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FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT DEANE'S IRONMONGERY & FURNISHING WAREHOUSES A Priced Furnishing List sent Post Free. DEANE, DRAY, & Co., LONDON BRIDGE. Established A.D. 1700. ASTHMA, CHEST, AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. MarkicicJi's Patent Improved Respirators, 2s. 6(1. each. G. TRIMBEY, Sole Manufacturer, London. GREAT SAVING IN GAS. PATENT LAVA CAS BURNERS. Depot, 41, Queen Street, Cheapside, London. BUTLER'S TASTELESS SESDUTI POWDER. f IX ONE BOTTLE. An efficient and 't?' kpei-i(,.Ilt,, or a refreshing saline (Vm■ lcrhttn ??'?'' °'??' (?c'.osed in a c?e with a Jlleasue and spoon,) at ?- ?' ?? be obtained through all DruggIstS. BUTLER & HARDING, 4, Cheapside, St. Paul's. SAMUEL BROTHERS, § 29, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE t-' S Combining superior Style, Fit, Quality, perfect Ease and Gracefulness, so requisite for Gentle- Wanly appeardtice, and so rarely obtained. SAMUEL BROTHERS, mW Merchant Tailors, 29, Ludgate Hill, London. XtV Plato of Fashions and List of Prices of every description of Clothing sent frea n REAT SALE of MODERATOR LAMPS.-EXTRA- T ORDINARY BARGAINS.—Full size Lamp, highly Tiented, with globo and stand complete. 12s. 6d. Every can be suited, every requirement supplied.—SMITH, l, Strand, (exactly opposite Norfolk-street,) London. Lists Iree by post. BEDSORES. '?ater Cushions and W?ter Mattresses, Fon the prevention of Bed Sores, <? /(?' ?o?'/? relief ?, ?C??7-e<f/?? to .?Oi?/A, or /M ultieh sloughing has act *{a token place also for Gun-shot wounds, Abscess's, .actures, Diseased Joints, Ulcerated Cartilages, and ac- c?:? ?sofankinds. glr ?°'?tort and usefulness i_s greater than can be con- cei ?j" Orders by post or telegraph immediately attended p+0 /T "?ntor, and sole manufacturer—HOOPER, Pall Mall stf > London. HE PATENT DUET CONCERTINA, il lis. 6d. and co 2 2s. with Mahogany Box.—This novel Instrument PrIses two separate Concertinas connected each having Uni notes, enabling a single performer (without difliculty) to y duets or melodies with an insulated accompaniment. iL IS also admirabl3, suited to the voice, fttid combines results not to be obtained in any instrument of the description. Ti f j books of airs for ditto, 2i. each. Inventors, '%Vlly;,ATSTONE an d Co., patentees of the Concertina, as il$Ld by the most celebrated performers at the public concerts. 20, Conduit -street, Regent-street, London. ELECANCE, COMFORT & ECONOMY. rTIHE CANROBERT CAPE with Sleeves (light, warm, a and waterproof,) price, One Guinea; just introduced London rS' PorLSON and Co., Tailors, &c., ?L Regent-Street, London.. N IIM/'V rv?r^>' A^ should he without WM. DRAY and j1\? F r Co.? 's COfl'AGE MANGLE, 55s. An Illustrated  descrpt¡ve lIst ?11 be forwarded post-free, on applica- tinn fn -vv^ tPI KAY and Co., Engineers and Agricultural Implement Makers, Swan Lane, London. Important to Country Residents. PARKINlS & GOTTO'S Price List of Stationery, (the JL cheapest in England,) sent post free, or useful'sample packets of Writing Paper and Envelopes by post for ten samps-over 20s. carriage paid to any railway station. No C large for stamping crests, initials, or address. Parkins & Gotto, Manufacturers, 24 and 25, -Oxford-street I I Is the best substitute for Silver, at a tnflidg cost. A sample NICIEL SPOON sent free for ten stamps, or one FLUCTRO-PLATZD for twenty. A Book containing 200 Engravings, forwarded post-free. ordersabove;E2 carriage-free. Richard & John Slack, 336, Strand, London. NV EST'S PERFECT WATCHES, at 50s. each have 1' strong jewelled movements, in sterling silvernesses, arc of all the usuaFsizes, and are the cheapest watches ever produccd. Perfect watches, in "gold cases, 4, 5, and 6 guineas eaeh, to be had only of Thomas West, 18, Ludgate-street, eext to Number One, St. Paul's, London. PASK'S MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, I)iltinguislied for Tone. Workmanship, and Low Charges. l11ateurs, Ships, Bands promptly furnished. All the newest model Cornopeans. 2000 Accord ions, Flu- Al1as, and Concertinas, from 4s. 6d. each. Address, 7, Lowther tcade, and 4-13, Strand, London. Prize.Medal, 1851. OSBORNE HOUSE. trst-class Provisions at Economical prices. A saving of 1.5 per cent. to the purchaser. Packages gratis. OSDORXE HOUSE, 30, Ludgate-hill, near St. Paul's, London. {JROGGON'S PATENT ASPHALTE ROORING FELT, i inodorons felt for damp walls, lining iron houses sold fn rolls 32 in. widc, ld. per SQUARE FOOT. Also dry hair felt Ifor preventing the radiation of heat, and deadening c 1.1nd, and sheathing for ships' bottoms, on which the Copper lies smooth. Samples, directions, and testimonials ,ent by post. CKOGGON & Co., 2, Dowgate-hill, London. GRATIS! GRATIS!! ?Y?BS and RAPER forward on application (post free) rS their Illustrated Catalogue of Silver Electro Plated W The -??? &?s for Purchasers. 422, Strand, London. best guide for purchasers. 422, Strand, ^A^JEALLY GOOD STEEL PEN, adapting itself to any '???' as flexible as the quill, and nearly as durable as i., ? pen, Is. 3d. per 12 dozen box; or post free for ? 'd. (stamps ) Sold only by the makers, PARTRIDGE aUd r>rJZENS, 1, Chancery-lane, London. ENS, 1, Chancery-lane, London. \?RTS.—B. NICOLL'S REGISTERED SHIRTS, Six i'tegpnJ 408 Flannel Shirts, ?3 3s. the haU-dozen. 42, 1zgånt Circus, and 4G, Lombard-street, London; also at S Urafton-strect, Dublin. Particulars post-free. ??YNE'S CONDIMENTS are the best imported, and hare Patronized by The Hon. East India Comnanv- e best CURRY POWDER, 1 Ib. bottles 3s. 6d. each. j t,p6t, ??8, Regcnt-st., London. A 11.1 on application. f ?'?R?'S ILLUSTRATED LIST OF LOCKS, FIRE- 'õ')tROO.F SAFES, CASH, DEED, and WRITING f?E? ??.? ? their Sizes, Fittings, and Prices, ?i]I be sent ? Post? '? any part, on receipt of two postage stamps. ,i Appj & Son, .57, St. Paul's Churchyard, Lon- ?o; Y4tO P1IUBB & Son, 57, St. Pau1's Churchyard, Lon- tanche' Lord Street, Liverpool; 16, Market Street, ?chea? ?'; and Horsley Fields, 'V ohcrhampton.  X1.QgitGnd Night Ah-.—The RESPIRATORY 1J:ttentee :r1N" and CHEST PROTECTOR, to be had of the ?ntee. ? COO?t 10, Piiucess-street, JIanovcr-square, alicbv?llstSi "Cheap, elegant, and effective.Lancet. I'h e be t fs'llnS of the kind. —Medical Institute. Good Ill.! inexp tlng of the kind.I\ledicnl Institute. Good pe ia r,,lvc.liledical Times. | p ^i.. rp^Eli HYMN, Transcribed or the Pianoforte, ?P?'- ? The Old Hundredth, 4s.; With Verdure Clad, 3s.; Scotch ?ir/'?' ?'?? Opera Fantasias, 3s. each.; Twelve Fscotcii A"' "q- L, 0 3s. Twelve Irish Airs, each 3s.; Scales mri IE Xerei6,8, 4s.-? u by ? VINCENT WALLACE. W7T% a os, 4s.-all hy W. VINCEXT WALLACE. ent Compos recent arrangement madc with this very emi- ??Composf<????t Robert Cocks and Co. will be Sole ? ??s of b I- S ()w Piiy)oforto AVoi-ks for Great ]3rititiii ?e???Pend? ????oforto Works for Great Britain  X??"-?"?n ROBERT COCKS and CO., .?a ???.?-street, Music Publishers to their Majesties ? Emperor Napoleon IU. C. N.B-? ?talogneggMtM and postage free. | OSLERS' § Table Glass, Chandeliers, Lustres, &.e P 44, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, conducted in connexion with their Manufactory, Eroad-strcct, Birmingham. Established 1807. Richly cut and en- graved Decanters in great variety, Wins Glasses, M l '4t Water Jugs, Goblets, and all kinds of Table Glass at exceedingly moderate prices. Crystal glass Cliande- if liers, of new and elegant designs, for Gas or Candles A large stock of Foreign Ornamental Glass always on view. Furnishing orders executed with dosoatcU 52, FLEET STREET, MR. HOWARD, SURGEON-DEiMTiST, At home from ten till five. 52, FLEET STREET, LONDON. SECURITY TO EMPLOYERS. rpiIE TIMES ASSURANCE COMPANIES. To Clerks A and others guarantees at the lowest rates. Plate Glass Assurance.—Windows, Mirrors, &c., insured aganst loss by breakage. Every description of Life and Fire Assurances. Apply to the Manager, 32, Ludgate-hill. OCEAN PARCELS DELIVERY COMPANY.—De- spatches are regularly made up for India, Australia, and for all parts of the World the Yvrest Indies, Malta, Constantinople. Express to the United States every Thursday. Rates for small packages: -6 ib. weight, 5s. 101b. 7s. 6d.; 20 lb. 10s. 6d. 4, Agar-street, and 17, Grace- church-street, London and 68, South Castle-street, Liver- pool. DISORDERS OF THE THROAT & Am PASSAGES. 11HE NAME RESPIRTOR having acquired celebrity Tthrough Mr. JEFFREYS' Invention, has of late been assumed for various defective imitations. Persons induced by plausible statements to try any of these, are recommended not to judge by their experience of them of the real Instru- ments, which in their new and reduced forms and prices, are procurable of the Agents in London, and all Towns. WHOLESALE OFFICE, 25, Bucklersbury, London. DUCATION-Miss AlAry E,. SIIEARS.NIITH s Estab- lielitneiit, Sudbury House, Hammersmith, near London. Instruction in English, French, Music, and Dancing, 30 guineas. Pupils above fourteen, 36 guineas per annum. Laundress and pew rent included. Experienced Masters. Diet, best and unlimited. House and Grounds spacious. CORDING'S WATERPROOFS FOR ALL CLIMATES, CORDING'S FISHING BOOTS, Are superior to all others. J. C. COR DIn G, 231, S T RAN D. Five doors west of Temple Bar, London. GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS. AIR ? CANES, &c. GTbe most perfect self-acting Revolvers. Adams's Patent, Colt's, and numerous other efficient and highly approved systems, from 50s REILLY, Gun Maker, New Oxford street, London. PATENT MINERALISED INDIA RUBBER WATERPROOFS, in no way affected by either heat or cold—WILLIAM WARNE and Co. ore now prepared to execute orders for their patent MINERALISED INDIA RUBBER WATERPROOF CLOTHS, Coats, Cloaks, Ground Sheets, &c. These patent waterproofs are war- ranted to stand the extremes of either heat or cold, without ittjury, uhvays entirely free from tackiness, and retaining in all seasons the suppleness which is the peculiar characteristic of this patent process. The lightest and stoutest fabrics of silk and cotton are now mineralised, and are, as well as yachting hatR, souwesters, air beds, air cushions, life and swimming belts, travelling rugs, and all other descriptions of India l ubber goods, to be obtained of the only manu- facturers, the Patentees, at their warehouse, No 9, Gresham Street West.-Factoi,y, Tottenham, Middlesex. ESTABLISHED 1813. OHAWLS, DRESSES, AND MANTLES cleaned and O dyed to equal new, in permanent and brilliant colours. FREDERIC F. SMITH, Dyer and Chintz Furniture Cleaner, 98, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London. COMPTORT HOUSE, SOHO, LONDON. RICH Flounced Glace Silk Dresses, 58s. 6d.; New Fancy Silks for Morning and Walking Dresses, (wide width) 2s. lid. per yard New Uroche flounced Evening Dresses; Cloaks, Mantles, and Furs, with every novelty of the season, at half the usual prices Patterns and particulars post free on application to SEWELL and Company, Compton House, Old Compton Street, and Frith Street, Solio. THE LONDON MANURE COMPANY beg to call J? attention to the following Manures which they manu- facture with the greatest care,—of one uniform quality- and in a state fit for immediate use, either broad cast or by drill. Nitrophosphate for corn and root crops, composed of blood, animal matter, and dissolved bones Concentrated Urate for grass, clover, and roots of all kinds. This Manure has been in general use for fifteen years. Superphosphate of Lime of the best quality. Testimonials and full particulars forwarded on application. They also supply on best terms Peruvian Guano direct from the importers, Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, and every artificial manure- each warranted strictly genuine. EDWARD PURSER, Secretary. 40, New Bridge-street, London. SECOND-HAND GUNS & RIFLES, by every Maker—Purdey, Lancaster, William Moore, &c. Old Guns, and ill fact any description of goods taken in exchange in lieu of money. A large stock of second-hand Plate and Jewellery, Plated Goods, and Electro-plated Spoons and Forks. Old Plate and Jewellery- bought or taken in exchange. WHISTLER'S, 11, Strand, Opposite Trafalgar Square. THRESHER an 1 GLENNY, SHIRT MAKERS and TOUTFITTERS, 152, STRAND, LONDON. An exten- sive assortment of Colored Flannel Shirts, Military, Long Cloth, Linen, and Dress Shirts—Irish and Scotch Knit Hosiery-Flannel and Waterproof Coats, and every article for Military and Naval Outfits always ready. List of prices will be forwarded on application. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. Just Published, Price 2s., Post free for 26 Stamps. NERVOUS DEBILITY, its Causes, Symptoms, Varieties and Cure an Essay on Spermatorrhoea, and on those Disorders arising from Imprudence and Vicious Indulgence, oeeurring during the critical passage from Youth to Manhood; with Practical Observations on a safe, speedy, and successful mode of treatment, with the means of detecting and dis- tinguishing, through Urinary Examination, the real cause and effect of every variety of complaint. To which arc added, Commentaries on the Physiology of Marriage, precautionary hints on the evils emanating from Empirical practice, and indisputable facts regarding the dangerous remedies advocated by various writers on these important disorders. BY SAMUEL LA'MERT, M.D., 37, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, Doctor of Medicine, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothecaries'Hall, Lon- don, &c., &c. SRCTION I.—Anatomy and Physiology of the Generative and Urinary Organs. SECTION II.—PUBERTY—MANHOOD—The Morale of Ge- nerative Physiology, True and False Morality. SECTION III Tit-P, PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE—Aptitude and Inaptitude for Wedded Happiness, Physiological Facts on Generative Capacity. SECTION IV.—SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Debility- Its History, and Causes—The miseries of Imprudence, the Vices of Schools. SECTION Y.—SYMPTOMS OF SPERMATORRHEA and Impo- tence, Nocturnal and Diurnal Discharges, &c., Influence on the Mental Faculties. SECTION VI.—CAUSES & EFFECTS OF SEMINAL DEBILITY, Impotence, and Sterility. SECTION VII.—DETECTION OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS by Urinary or Microscopic Examination, Importance of Exami- nation, Dangers of Mistakes, Medical Errors, Means of Cure. SECTION YITL.—TREATMENT OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCE, Hazardous and Empirical Specifics, the Author's Mode of Treatment, Cases and Illustrations. Published by PIPER and CO., 23, Paternoster Row, and may be had of HANNAY and CO., 63, Oxford Street, or from the Author, who may be consulted daily, from Eleven till Two, and from. Five till Eight, at his residence, 37, Bedford Square, London. AGENTS:—Swansea, at the Cambrian" Office Carmar- I then, MI-, J. W. White, chymist, Guildhall Square. ¡- 1 01 Oo MILNERS' HOLDFAST AND FIRE-RESIST- j IXG SAFES (non-conducting and vapourising), with all the improvements, under their Quadruple Patents of 1840-51-54 and 1855, including their Gunpowder Proof Solid Lock and Door (without which no Safe is secure). THE STRONGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTANT. MILNERS' PHffiNIX (2120) SAFE WORKS, LIVER- POOL, the most complctc-and extensive in the world. Show- rooms, G and 8, Lord-street, Liverpool. London Depot, 17A, Moorgiito-strei t, City. Circulars free by post. UNDER IlOY AlPATliON AG E. PERFECT FREEDOM from COUGHS in Ten Minutes after use; and INSTANT RELIEF, AND A RAPID CURE OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, and all disorders of the Breath and Lungs, is insured by DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. The truly wonderful powers of this remedy have called forth testimonials from all ranks of society in all quarters of the world, The following have been reeeived:- Another Cure of Asthmatic Cough. City Road, Haverfordwest. Sir,—I am happy to inform you that I have experienced the greatest benefit from taking only two boxes of Dr. Lo- cock's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough to recommend me. Previously to my taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty of breathing, and my cough would then increase to such a degree that I was nearly suffocated. I had not for many months slept for more than half an hour at a time; but I am now able to sleep all night without coughing. I can truly recom- mend them to those who are similarly afflicted as a most invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make my case public if you think proper. lani,&c. JOHN JONES, Cabinet-maker. Rapid Cure of Cough and Difficulty of Breathing. Hale, near Liverpool. Sir,-I write to inform you of the great benefit I have received from taking Locock's Wafers, which you recom- mended to me. I was so much oppressed at my chest that when I lay down a coughing fit came on with such violence that I have often thought I should not live to see the morning; but now I can sleep a whole night without coughing, after having taken only two boxes of wafers. J. HAYNES. Witness, P. Roberts, 4, Ranelagh-street. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING. From S. Pearsall, Esq. of her Majesty's Concerts, and Vicar Choral of Lichfield Cathedral. GENTLEMEN,—A lady of distinction having pointed out to me the qualities of Dr. Locock's Wafers, I was induced to make a trial of a box, and from this trial I am happy to give my testimonial in their favour. I find by allowing a few of the Wafers (taken in the course of the day) to gradu- ally dissolve in the mouth, my voice becomes bright and clear, and the tone full and distinct. They are decidedly the most efficacious of any I have ever used. S. PEARSALL. The particulars of many hundred cures may be had from every agent throughout the kingdom and on the continent. To SINGERS AND Punuc SPEAKERS they are invaluable, as in a few hours they remove all hoarseness, and increase the power and flexibility of the voice. THEY HAVE A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. Price Is. lid. 2s. 9d. and lls. per box or sent free by post for Is. 3d. 3s. or lis. 6d. Sold by all medicine venders. ————— DR. LOCOCK'S COSMETIC. A delightfully fragrant preparation, for improving and beautifying the complexion, rendering the skin clear, soft, and transparent, removing all eruptions, freckles, sunburn, tan, pimples, and roughness,—curing gnat bites, and the stings of insects. In the process of shaving, it allays all smarting, and renders the skin soft and smooth. Sold in bottles, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Gd. each. Beware of counterfeits. Observe the words, Dr. Locock's Cosmetic" on the government stamp outside the wrapper. SOLD BY ALL RESPECTABLE CHEMISTS. THE WONDER OF WONDERS! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. ASTONISHING CURE OF DROPSY. Copy of a letter from Mr. David Simpson, of Oollt>igh(i»i• dated 4th September, 1854. To Professor Holloway, ,Silt,-It is with great pleasure I have to inform you of a most wonderful cure of that dreadful malady, the Dropsy, effected on my daughter by the use of your invaluable Pills. She had been under medical treatment lor a long time with- out deriving- any benefit, although she was tapped twice, and fourteen pounds of water taken from her each time. After suffering very severely for some time, she finally had recourse to your Pills, and in four weeks was completely cured, after every other remedy failed to do her the slighest good. I there- fore feel bound to make this statement public for the benefit of similar sufferers. I remain, Sir, yours obediently, (Signed) DAVID SIMPSON. WONDERFUL CURE OF ASTHMA. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Wild, of Hyde, Cheshir dated the 5th of August, 1854. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR,—Mrs. Newton, (a lady well known in this town, residing in Hanover Street,) was afflicted for years with a severe attack of asthma difficulty of breathing, and a most violent cough, causing severe pains in her side, particularly whenever she took cold she tried many reme- dies, and consulted different individuals, without deriving any benefit. At last she came to me, and I advised her to take your Pills and use your Ointment,—after a few weeks, by perseverance with your remedies, she was considerably better, and by continuing the same, in three months she was perfectly cured. I remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully. (Signed) JOSEPH WILD. INDIGESTION AND BILLIOUSNESS! EXTRAORDINARY CURE Copy of a letter from Mr. James Henshall, of AsMon-under- lync, dated the 28th June, 1851. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR,—I was for a considerable period afflicted with Indigestion, attended with frequent sickness, loss of appetite, giddiness, headache, drowsiness, and dimness of sight, an oppression at the pit of the stomach, and the other attendant evils of a generally disorganised constitution. Although I tried a variety of reputed remedies I was not benefitted, and finally I became so bad that life was almost insupportable to me. At this period I commenced using your Pills, and in gratitude am bound to confess, that after a few doses I felt considerably better, and in six weeks was radically cured by this medicine alone, after every other remedy had failed to afford me the slightest relief. I remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully, (Signed) JAMES HEXSHALL. MOST SURPRISING CURE OF A DISEASED LIVER OF FOURTEEN YEARS STANDING. Mrs. Dobson, of Dartford, was afflicted for fourteen years with a diseased liver and spitting of blood, and she was candidly told by every one who saw her that it was an utter impossibility that she could ever be cured. A year v.-rd a half ago, she became so much worse that she was obliged to be carried up and down stairs her friends then conveyed her to Guy's Hospital, but they refused to receive her, ex- cept as an in-patient, and it was feared that it would be im- possible to relieve her of her sufferings. Four months ago she resolved to have recourse to Holloway's Pills, and de- termined to give them a fair trial, she did so, and the result was, that in nine weeks she was perfectly cured by these remdeies alone, and is now able to walk as well as ever she was in her life. The truth of the above is well known at Dartford, and can be vouched for by several persons of respectability there. These celebrated Pills arc wonderfully efifeaciousin the following complaints. Ague Dropsy Inflammation Sore Throats Asthma Dysentery Jaundice Stone & Grave Bilious ComplaintsErysipelas Liver Com- Secondary Blotches on the Femaleirregu- plaints Symptoms kin larities Lumbago Tic Doloureux Bowel Complaints Fevers of all Piles Tumours Colics kinds Rheumatism Ulcers [tions Constipation of the Fits Venereal AfTec Bowels Gout Worms of a- Consumption Ilead-ache Scrofula, or kinds Debility Indigestion King's Evil Weakness, from [whatever cause, &c., &c Sold at the Kstahlishments of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand near Temple Bar, London, and 80, Maiden Lane, New York. arid by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. Ijd., 2s. d. 4s. Gd. lis., 22s. and 33s. each Box. There is a considerable savingby taking the larger sizes N.B. Directions for the guidance of PatieirtS i n every Disorder are affixed to each Sox .¡ ~r' -n. DR. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. Proscribed with complete confidence by the Faculty for its purity, efficacy, and marked superiority over all other kinds in the treatment of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, GOUT, HIIEUIflATiSia, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, RTCKETS, INFANTILE WAS!IN<>, Oi-LNERAL DEBILITY, AMD ALL SCSOPULOUS AFFECTIONS. It is entirely free from nauseous flavour, and being invari- ably and carefully ssubmitted to chemical analysis—AND C'NLY SUPPLIED IN SEALED BOTTLES TO PRECLUDE SUBSE- QUENT ADMIXTURE OR ADULTEUATIOx-this Oil possesses a guarantee of genuineness and purity offered by no other Oil in the maiket. EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL TESTIMONIALS:— ARTHUR H. IIASSALL, M.D., F.L.S., M.R.C.P., Chief Analyst of the Sanitary Commission of the Lancet, Author of Food and its Adulterations," &c., &c., &c. I have more than once, at different times, subjected your Light-Brown Oil to chemical analysis—AND THIS UNKNOWN TO YOURSELF—and I have always found it to be free from all impurity and rich in the constituents of bile. So great is my confidence in the article, that I usually prescribe it in pre- ference to any other, in order to make sure of obtaining the remedy in its purest and best condition." The MEDICAL CIRCULAR," May 10, 1854 We unhesitatingly recommend DR DE JONGH'S Light- Browu Cod Liver Oil as the best for medical purposes, and well deserving the confidence of the profession." Sold ONLY in bottles, capsuled and labelled, with Dn. DE JONGII'S Stamp and Signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE, by ANSAR, HARFORD, and CO., 77, STRAND, London, DR. DE J oxon's sole Consignees; and IN THE COUNTRY by most respectable Chemists. Half-pints (10 ounces). 2s. 6d.; Pints (20 ounces) 4s. 9d.; Quarts (40 ounces), 9s. IMPERIAL MEASURE. SOLD IN CARMARTHEN by R. M. DAVIES, Chemist, 49, King Street; in HAVERFORDWEST, by GWYNNE HARRIES, Chemist; in PEMBROKE, by J. Ilnu), Chemist; in PEMBROKE DOCK, by W. LAEN, Chemist; in TENBY, by W. W ALKINTON, Chemist; in MILFORD, by THOMAS WILLIAMS, Chemist; in NARBERTH, by GRIFFITHS and NICHOLAS, Chemists; in ABEItYSTWITH, by J. COLE, Chemists; in MACH YNLLETII, by II. MEYHICK PUGH, Chemist. Nothing brings on Nervous Debility, Premature Old Age, and shortens lwman life, more than Diseases of the Chest. UNDER THE W AND PATRONAGE OF THE THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN NOBILITY. THE ONLY REAL CURE WITHOUT INWARD MEDICINE IS TT) OPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS, for Coughs, JLV, Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Croup,-Hooping Cough, Influenza, Chronic Strains, Bruises, Lumbago or Pains in the Back, Spinal and Rheu- matic Affections, Diseases of the Chest, and Local Pains. AFFLICTED SEVEN YEARS WITH A DREADFUL COUGH. South Carlton, near Lincoln, Dec. 15, 1854. Gentlemen,—I am requested by a poor man in this village to write to you respecting the effects of one of your Roper's Plasters. lie has been afflicted with a dreadful cough for the last seven years, and for which he has been advised to try one of your Plasters, which he has now had on three weeks, and which I am happy to inform you has been attended with beneficial results, as tile co u g? oiil s h as be e n attended with beneficial results, as the cough is not so violent, and the phlegm, which at first was thick and tough, has been changed to ordinary spittle.—I remain yours obediently, SAML. BEECH. To Messrs, Roper and Son. 4 Unprincipled shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, have vended spurious imitations. Purcliauors are therefore ptfiUiwMiii NOTICE the words, "ROPER'S ROYAL BATII PLASTER,' engraved on the government stamp, and the 4/ Proprietor's Au- — •" tograph on the thus :— PREPARED ONLY BY ROBERT ROPER AND SON, CHEMISTS, SHEFFIELD, On Medico-chemical principles, from British herbs and the gums and balsams of the Eastern clime, where The trees drop balsam, and on all the boughs Health sits, and makes it sovereign as it flows." Full-sized Plasters, Is. I I'd.; an(] for Children, 9 jd. each,, or direct by post, on receipt of Is. 4d. or Is. each, in postage stamps. Sold by most Patent Medicine vendors in the United Kingdom. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS:-Be particular to ask for ROBER'S PLASTERS. A FRIEND IN NEED." HUNDREDS of CURES have proved ROPER'S PILLS, (though originally only intended to assist the operation of ROPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER, the best remedy for all those distressing symptons attending a weak and disordered Stomach, Liver complaints, Bilious irregularities, Indigestion, such as Nausea or Sickness, Loss of Appetite, Loathing of Food. Pain in the Bowels, Languor and Depression of Spirits, Giddiness, Swimming or determi- nation of Blood to the Head, &c., the forerunner of apoplexy. Proofs of c,acacy (Communicated by Mr. J. C. Reinhardt, Chemist, Hull.) Sproatlcy, near Hull, Oct. 3, 1853. Sii-s,-Ilaving found great benefit from Roper's Royal Bath Plasters and Pills, I wish to make my case known for the ad- vantage of those who sutler, as I have done, for a long time. I have been afflicted with spasmodic pains in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, arising from Indigestion and Liver complaint; I was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better. At last I tried one of Roper's Plasters and a box of Pills, which gave me .relief in a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now I quite well.—I remain, with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH THOMPSON. Roper's Pills are a purely Botanic compound, and warrant- ed free from any deletorious ingredient, being composed of choice herbs, roots, gums, and balsams, by ROBT. ROPER and SON, Chemists, Sheffield, 111 boxes at Is. qd. 2s. 9d and 4s. 6d. each. Sold by most Chemists and Booksellers in the United Kingdom. ASK FOR ROPER'S PILL'S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. (CHRISTMAS has ever been rendered dear to the lovers j of friendship and hospitality from the many charming socialiti6s connected with it. The exuberance of the feel- ings amid scehes of gaiety induces the fair and youthful to shine to advantage under the gaze of many friends, and therefore to devote increased attention to the duties of the Toilet. It is at this festive season that ROWLANDS' AUXILIARIES OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY are more than usually essential for preserving the Hair in all its decorative charm, the Skin and Complexion trans- parent and blooming, and the Teeth in their pearl-like lustre. The Patronage of Royalty throughout Europe, their general use by Rank and Fashion, and the universally known efficacy of these articles give them a celebrity un- paralleled, and render them peculiarly ELEGANT AND SEASONABLE PRESENTS. ROWLAND S' A S S A R OIL Is a delightfully Fragrant and Transparent Preparation FORTHEHAIR and as an Invigoraior and Purifier beyond all Precedent. In dressing the Hair nothing can equal its effect, rendering it so admirably soft that it will lie in any direction, im- parting a transcendant lustre, and sustaining it in decora- tive charm during the heated atmosphere of crowded as- semblies. Price 3s. 6d., 7s.; Family Bottles (equal to 4 small), 10s. 6d.; and double that size, 21s. per bottle. FOR ROWLANDS' N KALI, THE SKIN ANU COMPLEXION, Is unequalled for its Rare and Inestimable Qualities, the Radiant Bloom it Imparts to the Cheek, the Softness and Delicacy which it induces of the Hands and Arms-its capability of soothing Irritation, and removing Cutaneous Defects, Discolorations, and all unsightly appearances, render it INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY TOILET. During the frost and bleak winds of winter, and in cases of Chilblains, Chapped Skin, and Incidental Irritation, its virtues are universally acknowledged.—Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. ROWLANDS' 0 nON TO, OR, PEARL DENTIFRICE. Compounded of the choicest and most recherche ingredients of the ORIENTAL HERBAL, and of inestimable value in PRESERVING AND BEAUTIFYING THE TEETH, STRENGTHENING THE GUMS, And in rendering the Breath Sweet and Pure. Price 2s. 9d. per Box. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS The only Genuine of each bears the name of ROWLANDS' preceding that of the Article on the Wrapper or Label. SOLD BY A. ROWLAND and SONS, 20, Ilatton Garden, London. AND BY CHEMISTS AND FERFUMERS. ALTERATION OF TIME. ABERYSTWITH TO OSWESTRY AND SHREWSBURY. Aberystivith to Oswestry is 16 Miles the ncarest Coach rout ryMIE Public is respectfully informed that on and after :M():q)A Y, OCTOBEl the 1st, the Four Horse Coach, "THE ENGINEElt," will leave the TALBOT HOTEL,, Aberystwith, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, at 7.:50 a.m., by the way of Machynlleth, Cemmes, Mallwyd Cann-oifice and Meifod, arriving fit the WYNNSTAY AUMS HOTEL and Railway Station, Oswestry, at 4 p.m in time for Trains to Liverpool, Manchester, Carnarvon, Holyhead, and London in One Day, and return from the above Hotel and Railway Station, Oswestry, 011 MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 11 a.m., arriving at Aberystwith at 8 p.m, The Proprietors beg leave to return thanks to those numer- ous patrons who have contributed to the success of the ENGINEER, and to inform those who have not travelled bv this route that it will be found the pleasantest and most ex- peditious, and the scenery unrivalled, passing through the beautiful Vale of Meifod to Cann-officc, Mallwyd and Machynlleth; three of the best fishing stations in Wales. One Coachman and Guard throughout. CLEATON JONES, 1 „ ROWLAND OWEN LLOYD & Co. Propnctors. Talbot Hotel, Coach-offieej July 2nd. THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY For NERVOUSNESS, RELAXATION and EX- HAUSTION. Protected by Royal Letters Patent, and sanctioned by all the great Continental Colleges Medicine. DR. DE ROOS' CELEBRATED GUTTJE VITJE OR j L LIFE DROPS, are the great European Remedy for Spermatorrhoea, Exhaustion, Nervousness, Debility, Aver- sion to and Incapacity for Society, Study, or Business, Shaking of the Hands and Limbs, Indigestion, Flatulency, Shortness ef Breath, Asthma, Consumptive Habits, Dim- ness of Sight, Dizziness, Pains in the Head, Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Sore Throat, Pains in the Bones and Joints, Scurvy, Scrofula, and all those diseases for which mercury, sarsaparilla, &c. are not only employed in t-ain.1 but too often to the utter destruction of the sufferer's health. Theii almost marvellous powers must be felt to be believed. Hundreds of apparently hopeless cases, which had been given up by the faculty, have been speedily cured, and many thousands have derived almost miraculous relief, uhen everything else had signally failed. The Guttce Vitae are the result of long practical investigation of the reme- dies best adapted for these diseases, and in addition to the great test EXPERIENCE, they have received the sanction of many of the highest medical authorities throughout Europe, as entirely superseding all those questionable remedies which have too long been the sole reliance of the medical men of this country. Price lis., and four times the quantity at 33s. per bottle of the following Agents. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUM- BAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, DIS- EASES of the KIDNEYS, STRICTURE, &c., &c. DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS are celebrated all over the world as a most safe and speedy remedy for the above dangerous complaints, Discharges of any kind, Stone, and Diseases of the Kidneys and Uriaary Organs geieereHy. Vosseeewig tonie properties, they agree with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, improve the general health, and in three days will effect a cure when copaiba, cubebs, and all dangerous medicines of that class have titterly failed. Is. Hd., 2s. 9d., 4s. Od., lis., and 33s. per box. Sent post free on receipt of Is. 3d., 3s., os., 12s., and 35s. in Postage Stamps or by Post-office Order. These celebrated Pills arc an infallible remedy in the most obstinate cases. By their use alone, many thousands have been annually restored to health, when every other medicine has failed. Their vast supe-rioi ity over everything else in the cure of the above complaints, is universally acknowledged, and the extraordinary demand for them ever since their first introduction is without precedent. In no instance have they ever been known to fail, or to produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from copaiba, cubebs, turpentine, and other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither confinement nor change of diet, and may justly be considered the only really safe and effica- cious remedy for all stages of those disorders for which they are recommended. By the introduction of the above, the Proprietor has no desire to supersede his own personal usefulness, but there are doubtless many who from natural diffidence, sense of shame, or fear of discovery, would bear their afflictions in silence, rather than apply for aid, or unbosom their sorrows to those from whom they may reasonably expect sympathy and relief. To such it is believed the above will be an ac- ceptable boon, for besides their uniform efficacy, the sufferer can safely conduct his case without the knowledge of a second person, and thus cure himself speedily, privately, and at the least possible expense. CAUTION.-Tli.e immense demand for the above, having induced an unscrupulous person to imitate tltem, ami assume the name of Dc lloos. Sufferers must guard against. the re- commendation of spurious or other articles by unprincipled vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. To protect the pitblie, Her Majesty's Ilon, Commissioners have directed the words 11 Walter de Roos, London," to be printed in white letters on a red ground on the stamp affixed to the above, without which none can be genuine, and to imitate which is felony. Sold by Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square, Carmarthen; Evans, Chemist, High-street, and C. T. Wil- son, Chemist, Castle-square, Swansea; Williams, Chemist, High-street, Cardigan T. D. Meyler, Chemist, and Potter, Herald Office, Haverfordwest; Trewepks, Chemist, Pem- broke Stevens, Chemist, tligh-strect, Mcrthyr Tydvil; and obtainable through all Medicine Vendors, of whom also may be had The Medical Adviser." On the TREATMENT of SPERMATOR- RHOSA, and other URINO GENITAL DISEASES by a Novel, Safe, and most successful Method. Seventy Anatomical, Explanatory, Coloured Bugravings. In Six Languages, Fifty-third Edition, price 2s. 6d. in a sealed Envelope, through all Booksellers, or sent Post free from the Author for 42 postage stamps. rpHE MEDICAL ADVISER on Nervous Debility and J? the various forms of Premature Decay, both mental f physical, arising from youthful excesses, infection, the effects of climate, &c. remarks on the use of the Micros- cope, and the questionable treatment advocated by certain writers; followed by practical observations on Marriage, with plain directions for the prevention and removal of certain Disqualiifcations, rules for self-management, &c. By WALTER DE Roos, M.D., 10, Berners-Street, Oxford- Street, London. Sold also by Piper and Co., 23, Paternoster-row; Mann, 39, Cornhill; Home, 19, Leicester-square; Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London; Heywood, Oldham-atreet, Man- chester; Howell, Church-street, Liverpool; Watt, 11, Elm- row, and Robinson, Greenside-street, Edinburgh; Love, Bookseller, Glasgow Berry, 162, Great Britain-street, Dublin; and obtainable through all Booksellers. REVIEWS. "The information therein conveyed is really essential to those who contemplate marriage. Record. ,c It contains precisely the information too often studi- ously kept from the young and thoughtless. However, the knowledge must come some time, and happy is the person who does not become its possessor too late.-Politiciare. The above work, which contains the practical remarks of nearly a quarter of a century, and treats in plain and sympathising language 011 the various impediments and disqualiifcations to marriage, particularly recommends it- self as a safe, unerring, and lIICalhble glllde to the speedy restoration and permanent preservation of health and vig- our. For want of a book of this nature, many a once pro- mising youth who started fairly on the voyage of life, has been awfully and irretrievably wrecked on the shoals and quicksands which beset his course. The necessity and im- portance of the work are further shewn by the fact, that there are few persons who do not at some period require such information as may be found in its pages. While therefore it affords a wholesome lesson to the inexpe- rienced, its perusal may also be instrumental in averting the serious consequences of indiscretion from those who have unhappily incurred them: and as the treatment re- commended has been uniformly successful in many thou- sand of parallel cases, the reader may the more confidently anticipate for himself.the same beneficial result. PERSONS AT A DISTANCE can be successfully treated by correspondence only, on remitting the usual fee of Ll, when advice and medicines will be promptly despatched secure from observation. Hours for personal consultation daily from 11 till 4, Sunday excepted. Post-office Orders to be made payable at the Holborn Office to Dr. Walter De Roos, 10, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London. N.B., Should difficulty arise in procuring any of the above, enclose the amount per Post-office order or other- wise, to 10, Berners-attef, .and they wiU be seat securely packed oer retum. GOSSAGE'S PATENT SOAP. The Best and Most Economical yet Offered to the Public. ONE POUND wiU?eanae thoroughly ?noresoned Clothes ?? than would require ONE POUND of TALLOW SO ?P sold fit FIV EPENCE, or TWO POUNDS of COMMON YELLOW SOAP sold at THREEPENCE PER POUNli. As this cleansing ia effected with k-as rubbing, the Clothe, are more Durable in wear. Manufactured by Gosaago's Patent Soap Company, Widues Dock, near Warrington. NEITHER SODA NOR WASHING POWDER NEED BE USED WITH THIS SOAP. Sold Retail by Grocers, &c. The Genuine Soap is stamped Gossage's Patent. Wholesale Agent for South Wales-Mr. C. W. SMITH, 5, Hansel, Terrace, Swansea.. BRISTOL GENERAL .ly fca K y' STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY I^HE following or other suitable STEAM VESSELS unless Tprevented by any unforeseen occurrence, are intended to Bail fiom CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, (except the Dart," for Newport, and" Swift," for Cardiff, which will start from Bathurst Basin,) and as under-mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels during the Month of JANUARY. 1856. CARMARTHEN.—JUNO. FROM BRISTOL. CALLING AT TENBY. Tuesday 1 II moni Tuesday 8 6 tnorn Tueday 22 6 morn FROM CARMARTHEN. CALLING AT TE?BV FOUR HOURS LATER. Thur8<lav 3. 1:1 lIOon- Wednesday 9 6 morn i Wednesday 23 6 morn FARES-Cabin 13,1. Children under 12 years, 6s. 6d. Servants in the Cabin, 8s. (including Steward's Fees.) Deck, 69. Children under 12 years, 4s. Carriage, 42s. Pair-Horse Phaiton, 31s. 6d. Small one-horse do., 25s. Gig, 20s. Horse, 20s. Dog, 3s. "I O S. liorse, 0. 0 s. Dog, 3s. Return-Tickets (available for one week,) Best Cabin, 18B. Fore-Cabin, lis. Horses and Cariages landed and embarkottat the risk and expense of their owners. Horses, Carriages, &c. must be shipped at the Pier of Tenby at least three hours before the above sailings. MILFORD, PATER, AND HAVERFORDWEST. SHAMROCK. FROM BRISTOL. TLiesda i I 11 morii Tuesday. 8 fiimorn l.r> 11 morn Tuesday. 22 61morn Tuesday. 29 94morn FARES :-Samc as Tenby. From Milford to Waterford 7 miles from Haverfordwest Railway Station, Wednesday Evenings at 8 o'clock or as soon after as circumstances f, will permit. 1, FARES Beat Cabin, 25s. Fore-Cabin. ill. 6d. Waterford to Bristol, Fridays. CARDIFF.—SWIFT. FROM BRISTOL. Wednes 1 12 J after; Friday 4 2i afterj Monday.. 7. 6 morn Tuesday.. 8 5 J after Wednesday 9 6 j alter Friday. II 8-morn Monday 14 lO^morn Wednesday 16 12^,1 fter Friday.. 18 2^ after Monday 21 6 morn Tuesday 22. Ojmorn Wednesday 23 7 morn Friday 25 8 morn Monday.28 9 morn Wednesday 30 .10 morn FROM CARDIFF.. Tuesday ] 9; mom Thursday.. :1 .12 nuon Saturday 5 a after Tuesday 8 f, morn Wed 9. 6 morn Thursday ]0. !.? after Saturday 12 7\moru ,rue?,day ?5 s? morn Thurs?y 17 12 noon Saturday.. 19 2 alter .Monday 21 Setter ?Tues(lay 22 4? after (Thursday 24 « moril i'Saturday 26 7 morti Tuesday 29 Rimurn (Thursday.. 31 9 mom FARES:—After Cabin, 3s. Fore Cabin, Is. Cd. NEW P ORT.-DA RT. FROM BRISTOL. Tuesday 1 1) morn! Thur?day.. 3 I' after Saturday ?.. ??after Monday 7 5 after Wednesday 9.. 7 morn ?Friday U.. 8 iiiorni Monday. 14 lOimorn Wednesday 16 12i after Friday 18 S? after Monday 21 6 morn Tuesday 22 6Jmorn Tliursday 2t 7morn Sativrd?y 26 S?morn Tuesday 29.. ??morn Thursday 31 11 morn i FROM NEWPORT. Wednesday 2 101morn Friday 4 1 after Monday 7.. 4 morn Tuesday 8.. 4J after Thursday 10 6Jmorn Saturda), 12 71morn Tuesday 15 10 niorn fhursday 17 12 noon Saturday. 19 21 after Monday St. 4 after Wednesday 23 51 after Friday 25 e^mom Monday 28 8 morn Wednesday. 30 84morii FARES.—After Cabin, 3a., Fore Cabin, la. 6d. DUBLIN.—Average Passage by the NEW IRON PADDLB STEAMERS JUNO and PHOENIX, 18 hours. FROM BRISTOL. Friday. 4.. 2J afterj Friday ii 8 morn Friday IS 2i afterj Friday 25 8 morn FROM DUBLIN. Tuesday 1 6 morn ,ruesda) B.. 12 noon Tuesday 15 6 morn Tuesday 22 12 noon Tuesday. 29 5 morn IsliNtil r; TATTWC—Caum i. 1 ;¡s. Servants and Children (under 12,) 14s. (including Steward's Fees) Deck, 10s. To and Fro Ditto,Cabin £1 12s. 6d. Deck,I5!. Available until second Uetnm Trip from d?teufiMue.' Arrangements have also been made in ctmiu'rnelinn \rtih »i.„ Great Western RaUway Company, for throuT ckeTs f, ™ from London, to Dublin, via Brista!, and vice vve^rrssaa oon n ttftlme following terms:- FARES—Cabin and 1st, Clas. 318. 4d Cabin ami •>„1> Clus. 28s. 6d. Deck ami 3rd. Class, 14s. lOd. ???''F?" ??'??. are also Rranted available for Sixteen Days viz FARES -Cabin and 1st. Class, 47s. 3d. Cabin and 2nd Class, 43s. CORK. JUVERNA AND SABRINA. FROM BRISTOL. Tuesday. 1 11 morn f Saturday 6 3 after Tuesday 8 61morii Saturday 12 9 morn morn Saturùay. 19.. 3 after Tuesday. 22 Cimorn S,26 8 morn Tuesday 29.. 9imorn FROM CORK. Tuesday 1 9 morn Friday 4 1 morn Tues )- 8 34after rriday I 1 7 mom Tuesday 15 9 morn F 1,14v I f3 11 morn Tuesday 22 3 after Friday 25 61inorm Tuesday. 29 8imorn FA.RES :-Cabiii, 2is. 6d. Servants and Children (under 12,) 15s. (including Steward's Fees.) Deck, 10s. 6d. Arrangements have been made ir. injunction with the Great Western Railway Comany, for througit Tickets, from London to Cork, via Bristol, and vice versa, on the following terms: FARES -Cabiii and 1st. Class, 38s. Cabin and 2nd Class, Ms. Deck and 3rd Class, 16s. To and Fro Tickets are also granted, available, for Sixteen Days, viz:— FARES:-Cabin and 1st Class, 57s. Cabin and 2nd Class, 51. WATERFORD. CAMILLA AND SHAMROCK. BRISTOL TO WATERFORD, WATERFORD TO BRISTOL, CAMILLA.—(direct.) Friday 4.. 2?aft<? Friday 11 8 morn Friday ) after Friday 25 8 morn j "?SH'AM'RO'ck. Calling at Milford, Pater, and? Havcrfordwest. Tuesday 1 11 ma r. Tuesday 8 6 Imc?rn Toeda y 1.5 11 morn Tuesday. M,. C?mom Tuesday M.. ?moMt CAMILLA—Tuesdays. SHAM. ROCK-Fridays.-(direct.) Tuesday t 9imorn Friday. 4.. 1 after Tucsùay S.. 1 after Friday 11.. 8 mora Tuesday 1.. 94morn Prida Y. 18 1 after Tuesday 22 1 after Friday 25 7 morn Tuesday. 29.. 9 morn FARES Cabin, 2ds. Servants and Children (under 12. 14s. (including Steward's Fees) Deck, 7s. 6d. To and Fro Cabin, 40s. Arrangements have been made with the several Railway Companies for through Tickets, as under, Available by the ordinary Trains only, or by Express on payment of difference in Fare. FARES. CabinQzl st Cls. Deck & 2 Class deck 3 SINGLE TO&FM SINGLEITo&Fro St?ULK Paddington to Waterford 111 4 2 7 3 1 8 6 2 3 0 OH 10 Ditto Kilkenny 1 15 4 1i2 1 II 3 I 11 6 2 7 610 11, 1 Ditto Kc !iolkitemnenl y 1 14 10I2 3 I ll 2 2 6 90 H 2 Ditto LImerick ?' 1 03 1 13 ??t3 6 1 0 4 To and Fro Tickets are available for 16 days. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Steward on Board. Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods,Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addressed:- forCardiff, to W. & H.Hartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen a Avenue, Quay; and for Newport, to W. & B. liartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay, and to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. See also Bradshaw's Guide. In London-Spread Eagle, Regent Circus, Piccadilly H. Underwood, 56 Haymarket; Gilbert & Co., Blossoms Inn, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, and 82, Lombard Street. AGENTS.—Mr. It. STACliY, Carmarthen; Mr. T. J. Thomas, Tenby; Mr. A. Williams, Haverfordwest. Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater. NOTICR.-TheProprieturg of the above Steam Packets will not be acc juntable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (if loo- or damaged) above the value of 95; nor for any lleck Passeri* eer's1 Luggage (iflost or damaged) abovethevatueofMs.; un- .ineach case entered as such. & freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery nor will they be answerable for any otherparcel above the value 0(401. (if lostor damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportioupaid for theume at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Skipping Note* A'- 1_ t:ttI