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TO MASONS AND OTHERS. HE Board of Guardians of the Carmarthen Union A will, at their next Fortnightly Meeting, to be held on Monday, the 29th day of January instant, reseive Tenders from persons desirous of contracting for Masons and other work, required at the Workhouse, the princi- pal part of which will be walling. A specification of the works required may be seen on application to me. W. D. PHILLIPS, Clerk to the Union. Board Room, Carmarthen, 20th January, 1849. :SCOTTISH UNION FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Instituted 1S24, and Incorporated by Royal Charter. ^London Oiffces—37, Cornhill; Edinburgh, 47, George- street Dublin, 52, Dame-street. GOVERNOR." His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. DEPUTY-GOVERNOR. 'The 'Most Noble the Marquis of Queensbury. LONDON IWAJW OF DIRECTION. V' President—Right Ron. the Earl of Mansfield. viee-President — Right Hon. the Earl of Scafield. 'Ch I MANAGERS. ,R trles Balfour, Esq. 1 Richard Oliverson, Esq. Tfr.er 1 \espie. Esq. J. R. Robertson, Esq. J -p ?oodhart, Esq Hugh F. Sandeman, Esq. H V at ^Vemshead, Esq. ° Ramsey, Esq. ^T ?ton,Esq. Ramsey, Esq. Secretary-F. G. Smith. Esq. Bankers—London Joint Stock Bank. Surgeon-E. W. Duffin, Esq. Solicitors-Messrs. Oliverson, Denby, and Lavie. Survcyor-Samuel Beazley, Esq. rpHE distinguishing features of this Corporation are- t The unquestionable security afforded; The moderate rates of Premium charged; and The large Bonus or llctum of Profits made to Life Insurers; in addition to other important advantages, all of which are fully detailed in the Company's Prospectus. I'IRE DEPARTMENT. Property of almost even description may be inured against .acclllplts arising from Fire, by the payment of a small annua Premium; and risks involving more than ordinary hazard are moderately rated. All losses, when satisfactorily ascertained, are IMMEDIATELY ?AID; and the Directors of this Incorporation confidently refer to the liberality and promptitude which have hitherto marked their settlement or claims. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Directors request the attention of Parties proposing to 'effect Life Insurances to the ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY TIllS 'COMPANY, which may be MOST FAVOURABLY CONTRASTED ivith those of any similar institution. Parties may assure either a specific sum, payable at death, on payment of a reduced rate of premium or, on payment 'of an increased rate, may participate in the profit-scheme of 'the Company. Additions made to Policies of £ 1,000 each. Age. Total Sum "when First Bonus for Second Bonus for payable in Assu- Seven Years, Five Years, case of red. from 1834 to 1841. from 1841 to 18IG. Death. 30 £ 133 7 6 £ 72 3 8 £ 1205 11 2 '35 13-5 19 0 73 3 7 1209 2 7 40 138 io 6 74 9 7 1213 5 1 45 142 90 76 18 9 1219 7 9 51) 148 17 6 81 8 4 1230 510 EXAMPLES OF BOX1:S TO POLICIES OP LARGER AMOUNT. No. In- Sum No of Added t0 ToUl Sum f d A  of sured As- iea" Policy. payable. Policy 5 £ in. sured. Assured. 812 1834 £4000 12 £902 9 2 E4902 9 2 1060 1835 5000 11 1008 9 0 6008 9 0 1190 18?') 3000 11 607 19 ? 300/ 19 9 1190 1835 5100000,?10 866 10 11 58G6 10 11 1368 1837 2500 9 387 19 9 ??o? e? 19 [, _?_ 19 9 ? -)SS7 1 GENERAL REGULATIONS AND ADVANTAGES. The numerous advantages in which Insurers with this Office participate, may be enumerated as follows:- I. Participation in the PROFITS, or not, at the option of the Assured, nt rates of premium lower than those demanded by two-thirds of the existing Oiffces. II. No Entrance-Fee or additional charge of any description, beyond the Policy Stamp. III. Liberal Sums allowed for the Surrender of Poli- cies after three premiums have been paid. IV. Parties allowed to pass and repass, in time of peace, from one part of Europe to another, by sea or land, without payment of additional premium, or the Policy being subject to forfeiture. V. Claims paid three months after proof of the death of the party insured. VI. Assurances may he effected on the increasing or the decreasing scale, and on Joint Lives and Survivor- ships, or made payable all a. person attaining the age of 50, 55, or 60, or at death, whichever may first happen. Persons residing in the country have only to apply to the Company's nearest Agent, and appear before their medical adviser for that "district, when the Assurance can be effected as easily as if living in Town. V THOMAS, Esq., Surgeon. Agent for Pembroke-dock, IN-. TucMAS, Esq., Surgeon. EW Application for Agencies to be made to the Secretary. UNDER ROYAL f!J '¡¡.¡. PATRONAGE. ?r/? freedom /? Cough ? Ten Minutes after '?, and a rapid ew:e of Asthma "? ? COM???M, and ? disorders of the Breath and ?M?ys, is insured by Dr. LOCOCK'S Pulmonic Wafers. The truly wonderful powers of this remedy have called forth Testimonials from all ranks of society, bn all the quarters of the world. The following have just been received:- F MORE CURES IN TREDEGAR. From Mr. J. Williams, Chemist, Church-st., Tredegar. G December 23rl1, latl, number of my friends have experienced .reat b?'neat through Locoel?'s Wafers. Please to send me J? dozen box?s by post, as some are waiting lor them. a f6 friend, named Amv Caiamore, subject to Asth-na had aVw^ '"? ?'?.k. and has already received great bene?t fiom ?m, although she did not take the whole, as she divided the box   ?0,1, t'heriei,,Iil)oui-s. ? a.mon? some of her neighbours. Every one peaks,}Ighy the ;uid the" v are taken bv some of the first families m the to, Yours obediently, J. P. WILLIAMS. ].'ro IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL Prroomm vMt r. Owen Thomas, Weslevan Minister, Holyhead, "Oct. 9, I84;>. Dear Sir,-Dr. Luck's Wafers do a ?reat deal of good to ??'??' 1 got a bad cold from a damp bed thirty-nve year* = and my voice was very bad ever since; bein? S?at Pain ?" w1wn preaching and sin?in?-nnd 1 am very fond ff lin them ?S. I used manvditrerent medicines, and some 01 of a], ? good for a little time; but Dr. Locock's is the best 'Df all clears my voice and stops the cou?hn? in.,t-I 1 11 a"'e found anything yet to compare with them, 1 Ve been thirtv-three'years a Wesleyan preacher, and EL" thf Wp?jm.;? ?t'e'hodists in the Principahty know me, "?Pnty years ?. ?.h?h 1 have lived in Holhl'd, amll am ?own personally to all the Hr.,t men of that body, many of w om have admired the eP'ect? of the wafers m clearing the V9 i ? all stopping the cou?h; they never got such a medi- cine before t My wife, ever ?irce Christmas, has been very we"- after "?"?two boxM. 1 am a witness o! their power to stop a t" t Of ill nn instant. h'1's and L as a Wesiey?n p'?e.cher. call upon all P'?chers and, ?rs of every denomination, to take these ? aiers foi im- proving the voice a?d curing Con?hs. You may puUlh my ??motua) fur the excellent Wafers, if you wish. I am, your truly, a.m, youth (j?EX THOMAS. CURES OF CONSUMPTION. December 5, 1845. Gentlemen,— Your Wafer., I can speak of myself with 'the greatest confidence, having recommended them in tl,atiy cases of pulmonary consumption, and they have always afforded relief when everything else has failed, and the patients having been surfeited with medicine, are delighted to meet, with so efficient a remedy having Such an agreeable taste, &c. Signed, JOHN MAVVSON, Surgeon. 13, Mosley-street, Newcastle on- Tyne. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING. Pt-arsall, Esq., of her Majesty's Concerts, and Vicar choral of Lichfield Cathedral. Lichfield, July 10th, 1845. Gentlemen!,—A lady of distinction having pointed out to me the qualities of Dr. Locoek's Wafers, I was in- duced to make a trial of a box, and from this trial I am happy to give my testimonial in their favour-I find by allowing a few of the wafers (taken in the course of the <day) to gradually dissolve in the mouth, my voice be- Carnes bright and clear, and the tone full and distinct, -l hey are decidedly the most eiffcacious of any I have -ever used. Signed, SAMUEL PEARSALL. The particulars of many hundred Cases may be had from every Agent throughout the Kingdom and on the Continent. Dr. Locock's Wafers give instant relief, and a rapid Cure of Asthmas, Consumptions, Coughs, Colds, and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs. To Singers and Public Speakers they are invaluable as In a few hours they remove all hoarseness, and increase the power and flexibility of the voice. They have a most pleasant taste. Price Is. I ',(I. 2s. 9d. and lis. per box. Agents, Da Silva and Co., 1, Bride-lane, Fleet-street, London; J. W. White, Chemist, Carmarthen and O. E. Ravies, Druggist, Haverfordwest. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Unprincipled persons, Chemists and others, prepare counterfeits of that popular remedy, L)tt. LOCC)Clis PULMONIC WAFERS." Purchasers are therefore cautioned not to purchase any" PTJLMOXIC" MEIH- C'INP or "WAFERS," unless the words "DR. LO- COCK'S WAFERS" appear in white letters on a red ground in the Government Stamp outside each box; without which ALL ARE COUNTERFEITS AND AX IMPO- SITION. NOTE. Full directions are given with every box in the E r I' U (\IeI' IOns are gt\,('n Wlt I eVN\' ox III t 1e tig isn, German, and French languages. These Wafers beiikg Antacirl a'id Sedative effectually prevent irregu- anty of thc bowels, IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC.—THE POPULAR REMEDY. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. T"E extraordinary properties of this medicine are thus described by ail eminent phYSICian, who says:—"After particular observation of the action of PARR'S PtLLS, 1 am determined, in my opinion, that the followin, are their true properties "First-They increase the strength, whilst most other medicines have a weakening effect upon the system. Let any one take from three to four or six pills every twenty- four hours, and. instead of having weakened, they will be found to have revived the animal spirits, and to have im- parted a lasting strength to the body. Secondly—in their operation they go direct to the disease. After you have taken six or twelve pills you will experience their eÜect; the disease upon you will become less and less by every dose you take; and if you will persevere in regu- larly taking from three to six pills every day, your disease will speedily be entirely removed from the system. Thirdly—They are found, after given them a fair trial for a few weeks, to possess the most astonishing and invigora- ting properties, that they will overcome all obstinate com- plaints, and restore sound health; there is a return of good appetite shortly from the beginning of their use whilst their mildness as a purgative is a desideratum greatly required by the weak and delicate, particularly where violent purging is acknowledged to be injurious instead of beneficial. TO PERSONS GOING ABROAD. These Pills are particularly recommended to all persons going abroad, and subjecting themselves to great change of climate. Ollicers of the Army and Navy, Missionaries, Emi- grants, &c., will find them an invaluable appendage to their medicine chests, as a preventive of the attacks of those dis- eases so prevalent in our Colonies, especially in the West Indies, where a small box recently sold for iOs. In America also its fame is getting known, and its virtues duly appre- ciated, causing an immense demand for it; and there is no county or port in the woWd where it will not speedy- be- come an article of extprSl\" traihu and general utih v. as it may be had recourse to in all cases ot sickness, with confi- dence in its simplicity, and in its power to produce relief. Nore are genuine, unless the words "1 Allies LIFE PILLS" are in White letters on a Red Ground, on the Govern- ment Stamp, pasted round each box: also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors, "T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane-court. Fleet-street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes at Is. I g(l., and family packets at lis. each, by all respectable medicine venders throughout the world. Full directions are given with each box. PROGENY. C1IIILDREN form the most cheering picture that a ? man can contemplate. They are the support of his happiness, house, and country and unquestionably add dignity to his position in socicty. As a citizen of the state his rank is most fully recognised in the character of Husband and Father. He then possesses vested rights throughout the broad scale of creation two generations, the present and the rising, are interested in his well- being, and he may be said to creac eLllms upon the remotest posterity. With what dehght do such consi- derations fill the mind. How proudly must they swell the heart of the sire as lie surveys the ngorous offspring of a chastened love and a well-regulated constitution and with what joyous anticipations must they fill the envious bachelor, desirous to become the legislator of a kingdom of his own ? Many, unhappily, can only view the sirrht with morbid feelings of despau Conscious of incapacity to aid in the behest of the Creator they stand in gloomv hopelessness, like a scared tree in a leafy forest, and "feel to possess no title to a world where all is prolific but themselves. We make allusion to those whose solitary errors in boyhood have produced the desolation of which we speak. Some, however, owe their isolation from the hope of progeny more to others than to themselves, and arc rendered ineligible for married life by the sad effects of disease and an overwrought temperament. In both cases the view of blooming chil- dren and happy parents must produce humiliation ns well as despair. Some rush into matrimony with the object of screening themsel ves from suspicion; but in this they are foiled, for a slow moving fingci appears to single them out in society, and the childless wedded couple is invariably the subject of unpleasant remark. Where, under such circumstances, are the unhappy to flee for help ? Where arc they to learn the exact nature of their own condition ? Where seek the means of resuming the claims of Manhood and exercising the high functions of humanity ? These questions are satisfac- torily answered in a little book (embellished with 40 Coloured engravings) from the pen of Dr. LA'MERT, on the SECRET INFIRMITIES of YOUTH and MA- TURITY, and which may be had in a sealed Envelope in English, French, and German, price 2s. 6d. or, post free, from the Author, for forty-two stamps. It is entitled, SELF-PRESERVATION.—A Medical Treatise on the Physiology of Marriage, and on the Secret Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Maturity, usually acquired at an early period of life, which enervate the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feelings, and exhaust the vital energies of Manhood; with practical observations on the treatment of Ner- vous Debility and Indigestion, whether arising from t these causes, close study, or the influence of tropical climates Local and Constitutional Weakness, Syphi- ?s, Stricture, and all diseases and derangements re- sulting from Indiscretion. With forty coloured En gravings, illustrating the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Reproductive Organs, explaining their structures, uses, and functions, and the various in- juries that are produced in them by solitary habits, excesses, and infections. I?IERT, M. D saMUEL LA'MERT, M.D., 37, Bedford-sq., London, Doctor of Medicine, Matriculated Member of the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, &c. 8:c. Published by the Author, in English, French, or Ger- man, and may be had, in Carmarthen, of Mr. E. W. Shackell, Bookseller, Guildhall-square; in Swansea, of Mr. Williams, Cambrian Office; Heath, 1, Broad street, Bristol Kent and Richards, 62, Paternoster- row, London or, free by post for forty-two stamps, ji from the Author, who may be consulted on these dis- orders personally or by letter, daily, from Ten till Two and from Five till Eight, at his residence, 37, Bedford-square, London. AUTION .-THg extensive practice of Messrs. -N i T p.a' uiY and Company, the continued demand 1 far their work, entitled, the I LEN T F U I N D (one hundie? d and twenty-fh'e thousand copies Qf Swhioct i. Sna St »*.> ™'1. the «;,c *"<> which rehpauvte e ?oj ?? ,'?,ji,hies have induced some high p to a.ssume name of ElntY and unpri? neipledper? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? closely ie ?ec hereby cautioned that such persons arc not in any way connected W1L] the firn f  ????? cloned that such th'e Provinc('s and are only to be conslilted P("n'  letter, at their E?,t?ib;iislinieiit, 19, Berner5-strect, Oxford-Street, London. TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION. Illustrated by 20 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel. On Physical Disqualiifcations, Generrfice 7?- nacitv. and /?/)?/?!e? ? A?-r?/ u. New and improved Edition, enbrged to IVo p"?. "justrub'?shed.rriee?.f!d.,orbypo.tdireetfrom theE.tab!isn?ent..?.M.mp..sta?st.?ps. mX HE SILENT FRIEND A Medico Work on the Tphysical exhaustion and decay of the frame from the effects of solitary indulgence, infection, and the injurious consequences of the abuse of Men w-h observations on thcobhga:ions of n¡;¡rriage, and c1iree- tions for obviating certain disquhhcations_ ?IH ? ..U?at?, by 26 Coloured Engravings by R. and L. ,iiid Co., 19, Berncrs-strcet, Oxford-street, London. P^ ub- lished bv the Authors; ana sold by Strai),,e 21, Patei- nostcr-row Hannay, 03, and banger, loO Oxfoid-stiea;, Starie,2?.Titchborne-street.Hayinarket;andCroidon. 146, LeadenhaH-street, London. PART THE FUlST treats of the anatomy and physio- logy of the re-productive organs, and is illustrated by Six Coloured Engravings. P.Ulf THE SECOND treats of the consequences re- sulting from excessive indulgence, and their lamentable effects on the system, producing mental and bodily weakness, nervous excitement, and generative incapacity. It is particularly addressed to those who are prevented in consequence, from entering into the marriage state, and points out the sure means of perfect and secret restoration to manhood. Itismustratedbylbrce K vnlanatorv Engravings.. fr.. piS THE THIRD treats of the diseases resulting from infection, either in the primary or secondarj form, :!??(i contains explicit directions for their treatment, The cMon U?e?q i?ci? L?t ofearlv ne?ect or ofmstrcatment, and of the abuse of mercury, in entailing broken health and a mierablc existence, arc also clcarly pomtcd out. This section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured lnravings. r?TTK? FOURTH contains a prescription for the V Prevention of Disease by a simple application, by which • • i ated Itsaetionissimpte the danger of inf('('tion is ob\'iated. Its actloTI is simple but sure. It acts with the tn us chemical1y, and dc?strovs ? power on the system. This important part of the Work should not escape the re:idel- notice. PART THE FIFTH is devoted to the consideration of marriage, and its duties. The reason of p ysica lj, qualifications, and the causes of ?"? "1' are also considered, and the whole subject criti.c?al; and phUosophicaHv inquired into. THE COKDIAL BALM OF S?V???T?ArU? M is employed to renovate the impaired ?'?'„ when exhausted bN the influence exert,ed ,bv s. ?r? when exhausted by the influence exei indulgence on the system. Its action is pui< ba a.nn its power in reinvigorating the frame in all n}- consumption, indigestion, female compla..?nts, ep essi_on of spirits, and nervous debility, has been dcmonstrated bv its unvarying success in thousands of Price l'ls. per bottle, or four quantities in one for PERRY'S PURIFY fNG SPECHIC PILLS con- stitute an effectual remedy in all eases of gon-ui IOI.I, gleet, stricture, and diseases of the urinary organs. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. Cd., and lis. per box. Sold bv all Medicine Vendors in Tovri o r Country. Consultation fee, if by letter £ 1.-Patien arc re- quested to be as minute as possible in the dess^ci.j of thtir cases, stating age, occupation, and posuion in society. Attendance daily at 10, Berners-strect, Oxf, oru, -st, rect., London; from 11 to 2, and fiom 5 to 8; on Sundays from 11 to 1. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-square; E. Ward, Chemist, High-street, Lie- coil Philip Price, Post Office, Bridgend 11. U oblier, Guardian Office, Cardiff; Walter Thomas, Chemist, (op- posite Angel) Merthvr; W. Williams, Chemist,Kigh- street, Cardigan; O. E. Pavies.Chemist, Joseph P^ otter, Herald Office, Haverfordwest; R. C. Treweeks. Chemist, Pembroke, and Tlios. Evans, Chemist., Iligh-street, Swansea, of all of w hom may he had the "SILENT FRIEND." L Ms rnHE OmGIAL HOWQUA's TMIXTUP,E, of 40 Rare Black <£ ,I;' Te, and MOWQUA's SMALL- LEÀ'F GCXPOWDER. BY APPOIxnrEXT. The reputation of these Teas is now so thoroughly established that it is unnecessary to dilate upon their pe- culiar qualities. They have acquired a celebrity, 111 a comparatively short period, unparalleled in the annals of trade. Brocksopp, How, and Co., 2:33 and 234, Iligh- street, Southwark, London, feel confident that the su- periority of their articles and their standing in the tea market will sufifce to distinguish them from the puffing adventurers of the day. The Houqua's Mixture of 40 rare Black Teas is now reduced to 5s. 8d. per lb. Catty Package, and the Mow- qua Small-Leaf Gunpoyvder to 8s.pei- lb, Catty Package. Half and Quarter Catties may be had. To meet the requirements of families in Great Britain, the managers of Howqua's and Mowqua's estates have commenced shipping a SECOND GROWTH, called SEMI-HOWQUA and SEMI-MOWQUA, yvhich, while partaking of all the distinguishing qualities of the origi- nals, are, as being more economical, better adapted for ordinary consumption. Semi-IIowqua per pound catty package 5s. Semi-Mowqua Peart-Leaf Gunpowder, do. do. 7s. CAUTION.—These Teas arc genuine only when con- tained in original Chinese Packages, secured with the I seals of Howqua and Mowqua. B. H. & Co. also continue to supply their original and well-known Package Teas at all prices. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST COFFEE. Brocksopp & Co. roast their Coffees by powerful steam machinery, and prepare them after the French manner. Great economy and improvement of flavour are the results, coffees prepared by this process being 30 per cent. stronger than those roasted in the ordinary way. Dmerara.; Is. 4d. per lb. I Fine strong Mocha 2s. per lb. Fine Jamaica..Is. 8d. | Finest rich old do. 2s. 4d. Packed in lead, to preserve the aroma. An ('c¡;ent lidn; if actively pursued, or a material addition to income, with moderate exertion, is derivable from the sale of the above articles. Brocksopp, How, &. Co. are now prepared to appoint agents in every considerable town throughout the United Kingdom. Parties desirous of becoming agents must therefore apply immediately, in order that their names may appear in the advertisements. Full particulars of terms, with a price list, will be forwarded by post on ap- plication to Brocksopp, How, & Co., Tea Importers, 233 and 234, Borough, London. AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT. CAKMARTHI-.n, Wm. Morgan, Chemist, Lammas-Street Llandilo, Thomas .Tames, Bookseller and Stationer Llandovery, Rees Bishop, Tea Establishment, Stone Street, and Elizabeth Lewis, Draper and Grocer. Ab'Tayron, W. Green. Pier Street Abergavenny, W. II. Hurst. Chemist, Neville Street Brecon, Phillip Bright, Medical flail Beaufort and Victoria Works, John Jones, Grocer and Tea Dealer. Brynmawr, David Edwards, Stamp Office, and John Jones, Grocer and Draper Cardigan. Joseph Clouher, Bookseller Criekhowell, Wm. Christopher, Chemist, High Street Dowlais, David Lewis, Chpmist. High Street Eglwyswnv, Gwynne Harries, Chemist, High Street, J. D. livans, Draper and Tea Dealer. Haverfordwest, r. Williams, Chemist, 17, Market Street Llanboidy, Thomas Davies, Grocer and Draper. Merthyr Tydvil, Edmond Watkins, Pontmorlais Milford Ilaven, J. D. Merritt. Chemist. Monmouth, John Wightman, Bookseller, Agincourt Square Narberth. J. Meyler, Grocer and Draper Newcastle Emlyn, Thomas and Evans, Grocers and Tea- Dealers and S. Jones, Grocer and Tea Dealer Newport, Joseph Grant, Stationer, High Street, and John Thomas. Chemist, 151, Commercial Street Pembroke Dock, W. Laen, Chemist, No. 1, Meyrick-Street l'ontypool, Wm. Conway. Chemist. Swansea, C. T. Wilson, Castie-square Tenby, Richard Mason. Bookseller Tredegar, Isaac Edwards, llatter and Tea-Dealer FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. PATRONIZED UY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager, And His Royal Highness Prince Albert. MR. THOMAS HOWARD'S SUCCEDANEUM, Foil filling Decayed Teeth, however large the cavity. r It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth for many veavs, rendering extraction unnecessary. It arrests all further progress of decay, and renders them again useful in mas- tication. All persons can use this SUCCEDANEUM THEMSELVES WITH EASE, as full directions are enclosed. Prepared only by Mr. Thomas Howard, Surgeon Dentist, to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, 17, George-street, Hanover-square, London, who will send the Succedaneum free by Post to any part of the king- dom. Price 2s. 6u. Observe, the Stiecedancti-ii is sDld I in Sealed Packets, with full directions for use enclosed, and the signature, THOMAS HOWARD, in Red Ink on the outside of the Wrapper. Sold by the following Agents :— Mr. J. W. White and Mr. Davies, Chemists and Drug- gists, Carmarthen Morgan, Davies, and Stephens, Mer- thyr Tydfil; Phillips, Cardiff: Williams, E- recoii Mor- gan, Abergavenny; Phillips, Newport; Goulstone, Llandovery; Farror and Heath, Monmouth Jones and Williams, Brecon: Phillips, Milford; French, X eath; Dawe and Son, Wilson, and Evans, Swansea Thomas, Cowbridge Bassit, Newbridge; Humphreys, Aberys- twyth; 6. E. Davies, Hicks, and Harries, Haverford- west J. S. Evans, Cardigan, and all chemists and Me- dicine Vendors in the kingdom. Sold wholesale by Barclay and Sons, Sutton and Co. and Mr. Edwards, London. J. and It. Raimes and Co. Edinburgh. Dr. Butler, Medical Hall, Sackville street, Dublin. Mr. Howard's Succedaneum will keep good in India, and the Colonies for any length of time. LOSS OF TEETH. Mr. Howard continues to supply the Loss of Teeth, without springs or wires upon his new system of SELF- ADIIESION, and without extracting any Teeth or Stumps, or giving any pain whatever. This method has procured him universal approbation, and is recommended by nu- merous Physicians and Surgeons as being the most 111- genious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented in all cases restoring Perfect Articulation and Mastication, and so perfectly natural in appearance as to defy detection by the closest observer. They adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining roots without causing the least pain, rendering the pain- ful operation of extracting quite unnecessary. They are so fixed as to fasten any loose teeth, where the gums have shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes. He also begs to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation, as practised by most Dentists, to inspect his painless yet effective system. Those in- terested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority over all others to be entirely and scrupulously col-rect. Alr. Howard, Surgeon Dentist to his Grace the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 17, George Street, Hanover Square near Regent Street, London. At home from 11 till 5. I^MiD^lIIioT:GII()UT THE GLOBE. IIOLLO'V.tY'S PILLS. A CASE OF DltOP-Y. EXTRACT of a Letter from Mr. WHIiam Gardner .?o( Hanging Houghton, Northamptonshire, dated ¡ September 14th, 1S47. ¡ TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Siu.-I before informed you that my wife had been t?u-d three times for the Dropsy, but '?.?'?'" Gou upon vour I'iU?au.l her perseverance m ta?U s th.em, the water hM now )<e? kept on ? months, bj then means which is a great mercy. (Signed) WILLIAM GAKDNc.U. DISORDER OF THE I.lVKll AND KIDNEYS. 7S, 7?n7? ?- a Letter from Mr. J-K. Ufydon 78, K7?/ ?-ce<, SM?tey, Sew South )) a/M, the ..0? -S?- tember, 1847. TO PROFESSOR IIOLLOyVAY. SIR. I have the pleasure to inform you. that Stuart A. Djuaifts?n. E(l', an eminent Merchant and Agriculturist and al?o L Of tlii? Tow!).catk"!onmt.onthet8tj instant. an,], purchased your medicines to the amount oil FoLiiTi'TN POINDS to be forwarded to his Sheep Stations it New England. He state:! that, one of his Overseers had come to Svdnev some time previously for medical aid, his disoider bein?an 'infection of the Liver and Kidneys-that he had p:?Jd the man for three months und.r the care of one of the best. Surgeons, without any good .(??ultin?? irom t\w ?t- ii,elit ti1(1111. then ini us(?tl ()ii1tilk(,Ilt, "mmuchto ili, o?i- and :t? to"i s was completely restored to his health hy the.r means. ??jw this surpnsin??r?was e?-cted in about t?  (Signed) J. K.HUlJO.v A DISORDER OF THE CHEST. Extract of a Letter from 311'.Bi-o?v?ze, of' 21 ?..<i'A '.?<t ??-c?, TP???M, ?-e?)i< ?.«'e? March 2nd, ISH. i TO PIIOFKS^OR 1U)LM>WA\. Sm —\ vcun!? )adv who w.? sutn-ru? from a disorder of the chest, witb'her'tUT?s so exceedingly delicate, that she had the "reatest difficulty of broathm r it she took JI littlo co)d.which was genera))y accompanied by nearly total loss of ametiie, together with such general debility ,jf body, as toob;?h?rt? rest herse)f when ?oin? up hut onet)i?!t of stairs: she commenced takln your Pills about '» mouths since, and I am happy to inform you they have restored her to 1)e?t'ect health. (Signed) WILLIAM BROWNE. The Rarl of Aldborough Cured of a Liver and- St >mich Complaint. Extract of a letter from his Lordship, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 21st February, 184-3. TO PROVKSS011 IlOLLOWA Y. SIR.—Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your p(¡1itenp in sending me your Pills as you did I now take this oppor- tunity of sending yon an order for the amount, and, at the same time, to add that your l'ills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent the faculty at home, and all over the Continent, had not been able to effect nay, not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad. 1 wish to have another box and a pot ol the ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either.—Your most obliged ami obedient servant. (Signed) ALDDOHOCliil. Sold at. the establishment of Professor Holloway, 214 Strand (near Temple Bar,) London; and by almost all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines thvough- 0ut the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. lid. os. !)(I., zis, (;(]-, lis., 2'2s., and. 33s. each box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every disorder tue ailixed to e.e.'h box. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARMARTHEN AND BRISTOL In Ten Hours, touching at Tenby.  nf^HE rapid and beautiful Iron Screw M ? A Steam Ship ,r;'0- TALBOT, 140 HOUSE POWER, I. THOMAS LEAVIN, Commander, Is intended to Sail as follows, with Passengers, Goods, Live Stock, &c., affording a most desirable and speedy Communication between the various Places of the County of Carmarthen and the Metropolis, via Bristol and the Great Western Railway also with Manchestei and the North, via the Gloucester and Birmingham Railway. TROM BRISTOL TO TEXllY TROM CARMARTHEN AND AND CARMARTHEN. TENBY TO BRISTOL. Thurs.,Jan., 4, 11 after. I Thursday, 11, 7-t evening I Wednesday, 17,12 noon I Thursdav, 2o, Gimorning Thurs. Feb. 1, 11 night. I Tues., Jan. 2, lOJmorning Saturday.. 6, 3ci after. Saturday ..13, ?morning I), 2\ a f ter. Friday.19, Saturday,27, 7Jmornmg This Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the comfort and convenience of Passengers. BRISTOL TO TEXny AND CARMARTHEN. Fares:-Cabin, 12s. 6d.; Children under 12, 6s.; Ser- vants, 7s. 6d. Fore Cabin, Gs. Children under 12, Is. CARMARTHEN TO AND FROM TENBY. Fa.res: C"bin, 3s. Fore Cabin, 2s. NO FEES TO STEWARD. Carriage, 40s. Pair-Horse Phccton, 28s. Small One- Horse Phtcton, 20s.; Gig, 18s. Horse, 15s.; Dog, 2s. Refreshments may be obtained on board at moderate charges. Goods taken in at the Warehouse, Grove, Bristol, to await the Packets arrival if required for Car- marthen, &c., &c. Further information may be obtained on application to the master on board, or to the following Agents :—Mr. James King, Packet-office, Grove, Bristol, Mr. Noiih Rees, Packet-office, Carmarthen; Mr. Wm. Jenkins, Packet-oiffce, Port Talbot; or Mr. Wm. Bowers, Lion Hotel, Tenby. Freight of goods to be paid for on delivery. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet give Notice, that they will not be accountable for Pas- sengers' Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at either of their Offices, -,it Bristol or Carmarthen, if above the value of 40 Shillings unless entered at its full value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of Landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but for all previously unsatisfied Freights and Charges due by the Consignees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed Weights and Measurement, Claims for Loss or Damage, &c., cannot be allowed, unless a written notice of the same be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. For Lists of the Freights, apply to Mr. North Rees, at the Taibot Office, Quay-street, Carmarthen. NOTICE.—The Steam Ship Osprey," of 400-horse power, is now placed on the Station between Bristol, Tenby, and Haverfordwest. .sjggyk BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY | e..B Office 1, Qnay, Bristol. rriHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to X Sail from CUMBERLAND B\SIN, BIlTSTOL, and as undermentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- tv to tow Vessels, during the Month of JANUARY, IS 19. The Phœnix, will very shortly have completed her refit- ment, and will be replaced on the Carmarthen Station with increased facilities for Carriage of goods. FOR CARMARTHEN, TORRIDGE. CALLING AT TENBY. The Torridge will make as many Voyages to and from Carmarthen as she can get loaded and the weather will permit. PROM TENBY.—Three hours after leaving Carmarthen. FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Fridays. Friday, Jan. 5 2 after Friday 19 2 after 12 8 morn ri ai- 2C morn Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Tuesdays.—SABRINA, Saturdays. Tuesday, Jan. 1. lO'.morn Saturday, 3 after Saturday, — G. after Tuesday, 2;1 r) morii Tuesday, — 0. 6'morn Saturday, 27 8morn .r. r)¡ 0 n .,l UT .l, o.li. Tuesday, 30.10 morn Tuesday, Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. VICTORY, Tuesdays.—ROSE, Fridays. Tuesday Jan. 2 10',morn I Fridav. — 19. 2 after Friday, 5 2 !'frf'r Tu.?d.'y, — 2' H morn Tuesday, — 9 r.inorn I Friday, ?. 7morn Fnday. — 12 S' mom Friday 30. 10 morn I Tuesday, IC) ,niorn | Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TEXBY. OSPREY, Tuesdays. T?e?day. Jan. 2 10',morn I Tuesday, — IK 10\morn Tuesda' (). G \mom I Tuesday — 23 G murn Tuesday 30, 10 morn. Tuesday?, 10 morn. FROM TENBY.—OSPREY. Saturday, Jan. 0 4 morn I Saturday, 20 3?morn Jaii. (; 4 ,nor ll'lI l 8 irorn Saturday, .13 .9,,n o r. 8 morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST- OSPREY. Tuesday, Jan. 2 10'morn I Tuesday lOJmorn Tuesday. — Gi morn Tuesday, 23. 6 morn Tuesday 30 10 mor FROM HAVERFORDWEST. OSPREY. F"¡,la,' J r. 1 f I v I }(\ 1 't Friday, Jan. 5. 1 after I Fridav 1 :to er Friday, — 50 3 morn j Friday 2G 8 morn FROM MILFORD. OSPREY. 10 19 Friday 4 after Friday 26 2 after FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY—Tuesdays & Fridays. BERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. BRISTOL—Wednesdays. 1'l1erla T ) Thur?dav.?..lmorn T T; "Iiioi-n Fi-;flztN- morri Fri(\,t\. ,I: 1 llJorn r:'rlf1a\' 1' }'morn :,J1¡:;1h:: (; S'morn I :1; 33.Timnrn 7 morn '"e-lay 9 7 mom Thursday 2.> 7 morn ThnviOiy 7! morn Fridav — 26 8 morn Tri'lav 12 8'morn | Saturday, 27 8 morn Saturday 13 9 inorn I Tuesday, 30..10 morn ue?(1;v, ?i 0 1 0 iiic)rii FROM SWANSEA. BERESFORD—Tuesdays & Fridays. COUN TY—Thursdays Saturdays. Tuesday. Jan. 2 ..11 morn I Thursday 18 1 morn Thursday, 4 1'morn Friday 10 2'morn Friday, 5 3 mrn I Saturday 20 4 morn Saturday G 4 morn 'Tuesday L'3 (j'morn Tt"'Sf" !).. 7l,mnrn I Thursday 25 ,J,morn T1, ?,r I 1 8 2 8" morn Friday 1? 9 mnrn I Saturday 27 8 morn ':i O'.morn Tuesday, 30 ..10 morn Tuesday 16 ..11 morn FROM BRISTOL TO C ARDIFF. STAR AND PRINCE OF WALES. Monday Jan. 29 9 morn I Thursday — = Tuesday. 30 O' .morn | Fridav — —morn Wednesday .d 1(1 mom Saturday — -morn FlUnr CARDIFF TO BRISTOL. Monday Jan. 29 7 morn Thurs — —after Tuesday .30 8 morn Friday -morn Wednesday ?) 8 morn Saturday ? after FROM BRISTOL TO NEWPORT. LADY CHARLOTTE AND USK. Monday Jan. 2!) morn ] TIlllrl —morn Tuesday 30 10 mom Friday —morn Wednesday 31 10 morn Saturday —morn FROM NFiWPORT TO BRISTOL. Monday Jan. 20 7 morn Thursday, after Tuesday — ?' 8 morn j Friday '—.? -mOTn Wednesday— 31 H.morn Satunlay -murn The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Stewards oil Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before s Particlllars may be obtained bv applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, etc., should he a ddressed :— for Swansea, to A17. Terrell & Sons, ."3, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay street:-for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street. Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenhv; Mr. John Rees, Haverfordwest, Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowcn, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. 1. lurner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, ?«rr)cr..—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets wiU Lynton. -?,I)ov t ?, t I n I)a,ket? will not lie accountable (or any Cabin Passenger's Lu:uap, (iHost or damaged) a?ove the value 01 X?): nor for an\ Deck i'a?en- ;er'<u?-Me(it'"sror'tama?ed)abovet))ev.Uueot?')s.:un- ??sineH.-hensee'Tcrt-dassueh,and trei?htin proportion paid foratth'timeotde?-'ry.norwnjthevheanswerabtefor'anv other parcel above the value of 40s. (it')ostordam:?ed1 unies's entered as such, ami freight in proportion paid forthe same at flu* time oi <i<*nvery. Not accountable for any (nods without Shipping Notes. All letters seekiu: inform ition to be post I)iti,l. Bvisdol, Januar y, 1 S 1;)