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CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS. 1",0 Breeders of Horses, and all those who keep and value good health and prime condition in that fcoble animal the Horse, are respectfully requested to read the following Important Testimonial :— Meaux Abbey, Beverley, June 29th, 1845. Mt. Cupias, Diss, -Sir, -Having been in the habit of tuing "your Constitution Balls" for horses, I find them to be an excellent medicine for horses at hard work, and Particularly for grease, cracked heels, surfeit, hide-bound atd loss of appetite. I tried them on a two year old thorough-bred colt, which is engaged in the Derby and Great St. Ledger, 1846, after trying a great many medi- cines, all of which failed, I succeeded with your Con- stitution Balls," in bringing him into prime condition, < afttr a very obstinate case of surfeit and hide-bound, he i. now fresh as a star, and as fine as a fawn. I wish to consult you, sir, respecting the Constitution Balls as regards giving them to yearlings making up for sale at Doncaster races, which I have been in the habit of doing every year five or six, which are fed to the high- Olt extremity from being two months old, I should feel obliged by you informing me the quantity to be given to each yearling, age from the 24th of January, to the 16th of April, 1844 you will therefore oblige me by dropping line by return of post, on this subject. You are quite at liberty to publish this for the good of the medicine, as I am confident there is nothing equal to tbe Constitution Ilorse Balls. I remain, yours respectfully, JOHN JESSOP. THE CONSTITUTION BALLS ARE PREPARED ONLY BY FRANCIS CUPISS, M. R. V. C., ?d Author of the Prize Essay on the Disease of the ? ? ? Horse," Diss, Norfolk; and sold by ail res- pectable Medicine Venders in Town and Country, in ackt, six Balls each, 3s. 6d. per packet, with a wrap- per giving full directions for the use of the Balls, and treatment of the Horse whilst taking them. Also a Pamphlet of Testimonials from many Gentlemen who have used the Balls in various Complaints. Any Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Pro- prietor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, POst-paid. Messrs. J. & R. Raimes, Druggists, Edinburgh, are Wholesale Agents for Scotland, of whom all Druggists and Patent Medicine Venders can be supplied. NOTICE.—These Lozenges contain no Opium, nor any preparation of that drug. t'nder the distinguished patronage of His Majesty the King of Prussia, Ilis Majesty tlte King of Hanover, Md most of the Nobility and Clergy of the United Kingdom, and especially recommended by the Faculty. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders of the PUL- MONARY ORGANS—in difficulty of breathing-in redundancy of phlegm-in incipient consumption (of Which cough is the most positive indication), they are of Unerring efficacy. In asthma, and in winter cough, they have NEVER been known to fail.—KEATING'S ROUGH LOZENGES are free from every deleterious initredieiit they may, therefore, be taken at all times, by the most delicate female and by the youngest child; "'ile the Public Speaker and the Professional Singer Will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and lrntation incidental to-Vocal exertion, and consequently powerful auxiliary in the production of melodious enunciation. Prepared and sold in boxes, Is. Hd. and tins, 2s. 9d. 4.. 6d., and 10s. 6d. each, by Thomas Keating, Chemist, *c., No. 79, St. Paul's Church Yard, London. b Sold also by Tardrew and Smith, J. W. White, and M. Davies, Carmarthen; M. Hicks, and O. E. Davies, chuggists Haverfordwest; John Jones and Philip 8right, druggists, Brecon; Griffith Phillips, druggist, Cardiff. Dawe and Son, Swansea; Humphreys, drug- gist, Aberystwith, and by all the respectable druggists In the principal cities and towns in the Kingdom. of Asthmatic Cough of Twenty Years' standing. by the use of Keating's Cough Lozenges. Seend, near Melksham, Dec. 8th, 1846. S?.—I was troubled with a bad Asthmatic Cough for ?Rty years, 'till I heard of your CO UGH LOZEGE, IX ah the Newspapers, and with gratitude I send you 8,1\ &Ðeount of my cure. My cough was so bad in 1843, 4, that I was scarcely two months without being ???Doctor'3eare;attheend of 181.) I was so n e i WIth it that my wife and friends, and even the I)Octor, 8 me up; I could not walk across my room d the phlegm nearly choked me; but, thanks to your val M Couh Lozenges, they effected a complete cure for^) 6 « I took them I slept without coughing, &nd ? a wee k I was quite well, and have not taken any ^ther medlcme, or been laid up one day since. I wish  the good of my fellow-sufferers, that you would pub- 4h these facts. I remain, Sir, your obedient and grateful servant, T JOliN RANDKLL. To Mr. Keating, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIALS. Copy of a Letter from Colonel Hawker" (the well known Author on Guns and Shooting.") Longparish House, near Whitchurch, Hants, October 21st, 1816. Sir,—I cannot resist informing you of the extraordinary effect that 1 have experienced by taking only a few of your Iwwnges. I had a cough for several weeks, that defied all that had been prescribed for me; and vet I got completely Irid of it by taking about half a small bux of Your Lozenges, "hich I find are the only ones that relieve the cough without 4eranging the stomach or digestive organs. I am, sir, your humble servant, P. HAWKER. To Mr. Keating, 73, St. Paul's Churchyard. The following Testimonial of a cure of Cough of twenty .at's' standing, and recovery of strength, will be read with much interest:- Pencraig, July 6, 1845. Sir -1 be to inform you that for the I"t twenty years 1 h.v *e red severeiv from a cough, and have been under Amfi treatment with but little relief, and have not for 111&11)'  been able to walk more than half a mile a ???' Aft r "? three boxes of your Lozenges my cough entirely leftm. ? h.v, this ? walked to Ross, a distance of four "M; for this almost renewal of life I am solely indebted to v ii Lozenges. You are at libertv to make what use you J>Ie of this letter, and 1 shall be happy to answer any en- ?uine. respecting my cure. I remain, sir, your obedient and obliged servant, MARY COOKE. To Mr. Keating, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Li.B.-To prevent spurious imitations, please to ob- serve that the words KL'.ITI.'qG'S COUGH LozuNGES" are engraven on the Government Stamp of each box. the Concealed Cause of Constitutional or acquired Debilities of the Generative System. "THE SILENT FRIEND," NINETEENTH EDITION. Price 2s. 6d., sent free to any part of the United Tkingdom, in a Sealed Envelope, from the Estab- lishment on receipt of 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps, /i MEDICAL Work on Physical Decay, Nervous ilty' Constitutional Weakness, excessive In- N TJ IT ^ngravmgs on steel.  By R. nd L. PERRY and Co., Consulting Surgeons. ? Pub.li.hed by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford street: Gordon, 146, Leadenhal1-strcet, London; Newton, 16 Lud 19, Church-Street. Liverpool; Rawle, Church-St., Liverpool; Ingham, Market-Street, Manchester; D. Campbell, 1:36, Argyle-Street, Glasgow; It. Lindsay, 11, Eill's ItoNv 14'( I i ii b tirg i i -1 Row, Edinburgh; Powell, 10, Westmoreland treet, Dublin; J. W. White, Guildhall-Square, Car- arthen, and by all Booksellers and Patent Medicine endors in Town and Country. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. '1 W regard the work before us, The SILENT FR!END, as work cmuracin" most clear and practical views of a series OJ COtn}!laints hitherto little understood, and passed over by the majority of the Medical profession, for what reason we are at a los to know. We must however confess that a pe %.I of this work has left such a favourable impression on 0 "1^8' that we not on)y recommend, but cordi?Uy wish Indise ^IJ'' is the victim of past foUy, or suffering from tn? A. 8Chon, ?" profit by the advice contained in its pages. "— ire ""M Argus. ?? THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, k gentle stimulant and renovater in all cases of ebIhty, Whether Constitutional or acquired, nervous ttle "t?t'OR and consumption-by the use of ?h t the ??P??cd System becomes gradually and effectually restored to pristine health and vigour. Price I Is. or four at lis. in one bottle for 33s., by "hich lis. are saved. The E-5 cases of Syriacum or ncentrated Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, emers-street, Oxford-street, London whereby there is IL saving of El 12ts. and the patient is entitled to receive advice without a fee, which advantage is applicable onlv to those who remit £.) for a packet. A minute detail of the case is necessary. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE an anti-syphilitic remedy fur Secondary Symptoms oearcliing out and punfvmg the diseased humours of the blood, removing all cutaneous eruptions, Scurvy, Rov Pimples on the head, ftee, &c. Price lIs, itiad 33s. per bottle. Also the ;C i- cases. To be had enlJ at the London Establishment. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS' Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lls. per box, lIave long been used with perfect success in all cases of gonorrhoea, Stricture, Inflammation, Irritation, &c. Ahese Pills are free from mercury, capaiva, and other 'eterious drugs, and may be talien without interference ?P°n in every instance. Sold bv all medicine venders. Messrs. Perry expect, when consulted by letter, the UIUal Fee of One Pound. Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the il of their cases, as to the duration of the com- Dlaint ?v symptoms, age, habits of living, and general ??.?-Medicines can be forwarded to any part of thp i J no difficulty can occur, as they will be Mcur?. Packed, and carefully protected from obser- Vation. Åent for ?'?''?n, Mr. J. W. White, Chemist; iit 'w,H^Tuna'* Chemist, (opposite the Angel), Mer- I Mr. Tl?mas Evans, Chemist, High-street, Swan- «a.\f Piuup ?"?. Post office, Bridgend; Mr. 0. E D*vio« >, a-ll of nom n13.)' be had.. t. 1)*"i  ? ? of ?omn?y ? ]?ad FAMILIES THEIR OWN BREWERS. THE following is the Certificate of ANDKEW UIIE, JL Esq., M.D., F.R.S., &c.—" I hereby certify that I have examined the Malt Extract, as also the Pale Malt t Extract with Hop for Brewing Beer, and the Brown Malt Extract for Brewing Porter, as recently made at the factory of THE BRITISH MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, and I find them all to be exceedingly well prepared and perfectly adapted to the purpose of making the above two beverages of the best quality and in the simplest manner.13, Charlotte-Street, Bedford-Sq., 8th Dec., 1846. These Extracts enable private indivi- duals to make fine HOME-BREWED Au; and PORTER, without employing any Brewing Utensils. They have only to be dissolved in hot water and fermented. Sold in Jars for Samples and other purposes, at Is. and Is. 6d. and in Bottles for brewing Nine to Eighteen Gallons and upwards, at 6s. 6d. and 12s. 6d. each, by the BRITISH NATIONAL MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, 7, Ni- cholas-Lane, Loinbard-St., London W. L. Evans, 26, Duke-street, Cardifl'; T. Waltei-s,jtiTi, 3, Temple-street, Swansea- R. M. Davies, 49, King-street, Carmarthen W. G. W. Freeman, High-street, Tenby; Charles Smith, Banes Well Road, Newport, Monmouthshire; James Mearns, Post Office, Presteign, Radnor; John Williams, Grocer, Solva, Pembrokeshire; T. Lambert, Aberyst- with; T. Bowes and Sons, Chester; 0. E. Davies, Druggist, Haverfordwest; and Oilmen and Grocers generall v. Also, just published, 17th Thousand gratis, National Brewing; a guide to the use of Concentrated Malt and Hop Extract, for Brewing and Wine Making; to which is added Medical Opinions relative to the virtues of Malt and Hops. London Dircks and Co., 7. Nicholas-Lane, City. FOR S'ICOPPLNIG DECAYED TEETH. PRICE 2s. 6d. PATRONIZED BY lIEIt MAJESTY THE QUEEN, I Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager, His Royal Highness Prince Albert, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, And nearly all the Nobility, the Bishops and the Clergy. THOMAS & HOWARD'S SUCCEDANEUM, FOR filling Decayed Teeth, however large the cavity. jT It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, It arrests all further progress of decay, and renders them again useful in mas- tication. All persons can use this SUCCEDANEUM THEMSELVES WITH EASE, as full directions are enclosed. Prepared only by THOMAS and HOWARD, Surgeon Den- tists, 64, Berners-Street, Oxlord-street, London, who will send theSuccedaneum free by post to any part in the Kingdom, Price 2s. Oil. Observe: the Succedaneum is sold in Sealed Packe s, with full directions for use enclosed, by the following Agents: J. W. White, Chemist, vjuiluhall-square, Carmarthen; Mor- timer, do.; Mrs. Evans, near the Cross, do.; Davie-i, Mer- thyr Tydfil; Phillips, Cardiff; Williams, Brecon; Morgan, Abergavenny; Williams, Newport; Goulstone, Llandovery; Fanor, Iteath, Monmouth; Jones, Brecon; Phillips, New- port: Matthews, Abergavenny Williams, Milford; Harries, and O. E. Davies, Haverfordwest; Jatnes Evans, Druggist, Lampeter, and all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Sold Wholesale by BARCLAY and SONS, Mr. EDWARDS, SlJT- TON lz ('0., and NEVVBERY and SON, London; J. and R. RAIMES and Co., Edinburgh. LOSS OF TEETH. Messrs. now ARD and THOMAS continue to supply the Lo?,? of Teeth without springs or wires upon their new system of SELr'-AUHESiON, whi,?1? has procured them such uni- versal approbation, and is recommended by numerous Physicians and Surgeons as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented. They adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining stumps without cusingthe least pain, rendering the painful operation ot extracting quit? unnecessary. They are so fixed as to fasten any loose teeth where the gums have shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes. They also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation, as Dractised bv most members ot the profession, to inspect their painless vet eliective system and in order that their improvements may be witliiii the rcach of the most economical, they will con- tune the same moderate charges. Messrs. HO WARD and fllOMAS, Surgeon Den- tists, 64, Berbers-street, Oxford-street, London. At home from tell till four. Their new method of fixing Artificial Teeth has obtained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent Physicians and SurgeonsSir James Clark, Bart, Phy sician to her Majesty Dr. Locock, Physician Accoucheur to her Majesti Sir B. C. Brodie, liart., Serg. Surgeon to her Majesty the "late Sir A. Cooper, Bart., Serg. Surgeon to her Majesty; Sir David Davies, Physician to her Majesty, the Queen Dowager; Dr. Merriman, I'hy ician to her It II. the Duchess of Kent; Dr.1 Chambers, and numerous other Mem, bars of the Medical Profession. CALTIOS.—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names: they copy the labels, bill. advertisements and testimonials uf the original I Thomas's Succcdaneum. It is therefore highly necessary .1 to. !ice that the words -1 Howard & Thomas" are on the wrap- per of each article. All others are fraudulent imitations. ASTONISHING EFFICACY OF OINTMENT. A. WOM)FIIN-L CURE OF IHlEADFUL UI-CEROUS SORES IN THE FACE AND LEG, IX PKINCK EDWARD ISLAND. The Truth of tltis Statement was dilly attested before a Magistrate. TIIUGH MACDONALD, of Lot ?, in K-msc's L County, do hereby declare that a most wonder 1 preservation of my life has been effected by the use of Holloway's Pills and Ointment; and I furthermore de- clare, that I was very much afflicted with Ulcerous Sores in my Face and Leg so severe was my complaint, that the greater part of my nose and the roof of my mouth was eaten away, and my leg had three ulcers on it, and that I applied to several Medical gentlemen, who prescribed for me, but I found no relief. My strength was rapidly failing every day and the malady on the in- crease, when I was induced to try Holloway's Medicines. After taking two or three boxes, I experienced so much relief, and found the progress of the. disease was so much arrested, that I was enabled to resume my ordinary labours in the field. The sores which were so disagree- able and repulsive to behold are now nearly all healed. Having received such truly beneficial aid, I feel myself bound to express my gratitude to the person by whose means I have thus been restored from the pitiable and miserable state I was in; and for the sake of humanity make known my case, that others similarly situated might be relieved. (Signed) HUGH MACDONALD. This declaration made before me, at Bay Fortune, the 3d day of September, 1845. JOSEPH COFFIX, Justice of the Peace. The above case of Hugh Macdonald, of Lot 55, came personally under my observation and when he first ap- plied to me to get some of the Medicines, I thought his case utterly hopeless, and told him that his malady had got such hold that it was only throwing his money away to use them. He, however, persisted in trying them, and to my astonishment I find what he has aforesaid stated to be perfectly correct, and consider the case to be a most wonderful cure. (Signed) WM. U-NDL'Rii,%Y, Bay Fortune. A CUUK OF RINGWORM OF FOUR YEARS' STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mrs. Grace Mora, 6, Hemlock Court, Carey-street, London, 6th November, 1845.- To Professor Holloway. Sili -.Il)otit four years ago my little girl caught the Ring- worm, and although I have ever since had advice from many Doctors, and tried every means to Ket rid of it, yet 1 was unable to do so. About three weeks ago 1 was induced to try some of your Pills and Ointment, and I am most happy to say the result has been a perfect cure. (Signed) OUACE Mono. Skin Diseases, peculiar to any part of the Globe, may be effectually Cured by the use of these celebrated Medicines. CURE OF A DESPKRATF, CASE OF ERYSIPELAS. Copy of a Letter from Jb-. Joseph Gil-don, Jun., a Farmer, East Kenl, near Spi/sby, Lincolnshire, 8th April, 1846.—To Professor Holloway. SIR,—I have the gratification to announce to you most wonderful cure wrought upon myself, by the use ot jour Ointment and Pills, t had it severe attack of Erysipelas 111 my right foot, which extended along my ankle, 1111,1 was attended with swelling and inflammation to an alarming de- gree, insomuch that I was unable to move without the use oi crutches. I consulted a very eminent Physician, besides other medical men, but to no purpose. At fast I tried your Ointment and Pills, when, strange to say, in less than two weeks the swelling and inflammation gradually subsided to such a degree that I was enabled to pursue my (laily avoca- tion, to the utter surprise and amazement of those who were acquainted with my ease, seeing that I was cured soquieklv. I and inv family are well kuown here, as my father holds his farm under the Rev. J. Spence, Rector of our parish. (Signed) JosFlllt GILDON. THE TESTIMONY OF DR. BRIGHT, OF EI.Y-PI.ACB, HOL- BORX, AS TO THE EXTRAORDINARY POWER OF HOLLO- WAY'S OINTMENT IN THE CURE OF ULCERATED SORES. Extract of a Letter from the above celebrated Physician. To Professor Holloway. Sln,-I think itlmtanact ofjustice to inform voii that [have tried your Ointment in several old cases of Ulcerated Sore Legs, which for a considerable time had resisted every kind of treatment, but which were afterwards elVectually cured by its use. In the treatment, of Bad Breasts I have also found your Ointment of the greatest service. Indeed, from my practical knowledge, 1 conceive it to be a most invaluable remedy. (Signed) RICIIAIID BMGHT, M.D. Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand, near Temple bar, London, and by almost all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through- out the civilized world, at the following prices in Pots:— Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., -s., and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sires. N.B-Directioas fcr ths guidance of Fa-dents F-rr, af&xei <•■> eich. I ot. I SPECIAL NOTICE. TO SECURE THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS YEAR'S ENTRY, PROPOSALS MUST BE LODGED AT THE HEAD OFFICE, OR WITH THE SOCIETY'S AGENTS, ON OR BEFORE 1st MARCH. —————— SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE O SOCIETY. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. EDINBURGH, 26, ST. ANDREW SQUARE. GLASGOW, 63, ST. VINCENT SQUARE. LONDON, 61, MOOIIGATE STREET. This is a MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY, in which the WHOLE PROFITS are divisible amongst the Policy HoMers every THREE YEARS. The EXISTING ASSURANCES amount to TWO MILLIONS FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. The ACCUMULATED FUND exceeds THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS. The ANNUAL REVENUE exceeds NINETY THOUSAND POUNDS. ADDITIONS TO POLICIES. A Policy effected before 1st March, 1832, for E2000, is now increased to TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX POUNDS, being an addition of THIRTY-FIVE per cent. on the SUM ASSURED. Other Policies have received Additions in proportion. ROBT. CHRISTIE, Manager. AGENT FOR PEMBROKE. JAMES R. BRYANT, Surgeon. MEDICAL RFFERrr-Dr. J. W. PAYNTER. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. THE POPULAR REMEDY. PARR'S LIFE PILLS. A MILD, safe, and most effectual cure of Indigestion, 1. Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, Sick Head-ache, Costiveness, &c &c. Their composition is truly excellent, they are compounded entirely of vege- table products, freed from all irritating and deleterious matters, which renders their operation mild and agree- able they do not require the least confinement or alteration of diet, and may be taken by the invalid with perfect safety as an occasional dose in all nervous and debilitated cases, recoveries from protracted diseases, &c., they will be found highly valuable, imparting vigour and tone to the system when emaciated by disease. Their value as a general tonic and restorative of the impaired stomach and biliary system, is daily manifested to the Proprietors, by their increasing rapid sale, and the numerous testimonials forwarded by those who have proved their efficacy. The following, with many others, have been recently received:— Communicated by Mr. J. GAMIS, Yeovil. Yeovil, July 13th, 1846. SIRS-—Having during the last two years witnessed the remarkable efficacy of PAHlt'S PILLS, I feel much plea- sure in stating the following cases for the encouragement of others. I am, truly yours, Medicine Warehouse, Yeovil. J. GAMIS E. A. An elderly gentleman came for a second box of P ARlt'S PILLS, and with pleasing astonishment said these are the best pills I have ever had, and I intend always to keep them by me, they are the best remedy for the Piles I have ever tried." P. G. Another person, aged 76, affirmed, that after trying almost every medicine for Indigestion and Bilious Complaint, that PARR'S LIFE PILLS stand unequalled, and emphatically said it was the best aperient medi- cine extant. W. E. A young man, who had for a long time been rendered incapable of following his usual employment, being painfully afflicted with a most obstinate complaint in his stomach, is now able to follow his usual employ- ment, by persevering in the use of PARR'S PILLS. E. H. Who declares he has spent pounds in endea- vouring to cure a complaint which he terms the blind Piles, has, by taking three 2s. 9d. boxes, received a perfect cure. B. M. Who has been sadly afflicted with Rheumatism for two years, has found these pills a perfect antidote, by having recourse to them especially in the Spring and fall of the year. These are but few amongst the very many testimonials that I have received of the good effects of LIFE PILL'S for all Disorders in the Head and Stomach, and particularly for all Rheumatic Complaints- I P. S. You will forward me as usual, one gross of PARK'S PILLS, and also a case of SPENCER'S PULMONIC ELIXIR. This medicine, the more it is tried, the more it is approved of, for Affections of the Lungs, Coughs, Tightness of-Breathing, &c., &c. Communicated by Mr. G. BATTERS, Agent for the sale of P-kitit's LIFE PILLS, Nottingham. SIRs-The many thousand boxes I sell in the course of a year, fully testify the superiority of Pkitit's LIFE PILLS over every other Patent Medicine. Old and young, rich and poor, all acknowledge the great benefit they derive from takinz them manv ladies and gentle- men of high standing in society, and numerous respect- able families have adoT)te(I Pkitit's Livr Pii,l,s as a family medicine and thousands have civen me full proof verbally of the cures which PARR'S LIFE PILLS have effected. I remain, Gentlemen, vours obediently, GEORGE BATTERS. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. p None are genuine, unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS" are in WHITE LETTERS on a RED GROUND, on the Government Stamp, pasted round each box also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors," 1. ROBERTS and Co., Crane Court, Fleet-street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and family packets at lis. each, by all respectable medicine venders throughout the world. ON THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. WITH TWENTY-FIVE COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Sixteenth Thousand, in a sealed envelope, 2s. Sd., or for- warded post-paid, to any address, SeCltr3 from observa- tion, for 3s. 6d. in Postage Stamps. SELF-PRESERVATION; a Medical Treatise on O Marriage, and on those Secret Infirmities and Dis- orders of Youth and Maturity, that arc usually acquired at an early period of life, which tend to destroy physical and mental energy, ardour, passion, and all the attri- butes of Manhood. Illustrated with Twenty-five Co- loured Ensfravinijs, on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Organs, ex- plaining their various structures, uses, and functions, and shewing the injuries that are produced in them, by solitary habits, excesses, and infection. With practical observations, on the Treatment of Nervous Debility, Local and Constitutional Weakness, Syphilis, Stricture, and other diseases of the Urethra. By SAMUEL LA'MERT, Consulting Surgeon, 9, Bedford-st., Bedford-sq., London, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Ho- norary Memher of the London Hospital Medical Society Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, &e. CONTENTS OF THE TREATISE. CHAPTER 1. On the Philosophy of Marriage, with its Hindrances and Obligations, and on Infelicitous and Unproductive Unions.—CHAPTER 2. On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Generative Organs, their functions structures, and secretions, proving that great Mental and Physical Power are dependent upon their healthy action.—CHAPTER 3. On Solitary Habits their various effects on the Animal Economy; the concealed cause of Debility of the functions of the Stomach, Lungs, and Brain, and general weakness of the Reproductive Or- gans.—CHAPTER 4. On the Secret Disorders of Youth and Maturity, and the Treatment of Nervous and Local Weakness, Mental Debility, and Premature Decay.— CHAPTERS 5 and 6. On the Disorders arising from in- discriminate Excess, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, and other diseases of the Urethra. REVIEWS OF TIIE WORK. "Unquestionably this is a most extraordinary and skilful work, and ought to be extensively circulatcd for it is quite evident that there arc peculiar habits acquired at public schools and private seminaries, which are totally unknown and concealed from the conductors of those establishments, and which cannot be too strongly reprobated and condemned. The Engravings that ac- company the work are clear and explanatory and being written by a duly qualified medical practitioner, will doubtless be the means of saving many a youth, as well as those of maturer age, from the various evil conse- quences resulting from early indiscretions."—Magnet. "This work has the advantage over other treatises on the same subject, in being the production of a regularly educated and duty qualified member of the medical pro- fession, who has had very great experience in the treat- ment of a class of infirmities resulting from secret habits and excesses, which, for their treatment, the utmost secrecy, confidence, and skill, is so essentially requisite." -London Journal. At Home for Consultation daily, from Nine till Two, and from Five till Eight; and all letters immediately replied to, if containing the fee of £1, for advice, &c. CM The work may be had, price 2s. 6d., in Carmar- then, of Mr. Shackell, bookseller, Guildhall-square Davey, Broad-street, Bristol; Times Office, Her? ford K-nt and Xirhsid*. Pat«n«t»t-ro-.v, London. GR EAT REDUCTION OF FARES, THIS MONTH. NO STEWARD'S FBES.  STEAM COMMUNICATION  Between G?«eM<?', A?cp?<, and ?U.?M?? ?tca??a, calling at ?y?cy. Old ^giS3aSgS' -P<MMoe ?'of?Acad, 6?cte<Mn, and ^BKiiEW Porthcawl. THE powerful and well fitted up Iron Steam Vessels, Sioiftsure, James Barett, and Clara, W. Jackson, Commanders, (propelled by screw,) are intended to sail with Passengers and Goods as follows-cluring FEBRUARY, 1347. GLOUCESTER TO SWANSEA. Wednesday,Feb.3 4 after. Saturday, 6. 5 after. Wednesday,— 10. 8 mom Saturday, 13. 1 after Wednesday,— 17 4 after. aturday, 20. 6 after. W ednesday,— 24. 9 morn Saturday. -27. lifter SWA.BS.EA TO GLOUCESTER. Monday, Feb-I 7 after. Thursday, 4 9 after. Monday, Thursday. H 3 after. Monday, — 15. 7 after. Thuray. 18. 8 after. Monday, 22. llafter. Thursday, 25. 4 after. A STEWARDESS OX BOARD. FARES. Gloucester to Sharpness—best cabin, 2s. second cabin, Is.; Gloucester to Lydney, best cabin, 3s.; second cabin, Is. 6d.; Gloucester to Old Passage, 3s.; second cabin, Is. Gd.; Gloucester to Newport, 3s., second cabin, Is. Gd. Newport to Old Passage—best cabin, 3s.; second cabin, Is. 6d.; Newport to Lydney, best cabin, 3s; se- cond cabin, Is. Gd.; Newport to Sharpness or Glouces- ter, best cabin, 3s.; second cabin, Is. 6d. GLOUCESTER TO KKWI'OET. 3.4'.morp.. Saturday, 6 5 after. W"dnesda)- 10 8 inorn Saturday, 1:¡. 1 after. Wednesday,— 17, 4 inorn Saturday.. 20, 6 af er. Wednesday,— 9 morn Saturday, —27. llafter. I NEWPOOff TO GLOUCESTER. TuMth?L — 2.4 morn I Fri a v, inu n Tu 's a 9 6 morn Friday, — 12 10 .morn I Tuesday, — 16. 3(after. Friday, 19 5 (morn Tuesday. 23. C'jinorn I' Friday, Refreshments may be had on board. FARES. Gloucester to Sharpness—best cabin, 2s'; second cabin Is.; Gloucester to Lydney, or Old Passage, best cabin 3s. second cabin, Is. 6d Gloucester to Clevedon or Portshead, best cabin, 4s.; second cabin, 2s.; Glouces- ter to Swansea, best cabin, 6s.; second cabin, 3s. Swansea to Clevedon, or Portshead, best cabin, 3s. second cabin, Is. 6d.; Swansea to Old Passage or Lyd- ney, os. second cabin, 2s. 6d. Swansea to Sharpness best cabin, 5s. second cabin, 2s. 6d.; Swansea to Glou- cester, best cabin, 6s second cabin, 3s. For further particulars, apply to the Proprietors Southan and Evans, Docks, Gloucester; or to the fol- lowing agents: Mr. John Edwards, Steam Packet Wharf, Swansea; Mr. J. W. Bebell, Newport; Mr. Henry Pick, Portshead; Mr. James Bullock, Clevedon. N.B.—The proprietors give public notice that they will not be accountable for any luggage, or other articles, or goods whatever, above the value of 92, unless the same are so declared and insurance paid according to value.  BRISTOL GENERAL ouSTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY ?OBsEsSS!? Office 1, Qwy, Bristol. fJlL lHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to TSail from CUMBERLAND B.?atN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of FEBRUARY, 1847. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLISQ AT TENBY. PIICENIX. I Friday, Feb. 5. 8(morn Friday, 12. 3 after I Friday, Feb. "i9 8( morn I Friday, — 26, 3j after I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLIXG AT TENBY, I PIICENIX. I Tuesday. Feb. 2 6 morn | I Tuesday, 9.10 morn I Tuesday, Feb. 16. 5 morn I Tuesday, 23 10J morn | I FIIOM TENBY.— ihree hours after leaving Carmarthen, I FOR DUBLIN.. SHAMROCK, Fridays. I FrMny.Feb. 5 8 (morn I I Friday, — 12 3 after j Friday, Feb. 19.8 } morn Friday, — M.3? after. I I Returns Tuesdays. I I FOR CORK. I ROSE, Tuesdays.—SABRINA, Saturdays. I upsùaJ, Feb. 7 morn I aturùay, 6. 78, morn Tuesday 9.10 morn Saturday, -13 31 after I | Tuesday, Feb. 16 7 mon I Saturday, ?o .9tnortiI TUl'day, 23 11) mor,? Saturday, 27. 4 after. I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR WATERFOFD | I NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.— 0SPREY, Fridays. ) II Tuesday, Feb ?. 7 morn Friday, 5 8',morn Ttiesd?,?l 9 10 'm?rn. Friday, — li 3 alter. I Tuesday, Feb. 16. 7 morn I Friday, — 19. 8\ mora Tuesday, J.11 morn. Friday, 26. 31 after I I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TKXBY. STAR, Tuesdays.—PHCENIX, Fridays. Tuesday, Feb. 2 7 morn I I hndav, — 5. 81 n,orn Tuesday, ,) *8 Iniorii I o, I o 1'nday, —1?. 3 after Tuesday, Feb. 16. 6^ morn I Frida, lY. R\ morn I Tuesday, —??"tH morn Friday, — ?. 31 after FROM TENBY. I PHCENIX, Tuesdays.-STAR, Saturdays. Tuesday, Feh. 2 9 morn Saturday, G.IO morn ( luesday, — 9. 1 after Saturday, 5 morn | Tuesday, Feb- 16. 8 morn Saturday 20.10 morn Tuesday ■ 1 ( after Saturday 5 morn I. FOU. MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Feb. 2. 7 morn I Tuesday, 9 10,?niorn I Tuesday, Feb.6. 6; morn Tuesday, 11 ( morn FROM IIAVEITFO PD WEST, CALLING AT PATER, MILFORD & TENBY- STAR. Friday, Feb. 5 8 mom 1 I r wla;). l utter Friday, Feb. 19. 8 morn Friday, .t). 3 after FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saturday, Feb. 5. 4 morn Friday, 12 I I -fter. I | Saturday, Feb. 20 4 rnorn FrIday. 20■ U after. FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY—Tuesdays 8.: Fridays. BERESFORD-Thursdays & Saturdays. Tuesday, Feb. 2.. 7(morn Thursday, — 4.. 8 morn Friday, 5.. 9 morn Saturday, 6.. 9.? morn T?day, 9..1[ morn Thursday, iL À tnd? -ta.}moru ?turd?y. —??4m?n I Tuesday, feb.tG.. '7n?? I Tu('sda 18.. 8 l110rn Thtir.s,A')', 148 iii,)rn I Friday, — 9 morn j Saturday, — ■ • 9', morn I 1 2,'1..12 noon Thursday, — ?..?morn Frid.v, ?-.?tmorn ? Sattir?l v. —?.t? morn FROM SWANSEA. II BERESFORD-Tucsdays & Fridays. COUNT. Y—Thursdays & Saturdays. Tuesday, Feb. 2. 8 morn 'I'litir?d?y, 4. 9 niorit Friday, 5 9 morn Saturday, 6.)0murn Tuesday, 9. 11 (morn 1 Thursday, 11. :?lmorn Friday, i" 3',m.Jrn Saturday, — 13 5 morn I Tuesday, Feb. 16. '7?morn ,r,d?y, 18. 8 morn Frid?v. ?. 9 (morn Saturday, — 20. 10 morn Tuesday, :H.l:! noon Thursday, ?? 3 mum :rid?y. ?.t morn S?turd?y, ?7. 5 morn FOR CARDIFF. I LADY CHARLOTTE. I Monday Feb. 8..10 morn ] ,t N ? Feb. 8..10 morn I Tuesday, S.0, morn W cdllesday 10.. 12 noon Thurs., Feb. 11 1 ( after Friday —12. 3 after I Saturday, —13. 7 morn FROM CARDIFF. I LADY CHARLOTTE. I Monday Feb. 8 8 mom I Tuesday 9 9 morn ?rlu,?ll ?? y 10 ..10 morn I Thiir-day,Feb, I I 12 noon I Friday —12. 1 after Saturday —13. 2(after I FROM BRISTOL TO NEWPORT. I Monday Feb. 8 10 (morn I Tuesday 9 ii morn Wednesday -10.. i??tftpr I Thursday,Feb.11 2 after I Friday -U. 2 afteT I Saturday -13. 3 after FROM NEWPORT TO BRISTOL. I Monday Feb. 8 8 morn! Tuesday —9.. 9 mom Wednesday 10 ..10 mom i Thursday, Feb. ] 1 12 noon I Friday 12 I after Saturday — 13 2( after I The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the I conveyance of passengers and goods.— Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may he obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Oliice, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &e., should"be addressed for Swansea, to 'V. Terrell < £ Sons, 33, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay street:—for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street'.—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. R. STACEY, Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenby; Mr. John Rees, Hayerfordwcst, Mr. Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham. Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke Lynton. NoTicr..—'The Proprietor* of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lungafje, (iflot or t1:ullaged) above the value of £ 0; nur for an y D.'ck Passen- ger's LU<1;p (if lost or damaged) above the value of-Ms. ull- less in each cast? entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for at the time of delivery; nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value ot 40s. (if lost or unless entered as such, and freight in proportion [>aid for the same at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping ;\ote,. All letters seeking information t? b* j'ust riii. Brlst»l. Fcbruaiy. Is*



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