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A GOOD PLAN.-The eafeat, beat, and quickest J'?- way to make money by Stocks and Shares is fully explained in Thirteenth Annual Edition of Nxplanatory Book, sent poat free. Full of valuable information.— Address, Geo. Evans & Co., Stwekbrokers, 24, Queen 'Victoria Street, London, E. C. [8M4 EDUCATtONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, WHITLAND. -Head-Haste,r-EVA,N JONES. ESQ., M.A. (late Head. Matter, Old College School, Carmarthen). Head-Mistress Miss MARGARET DAVIES, Inter. B.Sc. (London). ,As&istant-Histress — Miss MABEL KITCHING, B.A. (London). Pupils are admitted at any time. Intending candidates, and for farther information, apply -to the Secretary, J. GRIFFITHS REES, 91461 Whitland. HAVERFORDWEST. HAVERFORDWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1613. Ef"d-Mast&-J. S. 0. TOMBS. M.A., late Open Scholar Mertoa College, Oxford; First-lass Classical Modera tiona. Second Jlastør-J. SAMUELS, M.A., late Exhibitioner. manuel College, Cambridge; Second-Clam Mathe- lnatical and Natural Science Tripoo. With two Resident and two Visiting Maatera. A TTACHED to the Schoo! are two Exhibitions to some A University (or other place of Mceation approved by t he Governors), open to boye who have attended the 8ØM1 ?or 8 yearw, ef the annual value of ?650 each, and tenable for 4, yearø. There are also several minor Scholarships to the School of JB8 yearly value, and tenable for 3 years. Boy* are admitted from eight years of age. The Head.Maator receives in his house a limited number Of Boarders. Ferms of application for admission and further partin Jbtm aa to terms, Ac., may be obtained from the Mead r, or from Mr Henry Davies, clerk to the Governors School Re-opened TM«d<M/, J<Mt. 22t)d. at 2 p.m. CARMARTHEN. OLD COLLEGE & PARK-Y'VELVET SCHOOLS. Heac:-Af<ts<ef—W. ROBERTS. VUwsics-L. WEDROS JONES, late Dr Williama' Scholar at Glasgow University. ilfathematies and SeMttce—M. F. 0. SULLIVAN, B.A. (Hon. ) Boarders kept. For terms apply to Head-Master, r8930 IBLUF-BTREET ACADEMY, CARMARTHEN Af<M<ef—MR. J. B. THOMAS, Undergraduate of London University; Fir"t-claas CoUege of Preceptors (Distinc- Unive Irg it g?emitrv) Exhibitioner at the University of Cardiff; First Prizeman in Classics and Mathematics at Treveoca College. PUPILS may be prepared for the Denominational Col- J<L leges of the Principality. Preliminaries—Medical, Ijegal, and Pharmaceutical, College of Preceptors, and the £oií.don Matriculation. This School gives an excellent Education on very taoderate terms. A limited number of Boarders may be kept in the Iluter's House. Terms on application. Private Address—Bedw Hoase, lOc, Priory Street. TBTE -G B. A M1\rXK'5 CS OU IT, CARMARTHEN. FOUNDED 1576. ESTABLISHED AS AN INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, 1894. TuiTiON FEES (inclusive)-XI 15s. per term. jL reduction is always made in the case of brothers. Chairman of Managing Body-C. LLOYD, Eao. pott.. Clerk to Managing Body-R. M. THOMAS, ESQ. Head-Jtf<M<ey: JE. S. ALLEN, M.A., late Open Scholar St. Catharine's College, Cambridge Ctassical Tripos, 1885 and late Modern Side Master and Assistant Classical Master at Christ College, Brecon, 1886-1892. Assistant-Masters: aö H. GOODLIFFE. M.A., late Open Scholar, St. Cath. arine's College, Cambridge 2nd Class Classical Tripos (2nd Bracket). D. F. CARY ELWES, M.A., Keble College, Oxford (Science Honours). 7fV. JONES, Head Master of the School of Art, Car- marthen.—Dfau)tTK!f Master. ,S. F. WESLEY-MARTIN, St. Peter's, Carmarthen.— Music Master. J. B. BLAND, Carmarthen.-Shorthand Master. ID CARDERS are received in the Head Master's JL? House. The School prepare3 for Scholarships at the Universities Of Oxford and Cambridge, London, and Wa!es Law and Medical Examinations; and all branches of Commercial Classes for London Matriculation, Oxford and Cambridge School Certincatea, Science and Art, S. Kensington. Hodom Side a special feature of the School. DISTINCTIONS FOB 1892—18M :—1 Scholarship and 2 Exhibitions at Oxford, total value .6750; Powis Scholar. <hip value .6240; Art Scholarship. Guy's Hospital, .£105 :3 Exhibitions, St. David's College, Lampeter 1 ditto, Aberystwyth University College; 4 passes London Ma- triculation (2!in Division 1.); 2 Upper Certificates and 4 Lower Certincates (5 First Classes). Oxford and Cambridge Board; 24 Certificates, S. Kensington, In addition to passes in Civil Service, Law Prelimina.ry, and 'Apothe- ories' Hall Examinations. Term beyem JoM.iKM'y 22nd, 1895. t Seven Bursaries, from .62 to 25s. to be given away, and jCwo House Scholarships, from .615 to j610, to b« awarded. For further information apply to the Head-Master. An EXAMINATION will be held on THURSDAY and ÐIDAY, APRIL 25th and 26th, 1895, to award ONE SCHOLARSHIP, giving free tuition, and THREE BOUSE SCHOLARSHIPS from .618 to .68 per annum. For particulars, apply Head.Master. CARMARTHEN COUNTY SCHOOL, FENCADER. CCHOOL Re-opens on January 1st, 1895. Special pre- t? paration for the Matriculation Examination of the Universities of Wales and London, Science and Art Classes in Practical Plane and c Soili-dj Oeomotry, Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Physiography, conducted by the Head-Master and Mr W. TJ. 'Archdeacon, B.Sc. (Honours), of Victoria University, A.I.C., F.C.S. (Berlin). A few vacancies for Boarders. Terms and particulars on application to the Head- Waster. f9052 WESTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL, WE8TON.8UPER.MARE. Primipals: J: CERIDFRYN THOMAS, B.So. (Lond.), L.C.P., &c. D. CYNON JONES, Int. B.A. (London). ASSM<<M1<S T.EJ. THOMAS, Int. B.Se. (Lond.). Hons. in Chemistry. A. MAYOR METCALFE, M.P.S. A. M.iSTAPLEY, B.A. (Cantab), 2nd Class Honours. CLASSES for the Jan. Matnc., Int. B.Sc., Prelim. ?? Sci., &c., will be resumed on the tl8th September, when the School re-opens. :=- N.B.-Its Science Lecture Hall and its 07iemical and JAhtysieaZ Laoor<t<crKS, all fitted up in modern style and <K!eguate{i/ equipped with appl],ratus, /amt a special ttJo&twe of the School. Forpro6pectus,&c.,&pp!y.Prmcipals; [8174 ESTABLISHED 1806. HENRY CADLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT, HALF MOON HOTEL, DARK-GATE AND BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN AGENT FOB BASS, ALLSOPP'S, AND OTHER ALES. GUINNESS AND OTHER PORTERS, IN CASES AND BOTTLES. CASKS, FROM 9 GALLONS AND UPWARDS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. SAMPLES AND FRfOJM ON APPLICATION. SCHWEPPB'S CHAMPAGNE GINGERADE, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, AND BRIGHTON SELTZBK WATER. VINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRICES. FBOM 2a. to 78. FM BoTTM. ALL ALES OF MATURE AGE. AN ORDINARY EVERY SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT TO A ? BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT TO THE JSTEB MAJESTY, By SPEOIAL WARRANT. PflINOll of WALBS, By NPBCLiL tFABBANT. J)AY, gON & HEWITT, INVENTORS AND SOLE PROPRIETOM OF THE "ORIGINAL" STOCK BREEDERS' MEDICINE CHESTS. TN these Cheats M-e the following matchless and world.renowne<t reatedies, all that a farmer reqmres to care diseaae among his atock and keep them in fine, healthy, and buoyant Mtdition:— THE CHEMICAL EXTRACT. For assuaging pain and inflammation in all wounds, add!e galls, strains, bruises, and swelling in horses for aaining after catving and lambing, and for swollen adders and eore feet. Qnarter-doz. box, 7a 6d. THE RED DRENCH. Celebrated for imnammatory diaorders: bnck as fevere, plenrisy, foot-and-mouth eomplfunt, yel!ows, surfeit, and red water. Also for difficult calving and tambing. Ss 6d per doz. for ewes, 13s per doz. for cows. THE GASEOUS FLUID. Unmatched for colic or gripes and debility In horses for colds, chitis, shivering nts, and diarrhoea in cattle, calves, and sheep. 20a per doz. box. THE RED PASTE BALLS AND RED POWDERS. Invaluable for ill-conditioned horses and after hard hnnt. ine and driving. For coughs, colds, staring coat, itching, swollen legs and want of strength. The Powder is to be given in the feed. 7s 6d per doz. THE CARMINATIVE CHALK. 1 A warm stomachic in severe diarrhoea or nnx, by way of 1 change of the gaseous inid in treat irritation ef the bowels. i doz. box, 10s. THE BLACK PHYSIC BALLS. Excellent for connned bowela and for worms in horsea, but a bran mash ahwntd nrat be ?ven. In bad caaea of wwrms give a dose of Broncholine after the Ball. 7<t per dozen. THE BRONCHOLINE. Invaluable for hu9k, hooae, or cough in cattle, calves, and sheep; for tapeworms, and werma in horses. i doz. box, 7a6d. THE GASEODYNE. Used as laudanum for uncontrollable spasmodic paina in ewes lambing, and perfectly safe. i doz. box, 10s M. THE ALCOHOLIC ETHER. Used as sweet spirits of nitre in severe colda and shiver- ing nta. i doz. box, 7s 6d. PtUCM OF CM8T8, WITH GUIDE TO FAP.RIEP-T-NO. 1 Complete, ir. Polished 0<Me, j66 6$. No. 2, J62 16< M. No. 3, /of Horsekeepers, compete, .85 5s. No. 4, .62 17s 6d. SpecKtZ Lambing and Cawing Chests, .63 3s <tK.<t .El 10s. Pamphlet on "Rearing of Calves, <MKt Lambing <md Calving Disorders," gratis atKtpost free. CARRIAGE PAID TO ALL PARTS. Patronised by the Nobility and the Leading Agricultarists of the British Empire and Celontea for over sixty yeara' and admirably adapted for all ordinary ailments among Stock. Each preparation can be had separately. Fall and easy directions enclosed. CAUTioN.-BetMH-e o/ Tmitations, <MMt see that the name of DAY. SON &nicwlTT 14 on oH Bottw Md. Pllackets. ROYAL ANIMAT. MEDICINE MANUFACTORY 22, DORSET STREET, BAKER STREET, LONDON, W. ESTABLISHED 1833. f9087 RENOWNED REMEDIES HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS Purity the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They mvigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all ComptMnttt incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are prioelem. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts Old Wounds, Sores and UIoera. It ia <MMaB for Gout and _Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. For SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and all SKIN DISEASES it has DO rival; aDd for contracted and stifT joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at fHOMAS HoLLOWAY's EstaMishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, ()XFORD STREET), LONDON And are sold a at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, 22a, and 33s each Box or Pot, and may be had of aU Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.B.—Advioa.Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4. or by letter. AL DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA The best remedy for Acidity of the Stoma-ch, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. IT costs nothing but a penny stamp to post your letter, and you may participate in the startlin offer made in these lines, and which is equal to putting Pounds into the pockets of those who '?llow the inlr\lct ions, WRITE TO-DAY for our Pictorial Guide Book which clearly shows thcinimense savin we help you to make and gives fun parllculars of ur Free Prize Distribution and list of Awards. Intruc. tions:Enclose P.D.D.for 26/?nd weend you by next post. Faf?ly registered, our famous ACM9 watch for lady or gentleman. Best quality well-finished, three-quarter- Plate movements, extra jewel l?d,crystal Flass fron t; CZ'es of soh s!erlllg silver (stamped) handsomely engine-turne? i??dy'? aM?'?i??? you? NAMC  tinted or piain dial as preterred.xvorth 3 guineas-OU for five years. A month's free trial allowed for testmg and proving. Full  returned if dissatisfid. B?w a re Imitations I ar splendid success ha. induced others to 611 the market with hundred of worthless H. Samuel's Watches are Always Reliabi I I H Vatcabte A!ways Satisfactory! Retuse att imitations, Md send to H. Samuel direct. With every § watch at 25s. and upwards H. Samuet inctud-M FREE handsome" Bavarian" Gotd (Rea:i<tered) a! Albert Chain, curb oattern. eaua) in appearance to a vatuaMe reat gotd chain. A Lady'selegant SB albert w.!t be sent if desired. UPWARDS OF JR ) 500 beauti?u) illustrations of bargains from ) Ha given in our New Pictorial Guide Book, which n contains on a separate heet, No. ]0t,997.389. N8 full particulars of onr Free REWARD PRIZE N? Dtstnbutton. Every descripnon of Jeweitery. H Cfock<, Etectro-SUver P)ate and Cuttery at m tare'-ty reduced prices. Watche-; 7s. to C25. Our B ''MARVEL OF THE WORLD. Ha)) marked MB S.ttver Enet'sh Lever (ud capped and )eweUed; Hj worth 5 suinfas. fot ;92 t2s 6d. Hundreds of STARTDMC LETTERS <rom wearert NTh. WONDERFUL ???.? ABSOLUTELY FREE. B H. SAMUEL. Largest Kng)ish Watd; M Manufacturer ?7.99 t01. S9 & t?. MA,RKET No 101 9Q7 g8g. 1 Cut this Out and send ii NOMI'9"Q? 7.Q8Q' ) with your nrder. COUPON BOND for H. SAMUEL'S WATCHES & FREE PRIZE DISTRIBUTfLON. THE WELSHMAN SPECtAL OFFER. The sender !s entitled to either of the two Watches at the Redwed price as ?escribed, and to receive with etch H. SttUKL's Special Free Prixe of t Bavanan QoM( Registered) Albert Cham M described for My or Gentleman. (Signed; H. SAMUEL. SterHnf!; Silver "Acme" Watch.25s. Marvel English Lever, Hall-marked, 52s 6d. < Money Order. to be made re to H. Samuel, at the General Post omee, Msuh,.t, j m STREET, MANCHESTER. Readers able to form dubs should aupty to H. Samuet tor particulars II oniffa II DIADEM BL END. AN EXCELLENT TEA. IMP.dRTrNG A FLA VO UR THA T LEA VES NOTHING TO BB j)E<SjTRED. DIADEM B LEN I), Per-2s.-Lb. ilb., lIb., and lib. Lead 31b. and 51b. Tins. Boxes, lOlbs., 201bs., and upwards. Proprietors: JOHNS & SON, TEA MERCHANTS, FUBFEFORS of ITALIAN STORE GOODS, GROOERIES, PROVISIONS, 4-c.; MAKERS of HOME-MADE BREAD, PASTRY, CONFECTIONERY, 4-c., THE TEA EXCHANGE SUPPLY STORES, CARMARTHEN. EXCBP.TION" OJVER—A limited number of CHOICE ENGLISH CHEESE, $D. pM Ib. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 0. E. DAVIES (LATE R. M. DAVIES), Dispensing Chemist to Her Grace Elizabeth Duchess of WeHington, and for Eight years Resident Dispenser to the Dreadnought Hospital, BB06 TO ANNOPNCB THAT M .ï HAS REMOVED Fr_lO, BjNG STREET, to more commodious and conTenient Preimses at ( 48, KING STREET, t4r many years occupied by the late Mrs. Rhya Jones, Ironmonger, and opposite the old Shop. tin talma thia opportnnity of thMkin? hia Mmerons C<MtomeM for the kind ampport they have t?waya ?iven to the JTi. M-eatabUBhed Bosmeas. &nd thinks that with the M<M fMdittes be hae now ?t eommMd, be will be stiU better i:6bblle me?eet their wiBhee and menttcontinQamoeottheu'favpara. a ? utmost rehMce may be ptaced on alt PreBcriptioM bemgvery CMefaHy prepMed by C. E. DAVIES with the beG tf?aga and PrepMwtiona of the British Pharm&cop<BL&. AU ?raga &nd Cheouc&ta may be cenMeat!y relied on M beet ] Fthe beet qmatity. ——————— PP.atent Medieina <M-e warranted ?eMMtM from their respective proprietors or Agmts. f9004 ? Tnterestm? ?? Stories t nstructive, told and N the tea- nspiring, sons taught to young and old, the teamed ?. and the unlettered? in that ?u- ?mj? ? perb Ho!y Land Art Portfolio <L?ri<?e ??????? ???M ???..?tt$ ? ?rtH\?\? ?? j?.j?? ?E? 20;? ? BEAUTIFUL ART 0? NUMBERS 2:? SUPERB 00? JO0Q4? ? PHOTO-ENQRAVINQ5 384 Desci-iptive Text by JOHN H. VINCENT. D. D., LL. D., aat JAMES W. I.RK. D. D. Photographs by ROBERT E. M. BAIN. TheM Ate the EjcceptionaIIy Easy TernM: Part IX. now ready. To obtain each Part it will be necessary to cut out the appended coupon, and forward it, together wiH the necessary cash or halfpenny stamps, direct to the WELSHMAN OmcE, 123, Lammas- street, Carmarthen, or to our NEWSAGENTS. PARTS I. TO VIII. MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED. CO IIP ON. EARTHLY FOOTSTEPS OF THE MAN OF GALILEE. For one of these Coupons, and 7id. in cash or postage stamps, we will deliver, post free, to any tddress in the United Kingdom, Part IX. of our Portfolio of Photographs. tf delivered at our Omce, or purchased of any Newsagent, the price will be SIXPENCE. PIeaae forward Portfolio No. to Name .Ad,dre*i -I- _h -=-0- If you are unable to procure from our NEWSAGENTS, send cash or 71d. in halfpenny stamps to ONAGER, WELSHMAN," 123, LAMMAS STREET, CARMARTHEN. THE BEST SOAP FOR SPRSNQ E SOAP FOR TF, FO R SOAP R 6r- bTA'gLf- o- D WATSON'S MATCHLESS CLEANSER issotd only !n t6oz. Tabiets. A t6oz. TABLET of SOAP for 3d. equals jd. per tb. ff" 21d- 3id- SCHOOL OF ART. DAY CLASSED.—Mondays and Fridays, 10am. tt? JL? 1 p.m. Fee, 126 6d per quarter. Wedaeadays, 2.3? p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Fee, 7s 6d per qnarter. Satardayx, 10 30 a.m. to I p.m. Fee, 7s (M per quarter. ARTISAN NIGHT CLASS.—Mondays, Tueadayo, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridaya, 7 p.m. to 9 pjn. Fee. 5a per quarter. :.90951 W. JONES. Maater. SOMETHING NEW. McCULLOCH'S TDATENT INDIA-RUBBER SOLES A BEEL& JL for ordinary Boots and bboes, cam be nailed ea m a, few minutes with ordinary carpet tacks. Ladies' Reels and Soles, la. 6d.; Heeta on!y, 6d per pair. Gents' 6d.; „ la. „ By poet, extra „ 3d.; „ When ordering, by poet, send paper sketch, exact mze. Illaiqtmted cironl'tr on application 10 the Patentees, THE MIDLAND RUBBER Co., 107, Godwin St., Bradford. !90M NEW ZEALAND smPHNG COMPANY. TANEHFFE, CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA, AUS. TRALLA (?. HOBART). & NEW ZEALAND. 1?/rONTHLY Service. ExceUMttaooommedatien. LibtMt j?'I. cnMine. Speeia! arrangementt ftr book'mg 1'Mf'?f at Bedooed Faree and Bemnd the World TomrB. RIMUTAKA, APRIL 4th t RUAPEHU. MAY M Apply to J. B. Weatray and Cc., 138, LeadenhaD- etreet, London. E.C. t90&7 BASIC SLAG. CARGO JUST ARRIVED. GUARANTBBD ANDLYSIS. FOR PMCt, &C, ATPl.T TO— THOMAS JENKIN8, 68731 POTHOUSE WHARF, CARMARTHEN POTHOUSE STEAM SAWING, PLANING, AND MOULDING MILLS, CARMARTHEN. f AB?E STOCK of BUILDING aad JOINERY ?-? TIMBEK in Yard, and Sawing of all kinda exaeatei by experieneed Sawyers, at Moderate Charges. Agent tor Carmarthen, Cardigan, and PemhrokMhife. for E. A. Vayler, well-known Joinary Manafactafera Mtt Importere. H. G. POWELL, 8M6] TUfBEB ifFRCBANr. IF YOU REQUIRE GENERAL & COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, WOOLS & SILKS, FANCY WORE, &c., &e.y GO TO D. WILLIAMS, K 'WL". '8J d:d AIHB FAycr EXPOSMEY, 6, LAMMAS-STREET, CARMARTHEN. BASIC SLAG! BASIC SLAG 11 J. B. ARTHUR Begs to <nMiotHMe the orr'n?<t! of <t C<M'yo of 250 t<MM of BASIC PHOSPHATE, IN SPLENDID CONDITION. ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. BARLEY. FLOUR, AND MAIZR, At remarwiy tote prica. PriceB on application te J. B. ARTHUR, PBIORF STREET, <nMt the QUAY aTORNS, CARMARTHEN. WILLIAM FINCH, WIE ct SPIRIT MERCHA-VT, NOTT SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. Holds a splendid Stock of FINE OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES, OF SUCH NOTED BRANDS AS TM UAM VAR, ENCORE, MOUNTAIN DEW, JOHN JAME80N, AND OTHERS. PORTS, SHERRIES, HOCKS, MOSELLE, CHAMPAGNE, AND CLARETS, IN LARGE VARIETY. -AGE-IVT FOR BASS AND ALLSOPA-V .4LBS. LARGE STOCK OF 9 & 18 GALLON CASKS. VARIOUS QUALITIES. WHAT CREAM 18 TO MILK, CREMO" TEAS A.BE TO TEAS USUALLY SOLD At the SftMK )MtC€S, vix. Is., Is. 4d., ls. 7d., and 2s. per lb. IN PACKETS ONLY, bearing above label &k.A.qent-Z. D. JONES, 21, Franc!s Terrace Carmarthen. t9042 SREAHFAST-SUPPEM E P P S S G RATE FUL-COM FORT! NG. COCOA 801".1 N G WATSIN *a MlaaL