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SPRING VETCHES &c AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. EARLY POTATOES FOR SEED. A Fresh Stock of GARDEN SEEDS of all the most approved varieties. SOLD AT J. H. SMITH AND CO., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, HOP-MERCHANTS & SEEDSMEN, MEDICAL AND CHEMICAL HALL, King-Street, Carmarthen, ESTABLISHED 1807. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & SPIRITS TABLE GLASS, DINNER, DESSERT, BREAKFAST, & TEA SERVICES' TOILET SETS, PARI AN 8 TA TUE TTES, ORNAMENTAL BOHEMIAN CLASS, GLASS CHANDELIERS & LUSTRES, ClIIXA CnniNEY (hiXAMEXTS, Moi)E!:ATOH LAMl'S, PAriMR MACUE TEA Tl'.AYg, &C., &c. -0- J. JACOB, DARIí. GATE, CAR ollAR THEN, ltwl CAS T LB STREET, STVANSEA, PARTIES ABOUT TO FURNISH Will find the above Stock large and well-selected, and of the best quality. RINA & GLASS MATCHED TO ANY PATTERN. EA8T IXDIA HOUSE, March 4th, 1857. The Court of Directors of the East India Com- pany DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, T HAT the Finance and Home Committee will be ready' ?- on or before WEDNESDAY, the 18th MARCH, 1857. a" leven o'clock in the Forenoon, to receive TENDERS, caled ?' ?? such persons as may be willing to supply the WCr.?P? ?? 3,000 Tons of WARLICH'S PATENT WcoEm TSj STEAM FUEL, to be delivered at BOMBAY. mav? ?.f? ?? ? be made according to a Form which ay be had upou application at the Marine Branch of tho Secrer'n ? ()Oice ? ? East India House, with conditions annf.??-) ? ?? Tenders are to be left at the Secretary's OSice at any time before Eleven 0' dock in the Foreno?n of the iSth ????'e Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon of receiced ?oresaid, after which hour no Tender will be JAMES C. MELVILL, Secretary. STEAM U.NDER 60 DAYS TO AUSTRALIA. Passage .£14 and upwards. THE LIVERPOOL & AUSTRALIAN 2", NAVIGATION COMPANY'S Celebrated Steam Clii)l)crs, in conjunction with the ?-3& EAGLE LINK OF PACKETS i ARE DISPATCHED on the 13th of each MONTH. To the consignment of BRIGHT, BROrUER-. ?s- ?en "p?AT??r BOURNE FORWARDING PASSENGERS TO "? PARIb OF AUSTRALIA. CRIMEA. Morgan )OSOton<!?5thM)r' ROyALC.IlAUTER Steam Ship Boy?e ?H?tonsb?h AnriI ?AOLh. Mm-phy LO-MtonstSth May. The Cii[)))er Ships of the E?gte Line are selected from the finest ana latest Vessels buUt, a;nl ?ro guaranteed to sail to the day. PACKET of the loth MARCH, the remarkably fine new first class clipper CRIMEA" is one of the fastest ships afloat and fitted in the most perfect manner for the comfort and convenience of Passengers. Her first and fore Cabin arrangements are excellent, and her splendid 'tween decks, 8 feet high, afford unrivalled accommodation for Intermediate classes. "ROYAL CHARTER," PACKET of lath APRIL. FARES:—Saloon .50 to 65 Guineas. Other class. IGto 30 11 Apply to GIGDS, BRIGHT & Co., 1, North John Street Liverpool; l!Ai.'H & SONS, Swansea or to THUS' HUGHES, Hivcrford.vcst. SURPRISING SUCCESS OF KAYE'S WORSDELI,'S PILI.S I N all diseases arising from a derangement of the id.gestive organs.-This medicine, which has stood the ?????"?y?'?P?ience, is by far the b?t? ?T?'??' '?powerful in reaching the TPrv ? very ? of disease, ''?y'? the blood, freeing the stomach )????? ?? ?"?e ??d vitiated secretions, ?id '? ?"?and invigorating the entire system. K?v? ? .KAYE'S WOILSDFLL'S P?LSare of the most proved and uunn?uou,otedemcacy in cases of Aa:up, Bilious Affections, Consurut)tic)n D?rrhcoa. General DebiHty, Gout, Constipa- tIn, i?u?est:on, Liver Complaints, Rheumaiism, Scrofula, dicers, and many others; for proof of which, see the HUNDREDS OF CASES OF CURE which accompany each box.—Sold at Is. :Ud., 2s. 9J., an 4s. 6d., by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. Wholosal Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. On Physical Disqua.liaca.tions, Generative Incapa- city. and Impedimsnts to Itlarria.g'e. New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 19C pages, illus- trated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOURED ExGRAVIX&S ON STEEL, just published, price, free by post, One Shilling, THE SILENT FRIEND; A Medical Work on the physical exhaustion and decay of the trame, from the effects of solitary indulgence, infection, and the injurious consequences from the use of Mercury; with observations on the obligations of marrisge. and directions for obviating certain disqualifications. By R. and L. PERRY and Co., Surgeons. Sold by Piper Brothers. 23, Pater- noster-row IIannay, 63. and Sangor, 150, Oxford-street; and Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London. PART THE FIRST Treats of the anatomy and physiology of the re-productive organs, and is illustrated by Eight Coloured Engravings, with MicroBcopical Views of the Spermatoza in the urine. PART THE SECOND Treats of the consequences resulting from excessive indul- gence, and their lamentable effects on the system, producing mental and bodily weakness, nervous excitement, and generative incapacity. It is particularly addressed to those who are prevented in consequence from entering into the marriage state, and points out the sure means of perfect and secret restoration to manhood. It is illustrated by Three Explanatory Engravings. PART THE THIRD. Treats of the diseases resulting from infection, either in the primary or secondary form, and contains explicit directions for their treatment. The consequences of early neglect or of mistreatment, and of the abuse of mercury, in entailing broken health, and a miserable existence, are also clearly pointed out. This section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured Engravings. PART THE FOURTH Is devoted to the consideration of marriage, and its duties The reason of physical disqualincations, and the causes oi, unproductive unions, are also considered, and the whole subject critically and philosophicaily inquired into. The CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM is expressly employed to renovate the impaired powers of life, when ex- nausted by the influence exerted by solitary indulgence on ?e system. Its action is purely balsamic; its power in ?-?Sorating the frame in all cases of nervous and sexual bdlllty, obstinate gleets, impotency, barrenness, and dc- bilitip arising from venereal excesses, has been demonstrated bv ?,?_?? success in thousands of eases. To those Person P ns who ? P?ented entering the married state in con?en?n of ?? ??s, it is invaluable. Price 11s. per bottle or four quantities in one for 33s. which saves 11s. ? sv? nn????? DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an I?inti-syphilitic remedy, for purifying the system from venere? con"amlUatlOn, ? ? recommended for any of the v?ied th lel' forms of secondary symptoms, such as eruptions on tholn. blo.tches on the head ? ?ce, enlargement of the nose' iODsllS, ? ?? threatened destruction of the belll. it.e, &c. Its action is purely detersive, and its ciai i,flu ellee °? ? system ? undeniable. Price 11s. and 33g. per bottle, also ? saving of 11s. The £5 CR e f S Concentrated  Essence ca; ?T? Syriacum or Concentrated Detersive is a saving of?ii?? ? ? ? Agents whereby there to 0 12s. an?S?remeS?? SPECIFIC PILLS constitute ncffectu 1 'YING SPECIFIC PILLS constItute and diseases r:NhYuina¡ cases of gonorhœa, gleet, stricture 11s. per box. atyorgans. Pnce 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and ?'M F. b churchyard ? ?aLnha H?' ?'?on street; Darby and Gosden, 140, l,eadenhall street; ?- ? ?", ?, Bow churchyard W. Edward,, 67, St. Paul's churchyard; J. Sanger, 150, Oxford street.'di?? °r?? ?t?"'?' Oxford street ButIer&Har'? ? ??.' F? & Harsant, 229, Strand; T Ev?ns High '?' Nausea; Evans. chemist. Card? '(S?B' ro? thers, drug- gists. N.wport, Monmouthshire; TF? Office, ?? ????.??????? TO MILL OWNERS AND MILLERS. WHOEVER wants a first-rate Millwright in every VT sense of the word, apply to Mr. William Thomas, Millwright. Abergwilly, near Carmarthen. For specimen of his work see Picket Mill. For reference as to Charac- ter, &c., apply to the Rev. J. Williams, Newcastle-Emlyn. WANTED A FEW Hundred Tons of PIT POLES, to be delivered j-TL at the Railway Station, Llandilo. Apply to Mr. REES JoNES, Agent for the Level Fawr Colliery, Cwmaman. Llandilo Station, 7th March, 1857. TIMBER FOR SALE. MESSRS. J, JONES AND G. DAVIES, T)EG to inform the Public that they have about 900 Lots JD ? f Fir Trees, situate at Highmead, Llanwenog, County of Cardigan. The above Timber are of various dimensions, from a Pole up to 15 inches Girt, and are well adupted for Builders, Farmers, Contractors, &o. A Sale will be held every Tuesday until the whole will bo disposed of. GLAMORGANSHIRE. First Sping Sale of Fat, Store, and 8cotclt Cattle, t'K-C'a/y JIeifers, BÛ Skeel)7 Cart aM<J o</tt-'r florses, and TVclsJ¿ Po;, it!s. MR. THOMAS, (of Pantygwiu), Is directed by DuGDALE HouciiTON, Esq., TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the COURT of BETT\VS FARM. on TUESDAY, the 17th MARCH, lh57. rg?HH following Vaiuable Live Stock:—The Cattle com- -t prise 20 Fat Oxen and Cows, from 8 to 15 per quarter, <-af'b 10 to 15 Store Cattle, chienv Thrce-year-o)d tiulloeks 15 to'20 Scotch Cattle. iu-Calf Co,sl Heifers and Oxen, and 1 Hull, all of the Pure West Highland Ureed 6 to 8 in-Calf Heifers, of the Pure Short Horn Breed; 1 Durham Two- year-old Bult, from Mr. Peel's celebrated Stock. The Sheep comprise between 200 and 300 Fat Sheep, from 10 to 20 Ibs. per quarter, also a lot of Ewes and Lambs. The Horses comprise various Cart Horses, steady m har- ness and in good condition, Colliery Horses, Hacks and Welsh Ponies of the celebrated Forch Dwm Breed. Court of Bettws Farm is about Five Miles from Swansea, Two Miles from Neath, and One Mile from the Briton Ferry Station of the South Wales Railway. Credit on approved security will be given, or 2} per cent. discount for cash payments. Luncheon at 11 o'clock. Sale at 1 p.m., precisely. THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL BALANCE. ?ROWN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LON- ?.. DON. ESTABLISHED 1825. SPECIAL NOTICE. Parties who join on or before the 25th MARCH NEXT "ill receive, at the NEXT DIVISION of PROFIT, one fuU year's Bonus MORE than if they delay the Assurance till after that date. POSITION OF THE COMPANY. The Sum ,Issured, in force, amounts to £2,111,500.. I The Pltilds of the Cumpa.ny, invented in flist-cia-,s Secun- tics, amount to ;C7:'0,000. I The Annual Income exceeds E 101, 000. The BONuses have amounted to JE320,180. The JIcdical Pees and .ZW/ry Stamp are paid by the Company. The Company's Prospectus, Reports, and Form of Pro- posal may be had on application to the Agents, or will be sent, post free, by the Secretary. I' By Order, B. HALL TODD, Secretary and Actuary. AGENTS. Lhndly .Mr. F. L. BuowN, Solicitor. Tcuby .Mr. W. S. HAMILTON, Solicitor. R. BT. Davies, Chemist, King-St., Carmarthen, A GENT for IIORNIMAN'S PUKE TEA, tu PACKETS ATI?E LE??l,' NOT COLOI?' ? The LEAF NOT COLORED.—Dr. ScoFrEKN,uihis v.'l'iabte work "On rood Adultcrations" remarks at p,e 423 7V<e <M< ;Zt;(! I can fidd is that by tlw llcs8rs Ilo?-iiiina?ii; its unattractive appearance, manifests It to be what it which bas been subjected to no kind of outward embellishment—a manifestation which its deticious flavour sumciently confirms." tZW Thc-. Chinese will not use Coloured Tea yet, to en- able the brown worthless leaves to be passed on with the best, they face' with dry colours moat sent to England." ('Parliamentary Enquiry, Fuod Adulteratioll," TiMES, July 19.) HORNIMAN & GO'S. P, U R Pi TEA, The usual fine sorts, but the leaf not covered with colour ? WHOLESALE WAREHOUSKS. Thus is secured rich full- flavoured Tea, for when not coated with dry powders, any valueless leaves, so fatal to good flavour, are seen and avoided. The Lancet Sanitm'JI Repoi-t (Lnngll1ans), page 318, states, We find these Teas Pure; the 6'')'<'CM not being hrighten- with Pruqsian Blue. is a diill olive, and the leaf of the Black is not intensely ¿ark." Their good quality ha-i brnugh!. them into universal demand. Agents throughout the Kingdom. Packages from 2oz. to 1 Ib. uett, at 3s. 8d., 4s., 4s. Sd. per lb. LOCAL AGENTS: Aberystwith—Jones, Pier-street Abpntare—Jones, Thomas. Bridgend Brecon—Evans, High-street. Bristol-Perris CARMARTHEN—DAVIES, KlXG- STREET. Ilaverfordwest-W i Ili ams, Mar- ket-street, Phillips, Castle-sq. and Williams. MiUbrd—Sands and Btackett, Williams. Merthyr—Stepheus, High-street MGrthvr—Kea]!ui, High-street Narbertli-(;ritliths & icholas Neath—Hutchence, Wind-street Pembroke—Treweut Pembroke Dock Trewent, Standard House. Pembroke Dock-Barrett, Pem- broke-street Swallsea- Wilson,Castl e -square Harris, Oxfor d-st, Castle-st. Tcnby—Mason. Library. Walk iiig toii, 11 igh-s treet CURTIS ON MANHDOD-SHllLlNG EDmOM, A MEDICAL ESSAY ON NERVOUS AND GENER- ATIVE DISEASES. Just Published, the 77th Thousand, with numerous plates, in a sealed envelope, price Is., or sent, post-paid, by the Author, for 14 stamps. 1? /fANHOOD The CAUSE and CURE of PREMA- 1?'JL TURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for Perfect Restoration to Health and Vigour being a Medical Re- view of the various forms and modern treatment of Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Mental and Physical Capacity, whether resulting from Youthful Abuse, the Follies of Maturity, the EHeets of Oimate, or Infection, &c. with Observations on a new and successful mode of detecting Spermatorrhoea, and other Urethral Dischattges, by Micros- copic Examination; t3 which are added, Curious and In- teresting Cases, with the Author's Recipe of a Preventive Lotion. By J. L. CURTIS, Surgeon, 15, Albcmarle Street, Piccadiity, London. At home for consultation daily, from 10 to 3, and 6 to 8 Sundays, from 10 to 1. REVIEWS or THE WORK. "CupTisoN MANHOOD.-Shilling Edition.—77th Thou- sand.—this is a truly valuable work, and should be in the hands of young and old. The professional reputation of the author, combined with his twenty years' experience as medical referee in the treatment of nervous debility, &c., fully accounts for 0 the immense circulation which this po- pular and ably-wr.tten medico treatise has obtained. Sunday 1 tilleS, 23rd March, 185G. "CcRTis ON MANHOOD.—It is the duty of all men to study the laws of ttieir body, no less than those of their mind It the pages of this work will be found golden rules for regulating the one and preserving the other. 31-a?-k Lane Exprcss, March 31, 1856. CURTIS ON MANHOOD.—The author has conferred a great boon by publishing this little work, in which is described the source of those diseases which produce decline in youth or more frequency premature old age.Daily Teley)-apli, March 27,1855. "CuRTis ON MANHOOD.—The book under review is one calculated to warn and instruct the erring without impart- ing one idea that can vitiate the mmd not aiready tutored by the vices of which it treats." -,Yaval aucl Alilita,.y Gazette, 1st Feb., 1351.. We feel no hesitation in saying, that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful—whe- ther such person hold the relation of a parent, preceptor, or a clergyman."—SM?, Evening Paper. Sold, in scaled cnvclopes, by the AUTHOR; also by GiT.- BERT, 49, Paternoster-row HANNAY, 63, Oxford-street; MANN, 39,Cornhi)), London; GUEST, Bun-street, Birming- ham; HEYWOOD,0)(!ham-street, Manchester; HowF.i.i,.(), Church-street, Liverpool CAMPHELL,I3H, Argy]e-street, j Ch<s[r<v; J{()Hl1'>o: H, Greensidc-strppt, Edinburgh; 1>0 W.k;.IoL, W Cl:ltlliOlt:1aud-lItrect, .l>ubliu; aud by all Book- 84 CIIœII. ¡,. "4 RI, -Jlii 'LUD LLANDOVERY-SOUTH WALES. TO BE LET, 4 BEAUTIFULLY situated COTTAGE RESIDENCE, 3 j? Sitting Rooms, 6 Bed Rooms, Good Omces, Gardene, Stabling, Greenhouse, &c. Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. The Vale of Towy Railway to Llandovery will be opened this summer. Apply to Mr. William Morgan, Railway OEce, Llandovery. ANTHRACITECOAL. THE MYNYDD MAWR COLLIERY. (.ilfF,SSRS. NORTON ? CO., Proprietor8.) THE RE-OPENiNC, OF THE CROSS HANDS AND CWMCOCH COLLIERIES. ?f?HESE Extensive Collieries having been Re-opened at a j very considerable outlay, the PROPRIETORS, are now prepared to supply an unlimited quantity of those COALS, the superior quaHty of which (for Household purposes especially) has acquired for these Collieries so great a celebrity. The CoUierips being situate on the Llanelly and Llandilo Railway, the Proprietors ate enabled to supply these Coals at all the Stations on the Lines of the South Wales and Great Western Railways, and to any part of the Kingdom. For Terms and Prices at the aHd at the Stations of the S. \Vlt.. &c., apply to "THE -NIY-NIYI)D MAWR COLLIERY CO. at their Offices at the CAR- MARTHEN BREWERY, Carmarthen. LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION -0 MR. THOMAS CR!FF!i\L (Of Silvertoie, .D<;t;oM, and lIIaehynlleth, 1I[oi1tflome1'Y- 81,ire,) WIRR confidence oners his services to Landownera, TV Agents, and Occupiers, to undertake to drain enectu- ally and otherwise improve Lands upon the most modern principles. Irrigation independent of Drainage. T. GRIFFIN'S experience in England and Wales, has gained for him the privilege of being permitted to refer to a great number of Gentlemen by whom be has been en- gaged, and amongst the many he begs to name The Right Hon. Lord Poltimorc, Poltimore Park, Exeter The Right Hon. Lord Sudeley, Gregynon Hall, Mont- gomeryshire Sir Thomas Dyhe Acland, Bart., M.P., Eillerton, Exeter The Rev. Charles Tripp, D.D., Silverton, Devonshire, and Esgair Evan, Llanbrvnmair, Montgomeryshire The Right Hon. Lord Lisburne, M.P.. Cross\ood, Car- diganshirc Capt.Thrushton, R.N., Penybryn, Merionethshire C. F. Thrushton, Esq., Talgarth, Merionethshire F. J. Ford, Esq., Llwyngwern, Merionethshire W. W. E. Wynne, Esq., M. P,, Peniarth, Merionethshire Thomas Drew, Esq., Newtown G. J. Scott, Esq., Peniarth-uchaf, Merionethshire John Gould, Esq., Poltimort', Exeter Edward Davies, Esq., Dolgradog, Maehynlluth Major General Truscott, Ih-ockhiti House, near Exeter Henry Matthews, Esq Bradninch, Devonshire Charles Copp, Esq., Cutton, Exeter John Carnac Morris, Esq., Fronfelen, Mprioncthshire M. Lewis. Esq., Garthgwynion, Machynlleth Thomas Ellis, Esq., Hryn'llwydwyn, Machynlleth Thomas Dewdney, Esq., Silverton The Rev. John Matthews, East Anstey, Tiverton The Rev. John Bund, Stoke Canon, Exeter Messrs. Matthews and Martyn, Broadclist, Devonshire Richard Mortimer, Esq., Sih'erton Charles Hill, Esq., Nethcrcxe House, Exeter Mr. William Birmingham, Land Agent, Broadelist, Devon- shire Mr. ltichard Norris, Francis Court, Broadelist Mr. Joseph Norris, Rewes Farm, Broadelist Mr. John Norris, Motion Barton, Broadelist Mr. John Norris, Great Barton, Poltimore, Exeter Mr. Joseph Gould, Newhall, Droadclist 1\11'. Joseph Player, Agent, Siherton Thomas Lewis. Esq Caershir, Machyntleth Wni. Norris, Esq The Rev. George Owen, Tiverton Wm. Peel, Esq., Taliaris, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire Together with many of the leading Agriculturalists of the day. If Gentlemen wish to employ their own Labourers, T. G. will engage to survey, report, plan, give estimates, &c. upon reasonable terms Any Gentleman considering this application worthy of his confidence, may rely upon every attention and exertion being given to carry out an eB'eetual and permanent im- provement. Terms either on Commission or by Contract. The smallest order will receive immediate attention, by communications being addressed to Mr. THOMAS GRIP. FIN, MachynMeth, Montgomeryshire, or LLANDILO, Car- marthenshire. The IJl'aiJwJ'e of To/cns and Pillages undcrtaken. DRAtMtMB LABOURERS WANTED. J. W. BENSON'S WATCH, CLOCK, AND CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY, 33 and 34, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. Eslablisl!l d 1749. I 1- W. BENSON, MANUFACTURER OF GOLD AND ?j SILVER WATCHES of every description, con- struction, and pattern, invites attention to his magninccnt and unprecedented display of Watches, which is admitted to be the largest and best selected Stock in London. It consists of Chronometer, Duplex, Patent, Detached Lever, Horizontal, and Vertical Movements. Jewelled, &c., with all the latest improvements, mounted in superbly-Snished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases. The designs engraved upon many of the cases are by eminent artists, and can only be obtained at this manufactory. If the important requisites, superiority of finish, combined with accuracy of performance, elegance, durability, and reason- ableness of price, are wished for, the intending purchaser should visit this Manufactory, or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET, published by J. W. BENSON, (and sent post- free on application,) which contains sketches, prices, and directions as to what Watch to buy, where to buy it, and how to use it. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. From the I I -ilfo;zing -Post," October 30. "Exhibits exquisite artistic feeling in ornamentation, and perfection of mechanism in structure." From the 11 Clii-otiiele," Octobe)- 30. "Excellence of design, and perfection in workmanship. .F/'oH! <Ae J.l[orningAdvertise1' .Yovember 1. The high repute which Mr. Benson has obtained for the qualities of his manufacture stands second to none." .Fr<MM the Homing IIerald," .Vovember 3. The high standing of Mr. Benson as a London manufac- turer must secure for him a large amount of public patron- .F/'oM the Globe," Yoveinbe;- 3. "All that can be desired in finish, taste, and design." From tlw Sun," November 3. Mr. Benson, as a long-established City manufacturer, has gained a reputation for the quality of his productions, which stands second to none in the City." _Prom the Standard," .Yovember 3. Leave nothing to be desired but the money to buy them with." T .Ft-<wt </ie Observer, Jo.ovember 16th. The watches here exhibited surpass those of any other English manufacturer." GOLD WATCHES, horizontal movements, jewelled, &c., accurate time-keepers, ;E3 15s., ;E4 15s.. ;E5 15s., to .820 each. Gold Lever Watches, jewelled, and highly nnishod move- ments, JE6 6s., ;e8 8s., mo 10s., JE12 12s.. JE14 14s., jE16 16s. to 100 Guineas. SILVER WATCHES, horizontal movements, jewelled, &c., exact time-keepers, Y,2 2s., £2 las., £3 15s., to Xlo 10s. each. Silver Lever Watches, highly nntsbed, jewelled movements, .S3 10s., .64 10s., £5 10s., £7 10s., jE8 10s., ;S10 10s. to 60 Guineas. A two years' warranty given with each Watch, and sent carriage paid to Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, or any part of the kingdom, upon receipt of Post Omce or Bankers' Order. made payable to J. W. BENSON, 33 and 34, Ludgate Rill, London. Mcrchantt), Shippers, aud Watch Cluba supplied. Old t V<tt<!? ?<?? ? Bx9bOM!9 ? ?B<W? CLENF!ELD PATENT STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, AND PRONOUNCED BY HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS, to BE THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. Sold by all Chandlers, Grocers, &c., &c. 1?/FESSIAH, 2s., or 4s.; Creation, 2s., or 3a.; Judas Yt Maccabeus, 2s., or 4s.; Israel in Egypt, 2s., or 4s.; Samson 2s or 4s. The 3s. and 4s. editions are bound in Scarlet Ctoth. Dettingen Te Deum and Zadock the Priest, Is. 6d. Alexander's Feast, 2s.; Acis and Galatea, Is. 6d. Each work complete, with separate Libretto, in Vocal Score, with Pianoforte or Organ Accompaniment, arranged by Vincent T-Tovello Octavo size. Please ask for Novello's Centenary Edition, printed on STOUT paper. Also, uniform with the above—Mozart's Twelfth Mass, 2s.: Hayden's Third Mass, 2s.; Beethoven's Mass in C,2sL.—or the Three Masses in one vol., cloth, 7s. Mozart's Requiem (with E. Holmes' Critical Essay, from the .Musical Tt'MM), 2s.-the Masses have Latin and English Words. London: J. ALFRED NovELLO, 69, Dean.street, Soho (W.), and 35, Poultry (E.G.). J AY'S ? ?'\NUAL OF FASHION may be had Gratis, on ap- .\J) piioation, or wiH be sent post free. if required. T))f Ntw Mantle, sketched in Paris, and represented m the 12 EnRravin<'s of the Mannai, tnay no'v be seen made up u' various material. Country orders executed with the strictest punctuality. The Lnndon General Mourning Warehouse, 247, 249, and 2.U, Regent-street, London. J AY'S. rB?HR Royal Naval Mi'itary, E'st India, a<?1 Ge.)")- ? 'rUE Royal Kaval, lil.itary, ]',st IIdia, awl Ge!1"I'l ? Life Assurance Society. j?.?M.</<? ?./). 1837. AssuKAKc'ES are gran'<d on 'be 1;.Ics of persons of e'prv pi-ofe ii and situation of Life. and for every part of thc wor)d. Prospe'tuscsand all part'cu)ars may be obtained on application to WILLIAM M. JAMES, Secretary, 13, Waterloo-place London. REASONABLE PRESENTS. "THE exuberance of the ieelinga amid scenes of JL gaiety induces the fair and you thM to shine to advantage under the gaze of many friend-, and therefore to devote in- creased attention to the duties of the toilet. It is at this fes ti vo scason that Rowlands' Auxiliaries of Health and Beauty are more tear. usually essential, and form peculiar Elegant and Seasonable Presents. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. For the Growth, and for Improving and Beautifying the HMr, Imparting Ii transcendallt lustre, and sustaÍ1.LÏng it in decorative charm. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, Imparts a radiant bloom to the Cheek, and a delicacy and soft- ness to the Hands and Arms, and eradicates cutaneous defects. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, OR PEARL DETIFRICE, Bestows on the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, strengthens the Gums, and renders the breath and pure. Sold by A. ROWLAND ANDBON, 20, Hatton Garden, and by Chemists and ilerfainers. BEWARE OF SPURtOUSJMtTATtONSt! FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISH, & RHEUMATIC GOUT. C<IMCO'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS are a cer- ? tain and safe remedy. They restore tranqui)ity tn the nerves, give tone to the stomach, and strength to the whole system. No other medicine can be compared to these excelient Pit)s, as they prevent the disorder from attacking the stomach or head, and have restored thousands from pain and misery to health and comfort. Sold by all Medi- aine Vendors, at Is. lid. or 2s. 9J. per box. SMOKELESS STOVES, NO CHIMNEY—Carman's 0 Patent Portable Stoves, for Rooms, Halls, Green- houses, Shops, &c., from 12s. each. New Patent Fire- Hghtprs, ten nres for one penny. 103, Newgate-street, and Liverpool-road, London. Prospectuses free. -AocrRorI 'qaajts-sanTBTl leddll louial ueng '-03 ? .x.VaŒ MtA Ot uopMnddc uo 99JJ pap.niA.mj ?trri paauj pne p3)?j;snTTT lA 'itsn paou'I pa?j?snui -s,oo ? ?Ya(T -N? jq? (i?gS?? 'OMtt Mt vpun.r OUjC BNtHOVM ONI'ONVW "f'ONIONIUM 'DN!HSVM  ?? ??? ?0?. j ?? ?-ITB THE ?S? V"?E:ST A?riC?TES ? AT :E8 :IE .i!L. MS' :BES as; Ironmongery & Furnishing ???LEUEBEOTySES. ? ?,. A PR'CED FURNISHING UST ?? ?K ??. ?? ??? ?? .? ? M. LO?? DR. DE JONGH'S HCHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL Has now, in consequence of its marked superiority over every other variety, secured the con6dence and almost uni- versal preference of the most eminent Medical Practitioners as the most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, DIA- BETES, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, NEURALGIA, RICKETS, INFANTILE WASTING, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL SCRO- FULOUS AFFECTIONS. Its leading distinctive characteristics are COMPLETE PRESERVATION OF ACTIVE AND ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES. INVARIABLE PURITY AND UNIFORM STRENGTH. ENTIRE FREEDOM FROM NAUSEOUS FLAVOUR AND AFTER- TASTE. RAPID CURATIVE EFFECTS, AND CONSEQUENT ECONOMY. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS: DR. LETHBBY, Professor of Clteinisti-y and Toxicology in the j&MM'aJ ColltVe of the London Hospital, Chemical Refm'ce to the Corporation of London, ilfedical Ofifcei- of Health to the City of London, 4c., <SfC. I have frequently bad occasion to analyze the Cod Liver Oil which is sold at your establishment—I mean that variety which is prepared for medicinal use in the Loffoden Istee, Norway, and sent into commerce with the sanction of Dr. de Jongh, of the Hague. In all cases I have found it possessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of cholaic compounds and of iodine in a state of organic combination are the most remarkable; in fact, the Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named I ffuine brune,' and described as the best variety in the masterly treatise of Dr. DE JoNGH. It is, I believe, universalty acknowledged that this description of Oil has great thera- peutical power; and, from my investigations, I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article." The « MEDICAL CIRCULAR." Much of the Pale 0 H sold in the market is found to be nothing more than Skate Oil-a fact which will account for the failures which have occasionally attended the use of the so-called Cod Oil The utmost reliance may be placed upon the experimental researches of Dr. de Jongh, who is one of the most eminent of European chemists; the Oil procured by him enjoys also the additional sanction of the opinion of Baron Liebig and the late Dr. Pereira in favour of its genuineness and efBcacy. Our own experience practically connrms their judgment, and WE UNHESITATINGLY RECOM- MEND DR. DE JONGH'S LiGHT-BROWN COD LiVER OIL AS THE BEST FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, AND WELL DESERVING THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PROFESSION." Sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s. 6d.; Pints, 4s. 9d. Quarts, 9s.; capsuled and labelled with Dr. DE JoNGH s stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE, by ANSAR, HARFORD, and CO., sole British Consignees, by ANSAB, Londom; and by many respectable Chemists and 77, Strand, Druggists. *t* Proposed substitutions of other kinds of CM Liver Oil should be strenuously resisted, <M thev proceed from interested motivei, and will result in disappointment to the purchaser. AGENTS. THE FOLLOWING CHEMISTS CARMA KTHEN. R. M. D.\viEs.CnEMisT. 49, KiNG-STREEr; HAY.blU'ODW.E¡jl', GwxNNE HARRlEa; TENBY, W. W; A»II¡¡¡¡ 1. j NOTICE.—THE GREAT CENTRAL BOOK DEPOT. WILLIS AND SOTHERAN having taken those ex- tensive Premises, 136, Strand, beg to call the at- tention of Book Buyers to their extraordinary Stock of the best New and Second-hand Books, now the largest in England, numbering 200,000 Volumes. A Catalogue pub- lished monthly, price 3d. Post Free. A Discount of 2d. in the Shilling from all New Works. WILLIS and SOTHERAN, 136, Strand, London. 100,000 VOLUMES IN CIRCULATION, and sent to any Fart of the Kingdom FROM WE8TERTON S LIBRARY, LONDON. 52, FLEET STREET. MR. HOWARD, SURGEON DENTIST, At Home from 10 till 5. 52, FLEET STREET, LONDON. CAUTION. SCHWEPPE $r COIS. SODA WATER. A DECREE FOR PERPETUAL INJUNCTION Ahas been granted by Vice Chancellor Sir William Page Wood restraining Messrs. Clayton, Messrs. Ray and Son, and Mr. Selman respectively from using in their trade of Soda Water Manufacturers, bottles having the words and figures J. Schweppe & Co., 61, Berners Street, Oxford Street." stamped thereon, also from using labeis over the corks in tadt botUe!, similar to those used by Messrs. Schweppe & Co. Also a Decree for a Perpetual Injunction restraining Messrs. Nevi!! and Oxiade from selling any Soda Water not Manufactured by Messre. Schweppe A Co. IN SUCH BOTTLES or with such imitation labels. And a further Decree for a Perpetual Injunction restraining Mr. John Luntley from printing or disposing of any spurious or imitt- tion labels, and in each Suit the Defendants were directed to ptT the Costs of Messrs. Schweppe and Co. AND NOTICE is hereby given that similar proceedinm will bt forthwith instituted against all persom who ehaUbe <<Kmd wr4iut &[Oro&" ?*\RLANDO JONES and Go's ORIGINAL PATENT RICE \? STARCH f?MtrM no ?o:7tK?', is celebrated for producing ac<"aM<t/M? Glaze, and retaining its <<t?MCM in the dampeat weather. CAUTION.—Every packet has a tabel with the name in- serted under the Royal Arms. JAMES'S PATENT WE!CH!NQ %? Mj?onnnts and Wzios BMDGM, Withont loose weights. SMictioned by the Board of Ctutonn. WMCHnra ANB HoiSTiNG CRANBs to order. Jamex and Malcolm, 116, Leadenhati Street, London. catalogum Frt,& REAL ANDSONS NEW tLLUSTRATED CAMLOCUE COMTAtNS OEStCMS AND HNCM OF tM MmMOO ARTICLES OF BEDROOM L F=KUTU" WUL AS OF 100 BEMTBAMAMB MMM OF EVERY OEScetfTtON OF MMtMC SENT FREE BY TOST MEAL&SON BEOSTEAOKBMNCtBmMOM nJBNtTURE MAMJFACTUilltS HFTOTTEMHAM OOURir ROA.D LONDON ESTABLISHED 1819. S EWELL & Co. sell the best G'oo<& ? ? &M?< ? ?thN< pWe?. JTa?Mb, .B?Mt<-? ?tMM, Md every Mnd of drapery. Brussels, Turkey, and Aubnsson Carpets, Silk Damans and Chintz for fum.sh.ng purposes. 8BWELL & Co. are noM for ?r??????? We"ng ? and THE GUINEA EVENING DRESS g CHARITIES SUPPLIED AT A MERE NOMINAL PROFIT. Patterns forwarded to the Country fre4. Compton House, Soho, London. ITAND-BOOKS FOB THE ORATORIOS.— i i ? Messiah and the Creation, each 2s. Inquire for ROBERT COCKS and Co.'s HAND-BOOKS for the ORATORIOS. Act* Galetea 2s. To be had at the doors of all music halls, and of all mnsicseMera and booksellera.—New Burlington-street, London. n KEATtNC'S COUCH LOZENCES. A SLIGHT COLD,"—if its nrst symptoms are r? not arrested, too often lays the foundation of a variety of j_PM&HOWMy CoMpMtt?, Including tr FtM&M- C??Mot ???AtM ?? The evil eonseq-iences of these disorde may beerted ?en?' a supply of the above, which have stood ?at"?" t?°'?P''?M?0 experience for upwards of ha]f a century t e tes or pablio Prepared and Sold In Boxes, Is. 1M- and Tina Sa 9<t h* ???K??'??????? b by Patent Medicine Vendors. 1aU iial -AD"USTING TPOWSERS IN TPE WTRLD TO- C-' E- L F -M EASU REtl ENT SFNT FRIEE *.ITt?i ers, 29,Llnd9,?atf,-h ill, Lon d on A New and Important Discovery in the Science of Medicine. PATENT OFF!CE SEAL OF GREAT BRITAIN. DIPLOME D'ECOLE DE PHARMACIE PHARMACIBN DE PARIS. IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, VIENNA. The Patentee considers it necessary that everv expedient should be adopted to secure the Public against imitations of the Triesemar. None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the Patent Office of England, the Seals of the Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case. Imitations of the same are liable to the severest penalties the Courts of Law can award. TRIESEMAR, No. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Sold in tin cases, divided into separate doses, as administered by Valpcau, Lalleman, Roux, Ricord, &c., &c. f TRIESEMAR, No. 1, is a Remedy for RELAXATION, JL SPERMATORRHOEA, and all the distressing consequenceB arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. It has restored bodily and sexual strength and vigout to thousands of debilitated individuals, who are now in the enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood and whatever may be the cause of DisqualiSca- tion for Marriage, they are effectually subdued by this wonderful discovery. TRIESEMAR, No. II. effectually, in the short space of three days, completely and entirely eradicates all traces of Gonorrhoea, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Gleets, Strictures, Irritation of the Bladder, Non-retention of Urine, Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and those Disorders where Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been thought an antedote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRIESEMAR, No. III. is the great Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Second. ary Symptoms. It searches out and punnies the diseased humours from the blood, and cleanses the system from all deteriorating causes; it also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, removing and expelling in its course all corruptions and impu- rities from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disease, and expel it with the insensible perspiration through the medium of the pores of the skin and is a never failing remedy for that class of disorders which, unfortunately, the English Physician treats with mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the saisaparilla in the world cannot remove. Price lls, or four cases in one for 33s, which saves lla, and in X5 cases, whereby there is a saving of ;S1 12s. To be bad wholesale and retail in London, of Darby and Gosden, 140, Leadenhall Street (opposite the India House) Barclay and Sons, Farringdon-street; Edwards, St. Paul's Church Yard; T. Evans, Chemist, High street, Swansea; Evans, chemist, Cardiff; Garrett Brothers, druggists, New- port, Monmouthshire T. Farror, Beacon OfBce, Monmouth. HUMAN FRAILTY; a Popular Mcdic&I Work, price ls..pMt free, beautifully illustrated with 100 Engravings, and containing )1 the opinions of Valpeau, LaUemand. Roux, Ricord. &c. It gives copious instructions for the perfect Restoration of those who are prevented bv impedimenta from entering into the Marned State. also showing the dreadful results from early abusc Gonorrhea and SyphiUis, and the benents arising from the ch_ emic-tt teste an.l pxamu?aHons of the Spermatoza.bythe Author s newly con. ?tructed Microscope, with powerful lenses. Piper Mid C<?. t. ,t,?,eted blicrosco P=QIU &U ?<? JEM the ?He ef T?e- j ,Patern"Wr ? METCALFE, BINGLEY, and Co. Perfumed and I!- -LV?. lustrated Almanac for 1847, price 6d., or post-free 7d. Also, their Pocket Perfumed Fountains, at 6d. and Is. each.—These elegant little articles are admirably adapted for presents. M., B., and Co.'s Oatmeal and Camphor Soap, 6d. each. Metcalfe's Alkaline Tooth Powder, 2s. per box.—Brushmakers. Perfumer*. &e.. to H.R.H. Prince Albert. I30B and 131, Oxford-atreet, Lon- don and of Perfumers, Stationers, Chemists, &c. ELEGANCE, COMFORT, & ECONOMY. rpHE CANROBERT CAPE, with Sleeres (light, warm, Tand waterproof), price ONE GUINEA; jnst intro- duced by Messrs. PouLSON and Co., Tailors, &c., 94, Re. gent-atteet, London, ?ROGGON'S PATENT ASPHALTE ROOFING ? FELT; inodorous Felt for damp walls, lining iron houses; sold in rolls 32 in. wide, Id. per Square Foot. A)so, Dry Hair Felt, for preventing the radiation of heat and deadening sound, and sheathing for thipa* bottoms, on "hich the copper lies smooth. Sampler, directions, and Testimonials sent by post. CROGGON & Go., 2, Dowgate-hill, London. FlAMlLY ENDOWMENT LIFE ASSUBAROB JL' AND ANNUITY 80dnT, M,CBAmmP!<Mz,BLM)EMUM,l/Mmoa. B*BWW US CAPITAL, agoolooo. NNMtOM. William BnMerworth Baytey, B8q8f ambawk Johm Fn!ler, Zsq., Dtpnty Chainnaa. Major Lewu Burroagbl. Robert Bruce Chichetter, Btq. D. M. Gordon, BM. Lient.-Co!. H. B. Hendenon. e' sA ? Illdt W. J.OMttt? jMhnnWtdkM.B?. An Anaaat Bonne M anow«t to parties wno nave maot fKt Annnal Payment* on Polieits taken out on the Pront Bcate. That for the enirent year is 20 per cent. in MdmetSon of the Pnaa18a. Zodowxwxb and AXMUtkU <M tMtMt. INDIA BBANCH. ThL Mtensivs assarance business of the Ape a*d OnUsA Bssviet Bank has been tMMOMMd to this wCce, and <hs sostety ass) Branch BsttMishmemtt or Asomm at ]$Oi&h 8D4 IOHN W. THE GREAT EUROrBAN REMEDV For NERVOUSNESS, RELA ATIOtf, and EXHAUSTION. Protected by 2!oyaJ Leterl Pa" nt, and 8anctioned oy all <A< great Co)itinet;tal wlkget of Medicine. ?r\R. DE ROCS' CELEBRATED GUTT? VIT?; j?f or, LIFE DROPS, are the great European Remedy for Spermatorrhoea. Exhaustion, Nervoutn<*ss, Debility, Aversion to and Incapacity for Society. Study or Business, Shaking of the Hands and Limbs, Indigestion, Flatulency, Shortness or Breath, Asthma, Bubitii, Dimness of Sight, Dizziness, Pains ill the Head, Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Sore Throat, ) :ns in the Bon< and Joints, Scurvy, Scrofuta, and all those diseut-es f01 whicn mercury, sarsapariHa. &e., are not only employed in vain but too often to the utter destruction of the sufferer's health. Their almost marvellous powers must be fett to be betieved. Hundred: j.f ail)arently hopeless cases, which had been given up by the faculty, have been speedily cured, and many thousands hate derived almost miraculous rcliff, when everything else had signally failed. The Guttae Vitce are the result of !onc practica) investigation of the rentedies best adapted for these diseasfs,and in addition to the great ttst FxpLltlFNCE, they have received the sanction of many of the hintteNtmediea! authorities throughout Europe,as n.t'reiy<-upersedmg at) thofcque))- tionable "hirh hHe too long been the sole reliance of the medical nll'I1 uf country. Price 11s., and four times the quantity at 33s. per bottle of the foHowing Agents, and through every other Chemist in the wortd. PAINS in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEU- MATISM, GOUT, DISEASES of the KIDKEYS, STRICTURE, &c. T\R. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS are Jt? celebrated aH over the world as a most safe and speedy remedy for the above dangerous complaints, Dis- charges of any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and Diseases of the Kidneya and Urinary Organs generally. Possessing tonic properties, they agree with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digestive organs increase the appetite, improve the general health, and in three days will effect a cure when copaiba, cubeba, and all dangerous medicines of that ctass have utterly failed. Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., II*. and 33s. per box, of all the Agents below, and through every other Chemist in the world, or fi)t be sent post free on receipt of the amount in postage stamps. These celebrated Pills are an infallible remedy in the mostobstit.ateea'-es. By their use alone, many thousand* have been annually restored to health, when every other medicine has failed. Their vast superiority over every thu'g <lse in the cure of the Abot:e comptainte, is univer- aaHy acknowledged, and th extraordinary demand fo. them ever since their first introduction if without prete* dent. In no instance have they ever been known to faile or produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from copaiba, eubehs. turpentine, and other medieinM usually resorted to. They tequire neither confinement nor change of dift, and may justly be consider" I the only reaUy safe and efficacious remedy for all "tages those disordert for which they are recommended. By the introduction of the abon, the Proprietor has no desire to supersede his own personal usefulness, but there are doubtless many who from natural dimdence, sense of shame, or fear of discovery, would bear their amietions in silence rather than apply for aid, or unbosom their sorrow* to those from whom they may reasonably expect sympathy and relief. Tosuch it is believed the above will be s.!) acceptabte boon, for besides their uaiform treaty, th< sufferer can conduct his caae the know&ed,. of a second person, and thus cure himself speedily, pri-* vate)y, and at the least possible expense. Sold by Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Gui!dhaH-sqasr< Carmarthen Evans, Chemist, High-street, and C. T. Wit- son, Chemist, Castle-square, Swansea; WiUiams, Chemist, High-street, Cardigan; T. D. Meyter, Chemist, and Potter, Herald Omce, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, Chemiat, Pern. broke; Stevens, Chemist, High.street, Merthyr TydTti, and obtainable through all Medicine Vendors, of whom the may be had The Medical Adviser." CA. UTTON.-The immeftle demandfor <A< above MtJ. induced «WM unprincipled persons tO imitat, <A<M, find assume the HaMe of jDf. -De .ROO<, suferers WM<< CMar<< against the recommendation of 8purioui or other by MMprtMCtB&d' vendorl, who thereby oo<<!$M a lørgw profit. yo PROTRCT TBE PUBLIC AGAINST FR UD, Her JMa/M<y'< .BoM. Cotn-&,ioners A<K;< directed tA< words WALTER DE ROOS, LONDON," <0 0< printed <M <pAt<< letters on the Stamp a.1fized to the aooM, without M'At'eA «o'M can pe genuine, and to imitate tcAtcA M folmy, atod tA4 ofender will be prosecuted Oy jH«' Mqje8ty' 6 Government. On the TREATMENT of SPERMATORRH(EA and other URINO GENITAL DISEASES, by a Novel, Safe, and most successful Method. &'<Wt<y Anatomical, jE!:p&MM<ory, Coloured Bu.g,.tJfJÍltg', Its Six Languagel. Fifty.tkird EditiOt", pricI 28. 6d ,na ,elite" envelope through all Booksellers, or sent Po,t free, from ehl .Author, for 42 Postage Stamps. THE MEDICAL ADVISER on Nervous Debility aad JL the various forms of premature Deeay, both mental and physical, arising from youthful excesses, infection, the effectH of climate. &c.; remarks on the use of the Microscope, and the questionable treatment advocated by certain writers; followed by practical observations on Marriage, ptain directions for the prevention and removal of certain Disqualincations, rules for self-treatment, &o. By WALTER DE Roos, M.D., 10, Berners Street, Oxfott Street, London. Sold by White, Chemist, Carmarthen, and in London by Piper & Co., 23, Paternoster Row; Birmingham, Holds- worth, 11, New Street; Bradford, Fratt, chemist; Bnsto!, Ferris & Co., chemists Dublin, Berry, 162, Great Britain Street Edinburgh, Robinson, 11, Greenstde Street Glasgow, Love, BookseUer; Halifax, Dyer, chenust; Leeds, Reinhardt, 76 Briggate; Liverpeo!.Frtesttey, 62,; Lord Street Manchester. Westmacott, 4, Market Street; Shemetd. Whittaker, 22, Fargate; Wolverhampton.Mander & Co., chemists. BBVttWS. "The information therein conveyed i.reaHy essential to those who contemplate mMriage.Record. It contains precisely the information too often stud!ousty kept from the voung and thoughttes. However, the knowledM must come some t!me. and happy is the person who does not become its possessor too late. -PoUttean. The above work. which contains the practica! remarks of nearly a quarter of a century, and treats m ptain and 'yn'P*- thiøing language on the variou. impediments and thsquahnea. tions to marriage. particularly recommends itsetf as a safe. unerring, and infallible guide to the speedy restoration and ermanent preservation o? health and vigour. For want of a book of this nature, .nar.v a once promising youth who started fairly on the voyage of life. has been awfully and irretnevabty wrecked on the shoals and quicksands which beset his coarse. ?he necessity and importance of the work are further shewn by !hefact. that there are few persons who do noat son? period require such information as may be found in its pages. ?hUe therefore it afford, a wholesome tesson to themex- perienced. its perusal may also be ?trumentatinavertMig the serious consequences of indiscretion from those who "? unhappily incurred them: and as the treatme?nt ?MC.?.?"?? has been uniformiy successful in '=?;- '"? ? ??, cases, the reader may the more connd.e?ntt.y antiicipate fur himself the same beneficial result. PEBSONS AT A DisTAKOB can be .<'Mce.sfuIly ?cd by corretponpence only. on remitting the usual fee o'" '"?""y ??X'A?S??S??.? observation. Hours for personal CODtultûwu  fro I L so SR ?.??S?'?.V??' tile Hot L'n oce, to Dr. Witer De Roo" 10. Berner.. Oxford Street. London. f h boY-. N B Should diSculty aTMe in P?urt'? "'y?, ?? a.bcv*. t.u<-?e th. amount per Post-aatce orderor?'?? tt. Berners.8tt?t, Mdttey W? bWM? *?M?? P?t? ?y?? flab