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??f????i?? {??'???????? 4??L 5Kril O?s I s  I C ) 0 F ROWLAND'S UNIQUE PREPARATIONS, FOR THE HAIR! THE SKIN! & THE TEETH! The August Patronage conceded by our Gracious Queen, the Roval Family, and the several Sovereigns and Courts of' Europe, and the fact of their general use in all countries, together with the numerous testimonials constantly received of their efficacy, characterize them "ith perfection, and sufficiently prove their value. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. This ELEGANT, FRAGRANT, and TRANSPA- RENT OIL in its preservative, restorative, and beait- g qualities, for the Human Hair is unequalled r,oughout the whole world. It preserves and re-pro- flees the hair, even at an advanced period of life Prevents it from falling off or turning grey restores 9rey hair to its original colour; frees it from scurf and dandriff, and renders it soft, silky, curly, and glossy -Facts abundantly proved by innumerable tes- timonials, which are open for inspection at the pro- prietors. For CHiLDREX, it is especially recommended as forming the basis of A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR Price 3s. 6d.—7s.—Family Bottles (equal to 4 small) 10s. 6d., and double that size, 21s. CAUTION.—Each genuine bottle has the words ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL engraved in two lines on the Wrapper; and on the back of the Wrapper nearly 1,.500 times; containing 29,028 letters. All others are spurious Imitations. ROWLAND'S KALYDOR, An Oriental Botanical Discovery, and perfectly free from all mineral or metallic admixture. It purifies the Skin from all Eruptive Maladies, Freckles, Sallowness, c. To the Complexion it imparts a radiant bloom, and softness and delicacy to the Hands, Arms, and Neck. -Price 4s. 6d. & 8s. 6d. per bottle, duty included. CAUTION.—Beware of IMITATIONS containing mine- ral astringents utterly ruinous to the complexion, and which by their repellent action endanger health. Each genuine bottle is enclosed in a beautiful Envelope from a Steel plate by Messrs. Perkins and Bacon, on which We the words ROWLAND'S KALYDOR; and A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, Hatton-Garden, is also engraved (by authority of the Hon. Commissioners of Stamps,) on the Government Stamp affixed on each bottle. ROWLAND'S ODONTO, or Pearl Dentifrice. A FRAGRANT WHITE P OWBEK, prepared from Oriental Herbs of inestimable virtue for preserving, and beau- tifying the TEETH and strengthening the GUMS. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes spots of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel, im- parting the most pure and pearl-like ichiteness and gives siceetness and perfume to the breath. Scurvy is by its means eradicated from the gums, and a healthy action and redness are induced so that the teeth (if loose) are thus rendered firm in their sockets. Price 2s. 9d. per box. CAUTION.—To protect the PLiblic. from Fraud, the Government Stamp (as on the KALYDOR) is affixed on eanh hnr. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Unprincipled SHOPKEEPERS for the sake of gaining a triflemore profit, vend the most spurious COMPOUNDS nder the same names, and under the implied sanc- tion of Royalty they copy the labels, advertisements, and testimonials, (fictitious names and addresses be- Ing substituted for the real) of the original prepara- ons, and use either the word" GENUINE," or a FEIGNED name, in the place of ROWLAND'S." It is therefore highly necessary to see that the word RO\VLAND'S" is on the Wrapper of each Article. All other are FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS, The genuine Articles are sold by the Proprietors as above, and by Chemists and Perfumers. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. Wright's celebrated Pearl Ointment. ?'? the sanction and recommendation of eminent yntlemen of the Faculty, and .P?'OM?/?y the "???, C?-?, Gentry, 4e. ?OR the Cure of Cancerous, Scrofulous, and Indolent  Tumours, and Inveterate Ulcers, Glandular Affec- Sons of the Neck, Erysipelas, Scurvy, Evil, Ring Worm, 8cald Head, White Swellings, Piles, Ulcerated Sore Legs (if of 20 years' standing), Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Burns, Scalds, Sore Nipples, Bruises, Grocer's Itch, and all Cutaneous Diseases also an infallible Re- ined); for Sore, Weak, and Diseased Eyes. In several Gout and Rheumatic Cases it has proved highly bene- ficial. In every one of the above distressing complaints, this lnvaluable Ointment has effected the most triumphant cures after all other means had failed. In addition to the testimonials of surgeons, and certificates by far too Numerous for publication, the following certificate from that eminent and distinguished practitioner, Charles Aston Key, Esq., Senior Surgeon of Guy's Hospital, London, cannot fail to establish the confidence of all Persons in this excellent remedy, and the Proprietor Wrongly recommends all Families, Schools, and Grocers never to be without it. WOXDERFL'L TESTIMONIAL. From the numerous certificates which I have seen of foe efficacy of Wright's Pearl Ointment, I have been lnduced to try it in severe cases of Porrigo, Herpetic truptions, the Ulcus Exendens, and some other forms .of obstinate cutaneous disease, and I am able to bear testim ony to its great utility. (Signed) "C. A. KEY. Guy's Hospital, London, Jan. 23d, 1833." Sold in Pots, at 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each, by the Pro- prietor ZACCHEUS HUNTER, 44, Webber Row, Illackfriars Road, London, and by all respectable Medi- cine Venders and Druggists in the United Kingdom. N.B.—Be careful to ask for Dr. Wright's Celebrated Pearl Ointment," as there is a spurious article offered at ls. 1 d. (the genuine never having been sold under 2s. 9d. 411d 4s. 6d.) and notice particularly that the late Pro- prietor's Names A Hawkes, Dudley," is engraved on te Government Stamp, and signed with red ink on the 116 of direction by the present Proprietor, ZACCHEUS Hunter.  As much mischief is frequently produced by the dii i'scr, iminate use of strong purgative Medicine, the proprietor stronglv recommends DR. W RIGHT'S CATHARTIC PILLS, prepared from the Doctor's pri- vate Recipe, which will be found so gentle in their ope- hlOn, that Females, under every circumstance, and even children may take them with the greatest possible ad- vantage and safety. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d each. LA'MERT ON DEBILITY, NERVOUSNESS AND ALL DISORDERS AG f'om EXCESS, &c. He who in pleasure's downy arms ;.¡ ,'er lost his health or youthful charms, A hero lives, and justly can Exclaim, in me behold a man!" JI/t published (in a sealed envelope), Twelfth Edition, ?tce 28. 6d., or sent ?y??i'?, to ??'y e'??'ess, 3s. 6?. ?ELF-PRESERVATION a Popular Esa) on those — Ccncc?d Disorders of the Generative System %?.ng in certain solitary habits, youthful excesses, ndf\'ction, and terminating in Nervons Debihty, Local ,ind Constiiutional Weakness, and all those Sinkings, Ah, S!e^es, and Tremors, which amict the Weak, the ??utary. and the Delicate. With Practical Obsen'a- jylls on Marriage, and on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Leases of the Reproductive Organs, with plain direc- "?Rs for their perfect Restoration. BY SAMUEL LA'MERT, CONSULTING SURGEON. 9, Bedford-Street, Bedford-Square, London, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothecary's Hall, London, &c. Lonsj experience in the treatment of a class of diseases h.It erto neglected and most imperfectly understood by the sreat bulk of the medical profession, has enabled the ■J'riter to prove that there are concealed causes of Nervous eblhty in exiatenff, where the mere routine practitioner J^ould never dream of finding them; traceable to certain ?bits, forming the most secret, yet daily and fatal spnngs ,if (14)Mestiumiser3, and premature mortality."—WAKUFIELO ?CR?AL.  t "We consider this book really ought, as a matter of safety, j0 be placed in the hands of every youth whose appearance Indicates any tendency to nervous debility or premature -Nlr. La"I%ftrt has treated the subject in a very It.Clcntlfic and intelligent manner, and we are certainly at the prevalence and the consequences of those e"ils it is his province to pourtray and alleviate."—LONDON °I-RNA[. Of' COMMERCE. (})ub1iE'd by the Author, and sold in London by S. 'r?'ilbf-,rt ol and 52, Paternoster Row; E. W. Shackell, ?ookscUer, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen Cambrian iSwansea; Newton, Bookseller, Church Street, T?"ve rPool Watts, Snow Hill. Birmingham Henley, eltenham Fryer, Bath and bv all Booksellers. Mr. La'Mert is to be consulted daily at his residence ftd country patients ill their letters are requested to be her minute in the details of their symptoms, age, general ?bits of living, and occupation in life. The commnni- "?tion must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of without which no notice whatever can be taken 'their application and in all cases the most inviolable ecresy may be relied on. 3, BEDFORD STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON. THE ABOVE WORK MAY BE HAD At Mr. S H A C R E L L S Bookseller, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, Price 2a. 6d., or free by pest, for 3s. 6d. HEALTH, LONG LIFE, AND HAPPINESS. PARR'S LIFE PILLS, (the best Medicine in the World) are now established as the only certain cure of disease in the human frame. Sufficient has already been advertised in the public prints to convince any reasonable person that the efficacy of this medicine is unbounded, and that every disease will soon vanish from the effects of this popular remedy. Already the Pro- prietors have received and published 26 different sheets of Testimonials and, besides, have received some thou- sands of letters confirming all the statements published, and proving the immense benefit derived by all classes by taking P AlIt'S LIFE PILLS, Testimonials are re- ceived daily, and it would be impossible in a newspaper to publish one half received; and the following are se- lected as people well known in their respective neigh- bourhoods, and whose testimony is unquestionable. Further sheets of Testimonials may be had gratis of all agents. Front Mr. TV. Alexander, Bookseller, Yarmouth Great Yarmouth, March 27, 1845. Gentlemen,—Being recently at Norwich, I called upon a gentleman at his request. He said, having seen your J name in the newspaper as an agent for the sale of Parr's Pills, and also letters addressed to you testifying their efficacy in the cure of various complaints, I resolved to try them. I had been very unwell for two or three years, my stomach much out of order, and I constantly felt a painful difficulty in breathing I employed two medical gentlemen, and took a great quantity of medicine, but derived no benefit; on the contrary, I found myself daily declining and getting weaker, so that I could scarcely walk from one street to another indeed I was in a me- lancholy desponding state. Accordingly I purchased a box and took them as directed. At the end of a week I was much better, having taken, I think, only eighteen pills; consequently, I continued taking them regularly, and when I had taken two boxes and a half, I became quite well, and to this day I have enjoyed life, having now good health and good spirits. If, however, I feel any slight indisposition, I have recourse to the medicine I have so much reason to prize, which restores me to my usual good health. This gentleman wished his case to be made public, although, for obvious reasons, he could not authorise me to give his name. This timid, perhaps in some cases, prudent cautiousness, is not uncommon. A neighbour- ing gentleman has several times admitted to me that. he derives great benefit from the occasional vise of Parr's medicines, out win not, permit me to mention it to any one. I am, dear Sir, yours respectfully, WILLIAM ALKXASDKR. P.S.—The Pills have entirely removed the Cough and Asthma. You will probably remember the name of the respecta- ble octogenarian gardener, Mr. Cowles, of Blunderstone, who still (with his son-in-law) attends our excellent ve- getable and fruit market. Mr. Cowles, when I last saw him, a few week ago, was in excellent health, and although 88 years of age, works at digging in his garden several hours in the day. He still continues occasionally to take the medicine, which he believes, under Provi- dence, to have been the means of conferring on him so much comfort. Since I wrote the above, I have inquired after Mr. Cand, and learn that he is quite well and hearty. The late severe cold weather affected him much, but having taken your excellent medicine he is quite well, cheerful, and able to resume his work. WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Jfr. Hackett gave the following 1msoliciterl testimonial to the Efficacy of Parr's Life Pills before leaving New York. TO THE PROPRIETORS OF PARR'S LIFE PILLS. Sirs,—Having used Parr's Life Pills on several occa- sions when attacked by violent Bilious complaints, and having been fully satisfied of their efficacy, I beg leave, in justice to you, as proprietors of the medicine, to tes- tify as much. Yours, respectfully, Long Island, Nov. 9, ISH. W. H. HACKETT. THE BEST TEA IMPORTED. WTAYS BY APPOINTMENT. IN this age of quackery and pretension, when the place and privileges of the true, are constantly usurped by the false and the fraudulent, it is difficult to afford the public the unerring means of judgment. Messrs. BROCKSOPP, HOW, &' Co., of 233 and 234, High Street, Southwark, London, respectfully hope that their standing in the Tea Market will be considered as the best guarantee for the superiority of their articles, and as distinguishing them from puffing adventurers of the day. The above Teas have acquired an extraordinary celebrity, and are used by all connoisseurs, while their price brings them now within the reach of all. The Howqua's Mixture of 40 rare Black Teas is now reduced to 5s. ad. per lb. Catty Package, and the Mowqua small-leaf Gunpowder, to 8s. 2d. per lb. Catty Package. Half and Quarter Catties may be had: CAUTION.—These Teas are genuine only when con- tained in original Chinese Catty Packages, and secured with the seals of Howqua" and tl Mowqua." N.B. Tea-dealers, Confectioners, &c., desirous of becoming Agents, may apply as above. AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT;— Llandilo, Thomas James, Bookseller. Dandovery, agent wanted. Llanelly, agent wanted. Brynmawr, David Edwards, Tea Dealer. Brynmawr, John Jones, Draper. Bridgend, Thomas Williams, Chemist & Tea Dealer. Brecon, Phillip Bright, Chemist. Chepstow, agent wanted. Haverfordwest, Thomas Williams, Chemist. Lampeter, W. T. -Davies, General Merchant. Monmouth, W. Cossens, Chemist, Post Office. Newport, Henry riappert.m. Bookseller. Neath P. E. French, Chemist and Bookseller. Narberth, Jason Meyler. Tea Dealer Pembroke, John Ormond, Chemist, Post Office. Pembroke Dock, E. Mc Lean, Commercial Row. Swansea, C. T. Wilson, Castle-square. Tenbv, W. G. W. Freeman, Chemist, High-street. Abergavenny, W. T. Hurst, Chemist, Nevi]]e_strc>et. Dowtais, David Lewis, Tea Dealer. Llantwit Major, Ann Jenkins, lea Dealer. Mold. Win. Pring, Bookseller. Tredegar, Edward Davies, Stationer. THE TWENTY-FIFTH THOUSAND, Just Published, in a scaled Envelope, price -is and sent free on receiving a Post Office Otdei ,Jor 3s Cd. MA N H ? 0 D • M the CAUSES of its pl\!A!;E DECLINE with Plain Directions for IT I,ER BC I RESTORA- TION addressed to those suffering from the destructive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- tion followed by observations on I 1 ARRIAGIJ, and the treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &c. illustrated with cases, &c. &c. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Burgess, Medical Bookseller, 28, Coventry-st., Haymarket; Mann, 9! Coriihill; Barth, Bridges-street, Strand, London; 1 hi ip, South Castle- street, Liverpool; Pritchard, Chioniele Office, Ches- ter Fannin & Co., 41, Grafton-street, Diiblill; Messrs. Robinson, 11, Greenside-st. Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Cnion-st., Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrews- bury Times Office, Hereford; and sold in a sealed envelope by all Booksellers. CAUTION In consequence of the numerous complaints made to the Authors by patients who have been induced to pur- chase spurious copies of this work, advertised by illiterate and designing parties, under titles approximating as closely as possible to the. word" MANHOOD," the fol- lowing declaration is added to this advertisement, with a view that the public may not be imposed on then- selection. DECLARATION. 1, William Whinrey Gearing, of Smart's Buildings,Loliiorn, in the County of Middlesex, fruiter, do solemnly declare that 1 have printed Nineteen thousand Five Hundred Copiesio Messrs. Curtis and Company's Medical Work, MA; iliuuu, exclusive of the T%vc-ritietli Edition now printing by lie, and that the whole of these copies were July delivered to Air. William itton, Bookbinder, residing at No. 4, Bream s BUlld- ings, Chancery Lane, from the month of Mav, one thousand eight hundred and forty, to February one' thousand (".ght hundred and forty-four; and I inaicc, this solemn declaration, conscientiously beUeyins the same to he true. WILLIAM WHINRHY ??„ ?  ? Deot, ared and subscribed at the ? WiLLtAM MAGA Y, Mansion House, London, this 6th ? Lord Mayor of day of AprU. 1844, before me, ) London. OPINIONS or THE PRESS. The numberless instances daily occurring wherein atree- tions of the lungs, putting on all the outer appearances of consumption—which, however, when traced to their source, are found to result from certain baneful hahits-fully prove that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice; and we feel no hesitation in saying, that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful, whether such person hold the rel?tion Of a Parent, a Preceptor, or a Clergyman.—SUN EVUNING PAVER. -Messrs. Curtis's work, entitled '-Ilaiihood,' is one of the few books now coming before the public on such a sub- ject which can lay claim to the character of being strictly professional, at the same time it is fully intelligible to all who read it. The moral and medical precepts given in it, render it invaluable."—MAGNET. To the marrie(l, as well as the unmarried, this little work alike affords consolation and cure in peculiar cases, and we are doing a sernec to society in recommending it to general notice.—ESSEX AND BERTS SIEKCUKY. Messrs. CCRTIS and Co. are to be consulted daily at their residence,No.7, Frith-street,Soho-Square, London. Country patients are requested to be as minute as pos- sible in the detail of their cases—the communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1; and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on. The above Work is Sold-at the Cambrian Office, Swan. sea, the Journal Office, Carmarthen, and by all respect- able Booksellers, by whom it is sent, post-paid, in a SEALED envelope, for .3B. 6*1. ENGLAND INDEPENDENT OF ICHABBE. BRAIN'S GUANO. THIS being the third year of its introduction to the Agricultural World, it has been proved on almost every description of crop and soil by practical men to be superior to the imported, as it can always be depended on, being of uniform strength and composition, founded on the analysis of the best Peruvian, without its im- purities. Extract of a Letter received from J. W. Kelsey, Esq. ;— "Hope Farm, near Folkstone, Kent, "October 17th, 1844. "Sir,—Your Guano has turned out well, quite answer- ing my utmost expectation it has made my turnips best at the poorest part of the field, being the spot where I employed it. I will thank you to send me the price of your Bone Powder, and remain, yours respectfully. "J. W. K E Lq L Y. The price, Eg per ton including sacks, wharfage delivery to the railway, and where the distance does not exceed ten miles from London delivered free. Also BRAIN'S highly-concentrated LIQUID GUANO, for Flowers, Plants, Shrubs, Grass Lawns, &c., Is. 9d. per quart bottle, which added to eighty gallons of water will make a most powerful liquid manure. To be had of all respectable Florists, Seedsmen, and Chemists, in town and country. Genuine Crushed BONE 23s. per Quarter, warranted to stand the most rigorous analysis, sacks included. GYPSUM (Sulphate of Lime), 23s. per ton, in quantities not less than three tons, warranted pure. Steam Works, Thomas Street, Stamford Street, Black- friars' Road, London. AGENTS. CARDIFF.Messrs. Hall. LLANELLY..Mr. Davies, Belle Vue Cottage. BRISTOL .Messrs. Maule and Co., Florists. EXETER Messrs. Sclator and Sons, Florists, BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. COPY OF A LETTER FROM WM. COURTNEY, ESQUIRE. To Mr. THOMAS PROUT, 229, Strand, London. Church Farm, Barton Stacey, near Andover. Railway Station, Hants, Oct. 26th, 1844 SIR,—I cannot help expressing my astonishment at the effect I have experienced in taking your Pills for the Gout. I was taken on Thursday night so severely with it as to be with difficulty able to get out of my bed, and after I arose I had severe pains, followed on with inflammation of the foot increasing, I took three of your Pills, and within two hours I found the pain to entirely cease. I afterwards took two Pills at a dose twice in the day, and I am, thank God, this morning able to walk without the slightest inconvenience. I found in a pre- vious very severe attack very great relief; I had the pains in my knees and thighs so very severe at that time I thought I must have died, and that it must have gone into my stomach. At that time I had resort to you, Pills, and they relieved me—within two hours I was quite easy. The use of these Pills ought, really, to be known all over the world. I have a brother, a young man that suffers horribly with it, and his greatest relief and preventive has been your Pills. Make what use you please of my report. please of my report. Yours truly and respectfully, WM. COURTNEY. Among the many discoveries that characterise the pre- sent age, none have contributed so much to the comfort and ease of the community, nor conferred such a boon upon suffering humanity, as the important discovery of BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHELMATIC PILLS, the efficacy of which has been tested by the approval and re- commtndation of many of the greatest men of our day. They are effective for gout and rheumatism, in all its various forms, including sciatica, lumbago, pains in the head and face, frequently treated as tooth-ache, &c. They require neither confinement nor attention of any kind, and invariably prevent the disease attacking the stomach, brain, or other MtarPli^- Sold by Thomas Prout, 229, strand, London; price Is. Id and 2s. 9d. per box: and by hifc appointment by Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square, Carmar- then Mortimer, ditto Mrs. Evans, near the Cross do. Morgan, Merthyr Tydfil: Phillips, Cardiff: Williams, Brecon Morgan, Abergavenny Williams, Newport; Goulstone, Llandovery; Fanor, Heath, Monmouth; Jones, Brecon; Phillips, Newport; Mathews, Aber- gavenny; AVilliams, Mdiord: Harries, Havcrfordwest, and by the venders of medicines generally throughout the kingdom. Ask for BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS and observe the name and address of "Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine Medicine. I ALL MAY BE CURED I J! BY HOLLO WAYS OINTMENT. FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS. Extract oj a Letter from John Martin, Esq., Chronicle" Office, Tobago, West Indies February 4th, 1845. To PROFESSOR IIOLLOWAY. Sir.—I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this Island. especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen, are very anxious of having your astonishing Medicines within their reach, from the im- mense benefits some of them have derived from their use as they have been found here, in several eases, to cure Sores and Ulcers of the most malignant and des- perate kind. One gentleman in this Island, who had, I believe, about fifty running ulcers about his legs, arms, and body, who had tried all other Mpdieines before the arriva) of yours, but all of which did him no good; but yours cured him in about six weeks, and he is now, by their means alone, quite restored to health and vigour. (Sisrned) JOHN MARTIN, PILES, FISTULAS, AND BEARINGS-DOWN, A remarkable Cure by these Pills and Ointment.—A half-pay lieutenant, lately residing at St. Hcliers, Jersey, whose name by request is omitted, had for three years suffered from piles and fistula, besides a general bearinsr down, of the most distressing nature. He had twice undergone an operation, but to no purpose, and at last gave himself up to despair. Yet, notwithstanding this complication of complaints, together with a debilitated constitution, he was completely cured of all his infirm- ities and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines, when every other means had failed. Extraordinary Cure in the W est Indies, of Leprosy and other direful skin diseases. June 3rd, 1844. Mr. Lewis Reedon, of Georgetown, Demerara, writes under the above late -that Holloway s Pills and Oint- ment have cured had legs that no doctor could manage, ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful descrip- tion, as likewise leprosy, blotches, scales and other skin diseases of the most frightful nature, and that the cures effected there by these wonderful medicines are sonume- rous and extraordinary as to astonish the whole population. Cancered Bi-e-,tst.- A Wonderful Circumstance. Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull, Bootmaker, Tatton, near Southampton. February 9th, 1S4-5. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. "RIR,-The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of Cancers or Abscesses, of twelve years' standing, in my wife's breast. In the latter part of the time, eleven wounds were open at once. The Faculty declared the case as past cure, several pieces of bone had come away, and I expected that my poor wife would soon have been taken from me. It was then that a friend recommended the use of your Pills and Ointment, which, to our utter astonishment, in the space of about three months, healed up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life. I shall ever remain "Your most grateful and obedient servant, (Signed) RICHARD BULL." Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Jeremiah Casey, No. 1, COllipton-place, Compton-slreet, Brunswick-square, London, April 25th, 1845. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR,—I beer to inform you that I believe I had been, for more than three years, one of the greatcst sufferers in the world with Chronic Asthma. For weeks together my breath was frequently so short that I was afraid every moment of being choked with phlegm. I never went into abed; very often, indeed, I have been obliged to pass the night without being able to recline sufficiently to lay mv head on a table, lest I should be suffocated. No one thought I should live over the winter, nor did I expect it myself; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work from morning to night, and that I sleep as well as ever I did in my life: and this miracle (I may say) was effected by rubbing your invaluable Ointment twice a day into my chest, and taking ten of your Pills at bed-time, and ten again in the morning, for about three months. (Signed) JEREMIAH CASEY. In all Diseases of the Skin, Bad Legs, Old Wounds and Ulcers, Bad Breasts, Sore Nipples, Stonev and Ulcerated Cancers, Tumours, Swellings, Gout, Rheu- matism, and Lumbago, likewise in cases of Piles; Ilollowav's Pills, in all the above cases, ought to be used with the Ointment as by this means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty, and in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone. The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedv for the bite of Moschettoes, Sand-ilies, Chiego-foot, Yaws, and Coco-bay, and all skin Diseases, common to the East and West Indies, and other tropical climes. Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands and Lips, also Bunions and Soft Corns, will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment. Sold by the Proprietor, 24-1-, Strand, (near Temple Bar.) London, and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medi- cines throughout the Civilized World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. There is a. very considerable saving in taking the larger s-izes. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Liverpool and Bristol, calling at Swansea and Milford, During the Month of JULY, 184.5. THE NEW AND POWERFUL IRON STEAM SHIP, TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, Commander. I Is intended to Sail from Trafalgar Dock, Liverpool, JL with Goods and Passengers, for FROM BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA, I Tuesday 'July 1. 3 after, j 1 uesda, 8.8mum I Tuesday, July 15 1 after. Tuesday, 22. 8 morn I The Iroubadour leaves Milford for Bristol, twenty- I two hours after sailing from Liverpool. FROM SWANSEA CALLING AT MILFORD. I Wednes., July 2. 2 after. VVednes., 9 7 morn ?., 1 11 1 I Wednes., July lfi 12 noon I VVednes., 4- 23 7 morn I weanesuay, July ;¡U,12 noon, I FROM LIVERPOOL CALLING AT MILFORD. I .Saturday, July 5 9 morn I Saturday, —, 12, 2 after, I Saturday, — 26. Z altcr. The Troubadour leaves Milford for Liverpool; seven hours after sailing from Swansea, FAUES:-To Liverpool, Cabin, El Steward's Fee, 2s. 6d.; Deck, 7s. 6d. Goods forwarded free of Commission. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, Steam-Packet Office, Svansea, Mr. GEO. H. Ev.s, 2, St. Stephen-street, Bristol; Mr. THOMAS M'TEAR, 15, Water Street, Liverpool Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Mil- ford or to the Captain on Board. I All Freights paid on delivery of the Goods, and land- inq and warehousing at the expense and risk of the Con- signee. July, 1845. CCM-4uwkl ? BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office 1, Quay, Bristol. T 11HE following STEAM VESSELS are intended t( J- Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and af- under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of AUGUST, 1845 FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. Friday, Au^r. I. 4 after. Friday, — 8. 8,i morn Friday, Aug. 15. 3!after Friday, _L 22. 8 mom I rriaay, Aug. o^aiter. I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. I Tuesday, Aug. 5 6 morn Tuesda.y, I:L.IO\morJ1¡ Tuesday, Julv ]9.6 morn Tuesda y, 26.10imon. FOR DUBLIN. I VICTORY, Tuesdays —SHAMROCK, Fridays. I Friday, Aug. I. 4 after. Friday. 8. 8lmoni rridav, Friday, 2. 8imorn Friday, Aug. 29 3\after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tue"days.-SABRI A, Fridays. Friday, Au?. 1. 4 after.  TLtpsd?v, 5. 7 morn Friday, —8.8?morn TuesdaY, 12 11 1, m o-rq I Friday, Aug. 15. 3iafter. Tuesday, — 19. 7 mnn, Friday, 22" Si in o rr, Tuesday, 26 ll^morn Friday. Aug, 2. 3\after, Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. TVTHT? A PR-RTNA. Tuesdavq.-OSpp.p,v Fridavs. .1. '-J.i- Friday, Aug. 1. 4 after. Tuesday, 5 7 morn Fridav, 8. 8^01-11 Tuesday, 112. I I morn -J Friday, Aug. 15. 31after. Tuesday, 19 61morn Friday, —??.Stmorn ? Tuesday, 2G ll|morn friciay, Aug. :1. Jatter. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENBY. H (E? NiX?, Fridays. STAR, Tuesdays.—PHCENIX, Fridays. Friday, Aug. 1 4 after- Friday, Aug. 15 31,after. Tuesday, 5 7 morn Tupsrlay 7 morii Friday, 8. 84morn Friday, 2 2. Simorn Tuesday, — 12.11 <morn Tilesdty, 26.111morn Friday, Aug. 29. 3Jafter. FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. Saturday, Aug, 2. 6 morn Tuc?hty 5. 9 morn Saturday, 9 10 mom  TUE'sda:, 12. _?al'ter.- I I Saturday, Aug. 1& a mora 19 9 moin Saturday, — 23 .10 morn Tuesday, — 26 l^after. Saturday, Aug. 30 6',morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Aug. 5. 7 morn I Tuesday, n.ll III om Tuesday, Aug. 19. 7 mom Tllesday, :5.11lmorn FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Fridav, Aug. 1 4 after. I I Friday, 8 8 morn Friday, Aug. 15. 3 after. Fridav, U. 8 morn iriaay, Aug. 3 after, FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saturday, Aug. 3.1 niorzi Saturday, 9 ra2J" ,J_ OJ:) I Friday, Aug. lf> 12 night I S?turd?y, —23 5 morn | rri-), -s* i: nignt FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BERESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fridav. Aug. !■•••& ™onv Saturday, Z™0™ Tu,?,(Iav In,,r Thursday, — ?•••• q*™,™ Fridav, -5"n b^v' I THt',rla\ J2.1'¿ noon. Thurs(lå. [J- ] Fridai,, U-• • • 4 morn I Saturday, Aug. 16. 5 1 mom I'?esd.tv, —19.7?morn T'tursd?y.—?t 9 morn Friday, 22. 9 morn Saturday, 23..10 morn 'I'u,d.?, 26. 12 noon, Thursday, 28. 3 morn ?'rli(la?', 29 4 morn Fridav, 30 5 morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. F,M?. A?. ?' ? ?= Tuesdav. 5. 8 morn Thur,d?y, 7 |» morn .?S'-??:?= Saur^y, 9.10 mo rll Tuesday, — 12. 1- rioorv. Thur%d??, 14. 3, moru Fridav, 15 4 niurn Saturday, Aug. 16.Smorn Tuesday, 19. 8 morn Thursc1y, 2L. \) morn Friday, 22. 10 norn "turJa". 23 10 mum '1'(ic,da l-6 Thur,z(l?3- 28. 3 morn 3 morii Prid 29. 4\morn aturday. 30 5 morn FOR ILFRAcOMBE. TORRIDGE. The only Steamer going direct and that lands and embarks PASSENGERS AT THE X IEU, without the aid of Boats. Friday. Aug. l.o?orn Tuesdav, ? 5. 8 murn J Friday, 8. 9,,norii1 Tuesday, -?.?MM Friday, Aug. 1;), 4 morn I Tuesday, J 9. 8 morn Friday, :J::J. 9 morn I Tuesday. 26. 12 noon. I Friday, Aug. :¿:J. 4 morn FROM ILFRACOMBE. PASSENGERS EMBAUKKD AT THE PIER. TORRIDGE. Saturday, Aug. 2. 7 morn Wednes., — 6. 9 morn Saturday, 9.H morn Thursdiy, B. 4 morn Saturday, Aug 30 I Saturday, Aug, 16, 6'morn I ^udnes., — 20. 9^morn Saturday, 23. 11 morn I Thursday, — 28. 4 morn I 6 morn LYN-NIOTI-TH.- riie Torridge calls off Lynmouth, going to and returning from Ilfracombe, weather permitting. Passen- gers landed and embarked on paymeut of Is. each. Luggage to be paid for at a moderate charge, for which purpose a tar j;e boat is always in attendance. For particulars apply io Mr, Thomas Baker, Lynton. FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. LORD BERESFORD, Mondays. I COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Aug. 4.1',111orn Wednes. 6. ;j1,TUorn Monday, 11. I(m()rn d 11 Wednes. — 13.12 n ion. Monday, Aug. 18 4^morn Wednes — 20 5.J morn Monday, ??. 9 morn I VVednes. 27. .12 noon, I FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Mondays. COUNTY, Wednesdays. Monday, Aug. 4. 3Ufter. Wednes, 6. 4',after. Monday, 11 I after. Wednes. 13. 4 after. I Monday, Aug. 183' Wednes. 2?) 4 "aft(?r. Montay. ?' I after. I Wednes. 27. 4 after. To and from CARDIFF, LADY CHARLOTTE and PRINCE OF WALES, daily, Sundays excepted. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels arc fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.— Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and H, rses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addressed:- for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Sons, 33, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay streetfor Cardiff', to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. Daniel Jones. Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenby; Mr. John llees, Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridhani, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, J Lynton. NOTICK.—The Proprietors of the ahnve Steam Packets will not be accountable for an)" Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (iflost or damaged) above the valueof £ 5: nor for any LAvk Passen- ger's Lujgage (iflost or damaged) above the value of 20s.: un- less in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at th time of delivery nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 4')s. (iflost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time ofueiiven. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes, I All letters seeking information to be pest paid. Bristol, August, 1845. 16 FOR NEW YORK, THE "BLACK BALL" LINE OF PACKET SHIP MONTEZUMA, I CAPT. LOAVBER, 980 Tons Register, 1600 Tons Burthen. I To Sail on the 16th of August. THI# IS OKE OF TUB FINEST AND NEWEST SHIPS OF THE REGULAR LINE OF PACKET SHIPS TIE seven passages she has made from Liverpool -I., to New York are-M-,ay, 1843, in 30 days. Septem- ber, 30 do. January, 1844, 28 do.; May, 30 do.; Sep- tember, 23 do. January, 1845, 39 do.; May, 27 do. FOR NEW ORLEANS, The magnificent first-class American Ship ONDIAKA; CAPTAIN GLIDDEN, 810 tons burthen, 1400 register. To Sail on the Tenth of September. Passengers ought never to embark for New Orleans sooner than the month of September, on account of the hot weather which prevails there till October. For passage in the above Ship £ apply to C. GRIM- SHAW and Co., 12, Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. PEMBROKESHIRE RACES IVill take place at Haverfordwest, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 20th and 21st, 184.5. FIHST DAY. THE PEMBROKESHIRE STAKES of 10 Sover- eigns each, 5 ft., and only F.3 if declared to the Clerk of the course on or before the 1st of August with Twenty-five Sovereigns added. To close and name to the Clerk of the Course on or before the 10th day of July, and the Weights to be declared by the 17th. The second Horse to save his st-tke. Nearly Two miles. To start at the road. PEMBROKESHIRE STAKES. st. lb. Mr. Parr's b. g. "Teetotaller." 6 yrs. 9 10 Mr. Southby's b. g. "Waterloo" 6 yr8. h. b. 8 4 Mr. Henderson's b. h. "Comet" 5 yrs. 7 10 Mr. Henderson's b. or r. filly by j Lady Charlotte" by "Carew," 3 yrs. g out of "Charlotte" by "Or- ville Jun" HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES of 2 Sovereigns each with Twenty-five Sovereigns added by George Lort Puillips, Esq. for half-bred Horses, bred in the County of Pembroke. Heats, Once round and a distance. THE SOUTH WALES TRIAL STAKES of a Sovs. each, with 25 Sovs.added, for Horses bred in the Principa- lity. Three years old to carry 7st. 71b.; four, 8st 121b.; nve, 9st. 81b.; six and aged, lOst. Mares and Geldings allowed 31b. Winners of any race of the value of £100, to carry 141b extra. Heats, once and a distance. SECOND D \Y. THE HAVERFORDWEST STAKES of 5 Sovs. each, with 25 Sovs. added Nearly Two Miles. To start at the road. Three years old to carry 8st.; four, 9st. 41b.: five, lost. six and aged, lOst. 71b. Maces and Geldings allowed 31b.; Half-bred Horses, bred in the County of Pembroke, allowed 71b. Winners before starting, once, to carry 31b. twice, 6111 and thrice, 91b extra. The winner to be sold for £100 if demanded in the usual wav. THE SCURRY STAKES of 3 Sovs. each, with- Sovereigns added. Heats, about three quarters of a mile. T hree years old to carry 8st. 71b.; four, 9st. 51b.; five, lOst. six and aged, lOst. 41b. Winners of any Stake or Plate of the value 0 f EIOO, to carrv 101b. extra. A HANDICAP STAKES of 3 Sovs. each, one ft., with Sovereigns added. Heats, nearly Two miles. To start inside the road. To enter after the second race. All Rules applicable to Newmarket will be enforced here, and the Stewards decision will be final. The entries to be delivered, sealed up, to the Clerk of the Course, at the Castle Hotel, on Monday, 18th August, before four o'clock, p.m. All Stakes, or the Forfeit named for each race, to be paid at the time of entry and the rest to be made good before starting, or not entitled, though a winner. The Colours of the riders to be named at the time of entry, or to be lined 10s. 6d.; to be paid before starting. The Owner'of each horse, in every race, to pay 2s. 6d to th? Clerk of the Course, at the time of entry, for Weights and Scales and the winners of the Pembroke- shire and Haverfordv est Stakes, one sovereign extra. Horses not to carry extra weight for having won a steeple chase or hurdle race. Walking over, or receiving forfeit, to be considered winning. No person will be allowed to start a horse who is in arrears for stakes. No person allowed to start a horse who is not a subscriber of one sov. to the fund. tiR!! A Ball on Wednesday night, and Ordinaries as usual at the Castle and Mariners' Hotels. GEO. LORT PHILLIPS, Esq., 1 ) Stewards. J. J. BRISTOW, Esq., ) ewar s" GEO. N. HASSELL, Clerk of the Course. CARDIGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS BOARD. Notice is hereby given, fTlHAT in pursuance of an Order of the County Roads JL Board, for the County of Cardigan, made at a General Meeting of the said Board, on Wednesday, the 2nd of July instant, the TOLLS arising and made pay- able at the several under-mentioned Gates, will be LET to FARM, for such term, to commence on the 27th day of August, 184-5, as shall be declared at the time of let- ting, at the times and places hereunder named, viz.: — ting, THE ABERAYRON NORTH GATE THE ABERAYRON WEST GATE THE LAMPETER NORTH GATE THE LAMPETER WEST GATE At the County Hall, in the Town of Aberayron, on Thursday, the 7th day of August next, at the hour of Twelve at noon. THE NEWCASTLE EMLYN WEST or ABER- CEIRE GATE THE NEWCASTLE EMLYN EAST GATE THE CARDIGAN NORTH GATE THE CARDIGAN EAST GATE At the Salutation Tavern, Newcastle Emlyn, on Friday, the 8th day of August next, at the hour of Twelve at noon. The Tolls arising at the above-mentioned Gates will be Let either separately or in such Lots as the Board then present shall direct. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must be prepared to give Security, with two sufficient and responsible Sureties (to be approved by the Board), for payment of the Rent monthly, or in such other proportions as the County Roads Board then and there assembled may determine upon. By Order of the Board, CHARLES PARRY, Clerk to the said Board, Aberystwyth, July 2nd. 1845. BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE -B COMPANY, No. 3i, Cornhill, London. Establish- ed in 1820, Incorporated by Act of Parliament. Capital £600,000. DIRECTORS. Sir Robert Alexander, Bart. Thomas Benson, Esq. John Ca tlev, Esq. John Cox, Esq. George Green, Esq. I seoasuan u. ma.rU11l>Z. bsq I Archibald F. Paxton, Esq. Wm Henry Porter, Esq. I Denr.il L Thomson. Esq. G. 11. Weatherhead, -VI.D. Managing Director-W. jeernie, ii,sq. Actuary—J. Goddard, Esq Auditors—The Rev. W. Fallofeild, M. A., T. Gorton, Esq. Physician—Septimus Wray, M.D. Bankers— Messrs. Glvn, Hallifax, Mills, & Co. London. The advantages offered by this Company are the fol- lowing :—Verv low Premiums on Insurances on the non- participation scale. On Insurances for the Whole of Life, One-half of the Premium is permitted to remain unpaid for the first seven years, as a Loan at interest, and then to be paid, or to remain as a permanent Loan at the option of the Insurer. By this means a Policy for the Whole of Life may be continued for seven years at half the usual rate, and At the end of seven years it may be continued without fresh Certificates, although the health mav be impaired. Two modes of Insurance are offered to the Public-the one, securing a fixed amount without profits, by payment of a low premium—the other, entitling the Insurer to participate in the profits on payment of a higher rate. Insurances for one and seven years effected at very j reduced rates. Persons going to any part of the world and all special risks are insured at adequate piemiums. The Company's Policies are purchased at their full value. Claims are paid in three months after satisfactory proof of Death. At the septennial division in December, 183 ), a Bonus of £ 26 7s. 10d. #1 cent. upon the premiums paid was declared amontrst the Insurers on the high Scale, and at the second sexennial division up to December, 1841, another Bonus was declared, averaging L:lo 14s. r cent. on the Premiums paid. The following are the rates $•' cent. charged for In- surances without profits for the whole of Life. A"c. £; d. j Age. £ s d. Age. £ S d. )5 190 3D 2 1 10 1;) ? 7 2 20 1 13 10 .'So 2 8 6 50 1 3 4 7 6 20 *25 117 4 10 L' 10 10 M ,5;¡ 0 2,5 1 17 4_ _i 4?-.5 5 0 Tahles of Rates, with every information, will be given bv the under named Agents. Bv Order of the Board, EBEN. FERNIE, Managing Director. ) AGENTS CARMARTHEN.Mr. James Evans. ABERYSTWYTH .Mr. Hugh Pugh. CARDIGAN Thomas Davies SWANSEA Mr. Thomas S. Todd. LEDBURY Mr. Edward Hawkins, Solicitor. Ross .Mr. P S. M' Dougalh NEWTON W. Poundly. BEAVMABIS Mr. Thomas Goddard.


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