. I will thank you to send me the price of your Bone Powder, and remain, yours respectfully. "J. W. KELSEY. The price, £9 per ton including sacks, wharfage delivery to the railway, and where the distance does not exceed ten miles from London delivered free. Also BRAIN'S highly-concentrated LIQUID GUANO, for Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, Grass Lawns, &c., Is. 9d. per quart bottle, which added to eisjhtv gallons of water will make a most powerful liquid manure. To be had of all respectable Florists, Seedsmen, and Chemists, in town and country. Genuine Crushed BONE 23s. per Quarter, warranted to stand the most rigorous analysis, sacks included. GYPSUM (Sulphate of Lime), 23s. per ton, in quantities not less than three tons, warranted pnre. Steam Works, Thomas Street, 'Stam ford Street, Black. friars' Road, London,. AOErs. CARDIFF.Messrs. Hall. LLANELLY..Mr. Davies, Belle Vue Cottage. BRTSTOL .Messrs. Maule and Co., Florists. EXETER .Messrs. Sclator and Sons, Florists. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Wright's celebrated Pearl Ointment. Under the sanction and recommendation of eminent Gentlemen of the I-acultil, and Patronizedby the Xnbility, Clergy, Gentry, Ese. FJR the Cure of Cancerous, Scrofulous, and Indolent Tumours, and Inveterate Ulcers, Glandular Affec- tions of the Neck, Erysipelas, Scurvy, Evil, Ring Worm, Scald Head, White Swellings, Piles, Ulcerated Sore Legs (if of 20 vears' standing), Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Burns, Scalds, Sore Nipples, Bruises, Grocer's Itch, and all Cutaneous Diseases also an infallible Re- medy for Sore, Weak, "and Diseased Eyes. In several Gout and Rheumatic Cases it has proved highly bene- ficial. In every one of the above distressing complaints, this invaluable Ointment has effected the most triumphant cures after all other means had failed. In addition to the testimonials of surgeons, and certificates by far too numerous for publication, the following certificate from that eminent and distinguished practitioner, Charles Aston Key, Esq., Senior Surgeon of Guv's Hospital, London, cannot fail to establish the confidence of all persons in this excellent remedy, and the Proprietor strongly recommends all Families, Schools, and Grocers never to be without it. WONDERFUL TESTIMONIAL. From the numerous certificates which I have seen of the efficacy of Wright's Pearl Ointment, I have been induced to try it in severe cases of Porrigo, Herpetic Eruptions, the Ulcus Exendens, and some other forms of obstinate cutaneous disease, and I am able to bear testimony to its O'rrat utility. (Siane 1) "C. A. KEY. Guv's Hospital; London, Jan. 23d, 1S33." Sold in Pots, at 2s. 9d., and 4s. each, by the Pro- prietor ZACCHEL S HUNTER, 4f, WebbeT Row, Blaekfriars Road, London, and by all respectable Medi- cine Venders and Drug-gists in the United Kingdom. N.B.—Be careful to ask for Dr. Wright's Celebrated Pearl Ointment," as there is a spurious article offered at Is. I I d. (the genuine never having been sold under 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d.) and notice particularly that the late Pro- prietor's Names, A Hawkes, Dudley," is engraved on the Government Stamp, and signed with red ink on the bills of direction by the present Proprietor ZACCIiEUS HUNTER. As much mischief is frequently produced by the indiscriminate use of strong purgative Medicine, the Proprietor strongly recommends DR. WRIGHT'S CATHARTIC PILLS, prepared from the Doctor's pri- vate Recipe, which will be found so gentle in their ope- ration, that Females, under every circumstance, and even children may take them with the greatest possible ad- vantage and safety. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d each. LORD ELDON'S APERIENT PILLS. i — "Habitual Costiveness," sai, the hte ),11'. Abernethy, I have no hesitation "itt saying, is the foundation or forerunner of every disease to which the human frame is subject." rriHE great success with which these Pills, the pre- JL paration of an eminent Court Physician, have been administered for upwards of half a century to his nume- rous Patients, as well to the late Lord Eldon as to other distinguished Members of the legal and clerical profes- sions, whose sedentaiy or studious occupations necessarily entail diseases of the digestive or visceral organs, with all the train "of evils arising therefrom, has induced the Proprietor, in submitting this invaluable medicine to the Public, to state, as concisely as possible, that it is not put forth, like all other 1 atent Medicines, as an antidote to every disease, but to persons of both sexes who suffer from habitual costiveness, indigestion, loss of appetite, or feverish and morbid state of the liver and digestive organs, they will, by promoting a proper secretion of bile, relieve the constitution and restore the energies of both body and mind in hict, when their efficacy is generally known, these Pills will rank in this Country, as well as in Foreign Climates, as the mo&f. valuable Family Medi- cine extant. They are particularly efficacious in all complaints ar. ising from obstruction in the Liver, Spleen and Biliary Ducts, and from morbid or disordered secretions of the otoniach and Bowels, restoring the functions of these important organs (upon which the general health so much depends) to a vigorous and regular action. Decided benefit will be found from the i use of these Pills m those cases of Indigestion, the symp- toms of which are Loss of Appetite, Sallow Complexion, Pains in the Ile,d, Fevered Tongue, Unpleasant Taste in the III outil, Ftitulence, and Confined State of the Bowels. As an Universal family Aperient, they will be found an invaluable Medicine, as, from the mildness of their operation, they may be taken by persons of all ages and either sex, and will be found (if taken as directed) to have the peculiar advantage of not ieaving the Bowels in a confined state after their operation, which is invariably the case with all drastic and violent Purgatives. They will be found a most valuable Aperient Medicine to per- sons travelling, as they may be taken without danger of Cold in all variations of temperature. ) For charitable purposes, or for those who cannot afford medical attendance, a cheaper and better medicine is not to be procured. Sold in boxes at Is. 1 d.; 2s. 9d. and (silvered) at 4s. 6(1., by JOHN "lIlTB, Chemist and Druggist, Guildhall-Square, Carmarthen, O. E. D; ivies, Chemist and Druggist, High-street,-Haverfordwest, and by all respectable Medicine vendors in the Kingdom, & Whole- sale at the Warehouse, No. I'll, Great St. Thomas Apostle, London. TESTIMONIAL TO LORD ELDON'S PILLS. Sm -1 have subjected to a careful chemical analysis the Pills prepared by. you, and find them to consist of effectual but safe aperients without any mercurial pre- paration whatever. Yours, &c., A. UllE, M.D., F.R.S. 13, Charlotte-street, Bedford-Square, London. Just Published, Price 2s. öd., free by post 3s. (id., a New and important Edition of "THE SILENT FRIEND," A MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervous Debility, Constitutional Weakness, excessive In- dulgence, &e. With Observations on Marriage, &c. with 10 Coloured Engravings. By H. and L. PEIIRY and Co., Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors, and sold at their residence also by Strange, 21, Pater- noster 1.0" Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford street: Noble, 109, Chancery Lane; Gordon, 14^, Leadenhali-street; Purkiss, Comptou-strcet, London. OihN.ONS OF ThE pnESS e regard the work before us, The S.LEN'T FIZIEND, as a Work embracing must clear ami practical views of a series of complaints hitiwrio liitle understood, it.wl p.ls!d over by the majority of the Medu-al profession, for what reason we are at a loss to know. Weotnust, however confess that a perusal o: this work has left such a favourable impression oil our minds, that we not only recommend, but coriiially wish every one who is the victim of past folly, or su ;cring from iadiscretion, to prolit by the advice contained in its pa.es. Age and Argus. "The Authors of THE SILENT FRIEND seem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are, we fear, to J prevalent in the prese.it day. The per- spicuous style in which this book is written, and the va- luable hints it conveys to those who are apprehensive of entering the marriage state, cannot fail to recommend it to a carelul perus.d.Elt I. "This work should be read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life, for the truisms therein contained, defy all JOL UNAL. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, Is a gentle stimulant and renovator in all cases of Debility, whether Constitutional or acquired, nervous mentality, irritation and coiisuiiiption-by the use of which the impaired System becomes gradually and efIeetualIy restored to pristine health and vigour. Sold in bottles, price lis. and 33s. The £5 Cases may be had as usual at their Establishment. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy for searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the blood, removing all cu- taneous eruptions, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples on the head, face, Secondary Symptoms, &c. Price Us. and 33s. per bottle. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. (id. and lis. per box, Have long been used with perfect success in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation, Irritation, &c. These Piils are free from mercury, capaiva, and other deleterious drugs, and may be taken without interference upon in every instance. Sold by all medicine venders. Messrs. Perry & Co. may be consulted at their residence 19, Berners-street, daily from 11 till 2, and Ú till 8. On Sundays from 10 till 12. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square, of whom may be had the Silent Friend. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEX Liverpool and Bristol, calling at Swansea and Milford, During the Month of SEPTEMBER, 184.5.  THE NEW AND POWERFUL  IK0X STEAM SHIP, ,n. JAMES BECKETT, Commander. IS intended to Sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, with Goods and Passengers, for FROM BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA, Tuesday, Sept. 2. 7 morn Tuesday, Sept. 16. 6 morn Tuesda,, Sept. 2. Tuesda Y, 23 10 morn Tuesday, — 9.10 morn | Tuesday, — 23.10 morn Tuesday, Sept. 30. 6 morn. The Erin leaves Milford for Bristol, twenty-two hours after sailing from Liverpool. FROM SWANSEA CALLING AT MILFORD. Wednes., Sept. 3. G morn I Wednes., Sept. 17. S mom Wednss., — 13 9 motn | Wednes., 23 10 morn FROM LIVERPOOL CALLING AT MILFORD. Saturday, Sept. 6 11 morn I'Saturday,Sept. 20.12 noon Saturday, 13. 8 morn Saturday, — 27. 7 morn The Erin leaves Milford for Liverpool, seven hours after sailing from Swansea. ,FAIIES To tijerpool, -<iabin, £ 1; Steward'* Fee, 2s."fid,; Deck, 7s. 6d. Geod", forwarded^free of Commission. For further particulars 4pply to Mr. JORX EDWARDS, Steam-Packet Office, Swansea,; Mr. GEO. H. EVAxs, 2, St. Stephen-street, Bristol;. Mr. THOMAS M'TEAR, 15, Water Street, Liverpool; Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Mil- ford or to the Captain on Board. All Freights paid on delivery of the Goods, and land- ing and warehousing at the expense a1d risk of the Con. ?i?Kec. September, 1845. xlv BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVI ATIONCOMPAN.Y T Office 1, Quay, Bristol. T fl^IHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to X Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1845. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. I Friday, Sept. 5. 8 morn I Friday, 12. 2 after. Friday, Sept. 19. 8 morn Friday, 25 lifter. I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TEN-BY, PHCENIX. Tuesday. Sept. 2 5:morn Tuesday, 9 9 morn Tuf"=f?T. SPpt.!6.5morn Tue'day, 2'9{morn iuesuay, sepi. on FOR DUBLIN. I VICTORY, Tuesdays —SHAMROCK, Fridays. I Friday, Sept. 5. 8 morn Friday, 12 2 after. I Friday, Sept. 19 8 morn Friday, 25. 2 after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. I ROSE, Tuesdays.-SA BRIX A, Fridays. Tuesday, Sept. 2. 6'morr> Fn<lav. 5. I morn Tue<iav, 9.11 morn Friùay: 12. ?fter. I Tu?-?(lav* Sept 6'rnorn Fridav, 19. 7 morn Tuesday" 23. 10'morn I Frida< — 26 2 after. Tuesday, Sept. 30. 4'after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. 1 uesday, Sept. 2. 6 morn Friday, 5. 8 morn Tuesday, 9.10'morn Friday, 12. 2 aft.-r. I Tuesday, Sept. 16. 6 morn Fridav, 19 8 morn Tuesday, 23. 9'morn Friday. 26. 2 after. Tuesday, Sept. 30 4 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENK& STAR, Tuesdays— PH«LX, Fridays. Tuesday, Sept. 2 6 morn I Friday, 5.8 morn I Tuesday, 9. 11 morn Friday, — 12. 2 after. Tuesday, Sept. 16. 6 morn I fnclav, 19. 8 morn Tuesday, — 23.10 morn Friday, -7 26. 1 after. Tuesday, Srp:. 30. 6 rlorn I FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. I Tuesday, Sept. 2. 8 morn Saturday, 6. S morn Tuesday — 9.12 after. Saturday, 13 5 mornl ) Tuesday, Sept. 16. 8 morn Saturday, 20. 9 morn Tuesday, 23.Id1 after. aturday, — 27.4 morn Tuesday, Sept. 30.77 7iinorn FOR MILFORD, IATER & IIAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Sept. :3. 6 mom Tuesdav, 9.11 morn I Tuesday, Sept. 16. 6 morn I Tueda — 23 10 mora Tuesday, Sept. 30 6 morn, FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. I Friday, Sept. 5. 7',morn I Friday. H. 2 after. Friday, Sept. 19 7\morn Fridav. — 26 1-after. FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saturday, Sept. 6. 4 morn Friday, —!2.1Sni?ht Saturday, Sept. 20. 4 morn Friday, — 26 Rafter. FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BERESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tuesday, Sept. 2. 6\morn I Thursday, 4. 712inor. I Fridv, 5 8 morn Saturday, 6. 8'morn Tuesdav, 9 lO'.murn I.urstay, — 11 12 :nool1: I j Friday, — H. 2',morn j Saturday, 13 4 morn Tuesùay. 16 6 morn Thursday" ,Sept. 18 8 mom l Friday, 19. 8 morn Satur,hy, 20.. 8'.morn Tuc? day, 23IO morn 2" Thursday, ).11 morn Friday, — 2 3 2 morn Saturd?', 2-1 3 morn Tuesday, 30 5;morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tuesday, Sept. 2 7 morn I Thursday, — 4. 8 morn Friday, 5. 8,mor?? Saturday, 6. 9 ?or?i Tuesday, 9. 10 morn TIlIay, 1 1. 1 'morn Friday, — 12. 2'morn Saturday, — 13. 4 morn 13 4? murli Tuesday, lô, 7murn Thursday,Sept. IS 8 morn Fri(lay. 19. 9 morn 8atuJ';lav, 20. 9 morn Tuesday, 2J.1O.morn Thui-sday, 2.5. 1 mora Fri{Lu. 25" 2 mon Saturday. — 27. 4'imorn Tuesday, — 30 6 morn FOR ILFRACOMBE. TORRIDGE. The only Steamer gobg direct and that lands and embarks I PASSENGEUS AT THE PILR, without the aid of Boats. | Tuesday, f-ei>t, 2. 7 morn Friday. b. 8 morn Tuesday, 9. i I morn Friday, m- 1.2.2 after. Tuesday. Sept. lb 'morn Friday— 19 8.morn TueJ? 23 10'inorn Frid ay. — ?. 12 aftM, luesday, bept. :U. u FROM ILFRACOMBE. PASSEXG?HS EMBARKES^ THE PIFR. PASSEXGEltS ;.1* THE PIER. Wednes., Sept. 3. Rmom Saturday, 6. 10 morn We,hws., 10. 1 atter.1 Saturday, — 13. o morn Ni'L,tine?., ,?ept mor'l  N. o ? S?it rda., inoru Wednes., 24 'I? noon Saturday, ?7. 4 mum I LYNMOUTil. The Torridge calls off Lynmouth, going to and returning from lll'racombe, weatherpermitcinj. t'assen- <rers landed and embarked on payment of Is. each. Luggage to be paid for at a moderate charge, for which purpose a large bo it is always in attendance, ror particulars apply to Mr, Thomas Baker, Lynton. FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. LORD B3RESFORD, Mondays. COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Sept. I. 4 morn I Wednes. 3 5 morn Monday, S. 7 mora Wednes. — 1 1 9 ,-)Irii Monday, Sept. 15. 3 morn Wednes I ?) ? Monday, :!t. j'.mJrn Wednes. — 2 1 9.mum .Vlonday, oepr -JJ o morn FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. LORD BELLESFORD, Mondays. COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Sept. 1 1 after. Wednes, 3. 4 after. I Monday, 8.H nod?. — 1 0 1 alter. %N  aler. Monday, Sept. 15. 3 after. Wpdnes. —I7.4 after. Monday, — 22 12 noon. ?Vcda?. ?. 1 aitei. Moiuiay, OOPT. zJ 2 after. To lii(I from CARDIFF, LADY CHARLOTTE and PRIXCE OF WALES, daily, Snnbys excepted. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. j Particulars i-,ia v be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Oiffce, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, 8:c.. shonld he addressed:- j for Swansea, to \V. Terrell & Sons, S3, Back; and G. C. Glasson,12, Quay street :-fnr Cardiff, to H. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Uotweils. ANR.N RS.—Mr. R. STAGEY, Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenby: Mr. John Rees, Havcrfordwest; Mi\ Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater Mr. John X. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford; Mr. Martin, Iifracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. N oner..—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets wil not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged above the value of i.'f>; nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Luggage (illost or damaged) above the value of 20s.; un- less in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery nor will they he answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time ofueuverv. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes All letters seeking information to BE post paid. Bristol, September, 18ie. TITHE COMMUTATION. R FF^HE Map and Draft Apportionment of the Parish of X Dihewid, in the County of Cardigan, have been deposited at the House of David Evans, called tue Red Lion, in the said Parish, for the inspection of all fetsons interested therein, and a Meeting to hear appeals AGAINST the same will he held at the Black Lion Inn, in the Town of Lampeter, on Monday, the 15th day of September, 1845, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. JOHN EDWARDS, THOMAS SAUNDERS. Undergrove, August 25th, 1845. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL. THE AUTUMNAL MEDICAL SESSION will cnm- Jt- mence on WEDNESDAY, the 1st OCTOBER, 1845. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE—-at two o'clock. Dr. George Gregory. MEDICINE—Dr. Marshall Hall & Dr. Barker TII E Ex ANTIIKMATA—Dr. George Gregory. SURGERY—Mr. Green & Mr. B. Travers. Ol'HTHAL\lIC-Ir. Iackmurdo. ANATOMY, GENERAL, & PHYSIOLOGY—Mr. Grainger. DESCRIPTIVE & SUSGXCAL—Mr. F. Le I Gros Clark. CHEMISTRY—Dr. Leeson. PRACTICAL—Mr. Heisch. MATERIA MEDICA—Dr. Risdon Bennett. MIDWIFERY &* THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL- DR.EN-Dr. Cape i Dr. Waller. DISEASES AND OPERATIONS OF THE TEETH—Mr. E. Saunders. CLINICAL LECTURES BY THE PHYSICIAXS AND SURGEONS. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY- FORENSIC MEDICINE—Dr. Leeson & Dr. Risdon Bennett. BOTANY— COMPARATIVE ANATOMY NATURAL HISTOB.Y — Prospectuses for further particulars of the Lectures and Hospital Practice may be had by applying to Mr. Whitfield, resident Medical Secretary. St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Madical College. THE WINTER SESSION will COMMENCE on TW??D-1?FSDAY, October, 1, with an Introductory Address by Dr. George Burrows, at 7 o'clock p.m. LECTURES. MEDICINE.—G. Burrows, M.D. SURGERY.—W. Lawrence, F.R.S. DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY.—F. C. Skey, F.R.S. PHYSIOLOGY and MORBID ANATOMY.—Mr. Pazet. SUPERINTENDENCE of DISSECTION.—Mr. M,Wh' il? and Mr. HOI den. CHEMISTRY.—Mr. Griffiths. 'SMATERIA MEDICA.—G. L. Roupell, M.D., F.R.S. MIDWIFERY, &-c.-E. Riaby, M.D., F.L.S. SUMMER SESSION, 1845, COMMENCING MAY 1st. BOTANy.-F. J. Farre, M.D., F.L.S. FoRENSic MEDiciNE.-W. Baly, M.D. MIDWIFERY, &C.— E. Rigby, M.D., F.L.S. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. —Mr Griffiths. HOSPITAL PRACTICE.— The Hospital contains 350 Bfds, and relief is afforded to 42,000 Patients annually. The In-patients are visited daily by the Physicians and Surgeons and during the Summer Session Four Clinical Lectures are delivered weekly; those on the Medical Cases by Dr. Roupell, nnd Dr. G. Burrows; those on the Sursjical Cases, by Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Stanley. The Out-patients are also daily attended by the Assis- tant Physicians and Assistant Surgeons. COLLEGIATE ESTABLISHMENT.—Warden, Mr. Paget. I —Students can reside within the Hospital Walls, sub- ject to the rules of the Collegiate System, established under the direction of the Treasurer and a Committee of the Governors of the Hospital. Some of the Teachers and other gentlemen connected with the Hospital also receive Students to reside with them. SCHOLARSHIPS, PHIZES, &c.—At the end of the Win- ter Session the Annual Examination will be held for two Scholarship, of the values respectively of £ -30 and £ 45 a-year each, and tenable for three years. The examina- [ tions for the Wis, Bentley, and Collegiate Prizes, and those of all the Classes for Prizes and Certificates of Merit, will take place at the same time. Further information may be obtained from any of the Medical or Surgical Officers or Lecturers, or on app' i na- tion at the Anatomical Museum, or the Library of the College. ECmU!MI LIFE ASSURANCE S3C:ETY, 6, New Bridge-Street, Blaekfriars, London. I Established 1823. Lm iPCYWETtRD-W-ADT OF PARLIAMENT. < WU. IV. The Right Hon. Thomas Frankland Lewis, Chairman. Henry Frederick Stephenson, Esq. Deputy Chairman. THE following are among the advantages offered by Tthis Society Lower Rates of Premium than those of any other Office, which entitle the assured to participate in the profits, and considerably lower than those of any other Mutual Assurance Society. No Proprietary participate in the profits, the whole being divisible anion,? the Assured. The first Bonus, in 1831, averaged £16 per cent. on the Premiums paid. The second Bonus, ill 1839, averaged JE31 per cent. since 1st division. The third Bonus, in 1814, averaged f35 per cent. since the 2nd division. Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained on application to the Secretary, Campbell James Downer, or to either of the following AGENTS. Carmarthen.. • .Richard Morgan Davies Abergavenny I homas Fowler, Bank. Brecon WM. H;pr. Carnarvon O?en Jones, Castle Square Denbigh& W'n' Carnarvon PK! 1 R" WILLIARAS, Solicitor. Pi'?ot. Sohcttor. Castle Lane R. Lloyd Willia.ms, M.D., Medical Referee. Hay WIN. Harris. Pembroke .F, T. Biddulnh. Pwllheli Hugh Pugh, Bank.  Bank. Wrexham John Bury; G. Lewis, Esquire, Me- dical.Referee. THE TWENTY-PIFTH THOUSAND. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope,-price and sent free on receiving a Post Office Order, for 3.s Cd. 1'1 A X H 0 0 D: l??Jf L the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE with Piain Direct;ons for ITS PERFECT RESTORA- TION: addressed to those suffering from the destructive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- tion followed by observations on MARRIA0E> and the treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrh(pa, Gleet, &c. illustrated with cases, &c. &c. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Burgess, Medical Bookseller, 28, Coventry-st., Ilnymarket; Mann, 39, Cornhill; Barth, Bridges-street, Strand, London; Philip, South Castlc- strcet, Liverpool; Pritchard, Chronicle OffiCl" Ches- ter Fannin 8; Co., 41, Grafton-street, Duolin Messrs. Robinson, 11, Greenside-st. Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Union-st., Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrews- bury: Times O!nc: Hereford; and sold in a sealed envelope by all Booksellers. CAUTION In consequence of the numerous complaints made to the Authors by patients who have been induced to pur- chase spurious copies of this work, advertised by illiterate and designing parties, under titles approximating as clusely as 7JOssible to the word "MANHOOD," the fol. lowing declaration is added to this advertisements with a view that the public may not be imposed upon, in their selection. DECLARATION. J. William Wliinrey Gearing, of Smart's Buildings, Ho'born, in the County of Middlesex, l'rin'er, do solemnly declare that I have printed Nineteen thousand Five Hundred Copies of Messrs. Curtis and Company's Medical M oi-k, M ANHOOD, exclusive oÏ the Twentieth Edition now priming by me, and that the whole of tln-se copies were duly delivered to Mr. William Wilton, Bookbinder, residing at No. 4, Cream's Build- ings, Chancjry Lane, from the month ot May, one thousand fi;;ht hundred and forty, to Fe ruary, one thousand eight hunJrcd and a'1,ll make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believins the same to be true. WILLIAM WHIXURY GEAR NG. Declared and SUBSCRIBED at te WiLLlAM MAGN W, Mansion House, London, this 6th > Lord Mayor of day of April, 1814. be:'ore me, London. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The numberless instances daily occurring wherein a/Tee- tions of the lungs, PUTTING on all the outer appe.-anoes of consumption—which, however, when traced to their source, are found to result from certain baneful prove that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice: and we feel no hesitation in that there is no member of society lw whom the book' will not be found useful, whether such uor.son hold the reiutioa of a Parent, a PreceptrT, or A Clergyman.—SIN Ev EMSG PAPER. "Messrs. Curtis's work, entitled Manhood,' is one of the few books now coii)in ? bdore th public on such a sub- .ied which can lay claim to the ca'l'ater of being str professional, at the same tim it is fully intelligible to all who r,?ad it. The moral and medical precepts GIVEN in it render it invaluable. :\L\G" ET. To the married, its well as the unmarried, this little work alike atl'ords consolation and cure in peculi-ir eases, and we are doing a service to society in recommending it to general notice.—ESSEX *.N0 HEIITS MERCURY. Messrs. CURTTS and Co. are to be consulted dally at their residence,No.7, Uritli-street, SOHO-SQUTP. London. Country patients are requested to be as minute as pos- sible in the detail oftlieirc,Ics-t-ie communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of ;E I and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on. The above "Work is Sold at the Cambrian Office, Swan- sea, the Journal Oiffce, Carmarthen, and by all respect- able Booksellers, by whom it is §?nt, pW-p&id, in I SEALED ENVELOP?, for 5?. 6j. PARR'S LS FE PILLS. rrIIE extraordinary success of this medicine is the wonder of the age; it has been tried by hundreds of thousands as an aperient, and has in every instance done good it has never in the slightest degree impaired the most delicate constitution. Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease, and are living. witnesses of the benefit received from this invaluable medicine.—Testimonials are received dnilv, but it would be impossible, in a newspaper, to publish one-half re- ceived; and the following are selected as people well- known in their respective neighbourhoods, and whose testimony is unquestionable. Further Sheets of Tes- timonials and the Life and Times of Old Part" may be had gratis, of all Agents. The following Cases of Cure by Parr's Life Pills, art communicated by Mr. C. Mutter,,Chemist and Druggist, Shaftesbury, Dorstt, Agentfar Parr's Pills. A respectable farmer residing near Shaftesbury, had for years been subject to the most distressing attacks of giddiness of the, head, frequently attended with severe head-ache. The various medicines he used at different times, did him little or no good, till he Was induced to, give Purr's Piils a trial. The very first due afforded much relief, and he has found them more serviceable than any other medicine he has taken he always resorts to them on finding any symptoms of the complaint coming on, and they invariably relieve him. The attacks have been much less frequent since taking Parr's Pilb, and he believes by continuing their use his complaint will entirely leave him. Dated, April 26th, 1845. Copy of a letter addressed to C. Rutter, April 25th, 16451 Sir,—I think it but right to inform you of the wonderfui cure performed by the box of Parr's PiLs I purchased of you a short time ago. For more than nine months I had suffered most severely from Rheumatic Hfad-Ache. The pain was most severe, so much so, that I was often obliged to give up work en^re'.y for davs together. I had heard from many persons of the fame of Parr's Pills, and at the strong recommendation of a neighbour, pur- chased a box at your shop. I am very thankful I ever heard of these wonderful pills, and should not grudge the money, even if they were a guinea a ùox; for befon I had taken half a box, the violent pain I had so 'long suffered entirety left 1M, nor have I hud any return of it since, although it is now more than six months ago. I have no objection to your publishing trus if you think proper, as I should wish other savTerers to obtain the I ease I now enjoy; and I have so high au opinion of Parr's Pills, that'l think they are worth a trial in almost every complaint. I Yours, respectfully, E. WILSTN*. Champion Office, March 5th, 1S45. Gentlemen.-I think it only thi; to mention tht a man named Scannon, residing in Sligo, porter to t'Ie Bi,-tiieoni Car, on purchasing a box of your pills declarec1 to ma that for the last eight years he"has suffered severely from a bad stomach, no food resting on it, and swelling often existing, and that after finishing one box at Is. 14d. he felt not only better but well; can now eat any food, and his appetite and spirits increase. I remain, Gentlemen, ygur obedient Servant. C. VERDOllf. Since I wrote the above, I have inquired after Mr, Cand, and learn that he is quite well and hearty. The late severe cold weath-cr affected him much, but having taken your excellent medicj^e he is quite weli, cheerful, and able to resume his work. CAT;non TO THE PUBLIC. *t* Beware of spurious imitations of the above Medicta? none are genuine unless the wurus i'arr'? Life P?:3" are in WHiTE LETTERS on a RED GROUND, eugraved iu the Government Stamp, pasted round each box; also the fac- simile of the signature of the Pro j,-ieturs T. HOBE RTS & Co.. Crane Court. Fleet Street, London," on the direction*. Sold in boxs at Is. 14., 2s. 9d., and famiiy packets lis. each. By JOH W. WHiTE, ChcmnL. Ageat 'br ?R?i;?ts lls. each. ?., mar?hen IkTr. O. E. Davies, Druggist, Haverford ,vest: Mr. I-russor, Chemist, Rhymney, and by all respectable M dic-i-ili Venders Sold in boxes at Is. ljd., 2s 9d and family packets at lis., by Edwards, 61, St. Paul's; Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street; Sutton and Co., Bow Churchyard London; Mottershead and Co., Manchester; and J. and R. Raimes and Co., Edinburgh Mitchell, Apothecaries Company, Glasgow; and by all respectable druggists and patent medicine retailers throughout the kingdom. Directions are given with each box, by John W. White, Chemist, Agent for Carmarthen; Mr. 0. E. D-ivies^ Druggist, Haverfordwest; Mr. Prosser, Chemist, Rhym- ney; J. S. Evans, Chemist and Druggist, Cardigan, and by all respectable Medicine Vendors. iJ(.THI: P_ATRO.'V ,1; 'R. "'e 'i.. W'Ý;.o ¡f.CIh Ic)  l(()L .J; v cr td.\A ;iÎIf: '.M; -EU-? :;f t;.}tj¡. Q L"" r't ,'i!; "-1.iI. ¡J-¿; < 'C ,t, ,OJ  NEW ENVELOPE. IN consequence of the great variety of counterfeit JL Envelopes of RO WLAND'S KALI DOR, and other disreputable means resorted to by unprincipled indi- viduals for imposing on the public their highly pernicious compounds under the title of" KAL Y DOR," the Pro- prietors and sole Preparers of the Original and Genuine Preparation, acting under H sense of duty, and regardless of expense in the attainment of their object—t :e pro- tection of the Public from Fran 1 and linpis it.o,i, liare employed those celebrated artists, Messrs. Perkins, Bacon, and Co. who have succeeded, at great cost, in at great cost, in producing from a steel plate a NEW EN VELOPE of exquisite beauty. It comprises a highly-finished engraving of the GRE- CIAN GRACES st a.,iding on a t.-lassi con each side of which is a rich profusion of flowers springing from an elegant cornucopia j these tastefully blending with Arabesque-scrolls and wreaths encircle the Royal Arms of Great Britain, surmounting the words ROWLAND S KALYDOR," &c. &c. &c. whilst a plinth at the foot displays the Sig- nature of the Proprietors, in red, thus- 20, Hatton-Garden, 1 & 0, SCOnNxr. London, Jan. 1, 1S4.5. } ?- SO' ROWLAND'S KALYDCR An Eastern Botanical Discovery of surprising efficacy for rendering the SRIX SOFT, CLEAR AXD FA.IR, And for bestowing a healthy roseate hue on the COMPLEXION. As a Creator and Conservator of a transparently fair skin, ROWLAND'S KALYDOR may be said to exert an almost magical power. Composed for the most part of Oriental Balsamic Exotics, to the utter exclusion of all mineral admixture, it is distinguished for its ex- tremely bland, purif' ying, and soothing efferts upon the skin; and, by acting upon the pores and' minute secre- tory vessels, evpels all impurities from tite surface, allays every tendency to inflammition, k thus effectually dissinates all RED VESS, TAX, PIMPLES, SPOTS, BLO TCHES, FRECKLES, StJXBURX, and other unsightly Cutaneous Visitations. The radiant bloom it imparts to the CHEEK; the softness and delicacy which it induces on the H-4ADS, ARM, and A bCK; its capability of soothing irritation and removing cu- taneous defects, sallowness, and all unsightly appear- anccs, render it indispensable to every toilet. It is invaluable as a renovating and refreshing Wash, in travelling, during the heat and dust of summer; and. in cases of Sun burn, Stings of Insects, or incidental inflammation, its virtues have long and extensively been acknowledged. To Ladies, during the period of suckling, it is of great importance; it affords relief to inflamed nipples, and cools and renders the infant's mouth tru!y comfortable. To Gentlemen aifiioted with a tenderness of the skin in shaving, the application of the Kalydor will be found to allay all cuticular irritation, removing every pimple and all roughness, and rendering the skin soft aad smooth. Sold in bottles, at 4s. Gd. and at Ss. 6d. each, duty in- cluded. CAUTION. BEWARE OF DELETERIOUS COMPOUNDS, under the title of genuine" KALYDOR. containing mineral astringents utterly ruinous to the Complexion, and by their repellent action endangering health. The only genuine article is enclosed in the Envelope, as de- tailed above. To protect the Public from Fraud The Hon. Commissioners of Stamps have also directed th* Proprietors' Name and Address, thus — 1- H- A. ROWi,AND & SON, 20, HATTON GARDEN to be engraved Oil the Government Stamp which is affixed on each bottle. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OiL, In i!s preservative, restorative, -irl ,n-qii,-?ii!17es for the Human Hair is unequalled over the whole %vor?d. Pr!ce 3j.. 6d., 7s.—  4 small ) Pi?ic- ? 3,?, 6d?, 7s.-Family Bottles (equal to 4 small) 10s. Gd. an I double that size, 2!s. Rowland's Odonto, or Psiirl A Fragrant White Powder, prrpurod from Oriental Herbs of inestimable virtue for preserving, and beau- tifying the TEETH and strengthening the GUMS. Price 2s. 9d. per box, duty included. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Unprincipled Individuals for the sake of gainirg a t-ifleniare profit, vend the most Spurious Compounds under the same names, some under the impiic-d sanction of Royalty they copy the labels, bills, advertisements, ar.d (substituting fictitious names and addresses for the real) of the original preparations, and use either the word "GENUINE" or a FrJlGNED name, in the place of ROWLAND'S."—It is therefore hichLy necessary to see that the word "RO\VL,XD'S" is on the Wrapner of each Article. .A.11 others arc Fraudulent Imitntims. The genuine Preparations are .oJd by the Proprietors as aboye, aud by Oheiniats aucl Perfuawrs.