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THE INSURRECTION IN POLAND. BERLIN, March 7—The Neue Preuesische (Kreuz) Zeitung of ti,a), says: Reports are current at Warsaw that the Grand Duke C. ns'anttne is about to take his departure. His imperial higt.ness would temporarily be replaced by Count de Berg. His dt-tinitesurceasor would oe Prince Alexander von Hessen." Proclamations, issued by tne re- volutionary cortitnit,ee, have been printed in Prussian Po- land and Galicia, exhorting the people not to allow them selves to be induced to rise in insurrection, as the only mor- tal enemy to Poland was Russia The National Zeitung of to-day publishes a letter from Warsaw stating that an en- gagement had taken place near Kaluszyn, the result of which was not yet known. The official Dziennick of Warsaw has discontinued publishing bulletins relative to the engage merits between the insurgents and Russians. The two frac- tions of the national pariy, called the Wnite and the Red parties, have come to an understanding. WARSAW, March 7.—The insurgent bands at Piaskowa, Skala, Widnara, Mizyglod, and Karezew have been dis- persed. The forests of Kampinos have been oleared of in- surgents. Bogdanowicz and Jasinsky, two of their chief- tains, have met their deaths by hping shot in engagements. BEIINE, March 7. Menotti Garibaldi, son of General Garibaldi, has passed through this town on his way to Po- land. Several Swiss military men have also set out for Po- land. AMERICA. NEW YORK, Feb. 24.—The Federals commenced active hostilities against Vicksburg on the 18th instant. The mortar-boats were towed into position, and commenced a brisk fire, "hich was responded to by three Confederate batteries, which forced the mortar-boats to change their position, when they renewed the bombardment. The Richmond Examiner states that the Federal ram Queen of the West was captured whilst attacking the Con- federate fortifications on Red River. Contradictory ru- mours are afloat respecting a fresh invasion of Kentucky by the Confederates in force under General Longstreet. Some accounts say they are threatening Lexington, Frank- fort, Dantille, and Louisville. This is, however, discredited by some journals. It is rumoured that Rosecranz has advanced into Middle Tennessee. Trouble continues to be experienced at New Orleans concerning the coloured troops. Several white officers have resigned, and one brigadier general has refused to march with the negroes. A severe snow .storm prevailed on Sunday last. The sri'.w on the Rappahannock averages seven inches deep, rendering military operations impracticable. General H okrr hdS visited Washington for a consultation. The Cenfederate Governor of Virginia has confined two Federal officers in Richmond to hard labour, in retaliation for the incarceration of two Confederate officers in Washington penitentiary. The Washington Senate has passed the bill authorising the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. The Committee of Wajs and Means has recommended the taxation of tran- sactions in gold at the rate of one quarter per cent and all transactions 'o be made in writing. NEW YOUK Feb. 25—The news of the capture of the Federal ralb Queen of the West is confirmed. All the crew escaped except 13. She had six guns and a quantiiy of stores on hoard when captured. Eight hundred Confederate cavalry entered Richmond, Kentucky, on Sunday last. It was this that gll'e rise to the reports of a Confederate inva- sion of Kentucky. A collision has taken place between the inhabitants of Hone* Valley on the Chlifornian and Nevada frontier con- cerning the boundary questiou. Both parties were fortify- ing themselves in log huts and receiving reinforcements The feeling of discontent and opposition to the policy of the Ad ministratiou at Washington is said to be increasing in the north-west. The debate in the House of Representatives on the Con 8cription bill is very acrimonious. The Democratic members oppose the bill, some of them declaring that an attempt to enforce it would cause a Northern rebellion. During the debate Mr. Stevens read a letter from General Scott, Secre- tary of War, dated September, 1861, in which the general asserts that he should order General M'Clellan to be court- n artialled for a repeated disobedience of orders were it not that a conflict of authority near the head of the army would Injure the Union eause." The New York Tribune asserts that the action of the Connecticut Democratic Convention is attracting the spe- cial attention of the Government, and that there is a limit to forbearance. The same journal says that the late De- mocratic Convention at Frankfort, Kentucky, which was broken up, was assembled with the intention of handing Kentucky over to the Southern Confederacy.

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