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-=- RRASERPS MAGAZINE. THF, Publisher begs respectfuHy to call attention to _L the foJlowi nit Critical N-,tices:- FRASER is rich this month, flourishing its satirical scythe over the heads of the Syncretists in Damned Ti-agedie s and continuing Fitz- Boodle's Coti fession,' in glorious style. Its politics are of the right sort; and one of the Love Kpistles of A risttetiet tis' is ,o admirably translated, that, lengthy as it is, we could not forbear quoting it, hut for want of space— that literary tyrant."—Post, July 2d. rUASER is this month as various and amusing as it is his wont to be.Ileraid, July 2d. Whenever we get our eye on FRASER, we are always ready to exclaim with Atacbeth, Come, let me clutch tlieei' for, though our old friend, Fraser, has gone the way of all flesh, yet his loss is ably supplied by Mr. G. W. Nickisson, and the Magazine is con- ducted in a manner worthy of Frazer's best days. This month the variety is unusually attractive, and the hill of fare is ;o ample, that we shall not attempt to enumerate all the deli(!a c i es." -Kelso Mail, June 10 I; FRASKR continues to sustain his high reputation as the Blackwood' of England. We have never read articles more worthy of a first-rate Magazine than are some of the contents of the number now before us. Derbyshire Courier, June 11. « We are glad to sec this periodical maintain its interest and its popularity under the new proprietor." —Iiiverne'" Courier, June 8. "This numbr is One "fthe best which we recollect." Liverpool Jmitiial, June 18- "Though REGTlfJk. has lost her amiable and talented proprietor, she has lost none of the ability of her con- tributors in the various of literature, as the present number abundantly prors." Worcester Guardian, May 21. "A periodical which has much improved -ilict- it came into the hands ofMr. U.W. Nick its present proprietor. "—Worcester Journal, June 10. ( We must pronounce the present number one of I the best we remember, even in the palmy days of RE- GINA and we wish the spirited successor of the late much-regretted proprietor every success." Cambridge Independetit Press, May 7. I REGIN A keeps up her reputation. She has stepped into the shoes of lllackwood. With the death of Mr. r,lackii,ood, sen., the slit, of that publication appears to have set. Not so with the decease of our respected friend, the late Mr. Fraser. For many months pre- vious to his death the magazine flagged. NO wonder. Disease rendered him incapable of performing those duties of surveillance which are so indispensable on the part of a publisher. The present proprietor of FRASER'S MAGAZINE has brought to it life, energy, and a long experience enjoyed previously with Mr. Fraser himself."—Church and Stale Gazette, July 1. "This Magazine has always maintained a high re- putation."— Inverness Courier, July 18. "This is an excellent number of PF-GINA the articles are altogether of a high order."— Edinburgh Evening Post, June 11. Regina's vast and varied intellectual resources, amply as they have generally been developed, and fre- quently as they have been both attested by the press, and recognized by the reading public, were, perhaps, never more advantageously seen than in the recent numbers. Fraser's intrinsic excellence indeed has gone on increasing. The number for the present month is admirable; it contains a mass of matter no less varied than excellent. Considering Fraser's elevated status in the republic of letters, Mr. Nickisson would have done much had he merely sustained the original re- putation of the periodica) which he pubHshcs. hut his contributors have enabled him to do something more, \Ve. %isit political views were of a less Co <- servative character, In Uterary excencoce, however, it must be allowed that the September number casts into the shade old Ebony himself, to say nothing of the ,Vezv Monthly, Bentley, and all the smaller periodical fry."— Welshman, Sept. 23. Mr. Nickisson appears to have resolved on throwing fresh life and energy into Fritsotr, tnd he has certainly succeeded in producing an admirable number for Oc- tober. Narrative, information, fun, satire, poetry, and learning have all been pressed into the, service of the hdr who was wont in other days to IH c;d!ed Kecina. Tbeopenin?articteonSirMurtayMaxweH will be read with mnch interest, especially by those uho remember the Westminster struggle When they cudgelled their backs well, Who voted for Maxwell, And flung dirty turnips at Lnmb. The writer of the biography too ohvioirly takes his I information from the fountain head.— Armts, Oct. 2.1. (i. W. NICKISSON, :213, Regent-Street, Successor to the late JAMES FRASER. For Rheumatism. Fevers, Colds, Coughs, &c. DICEY & Go's. Original and the only Genuine Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. THE most valuable Medicine ever discovered for Colds, Coughs. A a nes, Fevers, Rheumatism, Pains in the Breast, I,ioibs, and Joints, atid for most Complaints ivhere are tlif- (irigiii. In Fevers it has always been found particularly efficacious, and when taken in an early st-ige of the complaint, has, in numberless instances, prevented its running on to Typhus. There are various Imitations of this Medicine hy different Pretenders, all of tlwlII utter strangers to the true preparation Purchasers are therefore cautioned to be very particular in asking for DICEY & Co's. KATEMAN'S DROPS," and observing that DICEY & Co." is engraved on the stamp affixed over the cork otliei-s are rotiiiterfeit. Sold in bottles at Is. 130. each, by W. SUTTON & Co., (late DICEY & SUTTON,) No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London, and I)v ill the principal Booksellers. Druggists, and Medicine Venders. Of whom may aslo be had, CARPENTERS SPECIFIC for the HOOPING COUGH. Price Is. lid. CARPENTERS EMBROCATION for Ditto, (to he rubbed in over the pit of the stomach and chest,) Is. 9d. the. bottle. The above are the most safe and certain Remedies ever discovered for that distressing and too often fatal disorder. I)r. RAI)(:[,IFFE's EI,TXIR, a most s-Itittry m(,di- cine used as a general Sweetener of the Blood, and for all eruptions,whether contracted by too free living, surfeits, or proceeding- froji scurvy, or IJu- mours after the measles, small-pox, &c. Price Is. 1 i.d. the bottle. DI(;EY & Co's. Genuine DAFFY's ELIXIR, in bottles at 2s. and 2s. 9d. each. ( £ 2f See that DicFy & Co." in the stallip. DICEY & Co's. Anderson's Tn 1:1': SCOTS PILLS price h. lid. the box. Ask particularly for DICEY & Co's. BETTON's BRITISH OIL, (the only Genuine) the superior efficacy of which is too well known to re- quire any comment. Price Is. 9d MARSHALL'S HEAL-ALL & STYPTIC, for Chil- blains, Fresh "VI'linds, Brilise-i, &v,. Is. Hd. the bottle. (iViAsk p?rticutarty for MARSHALL'S Hea)-A)t. THE ELEVENTH THOUSAND. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, price 3s. and sent free on receipt of a Post Office Order, for 3s. 6d. MA N H 0 0 D: LNT the CAUSES of its PHEMATCRE DECLt?R, with Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORA- TION: addressed to those suffering from the destruc- tive effects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infection followed by observations on MARRIAGE, and the treatment ol Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &e. illtisti-ated %ith (-ases &,c. &(,. By J, L. CCRTlS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. ELEVENTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Bailiere, Medical Bookseller to the Royal College of Surgeons, 219, Regent.Street; Strange, 21, Paternoster Row, London; Philip. S?nth Casttf-street, LinrpooI; I Pritchard, C?roMM? O?ce, Chester; Fannin and Co., 41, Grafton Street, Dublin; Drummond, 114, High- street, Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, Swansea; Ferris and Score, Chemist to the Queen, Union Street, Bris- tol Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrewsbury Times Office, Hereford and sold in a sealed envelope by all ISooksellers. OPINIONS OF THE TRESS. Thi. w?-. ? m.tv ?rn edition of ?hich i' noW r„ ° 'e public, )0.(?U copi having be"n exhausted sin' c l s r ■ pp anc.. ha, b?n ve? much impioved .n?i enlarged by addition of a more cxtt-txi? and clear detail of ?npr? pm",U?"Bs aIM by the insertion of several new and Hghl) tntf?sL.!? ? ?" The book, as has been already stated, 'Is the result °' ? and dally increasing experience in a class of rilsea^t'S u ,71 some unaccountable reason, have been either alto??* el nVer* U-ked, o. trr?ed ?mntt with in?fh-reoct-, by the file. <tMt practiti ner; and we feel no hesitation in tb3t there i? no member of society by whom the book MiU not be f-l-l?d ful, whether such person hold the velation of a PAREN' a FR. CIIPTOR, or a CLERGYMAN.— Sun evening paper. ha. The perusal of Messrs. Cm tie's book, entitled 'Manhood,f has really astonished 118 by devolopinR a series of maladies, the iievpr- failing consequence of the virions habit of which it treats. 1 rlesr counexiun pointed out between the assigned cause and the effects is perceptible to eveiy capacity. We strongly recommend the work,Ag/ Musrs. Curiis's work, entitled Manhood,' is one of the few books now coming before the public on such a subject which can loy claim to the character of being strictly professional, at the same time it is fully intelligible to all who read it. The mornl and medical precepts given in it, lender it invaluable." Magnet' t4 This is a work that we fear there exists too much need for. to cause us to hesitate to recommend it ior general perusal. Kvery branch of those frightful maladies, whether the result ot Immoral habits or secret vices, is here succinctly treated, and di- vested of all medic d technicality, and plain and easy dliection? aie given for the best mode to be pursued In all cases, however complicated or apparently hopeless. To the married, as we, I a, the unmarried, this little work alike affords consolation anrl cure In peculiar cases, and we aye doing a service to society in reconiBifcoding it to gtnvral notice. —Essex and Hefts .1fer. ( Messrs. Curtis and Co. are to be consulted flailr a' their Tviitkncp, No. 7, Frith Street, Soho-Square, itondon. (kiuntry patients are requested to lie as minute as pnnible in the detail of tbnir cases—the communica- tion mnst be accompanied by the usual consultation fee (if XI and in all rages the most inviolable stcrecy may be relied on. The above Work is Sold at the Cambrian Office. Swan- sea and by all respectable Booksellers, by whom it is sent, post-paid, in a sealed envelope, for 3s. Gd. LONDON FRIENDLY UNION, I ISiSTITI'TIOX, UNDER THE PATRONAGE or THE Right lIon. Lord LYNDHURST, LanD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF GREAT BRITAIN, His grace theDuke of Beaufort, K.G. His grace the Duke of Leeds, K.G. His grace the Duke of Rutland,K.G. His i;race the Duke of Argyll His grace the. Duke, of Buckingham Most noble the Marq. of Huntiy Most noble the Marq. of Salisburv, K. (i. Most noble the Marq. of Hertford Most noble the .Marq. of Downshire Most noble the Marq. of Sliifo Most noble the Marq. of Exeter, K.G. Most noble the Mar. of Northampton Most noble the .Marq. of Anglesey, K. (i. Most noble the Marq. of London- derry Most noble the Marq. of Clanricarde Most noble the Marq. of Ormonde It t. lic-n. Earl of Pembroke Rt. hon. Karl of Denbigh Kt. hon. Karl of Carlisle, K.G. P, t. lion. Eiii-I o,Dalhousn Rt. hon. Karl of Corr;uailis Kt. hon. Karl of Clarendon Rt. hOll, Earl of nirchy Ht. hon. Ival of Liverpool Itt. hon. Earl of Cadoguit Ht. lIOn. Earl of Clan Kt. hon. Ead of Kandon Rt. hon. Kail of Charleville Rt. lIOn. Earl of llarewood Rt. hon. Karl of St. Germains Kt. hon. Karl of Bradford Ht. Ion. Earl of Listowel Rt. hon. Viscount Barringtoti Kt. hon. Viscount Hawarden It t. lion. Viscount Gnire Kt. hon. Viscoiini Lfike Kt. hon. Viscount Rrr-if 'rd, G,C.B. Rt. hori. Viscount Villiers Kt. hon. Viscount Mahon Kt. hon. Viscount Alford ltt. lioji. liscount Nor-tiilaijd Kt. rev. Lord Bishop of Llanrlntf I Rt. rev. Lord Bishop of Chichester ltt. rev. Lord Bishop of St. David's I Kt. rev. Lord Bishop of Deny fit. hllll. Lord Camoys It t. hnn. Lord Willoiigliby de Broki ltt. hllll. Lord Be-umunt lilt. hon. Lord Petre jRt. hon. Lord Stourton Rt. hon. Lord Kinnaird Rt. hon. Lord Montford jRt. hon. Lord Sondes It t. hon. Lord Kenyon lit. hon. Lord Lilford ltt. 1,-)rd N] aed,)Yi -,Iti Rt. hon. Lord Feversham j Kt. hon. Lord Wynfovd jRt. hon. Lord Brougham ar.d Vaux tRt. hon. Lord Dinorben int. hon. Lord Howden Rt. hon. Lord ilathet ii .j jRt. hon. LotdStra?r" jRt. hon. Loid Colbor; e .Rt.hon.Lord.Manners jilt. hon. Lord Manners Rt.h?n.LordF.Hs-crton Rt.ho)i.L..rd\V.ro??tt iHt. hon, Lord Walpole Kt. lion. Lord C. Fitzroy Rt. lIon, Lord R. Grosvenor Kt. hilI). Lord P J. If. Stiliti-t Ki. hon. Lord C. Beauelerk Ht. hon. Lord C. TllwlIs!Jfnd Rt. hon. II. M. Pierrepoint The hon. II. Fitzroy The hon. R. Fitzgibbon The hon. C. Ponsonbv, M.P. The hon. II. Arundel The hon R. Cavendish The lion. A. Capel Sir T. H. E. Broadhead, Bart. ISirT. B. Kennard, Bart. Sir !<.P.?)vnn,Bart. Admiral Sir P. 11. Durham, G.C.B. Adiiiit;il Sirl'. I]. I)urliani, G. C B Lieut.-(Jen. Sir J. S.fBarnes,'G C.B. Lieut.-(ten. Sir E. Kerrison, M.P. Lieut.-Col. North Her Graf." Dowager Duch. Beaufort Most noble Marchioness Hastings jMost noble Marchioness of Exeter Most noble Marchioness of Sligo Rt. hon. Countess of .Jersey Rt. hon. Countess of Pomfret :tt. hnn. Countess of Clarendon Ht. hon. Cnnnt"3 of Cadogan Kt. lion. Countess of Charleville Rt. hon. Dowager Countess Nelson Rt. hon. Dowager Countess of Clare Rt. hon. Countess Grey Rt. hon. Countess Stradbroke HI. hon. Viscountess Harrington fit. hon. Viscountess Sydney !lt. hon. Viscountess Ashbroke Rt. hon. Viscountess Keith Rt. hon. Viscountess Beresford Rt. hon. Viscountess Anson Rt. lion. Viscountess Sandon Rt. lion. Dowager Lady Clinton >{t. lion. Dowairer Lady Grey Rt. hon. Lady Petre I Rt. lion. Lady Foley Kt. hon. Lady Carteret fit. hon. Lady Waterpark lit. hon. Lady De Blaquiere Ilt. hon. Lady Maryborough Itt. hon. Lady Feversham Baroness North Rt. hon. Lady St raff) rd Rt. hon. Lady .Jane Muirhcad Rt. hon. Lady Fitzroy Somerset Rt. hon. Lady Laura Fitzroy Rt. hon. Lady Townshend Rt. hnn. Lady nl"reYs Rt. hon. Lady I. Fitzgibbon R'.ht'n. Lady Walpole. Rt. hon. Lady < Barrit?ton It I, hllll. Lady George Murray I Rt. hon. Lady Wenlock Kt. lion. Lady Stepney Kt. hon. Lady M. Ross The hon. Mrs. Cavendish The hon. Mnl. Ponolluy The hon. Mrs. Legge The hon. Miss Byng I Lady Kerrison Right Hon, Sir R. PEEL, Bart., M,P., First I,,)rd of the TrMsttty. The Right Hon. Earl of Aberdeen, Her Majesty's Principal Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, 10s. QUARTERLY, 2s. 6d. To give employment to Industrious Artizans, by a Distribution, Four times :i year, viz.in March, June September and December, of CABINET FURNITURE, from the Cabinet HOSIERY, from Nottingham Trailing- Society In SILKS, manufactured in Spitaltields. BLANKETS, from Witney Each article varying in value, from 10-4. toC20. The NEXT DISTRIBUTION will take place on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15tll, 1842. The Society require no gift or donation for their | | The funds are expended in giving Employment t° support, every Annual Subscriber being entitled to an Industrious Artizans, and disti ibuting the produce o article of their manufacture. their labour among the subscribers, which under the A subscription of 10s. and upwards, constitutes a I present, great depression of trade, gives a stimulus to yparly subscriber, who will participate in each dis- their industry. tribnt?tn according to the amount of his subscription, All Letters for subscription receipts, enclosing the and who if LH should not have obtained an article I amount, will be answered by return of post. during the year, will be entitled to one, the value of Secretary, Mr. W. CROFTON, 71, which will depend on the amount he has subscribed. I Leadenhall-street. Receipts for Subscriptions to be had at the Society's Establishment, 71, Leadenhall-Street. RKSL'KCTAULK AI.KNTS WANTED. COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE ANNUITY* FAM ILY ENDOWMENT, AND L () A N A SSOCIATIO N, 112, Chcapside, London. CAPITAL, £ 500,000, in Shares of £ 50 each. Deposit, .412 per Share- DI II ECTOR, AUDITORS, ETC. Henry George Ward, lCsq., Gilstone Park, Chairman John A>hvin, Esq., Dulwich Adam Duff, Esq., Moiden Hill, BlacKheath Heniv Hind Edwards,Esq.,Park Village, Regent'sPtrli Edward Evans, Esq., 2, Stone's End, Borough Cbarbs Green. K-.q., 147, Leadenhall-street ,/oim Glenny Gordon, Esq., ,S), Upper Gower Street Richard Pope. Esq., 11, North Terrace, Camberwell Samuel Warren, Esq., F.K S 12, King's Bench Walk, Temple George M'e! strr. sq.. Dulwich .lames Johnson, M.K.C.S O. North riace, tiray s Inn. E,nlIIns Roberts-oil, Esq., Serie Street, Lincoln's Inn Anthony Peck, Esq., B A., Catherine Hall. ThomasMarsh Nelson, Esq.?, Charles Street, Jaines's Square John Foster Elmslie, Esq., 3, Copthall Buildings, City- Messrs. Ly, Mutlins, and Paddison, ], Great James- street, Bedford-row. Mr. Henry Valentine Smith, 37, Golden Square j Frccferic Lawrance, Esq., Resident Secretary. Rates of premium calculated on as low a scale as is i consistent with the safety of the assured aud the, sta- bility of the Company. A septennial division of the profits either in the way of bonuses or in reduction ot premiums' two-t ilLds to the assured and one-third to the proprietors. A system of loan upon personal or other securities, provided the party borrowing assures his life for double the amount he receives. Policies which shall have, been assigned six months as a bona fide security, not void by death, from suicide, duelling, or the hands of justice. No tiiti-iince fee or other charges beyond the policy stamp. AllmattPTs in dispute (where no fraud is suspected) referred to arbitration. Claims payable three months after death, or earlier 0:1 receiving a discount. A liberal commission to all parties bringing business. Premiums payable yearly, halt-yeaily, or quarterly. i Medical referees paid by I he office in every case re- ferred to them for their professional opinions. Interest at the rate of 5/. per cent, allowed on the; paid-up capital. Applications for the remaining Shares, Agencies, and Prospectuses, 10 be made to thp Secretary, 112, Chcapside, or at the WELSHMAN Office, Carmar- then. FREDERIC LAWRANCE, Secretary. THE TJAil S :%■ €510.4. 1 HOWQUA'S AND MOWQUA'S CELEBRATED TEAS. BY APPOINTMENT. I'& 9p 0 MIX I"t fare B.1, ckTEAS zsl 0W:, CZZZI V, FS- e r4 -Z r. F' I TBlitE important consequences likely to ensue to this Country fromtbewarHke operations in the ?reat Tea Mart of the world, have deepiyoccupicdthe minds of BROCKSUPP, HOW, and Co., who watch the events closely, with a view to do the utmost possibls justice to their iiii,i,erous conm etions, as well as to maintain the eminent character which their Teas have acquired throughout Great Brita n and !re)and. They have naturally been apprehensive that circumstances might arise to interfere with their supplies of the celebrated Teas which they import.but they have the satisfaction to announce that they have just rect ived from Canton a very large consignment from llowqua, the celebrated Ilong .Merchant, of the Black "lea so well known as his mixture, as well as of the Mowqua's Small Leaf Gunpowder, which they are enabled to offer without any enhancement of price. The Howqua's Mixture, t,f Forty rare black Teas is now sold at (5s. per lb., and the Mowqua small-leaf Gunpowder at 8s. 7-id. per lb. CAUTION.—The above Teas can only be genuine in the urigillal Chinese catty, half-caity, and quarter- catty packages. A catty contains one and a third of a pound, being nearly 22 ounces English weight, and to prevent, fraud and adulteration are secured with the seals of IIOWIJUH and Mowqua, Mer- chants, at Canton. These Teas are so thoroughly established, that to enlarge on their met its is perfectly superfluous. In consequence of the many applications of our nu- merous Ag-uits from all parts of the country, to sell Teas of a different class than the celebrated HOW- QUA'S MIXTURE, and Nl()N"QUA-S SMALL LEAF GUNPOWDER, we have undertaken to do so, and have selected from our extensive Stock, such Tens which we have imported from China, as will ensure a ready Sale, and give general satisfaction. I" order to prevent the possibility of our Teas being adulterated hy a mixture, with any inferior sorts and for the accom- modation of our Friends and the Pullllc. we have packed them in lead cases, retaining pounds, half- pat- b-e d t l ieiii it) It.a(i f,its(i pounds. quarters, and 2 ounces, with the price on one end and our seal on the other. Southwark, London. AGENTS SPKCIAI.I.Y APPOINTED rolt THIS CIRLTI7. Carmarthen, Agent wanted L'andovery. D. Al. Protheroe, Tea-dealer, Kuig s Road Welshpool, Moses Evans, do. Wrexham, J. S. ,To inson, Town-hill. Newport, Monmouthshire Mould, William Pring, Bookseller. CowbridgP. D D ivies, Bookseller Swansea, C. T. Wilson, Castle-Square Dowiais,David Lewis Monmouth, C. Hough. Bookseller Dealers, (\nfectioners, Stat.ioners, &e. desirous of becoming Agents may apply as above. IMPORTANT I^TEUSGENSE!! EBLEY, NEAR STROUD, C.LO UCKS TERSJIIRE. NOTWITHSTANDING the reduction which have taken place, not only in the fine Saxon wools, but cost of manufacturing, it is a well known fact that the price of West of England cloth, TO THE coNSi MER, has met with no corresponding uductiun; and those who pro- fess to reform the Tailor's bills, do so only by substituting: a Yorkshire cloth, by which they obtain a still greater profit; both these causes are detrimental to the inte. est of the West of England Manufacturers, by introducing, for economy, those deceptive, counterfeit, and badly wearing fabrics, made from a mixture of what is called SHODDY, which gentlemen would never use if cloth of te¡-Jing qua- lity could he procured, at a moderate price. But so enor- mous are the profits required by the RF.TAH.KRS of cloth, and the trade is confined to so few hands, that this desirable object can only he obtained by haiiil, the cloth direct from the manufacturer. In order to cive .this svstem a trial, we have lately supplied our private friends with sm^.c cloths, at exactly the same price we sell wholesale to the Loudon Factors and the consequence has been that, from I the difference of cost to them, we have had such a steady increasing demand from private recommendation, that we have determined to give the public the benefit of so advau- tageoi-is a system. We have conrined our operations to Black cloth only, and we have two qualities of fiueness j-the cost of our BEST SAXONY broad cloth (of which it takes If yard to make a dress coat ;-2 yards for a frock coat, or for a dres coat and waistcoat) is lOs. 6d. per yard—this is a splendId cloth of the best manufacture, and one I most confidently recommend for its superior texture, and the beauty of its finish. The price of our FINE S iXON\ clotli (requiring the same quantities for the above purposes) is ooly 12s. üd, per yard;—this article is far superior to the cloths generally used, and is particularly recommended where substance and durability are desired, lhecost of a coat made in the best style from the FINE SAXONY cloth will not exceed £i. And a coat of the BEST I SAXONY will he obtained at less than Fifty Shillings the dilference between these prices, and those paid by thet public, constitutes the enormous profits of the ichotesak and retail dealers. We also offer black Cassimens for tronsers at equally low prices; two yards and six nails is the usualleogtlt required our BEST SAXON Y is only 6s. 9d. and our FINE SAXONY 5s. gd. per yard. These cloths aredoublt- milled, and warranted of the best colour, and not to spot, or shtii;i;, or wear rough. Any other leapt!.s required mil be supplied. It is evident, therefore, that in family mourning, and to professional gentlemen, the saving will be very con- shlerp.ble and as Black is undoubtedly the mont respectable, so it may now hccome the cheapest wear and in oider to prevent the possibility of bnpositiou, every parxel, hoover snv.ll, is MARKED as follows ;-the 13EST SAXU.N i Broad Cloths and Cassimeres are all sealed with liLt I WAX, and labelled with a bill of parcels printed In BLUE INK. The FINK SAXONY Broad Clot" and Cassiuieres are all scaled with RED WAX, and labelled with a hill of parcels printed in RED INK. By this distinction any person, although he may be uo judge of cloth, will be able to know the quality at first sitrht. The facilities afforded by the introduction of the penny postage, and by the remittance of small amounts by money orders, to be procured at any post oflice, it the charge of 3d. if under L' or from X2 to L5 only 6d.—will give the public the first opportunity they have ever hid of obtain- ing real West of England cloth direct from tne Manufac- turer, of such superior quality, and at such a moderate pric,ns cannot faii to give the greatest satisfaction. I feel confident that the system needs but one trial to merit aud ensure a continuance of your approbatioi and \our recommendation. I sha'l esteem the lavour of your commands, and remain, Sir, Your obeaifnt servant, JAMES HENRY LEWIS. AGENTS. C A 9t ? A ES?BE 3': ?. Mr. J. L. mUGSTOCKE, ???SV??i.V (9F?7C?. I LUDLOW— Mr. William Felton, Bookseller, King-street MONMOUTH-Mr. J. H. Glover, Draper, Agincourt- square: HEREFORD — Mr. R. Hardman, Journal Office, Broad- street. GLOUCKRTER- Mr. Tlios. Spier, Hatter, &c., near the Bank, Westcate street. WORCESTER—Mr. It. Baker, Hatter, Hosier, &c., 10, Broad-street, 56, Foregate-street. BIRMINGHAM-Mr. James Syson, Hosier, 50. Higb-st. WOLVERH AM PI ON — Mr. Edward Gibbs, Hosier, 8,,t: Market Place. LONDO -Orders received and goods deUvered, free of expense, at 1 K5. Strand. Persons desirous of obtaining agencies for other towns will do well to make immediate application. The requisites are, well-known integrity and a good situation for busi- ness, the expense, uoue, the trouble very little, with a fair remuneration. MOKE INJURY TO THE WOOL GROWERS. "A practice now prevail* mnongst Hutw ol the oiks! ire woollen "loth maimfacuuers of Jimctidtin g 01<1 woolkn rags from the collectors of sue.: article#, which ihey lear to pi« ce% as to make the corrupt lI1a>" wear the appeaiancc of fch«»rt wool Ihi. tluy mix with longer wool, spin, atul divus up, so ihai the cloth appears to the rye ami hai*rt ae glossy, cu>se, and fine, a. a neniiitif article, !Jllltbc wear is quite another question. The imposition upon the public is one of a' least twentj-five per cent. This piactiee is worthy of the attention of the Legislature, it it be not 11lJ"aiY illeglll-fol the public »re cheated, the consump- tion of wool is lessened, and the prices pulled down Vt.ry ie- ceotly, a gentleman 0:' this city witnesM-rt the delivery of about twenty packs of the articie alluded to, to a manufacturer, hear Leeds."—Carlisle Paper. 1 Copied from the Carlisle Paper of August, 1942, I Copied from the Morning Chronicle of Feb. 25th, 1842. The Honourable Member lor Knnreshnrough (111 orkshlre) desc-ibing the baud* practised by Yorkshire manufacturers of, woollen broad cloths and "ssiir)eics. obseives that—44They are in j t ie h ihit of collecting all the old and tainted woollen rags they call obtain, tearing them to pieces by a :aachi«:e called the De»il" and mixing them with the wool. This corrupt inas?-# made from djWflSd rags, is so det^stod by the working people i employed in the manufacture of the cloth, thai they c;?. tiud no j more suitable name for it than the iterWt dusti and by the ii'ineof Of nil's aunt it is accordingly kiiO-vu. Many ot the nia- nufacturers in Yorkshire put such large quantities of this Devil's du.st into their cloth, that their foreign trade has become allllu,t ruitled. II, fa, t they use n" won? wool than what is ahsolutel llet'l'3ary to keep the Deril's dust together, In consequence of the disgraceful frauds practised by the northern manufacturers, their goods nave become so bad as to be considered almost worth- lens ill theeyes of foreigners."—Extracted from the Honorable Jlr, Ferrand's Speech, BUDD AND BLETCHLY, Carriers by the Great Western Railway, MORNINGS AND EVENINGS, TO and from the ANGEL t\?. FARRTNGNON-STRFET. O LONDON, and RI,ETCHLY'S W AREHOGSF" THu MAS-STREKT, BRISTOL, from whence poods are f'>> j warded without delay to all parts of IRELAND and SOLTH WAI.E' fis r,Ftv be ordeted. A ~o Extra. ( Carting and Sh'ppinq al the. IlotwelVt. | Please Order by BUDD and Co., from the ANGEL INN, FARRINGDON-STREFT, N.B. Goods Carted in from any part of the Cities by a line addresed to J. BLETCHLY, BRISTOL, or Biuo and Co., London. A 11 Empties returned with care and free of Carriage. Bristol, Sep. lOth, 184 IMPILIA BOOTS, I T AV[NG a r/??/'?.v?, liair meelirrii(-a l lv HAVING a preparation of Horse Hair mech?nica!!y an(I iinpereeptibiv c,?mpr"e,,l the iiiii,:r and outer Soles. Aoot ancI Shoes nn this prinripV repel the. wet, and absorb the perspiration, are elnstir and comfortable, an:) no cold nor damp can penetrate fhein. For tender feet or corns they are perfectly luxurious —tlie wearer may tread the roii^lie.Ht pave- ment without inconvenience; they do not creak, ami are equally cheap, and much more durable than those made in the ordinary way. Manufactured by T. Gullick, 41. Warwick-street. Regent-street.—Respectable Boot-M akers in each town j may have licences, on moderate terms, on application to Josiah Towne, Esq., Knightsbridge. TESTIMONI ALS. From Anthony White, Esq.. late President and one of the Examiners of the College of Surgeons "I can with mnd. satisfaetion recommend to the public the hoot or shoe which is denominated ■ Impilia.' Its peculiar advan. t-ifres overall other boots or shoes arc, that it is impermeable to wet and damp, always Rives an n^re.'able and constant warmth to the feet is also rlnstic, and is admirably "Ibpted to tender and cripplcd feet, from gout or other maladies." "ANTHOXV WHITE." April C. 1 From Dr. Paris, of Dover street, Ldiiu.m :— "I have examined and worn with comfort rtnd satisfaction, shoes conatruct, ri with intermediate soles of felt, to which yon have bestowed the name Impilia.• They, undoubtedly, pussess an elasticity and capacity of adaptation to ttie form of the foot not possessed by ordinary shoes, mriii they have the rare merit uf not creaking. They are, mori over, warm and drv. -'J. A. P,kRl' M.D." From J. n. Andrews, Esq., one of the Council and late President of the College of Surgeons: — "1 have worn, for some time, the new Patent Boots called I Im. pilia,' with much comfort and satisfaction. I find the boots possess ureat elasticity, evenness "f pressure, and I am enabled to walk a greater distance without inconvenience." j. U. A.N D R' :I'S. "April 2'1, 16-40." Froill Dr. Roots, Russell-square, l,ondi)n Dear Sir-l hhve now worn, for some tife, n pair of boots ivilh intermediate snles, which yon term Impilia.' They are admirably adapted for the ease and comfort of tender feet, and the elasticity ot their tread is veiy pleasant. 1 can with confidence recommend them for general use II. s. ROOTS, ¡\I,D," \V. B iker. Esq., April 2.r), 184-2." From Dr. Ilodgkin, Lower Brook-street, London*.— H ving not only examined, but put to the proof of experience, the patent soles Invented by my friend Wm. Halter, M.R.C.S., and termed 'Impilia,' I have no hesitation In saying that they are a very derided improvement on the common method of con strnction. i hey are not only much more a^teeable to the sole of the foot, hut promote a warm and uniform temperature, as well as freedom from damp, whether entering from without or deriveil ram the feet. "Oth .jl)) lnonC, lS,t1." "THorAS HODGKIX, M.D." "Wth 4th month, 1S42. (From John C. Taunton, E?q., M.RC.F.,4S, Hat- ton-Uurden.) I have worn Wt!) satisfaction the Boots with the intermediate ?o'fsc'f'impi?.' They "re worn with more comf,)rt ,adrl themse.ves beUer to the turm of the foot, and are impervious to wet." "JOHN C. TAUNTON." The Itch crrd all Diseuses of the Skin cured by One Box of DR. BLUNDF.LL's PROPHYLACTIC OINTMENT. DR. BLCNDKLL. late of St. Thom?"'< and <?.y's Dti.psl)itai, London, has the pleasure to announce that all who may have the misfortune to labour under «■—^ nf'lie Skin. Mi di as Riuirjvorm. Itch, k-c &('. SI-iii s ltipn may he <?\'rmany cu.r.. ny usrn?onp n?x o? ?r. rs? s celebrated PROPHYLACTIC O?TMttT. which, during the last Twenty years, has cured some thousands of patients of all asres. and of both sexes. This invalnahlc remedy is sold in Boxes, Three Shillings, Seven Shil- lings. and Half-a-(iuinea each. Dr. Bl'mdell will, on the receipt of a Post Office Order for the quantity required, drawn iu tiis favour, on the Branch Post Offiee, Blackman-street, Soutli- wark, immediately remit the remedy to the patient, with jeo^jxjus directions, to any part of Great Britain and Ireland. LIKEWISE, The Tape, Thread, (llld other Ilorms inf-sting the Human Stomach and Bowels, immediately destroyed by taking DIl. BLUNDELL'S PROPHYLACTIC WORM POWDERS. I" Ill-,RF, are few maladies infesting the alimptitair 1- canal, more distressing than the Thread and Tape Worms, and which frequently lay the foundations for orsrsnic as well as functional disorders that under- mine the. system and speedily bring the sufferer (par- ticularly If ,,f ;l delicate constitution) to an early grave. These pow-rters are st safe and efficacious remedy for every specie of worms that generate and -rAv in tl"' Stomach and Bowels they are so mild and innocent in their operation, that a child of a mouth old may take I lieir, without danger. They also form all excel- lent aperient medicine, and no mother of a family should be without them. S-,Id in Pa,t, t t%vo sliillinzs -aell. -it,.d )n t,io, receipt of that slllll post-paid, in a sealed envelope, Dr. Blundell will remit thern by return of post to j any part'uf her,Majesty's dominions. DR. BLl'NDELL s ANALEPTIC FEMALE HLLS. | T H ESE PtLLS I¡HP, during upwards of 30 years' Tpt,ivitte all(i i practice, been found the most usefn) remedy against the ceneral complaints Fema'es are frequent!? subject to. They c)easeaud purify the hh-od.cause? full and free circuiati(m. invigorate the spirits, produce the healthy periodical function, re moving all uterine obstructions restore lost appetite cure palpitations of the heart, and will be found very serviceable to females of all age%. These pills are sold only by the proprietor, in boxes, accompanied with proper directions, vul] on the re- ceipt of three. shillings, in a sealed envelope, remit a box per return of post, to any part of the empire. Dr. BI.TJNDELL rnav be consulted by letter upon all diseases, and medicines will be forwarded with the greatest care and secrecy, upon receiving a post-office ot-dei, for one guinea, which wi'l he considered a suffi- cient sum to cure the putient of his or her complaint. •Adcjre&s—Dr. Blundell, Physician, Accoucheur, 17, Benr.et'f, buildings, Newington Butts, Louden. All unpaid letters refused. I'l'BMSHED, the 12th Edition, Trice '2s. fid. in a Sealed Knvelope, and sent Free to any part of the Kingdom on receipt of a Post Office Order f..r os. 6d., THE SILENT PHIKT'I); a Medical Woik, en Nervous I)t?l)ii;ty. aii(I its a tendant sympathies, and dangerous consequences considerei, and on disorders arising from a vitiated state of the blood, with means of restoration lhe deleterious influence of mercury on t'w skin is fully pointed out, IInd the Work is embellished with ten fine Knuravines, followed by observations on Marriage, fcc., ftc. by R, and L. PKRHY and Co, Consulting Surgeons, Birminf- ham end Leeds. Published by the Authors, and Sold by Strwr.ee, 21, Paternoster-row Wilson, 18, B U ho^s^aO'-strect ru rk i! f'omptoe.-street. Soho Jackson and Co., KsO, New Bond-street, London and bv Guest, .M, i5ull street, IVuminpham Huckton, [JO, liringate, Leeds and by all Booksellers In Town and Coun- 'ry ?The CORDIAL BALM 0F SYRIACUM is a Le?ll, ?ti?,,I?nt renovator of the impaired functions of life, and is th- refore c.d- i nlated to affoid decided relief to those who have fnilen into a I state of chronic debility It is lor these that Messrs. Perry and ) Co., Surgeons, particularly designed their Cordial Halm of Syriacnm. A perseverance in its use has been tle happy means of relieving many thousands, and uf resloring II great number to the permanent enjoyment of life. As nothing mm be better adapted to help ntli nonrish the con- stitution, as there Is nothing more generally acknowledged to he peculiarly efifcacious in all inwaid wasting*, loss of appetite, i indigestion, depression of spirits, trembling or shaking of the hAnds or limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of hreath; or cc-Yi- snmptive hahitg; and Is sin;(\1la-.ly efficacious in disorders and ill- dispositions where the strength is impaired, or where the viscera and other parts are too much relaxed and deprived of their pro- per tone, t-xerting their influence over the whole nervous system, promoting and lestoring the secretions of nature into proper order, at d re-establishing good health, howevei much debilitated.. old in Bottles at lis., 01 four times the quantitv in one bottle for ."3*. Mal be had of all Medicine Venders in town and coun try. Obseive the signature ot R. and L. Perry on tbe st imp -»n the outside of eath wrapper. The Five Pound casl's may be ha.1 as usual, at either ot the ESla1-lishm..nts, 1Il.s,s. Perry expect when consulted by letter the usual fee of One Pound, withunt which, :io notice whatever can lh'ta\¡e!1 of the communication, (postage pie-paid.) Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their oases. ° PERRV'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, price 2s. 9d. 4s. tid., and I is. per box, are of the most importance to those afflicted with scorbutic affections, ei nptions oil any 1) t ot the body, ulcerations, scrofula, &c., being ju tly calculated to cleanse the blood from u:1 foulness, counteract every morbid affection, and restore weak and emaciated constitutions, to pristine health and vigour. lII..sllrs. Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consllltNj as umal at N'o. 44, AH lou street, Leeds, aud No. 4, Great Churtes-stree', Uiimir.^liam. Only one personal visit is rcQ-jire-i from a coun- (ry patiei<t 10 enable Mess.5. Perry lA give saeh advice as will be the means of eljtctio-i a permanent and effectual cure, after all other means have p. overt inefiet tual. N.B.—Country Druggists, booksellers. Patent. Medicine Ven- deis and e\ery other ijiiopkeeper, .-an be with any quan- tity of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills auo ConJldt Kalra of S) r- iacum, with tie usual allowance to tLe trade, by most uf the principal wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London. ) Sul(I by Ntr. Kvan». at the JocaNAt Olff-e,C'A»«AiiTII*N.

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