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'r' _e. ¡; '1CJIii¡ ¡". ^SiUflTTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. feA Ml X A TI ON for Certificates of Merit of Female t!:i Cip.a\.Çi employed in Wales as Teachers of; 3j*#fl^eotary Si&Qala connected with the Church of li^^MINATIONS will he held at various Times and a, commencing on the 10th of SEPTEMBER next. :.ciWloidntu can be admitted on whose behalf appli- 011 b" not been made by the Managers of the 1 1ft wkich they are employed to the Secretary, 1j11ttefl of Council on Education, Council Office, -L" ing-street, London, on or before the 27th of PEMBROKESIIIIIE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. THOMAS DAVIES, AUCTIONEER, "ider a Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage Ded) At the BLACK LIOX HOTEL, in the Town of Cardigan, 011 SATURDA V, the 26th Day of AUGUST, 1S49, AT TWO O'CLOCK IN* THE AFTERNOON, j (Subject to such conditions of Sale as will be then end there proùuced,) A L?L that capital and compact Messuage, Tenement, Varm, and Lands, with the Appurtenances, called \1t EHO'VELL, situate in the parish of Llanfirnach, in the °?nty of Pembroke, containing by estimation 51 iifc *» 1 Rood, and 24 Perches, or thereabouts, of excel- iaui-trable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. And also all lW ?"0'mfnt on Bryn or Brynissa, formerly part of J ^>^QaC^ Common, and lately awarded and annexed ih «ud Farm of Trehowell also of very superior ttJalJ ?ad Pmture Land. The whole are now in the ?V4?R&tioP of a tenant from year to year, and the pro- ¡.'IT!y tnny be viewed on application to him. ?;? further particulars, apply to Mr. Benjamin Evans, '-?'<or, ?ewcast!c-Em]vn. -,t, 1849. <?.? -Emlyn, Ju)y 31st, 1849. PEMBROKESHIRE. fitEEHQLD ESTATES FOR SALE. VfifiY ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. Mr. H. p. Goodo ""4f! Wen favoured with instructions to offer for ISAIS by AUCTIOV, At the Manners Hotel, Haverfordwest, ji TyggCAY, the 14TH day of AIVUST, 1849, At two o'clock in the afternoon, IK FIVE LOTS, l';H foHowins: very cRpitaI productive and eligibly .r. ltuated FREEHOLD ESTATES, possessing ?.? ''??'- facilities for improvement, all nearly in a ring '-?' 81tuatein the P?) ?lips of Camrose and Lambston, =- "?"y three miles from Haverfordwest. IN THE PARISH OF LAMBSTON: lot i. .h Capital Farm of W ALESLAXD, with part of -?'?? i DUNSTON, now held bv Mr. John Canton, as „ '?tt-'? ?o'? year to year; also, part of MIDDLE DUN- "?? by John Lewis, as tenant from Far to year, ? 'Sunder notice to quit at Michaelmas n(-xi; abo, ??.?!'PartofAVESTDUNSTOX,oM-upipd by Mr. John for three iivcs.one only of which, v,esent tenant, aged about 62. is now living, contain- ( S^V^er 3n. 29p., making a very superior lot, *4*'sk» ou the north by a highway, and on the south by :??'fut trout stream, with south aspect, well  the house and piemiscs in the centre, and very *?'?<)taUyp!antcd. LOT II. ,f:t.G Qf tn DUMSTON ESTATE, called r?pectiTcly ?-'??U?STON, V/EST MOORS, BARTM,?d! lU,GEN.A, containing together 110A. 3R. 28P., J¡ :iow in the respective occupations of John Canton, < arries, and Henry James, forming together a ?.' r'?'? ??p?ct and improvable property with convenient '• :?leads. LOT III. E Very,conveniently arranged Estate, comprising part "t'THACENA,' art of WHITE LEYS, and parts ,T DUNSTON, and MIDDLE DUNSTON, con- '???g together I61A. 2R, 2DP., or thereabouts, now in lL"ive occupations of John Harries, John Lewis, ??? -)o? Canton. This is a highly important lot, capa- ? uf great H?provemeHt at a very moderate out-lay. f ftrt f vr LOT 1Y. ?r.?ohn ??? DUNSTOX. in the occupation of fir. John Le%.is as ycarlv tenant, who is under notice ati,?Iiiias next; a very valuable and nch '?.? ?i?annd? cont?uing 23A. OR. 13P. LOT V. "2 cOfnPaet and prettily situated Farm of DIPPLES r.fvv i > n ?rish of Camrose, comprising a Farm- V and j p-A remises, and about 68A. IU. 20P. of excellent land, bounded by a capital trout stream on „1 *'UL'' an m'I'P midst of game prescrves now '?'' ? ?'?m?s MaUuas, as tenant from year to ye.ir at ???. ?yearfy rent 0f £ '50 1(?., land tax included. fil'st for lots *"? in a "? fence, within an ca,??y ?t'????-? I?< C(M), and Mud, and are adnur?bty  "-ci for the erection of a residence for a gentleman k ,3c°ufltry and field sports. The npprcuche* ?C?j-uta.L and the country jM-ovprhiaHy healthy. ri tii,e particulars and Lithographic Plans are in ?'ae of preparation, and will be ready f, r dejh-ery • "Uty-one days before the ,ale, and may be had of ?.sr<Eva!)?PowpH. and Co" So1¡citor><, H-erford- "'? or of Mr. H. P. Gooce, Land Agent and Surveyor ?,' .i' ?'"e place. .??\:tford.wc5t, Ju!y -H.h,lS?. P-L,UR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. "fflR: acknowledged cfficacr of BLAIR'S GOUT RHEUMATIC PILLS, by the continued scries :,c5timonials which have been sent to and published !Jl:e proprietor for nearly twenty years, has rendered tt "isdiciue the most jiopular of the present age and r?)boratioii af which the fo]!owit)? cxtrapt of a let- ? 'Wen by J ohu Molanl Wheeler, Est; Gclleetor of <_i ng b4. ?eii 1,,tiieie'i 1, i, 1,.is ??'?CM, Jantaica, h.tvin? been handed bv his bro)?M'r, ?? '?'?don, to Mr. Prout, far pnbUcatin:t will fu!!y con- I know yon have never had occasion to { ike Blair's ?'*?. but lot me emphatically tell you ia mercy to any r;lio may sulfer f.om ()nt, rheumati gout, lum- r'lietiz)iiti,iii, or any branch ft that ?'idoiy-  family, to recommend their usin? thpm. In this ?'?'7 they are of wonderful ctScacy !i?)? only am I t?.?o?ft? aware of ,hpif powers, but I sce my friend s ??cquamtances rpccninif unhuHn? bpn'St: ftoni their • I would not be without them on at'.y account. If in the early stage of disease they dissipate it :?.tn- ;Er if in a later, they alleviate paia and effect a ?c<) speedier cure than bv anv other means withiu my -??dge." o:Q by Thomas Front, 223. Strand, London, his ::ppointi.?nt by Mr. J. W. White and v R. M. Davics, Chemits and Druggists, Carmar- Morgan. DAvi<?. and Stephens, McrthyrTvdnI; K-Ups, Cardiff: "ï¡Iiams. Brecon: Morgan, Abcr- y'?Uty; Phillips, Newport; Gou?tou", Uandovcry; ?'-?Qr and H&ath, Monmouth; Jones and Williams, ?-?.; PhiUIps, Milford: French, Neath; Daweand ? *.?.t WilsM), and E?nns, Sw?ta;?va I hamas, Cow; ?e; Basit, Nc?br:J?c: Humphreys, Abcrystwyth- B. Da?ics, IIichs, and Harries, Have! rf.rd?est, J. S. '?. Cardigan, and ,¡ I r.'sn?ctH ble medicine venders  i? i i Price 2,.t)d. Tler box. ?-?hDufthe United Kin-?m. Price '2s. 9d. per box. ?: for BLAIR'S GOLJT AX!) R?n?U MATiC PILLS ?cb?-ve the name and address of "Thomas Front, ?..a?r.m.d, Londcn." impressed upon the Governinent ?"? a61xcd to each box of the Genuine Medicine. FAIfi COMPLEXION. o ifie Z.«?tet.—r/M?? ?f Patronaffa of Roi/'iUi/. '• PCKBUKN'S ORIENTAL BOTANICAL PREPARATION, ? ?? almost in<;tan ly and cEceLUJ.lly remoYing all t/??' P'?P?cs, frc'kles, tu po¡, and every other eruption of the 1 Aft(-r one application t. Botanic Ex tract, which mu?t be used twice or ??'???*mcs a day, a wonderful change will at once be ?' 'Pd, and in the course of a few days the CMnplcx- ;???" assume a beautiful remote appparmce. Th .?r? ???? to apply is of a most agreeable nature, and the '? ?PpHca.tion will prove its surpnsina; emcr. ''epared and sold wholesale and rU¡jI, by the sole ?.??ors, George H. J. Coekburn, and Barclay and ??'Fan-ing-don-Strcet, London, in bottles at 2s. 9d. -¡.¡, 48. 6d. each, with full directions for use also by i?" -7r, 150, Oxford-Street Keating, St. Paul's Church- ??; Prout., 229, Strand; .H?nnavand Co., G3, Oxf,ml- tutler and Co., 4, Cheapside and all other '??h';ts in the Kingdom. above can be sent to a?ypart, on receipt of a I T' ? UiSce Order, to be made payable to Mr. George ?"?"y John Cockburn, 27, Aldg?te. London. ????"?"J- ?- ?''ite. Chem?t, sole a?ent for Car-  B. W?rd, Chemist, Hi?h-strcot, Brecon; 'fJ\ :¡ Price, Post-office, Bridgend; II. Webber, ??ium Omce, CardiH': Walter Thomas, C'?mist, tlii,r ?- Williams, Chcm?t, II?h.sUcct. Cardi- ?- E. Davies, Chemist. H?veffurd?cs! H. C. 't're. ?? '??". etaist, Pembroke, a?d Urew?tcr, Cambrian U. ?,.?' Swansp?. Wholesale agents Messrs. EvaDs and S°n' Exeter. Ferris and Scrope, Bristol Steele :ir>u Co., ??h Butcher, Chdtenham; Hitchcock and ?3n -?unton W. C. Brandc, Frome J. W. White, n' .1 ???cn 'ard'v, Wnrntmstcr Fitze, Exeter; Perrv 'l' 0., ?vtzcs. !to T? be h?daiso of the above Chemists, Cockburn's ce- !c?'?'?tcd RINGWORM LOTION, price 2s. M., h., auù ir;. ^Gr ^°ttle- ?Pcr Bottle. tcstimonial proving the elllcacvof ?ove extract -?r- St. James's, London, March 4th, 184?. <'? ) l\ mlon presents her compl1mcnh to Mr. t?'"?'U, and be?s to .state, and thank him at the same ti*p.e f the complete su('¡"s she derived from only '"?i? ?o bottles of his Botanic Extract, as it was ¡ the n,the ertil)lioii? on her faec, ? hirh sh e had been picviou^lv tre.ub!?!. CONTRACT FOR FIRE BRICKS, CLAY, LOAM AND SAND. Department of the Storekeeper General of the Navy, Somerset Place, 2nd Aug., 1S49. THE Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord -<L High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, do hereby give Notice, that on Tuesday, the 2Sth instant, at one o'clock, they will be ready to treat with snch Persons as may be willing to Contract for supplying Her Majesty's several Dock Yards with Stourbridge, Welsh, and Windsor Fire Bricks: Fire Clay, Loam, and Glass Grinders Sand. Samples of the articles and a Form of the Tender may be seen at the said Office. No tender will be received after one o'clock, on the Day of Treaty, nor any noticed, unless the Party attends, or an Agent for him duly authorized in writing. Every Tender must be addressed to the Secretary qf the Admiralty, and bear in the left hand corner the words Tender for Fire Bricks, &c." and must also be delivered at Somerset Place, accompanied by a Letter signed by a responsible Person, engaging to become bound with the Person tendering, in the Sum of £ 200 for the due performance of the Contract. SCOTTISH UNION FIRE Sr LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Instituted 1824, and Incorporated by Royal Charter. London Offices — S7, Cornhill Edinburgh 47, George- street; Dublin, 52, Dame-street. GOVERNOR. His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. DEPUTY-GOVERNOR. The Most Noble the Marquis of Queensbury. LONDON HOARD OF DIRECTIOX. President-Right Hon. the Earl of Mansfield. Vice-President — Right Hon. the Earl of Seafield. MANAGERS. Charies Balfour, Esq. Robert Gillespie. Esq. J. E. Goodhart, Eq. II. M. Kemshead, Esq. [ John Kingston, Esq. I Richard Oliverson, Esq. J. it. Robertson, Esq. Hugh F. Sandeman, Esq. I George Ramsey, Esq. Secretary-F. G. Smith, E.q. Bankers—London Joint. Stock Bank. Surqeon.-E. V, I)iiffili, Esq. Solicitors—Messrs. Oliverson, Denby, and Lavie. Surveyor—Samuel Beazley, Esq. rpilE distinguishing features of this Corporation are- r r 1-1r, dis iiigiiisliili,-fettui.s of-; Jt The unquestionable secunty offoraea; The moderate rates of Premium charged and The i,i,Ie Bonus or Return of Profits made to Lifc Insurers; in addition to other important advantages, all of which are fully detailed in the Company's Prospectus. FIle: DEPARTMENT. Property of almost every description may he insured against accider.ts arising from Fire, by the payment of a small annual Promium and risks involving more than ordinary hazard are moderately rated. All losses, when satisfactorily arc IMMEDIATELY PAID; anfl the Directors of this Incorporation conticleiuly- refer to the liberality and promptitude which have hitherto marked their settlement of claims. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Directors request the attention of Parties proposing to e/Tect Life Insurances to the ADVANTAGES OFI EKED BY THIS COMPANY, which may be MOST FAVOURABLY CONTRASTED with those of anv similar institution. Parties may assure either a specific. sum, payable at ueath, on payment of a reduced rate of premium or, on payment of an increased rate, may particip-to in the protit-scheme ot t h Cem pan).  nf El.000 e(lc li. ??<?OK? Mi?A' ''0 Pu?C!p.! of £1.000 each. Age. Total Sum when First Bonus for Second Bon"s fol-I payable in Assu Seven Years, Five Years, case of red. from 183-1 to 1811. from 1841 to 184G. neath. 30 X 1'33 7 6 f72 3 8 £ 1205 11 2 35 13-5 19 0 73 3 7 7 40 133 15 6 74 9 7 1213 5 1 45 142 9 0 76 l8 9 1219 7 9 50 17 fi 81 8 4 j 1230 5 10 EXAMPLES 01 Iioxrs TO FOLTCIE3 OF LARGER AMOUNT. N(I, d e d to i'ot.1 1 Stijl) -I -.of' -'¡-' r, of {;Ilcd As- Y e:¡ rs I A(ùe.d to lot<11 l3um of ct;rcd As- Years 1«^ c | PoliCYi in. sured.jAssured. L }• j 1->o 812 1834 {4000¡12 Fars,j £D)2 Ð 2! £ 4902 0 2 1060 1 1835 50")C,! I 1008 9 0; 6008 Ð 0 1!90 1 5 3000 11 607 1 D 9 3G07 19 9 13M 1836 50oojlO" 8661011? ?661011 1650 1837 2000 9 387 19 9, 2837 19 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS AND ADVANTAGES. The numerous advantages in which Insurers with this Office participate, may be enumerated as f'ollows: I. Participation in the PROFITS, or not, at the option of the Assured, at rates of premium lower thfxn those demanded by two-thirds of the existing Offices. II. No Entrance-Fee or additional charge of any description, beyond the Policy Stamp. III. Liberal Sums allowed for the Surrender of Poli- cies after three premiums have been paid. IV. Parties allowed to pass and rcpa-s, in time of peace, from one part of Europe to another, by sea or land, without payment of additional prcmm;n, or the Policy being subject to forfeiture. V. Claims paid three months after proof of the death I of the party insured. YI. Assurances may be effected on the increasing or the decreasing scale, and on Joint Lives and Survivor- ships, or made payable on a person attaining the of 50, 55, or 60, or at death, wlnelwver mav first happen. j Persons residing in the country have only to apply to the Company's nearest Agent, and appear before their IQJcdical adviser for that district, when the Assurance can be effected as easily as if living in Town. .Agent for Pembroke-dock, \V. THOMAS, Esq., r'-urgcon. X, I Appliciltill" for Agencies to be made U> the Secretary. Tii^nt'ire <he New Omnibus THE CYMRO" will be always in attendance at Carmarthen on the arrival and departure of the Ta!hot PacKet, for the []lTol,l:nu(ld¡on of the Passen?rs. who wi!! be taken up at the I.y Jln,h Hotd for embarkation for lcnbv or Bns?), hat: an hour previous to the advertised time ot s.ui.ng. STEAM COM??XICATION ? c o -N l? C,? j Bristol, Tenby, and Carmarthen, and Carin;wxtliz?n, ct f A I^ilE rapid and bcant;fnl Iron S('J'r:  Steamship | .r7";  ,11[) t&SBSGZ T 1 A T L Th > f\ I" ,J: -1 .l..J.> 140 II o R "5 i" I'OWK U, S'I'KI'HFN INCS, Co;nmaii(ler, j Is intended to Sail as follows, with Passengers, (jon(1, Live Stock, A'c.. anbrdin? a most desirable and speedy I Communication b?twern the varioas Places of the Counties of Carmarthen and Pembroke, and the Me- tropolis, via Bristol and the Great Western Railway; also with Manchester and the North., via the Giou- cester and Birmingham Railway. Passengers ar«> convoyed to h v.vloa by Kail way in 4 boms and 20 minutes, at lSs, or :1. 11<1. 13 R 1ST 0 L T 0 C A 11 M A It T II E N. C A I, L I N G AT T E X D Y. ed. AIl;ut 8 8 irnj;-ii | Tuesday 2) 9 morn Tuesday, 11 ),u,,n | Tues'J!?, '8.. 3 noon C A It M A E T 11 K T 0 BRISTOL. C A I, I. 1 N T TE N n Y.  Alt. August 11 8 nn>rn j Thursday, 23* 7imorn Thursday, i'i ;t )i?.!ri. Thursday ?U 3 ,miiru mUSTCL TO 'i HK MUMBLES AD POKT 'j'LnOT. Friday, .Vugust 21 10 after -11 after J 1, 0 li T T A LBO T TO B n I S T 0 L. Monday August G.. 4 morn I .-aturdny. •• «i after Saturday 18 r) after Carriage, 40s.; Pair-Horse Phaeton, 28; Small One- Horee Pluxtor., O"; Gig, Dog, 2s. This v-q-,Pl w elegantly fitted up for the comfort and co;i- ver?;01".e o," Passen?eM.' Carries iW cxpt-nenced Stewavoess. Kcfreshtneuts may be obtained on board at moderate charges. Goods Liken in at the Warehouse, Back, Bristol, to await the I'aekoN arrival ifreqmred, tor Car- Tuarthen, and places adjacent, and for Aherav.m, i>ridg- i end, Cwmavon, Lahviton, I'yle, Taibach, Micsteg, and places adjacent. Further infoiMHt.ion -niv he had on application to the master on board, Messrs. Thomas and Son, Back, Bris- tol, Mr. N >r:.h lt"es, V..cket-office, Carmartnen; Mr. Will. P(,rt T-ilbut or Lilr. Jas. Davies, T Freiuhi of t: p-iid for on delivery. NOTICE.— i !'i (~m ii't'irs of the above Steam Packet give Notice, that tliev vrii: not be accountable for Pas- j seiigei- tilev be answeraole for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (iflost or damagea by fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at either ot 'heir I Offices, at Bristol or Carmarthen, il above the value ot !() Shillings unless entered at its full value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the lime ot booking. Good s consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of Landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expanse of the consignees. | All goods to be considered as liens, not onlY for Freignt and Charges due thereon, but tor all previously unsatisfied Freights and Charges due by the Consignees to the Proprietors (if the said Packet. Disputed Weights and Measurement, Claims for Loss or Damage, &c., cannot be allowed, unless a wtitten notice of the same b^ sellt to the O/fice on the day of delivery. For Lists of the Freights, apply to Mr. North Ree«,at the Talbot Otiiec, Quay-street, Carmarthen. TENIIY IOR JIRISTOL. Two houis aiXer leaving; Carmarthen. CARDIGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS BOARD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pursuance iN of an order of the County Roads Board for the County of Cardigan, made at a General Meeting of the said Board, on Wednesday, the 4th day of July instant, the TOLLS, arising and made payable at the several under-mentioned Gates, will be LET TO FAUM, at the County Hall, in the Town of Aberayron, on AVnnxES- DAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 18 ±9, at the hour of twelve at noon, for such Term, to commcnce on the 30th of Sep- tember, 1819, as shall be declared at the time of Letting The Aberystwith North Gate The Aberystwith Euuth Gate The Garreg Gate The Ponterwyd Gnte The Ty'nrhyd, or Devil'* Bridge Gate The Spytty Cjnfyn Gate The Aberayron North Gate The Aberayron West Gate The Aberayron blast. Gate The Lampeter North Gate The Lampeter West Gate The New Inn Gate The Cardigan North Gate The Cardigan East Gate The Newcastle Emlyn West or Abercairie Gate The Newcastle Emlyn East Gate. The Tolls arising at the above-mentioned Cates will be let either separately, or in such Lots as the Board then present shall direct. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder must be prepared to give two sufficient Sureties (to be approved bv the Board) for payment of the Rent monthly, or at such other periods as the County Roads Board then and there assembled may determine upon. By Order. CHARLES PARRY, Clerk to the Board. Aberystwyth, July 20th, 1 M9. „ BRISTOL GENERAL mimim swamy Bristol. rpHE following STEAM YESSELS are intended to JiL Sail from CUMBERLAND B.VSIX, as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of A U G U S T, 1849. FOR CARMARTHEN, PIKE NIX. CALLING AT TENIIY, Wed. August 8 Smom Tuesday 14 1 noon Tuesday 21 7\morn Tuasdav 28 1 noon F ROM CAR M A K 1 H Jh i\ CALLING AT TEXnY. S?t. August 11 8 morn Thursday 16 1 morn Thursday 2.1 7 morn j Thursday 30 2 morn i The Torridge will make as many Voyages to and from Carmarthen as she can get loaded and the weather will permit. FROM TENBY.—Three hours after leaving Carmarthen. FOR PUBLIC. STT A "U liOCTv. Fridavs. Friday, August 3 5 tfter Fridav, 10 9 morn ) Friday 17 4! after Friday, 24., 9 morn Friday ;jl, 1,urcrnOOIl. Returns I FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Wednesdays.—SABRINA, Saturdays. Wed. Atigu-,t.I 4 after da Wednesday, 8 R morn Saturday 11 II moiVi 3 Saturday 18 6 after Wednesdaj', 23 8 morn Saturday, 2") 10 morn Wed. £ t> 2\ after Return Tuesdays and l'r mays. FOR WATERFOll!). VfCTORY, Tuesdavs.—ROSE, i t?l,i,l, 3 -r. after I T-.t's d.tv. 7 7 morn 1 '¡,;r: ;'0 ¡1('1 Tuesday, t4.. H?ftn' Fr;fi:iv. 17 4! aftN Tuesday 21 7lmorn Friday 21 9 morn I Tuesday 28 1 after Fridav 31 4 alter ,mo.. Return Tuesdays and J< l-.davs. FOR TEXBY OSPIIEY, Tuesdays. :> .l_lgI 7 morn! ''?n.?t 11 1" 01 Tuesday 21 1 i; Tu -sday iiS 1 after m,' FROM TENBY.—OSPREY. Sat'ir. August 4 I'-ynai Friday 10 it ;a:nnhy ]8 morn I Friday 21 11 ni^ht FOR MILFORD, PAT EH. & OSPREY. Tues. August 7 "7 morn Tuesday, 14 1afer | Tuesday tzl 7 1 Tuesday 28 1 after FROM HAVERFORDWEST. OSPREY. Friday, AI1'u"t 3 (j morn Fridav 10 8 mora -1, Friday fi morn ? r\t:: :}: I -1 FROM MILFORD. j OSPREY. S'at. August 4 1 morn I Friday, 10 5 after Saturday 18 1 mora Friday, 21 5 after t nuay ?,i II IlIgHt FOR SWANSEA. ? COUNTY -Tnesdays & Fridays. I PERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. BRT STOT,—Wed iiecidn v«. Thursday S 5 morn Friday, 3 6 morn Saturday, 4 Almoin Tuesday 7 8 morn Wednesday 8 8 morn Thursday 9 9 morn Friday ;10.. 10 morn Saturday 11 lOimorn Tuesday -11.. 2 morn Wednesday 15 .i morn Friday 17 51,m- Sa?turd?y.)8.. 6 morn Tuesday 21 8 morn I Wednesday 22 8inlOrn Thursday, 23 9morn Friday 24 10 morn 'Saturday, 25 lOimorn i Tuesday 28 V.mml1 ?('d. ?9.. 2 morn '1'I:nrsùay ao.. 3irnorn Fridav 31 4?morB HWM SWANSEA. BERESFORD—Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY—Thursdays & Saturdays. Tlmrs. 5),niorii Friday. 3 S?morn Saturday 4 7 morn ■Monday G 8tmorn Tuesday 7 9 morn Thursday & 9s morn Friday, 10 10 morn I!WÈ:< ¡r¡ Mor.d.iy 13 l mornl Tuesday 11 2 morn Thursday !<5 o morn | Fridav 17 6 morn | Saturday 18 «J>norn i Mo?dav' 0 in'); I Tnesdav i!l ■■ 9 mora Thursday 23 O'.morn i Fridav, 24 10 morn S.?uTd?v.2.')..Ilmorn? Mondav 27 I morn Tuesdav 28 1 morn Thursday.20.. 4 morn Fridav  31 5imorn i' Uli 1 JJ 1' it A U U M i> iU, TORRIDGE. August ?. 4! mom S.?ir'?y 1.. 6?mcni N% 8 8 1 mo, H;H.r?y.i!}0'?orn \tpdnM?y.).. 3'Tnorn Saturdav 18 6 mom Wednesday 22 8'.morn Saturday 25 10 morn Wednesday 29..Softer I FROM ILFRACOMBE. torridge. TImrs.smgust 2 (; morn Mo-iday '? 9 morn ;J:{f: ¡ :f. Monday 2 morn Tlmrsdav ia 6 morn I Monday 20 9 morn Il1, I" I Mondav  ?7.. I after Thursday ?D 5 morn FIUDr BRISTOL TO CARDIFF. j STAR AND PRINCE OF WALES. ?l, A, 1 '? 9jmorn ,Or,? Saturday ?,() ? ?'o:i'?\' L .?'.?!?r 'rue,f*?;"? it 1' atter Weilnps !.) 2 7 after r" k I I Friday 17 f> afrer E:'J: r¡:: LE I l? .5 "iiol,l-, FROM CARDIFF TO BRISTOL. Fi' i d.,v Aua:ust lo •• i •morn '-)),?\ ?. iii 8; I \L"'oI,¡,' !• 10morn fuesdav 14 •• 1- noon vveilnesftay J;) I alter Th-ir- ]6.. aft"r Friday 17 ?3 i ?l f ter Saturday 18 4Rft?r FROM Blub LOL TO NEWfUltr. I LADY CHARLOTTE AND TJSK. I I I C\ 1 f' Friday August 10 o'.morn It •• 10'morn .Ni y j;-j.. Ijnoon I ,4 ? Ift(,r | •« ounosuav i*> ,?; "k C? ??. F li-,irs., i J, :;¡ Saturdav IS 6 morn I FROM NEWPORT TO BRISTOL. Friday Au-;u-,t 10 8 morn Stmorn Monday 13 JO;morn Tuesday 14 12 noon Wednesday In T, alter 'rhurda. Id.o 2¡ifter ? Fi-idztv ,7 3"arter Saturday 18 4tatter I-rom ;>icanse(i to lltracouioe. BERKS FORD— MONDAY. COUSTY-N%'I-, D-, V,,I)A Y. A,,g,f 1 2\morn Friday 3 4 morn [(¡;{L' 6 g Wednesday 8 6 ¡morn Frida v 10 9 morn ?f?n?v.?)? oilmen) Wc-dm-sd?y.?.. 1 after j I Friday 17 3tmorn *v 30 5 moru .:l;da' g g $ mom Friday 24 9 ,?on, Monday 27 ?l morn \Y?'hn\s?a.y..?3.. tetter Fridav 31 3 morn From Ilfracombe to Swansea. I BERKSFORU —MO.YDA Y. COUXTY- "VEDXESIH Y. Wednos.Augu.se I after Friday. 3.. 3 after fi 4 after Wednesday 8 5 after Friday 10 1 after Monday 13 3 after Wednesday 15 5 after Friday 17 2>. after Monday 20 4 after Wednesday 22 5 after Friday 24 1 after Monday '27 3 after Wednesday..M.. 5 after Fridav 31 2 after F R O M S WAN S t A TO TENIBY. I F. R I S T O L. Tlmrs. August 2 4 morn Thursday 9 7 morn Thursday 16 4 morn Thursday 23 7 morn ITliurslty 30 4 mom I I FROM T E X B Y TO S W A N S E A. u R I s T OI. Thurs. August 12 12 noon Thursday 9 4j after ThmsrJay 16 12 noon I Thursday. 23, after 1 Tlmrsdav 30,)?' noon The whole of the above Vc-Sels are fitted up for the | conveyance of and goods.—Female Stewards [ in Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. florses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. # Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &e., should be addressed for Swansea, to W. Terrell it Sons, :!3, Back: and G C. Ghtsson, 1:2, Quay streetfor Cardiff, to Jolinsoll. Clare street Halt, Marsh street: —and for to J: Jones, Ivownham Yv harf, Hotwells. > Ar.KNTS.—Mr. R. ST ACE Y, Carmarthen Mr. Joseph Morgan, lenby; Mr. John Rees, Ilavr.V-w»s' Mr. Palmer Mi ford; Mr. Bowen, Pater: Mr. John N! Smar., an.a! j lnrner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Biclcioru '?' -?"'??' IJfracombc and Mr. J.Clarke, Lyr.rcn. ':S;;Tl"Th,' Pro-.n-ietors of the above Steam 1'arkets will no" 1() ai e.iun table lor any Cahin Ila:ssl-ll r?,r's ii'lo?t or <»na-e.O !»''<>Te the value of jEf); nor for anv U'eek Passen- .;(.r s n;??? (;i)ost orda'na?-d) abo'?- ihevs'lue of?)s. un- h' in t1aeh "asp eut'rpd a$ ue-h. !nd tr?i?ht :u ?runurtiou ) .t"J for at Ihi'tiuieol delivery; norwill they be answerable l'or any other pareH above tbe value oC1Us, fH!ost or damped) un?-M enteri'd as such, ar.d freight in ]iro'.>ortion naid for the same at the time of delivery. Not. accountnoie for any Goods without Shipping Notes. All letters s?oV:n;j inforn-.atioit to be postpaid.



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