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Ask to see our Private Christmas Card Books. Best Publishers. From 1/6 per dozen. Williams, Stationer, Lammas-street. [7446 ARRIVALS.-The s.s "Merthyr" arrived at Car- marthen on Friday, the 2nd inst.. with a cargo of- pure barley meal for the Carmarthen Farmera? j, Co-operative Soeiety, Ltd. 'I BANQUET.—The third annual banquet in connec- tion with the Carmarthen Branch of the Soafch Wales and Monmouthsbire Commercial Travellers' Association was held at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel on Friday evening last. The Mayor of Carmarthen (Councillor William Thomas) presided, and among the guests was Mr D. E Stephens (registrar). THR RINK.-Skatiug competitions will be held at the-Carmarthen Skating Rink next Thursday, The items will include waltzing, two-step, racing, etc. A large number of spectators are expected, The prices of admission and skates will be as usual, The management have qecided to admit ladies free to the evening session on Mondays, excluding Bank Holidays. The anniversary services were held at Zion Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. The Rev. | Prof. D. Williams, M.A., Theological College, Aberystwyth, 'preached inspiring sermons at 11 t ?.m.and 6.30 p.m. The congregations were large and the collections, which went towards the church 1 expenses, were sitbstantial, I The concert and display given-, bv. the First Carmarthen Troop of Girl Guides was held at the Assembly Rooms on TJiuredbjv (yev) even ing. Mr. George Kendall, the iarnous elocutionist will render Dickens's "Christinas Carol at the Assembly Rooms on Wednesday next. Violin and other solos will be given during tie e,Tê!lfug. This is Mr. Kendall's third visit to Carmarthen and it he will have a full house. RECITAL.—An organ recital will be given next Sunday evening at Christ Church. CarJarthen?y Mr W. Baxter Brookes, F.R.CO when 'the church choir will render two anthems "Hosannah in the Highest" (Stainer) and And the Glory of the Lord," from The Messiah."—We also should like to congratulate Mr Baxter Brookes on his ap- pointment of cbolrm^ter for the Lhcral Union of the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen SPECIAL MEEDNGS,-The half-yearly services in connechon witb the English Baptist Ch?h Car? marthen, wUl be held next Sunday, when Mr S J Burrow, of Plymouth, is to preach, It has been aecidt-d not to make a special appeal for subecrin- tions. but it is hoped that the collectioas will be as liberal as on previous occasions. At the after Mon service at  the Rev Dyfnailt Owen wiU take the ch?r, and Mr Burrow will The &gli8h N onconformhtt Sunday l^hS of the tdSf"8" S-nday CM. DISTRICT MUTING. Last Monday evenine adtstMet meeting of tbe Ca!viuistic MetbodS Cborcbes ot the Carmarthen District was held ajt sSecSretarty, MMrr jTT 11 wa eouveneath 8ecreta'y,. Mr J. j. Jeremy. The programme com. 0ms Persouai aud denominational, those £ beiønged to- person and churches and those ♦thK at belonged to the monthly meeting. Belegates were present from all the churches that bSon? to the Carmarthen District, and preparations were made fùr tht: lJt:'xt mcmthly meeting that will be hr tht i next week. held at Ll, anelly next week. JOURNALISTIC.—Mr. Matthew E. Gray WHO for some time has been a member of the ''Welshman" staff, has accepted a similar but higher, position on the" N arbertho Whitland and Clynderwen h 8 U's" hough his colleagues and manv tfir lIennd/I s regret his departure, they congratulate him upon his appointment, and wish him every succe,,>s. CONVERSAZIONE.—A meeting of the St. David's conversazione wa« held at the Model Schools last week, when the Rev. Owen Jones presided. It was unanimously decided to hold tins year's con- versazione on Monday, Dec. 20th (Boxmg night), and the children's. entertainment on the follow- ing uay at the Assembly Rooms. Mr. D D. I nomas, 10, Lammas Street, was appointed honi see., from whom tickets ma.v be purchased MONTHLY MARKET.—The* monthly market was aBe«Nld at CRarmarthen on Wednesday ind was fairJv large for the time of year. A few good t'at cattle wtre sold from lis. per score; fat Lulls, 30s. per ?-'?'? and calves, inferior ?ua!itv ?2 to £16 10s. apiece; fat ewes, 6d. per Ib., himbs 7d to ^L. per lh. a few br.ding ewes fetched from ?s. to dbs apiec.e. Messrs. Lioyd and Thomas • (?posedot by andion about t?uty head of cattle the prices being—bullocks. Us. Id per scoi e fat cows, 10s, per score. O?F&iEND& Gome.—The old gas lamps which have been a feature of the CarnLrth?n?breeS tor many years are now being pulled down the <nMe modern electric standards having taken their place Although many peuiple prefer the gas. the Town Colin-oil has entered into a 14 weut with the Elactric Lighting Company and the Gas Con pany seem to realise that it is useless keeping their h)n? in the streets ?ly long<?' fHy1'8 ? how ever to be regarded u?tess M nitty are to ba sold to theCaj-digan Co: ?ra? -HINTIUITAINMENT,—On Thursday, 1st inst a pleasant evening entertainment was \!n>ld. at the Lngbsh Wesleyan Schoolroom The Rev," J. H. Aewoy presided, and the programme, which (though short) was in every sense an excellent cne„ was gone through in a highly satisfactory manner.. Miss Ethel Jones, WaterIooJ Terrace and Miss E. M. Morris, Bryn Roma -proved ex- cellent accompanists. The programminduded; Song, Miss H. J. Jones; recitation, Mr. Oliver Evans: song. Miss Bkxhven Jones; song.. lr. Meudwy Davies; recitation, Mr. J. F. Morris' song, Mr. J. H. Davies; song, Miss May Jones; sung. Mr. Spencer Morris; recitation Mr J F Morris; song, Mr Meudwy Davies; and recita- tion, Mr. Oliver Evans. The proceedings were highly enjoyable and closed with the JNational Anthem. CONGRATULATIONS.—St. Peter's Parish Magazine tor this month contains the following:—•' Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Wim. Thomas upon his elevation to the honourable and resooo- sible office of Mayor and Chief Magistr ate of this ancient Borough. It is all the greater compli- ment to him that he had been chosen, for a which is likely to become a landmark in the his- tory ot Carmarthen by reason of the visit of th" National Eisteddfod, and is to be marked by two other events of even wider interest and lmport- anee, in whieh ? ? important that Uje town sahu ould j be worthily represented, viz.: ..h? mvpsU- ture of the Prince of Wales at Carnar ?n ?d the coronation of King George r, To none is this recognition of his integrity and worth 1 iought greater pleasure than to his fe How w< -rs at St John's Church, who wish him and his good lady a very happy and successful year of ollice.'v DEATH OF MR. JOHN GILSENAN—A few years ago Mr. J. Gilsenan, supervisor of Inland JR even lie, who lived for eight or nine years, in Penllwyn Park, Carmarthen, was appointed Collector in the same service and removed to Taiikerton-on-Sea in Kent. ? many friends at Carmarthen who s'?tiJll r retain kind memories of Mn:. and Mrs Gii- senan, will remember that Mr. Jolin Cole Gil- senan, the eldest member of their large family, was a youth of great promise. As a pupil of the Carmarthen Grammar School he was. a favourite and made remarkable progress in; his studies. He wa<s a highly accomplished musician for his age. and the ability he showed itL organ and violin playing was the wonder of all has young friends. I nfortuiKitely the young man, became a victim of consumption, and all the means tried to arrest the progress of the disease failed. We deeply re- gret to learn that 'he passed, away on Saturday morning last. Here and elsewhere many will sympathise truly and profoundly with the strickn parents, who naturally feel that their loss is.. humanly speaking. irreparable' SUNDAY INSTITUTE.—AT last Sunday's meeting • of the Sunday Institute, held in the English; Wesilevan Chapel, a delightful address on De- velopment was given by Mr. H. E. Ellis, M.A\ He said that the last century had been remark- able for its progress. Long dormant forces iijy nature had been discovered, and subjugated for> man's benefit. To derive-benefit from that pro- gressive spirit they must come into line with th, forces that would-, develop character, and the highest that was within them. Progress shouich be their watchword, and perfection their aim,. Believing in a strong, healthy body. he advo- cated physical development, but not at the ex- pense of the mind*. Their aim should be for a sound mind in a sound body. The development" of character (which was a growth) was effept»di and moulded by the atmosphere in which thay moved and .brea.thed. In mental development it was important that they &hould carefully con- sider what (in the vast output of the Press) thev should select ai}? read. They should always choose the It+J;@hlre which tended t?.T?SM Moderate readibg of good novels he did not con- demn, but the best mental food would be. got from those great books w hich towered in their gran clew ■ abo all others. Mr. Ellis also spoke of moral and spiritual development, which were bound; together, and showed that the highest standard of such development could only be reached bv cultivating a. beautiful spirit within. In conclusion he advocated an all round* develop- menu. CARMARTHEN LADIES' CHOIR.—A gratid concert was given at Siloah Chapel, Llanelly. ou Tuesday evening by the Carmarthen Ladies' tJhoir. The accompanied by the conductress., Miss A. M Bucklay. and the accompanist. Mi*. T. S. Pnd- qfcombe, left Carmarthen by the S: p.m. train. On arriving at Liancily the choir received a hearty welcome, and were entertained to tea. After visiting severa l places of interest in the town the choir adjourned to Siloah Chapel. Mr Evan Jones. Llanelly, presided: over a mge j gathering. The ladies on mounting the plat- j í:l'iIIl were warmly received. The audience thor- oughly enjoyed themselves, and encores were the or d er of the eveijing. The following was the or er'l p'¡ t "M' va. programme:—Part I. Piano duet, Minerva, Miwes D. Jones and O. Hopkins part song, "Ely singing Bird," The COll"; song. Philosophy, Miss Connie Brockie violim solo, Gavotte, Mr. L. Jones; song, The Poppies, Miss Edith Har- "The Rose," Miss Enid Wheldon; ries; song, Biny's Rose." Miss F-lorrie Hodges; recitation. ;OS'" 1\11.138 ,orne Uti song, Naiitiy-Mynydd. Miss Gladys Jones; part song, "The S'now," the Choir, encore, F lowers of May." Part II.: Pianoforte solo, "Grand Waltz," Mr. T. S. Puddicombe; song, Sleep." Miss Blodwen Jones; oRg, "Life's LuUabv," Miss Gwladys Isa,c; pa? song, Come Sisters," (1st prize Colwyn Bay National), the >"IS ,ers, 0 t' 0 t" e" Choir (encored), song. O nce upon a time," Miss May Matthews; song, Definitions, Miss IVlSS.i..aV I "M' L?lie B rockie song, Asleep in the Dec¡).. Miss Ii J. Jones; violin solo. Mr. Victor Jones: part song, Sea Maidens (1st priz? Colwyn. Bay inal)-¡, th Choir.


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