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#larl)inrn\ Cools, xt. Sale. BEFOllK Finally Pfciftin*. it will Pay Yon to I E:t < 'UAH).t:S? t'HH.Mt'SS'?TO?K of .;W ",Hi SKTOND-HAND MACIH.NKUV 'or SAT,E bulb at Newport 8ud Ulouctster Work* TwpecttTely ,W: Tt,t on Hiro nr Pt1T"hMIn;r\' (In re-voanb' !■- m f->r P" P, T11' *• C.:i':iT\}'F[-I;'ND »l.\ w \<' 111N KU1" ?\Rnt:sr?:?'.??\.Kn:n' LOCK OP 'N i lw\« 'I OkS' PLANT, 'n¡'d, F :I ;)\ r;Tr;: 11(:tr.1-:UT;\ liI.E MNi-lN r.' S VKItTIO.Vl, KOIT.KHS. SAW HKNVHKS for vaiKuw nine 5;iws, ^rii hi r M:« i f -i a* Wi -i-> d -w«ir k inc Mftchinorv, At1!1 >T0NK 1»KK A K KUS, S'J'K \M WINCH KS, J»l Ml .1? VAKIOl'S KINDS FOlt I.HI> AND M.unx'KrDU'nsHS STUI'K OV Nt.W AND SLCmm. I T, S(IT,D, STI for it 1'< 1,1 "]lhl:t:[\ Monthly Machinery Ji/i:5ieri" 6d rr t"'t'1; subscription. 6, por annum. CI!\1IT K3 D. 1'lIIT,I.JI', T->«am9: ")I.h¡nf"rr:. Ne"r:tT. O. I '0"a\ Te\epn"Do. Sn 18. 58953 IT)|{ M-. VorlMv Ktuni;-Milt: of ;• w p{!.v f,,r imtmdiatc ckanittnv- r. 'L:> ,Z;if -•« o' h t;u: rtiPiif to ftfiir.- I .rww, Timl»-r refill 5' 9iu Cnd^rdtbvu Mortar Milt: 51 P'i.t>i>ri<1i|. 2240*11 K Si1. Two KitK-r*' V;»• a* >u w; appoint- J I M..W..t.)M:'<.(. 'r.)'KhH" 2025"8 \'ST\I Vl'KKA TMMW.»IJ;H, i•Uni-rwuuAhirr. -Dn* Old Machinery.— Offvr* are invit»d M 1.2 V Ton- i hi. fly Ca«t Ir»u. via., DM Kn^m.'s, J !.i.' h :n'- Puiutmm- and Sharing Mwhir.p, Hoshes, K»:«. Pn!l*y*. Shall*. Wrought uud C;»l Iron Pip* 1F.72»6 I1«»U S*i-\ 17 1.am\*du?e IIoiVm, <t..m X!« < ?«. i'?.' 6?1. ?, 7tt.d.n;.?f; t F.-i-Md, 21ft. x gfr 1 I w.iy, 30ft X 7*ft.; ditto, 32ft. x 7^ft. ):r)f;1 :R:;¡:1't'YSo7.ft.NZ:rt: t<),tt?. 26ft. x 7ft — l!1r.,I!r.. ironworks, 1872a6 "■10K Sa>. l.au-ik*liiro Stc;»n lioit-r 20ft. x 6f* }'t) 1\: \;k'I: t¡50'p!'arÏt: C?..t.imi?d? t\:L ;m.). 1813i15 FOK S.ilf. Srv»-ral Sot* nf Hau'.ins Kncine*. Stone. J'r.t..r?W.hi? M.?h,nf.. T!.r?-thr..w Vk;? Kyte and Co. (I,iarittil>, Wlutchnr«-h. t-r.r :11fr. 70313 I"1N01NKS for Winding or Hautins:, with c.tliRdt>fd l.3m, 1410, 13m. 6:d \)tJ¡r K*V><3 P^xird hand: cheap.— Ratc'.ifie and Sons, Haw*rd"u Irorw. rk*. ClJfoter. 70119 da!Jün anU Coiltrn» l\tqu tttf!). f-r I r1111 (?'. ? r:;il1 l'n '¡:L;¡. I¡;IJ!/ ht;: y.w 1! >. full i-pfv itt< atu>u M Z9. \%Mv>il' <.?)i!t. "?:,? COI'I'Ii.RY Tr.iuw (Kim1.—n»nv pood as new, &r;: 2't 6*u. ^Utisfp; cjip.n Y ah >«t t«m, tar« a,nt :t.. Ftro.i^ly tuiit; o.^t o*er t5 ^aoh; pnre t2 tO<ta.'ht."T.H?.M'St'at).'n-i'?'" Ttn'?  .?. 1878;?6 ^VTW AX]> SKCOXD HANI) ?? 10-T? C0\t, W\GONS to b<. had nu S'.nrt N"tie> fr m tt < CARDIFF UOI.l.lNCi STOCK COM. I' AXY, C.\ H I ,I n' Insprpfion It:T:ti>d 46527 ,ImF A7118 JTURmshisu COUpy ARE THE Lading HOUSE j^URNISHERS IN WALES. THE GOAL OF TO-DAY THE STARTI:, G STONE TO-MORROW ABSOLDTELT UNRIVALLED In the TImEE ESSENTIAL EEQCISITES: QUALITY. STY LK. Y ALUE. NO 8CCH VALTJB EVER BEFOBB ONMRICD. A SELECTION OP STOCK ON TH3 PREMISES OF £ 50,000. *?*' to fnrnifh nre invited to ■>•« Ow other ho? in this ?a? f t i le oomit,ry ha« .??,thi. f Uis it. W. m\ke .t :¡ht;Y d.af. likTh. tLe''=,. c: WIth them a warranty for soondnen and quality. Ail the materials we n.;e are of th« Nest quality and the woods are well-seaaoVed We employ a brcer nnmber or workmen th,,? any imi1ar firm in Car.?.i undew n? cxp mcced foremen, who ?l- to the goods beict RELIABLE AND GOUND. WE EMPLOY NO AGENTS NOR PAT ATY COMMISSION for the introduction ol Customer*; therefore oar JP RICES ARE R TGHT. EVERY J5 EQUISIIE IN JJOUSR JP URNISHIN G KEPT IN gTOTK Aho pIANOS, JJARMO.XIUMS, AND pCRNlTUKE I JfURNITURE 1 WHY W Arr TILL YOTT TTATF MONl^ WREN ORGANS, XEWEST RTTT,E AND FNDLERS VARil'T Y OF lLUI, CARTS & I'KRA MBULATOBS. E A sy T F, R M S. It Pnroh"r. desire it we arrange tb. P,? ments cn very easy tms to iid-t their con. "enjen('e. and 8trictly ;¡rivata. ??r ccn. CHAIRS AND TABLES LENT ON JTT« FOR PARTIES OR ENTEP.TAIXiIENT8 GOODS i.-LIVERED FREE WITHIN 100 MILES. CATALOG IKS FREE ON APPLICATION NoT *h» A<Mre«* ?TLAS yrRNISHIXG ^JO. ?A?IXHT MAKF.n, I'PHOI.STERF.IiS, Ac., HAYES BUILDINGS, CARDIFF JACKSONS 6HEEP DIP AND CATTLE WASH (NON-POISONOUS). For DESTROYING on SHMEP and IAMBS and HF.ALINO the WOUNDS caused thereby. and fo" Promoting the Growth of the wool. For CTRIN-rs SCAR. if taken in time. it is Invaluable. For REMOVING WARBLF. LnfPS on CATTLE and for CURING FOOT- AXD-MOCTH DISEASE. SORE UDDERS. SORE TEATS, Ac it car.not bo beaten. For HOT- tnfpg on HORSES, CREASY HEELS, STABLE WOUNDS. BUOKEN .SHOI'LDERS. SADDLE OALLS. Ac., yon cannot afford to be without if It will CURE MANGE on ALL ANIMALS; tho Hair will C.row again on the affected parts, am) :t will Strengthen and Improve the Coat. It will al><> Rid Animals of FLEAS, I.ICE. and AL], INSECTS, and CUKE All Kinds of CUTS. BOUNDS, and BRCISKSon UOUSKM. CATTLE. fWEW, DOuo. Ac. SOLE MANUFACTURERS- EFHF Ll;l-:RT JACK.SOX AND CO, SANITARY CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS. SWANSEA. 69509 THE "SUCCESS" RUG STRAP PATENT r.RASS FITTINGS, whirl, will lat t lifetime. The most Practical Rug Strap ever introduced. iRH_i:s AS UNDER. POSTAGE 2d. EXTRA. I i«»gtl. i Width <2i». x 1/- Length | Width. ^bin.x 1/3 Length I "Width 43ia. i ?3' 1/6 Jf':Y:ltt:t!lCE-8 tr) f'ditnr of "Sl'CCI.:Ä-; ŒCRt Peinni v U; £ TS toalitor of "SUCCESS" (Best « E C V lmb, u'"lle' 8' ^'hitcfriai-Mtreot. ?? D K C A Y E D T E K T H If you Clean them with PHIL PHILLIPS' TOOTHACHE CURE, u! ?er ^°'<l h-v a" Chemists. Sole ?'{"?..?L ??LU. 24, St. Maiy- 'Let, <Oardriff» aW8 €^ucatto nat annmmcfmcntg CARDIIT. JNTKRMEDIATE SCHOOL FOR dRLS, THE PARADE, CARDIFF. Headmistress Miss MARY COLLIE. B.A. AUTUMN THOI COMMENCES SEPTEMBER 25. NEXT' ENTliANVi: EXAMINATION, September IS. FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS KXAMINA. TIONS, September 17 ;;nd 13.  !<Vlst 101 H SCHOLAKSHil^ wiU be awV ard,ed t tlU.'H' KxamittatioiiH, somo to Clirls fnlU} Momentary Seho^ig. othore to Uirls from other th?'" Klcmcntary ?'i?? ?" ?'" Entries m or I*-fore September 10. j Pull Prrtiealara 1)Li*ting Entrane Exami- IL?'lon and Sfholurshipg muv be ohtaned from t11, School, or from m undnrR:nl'u, "?' DAVID SIlKl'lil', KD. Clerk to tho Governors, 1. Frrderiok-strevt, Curditr, n8285 August ^7th. J im a8285 JN'lEHMEDlA'rE SCHOOI, FOR BOYs. NEWPORT-ROAD, CARDIFF. H?thn?stcr: J..f. FINDLAY, M.A. A?'T??? TERM ;)ljCES SEPTEMBER SUl'p\,E\n;TARY EXTRAXCK EXAMINA- TION. sEI'lEMtlEK 17th. i'r.»3peetuses. Application Forms, &c, may h,' ()ht¡I1l'tt 'r< the dHOI )r f,,) i? lhe IIlIlll'rBlgncll, DAVID SHEPHERD, Cl"li to the Governor* ). Freetpl'ickSlrt" Canhtr. Au?tat 2'rth?MO (AO. I Í\üm':TOX HOUSE GIRLS' SCHOOL, UATHEDKAI.-KOAD, CAHDln'. Principal' Mi?HAXSOX. IUSIC, LANGUAGES. ART CLASSES. ,?"Y'T"?",?'?'?"" Occupations fnr 'I, Hoys !u|n' A Prfpnr?K.ry S"nool Next Term WEDNESDAY, S?Pt,.ber 19. — ;— — 876etc_ ►S'" CATHMRlyK?, 10, PARK- J PLAn:, 'HDn'F, Pt:El'HY¡'O¡:Y ";¡'IIoPL uKDS. agisted by BOY, "I.[) l>.1:->!lERGARTL: l?y }>"illcip,d: Ali., KATE ItI('IL\l{n, ,isled hr s,'b!ÙS'I: m::¡\d ';EY"l: I '1,1 ,r, 1,. r 1" ,1 H1hliaL' "{:l\ld Ki.-l.t {'h('LI! bl'(q 'in" hy «'h,ldm. t>,M,i s. 1,,1 \mn'!r 7" ?'?' ?'.t'«.m?; 18 For PI'oIP_t'h1 apply to the Principal. a034^ ?n-TH ?AJ.KS TrTOUfAL i t.AS^ES, (:E:\Tlt.\ 1..('11,1)( HE"  ?b]!KIXG-ST!:HHT. >t.» ARDIFF. "?. ?? and t-?" t' r '/< l'!° _Kx;>'»i»atioiis of the r!1i\'t.itt'tt  Oxford C?uubrift?-. Wales, and -ti I \'i; !.t'! M\e Thp°Wical Oonego Entraiu-e l\ !n s .,s IUX ? '?'? r'?'?' and f, "rl"enl EX:UJHI. Courses now bcin'i r-'n?d. D.n- and t?on)ns "C'?ss?"?' 2?4?f S. ^^KGARET'S, MCHMONI? e, FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL FOR uutils. PREPARATORY CI,AS FOR BOYS "nc'P?i:')ra.SI?H'SO? Urst-class Inured ?rtiB?tcd Teacher. Pupil for All Exams. XKX-1- _t.I:M ?-<??'Y;?p?? 12th. tN A FoI: 1,6A8?ltl)l,'R,. _At'i;l;ti i:R¿\:i!/¡¡;;I'. a7980 CCHOOL FOR GIRLS AXI) K1NDER- '^K':Ni BLAKF.MORE REOPEN P\RKU'ir-I08' AI.IIAXY-ROAD, 110.VCU !^k,  KF.[(}}a P.E.OP\ AY' Sn1tl'mhl'r nth. at Pr\"<te Lessons given i?? Mus, ?,?t. l¥:H_ 20!3a)5 <R'. MARY'S HALL SCHCOL' ''?? ?' -P'?" ? -?-? ? ANDFp5 SL nUwV Next T<.rm be?i,? on WEDNES. i1V)A, V v Septemb, er 12. t?pit? 71- Prep.?ed fnr tu))eM of Preceptors'. University J?;t). and Ma trie mat ion Lx.tm?n.n.iom. ?e.Ml NK WPOHT-ROAD, C.UIDIFF, 59, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Principal: Miss WILLIAMS. Ntm Term begins on 'Phursday. Sept. 13th, 1071etc PENARTH. JJAZKLHURST, PENARnL GOOD BOARDING AXI) DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Ilome Cotllf(Irts. Thorough Education. Pre- pa.ra ti0n fnr Esams. Xumercu? MucceosM 1 roBpectu3 and Toatimoainta on application Principal, Miss PEAKCK. A«t H.mc & September 9th. and after. 27Cteto T ADIE.S COLLEGE A?D KINDER- HENLEY HOUSE. PENAuRTH Pp rmcpal. MIss L. D. WIT?LIAM9 Honor Cer. tlf CambrIdgc Women's Examination; edn- cawd at 'i Knrt Co?ll. ege; trained at the rLa il/ieids 'p lolIlI ege, Cheltenham; seven y?.r. First ^ssistant ilLbtrcss at. tho Jersey Hiph School for (¡¡r!M ASA!Skd I,y Professors and Certi- « v t »m^8^ A thoroughly n'o?rn Kd?- teaatttkom n <omn "f?? Sch1,ool 1lints is offered to tho d f cation tr'9thl "?''?''?"aP?'-  01paAfu:i'nT°rn» besrins SV I, WR 13. Vv Studpnt Teacher ?_ 287eto CB()OL FOH CinLS AXD ?IXDEnI k/ G.\RTE=-. 30, W;STB(){'U:O;E.RD.. lnarth I,^ MIM KERR^X LYNN, M.A. V'S''i' VT111 GJ?-v"C-i'llege. ?-?? ?'"? hride leather 8 Dip!omaJ Preparation for Cambridge Locals and for Examinatious i. M rm: The K.IXT>EHOARnX DEP.\HTMET i8 under the ca rc of a Trained j,? "? who holds the HiBher Certificate of the National Froeboj }tK"n'i' U!L,' %(' ?1)?l I'F,-OPENS ?'?DAY. SePte,u. 1.1, ISth. 70383 I 8t;i!?;;d'S-ëHO()L-;R I S. GIRLS), 12, ?f'TORIA HOAD. EFH^ith'XT TERM will Commence SEPTEM. EF.il ,?th. 1'r?pf?ctu?i and Fun Particu!aro on appPca- lion tü t h 11 3ii is-11? SESSIONS and WYLDE 45. Wo(?d? tock -ro,, d, O? f?rd, __At Home September !5th. 67920 XT A SLA ND HOU?K SCHOOL H JI-TJ(Fdl1C:t; r:tte Fe". Numerous Successes at Public Lx?m.n.?on8. ?c?t Term will begin 8cp- tember 17-For Pro.pertu. apply to G. T? War?) Hea?im. (^ ^.IRLS' SCHOOL FOR GENTLE FAMILIE-L. HUtOKEY !K?r8H HK;KMAX.M\T) T}.eM,DKM-D?HY. Th-oughEdnM- tion of Childrc", up to 14 ,e,rs A Fcw Roarers N,,?t T? is,ii. 1900,7GO62 I.i.ANDAFI AIRLIE HOUSE SCHOOL, 4, I# Ll.SI')¡; 1' ;'<C" ""??"???"tto? M?hoo) torGiDs ?idH and Hoys. Muoc. Frenrh. iVoinSearving ? -NEXTTKK.M (;mm?t(. S).;?I. )?h948a)2 HATH, ??ESTOX SCHO()I" ?rH.—ycxt  Te m Begins SEP'I'EMBER 13. Boy.s Yd' sncces-iully Prepaved for Exam8. at, very moderate ftc-s PrOipCttuS. List of Su?f!?. Ac.. >n apriicati. n. Special Attention to Shorthand Book-k.-eninu-, Arithmetic and other Commercial Sibjects. Api>oiiuments muv now I,( made for September 7 and 8. when Principal wll lie i,? Soi^h rt'ales. 70411 BRISTOL. T>RIGHTON HOUSJE SCHOOL, J RI DLAND PARK. CLIFTON, BRISTOL Pupils thoroughly prepared for Professional and Commercial Life. Successful Preparation to- all Exams. Ext insive Pre niees near the Downs. Very healthy situation. Upper, ,T Lo??. and Preparatory Divi-nons. A good J ?? °me for BoarrleN Special attention to k,,?rd and delicate boys. Larue Play- lrUn Ovmnaiium. Fives Court, Workshop, Schvool Library. Dark Room for Photography. Football and Cricket Clubs. Separate Hou«c as fhnatonum, 1erm,? moderate Pro?p"!tm? and Faa rt i(? "Ir, on application. ?°'??' r?nrn on 'at'P?.?E!? 6?747 Headmaster^n/iKLES BIGG ?RENCHAY LADIES' COLI7EGL\ -*■ NEAR BRISTOL. Prtnop?) "Mi.. GOUGH. Assisted by an Efficient Staff of Professors and Resident Certificated English, French, and German Governesses PUPILS PREPARED FOR ALL EXAMS, References to Parents in all parts of the United Kingdom and the Ilrrluriditiz district Ot Cnfton and Bristol. Prospectus do,, Apl)li-ti.n. -•sK^T TKRM SEPTEMBER 18th. 70135 M YRL]!OROU(;H HOUSE~GIRI,S7' 1Vl\i;t(:(W 'VJIW\¡m!I:' Eatah!.6hM] IBM Principal:—Mrs. E. E nOBBS. INCLUSIVE FEES for Board. EnfU.h, French, Music, Harmony. Drawing. Book-lteepins, and Sh'?r?ha nd" 30 "G\l5?S PER ANNUM Pmnts Prepared for aU Examinations More than One Thousand Ccrtincatea Obta'oed by Pupil. of this School. [70192 More th?; Paptta of <h)9 Schooi. [70t92 N,.t T.r.' "gi-'rH Li?,I)A f. M',t, T ONG ASHTON SCHOOL, NEAR BRISTOL. Thorough Buainess Education in pn it8 Branches. stcr. W. J? KEMTE. M. A [70406 J. IKEW.PF. N.A., CAERLEON. LTi 1,WoltTH H O T ULWORTH HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CAERLEON. Principal Mrs. A. MORRIS. L.B.A.M. Thorough Education, with Home Comforts at Moderate Cost. Preparation for London Matriculation. Senior Cambridge. C,O. also recognised Music Examinations. P;*o-pectus on application. NEXT TERM Commence THURSDAY' Ssp- tetnber 20th. 7034 ^Studi rl1es. wil;oo,! VOic9Ulrt'_d GUAHANTEED TO STOP TOOTH- ACHE by using PHIL PHILLIPS' TOOTHACHE CURE, Acts like Magic 1. per bottle. By post la. id bold by all Chemists. a4482 educational mtounrtmtnts. CHEP S'l fHEPSTOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL. P'^ private School. Most beautiful and h'-a)thyattuMion. Delicio"" dimat. High Intermediate Course for Law, Medicine, Engi- n?nns. Technical Drawing, Surveye. Accounts Chemistry. University and all Exams. Game. Select- Small School with Individual Attention Uie luglieot testimony from Pa rents and (nd Pupils.-0. DE??jSY. B.A.; C. ?EWD?Y' l!A 69287 J 1- CHKLTE?HAM.? u.= "J Q GUINEAS YEAIUjY for Iloard, ] 8 1:;ni\Iglf. Nr: \nok.keeping. Hhorthnnd. Typewriting. Sew- ntKMtMK'.DriHinj;. Library. Cycling. Sni. tary Cc ?t, Prospectus, View: Principal, Pengworn, Cheltenham. u L17646 1 S GI,i:tI:¡li¡lt;t'h,B(: I ?' L?nudT<M-<. English. Shorthand. Book- KMpta);. 'rypewriting, French. Drawing. MIUIC, Singing. Dancing, Drillm\( Needlework. Foreign i :iBh'eWlså. t:' hf'pt.-Rtfprcnoet. Pr&- G. Beech ViHa. St. Marks, Cheltenham. L17629_ I. :==-=_èm\jË.-=' Ll: QOWBRIDGE CHOOL. PREPARATION for all EXAMINATIONS. Nest Term begins SEPTEMBER 20th. For Prospectus apply to the 11 EADATA STER. LLANISIIEN. TI-LE LEAS SCHOOL, IIANISHEN. Principal.: The Misses STAINER. Th?AutnmnTcrniwiUbegm on'MONDAY. September 17th. 70307 MERTHYR TYDFIL THE COURT GIRLS' SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDVIL.—Principal: Miss EI)A\ „ ARDS.—The Conrse of Instruction is Pre- paratory for the Oxford or Cambridge Loeal Examinati.')?. and the whole School is examined oiee a veiir by a University G,?d.?t- nomi- natcd by th" South W.I?'. University COllege'j SCHOOL RE-OPENS on WRD?ESDAY. &ptem- ber 12th. A Few Boarders Received. Pro- speetus. with Terms. ,%e.. may be had on appli- cation to MJSH EDWARDS. 69904 NEWPORT. I CJT. JOHN BAPTIST HIGH SCHOOL v- and INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. R1SCA- POAD (for the E.lucation of Girls and Little Hm-" OPENS SEPTEMBER Wll.—For Pro. spectus apnlv t.i SISTER SUPERIOR. Rt. Jo h n's Mission House. Newport. Mon. 1992al4 STONEHOUSE. ffTHK LADIESt C( iO EGE7 RTEFORD *■ HALL, STONEHOUSE, GLOS. Principals The MISSES KIMMINS. Terms Moderate and inclusive. Resident Cer- tificated English and Foreign Teachers. Pro- fessors. Erreptional Educational Advantages and Ilome Comfort- GOVERNESS-STUDENT REQUIRED. Mode. rate preminin. I'l?o'sp?tus ith views and report, on appli- Qation to the Principal. 4994d WARMINSTER. '? A R M I N ST E R GRAMMAR SC)[<JOL.-He?thi)y Situated on the Wiltsh, i. re Downs. Hoadjna.ster: W. F. BLAXTER, M.A. Four Resident Assistant- irasters. Prepares for Business Life, the Profes- sions, and the Universities. Fees, from 12 to 16 guineas per term, according to age. Nintv-fiix successes in the Oxford Lwals in the la.t five years. The Premises and Grounds include swimming bath, carpcntor's shop: playgrround, bicycle-house, fives ronrt. tennis C'>OUTta. l'<i larj?e cricket r,??d.-For Prospectus appiv to the HEADMASTER. 472d W F.STON-SUP ER-M ARE. A THKLSTAN LAI) l COLLEGE, A Tii¿{i;lJ:It 5I.C1?IRf!k. ROAD. ICLUSIYF. FEES for Bu?tril En?ish. French, Mu,i, Hartnoiyr. Book-keeping, and Drawing, 1IU<1". lJZ4 C??'EA'S PER' ANN'ijAL?'?'"?' Pupils Prepared for all Examinations. References, Prospectus, and View of Hoose (which ie on the Sea Front) may be had by applying to the Head Mistress. [70193 'I'eriii lie?:izis SA'I'ITIJI),kY. 15tti \\TKSTOy-SrPER-MARE. — ROSS- HOLME COLLEGE-Principal Mrs, IGLIS Certificated R+*sident English and Foreign Governesses; \*isiting Professors. Pro- paration for Examinations. Certified Sanita- tion. Tennis. Swimming, Ac. 68154 Jottl, Qimng-rooms, &t. ROSS. THE WYE VALLEY, rIllE liHTNE OF ENGLAND. The ROYAL HOTEL, ROSS. stands in beauti- ful Grounds, overlooking the River. The most comfortable Hotel in the Wye Valley. Visi- tors to Hereford Musical Festival should stay at this Hotel. Special Late Trains from Here- ford during the Festival Week, 70232 "For the Blood is the Life." £ JLARKE\S JJLOOD MIXTURE, (JLARKK'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER. Ii warranted to dean,e he blood from all !illrlt1\rm'1 whatever cause arieing. For .«'V»VY. ECZEMA, BAD LEGS, ??'LR?.GLA\m?AH SWELIJNGS, SKIN and Ll',<1J;ii:D,S IS,ElASES. BLACKHEADS, PIMPLES BLOOD and SORES OF ALL KINDS, it cannot be too hmhtv recommended. It is the only real specific fill- Gout and Rheumatic Pains, for it remove, the cause Irom tho Blood and Bones. THOUSANDS OF THh?MONIALS OF WONDERFUL CTRHS FKOM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Here are two recent ones: — ECZEMA. Mr. C. A. J, Cook, of the Metropolitan Fire lilqr?. "C ?:A'Id -:?rd. ha™ Buffered frem birth with 'Eczema.' and laot 'ear mral j Hve ehitdren began to burst out with the3e same Bores. and gradually became worse v!ns ?,/?t?'?'?a\r???????? ment. alld 'lles were gin'n. but without d:?? -he'm"'?;- 0????'? t n?',ir a wentlemlji ?po? t,j ine,, iiirl ?trongly recommended me to try 'Oarhes Blond Mix- ture. -aying it was the only thine for Ffzemn Ve all iinenced I it. 8'"1 »«»'' » hort ?nc trinntro ™ was a H decided j1-i.mprovement, our complexions heing much clearer, nd ?,en. tually the Eczema di>api>eared." A SORE MOUTH. 'priyate W. Lane, writJn from the Depot wVVniltts Ruegiment, Dcvizos. Nov. 14, 1899, savs  ) ?'? ?" ? ""??? ?? Rare 1IU''mv1,3 were much swonen.Itritd a)t )und., of oint. ments and medicines bnt with n" g"od remits, a.nd I began to 'h'?ki"wo?d become a standing disease, until a friend of .,?d n, t, eIlù to ,r firm fo ('3e I'f V'C j a.rUie-s *1) Blood Mixture. 1 am glad to Ray !l!a bef?r', I had taken h^lf th? hottle the orès in .mnjr .m.out.ih hbegan to d!p and mv 1i}) hegan to get w their natural size. Bv the time I had fin^hed the Us. case 1 was thankfal w find mv.elf restored to my former health y Ah Ifixt,tirt is I)Ie?aQ to the ta?e atni!d2 warranted free from anything in fin mrAt deJJcate constitution of either sex from n,fancy to old age. the Propr^to,^ s»oohnc ci?r. nfr?rerø to give it a trial tn I"it it vnluf> IT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR M TF ^R<?,< Sold in bot.tle? 2., 9d each bv VI" t, th, IVo,,I(ll',d?rT for ^3 st?mn>S the Propr¡ptoro The L:ncoln .i,d Connt)M Drnf Company. L-nco'n. ASK FOR £ 1LAI?KE\S BLOOD MIXTURE, And do "^e pcr5u:\ded ? ??f an ymHiition orsub,t WILL BE READY SHORTLY. 'WESTERN MAIL' CARTOONS OF THE BOER WAR. BY J. U. STANIFORTH. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE W 'STERN IAIL LIMITED, PRICE SIXPENCE. OUT OF THE MULTITUDE OF TYPEWRITERS. WHICH IS THE BEST? Most of them .?re :n I.W nnrt« That I rcpros cnts 1.500 means of getting out of order The t-t. would b,?:, Machine with the least number of chances of gOIng wrong. Th. "Empire," b,?t on a sound ™m<>ch;.Tif„ii principle, haa less than 200 narts >™nnr :hc'r. h;:S"t1;nEopi:s l3:Jmr I lens likely to go on t. of or.ler 69 The phM. M the Machmcs with the greatest number of cbances of going wrong is nsuaiw £ 22. The P',? the ?inpire, .it th"^ 1-.?t mc?s of ?ettins out of o?r. !s -12 12.?. Three" well-kuown locaj Dee!'8 of th. "Empire John W'n':UB9 and No. of Machine" John Williams and Sons ? "? ? I T V ? I ? l?Kl-"tr"et 2-1 in U- '*4 Yl)Q.rs. Taff Vale Railway 7-4 )'e"n.1 Barry Railway 4-4 B(}[;crRaks 'i'ijSiicwÄrB "are 3 b?n? bought out -d E.P,r, put in th?:?,?) BOLE AGENTS SOUTH WALES 4ND BONMOUTHSHIRE — WESTEIIN 31AIL LIBLITED, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. it7966 OEE THE EVENING ^TXEKE&B FOR 8POETriG AND GFNESAL NEWS. )











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