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Tlotlctf. "v'" JHOKTKNT SEA T.' \«;8 10 AMKUICA v A ") tiWYT STKVM OO. IVNIC, "tlt'N KSTWRKN '?ESS? TMH » K l r ° C H A N N B I. THtI: XJN LTKX> STATFI, OV AMUIUCA AND CANADA. TIIS ISOITH WAU, ATLANTIO STEAM- SHU' t'OMlWNY'S F IKPT ci ASH rr :,i, ro w KKED| CL\nK Kit 1 l.T ?-t?KUn's \v-iai«t»w>M;»k} PEMBROKE 3.1116 fi4,l il, ?iLh ri. •n<1 ev-ry wvifTO tmp* •<'u«w> t ibo comfort aud ■*auv\ i iuv of aU 1"Vi. "t \¡:t:( r8. 1 \<u patfA £ t\ *fr aud 1- guk»*as; "turn '\ckd' Mdvw^ w^ud vftWn, t"f\. Md,?? STOTTAttK. ?1\ '?'r?rAa. 'Mil any Vwu ¡:'}J'rbj. 4 ^tvac-k** c^rHod for tbo femVe t'n,!t8, and r;\I't' iw.m'JV' < wiCi Bftlt:r. tre>&. aro wcinstnenti-'sl to obf^-u thtir tiåt'b trims the V ca) before Raving home. For farther part ion tar* apply ♦.» \ny of th? Contwy_* **wt% or stihf CcuipuiyihO&lco*, CHAM* 41W, CANDIFF? 601M -DefV)<Ulry, 1>1 i»WN y CnlRO, ..wb t!<XaJMt ? W,n ;A\mfudo. 1".O (UEBDYDD ( NKWVORK. J Ager-Longau Niwyddkw, doapartb goftv6 Ha?n I A.¡'ùD¡(" N."y.ld\o. doepanb øort.. UnwD J '?t' ???'TK'h .t???.M y T-Ithlr wrth fy??d I f CATWU, « herw>dd yr ",t yno dan YsgTHen-rwym.  ?!<?).'?h??dXa ar y Bwnt? i** Mthwyt Mtddyg a MoiMygyai.ieth a M4ttrai yn t,-A j A 6? ?tnn CABAN, 1 | • urhn Om( yo Reheudtr Cmiy, trwy &nfou *1 ? y° JOHN ?oN? ?' y' < 8 Agmt ol i.U.? Ch??,Ue,, ■ B,iW. FeM. I sro. ?Jtt??? ALLAN UNN.—Shorte't jt\ Ocean P.& t. C- via -d jm???? the United 4Ut??, Th? S?meM IHM of thir IA.. le&? Uverpool ever* TU!MDAY _d THURSDAY for Qaet'ec, Montre? _I P.al-d -,Iry Mt,W TUHSDAY for H.?di- fir H<>r(o^k, and oti'om, torw?ling uoseengdrs to Philadelphia, Boston, nnd New York, lutes aa low aa tor any ,.th« 'Irst-d?s Liw including a plentiful su?- ply of cooked Pr"vi"¡"n8, served .by thø Company s 'Stewards. Steerage Stewardesses are carried by this Line W At-d to t w.?t. f Female Passencers ..d Children. An experienced Surgeon i. attached to eacb BI- P&a«eugets booked Through to all Towns in Omsda &W tbd Unit?l Stat,?a. Pamphlets on uada ■applied gratis by OUT Agents. For p^\tticulars -pply i. t\B. ??O?HKRS? ?.*ASn?! Bailditigs, Jan^es-stroct I or t.<, G. Btrvl, 246, Bute- -t, C-da; S. Jon. Postmaster, Bit.. Peny; H. S. 0101.. P.4.ffi,e Ch-be., Ponty- pridd; W. H. M". oy, %vi.,l N.ti1 T" 'y. Buse. M, P.?e?'treet,' and ?" ? Oxford* 1å\1eè, Swan^eA J R D!wi,J, St. Mary-street, Cadi fan T. ShiA,-t, B-. J. P?im F-i.c. lB,-N St.tioner, &c., i; My W. U, ifta I", N..WA 6WId JEKek VE RLA ND STE A.M CO M- <<B?6?? ?,? MUVIOATION TO tXMA, \On!!tH?.? CHI?A, THK M AutUnUS. AD JHHHBB REUNIUN. FRK^CH MAIL STEAMSHIP SERVICES OF THE COMl'AGNIE DES MESSAGERIE3 MAKITIMES. French Moil Stesm Packets leave Msrseill.8 *s foUow, FrfMh Moi) Sttim Packets )MM M?r?m.s M toUow, ror Po? ?utz, Aden, P-1-t de CaDe. Slop por. !¿:B'lko;b:bAr:ba,I:W:=i 3' itivia, Ju)v 5, j{)-. ? )' ?'&e ab?w p?t" and Pon U:hMry, Md-, ..I OUuiUnaiksdthus*. h r Aleundrb every Thur;,by, f< r rasaaae, freight, and further information, apply ?.hecSc? 01 tbo ?..p,?y: 28, R.? Not. « U lies l ?'??M?)???: 7, Hace d« Ter«au«; Nu sciUes. 10. N." 7i3I ,r(, 86, Qu&i d B?.tM; Rttrd, to M?n, S-ith ?-(l C.. L. .ntbc''t C""P.Y, 97, \n:;trr: and to tte S. le Agt?.t ? th? Company m L.t._poo ?' H. FLETCHER CO., 9 tmd t2-t., K?chmgeBudd 8176w "ZNTT 4 LIEEATION OF DAYS A OF SAILING. CORK, NEWPORT, & CARDIFF. On and after 8th December the CIrY OF CORK STBAM PA( KETCOSIPANY SSTE&MKRS wiUleave CORK for MIL10RD, NEWPORT, and CARDIFF every MOVDAY, retuminx to Cork from NEWPORT ever? TUESDAY r IVEDNESDAY, -(I f.. CAR- DIFF .rj WEDNESDAY or THUKSDAY.-[Se» trndbUta. t'?.- C?bin, ?\ H Deck. ?.; CtMnRe?? Ticket, sT.iJablc for one ffiop'.b, 4' lis 6d. For further p.nllcn- !sr- see -m-IJ billi. AGfiNT^- (\UDIFF—Mr. E. C Downing, ShipW°kor,Bb(?Docks. N't WPORT-Mr. James Matrdocka, Dock-street. Cv R K- The City of Cork Steam Packet Co, Penrose- 5009mwf PK I CjTKAM BETWEEN CAR. .<ftt??s. ? DIFF, BELFAST, GRE ,NOCK, AL?I & GLASGOW, JtLN??? The Screw Steamships PRINCE;?3 ALEXANDRA, Captain Mill?; ON A, Captain Unklater; CLUTHA, Captain v It)lfJ;¡A¡.r;i:OreEst:nletoD Cr -li and Passengers from East But. Dock rdn (uniess j-rcventwi bv cirijunjstancea), as foUow, -ring the mouth ol JULY CARDIFF TO GLASGOW AND BELFAST. i Monday 10 a.m. I 20 Monday 9 p m. Moothy 5 p.m. ?FROM BEîFAST TO CARDIFF. Monday .8 p.m. 17 Monday .2 noon Moiuay IS noon GLASGOW TO CARDIFF via BELFAST. 1 "atwday 2 p,m. I 25 Saturday 2 p.m. il *:Uurday 2 p.m. I With liberty to Tow and Assist vessels. FAr.F. -Belfast: Cabin, 117s. Oil.; Steerage, 109. 'ire. a or Glasgow: CabiD, 2W. Itetum,?UM, St?r- t?-s(< SotdieMorMitoM.lCs. t ls to he alongside in time for shipment before the 'i:" rti-ed tin.e for sailing. iv in Glasgow to Vidliam Sloan and Co. Oreen. l, A:| 'William Lindsay and Co Swan36a, to 1\1. Joues I tt" Belfast, t? Robert Hendenon and Son; li:i tMark Whitwill ami Son; and in C'.Wff' to G. F. WEBB & Co., Cardiff, 'uIr, 1874. Biel'rio'.Y::cWrebon'!e. 5M4mwf i(vi i lAAtlHt'F A?U BRISTOL ?M)  ? ?' STEAMERS. gs?. LADY MARY OK WYK. JULY. 1874. i'rean Bute D." C adiff. 8 Wedueslay., 046 mcrn II Thursday .10.45mcra 10 Fiiday J2, 0 noon 11 SaUtday 1'15 after 13 Monday 45 after 14 Tufl,-?ay & 15 8ftr I 15 Wednesday 5 0 11,r 11 TWh,? -=; ;5 after 17 Friday € 35 after 18 Saturday 7. 0 morn 20 Monday .0'.0m 21 Tuesday 8 0 H!Om 22 Wednesday 8 SO morn 23 Tbur.day 9 30 morn 84 FtM*y ?. ?M 46 moin j 26 Saturday 1 1. 4 5 mom 2227 5 4 i?L 2 0 alter | '>S TMitdty ? 3. 0 after 9 Wednesday 4. 0 after :¡r, Thursday.,6. 0 after 31 hiday 6.30 (lfter from Batnunt Basin, Bristol 8 Wednesday 1.15 after U Thursday" 2.30 after 10 Friday 3 45 after llS'Xu?y'i60<tfter 13 Monday. 630 after H lTue..by 7.30 morn 15 'Wednesday 8, 0 morn 10 ^Thursday 9. 0 morn 1, Vi"? morn 18 t..?y 10 0 morn 20 ?lond 11. 0 mom 2I Tuesday .11,80 morn 22 Wedne.day 12.15 after 23 Thursday 1, 0 after 24 Frid. 2.30 after !M?urday. :g t: 2"T 6,405 &It 28 T630 after | 20 tWednesday 7. 0 mom 30 tThursday 8. 0 morn 31 fFriday  8 30 mo?u t To -d f.. FARES -After CablD. 2s. 6d.; Fore Cabin, 1.. 6d. To-and-fro Tickets issued for retnrn trip on same day as marked After Cabin, So ed. Fore Cabin, 2s. To-and- fro Tickets will also be issued on Saturday, available for the return trip 08 Monday. 6002d swo, ttt., toi .111. "V'VVVV". "'¡v ..rvvvVVVVV'/V'VV"-f'V'VVVV\ h-6?.<.?VERA!rHANDY VESSELS IL" (-" SALE,-A LIA Mnt OD AMMos- R.H,O' I Ship Un,ter, <tc tor tie 'M.du (.fSh'M. Steamers, &c., 520NI 165. Commqrcial-roact, Newport, 5lon. THE LARGEST PRINTING WORKS IN WALKS. "WSSTEKN MAIL" STEAM PRINTING WORKS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFt. PR INTING, 1M WBLBH AND ENGLISH, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES. AUCTIONBKJUr FOSTERS AND CATALOGUES TKADKHMKiar^HANMILI^ CmcCLARa, AND INVOICM. LITHOGRAPHIO PBIKTINO. PI AfP. CIRCULARS, INVOICES, AND CARDS, ruin or In Colour*. COPPEB-FLATK PRINTING, BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ACCOUNT BOOKH of all kind. Ruled, Printed, and Bound to Order TIle Utatgn of the above Work. II fWpartd to ntiLit JratÚ118M8 for all 111",1. of litbographlo. Copper- plate Pristine, and general PrlntifljB and Htaliunory Blading open application. WEfiTEJiN MAIL" STEAM PKINTIKO WOIIK8, n. UABf-STUVST, CARDIFF. \n\lU", IIPCIW, tr. "VV"'V"" "V'I'V'VVVV'" 'WW fi* lilUJ'K. ROYAL U?YKL. Hrat cliVis f? FamiUoH ?'?\?.??" Vr„ma todies en li o :.t.)<),MK't,?.?nhn)<))'d ?\:C'! :'ï' ¡ i'f,nti r. Moi'M' ssti/a h r" MILY .Wom-  ? ?'?? '?'n" (unrnltn th. ?t.. ?t unci HiiaiFk) Well title,I np i.mchc.n MM, <?hhM ?. n »,I.ntttl, l« now< pia, where ?r.t'.?u CM 'M 'i"g 4 y ?,t tb .,b,t. ?t IK MHI,h\ notice, l.u'.inavy Daily "t 1 $ 111U  ?'. ?HLA? Ptophetot. I*I!T!■; Ot>CKS. — WIN1)S')R HOTKL, t* '?I''?'"?'<??u)i;n('<)M)?Mt()rt.Au ord nary i «t 1 !<i. ,1 WATKKs, hto ol the I remmsoiis IVvnn ('cmj?))),L.).).)?;) 6? .) U')¡.ÜE-AN'/) UUoUN FAMILY AND .?? COM^lKiiClAI. HOTKU NORTH ROAD, CAKDirp. T. ?K;SB, JVprtetor. ?p?d CMCh? I" b,¡'¡, J/.< An OiMinary ?.ry natsrJay al t.M p'm.  ° ? s?t AjNIiLFSKA TAVERN, "Huto?roct, C-ii4f. JA"!]:S h.p,. 1,, ,?.Y ,f l,i? ?l,l Tht'y will a!ways find bim at h< »"p. Su]>eri »r Stouts, Mild, B tter, aud i tler nnrø, Dtvoiibhuo lldtr, and everything in the had. tI..Cla4H, b80U?op2^ M. A. JONES, I'arrot Eatil)g-house • Diulrg aud Coffeo-roonw, Ol'I>08it811:6 Quocu's Hotel, No. 10 lIud 17, St. rLrY-8t_ (>artiiflf. Hot Diunen from 12 to 3; Ten end Coflee at all !\our^, London 1U1<1 I>nbUn fet iut, Bass's aud ot^er Beer on draught nnd In bottlo 6803 d '?ORIiTnO?EL OAKDii^F. closo to the SouthWales ¡tHwtly Station,sdjoiniiiff the Cutom- boUJw. lbe Wharf, DoaJor in Beer, Wines, &0, Best acc{Jmm"'ation in tbo tewn of Cardii? for Travellers. G.i.i- -d Co.'a D.Ul. St?ut, Bass's &al vhor IW. In c-L- and bottle. Di?vo sllr,, SOml\rHe Cider. 4d. per quart. Mgbt porter is uilendance. B. Temblett, p p?PrZ?r. 6784d LOCOMOTIVE INN, ^iueTnT 8pmt -tJ ?alta. Buto.?reet, Cardiff. Irlph -,I Scotch ?hi,k f the bt quality, L..d.d DbU? 't':l\lï :on;nu:tY,; dû:D ata 'd in stout, mild, PRICE, PROPRIETOR BMW uottle.—JAMES S866d IpAGLE HOTEL, Adam-street, OMdiif, Eclos" to the South W.T,% IWlwtly Goods J)e;rt- ment, Davis rt?t, and in clobe proximity to the T_W 'tot, visRte:e s=:.r 1B3f R1DOK, PROPRIETOR. 6N7d rr-itEDEGAR ARMS HOTEL. H' Wine -? Md Spirit Vaults, But.-t- CfmtM. Irish and ?.tb w bi"u. from the b.?'t t known di-tUl?,ri.; Mild, Bitter, d other Beers I. cask and bttl.- i:{onn;rrJ¡)finogt Eo ctId JrU K¡;EN, Prop.!or. OP_s.iI 0? Works 68&7d TVTORTITAND SOUTH WALES INN Lûuisa,.treelDockP, C.,diff Burton Fm,, mua, au4 Bitt?r non. Dublin and Cork Porters, Cider, &c JOHN WILLIAMS, Proprietor. S950sep24 ERTHYR AND ? DOWLAIS INN :.I WINK AND SPIRIT VAULTS, Butotermee, Cardiff, near tbe 0,? Work8.- Wines and Spirits of ex- cellent quality, BuTton and other Ales, Iiur?.riy a on- :'O:lo%;rsro'I; on fa O¡uAte:il:,ur¡j :d b?d.?.-DAVII) WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. 7377?g7 SHIP HOTEL WINE AND SPIRIT k? VAULTS. James-strt ot, opposito the West Bute Dock Basin, Cardiff. Willos and spirits of tbe best Vu,b I!y Burton mild and bitter br?..1?. Guinness's bo,,t in wood and bttl?. -WILLIAM JAMBS CLARKE, PROPRIETOR. 7203d LDIROYALHOTEL & COMMERCIAL '%? HOUSF, Trinity-street, Cardiff (Near the M- ketand StJohn'sCburcb), ANDREW D. THOMAS, Pro- prietor.—Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Superior Ale and P.rt?? I. B ?t?le =don Dr?ght. Well Aird B,,d, 7232jy$l rTUCHBORNE ARMS, Hill'o-ten-Me, TC&'Uff,-Bumn and Mild Bmm Superior lrbh St.ut?. Good UbHg.-J OIL' JONES, P?P?EMR. 7593agis DAYJES'S REFRESHMENT ROOMS, t 82, BUTE STREET, C&RDIFF.-Good beds. Dinners from 12 to 8 p.m. Charges moderate. 7196jy30 Cyinry Ymwelwch a'r Cymro." FOR Goo?Tnd°?h?ap *DS?ERS go to F°}t:ts.h:R.F VALE EATING H0U8K, 21, Trinity street (.Pp?.,it. St. tb!gm),U'R6tFFTrt:rs teto S¡: J,h.,? Cl??,,b? C!kDl ,F. notice. Well aired Beds, 8799jyt2 'TO LICENSED VICTUALLERS.— I The UCEmrDJ YICIUALMRS' SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, CRESCENT, MINORIES, LONDON, Require Agents to sell their Packet TEAS. COEF&K3, Ac. No license required. For particulars of terms, &. apply to the wb.l.l AcN??ILLIAM P?LLEN?, Ct1e-road, C?rdiK. ?6&)jyt? SW ANSBA. OPKINS'S DINING ROOMS, 47, -M W1ND.S,REET SWANSEA, Tbe above Mt.bU?b.t is situated wi hln a h?,t d'stance of the Docks 8Dd Railway Stotions, where visitors and ezcur- sionists will find every comfott. Hot ,linnet a, good Jfjfds, Cbarges.—A.kH. g. KBYTES, Proprietor CHIPPING HOTEL?bMe street, Swan- ? ee?.-The above Establisbment is situ?t?d within two minutes' walk of the Docks and Bathing Place, wt ere li"itom will find every accommodation an4 good b:ds at moderate charges. A"" Wines and Spirits of the best quality.—RICHARD GAUNT. Propr,?t"r. 9155d DELPHI HOTEL, Wind-street, Swan- Eea.Vines 1-d Spirits of the best quality. ll.rv. a.,l (,ti,e? bttl.. L,.d.. rnd ES? Ftoprietto. r.?eU???a. BiWards.-RHYS J{'ES, Ploprittor. 8940eep29 THIC GLOBE DINING.ROOMS 17, Stamea.oppoBiteWttts.SMppuig Wind-street, ?yNON, proptietreM. Ctopa, Butchers -Mrs. PI-Plietl- C P-, Steaks, Tea, wd Coeee, at a.; hour, at moderate prices. ¡:8;a':n''tï l Í1oderg¡;:s. TJUSH FAMILY AD COMMERCIAL  II HOTEL (,it.bli?h?d 1640), near the Great We6t<in E.U?ay Station, High-street, imo. M-airan?ed r,t:d i;¡' :odo: ,.on tor tou!i?. Night porter. THE SHIP HOTEL, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. Wines and spirits of the best quality.—JOHN REUS, PUOI'RIEIOR.—Your favours ai il recommendation respectfully solicited. Good ac- commodation for travellers, combined with moderate charges. 8235¡} A NTELOPE HOTEL, opposite the Swansea Bank Allsopp's Ale, Wine and Spirits of the l??quality. Commercial and other large rop= ?r excursionists, Court Prince of Walos, A?Lei(??t Order cf Ft nsttrs No 3,22nd 8?tim', Cordwwnen. and Ok and Aw?? Lodges Veld here. D. K PROPRIETOR. 8234d IF you want a Good Dinner or Tea, go to the GOOD TKMPLARS' DINING ROOMS, 35. HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA (opposite the Birdm- Hand, only two minutes' walk from the ?.ill.y s). Hand, oInNlyG, RA,?l, PROPRIETOR. MOd LLANDRINDOD WBLLS. THE PUMP HOUSE HOTEL. MR. AND MRS. MORGAN Beg to return th-ir fo the patronage and <npportM- conled during the past eight ye<m), md beg to Bay that they M< now pKpMed to *nord extra ?mmod&Uom PRIVATE APARTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE. Boats let out on private lake. Good Stable and Lock- up Coach-house. Omnibus meets all trains. TERMS ON APPLICATION. 6888d f^OLWMAN'a HOTEL AND COMMBR- Kj CIAL BOARDING BOUSB Is now ready for the reception of visitor^ with every convenience and comfort and moderate charges, Within three minutes' walk of the Railway Station, the celd- ,iLnd g VN..wy Station 'the Colo- bra ted Mineral Waters, and the New Church. tbbrxaete- d Nlineml A = MENTS. POSTING AND PRIVATE APARTMENTS. POSTING AND I SADDLE HORSES. For funber artlclÙll11l-¡; to tbe ProprIetor" M9d EDWIN ÇQLÅN. L A N E R G H H O T E L. LEWIS EVANS, Aberystwlth, begs to Inform In- tending viHitore '.0 JJandrindod that he has taken the Llanerch Hq^ lately occupied by Mr. Dawson, and w now ready to receive their patronage. TbU pleasantly-situated and homely Hotel Is within two minutes' walk o) the Railway Station. tiord Stabling aud ock-up Coacbb UM. 8890d PENARTH. BATHING MACHINES.—SEA BEACH BIEA GARDENM, PENARTH, Partiea md P,C' 'iPU". Vi?it.r. to the Sea Beach Tea Gardens can be accommodated at all hours duringtthe day. Ð':JÎrrŠGmMÃgHtei"¡'RuIU olH}¡'¡-\¿lNKS!! C H I qgS! 84¡;¡d EDWARD MORGAN, Proprietor. BARRY ISLAND. m ARIN BOTEL. 'fmø EøbliHh- ment is now ready for the romw tI"n of Familits and Viit. with .ry con- venience and comfort at nxxlerata charges. Wines. ï :ii:ndn:eC:o:e ¡\JntJ('b:ha8:¡Je::iiif probably run between Cardiff and the IKI?D twice a w.ok, This Island f« one of tlie healthiest and finest TM)ARiNK BUTEL.—Thia Ha?Hitfh- wi«h every fdlity for a good batblng place.-J. LONG, Pr priot?r. 8056sepl CLIFTON. THE QUEENS HOTEL, GLUTTON, BRISTOL. for Families on,1 (JPl1l1eDwll Under New ]lJan.¡r;.ment, 'Jhi« old-fstabliMitd family hotel hay recentl. under- gone ;pl.te altcrati jim ,d (ittiogB, deaiKned) by f¡'cI: r; ah "t. dttl:y ;d[. tiou aid com/ort to vision. It H admirably situated, w.g ,r Ihe Victoria-rottm^, the now Theatre, tbe DOVHK, and Ht. Vincent Rock*, and 1. nownudoren* tinly new management. It ounlaw very spiclous coffee, drawing, and sitting r kiuim, and aa excellent billiard rooin First-clan* wiiu^ ill communicatloas please addre-s to CLARA. NUNNKV, Proprietr. Stalling osd carriages at the Hotel Mews. cowl WottliB, jUiUnjj-Movttmi, etc. LIiANTWIT VARDRK. T LVt'NWY" is nu>ro at tho Oroso L r.l.: ;w,¡t:1'w:" t:)I'I:: tie KAH.W? INN, ,"P%IT ??ti)R):. h?t l]nlf-u-iiiinut<»n' walk of tliu liailivay-Btatiou. CA It It]. A (4 Pi-ti I O A H KIA G ifi fi. JOHH UOBICKTa AND SONS, WHWX OF ENGLAND CViiKIAGII WOUKS, Have United and ublnulioii tw. nty-llvc varletls of twi four whi ol c.rtn¡¡ee nilluffti ited Catalogues pM!. 10..0 on applicatloii. Caitifigos delivered In 10s, extra. t'teMO aaB.t fnt 7600^14 JW. M I L E S A N D CO. ? W. M I L E S A N D C O CAUKIAGE k CAB nUILVlm & HEPAIRERS, PARK ROAD (B,, ex OF QUEEN'S HOTEL SrADLE), ??'iF? J w m. and Co, beg m.t refcre^i^ly to If"- the Inhabitants .1 C.(Iift aud neighbourhood ti,??y h",e commenced buslrefa at the above address, where they hope to Dlut with a fh.r? of public support. ALL NEW CAiUUAGKS WARRANTED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. 8161wwl JMPORTANT NOT ION. THE SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER CO., 13UTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, OR Have always on hand a large STOCK of INDIA RUBBER GOODS, suitable for Mechanical aid Engineering purposes, which enable, then to execute all ordeni with promptness and dispatch, consisting of Sheet Rubber, mlons thicknesses, Yalves for Marine and Stationary Engines, all sizes, Washers for Steam and Water Pipes. PATENT PACKINGS of VARIOUS KINDS. INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER DRIVING STRAPS. INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER DELIVERY AND SUCTION HOSE. WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN GREAT VARIETY, IN INDIA RUBBER. AND OIL- SKINS, ENGINE YARN, COTTON WASTE, SPONGE CLOTHS, &o. NOTE THE ADDRESS, 2, PEARSON-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Price List forwarded on Application. 8lW DEVONSRE OlDER. Good Mild Draught, from 7d, per Gallon. Prime Sweet ditto and Champagne (pale) for bottling. Quality unusually good, and prices moderate this season. Apply to W. J. & J. GASKELL, WES BUTE DOCK WAREHOUSES, CARDIFF, 1349mws D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT. ANCHOR BREWERY, DUBLIN. II Is free from all kinds of Impurities, and contains a larger amount of Food Subtanoo Um is found In any M?'ot WiM."—Dr. CANUON. AnalyA to City ot OnbUn. M1M JjlORD AND HOPKINS, MARQUEE & TENT CONTRACTORS, 75, BROAD QUAY, BRISTOL. N.B.-TENTS AND FLAGS FOR SALE OR HIRE. Sagd B I L L I A R D S. Cook (Champion), and Bennett (ex-Champion) only use Buiroughes and Watts' Tables in their room -1 99, Regent-street, and S15, Oxford-street. I^mdon. 80 Tables, mahogany, ?..pl?te, for Bd., 1, guineas; full sized cloths from Li 10s. Sole M-.t- turers of the Registered Cues (Cook's), each cue haying an ivory plate bearing the trade mark. 19, SOHO-SQUARE, W., LONDON. Experienced men always in Wales. 8702mwf B IDGUOD AND Co., BOTTLED ALB AND PORTER MERCHANTS, waATQN. STREET, CARDIFF. Allsopp's, Bass's, and Worth'ngton's Pale and BarWn ?l..1?.y. in Stock. Dublin Stout of Zt?cl? quality only bottled. Shipping, the Trade, and Families supplied. 817W BREWING PRACTICALLY. — India Bl'.1?, A. K. Stock and MUd Ales, Porter and Stout; complete table 01 .-I?-9 heats, 1-90 ^5- tracts, the use of sugar, fementt?o-, Vi :,g rich gvo.red al., b,iM..? ad -Palklg, to. 6d Post free.—James Herbert, 86, U .t-N Brt, on-TreBt. "? 8168d THE BELFAST BREWINGCOMPANY ?- BELFAST. Bi?hl,?? fend Butt'B Celebrated Old Beer. Brbto!. BÀTh\l' gt'POiOeaf:œJ. f 'jrt. Monmouthi?h?e.-CelebrMe(l Brown and Imperial Stouts. 87MaepSl T TALBOT & O O.' S T• STEAM SODA WATER WORKS, A& NORTUGATIE-STREET, GLOUIC Bristol Laboratory, Old Park, Dlm 2bd, IM Mr. T.1bt Soda Water Manufacturer, Gloucester. S'R,—1 have analyzed the sample of Soda Whkw YOU !et-\u'd"î'ly::e":W w't &as, and from the presence .i small quantity of Car- bcMte of iron, it will PCsse? tonic pm?"e&_Yom faitbfu ly, WILUAM RTWATH, SEN., B.C.S., Professor of Chemistry." ?' Bristol Lbotory, Old Pak,.Tanum godh IM om? Talbot, E Gloncester. ^^a^pl. ofutm Wate-, tEd?T?'S??tHn ?etameaythoMhtnnd in the natural water of the Seltser Spring by the oelebratea eb?.i.t Bei-Fmnn. Youw is fully charged wun ??on?c Acid, and 19 free from ewmic matter or otba impurity.—Yours respectfully, WILLIAM HKBAPATH, il,P C 8 &C., Cbembb7iad 4A2T  °'0^" The Laboratory, Cheltenham, JaM 10th, ISM Messrs. Talbot and Co, Gentlemen,—I have analyzed the samptm -f M. Water Y.. at me some few .Atbx go, which bs" elr e" se:m: ¡J"ta°lo w:: Mpu?ort., Equine sl?rvist(ir coi??9= of p? mrto"to ot* W& in each 'M?. *°?.B? charged with carbonic Mtd <M; ?'?'?!?? pure and wholesome beverage.—I am,Gentlema^yc^1* bitMnUy, JOHN HOMEY, C.&, AidYtiG&l ChiidxL TALBOT & CO '8 ORIGINAL GINGERADE, b universally &nowledged mpeHor to *U ?m. univeanngd t,t,oniao on appUeaUon. Wma VISITORS TO SWANSEA. MR. JAMES ANDREWS, PHOTOGRAPHER and PORTRAIT PAINTER, at the OLD STUDIO, opposite the Royal Institution, Swansea OU Paintings from the life, or reproduced from small, p hltlhL ?S???e°?ographa at reduced obugo. THE OLD STUDIO, Opposite the Royal Institution. 7741d (LATE or FALMOUTH), BAILMAKBB, K, L0CISA-STRSET, DOems. CARSNRI. flags made to order. Cantas from all to bw makers always in stock. PRIVATE LODGINGS FOR CAPTAINS BMW JOSEPH GOVER, adjoining the ? Western MaU" Omcea, St m%'Y;sh*o? oam. Coachbuilder, Wheelwright, Sho?M md GeBM g5onar Sp p_ rtgCUU, and a Smith, f Vehicle made to order, and ropgm uecute with IWd MMM H. W. PRICE, biBROBANT, SWANSEA. Wholeule Dealer In I- Bdt.M. and B?ddg. g., C. b ?.d .ry descrlp- Ïf::dWår.oacJoh= ':p=[ OFFMK-WATERLOO STREET, SWANSEA. —— YVT S B A G B R, HU,ILDEJR AND HOUSE DECORATOR, SHIP PAINTING & GILDING DONK. SHOPS-10, JOHN-STREET, BUTE-STREET. SMiMpt rJ f\EETH EETH I TEETH I !—Mr. .I. HODLANf, 1)?nti- ,Nolson-dreet, 8wtMM. supplies I,.(, Artitldal ToeU4 nwle c? of the belt r.ml BcMt materMe of good and .o&d :b ,.tantrc:st tr wtU °Jo":O:"IOn J T H. w-I ;?anin-ifet) perfo(,?flt comforL MtMMtfon. andarti? ti.. 1, .11 cSM. howler dimeult, Teeth, from 61: t?tf ?om <M N.B.-Athndance the ?da?fnn't'.lhnr?yineYery'nonth. at Mr A. Xum' Mt:hc?):'?''a)i!'t.?..<ar)mt-ttteet, Ahenlnro. I All 6277 mw • IMSMWRM, THE LARGEST PRINTING WORKS IN WALKS. Tilm "WESTERN MAIL' STEAM PRINTING WORKS, ST. MART-STBKET, OARDIFF. The Proprietors 01 the above worltllleg to bilmde Ulat they have I'" added VERY LAnOB 01 PLAIN AND BANOY JOBBING XTPB, And that they tie prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PI AI M OR COLOOKED, Itf ALL ITS BRANCHES, IT POWBRIUIL M AOHIKlBTt liras BHOBTESr ROTICB, AND OTOS THN MOST BIASOKABLl CI BHS WBSTBBN awr. IITBAM PRINTING WORKS raa CA'lAJAlOV". CATALOGUES, WESTERN MAIL STIWI PRINTING WORKS roa urvoioia WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS IVOR CIRCULARS,1 WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS JOJI ACCOUNT BOOKS; WESTERN MAIL BTFAM PRINTING WOBKQ, lOa FAMPHLXTSi WESXEBN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKB JOJI TIME BOOKS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WOUl JOJI OOIXIKRY PAT SHEETS. WIETEUT MAff, BTEAM PRINTING WORKS foa BANKRUPTCY FORMS] WNBTZBN waff, STEAM PRINTING WOUl lOa ABTICiJtS OF ASSOCIATION WESTERN MAIL STEAII PRINTING WORKS toa BUILDING SOCISm RULlI WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS toa BUMONILLDIRON WESTERN MAIL BTEAM PRINTING WORKS roa RORBE OF LIAM WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WOREN. roa INSURANCE FORMS WESTERN MAIL ilTJWd PRINTING WORE 8, toa Boomw WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS FOR CHEQUE BOOD; WESTERN MAIL BTEAM PRINTING WOBJU Folk TIM* SHEETS; WESTERN HAIL STEAM PRINTING WOBJU toa CONDITIONS OF Ø&r.I; WESTERN MAIL STEAM f&iNtlNG WOBJU roa HAND BILLS MAIL IITBAX PRINTING WORKS roa POSTFjtS tALL aiZES), WESTERN MAIL STEAM POINTING WORKS F'Jlk ALL KINBS or LITHOGRAPHIC PMNMG, ESTIMATES GIVEN rf0N APPLICATION TO "A NL G I B u, THE WESTEF MAILR BTEAM PrJNTING WORKS, gt, kAAVSTRSVCi CAM13M §WMt %UMM. HE QLAMOROATR SA UBAGB8. Made bom choice dairy-led Pork, b, HENRY ø. HAMMOND, 188, BUTB-STRIBT, CARDIFF. The demand lot these Sausage* MeassWatee on making ahno.1 overy hour, hence theb mimfuUj «vw those coming mm a dtetanwe, whWi an can no" tome days before they reach M>e aoneamse. TMOnwt Tn'rs?iFisH)fism Fflam!r M"TWRRW -tir. (Opposite Roweg and Oo>. ASHTON = intow We Clerø, and  and  toMteaboMaddM? and take-tc ?Bttah?MtM-et ?the to the Wis add3em UI4 to =bwwm 0, %a late B. W.m. UR. ?TON bl*o by ?'M'???'° T?' o?tmd,ed to hi. to m.t "COPHMLMN Of am .:= M long bixwwad on M* predeouwm A ø'ØDl, of Perem, Tivy, and Wye Salmon, and all kinds of IIIh In 'belr R.ASHTONbnytaUMtMt.ter W?d money, direct from the tMnmen, and aot mid ,I emm &hu _rID. &0 Mt ontomm aw fiU b-4- ftbm fi-b kvas NEM« essentially r:%= -c.=.trM.:r:t. Tttt families ,Ated on, &M &U M& deHvaW «ty DUt of the towix !? ??M UD ICB ALWAYS IN STO^K. sumwt MHE LONDON FISH POULTRY, X AND GAME WARMMUa*. No. N, DumMmzmr. :IR, J. H. STEPHENS, FISHMONGER. GAME DIA&EB, FOULTBBBB,*e (Ten Y<t? RZPWA6- In LOR&MI Bege respectfully to Inform the NoMHty, Gentry, and Inhabitants oof f I-M d .kbbmhbA Wa 6 1. tends establishing a firs^claas warehovee foe tbe sale of every description of PW¡, Game, Pout." &0., In he MMMt, MdtoMo, Of tHft .MMtttt MtMMft. ond MM«p{ meeaaX 01 ,U"%UMOD 10 be be entrusted, to merit a portion of tbe public patronage ..a. of a. A dally mmV of Omm and Wye Bgmoi4 &a al A =W:°fw=è,fl'a1== III AU M. Game, Po-lb7&.&, m-d to gm London ,,IL Private Houses and Hotels waited upon dally. 8879mwf CASSELL'S PUR* UNOO LOURED TRU ?ASSZLL'S PCBt UNOOLOUBND T)tAN ?ASSELL? COFFNEL ..o:=.:n.3=:rr wdl the black to the -twl c=ol==, trmd not oogad With the mined powder ow oym coi0idm matter bv tbe Chlneee, to disguiee theleal r'. oo. ni-a? the high oelebrity for which Ule bave been distinguished during nearly a ry =Oun? :tl205Are?gW&ad full flavour. CApSeSr ElWb S PURR -q..1,, Sty I.in?.n& OäsELL's Pom KCOLOUUD TM, OL to IL St per lb. ALTNU, SL 10 4L PU U36 cCOFFEU, IL to 1. 1M. per Ik CASSELL'S OMEML OOPYRI; 2L per lb. !nCtBMeMtmdFMttMM,tot.teHh Sold by Agents. Grocers, Chemists, oDnfoc&=z% ft ???'&?S? 91.?  AGENCY.- pit meequiedf.C.ABS=,STBM od COFFBES in 8Wl'I rbood DO$,et tølIJ mppHed.-Fer tenm<q)p?!cOASS)mh BMtTH,m5 CO.,89, FenchnKh-atteet, Lmdon. M76 mwf TTfV?PBZ8BRVNB8 Jj "DM MB. GzoME.-HeMe <eeeptmymM* sincere thMb for the ?=MP'A 7 LmIMod PRESERVERS'-tbat yen sent me, for I really COD- alder they be" mted the life of our iittle Maggle, who had all the vmptome of convtddonec which Degas to abate in t;o: t?ttt? =., "Z: 'î beg most heartily to recommend them to every mothet u m? he best ua I htt?eewMenmed. VMM W. G. HOWELL, British Schools, Yrtrad obediently, Nov. Mth, MtB.'Tbe&tMMMe From. Rhondda. <*te medMnt to gtTt intMtt? mtthw* being the only ofe medicine to &I" iwmt% moom we invited to give them a Wg 'nMybf?wondetM Po?ver In r?Ue" u It by m-The hAw Lion of Teething, C?vuldoet Jig Of the L?.g Fftt.Co?ene? Soar &ttth.LMttM«<<the Boweb, coustant v=, WhtMtBttn Htt t?ot breathing, Bronchitio, Swam -.sol-A Md Ftrem of t?Mtte. fMd r.OwtOUAILMIJ&md 2s. 9d. each, by all Medicine Tendon everywhere; or i:ëe o:u.r. =t.V-d.-10 Proprietor, B. A. ?JSMRPtette, PenbptMd, f=Bi stamps, BTAu.Ad. boln =Ri=? Zdlo G"nd MMber. CIMmw GEORGE'S PME AND GRAVEL PILLS Gwe now Keemtted by *U beiM THE BEtJêo:lu MB P1M AND GRAVEL, Aøwell III fOrth; = III the Back Ftntntency, GttpiM, CoHic sense of weight in tbe Flatulency ,iI ?* ,l,,ft,I.In athe tgeon HeMt.U?.Ntdmdmyt.Mtt In tbelwgbs, Sup. Pre.d. and Retention of Urine. Pain. In the AND ALL LIVER cOmPLAthT& The Pteptteter hM KteiTed npwMd* ot two tbonsand TeoMmoniaH tntMOM of theoe HUt Send MtpMmy A=P for m impoamt LM of TattimeeMj<trom Doeton, Chemhte. and inv&M from all pwo of am country. ?MMy tUChembtt.t e bozm I& li& and IL P& sack and may be had from t a '"P??'?TS'M? M.B.P.S..m?. Glamorgan, for I& &&, and 3L In tump* M.y.??.?'!??&'? 'S?. W=ob. .L=dLo.'BrbtoL&DMTWWL r:= V;rrlO OF TBE SKIN, SCURVY ? BAD LEGS, E?iLbj,.&ALbk %?■* I D:RMILY BY THE EGYPTIAN SALYK-The mota W0040v ful application for every kind of Sores. BMKg'M above twenty years' standing have ?e'??? cured by is m two or three weekl It a 3bduesdo*. mou0n In a few hennt, and Mothet pain rety Mickly. a 'm u m4c under its 7 jnnonce, ==UVp 94 of the tlim For Gathered BreaaU, !Da<me? ? Mtinfetm, Otten, MdWeundaaf wy t&a It is um"u ied, and f recommended "itg Uwrough oonadenee by the Proprietorsh0 coa. KXm?tecet?Mthtmoet fmtt&inf! pMOt* of ftomt- = LCKC-"ft.i'dy.-ProMed oI by Reade Brothers, Chemists, Wolverhjumptonjand sold ?; Wt.it 14Ciia 1?& M each, by^ *U05m? Sold g;a&llrJ4, M20 mwf O YOTJ SUFFER FROM BILIOUS- DNISS, f ick Head-.ebe, Indigestion, or Diumed Liver I Ii so, send to your chemist or to Coventry for a Box of BAILEY'S VEGETABLE ANTIBILIOUS & LIVER PILLS. The OB]yctrt<un Cam! Worth tGthMtPtU! Seb ==dJp':r2ua:e in boMB t?.. ? lid, S. 9&, 4..61, and m each. Sent post hee for 9, !6, M, 66, or 186 stamps. prepared only by THOMAS BAlS?* = .1.COVE14TRY. 8928WS RIMAULT AND 00 CBZMMT, 7, ?3r RUE DE LA FEUILL&?F, PARIS. ItUEB:M&' CBJMAPLT AND CO.'S VEGETABLE MATICO INJECTION AND CAPSULES. Where all other modichm have failed, tbm prepara- Hons tre always effwuve. They immm rapid and ex- traordinary cure of severe, recent, and chronic cases of disease. They are used in the Hopi$ah of Paria b the celebrated Dr. Ricord, and are found greatly u;xo? te all other remedies bitborbo known. Price: InjectioM,«. M. per bottle; Capmtee, 4& 6d. per box'aa t e? Newberry and So= 37, Newgate- :r.tal1:: 00.8t..N, $7, ??.tmt; and Messrs. Pritchard and Consince, 66, Charing- cross, and all repectable chomibt& 6711w f(OUT AND RHNUMAnSM.-TheexerMh? m GC!rof Gout or RAwunmdm Is quiddf roue"d andcnMd?afew daybyMttt eetebratedtMtdM, fft.m'S 8bTI"= aIDe. Tbey reqtdteMre<h*tnto< diet or MnHMmmtdnrhMj thehnM.andaMaettth'tettMmt?h* dt<eM«tta< '"Md? aSSedMMVmdett.ttta. IJ& and M. per.or obtained through any Chemist &196 mwf CUTTINGS OF GERANIUMS, Ac. ONE HUNDRED aMANtCM. In 40 e??" "?' ties, Including Tricolor, Gold and Broue, Vairegated, Noaegay, and Ivy-leaf, .IOL; 6% 6s. <d. 2%?16ucy Polugoolown, SL M.; 1% 2L 14 Chryoanthemnma. 8s. 6d.; 12, m G& 24 -mpom 2s. e&; 12. iZ !U lIucbBlu, 28. 6d. 8d. All pot-frt f6w,?4; -.4 CobMBS, uogmwf .The Fans, gnt" Middlwm CHARLES WILLIAMS, cHAIR-DRESSER AND ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER, (late of 20, College-street,) ?MPMB?N?'?AT?&T.SW?? The above spuiom premise! are now opened as a HS??g.S???'?Sb?Sr?e? and Gentlemen's Rooms fitted upwith every convenience An Rda?Ont.mentatHa?Wot): made to order. A BRAE assortment of Toilet Requisites. Shampooing, S«^aBnUhlngbrk,ChtoCTT- saMmwt Chug. modera .Solom?f RILSNTS AND MARQUEES ON HIRB. JOHN SMART, TINT AND MARQUEE PROPRIETOR, I 41, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF, Bev 0amonoo to, Me publlothat he bo 16 jAM Nd beautifnl selection of Tenb and MaMMet. ?n dispo aSjSM) enitaMe for fto_lbo ? tod?90" PU?% !ace?5-n&, Ac., thereby enabling Mm to wecuto anj MdS'?emybe f*TonM<fwtMt.a<?tce.?*twmd? O.m,ordmm? on ellllorM8' IÜ n(SS-?<taMe no obIjo* appli- ?n-P.?AnappM??tot-eaboTeaddre-hpa? c IT 'nTited b?oM engaging thewbero. tMtmwt  '(J. Omy ElOTHNRaFLL?? TOBACCO, -Wh?..???SS?AR.?.Ml<d O TOBAOCONIFJTL-W. Q- FliRCE U_AUM PFE"BKIAR?I«S,PI™ SCHAUM d -T-Ww.-atro%I Ui MANUFACTTIRML% NO e, B w-street. MTTM- b..Wt. iHUSt tTl OHN R. HORTON, BUILDER, oW eøt¡ate-øree" CariIUL DUt door to go Daft Weitgate-itreet, CardU. next door to>JUM Now officl sh Z! .bo aoU8. IWDüusI _U, =:: of Mae? to Oft. odd$=% IfQltllten' M. 5Wa 8SSllOSJ pABNALL AND IONS, BOALEMAXERS h GROCZW OUTFITTERS, BRISTOL, .orWE10HINO MAt'RINBAl8Iålll. to Collierlea, and in accordanea ?Ub Act of Pull?" init roa Boon WALBII O. J. THOMAS, U, BOOK-STBEET. NEWPORT. price List* bee on application. gwmwt I. ARINE UNDERWRITING JM. ASSOCIATION. joHNSON & TYLKE, MANAAXBL CI?EB?RD?!? ?M ??EA. Pelides on Cargoes, F,Iight.% and AAV-c-, &?D" FttMtt Mt r;;r¡[' ..4d. CtWANSEA ION COMPANY, (EstabHabed 1868) IMPORTERS OF NORWEGIAN KOHINOOR LAKE BLOCK ICE. p..W. f?,wuded tomy dbAWC& C.?Up dwgd by RWI?.Y CompMiMi*. W ar- M??wS?tbe8wMM.tt!teC<)mptBy.aMd<tth*K we ?mw atel Ice Hone*, St. Helen's, Swansea. StOOd mHOMAS JEFFREYS & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PORK BUTCHERS, 174, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., WID nppl, any quantity of Perk Sausages, Gorman Sausages, Pork Pies, Saveloys, Polonies, and Black puddings, at wholesale price*, which can be obtained by applying at the above address. 893$y27 ? OODAS????S'W?B. The bo* ad most agreeable tonic yet Intro- dneed. Per tbe relief o( Indigestion, general debility, and loas of appetite, lila invduble. .4" Arthur Hill RaimA ALD Wentworth]L  bottles, at la ,1s. lid.. 2s., and 2s. Sd. each, N,d by UMI)JU DjaioVg& & CO^rfs. Diploma ol Merit. Vienna, MH YX ORKSHIRE REMH. JL The mOÁ DEUCtOPS SAUCE h the WORLD to CHOPS, STEAKS, FFH, &c Sold by aD Gmm and OUMM In BctUM, 6d Is., a-d 2L-6-h. Trnd? M:.N$em Kttt. p,roprieW?oWDALI? BACKBOUS]R? CO, LO?DL Diploma ol Merit, Viesna, 197L GOODrlt ?A??G J?WDER. ?r The BEST PENNY PACKET In the WORLD. Makes delicious BREAD WITHOUT YEAST; PUDDINGS, PASTRY, Ac., without EGGS, BUTTER, or LARD. BREAD made with this Powder is much easier to digest and much more wholesome than that raised with Yeast, and a larger quantity is raised from the same weight offlour. One trial will convince the meet scep- tical of Its superiority over otherl Sold by Grocers, Chemists, and Oilmen, in Id. packets, 8d., Ie" la. 8d., IIIId 28. tIDa. Prepared bJ GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, CO., Leeds gTIFFS STARCH." « STIFF'S STARCH." 0 TRADE MARK, QUEEN BBSS." CJTIFF'S STARCH." t3 One trial of this beautiful Starch wfll prove ltonperiority. CJTIFF'S STARCH." Sold by GMcere, O Druggists, and on-. and WhOIeAI2II. BtddiN-BtMet, BhoteL 608d nn WONDEBHTL BLOOD PURMML JONES A N POO • UNIVERSAL -G UMTURE ?' 5Sde ?t-"MM<MMMMt)'e.' Impurities of the -"ldrbeu:ntt tbm are ?eedUy tM* wonderful F-df?14 Mature. K h mOl' mW* &W bed pamo,or in the world for AR OMPUON Of 69 W* MotcbM met*, pimp! Mtdthetd*. bOI\8, -bucI.88, llw wcnm, am be8d8, MM eyes, t?pttM, Ikb, W,.d acrofnla, tennJ, IlaDdIllH awelltog*. euoevous sores, bad legs, pile*, secondary and all nlood and 8kiD di» =._ ? is bi" recommended to all parties uslns E??b???-SS-SV!? tb.b ge o-l1d -IU b0-1b-? ?l "S I. 8d. d, and b aMMCMUttntBgaTttt.Si.bottht.Ut. ?Rck I%Mci-O 40 tTnxttMMk-KthttMd). OtEtMt lIfaa,.ne:- boWa for a" kind of BPA lip M'by* twenty five ym? '.tsndbg b- b- cared b?M WOdM. k MM zd%g^ pabued koodk )BBMM<! eye? thmwrnm, 1Ilcen, b?fi. tctM? b(?, pimples, ;= Md for w-I.8 0, oUdate?om It 1s Ncom -Ird will eonadeace bt 'htpMBtMo?whcfttj :deDr:a'=-Jl: :J of its ?<M. SoU U paY t ? lic, ? a. '? U 8d each  ?'*<* COUGHS I COUGHBI JONES'S QA1.HA1K OF BOMHOUND. NM. .UNsnD -e4). Hie mod agreeable agShcfatf and ctmmmnthe oougbs, bronewt* wintejr ?ooughs, dMB. =:mPti!=- kwOf': &lid all eIr cheo1'llIIIfI!. OMocttteh mesteMMttfMfttMt. Meth.Hd.h.M..<M per bottle. 10a.s'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLI FOR WIND Are tbe best medicines in the world tor Mdtieatloa w I o d and p 9 a I n the stomach, Uver comrialntajaumilce, tt<?h<<td<S?tt,pt<M?St a.VkwIl ov, )mcy?M5!St.%? diMtM.b??phn? p? t?<X?theh? lowness of nrirlM, vain* Intbe beck and side, pile*, ftn' "td giddinea' the bMd, Ac "6.MS T?TtT. Hd.,?<?.Hd AL M?tMh SemtpMttMete'BMM'tMtp? SeIemMm?tnMH W. Joms Md CO.. <tM)i?), MT.OMt Boward" lAnrpooL Sold in ouM by Mr. WMI&MB, B??e? Joy, and Coleman; 1400rk Mr- Thonum and Mr YMM; pontypool Stephem; BrIdgen Pri?; NefttL Mt. H*ymm; SwMM*, Mr. W?u, 4, Ox- r.B=t4 'f C-dipMr JeBM: Mothir riffithg; CM-mntthen, bii%t t and Go Nwlu. Mr. En.; Aberdare, Mr. Thc?M; Miony, Mr. Brown; Pontypridd, J. Davies, Mon- mouth, Dawe and Son; Bristol, 3?'< and 'S and dealer* in patent medicines. 5!MmtwU CTTART/Kfi TJEFYEPJU AND SONS' ?WUILDINGS (9fc W. and 9% W- dff..b" AR4 1 8, and 4, FO-"k-th \vhe:OD:"B'oo:eu Mnden, Account Book Manufacturers, Litho- p.ph..6 Ltter-p- and Coprv Priatem S! prepared to 'SSSe*Met!?he,TnMte. Ac., S?tyTfw prices, having f?'t ttdIiMMtot M dofy. =biy above 180 hmd* cMt<)t?y en?eMdnpNt Mo prew- tnthtTMtoM branche of !.be Tr8d& EMm))?* *Bd di.M. 81- upon application_. 190 mt?tf "f\X\ THO'S YOUR LAWYER! Leo Ad* ?m and AMhtMtce given In Chmmy Md  to appmed 4efmlded for Rwove of P-,vputy, Debt44 of prmi^ ='J t:==.. RaIlWII":=::  zmkmpw and COMPODU= with Ondt6m 2dL. = tree), .¡' step'1I DIob&or 1Ib01ild tau Pu^>hlet nroapectn.'1 torwMdB?with Sam& fJ:- M!?nA??L* CO.. L.wA? «a«h t?ha*. tomook w-0; HIt It W EEEiSSJ., No. 5,  W. CA.ML i !or gnutmak IMO ot  bmiu- and pIIbUc iDstltlÏUolLI walted' 08 am ioi SS?d??.?T.Mdty. p?r: 11=9 days, PO WEEKLY and UPWARDS mM be 36'? E?-Y and HONESTLY MAMSKD by pedou of BlTBBB au, without hhtdtMM to P"; ant omup-tio-Bndobs, f)r pwu=ono, or wVit.h sample, seven stamp* (returned U desired), jMdressed EVANS, W uTa, anr COMPANY, Merchant*, Bxallau(" b1dldl. Btaflinghai «W«nM TaTl ORSES fOI ALL PUMM for the il AAdomq, k-Tbe ttmtehNt '<?. of high or modfm borm now '°t??'?.,°*? SStdthtdMenMM ie tbe way of pocOTttrou^n XSmSSe tS?omenennoM?h?''?. ?SSmMUtte- 'Mm ??'SS??.°?°'?' Sttto?ed duwwb my'ong-MttN? ?uoitw nSMntMd MfMF mMt red. operaf tjis mON 1*" anigbans", ,I 0,t1 heinkradootD,t;Mm6 and foreign agent* In moucJ4 0f my? kQpoafgbeomr*s" !???hS?!&?<'?T?!?d t«S!?SS Se?-CtptttB Ct!"?M HUNT, Bowb.1 Ho. Sge'S'F? L?? N.&-bbbod" -.rIJ W?tt?'?Mt. '?" Ty CREASED SAFETY. MORB LIGHT. A LZ88COST. Tttte''P*?t"'?<'t<?.?SS7 aeq:&Df:ï m. Patent "Milleeo* Candto. Wfow (ondles and ?U I.mp SIIed; better UP' at oae» !?th'"th?'°!?"' The New  '? ci&Uy *T'?Med for commtM, Md.? l-t     rth  No cold, trek or o'. prepared Colsalens, *ndimp5rten ol GM OII Am3y for illustrations, prioe list,. ?t The "I Mittk?=oom i l =t:o=lllJ:W'=t MMMmt M*mchMteif 7nvgiv  IRORM =a Som MLL Pof3TM T. (in Town and C<?f? HMdMU. a^ S?MT?wttbq?a?&h. *? Orchard-street, Swa»*e> BU7 d ESTABLISHED If-_  TJ 0, LZAQB. ? pofralt Md ADVERTTSINQ OONTRACKOE, n WOOD^TREET, CARDIFF, aU \bi PrlnalJI.III &lid mOlt l'IoIII8.d r-. a oito, QuiP. Ud *dL No .1«" r fJ" MW'/> BIEOKETT'8 FRUIT SYRUPS^-J ^<rasi as tbey be 1I88d wüII IÜII8I' -œ ALt TH, TXAB Kornro, SSSTBS^.V,. Dt. W A. L*.k Dr. IUII08o. *0 wbo 118ft"" -¡¡.¡ NAN PION U, t*nts uM. "XD> ECKXITS "RUP -if ORA5GS JLJI A" QUI14M forms nueDsnt Tmu "d StomacUe Beverage by tbe addition of I ttivo. ft. _d_ ad as ta j -1iIme tmJlfO'M8" eondttion Of $be .I8r .s nervous system. MedIal Mcoomendlng a pUce of Quinine Wbk BIUIr Bo,? ?4b. d&bolta drinks, witb v beD8IcW Mntta. 1188 teitiaonisls from bt. -.œL: Dr, Monroe, Dr. 1WJJbr. Dr, mmt, Dr. 9 A L4m4 b. Pints, Ss;; b .U- "1.olJIOI8oJ::i Agent* wanted w = wm an ",JntodL Order, el ,,I for any of the Syrups, sent carriage paid by 00 manufacturer, W. Beckett, Hopwood, Manchester. Wbolesale Agent 10> P?mth WaIeo and WeA of b¡o Uad J. W. Willis, InsnriaieWnlMhtgs Axht= /COCKLE'S ABfTIBILXODS PUM: TIU lUUI FAMILY APERIENT, la Boxes at la. lid., Ia. 9d. 8d., and 11a. COOKISS ANTIBILIOUS PILLM V7 7bem PMa an" of a -.tDl -4 po?.Ho a4. u?iA.m.f Ibe bed -W mfldod "'1Mle PrLatik ,it" tbe 8 -1 of tbe flowen of tbe camcmfle. 1i will V, a mo*t =:of far d*> rangement of the digeattv* *Vim, md for ktpm adin .:n::ro:ebow=.'=== the -.w .A*" of halo..4 liver complaint*. Tbey qmo"y ?? 04 IrrIWfoD and fev?rish ot8k of the stomach, aUay speeds, correct the burbld condition of tbe Uvw and orpm snliaei lient todte«*tion, promote d- ad badft a-stim of bile, and relieve the con- .ut.tion of all gouty and th., impurities, w!lkh. by circulating I- ibe blo,% .,4t :nJuriouf, affect tfce action of the kidneya. thus, by removing tho- productive a. csucn di.-fo-$, tbey intone tbe enenri<n bAh of o:e'TO =: "18dIII-1 0 of a: ble. U-6 paw W P, bigUy useful, occasioning DO P&" III UIeh action, unle« tbey meet with aD unusual n, Ir.= .i dd mMtef = Vu. q3 TbowelL To N?roly.? outbab fn the olmaeb 8Dd 00'" To Eoropeaiu OD &beU urlnl In India m China UM an m-oou=mdwgwo preservative agalnal the fatal disorders peculiar to tropical climates. Tbetr occasional use, if combined .it the Wcted ai*ew= to dW, will be freqwwp found to remove at once, by thob fng?? oiw b secretions, tbat congestive and unhealthy condition of the liver which is so often tbe earliest antecedent ot febrile and constitutional disturbance. It must be anderjtood that Uwn pMo an not lw .onw n ==:e:a: 7n the -t-17, they -6 characterised b1al. simplicity of combination, and whatever merit tbe, may be romd to pm? dop.?d. u "?b upon aw (election of Pam dra and $be =.mQ labou edaPb'owtbeh.P::= tion, o upon Um admmiedged peculiarity of their com- position. Tbey mnot recDgmmuW u a fA' are they adapted to a complaints: but .1?=.i efficadousperient and tome in b v&,1,2u fommot i.dig..Uo. 1& wID Dot, pd.M be exaggeration state ttt they have Dw. ra?itd to under all system* of diet, changes of U.?te, or abnph.- alterations, with an e3r$ramdinwy degree of xao"a for 74 Ibis celebr&W family aperient may be bad throudioo Ihe Ualted dOlD In 'bœe8 at 11. l,. 9d., U, a& the U.1td Kingdom in, .4 1& ir, 2iZ? aaa l eoI ladIa, Chim. I!W Z41a1ld, /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLI3 V TO OLDm PATENT MEDICINE, In Bone* at lL lfL, Ia. 8d. 8cI., and 11a. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLI. V/ 1, un 74 nan to Ia '1,fGt In Boxe* at 1a. lid., tL fId., ù. td., and 11a. /COCKLE'S ANMELIOUS PILLS. V/ 74 Ym for BI £IO'lr71W.'1JTIO!lf a. Ia Bœ8 at 1& li&. 2L 9&, Y. 6d And IIL /COCKLE'S ANMIUOU13 PILLI LU&¿'mnna. In an 74 re«I In Boxes at la. lid., 2a. 114. Od.1111. ØIId K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. npww-db of half .t-?y KAY" wonsl!bP; b. '=- :t>'M the bid remedy for the cure and prevention of dL%Oue. 1bQ Yt,h, doctor unnecessary In Ibe family. Acting on the blood, they purl it from all humow% rendering the life-giving fluid healthy in its action, and consequently restoring and establishing the IleaUb of tg=' L' 1. p.,dk- h. in hi.. hundreds of testimonials bearing witness to Umb efficacy Out of ?y, tbe two following have b$W '<elected u?!- Cork, Sept. L IM John Kr>;n: =' has bm suffering from a very son leg for nineteen years. During tbat um it has com m ova £ 120 for differ??nt docwff. some of whom gave up her ? u hopela- She was reduced to neariy a elt.. I got some of Kaye's Pil* and .rtc at: too\ t'fi'o::r them she was mmpletdy cured, and is now in good :t:aq:ss"i:c:o= ever known in this BUbourbood. I shall ??end them wherever I can, to y D I heu complaining. (Signed) JON,? The Agent at Rodm certifies to the truth of the following case" Sept. 4, 1868. 'o oJVhg N-i??ho f Illol P-L.Ibp, t com"A .;r:j= from burning pains in the stomach and difficulty of bmthi.g.#,?q-.9 of U- be had dt=?ork for many w?kL He was recommended to take Kaye's WoradeU's PIUL Before be bad taken one box he ? completely cured, resumed work, and I. mm again a strong, tealthy ? He my. he wLI1 never be TvithC-t ?Aegi? TW cM can be authentic" by W. J. Cor, Sc'.d ty all Chemists aDd other Dealers in Patent Medicines, a i. ljd.,?s. 9d, and 4L 6d per box. 6071d BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. TBJI ftBSJ THE EYBS1I THE BYESH m=oRsTouR SIOHT. Modmiw,-d=W$W less. All disease* of tbe eye* eared byusfng CAP& DIL i BALL A V' S IVORY EYE CAPS. Can be used offec&uuy wubod go aid of Dod? AN doe Amped mvelope for pudcula= to Mr. J. Fiekbo? Richmond Vill% Po Oddieta, ft== OM 26,000 0 PA"Woffgdmft guO wdadvl Ball'* tnlatmODL 6lSe d LOOK AND LIVE.—The use of MARS- TON'S OINTMENT is invariably attended wttb the most atonbblug raSWta. Co? which bad rede,$d every other mmody, and Ion bad been given ap as- ::J..vr:l cured wit tj thm1!= of II: ment. None need despair, for the most hopeless cases- et:iB.werful cleenidn and healing PNperÜ. of this specific. Prepared by Robert Zwtton, Syston, Lti?t??,bba May be bad o! ,U Cb-it^ -d dL- from tb* M$I r, on remi tof H othmp& 71nd WILLIAMS'S (Pontardawe) WORM LOZENGES are universally recognised -the only safe and certain remedy for ridding the human system of all kinds of worms, and are recomrtenfled by Mtem of all kinds of wo?. X*ca .0.. &'td by over 15 000 of the 1,?.dig medical men, Sold by IOCÙ e:i'' lid, and 2& 9d. per box, with list of testimonials, Aa 60tgd rf^NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B ü PILLS- V/ !8 wu=ted to c? all dwharge? from &be Llri..?y 0, wqi,.d., ?.tittioo4 (4r.,?4 a. 't P-im I- tbe -c %14 in boxes, 4& ta each, by all (;he.LU and Pte.$ Medicine Vendors; sent to any address for 60 stamp* by tbe 5faka, F. J? (;tAuLKE, ?)tsulti?g Cbemid? High-street, Lincoln.— Wbolesale Ag,.t,, B.,?Jy nd S, London, and -11 the Wholesale Hour. Sold In C.,?iiff bv Jy. C,,¡. man, 71,?h. ..d D. Anthony, Royal A-d?. &>d2d WOBTÐ A OPINI A A ? P li BE B O H A M S f I i L I 11 9 &dm0 lt t bIB ?=d N- B re 1Dt b thousands to be ,,rtb" .1>0. GIHNU A BOX, for Blliou and Disorder. mcb Wine. -a P.L. M the W-cb, &ok B,.d "be lddine-??, Fu!n- wW S?oibrg hik?r meda, DltDes..nd Drowsiness. Ccld Chilly F!MbIr. .1 Heat, loss of Appetite, Shortness ot Brwtth, C<«tlv» Ll 'Ib. on h? Ski., Dit7 Sleep, Mghi. Dream., and all :ri¡JII8K1(\d= sat f ose. Ad. Ibe Cm 4-u wuj gi" ndief i. tw-n minute*. This 11110 Hdion, for they have done It III tboenwb .f me. Etery .,f- i.Uy invited h1 try ?.. bcr ?t theoe pS). *nd tt)M wm be ack.??,,e4td <p U WORTH A GUINEA A BOY. For females 01 all ages tbea* PUll are lavalaau* AI. fiwclosva of them carry 011 ail grow bun un, "pea ?U obstructions, and brIq about all tfut I> reqalJed No femle sh).,d be without t!.= 'M,. 1. .?didne to b6 i.td to equal Ba:BAM'f FH.T td removing any obstmctiom or lnMulariiiee ,@ =DO=:O° MM :Jt each box, 'u:g=. MteM fer^ju 0,iu o.cb re4on fo, "do. of ?al S* t- F,,? weak Stoma^, impat, dlM*tlon, aad aB 41- Of!:a;=1íw..t, M wM be f.;Li 10 Vork ?-de. ?p. t i;? wu f4w ;==..1.= the whole muscular snkm. rd.. Ibe lon^ losi 0,Mb.,aig L.,k Ut?MMtdM ot appe&lW, 1UId_- IDto -011, *ttb the RQUB D o tb. the Wbak phiBical en of tho hu..n ft-Tboo an S?ACTS *XStt? by abo?mmb, Gmbri-.i -U dom of Society, and one of tb. boA g-ug- I- &W NO- 018011& DebiUtt" ta, BuotAM? P!LM hm U" lar¡eá .1. Of,8IItMed1dJ1e bI tb. I- "Id. BSBCRAWS KAGIC OOUGH PILL% A<*Mme? fw ong& in goank adb?t% 4L8od% tMM- t b-dk 04gbi- md ,A.rd tb.= -I? I- PJ & =-7 tinhod. Tbef'rPmnb-I&t ii d dtmomt?tt?M&ing wtlictt aiditly d:pr(ve the patient of nà. Le' penon 91- e?t-I CONO PliLi a trial, and Lbe mo*t vIeIæI ooqb..w in a bm &tme be m"d. ??tS?&ptba'Mt'?MMto?CetMittMt word* 1. ivu. st Helen' are -It* 0. vei anient stamp affixed to each box ol tbe pills; H aoi on tbev an a forgery. OD== wboleIaI<I UI4 NW1, pMfttST.BtMh'm. ChMBf?St. Hden? IMMo :O fa..œ. A IL I and SL M. each. Sent Ml free from the proprietor for 1» M t?t dirauou an ..b Sold by S DM(> gio sm Koffidu Dab= to L. BM? THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. i. TROMMin BURDOCK PMU Vw* 6U fouleat blood, and relieve *MY Disease Of 8bQ6-?k UTtr.MdKMMt*. Fm Blood gim NoWtL th?tt. <M<tx ba" mn ow" by tba" wobdeftl PWA6 wW a di."w coAld ot be reached: by any other medicine— SWd tj all CBOA" toMO?.l' lid. and is. id. OiKb 1"