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• ^uortniff. g srs™ rJgi: T~' tW; .e11 :k.f; ;t, I:> '¡,i,, r' '1', .J:t!lE:£:i.t:; 'i,i :'• 'iSh.T'?)M. f~r n  .??????? Č'¡¡¡'i; I,L:;£\rj:i\r, ;:I[ £ f-" —*• {0 S^^a^SS?* ,,1 ::1'7!1,'1 ,fl"" 110 .!l1lS I.t' i ,,r.lirt l' i;t', Tioin Tå,tl. «<■» T"kh. Hp:h"} 1'??T'.??' ?' '?' ?"'?'?' r i Minn '« f.cnt. Artiifci. al vHi .<< t,,c»>1< *'■>■; ,u. '????? V& £ aU ddll"tt011" I*5' cua 1 »« „i;r. ,((T _Wcit' dwtlW* 5" t, (iu.reu,n:1t< 7!■) !lla;lt;I,, ;d:qUJrr.t' tr H. r ir-" ?trpfi?. Crtfprt?. Sr.  RO:'D' "'I:}'< S:I' 8: it cr?a* ^r' ?, 31. inwIiiiiM scut on ippKww. ann^ 4 aff. f.iilv simranteed-—Apply A^3t. 0' 1 pi =-5—"i 'ar" "'vuto"u: C,'h-hrnhd "I t jHESTXW*' .v. M th,» le>i.1inS experts. I-f# iltp' btly «h0 £ -4l :'?i j. 'w.?,?. ,11,btly ,44;0 r. Cardifl- — — • > C'i*— ^••' ^•fuchT I'lifuius' «•• J** Ci' ,r:? jjr ,# Work*. lontypfidd. i. 35H» 1' ??.. V, r.M•■1 '] -I-adv'Tor r.cnt s. to ord«r; 0*f — M orris Brfis., Cycle ??'?' ? ri^ifnW 85^_ jfloitrp. Money Wanted. "small Capital &»«* Furniture, Wisli.* A ;rxi«. -ift An .hcr J. 1M « j* Small ».. ««-ra v, °^T1lUtemiu. to Tub. I'll Half StaMi Muud4i,n«t land. awl li' UKinil l-r li"us«s; a ¡õOllh'wIHl ;£\)_'IS Money to Lend Pmalvly awl on Ka«y lernn.-llu- l."»i V ::i:(:¡'<iE!{ti0?:tT x ? .'ilwiiintriH-t, linsti'l. '?' ,?. \)'T' ,? X.<.H?" r i u»Kri'fhuM "•• i!" nf Kv»rv Destrip- v i«,u as intvrost U paid. Writt'ii guaranti't' as t«» N*.> li.avv rates vt ::£:,r; j k ,tii partuulars Iret ou ai»pli< u- ;r, )11:'¡' 650ú} » 'to f. 1 /K'iA — M.>n*y L-mt Priv;it- ly :t, ?o?KMJU. t.? .? ..t:?. Xote of Hand w»b or without nantv*. »» »• i.ars' nonce-. St: -t n> v '• > *"•>• C?tn)P';M< A :> ■ I n>Hw<ite N,- I' N •' „ rV^niOAGKS —» "? ?o t?t?. ? M?" M""«.r,;d.tt.M?t?m.);id!M..Mnee!<r.j?r) fm''nm<'?'"S"m'!mmH)iM?A''?h!efort< Reversion*, and L,f, Tnteresta ^91 )IO\G};ll l; UJ:tI.L''M,:I,:r- \1 M'Tfv A^ailaM*. fox Frpth^ld, L^wchi'ld, v: »iV ,p uuier iitliable Security.—Westsatc-chaiubors, "Oi A to £ 15.CC0 Lent rrivat*??. thlt 15r»Ddsui-.B d b lv0' Sureties f An Kind, t, .1i responsible f*noQs on Xot 0f Band alone, and at very ('onale fawnt. No Loan OTBLO ??es or FOrtnBhtle. ,?4 i* Preliminary Cuar.^s whatever. tfllte",1; Privacy Kwmd. and honest old straichtforward dr8Im! fiirsnreed. Distance no object It.t:am!!t.9 Ir'ltd to jmit )rr(!weri co.ivenieni-e. Intlun; !'JC\.pn at nnce before 8ppblD an-i m3y reI, on jtccccdiate atteatioo to tb,if fpqairjn-nts 65211 MORTGAC-KS of L*a«*h.d and Frofh^M Proprrtv in S-Mith Wah-Apply, full particulars, L;i$ M-unn. 5, lknqjq"J!p.r,,aJ. Pontypridd. 65643 M" ORTGAGE?i.-M^>rj. Duchesne and Preece. jitiwt. C.udi<y. h:ivp Larc° Sum? ¿;rc:i; Pi- Out on Mrrtsrace, at from 3 tö 5 rr cent 148.:1 PBn-Pbi:itPJ. Pawnhnker .?l All.?, Mv>neT on AI! Kinds of Jewellery, P^rds, and .?ltie of 11u,Ure?t.-24, St. Mary-?tT,et, Cardiff. a3779 £25C.CCt to 1,d by t?? P,o?,?,?.1 Uni?. BL,??k in vnins ,f ED to iSM on Nt? of Hand ?l?ne. 11 OD sny c1bf *ecuritv. at q few bonn' notice, to all cu i, any P.!t of th't country; re-payable by easy irtfalofDts; with and without i'Uretifi; no delay This ,'?-bU-,h-d Bank 1, th, lar?,,t businp*s in the b:m-Wri or call upon the )Ianazer, r EUan\e1 Dewdirur, 1, Qjieen-squar0. Bristol; or l1er.. Wi\k¡ü- •oa and Co.. 5, Wnldng..trm l'a,di1t 1273t I Desi/e to Lend ileney. from 910 to ES. 00?' on easv I ::r:;8 a?d Pe:e1Zf tO;i'i:: Officers, jTofwnnal Cia«.<es. Tra1:>mpn. Hotel Proprietors, Afnculturists, aod Householders, cu Note of Boni •Vw, alio "jpoo Furniture, Farming St.»ok.c., with- ont lemovat; aH ('o1mmtlnÎC'ati01').1 ronsidered strictly cnflieaital; no iondsin^n. ruretiea, fees, or anr ]0an (Ire fn'ro31i;tI: I"I; wait on MTTown, if d?,i,,d am' mk» IIdt'n immediately—Write or .11 M, J. -fl.. nMaIe Bous (private residence:. ZFthmd. rad. Pr>^oL 62J44 THF. ;P.Td" t;,ço;TtNF. Il TKDi are Prepared to Mak«» PRIVATE CA«H AD'IAN fr"m 15 l? it," at a few h"r:n' noth" IITIr 1!'flpl"ta1'11o? H.-us^hnld^r nnon Notp of Hand I¡nn, No B(\nmpn (If Bill of Sale required, Arply 14, fioat-9trect, SwaD.\ea 64771 FI E L D I NO  S L I M I T E D F T E L D A" <v I:n. ;,o i"T-ËD £1(, fo £ 1,0CC. :\fpth0ri (f p.1Jinpc9:- TKin TNTEPE^T EAST PF-PAYMENTS. ATKOTTTE PPIYACY. ..0 TIPT AT yn 5r^rTTF«» TPADE BTTT.S! cf wp#etTj«i and Particulars Fret". Oor Only .;Ll1rPII frT l1th Wales and HATES BUILDINGS, THE KAYES, CARDIFF iflarbiiuxp, Cools. &r, Machinery, Tools. Ac., Wanted. R\n< I:: j-ii: ''1 IrANTKlTT i .r ;] > t" jT :-j .,lt:!i:L;; l'(: .nt to E. 'i. and C? (Limit,?d, Bonrnth, g_ 65575 Machinery, Toots, &c., For Salo. ¡T¡:;Ítr:T-i;i1f,\)¡-¡C-oii('sIÎ in Lt :Hr;L' ) 1:.TiI. Reasonable raorriNns OF TI-IN,4 ?6F %T,T, KIXD \VD _'lij. r» !SRLASn M0ST VARIKl) STOCK OF en: tRACrOltiI,I TI: OF r«vn0?L\I-Frl 3, PiT,E i\'i;F.5O:¡j¿ 6.lw RCHE f(l:i;S'8ize flaW'. 8d 0tber r ftrlltAK,:I1S' STEAM WIXi HES, l)S ? A S KIXTiS AM) SIZ?k;' FOB tr, ANI' MARIXK PCBI'OSKS. :i\f:¥.JJ{t: *M far a ¿:;). i::i:Diy Ma\:binHY 6d. 1- ('f\pT; "'¡h:t;. 6,, VPf annum HAIiLhs .II. I'HTI.I.Il'S. NKWJ'OUT, )IO m& £ :i £ %hm'r" -N'e"sc",•Mua K^r'' ,q-, it NU813 "I fr;¡?7;'lf: S;.lir,r:f:E:, TIDER,. ir lift" anSu l TWJ'Hotinnt,! C..ln,7mr«,lri?r"^rKn.-n,. 711 I'orMde Kiu-me; p •■r7tv T 7~ 2033a22 roÍ3 al:, 15 Rolltr 25ft. 2?i-t ¡1!rt, »' <h<ap.-Atlantic Kn.-iic riu- PR ?* IJ;¡nrlthnr Bniler., !)ft T 7ft: uS^Sh^T-r't' «»""»»" "'h« ««•" p^te; ia *!1 t.ittiiu'S J- t,v Tears; s<D U '• 'ft"rk'f j" n IMVifS, (irorc. p lai>, f i'"iw, 41t, x 9f, witli i.tt,„,s r AL"" 1'"i' Si0- Semi-p«.rtat.!f r'"a«- as JH as n"(4. Z. Swan- 0K T"° YIC?1643,, 1 fiT«o Z 24it IZi-A0"™SlIM-,ui Various It.VlCLIKFK Ind So, ( Hawarden Ironworks. Chaster S T E A M VIXCHHS. T *UMHC,R "F NKW STEAM WINCHES 'r Keptl"l St(?,?k ilt -I W,k, ?t. del'v.rj™ °"r °rks rc;ulj' for imnic- TRF.DKOAH DRY DOCK AXD wHARF COMPANY (I.IMITKD), NKWPOIiT. 2139a 30 bOILEkS'll Ag,?t,, f?, PUII.Y? ?'iona) Improved t Otto 0"" :na;me SbaftiDI. ?. ;C?'?:?"?. Sh.n.. 1 *r H p to srh p y htac* n. Inq, Sohciti'd I DelUDe, '"B?*,t? EiSl9 tnd Knowles- ortar il1a. • Btccbi Vl"I,[" Mo,ta,Mi)? S«7 7P. 'o")'roos? or sPeci»l I'ricet for c.h. ITI.TMvi1i9 p J-N'-INKruiX., iUMl'ANy, ■■• h amheri. N-vo?t, M r 0 D E CAY EDT E E T H rou Clean them with PHIL PHILLII,S, rOOXHACHE CURE. if,D-r t 'le ld b.v all Chemists 8o1« ^nufacturc ri>HTT p"fu<¡¡e24.iSt Jlary* •tr^et, Cardiff t. M., &4488 flagons anh CoIIierp 1 lAfquisittrs!. ruTTrt^^WAtTuN1L WOIŒS ???WAG??. ?rrLY COMFAN? 1, Pearson-place, .??.S .? AXL?. ? ?????;?:, Docks, CUIJIFt'. STEEL IUILS, Te,egrnm,; PORTABLE "Qe ?"?"" )R?:LWATS ,Telephone:  ST?EPEm. ? "5. and Nat. a MII)T,A-Nl) RAff,WAY (-ARitl!Gi ?JL AND WAGON COMPANY .LIMITED). MIIlLANn WORKS. FIItMINGHAM. Mlwuh,.tur'" of Itailnnv Wason. for Cu»h or Oeferrfd l'tHutntg. Carria;t' 1'rttm C8r. Collit'JY P:t Tub6.: Whifls and Ajlf. Mle nca'. CastiDCJ. UUÙ Wroubt Ir¡.n of p.erv kird. WAGONS REPAIRED by Contract or Otherwiw Second-hand Coal. Coke. I rODS tone, ..d B.Il.t ?ti;c? for SALE or 1ITHK. E. JACKSON, Secretary. O ief Office—Midlmd Wort*. nir:nlnd.nm. Br.nch Wnrlt.~AI.het Works. Shr"»"hliry. J l ,1ui; > Four Coal W a-'uns- T lir.r B-T-'iiiifif, 1 !,¡, ,u..l ri.d .lours, dm 6-Ti'U:i' r. "It!! Mile ,V.,r«. Go.- ii.iil|it ..n.-Wasous, care Locke's V d vcr- »»I!K ontics. Nc»|iort. M27»25 T1*-ANTED, vood Se -ond-hand Iron Colliery Trams. v> Kill. ,Ml d.-r»; f 8=111. mm-t'i to carry about full pailh iii us aii.l loncst iiricc T. I'?? k. f. n. I'iiHiSri.n.-l'l.i, ■. Snans.i. !M0h™ ehurational ^nnomtrnnrnts. TXTERMKDIATK SCHOOL FOR BOYS, NEWPORT-ROAD. CARDIFF. He.^d Master J. J. FIXDLAY, M.A. ArTCBX TKRlt COMMKXCKS SEPT. 20. SUPPLEMENTAHY KNTRANCK EXAMINATION SKPT. 18. Pr08pootuse8, Application Forms. &c.. ma. be! obtained frMu the School or frjm the under* lgIlCd. DAVID SHKPHKRP. Clerk to the Governors. 1. Frederick-street, Cardiff, Aug. 24th. 1399. ?''° _?.? (1ANT0X HWH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, V> 2?8. COWBKimiK-ROAD. CARDIFF. 8omicuschciti and Micklei'Uui Sy^t^m of Tciu'hini; to Read by Sound (A Marvellous Succe?* with "i ouns Children). Principals: — Mrs. KVAN8. Camb. and Govt. Cert. Miss GADSDEN. Preparations for All Local Examinations. DAILY liOARDKHS PROVIDKl) FOR. KINDERGARTEN SYSTEM i.,ol", LITTLE GIRI.S AND HOYS. Yacancv for Ho\'ern(h.8tutl(>ut at Haif-Fees. NEXT TERM COMMl'NCING SEPTEMBER 19th, lô"). Prospectus and Term- on Application. SELECT DANCING-CLASS WILL OPEXWITH TERM. -'?_ 27, CAIZI)II'F. \fISS RKlSECC'A MAXDKR. 11.?k.il.. 1893 and 1895. Receives I'l'PILS at the Above Address for PIANOFORTE. SINGING and HARMONY in an its Branches Reference- from Air A. C. MacUen- zic, Mus nor (Princiiial K.A.M.i; W Macfarreii. E,q Irf. F.A..M.: F. AV Davenport. Esq.. Prof. R. A.M.; Madimel.ar?um. Prof. R.A.M Terms and all Particulars on amihcatfon. Pupils 1 re- dt I} c: i(': t;l t:I):; t., rrrl: ih ■SEPTEMBER 2oth. 1899. "S089 1\IOKTO HOUSE SCHOOL, CARDHF. rriucipul: JOHN' HART. M.A. Hntf Shtwbrooks and Hart). Pupils Prepared for London Matric., Cam. bridge and Professional Prelim. Exams. NKAT TKliil will begin WEDNESDAY. Sep- t-erab€r loth. 3717eto MORETON" HOUSE GIRL?' SCHOOL. ?- CAT11EDKAL-1HUD, CARUHF. GIRLS' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Principals: Miss HANSON and Miss A. B. HANSON. Kindergarten Methods and Occupations for the Younger Children, and a Preparatory C'la>s for Little Boys Next Term, Tt'KSDAY. September 19th. 4439etq MADAME XELLIE ASHER, R A ?t L"- (Soprano Vocalist), P.Pit of William Shakespeare, ESQ., Loudon, Teacher of SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. For Prospectus. Ac., address Carlton Hous-e, 34. Bangor-road, Ronth Park, Cardiff. a5051 HARROW HOUSE SCHOOL AXD H .\gFGl)!};e\)S.?o' C PrI('ipat: The M?e9 MARKS, ?,t?d bl trained Certificated Teachers. KIndergarten under Froebel Mi?tress. Pupils prepared for all Public Fxams. Happy home for boarders. Good rerreatlOll ground. Open elates for dancinz II: Next term September 16th. f^-21 CARDIFF MIDDLE CLASS SCHOOL ? (BOYS'). 61. COWBRIDGE-ROAD, I Principal: Mr. W. K. Wn.KHS. (iil').. Lo.d. T?r. Commences Spt. 18. 1rospectui on application. 1076etc ^C)5 NEWPORT ROAD, CARDIFF. MISS WILLIAMS' SCHOOL wMl PK-OPFN' on THURSDAY September 1.th, when the Au umn Term begins. a5144 PENliHOS, HO, XEWPORT-ROAD. Sclno. for Girls and Kindergarten. Principal: Mrs. Laird N,?t Term com- mence- Tuesday. September 12. Vacancy for i.?messStudcnt.H25d PENARTH. ^AIXT AUDRIES, HEARTH.  HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. HJGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOB GJRLS. Assisted by Efficient Staff. Preparation for London University, R.A.M., and Other Ex:>ms, Nc^t Term Bezin September 22nd. I G..yerne". Pupil Required. Small Prem'um. 1354a21 PENARTH' ,cg'í.¥t¡ICRl.D: FRGVUTEN, 30. W EST BO U R N E-RO A D. Principal—MISS KEKHISON LYNN. M.A. MICHAELMA6 TERM will Begin TUESDAY, September 19th. Young Ladies not, attending School may join the Art, Gvmnasium. or other Ciasses. Kindergarten Student (Non-resident) Required on Mutual Terms. Preparation (under Trained and Certificated Mistress) for the Froebel Unio,n Examination*. J>5456_ tJE?ARIHLODGJ?'PEXARTH, t PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Cadetships Obtained in Royal Navy and Scholarships at the Public Schools. Principal: HERBERT FIELD, M.A., late Scholar of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Math.: J. MORGAN, B. A Exhibitioner of Jesus Coll., :t' T:ibi 'rÙEDXy, c¿: tember 19th. 64663 iIV.»JfL RS. W. E. ROSS will Commence IUT Classes for Jhncing in Penartl1 Cardiff, and Neighbourhood First and Second Weeks in October. Private Leon:; and Schools Mtended.—74. STANWELL-ROAD, Penarth. 2C49a30 BRISTOL. I^REXCH AY LADIES' COLLEGE, NEAR BRISTOL. Principal: Miss COUGH. Assisted by a Staff of esideut English and ioreign Governesses aud Visiting Makers. Preparatim for all Exams. I'ro,peetu" View. and Hcport on appli, Hefe,enres to Parent. in Cardiff, Newport, P,ivi,t,! ,-ed when desired. õwal1;ea. ac., &c will commence SEPTEMBER The ext Term will commonee SEPTEMBEI: ,9?h. 6?321 tion. LONG ASHTOX SCHOOL, NEAR BRISTOL. THOROUGH BI'SINESS EDUCATION IN ALL ITS BRANCHES For Prospectus apply to thf Headmaster. 65366 W. J. KEMl E, M,A, Uxon, CHEpgTOW C_ HEI'STOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL, fur C H ;)\i;\ I,l:L;e tation of many y?t ?Alarge pei,ccii?age of Pa?s, last vear at College and University Exam?. Cour.e of thorough Study for Profes- sional and Business Life. Beautiful Situation. (,. Dl" D:EY, B. C. DEWDNEY, B.A. 6500" u_- CLIFTON-BRISTOL. BRIGHTON HOUSE SCHOOL, -D EEDLAND PARK. CLIFTON. BRISTOL. (Established 1873.) Pupils thoroughly prepared for Professional and Commercial Life. Successful Preparation for all Exams. Extensive Premises near the Downs. Very healthy situation. Upper Middle. Lower, and Preparatory Divisions. A good Home for Boarders. Special attention to backward and de')?a?? boys. Large Play- ground. Gymnasium Five!? Courts, Workshop, School Library. Dark Room for Photography, Fnotball and Cr.,k,t C! 11 b. Separate 8anatorlUm. Terms moderate. Prospectus, Exam. S.esse,, and Full Particulars on nppli- ?n.?arder?u?n o,! SEPTEMBER 20. 650)3 Headmaster: CHARLES BIGG. HfU!LHOROUGH HOUSE GIRLS' iTi. SCHOOL. 23. WHITE LADIES' -EOAD. Established 1863. PrincipalMrs. E. E. HOBBS. INCLUSIVE FEES for Board, English, French, Music. Harmony. Drawing, Book-keeping, and 30 GUIEAS PER ANNUM. Pupils Prepared for All Examinations. More than One Thousand Certificates obtained bv Pupils of this School. 65026 Next Term heKins TUESDAY. 19th September. COWBRIDGE. THE (iREAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.—Principals: Mrs. and Misses C[:LYERWELL,-PreparattOn for all Loeal Examinations. Prospectus and references will be forwarded on pniipation.-NEXT TERM Begins SEPTEMBER 23rd. LLANISHEN. THE LEAS SCHOOL, LLAMSHFIN: Prinr;pdl:- THF. MISSEfi 8TAINER The Autumn Term will begin on Wedne?fliy, September 13th. 654*1 (educational Announcements. MERTHYR TYDVIB. RPHE COURT GIRLS' SCHOOL, MERTHYRTYDVIL.—Principal: Miss EDWARDS.-Thc? Coitr?e of Instruction is Pre- paratory for the Oxford or Cambridge Local Examinations, and thB 'hole 800001 is examincd once a year bv a U?iversity Hraduate noml. nated h" the South Wales Universitv College. The NEXT TERM BEGINS no WEDNESDAY, Heptember 13th. A Few Boarders Received. Pro- spectus. with Tcrms, \c., may be had on appli- catinn?to!SsKU\V'AnD? 64907  PORTHCAWL. PORTHCAWL .T, COLLEGE. Principal: Rev. E. «T. NEWELL; M.A. Successes ut Oxford and Glasgow Universities, Lampeter, Cardiff, Cambridge Locals, &c. ?'n?r!f'!)b)'? Hoilth RemIts TERM Begins "EPTDfBEH 13.. 65205^ SWANAGE. PU'UjKCK PREPARATORY J- SCHOOL. SW ANAGE. HIGH-CLASS PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS = For Prospectus apply Headast.erI WINCHCOMBE, GLOL"CESlr.IRSHIRE. ("Ihandos Grammar School, WinchcomM, J Gloucestershire, Founded AD. 1621. Boys Adn?ttcd at Any Date. Muderat" F""8. Preparation for ad Exammatioai. Home com- forts. Delightful neighbourhood. R«ferenoes o r.-?nta in Cardiff. Ac.-Appiy to Headmaster. NEWPORT. 64979 C~I JOHN BAPTIST SCHOOLS, ?* RISCA-ROAD, NEWPORT (Uuth-r the Care of the Clewer Sisters), WIL? ?'K'?  IN ° TEM'M?RY ? PREMISES ON MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. Lady Superintendent: Mrs. CROFT (late Head Mistress of S. John's High and Middle Schools, M. Miss MURIEL REYNOLDS, 1st Cia', Cambridge. Higher Local Cer!tBeate_ 1st ClaBs for Literature and Language-. 1st Class College ° of Pree?rs." Musical Honours I.S.M and Mi.8 GREEN, late Assistant Mi"tress of S. John's Middle S? p.I K t Reliîou Teaching in accordance with the doclrme of the Church of England. Fees from lOs, 6d. to £3 os. Entrance Papers to ba obtained from the Sister Superior, Severn-terrace, 65540 t PENGAM. GELLIGAER CORXTY SCHOOL, PENGAM. VIA CARDIFF. BOYS" DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL. Headmaster—R. W. JONES. B.A. Bovs Prepared for Business. Professions, and University. A New Department, will Ije Opened Next Term for Preparation of BOYb for Civil Service Examinations. Inclusive Fees: — Tuition £1 6,. ad, per term. Boarding £ 10 Os. Od, NEXT TERM Commences 21st SEPTEMBER. 65509 JSugmessiesi for QtSposial. TO HOTEL PROPRIETORS AND t OTHERS. ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE LET, "THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL" with Stabling. Coach-hmse. Garden. Bowling Green, &c.. close to the Great Western lt?')w'!y S't?ti?n. Ingoing, from J £ 00 to £ 900. Lease, seven years*. Only tied for such beerc, as are not brewed on the Premises. Apply to Messrs. Straker and ton, Market- street-chambers, Abergavenny; or to Mr. C. E. Parsons, Auctioneer, Ac.^Newport.^Mon. 65572 HOTELS AND LICENSED HOUSES. —S°seral Large Family aud Commercial Hotels to Let or for Sale; also Licensed Houses of every description in South Wales and various parts of Enghuld.-State requirements DuFhesi e and 13re?Lc?e, Hlgh.stret. CardiK. ° a850 THE EDISOX JJELL pHONOGRAPH. GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. Ä COMPLETE pHONOGRAPH, With RECORDING AND RE-PRODUCING DIAPHRAGM, SPEAKING AXD HEARING TUBES, AND USUAL ACCESSORIES, £5. BLANK CYLINDERS, Is. EACH. RECORDS 2s. 6d. EACH. LIST OF RECORDS ON APPLICATION. THE CHEAPEST PHONOGRAPH EVER SOLD. Will Record your Songs and Speeches and Preserve [o Years the Voices of Parents Children, alld Relations. You can Conduct your Correspondence by means cl ihs Phonograpb, and thus Dispense with Shorthand. To he obtained from THE WESTERX jyjAIL ir IMITED, CARDIFF, Or from the following Ageneies:- •CARDIFF Queen-street Musio Warehouse. •SWANSEA 32. Ca,,tl?treet. .NEWPORT 23, Co?emial-str.t. 'MERTHYR  ?.?.?. 118. H]i.!h-str? 'POKTYPMDD T-,Iffstre?t. •LLANELLY 60. Stel??,y.,t,??t, 'RHONDD? VALLEY.18, Tylacetyn. nygraig, 'FERNDALE     37. Strand. •BRIDGEND 1. Wyndham-street. 'PA?RY L CK M. Hnlton-roa d Messrs. Thompson and Shackell (Limited). a4597 TOOTHACHE CURE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. Is. and 6d. Size. By Post, Id. eitra. rpOOTHACHE £ JURE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. NOT POISON. BUT CERTAIN CUBE. J^EURALGLA CURE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. J^EURALGIA 0URE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. Pounds. rpOC-TH ACHi 0URE f USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. Is. and 6 Size. by Post. Id. extra. pHIL pHILLIPS' BELTS, lis. 6d. SEND SIZE OF WAIST. pHIL pHILLIPS' CERTAIN CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. pHIL pHILLIPS' WRISTLETS. 5s. SEND SIZE OF WRISTS. TOOTHACHE CURE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. Has Cured for Is. where it has Cost Too returned. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS. NEURALGIA CURE! USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. NO FAILURES. Is. and 6d. Si. B. Post. Id. ext,. SOLE MANUFACTURER: pHIL pHILLIPS, l•i, ST. MiJ^Y-STREET, CARDIFF. r4363 Bttsmesis atltiresises. Scott's Emulsion proved beneficial in strengthening our baby. It has also helped her in cutting her teeth." ¡,' X MARGERY ALICE VSATES* (From a pUctogriph,) Tliere are many properties in Scott's Emul- sion ,hi,h arc beneficial to children when cutting heir tcet' The hypophosphites of lime and 80da, for instance, are an :?:d to diges- ?on, food for the nerves, and of great h;jS" i tiinoe in forming th growing skcicton struc- ture of the body. The cod-liver oil also has a favourable effect upon digestion and to supply vitality. The glycerinc prevent, fer. BJentltL1.1 and assists in the steps toward the final absorption of the oiL Consequently, when these facts are considered from a mcdioal point f vie-v, it is easy to acouut for the ;JJ:;di"I :i, it oi" 't'') ;lIfO\;I I teething bahic" We emphasise especially this point in the folluwi!1g letter: — "42, Atlantic-road, Brixton, S.W., "November 23th, 1333. "De ir Sirs,—I have much pl.1Burc in stating that Scott's Emulsion has proved very bene- ficial in strengthening our 1mby. Being very weak in the back, at the age of nine months, she could not sit alone on the floor, but after one or two bottles of Scott's Emulsion she was able to support her&elf. It has also helped her in cutting her teeth. It has also worked wonders with her chest. It is very amusing to hear her say 'More, mors^showing that the Emulsion is 1,;?lat?tbi, as \*1 as nourishing.— Yours \ery tiuly, (Signed) G. YEATE3." Bless the babies; they all love Scott's Emul- sion, and they seem to know intuitively that it does them good. After taking a few doses of Scott's Emulsion they stop their worry and freft iig. and go tc ,le2p and grow. They get rat and'strong. and are all-curves and dimples. Believe the truth of the statements of those You can obtain a sample of Scott's Emulsion by Lending thrccpence to cover postage to Scott and Bowne (Limited), Manufacturing Chemists, 95, Great Saffron-hill, London, E.C and mentioning this paper. All chemists sell Scott's Emulsion. L16644—3 NEVER CROSS THE BRIDGE BEFORE, YOU COME TO IT. Many people d0, Their lives are full of fore- boding fears, depressed spirits, meeting troubles more than half-way, seeing life through black-varnished spectacles, morbid, gloomy, cadaverous. Send your fears and dreads to the llloles and bats by taking Page Woodcock's Wind Pilis, the finest remedy in the World for the cure of Indigestion.Wind Oil the Stomach, Bi1iounes. Liver Complaints. Ac. Every hard-driven business man. every tired, weary housewife, every working man and woman often prevented by their working cui- ditions from taking sufficient exercise shoalu take Page Woodcock's Wind Pills. Rcv, Y. P. Dickerson, Ex-Jubilee Singer, write3 from 53. \VaImer-road, Phuntcad. S.E.: — "After having thoroughly tested you,, iuvnlu- able ?'iny?),. "I'? ?)y prepared to "nirm that there are none to eqnal t i In my extensive travels I have tried all sorts of Pills. I give all preference to your Wind I'll! 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