CARMARTHENSHIRE HUNT WEEK AND STEEPLE CHASES. A MEETING of the Supporters of the above Meet. < ing will be held at the BOAR'S HEAD HOTEL, at 2.30 o'clock, on Saturday, December 5th, 1868, for the purpose of arranging the Programme. All gentlemen interested in the success of the Meet- ing are particularly requested to attend. P 48 By Order of the Committee. ISAAC ANTHONY, AUCTIONEER, BEGS to return his grateful thanks to the Public for JD the very liberal support accorded to him as an Auctioneer in this and the adjoining Counties for several years, and hopes by promptitude and despatch in the settle ment of accounts to merit a continuance of public support. Sales Cashed or Guaranteed, or Money advanced to any amount on approved Security. Engagements accepted either by the Day or per Centage. Dynevor Lodge, Llanelly. x 8 NOW PUBLISHED. HYMNAU HEN A NEWYDD I'w harfer Yngwasaneth yr Eglwys. HYMN AND TUNE BOOK. s. d. Limp cloth, sprinkled edges 2 6 Cloth boards, red edges 3 0 Roan boards, red edges 4 0 HYMN BOOK. s. d. Limp cloth, sprinkled edges 1 0 Cloth boards, red edges 1 4 Roan boards, red edges 2 0 The usual allowance is made to the Trade, and to Con gregatioDS purchasing quantities. All particulars can be obtained on application to the Publishers, J. HADDON & Co., 3, BOTJVERIE STREET, FLEET STREET, LONDON. The Books may also be had at the Bangor Depot of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, through all Country Booksellers, or direct from the Publishers. Single copies will be forwarded Post Free at the above prices. p 41 ANNUAL FAT CATTLE SHOVT CHRISTMAS, 1868. In connection with the Pembroke Fat Cattle Club, President: THE RIGHT HON. EARL OF CAWDOR. THE above SHOW will take place at the PRIORY, -L Pembroke, on MONDAY, the 14th day of Decem- ber, 1868, being Fair Day. PRIZES will be awarded to the owners, subject to the mies of the Club, as follows:- CLASS A.-For the best Fat Ox or Heifer, of any age, first and second Prizes will be given. CLASS B.—For the best Fat Steer, under four years old (age to be specified at the umeof entry), first and second prises will be given. CLASS C.—For the best Fat Heifer, under four years old (age to be specified at the time of entry), first and Mcond prises will be given. CLASS D.—For the best Fat Cow, first and second prizes will be given. The owner of the Third best Animal in each of the above Classes will save the Entrance Fee. CLASS E.—For the best pen of Fat Wethers, of not less than three; first and second prizes will be given. CLASS F.—For the best Fat Pig first and second prizes will be given. ENTRANCE FEES:— For Class A, 6s; for Classes B, C, and D, 4s; for the Sheep, 2s per pen and the Pigs, 2s each, Non-members four times the amount in each class. Extra Stock of Members for Sale or otherwise, not included in the above Classes, will be charged for as follows: each Ox, Steer, Heifer, or Cow, Is; Sheep, Twopence each and Pigs, Sixpence eaoh; of non-members, Ox, Steer, Heifer, or Cow, 2s 6d; Sheep, Sixpence; Pigs, One Shil- ling and Sixpenoe. Entries to be made to Mr Joseph Powell, Auctioneer, Pembroke, on or before Saturday, the 5th of December, before 4 o'clock, after which no entries can be received, as the Committee will meet at that time to fix the amoont of Prizes. Entrance money to be paid at the time of entry. The STOCK to be in the Show-yard by 11 o'clock a.m., and the Judges will proceed to give their award at half-past Eleven o'clock. Any person wishing to enter the yard during the time the Judges are inspecting the Stock, may do so by Special Tickets, 2s 6d each, which can be had of the Secretary. The PRIZE and other ANIMALS will be SOLD by AUCTION in the Show-yaod, at half-past Twelve o'clock. The Ordinary at the Lion Hotel, Pembroke, at Three o'clock. JOSEPH POWELL, Secretary. N.B.—The Public will be admitted to the Show-yard by Tickets, which may be had of the Secretary, at One Shilling each. Members free. A Silver Cup will be given by the Right Hon. the Earl of Cawdor to the largest purchaser of FAT STOCK entered for Competition. Jonas Dawkins, Esq., will present One Guinea to the Owner of the best blaok Ox or Heifer entered for competi- tion. MR. ISAAC ANTHONY'S ANNOUNCEMENTS CARMARTHENSHIRE. SALE OF TIMBER. N A. N T Y S AER, IN THE PARISH OF LLANEGWAD. Important to Timber Merchants, Coal Proprietors, and others. MR. ISAAC ANTHONY will SELL by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, December 2nd, 1868, at the SALUTATION INN, Pontargothi, a plantation of LARCH TREES and POLES, now standing and growing on the Farm and Plantations of NANTYSAER, in the parish of Llanegwad. The plantation contains 213 Larch Trees, about 30 years growth, well grown and of good quality, together with all the Elm, Ash, and Alder Trees, marked X in Paint. The Plantation and Trees stand on the road-side from Llaneg wad to Breohfa, distant about Three-quarters of a mile from the Nantgaredig Station, on the Vale of Towy Railway. The whole of the above to be sold in one Lot. The Tenant of Nantyeaer will show the above Lot. For further information apply to the Auctioneer, or to MrJMartin Griffiths, Llangendeirne, Kidwelly. Alao, at the close of the above Sale, a Lot of Oak and Ash Timber and Poles will be offered for Sale, containing 132 in number, with Two very large Sycamore Trees, growing near the above place, which belongs to another party. For all information concerning this Lot, apply to Mr William Thomas, Timber Valuer, &c., Penallt-isaf, Llan- arthney. P 31 TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, COLLIERY PRO. PRIETORS, AND OTHERS. Important and Extensive Sale of Larch, Ash, Oak, and other Timber Poles, &c. MR. JOHN THOMAS will SELL by AUCTION, on SATURDAY, 12th December, 1868, at 1 o'clock in the forenoon at the HALF-MOON HOTEL, Carmarthen. LOT 1. A of about 16 acres of very fine Larch, Ash, and other Timber and Poles, growing on the Farm of TREFORIS-FAWR, in the parish of Saint Ishmael, in the County of Carmarthen. LOT 2. 4,625 Larch, and 1,298 Oak, Ash, Beech and Spruce Timber and Poles of excellent quality, now growing on the Farm of NANTYBWLA, in the parish of New- church, in the County of Carmarthen. Lot 1 is about a mile distant from the Ferry Side Station of the Great Western Railway, and Lot 2 is about Two miles distant from Carmarthen. Inspection can be had on application to the tenants, and for further particulars apply to Mr John H. Barker, Solici tor, Carmarthen, or to the Auctioneer, Stag Cottage, nea" Carmarthen. p 3r ——————————————————————————————— 3 CARMARTHEN SHIRE. Important and Extensive Sale of Standing Timber and Poles. To Timber Merchants, Coal Proprietors, &c. MESSRS. JENKINS AND DAVIES have been instructed by Mrs Jenkins. of Henfaes, to SELL by PUBLIC COMPETITION, on FRIDAY, the llth day of December, 1868, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the BLACK LION INN, Llanybyther, very valuable STANDING TIMBER, and POLES, in 4 Lots. (Subject to conditions,) viz LOT 1.-Consists of 2423 Larch, and 25 Ash Trees, (be the same more or less), of forty years' growth, standing and Frowing in a Plantation and on the Hedges thereof on the Farm of NANTLLECHFA WR, in the Parish of Llan fihangel-ar»arth. LoT 2.- Consists of 433 Ash, 376 Alder, 87 Larch, 76 Sycamore and 2 Poplars, standing and growing on NANT- LLECSFAWR and NANTLLECHFACH. The above 2 Lots are situated within two miles of Pencader Railway Station. 4/ot 3.—Consists of 282 Ash, 345 Alder, 39 Elm, 8 Cherry, 14 Beech, 7 Mountain Ash, 20 Sycamore, 48 Birch, II Willows, and 170 Larch, standing and growing on part of HENFAES Farm, in the Parish of Llanllwni. LOT f.-Consists of 335 Ash, 398 Alder, 33 Elm. 7 Beech, i Mountain Ash, 10 Sycamore, 67 Birch, 216 Larch, and 1 Spruce, ctanding and growing on part of HENFAES, in the parish of Llanllwni. The last two Lotet are within one mile from Llanybyther Railway Station, with excellent Roads leading thereto. Two Plantations on Nantllechfawr and a small one on Nanillechftati are reserved, and all Trees marked with white Paint, at. the Oak Trees, and those Trees which are growing on the boundary Hedges are not included in any of the abovs « Lots. The Touante of the Farms wmshow the Timber, and for further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. Newoourt and Llanybyther, Nov. 20th, 1868. r 38 LARCH TIMBER. MR. JOHN JORDAN JONES has been favored with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, in one or two Lots, to suit purchasers, at the BLACK LION HOTEL, Lampeter, at 12 for 1 o'olock on WEDNESDAY, the 16th December, 1868, all of that Grove of LARCH TIMBER above the road at GRAIGW EN, in the Parish of Llanfihangel Ystrad, in the County of Cardigan, consisting of 1443 more or less of about 35 years' growth, measuring up to 24 feet by 8 inches girt. Graigwen is situated near Talurn Four miles from Bettw=ion, on the Manchester and Milford Railway, Eighteen miles from the Seaport town of Aberayron. Also in one Lot all those Ash, Elm, Beech, Sycamore and Alder, of about 35 years' growth, marked with white Paint, uow standing in PENLAN DINGLE, within One mile of Talsarn. For particulars and to view, apply to Mr Timothy Evans, Talsarn, Carmarthen. p 40 PEM BROKE SH IRE. Important Sale of Stock, Crop, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, &c. MESSRS. JOHN DANIEL JONES & SON will I SELL by AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 8th of December, 1868, at MANARDEIFY RECTORY, near Llechryd, the whole of the very Valuable STOCK, CROP, IMPLE- MENTS of HUSBANDRY, DAIRY UTENSILS, &c., &c., the property of the Rev W. Lloyd, who is giving up farming, consisting of 5 very excellent Milch Cows of the Hereford, Guernsey, and Durham Breeds, 2 excellent Draught Horses, Õ Store Pigs, 2 large rirks of well Harvested Hay, 8 stacks of Barley and Oats, a large quantity of Potatoes, Mangolds and Swedes in Lots to suit purchasers, 2 Ploughs, Drill Plough, 2 Harrows, 2 Carts, Roller, Cart, and Ploughing Harness, Winnowing Fan, I Chaffoutter, by Ransoms," 1 ditto Turnip Cutter, Pitch- forks, Rakes, Conchrake, Potatoe Digger, lots of dry Timber, Dairy Utensils, Cbeesepress, Kneading Trough, lots of Bottles, Jars, with lots of other numerous articles. Credit on Conditions. Sale to commence at One o'clock precisely. Nov. 23rd, 1868. P 45 FOR SALE. THAT beautiful Entire aged Horse, ELVASTON, a i bright Bay, stands 15 hands 3 inches high, is quite sound, has an excellent temper, and is a sure foal getter. ELVASTON" is by "Ithuriel," out of Sophistry" by Voltaire", her dam Wagtail," by °, Whisker," grand dam Sorcerer." "Ithuriel" was by "Touchstone," Voltaire" by "Blacklock" the sire of Voltigern," thus combining the stoutest Blood in England. For particulars apply to the Coachman, at Stackpole Court, near Pembroke. p 37
TO THE FREEHOLDERS, AND OTHER EIjEOTOHS OF THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. GENTLEMEN,— I Permit me to return you my very sincere thanks for the distinguished honoor you have conferred upon me, by electing me one of your representatives in Parliament. It will always be as much my pleasure as my duty, to endeavour to requite your kindness by exercising a watchful care over your local interests, while all public measures, so far as they are not inconsistent with the Conservative principles which I profess, shall at all times receive my warmest support. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obliged and grateful servant, Blaenos, Nov. 26th, 1868. JOHN JONES. Blaenos, Nov. 26th, 1868. p 47
TO THE ELEOTORS I OF THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. GENTLEMEN,— Allow me to offer you my sincere thanks for the kind support given to me at the late election. Though, unfortunately, in a minority on this occasion, I am fully persuaded that this constituency is to the core Conservative. I feel certain that when the present religious excitement (which has been stirred up for party purposes) shall have passed away, the County of Carmarthen will, on every future occasion, return two Conservatives. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, I HENRY L. PUXLEY. I 25th Nov., 1868. P 42
I THE ELECTIONS. The roll of Liberal losses, says the Times, is not inconsiderable, and would, indeed, be important were not the Liberal majority so great as to be able to withstand all possible shocks of fate. One must bewail the fate of Mr Pugh, Conservative as he is, so dear is he to all lovers of their classics, and especially of their "Virgil." A person of kindly imagination may easily picture to himself Mr Glad- stone and Mr Pugh exchanging condolences in cross quotations out of their favourite author. The veriest Tory, too, must pause in this triumph over the leader of the Opposition to lament the sad fortunes of Mr Gladstone's colleague. The representative in the last Parliament of that borough of Stoke for which two Liberals have been returned in the present election without any more serious opposition than was removed by payment of the £ 280 which mysteriously' disappeared betwen Mr Hartwell and his agents." Mr Grenfell had migrated to another borough, where, as the result proved, he might have been elected without even the irksome necessity of a poll, had not public duty called him to South Lan- cashire. To South Lancashire he went. He made speeches, of which all that the world knows is that they where invariably well received. He listened for hours to speeches which the world has read with a free exercise of the privilege of 6, skipping;" and at the last he is at the bottom of the poll. Never was patriotism exhibited so brightly; never was it so exclus ively its own reward. The Daily News confesses that Wednesday was a day of defeats, which would deserve to be called disasters, save that they can have no practical bear- ing on the great issue at stake. Happily a Liberal majority which, in spite of any deductions that can now be made from it, will be commanding and overwhelming, has been already secured. That Mr Gladstone should have been able, in the face of an opposition sleepless in its energy, almost bound- less in its resources, and unscrupulous as to its means, to run his adversaries so close as he did yesterday, shows a growth of opinion and courage in his favour. The Star suggests that it is, after all, rather matter for local than for national regret that Mr Gladstone has lost his county seat. It was a splendid fight, and, considering the boasts of the local Tories, may be considered in spirit a triumph over unprecedented obstacles, though not a victory in the practical result. Happily, it was only a suc- cess of honour that was being contended for. The substantial success was already gained. Mr Glad- stone has a majority in the House of Commons if not in South-West Lancashire. The Standard contrasts the fact that no leading member of the Tory party has been thrown out- no Minister, except the law officers of the Crown- while the Liberals have lost one after another of their leading men-Mill, Milner Gibson, Bruce, Hartington, and now Gladstone himself. The defeat of the Liberal leader is only the culmination of a series of Conservative successes in Lancashire; the last vote but one required to complete the verdict of the great centre of manufacturing wealth and industry against the policy of revolution and confiscation. Mr Gladstone will be, no donbt, a more desperate and dangerous politician than here- tofore. But in the same proportion he will be weaker than he has been. His moral weight and authority have sustained a shock they could ill afford; and the distrust of the moderate Liberals will become stronger and more active as his violence and his subservience to Mr Bright are more ap- parent. He may carry them with him as far as the disestablishment of the Irish Church, but he can rely on them no further. The settlement of the pecuniary rights of the Protestant community will introduce the wedge of discord the division of the spoils will resolve the party into its constituent and antagonistic elements, and when the scramble and squabble is ended the right hon. the member for Greenwich will find himself reduced from the com- mand of the "great Liberal majority;" to divide with Mr Bright the leadership of that extreme Radical faction which alone heartily trusts either of them, and which it is equally certain the country does not and never will trust. The Telegraph does not underrate thø importance of Mr Gladstone's defeat, but the mischance cannot for an hour hinder the onward march of the party which is shortly to be called into power. Indeed, the Conserva- tive :successes of Wednesday diminish only in a slight degree the strength of the Liberal majority. Yesterday, exclaims the Herald, was a great day for the Conservative party. The general result of the elections is highly satisfactory, but the crowning triumphs in South-West Lancashire and Middlesex stamp it with exceptional interest and importance. The Herald is hardly sanguine enough to anticipate that the Opposition journals will acknowledge the full extent of the disasters they have thus sustained. They will con- tinue to dandle before the country that tremendous majority of which we hear so much, but which is .still in nubibus. They pin their faith not upon a principle, but upon a single statesman, and yet when he loses his seat under circumstances equivalent to a vote of censure upon the part of nearly all Lancashire, we may expect to be told that it is merely the loss of a seat.
MR. PUGH AND THE TIMES."—We take the following from Wednesday's Times :—Wales has come to the front also, to second Scotland in strengthening the Liberal power. In Carmar- thenshire a Liberal has headed the poll by a consi- derable majority; and although Mr. Jones, of Pantglas, still remains a Parliamentary name, we must bewail the fate of Mr. Pugh, Conservative as he is, so dear is he to all lovers of their classics, and especially of their Virgil. A person of kindly ima- gination may easily picture to himself Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Pugh exchanging condolences in cross quotations out of their favourite author. But, as the good perish as well as the wicked, a man may know his Æneid, and yet fail to secure the favour of a constituency. Carmarthenshire was not the only Welsh constituency which yesterday decided in favour of Liberal principles.
LOUGHOR.—WINTER EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS.— The second of a well-regulated series of entertainments was given on Saturday, the 21st inst. The chair was taken by James Buckley, Esq., jun., of Brynycaeran, Llanelly, and he discharged his duties to the entire satisfaction of the audience. On opening the proceed- ings, he said as the programme was a long one, he should not trespass on their time by any lenghty re- marks, but at once call on the Loughor amateurs. The following programme was then gone through very suc- ceasfully: Glee, Loughor Amateurs; song, Mr J. Phillips reading, Isaac Owen; song, Mr Bytheway; duet, Miss Wilson and Miss Buckley; song, Mr J. Morris; duet, Mrs and Miss Bingham; song, Miss Wilson pianoforte, Mrs Bewicke; song, Miss Buck- ley reading, Mr C. Bingham song, Mr Bytheway duet, Mrs and Miss Bingham song, Mr J. Phillips; song, Mr Barton reading, Mr H. Harry God save the Queen," Miss Wilson. At the close of the interest- ing evening, the chairman proposed, in suitable terms, a vote of thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who had so kindly helped to fill up so good a programme. A vote of thanks was also proposed to the chairman, by C. Bingham, Esq., for his kindness in presiding over them for that evening. Both these were carried unanimously, and the entertainment closed.
FROM THE LETTER H." TO AN EXPECTANT I M.P. FOR THE COUNTY OF C-. My dear Mr R-, it is really quite clear, That you're not fit for this situation, For it truly is said, you're not right in the H-ead, And quite wrong as to your H-education. November 24th, 1868.
ELECTION NEWS. On Tuesday night the returns for the oounties and boroughs, were-Liberals 364, Conservatives 247, giving a majority of 117 Liberals. This number is being dimi- nished by the returns sent in daily from the counties, but, says the Times, it may be said with sufficient cer- tainty that the Liberal majority will exceed 110 and be less than 120. Whether it will be nearer the second than the first figure must depend upon the event of the contests yet to be determined but, after making the most ample allowance for Conservative victories and moderating our own hopes by the light of recent experi- ence, it seems probable that the majority will exceed 115 rather than fall below it. CARNARVONSHIRE.—Parry, 1,849 Pennant, 1,714. LANCASHIRE (South-West).—Conservative Return.— Cross, 7,736 Turner, 7,676.-Gladstone, 7,395; Gren- fell, 6,934. Liberal Return.—Cross, 7,750; Turner, 7,714.—Gladstone, 7,461; Grenfell, 7,010. LEICESTERSHIRE (SOUTH). Ourzon, 3,201; Pell, 3,110; Paget, 2,448. NORFOLK (SOUTH).-Read, 3,083 Howes, 3,033 Hudson, 1,691.
I TERRIBLE RIOTS IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. During the election on Tuesday there were serious riots. Hundreds of people thronged the streets at Blaenavon and destroyed property to a large extent. The greatest damage was done at the Lion Hotel. Not only were the windows smashed, but the win- dow frames and doorways were destroyed. The in- furiated mob obtained possession of the building, which on Tuesday morning was the most imposing in the whole town. The stock of wines, valued at JE400, was soon drunk by the rabble, who, becoming infuriated by the same, proceeded to further acts of violence and destruction. The whole of the furni- ture was thrown out in a heap, including every ar- ticle of bedding and wearing apparel, and as soon as the house was stripped, the whole of the furniture was set fire to. Whilst this was going on outside, the party in possession was carrying on their work of destruction, and efforts were made to fire the building, but fortunately unsuccessfully. The Lion, however, which was one of the most modern hotels in Blaenavon on Tuesday morning, is now the mere skeleton of the house, nothing whatever remaining but the bare walls. At this unfortunate house two clubs were held, the whole of the books and papers belonging thereto, together with X40 worth of stock being destroyed. The rebels also carried away X130 in cash, 113 worth of silver spoons, &c., and a num- ber of electro-plated pint cans, the value of which we are unable to ascertain. At the Lion an accident, which has proved fatal, occurred under the follow- ing circumstances. A man failing to knock out the window frame of one of the top windows, rushed against it with all his force, which succeeded, but the destroyer fell into the street with the window frame, and broke his neck. The Prince of Wales was also attacked by the mob, who smashed the windows, carried away what money they could find, and also took away several flitches of bacon, and the fowls in the rear of the premises. The shop window of Mr. Lewis, shoemaker, was also completely destroyed, and a quantity of goods taken away. Looking at the stones inside the shop, we wondered however any man could have thrown them there, as some were more than 1 cwt. The shop and premises of Mr. Ellis, grocer, were also visited, and a large amount of property destroyed. The contents of the shop were thrown into the street, and what was not burnt was carried away by the mob. The brewery was lalso visited, but no considerable amount of damage was done. In the evening, the mob becoming so exasperated, the military were sent for at Newport, and shortly after nine, sixty of the Welsh Fusiliers were in Blaenavon, and their presence speedily put an end to the riotous proceedings. The military then went to Abersychan, where considerable damage was done to the White Hart and other buildings, and forty-six of the rioters have been conveyed to Pontypool, where also disturbances took place, the Crown Hotel sharing a similar fate to that of the Lion at Blaenavon. On Wednesday afternoon, sixty of the Welsh Fusiliers were again sent to Blaenavon, and forty were sent to Pontypool, another outbreak being feared, but no fresh outbreak had taken place, and the presence of the military will be sufficient to preserve the peace at both places. At Tredegar there were also distnrbances of a rather serious character. Early in the afternoon fighting conmenced in the streets, and in a short time the combatants on each side became engaged in what is termed a real faction fight. During the greater part of the day the police were wisely kept in-doors, but when things began to assume a serious aspect, Supt. Fowler and the men under him did all they could to check the riot and disorder. Windows were smashed by the dozen, and obnoxious publicans who were considered to have voted, or influenced others to vote for the unpopular candidates, were obliged to resign their cellars to the mob, who then drank ad libitum. About 5 p.m. the military was telegraphed for to Newport, but they did not reach Tredegar until 11 p.m. By that time nearly all was over. Two houses, it appears, were completely gutted, the polling booths were razed to the ground, said some of the books are missing. One man is and to be dead from injuries received during the day.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
f CARMARTHENSHIRE ELECTION. THE POLL. The operations at the various polling districts were Carried on with great earnestness on both aides. There was plenty of enthusiasm and excitement, but nothing like violence, excepting at Llanelly, where two gentle- men got roughly handled by the crowd. A detach- ment of police was telegraphed for from Llanelly, and they came up by special train from Swansea, but In- spector Crockford wisely left his men at the station, and went to town, where he found that he owed his visit to public timidity more than anything else and that he was not wanted. Somebody also telegraphed for the military, but this indiscreet act was discovered, and countermanded. The excitement at Carmar- then found vent in various pugilistic encounters, and at night, in firing off squibs, crackers, &c., and drawing blazing tar barrels through the street, at break-neck speed. The arrival of the last batch of figures caused great excitement. DECLARATION OF THE POLL. This ceremony took place on Thursday, at the Town Hall, Llandilo. Mr John Jones, M.P., was dragged into town, attended by an escort of 200 or 300 men, who had joined him on the route. By the time he reached the hall, that place was nearly full, and on appearing on the platform he was cheered with vehemence, a striking contrast to the treatment he received on Saturday, when the crowd hissed and groaned him, and his friends down. Mr Pugh was loudly cheered. Mr Puxley, whose carriage was also drawn into the town, was hissed and cheered, and the electioneering agents were heartily groaned at, and continually reminded of that bugbear, "The screw." Mr Sartoris was not present. It ap- peared that he had mistaken the time appointed for the meeting. The ladies from Pantglas, and Dolaucothy, who were in the hall, were loudly cheered. As our Reporter had to go into the hall early, he could not dis- cover the manner of Mr Pugh's entrance into town. Just about 12 o'clock the Sheriff, C. W. Nevill, Esq., read the figures, of which this is a copy :— Pugh. Jones. Sartoris. Puxley, Liandovery 221 610 373 384 Llandilo 279 768 492 556 Carmarthen 78 248 385 341 St. Clears. 408 239 444 294 Llangendeirne 26 217 198 312 Llanelly. 56 231 693 286 Llansawel 93 346 394 364 Newcastle-Emlyn 178 283 301 291 1340 2942 3280 2828 He then declared Mr Sartoris and Mr John Jones to be duly elected as representatives of this county in Parliament. Mr J. Jones, having been girt with a sword, came forward and thanked the constituency for electing him. He deeply regretted that he had not for a colleague Mr Puxley [uproar, hisses, cheers, and the screw"], whose principles were those which would long predominate in this county [" No," yes," and tumult]. The returns from each district showed that had there been no disunion in the Conservative camp, the battle would have been won [" No," uproar, and Fight fair"]. He lamented the defection of a large number of influential supporters, who seemed to be actuated more by private feeling than by allegiance to their party ["screw," and uproar] but he hoped, to their party di ?erences were removed, they would return to the old standard, and stick to it. [A voice: I hope he will be in again" laugh- ter ;] for unless they sunk minor and personal differences they could never hope to expect success [cheers]. One good way to achieve success was to de- serve it. The elections in this country shewed the Con- servatives need not fear the extension of the suffrage, and it also showed that this Parliament would be much the same as usual in its constitution. Although he had never been opposed to lowering the franchise, he was not enamoured of the late Reform Bill, which gave un- due preponderance to the commercial over the agricul- tural classes [cheers and uproar] He would be true to the principles he had ever proffessed but would not give a blind support to any ministry [cheers]. He would stick to those principles which had placed him in the high position he now occupied, that of representing his native connty, in which he had spent a life time, and where he hoped to end his days. [A row occurred here, and some ruffian shouted out the hope that Mr Jones would not live long," another expressing a wish "that Mr Jones might die to-morrow." This called out a few cries of Shame," and horse laughter] Mr Jones then spoke in Welsh, and was continually interrupted more especially by some fanatic admirer of his own, who continually shrieked at the top of a thin, highly-pitched voice, John Jones of Llandovery for ever." Mr Puxley, who was hissed, groaned at, and cheered, told them that if his throat was not affected they might hoot twice as loud as that, and he would be delighted to hear them (laughter.) He said that he was beaten in very good company, for some of the most eminent men in England were beaten [cheers], including Mill, Bright, who was third on the poll, exactly the pOBitiOl: be [Mr Puxley] occupied here [laughter], and Gladstone, who bad been weIPbeaten, and joy go with him [uproar]. They all consoled themselves with this- That bad luck cannot be prevented, For fortune hath smiles and hath frowns, But he's the best off that's contented, When he meets with the up s and the down s." [Cheers and laughter.] Judging by this election, no doubt the county was Conservative to the backbone [laughter and uproar.] They had had a most unfor- tunate split in the party [hear, hear.] It would ill- become him to add one drop to the feelings, which must be sufficiently unpleasant, of the gentleman to whom he alluded, and for whom he entertained great personal respect; but it must be a melancholy thing for any one, however influential or excellent, to set himself against the whole of that party, to which he had ever given alle- giance [hear, hear.] However, the only effect was that he [Mr Puxley] was sacrificed, and the mistake would never be committed again [cheers and laughter.] The registration was not what it should be 500 or 600 more Conservative voters ought to have been on the register. More than all, he deplored the side which the Protestants had taken here. He expected to have all the Dissenting ministers on his side [laughter], but be did not blame them, but their leader, Mr Gladstone, who had been the means of changing the peace and the quiet, Christian, charitable feeling of the country to rancour and ill-feeling [hisses and uproar.] The Re- form Bill took the last cry out of the mouths of the Liberals, and they knew not where to look but Car- dinal Manning said, Thou shalt not surely die try the Church of Ireland" [laughter, and groans, and bisses]. Englishmen knew nothing about Ireland, only what they learned from demagogues in the House of Commons. If the Liberals wished to do justice to Ireland, they should have been content to "level up." although he liked neither levelling up nor levelling down. The difference between levelling up and levelling down was the difference between charity and robbery [laughter.] Although the State held the property of the church in trust, it had no right to dispose of that property no more than a trustee, who held a ward's money in trust, had a right to spend it (loud cheers.) He believed this Parliament would be very short-lived, because, when they came to divide the spoil, the vaunted Liberal majority would vanish [uproar, and cheers.] He hoped, very shortly, to stand before them again—[cheers]—anc^ he also hoped Mr Sartoris would enjoy his short-lived honours, for as sure as he stood I there, he firmly believed that a Liberal would never again be returned for this county [laughter, and uproar.] He concluded by thanking his numerous supporters who had fought so manfully for him. Mr Johnes, and Mr AbAdam. who entered the meet- ing at this point, were loudly cheered. Mr Johnes explained the absence of Mr Sartoris who had mistaken the hour of meeting, and who, he could assure them, would not offer them the slightest disrespect [loud cheers.] Mr Pugh, whose welcome was more demonstrative than ordinary, said there was not one particle of despair in their cheers and he felt that though defeated they were not dejected (cheers). If for a moment they wore cast down, they would never despair for a generous and noble spirit lived, and would still live in the breast of this great constituency. The fire in the caverns of Etna concealed, Still mantles unseen in its secret recess; Till at length in a flame of luxuriance revealed; No torrent shall quench it, no bounds shall repress." (Loud cheers). No blame rested on his friends, and his canvassing had been literally nothing. He hoped soon to see the day when canvassing would be abolished (prolonged cheering). He had nothing to regret, and if the last four months had to come over again he should do very much as he had done. He had refused to pledge himself, although he knew that if he had pledged him- self against Mr Gladstone's policy, he could have had on his side that powerful interest which was now ranged against him (groans). No word of expostula- tion should, however, come from him. He hoped to see the people taken into the confidence of the rulers, anitoseo, also, affairs administered in a liberal and progressive spirit. It would have been better never to have given the vote than to give it and then prevent the voters from using it as they liked (loud cheers). He hoped our rulers would be wise in time for from the most extended suffrage they had nothing to fear. If he were to persist in mentioning all his friends the sun would go down upon them but he thanked them collectively, and said their kindness would be for ever engraven on his heart. A vote of thanks was passed to the Sheriff, who re- sponded, remarking that the absence of Mr Sartoris was as much regretted by him as he felt it must be by them. He complimented them on the fact that though the election proceedings had been somewhat noisy, no acts of violence had been resorted to (cheers).
I THE CARMARTHENSHIRE ELECTION. I TO THE EDITOR OF THE "WELSHMAN." SIR,-To judge of affairs-ex post facto-is generally not a difficult task. Nevertheless, truth will prevail, and, if only for the guidance of future conduct and judgment, must be spoken. True representation is independent of sectarian trickery, religious bigotry, or the vanity founded upon personal ambition-prime movers of things human— well exemplified in the bringing about of this Carmar- thenshire Election. Let us first take that cause which has been most potent here, namely, miserable selfish ambition. At whose door rests the blame of this selfish conflict between our would-be Conservative candidates ? Mr Jones and Mr Puxley certainly. Mr Pugh possibly can answer the question. Priority of declaration should have determined their candidature and, inasmuch as the two first mentioned were untried and in this sense unknown men, upon no other ground could the palm of precedence have been adjudged. They were either too selfish or too blind to be wise in time. As for Mr Pugh, though in all probability his entire support was derived from sincere Conservatives, there has been such a haze about his words and complexion that I have all along suspected him of latent Liberalism. Even up to the last the doubtfulness of his political hue has been well sustained by the acknowledged though novel Whigism of his friend and advocate Mr Brig- stocke. Mr Pugh, however, can scarcely be held accountable for the fate of the election. If this jumble of Conservative rivalry be sufficient, as it undeniably is, to account for the political situation in Carmarthenshire, it may be deemed superfluous to seek for other causes. Such causes, however, existed, and the search for them is only too easy. They derived their influence and power from the unbridled play of interested bigotry and sectarian hate upon the un- educated simplicity of the people, and it is right o proclaim that, upon the side of the Liberal candidate, every device, which envy could conceive, was exercised by the Nonconformist ministers throughout the county. Religious tyranny was alike maintained by personal and pulpit pressure. I will only odd an expression of hope that, when unfettered education spreads its blessings over the land, the people may learn to use their political power aright, and may shake off that lelig'ous and social dictation which debases and enslaves body, mind, and soul alike." Yours, &c, A BRITONJ Nov 25th, 1868. A BRITONl
ELECTION PROCEEDINGS AT ST. CLEARS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "WELSHMAN." SIR,—Fortunately, Tuesday proved a fine and bright day for the election of members for the County of Car- marthen. We are happy to observe that the crowd of canvassers, voters, and lookers-on, at St Clears, were for the most part, in a highly amiable disposition. Colours were freely displayed on both sides, and cries and counter cries frequently raised, though in no inamiable manner. Amongst the canvassers, we noticed that Mrs Jones of Penlan and Llanmilo was one of the most active and successful. Her efforts were, of course, made on behalf of Messrs. Jones and Puxley. Great interest was manifested throughout the day as to the state of the poll. The return of Mr Sar- toris was felt to be almost a certainty, owing to the exertions, honourable and dishonourable, which have been made by the Dissenting Ministers, who consider themselves so much interested in the great question of the day, and who have such hostile feelings towards the Establishment. We feel sure that had it not been owing to the division of interest on the Conservative side, Mr Sartoris would not have had the shadow of a chance of getting his seat If Mr Powell, of Maesgwynne, and other influential men had devoted all their energies to returning Messrs Jones and Puxley, instead of en- couraging their tenants and others to split their votes for Pugh and Sartoris, we should certainly have re- turned two Conservative members. As it is, we hear those on Mr Sartoris' side, who promised their second vote for Mr Pugh [in return for the second vote of Mr Pugh's followers], with very few exceptions, plumped for Mr Sartoris. By this means, Mr Powell, of Maes- gwynne, and others, who had influenced Mr Pugh's supporters to give their second vote to Mr Sartoris, were dishonourably outwitted. They wanted exceedingly in judgment, to put so much faith in their Radical op- ponents, and we have to thank them entirely for the loss of our second Conservative seat. We trust that in the next election, Churchmen will pause before they go hand in hand with Dissenters and would-be demolishers of our Church. I J. R.
I THE CORONATION OATH. I TO THE EDITOR OF THE WELSHMAN. SIB,-The letter I addressed to you a short time ago, on the subject of the Irish Church has been largely con- troverted elsewhere. The strictures on my remarks amount to a statement that I set up the Coronation Oath as a fourth power in the realm, a power which cannot be altered or abolished and that the two parties to the oath, according to my argument, have no power to undo it except under an impossible condition, namely, by the unanimous consent of the two Houses of Parliament. In reply, if you will permit me, I will attempt to shew that the inferences from the letter referred to, are not exactly just. A promise I take to mean an under- taking by one party to another to do, or to abstain from doing, a certain thing for the future. The promiser, by his very act, creates an obligation, which, by the princi- ples of truth, he is bound to discharge, and the party to whom the promise is made has a right to the fulfil- ment of it unless he pleases to realease the promiser from his obligation. This principle is applicable to that more solemn kind of promise which is termed an oath, the conditions of which are to be performed in the sense mutually understood between the parties to it. The State, though composed of many individuals is a permanent agent, and in the abstract is capable of obedience to the laws of morality, and as it has duties to perform it has a moral pro- gress to cultivate. It is on this account that the State imposes upon some of its members par- ticular engagements which each is bound by oath, such as on the Sovereign, for instance, to maintain the Protestant Reformed Religion, and to govern according to law, and on Judges, Magistrates, Members of Parliament, and others, to perform specified duties. Now this oath, so imposed, is a solemn expression of a covenant between the State and the individual, and all such oaths must be faithfully observed, and kept ac- cording to the mutual understanding of the parties to them. The meaning of the State is expressed in its legislative enactments, or by long established custom and agreement; but passing events prove that the opinions of the State are not invariable, so that the oath, for instance, imposed on the Sovereign, must be interpreted, at different periods, with more or less laxity. Changes of opinion and altered circumstances are gradually modifying our constitution, and it is only by comparing the present with the past that we are forcibly impressed with the progress that has been made, and the alterations and improvements that have been introduced into our laws. Where, then, a set form of oath is used to bind a succession of persons to a generally similar course of action, throughout a long period of time, some latitude of interpretation must be allowed; but there is a limit to such latitude which can- not be transgressed without the risk of undermining and destroying the moral progress of the people by lower- ing in their estimation the value of a regard to truth. fulness, and by leading them insensibly to disregard their most solemn obligations. If, at the present crisis, it should be determined by the majority of the Commons to disestablish and dis- endow the Irish Church, the other legislative powers may acquiesce, and the Sovereign can then keep her oath only so far as the nature of things will permit; but I maintain that when a State imposes an oath npon its Sovereign to secure the permanence of its Constitu- tion, it imposes a mutual obligation upon itself to uphold that Constitution, and it ought not, at any time, to act as if the imposition of an oath were a matter of form having no regard to truth. The House of Commons is changing and variable, and is not the State, and here I join issue with my critics, and deny that the majority of even both Houses of Parliament constitutes the State; and I will add, further, my con- viction that in a Radical Constitutional change, the voice of the people, and not that of their representatives alone, must, and will be heard. I am, sir. Your obedient servant, W; P. PROFERT. St David's, Nov. 25th, 1868. W; P. PROPERT.
Dr Temple, the head master of Rugby, has been called to account by the Rock for his recent speech in Warwickshire. The rev. gentleman is, however, undis- mayed, and states his views still more explicitly. He Baya;—« I still think that the existence of the Irish Es- tablished Church is a gross injustice to the Irish. And yet paradoxical as it may seem, I think that the Legis- lature did right at the time of the union. Legislatures, like men, are imperfect. And very often the fairest rule of judgment is to ask, what way is the face set ? Is it towards God's will or from it ? They did what on the whole was the right thing then. We must step on and do what is the right thing now. In conclusion I should like to say that I am a thorough Protestant. I look on Popery as a most mischievous delusion. I may not, perhaps, think that Protestants are always wise in their mode of attack, but no one goes beyond me in hearty desire for the advancement of the cause of true Protestantism. But I am sure that if there is one thing which beyond all others will advance that cause in Ire- land, it is to disestablish the Irish Church. The Irish Church, established, has made no impression on Popery in 300 years. Disestablish it, and I shall be much sur- prised if in thirty years the Roman Catholic priests will not wish that it had been left alone." THE ADDREss.-The Address, in reply to the Queen's Speech, will, it is said, be moved in the House of Commoti8 by Mr Asheton-Cross, M.P. for South-West Lancashire, aiid be seconded by Mr W. H. Smith, M.P. for Westminster.- Observer. THE NEW PARLIAMENT.—The writiø for the election of members in the new parliament were made return- able on Thursday, the 10th of December. fhe ne" oath is much shorter than the former one, And the 658 members can be sworn in within the three days, and the Royal Speech Jilevered, probably, on the following Tuesday. AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH OF A CLERGYMAN AT SWANSEA.—A painful case of the uncertainty of life occurred in this town on Monday afternoon, and under circumstances somewhat remarkable, too. On that day, Mr Enoch Rees, incumbent of Clydach, came from Langland, where he had been residing for the benefit of his health, to the office of Mr Strick, whom he there met. After conversing with that gentleman for a abort time, Mr Strick left him with his partner, Mr Belling- ham, with whom he entered into a cheerful controversy. Mr Strick's absence was occasioned by his having to attend two inquests, both on the bodies of men who had died suddenly, and from the same complaint-diøean died suddenly, He had not been away very long before he was apprized of the fact that Mr Rees had suddenly expired at his office. Upon returning, he found that the rev gentleman had passed away from this life without, comparatively, a struggle. He was seen to fall quietly backwards, and, so soon as a hand could be placed upon JMTO, it was discovered that a faint murmuring groan was the only knell which seemed to announce his expiry. He was then gone beyond the reach of recovery, as Mr Rogers, surgeon, who was called in immediately, bore testimony. The deceased was the brother-in-law of Mr Strick, and was aged about 60 years. He had ministered for many years to admiring congregations, and was beloved by his parishioners for his cheerful and amiable disposition. COLLISION ON THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.—On Monday morning an accident occurred on the Great Western Railway, near the Hatton Junction of the Stratford and Leamington branch, which further illus- trates the danger incurred, even with the best and most careful management, from passenger and luggage traffic being conducted over the same set of rails. The train to which the accident happened was the 9.10 a.m. up train from Birmingham to Leamington, which came into collision with a down luggage train, about a hundred yards on the Birmingham side of Hatton station. The luggage train left Leamington about half-past 8, and was a long and heavy one. In ascending a gradient between Warwick and Hatton, the driver of the luggage train found his engine overpowered, owing to the slippery state of the rails. He therefore detached one half of the train, and ran on with it to Hatton station, little more than three-quarters of a mile distant, then returned for the remainder, which had been left on the down rails. On reaching Hatton with the second portion of the luggage train, it was connected with the first part, and was then shunted on to the up-line, in order to allow the 9 a.m. train from Leamington to proceed on to Bir- mingham before it. The latter having started from Hatton the goods train was being transferred from the up to the down line, in order to resume its journey, when the train from Birmingham, due at Hatton at 9.41 a.m. came in sight, and although the signals were dead against the driver, he came on and ran into the rear of the luggage train. The engine of the passenger train, a narrow-gauge one, was only slightly damaged, but one of the trucks of the luggage tram was thrown off the metals, and blocked the line. Mrs. Flowers, of Strat- ford-on-Avon, was severely shaken, and a working man, whose name did not transpire, received a severe cut over the eye from being thrown forwards against the parti- tion of the carriage in which he was sitting. Several other passengers were slightly cut and shaken, but all of them were able to return to their homes or proceed on their way to Leamington and Birmingham. Informa- tion of the accident was immediately telegraphed to Leamington, and Mr. Fryer, the district manager, Mr. Chaplin, the local engineer, and other officials were quickly on the spot. The line was blocked for about three hours, and the up trains were delayed until the disabled truck was removed, which was accomplished by about one o'clock, when the ordinary traffic was resumed.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I CROYDON STEEPLE CHASES.—WEDNESDAY. GRAND METROPOLITAN STAKES. Lord Coventry's Steamboat, llat. 31bs. 1 Mr T. V. Morgan's Brick, lOat. 71ba 2 Mr Green's The Nun, 12st lib 3 Betting-3 to 1 agst Steamboat, 7 to 1 apt Briok and 9 to 2 agst Nun. Ten started.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I LOCAL MARKETS. CARMARTHEN CORN MARKBTS FOR TKB Win EXP* INO NOVEMBER 27th, 1868.-We have to report a con- tinuanoe of changeable weather, with a prepondrance of wet. The supply of grain continues small, that of butter moderate and prices steady. For the past week, up to the present date, we quote :— Wheat 6a 3d to os öQ per OlØ80 Barley 4s 9d to 5s Od per 54lbs. Oats 2s 9d to 3s Od per 401be. CASK BUTTER.-131,d to 14d per lb. CHEESE-238 to 24s per cwt.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I CARMARTHENSHIRE INFIRMARY. I House Surgeon's Report for the week ending Nor. 25th, 1868:- IN-DOOR PATIENTS. Remaining by last Report. 19 I tt Admitted since 3 > Died 0) 2 Discharged. 2 Remaining 20 OUT-PATIENTS. Remaining by last Report 150 j 166 Admitted since. — — f Died  20 Discharged 20 20 Remaining 146 C. A. BRIGSTOCKB, House Snrgeon. MEDICAL OFFICERS FOR THE WEEK :-Physician, Dr. Lewis surgeon, Mr Hughes. COMMITTEE.—J. Bagnall, Esq., chairman G. Bagoall, Esq., Rev. L. M. Jones, J. Rowlands, Esq., Dr. Lewis, G. White, Esq., and J. N. Roberts, Esq. I HOWELL HOWKLLS, Secretary.
I HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Lloyd Price's Harriers will meet on Monday, at the Windmill; and on Thursday, at the Workhouse, at eleven o'clock. Mr Powell's Fox Hounds will meet on Tuesday, NOT. the 1st, at Landowror; and on Friday Nov. 4th, at Wenallt; each day at 10.30 a.m. The Vale of Ayron, Capt Yaughan's, will meet on Monday, 30th November, at Llanfihangel-ar-arth bridge, on Saturday, 5th December, at Llanlear, at 10.30 o'clock. The Tivy Side Foxhounds will meet on Monday, 30th Nov., at the Black Cock, Kilrhedyn and on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at Llechryd Bridge each day at 10.30. Mr Pryse's Harriers will meet on Monday, November 30th, at Llwynygroes, at ten o'clock; Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at Llanybyther, at eleven o'clock; and on Saturday, Dec. 5th, at Courtnewydd, at ten o'clock. Capt. David Jones's Harriers will meet on Monday, Nov. 30th, at Llwywell village Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, at Pant; and on Friday, Dec. 4th, at Bronwydd,—each day at 10.30. The South Pembrokeshire Hounds will meet on Monday the 30th of November, at Cheriton; and on Thursday, the 3rd of December, at Minwear HooM; each day at 10.30 a.m.
Family Notices
BIRTHS. HUMPHREYS.—On the llth inst., at No. 2, Waterloo Terrace, Carmarthen, the wife of Mr George Hum- phreys, of a son. THOMAS.—On the 22nd ult., at St Clears, the wife of J. L. Thomas, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter, still born. RiCHARDS.-On the 24th inst., at the Apple Tree, t, St. Catherine-street, in this town, the wife of Mr David Richards, of a son. JACKSON.-On the 25th inst., the wife of Mr E. Jackson, manager, South Wales Pottery, Llanelly, of a son. GREEN.—On the 25th inst., at Bedford, the wife of Colonel G. W. G. Green, C.B., Bengal Staff Corpe, of ft daughter. MARRIAGES. GRIFFITH.—OWEN.—On the 26th inst., at Union Street, by the Rev Wm. Morgan, Mr W. Griffith, of Rickerdson Hall, Pembrokeshire, to Presilla Owen, youngest daughter of Mr J. Owen, Solva, DEATHS. W ATERS.-On the 24th inst., at her residence, 10, Picton-terrace, Elizabeth, relict of the late Robert Waters, Esq., formerly of Potrafon, in this county, aged 82. Sincerely and deeply lamented. MORGAN.—On the 16th inst., at Pontypool, Mr Wm. Morgan, cattle dealer, native of Carmarthen, aged 52, Much respected and deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. J ONEs.-On the 17th inst., at Llanon, in the 38th year of her age, deeply regretted, Jane, the beloved wife of Capt Jones, and last surviving daughter of the late Mr Sinnett, Ystradtilo, leaving four young children to lament their irreparable loss. Her end was peace. BINGHAM. On the 24th inst., deeply regretted, Henry Corles Bingham, Esq. of WartoaJby Hall, in the County of Lieoester, J.P., and Depoty Lien ten ant aged 68 yean.