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JUST PUBLIiHBD, The 12th Edition, PRICE FOUR SHILLINGS, AND SENT FREE TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED KINGDOM ON THE HE. OIF THE U.NITFD Xl' CEIPT OF A POST-OFFICE OllDEll FOR FIVE SHILLINGS, THE SILENT FRIEND, AMEDICAI, WORK on the INFIRMITIES OF A THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM, in both sexes; I being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys ?Ay?co! mergy, and the ability of manhood, ere vigour has established her empire;—with observations on the baneful efferts of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION; Local and Constitutional WEAKNESS, NERVOUS IRRITATION, CONSUMPTION, and on tlw. partial or total EXTINCTION OF THE REPRO- DUCTIVE POWERS; WITH MEANS OF RESTO- RATION; the destructive effects of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, and Secondary Sytnptoms are explained in a familiar manner; the Work is EMBELLISHED WITH ENGRAVINGS, representing the deleterious Influence of Mercury on the Skin, by eruptions on the head, face, and body with APPROVED MODE OF CURE for both sexes: followed by observations on the OBLI- ? r?g OF MARRIAGE, and healthy perpetuity; 'wh&dln??"*? the removal of Physical and Con- I)i,q?aliifcatiorts: the whole pointed out to »,« » "SILENT RŒNÐ," to be ?M.??f?M)?* wS?t??? and With assured confi- ytonceof socceu. BY R. and L. PERRY aud Co., CONSULTING SURGEONS, BIRMINGHAM AND LEEDS. fl Published hy the Authors, and sold by STRANGE, 21, ? Paternoster-row; WILSON, 18, Bishopgate-street; PURKJS, Campton-street, Soho; JACKSON and Co., 130, Nev,, Bond-street, London; GULST, StCellIOUSe- lane, Rirmingtow; BUCTON, 50, Briggate, Leeds; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country. The Cordial Balm of Syriacum Is a gentle st;ms}ant and renovator of the impaired functMns of Hfe, and is exclasively directed to the ?ure of sndi complaints as arise<rom a d.sorganization ? ttw Generative System, whether constitntt. nat or ?cqwred, loss of sexual power,_and syph?tc disease; and is calculated to afford decMt'de1tef to tho who I?aarlv indalMnce in soMt?ary ?h?abi?ts ? have weakened the nowers of Sr?tem?nd fallen into a state of chronic debility, by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state,d. that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of 1\f. The consequences an?ng from this dangerous practice are not confined to its pure physical result, bat branch to moral ones; leading the excited, deviating mind hvto a fertile field of sedactive error— into a gradual and tetalgegradation ofmanhood-into a pernicious application of tfeose inherent tights which nature wisely instituted far the preservation of her specieR. bringing on premature decrepitude, and all the habitudes of 610 age;—ssclia one carries. with him the form and aspect of other men, but without the vigour and energy of that season which his early youth bade him hope to attain. How many men cease to be men, or at least, erase to enjoy manhood at thirty? How many at eighteen receive the impression of the seeds of Syphilitic disease itself ? the comequences of which travel out of the ordinary track of bodily aiimefit, covering the "fTame with disgusting evidences of its ruthless nature, anti impregnating the Wholesome stream of life wfthmortal poison conveying into fa- milies the seeds -of disunion and unhappiness; under- mining domestic "harmony; and striking at the very soul of human intercourse. The fearfully aibused powers of the human Generative System require the most cautious preservation; and the debility and disease resulting from early indis- cretion demand, for the cure of those dreadful evHs, that sueh medicines should be employed that are most Certain to be successful. It is for these cases Messrs. prry & Co.. particularly designed their CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACtJM which is intended to relieve those persons, who, by an immoderate indulgence of their passions, have rained their constitutions, or in their way to the consummation of that deplorable state, are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach, as the various affections of the nervous system, obstinate gleets, excess, irregu- larity, obstructions of certain evacuations, weakness, 'total impotency, barrenness, &c. ■ As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the e"otftution, so there is nothing more genierally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward ivastings, loss of appetite, indigestion, depression of wa!itiiigs, loss of appetitt- spirits, trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of breath, or consumptive habits and debility arising from syphilis. It possesses wonderful efficacy in all cases of syptiilis, fits, head- ache, weaknesn, heaviness and lowness of spirits, dimness of sight, confused thoughts, wandering of the mind, vapours and melancholy; and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removed by its use. And even where the disease of STERILITY appears to have taken the firmest hold of the female constitution, the softning tonic qualities of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum will warm and purify the blood and juices, increase the animal spirits, invigorate and revive the whole animal machine, and remove the use impede nient to maternity. This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the MATRIMONIAL STATE, lest in the event of procreation occurring, the innocent offspring should bear enstamped upon it the physical characters derivable from parental debility, or evil eruptions of a malignant tendency, that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence. Sold in Bottles, price I Is. each, or the quantity of four in one Family Bottle for 33s., by which one lis. Bottle is saved. ?reMf? o?y by Messrs. PERRY and Co., Surgeons, 4, Croat (harles-street, Birmingham, and 44, Albion- atreet, Leeds. CW- Observe, none are genuine without the signa- ture of a'.idl-P1fJ impressed on a Stamp on the outside of each wrapper, to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye. The Five Pound Cases, (the purchasing of which will be a saving of One Pound Twelve Shillings,) may be had as usual, at 4, Great Charles^street, Birming- ham, and 44, Albion-street, Leeds and Patients in the Country who require a course of this admirable Medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter, which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advan- tage. May be had of all Booksellers, Druggists, and Patent Medicine Venders in Town and Country throughout the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and Messrs. PERRY expect when consulted by letter the usual Fee of One Pound, without which, no notice whatever can be taken of the Communication Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases,—as to the duration of the complaint, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world no difficulty can occur, as they will he securely packed, and carefully protected from observation, PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PI L T. S, Price 2s. 9d., 48. M., and 1 Is. per Box. (Observe the signature of R. and II. PERRY and Co. on the outside of each wrapper), are well known throughout Europe & America, to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease, in both sexes, inclu- dinggonorrhcea, (ileets, Secondary Symptoms, Stric- t'd™s, Seminal Weakness, Deficiency, and all diseases of the Urinary Passages, without loss of time, confine- ment, or hindrance from business. They have effected I the most surprising cures, not only in recent and severe C83CSJ but whe !;â::vat.1on and ail otl.A" C"n" n' "TOC cases^ but when Salivation and ad otl, have atin are or the utmost importance to those afflicted with Scorbutic Affections, Eruptions on any part of the body, Ulcerations, Scrofulous or Venereal Taint, bfljng justly calculated to cleanse the blood from alj foulnpss, counteract every morbid affection, and restor0 weak and emaciated constitutions to pristine; health and vigour. It is 4 iotti-inglioly fact that thousands fall victims to thjs ftisease, owing to the unskilfuliwswjf illi- terate men who by tile use of that deadly poison, Mer- cury, ruin the constitution, causing ulcerations, blotches on thehpad, face, and oody, dimness of sight, noise in tike ears deafness, obstinate gleets, nodes on the silill hoqcs, ulpppted sore throat, diseased nose, with noc- turnal pains in the head and limbs, till at length a general debility of the constitution ensues, and a me- lancholy death puts a period to their dreadful suffer- ings. Messrs. P-Prry 4nd Co., Surgeons, may be consulted, as usual, at 4, Great Cliarles-Street, (four doors from Easy-row), Birmingtiaiij, and 44, Albion-street, Leeds, punctually from {Sleven in the Morning until Eight in the Evenjng, and on Sundays from Eleven till One. Only one personal visit is required from a country patient, to enable Messrs. Perry and Co. to give such ftdviPe as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure, after jill other means had proved ineffectual. N.B. Country Druggists, Booksellers, Patent Medi cine Vender^, and every other Shopkeeper, can be supplied with any quantity of Perry's Purifying Speci- fic Pills and Cordial Balm of Syriacum, with the usual allowance to the Trade, by most of the principal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London. AGENT FOR CARMARTHEN, WH44AAI PYANS, JUVRJUL OFFICE. ALLNUTTS' FRUIT LOZENGES, For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, lloarseness, SfC., PREPARED SOLELY FROM TIIE BLACK CURRANT. IN the above preparation the acidity of the Black i- Currant alone is introduced, and that in the high. est degree of concentration. The Lozenges may there- fore be strongly recommended (even to persons of the most delicate constitutions), in the above complaints, as they tend to allay inflammation, and particularly to promote a free expectoration. Public speakers and singers will find them of peculiar service. They have been also remarkably useful in cases of the Influenza. The annually increasing sale for the last 30 years of this article, notwithstanding the numerous attempts to equal it, will sufficiently prove its decided su- periority to all other preparations of a similar des- cription. Be careful to ask for "ALLNUTTS' FRUIT LO- ZENGES," prepared only by the Proprietors, Allnutt and Son, Queen-street, Portsea. Sold in boxes, at Is. 1-Vd. each, by all Patent Medi- cine Venders in the Kingdom. PATRONIZED BY THE PROFESSION, JOCE'S COUGII LIOAKELFGES, A MOST certain, safe, and agreeable remedy for i COUGH#, ASTHMA, HOOPING COUGH, SPITTING of BLOOD, and affections of the Chest in general. These LOZENGES have now obtained a preference to all other Cough or Expectorant Medicines, their pleasant taste, certain ettect, and the absence of those depressing principles contained in the Squill and Ipe- cacuanha Roots are a strong recommendation to their Testimonial from the Rev. G. Heywood, Bideford "J h.Wc received advi(-e from many eminent medical ctítí:>oers, and have taken a variety of patent me- nract?t?" have found more relief by taking Mr. dicines, but !,ozenge:s than I have from any other Joce's Cott?h lozenges than I have from any other medical preparation." A6EXTS FOR WALES. White, Chemist, Carmarthen Abergavenny, George; Brecon, Jones Cardiff) Coleman Cardigan, Wil- liams; Chepstow, Davis; .Haverfordwest, Hicks; Llandovery, Goulstone: land -I Williams; Mer- thyr Tydvil, Stephens; Monmouth, Chens; Newport, Williams; Pembroke, Treeweeks; SW, Strick; Tredegar, Davis; Tenby,Freeman. Sold wholesale in London, Barclay nnd C.). Br,istol; Cross and Co., and by the proprietor, J. Juce, Bide- ford. Crossthwaite and Co.'s Occult Lozenges. For the Csre of Colds and Coughs, Influenza, Sore Mouths and Throats, Consumptions, Asthma, Shortness of Breath, Dispersion of Phlegm, Hoarse- ness, Wheelings, and all affections of the Chest and Lgugs, and are orn infallible Remedy for the Hooping Cough. mHE OCCUI.T LOZENGES are & preventive and JL a destroyer of the incipient seeds of corrupt Consumption, and in confirmed Asthma or Chronic diseases of the Chest they afford immediate relief as well as in all Pulmonary complaints. For Hooping Cough they are infallible, generally curing that dreadful complaint in the short space of 14 to 20 days. The composition of these Lozenges is not only agreea- ble, but of so innocc-nt a nature, that they maybe given with perfect security to the most delicate Infant as well as to the robust of aU ag-es., with a positive certainty of success; they invigorate and strengthen the Lungs. Persons occasionally taking them are fortified against Cold and Inflammation. They are also excellent for Clearing the Voice of Public Speakers and Singers. T,vont; years? experience hM placed their benenc!a! te c ts beYOnd the shadow of a doubt, having in no the in?,e? ddribg that long period fallen ?'?' of Ie (eslred result. Prepared (only) b? the Proprietors, CROSsTawAtTE an? Co., 23, Thames Inn, Holborn, London in boxes, price 2s. 6d, each, duty included. N.B.—None are genaine bat those signed by the proprietors on the Government Stamp. Full direct tions for each Complaint, including the method of give in them to Infants, enclosed with every box. Sold by Brigstocke, bookseller; Evans, Journal Office; Jones, Mortimer, White, and W&rron & Son, Dru £ gistsx Carmarthen; Mrs. JeuJkins, DruSrirbt* n d b Ar and by rr. David Ati ,in,ert iyr Tydfil; J. Williams, Cambrinn Office; knd CroteUpy Drug- gist, Swansea; Phillips, Druggist, Cardiff; Price, J)rugist; riridgptid Sainliel, Landllofawr Phillips, Druggist, Haverfordwest; Bowers, bookseller* Tenby Cole, Druggist, Aberystwith: Jones, Druggist, Cardi- gan Williams, Silurian Office, Brecom Davies, Bookseller, Hay; William-st Printed CiickhoweH- Davies, Newport: Briscoe, Wrexham; and by most D r uggists, and Medicine Venders throughout the King- dom. I am happy to inform you that theOccult Lozenges are much approved of in this Town and neighbour- hood—from the satisfactory results communicated to me which have attended the use of them, I think they are an excellent Cough Medicine. I have heard of the Lozenges being very successful in Hooping Cough, in one case remarkabJy so. And I am enabled also to state that the character of the Lozenges stands high I amongst Singers, I have been told by several that they possess in an eminent degree the property of ren- dering the voice clear. "PHILIP HOWMAN." Winchcomb, January ldtb, 1840." I can confidently add my testimony to the efficacy of your Lozenges; the apparently high price at which they are sold presented their Introduction sooner into this neighbourhood; but complaints on the Chest having been very prevalent of late, persons were in- duced to try the effects of the Medicine; and it can be attested without fear of contradiction, that in every instance, after a fair trial, considerable relief his been experienced, and many perfect cures performed. I am myself anxious the Lozenges should find their way into every house, having experienced singular benefit in my own family. I have not heard of their being tried in Hooping Cough, but in violent Colds and Asthma they have literally performed wonders. "G. HOUIITON." Chorley, March 15th, 1810." Fashionable Toilet Requisites. PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY, and confirmed in surpassing excellence by experience. ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL is universally acknowledged as well deserving the sta- tion it now holds of the highest public distinction. It prevents HAIR from falling off or turning grey to the latest period of life; changes grey hair to its original COLOUR; frees it from scurf, and renders it beautifully SOFT, CURLY, and GLOSSY. In dres- sing I-IAIlt, it keeps it firm in the curl uninjured by damp weather, crowded rooms, the dance, or in the ex- ercise of riding. To Children, it is invaluable, as it lays a foundation for a Beautiful Head of Hair. Caution.-Ask for "ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL," and observe that each bottle is inclosed In a NEW ENVELOPE from Steel, on which are their Names and Address in Red, thus, A. ROWLAND & SON, 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Counter-signed, ALEX. ROWLAND. The words Rowland's Macassar Oil," are written on the. back of the Label nearly J)500 times, contain- ing 29,028 letters. The lowest price is 3s. 6d.—the next 7s. or family bottles (containing four small,) 10s. Cd and double that size, 21s. per bottle. ROWLANDIS KALYDOR I I A !DUd and effiden t P rO,tector of the -? nà cm- p le,t,ion from the I)ane.ftil p?? from the baneful ,???r? Cold ? .MH?, or JjMH? .??MO?A«'<.? heals Chi/MaillS, Chaps, and renders the most /)ar.? and rough Skin deUght? fully soft, fair, and smooth effectually eradicates all Pimples, Spots, Reuness, Tan, Freckles, and other Cutaneous Defect: at the same time imparting a healthy Juvenile Bloom, as well as realizing a delicate White JSeck, Iland and 4)'W. In cases of Burns and Scalds, it allays the irritability and reduces the in- flammation. GENTLEMEN, after Shaving, will find it allay the ir- ritation and make the Skin smooth and soft. Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per Bottle, duty included. ROWLAND'S ODONTO, A WHITE POWDER, of Oriental llerhs of the most ddirihijill j)-ay)-anee.-It eradicates Tartar and decayed Spots from tlw. Teeth, preserves the Enamel, a|/d fixes the Tep.¡ finnly in their sockets, rendering them delicately White. Being an Anti-Scorbutic, it eradicates the Scurvy from the Gums, strengthens, braces, and renders them of a healthy red; it removes unpleasant tastes from the mouth, which often remain after fevers, taking medicine, &c., and imparts a delightful fragrance to the breath. Price 2s. 94* per box, duty included. Notice.—The Name and Address of the Pro- prietors, A. ROWLAND SON, O, /LITTON GARDEN, LONDON, arc engraved on the Government Stamp, which ts pasted on the two latter Articles also printed, in red, on the Wrapper in which each is enclosed. Be sure to Ask for Rowland's." Sold by them, and by respectable PERFUMER'S and MEDICINE VENDERS. JUST PUBLISHED, The tlh edition, price 3s.; and sent free, on rctdpt of a Post Office Order, for 3s. 6d; ANFIOOI) the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORATION; addressed to those suffering from the destructive effects of Excessive Indulgence, Solitary Habits, or Infection: followed by Observations on the TREATMENT of SYPHILIS, G ON 0 R R 11 (B A, GLEET, &e. Illustrated with Cases, &c. By J. L. CURTIS and COMPANY, Consulting Surgeons, tondon. SEVENTH EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Balliere, Medical Bookseller to the Royal College of Surgeons, 219, Regent Street; Strange, 21, Paternoster Row, London; Ferris and Score, Bristol; Cambrian Office, Swansea Guest, Birmingham; Sowler, 4, St. Ann's Square, Manchester; Phillip, South Castle Street, Liverpool; Fannin and Co., 4J, Grafton-St, Dublin Drummond, 114, High Street, Edinburgh and Sold in a sealed envelope by all Booksellers. The following- are a few of the numerous testimo- nials this popular work has received, and which the limits of an advertisement will only allow of being published:— The rage for books in all departments of science, literature, and the arts, was, we believe, never so prevalent as at the present time.—The unavoidable consequence of this is, that we meet a very consider- able proportion of indifferent, useless, and even bad books.—With the force of this prejudice on our minds, we with no little reluctance were induced to peruse Messrs. Curtis's work, entitled MANHOOD; nor did it require much perusal fully to satisfy us that the hook was not one of the common stamp.—The scienti- fic views taken by the authors of the source and origin of many of the most distressing effects of certain depraved habits, fully establish their claim to the character of experienced and judicious surgeons.—To quote passages from the work in proof of our assertion would be departing from the established rules of the daily press-Tlie result, however, of our careful peru- sal of the work, has been to impress us with a thorough ) confidence in the talent and skill of the authors, and  to satisfy us that those entrusted with the care of I youth are not a little indebted to them for furnishing them with a means of preventing some of the most frightful maladies to which flesh is heir. Old England. Messrs. Curtis's work, entitled MANHOOD, is one of the few books now coming before the public on such d subject which can lay claim tothe clitracterof being strictly professional, at the same time that it is fully intelligible to all who read it.- The moral and medical precepts giy-en in it, render it fnvaltiable.Ilagnet. The persoal of Messrs. Curtis's book, entitled MANHOOD, has reiilly astonished us by developing a series of maladies, consequence of the vicious habit of whfch it treats.—The clear con- nexion pointed out between the assigned cause and the effects is perceptible to every capacity. We strong- ly recommend the work.-Age. The multitude of books daily comfrtg from the press, some, nay, most of them of a very questionable ten- dency, made us extremely reluctant to take up another. Having, however, been induced by the character given of this work by any intelligent friend, we ventured to open its pages, and now feel no hesitation in sayin" that we rise from its perusal instructed and edified. The clear exposition of the source of many of those diseases, which proves so fatal to youth, and which are set down by the every-day observer as the result of common causes, such as exposure to cold, sudden vicissitudes of temperature, hereditary taint, etc., is truly convincing and extremely satisfactory.— W e say satisfactory," in as much as Messrs. Curtis have shown that many diseases, such as Pulmonary Consump- lion, Epilepsy, etc., hitherto theapprobria of medicine, may, when taken in proper time and submitted to judicious treatment, be brought to as favourable a ter- mination, as any other class of atteetiolls. W(- do not think we go too far in saying that society is deeply indebted to the authors for producing so useful, so much wanted, so valuable, and so truly moral a book.—Con- servative Journal. This is a work that we fear there exists too much need for, to cause us to hesitate to recommend it for general perusal. Every branch of those frightful ma- ladies, whether the result of immoral hnhlts or secret vices, is here succinctly treated, and, divested of all medical technicality, plain and easy directions are given for the best n'ode to be pursued in all vases, however complicated or apparently hopeless. To the married, as well as the Unmarried, this little work alfTte hffords consolation and cure in peculiar cases, end we are doing a in 'oonmmmil- ing li to general notice.—Essex and Herts Mercury. Messrs. CURTIS and Co., are to be consulted daily at their residence, No. 7, Frith-Street, Soho-square, L-inaan. Country Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases; and in all cases the most inviolable secresy may be relied on. Said in Bath, by Mr. Fryer, New Bond Street, and by Ferris and Score, Chemists to the Queen, Union I Street, Bristol, by whom this work is sent in a Sealed Envelope post-paid for 3s. 6d. BRISTOL GENERAL Steam Navigation Company, Office 1, Quay, BRISTOL. THE following STEAM VESSELS are in- J. tended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, to the undermentioned Places, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels. Intended Days and Hours of Salling iIlJring the Month of MARCH, 1842. roil DUBLIN SHAMROCK, Fridays. I Friday, Biar. II 5 after I Friday 18 8J morn i Friday, Mar. 26 aftor I Friday, April 1 •»*' morn I I Returns Tuesdays. I roB. COHK I QUEEN, Tuesdays, VICTORV, Saturdays. I Saturday, Mar. 5 12 noon I Tuesday 8 31 after Saturday. 12. morn Tuesday 1ft il morn I Saturday 19 04 morn Tuesday, Mar. 22 2 after Saturday, _(i ,) after Tuesday vy 7i morn Saturday, April t 10 morn I Return luesdays and Fridays. I FOR WATERrOKD I NORA CREINA, Tuesdays. OSPREY, Fridays. I Tuesday Mar. 8. 3? atter ITI'SdaYl\Jar.B. 3 :lfter¡ T.l" ?' *7a ?morn F,iday .18. 81 morn I Tuesday, Mar. 22. 2 after I Saturday 5 afttr | Tuesdiy 29. n mom I Friday, Apri) ). ? /Rom I I Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR SWAWSSA COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. Tuesday Mar. 8. 4 morn Friday 11 fi morn Tuesday 15. 8 morn Friday 18. iHmorn I Tuesday Mar. 22.ii a?r I Friday 2.34 morn I Tuesday 29. « morn I I riLOT4 SWAWSEA 1 I COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. i Saturday, Mar, li. I after Thursday 10. 0 morn Saturday 12. 7 morn Thursday 1 7. 9 morn I Saturday Mar. )9.t"i morn .?d., 24. I Saturday 26. Ii; mora I Thursday 31. 9?? morn To and from EWPORT, USK, and GLAMORGAN daLny,Sund?yscxccpted. TENBY PATEIT AWD RAVES FOADWSST FROM BRISTOL. STAR. IH ednesday. Mar. !». 5 mor. Wednesday, 16.. 71 morn Wednesday, Mar. 2.1.. 3 after i Wednesday 30.. 8 morn I FROM HAVERFORDWEST, STA R. ) Friday, Mar. II !j morn I ■ Friday 18 t!mOln I Friday, Mar. 4 afte., triday, April I. HI moin FROM TENBY. I STAR. I Saturday, Mar.X..)tt morn  Saturday, 12.. 64 morn Saturday, .19.. J 0 morn I Saturday, Mar. 26.. C morn Saturday, April 2.. 10 iiiot-ii f OH CARDIFF. LADY CHARLOTTE, Monday,Wednesday, & Friday. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance 01 Passengers and Goods.—Female Stew- ards on Board.- *C ari-I ages and Horses shipped with care.—Horses and Carnages to be Shipped Two Hours before Sailing. KSgT Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Oflice, 1, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Paresis, &c. should bq addressedfor Swansea, to W.Terrell and Sons, 33, Hack; J. G. Jones, 12, Quay Streetfor Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare Street Hall, Marsh Street: and for Newport, to J. Jones, llownham Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. Geo. Hughes, Tenby; Mr. Hiteh- ings, jun.. Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Mitford Mr. Bowen, Pater; J.Edwards, Swansea; Mr. pTidham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Ufracombe and Mr. J. Davis, Lynton. NOTICE.-fitc Proprietors or the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Pas- senger's Luggage, (if lost or damaed.) above the value of Five pounds; nor for any Deck Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged,) above the value of 20s. unless ineach case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for tuesame at he time of delivery, nor will they he answlFahle for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged,) unless entered as such and freight in proportion paid for the same at tlii- time of delivery. N. B. Not accountable for any Goods without Ship- pitigNotes.-All letters seeking information to be post paid,




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