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F93EI0N CORN, CATTLE, &c. j AMEHICAV BEEF.— A l.irvre quantity of pickled beef WIS offered in Newtown, \Iunrgnmpryshire, last week. said to be of excelleiit iuil,:Lv, at ,Li. and SAd per lb.— < rr<;u Herald, Pagan, a Scotch breeder, has visited the Continent, and brought back consolation tor such as like to believe him. (lorii he says, •• may be snt by the foreigners, but they will have little else to seiici therefore the Uridsh farmers need give themselves little uneasiness on that head." IMPOKTATIOM OF CATTLE INTO GUERNSEY.— The Assembly of Chief Pleas has passed the following ordi- nances:— 1 hat no foreign—therefore no Endish-IJUll s.iall be imparted without the permission ot the court, under pa;n of a fine of 100 Heres tournois, and the confis- cation oi the animal. Th t all foreign female calves, heifers and cows. imported intf' the isLIII!. shall be uLlrked with the letter F on the left shoulder and right thiirh, by being branded with a hot iron. That on the arrival of such cattle to the island, infor mation thereof shall be given to the harbour-master before they are allowed to quit the quay, under a penalty of :30 tiiit they shall there be branded under his di,ec¡!ot1, the importer paying lOti. per held for the cost j ,It" the operation. That such cattle "ban he s LlljlThtered within six months ol their importation, under a penalty tit li.'i) !r,'< r ,r!i"I. That all calves horn oflbieign mill in the island, shall be slaughtered within tvvo months of their birth." The act which they have p?ssed will "atisfv no one, and must o'fber exist as a dead letter, or be speedily and ur.conilitfcnn.iy repealed.— Guernsey Star. The t.-ade <»f i.ogiand with Hamburg will suffer from the treatv which our Government has made with the Of tie St"de King of Hatiowr for the settlement ofthe Stade duties; j a-id principal disadvantage will tall upon cur woollen and worsted exports. — !bU'. I MMBKK OF CATTLE IMPORTED INTO KN'OR.AND, AND TiiE AVOl NT t-) F DUTY P I Y THEREON, FROM JoLY 1 2 j i- if) cows i t< 1 7 7 ''7 cal ves '? HiS 2 ;? ;W H 0 2d5 sheep ;?(j 14 0 5 lambs ■' 0 !» 5 I.?.wme 3. 11 5 Total duty X'o!) 5 '0 1.VCON AND K \\ts KNTKRr.D AT THE 1>ORT Of LOS- ] DuS BETWEEN Jt'I.Y 9 AND SEPT. li>, 1S !2. CWt. tp'S. lb. j F:om Prussia—baeon 0 1 25 -ha[n ?'. ?.' ? 2 17 Fri m Germany (principally Hanover) I I Hanseatic Provinces (320 0 27 I Spain and Portugal. 22 3 1.3 United States 10-'3 0 '23 Other places 5 2 19 my 2 0 1 lie following very complete ca,e, suppoi ted by the facts oi the lasr six weeks, against the sitypei-.il se(i,e of the present min istry, in;ide oiit bv ttit- Po"t., Kvt-i v one knows that a large quantity of foreign corn has !wn, within the last two months, added to our own home supply, which was of itself unusually abundant. What is the first consequence? A very great fall in pr:. e. What next > Why this—that taking into account the sum paid for the foreign corii-tiie cost of importation — t!ie charges for warehousing—and the duties paid to tne Crown—the interest of money and incidental expen- ses the total cost to the merchants of the foreign corn of v» Inch they have possessed themselves, is computed to he rrom twelve to fifteen hundred thousand pounds more than it is now worth in the British market. The holders ol the corn nu st either make up this sum out of their capital, that is to say, lose it or they must break, and their creditors must lose it. In point of fact, many holders who were rich have become poor, and many have lost more than thev can pay, so that the,; are breaking in ail !• re^tior.s. Still corn is undoubtedly more abundant and much cheaper, but who gets the benefit ? Not the mercantile world certainly, for the shock to general i crcdit is of far more consequence than the diminution ill bakers' bills, which is much less than the diminution in j )!e ??rice ot eoi n. Not the country I:ibOLIr II'or the farmers being dismayed acthc unexpected redt'ction in j th.'prtce ot at Lin(,?pecte(i recit,Lt]Or'. If] fs'ducc wages from one to ttvo shillings per week, and t?,:I,:ce vLa?ze?- froiti o4ie to tt-;o per V.,e(?k, and circumstances, they iv(,Ul(i i-?i?vt? OF Grain'.— In the Lo.iu'cn-aoeks alone there arrived during Saturday and Sunday no fewer than K? vessels with cargoes of grain — viz. from Trieste,' 1 Alexandria, 1 Barletta, 1 Ancona, 2: Archangel, 1 Malta, 1; and Leghcrn, 1. On Friday the number of vessels in the London-ducks was 25S, on Monday they amounted to 283. kcni'i'TioN IN PUICES. — At Wrington, Axbridge, and Baewel!, the rib. loaf of excellent bread is selling for 0d. Prime joints of beef and mutton tnay be bought at j tii' same pi ice for 5.UL to fid. per Ib, The verv best fresh butter is selling for 1 Id. per lh. It is the opinion of the j oldest Somerset farmers that there was tiey r more grass in'hemeadowssofate in tl«- season as now. The Poor- r!ie tilr-:tclo?vs s. lite in ti?.- as Poor- determined to have the best bread: the contracts the\ i.gn»ed to list we-'k were ofl. for the 41b. loaf. — Mark £ ••• ne line American salted is now selling in this clt%, at 4d. per lb. e have seen some — it is remarkably tine, the thickness ot the back varying iron) 7 to 9 inches, we are assured that í: i> well flavoured.— Bristol M-mini, l'be ile;ilt-r- in I.udb/w have received c?'nsj-? derubie quantities of America,! sailed bed and p.?rk (lorab,e salect Le,:t ziii(i p.,rk AMERICAN Im.OI r. — A Liverpool correspondent in- forms us that a contract has been entered into there, for thr* supply ot 5.000 barrels of American flour, to be de- }ivered in Noveiiib(!r, ;it IS?. p,?r (,t,I,i_ is little more than one pen?y per Ib.—?';??.?A'< P'Vt. I'ORF.tGN A very fine foreign ox, one of the first 'imported from Holland under the t.ew tariff, may he seen grn/.ing in the marshes at Greenwich on the r'_cht of Blackheath-hill, and attracts considerable atten- ti li. He is ime ef beasts purchased by Nir. Pepner- c..rtl. a hutdwr in Broad.vay, Depii'ord. lie purchased them eight weeks s ince, and led thein on high pclltlre. c ike, and corn. One was killed yesterday, ami weighed i K) stone, having improved 2.3 stone in eight It c its up handsomely, and proves of first-rate quality, hut tne difference of cost enables it to be sold at the price of Inferior English meat. The remaining beast is black and white, and is neing ihttened by way of experiment. He is a good feeder, and it is expected, from his will j! come up in good form to 1.30 stone at Christmas." DANISH CATTLE.—" We learn from a Danish j?«-itle- i man, well acquainted with the trade and statistiesof Den- mark. that there is every probability of an •••.tensive trade in cattle between that country and England. Tire ealtle !t¡therto s,'nt to H,H'tIhur. arc likely to L: "C'[lt t,J thIs country, as the better n!itrkêè, Arrsng-jrr,er,fs ;ir(? ,lia^ to run i steamers next spring direct fram Tender, in the province I ot S ieswick, and also trom a port in the more northerly1 province of to Hun or London. This wi:¡ raj,, The price ot cat lie m Denmark, Hamburg, and the Baltic mrict reduce it in bngtanrt. Within the lasr few years great improvements have been made in the agriculture o- Denmark. A trade in cattle to England would st ll further accelerate improvement.—Leeds Mercury, A newspaper published in Cornwall has the follc*i' nf Fahnr.idA, Sept. 28. —A person named Isaac* has chartered t.vo vessels, to saii from this port, for the sole purpose of bringing hor,d ca-de from the Peninsula. They are purchased at £ n a-head in Vigo, arid these which have been brought over by the Peninsular Com- pany's vessels are in excellent condition, and could he disposed of immediately to the Southampton butchers so in as thev are landed at Southampton. A Lon.d, salesman, however, takes every head of cattle brought bv the Peninsular boats, and the order for purchasing Spanish beasts is unlimited. Isaacs is about to try to find a market in the West of England. Sir Robert Peel said that not a head of cattle would cross the Bay of Biscay. Hundreds have crossed since the alteration in the tariff; and no one can calculate the extent of such importations. Everything is remarkably cheap at Vigo. The Peninsular Company purchase nearly all the i provisions used on board their vessels, at that port. Eggs are sold there three and four dozen are ) (tailv )!i b,?ird e,,cli vessf,]. 'I'lie Little 1,1, -r- pool, last voy^fp, brought home a large quantity of poultry i for the use of h,- '[he a vesfzt,l of about j !7'5 t"m, has b.'en -?artered to hrin?'from Vii:o to Lon dona cargo of 50 head of cattle, and :is much hepf aid pork as she nn stow. This, is a quarter from which; nothing so extensive was expected." At the I »te Ash ford catt'e market there were several foreign fat beasts, imported from the south of Trance, exhibited, anu which were dbposed of at about £ '2x> per head. At the stock market at Rochester last week, sever,il heasts from Rotterdam, of a very superior kind, were sold at from 3s. bd. to •;«. the stone, being fid. less than English beasts. According to the othcial returns, the number of foreign rattle on which duty has been paid up to the 1/th illst., is at London, 2;o brasts and calves; sheep and iambs, none; nine pigs. At H.dl. 5tiï beasts and calves, 151 sheep, and .>2 pigs.— Hatl Rockif'thnm. The general quot.iti-ns are now from 4d. to 6d. per Sib. lower th m at th<? corresponding market dav last year.— GlulJi! of last Tuesday. M'C'JLLOCHts?tCoRnF'CTFD.—Thcfono?.'in?isan! extract Letter irom an Lnglish get'ileman on Ins tour, j tohs 'riend in London.—"The Scotch friend of Mr. M' CuHocn, who. in hi-tetters in the D7t,7n?r?' ser? said that the taritf would make no great chanste in Eng- land, as there were no cattle on the continent, mllt be very much in error. He might not see the cattle, for in t landers they arc mostly stall-fed, but they have great abundance of grct-ncrors of every kind, and great faci- lities of conveyance. By means of the rivers and rail j roads ot Belgium and Germany, lean stock can be easily conveyed, at a small expense, from the place where raised to the place ot fattening. At Louvr.i.n, for instance, 1 i saw immense numbers of fine pigs going by rail; o id to FIanders, to be fattened. The prices of all kinds are comparatively I --N here, and one tiling is quite certain that, with a free trade, the differences ot price must be reduced to mere freights and tariff. Throu;çh'1l!t;¡U HII- gium I found wages very low: even around Brussels I found that the labourers in the fields, except at particular times, onty receive lOd. a day; and theartizansinthe couiltry-i)-,isoii,. &-c. -only T:ie qme wages are given throughout Germany, a penny or two- pence more or less. I have never yet seen a day soi!: j all is sand or a sandy loan., and the expense of cultiva- tion must be very low. I have never seen more than two in a ploti it, or two oxen. On the upper Meuse I found the two oxen went as fast as was able to walk, from which you may judge of the lightness of the soil. On the way from Aix to Cologne, I never saw more than one ox or one tiorze in a plough. The land here is everywhere rising rapidly in price. An intelligent Ger- lIlan country gentleman .,)1d mo that the average rent of the country, for a considerable distance from Aix-la- j Chapelle, was about seven Prussian dollars, or a guinea the Khiueland acre, and thirty years' purchase was al- • "s t),¡,Ir11el rices i 1 o p.riu N C.u'nr AN LI PROVISION'S. — Si nee onr hot j he Hamburg steamers have brought 3-V remarkably tine bullocks, and the Emerald Isle, frol11 Rotterdam 28 sheep. Sailing vessels also occasionally bring some sh:p- ments of cattle, and both steamers and sailing craft poultry and provisions. Last week, the Soren Windem from Aarhuus, brought five oxen, five cows, and ducks; and the Rob Roy steamer, in addition to live Stock, had three bariels of pork and three barrels of beef. The latter article, of good quality, was selling on Saturday in the sham bles at per lb. The price, we learn, is rising at Hamburg.—Hull Roeldnyhum. ST. XINIAN'S FAIR.-At this fair Sales were not easily effected, and prices were fully Gs. a- head lower than last yea.. SUGACH AN C vrri.K TKYST.—The great annual cattle tryst was held at Slig.ichan, on Tuesday, 20tli of Septem- i her, where the number of cattle exposed was compara- tively large. Although there were many dealers present, yet from the bad reports of the Southern markets, and other causes, they were unusually shy, and in conse- quenee there was but little business done. Tiie market, in short, was very bad, and such as was calculated to ruin the drovers of little capital, who purchased at high rates at the beginning of the season. In comparison with the Portree May Market, that of August was greatly I lower, while the late S'igachan tryst was in a greater ] ratio luwer thell1 that of August at Portree. It is said j that lots of stirks were sold for less than one-half die money paid for them by the exposers in the early part o the year. The only kind which fetched anything ap- proaching the prices of the former markets, '.vas quevs in good condition. There were also some horses and sheep exposed for sale, for which the demand was equally dull. —11 ru/itcle. 1 MPOUTA riox OF STOCK rnont ABROAD.—A the importation of stock from abroad, admitted for home consumption under the new Tariff, cannot fail to be of ureat moment and interest to our readers, we herewith present them with the following table of arrivals at Lon- don and the various out-ports since its passing, up to Saturday last, the Sth instant: — FROM OERM.IXY. lieasts. Cows. Sheep. Pigs. L'>ntlon :!IH) SO 80 13 100.. -10.. — Margate. — Itamsga'.e 1;> — — Total 120 13 j FROM HOLLAND. — oOO Hull 130 38.. 2Lj Total 310 ..10:3.. S15 FROM SPAIN. London JH 30 go — Southampton.. G.. lo — Total IfJ2 120 — It must be observed that some portions of the stock reported above, as sent to HuH, have found their way to the metropolitan market, either alive or in a slaughtered | state; and that, as a matter of couise, those brought to London from Spain were landed at Southampton, aud sent hither per railway, being the quickest and most eco- nomical mode of conveyance; still the number we have returned at Southampton has, we find, been retained by the importers for the local markets. At Devonport, also, about 200 Spanish oxen and cows have been imported and sold in that neighbourhood. From the above it will he perceived that the receipts have already formed a grand total of no less than 2,278 head, a by far greater ?ive beeti luol,? i ,g forwar d to. supply than many parties have been looking forward to. But there is one feature connected with this subject which requires observation—viz., nearly the whole of the beasts, cows, sheep, and pigs, but more especially the former, many of which hiv been killed, owing to their bad state, have suffered far more severely than the English stock from the prevailing epidtmic. 1 h' re was lauded trom a sailing packet to-day the first importation oi stock front France. The number com- prised 20 oxen, the quality of which was the best we have hitherto seen, while thev were in consequence held at high prices. From Hamburg we had, also, 2U oxen, and cows in calf; and, from Rotterdam, 1 beasts and 10 pigs, in very middling condition; but no sheep came to hand from any quarter, on account of the previous arrivals, which only produced 18s. per head, having been disposed of at a great loss. The arrivals of stock from our own districts, at Smith- field yesterday, were very lirge, even the time of year considered, hut they were of an unusually bad quality. From Lincohlshirc; onlv Ion short-horns were received; hut from Leicestershire and Northampton-hire, the sup- ply embraced quite 2,330 short-horns and runts. Fioin other quarters, the receipts were as follows—viz., liiu Scats, homebreds, and runts, from Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire; noo Herefords, Devotis, Irish beasts, and runts, from our western and midland counties; 400 from other parts of England and 20, by sea from Scotland; the remainder being driven from the stall-feeders, cattle-lodgers, niarshmen, &c., near to and within a few miles of London. As might b" allticipated, the extent of the bullock supply had a very depressing influence on the beef trade; in fact, notwithstanding the attendance of buyers was rather numerous, it was not without the greatest difficulty that sales could be effected by the salesmen on any terms. Thus circumstanced, tiley were compelled to give way In their demands, and we have to report the quotations of beef quite 2d. per till), beneath those ri,)te(i ,i, this iay tbt- ,-ei-v Iiigii- est figure for the best Scots being 4s. 2d. per 8lb, and this, too, was obtained in very few instances, while a larue number of the inferior breeds was turned out unsold. Although the numher of sheep was no: large, the mutton trade was very dull, and the prices declined fully 2d per SIb. a clearance not been effl-cted nothing was done in lambs. The supply ot calves was good, and the sale for them slow, nt drooping currencies. In pigs no variation occurred, with a fair supply on oiler.






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