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BUDD AND BLETCHLY CRRIERS by the Great Western Railway, Mornings and Evenings, to and from the ANGEL INN, FAR- ? KINGDON STREET, LONDON, and Bletchly's Warehouse, THOMAS-STREET, BRISTOL, from whence ,uV oods are forwarded without delay to all parts of IRELAND, SOUTH WALES, &c. &e. R. & B. respectfully return thanks to their Friends and the Public in general, for the liberal support they have t 0 ??y years been favoured with, at the same time beg to inform them that they have made arrangements with t?h ??eat Western Railway Company to convey ALL their Goods, which will prevent any possibility of delay. yS &'B. assure those who may, and do, continue to order their Goods by them, that every exertion will be made on th ? part to ensure an early delivery and shipment by the first Packet or Sailing Vessel, as may be ordered. No  charge for carting and shipping at the Hotwells. Please order per Budd and Co., from Angel Inn, Farringdon 8,treet, Undon 8t» If-B.-Goo?s carted in from any part of the Cities by letter addressed JNO. BLETCHLY, Bristol, or BUDD and Co., London. '!?* All Empty fote??M retMfM? M?A care &MJ Carrt?e Free. t?) Ustol, March 4th, 1844. FOR beumatiim, Fevers, Colds, Coughs, &c. D DICEY & Co.'s Original and the only Genuine R. BATEMAM'S PECTORAL DROPS. -? f? Ea°st valuable Medicine ever discovered for C')"Isl Coughs, Agues, Fevers, Rheumatism, Pains ? tb" f??R east, Limbs, and Joints, and for most Com- Plaint w^ere Colds are the origin. j V ever8 1t has always been found particularly effica- ,us, and when taken in an early stage of the complaint, as' ill numberless instances, prevented its running on t'l yphus. ^TA.ftere are various 7MM<a?o?M of this Medicine by diZ, erelit Pretenders, all of them utter strangers to the ;? e Preparation Purchasers are therefore cautioned to ? very "particular in asking for DICEY & Co's is 41'EXA1('S DnoPs," and observing that DICEY & Co." on the stamp affixed over the cork. All o<A?-< coMn<??. ??old in bottles at Is. Hd. each, by W. SUTTON & Co. ?? DICEY & SUTTON,) No. 10, Bow Church Yard, lidon, ?"? ?7 all the principal Booksellers, Druggists, 4rA ?le icine Venders. Of whom may also be had, ?RPENTER's SPECIFIC f«r the HOOPING C?UGH, Price Is. Hd. PENTER's EMBROCATION for Ditto, (to be bbed in over the pit of the stomach and chest,) Is- 9d. the bottle. '?e above are the most safe and certain remedies ever discovered for that distressing and too often fatal border. RADCLIFFE'B ELIXIR, & most salutary medi- CIne used as a general Sweetener of the Blood, and f"r all eruptions, whether contracted by too free living, Surfeits, or proceeding from Scurvy, or humours after the measles, small-pox, &c. Price Is. lid. the bottle. 1CEY & Co's Genuine DAFFY's ELIXIR, in bottles  2s. and 2s. 9d. each. IW See that "DICEY &  is in the stamp. yjl & Co's ?M??oM'j TRUE SCOTS PILLS, f)lce b. ld. the box. Ask particularly for.I Ii ICRY & Co's. ?ce Is& CoB'sR. ITISH OIL, ??c only genuine) the ?perior c eacy of which is too well known to require Comm nt. Price Is. 9d. ?RSHALL's HEAL-ALL & STYPTIC, for Chil- ?ns, Fresh Wounds, Bruises, &c. Price Is. Hd. the bottle. Ask particularly for MARSHALL'S Heal-All." j .o RC I R A..T$ T 'Ç' D'" OF O 'f, t '0 ,'I 1\ ESSRS. ROWLAND & SON beg to inculcate a '1. caution of the highest importance and necessit  Earning the public to ascertain that the articles which th eY procure for the toilet, and for which Messrs. R. and 1), ave so long enjoyed universal favour and patronage, not^e original productions prepared by them alone, and Ptint. e ?P?io?s trash vended as GENUINE by un- prin cl• P^ed traders and impostors and too often foisted as 8^c> 011 the public. They cannot, therefore, too strongly it<?°? the public. They cannot, therefore, too strongly the ? ? purchasers the absolute necessity of observing the "?IION" detailed below, in order to assure the Sf 'es that the articles they procure arc those in- ?eut ? ? and prepared by Messrs. R. and Son alone. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL.  enumeration of all the virtues of this invaluabla P?eParation would more than occupy the entire of the advertisement; suffice it that this ELEGANT, ??.GR?NT, & PELLUCID OIL, in its preservative, j.est .V6' and beautifying qualities is unequalled over th whole world. It preserves and reproduces the hair, "'ell at a t?e period of life; prevents it from turning ) > ?r if so changed, restores it to its original colour fr from scurf and impurity, renders it soft, silky, e??, and glossy, and retains its curl and other decora- tive form uninjured by the variations of the atmosphere rjr the effects of the crowded assembly-facts, which are ?bi "Bdantly proved by the numerous testimonials which jj. be seen at the Proprietors.  ??s is cf course enhanced by being used at an earl period of life, and to children it is especially re- ?'a&tendcd as forming the basis of A BEAUTIFUL HEAD !lAIR. 1'eltimonial to Meurl. 7?OM?aM? ? ?OM, 20, T?a?cM- Garden, London. 23, Mason Street, Old Kent Road. ??ttTHMBK,—About August, l, my hair began to fall )? aj'd in so rapid a manner, that in the space of a month r4 head was almost divested of hair. I tried several pre- rations for its recovery without the slightest benefit, when ?''?yyourcirctua.r. in Collins' Memoranda," caught my 1e^ ,.p ventured on the purchase of a small bottle of Row- )j MacaMar Oilafter using which I fuund my hair was ^j innI-n to re-appear, and acoordinglvl purchased a larger L' ?' W ich, when finished, 1 felt sa?isned that I had proved ii,  own person all you profess as to its restorative qualities; ?li.rt 1It", two Ynon ts steady perseverance in its use, I  \S s°°d a head of hair as at any time of my life, for t,l. eh permit me to offer my thanks. I have delayed writing to YOU for six months (from the time of leaving off the oil) wish1'119 to test the permanence of its restoration. I fin it ?onr'?"? ues as firm and thick as before it began to fall off, with ey prospect of i:s continuance. I am, gentlemen, yours obediently,—JOHN FOSTER. J> 1106 3s. 6d.—7s.—Family Bottles (equal to 4 small) 10s. 6d. and double that size, 21s. 8ARLTI0N —Thc words ROWLAND'S MACAS- FS Alt OIL" are engraved on the Wrapper of each IReiluine bottle and on the back of the Wrapper 1,500 tirti containing 29,028 letters-without this "NONE e GENUINE." ROWLAND'S KAL YOR ? ?'?tal Botanical Preparation of smgular efficacy for '?dering the Skin peculiarly soft and Mr, as well as C f? '?stowing a delicate roseate hue on the Complexion. c, "PoB?,d of BALSAMIC EXOTICS derived chic6y fro '0 the ?*??' and utterly pure and free from all mineral 0r gallic mixture, it displays in unequalled perfection the i11? admirable qualities. It exerts the most to?'?' ?"?) coo?tMy, and pM/'?t?y action on the Ski^' ?"d by its agency on the pores and minute secretory \-p ??' dispels all impurities from the surface, allays ev.e tendene to inflammation, and thus most effectually <}j.?es all REDNESS, TAN, PIMPLES, SPOTS, ??T?CHES, FRECKLES, and all other cutaneous otations ? hostile to FEMALE LOVELINESS. Its «onst nt ?se wiU transform the &<7tOM< and e?o«?e? <r?ee< t0 „ of clar and ?o?MM?i'?; while it invests the J?t-?of an T ARMS with delicacy and fairness, ?'?-' HANDS, and ARMS with d?M-ttcyandya?MeM, ?Lrtd Perpetuates the charms which it bestows to the most ? ?ed period of life. In travelling during the heat ztrjd,,t of au mtr as a preservative aainst the frosts of and a safeguard agains?eAt&?t'K?, cAa?? Rktn well as a relief in cases of &Mr/M and scalds, its \-it.? ?s have long and extensively been acknowledged. afte Prized by gentlemen who suffer from ten tness after  P?cd by gentlemen who suffer from tenderness '?er ????g, as affording the most grateful alleviation 8 e part affected. &Pi-1*^a^f pint bottles, at 4s. 6d. each; and in pints, ? d. each, duty included. beware of imitations, composed of the most dcle- s Ingredients. None arc genuine, without the ? "ROWLAND'S KALYDOR" on the wrapper. °^and's Odonto, or Pearl Dentifrice, itI, s White Powder prepared solely from oriental herbs *ost delightful odour, and of inestimable virtue for ? ?8thening, preserving, and cleansing the teeth. ? "?dicates the factitious formation of tartar, and by th? ?noval of that extraneous substance lends a salu- t?y R?owth and freshness to the gums. It removes fro^ "\c surface of the teeth any spots of Incipient de- f,'OrQ j.e surface of the teeth any spots of incipient de- e4lY' Polish es and preserves the enamel, substituting for ^iscoj r and the aspect of impurity, the most pure and ^earl-Vu whiteness; while from its salubrious and dis- ?fpc<?8 qualities it gives sweetness and perfume to the btp?' "Lowing at once cleanliness, and the appear- ?ce "?d reality of health. Q-j. The price is 2s. 9d. per duty included. "?RVE '—To protect the Public from Fraud, The ?, Cm?n""?ioners ?/ ??'' ???''?'? Stamps have ??or'?? the Proprietors' Signature to be engraved on ? Gn "rnment Stamp, thus- 'a ?"???'D ? SON, 20, TfaMMt-Gar?M, which afjR. ccl to the KALYDOR and ODONTO. None >te(j.„ ?thout the Stamp.  principle on which each article is prepared ? ?oah ? solely to the knowledge and practice of A. ?vi.? ??& 20, Hatton-Garden, London,-the atHalgaIn ?.°? of their purely fe?e???e materials neu- ??i?cs to separate their component parts, ralitzc,s al t tempts to separate their component parts, ?ri thvi8 Pr°Ves the imposition of all other articles bear- aes. ? ?og?u'ne preparations are sold by the Proprietors, an<i by Chemists and Perfumers. 11 o?ers are rfaM?K?K!; Cotinterfei(s NOTT'S PATENT STOVES still maintain their decided superiority over every other. They give out twice the heat with half the fuel, and will burn ten hours without replenishing. Ten years' experience in churches, chapels, private dwellings, warehouses, and public offices fully confirm this statement. They cannot possibly explode or give out offensive gases, as many others do. They are adapted not only for warming the apartment in which they stand, but for the circulation of hot water to conservatories or any distant part of the building.—Orders addressed to Nott's Stove Company, 80, Great Queen's-street, Lincoln's Inn-fields, will be attended to. A liberal allowance to ironmongers, builders, &c. WHITT A K E R' S IMPROVED EDITION of PINNOCK'S CATECHISMS relating to HIS- TORY. Illustrated with Maps, Plates, and Wood-cuts. 18mo., price 9d. each. Modem England America Ancient Scotland Rome Universal Ireland Greece Bible and Gospel France Jews Chronology. N.B.—Care should be taken to order WHITTAKER'S IM- PROVED EDITIONS of the CATECHISMS and HISTORIES, as from their universal popularity, unprincipled attempts have been made to substitute works of a somewhat similar appearance. Messrs. Whittaker and Co. having expended very large sums upon the purchase of the copy-rights, and having by the suc- cessive labours of numerous eminent writers perfected the various books to the very latest state of science and history, and rendered them, by copious additions, as complete as ele- mentary works can be, are determined to protect their pro- perty and at the same Itime to prevent the public from being imposed upon by spurious imitations. Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria Lane, London. THE PATENT METALLIC CAPSULE, An Infallible Security against Fraudulent Substitutions for BETTS'S Patent Brandy. TO those who recollect the nauseous and unwhole- Tsome properties which distinguished the article known as British Brandy, previously to the year 1829, and the prediction that all attempts at competition with French Brandy could only result in an entire failure, the introduction of the Patent Brandy, at that period, was matter of much surprise ;-combining, as it was found to do, all the essential properties of the finer qualities of Brandy manufactured in France, with a degree of purity, and consequent wholesomeness, unknown in the latter. The existence of these valuable properties in BETTS'S PATENT BRANDY, was distinctly certified, after analysis, by some of the first Chemists of the day. That evidence has been fully sustained by the extensive support of the most eminent Medical Men and, very especially, by its long-established use, under Medical direction, in pre- ference to French Brandy, in the principal Infirmaries, Hospitals, and other Public Institutions, throughout the country; among which it will suffice to name Guy's and the Westminster Hospitals, in the metropolis, and the Manchester and Bristol Infirmaries. An unprecedented extent of sale has, likewise, marked its progress in pub- lic estimation. That an article possessed of such merits, and sold at little more than half the price of French Brandy, should not have entirely superseded the use of the Foreign, is only to be attributed to the fact, that the Patentee has had to struggle, not only with the original-and, it must be admitted, well-founded—prejudice against Brandy produced in this country; but, also, against a constant succession of attempts to force into consumption inferior descriptions,—in many cases as substitutes for, and even under the name of, the Patent Brandy. The correction of this evil, which has long been mat- ter of extreme solicitude to the Patentee, is at length effected, by a METALLIC CAPSULE, or Covering for the Cork; th e exclusive manufacture of which is secured to him by Letters Patent. It is composed—NOT OF TIN- FOIL, an article much used, but-of perfectly pure and SOLID METAL stamped by the aid of powerful and costly machinery, into the exact size and shape adapted to the bottle; to which it is attached by simple, but most effective, means and its adhesion is so perfect, that it cannot be removed without being completely destroyed and, therefore, no Capsule can be used a second time. The Patentee, by the aid of this most efficient gua- rantee against the frauds from which he and his numerous connexions have so extensively suffered, will now be enabled to protect the interests of all concerned, whether as vendors or purchasers and if care be taken to ob- serve, that the Capsules attached to the glass bottles, have the words BuTTS's PATENT BRANDY, No. 7, SMITHFIELD BARS," embossed upon them, the genuine character of the contents may be relied upon ;—an assu- rance that must equally induce Dealers and Consumers to give that support to an article of such superior value, which the Patentee feels satisfied has only been withheld, in certain quarters, from the previously-existing difficulty in guarding against the fraudulent substitutions here described. The Patent Brandy may be obtained from most of the Wine and Spirit Merchants in England and Wales, at Eighteen Shillings per Gallon in bulk;—in glass bottles, secured by the Patent Capsule, at Twenty Shillings per Gallon; or, a single bottle, as sample, for Three Shillings and Sixpence. BETTS'S PATENT PALE and COLOURED BRANDY thus secured, may be obtained from the following Wine and Spirit Merchants:— Brecon, Mr. G. Evans; Carmarthen, Mr. Wai. Mor- gan Do. Messrs. Tardrew and Smith; Do. Mr. J. White; do. Mr. G. Phillips; Llandovery, Mr. James Morris; Llandilo, Mr. G. Tracey Do. Mrs. M. Evans. French Brandy Distillery, 7, Smithfield Bars, London, Jan. 1844. j j NINETEENTH THOUSAND. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, price 3s. and sent free on receipt of a Post Office Order,for 3s. 6d. MANHOOD; M the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for its PREMATURE RESTORA- TION addressed to those suffering from the destructive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- tion; followed by observations on MARRIAGE, and the treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &c. illustrated with cases. &c. &c. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. NINETEENTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Burgess, Me- dical Bookseller, 28, Coventry-st, Haymarket; Mann, 39, Cornhill; Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Barth, Bridges-street, Strand, London; Philip, South Castle- street, Liverpool; Pritchard, Chronicle Office, Ches- ter; Fannin and Co., 41, Grafton-street, Dublin Drum- mond, 5, Blair-street, Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemist to the Queen, Union-st., Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrews- bury Times Office, Hereford; and sold in a sealed envelope by oil Booksellers. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. This work, an ELEVENTH edition of which is now presented to the public, 10,000 copies having been exhausted since its first appearance, has been very much improved and enlarged by the addition of a more extended and clear detail of general principles, as also by the insertion of several new and highly interesting cases. The book, as has been already stated, is the result of very ample and daily increasing experience in a class of diseases which, for some unaccountable reason, have heen either altogether overlooked, or treated almost with indifference, by the ordinary medical practitioner; and we feel no hesiatation in saying that there is no member of society by whom the hook will not be found useful, whe- ther such person hold the relation of a PARENT, a PRECEP- TOR, or a CLERGYMAN.—Sun evening paper. "The perusal of Messrs. Curtis's book, entitled Manhood' has really astonished us by developing a series of maladies, never-failing consequence of the vicious habit of which it treats. The clear connexion pointed out between the assigned cause and the efl'ccts is percetible to every capacity. We strongly recommend the work.' -Age. Messrs. Curtis's work, entitled Manhood,' is one of the few books now coming before the public on such a sub- ject which can lay claim to the character of being strictly professional, at the same time it is full)- intelligible to all who read it. The moral and medical precepts given in it, render it invaluable. "-Age. This is a work that we fear there exists too much need for, to cause us to hesitate to recommend it for general perusal. Every branch of those frightful maladies, whether the result of immoral habits or secret vices, is here succinctly treated, and divested of all medical techn'cality and plain and easy directions are given for the best mode to be pur- sued in all cases, however complicated or apparently hope- less. To the married, as well as the unmarried, this little work alike affords consolation and cure in peculiar cases, and we are doing a service to society in recommending it to general notice.—Essex and Hert Mercury. Messrs. CURTIS and Co. are to be consulted daily at their residence, No. 7, FRITH-STREET, SOHO-SQUARE, LONDON. Country patients are requested to be as minute as pos- sible in the detail of their cases-the communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of El and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on. The above Work is Sold at the Cambrian Office, Swan- sea, the Journal Office, Carmarthen, and by all respect able Booksellers, to whom it is sent, post-paid, in a sealed envelope, for 3s. 6d. CARMARTHENSHIRE LENT ASSIZES, 1844. THE High-Sheriff hereby gives notice, that the Com- -t- missions o Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery for the County of Carmarthen, will be opened at the Guildhall, in the Town of Carmar- then, on Saturday, the sixteenth day of March instant, before the Honourable Sir JOHN WILLIAMS, Knight, one of the Justices of our Lady the Queen, of Her Court of Queen's Bench, and the Honourable Sir WILLIAM HENRY MAULE, Knight, one of the Justices of our Lady the Queen, of her Court of Common Pleas, when all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Coroners, and Bailiffs of Liberties, within the said County, and all Jurors, Per- sons bound by Recognizances, Witnesses, and others having Business, are requested to attend. RAWLEIGH ADDENBROKE MANSEL, Esq., SHERIFF. Llanddarog, March 6th, 1844. KIDWELLY DISTRICT OF TURNPIKE ptOADS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the undermentioned Toll-Gates, in the said Dis- trict, will be Let by Auction, to the best Bidder, for one year, commencing the 3d day of February, 1844, at the Farmers' Arms, in Llangendeirne, on Monday, the First Day of April next, between eleven and twelve o'clock in the forenoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, For Regulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls were Let on the 8th of January last as fol- lows :— £ Llanelly and Llanelly Furnace. 595 Hendy Bridge Gate 80 Lloughor Bridge Gate 475 These Tolls will be Let in Three Lots, and each Par- cel or Lot will be put up at such sum as the Trustees shall think fit. Whoever happens to be best Bidder, must, at the same time, give Sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. No Person's Bidding will be received for any of the Gates unless the Bidder produce a written undertaking from two responsible Persons to become his Sureties, should they (such Sureties) be unable to attend the Meeting. Meeting. J. J. STACEY, Clerk to the Trustees. Carmarthen, March 1st, 1844. Woradell's Vegetable Restorative Pills HAVE now attained the highest celebrity as a Fa- J)LL mily Medicine. Their office is to purify the blood, drain the system of all impurities, open obstructions, free the passages for the healthy circulation: of all the fluids, improve digestion, go to the root of disease, and impart tone and vigour to all the physical functions: thousands, afflicted with almost every possible form of disease, have been rendered convalescent by their use. Read the pamphlet of cures, to be had gratis of all the agents one of whom is appointed in almost every town throughout the kingdom. Cases of Cure communicated by Alr. Sullivan, Agent for Swatisea. CURE OF A SEVERE AFFECTION OF THE STOMACH. Slit -1 have been afflicted, for a long time, with a very severe complaint, and at times have discharged as muchjas a pint of blood from my stomach. I was under the care of a medical man..and was obliged to leave my work and return to my home, at Landore, near Swansea; and there seeing one of Mr. Woradell's pamphlets, I was induced to purchase a box of his Pills, and happy am I to state, that I had scarcely taken the whole of them before I was enabled to return to my employment. EVAN DAVIES, Roller-man at the Copper Works. June 10th, 1813. Cure of Weakness, Shortness of Breath, and Pain in the Limbs. SIR,—I am anxious to communicate to you the great benefit I received from taking a few of your valuable l'ills, called Worsdell's Pills." A short time ago I had an attack of, Typhus Fever; and just as I was recovering from its effects, I had an attack of the Pleurisy; the combined influences of these left me so weak that 1 could hardly walk, from the stiff- ness in my limbs, shortness of breath, and extreme debility. All my neighbours were of opinion that 1 was past recovery but, to my own great joy, and the astonishment of all around me, after taking three boxes of WorsdeU's Vegetable Restora- tive Pills, I am, under the blessing of God, restored to my tive Pills, I am, And remain, your respectfully,—JAMES JONES. Penybank, Troedyraur, near Newcastle-Emlyn. Case of Cure communicated by MI". E. Davies, Agent for Tredegar. SIR,—I have been afflicted forS eighteen' months with a severe headache, pain in the bowels, and a swelling all over the body, so that 1 was wholly incapable of following my em- ployment; all manner of medicines were obtained for me, but to no purpose; and at last I was advised t(, try Worsdell, S Pills. I am delighted toj inform you that, by taking them in daily doses for two months, I was restored to perfect health and strength. I now follow my avocation with ease and pleasure; and I make my case known, in the hope that others will be induced, under imilar circumstances, to take your valuable pills. Yours, &c., DAVID JONES, Miner. Tredegar, Sept. 4,1813. WORSDELL'S PILLS are prepared only by JOHN KAYE, Esq., of Dalton Hall, near Huddersfield; to whom has been transferred from W. Worsdell, late of Myton Hall, Hull, the sole right and interest in com- pounding the said Worsdell's Pills; and to prevent fraud, the Honor-  able Commission- /I /? J ? ers of Stiiiips have?', ic?p ordered the words T — .?r ) IV"lelr, Pi'" l J¿:J by John Kaye, to ? uy be engraved on the Government Stamp, and as a further protection, purchasers are requested" to observe that a fac-simile of the proprietor's signature is printed on the direction, wrapped'round each Box, without which none are genuine, and to imitate which is felony. Sold in boxes at ls. id., 2s. 91., to 4s. 6d. each, at the following Agents :—Carmarthen, J. T. Jones, Blue-st. Newcastle Emlyn, Wm. Jones, printer; Llanboidy, G. Evans, Draper &c.; Lampeter, John Thomas; Llandi- lo-fawr, R. Owen: Narberth, Pembrokeshire, William James; Llanelly, R. Chase, Grocer; Pembroke Dock, Thomas Clougher, Bookseller; Haverfordwcst, Edwards, Grocer, &c.; Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, Davies,"Book- seller Cardigan, D. Owen, near the Church; Newport, Pembrokeshire, John Davies; Aberystwith, D. Jones, Grocer. ^FRAWIPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. Price Is. I i cl. per box. THIS excellent family PILL is a Medicine of long JL tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, the common symptoms of which are Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Loss of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness after meals, Dizziness of the Eyes, Drowsiness and Pains in the Sto- mach and Bowels, Indigestion producing a Torpid State of the Liver, and a consequent Inactivity of the Bowels, causing a disorganization of every function of the frame, will, in this most excellent preparation, by a little per- severance, be effectually removed. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The Sto- mach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys will rapidly take place; and instead of listlessness, heat, pain, and jaun- diced appearance, strength, activity, and renewed health, will be the quick result of taking this Medicine according to the directions accompanying each box. These Pills are particularly efficacious for Stomach Coughs, Colds, Agues, Shortness of Breath, and all ob- structions of the Urinary Passages: and if taken after too free an indulgence at table, they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose. Persons of a FULL HABIT, who are subject to Head- ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Ears, arising from too great a flow of Blood to the Head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate use. For FEMALES, these Pills are most truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing Head-ache so very prevalent with the sex; Depression of Spirits, Dullness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion. To MOTHERS, they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can be taken during pregnancy: and for children of all ages they are unequalled. As a pleasant, safe, easy Aperient, they unite the re- commendation of a mild operation with the most success- ful effect, and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use. And for ELDERLY PEOPLE they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared. Sold by T. Prout, 239, Strand, London, Price Is. lid. and 2s. !;d. per box: and by his appointment by J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square, Carmarthen Mor- timer, ditto Mrs. Evans, near the Cross, do. Morgan, Merthyr Tydfil; Phillips, Cardiff, Williams, Brecon; Morgan, Abergavenny Williams, Newport, Goulstone, Llandovery; Fanor, Heath, Monmouth Jones, Brecon; Phillips, Newport Matthews, Abergavenny Williams, Milford: Harries, Haverfordwest, and by the venders of medicines generally throughout the kingdom. Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and observe the name and address of Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," on the Government Stamp. DAVIES'S Succedaneum, or Mineral Tooth-Paste, for Stopping Decayed Teeth. THIS valuable Paste remains for a short time in a soft state, so that it cannot give the least pain, and may be used by hny person with the greatest ease. It has the remarkable property of becoming hard and sound as the Tooth itself, excluding the air and food from the nerve, preventing further decay, and succeeding when other kinds of Stopping have completely failed. N. B. The Succedaneum should be applied as soon as decay makes its appearance, it being a great error to delay until the Tooth becomes painful. Timely attention may preserve decayed Teeth for years. It has been used with great success by several persons in the vicinity of Carmarthen, and elsewhere. PREPARED BY R. M. DAVIES, CHEMIST, &c. King-Street, Carmarthen, And may be had of the following Chemists:— Mr. Walkinton, Tenby; Mr. Fletcher, Cheltenham; Mr. Rees, and Mr. Evans, Lampeter Mr. Evans, Nar- berth; Mr. Pridham and Mr. Hughes, Llanelly; Mr. Jones, Cardigan; Mr. O. E. Davies and Mr. Philipps, Haverfordwest; Mr. Ormond, Pembroke; Mr. Phillips, Cardiff; Mr. Phillips, Newport; Mr. Wilson, Swansea; Mr. Humphreys, Chemist, Aberystwith. London Agents: Messrs. Hodgkinsons and Tonge. 213, Upper Thames-street. PRICE ONE SHILLING. Sent free to any part of the Kingdom, on receipt of a Shilling and Two Penny Postage-Stamps. C. GRIMSHAW & Co., 10, GOREE PIAZZAS, LIVERPOOL, Despatch fine first-class American Ships for NEW YORK every week; And occasionally to NEW ORLEANS, BOSTON, PHILA- DELPHIA, and BALTIMORE. Also, British Ships to QUEBEC, and to NEW SmJTH WALES, and VAN DIEMAN'S LAND. IF Emigrants make their engagements by letter from JL the country, they need not be in Liverpool till the day before the sailing of the Ship; they will thus save themselves expense in detention, secure passage on lower terms, and have the best Berths marked and re- served for them. Every information given by applying as above. Liverpool, Milford, Bristol, _.??? j ?\ and Swansea. Ck  6 FIRST CLASS POWERFUL STEAM VESSEL, THE TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, Commander. IS intended to Sail from the Trafalgar Dock, with M Goods and Passengers, in the Month of March, 1844, on or about the following days, Wind and Wea- ther permitting FROM LIVERPOOL FOR MILFORD & BRISTOL. I Saturday, Mar. 9 12 noon. Saturday, 16. 8 morn I Saturday, Mar. 23 12 noon I Saturday, 30. 8 morn I FROM SWANSEA FOR MILFORD & LIVERPOOL. I IWednes. Mar. 13. 11 morn Wednesday.— 20 6 morn I Wednes. Mar. 27 9 morn I Wednes. April 3. 5 morn The IROUBADOUR has very superior and elegant ac- commodations. Horses, Cattle, and Carriages, at Shippers' risk, tgg* Apply to BitueF,, WADIIKM, & Co., Bristol; WM. MOYSE, Swansea,; DAVID PROPERT, Milford; the CAPTAIN on Board; or THOMAS MITFAit No. 15, Water Street, Liverpool. March 6th, 1844.  BRISTOL GENERAL ?????STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office 1, Quay, Bristol. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to t Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of MARCH, 1844. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. PHCENIX. I rday, Mar. 1. 3 morn I Iriday, 8. 8 morn Friday, Mar. 15. 3 morn Friday, 22. 71morii r rid ay. March 29. 1 after. I FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. PHCENIX. I Tuesday, Mar. 5. 5 morn I TuesdaY, 12.10 morn I Tuesday, Mar. 19. 5 morn Tuesday, 26. 8imorn I FOR DUBLIN. I I SHAMROCK, Saturdays. I "Way, March 1. 3 after. Friday, 8. 8 morn! Friday, March 15. 3after. Friday. 22. 8 mom I Friday, March 29. 1 after. Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. I ROSE, Tuesdays.—VICTORY, Fridays. ridav, March 1 3 after I Tuesday, — 5 6' "fida 8. 8 mom Tuesday,— t?.11 morn Friday, March 16 3 J after. Tuesday, 19. 61..r. Friday, 22. 7?morn Tuesday, — 6. 9 morn  a riaay, March 29. I alter. I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR WATERFORD. I NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Saturdays. I I Friday, March 1 3 after. T I 5. 7 moru Friday, 8. 8 morn Tuesday, 2. JOimorn I Friday, March 15. I Tuesday. 19.. 6 morn Friday, — 22. 8 morn Tuesday, 26. morn I Friday, March 29 1 after. Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesday.—PHtENIX. Fridav. Friday, March i 3 morn  T,?e.la 5. linorn Frid?, 8 8 mom I ? Tuesday, — 2" 11 morn F;¡ilitJ" l\1rch 15. 3 roo rn Tuesday, 19. 6q'iiiorr.? Friday, 22. 7|morn -T ,?c., (T; Y, 26 morn Fritiay, 1\Iarch29; 1 after. FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. I Saturday, Mar. 2. 4?morn Tuesday, — 5.8mom S&turd?y, 9 9 morn ? TT-,Id.?', -7 1 after. I Saturday, Tuesday, 19.r Saturday, 23. Simorn Tuesday, — 26.11 i morn I eaiuruay, March 30. 3 morn. FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, Mar. 5.. S?morn Tuesday, — 12 11 morn Tuesday, Mar. 19. fiimorn Tuesday, 26. 9 morn FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER, MILFORD & TENBY. STAR Friday, March I. 2,Jafter Friday, 8. 8 morn '-p;!day, March 13 2 1 after.? Fnday, 2a "jraorn FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BERESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. Friday, March 1. 34morn Saturday, 2. 4 morn Tuesday, 5. 7 morn Thursday, 7. 7morn Friday, 8. 9 morn Saturday 9. 9 morn Tuesday, 12.12 noon Thursday, 14. 31morn Friday, 15. 4 morn Saturday, Mar. 16. S.^morn Tuesday, 19 7 niorn Thursday 21. 7J morn Friday, 2. 8morn Saturday 23. 8|morn Tuesday. — 26. 10 morn Thursday, 28 11 morn Friday, 29. I after. Saturday, 30. 3 morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays, Friday, March I, 4 morn'l Saturday, 2. 6 morn Tuesday, 3. 7imorr. Thursday, 7. 8,morn Friday, — 8. 9 Morn Saturday, 9 10 morn Tuesday, — 12 lljmom Thursday, — 14. 2Jmorn Friday, — 15. 4 morn Saturday, Mar. 16 5 morn Tuesday, 19. I morn 21 8 morn Friday, 22. 8i,morn Saturday. 23. 9 morn Tuesday, 26 10 morn Thtirsda3-, 28 12 noon. Friday, 29. limorn Saturday. 30. 3 morn To and from NEWPORT, USK, and GLAMORGAN daily, Sundays excepted. FOR CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Returns, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. See separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.—Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care.— Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addrcssed for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Sons, 33, Back; and G. C. Glasson, 12, Quay street i-for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. T. Prichard, Carmarthen Mr. George Hughes, Tenby Mr. Hitcl ings, jun., Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford Mr. Bowen, Pater Mr. John N. Smart, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged) above the value of X5, nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Luggage (iflost or damaged) above the value of2t)s. un- less in each case entered as such, hu'1 freight in proportion paid for at the timeof delivery norwiii they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (iffost orl-maged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time ol delivery. Not accountable for an Goods without Shipping Notes. All letters seeking information to be post paid. I Bristol, March, 1844.


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