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PREPAID SCALE. "I!nations O!O'd Apartment*. r. u,4 "oL;cd, U'œ1!an,.oUA Wan 3ll 81., BOUM kt T.,t (If S?' It FRM AIT* and ordvr^d f r f :r<-iitiTH tasfrtioiw, are insert,<1 lD the IIWNt.em Mail" au4 "'•"■" S t-ipresa" at the following rates; — WORDS. I ONCS. III, 'IX IT 1. MCS I ImIn ?q. s. d. I. d, s. d. 12 Dr less 0 6 10 16 13 to 19 OP 16 2 3 20 to 26 1 0 2 0 3 0 27 to 33 13 2 6 3 9 34 to 40 16 30 46 Each etm 7 Words or030609 Wirt of In aU nam* and address are couuted U P3rfc of -=be advertisement if alternate insertions are reqntred or the Advertize moot 18 not prepaid, credit Tat** will be chared, tinct T1\) Advertisement will he booked for a lets amount than THREE SHIT,LINUS. This Scale does not apply to Registry Office and R'tsiroaa Advertisements, or to AdvertiAcmenta emanating trl1IU 'I'ul,1h, Bodies. RErrr_\XCES. Cheques or Pt Offieo Old, should he remitted in preference to Postage smuips. Postage Stamps (BalfrenuYi are not refused. bat. 6A they are offcn lost in the Poet, they must, if remitted, be sent At th,,S,.d,?r' C?'q'bo crossed and made .?,,bl. 1, D W. TRCM ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS Replies to Advertisement* directed to the "Western :\r;¡. Office wl11 be handed nut t")n production of t r).:ô>t, wh;\h may b* obtained Wnr"l tbç. ad",lrti(>mfnt v ^r-iered. nr they wilt be to the .d'iô>rtf>r'8 Address, providing Itampe to cover postage Note up- plied. A TtV irRTISFRS are cautioned that Postmaster* "Tft NOT allowed to Deliver Letters Art'1rpjhd to Initiate o* Fictitious Names a POft")fB,,p, Letters •dr1res«ed to 1mtla1.. (IT Fictitious Named mllt bear tA 8dc1r of thp Advertiser or 0.0. of the Otf1ca of tb* ••Western Mail." ORIGINAL TESTIMONALS shoulrl never be •closed with replies to advertisements a-.wressed to thf aÜ" Offices iCOPXKS OSLY SHOULD *E SEVP. :¡9trgottal. "1X^11.1,I\M OXLKY. ex-Detective-sergeant Cardiff "r IIi}l ?\t:x-ttiII,1:, r-al.y, mtsstnsr friends traced—Address 6. Lowex r,i ,roali. Cardiff. 2970M2 safe—Oeor^>. 2916b8 i.ot attb jfottnh. TOST, a B:»K Pony, t- torn ?ld; l™S t?,l .?,l TJ O!l:; P-1 1, on t. rt.a;d; 1;g r:H — Apply E. \VJlliam8, Windsor Ar Ðut.;ltown. Jlhvm- MMh "I A Oîor ;:dT.a;:1;'r,()1rr 1, dadsr rev?:d?d -D.???, 6J, X{utimond-rcv(d, C.?- e'" 3069hlJ iBatrunomal. rpRAPFSMAN in Businws. left with family, Dnirn TIL;t'eiD OU:"d 1;:d711h:lre:: I i-t'W't in Children, with .Mran to ExtPDd Bujiness; oomfortahl* lorn-; a:ed n.twu 25 and 4.): 1.lUUle and confidential.— T 20, Wttm "¡I. r"dlg 2327hl0 iftusiral. WANTED, Orgarust for Conn try Church; accea- 'V .1;;t1:Dir(\rgttyrtJa;,r one ac; fl ^lewtAnde Oregoriao muaio preferred—Rector. Wc,??, C.rdilr 2938 BANDMASTER WantPd immediately in Colliery Pi« tru t—Apply, .?t?g f,i?i owticulm, to Secretary, l<r-vd Band. B[a«n?arw .u.S.O 2688h9 jO0NTR.\T,T0 Dweacasrd, Cono#rts7 "At Homed'r CO' .rite pupi! Madame rarie*1; a>o Teacher 11 Sir.?:n^: also lrE't' En'mt'l1 IS Arcompanwl Fkddt"<! 8:: good reader at :\Igb; cert TCI. TOf!lt, C.'eiff _754h9 MISS D^ar, I. S M., S'!ltla:I:;n-uiti Th, P?Pil. Snc.ee^fully Prepared f?r Alt Exam* —19, Proemore-street, AbeMveuny. Next Term t*zin? Tu 1,?d V, QY 8th '??120hg n:h)£6-"eet tone; flte §trinw: aU in's;4 [) )th?-of-p?rl; 409 —8 91. Weetern Mail om. ('ti,d,1r 26J5b8 PIANOFORTE Tii?;i??.-II. F.Webb 1-t? witb P B'srb ?nd 'n, term."—Cardiff 3? 6d lustni- r-«nt, It'trN1; estimatd glvn-AddrN5 8. Clare- .d Card:?. 312 ".t .;fT1cbrral. TTrAKTRP, early in .tun*, a Qua1ifl.d OpntlemBn » ▼ <»> A.-?«^raat In Worts* Pra -ti rum1 be tV r.'n?hl? dt*^dy ..a reliable; falary. £ 200 a year,' :1 ^ira:<h»d rooma; to liQ. usual bond.—Applv 'r. "t, At,ort,p')., 3044h14 "\TTANTED ierr ediatelr. Locum Teneris for Two or ▼ ▼ Thr-. Vceks. —Addresa. statins trrms and r^fe- *??' fr S 93. W,?r? Mai! Ot8(', Cudi1! 2637h8 "TkEN ri>TOt -A Eiref-t Iriss M^fhanic Tte<iu;res DE 8uué1Uon W1L.. LD.S,-T 53, W?t?rn MalL Car- <-r! 3!M3hlO c ARi'ri'=Fi"t.cih;a;¡:9f Bnin8 to It, with s,?,ki,r -ith F?ltig? On! 89 West-em Mail. Cardiff. 2623h8 JJ(rSï;1ptrd; d- referenrc? —'T I J 59. W,\«.tern Mai!. Cardiff. 10 PRilI: enburb; ;rtd11Til11 'hata pnr^bw«>r.~T 62. Western Mail, (.,dll?. h!4 I^OR Sale, Contact* of a Surorv—Bottle*, Drue*, T"i"tf1rr.t9' 1,'k. bargain.—Apply 1 47, TVesl t?rn Mai! Offl. ('r1\ff 30151»9 ClrnraU T OCTM Tenena W..nted ^mu>diate»y D'1rin Snmmej T O(Il-! t i,?. -?pply .N.tt- g?,ll.,rl h A M'lUtiis.—Apply Rector, Newtoa Nottige, P<>rth« WANTED, a Cirate 1,,i- P-ntre — z, pply Vicar, 1entre. (ilam. 68662 LADY Wants En?aa*»m^nt as Or?ani«CParish' W-rk^ LLi 't H,)I? Dltti?: ii h"t 't?' .mall ?'ary.-T 44, w??,t,? Mail, C?,dlff.30I;h"?2 S-fffaU TV'ANTKD, by p Arm .f Micitora and Notaries p:¡o,f r.i;o21H:,nit()¿j¡: 1.eof Xdmiraltr-T 58. W«.»«rn Mail. Cardifl hl4 ¥ 'i -n.iu« pnblic appointment*; commencing *aiary £ 25; premium £ 250.—T 29. Western ail. Car- dl!! za86h12 WASTED, Solicitor's Junior Shorthand Clerk.— P"' ati affe, experience, qu^lificatiun^. ai d refereti «s, to T 34. Western Mali, Cardifl. 2954h12 'V à;DtJ,, Clerk; shorthand writer and Tost "W. IL Dariea ana Co., S,,I?rit,)n, Po-itypridJ. 2851hl0 tbolatlr. CU-.EKSHIPS; i85-R450; Admiralty, War, E"I. Cuswmg IHfh; Tacanci-n now; opeu to all. 8;d 15-23; xveri.n"e nnn«c^^ary; Dei.1 p^. ■7iur.-»au, Albert-hal!. Edinburgh. 3031U12 FR}iï¿' v!;6S:ik di or Two Hours Weekly.—T 6. Weetern Mail, Cardiff. h5 REV Minor Canon Pr,re, A. 1,1?n?,ff Cnth: d,.I, T"r, L.mit,4 Number of PuPÏ18 0.. Vacancy for Gentleman's Son- Specially Prepares for Public Bchoole or ^Diversity. 68373 Teaohers Wanted. ^TTANTEn. Ex-Pupil t»^her Á:"i:¿-Ž T f daff «oy»* National Sch-jol; salary, £ 60 —Apply t. "< t LlaMa!! 3CS9h10 CI Ell Wq?i,?d for Couu try ~fft Ve childrrn); G ():nHtE;br }t'1ZéUIi:¡:i¿ w rk*.—State ase, salary, and ref'-rnCê8, Mrs. Jnnn. T*li COlut, Llanganid^r, CriokhoweU. 297319 'V Af:rcra{o:: orrl-r: T,,d?,.r Wh.?f S,b.ol?, ';?7rpl?,t Mon.; ir.?. b: tonw sol-fa; salary J?65-Appiv Re R. FTinuis .¡n" 18, York-pla' Newport, Mon. u. 29118 WANTTF-D, A«?istaut (}1" Transfer Pupil Teacher for Llandilo Nati' .-nal Scurf I,-—Apply Ma>ter. h8 Ttaehert Want employment* R/;i;Öjt¿ MS6iO:= or Companion l V 31;: y^are in last situation; pood necd'.e- woir-in: xausjc; certify atM; eood ref^r^nceA; £ 30 and la'ir dre68.—Fides, 6. atAtion-etreet, Porth, Glat11orzlln.. .> 29111111 ¡oUtkttptr Companions* Housekeepers. Oompanlon8, &c*< Wanted. "Tot"K-: Mountain Ash7~Waiit~Worki usj T* I'crsOLi, K»jep Hou.<e; duties li-bt bmall ".4.. l? rt', T 45. W,?- M.il Odi, C.,d,ff. 3013h12 "VfTORKING Housekeeper Wanted for Branch SsI ? f no other servant k,pt; .;z?d Ir 30 to 3 j A; y Mrs. Harris. 144, Merthyr. 29781*12 WAN?FD, W?,L-i., 25; children; good wa^es _Alply E. .wi, PlMant View, Pontyoymmer, Brid^-nd. 2998h9 \\r i}';Di;tU rllaaCI)it\4: y paDir-n-H^lp; one little tnrl: servaufc. kept — 4 ft* frii.<tr>->et. Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 2960b9 T\T ANTED, YOUR? Person Useful Help for I m S'cool H,, i Gi,)., .t, ?hi, be bl, t, do plain coo kin?; two servants k..pt-8tdt,e ase, Nfe!ences, .1. to Kz. Webb, 3, Kins's-road, ('ar 296ih 12 TI^ANITD at o'(efo" the Country, a thoroughly A-iCnU :rgu:;ro:Jr; Hii-At be fond of children. —Apply, by letter, to 65. t::Ie!. required, 2891^8 Housekeepers! Companlonsi Ac., Want employment. ^Tr^TTED. Situation as Working Housekeeper; ff Cfod plain cook; thoroughly domesticated; good r f-rcnces.—T 63.tern Mail, Cardiff. 3068bl0 YOlrp f24) Seeks Situation as Companion or v?lln' Ip; domesticated; good J.«.cdlewoman.— V 37. Western Mil, C-di. 2967h9 "X^'OI'^N'G Lady Beoob F;n_el1t Companion-Help; YOT-111(i T,.dy d-T 8. Western Mail. C.? 2qzlbg Sri'TTATION" liequired, ortinr Bov..k..p.r; good cook; h¡¡;h..t rderanea-B y<, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2687h9 r^UARANXKED 10 STOP 'IUOTH- GACHE BY Usim PHIL PHELAIM itxyiHACHa curr. Act* liht kU«T» 1*. p«r botUa By poal k m? toy «U atMMVU. a4«B TlTANTKl), a trustworthy NuiWto Take CharclTot ¥ f 'IVuis from tiit» month.—Apply Mrs. Bosvik, 4, 1U k-terrat>«, Tcnty. 30^8 "VV/n'D. cuzr.pctent Nurse or L.uly Nurse; two TT chiUlrcn; a;iat with two othjrs attending sv hotil.-estate salary, relirences, 3, Archer-ioad Nurse Wtuited for Suiall Famiiy; agi'd about 18— Apply, by utter or after six p. m Mrs. Clay, 21, TSTANTEl) iuiiui-diately, Yoarn? tiiTi r »bu nt 16. as tt Nur^e to Ctiild astd tlir«t:j cuiu.uy prefirri' d .— ti, St. Aiidrt'w'fln-rcsi tnt, Cardiff. 2896^11 NURSE-H-niseniaid for (ientlenian's Familv iu ANr- dare.—Miss Kenshole, fik»xvaiiU' li*>gistrv, Aber- ■WAXtKD, an o*pe»u>iicea C««k t« TCoiintr» ria, ton-ptaiv, »«««• £ 24.—Apply 27, KOILJUIK- CIOOK-Geuerat; Rood wa^res. Also Kur8Cinaid.i,p y J Maindre Bazaar, Newport, Mon. olOihli) "lV"AXTl.:i>, a K-ood l'l.iin Cook; ono tvtio ha« l«:ci, » seiitml misht t>uaI.—Apply Mm lirown i»7ol.l0 WiM'KD ilruiedi;ltcly, good Cook-Uelleral; a;vd »ti"Ut. 25; ln"if,"parlourmaid kupt.—Mrs. M;m- »o;i, Gr,^ lu.iuit, (K.ld Topj, Xenrport. 30561)14 yiTAN'mi. early next uionth, » gix l'lam Coik J T L 1;Lry: A*1 found except Uuer.- Apply Mra Duar;. The Crow. Cowbrdje, 6SdU3 W^ANTKD. pood Cook Ueneral; also Ho!i>l\ulour- T 'I M u. Shcppard, Cartrcrte, Drid;-nd. hl2 ATr. ANTKD, riain Cook or Cook-General; small T t family; foreigner not objected to; wages, £ 1 8 .— Apply Bnerley, 1'ark-road, Peuarth. 2949^12 T*fANTED. phkI Cook; three in ""family; small *T dairy; wages £ 20-Apply, statins full parti-n. lars w to age, capabilities, tinw in laet situation, to Mrs. T.ync. i.ryuhjfryd. Nvwport. 2Q28hll Co«- k rrderstanriing Small T? l>atrr; Hijeii oTt»r 30; kit^enraaid kept.-Apoly T. Thorn^rry, lkttws. n^r Csk. 68659 WANTED, a good Plain Cook near Swansea—Applv to D. L^. WesU'rn Mail Oftioe. Swan^a. 2*^01 h 11 WANTED, for the Country, experienced Cook •" aged about 30; kitchenmaid kept; four in family (TiuT.*ry>; wages. £ 25 to £ 30.-Mm. Evans, The ►spuiny, ^watibridge, near Penarih iSully Station), hll "VVTANTED, L\K<k-Ueneral; also Hous-maid •-Apply tt to Mrs. Evans, Penybryu, Pontypridd. 2945hll WANTED, good Plain Cook by th« 18th May; g>x>d references indispensable; p<tod wapee given —Apply Mrs. Edward Rubens, Oakfleld, Hale, Alrnn- WANTE!», aarly in June, Tlain Cook who will Undertake Small Dairy; two la^es ui family — ?Irsi' T ll0IUiM:j:^ ;>ruailt' Nolson, (ilam. 2861l>io "l/ t r.TED, p,oo d Plaiu Cook; wages. £ 20 to £ 24; v T (iingle-hanih'd, Also Hoiwe-Parlourmaid; wages, £ 18 to £ 20- Thiee in family,—Apply to Mrs. E. La««cellw. Heywv>od Cottage, Tenby. 2789b 10 WANTED, Cook-General, Gentleman's Family', iu f T Aberdare.—Miss Koouhote, Sexyants* Rec istry VITANTED iraineciately, • gmv f p i ain Cook in a tt ^ntlemau's Family; liberal wages.—Box 44,* Post-office, Swanaoa. 266,;h8 TED. ciptnenc->d CcK>k; also thorough Hmise- f T Parlourmaid aud Young Between Servaot — Mrs. Hed'.ey, Callen Cioft, Langlaad Bay, near Swansea n8 GOi>l> i>*>k-Ge neral, also House-Parlourmaid, NVant<>d; good wages to suitable servant*. —Apply, with n fere:n.«?s, Mrs. liuhard, The Hill, Sketty. 26K»1j8 T 7"ANTED, Cook for Sin :le tieutleman at Pen Park, TT Llangibby.-I.lwyntvlyn. Caerlevm, Mon. 2c90h8 COOK.—Wauted. by the 14th May, good Plain Cook; baking indtspeusable.-Apply, between eight and at ^>rk'plat<, Cardiff. a7l67 Houao and Parlour Malda Wanted. TE N ANTED iaimedi:»toly, House-Pa f iour ma;d r quit 1s f T a^Uve, giH-u appearauw, and well r.T.uijm-udi tl —Apply Mre. Robert Nash, Heathtield Uou-v, Sw.m l WANTED, a Housemaid.—Apply 8. Park-^rove, eTperienced Upper l i ousomaid of T«*n 7 TT uo' d.ewouian; euuntrv situation.—Mr*. Peel, J'j »"dii4\ South Wales. 30781*8 "Y\rANTEL) by Juno 1st, th^nughly experu-mi d T v Hnu^niaid.—Apply Mrs. PbwcJi, Draper. A b «.r- arnan. AUrdare. 3083144 WANTED immodiatdy, a Yoi:pp Houseiu.ud f"r :uuntry house; lanuw, house'»ork, and to o*s>t i-irlouruaid; age, ;8; wag.-s, £ lu- .€ll.-Box 18, l\ st- WANTED, end of May, a Housemaid, with knowT ledge of waitiug at table, &c., f, r Country; a!1 foucd except beer.—Apply Mrs. Dunn, The rjoss. Cow. bru' 68o02 WANTlub, good Housemaid for Loudon; parlour- maid kept.—Mrs. Evaus, Marshile-o Vi. r.^»> "XTr^NTED, Housemaid i Gentleman's Fanulyj > I awtsi from 22-Apply, with full particulars, to Mrs. Prichard, Bryntiriou, Bridgend. G;amorgan. h9 WANTED, by June, H<>use and Parlour Maid.— Apply Mrs. Walter K. Collins, Langland Bay, ?par Swansea. 2903b u TTTANTED, thoroughly experienced House-Parlour- U maid; housemaid kept; gtv.iu roforcuoes re\{uired. —Mrs, F^fer. J TutshiU House, Chepstow. 2907b 11 an «P?ncuced Parlourmaid ft,r near » T London.—Apply Mrs. Bath, Aiifyf«-rm, Carrnar- WANTED immediately, Young Girl as Hou^Miiaid. —1 5 St. Andp'w's-crescent, Caidiff. 2897hll HOUSE-Par ourmaid Wanted at once; three in family; two kept; Chun-hw.iman; country; no washinc —Whiteside, Rectory, St. Nicholas. Cardiff, hit "V\TANTED, Y.m:>f; Hou; -ParW-urmaid for Family; IT of Two; uiiis4. have good reference.—1, Bekrave- terrace, Wa>ter>road, Swansea. 2S381»10 HorSE-Parlourmaid Wanted.—Apply, with partn-u- lars, Mrs. T. «•. Bevau, The Surgery, Nantvalo, Mon- 2784hl2 WANTED, a H-i'.ise and Par'our Maid in a Private T T Family.—Address Mrs. Thornton Audrews, ( ofu E:then, Swansea. 2668h8 WANTED, Parlourmaid or experienced H>>use- Parlourmaid; 25 to 30: good wages; housemaid kept; tiiree in family; gor>d nference.—Apply Mrs. Wo'^ds, Llandaff Place, near Cardiff. 26581'8 EXPERIENCED l'ari'iurrumd Wanted for Cunntry T ?wl reference required. —Lewes, Llanlear, Tal- \T.ANTKD at once, r»«p»etaWe Girl n» Hous-nwiil.- H Apply to Mr3. Lei kie, Pnutypndd. 26911*8 WAITED, near N«*ath. experi-nced Hous^-Parl-Hir- maid; also Cook.—Address Uoldwyer, Gmsr- nor, EXPERIENCED Housemaid Wanted End of May.Z Apply Mrs. Wright, Gowerton. 2r3jh8 WANTED, experienced H )'i»emald; good in woman; parlourmaid kept.—Wri'?, stating refe- r- U'a and wages, to Madame, Western Mai» -i r HOUSEMAPi) Wucted for small family in Penarth mujt clean end quick; go >d plain t.cedie- woman.—Apply Mrs. Laecelics Carr, Cwrt-v-Vil WANTED imm'-diatr'ly, experienced Genera S(r vaut, Assist .u i>cr Occasionally.—Tail'r.t Hi f t- l Swansea. 3102hlQ WANTE D, a good 6eueral Servant; plain C onkiug 7 two in family; comfortable home.—Anp'y, ly letrer or-personally, to Mrs. & F. Davis, l ,n nn t Cl>tha Park, Newport. 31131*10 XT/'ANTED immediately, good Cook-General.—Apply, M after 6-30, Plasturton-gardeuib, Canton, ("aKlift, 3096b 14 GENERAL Servant Wanted, Penarth; abie wash and iron.-Roach, lw>tunda-buildiugs, Cardiff. ti3 WANTED, good General; visitors taken; character required.— D avit*, 6, Bryuymor-terracc, \)„r- I S-PKllIENCED General Servant Wanted; two in J family; na-*es £ 16 to £ 18—Apply, stating rtfe- rvnf»«, Mrs. North Lewis, Llanishen. 3072bl4 WANTED immediately, experienced General Sep v:tnt for Small Family at the Mumbles.-Apply at Heathtield House, Swansea. 30741*14 G1 OOD General Sel va- t Want r End of Muythr-o I n family; £ 14-—Mrs. F. J. Beavau, 18, Conway- r.>a d Otrdiff. 3038hl4 A General Servaut Wanted at once.—Apply 7. Ui. h- mon d -r resi ent, Cardiff. 30711*14 WANTED, dean, active GirL-nApply Williams, ^aa Bute-street, Cardiff. 3016^9 WAN1TD, Girl, about 20, for Housework and Assist iu Bar; iuu-<t. have good re f *r» tK-e<?.— Apply T 46. Western Mail, Cardiff. 30141*12 WANTED, an exierieuced General Servant.—Apply Mrs. Griffiths, Lloyds Bauk, Dowlais. 3003^*9 WANTED, General Servaut; neat, clean; about 20* no baking atid washing; good wage«.—Mrs. I.li-y d Vicarage, Llartddarog, near Carmarthen. 29471*9 WANTED immediately, General Servan t able to do plain cooking.—15, St. Audrew's-cresefnt, ar- WANTED, experieu'ed General Servant; no young childreu.—Apply 7, Uplands-crescent, Swansea. WANTED. First W"p« k in June, experienced Geu^ral S ervant.—Mrs. Koper, St. Fagan's. 2863^8 X1TANTED, good General; abie to do plain cooking TT good wages.—Apply 21, St. Andrew's-, res. ent, WANTED, for Wepk after Whitsun, General S-^ r vant: thr-e in family: young girl k^pt— Mts. T-iylnr, Lindenthorpa \oppoeit« Lakej, Roath park WANTED, respectable General Servant; with ex- perience preferred.—Apply 43, Gorse-lan»> Swan- WANTED, General S^r ant.—Apply Mrs. 'L» ysljnn Dunn's Caf», Mumbles. 269h9 WANTED, General Servant; good plain cook.- Apply 144, Walter-road, Swansea. 26I4&8 RES_ PECTABLK"General Servant Wanted immc d j ately.—Apply 108. I-iandaff-road, Cardiff. h8 WANTED, good Genial; able to do plain coo k in g —14, Newporlvoad, Cardiff. 27l7h9 WANTED, Kitehenmr.d; a^ed 16 to i'g T must be a! w. milk.—.Apply Mrs. Jenkins, Ma>< hi*u, li.nlvr, near Cardiff. __3062l*14 WANTED, experienced Kitchenmaid: Church woman; good wages.—Mrs. Perm?, lvterstone WANTED, respectable, strong Young Girl f-s Kitchenmaid; live in house.—Mrs. Kennet h Marley, 8, Victoria-road, Penarth. 28121U0 HEAD Laaodrees Wanted b F the lst^'OtTn^ r 'two a^sistaut laundryinairis and a charwoman kept; must be a good ironer aad understand her duties; wage* £ 20 and all found.—Appiy Mrs. Salmon, The ? College, Swansea 2902^11 LA UNDRYMAID Want«d 7 to AsslsT HouKmah!, Mr^. Hibbert, 1, Park-road, Penarth. 2603h8 Female Servants Want Places- HOUSE-Pariourmaid Disen«nced; a'so Two Ho^ se^ maids; experienced; £ 1 8 .—Gray, 10, Qucen- WANTED, b/ a respectable Girl, Situation as Hoase-Parlourmaid in a Gentleman's Farailv; tall and thoroughly experienced.— Apply T 35, Western Mail Office, Cardiff. &7209 IADras Requiring reliable Servants should applv to J Castle Regisiry^ Duke-strect, Cardiff. 2834M0 WANTED, strong, active. Married Man to Take Charge of acd Milk Three <>*«; Hf»Ip in Gar- 4PM, sad' Make Himself Generally UeefuL-Apply Can- tain Pering, Petarstone, Brecon. 3041bl4 ^trbants. Male Servants Wanted—Continued. GARDENER Wanted; "t,.dy, g od alkowd man; must utidpt8?,?d cows ..a pigs; god ilk, small greenhouse, with vines, cucumber frame; help given; wages 24s. week, cottage, and g.d-B., o^.pf Whittmjrtoa, Stationer, Neath. 68625 WANTED, early in May, a Toutb foT Indoors; must wait table, clean silver, lamps, Ac.; »ll found except beer.—Apply Mrs. Dunn, Ths Cross, Cow- bridge. 63501 WANT^ID immediately, Working (la i tlener, with kmiwlodgc of vine««, flowej-s, melons, Jec.—Apply, stating wages. 'with rcfer- ticcs, R. poyer b. Pcnn. Catu- iom' Houn' I'amrosc U. S O lVai. 68675 WANTED, an experienced Bailiff (Marri'd), to Manage a Large Aiabie and l'asture Farm.— Anplv, with rcfcremv and all paiticulara, to Mrs. Tl'.mas, Cog Farm, Sully, Penarth. 29611*12 WANTED, strong, active Youth, 16. i'tr Indoors; £ 10.—Griffiths, Bank House, Dowiais. 3004h9 WANTED, in Drakelowe Stables, n^ar Burton-on- Trent, a Boy, about lb years of age.—Apply John (iriman and Son. Land Agents, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. "8 WANTED, Yo'jn- Mau to Milk and Sell.-tpa»ui, Lower Farm, Tredegar, Mon. 2857bl0 HAI.L Boy Waut^Hl, end of May; must have some knowledge boots, knives, &c.; strong and willing; butler and footman kept.—Apply Butlor, Gnotl, Neath IV-k Man, Attend 10 C?wN, &, .-Appl" stating age, references, and wages rerjT.ied, T 26. Western Mail, Cardiff. 28351*10 WANTED, steady Coachman; willing to be useful; in.loors.j -T 16, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2BWb 10 "VITANTED, ,t 29th May, experienced Groom-Coach- I I nr.in; hteudy, tellable, and willing.—State ago, with reference and wages, Purnell, Oaklands, Tenarth. 2804hll> "VSTANTED, exp^rienctxl Groom-Gardener; gd refe- IT r»iic.-s HidispvUsalUe.—Apply Tregerthen Dunn, Fan field. Llandaff. 2802h WANTED. May 22nd, Groom-Gard- ner; expe* rieneed in and out doors; aged 30 to 40; refe- Tone's required; no family preferred.—Apply Box 2L Post-office, Nenth. 2757b9 WANT i'l) Gardener; singlo preferred; ex- pericneed iu gen.'ral routine.-Apply- to Gar- dener, Caldy Island, Pouibrokeshire 2724h9 0"^ ARDENER Wanted immediately, Att-nd Horse X and Trap, and be Y Useful.—Apply Ham- mond. Underbill House, Peurhiwfar, Pcnygraig, Rhondda 2625h8 | WAGONER Wanted; must be good plouguaian and Used to all Farm Work.—Applv, stating age and wages requiitHj, to S 81. Western Mail. Ca Iiiff. 68606 WA,'IT, ou<v on a Job Grape TI, ?d Chrysanthemum I'Otti g; PN?d -k p y(ii,twrt D-,id,ku,f.rd. 68608 Mais Servants Want Places. GKOi.'M Coachman; experi'need with horses; drive' tingle pair; 25; single; four years' good d arai-tcr. Ur.ioui, 34, St. Owen's, Hereford. 5wbu WANTE 13, a Situation i\s Farm Bailiff.-Apply William Pel kins, Cog Farm, Penarth. 3059b 14 TVTANTKD, Situation as Grt.»oin, Single-handed or >? otlierwis?; h,?ghl. 51t. 7?, i;d 23; g"'?i "t?. renew.— 20, Taylor-sUoet, lik,?t". D.. lO"4 WANTED, Situati, as Groom-Coachman; married; aged 38; suiuH family; well up in all stable duties.—Brown, Pondarrcn, Lewty, near Cric. k h IL 3006h9 WANTED, -t? as g,?,d all-round Gardiner — H.. 24,jJauii*-str«et, 1" tb* 2%Sh 12 ,D, -aatiou as Gardener; single-handed or WANTI,' good character; marneu; aged 52— C. HarTis. 7. Aklsworth-road, Canton, Caruiff. 295'h 12 GARDENING.—Practical Gardener Requires Gardens Gslt Keep in Older by Week or Month; well up in glass, general gardening.—Address Gardener, Western Mail, Newport. 2868b 11 WANTED, Situation as Footman Uudor Butler; ,I'd 12; he-.ght 6ft. Aplily to W. Wil. liams, Peptyparc, Cautn^Um li-»ad, Pembrokeshire. hlO Boo"?" s"k' Situation ;aged 22) H,.d Boots, Single-handed or gi>od Second; well experienced .n commercial or private hotels.-Address S 14, Wcstero Mail, Cardiff. 2794hl0 WANTED, Situ»ti. ^n as Farm Bailiff by Man. ?gd 30; cxperieucod Peinhrokt^hire farming. Apply 8 98. Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 2749h9 AS Coachman, by experienr-ed Mar' Man; aged As 38; "ell up all stable duties.—R. Shandon, Stables, Per.ylan, Cardiff. 2716h9 WANTED, Situation as Gardener; single-handed or (ther^'ise; ^i^.gle; ap-d 25; good ref»-r-n>,e. E Oakey. Tibo-uton, is->ar (Hoip-estT. 25891*3 Female Servants Wanted. for Commercial and Family Hote f ln IT W. >t \Na.es, edmated Young Lady, under 25, <*6 Barmaid; niu^f understand book-keeping—E.\p»- riem*. sa aiy, and reference to M. D., Western Mail OUee, Meithyr. 3l00bl0 WANTED, Young Lady as Linenmaid and to Assist iu Bar; state age, references, and salary r- tuired—Apply Walnut Tree Hotel, Aberavon. 68697 *V\^ANTED at uuee, Kitchenmaid—Apply, stating IT wages and age, Manageress, Beaufort JL.iel,' Chepstow. 3080b 14 DAVIES'S R e gistry.—Barmaids. Waitresses, Cham- bermai d s. Cooks, Lauudryuiaids, Housek'^pcis.— 48. Charles-street, Cardiff. 3012h 12 K"'cn' :N.M ID;A H,, Chambermaid; g..d needlewoman.—Appiy Quern's Hotei, Cardiff. 2912h8 T ifANTED, a General Servant, with good refcrencesT I aged not under 2,01-Apply Arms Hotel Trebanog, Porth. 2870h8 "YirANTED, st??d3* Cook-General for Cnuutry Ho"L- T* ?Nt "11. 11, T"Ht,l, T.th. 2867h,I -1TTANTED, good Cook-General for HoteL—Apply A" T T F. I.owry, Western Mail, Neath 68639 WANTED, T?. experienced Barmaids; good refe^ ADDIY A. F. Lowry, Western Mail, 68640 WANTED, an experienced Barmaid, Accustomed to Hotel Bar; well educai->} — Appiy, photo, refe- rer.' « Mrs. Jeukms, 0*l»orue Hotel, Langland Bay. nlO WANTED, good Geueral Servant, must be sober and industrious; a ?i?.]Y person will ,I,d comfortable -oiue; help sivm.-Apply Mrs. J. M?.?,!I?tb H"t?, Glasbury-on-Wye, Radhor. hlO WAN-I'rl T".d, Barmaid; must produce good ip f erem-e. itats age and wages reipiired, Wit!:atn<, <ilobe, Tn-degar. 2788b 10 WA'I' F respectable Young P"-son as Housed > f maid-Waitress aud Assist in t., Bar.—Apply, with references aud photo, to Proprietor, Beaufort \rrus Hotel, Raglan. 26901*9 WANTED, good Girl as General; b..t 18.—Thom is, CHMS K«>S. Clf? Mirthyr. 'Lb73h9 WANTED at once, Commeroial-room Waitress; also Housemaid-Waitres«.—Apply Propr.err ss, Crown Hotel, Pputypuol, M -n. 26611*8 WANTKD, T?- ,d f,r? Y20, if capable ?f taking 1-? P'? when required £ 26—Mackworth HoU-1, Swan.es. 2613h8 WANTED, a good Waitress; also good Chamber^ maid.—Apply Manageress, HotU Wyiuliffe, Gwdwic k 68507 FE-ELI. Servants Want Places. WANTED, 1 -eneagcment by Young Lady as Bar^ rui'.d; cifKrieiu.' d good refer.;nees domesti- cat-'d. —Address 1). A., Mackworth Hotel, t b. hlO SITUATIONS Wanted by Two good" Waitresses! season places I referred.—Apply A. A., Crown Hotel. Pontypool, Mon. 3038hl4 WANTE1), to tbc Sem(?n, a Sittiatiin w Barm:i?d y" Lady of good appearan,e, and us,d to a quick counter t?.d?; W,11, p,,f,-rr,, comfortable home more essential than good wages.— App-'y T 48. Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 3020hl2 RE;ENGAGEMENT Working Managerem, t Ch.ir/e ??'f?d l?ar;r 'gd 3 0 Apply Rees, io, Gam-terrace, 1-n, Mon. 3029h9 WANTED, Situation fo^l^vo^^u" th ^«Twlraut We.Mon^uper-Mare; small saiary,—J" W»^stera Mail, Newport. 2926h8 RE-ENGAfiEMENT as Manageress of good Hotel; first-dass r-af-T r and cook; e.\o.Ueiit references.— Apply, fir?t, 51, Park-road, Gloucester 2866h8 WANTED, Situation as Commen iabroom Waitress WANTF, d Hotel; th.gh lyWaitr- Cathedral Hotel, lirt3toi. Male Servant. Wanted. WANTED, a Young Man, about 18~ oM§, as Boote WA ?Tl,.D Miike Himself (ieuerully Useful; B,.t,, wa^rs civcn.—Apply Keeping, Lord Nelson Hotel. Mil- Lord N, 68703 WANTED, for a flnt-clnss Hote), steady, expe- Men<e d Waiter; about 25 years of .A p T 64. Western Mail, Cardiff. 3073hl0 i?, Tlid I,, Its; per yfar — Address Manageress, Bairy Hotel, Barrv, Soutn k93h 10 WANT El-I I!dy M-in. Able i? M.,k E? liards and i""gt'M aLI IliiiAsell Generally ('?.lin. 14 2950h9 WANTED, strong Man (20- for Cellar* and Make Hmi-elf Generally U^r-fnl; previous exjh-riciKe rn'■■•ssary. — T 39. W'este.rn Mail, Cardiff. 29631*12 WANTED, steady, r^p^ctahle Man fo Assist in Stab'—.1; ffrey's Arms Hot»»l, Swansea, hll WANTED, smart tad as Second Roots and Billiard Marker .—PUD raven Hotel, Bridgend. 2573b8 Crabelleis, 9a;ents, 5rr. Travellors, Amenta. Ac., Wanted. A I L D I (iC Company vLt-d.), Loudon, Require Agent. Cardiff District; build-r tr pra-ti«»l uia-i able take a-d dail, Ca rd iff hl4 SECURITY Granted to Travellers, Cashier* Public ?) r'i a!A'&by National Guarantee Af.io- (iatiou, 1;, St- StcPh?u?t,l?t, B,i?t.AllerL G. W hit- taker, Secretary. 3021d MANAGER ?T) '?t' 'nu BritiAb P-lu 1,?dl,T,? Ilih.( us Hyi;i??ic Arti'le of American Manufacture; exceptional terms to the right party —State qualifications the F. 0 Century Thermal Company, Regent House, Regent-street, London, W. L17242 w Representative for an U. d established F;;m of Shipstore Merchants in t aidill and N^npurt; French find Spanish.—Apptv, giv- i-9 full particular, to T ny, Western Mail, Cardiff. 6W5 JONES and Jones. Porth, Require Agents in South OXT,,S andi P""h-'t- Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Organs, Family Bibles, Bicycles, Maugles, Orermnntels, Electro-plate, &c., on Easy Terms of Payment; d t. the best agency of its kind in South Wales, and offers exceptional opportunities to ail respectable men to considerably increase th<?ir incomes without interfering with tluir present _kpp F as above. 68683 WAN' TED, Flour Sa.esman for Wah* Di^ trict '11 rill gorid references required—Apply to William Lewis. Steam Flour Mills, Hereford. 29951*9 WANTED, smart Young Man, residing in Cardiff^ to Solicit in South Wa'ep.—Writ. stating age p.nd terms. David, 45. St. Paul's-road, Gloucester. 9 A Representative is Wanted for aV lmportant Couv pr.nv; tt- a suitable person tJie remun-ration will bo most liberal—Address S 94, Western Mail, Car- dig- 2633h8 Clerks anh iHanatjrig. Clerks and Manaerera Wanted. ClOT.IilKRT Manager Wanted- wSTharTad^ exp? J 6i,T,TERY M,iW diitrict; CUM age, expe- li -11, -d .alary required.-AppIv, in wntiug, to H. Herbert, Mining Engineer, Ammanford. 68693 CIrrks anb iHanagns. I Clerke and ManalrOrB W a "ted -COft- tinued. WANTED, experienced Auctioneer's ciorkT atquainted with Cardiff and neighbourhood.— Full padleula," io Powell, 19, Duke-street. Con"rr 68699 'V(: a Junior Shorthand CWk for a Ship- owners' Office; also Two Office Boys.-v\pply, in the first instance in 'Hit.in. with copies of tt'H. mouiuls, be Secretary, lark8' Association, Doek- Chtlllibll1I, Cardi1f. "7228 WANTED, by keeper, with a knowledge of Fren«;h, steamship time-chartering, and consignment .ountara,T bÛ. W estern Mail, Cardiff. 3J64h14 SUGRTHAND and ni8ti ahsnlutely dependable; nuiok.—Masons (Limited), Custom House-ftre^t, Carctlf!. 3037hl0 1'B.:thF:s-.m=i8r¡Tr X ciation Ensures Meiulten Against Lws Throngb Want ot Employment. Hid.uel., Old A.P. and Death, and Introduces to Ewp!oyt>n, fiee uf charge, Clerks of good bll8ineu ca"3dty and character Every Ck-rk, wbatcnr bll position, should be a member of tb. Mloriation.-&>Dd for particulars Seoretary, 1, Dock chambers, Cardiff, 06171 GENEBAL Clerk Wanted; aged abont2i r jfood nft'H'nn> nccossary,—Apply Samuel Ðro8., Hayes- bmldlU¡(8. Cardiff. 2983h12 WANTED, a" Assistant Book-keeper; must nuder, St¡Bd double entry.-tApply EdWard England, West Dock. Cardiff. 2980h9 WANTED, Lady Shorthand 'rro;writêrKn"in French and Spamah.H..te salary mluJrPd T 33. Western Mail, Cardi1! 29h11 CLKfi-irn:1V;IrTa,ec:o:'j qnick at figures.—Apply James Nelson and Sons (Limited I, Wharton-street, Cardiff. 2894h8 INSURANCE.—Wanted, a C;rRb:t ri Office nd Outside Work fir South Wales Dis- trwt; applicants to full particulars and salary TPf]llIfPd-Addrf"88 L. R., Western Mail Oft1rR. New- ,(,rl 68642 P XCTSE Assistants: 80 varanoies May 23rd. Cos- J tonis Assistants Shortly. Mate Telegraph Learners July; Cardiff vacancies. Day, Evening and Correspon- dence Clawes Nvw Forming for These and Other ExawinMioU8; low ftIM; thorough Civil Service v>.¡:e, 23, 81. Ml\J"J..I.et, Cardiff. 119 WANTED immediately, in Merchant's Office, Boy, h8"i n In office bf!fo and knowing Døra preferred.—S 85. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2602b8 Clerks and Managers Want Place*. CIiI:'W; Seeks Situation; book-keeping, type- writing, g« neral office work;, quick at tlpnree; pood references; low .lInJ,Applr T 66, Western 1ai Ourdifl. 3092hl0 YOuAid-:=; as Typist! Staudard macbiue; shortiiand, 120; good refe- reJerences.—T 61, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3061hl4 DRAUGHTSMAN (Architectural) Desires Re.eng..g ment; ood refHencu; moderate laiary.-T 58, Western Mail, Cardifl. 2966M2 ADVERTISER (21) 8eeks rD8;e Clerk or Assistant; 5 years' experience; mode- rate salary; t>xce11ent re1ereDOf'tI,pp! T 2, Western Mail, Cardiff. 26901*9 CLle.=; Situation; ledger'or general f excellent references; moderate salary.—T 3, Wea- wrn Mail, Ca.rdl1l 2700b9 ADVERTISER 28) Seeks Position Trust, Clerk^ Boc>k-keeper, Secretary, in South Wales; eleven years' commercial experience, collieries, ironworks, find estate; excellent tcstimonia18; well educated; J. ll. D., Stanley ViUa, Basford, h8 IG ETJ,EM.AN Desires Appointment :M S<'Tt"h\T' Manoer, or Any Position of Tnis- in wb:rh edn- cation and bUMaeM ability ore requisite; unexcep- tionable tt"ferenrM-H, 6, Linden-grove, Taunton. h8 $artnrrsl)ii) £ u CAKE Makers, Confectioners, and Bread Manufac- I CAt'rltlnf;>r;s, 'rtInlii I\U::d to treat with gor>d n an for working a factory in Car- diff.—T 41, Weatern Mail, Cardiff. 2975b9 I '1f'7rt; _d;nd-Si"reJ1õnl;i: A UtAA; capita! required, about £ 700; no goodwill.— T 17, Western Meil, Cardiff. 2797M0 gz,bop ggtgtantg Shop Assistants Wanted. CLOTHING.—Junior Wanted; Welsh"- iif Gibbon aud Co., Clothiers, Aberavon. 3124hl4 GROCERS.—Wanted, a smart Junior; good r rence—Apply to William Lewis, Abersycban. bl4 GltOCEIlS.—Wanted, 8 OOO Provision Hand;8-p'r: maueney to a well-eoDùucted U&ltant.-AIlply to W illiam Lewis, Abersyclian. 3l22bl4 GRO(T-lRY.—Wanted, Junior; 8{'C1lAtmf"l 801id; abstainer; aüiary; indoors.—T 55, Wedfern Mail Card I!! 3\l51h14 DRAPERY—Wanted Experienced and Junior YOl1n Men.—-VtJliams, Lloyd'. Hou, 1'&1"°, Rhondda, 3086h14 DRAPERY. Wanted, an experienced Saleswoman; knowledge of window-dressing.—State full particu- ltU6 BooY<"°I1!.and Hanham, PontypridiL 3017b 11 WANTED, capable Manager 1ee Manage^" ment of a Sporting Depot; knowledge of the athletic outfitting hu.siot-88 stating Mary required 8Drl copies of references, to BanHof 57. WlIld.8treet. S"O.8. 29921>9 SMART Butterman Wanted; muat « quiok and obiigiug.-Apply ficcios, 213. High-street, Swan- 2991h9 GROCERY (Presentation!.—Smart Juniors Wanted al once; must be qUh.t and obUglllg-Applr Ece)«, 213. High-street, Swansea 2990h9 1) 1u.Y a,tht)b'i:ed Young Man and several good Juniors for Geueral Draxwry-AdsIllA and Co, London House, Llanel1J, biZ OUTFITTING.—Wanted, smart Assistant for Olotl^ mg; good stock-keeper and window-dresser.—State age. experianca (We; outdoors), Webster, Clothier, ,J°r,V 2909h 11 G l:¡J.J:I1f. ..ntPd immediately—T 32. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2895h8 DHAPERY.—Wauted, experienced Young Lady for Showroom.—E. V. Llewellyn. Brecon. 2877b 11 T- o Drapers.—Wanted, Young åu. about 8ix yeRr;" experience.—Apply, full pnrtlcularl lirat letter, to Wm James, Fishguard. 2869b11 GROCERY.—Wanted, smart Youth aT Apprentice.— Colonial Produce Stores, Church-street, Swansea 2943M1 D-lc.¿ti:e;o Hand^ also Appren- tice or Improver.—Morgan and Co., Pentre. Ponty- Pr idd. 2872h 11 DRAPER\. Richard Lewis, I-htr(,pi,- Swansea, haa a Vacauey for an c1penenL'td Young Lndr; Weial>, 2924hj.0 DRAPERY and Outfitting.—'Wanted at once, smart YHUII Man; alwtainer prdentd.pplJ. statiag full particulars, Jenkins oud 800, Builth. 2773hl0 DRAPERY and Clothing.—Wanted, smart Junior! must be good window-dresser; live out—Dungan Bn* Builth, 2772h9 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, a smart Junior; Welsh recessary.—Apply Harriee, 1 aud 2. Mountain-road, cwmaman, Aberdare. 68631 DRAI Elt\.—Wanted, \onng Lady for Millinery Sales and Fancy; good saleswoman; about seven years' experience.—W. Tbom8B, Draper, Pontypridd. h9 WAXTJ.;D, øruar Young Ladies 8 Apprenticcs to Fancy Drapery; live out.-Plant and Taft, Queen-street, Cardiff. 2699h9 DRAPERY.—Young Lady Assistant Wanted; Welsh! —Apply James Davies^ Draper, Ffjrndale. 2691h9 OCT1* I1T1NG and Men's Merccr> .—Wanted imme- o good Junior.—Appty, stating age, salury required, Samuel Keee, Draper aj»4 Outfitter, Swan- 8ea- 26441*3 D Jan;d Outfitting,— Several steidy Youti g Men Wanted for Both Departments.— S;nd fu fl partieuhu8 Powell and Jones, Abertillery. 2656h3 YÖt 3itir Fancy and Showrooms also Assistant Milliners; permanency.—Powell aud Jones. Abertilhry. 2655h8 OUTFITTING.—Wanted at once!"emairWunior^ Apply E. Fowler, Lion House, Pun*ypool. h8 OUTFITTING.—Gwillim Bros., Hl'n3fon, Require by June 61h, Ihoroa,h reliable Man to M.nage thlr Pnumawr Branb; a18ry 8ud commission. h8 Wp!E.rl1 Welsh.—Apply W. James, Draper, Filhgnard. 18 Shop ABBIBtantB Want Placosi Rö(S}i.R Ÿ-änd-Provi;iön¡="ante(I,-fitlîaÚõnä8 G AMistaut; nine yea.M' experience; nud 22- good references; disengaged.—Cleayee, dbE'fwynft, Glam. 19 G-,R;):pcl1 Mnnager; 26* 11 years' thorough experience; enersetic; reliable references; diAenubed.-MU8I, 89, Richmond-road, Car. dlffi 29151>6 WANTED, by Young Lady, Situation in Confer tionery; havi lx». n ni:in;iging i,ranch for four yean.—Apply 34, Mour-street, CheJ)1\to.c_ 2b9 MllllnerB and Dressmakers Wanted. MILLINinty.-Wanted, stylish Miiliiier; nn ihiough if required.—Apply Mitldlcton, Draper anbury. 2997h12 DRESSMAKERS.—Wanted, Coat and Bodice D: peiiuanent situations.—Gre( elands (Ltd.), Drapers 2955h12 MILLINERY.—Wanted, an experieneed Milliner- aeriiitomed to serre in showroom-Applv. with full particulars, Williams and Co" Drapers. Tn'nrchy. 2948h12 WANTKD t -nne-: good BodieVanfl Skirt Hands!" to lire indnnrs; must be experienced.—.T W' Thompson, 26, Park-street., BristoL 68652 DKKSSM AKIX G.—Apprentice Wanted «t -OD('I'= Mrs. Thomas, 105, Eldon-road, Ri\'euid, ( ;ir. <Iiff 3036h10 W \:l;l :ili':I Milliner; "also Young Men and Juniors.-Apply Davies, Temple of Fashion, Merthyr. 2935hU Í\tIIJ;i;an8;tTr;:Jií;:i; used to serve.—Evans, Draper, Cwmcarn, urar "N^w p"rt' 6)¡10 IIp¡E,IIl: a stylish Milliner; able to speak e!sh.—Apply, with full particulars, T. Netherway. Draper, Mounlaiu Ash. 2727h9 MH.LINEUY— Good Second Hand; wo\P: stjiish; accustomed to good class work.— ^pply, nth all particularj, to John Junes and Son, Manchester House, Meithyr, 267619 DKKSSMAKINCI.—Wanted immediately good Bodice and Skirt Hands.-Apply John E<nns "ud Co, Drapers, Pontypridd. 26621i8 .:fRt(tllantott .$ttttattOn. I-I I Situations Vacant, T^rASrKD at once, steady Man a» HauUerT l 5 o 4 tm S Ka*w teQIimd. T. M■Aiuorir-.»01n 1, Wwiinne IMW erclhJ ant. P«ont.ycl, uu. :r ALL Carpenters and Joiueu are Ea7uSti7~Requited to Keep Away From Barry and Distrkt; striko ^•—H^Saunders, 8ccrhy. 119hl0 WAITED, Two Cabinetmakers on Deal Work! coi! staut- work for aober men.—Apply J. Pucock, 17, CrllwHo.street, Pontypool. 312QII8 TAILORS wanted. Coats, Vests! TrouserMOutd.-oiK to Make Quantity; permanent employment; goud mg; Cmditf tirm,_rr 57, western Mail, Cardiff. 3049b14 rro-iI;iddlJ¡: a Preiser for Coats; ttJO Srveral 8°0<1 Tailortsses; good wagts to goud haud:l; cowtaut empionu('ut.-Al)P!Y x. C. Pahu'r'8 w :.k.QPS, Cnion-huildings, TJnion-street, Swansea. 1\10 WANTED, Reiiaj'.i) Lady" Pafoiwi.^A jplj"Madiuue -Elvira, Queen-street Arcade, Cardifl. 3057b 14 WANTED at om-e, steady, respectable Young Man W to Drive Out frum Hay and Coin Storee.-Apvl1 R. Lloyd, Hay and Corn 8toff", Ystrad. 3039M4 j WANTED, Two trustworthy MeF^"Hsulie«i good raferencee.—Apply Richard Eland, W.,I DO.k, Cardill 2979h 12 Jttisrrllanrous Situations. Situations Vacant—Contlttued. (; ROCERS' Haulier.-Want?t at once, Single Man G:R(?rf'a,tr::Jt;;Br, Full partkn18rø, Davies, Croas KY8, near N,WTW"" MOil. n- 303Shl4 WANTED, a Night Watchman for Dry Dock-, i Newport; one accustomed th. claw of work vrderred j wut live un the premises; age DOt. to exceed 45-AIef!a 'r., WV-ateru Mail. Cardiff. 6" MINERAL Water Trade.—Energetic, experienced Ma>i Wanted Working Foreman.—'Thomas and };VUn8 eJti Work,, 1'.rth.d r]'W or Three go^d lUpairers for Cycie and Motor ri IW;g (?Ye-,le-and Mnt,)r For Wheels, Pontypool. 2878b 11 WANTED, for Tin-plate Works in Italy, a Night 'I?AN' Ffor Mill,; need apply. —State wages required and reference 88 to abLhtl to D. N., Western Mail Swansea. 2988hl2 WA,NTI-' good Coppersmiths.—Apply, giving fnli  particulars as to experience and wages required, to George Adlum and Bons, Bristol. 301Qb9 WHEELWRIGHTS Wan,?d; Permsn?ut emplc?y. ment; wages to good men, "0' to 34.- Api,ty g")d "?', W.,Wi per W,k. Apply Wm. Glover and S- IUd.I, Warwick. 68670 WANTED, Carpenters; wages 81kt::f! hours a -Api?ij, to the Barry 1)?k Sbesm Jouiery Company (Limited), Barry Dock. 29%b,2 T0 B-t,l?,r?.-W.?td, th-l?,?gh good 81-gbt, aJBo ".th experience; atteud b. trap, ..d :f:('=-rg'!I!nRI Head,r Ab,,d. b1 W Arif a ad Stable M. must b. liler.-kpl)ly, gtati?, with re1.re_. U. Gibby, Fr..wt,.t, P??(?-b.rgoke ??)?k iV4 ?742h9 REIMn;il-e: at once; good references; no experience nece«**ry; good ?.7ft and commission.-38. Cardiff-road, Newport. 2738b9 TTTANTED, Rivctier and Plater nsed 1*> gi/dier ▼ v /work.—Fielding and Piatt r;1- Glon- (\j>t.r 686?4 T^Tj^NTFD. Two Paving 7,;P1i Ö9'( f f l^tilinms, i'enyralltwen, Pontardawe. 2680h9 H _;11 LrR. WantM immediate ly.—Apply, witb refe» .ElWs. to Wm. Harris, )h'h"l1'. ûtr.- h9 G .8 if iP::n:'R.1oöIY'A: X sanally il convenient, to R. L Mathias, Aber- dBn'-   2660h8 "TXTANTED. a practical Watrhmaker to Travel with AudlOD Vans— R Williams, Au"t- P.,ili" Y.t.a1¡"'ra 2616b8 W A¡¡I., I; Charge of Horse, Hawk Oil, kc., outdoors—W. Mndbrwk, IT(,w moner, Ebb" Vale. 2S83b8 WANTED, experienced Afn:i:ri'B'lI permauency, -d good W, paid. Al. Couple Boys, accuatorned to Bottle Washing.— A^ply z, 21, Oxford-street, Maindee, Newport. 2576b8 WANTED, T,,Tip Work. -F,?ldi.? nd PWt% Atlu Iroa Vv,rka GI, .t (8609 HAUTJIER War led at onoe; good wages ,.d per- 1I. :oo; :d.,l7t I good charaoter-Appl1 Wtlaket. Bre,,i-L;y Biaenavoa. 68508 WA;. o f.T:' oo'i'rn; to start at cnoe.—Apply Caldloot Tin-plate Works, near Chepstow. .683- LOCOOTIVE .nd Steam Derrick Crane Drivers j Wanted.—Apply Idorrism -d aii=nomi Contracters, Ludlow. 68375 WANTED, .-d Blacksmith; used WIig h t and "VA;D, ,,d_r:,s"'¡,n:x't watee required, to Morrillo.4 Mason (Limited) Contractors, LnuWw. 68374 .,tuatlo,u, Wanted. WANTED, COftucated Iron R0¡)f to E:f'd Pafnt, Of Repair; also J'it Frames to Paint; 1Ab"nr onlY.{lIrri. Alt<ryn. Newport. 3104h14 B A ;a:a;:I:t;;)(J?ur¡;tn; well up in ail tirst-elass email goo d s, slab «a »e, fancy, ornam-nt* ins; food rfer('nl'e8-W, 5, Piassey-street, Penarth. 3066b10 PILINTINC,Gn,A Machine Hand Seeks Situation.— D. O., Western Mail. wanI'B 2989h9 To Colliery Owners, Brewrrs, !VI' -WRntc1. Situation A8 Ostler; active tnBn; 36.-Steaveiw, Osmnra Honle, Gilfaeh, Bridgend. 2560h8 WANTED PUce, L.d ?15) witn ^->d Barber—Mot- .U, 49. Coburn-street, Cardiff 288lh8 Apartments. Apartments Wanted. RE-II)I:At;t l (;l"i(,.nt.: I Man idming in), Hoard 'plain f"c4' and comfort- able Bed ["nd Sitting Rooms, in Hnath nr Cathay* I)i"ricts.-St is or Catba,t 1*trict-St8te ter1Il.i Mr. J. Miller, W,.t,, M 3It 1hl4 WYar[Ztmm:Bi- r: and room, with ATt@udance, for One Month, August.—Particulars T 30, Western Mail, Car- 2893h8 Apartments to Let for T- terms" 16sT weekly.—T bb. Western Mail, ardiff. 3099hl4 APARTMENTS, Furnished or Unfurnished, to I^t! AP ,AApi)iy 15, Mutb Luwn-Place, Adn.?.bcdd.'??. di?Y. 3098hl4 GOOD Front Apartments; hot and ,yM bath; g,,4 GoOt)IL, -d attKnJduce.-158. Colum-road, (, d-e- J128hl0 APARTMENTS Ir tlomaa, dining "t A", SA "Izbl-,Ydd-Pl,. Card,u -S FIRST-CLASS Apartments; with ofwithout"board! bv day or week; cliee to t«>wn aud stations.— 9, Park-place. Cardiff 30461.114 To Let, Well-fnrnished Sitting, Two Bed Rooms.—93? To Richmond-road, Cardiff. 2984b12 CO:;tJi;;Ïn One or Twu Gentle^ ien. With or Without Boar ;? wnvenion?.- 33, Keppocb-street, Umth. 0-fftilf. 2951bl2 SITTING Room. Bedmm, 0 Let, r Part House S IrI.7;:bcrr;er!rt¡ FRONT Sitting and One or Two"Bed Rooms Vacantf FRO- Cathedral-road, Cardiff* 2805M0 33 Charies-street, Cardiff.—Superior Sittinv-rAoia 00» aud Bk?dwo "t); Docks and stations. „ 2849bl0 COUNTRY Home near p;torn8 Offer-d LPA,- ,4, .,t as Pay G.t; good cvcling roads.—8 89, Western Mail, Cardiff. vd 2622hs COFgJ;!59,Afn:d: i i. B.i. -59, Iiangor-road, Card.. 2608b8 WELL Fnrni.hed Front Sitting, Bod Bath Room! n,ar T?ff.-5, Duf,i.-pi-, C"rd¡1!, 2607ba Seaside and Country Apartments. PENARTH.—To Let, Permanently or o; Part of Large, Wel!-ftirnish<-i1 House; near sea and station; moderate terlDA'PIllY. first, T 67, 1 Western Mail, Cardiff. 3097hl4 FUl.}[r;rf,mjth:nd8 and F' ""tty ,i,,hb??u,t?.od.-kpply Mi?, Th.2. Brook Vil! Bi.,Lpill, near Swansea 3077144 PARTMENTS, n, River INk! ti?r, T(rlms: 'goej A .I?-T (,5, W,,t, M-it Uibl,. C.,diff. 3091hl4 A PARTYENTS to Let; pieosautly it,t,?d "'rm: jTV house; a miie and half from Chepstow; ?l- to Severn and Wye; lovely 8llerf and walk. can accommodate large or small family.—Apply Mrs. Sharpe, Thomwell, Chepst(,? ? amily?-AI)ply 3Lr, Sharp TO Let, Furnished, Sitting-roo^~Fo*uTBedrix)msT— To Ap'ply Tusker V,IIa, Vld<>riHO, Pocawl ?10 PENARTH.-L do.. Bot.l; oPpoel"- .tnt'on; flxttuivi Ob?nel Tim; IJ8clal terms permanently. 423d Jrtmitg. Dwelllnf-hoasea to be Let. ESSRS" 8." ifERN AND PBRTWEiC AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, have the following Houses for Sale or to Let: — NEWPORT-ROAD.—2 capital Houses; immediate pos* session: rent only £70 and £50 COLEFORD.—To be Lot or Sold, good Bonl.; ??lti.n, 7 bed rooms: 8("d' H' 2 .tabling and .Od 6 84ith ROATH PARK and Neighbourhood.—Several Homses; renw X35 to £ 48 LLANDAFF.—Capital Houses to Let; rents from £45 to £75- PENARTH.—Detached and Other Residences, with N ,.a view; £ 35 to £ 100. EA t NEWPORT.—Cheap Hon. 3 r.ption, hU. 1, liard, and 7 bed rooms; !aM g-,d,,?,;reception, bil. AR('F AA,ortmont Town, Country no.??. for 8.1,? SEVERAL rjusmess Premises to Let and for 8ala in centre of toWD. Printed Monthly Register (Free) 01 Estates, and Business Premises to be IJet cr Sold. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT f II the MANAGEMENT Estates, Houses, and Collection of Refits. 86674 Offioesi P""t.ofll.h.mb. 93, S\ M-rT-t-, Crdit. HOUSE to Let oV Sale, No. l,"LVhdscape-V:a7e!TlunT daff, MX llld, three Vt'(8P'-P cl, Llan. and fl,? ,y; 10,. per ?l,k.-Apply JIki, Maesllech. Radyr. Car'],tf. 3063h 14 M ;i sgr:-0IiB:77;a7 street, Cardiff, has the following Properties to 16 and 17, Park-streef. 6 and 8, Tl??,t"t, C?nt?.. 121 aud 127, Tudor-road, Riverside. 169, Railway-street, t J.1lntlani: 1,'("?ft?i;ardpns (("ornr House) a7222 T6 :Ir:.õ:,¡. t::l(id reception, U, b,d b.th,-I- and cold water), best -.1. breakfast-room, tlmae, kitchen, larder, China Pantrie?, wine cellar, scnllery, greenhouse, coal and sljcfc house.—Apply Inchcomba. 65, Partiidge-road, and 'bInctic..b,. 65. P.Uid,?.d, nd l? Ti.? -Apply heaTthy_dis". 11 B ?' 147. Cl,diff. 666?t, ,n t, Let, health, O?; Davies, Henllnn Station, Llandyssui. 3008b 12 LLANDILO —To be Let. for Summer Months, cora^ ati :?l, I f ouse, containing two recep. tinn-roorus, four bedrooms, and dressii.ir-room; nicely situated; ood fthin-fHe!1.i{' Cresctut-road. bl2 TO Let, Detached Villa, Beach-road, Weston-supvr- mare; rent., £ 80 P" -?1-APPIF (i-rg, nnt Maind 'P, Newport. (8668 r p O Let, between T'sk and Raglr.n. convenient tlnat .L Res.d-'me (eight rooms with large garden and 10 acrc* of pasture land, cowhouse, and stable; lpn, £ 40.—Appiy Ncwland, Davis, and Hunt, Newport. b8 COUNTRY.—Furnished House, 13 miles" from C?,. diff: 400 feet, above sea ¡en!; tennis 1-?-; £ 2 21. \"e(.ly.-I)[Jwetl, Auctioneer, Bridgend 2910U3 SOUTHEUNDOWN.—To J,e, F.r?i,h,d Honse;" -=' within fill miD l1t<f ?,lk of beach; splendid i,?; enry convenience; bath-room, & -Apply Mrs, Hop. kins, 2, Beach-road, Southerndown. 2923b8 TO" Let, during Summer Month,, "a"Furnished House d T facing sea, W eston-super-Mare.—For terms pp'y Smiths, SoliLitom. -.? 2316bl0 RA:'iu: i;t'i:e m<-jratc: near ytatior,.— 1 N V i.« dfleld Villas, R?dy,. 2968b? CLEVKDON.—To Let at once, for Summer Months! ?.f?rt.bl, Furnished "O'l?; in? rooms; k:t- ,D, &: piano; fa?ing ?s.-Apply Miss Gray, Chandos House, Tbe Beach, ;865hll 17 Q ,?y-r.d; ?.t E40 per annum—?ess ons 79 UI;;d ¡:fo:fe:rdi':rnum.îàDä TO Let! House at Llanishen; two reception, five bed T& ;'? d, and stable; rent £S.- Apply Dr. Shlach, Llanisben. 2806^10 "VTITMBLES, Lang and Hill.—Furnished, for June 1VJ. and July, pleasantly-situated Residence, elevated end bracin, near the Bay. containing two sitting- moms, five bedrooms, kitchcn*.—Apply Job. M. J,eoder and Son, Est.te AgenlB. S?-0- 2821hl0 t3dBr ES.-L.ng).? (West) Villa, Furnished, 1"1. June and July; extensive view; cool house; suit- able t<nns ri?.?bi, t?.?nt.-Apply- on P,?,ni, bl0 HOUSE to -t at top of Park.plaœApply for pa £ ql a tkular. 9. P k?lac? t?..diff. 2703b9 TO Let 2, Lucas-street, Cathays; seven rColfUl; r.n. 9'. Per -.k atheys; se? rwm; 90 per week.—Apply J. Allan, o,nt_r, W4?4 lIe..oad, Cardiff.' Tmhg ^rrmtSfS. Dwefllnc-houses to be Let-Continued. 26;fiïT: a:= 269 ,Cdl ATH, hot and cold water; two w. E s .— Apply 28, adjoining. 2674b9 BUILTH Wells.—TO Let (Purnipbed), for Jn'y, August, September, oommodious, convenient Bonte: oH!rlookin Urn G,e; lovely views of hills; river boating; fiahing obtainable.—Davies, Glanlvn, BUILTH; bt*inble.-DavitAll I. CAERPHILLY.—To _73h9 CjL¡;¡: cI-fc; two rOOlll8 downstairs, four bedrooms, bath-room, kit- ohen, back kitchen; arden; possession June 1st; Hnt, £ 25-—Apply Mrs. Evans, Rock View House. Devil's Brides, Abe,twyth 4h8 VALE O:m;'?io -e:- t?? be Yk, Furnished, for Snramer Month, ,r for Ycar; five miles from Llandilo, 1J uile from Dryslwyn Station; lovely VIEW; fonr reception-rooms, eight bedrooms; stable; laundry; ood 81den. Ire.; rent moderate.—8 78, Western Mail, Car4ift. 68601 ABBOTSFORD, 37, Romilly-road (opposite Thomp. A. Park), to It, low ,nt, or Sold, h?.p.- Apply Day, 29. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2527sl4 CP7:T:f(:4s Residenoe, standing i? it, o.. grounds; tbi. and b-b,?; kitchen gwdem-Apply J. Price, Tudor Hotel, g rar- diff. 2119B9 Dwelllnsr-housoe to be Sold. -fRy' pw Rent when you can Live Rent Free?— 'i\ Before you put aside tbe 8ho" Q. tiln 811 Illustrated Pamphlet entitled, "How to Live- Rent Free." You will find in it much that is new to you. It will be sent to you free by post it you will send a post- card to Manager, 72, Bishops gate-street Without, Lon- don, RC 2917bll O R???h." Park-p face, Cprdit; thr@v re- 2-t:npl' :t(): cellars, two conservatories ?h,.td;: b.,k ?.tT.?lle; PanitaU arTX?"'M"t' prf?,t; I.. ground ?.t,- Apply onPremises. 2873^11 lb? Sold, Jersey Villa, Jobn^treet, Portheawi, To t'. possession 1)?,id T,?y?h??; ..d?,? t)"i splendid coach-house, loft. 2-Ptall stable; conveniently drained; hot, cold bath; ground R^NT 27.. YEARLV; Vase 86 YMr8 1JftPpirPd Also Fairfield HI-use, Vietoria- road; lease, freehold and copyhold —Appiy Daniel Thomas. Fairfield House, Victoria-road, Porthcawl. b8 TO Rentpayere.—An Illustrated *lTow to Live Rent. Free," will be sent b, POST fre*, on receipt of post-card by Manager, 7 £ streetWithout, London, E C. 2627b8 Business Premises Wanted. C.rdiff: f(., Pr-k-. i. i?.4 RE W A;;i:,a,r;n:r::õ": =D-c" _C-M.i!: 2765h9 Business Premises to be Let, GOTTW.1LTZ, BOWRING] A' W SHOP. DWELLING-HOUSE, end LIAEEHOUSK Woodville-road. to I^T; £S6 per annum. VERY LARGE SHOP and DWELLIN8-B01JSE Castle-road, to Let DWELLING-HOTJSBS, Cowbridg?m&C LA Let at JOL J to 16S. weekly. 1 161. w"kZn-?tfeet and Charrb-m-ed; flo to en. BF'DA-ROAD (of C.b,idl:?-d), 10.. ?-kl,; near t-; p., hot .Id bath. HANDSOME 8HOP. Dwelling-hoose, Qseen-street I Ili.' Q-t-L DWELLING-HOUSE, lis. .kl.. Severn-road. GENTTVEMAN'S Country -id"?" ?.t' glo" GENTLEMAN'S :Eo;,tr'C:\e £90 BHOI'. from 140 to kt2(L Cowbridw-road. 44. CHARLES-STREET.—As Om- or Business Premises. ST MARY-STREET.—Large Suite om-; two 9- FURNISHED RESMENCES.-S?,?.L *6934 CCASTLE Arcade.—Four Shops TO Let;— J X". 2.—R^NT £140 per ann 11m. N-. 17.-R??t £ 40 P,r annum. No. lX:=: L36 x". 47-I!.eDt £45 per annum. Also Senral Offices; rent £10 pí:1rh per annum: WITH entrance from Hih-8trHt. CBrdi1f-Apply tn Went- I w..rtli H. Price, Secretary to tbe Castle Arcade r.«m- pany (Limit^dj, 21, High-street, Cardiff. A7225 To Let, very Large, Commodious Premiv*, centre JL of Cardiff; suitable for manufactory, bakerr, or warehouse; private cart entrance.—For p'sitieuUrs apply Box 42, SummerhilJ Villas. Newport. 311DhlO TO t. Large and MA,r. D.uhi?-f,?.t Sh,,V, ?,th To o"'mmMi.?. D?,ili.g Accommodation, best -i- tion in Commercial-street, Abercynon; centre of a N*W and rapidly-increasing colliery district; supported by four of the largest steam coal collieries În South Wales. -Apply T W. J??,t, Ho- Agent, Aber?ynon, h8 Co:; eO-n Let; main thoroughfare: donbV- front: side entrance; ,,y ..d,t? nt.-Appy 65, Claude-road, Cardiff. 2958h12 TO Let, No. 10'fr:t:: Cardiff, from 25th TO ,.Ln, fy t-g- 181t. 6i-, depth 92FT.: alterations to fluit tenant.—Apply Newlaad, Davis, and Hunt, Newport. 2929h8 ABERDARE. -Bridgend Yard AND Workshops! suitable ground for shows, storage, or other pur- poses; capital central position; tenancy OR LEA^E —*New Black Lion BREWERY Comp6n, Aberdare. 2842h10 ABERDARE.—Two Shops, centre of town; suitable ?AIBFM -is,; room 40 16; tenanrv nr I ease.—Apply New Ilack Lion Brwy Company (Limited), Aberdare. 2841BL0 ALBANY Road, No. 122.—Commodious D..hl, A L:"NJ:a::ei dm=:'fOo con- fectioner, fruiterer, fascy goods, milliner, house tur, nishers, cycle agents, ftc. Shop and D.llin, lJ, Castle-road; oid. entrance; cellarage; oentral position for any hu.in_. Corner Shop ar. Dwelling, 1, Dalton-street., Ctb.?. p.p.1- ditrit; .mt.;tr.n. "ooe" butcher, t"nera1 dealer, or others. Command- ing Corner t Shop and Dwelling. 27. Dalton-street, With (lr Without Bakehouse and Stabling; suit grocer, con- t.otiontr.-Apply 124. Albany-road. Cardiff. 2747hg 1J A REHOUSE. LfC .ad StabliD i. Dalton-street BA C?thays.-Apply 124, Albwy-road, &Tdiff. b? t, LARGE Stables, Workshop, Yard, and Offlcee, be- L t?- Mai.d?? and N??r,t, -.t S?pt?.br 29th-7??Pli? B, Mail Offi?, Newport. 2652h8 TO Let immediately, 201. brid?r?d. Ho? and TO STh.p.-M. YW'-2-t*?-pC M'-il, Sw- 2612b8 WAREHOUSE, ^L 9. off Cowbridge-road; WAjip :n¡O::b stores, «r -,P,.t. b.p, moderate.-Particul.n at Hr CobbV Coufcctmner, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 68376 LLANDILO.—Commanding New Shop and T?? JU Dwelling-how to Let or Sold, o.*t'd Alan- .ad;-b.p, with or without dl,,U?.g.hit on New Square, five minutea' walk from station, 32ft. frontage (plat.e-t:la85). large cellar, showroom, store- rooms; exceptionally good opening; houses fitted all modern conveniences; wma IDtoderat.e.-W Simon, Union Ho!r, Llandilo. 2710bl6 I- R Á ,Y]¡i¡;i;;i=al ?tre oi 0 b.L,t, il'b Siding: uit -.1 .?,,b.?t or co'liery store merchant.—P 78, Western Mail. Cardiff. 2601^8 INSURANCE Buildinsw, Cardiff.—To Let, fine Corner Business Premises; ground floor suitable for offices or tlhop; good basemmt.—Apply Hunter and Edwards, Great Western Approach, Cardiff. a7186 I W AcWBOii:F.c' of town. COW RIT)GE-RD Sh?p ,L,,d position. COBURN-ST.—Double-fronted Shoo; very low rent. COWRRIDGE-RD.— Lock-up Shop.; 10s. weekly. Particulars SEEL ST ISAAC, Theatre Royal-chambers. a7128 L -P r co:i:=:LtP;( t? ff; valuable site.—Arply Flint Bros. a" 112. Bute-street, Cardiff, to Let till March, 1901; well i flttd i with ?. t, ]- -ird.- ell", gas fittings, &:c.; back entrance to West Bute- stroet: room onr; 8 good opportnni for mAn Frtin in b.in- or for V-ig braDch: eem?- t for continuing the tn8ncy may be ..d. tith .7 pe,?r land- lord: rmt 4100 per annum.-Appty so Gewr.1 Manager, W..tern Mail. Cardiff. A4308 business Promisee to be Sold. FOR Sale, There Shops; PIA^GLAAR_FRONTARRTR-"GO..D living accommodation; one let to butcher, one to paperhangcrs, one grocers; immediate purchaser pay: 10 per cent.—Appiy 64, Railway-street, Cardiff. 3052h14 CWMCARN.— For Sale,- wtllknown House and Shop. tgth,?, ith 1In"l. Slaughterhouse, Stabling, &:c, i. the raPidlY -=wing di,t 't Cwm- earn, n?w ?c tLe ?upation of VT John Wnrtbingt0n, Butcher—For 'Urth,, partieul?, &c., apply J. L. Jo. Grocer, N..tn?io 26!9h8 1YYLORSTOWN.—To be Let or Sold in this impro;: I Tug -4 wwparatively maiden ditrict, the large and -e?it premises known 1M T. S Co-operative Stores—For particulars apply to Herbert KirbO\ particulm appiy 2277B 12 -,2277hiz COMMODIOUS and well-lighted Fronf ffi-. First C dFl. Boroughham r,. Wh.?i ? street; moderate rentals.—Apply Event* and Hancock, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents. Car- diff. 2964B 12 OFFICES to Let, 18, Custom House-street, Cardiff Flint Bros. a4607 WTERITLIAIL-CHAMBERS.—FOAR~^C?TMJR T^ T>et, Singly, ia Pairs, or Attopther; hydra lift; electric light supplied.—Apply to Mr. E B., Crafter, Western Mail Office, Cardiff 50076 -I 8tables to Let. TO L"ling for Five Horseai with Accommod^ To for ('sm-BornEII, Chaplin, ?d Co.. St. Peter's-street, .?lih, C?,diff. 2809b 10 CARDTFF.-T. l7et. Stables. Coach-honse i central .Ci.ro::¡Ùot.'p:bft7a¡ 27Q81,10 To ,?"taL'Uo.tb.-Apply J. All. W-d?iil cock street, Roatb.-Appl, J. Allan, Woodviile- road, Cardiff. 2705h9 at1bJit"I)OUt anb £ U^TNRS5R«E -J' Publlc-hous*. Wanted. WANTED, Manacement of Double-li.-en.M HouS by «uiart Business Touiilc-; tht rou^u y expe- rienced well reoonimended.~T 36, Western Mail. Car- diff. 2956b32 WANTED, Manasement of Hotelby hiBh-iespect- uble couple; weil known; hishes. references; cood security if required.—T 40, Western ilnil. Cr- i'O. 29721112 SYT1"p[t:e11;fD:tna:p L??,d H?s?; fully qulifi?d; -11,.t ,f,- rences; no encumbrance— D. y" Western Mail, Pwan- .a -'C- 2900hll Public-houses for D18P08al. ABEKDAHK —Two ,'tícef¡ Hotels^ good Ap.?iti,,??.' ply wlju?, Hotel Al -r- d.,?. 3094H 14 HI.; son (Double-licensed House), .&'P?-it' Itilwa?, Station immediate possession.— Apply the New Black Lion Brewery Oompanv, Aber- DARE- 3095h14 PORT this rising neigh- bourhood; every investigation.—Powell, AlIc- t¡oDeer, 19. Buie-atreet, Cardiff. 68700 CKICKHOW ELL.—Com Exchange, Wiue and Spirit Vaults, to Let, with immediate possession; iu- going low.-For terms and particulars apply Leonard. 30811,1 PEMBROKESHIRE, Narberth.—For Sale, Freenoid Fully-licenstd Pub«ic-hou.se, Garden, and Premises, cailed Iv)" Bush, situate in High-street; go*)d business house; excellent position for markets and fairs; posses- IOJ1 MiclJaeimas next.—Apply Mr. Job. Roberts, Solicitor, Narberth. 3025b12 GLOUCESTERSHIRE.—pretty country -li g: acres garden, three orchards; t?b'ing, &c.; g? fI.bing; price El5O.- ?n?k, 4L High-,t?.t, Bristol 68580 ROADSIDE Ina; unopposed; living tnode: several1 cree ).?, ".t E26; INGOING 1110; .I.Qd;d P, p..Itl Pi, Newi?ort. 2993h FREE Hotel; home brewig exœl!ent takings; EX^ FREceEptiHonoatl";chance ext?ed? -k and boWing b. ness; only £175; must sell; ordered South Africa— I Call Hillman, Skinner-street, Newport. 2930hll S- EÃ8ID Resort (Fully Licensed); fine po?ition: -Y -t; practioaUy no -I'D-itiO-; takr" £ 17 weekly; £ 450—Call lfui., W. 2931M1 HOME Brewing ::e;to:f.: yearn; money saved here; borders town; large inv""tory: 10" E550 .rything.-Bilan. 2932bli $iuhIte-f)ousi« anb fiustntsaitg Public-houses for Disposal—Continued. TO Let, Vine Tr^ and~G obe ~Iun. MotmiouthT Duke's Hrad. WfJolutonf'-Fdf fuJJ particulars apply to Arnold, Perrett, and Co. Il.ín)lted" Lydn-y. 68645 TO Let, the ri In., Merthyr; -Pi-.d,d lj,.?. t"t; -Apply B, kI." Brewery (Limited), LI?,Ily. 686?? JOXE. Bndewell-Ptreet, Bristoh—Centre" Busfolj JONE' Vaults; trade Lls week ly; £ 300- 68637 JONt E^ S, as Above.-Commanding O^rner Beerh< vaYID{n .r f3o; ingoing £200 68637 JO};-('J;" to Station, ]¡'knO"'B Beerhoasc; tj t'Id?: -b CI50 6%37 JONES—Country Hotel, se.en il" out "rtebhn*, gjird'-n; ra uut()U only, about ki.50 68637 JONIrb.. H,)tl; )Id?,tbl? taking* £ 20 "J.:1y; vaJnahk in"Pl1tpn; < 8sb L350 6861 JONES,—Several Small Beerhouses, Bristol, from .çÕ £ 100. for immediate Disposal. 63637 JONES, Bridrwell-strat. Bristol—Good working neighbfturhood, Full-licensed House; cisb £ 150 4150. JONES, Above.—Adjoining Shipping, Full-li^-nsed H"'jse; I.Y.t? £40 .?,?Ibly; -lb £80 68637 SOI TH Wal"s {;:11(;- Hotef: facing station; taluks jc.125: long l^aae; cash £ 2.000-— Duche^ue und Preeci1, HigL-street, Cardiff. 2764b9 (1ARDIFF.—Large Hotel; principal street; good J lf>ase: large taking&; absolutely fy,, -b £ 1,000. -DljdFnl? and Preece, Hib.trvet, Cardiff. 2762n9 CA)i;Ftiou¿:j(dl50 H e takings £ 37: b., D-?i ingoing L150 and valuation. -nudJf'ne and Pree%, Hi?zh.str?et, Card ?.d276ib "VTEW'PORT.—Good Double-licensed Hf<use to Let nn 1 Lease; hMt position: ?b L40O.-Duch, .d f'r. High-etreet, Cardiff. 2760h9 PUBLIC, situated busiest, town west of F/ngland; rent. n!5|y £ 25; t,w.?,,t ?f 1,?,ziI lour. six otb«r rooms: ?rd; pn. incltHm-* rood iirontorv. ?120: this house will -Y investigation. H, J61. Enston r rJ. I.-fInitnD 2744h9 rpEBBS. Hotel Valuer, Vir.toria-etiambeni, Virtoria- 1 ste'*t, Bristol, has 1.000 Hotels and Licensed Houses Tn Dispose Of in Bristol and All Parts of thç. f'nUDt.r.TboM seeking a Ulne bwtiness apply above address. 2663b8 TE;;h;N!] .l' b' thoronghfares f Bivtol; under favourite brewers for b, nuly; "ki average £ 15 weekly; rent Ls"; incoming £ 180 cab; prspnt tenaat number of Yfsn, now retiring; highly recommended.—Apply Tphba, aho.. IOddr. 2663b8 TEBBS—Free Comnyercial Hotel and Posting! deliehtful position on West Coa:t-, neighbourhood of Plymouth; returns £2.200 per annum, rent £150; long lease; 1ast tenant twenty years; incoming can be arranged; exactly as stands, 970q down; nery inves- tigatinD allowed.—Apply above address. 3663h8 TE?c;lt't¡;d Beerhouse, with Wine TEBBS.-Plewently?ituaWd BeLrbou.b N% doing sound, pr0tH.ab}e trade; incoming £ 150 2663h8 TEt')C:.i' Fuliy-licensed House! TEB Bs -,r,,t?ble subu rh Bris?); patr? nised largely by railway men, clerks, and other respect- able persons; handsome bar, club-room; comfortable dwelling; takings average nearly £ 2! weekly; free wines and f'pint.a; inoomin arranged with jE350 cash. ?«65h8 ^pEBBS.—Compact Beerhouse, with Wine Licence, A centre of B-.1; ??t ?uple admirably; in?m- i:ig only Lao for nerytblo¡:-TE'Dbs. J i?t.L 2663h8 "VTEW PORT — Fuli-licensed HoUPe; free for aU exypt ..L draught u; takings &.boot £1.0CI0: rent £100; ingoing, int"ldín flxtures, tittm¡.S. and Dari funiiture, £ 350: substantial rpunns lor leaving—Apply A. EL Kelly, Auctioneer and Hotel Valuer, 21. Bridnnitre^t, Newport. 2651h8 LLANSAWEL 7,n 1,. fr? Lladllol.-F'or S." Freehold Public-house, known as St Georgd Inn. -Apply F. Y. Tu?ibridv, 19, Gowr..tr,?,t. 1.??' eea. 2611h8 Fit Sale, the Castle Hotel. Blaenavon D ou b le- ?JI; .a:IlIIaDot:D w;; Brewery 'Limst/V.j, JH-Da,üD. Mon 68272 1\1 AFl; Complete Bar Fitters, Decorator*, d FI,lt,rs, E y in tOtk. Trained Men Rpl!t A?? Part 01. tb W.?.. C.11 nr write for designs; estimates free. Works. Hir- mÎDb8m. RUT Direct from the Makers, Custom Bouse- street. -==-=- -=-=- -=- s6608 Businesses Disposal. FOR Sale. Small Anthracite Colliery ¡r.¡, ;-¡'¡;It- mè QualltY-A.I,pJ). Rock, Weetern Mail, F-wan. "a 68694 I^OR Sale, a Large Steam fJoal Prop<rty, in Course of Development-; ex-^ptmnal railway connexions.— Apply Carbon, Western Mail, St\a.llM8. 68695 rpOBAO'ONIST. Newsagent. pr Hairdresser's 1 Business ti. -r Saie at. Cardiff: pi, .vlOO. including stock, fixtures, fittings, prnfif, about. £ 4 10s. per \f j. ¡:r- at bargain; sound investment.—Address T 52. Western Mail, C."I1I1. 30341112 A Drapery ÐIpniU"Dn AS :11;: 'f?7, a- goou nppning for l')ubjn young man; Mock to be taken at valuation Bh.nt x700—Apply J. M??b-I D.,i., Auctio^r?/' Bridgend. 68673 HAIRDRESSING and Tobacconist B-it?, Di posaJ In g<-od Colliery District—Apply R. Enabling, 25, PTl¡:,slE>tre-et, Newport. 2925b8 FINE Business to be Dippomd of, ?sioiting 8p:; fe. tiojjrry anu General Stores, kc< .I- Seamen's Boarding-house combined; well furnLhed; shop, eleven rooms; e.tablE>, coach-house, loft, and stock; no ree»ou- able 011.f.d-Apply T 28, Western Mail, Car. dtIJ. 2885bll CATtDIFF.-P?teum t and Di;'¡n,m.. >n excel- lent position, Goodwill, Furniture, fee., for Sale.— Wilkinson, Auctioneer^ St, John'uare.. 2887^11 EDW ARD T. Parker and Son. Auctioneers, Bristol EDi,- 1011,?l?,blib,d Business (Gf>n, Hosiery and Hate!; splendidly ituaU>d, maID suburban thoroughfare; baDome Abop. d.?Lli.,b. iside entrance,, stabling, &c.; :? atE?m yearly; Rnnual £ 250; ingoing about £150. 68663 FIRST Class Cafe Business :Fullv Licensed), centre city Bristol; trad« £ 3,000 yearly; half profits.— Parker and Son, Auctioneers. Bristol. 66663 RESTAURANT and Dining-rooms; good _ition; "ery low rent; good turnover; cash £70- Duobesne and Preece, High-street, Cardifl. 2763h9 To I th Prince's Gate Bakery (near Varbeeb), with HYZIDH' Hot.slr Ove?. by D?.d Co., Car- diff; average, 12 sacks wetfciy; possession in Jnly,-For further llsrticulan apply *0 William .6..d.wards, Out- ^r' N*rWh 2779b 10 TO-n<hoI]rø !1-: t.:n; ness for Sale aa a Gi,,g Cn, i. tb, increas- jn and thriving town .t P?.b,.k. Dock.-For par- ticulars apply to the owner. W. H Gibby, or P??l. Brothers, A,, ione,,Pembroke D-k. 2741b9 HA RTIRF,ASING, amt-eWčWf'DC' j "'ntre C.,d?ff; pnc-e Jo-w-Rùach, Rotunda buildings, Cardiff. 2745h9 FOR Sale, as Going cTmcefn T °lI:t.a(Ou:og: Business—Four Hr<rscs, in good ditu).; 0.. ¡,lindau One Monrtiinc Coach. ODe Coveted W'agonette, Oiie Uncovered Wagonette, Two Luggage Flats, Fur- niture VAn, Trap, Heavy Cart, One Lisht Crank-axle Cart, etverai I,t, Double and Single Harness, Chaff Cutter, &:c: owner givinr up business, good ofWDlng tor enterprising man.—Apply oohn Curtis, Rhymni-y. h9 CH;i;; T=i.ra::tt5vew;r Mf:(-¿;: Bristol; t-kin? average £ 15 weekly, .i. d.'y?; open?d Sundays if d,l?,,d; incoming 1, this r't; able and handsomely-fitted business £240; stock kt valuation, extra. £ 180-—Tebbs, Victoria-etreet, I1r..toL 2664b8 COji-)2, ;Î8:ofO: ;c;;i fB "tol;r(L ?t?bli.?; profits about -6 "ekly; p?-P?i,t-, wil accept £250 for this sound money-making business, a.c¡ it tár.d-AflpJv Tebbs. Bristol. 2664b8 DINING Rooms and Restaurant, best position BrlT tol; good, sound, respectable woTking-claes trade; averages under ind:Jerttnt II1Slla;;enHHlt £30 weekly, business (ouple take £50; changed tenants OD in 40 yars; f,?? ?-, and wi.. licence; iUtom ing &8 it stands, ncluding valuable nttinga, fixtures, trade utensils, and domestic f rniture, £ 6;v if desired £ 150 may remain; e .ceptional opportunity; money to t«e made by judicious management.—Tebbs, Vuer, Vi toria.chambH". Victoriwtreet, Bristol. 2664b8 CO;r-.J Hotel and Restaurant, best position J for trade in Bristol, long IL; free for be' and i-: B?, k?,r, always ou draught; through domestic matters this bi.- can be purchased .ery "e.. ",ut £ 500, '*s it stands; pvprietor gave £ 1.100; I can arrange Lii t at.W .&; p:, p,i?.r Bn.. toL 2664h8_ MONEY Making Refreshment Business, centrally e, )(;:t B,'¡b; ,nu sound working-class trade; profits about £ 6 weekly; 81 it tands £ 150.-Tebbs^ Britl. 2664h8 EFRESH ME NT's!" TcC"^fr^BusinessT 'situate R- centre ?f Bristol; bu been ?u.,@pe%fT' carried 0:1 by lady about nine years; cood, profitable trade; incoming about £ 150 —Tebbs, Bristol. 2664h8 To C.bi.?t Manufacturers -d F. il.,e TOG,inF):i;er:UI' Sale 3!1 Gomg Concern; doinc turnover about £1,300 per annnm: owner wiLg abroad for Lis health; pnoe £ 150; trade appliances and materi-J at valuation.— Duchesne and Preece, High?t,-t, C.,dX. Mhg GROCERY and Provision Business, well estab^hed in the centre Pr I'll of Aber- GIh- (,nt,? fItIt At?,- stock, fixtures, and goodwill -b"-t E650; ?-L d,t). optional.—For further parti<ulars app'- tn Mr. E T • Vrlins. F A, 39. Br()Jtrf't, Bristol, or '? Mr. T. H. Tonkins, F A.I.. Auctioneer, Abergavenny. 68678 ROPE W"'?' -F,r Sale, L?", Interest ?t a?- d R Ot: (';f- :eA'tlJin Mathinery erected thereon, including Engine, Bn¡;PI. and Ropemaking Plant; the whole situate at Lower Or&ní-(4)"n, OHri¡1f-Â.Pl'!y eMn. Bramwell and RpH. (Ii:otor. N^wcastle-on-Tyne. 68548 CAR',Ti?'? 22 years] Boot and Shoe Business, in main thoroughfare; bigh-class town and country connection: iD-be.Ilb of p,i.lip-I sole reason for genuine and bona flV con- ,,rn.-A pp,y, f"t is. to C. l:. Dovey, rb.' t."d A^ountant, 33, iZ t,.t, C.diff. "1031 :it1 (!)CtUanttJus. MI.cellan_u8 Wan- \v  ;r;1tl14 !:t¡b,lt:I;e Dowinair, Llanfibangel Talyllvu, Breconshire. h9 VfHS. Gorman, Purchaaer of Ladies'. Gentlemen's," Jjl. Ch W.,d,.b?, Furniture, Boots, drc.— 1 3 and 15. Bridge-street. Cardiff. Established 1863 2882b 11 MRS Green, 32, Caroline-street, "d;ff, Purchases 1\1 n t:n' :¿j,tt{:;td: 1% I JJ: highest prices given; town or country: estab.^h'd 1P5S- 2SIDd W Å'. h Yards Second-hand JJ-mch Gaa! piping, with C"" go u condition; c!J..p-C, Nash Manor, C?bridge. 68612 CL?,¡;LI;:lIJti:'h, Lett- off C!uth;ng Bought—Mrs. Rich. 73, c.ti.Z, Cardiff. Best prices. Orders punctually attended to. 1861d LE Clothes.— Mrs. Roddy, 9. Sandon-street. Newt* un, Cardiff, Parcbaser of L»dies' and Geo- tme'8 Wearing Apparel, .All orders punctually attended to ID town or country Good prices given. G9 LADIB' and G,.Il?men's Wardr i 13?ught, To;; L., C0l1nr-Or4er9 promptiy OtteLded to by ;r "I KrtI S. Beer, 30, Caroline-street, Cardifl. Estab. li^hed 1864. 68527d MI.cellan_u8 Sale., I I)(T1;,=n-)g- C?. H." Fi"t?l_ T.il,,ri.. Usual P, from High Firm ia C.diff; .?y panoent6; deposit a;J balaute in weekly or monthly jD6talment8; fit and style guarant.<oo.I)ply for particulars T 56, W".t. Mail, Caidift. 30481,14 GO to ISniiyn Tent and Waterproof Corer Wnrks, G 0 Eyt, Newport, fo^ Windo • Blinds or 81111 Awnings, of Any Sits or Design, for Exteriors of Shops, Offices, or Other Premises; supplied at short notice. Waterproof Covers. Horse Loin Cloths, Rubber Goods, Tents. Ac. Beat terms; quick delivery 67955 T7TOB S. W-t 90.000)b. good American Smoking J Too; price from 4d. to (*d.; samples to be had on application.—Communicate Mr By Printer, Ko 1L Custom Ho_tred, Card.fT. 3 JaíctllantoU$. I 1.- MI..cela- Sales-Continue. jr-IAXIGTiATH F('nloœ TT;. £3 \i).<. t. pur,.bMer. b»r,a.T Wtrn 1& C?rd,ff, OH .Ie:- A?,.td Wnt^Hop" J: ilQttJ('r 'jon-mtoruatinil- G.mnt, I-° Kottlw. cbfØJI Aj.. Nearly New 1),w 'Çrf>9 a.u»h.» Ac*-nay. Inf.,riantio« r« ip.6 ir U" ° machinery required. Premises if required —M,L M, rciiant. Chepstow, 3O;àb <i'HOf K,t.t,na -Latest, O tnrers, l ui^. r;d, B.lf¡¡j&HUlL f 1r, ij" OAKK, K'.re and Tloef llesisti„itr 30in. h- tp drawers, nnpickable I..<k; £ 5, carri»Ce T.<>!<], ('t'øn"tr..t, Wolverhampton. 29Žl1Í- CII)ER 1,?, .Pnœ and particilan »pn'v Hiirhmead. I.lanrair, Aberravenny. 2374b^' A I-ady's Kasl.ii mabie Lonr Neck Oiain or wjl" A ":d 18,1 rolled cold 'st»inped- and select patt-m: ;n hands-.m»- siik-r^-iret cast-' :2 17(Pt; tl 1t;J. ,J; vam>nt-J. 1d.cCart.hy, Pawnbroker, Caledouiatj r<J«i. London. z7M!i | 7>bR Sale, Half-rater Waitangi; complete s a « iL* X gear: loaded centre-plate; £ 2S—-PPly Bwmi. Penarth Yacht Club. 27" ^0 WADING Trou7ers^ dy2 r0 35s.: £ .7 approval; made by Hardy Bros—S 90. W*, £ Ll Mall Office, Cardiff. 2634bg L-y' XiD :i, .?-t StH her-1{;y{' R/i" W"ch: (,c,?t L4; n.ver w„ra. i.rt" txl keeper; -1-pt œ4:: w- —S 92! JWestern Mwl. Cardiff. 26?6L8 FOR Sale, Small Cargo Bid?ford Gravel; jl'rf'ry-S 84, Wutrn \& C?,dff 259&h3 GOOD. oound MOD.ldo for" £ l a tcm. 2!i d'iivered —Llwyncrwn, Llamsheu rm CYT;z Pocket Case, contain ng 1 J^nmati^ Tr»» Repainn? Outfit. Medicated C",?'t p t" Insurance Coupon tnT 12 M.?lb. one bl]¡,lIC'-8 tionery Department, Western Man, C8rd:ft GOOD Building and Fire F"kl in 'r; Quantities and Shortest h(-Arpl, TrHem Iron and Coal Cr-mpany ^LimitedTredegar. 62398 DREAM B-k rd ""rtun. Teller. I.: posi b.õ; 1 -WMt.l>rD. M«j! Limited, Carth. TICKF,TS in R?ll- It I.OM -?b, f?, Rsm*t* t" -i?I. I- 3&, 3d.-Wwt«m MLI Limited. Cardiff T RAVELLF,R4T 7?r*i-t. R-k.: V» i. in mpbcat.e; 6d. eaeh.-8!OhODHY 0. VVm.. Nil. C-d,IL FOUNTAIN Pen; < irriaa a waak*s supply: ji" tree.—Stationery Department, Western Msil, Car- t?-St &ti o u m W. m.i4 C, THE Lateet Improved Letter Fi!<v "The Mo^ens1* File: 4L 6d.—Stationery Department, Westen Mail, Cardifl. ADS-t:b:J;rJ: id., f-? per rail.—Stationery Depsrtaeat Weetern Mall Cardiff. PATENT Automatic Office Paperweight »o4 Month Calendar for Four T- 1.b"l°DeT1 Dop, ment, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1-4VOICi and lttr F,I- All the leading" .trI" "Tb" S?q.-n- Fi: "rb@ W.-i k PtV» "Th. Sl,,I-d File/ 'The Common-sense PiA"- Stationery DcpartmeBt. Westem KtUl. Cardiff. 41LKSELT,FR'9 R-k. Is.; p, exua—Stationery Ð.putm<n\, Vetera Mail PHIL Phiilipe' Rheumatic CÙr.-¡¡t.K;'rJ C,ard11l PHIL Phi!¡j' Rb?umatit Cnra.-4end Jot paosptolets. free. b- -,?d t. P ,f;dre-=:t for c, 10» 6 d., when you have paid more pounds PHIL Ph 't'i" Rh'tl' Cure hm ?ur?d whe' d,t?r, ?d b-th' h.' f-l-d .-N- the dd?7 24, St M.t,-t, C.,diff. TOOTHACHE Cure.-Trv Phil PhiUip^ Osrt»:a CI ? 1. b?,tl,. by pt 1, Id. Too" n *U. or from 24, St Mam-st-t. Card* TOOTHACHE or Neuralgia Certain ("u"P;" Phillip.' T,?tb-?,? CGrf'. 1"- oer bo'*le. bv 10 ld -24, St Mary-street. Cardiff. 16'6] KHAKI Nosepaper, la per packet, post^ee" £ Khaki Envelopea, Is. per 100. postage 3d.-W«». tern Mail g!-AtIDry department. Csro.ff. TRANSVAAL War Maps, IS., post lxea—w«term Mail, Can" AN Invaluable Book foAlFEngared~ 7. Heaton's Ready lieckoner, eionu-.ning 135.006 cal- calations; rice Z. 6d.. postage del utra.-ø"Dery Department, \1f .torn Mall. Cardlll fcorsrss, iibr btock, &t. WANTED, T- MIki.g r?- on EL_-A4,1- V W t; M:Y' on Efua.-i4' PAI ? (" '?wu '?W 14-2 band. bioth? 4 y?i P eaddle, -,?l h:rJ Appl, Gower Ian, Gowertou. 2987^12 T30R Sale, handsome Welsh Cob; quiet t. ?l; splendid action.—Apply M.D-I.L Bialw pool Farm, Newport, Mon 3109hl4 BROWN Thoroughbred Gelding. 1S3. 6 yeSBaaeoed in point-to-point; perfect back; BO vjeay blemished, but practically perfectly arand; not Q Ie owner's weight; MIl or eu.Io_-K. Altefi, Begelly BOUM, U., 3W7W pOaf"; :Io<I Osa Afternoas kly, < T?. L.&m-St,.w hp V 31, w_ VÐ Mail, C;\i4iff. æ92II8 "VA=' If h-d' 6 Y?." O'd; a" atoanlegged.— Appl, T 4. "rn M.i, N?ilnt SALE, vd V.n.??, 16 bandl, ,i. .œune" S lt ker; "d 6?d 36 pl_. AIoo ma Cb" 15.2;h?-; 0-1?t to rid. -4 dn. 26 guineas And muuch ?Arl M?., 16 b.A., i. F-; 30 ga_-8=t.b. 27, BMhard»4arraos^ Boatk, Oar. diff. 290M TB.Èe""e:W:- Puppie f-I 9-11, excelled -k.9 atraia.—% Morgan KemeysCommander, tVt 2624h8 SARE Y.. =ro\: :æ ::i. psevaatiee and sere; is boxes, 6& a" i?L -dL 0118 SQ:¡r ':4:1 far 'i::= 'ike em; four t" -of .11 C.- M"'h-W direct af Sole Agents, XLeraiek aad 8M (Limited), SL Bridge-street, Cardiff. ggflgfr Cart iagrs, !tamtøS, 5rc. WANl'ED, Single^iorse Laadau and Wagonette — 'V;f:"P::e9, :t- diff. 687al W A;D .;n:1m::Dd to aeat 10; ;?t be i- 9-?d condition.—Send full particu- lars and price to Glaes, V lrt.orb Mews, Liandaff. b9 LIGHT S:-91- B"-e-, Thirty New T.1, C.r "& H?b!t-t,t, N,,D?rL 3jngbl4 LIGHT Crank-axle Cart: suit or spirit in.; cvbant. Also Miik-cart-, nearly aew; cbroa.p- lesser, Herbert^trect, Newport, Mull. 3107114 STEWARD'S Harness aud Saddlery Factory, Car* S TEdA!¿:iB; a few testimonials:— C- RAW'LINSON Huge, Tredegar—Dear Sir,-Ym RH*m to hahd. and it 111'" me t,,? CTt'.td o.l1sf"OU.Y<>U1I truly, D. Keea.—To Mr. Steward. G A:fiirf:I: ;r; Sc?ddl? I P?IflttY ..t.f??d -ith. Fl- -vt my beet thanks.—Faithfully yours, E. Kergan POST Office, PúnÚoïtya.sir,I received tbe Harness safely per passenger train, and an tncrougay 8!ltildlE'd.-Youra, fru., jA. Toaer.— Mr Steward. STEWARD'S—Note Address: 3. Wood-sueet. Car. diff. Send for lists, free. Est, 30 ,<arL 069;&. S E(-BDH,ndj:, Fillers), Four-in-Hard C?oa?h ,t -.d tj"1,7 SeiCT.d- hand Jubilee ar, Light St.anhnpe-nndH 5ewt.), g *4 d(-LtJon Broughams —Totterdiiis', Colaton-etreet, Br.a- L 7*5d 2 POny- Ra' b-ciiti, w?, 'seat 9 and wl_ Several pjctty Pony Dog-carts. —Avery, Coach* builder, Newport. 2994b 12 BRG!Af:ft.. beat carriage for summer -d «mter; Stanhope Wagonette, gent. 'a osr- nags; Four-wheel Dogcart, good condition.—P"rrv and Co., Frederick-street, Cardi*. and BrL«to*. 288811 pA Phaeton, with Pole and B." ;õea :a good condition: would suit elde;ly gentleman; cost £ 80; :,r" E A. JOIaD. IY". stone, Abergavenny 2876b11 SAE]ff. i7 Pl?i?-?. Traps -,I i004W,()nftt;: equal t. to -App?'y Pr;e«t-road .M, B-th, O.,d?ff. 2941nl1 IVCR Wheel C.W Vaa. with craak-ezie I -,o; :r-k::t: aMa for _I_rrier, -ter, h-CU be aeea 00 appi?t?m to Mr. A. W. M?, as Todor-r?? Prnmu V-^rka. Cardiff. odII5 CMXkY Landaa and Wagonette, wttb — C :=ra-¡'i='¡ ci-Kf: 4 1 Jh. F.d"C.. &t. G- t Q/*k l^sw aod Seeond-ba;<d Carriages, consisting nt 80 1f:8:ct, Wagooett.es, Pb.to.. Four wheel D^g-rarta, Prince C-, Mai- "tna, Surrey, Lome, Rustic. Whi'erbapel, aad Side-seat Carts, Pony Carts, and Go>erneae Cats. JOHN NORMAN. COACHRUILDER, CANTON. CARDIFF Showrooms: 236, C.-b,id-& Caatoa trams pass Net Tel., 470 e6693 ijoititrp, pigeons, &r. .o- PURE Buff Or^.ugti-n Ergs 1""II¡'fI, 2* 6d sitfiug.— Downing, L¡aDf1D;l 1 n. Breconsbire. 3-D2T^9 HEN a?A 12 Buff Orpington, Buff .>egb^:n, r.? Ancoca >. hickens, 1> 6d. Eggs ;L D.,a@? Catalogue ld.-){!!18 Q.aI4" Coaley, Glcuotsv j'h ;e. 242^16 ^uorting;. CB-R(J;Iot Kxrelsior Bats, 6» Ter.nil Rack-ts from Bats R^p3:rt- d Rackets f>- 8trung, from 3& Speciality in kla Tr'-it Fhes, 6d. per doz largest ctock t Tackle in So-rh Wa.i(.C'r:!ir:lhls, Gt1nmaker C:¡:u: BClI!.o:. '1,f Sbepton LI:](.t Telephone, 01-239. a6!J5 ;fflOlttp. -v, Money Wanted. WANTED, t.J Borrow £ io3; excolhnt øuri,. ¡ ("('ta lJIOpNtr.-Pr,!)"i¡:JH.1.ø or tieur t.t/ !rrw El?. It.AL.?t, XeRporf. 2927^3 W-1,NTED ?.di.Y. e3 3' "atid £ 4.030 -t 5 P" cent., "n Prcpeity Worth D >ub e. —Pnn- cipals only, Laridlord, c/o ltoberts.Je.e8. West-rn Mail- chambers, Cardiff. LIJ Money to Lend. MORTGAGES.-S Hern ai.d pertwee, Mary* etieet. Cardiff. Mortgage ,n. d Iisiiranea Br^-ra, h8Ye Numerous Sums Tmmediat-iy Av^fable for }H' h?ld? Lea&bl);d8. Kevcrsiuus, anl L.f Intereet* 5891 j l\l-ót; aJun!l::á_f;li;i for Investment on Goud Securities.—App.y Fr-.d W. Brett, Accountant, 10. Wmdsor-plate, Cørè;1!- n! MESSRS Stppbe Lson and A" !.d"T. 5, R;t, sti. eC rIF:- ii a,, Tr st ?y?,y for f; -W upon good security, at 4 per (:JJt. a71i6 NO Preliminary Fees.—Mi.-ney Prt mptly and NO;ri;art:d (n FÉr;rT):'tD Bn8tol Mens!lt:!e ¡8Dk, Limited Reeistcvd u:- £ -r Companies Acts. 1862 to 18^. Ja;dw1L-r"r. Bri>t-— Loans Promptly and Privatelv Made (,n S,e of HIt;. or on Life Iu-uT8DCP 1c,;1ci. ItevrM ns. Fr"h d and Leasehold Pr^>p^rties. and 'hares <'1 E111, ?• tion. ay remain so long as merest is pa". No Bills of Sale taken. Written fcuara-tee as 1ft privacy given if fo'. ir d No heavy r8t" of ir'teresi eirine al1 particulars, "H on apt^ tca- ti-in to the Manaj'T ° C- J