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CARMARTHENSHIRE TURNPIKE ROADS. LLANDOVERY DISTRICT. j ?LL. HOUSES AND MATERIALS OF TOLL- ? HOUSES, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. AfR THOMAS WILLIAMS, AUCTIONEER, has t!J. been instructed to Sell and he will dispose of bv ?BLic AUCTION, On TUESDA Y, the 16th Day of MARCH, 1817, At eleven o'clock in the forenoon, T AT THE MAGISTRATES' ROOM, IN LLANDOVERY, R T^Hseveral Toll-houses, Sites, and Appurtenances, and I .aterials of Toll-houses, now in disuse in the said Dis- triet. and vested in the County Roads Board, comprised n the following Lots:- LOT I -All that Toll-house, called Ciom-an (lower) T with the Site, and Appurtenances thereunto belo LO?'2 -All that Toll-house, called IFf<M?ys<r?/errM [Oll-housc, with the Site and Appurtenances thereunto b,,Ioll LOT 3.—AU the Matermts of a certain Toll-house, Called Ctem-an (upper) Toll-house. LoT 4.-Ditto of Dolauhirion Toll-house. LOT 5.-Ditto of Llandovery Toll-house. LOT 6.—Ditto of Pentrebach Toll-house. LOT 7.-Ditto of Trefach Toll-house. The purchasers of the Toll-houses must within a fort- biht after the Sale pay the purchase-money to the treasurer of the Board at Carmarthen, and afterwards Possession of the Premises will be delivered to them, otherwise the LOT will be re-sold. TLp purchasers of the Materials of Toll-houses will be required to pull down and remove the same within one hiotith after the Sah-, at their own expense, otherwise the fame wHI be forfeited and to pay the purchase-money "?niediatety to the Auctioneer, with the exception of "??-? (upper) 7'o?Ao!Me. which must remain in the Board's possession without charge until the new house neiir Penybont is inhabited by a toll-collector. F<>r further particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at Llandovery, or of Mr. G. Spurrell, Carmarthen, Clerk to th,1 said Board. Carmarthen, March 2nd, 1847. ASTONISHING EFFICACY OF HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. The testimony of a Clergyman vouching to eleven cases of cures by these wonderful Pills. EXTRACT of a Letter from the Rev. George Prior, -? Curate of Mevagh, Letter Kenny, Carrigart, Ire- land, 10th January, 1846. TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. 8111,-1 send you a crude list of some eleven eases, all curell by the use of your Pills. I cannot exactly » ive vou a professional name to the various complaints, but this I know, Borne of them baffled the skill of Derry and this county. In a previous letter this gentleman states as follows Within ? short distance of my house resides a small farmer, who for rnore than twenty years had be n in a bad state of health Mrs. Prior gave him a box 01 the Pills, which did him so tnuchgood that 1 heard him say, for twenty years past, he never ate his food or enjoyed it so much as since taking your Pills (Signed) GEORGE PRIOR. The above reverend and pious gentleman purchased "orne pounds worth of the Pills for the benefit of his poor Parishioners. Cure of a Confirmed Asthma, accompamed ivith great. Debility.—Extract of a letter from John Thompson, Esq., proprietor of the Armagh Guardian, Armagh 17th April, 1846. TO PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. I SIB,—There ij at present living in this city a Serjeant, who liakd been for many years in the army at Cabul, in the East Indies, from whence he returned in September last On his way here, from the change of weather of a tropical to a moist climate, he caught a very violent cold, which produced a confirmed case of Asthma. In December last he commenced taking your Pills, and by the use of two lis. boxes, with two s. ea, pots of your Ointnent well rubbed into his breast, he is, I am happy to say, not only quite cured of the asthma, but is also become so strong and vigorous, that he informed me yesterday he could now run round the Mail with any person ,the city, and-that he never got any medicine equal to your Ills and Ointment. (Signed) J. THOMPSON. The Earl of Aldborough Cured of a Liver ami Stomach Complaint. Extract of a letter from his Lordship, dated ilia Messina, Leghorn, 21st February, 184-5. TO PROFMSSOR HOLLOWAY. SIR.—Various circumstances prevented the possibility of 111 > thanking vou before this time for your politeness in sending ine your Pills as you did I now take this oppor- tunity of seridin" you an order for the amount, aud, at the same time. to add* that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in mv Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent ot the faculty' at home, and all over the Continent, had not been able to etlect; nay, not ev.m the waters of Car'sbad and Marienbad. 1 wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment, in case any of mv family should evvr require either.- Your most obliged and. obedient servant (Signed, ALDBOROUGH. The mighty powers of these extraordinary Pills will do wonders in any of the following complaints Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Head-ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaun- dice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Sore Throat, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic- Doloureux, Tumours, Ulcers, Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds, Weakness, from whatever cause, &c., Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar,) London and by almost al- respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through- out the civilized world, at the following prices :—Is. Ud, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each box. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of Patients in every isorder are affixed to each box. On the Concealed Cause of Constitutional or acquired Debilities of the Generative System. "THE SILENT FRIEND," NINETEENTH EDITION. Price 2s. 6d., sent free to any part of the TTnited Kingdom in a Sealed Envelope, from the Estab- lishment on receipt of 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps. A MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervous -CJL Debility, Constitutional W eakness, excessive In- dulgence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, con- taining fine Coloured Engravings on steel. I By R. and L. PERRY and Co., Consulting Surgeons. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford street: Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, London; Newton, 16 and 19, Church-Street, Liverpool; Rawle, Church-St., Liverpool; Ingham, Market-Street, Manchester; D. Campbell, 136, Argyle-Street, Glasgow; R. Lindsay, 11, Elms Row, Edinburgh; Powell, 10, Westmoreland Street, Dublin; J. W. White, Guildhall-Square, Car- marthen, and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. We regard the work before us, The SiLENT FRIEND, as A work embracing most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto little understood, and passed over by the majority of the Medical profession, for what reason we are at a los to know. We must however confess that a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds, that we not only recommend, but cordially wish every one who is the victim of past folly, or suffering from iadiairction, to profit by the advice contained in its pages."— Age and Argus. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, Is a gentle stimulant and renovater in all cases of Debility, whether Constitutional or acquired, nervous mentality, irritation and consumption-by the use of which the impaired System becomes gradually and effectually restored to pristine health and vigour. Price I Is. or four at lis. in one bottle for 23s., by which I Is. are saved. The £.5 cases of Syriacum or Concentrated Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, Bcrners-street, Oxford-street, London whereby there is a saving of El l'is. and the patient is entitled to receive advice without a fee, which advantage is applicable only to those who remit JM for a packet. A minute detail of the case is necessary. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE an anti-syphilitic remedy for Secondary Symptoms searching out and purifying the diseased humours of the blood, removing all cutaneous eruptions, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples on the head, face, &c. Price lis, and 33s. per bottle. Also, the E5 cases. To be had only at the London Establishment. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd. and lis. per box, Have long been used with perfect success in all cases of Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation, Irritation, &c. These Pills are free from mercury, capaiva, and other deleterious drugs, and may be taken without interference upon in every instance. Sold by all medicine venders. Messrs. Perry expect, when consulted by letter, the usual Fee of One Pound. Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, as to the duration of the com- plaint, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world; no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected from obser- vation. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist; Mr. Walter Thomas, Chemist, (opposite the Angel), Mer- thyr; Mr. Thomas Evans, Chemist, High-street, Swan- sea Mr. Philip Price, Post office. Bridgend; Mr. O. E. Davies, Haverfordwest, nf all o i wh«m may be had t" 3i3ent Friend AN APPRENTICE WANTED. AN Apprentice wanted to the GENERAL IRON- L MONGERY BUSINESS. He must speak the Welsh language. Apply to Mr. Thos. Lloyd, Ironmonger, Cardigan. Important to Families.—The Popular Remedy. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. A MILD, safe, and most effectual cure of Indigestion, Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, Sick Head-ache, Costiveness, &c, &c. Their composition is truly excellent, they are compounded entirely of vege- table products, freed from all irritating and deleterious matters, which renders their operation mild and agree- able they do not require the least confinement or alteration of diet, and may be taken by the invalid with perfect safety as an occasional dose in all nervous- and debilitated cases, recoveries from protracted diseases, &c., they will be found highly valuable, imparting vigour and tone to the system when emaciated by disease. Their value as a general tonic and restorative of the impaired stomach and biliary system, is daily manifested to the Proprietors, by their increasing rapid sale. and the numerous testimonials forwarded by those who have proved their efficacy. The following, with many others, have been recently received :— Communicated by Mr. G. BATTERS, Chapel Bar, Nottingham. November 27th, 1846. SrR,-There is a peculiar herb in the compoflKdof PARR'S LIFE PILLS, which no other Patent Medicine possesses, which I am ready to testify, and will give any information by applying to mo or Mr. Batters, Notting- ham. I am 54 years of age, and have taken every kind of medicine, and none had the desired effect but PARR'S LIFE PILLS in curing myself of the Rheumatism. And when I lay on a bed—or have sometimes sat up for nine weeks, I received no relief until I took PARR'S Li F i, PILLS, which ultimately effected a cure. I will also give you my wife's statement in her own words; I was taken ill of the Typhus Fever and was not able to move from the bed. Through my husband taking PARK'S LIFE PILLS I thought f would try them, and took two pills at nine o'clock in the morning still was not able to move, but gradually afterwards I became better. I then took more, and, at three o'clock, I was enabled to walk in the garden, and in a few days I was quite restored. This is truth, and no fiction; I aiiiinow forty- six yeais of age." I am, Sir, yours respectfully, SAMUEL WATERALL. Communicated by Mr. J. GAMIS, Yeovil. Yeovil, July 13th, 1846. SIRs-Having during the last two years witnessed the remarkable efficacy of PA Rit'S PILLS, I feel much plea- sure in stating the following cases for the encouragement of others. I am, truly yours, Medicine Warehouse, Yeovil. J. GAMIS E. A. An elderly gentleman came for a second box of PARR'S PILLS, and with pleasing astonishment said these are the best pills I have ever had, and I intend always to keep them by me, they are the best remedy for the Piles I have ever tried." P. G. Another person, aged 76, affirmed, that after trying almost every medicine for Indigestion and Bilious Complaint, that PARa's LIFE PILLS stand unequalled, and emphatically said it was the best aperient medi- cine extant. W. E. A young man, who had for a long time been rendered incapable of following his usual employment, being painfully afflicted with a most obstinate complaint in his stomach, is now able to follow his usual employ- ment, by persevering in the use of PARK'S PILI,S. E. H. Who declares he has spent pounds in endea- vouring to cure a complaint which he terms the blind Piles, has, by taking three 2s. 9d. boxes, received a perfect cure. B. M. Who has been sadly afflicted with Rheumatism for two years, has found these pills a perfect antidote, by having recourse to them especially in the Spring and fall of the year. t> These are but few amongst the very manv testimonials that I have received of the good effects Of 'PAitit's LIn: PILL'S for all Disorders in the Head and Stomach, and particularly for all Rheumatic Complaints. P. S. You will forward me as usual, one gross of PARR'S PILLS, and also a case Of SPJ-NCFIL',i PULMONIC ELIXIR. This medicine, the more it is tried, the more it is approved of, for Affections of the Lungs, Coughs, Tightness of Breathing, &c., &c. HE WARE OF IMITATIONS. None are genuine, unless the words "PARR(S LIFE PILT,S" are in WHITE LETTERS on a RED GROUND, on the Government Stamp, pasted round each box also the fae-simileof the signature of the Proprietors, "T. ROBERTS and Co., Crane Court, Fleet-street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and family packets at lis. each, by all respectable medicine venders throughout the world. CORNS AND BUNIONS. PAUL'S EVERY MAN'S FRIEND, Patronized by the Royal Family <Sr Nobility, IS a sure and speedy Cure for those severe annoyances. j_ without causing the least pain or inconvenience. Unlike all other remedies for Corns, its operation is such as to render the Cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary indeed, wc may say, the practice of cutting Corns is at all times highly dangerous, and has been frequently at- tended with lamentable consequences, besides its liability to increase their growth it adheres with the most gentle pressure, producing an instant and delightful relief from torture, and, with perseverance in its application, entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions. Testimonials have been received from upwards of one hundred physicians and surgeons of the greatest emi- nence, as well as from officers of both Army and Navy, and nearly one thousand private letters from the gentry, in town and country, speaking in high terms of this valuable remedy. Prepared by JOHN Fox, in boxes at Is. lid., or three small boxes in one for 2s. 9d., and to be had, with full directions for use, of C. KING, 34, Napier-strce., Hox NewTown, London, and all wholesale and retail medicine venders in town and country. The genuine has the name of John Fox on the Government stamp. A 28. 9d. box cures the most obdurate corns. Askfor Paul's Every Man's Friend," ABERNETIIY'3 PILE OINTMENT. r What a painful and noxious Disease is the PILES, and comparatively how few of the afflicted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill This, no doubt, arises from the use of powerful aperients, too frequently administered by the profession indeed, strong internal medicine should always be avoided in all cases of this complaint. The proprietor of the above Ointment, after years of acute suffering, placed himself under the treatment of that eminent surgeon, Mr. Abernethy—was by him restored to perfect health, and has enjoyed it ever since without the slightest return of the disorder, over a period of fifteen years, during which time the same Abernethian prescription has been the means of healing a vast number of desperate cases, both in and out of the proprietor's circle of friends, most of which cases had been under medical care, and some of them for a very considerable time. Abernethy's Pile Ointment was introduced to the public by the desire of many who had been perfectly healed by its application, and since its introduction the fame of this Ointment has spread far and wide; even the Medical Profession, always slow and unwilling to acknowledge the virtues of any Medicine not prepared by themselves, do now freely and frankly admit that Abernethy's Pile Oint- ment is not only a valuable preparation, but a never- failing remedy in every stage and variety of that appalling malady. Sufferers will not repent giving the ointment a trial. Multitudes of cases of its efficacy might be produced, if the nature of the complaint did not render those who have been cured, unwilling to publish their names. Sold in covered pots, at 4s. 6d., or the quantity of three 4s. Gd. pots in one, lis., with full directions for use, by C. King (agent to the proprietor) 34, Napier Street, Hoxton, New Town, London, where also can be pro- cured every Patent Medicine of repute, direct from the original makers, with an allowance in taking six at a time. *#* Be sure to ask for Abernethy's Pile Ointment." The PUBLIC ARE REQUESTED TO BE ON THEIR GUARD AGAINST NOXIOUS COMPOSITIONS SOLD AT I.OW PRICKS, and to observe, that none can possibly he genuine unless the name of C. King is printed on the Government Stamp affixed to each pot, 4s. Gd., which is the lowest price the proprietor is enabled to sell it at, owing to the great expense of the ingredients. Abernethy's Pile Ointment," Paul's Corn Plas- ter," and Abernethy's Pile Powders," are sold by the following respectable chemists and dealers in patent medicines:— Jones and Evans White, Tardrcw and Smitb, and R. M. Davies, Caimarthcn Pierce Claridge, and Cole, Aberystwith; John Williams, E. Ward, John Jones, Philip Bright, Prosser, and Duncan, Brecon John King, Price, Ballard, and Williams, Bridgend Evan Williams, Builth Griffith Phillips, Macarthy, Jenkins, Ewins, Coleman, and Mogg, Cardiff; Jones, Williams, and Evans, Cardigan; Davies, bookseller, Thomas, and Ballard, Cowbridge O. E. Davies, Harries, Thomas, Wil- liams, Haverfordwest; Franklin, Laugharne: Goulstone, Llandovery; James, chemist, Lampeter Thomas Jones, bookseller, Llandilo J. D. Merritt, chemist, Milford- Haven Jones, Stephens, W. Thomas, and Mrs. Jenkins, Merthyr; Griffiths, and Nicholas, Narberth; Davis, bookseller, Hibbert, French, Thomas, and Ballard, chemists, Neath Jenkins, Phillips, and Williams, chemists, Newport Treweeks, Patter, and Ormona, chemists, Pembroke; J. Williams, Dawe and Son, Wil- son, Jenkins, C. J. Pearson, and Thos Evans, Swansea Prosser, chemist, Rhymney; Pollard, and Walkington, chemists, Tenby and by all respectable chemists and medicine-venders in every market town throughout North AND S«5U*H WAL?*. PATENT WATCHES & CLOCKS. EJ. DENT, by appointment, Watchmaker to the E. Queen, respectfully solicits from the Public an in- spection of his stock of Watches, which has been greatly increased to meet thp many purchases at this season of the year. Ladies Excellent Gold Watches at L8 8s. Beautifully enamelled cased Ditto, £ 12 12s. Gentleman's Gold Watches, £10 10s. Silver Lever Watches, Jew- elled in Four Holes, £6 6s. each. Youth's Silver Watches, L4 4S. each. 82, Strand; 33, Cockspur-street and 34, Royal Exchange. SPECIAL NOTICE. To ensure the advantages of the next triennial Division, Insurances must be effected on or before the 25th of March next. FARMERS' AND GRAZIERS' MUTUAL CATTLE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Registered according to the Provisions of Act 7th and 3th Vic., c. 1'10. OFFICES — STRAND, LONDON. GUARANTEE FUND, £ 50,000. This Association commenced business on the 25th of March, 1844, and has since paid for losses to farmers, arising from the Epidemic and other diseases, UPWARDS OF TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS. Clabnsfor losses are settled weekly. PARTIES insured for three years, ending the 25th 1. of March, 1847, will receive a BONUS by way of return of Premium on their renewals coming due at that date, subject to such regulations as the Board may con- sider expedient for the interests of the Association, and as the state of the Funds will admit. PATRONS. His Grace the Duke of Richmond The Right Hon. The Earl of Westmoreland The Right Hon. Viscount Torrington The Right Hon. Viscount Wellesley The Right Hon. Lord Abercrombie The Right Hon. Lord Kenyon The Right Hon. Lord Charles Beauclerk Hon. Wm. Gage, Westbury House, Hants Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart., Dumfries W. Gore Langton, Esq., M.P., Newton Park, Somerset C. R. Colville, Esq., M.P., Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society, &c., Lullington Hall, Stafford- shire. Major Chajle6 Whitley Dean Dundas, Aston Hall, Flintshire. Roger H. Barnston, Esq., Crewe Hill, Cheshire. Further particulars may be obtained by letter (post- paid,) addressed to WiLHAM SHAW, Esq., Strand, Lon- don, or to the Agents in the Country. Agents wanted where none are appointed. CARMARTHENSHIRE. I A FARM TO BE LET, I AND ENTERED UPON AT MICHAELMAS NEXT, ALL that Messuage, Farm and Lands, called N ANT- I Y-CLAWDD-ISSA, in the Parish of Conwyl, in the said County, containing by admeasurement 140 Acres or thereabouts of very improvable Land. The said Farm adjoins the Main Road from Newcas- tle to Carmarthen, and is nearly equi-distant from each place. For particulars and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. J. P. Howell, Solicitor, Cardigan. March 3rd, 1847. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEBX Liverpool and Bristol, callihg at Swansea and Milford, During the Month of MARCH, 1847-  THE NEW AD POWERFUL /tA?TjA\? IRON STEAM SHIP, ????- TROUBADOUR, VQSEGGSSF JAMES BECKETT, Commander ITS intended to Sail from Trafalgai- Dock, Liverpool, I with Goods and Passengers, for From Cumberland Basin, BRISTOL, calling at Swansea. I Mar. 1847. o'clock. 9, Tuesday 10 morn, 16, Tuesday 6 mora. I Mar. I847t. o'clock. 23 Tuesday 10: morn I I 30, Tuesday 6 morn From SWANSEA, calling at Milford. I Mar 1847 o'clock 10, Wednesday 9 morn. 17, Wednesday 6 iiiorn. | MM.!8n. o'clock 34, Wednesday 91 morn I 31, Wednesday 6 morn I From Trafalgar Dock, LIVERPOOL, calling at Milford. I Mar. 1847. o'clock 6. Saturday 11^ morn. 13, Saturday 6 morn IMar 1847. o'clock. 20, Saturday Hi ?iorii 1 ?7, Saturday 7 morn I FARES:—To Liverpool, Cabin, los. Steward's Fee, 2s. 6d. Deck, 5s. Goods intended for the above Steamer, from Liverpool, must be at the Trafalgar Dock two hours before the ad- vertised hours of sailing. Goods forwarded free of Commission. All Freights paid on delivery of the Goods, and land. ing and warehousing at the expense and risk of the Consignee. IGSG" Goods carefully forwarded to Neath, Aberavon, I Llandilo, Llangadock, Llandovery, Llanwrtyd, and Llan- gammarch Wells, &c. &c., by PITLCE's VAN, which ¡ I leaves Swansea for those places every Wednesd iy morn- ing at ten o'clock. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON CARMARTHEN QUAY, On MONDAY, the 15th Day of MARCH instant, At ten o'clock in the forenoon, By MR. MORRIS EVANS, AUCTIONEER, ALL those THREE FISHING SMACKS, belonging to the CARMARTHEN TRAWLING COM- PANY, now lying near Carmarthen Bridge, together with all the GEAR aud MATERIALS appertaining to them. Carmarthen, 8t.h March, 1347. SOUTH WALES RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PTlHAT a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors JL of the SOUTH WALES RAILWAY COMPANY will be held on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of AplUL next, at the Offices of the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COM- PANY, at the Paddington Station, at one o'clock pre- cisely, for the purpose of taking into consideration the Drafts of the under-mentioned Bills applied for in the present Session, and which will then be submitted to such Meeting for the approval of the Proprietors. A Bill for making certain new lines of Railway in connexion with the South Wales Railway, and certain alterations in the line of the said Railway, and for other purposes, and also certain provisions proposed to- be in- serted in such Bill enabling the South Wales Railway C'impany to subscribe towards the undertakings of the Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, and Dublin, and the Cork and Waterford Railway Companies. A Bill for making a Railway from Abercrave farm, in the Parish of Ystradgunlais, in the County of Brecon, to Swansea, in the County of Glamorgan, with branches to be called the Swansea Valley Railway. "A Bill for enabling the Vale of Neath Railway Com- pany to construct certain new lines of Railway in con- nection with the Vale of Neath Railway, and for other purposes. "A Bill to enable the Llynvi Valley Railway Company to make an extension of their Railway to Newcastle, in the County of Glamorgan, and to amend the Act re- lating to their Railway, to be called the Llynvi Valley Extension. A Bill to authorise the Gloucester and Dean Forest Railway Company to construct a Dock or Basin, at Gloucester, in connexion with the said Railway. A Bill to authorise certain alterations of the line of the Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, and Dublin Railway, and to amend the Act relating thereto, and also certain provisions proposed to be inserted in the said last men- tioned Bill, enabling the South Wales Railway Company to subscribe to the undertaking of the Waterford, Wex- ford, Wicklow, and Dublin Railway Company." Dated this 2nd day of March, 1847. CHARLES RUSSELL, Chairman. CARDIGANSHIRE TURNPIKE ROADS. ————— STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1846. RECEIPTS. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. REMARKS. Balance available for 1846  F'OMTOUS -v. UJ&VO T,.C. Y\ D"iviaed approximately. •• *• Lower ditto .) 2198 7 6  Debts due to former Trusts. •• •••• *•" 60 12 0 Fines.. •••• •••• •••• ""5 12 8 Excess of Expenditure £ 376 311 t326 2 1 EXPENDITURE. v BY COUNTY ROADS BOARD. To Public Works Loan Commissioners. •••• 601 14 10 1)cbts due by i*uriiier Ti-usts 256 13 6 SALARIES '156 Staii'.mery, Printing, and Advertising •••• 12 92 I New Toll House 53 176 6[at i .,)iier y l, iouse ;?e River Rh li d o f 120 28 ?Constiuetiug&WeiracrusstheRiverRhetdoI U02 8 Law Expenses 5 10 0. Taking Counsel's Miscellaneous 17 0 2 opinion upon the > clauses of South —————— Wales Turnpike 454 15 0 Act. BY DISTRICT ROADS BOARDS. UPPER DISTRICT. ■ t Labour. Tradesmen's .1. ? Materials. Constant. Casual. Bills. Miscellaneous. "A." • Mn„ £ 5. d ? ?- d. t. s.d. f. d. £ df l4q\bervstw:th to AberaYron. 97 2 2? 43 6 0 68 7 1 2 7 0 211 2 3< ;4:OAbe?Sh and Machynlleth 125 3 84 45 81 102U 2 9 V 54 282 3 5 7.0 Branch to Penrhyn 10 19 10 17 15 2 28 1.50 14.2 The Devil's Bridge Koad Gerng IO ? I-I ii 3 74 18 "1 'K .289 18 5 15 6 Aberystwith to Steddva 7™ 9 2 4 7 7 J4? 1 1l* w s 8 47 18 11 1 09 169 16 11 •• 65.7 General Expenses 482 9 5 174 1 0 311 10 9 13 14 10* 981 16 104 981 16 104 LOWER DISTRICT. 22 1 Cardigan to Aberayron  73 9 4 103 10 10 27 13 4? 2 13 7 326 U 5 7.2 Cardigan to 28 14 0 37 17 11 4? 112 5 lol 13 61 90CarS toN?c?leEmlYn. 12 17 2916 0 38 H 6 .10? 1 110 14210 21 l? A?utoLarnpeter ? ? M 18 0 68 9 9 ■ | «» 1 6 4 163 1101 17.6 Lampeter to Newcastle Emlyn • •• | 40 11 8 67 6 4 0 89 2 5 1 184 5 6 68,5 General Expenses. ?'" 428 10 4i 198 9 0 29o 19 4 36 4 9 819 8 ? 968 2 84 428 10 4?,i i?89 0 29,5 19 4 36 4 9 819 8 968 2 81 jC3263 2 1 H. D. HARNESS, CAPT. ROYAL ENGINEERS, 6th January 1847. General Superintendent of Turnpike Roads in South Wales. CARDIGAN SHIRE TUBNPIKE ROADS. ESTIMATE OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1847. RECEIPTS. E. s. d £ s. d. BEMABKS. From Tolls Upper District .JJ? ,lSUO 0 0 L.rditto 660 0 0 —————— 2050 0 0 From County Treasurer: -Composition for Bridges County Road rate required 668 810 668 810 2718 8 10 EXPENDITURE. BY COUNTY ROADS BOARD. Excess of Expenditure, by last statement I 376 3 11 To Public Works Loan Commissioners 668 8 10 Salaries. 280 0 0 Rents of Toll-houses 6 10 0 Premiums to constant labourers 6 0 0 Stationary, printing, and advertising 20 0 0 Contingencies Ill 61 423 16 1 BY DISTRICT ROAD4 BOARD, UPPER DISTRICT. Labour. Repairs to Materials. Constant. Casual. Toll-houses. Miscellaneous. Miles. £ s. d. E. s. d. dE. e. d. E. 9. d. E. s. d. I 11.9 Aberystwith to Aberayron SO 0 0 14.0 Aberystwith and Machynlleth 100 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 205 0 0. 7.O Bran;h to-Peiii-li?n 15 0 0 l-j?AbcrystwithtoSceddvaGerrig 130 0 0 52 0 0 66 0 0 2 0 0 250 00 'o 14.-2 Tike D(,.vii's Bridge 80 0 0 Hj. 7 General Expenses and Contingcncte8. 100 0 0 ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— 730 0 0 LOWER DISTRICT. 22.1 Cardigan to Aberayron 120 0 0 7.2 Cardigan to Kenarth Bridge 50 26. 26. 20. 3 0 0 115 0 0 9.0 Cardigan to Newcastle Emlyn 35 0 0 12.6 Lampeter to Aberayron 70 00 17.6 Lampeter to Newcastle Emlyn 60 0 0 68.5 General Expenses and Contingencies 100 0 0 520 0 0 2718 8 10 OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE COUNTY ROADS BOARD. £ Treasurer WILLIA.NL DE WINTON  per Annum. Treasurer WILLIAM DE WINTON Cardigan Salary •••• 0 per Annum. Clerk to ComtrRoads Board CHARLES PARRY Aberystwith ? Clerks to District Roads Board F. It. ROBERTS Aberystwith •••• 20 THOS. WILLIAMS Lampeter 20 Surveyors JOHN VAUGHAN Aberystwith 100 to THOMAS LLOYD Llechrhyd 100 Charges upon the County, executed by South Wales Commissioners, or Secretary of State, and Annuities payable. Date. Amount of Charges. Annuity. Termination of Annuity. £ s. d. £ s. d. 25th March, 1845 5828 14 7 306 0 2 26th March, 1875. 29th September, 1845 46^4 0 3 213 5 8 30thSeptember,do. 26th Marc h 1876. 25th March, 1846 1998 2 7 104 18 > 26th March, 1876. 29th September, 1846 271 9 7 14 5 0 30th September, do. 668 8 10 H. D. HARNESS, CAPT. ROYAL ENSINEERS. fcth Jantimrv, 1847 ) Genera! Superintcndrpt Turnpike Roads in South 1",¡70. GREAT REDUCTION OF FARES, THIS MONTH. NO STEWARD'S FEES.  STEAM COMMUNICATION ?H?M\fA ?c?M-c?t G/oxcc??', ?etc/Mr?, and ?_U/B.Bj'?L\\? -StMM!M. calling at Lydney, OM   j)ESSE9B? Passage, 7'or??Mt?, ClevedQn, and Porthraicl RTIHE powerful and well fitted up Iron Steam Vessels, X Swiftsure, W. Jackson, and Clara, James Barett, Commanders, (propelled by screw, ) are intended to sail with Passengers and Goods as follows—during MARCH. 1847. GLOUCESTER TO SWANSEA. Wednesday,Mar. 3 .3 morn Saturday, 6 5 after. Wednesday,— 10. 7 morn Saturday, 13. G after. I Wednesday,— 17. 3 morn Saturday. 20. 5 after Wednesd&y.- !?4 7'morn Saturday, 27. 6 after. wø.da,y,- 31. a ? morn SWANSEA TO GLOUCESTER. Monday, Mar 1 7 morn Thursday, 4 8morn Mond&v. 8 10 morn ThuMtf?y. — 11. 1 after. Monday. — 13- • • • 6 morn I Thursday, 18. 8 morn Monday, 22 10 morn Thursday, ?. 2 after. Monday. — bi morn A STEWARDESS ON BOARD. FARES. Gloucester to Sharpness-best cabin, 2. second cabin, h.; Gloucester to Lydney, best cabin, 3s.a second cabin, Is. 6d.: Gloucester to Old Pa8sae, 3s.; second cabin, Is. 6d.; Gloucester to Newport, 3a., second cabin, Is. 6d. Newport to Old Passage—best cabin, gs.; second cabin. Is. 6d.; Newport to Lydney, best cabin, 3s; se- cond cabin, Is. 6d.; Newport to Sharpness or Glouces- ter, best cabin, 3s.; second cabin, Is. 6d. GLOUCESTER TO NEWPORT. Wednesday Mar.3 3 after. Saturday, 6. 5 after. Wednesday,—. 10. 7 morn Saturday, — 13 6 aft-r. NN,'edne,?da)- 1 3 after. Saturday, — 20. 5 af'er. I Wednesday,— 24. 7 morn Saturday, — 27. 6 after. Wednesday, — 31— 3 after. NJ2WPORT TO GLOUCESTER. Tuesday Mar. 2 3 morn FrMay, S. 4'morn Tu esday" 9. 5 morn Friday, — 12 8'morn Tuesday, 16.2mor. Fri'ay, — 19. 5 morn Tue,dav 23. 6 mora Fridav — 26. 9 morn Tuesday, 30. lmorn Refreshments may be had on board. FARES. Gloucester to Sharpnes!I-bpst cabin, 2s; second cabin, Is.; Gloucester to Lydnev, or Old Passage, best cabin, 3s. second cabin. Is. od Gloucester to Ctevedon or Portshead, best cabin, 4s.; second cabin, 2s.; Glouces- ter to Swansea, best cabin, 6s. second c-.ibin, 3s. Swansea to Clevedon, or Portshead. best cabin, 3s. second cabin, Is. 6d.; Swansea to Old Passase or Lyd- ney, 5s. second cabin, 2s. 6d. Swansea to Sharpness best cabin, 5s second cabin, 2s. rd. Swansea to Glou- cester, best cabin, 6S; second c-ibin, 3s. I For further particulars, apply to the Proprietors, Southan and Evans, Docks, Gloucester; or to the fol- I lowing asents Mr. John Edwards, Steam Packet Wharf, Swansea; Mr. J. W. Bebell, Newport; Mr. Henry Pick, Portshend; Mr. James feullock, Clevedon. N.B.—The proprietors give public notice that they will not be accountable for any luggage, or other articles, or goods whatever, above the value of jE2, unless the same are so declared and insurance paid according to value. IBPWSIK BRISTOL GENERAL J3YFFI||^$TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY ?JtJ???S? 0?eeI,Q!My,B?<oJ. RJRL IHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of MARCH, 1847. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. PHCENIX. Pridav, Mar. 5.8 morn I Friday, Mar. 19. 8 morn Friday, 12. 1 after I Friday, t6. 2 after FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PH(ENIX. Tuesdav. Mar. 2. 5 morr Ttieiiiiv, Mar. 10. 4 morn Tuesday, 9. 8'morn i Tuesday. 23. 9 morn Tue,;da y, Tuesday, March 30 4 morn. FnoM TBNBY.—'Three hours after leaving Carmarthen. FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Fridays. Frirlav. Mar. fi. R morn I Friday, Mar. 19.8 morn Frkday, — 12. 1 after Friday, 26. 3 after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tuesdays.—SABRINA, Saturdays. I Tuesday, Mar. '1, 7 morn I Saturday, 6. 8 morn Tuesday 9. 10\ morn I Saturday, —13 2' after I Tuesday, Mar. 16. 6 morn ?aturdaY.—20.8mnrn Tu".dav. 23.10\morn _atllr(lày:. — 27. 3 after.  0 kfter. Tuesday, March oU 5 alter. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. I NORA CREWA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. I Tuesda" y, Mar 2 1 morn Ntar 7 morn Friday, 5. 8 norn Tuesday, — 9 10'morn r?;A., IO I !lftr. I Tuesday, Mar. 16. 6 morn I Pn?av. 19. 8 ?ort? iTu,?day — 23. 10^ morn Fridax* 26 2 after I Tuesday, March 30 5 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TEXBY, I STAR, Tutqrlav-PTI(ENTX. Friclays. Tuesday. Mar. 2. 6 morn Friday, -5 Smorn I Tu?dar. —9.9'morn Friday, —?2. 1 after I TufdaT.MarI5:6morn | Friday, 19. R morn Tuesday' — 2t.)0 morn P,il. 2A 2 Nf?er I Tuesday, March 30 5\ morn. I PH(ENIX, FROM TENBY. PHFENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR. SATURDAY. Tuesday, Mar. 2 8 morn F:.atU1"rlaY,- 6. 9 morn Tuesday, — 11 ,morn Saturday, —13. 3 morn 'TUE'l\7 morn I r Saturday —?O.9'mom I T Y 2203 Tuesday 23. 12 noon 8?tur,, .v3? morn Tuesday, tnarcn OV I morn. I FOR MILFORD, PATER. A HAVERFORDWEST I STAR. j Tuesday, Mar. 2. 6 mom I TuMday, — 9. 9'morn Tue'"?y.M&r.m. 6 mom  Tue??da?v, 23 10 morn I ..1 Tuesday, March 3U tuuiu. i I FROM HAVERFORDWEST. I STAR. I Friday, Mar. 5 8 morn Friday, —12 .inmorn I j Friday, M?r. 19 8 morn 'Pnd?. 26 I after I I FROM MILFORD. I STAR. I Saturday, Mar. 6. 3 morn Friday, -It. 9 a.f.er. Saturday, Mar. <!U. •> morn Friday, 26. 9 after. FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY—Tuesdays & Fridays. I BERESFORD—Thursdays & Saturdays. I Tuesday, Mar. 2.. 7 rnorn T"urdaY, 4..7\ more Friday,' 5.. 8 morn Saturday, — 6,* 8, morn Tn(>da:, — 9..10 morn I Thursday, — ',I..Il morn Friday, — 12.. I morn Saturday, — 13.. 3 morn Tuesday, MM.?6..6morn Thurod?y, 18.. 7 morn Fridav. 19.. 8 morn turdav, 20.. 8' morn Ttiel?dav, 23..Il morn Thursday. 25..1H morn Friday, 26.. H morn Saturday. 27.. 3 morn "t nmrn 1U(,SU', l\1arCn 00 FROM SWANSEA. I BERESFORD—Tuesdays & Fridayg. COUNTY—Thursdays & Saturdays. Tuesday, Mar. 2. 7: mom I Thursday, 4. 8 morn Friday, 5. 8 morn ( Saturday, 6. 9 morn Tuesday, — I r 9. lo? 'mor'n I Thursday, — 11. 1 morn I Friday." 12. I'm(, n Saturday. 13. 3 morn Tuesday.Mar. 16. 6'morn Thursday, 18. 8 morn Friday, 19. 8 morn Saturday, 20. 9 morn Tuesday, —23.10'morn Thursday, ) morn Friday, 2 morn Saturday, 27. 4 morn 1_ Tuesday, March 30 6.} mom. FROM BRISTOL TO CARDIFF. I LADY CHARLOTTE. I Monday Mar. 15.. 4', afler I Tuesday. 16.5rpol-ii I Wednesday 17.. 6 morn | Thurs., Mar.18 "mom  .Fnua' —19 7.^ morn Saturday, —20. 8 mom I I FROM CARDIFF TO BRISTOL. I LADY CHARLOTTE. I I Tuesday —16 4 after I I Wednesday 17 5 morn | I Friday 19. 6 mom Saturday 20. 64 morn I FROM BRISTOL TO NEWPORT. I Il\'(onda.v Mar. 15 5 morn I Tues,la  v 16 8 inorn Tuesday — 16 6 morn Wednesday — 17 7 morn I ThursdayMar.lS. 7;morn Friday -19. 8 morn Saturday -20. 8 moru I i FROM NEWPORT TO BRISTOL. I r Monday Mar. 15 3 after Tuesday 16 4 after Wednesday 17 6 morn Thursday, MM. 18 ..6 mo r I Fri.?y 19 6; morn I 18atu,aay 20 <?morn The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Stewards on Board.-Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods Packages, Parcels, &c., shouldbe addressed for Swansea, to 'V. Terrell & Sons, -43, Back; aud G. C. Glasson 12, Oua- street:-for Cardiff, to K. If. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh streetand for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hot wells. AGENTS.—Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenby; Mr. Joan Rees, Haverfordwest, Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham. Bideford; Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke; Lynton. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for a.ny Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged) above the valueo, ZC5; nor for any U-ek Passen- ger's Luggage (iflost or damaged) above thevalue of;ls.; un- less in eachcase entered as such. and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery; nor will thev be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (iflost or damaged) unless entered as such. and freight in proportion paid for the same ,.1 the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping otep. All letters seeking information to be post plid I Bristol. March, 1847. ) LLANGELER INCLOSURE. WHEREAS an application for the Inclosurc of the w Grange Common, within the Hamlet of the Grange and Wlad Common, within the Hamlet of the Wlad, in the Parish of Llangeler, in the County of Car- marthen, has been duly made to The Inclosure Com- missioners for England and Wales," pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the 8th and 9th Vic., c. 118 And whereas the said Application has been referred by the said Commissioners to me, an Assistant Com- missioner, duly appointed under the said Act, I hereby give notice, that I shall hold a Meeting on the 24th day of March next, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, at the Salutation Inn, in the Town of Newcastle Emlyn, for the purpose of hearing any Ob. jections which may be made to the proposed Inclosure, and any Information or Evidence which may be offered in relation thereto. Witness my hand this 24th day of Feb., 1817. JOHN JOHNES. Assistant Inclosure Commissioner. LLANGELER INCLOSURE. WHEREAS an application for the Inclosure of TT Waunmarws, in the Parish of Llangeler, in the County of Carmarthen, has been duly made to The Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales," pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the 8th and 9th Vic., c. 118 And whereas the said Application has been referred by the said Commissioners to me, as Assistant Com- missioner, dt.ly appointed under the said Act, I hereby give notice, that I shall hold a Meeting on the 24th day of March next, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, at the Salutation Inn, in the Town of Newcastle mlyn, for the purpose of hearing any Ob- jections which rray be made to the proposed Inclosure, and any Information or Evidence which may be offered in relation thereto. Witness my hand this 24th day of Feb., 1847. JOHN JOHNES, Assistant Inclosure Commissioner. GOOD NEWS FOR THE MILLION!! IN all cases where practical experience and economy, JL with secrecy is required, consult with J. MORRIS and Co., Surgeons, 31. Newington Causeway, London, who during an extensive practice of twenty-two years, in which time they have been successful without a single failure in 40,000 cases, which enables them to effect a complete cure at every stage and symptom of all disor- ders arising from indiscretion, including impotence, seminal weakness, solitary habits, nervous debility, &c. The cures performed in less time and on such eco- nomical terms as were never before practised no res. traint of diet or hindrance from business at all neces- sary, or the fear of discovery or exposure. Advice with a prescription will be forwarded in reply by return of post to any part of the country, and corres- pondence continued until a perfect cure is accomplished on receipt of half a sovereign. J. MORRIS and Co.'s Botanical Purifying Pills," may also be had as above: price 2s. 9d. per box, with directions, or free by post on receiving postage stamps to the amount of 3s. These far-famed renovating pills have for many years been celebrated for their wonder- ful powers and purifying qualities in all complaints arising from indiscretion, &c. After a few doses they act with astonishing effect, not only in purifying the blood but establishing a complete renovation of the con. stitution, and being prepared from vegetable substances alone, they will keep in any climate. To Captains of ships and others taking long voyages they are invaluable. Medical Vapour Bath Establishment, 31, Newington Causeway. FAMILIES THEIR OWN BREWERS. THE following is the Certificate of ADREw UnE, TEsq., M.D., F.R.S., &c.—" I hereby certify that I have examined the Malt Extract, as also the Pale Malt Extract with Hop for Brewing Beer, and the Brown Malt Extract for Brewing Porter, as recently made at the factory of THE BRITISH MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, and I find them all to be exceedingly well prepared and perfectly adapted to the purpose of making the above two beverages of the best quality and in the simplest manner."—13, Charlotte-Street, Btdford-Sq., 8th Dec., 1846. These Extracts enable private indivi- duals to make fine HOME-BREWED ALr and PORTER, without employing any Brewing Utensils. They have only to be dissolved in hot water and fermented. Sold in Jars for Samples and other purposes, at Is. and Is. 6d. and in Bottles for brewing Nine to Eighteen Gallons and upwards, at 6s. 6d. and i'2s. GJ. each, by the BRITISH NATIONAL MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, 7, Ni- cholas-Lane, Lombard-St., London W. L. Evans, 26, Duke-street, Cardiff; T. Walters,jun, 3, Temple-street, Swansea; R. M. Davies, 49, King-stieet, Carmarthen W. G. W. Freeman, High-street, Tenby Charles Smith, Banes Well Road, Newport, Monmouthshire: James Mearns, Post Office, Presteign, Radnor; John Williams, Grocer, Solva, Pembrokeshire; T. Lambert, Aberyst- with T. Bowes and Sons, Chester; O. E. Davies, Druggist, Haverfordwest; and Oilmen and Grocers generally. Also, just published, 17th Thousand gratis, National Brewing, a guide to the use of Concentrated Malt and Hop Extract, for Brewing and Wine Making; to which is added Medical Opinions relative to the virtues of Malt and Hops. London Dircks and Co., 7, Nicholas-Lane, City. RO WLAS DS' UNIQUE PREPARATIONS. PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN," His R. II. PRINCE ALBERT, The Royal Family and Nobility of Great Britain, AS WELL AS THE SEVERAL SOVEREIGNS AND COURTS OF EUROPE. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL IS celebrated throughout the world for its genial and t nourishing qualities for the Human Hair! It pro- duces and restores hair; stops it from falling off or turning grey restores Grey Hair to its original colour tui'n in.' grey: i-estores Grey frees it frum scurf and dandriff, and renders it soft, silky, curly, and glossy. For children, it is especially recom- mended as forming the basis of a Beautiful Head of Hair! and rendering the use of the fine-comb unne- cessary —Price 3s. 6d.-7s.-Familv Bottles (equal to 4 sniall) 10s. 6d., and double that size, 21s. per bottle. Gentlemen.-I consider it almost an imperative duty to state the efficacy of your most excellent MACASSAR OIL. For the last fifteen years I have been bald, occa- sioned by a dreadful fever whilst in India. I have used almost every means to procure a head of hair again, but all my efforts seemed fruitless, until accidentally a friend advised the use of your valuable Hair Restorer," (I can give it no better name), and after using a 3s. 6d bottle, every symptom of a new head of hair began to show itself, to the surprise not only of myself, but my children. I resolved on having another, and obtained a 7s. bottle before the whole of which was used I had, and have now, as handsome a head of hair as ever a man enjoyed, and I earnestly recommend that all who have not tried this most excellent Oil, will not fail to do so. I am, Sirs, your obedient servant. J. WALKER, Colonel. Whittly Lodge, neai Taunton. On the wrapper of Ptcli bottle of the genuine articles art these words, in two lines, ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. V All others are "SPURIOUS IMITATIONS:" ROWLANDS' KALYDOR. This ORIENTAL BALSAMIC preparation is of unfailing efficacy in thoroughly purifying the skin from all Pimples, Spots, Blotches, Freckles, Tan, and Dis- colorations, producing a healthy freshness and trans- parency of Complexion; and an admired softness and delicacy of the Hands, Arms, and Neck.—Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, Or Pearl Dentifrice, A White Powder for the Teeth, compounded of the choicest and most recherche Ingredients of the Oriental Herbal. It eradicates tartar from the Teeth, rrmuroi spots of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel—imparts the most pure and pearl-like whiteness and gives sweetness and perfume to the breath.—Price 2s. 9d. per box. AX INFALLIBLE HAIR DYE. ROWLANDS' MEL AC O MI A. The most successful liquid preparation ever known in this or any other country, for dying the hair of the head, whiskers, raustaehios, and eyebrows a natural and permanent brown or black, so exactly resembling the natural colour of the hair as to de:'y detection. It is perfectly innocent in its nature, is free from unpleasant smell, and can be u<ed by any Lady or Gentlemen with the greatest ease and secrecy. Its e S ect is so permanent, the gr?atest ease and secrecy. Its etlect is so permanent, that T.either water not perspiration will influence it and it is entirely free from those properties (usual in liplir Dyes) which give an unnatural red or purple tint to the H,tir.-Price 5s. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. UXPRIKCIPLKD INDIVIDUALS, for the sake of gaining a trifle more profit, vend the most Spurious Compounds under the names of "MACASSAR OIL," "KALYDOU," and "ODONTO," some under the implied sanction of Royalty, and the Government Offices, with similar attempts at Deception they copy the labels, advertise. ments, and testimonials, (substituting fictitious names and addresses for the real,) of the original preparations. It is therefore highly necessary to see that the word ROWLANDS' is on the wrapper of each article. V All others are FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS The genuine Articles are sold ly every respectab'e Perfiim and <h«"mi?t thr-nig'-oni the k1n?;1f\fl'