FOR the present the Government holds on to its Vivisection Bill, at least Mr. Disraeli says that he will not yet abandon the chanoe of passing it. There is no doubt, however, that If the friends of the doctors in the House adopt the same polloy of obstruction as that with which we have lately been familiar, they can defeat the measure and they will probably not be much deferred from taking this eoursa by the threats of the Spectator that something very muoh worse for them wiU oocar next year if this Bill should not be passed. Mr. Cross has had another deputation from the British Medical Association, asking him to defer the Bill for the present session, and to legislate In a different: sense from that of this j ear's measure, The association is not averse from the passing of an Act for the regis- tration of persons lloensed to per- form vivisection experiments, but it can- ciders that the whole aubject of cruelty to animals should be taken up In another and separate Act. One thing the controversy on this viviieotlon matter has made plain enough, and that la that there are numerous forms of cruelty to animals with which dootors have nothing whatever to do. The picture drawn by Mr. Romanes, of Rots-shire, of the wanen In which hundreds of trapped rabbits were screaming with agony the whole night through, suggests that the subject of cruelty to animals is by no means oovered by the limitations of the powers of the doctors. Then, again, if we were to pursue this matter to its logical end we shall have to deal with passive forms of cruelty to animals ss well as with active forms. This, how. ever, would land us in an almost endless discussion.

WHAT IS occurring just now In New York supplies ID explanation of the popularity of men like Mr. W. M. Tweed, who has had to suffer imprisonment for pecuniary pecula- tions after having been mayor of New York. During the time of the city frauds, when Mr. Tweed and his tet were helping them- selves to the city funds, there was a very considerable amount of public money being spent upon city works, and the expenditure of this money was made a poteut engine of political corruption. Now all this has come to an end, and it seems that those who used to fatten upon former corruption are by no means satisfied at the present state of things. On Monday morning a large number of working-men met in the Central Park, and, after denouncing the city authori- ties, demanded employment on the public works. The excitement is very great, for the present mayor refuses to lilteD to the malcontents, who will, however, in all pro- bability gain the upper hand in the end. The Amerloans are now coming faoe to face with social problems, such as those which French statesmen have to encounter, and which, in their country, can only be kept from coming to an explosive state by lavish expenditure of public money on remunerative or unremunerative public works.

ALL persons interested in prison reform and who consider that it should be carried out, notwithstanding any sentiment which certain visiting justices may have on the ground of patronage, will be sorry to read Mr. Dieraeli's intimation that the Bill must be dropped for the present session. It is so entirely a move in advance in the direction of securing proper and eoonomioal prison dis- cipline, while it beings besides a substantial relief to the ratepayers, that It is a real pity for another twelve months to elapse before it can become the law of the land. At this result the gentlemen of the William Slkes and the Artful Dodger order will have occa- sion to rejoice. At least we assume to, If Mr. Punch really interpreted their senti- ments in his husaenrous aeoount of a sup- posed meeting of these gentlemen in last week's number. Mr. Cross has struggled hard to bring the BUl to the proper stage for passing it, bat the obstructive policy of the Rsdioals in regard to the Education Bill has had the effect of delaying what is in every direction considered to be a good and beneficial measnre. For their services in postponing the Prisons Bill the Radicals de- serve, and will no doubt receive, the thanks of the whole thieving and swindling fra- ternity of this island.

If this oountry there are always persons with money enough and curiosity sufficient to start some form or other of Utopia. Ex- periments in this direction have been almost endless, and the result Is invariably the tarae--failare. It will be remembered that at one of the scientific gatherings last Jear Dr. Richardson drew a pioture of an Ideal city of health, which was to be a model of everything perfect, In regard to its sanitary arrangements, from which all In" toiioatlng liquors, were to be exoluded, and vhloh wss, In fact, to be a paradise of health end longevity. It was not exactly stated that denth was to be banished from this Ideal city, but it was icdtreotly hinted that the elixir vitre might be purchased within its preomcts. The enthusiasm of Dr. Rlohard- aon and bit friends has taken a practical form, and it is stated that a site has been secured in Sussex, where the sanitary city will be laid out and In due time erected. It Is easy to see that provision must be made for earthworks and fortresses to keep off the Importunate crowd, who, if the expe- riment is successful, will be sure to assaii the city In the hope of indefinitely prolong- ing their valuable lives.

IT Is not particularly pleasant for a judge in the position of au Richard Malias to have to admit that he has been bitten by relations In Peruvian Bonds. It seams that Mr. Twycross—who, If he b the same gentleman as the plaintiff in the cap of Twycross v. Grant, is becoming a lort of public prosecutor- has sued Messrs. Ereyfus, who, it will be remembered, were the concessionaires of the stock of Peruvian guano. The defendants seem to have found out the position of Sir Biohard Mallns, and to have made use of the Information to prevent him from hearing the suit ef Twycross v. Dreyfus. The Vioe- Obanoellor, after making the melancholy ad. mission that Peruvian Bonds which had cut him EltOOO were now worth je260 only, eon- seated to the transfer of the oase to Vice- Chancellor Hall. By this move the defen- dants gain the Important advantage of throw- ing the suit over the long vacation. In some law suits to gain time is to gain every- thing.

THE REPRESENTATION OF TIIB I CARMARTHEN BOROUGHS. (nOli ooi OWN EWOBTM) .1 The meeting held at Llanelly, OIL Monday even- lot, to adopt Hr. Arthur Stepney u the Radical candidate for the representation of these boroughs, was a muoh larger and better meeting than that which had taken place at Carmarthen In the earlier put of the dfy. The result was a foregone oon- eloslon after what had taken plaoe at Carmarthen, and the steps taken by Hr. Stepney to monopolise the position. There was seme talk of opposition, and Mr, IJ. T. WiWsirt van expeated at Llanelly Indeed, he telegraphed that he should be there, but on aooount of the premature aotlon taken by Mr Stepney, he absented himself rather than oreats disunion In the ranks of his party. This is no, doubt very creditable to Mr. Williams, bat there are many who regret that his claims should again have been overlooked. Another gentleman who It has been thought by some would bb a candidate Is Hr. Lewis Morris, of the Be- form Club, the author of the celebrated letter to Mr. Ripley, the member for Bradford, and of the volume of poems known as the Song of two Worlds." Mr. Morris Is a native of Carmarthen, and was very anxious to became a candidate for the seat in 1868; but he was passed over la favour of Sir John Stepney, and ever slnoe has oonsldered that be has a claim ppon the boroughs. The meeting in question was held at the Athenwum, Lis nelly, and, although open to members of the Radical press, was of oonne elosed to anybodywho happened to differ In opinion. It was called by the liberal Association at a very short Inotloe, and Mr. John Randell, chairman of the local board of health, presided. Hr. Stepney was present, and a resolution declaring bIÎI. to be a fit and proper person to represent the t»>onghs was moved by Kr David Edwards, the mayor of Carmarthen, and seconded by Mr. Benjamin Jones, Caeffair. A long discussion then occurred, the deputation from Car- marthen calling upon the Rsdioals of Llanelly to be more resolute and Arm In their determination to support Hr. Stepney on this occasion than they had been In 1874. In reply, the gentlemen belonging to Llanelly, Including Mr. Wm. Thomas (Messrs. Thomas and Lester), Messrs. H. J. Howell, Bees Harries, Jenkin Williams, David Bvans, John Morgan,and others, made promises of their heartiest allegiance, The members of the Carmarthen depu. tation who spoke hidadeN the Mayor, the ex. Mavor (Mr. D. M. Morga\$Ald«m*n Thomas, Alderman Norton, and others. The resolution accepting Mr. Stepney's candidature was eventually unanimously agreed upon. The Conservatives will probably hold a meeting to-day (Wednesday).

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE WAR IN THE I EAST. AGGRESSIVE MOVEMENTS BY I TURKISH TROOPS. RELEASE OF BULGARIANS. I THE RISING IN E CAUCASUS. I CONFERENCE OF THE GREAT I POWERS. CONSTANTINOPLE, JÙLY 31 —An official despatch from ftlssa announces that the Turkish troops have. assumed the offensive, and driven the Servians back, capturing tieir entrenchments at Derbent. They are advancing on Gurgusovatz. The 400 Bulgarians imprisoned at PhiUppopoli have been set at liberty. ST. PETERSBURG, AUGUST I.-There Is no foundation for the report that a rising had broken out among the Mahometans in the Caucasus. BUCHAREST, AUGUST I.-The Chamber of Deputies has resolved to take into conside- ration the motion demanding the Impeach- ment of 11 members of the late Cabinet. PARIS, AuoufcT 1—The Hiecle of to-day says it Is able to state that on European congress on the Eastern Question has been decided upon, and that it will shortly meet at Brussels. SIMLIN, AUGUST I.-Panderolo has been abandoned by the Servians. Sienltza Is still Invested by them. VDNlU. AUGUST 1.—The Political Cor- respondence publishes the following intelli- gence from Zara bearing to-day's date:— "Moukhtar Pacha, who had been slightly wounded, withdrew from Bllck in the direc- tion of Treblnge, in order to await at that plaoe the arrival of reinforcements, con- sisting of 1,000 Bashl-Bazouks." It is stated that an engagement Is pfoceed- ing to-day Law BUtk between Moukhte Pacha and the Montenegrins.

THE BELKNAP IMPEACHMENT. I WASHINGTON, AUGUST l.-The impeach- ment trial before the SeMte of Mr. Belknap, late Secretary of War, on the charge of oor- ruptioti, tomblftgd In his acquittal. Thirty-five members pronounced him guilty, and twenty-five not guilty, consequenty there was net the necessary two-thirds majority required to oonvlot him.

RHYMNEY RAILWAY DIVIDEND. I The directors of the Rhymnay Railway Company annoanoe that, subject to the examination of the boou omd ""Wafs by the su&bw% t?ey Me gre- BMtd to nwwmud to the aharoholdm 6&6 a 4i"¡' I:d a* $be wOo of 5 P- -t. P- annum, wtdwdo- duodon 01 inoo- be daola"d up= the *W. aM dook for the halt ndbal 3t)*k Jam lui6

SHARPNESS DOCKS RAILWAY. I The branch line of the Midland Railway from I Berkeley to 8b«rpnesi Doolu, Gloucestershire, was < opened for passenger traffic on Taosday morning. I

THE BALHAM MYSTERY. CROSS-EXAMINATION OF MRS. COX. SIXTEENTH DAY. The laqabJ Into the death of Mr, Bruo was M' sumed on Tuesday moralag, before Mr, William Cater, as the Redlad o$4 Bdham. The ooroner was assisted by Mr. B. Burleigh Malr, of Devest ox abambw% TonA &able a?or. and the oonsadenaw La *a am _Mr.Gon,Q.O.,lDd Mr. ro6ad. altmeted by I&. A. X, Stephenten.teU- dim to the Treasury I Mr. Gmv Lewin for the penufm :e&lle dwopmd; Bb "'fIDl,Õr :a Mr. Biwa for MM. Florence Bino, widow I ir. J. P. Murphy, Q.O., and Mr. B. 110 Bray, for Mis. Cox j and Mr. Serjeant .Parry, with Mr. Arohlbald Asoltb, appeared for Dr. Gully, Xha crossexsmlaation of IIn. Cox by the At- torney-General was neumod, at the opening of the ooart. The Attorney-General: You went to Brighton shortly after the first Inquest. Was that aftsr the tamer ? Witness: No, before the funeral. What was the day of the Inquest?—Taesday, the 1st of May. I went down to take a furnished bouse. The funeral was on Saturday, and we went to It on the Wednesday after. Were the Campbells at the funeral ?-Yaok Mr. and lira. Campbell, Mr. and IIrI. Robert Camp- bell; Mr. William Campbell, I think, part of the time. Had yon told lire. Charles Bravo that he add he had taken prison on aooount of Dr. Gully before the funeral?-No. I told her on the way down to Brighton. I knew she would see Dr. Dill, and that I bad told him. Then cp to the time of your going to Brighton rou had not told her ?-N 0, 1 had not. You had told her her hubud had taken pehen! —Yes; I spoke to her. After she know of It bom SIr William GIIlU- She knew It from him. Before you went to Brighton there was a good deal of talk and speculation where he had got the poison 1-Ym a good deaL We all wondered where he had get the poison from. Did any one suggest that there was antimony kept in Mr. Joseph Brave's stables I-No,not at that time; I heard after that Mr. Joseph Bravo had antimony In his stables. I don't remember who said It, but It was mentioned In general conversation, I think by Mr. Oam PIL who said that Mr. JoMph Bran kept Mme. L Bravo may h?e mentioned Brhv tftttWMd*, but I dent remember 116 Was any reference made to 1In. Brave's own stables !-No, I don't think so. I believe the ooaoh- man wss asked, and that he said he never ued It. Mrs, Bravo had a pair of cobs of her own and a pur of hired oanlage horses kept In stables at the Priory. She III verr fond of horses. Somtlmel me used to go and pat the horses, and In summer time Lalvr ethe ocbs "ppIH. The Job barons was kept In her .ttMe*. She had the whs when I went to her In 1872. Gttm? left the in' time Mete I went to her, and he owe t?tta <n? M? aloado'm Mt?tee while I WM there, and Mt the Mcend time at quite the oommenosment of January, Mrs Bravo never did my"g In the w&y 7 phy- sicking the horns when they were UL After the funeral Irfr, Bravo and I stayed fat the furnished bouse three weeks, I then went to Haadsworth, near Blradagham, and Ma. Bravo went to Busoofc While we were at Brighton MM. Wm. Osmpbell oame two days after we went, ud left on the 2nd Jane. Then Um BMTe WM Ill. and Mrs, Campbell returned to her. Her brother and her father had also been down to her. WM tt oa<geeted by Mr. OhmpboU or by my one else that you should go to the Treasury and say what you did about Dr. GuUy?-No; Mr. OAMPBOU tt!ep*phed for me to come ap to London. You say It was not suggested to yon 01 lira. Bravo to make a statement of what was known with regard to Dr. GulIJf-Mn. Bravo and I u. pected to have been called up to make a statement or to be examined, and trh. Campbell thought we should make statement-that they ought to know about It. Had anything been said as to Mr. Bravo's motuive for committing suicide?—I think very likely there had been, but I don't remember any special con- YpfltlPOi It had been mentioned then that Mr. Bravo had no other motive for committing sulolda unless It was Dr. Gully ? -We thought there were other things which might have led him to do so also. Had that been mentioned by any ODe-that Mr. Bravo had no motive unless on aooount of Dr. Gully ?-There were other things mentioned also. Whet other things?—Well, the connection that he had before his marriage we thought might per- haps have something to do with It. Hra. Bravo knew about that ?-Yen, she did- Was it not said la the presenoe of lire. Bravo that her husband oould have had no motive for committing sulotde, unless It was Dr. Gully f-I know it was said that that must have been his motive. It was the said that he might have been led to It by some Vexation through that Other ponOD. P Waa It said that the Treasury must be Informed about what Mr. Bravo had said with respect to Dr, Gully ?—Yes, 1 think it *an said that It should be known exactly what he had said. Rise it might appear to be an afterthought ?—That was not said. Nothing of that sort ?—Certainly not. On the 204 June you did make a statement to the Treasury f-Yee. Wu there a written statement prepared before yea went to the Trealurr 1-1 told IIIr. :oou, Md h: wrote down what I BUL And you took that statement to the Solicitor to the Trlllurr f -Yet! and he wrote down from my dictation. Dr. Gully wrote to you at Brighton !-He wrote to me at the Priory immediately after Mr. Bravo's death, I thought you said yesterday that he wrote to yon at Blllh. ? -I cannot have expressed myself correctly. His letter was sent to me sit the Priory, and forwarded from there to Edsh6on. He md4 how sorry he was at Mr. Bravo's death. Who forwarded that letter to you ?—the butler, I suppose. You did not keep that letter ?—No. You got letters from lire. Ricardo when she was abroad ?-Yea, from Klsseaftn. Krom what particular addrm? There Is no ad- dress, I believe, except Klsslngen. That was In 1873 1-1 think to. Do you know whether after you went to Brighton Dr, Gully was ever there?—You mean after Mr. Bravo's death ? The Attorney-General: Yet. Witness: Never to my knowledge. Were you at Dr. Gully's on the 15th of April- that would be the Saturday before Mr. Bravo was taken ill?— No, I was not. I was there on the Thursday before Mr. Bravo's death. That was the only time I was at Dr, Gully's, You have sold that Mr. Bravo was itanding by the window when you saw him ?-Ya& Did you see him vomit from the window ?—Yes, Idid. When did he say he had taken poison ?-He told me the moment I wens to him. He then oalled out for hot water; but before the water oame he was sick. Out of the window ?-Yes. You vress standing by ?-Yen. Did he seem In great pais then ?—I do not know whether he was In great peln, but he was very slok, What happened after the vomit?—I went to look at the chloroform bottle, as I thought I detected P, smell of chloroform. I think I sent for the doctor Immediately I found the chloroform bottle empty, and Mr. Bravo afterwards sank down on the floor, Was Keeber In the room during the period you have been dauibing?-Ko. I did not no"oe her. When did you give Mr. Bravo camphor ?—After I had given him the matttfd Md water. Either before m after that. I &W offered him coffee, bat be could not take It. Did he take the mustard and water? Yet; he did. How did yon give him the oampher 1-A few drops In about half a tumbler of water. In cold or hot water f-IA cold water I suppose It would be. It was a SOlUft,, .of omphw?-Yeg I oarapbw In a liquid state, and I put a few drops of It Into hadf a tumbler of water. When did roa get that water from ?-I denet know whether It was on the drawers or whether Mary Asne St" It to me. There was a bottle of water la the room A?—Tea» These would be In otdtaarf ooorae T—«ea» Why did you give Mr. Bravo eamphoi j-Bewuse I thought It might do away with the effects of the chloroform. DMyouknow the properties of camphor t-1 had often 16ton 7 Had you been commended to take It by Dr, Gully f-I don't know that he ever did. I have taken it for 1a few drops when I have not been well, or felt fantnew. Mr. Bravo was In his night dress!—He was. When was It that something went on to the front of hla ahlrtl-When 1 was trying to give him mustard and watw. and theeoffee. Did IOme of the vomit go on ll?-Ko,lleould aot, as the basin wss held wise to him. His night shirt vu changed before the doctors came. Wat was done with the night shirt?-! suppose the housemaid took It away-I heard no more of it In the ordinary course It would go to the washer- via= who van lhef-I dont know bar I I bAd 40*1" se do with that. Who bad?-Tb* hOU-9d' when yon told Mr. Boyes B? about ttkm, MtMn.TM ww him OIIUOI the pmvm ?-Ya% Why did you not tell Dr. Harrison before?-! told him be had taken pclsonj bnt I told Mr. Boyes Bell tbe exaot words, omitting only those ..b<J"t D" Gully. My tmprwslon Is, that I said to Dr Harrison, when he said It was not chloroform, that It must be, because he had said he had taken poison, or some poison. If ten had told Mr. Harrison that he had ttkn poison, why did you oall out Mr. ltoles Bell? -T,) ten him the exact words, Did JOUlee Inspeetor Clarke &I Brlglkton?-Ya& He had a conversation with you?—Yes. Yon told him nothing about Dr. Gaily ?-No, I did net. Tho Attorney-General; I have nothing more to aeh the witnem "M? rAWh (counsel on behalf of the relatives of the de_d) When was the engagement between Ms)b<Bloardoasid Mr. Bravo? It "LU7 Sommenced on the htof N. "=bar wh en she was at the Mety; Yen W ooamn*m with Mr, nrawo?-Ou. tainly. Ia those oonyoul?ma did you aadentud that Mr. Bravo knew that lira. Rloardo had had criminal connection with Dr. Gully 1-1 knew that Mrs. Rlcardo told Mr. Bravo everything about Dr. Gully. In those o nversatlona was it youqlmpresslon that Dr. Bravo believed she had had criminal co.Doti,,n wi" Dr. GuU, %-1 ten '08 *4 he DoW 8'føJ- thin& about Dr. GOY. üaln.=Dq:' (repuW).-Oa the 1st of Novmber? This h the time I am speaking ef !—Ne. NIl WM your Impression after his oonvemidon a'from his _"rnUoÐ, he believed ber to b.a ttly ou,le wemM!—! beHevt before Mr. 'manied Un. Bioardo he hMw everything ocneernbg the Intimacy with Dr. Gully. Will you answer my question?—Prom this con- versation with him were Joa under the Impression that he believed her to be a chaste women ?-Yes, at that due. You had spoken to Mm of beg?-Yokliddhtm abolÙ ber dllpollÐoa ud her aDd &bout her being able to make him happy. Gully at that Had vou spoken to him .?. GalJ, at that time ?-Yes, I had I Md he told me UrL Bftve had told him all about Dr. Gaily. New you tell 111 he believed her to be a ohaste wemM. Did you asoto any su=Won In his mind that she was otherwbe?-No, I left Bioardo teteUMmwhtttheehtxe. Were you keeping anything back from him?— When he &at proposed to Mn. BtMrde I kept nothing baak from him. I did after November. Before the marriage ?—He knew everything before the marriage. You may you kept something back from him- what was it?—I kept back from him what Mra. Rlcardo told me after giving up her acquaintance with Dr. Gully, What was It she told you?—Her Intimacy with Dr. Gully, What do yon mean by than-Yoa OlD draw your own conclusion, I oaanot remember what her words were. Did you believe' from her words that her InU. macy with Dr. Gully was a criminal one?—Yes. I had not the slightest Idea the had any wrong Intimaoy with Dr, Gully during her acqualntanoe with Mr. Bravo, When did she tell you?—Immediately before leaving B-ightm It might h?e b- a day kfom and I n?ed her to tell Mr. Bravo, wMeh she df& Sir EL $&mom There Is no doubt *Us nfen to the autumn visit to B?hten. Mr. Lewis Was that the visit before the met. rlale ? Witness: Yes, before the marriage. DId yoa hear tell him t-No A did not; she spoke to me on the subject. Did he ever ten yon that her Intlmaoy had been alminal?-Yes, he did, at Palaoe green. Did yon tell that to 1Ir. Brooks when you made yoer statement to him ?-He I did not. Did you tell Mr. Humphries, yoar soUattor?-! told Mr. Humphries, but not at first. Did you tell any of the Campbells ? -ITo>j I did Not. When did you tell your solicitor ?-I had some conversation with him about It this morning. When did you ten him ?-Thb morning. And that II the first time you have told any human being about Mr. Bravo having a knowledge of the criminal Intimacy between his wife and Dr. Gully !-I dan't remember whether I did or not. Wh*t h low lmpradon?-WoU, I mentioned It to a lady, but I would rather that her name was not brought forward. Who was that lady ?-It was a lady at Bri, gh, ton, where we were staying after Hr. Bravo's death, Mr. Murphy, Q.O.: If the jury and the ooroner think It necessary that this name should be written. down let It be done, but there h no 11.-1'" to give unnecessary pain by publishing a name wMah Lnl to7lo with the am% The coroner and jury expn=M a 4Wm that this course aboum be adopted, and the lady's name was written down, and It was mulentood to be a rek- tive of Mrs. objkrlm Bravo. Witness proceeded to write the name 01 the lady to whom she referred. Mr. Lewis I also want the address. Witness: You will know the address when you see the nlme. Mr. Marphy: I must really Interfere. Thts to following up the unnecessary annoyance whioh all laly has already eipertenoed. Mrs, Cox, I may teU the jury, came here with a series of letters can. taining representations of gibbets with the witness hanging from them, and this is a continuation of the terrorism which has prevailed here slnoe that time. Mr. Lewis: I Intend directly to perform a duty here quite regardless of any consequences to any- body (slight applause in court). I intend, so far as loan, toelloltthetruthas to how this gentleman oame by his death; and I am surprised that a Queen's oouml should have spoken as he has done after the delicacy I exhibited In wishing that the lady's name should not be made public, Mr. Murphy: I know of no delicacy which has been shown by Mr. Lewis In connection with this oaae. Mr. Mnrphy here turned round to the inty and IPII:Oe: them the iumetmtiong of gibbet to whioh he had referred. Mr. Gant I object to Mr, Karphy goakw to the jury except publicly. Mr. Murphy: I have spoken publicly. This (handing a communication to Mr. Gorst) to a letter sent to this lad, II a preparation forgiving evidence Mr. Gorst i I would not take notice of such thlpgft Mr, Murphy: You have never had,them sent to you, and I hope you never will. Mr. Lewis: I did not wish that the name and address of the lady which the witness has referred to should be made publio, and I am surprised that I should be met in that spirit by the other side. (To witness). The lady whose name you have written was a relative of Mrs Rloardo's? Witness: Yes, With that exception did you mention what you have teld us to anybody else before you came here this morning?—Yes. To whom ?-I do not think private names should be brought in In this way, Waa that to a relative ?-No. Write down the name, pleme.-(Witano did so, and handed what the had written to Mr. Lewis), To anybody else?-No. Did Ion mention it to the Treasury ?-No, did not. Doi.. this what you a.I4 at the traMnry when you went there to make your statement ? "Be (Mr. Bravo) had no reason to take poison, as i be, I know, bad not any communication with or. GuUy since her marriage, and tbeir acquaintance befure marriage was, thougn very Imprudent, I conscientiously believed entirely of an innocent character? Yes, I conscientiously believed It until shortly before the marriage. That statement WM made on the 2114 of June 7— You will notice I say I believed. Did you wish to keep that evidence from the Treasury ?-I did not wIih to bring that forward unle-a 1% was IMUT mmsur. Dtt 0:U-= '7.'be1Ieve4" !-Y. I repeat my qaettten. WM it not your desire to keep back what you ha" now told m!-t did not wish to bring forward Mn. Bravo's name any more then there WM any oeosslon for. Yon also said at tha TroMury, alluding to what you stated at the first Inquest, I did not tell the full particulars, which I am now anxious to state ? —Yes. Did you comm- you were telling the fall partt- colors to the TTwun?-The fall particulars relative to Mr. Bravo's death. That WM what you meMt!—Ye<. Did you mention it to Impnia Olake ?-Of COUIIIDot. Attend to this, madam. In December had fOR conversations with Mrs. Joseph Bravo, the mother of the deoeased ?—Yes, I had, About Mrs. Biosrdo?--Yes. Before the mmriMe-tn DMember t—Yes.] After you left Brighton ?—Yes Did you use this expression to Mn. JosephL IInYO-c-that lira. Bioardo was evarythlag that was tood ?-I do not remember ustag thorn words. Will yon swear that yet did NO an them 1-1 will not swear that I did not; bat I do not remem ber. Mrs. Bioardo had been everything that was lcod to Did JOll pialse her highly to lira. Joseph BMID -ya; I had every mason to praise her blabl" exeept for that one tblDr. (Laughter). I understood you to say that yon considered yourself under the deepest ties of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bravo?—Yes, And you ooinidued It doutaimi with tho* ties of gratitude to speak of Un. Bioardo in favourable terms, and to ooaosal from them he* ooafessioB of criminal Intimacy with Dr. Gully ?-I -d&WO4 It was their son's duty to ten them, and I hewed him to do so, I had no reason o tspeak of Mrs. Bloorde ezoqt fs"umbly. Yea epeheef =. Netrde h the bigbod 6mm? -Y?MMyeneehewenM?etttefttrMMWhe had been kind to he Did You &*I preM MM.J.?hBr?e ?''? tothe owdege ?-I Beefed bote Mr.wavaaadj M? BIOIrdo to wait antittheeprh? I '?.? embt to know mere of '?''?' Wore Inon joeph lk&yo to oolum th iko -,¡. marriage»—No; sever. Did Mrs. Joseph Bmvo toll I" it the fortaae of MIll. Blaudo were millions Instead of thoasaads me would not be acceptable as a daughter Wisw ? —I have not the slightest reooUectloa at those worda J she might have said so. Did you know M", Joseph Brave WM averse to the marriage ?- Yes, Wba' did K- Joseph Braft say !-I ammo remember any particular words. ??'.— bar aay quib oonvenmian. f?S!"?' would wWo an exoellni mile for OIwI8l ?-And she did. Did Ion tell Mrs. Joseph thgt?-yeg I she did make aD exoelleat wife. She did every thins she oould to make him baPPJ. He told his mother on bis death bed that she had beea to him one of the beat and sweetest of wives. Ten had an affedin for IIn. BMurdo ?—Yos. Had you the same aflsotloa for her loiter the mar- rille f-Y. >> After she had, confessed that adulterouslater- oootie, had you the same afleotlon for b.?-Wo cannot control our affections, whatever may happen, SIr H. James: She has not oalled it &dutuv.- that is yoar word, 1Ir. Lewle. Witness: I dtd not observe that you said so. Mr. Lewis • If you wish to withdraw anything, yen can do sol bat did you not consider it Witness: Idldaotthlak of it at all till JOO. mentioned It now. You knew Dr. Gully WM a married mm?-Yax I I di& I AttenMy GMtnJ yesterday "kid rm wM- ther you did not know that Dr. Gully WM her lover; why did you not then frankly tell him what you have now said ?—At the time the Attorney- General WM referring to I had no idea of the kind. I biiowww frankly everything he asked me. But you knew this yesterday ?—I gave the result of my own observations; Um Atiomey-Gamal for to a time of whioh I knew nothing. How often did Mrs. Bravo tell you this had occurred with Dr. GaUl ?-Only one% When did the say U waa ?- At Kisseagea, You were asked yesterday It at any of the pisses on the Continent they lived as mm sad mile. Why did you oonoeal "?-I answered the questions put tome. Did you not understand the Attorney-General to inquire M to the terms on which they lived?—Bat I wom not at Elsseagen. I know nothing of Klssengen. Witness continued: Hra. Bioardo separated from Dr. Gully bemuse she wished to be recon- ailed to bet funUy. !n 1871, when '0 qaJ.a with the fMt of the Intlmaoy between Dr. G U and RtoMde, :oer 'a be about 6 and the latter about 25 years of age. Mr. Bravo spoke to her In distinct terms about the Intlmaoy with Dr. Golly. He asked U there was any fear of Mrs. Bioardo going wrong again. Witness told him that the should thlllk IIOt. aad Mr. Bravo replied that he thought that a woman who had gone wrong WM likely to be all the more particular afterwards. Did not 000- sider the swore falsely at tIae first Inquest, having only withheld that which woald Injure the reputa- tion of Milk Bravo, Asked whether she would have oonsldered it wicked to have sworn f&Wj,, witun replied *at As MWt thought ag harseu but only of KcL BtMe. After some hesitation witness admitted that theeost of her defence would not oat of her 0- pocket, Apart from the latemeat wbi& W. Bl.,= made to her, she did not hew ID, KMe? "W- ever why he should have committed suicide, The court again adjourned.

I LOCAL BILLS IN PARLIAMENT, In the House of Lords on Tuesday the Alsxandra (Newport) Dock Bill with NIUIIIclmeDu WM read a third time aad passed.

THE MORDAUNT DIVORCE. In the Divorce Court on Tuesday an application WM made In the Mordaunt divorce om that on- tain allowances M a final settlement should be made to Lady Mordaunt and her shlld under tha bond of Sir Charles Mordaunt. Counsel stated thst difficulties had unexpectedly appeared, and the matter WM postponed for a week.

LOSS OF A LIVERPOOL SHIP AND TWENTY-EIGHT LIVES. Intelligence WM received^la Liverpool on TUII- day of the loss of the Iroatp Gellwood, which sailed from Lh«rpool en the 23rd March for Mel- bourne. She WM wrecked off Cape Northumber- land, and all hands were lost. Them WM a crow of 27, Including five apprentices, and there was one passenger on board. Tm. llwwwbsanew vessel, and this was her first voyage.

A ROYAL JESTER AT WINDSOR CASTLE. A very funny story Is being told, writes our London correspondent, of the second son of the Prlnoe of Wales, Prince George Froderlo. He b a merry sosmp, foad of triaD, aad no more awed by the majesty of his sovereign than moat lads are by their grandmother. He WM even less amenable to dlsdpllne a few yesrs ago than he Is now, and on one oacuion,whon stay- ing with the Queen at the Outle, plsyed her a pretty prank. She had a solemn dinner, at which a grand duke, Mr. Gladstone, and Dean Stanley assisted. At desert the children were sent for. When they came la George WM riotous. Grandmamma reproved blm. He went on heedlessly. Grandmamma was again obliged to interfere, At last the youngster beoame very obstreperous, and he had to be sent under the table, from whenoe he was not to emerge until he had confessed his lID uuI prombed amend- ment, He WM very gølet-to everybody's sur- prite but, whoa challenged, assured his imper- turbable grandmamma that he was not yet quite good, but would be soon. At lali he WM satisfied with his own con- dition, and emerged II naked as when he was born. He thought that he could not do better than his entpeMntt, md Mtamed, &Orsfore. to a at &to of P&rAdhWosl lnnoomoo.

THE WEATHER IN THE BRISTOL CHANNEL. The weather continues very wild In the Bristol Chsnnel, causing vessels to put Into Penarth Roads la large numbers for shelter. The as. Sedgmoor, la getting under wilgh on Tuesday, ran aeross the bows of tIIeaohooDlr New Leader, of Jersey, carry- ing away her jlbboom and head-gear. The French schooner Denz Frederiok, from Bilbao (Iron ore), In running up channel oa Monday, lost her ndsenmast and all attaohed from the heavy weather, The Marie Stella, Vreach Iona, In docking on Tuesday, collided with the Italian barque Asia, losing her main mil, maotrlgglngj&fc

BIRMINGHAM TOWN OOUNOIL AND THE AKNIUCAN ONNTETIARY. At a meeting or ine rarmiagaam nws uounou, on Tuesday, the following letter from President Grant, in reply to an address seat him by the council wu read: My good Mends. have received the address whioh yon have heR pleased to communloate, congratulating mellUl the nation of whioh I am chief magistrate, oa the eelebratloa of the first oenteaary of Independence of this ooantry, I thank you for the sympathies which you exprom for out Wale, and for yoar joy III oar prosperity, As one of the main purposes of the International Exhibition, to which you advert, wu to enable Its visitors to oompare the various produc- tions d mankind, time isjreaesa to hope that the comparison wW tend to promote oommadd lstu- 00-, Md athDathea MM?Mht?Thjt _ptloD given by me to you ?*Ymmh to wM4 ?nM(M,wM due to their personal charaotoi^and ibk ;?l.. I- tb* == em mo d- howovu, *6 1 of then tiel of M,h? WJIT '?''? ?.? DUtod S^aJG^tBritela. IoerfWIy hop. that these may he Improved In evoty aoodful wy as aa oxmplo of rJabteo- pow% and gndwa to all IIáIIoUo

THB AFFAIBS Of MR, JOSWff OABBf, Ifàlll. BU:aIIdt '1' UIM", 1I,HIIo, oo\\Sl"" b.. IInfa foIJowlal "tU _cUttn Of Mr. o1..p Om, Car40f Tho meatlag of creditors WM held at ott effiee e.n weaotfc 3!. De I..a' of "I" 01" we now hold ftI" km »WO» *9e$ea a oomipw" of ? in ?*<. M'M. ce *o 20th OtMw. 1876. wM? tHftMA? MM fMMt, wu onsaunoww --no modbi w..h?.thMd.y.'? regret toWomyoj ewh? to MW W ifu? 44do" ?bt?A.< onbak ulmftg 'JF\S;    0*? <HMM* Me COW, tad Hq  tMM oo.-q-tlr" upm Sh ?dG?th., manager of'the Powell DeSnm OomJ J Ke. Rok Omtep, ? 39, Mount Bart-. q. Owdt% eo«*&*• &gas* a md Kr. V"itse A. WUH&awh of RdeK secretary o tthe Western Waggon Oompaay. mt appointed a oommI. II laspeotta, wIth Mr. Ob?e M trutm It ?Mt Mt tho? ptt?d yeM deM kbdfy ? 'e at ym owly :rbw

THE LORDS OOMMITTlS ON TEMPMAHOZ. I A jeht eemmMtet et fh?tMtf OtM NtttoM? TemtWMM AtMthtteM h** baeD" for the pan" of Mpp?ta<[ tnttm?tt? <* M' 1" "aio. on temperaaoe, Md «ttMM< in QbWabI å. _d_ -J

COLLIERY ENTERPRISE IN MON- MOUTHSHIRE. THE NEWPORT ABBBOABNB COLLIERY. f VhOU on BPIOIAt COUWOXDJMT 1 ASHROARNE, Tvlmu. Although the famoas ooalheds of Bsath Wales &W Monnn"im Md theeetftptt? et MtMMM G&Vitdbtg, bereotMMy gained for the dbwot Mpc?Hot of 118181""1" coal -i'm the world, CM h eeetetStttty K-tnded that the valas of as dbt&$ my beeehMeed by the I#Ab that the ,ean of pub labou Md pte&t have aot elbauw the bkidon foam d wealth below. It must be apparent to aayeae that we should view with a fading interest IS Industry with limited rcwurmi6 and the feeltag ef security which Is now felt by local commrolellRllt la undertaking their speculates enterprises ooald net exist If we knew, say to a one, how mush ooal we have here, and if we oould oaloalate how sosa existing coalowaers will have to abandon their pits bseaase they arc exhausted. A oompatatloa can oertalnly be made II to the probable aumbor of tons of eoal we have in this South Wales ngim4 but out coatinued existence as a ooal-prodaolng com- munity II assured by the faot that enormous beds are believed to exist untouched. I re- nxteher at a rtoeat sheriff's ordinary Well-]mown ooal-owaer la South Wales, whsse experlenee had been gained practically, once saying that what Booth W alee waa ted wMa few aaargetio, eatMpiUag men; glvea such, he asserted, the loou Mai trade would enter ou a new phase, for not half of what oould be done bad yet beea attempted, X-M Week almost bean some testisssay to the proof of this assortisa, and It Is a slagalar fast, worthy of the MteDtIoD or all who have money to Invest, that never- or very seldom there a well oonsldered attempt made to reach the ooal, bat that It is crowned with success. I have now to give a aooount of a seesat ven- ture Ia Monmouthshire, and Its suooessful too. miss" at ItMt so far M Ii ban gone, although the sod WM cut In the first j?t. tha WOIII_aed, foldw face 01.. MMMt of otetMn? from the people Ia the Mtthbeatheed who ptettMet to )MOW tMt there WM little to reward the specula- tM< In the scheme they had undOrtAOs- Bemtte have proved clift_tit, much to the "1C1IoA 01 iII- _oened. Something over three years ago a now scheme to sink for ooal now Abercarae, ia the Crumlia Valley, wom laaaohed by Mr. Bussell Brans, of Newport. Mr. John Cory, of Cardiff, and Me, T. Belson, of Newpolt, with a characteristic display of III eaterprlalsg spirit, were amongst the first to rooogaise the advantages of the scheme, add shortly It took the following definite form: Some 1,200 acres of land, extending li miles east aad west in the valley, wen leased from Lsdy Llaaovsr for a term of 99 years, and the work WM begun at once, three shafts being sunk simultaneously. Itls almost exactly three years age that IIn. Balked wife of Mr. Cecil Kalkes, M.P., out the tut 034 u: H:l B=II&W M¡rwC: that time, Mr. T. Thomas, consulting engineer, Tho Parade, Cardiff, suparlatoaded the opmdon4 Meats. Ballsy and PhBUps being the ooatractors. Twelve months after this, set. J. t. Green, of Tredetar, was appointed manager. The history of the sinking of the He. 1 Shaft, whioh It WM la- teaded should ro down to the Blaok Vela seaea, Is somewhat peculiar, and previa la a most unmis- takable manner the vuue of this portion of Monmouthshire M a coal centre. After pssslng through every eonsetvahia class 01 stratMsatioa ihedaken, the ether day, came to the famoas BUed seam of seml-bltnmlnous steam ooal, which in so extensively worked at the Tredegas Colliery, at a depth of 307 yards. This vein, whioh Is very eeea- psot and workable, Is 2ft. 91n. thlsk; it Is the first of the Iteam coal series, and yields a good eoklng slack. Only 15 yards farther down the No. 4 seam or Aberdare t-tea sum, aDd five yards lower still the Aberdare 6 feet mm. we known to exist, and will be cut ormh shway. md* Y-6 lower <tM!,htweTM,Md 45 y?d* below tU BW .mwIRS wwak the renowneweek V? MMn.MmiMt? 9ft. thlsk, but running no less thaa lUk from top to bottom Tbbib..Nn Ma from whleb tile BIeeII Colliery Compaay aspplled the Boyal Mai! Steam Packet Company, and it Jail a peculiarity 01 not deteriorating while beiag storked in a forctgi port. It was for the ex- press purpose of working this ooal that the company was floated, hence Its name, The New- port-Aberearne Black Veto Steam Ooal Company." I append below ea account of the present condition of the workings with descriptions of Ww audkbwm. to., above ground. The o. 2 shaft, which Is en tbe oppoite side of the Western VSUOIN BaIln, frtm the rest d the wetHnm, WM tmn PWWY by the aid of an old broad stop Gnat Wealm Railway loomotlv% and now it bad be= detw mined merely to use this slnUag as aaupeast shaft for tbe colliery generally. Work at the Ma, 3 haft h beiag rapidly pushed olio ad b.1e DO" 195 ,ude deep. It II intended to devote .bII pit to the wo,,Ls of the AM et BUed so= "ale. ilvely, while, \:lcr x?ted, :OoFfU:: out the Black Vein ooal. The No. I pit shaft U one of the largest la the whole neighbourhood, being 22ft by 18ft, and it Is expected that Its total depth will be reached by the ad of the you. Abe" ground at present only temporary arrangements an In fores for the carry- log on of the surfsce work, but the building and finishing of the engine sheds, ke., are prooesdlag rapidly. The pumping engine, which hM had to be erected to remove the water coming late the pit from above aad beneath, hM been made by Messrs. Harvey and Co., of Haylo, The cylinder Is 85ln, 10ft stroke, workleg a act of 231a lifts, capable of maklag 8 strokes per minute, and turning eat 70,000 gallons of water per hour. Two and a-haif strokes per minute are now made, and the rush of water amounts to 20,000 gallons, besides 2,000 gallons per hour brought up by tabs from bslow the point to which the pump reaches. There Is an amount of valuable fine clay In this pit which will be shortly utilised. The winding eagma house Is a large and commodious structure; the engines, which are supplied by the Uskslde Iron Company, Newport, we now in eoum of erection, ud are to be COlllpleted next month. They me horizontal 38 inoh cylinder, 6 feet stroke, with let feet drums, and an expected to raw 1,000 tons of coal dally, the ePtmated output when this pit Is In full work In the Black Vela seam. Some Met of the rapldl" with which this shaft had been sunk may be gamed from the feci that no less than 176 yards have been passed daring the last twelve- moat". There will also be a speciality as to ib., t;,not of brlaglag coal to bank, tbe Cllle beiag 011-. c.o of bringing two trams, of 26 c wi sub. both on the same level, so that they ooald be run off at the mum time, At the pithead the framing will be of WTollcht Iron, on the box and lattice pria- clple, 65 feet high, and the underground hauling, here and throughout the colliery, Is to be done by compressed air engines. N., 2 pit Is 18 feet In diameter, and will be used as a general upesst shaft. A Waddeli iaa, 45 feet In diameter, driven by a 361n. oyllnder eagiae, and capable of driving 200 000 feet of air through the workings per minute b to be erected, and It Is calculated that this will be quite sufficient for the colliers, who, with the other employes, will number 1,000 when everything Is In full work. No. 3 pit, which it Is calculated will turn out 500 or 600 tons dally of the upper roam, is supplied with winding engines, 28In. cy t:, d-, 41ft. stroke, aad 12lt drams, which are already erected. Altogether, the colliery Mds fair to be one of the most successful In Monmouthshire. One handled coking OYIIII will soon be erected, capable of making 600 tons per week, and the waste heat from these mar be Uled for hmdng the boil- In the weAe. Th. itufAaa of the O&Ufwy 6 a- meet faouabl% belllee. to the Western VtUey* Uu to Newport and _ociod the?wtth ?.'ML". 1% .t of .4 U*adt A&Wa by *a teapoy II eeTen?hK "f'.<?.?"' "M*t that a mmory eempMywtU_?Me two their wetUy 1,500 toM Of c?d? to port at about 9d per tee. thus I"g em a NMI 'd?Mte?e OTW Tndeg., Bbbw VMC. BWB% 40.. wldob IUJ" teekeMdMdeaM.thedMMeetw?y. AhetdyM eetmw have boa bailt for _lImeD Ia the msd modern xtyl% Md they !eeh MM and oWeALbl% ..the MjMtnt MU dft 0- TI .i tUe8 u.u filled with the oøI AM obruk et? forwarded o tCol Ljae, s«nt to Lady iasmwot; Kr. Beynoa, dw""K of dhfeet<Mt Md jAi Oor" Md two offoo'N W40ma Meet 5mk NOh, were placed ie bmee M4.. t" to th*t<w??e<?et<Me.? to ¡r=: Ne ettMMteme eMt ttmhMe. .d wetMxo! wwM gay with bXBUM; ? after S?ttt.ihe.otibtMBht to be?ittItytM- ::t: ooaI Jr- t; UL Gim, oat a EMU P* at the Newbridge Hotel, MdptfteehefdtMMthheMMeMhteeeiBet. <h* 8tIOO8I8 If tJae I" with aMIaf. ?Mey. M< It It" WithvUl be So preowfw.,now t?tM?t? thtt)MMdttttM)tMtMhted.

SWA"U ANWAL FWWM Saow?D M<? MXAM) oomem = thM?V <?*??" ?*? M.<mt)Mtd.MMt. "TO Vxar wef ts xsgssrs wtee»j, ewmf.. MS?'S!3S*S!)f!t!! wtt?M'S?'??Mt ,,ammobbe  ?s'SSSES?SS g?S??S?S?m????M? ndCMn PAM .aur-fte n- ot shSuSw eteo essr sM sthsas. stol tl* qsssfc awe- by 4=VbL, 0 and ad t; 5%1-? by lmdm. as qkl_t s????a?""?s?s?sS 7be Mjwm; m S?S,. kI ciia" AU bWn t.?")M?-<M' BtM'C'MChtMKt. .J

II simply that the Government oughfh at the time of the presentation of the ANDRAMY State to have protested vigorously koalast the assumption of the three Powers that they slonelbad the right to decide the ooorae of Turkish affairs, and that the fleet ought not to have been sent to Beslka Bay. It will be wen that the task met Mr. DISEABLI by his opponents was extremely easy. We joined In the ANDRABOY NotO at the earnest entreaty of Turkey, but we 10 far ntalned our independent position that we dealt with the Berlin Memorandum In a man. ner to establish our right to a first plaoe In deciding upon the momentous Issues of Turkish affairs. This is proved by the faot that the other Powers, notwithstanding any chagrin they may have experienced from the rldloulous position into which they put themselves by omitting to reckon with this country, have now loyally come over to the policy of non- intervention which was laid down by Lord DSLDT. AS to the complaint about sending the fleet to Beslka Bay, it was explained again that the object was to protect the lives of the English Inhabitants of Constantinople, and to secure our adequate representation In the Mediterranean at e period when It was knownthat transactions of the gravest charac- to were impending. The policy of the English Government towards Turkey is, as Mr. Dis- UKZLX stated, extremely simple. We do not at all concern ourselves with the fate or the fortunes of the Turklekmlers, but solely with the Interests and rights of the British Empire. Enthusiasts may call this a aelt- ilh polloy, but; It Ia at least intelligible. There is no need for anyone to oooupy himself In devising for tthe Govern- ment deeply laid plots of the Mlohf. avelllan order for ailing the infidel Orescent against the Christian Gross. What they have to do in Do waing-stmet Is to pro- teot the interests of the aouatry In the But. without referenoe to any question of religion or sentiment. It was PETRit the Gaur who said that in the future the master of Constantinople would be the mas. ter of the world, and we are far from certain yet that It would be either for our interests, or for the interests of freedom and progress, to allow despotio Russia to place herself in that portentous position.