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PJiKPAl!) CALL. 8ituati.,r.. Offered or Wante d \[) <*rt m»nts, Lost and Fcana, Vi-ve' n u-oiw tVants and Sale*. Home* to T "t r S'll. tF PREPAID "nd for eonsecutive b1."r"iODS. Sf'" -i-rrt.d in the Mail" aùd "Freeing Kipresa" at tbe f'J1!owlu rata:- I WORD I ¡ "'r> I 'IX ONCr.. s. d. I «. d. ?3or?M Iii 1' I- 13 to 19 0 9 1 6 2 3 20 to 26 1 0 2 0 3 0 27toM 1 3 2 6 3 9 34 to 40 1 6 3 0 4 6 F.,b <.)tt?"' V Wordi ori 0 3 I 0 6 0 9 part of 10 all tart'18 name and address are counted aa p8rt of the Cf alternate insertions are teqmred or the .\dvrï¡M m'nt is [lnt prepaid credit rate* win 00 charged, anti 1:1(, .\l1tHt"f'm.'nt will be booked tor a 1(1M amount than TKRFK ntLI.t.;g flii* Scale 4.I«M mi apply to Registry Office and B<-sine«s "ørlilØmt>t or t,-) Advertisements lia1: from r\1bi. Bodiev REMITTANCES 0""°"'0lil or rnt l tm, ø!w'l'l1 t¡ to rrf fervne*- tQ pnstase Stamps Postage Stamp* (H:11f are not refuse, but a!ll they are often lost in the pint th., must, if remitted. bo sent ,.t. tbr. Senear's mJc. Cheque* and P O.'s should be eroded •nd made payable to D W THOMAS. TheC'etks at the vnriou* Offices ,f tlio rai." have instructions to render every assistance to Adver- tiser* in preparing and drawins up their Advertisements, •o U 10 give »he tallest Information in tto least possible cumber of words. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Replies f1 Advertisement* directed t the 'WesteM )J:,i!" Oftlr'" will be banded oat on production I ticket, which may be obtained when the advertisement i ordered, or they will bo forwarded to the Advertiser's Address. providing stawpi w covet postage Bre eup. plied ADVERTISERS are cautioned thrit Postmaster* aw NOT allowed to Deliver tJetteu Addressed to t"Jr Fictitious S'r.ows at any "o,¡t.qf!tre Letters •ddraited to Initials or Fictitious Names mint be<»r th- address of ♦he Advertiser or ..? .1 the om". of <h'w.?..mM)t)'?' In replying to Advertisements Applieauts should leniem 'r that as a rule. Advertisers require the follow- tngnfonnation JDOOR SERVANTS. As*, height experience, name of present and former employer, and wace* requited OUTDOOR SER"\TS. Aire. experience. nuiried or single, number ?f fmit, if mnried. preseat and former VTI.Y,r..d wages req111r,d (»I?Tr,TXAL TEST1MOKTAT.S sbon'd tiMft be ♦oc!o«(d wirh rejli^ to adTerfH'snient'* addressed to the (CoplES onl,y SUOULll XF. SENT). I^TILXIAM OXI.KT. ej-I)eteotivo-ser!?eant Cnrdjfl 1t is.r:nnr'n,I; T»-r.<opa'lv; mi.vinj friends trac\:d-ddw53 6. T.nwa Ctth.<)n'.M.? C'»rd;ff '? ° 3j9txl tost anh jfounh. LOf*T. a P;iir of ¡1 ¡'('daC'k on Thursday ht: t-.r.'i^r rewiixdvd.—Apply Raduor-road Rard Pi^hooj, Cardiff. 3924z3 :L°:t;dtnt¥IT: wjrh Oi'df^U Knob Hand!« between GrnnJ>etown and Penarth« load Bridse M??d:?y ?fl,wil.-i?illd"Ir %"il? 'tth.' awarded on returning same to) 36, Western bo t* Cardiff. 3666z3 I-õ8T. betwt>en InJinmay and t 12, F¡zahm-p!al;: J Cardü!. God.mounted Fountain Pen, in ea^e, ith kio" Rude, TwaTded 46-t T^Ot'XO, Setter Do? on CJyne Common; owner mar J fiarae by defraying expeuses.—Apptv W»-^t Criw ILitd, Wen Cr^. nhrn 383Qz5 .?!atrnnfnta!. ;JJl1:m?I$ltI)' dnin; a r.-ir fr ill basing, t„ ii"M wit!, ioiitjt.1. I.ii lr; anb ipioifd—It V6. Western Iait. CardÜf zj lt1!?lral. WANTED, Lady Pianist and Vocalist for pood 'VAXT¡';p. Lady PinÜdl and ,ol'a!ist fOf ¡:00J \rt h":A'U1:tl; CM 'b:1. Bridgend. 384Cz5 LADY pj8nte ?.d Vocalist tmm"diateh.ttc a;e and particulars, experiraoe, &c., Lewis, Qnetu's Hotel 1se.te 3766430 DAVE McXeil, Comedian and E.W?t.?n?T At D\'lrtc)eielinnlt(ert Ppm-?t addrm :4& Rober"tm?Dt, cth.)?.. C. dift. 3774.4 PUNCH ?ri\d Judy Show, with Pos Toby, is Now Optn for* En ri^ments durins* Christmas Holidava, ftrA will Rercaia in Cardiff at Same Addrnu till After Whitun-Mr Thomas Hamilton, 37, Millicent-strpet, Cardiff. 3652d T- -° be sold (cheap), an Ernrd Grand Piano. owitu* to m()du to hou8e.Arthur Lewjq. Cr.to- )J1(fCe House, Car fL-arthf"n 37?8z4 CONJURING.—Private Parties. Concert*. »nd CluT5 Attended: terms moderate.—Professor De Facto, 145. Penarth-road. Cardiff. 36a3 PIANO; iron frame; ftilTtrkhord: t?.ly new~ 15 guineas.—Richards, Unirersal Hote B.t"d f1 Mi?: 3451350 PIANOFORTE Tuning-II. F Webb 6\h:; Heath and Sot..«>; Tardilt. 31 6d. In*tru- mltt ]!p!"ed; t"5timatœ bi\'CH.-AddrC'68 8 Core- ttreJt. Cardig. 35351130 ii-lrtural. MB. (ko Pool. Surgeon Dentist, has Vacancy for ll î'll1ng Gentleman n.qujrllJ Knowled^a 0: M^eh»nical Dentistry; rnal premium Tequir«-d.— Address 35. Westbourne-place, COWbrido".rOad. Canton 3844!,3 WANTED. M>arp»t»nt Din'enser; with know'edsro of Fth k..wl?d?7-.f Apply, ?ith 1.11 d?ti! Dr. Beta, Wutern Mai: Swan. et -z 76% WANTED immediacy, on Indoor Onalm.-d 1, n,ly preferred); most ?e, thnrough'y M"ad, anall colliery 1"racti-Atlply. givin? ft^reniea rirticalars of salary. Ac., to 1 41. Weatern Mail. Car- diff 71457 WAXTED, T.r urn Tenency from February by c W aili'.S. I..K.C.P.: pteparni to pur- chw country pr;wf'i.i;' j about £ 400 fapiott-Udr.^w J'Irtictllar8, in confidence, B 6a Western MaP Cue- *:e' —- 33337.6 LOCTTM T.enens Disencnsed. or Assistant.—Annlv ii ,LOCT-M n,! ;%enctz?4. Or- ASSISTAXT.SHIP or Locum WantedTbvQ:i:»1 t'rd A:f¡::Î: di.«pmraced.— Addr^s^ Sur^on, c/3 MI. Thomas, Chemist, Clydach. 3796^1 A 4 M7»-d.ca! Mr: c I' <f Trust in Chemist's lrl'I1'w;>nt,¡i" ■. •- T' .^rmary, O,Jrùiff, d30 WANTED, '.) •- -f ip/^hip or Loeurrj; siir^.c; A Western Mai' t^nx' n, 3:8;13 CIrrira!. 4 SSI^TANT Pri'-st Rrqnired ot Christmas for 5t 11-\ SJ; {¡:hrjt;:t i;:s dr(:t: Juries Enc!i*h; nvsu-a!; ?tip-.d. £ 130-—S..7ack«-.j|' J/un-TowTd Vi.^rsge, Brid^nd. 3717.30 THOROCtiHLY officiant Cnrat-> Wanted imrne T, diatciy, St. Mark's. N"D.,t, Mon.; £ 150.—Api dy liTJlL 369jz3 D?;o Wante Co racy with Vrietfs Ord'H. Diivese of LlandnH -AddrPM Deawn, c/o Rertor. Ltausantflr»ad. Bwleh Creronshlre. t334d Hitfrarp. SMART, well-edueated Yonth, bet*«*h 16 and J7 S M. j'I'(!l:.lil:t:hit:f(' M .?nrI1¡li I'tipif.— AT>p?:* Edif-r. Ev- :v'nj Kxpr^s. C', lif .9l'o tllo1a5ttc. SKEItRY'S Civil Serrico and Tniversity — S KF¡ ,Irtt!'l(!L v\r;J:'itI!].(1 c::rtr.tn: ail Civjj Service Eiamination.<; tborouh. rapid, success, fnl preparations; day, e?or.in; ane) ('t\rr¡1})ondence clashes; nnt successes unique-rite or call lor Infor- lnP.tion. Secretary, Skerry's College, 2A, Trinitv-stren 391226 MAPR1EU Lady Offers happy, poo<] Home to Orpharis. with Eduv«tion, or Adopt One; co.»d Jir'lDi1.:U1.-n 80. Western Mail. Card iff. 3941^6 SCHOOLS. Parties. Entertaiuments,CirlmAtcVrapiT Lantern. Phonograph. C'airv«.yunce, Ventriloquism Conjurinc. Jointly or Separately, lrotn d'^itateur, 50, (;lamoraD-8trf'et. BI1'nmawr. 3854IS CLERKSHIPS; £ 85— £ 450 i Admiralty, War. Excise, Custom* Offices; vacancies now; open to a»*. a^d 15-23: txi^rienco unnecessary; speeuAexp'ana- tr-rv ,h' tcmtary, Civil Pur<a:j rt-hall. Edi"burh 360an POST Offl'.e, Customs Appointments, &e -»'I;U1 V ac",nO:l now Offered in the Catuifl Inr Girls (15-18): 25 Customs Officers Requmd by Hn,.p:rnmt, also 400 Youths 15-18)- E.«re)>nl chance for all willing to undergo taid course ct pot81 lC8nnl 1ar RUide pist free; 8000 .Cone.. spondenre College, j. Chancery-lane. London. 4598ete Teachers Wanted. WANTED, Chri/tmas, ri»admaster i>r Mistress C'rtitlcatedi for Llan-dy Mixed School, near Pontardulais; average about 40; classical jmtruction ohtainable Also Assistant (Art. 50).—Apply Rector, Llanedy, Pontardulais. 71NO "VÁTr;W};rtj ::I 49 or 50, f" Fishguard Nation+1 S,h-l; salary, £ 60-—Apply, with testimonials, to Vicar, k ish- f ward. 380325 PENCAE National School.—Wanted immediately, Certificated or I'rorisionally Certificated Mistress; sa'arr, £ 68: average attendance. 30 —Apply, with rtfe- rer ces, Vkar. CaHw(>n. Y5tradnlai", Breconshire. 14 WANTED, at Penarth. Day Governess Throe Hours Daiiy. Girl 3and Boy It elements Frenc.'i and music-T1:'rrus and references apply B 32, Western hil. Cardig. 1 reaChers Want Employment* A Spanish Younp Lady:RRQ1IirM a 8itm as A Governe« in Very Respectable Family.—B 74, We,tlern Mail, Ou4i! 3900s6 MISS Gibson Desires Morning Engagement (January); English sub j ects, French, Latin, drawing, painting, good musio, hartnony.—2, Ålrta. p\&. Peuarth 3857z4 A§'?u.eryG farmhouse preferred; English ..d music; needlewoman; g'd 27 g,,? reference. Ili. Jones, Ewdness, Goilsfield, ^Welshpool. 3726^30 YOUNG Parisian Ir-in as French Governess or Companion; English reference; Miary —Mademoiselle. Liileshali, Uplands, S".tlle", s3 nniTEWRITlXG TAUGHT AT TRY lJL' WISTKitN mA'l OFilCY, CAEDlFf. V ^UQclirriJtrs, vConipaiuons. Housoko«ooru, Companion*, Ac., Wa..tod, ?AXTht.7'C??UuH.?.? -?;.f.u.-??-r-Mt ? »■»* ?'- '?"?". '"? i? Mm?.-Add?M ?'"?t'an.?i?t.?.LhutwttMaJM, Cardiff. z3 II O'\¡'{:dov't:onjod u  t Sewinginaidi W.ut.d.-M.?. 45, 1 jRuditt. 3940,6 ??-AMH)) a forking HousekeeiKT; ?'i plain I '\V Ã:t>ro¥.ïît);1 ;f •- Apply, t"tig t?M. &0., to MtM ?Mu. INmty- ?-?. 391W [OIPI('JJ]'¿JO.lf¡r: ? ? B" TB'    domesticated.—References, A'l ^'V!i 78, \teai Mull. Cardiff 3,92^6»3 ?m'XU L?:. r.tfut Mtip'i.r ?'?.wMr?r: JtQ]Wank'd; ?o.? rcfermccs iudl I"uble.-M. L-g..id, 41, l'artriùNooù, Car* -?_ ?" ? SMS? ?' I |^1 es^ri^wd.—Uoodwiu, St. Ue^rbVs-terra* Trow- ,r7" 378W33 -0 I "r \kuf: about 25. M Wt.r)!u;s' IT? Housekeeper to Bachelor Gentleman; easy, coiu. t, ';aÙ\ i-.ace lor suitable per^.u; coilieiy dÜtrkt; near  .?d PM'L'u)? 'J B 32. W'Mt.'t'a )hl_Otl1"e. Gu.J.'f. 37?<i30 \y A;ftf,t;IToIt!f¡P :;r.c: ,,nW • gotid General. Sm?:t<Mn)y. Is. Hi street, Swansea. Z6G&5 "1 j, :• r Wautcd.—State age, sa'ary, r "• i;' l?6. Wi!id?or»roa«l, Nea^h. z& '?Ofsexoopefa. Co-mk;n;&Want Employment. ????"?,'?'r ?< ('a!):?!t???.p..r by IL IL Luuy.—Goodwin, bt. George's-t( rr.ve, yowhr. 31,20?3 'Vi;or so::¡1:Ç': k- •J p>«,l c..k: rofewnco: ^-«1 I i4, i:r..(.Ti-str»ft, Cmjiif. SM.:1* Domrstir ^rrbaittsi. | Nursoo Wanteci. PMaid or Sliigle-handcd Nurse »v anted; emmtry situation; hot und r 36; ladv's I H'f.'ne(t necessary.—Mrs. Rcberts, l'cu-y-Wern, Aber- ??' ""??r' Yy-?TKD. yoofl X?- .T.r 2?0, ?i:d,r. I )f à;E:u,;[i:1it Cooks Wc^ntod. w??'?.??'?\? ;I! "• -k Ul" lur suitable girl.- f!li. t 4. iO'WMM.Mt, Swanwa. 33z6 4 funk Wanted at it :f "It'ù al oace.—'i'iio Oruve. Malrao Xew- A IKI t 3862-1 COOK.Geral; experienced; g. nd ?atM.ter'; h;.u? k°lU; wo-vl* £ 16 '° ?.-?M? MH. Cole- » l'!Jü Ft\rLl. Penarth, Glaiu. 3321Z0 WAXTEl) immediate^, goc^ Ojo^Generul tUrcc 'V-:ii'fi!wí;t<)'(fi¡:ru:: -'?':???_?_A. Statiouer, L?M'ty.Cmrm. z$ \V '????" 'mmediMc?. for Couutry nud Luud? 'V _hiatČ"k fdCDUt\d û aa^ £ *8—Apply MM. Willi-, C-d,;g?. Car- —— .5787?4 '\i\T'=-\I:t''k C?.k?-MnTchM?.? Kv?? ^rajoiie Hou £ i>.l'art-l>laoe. Cardiff. 375W30 WAVl i.ii. good Cook-Ueneral; small fam i ly.—Mra WA¡.f,f.ç::tbamil.:   ,(I)k-ttn- iâWTly.-Ï))JUèdt: 6 r.'»liU. 3749z4 C00K ? • ?'??'rF*GitrM'c?.k. 11 l'laiu Cooking; !ib I to suiuil .■ r. -A.iuy MK. MX'? HeB!? Hou«e. )3 37U3'z?4? IV arwÕk:rd_-tWJ in fauiiiv-T r  n.>ust-par.ouruaid ?t.-?K. J ? Fiazer' rarje^d, Batpr. 36763 WAXTKO, esperieneed Plato Cook; also gmxi'HnuM: 1 ar.ourniaid.-AHily Mrs. lth:b8rù, DUh)wor. »w:msea. 71647 'VA::rlr 3:r(Ok(D<r:l t;  T I "tK).jHt,t)? ?.tU dairy; good "a? to steady, r-Mub.o p..rsou; gixid "? indispensable.—]i lb, MaU. Cardiff. 3615.1 \Vl}'&e.C\ta¿,: t;t < Y, ?" H  ''?' Bake, Waih. ?""? r'1 wood refereiices iiniisp.n/nnie. !Gp' "„' YnM'f.?o'T????'t. '??1' \7Sr\ !• .;u Coot— AppTyldrs. Hiblurt, "? ?7<'M COV- 1 ■— 1i Kltchentriaids, Ho: immediately; excellent situations. Disengaged, H?),, kei'pers, Job Coob. }Jut". Cha?on?a.?isi r(d'h'X H'7itI). 20, ?'?'?'-?'e, Catdttf..t:,taM;sh.d O r_- 5_S943_ House and Parlour Maids Wanted. Housemaid; aged aDout 20.—Mrt. Banl » il.iams, liitea ¥ll:arel Kogcrstone, Newport :Mml. 379Ztc WANTED, Youus Housemaid. 12th Deoember; t5 Assiit Generally; house-parlourmaid and cook te»t.-Appiy 100. l':¡wuutJ.,rOU<1, I'enarth. 3896z3 » Parlourmaid; agedabout27^-Ai>pW » -Tudor Crawshay, 1)imlsuds, Llaatwit Major ■ 3795dio WANTED, for the Country, Parlourmaid.-Apply Mrs. t ;rl.unk, G!en Usk. O^rleon. 3780^4 WAN'i'ED: Parlourmaid; not under 24; wages £ 18—Miss Justice, Castleton, near Cudiff. U30 HOUSEMAID Wanted; he.p wait ^abJe.-AppIv, with particular#, Mrs. Harrap, Gwaunlarreu, Merthvr. 35977.2 \\rA— XTET) immediat-eiy, a strong^Housemaid; wa i t j f I at table; in gentleman's f-ilr.-Add,- 1.. 44. I'œt.nm,'õ. fcwanwa. 3689z3 WANTED at once, experienced Uouse4'a^ouruVai dT housemaid kept,—Mrs. Wallace, 28, Newport-road Cardiff 3650.3 I HÕi)t.I;;d:nr Smail Fauii!y; age4 about 20.-Apply Mrs. St,L,?, Hoimeswood, yth. I'Mk, 1tI"POrl. Mon. 36?17-1 \VTt} by December 10th, Hou.'e-Parlourmai d T ? —Appty .Vm Ro.t. 42. Cathedra?-road. C?,?di.ff. 21 WANTED, a good Housemasd, thorougniy under- standing her duties and able to help wait on 'i,bi, -tlllldi-9 bl, duti,? ad b .?,, tl h,lp ,,it "TXTANTED, experienced House-Parlourmaid; family T T Jive; three servants.-Mrs. H. I'eet, Mumbies WANikD. 4H. u.bf" WA.SALJJ, Two Friends as Housemaid and \v \E'i ¡ ;o k.etl.beo.mv:;L: l}'narth. 33OT30 WANTED, Jlousfmaid, Able to Wait Table. Aiso w d C-k.-Apply, .?th reference, Viiiuiipfc Hotel. Cramlia. Men. 352-?,3 ANTED, experienced lIl)Urmaid cook, Tf nurse, and bGUof.parlourmald kept; man d'>8n!\ boots nnd knives; washing out.-ÁppJy Mrs. Aisbitt 158. Cardiff. 351M30 Generals Wanted. 'VEb:¿:r;aJ l^r™Tr~ftged not under 25; Churchwoman; £ 16.-Apply, ith reie- T('m'. to U.. PhilliPS. ViN:.mb. Pembroke Dock. z6 WANTED, respectable Girl; good wages given"~to trustworthy ¡;:rLpply Squire, 187, Maekin- tosn-rlacv, C.,Citt. 3339^3 WANTED, a strong Girl, bu.t 20, to Do a Little H."i" 'k in M(?rii 'n?? und At,,?t Cook in '\tkrn(jI'n3.ùdrs Cadlefocù. Chepstow. 3919^6 GIRL, about 16; t'vo to family; no washnigr-j7! Western Maii, Merthvr. 3327-5 WANTED, Geueml j to do plain cooking; tno other girls kept; good wages.—Mrs. Churchill, 32, Oakft.:d"t'<e', Curdiff, 3908-3 wA.NIED, P"ly Ciiiton ^utel, lloath, Cardiff. 3387^6 'V'iÇ;.a:KTtcb"!12 J? vert-in, Llantwit Majur. 3B72^o ■T.\NTi:r\ -• d General Servant at once; good ▼ M^rieUeed girl.—Apply Mi'3. Preece, Ir 3867*5 GlAl \1. rvant anted.—26» Windsor«place l.l V vli: L 3S247o "VSTANTED at once, General Servaut? smaU'fam l_y_. \,t\}. ai °Ü(th?ne.:nc;1rmau).- WANTED at ouee, good General Servant.—Mrs. W-:S;l::afÕt:;d:n:D:t.rY..n;8i'14a: GENERAL Wanted, December 20th; housemaid kept.— Mrs. Davies, 63, Hi6h-?tr?,t, -4 WANTED, good General Servant.—Burpitt, "Li'aiT arthuey, Nen-port 3779z4 TIT ANTED, superior General; 9-d watei.— Y V Mrs. Stockley. Usk. 3506^4 \y.\ TI:.tt, gc»od General; about 177—ApnlV 51 Talbot-strwt, 3694,.Pl" C"1 ENERAL Servant Wanted: no chi!dren or wa?hing. X — .M r-i. Smith, 'Ir;ifa!gar Hou-ie, Swansea. 3691?3 G,F;a:F£.ei;)Bf: I Vv •' i:\tiy l.r^ii I'enanh; small family; helpkfpt; imro":I.l.-Al)plj', fir?t instance, Tredegar :ff 3634-1 V • 1 -;rl Wanted for Genera! Work.—App'ly -i. 5- N, j !» 1:: >re, 3. RomiUy-road, Uarry. 35177.1 WANTED, gool General 8?,vau one who can coo t 'V-£:;f:p!n4 8e;alJu:warc ?)c d;i ff: 3624'1 WANTj;i> ■;» •: -h"?ig General; olio Hoti^maid v-p Tt-road, Cardiff. 360?zl !:r: i: ral; no famiiyi ab.i'it ^oT tu capable person. —Applv I'm? 21. ll.rlc-i,??.?, 3576,1 WANTBD, ..d Gen ral Servant for FamiVy "t 1'"u" I.g. b-.t Z14.-Ml. WilU. IMeak House. B'.aina. 3d Kitchonmaldd Wanted. "VJCTANTED, a Kitcbenmaid for Country ;r)I1); Yf Apply, stating wages and references, to Mrs. Herbert Lewis, g\ll¿Tfuot. Pembrokeshire. 71514 "Y\;ia>- 'f ivner.! l viug indoors.— ■" "■ lirecon. z5 Female &c-rvant3 YhWr.x Places. WANTED, a Situation asT p:ain Cook or Pairj- \V1; jt::fõ;f11.air3 DISENGAGED, reliable Cook- Hou3emuUU7Nuries^ Gcntrnis, Kitchenmaids.—Castle Registry, 'Windsor- piace, C rdift. 5664z3 LADY Wishes to Recommend Touni* Hous^Por'ouj> maid for Penarth.—Apply MN. Brain, Roxt>urgh l?g»arth. 71649 \v A;tlJcoi:tiOI:ijiben-e'J1d; rect C.ttg?, Oswich U. Reynoldstoue R.S.O, Glam. 3619,,l GENERAL; good ail-round servant; wash, cook.— GEcit, Repjstry J adjoinina Fpir?), Cardiff. 3593zl COCIII? (i I Y; R.-d 1:t;i irL Cardrff. 3394zl (J001' 11 -i Cook:~ £ is: "liecoull ■; J j -j reet. Cardiff. 359521 Mate Servants Wanted. WANTED immediately, Younj? Man Accustomed to Jobbing Gardening.—Apply, stating wa^es 1tqurtd, to Gilbert ond Co., Briton Ferry. 394fiz6 W"ANTED, Groom-Gardener.—State ape, references "I r),. Lyt'alt!r!u!_ Cilfynydd, Pontypritld. *5 izr-A13L?', Halp?r; one used to pii?.t, p,? ferred.—State age, height, and weight, and apply uettc ."Iy) tc Conehmaa, Tredear Park, Newport. U.:y aPPli-tAnts r?plied to. 3860-1 \v A:Gimd:hn-e must thoiouplily understand his d'?ti. and be careful driv?r and have good rt?ferez?.-Apply C?unt Lucovkh. The Exchange, Mount Stuart-equwe, Qvrdifl. 3826-1 'Vafc:?8eutVpï; w\^ Particulars, age. .ad ..g. required, to w. R. Krans, The Nurseries, Camarthen. 384US WA.VEED, Ni.. B 50, Western Mail, Cardiff. 37a W A?, iU:eef four horses; in- d- IQs. -weekly.—Jonee, Corntown F. •Br;dseod. 57^4 iDoaustir £ >ntiant3, Male Seivants Wanted—Continued POULTERER Wanted; onu used to Incubators and luaiui^einent of dnA |c^; must be strictly sober and used to the p<>U:try business; no amateurs.—B 37, Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff. 3737»4 WANTED, Shepherd; etthcr married or shel*.— j\pply Marfell, Q*vm, Ciytha, l*sk 372-4 WANII'D, Miiried Man as C/ownian; must und*»r» aii farm work.—Apply Marfel., Cwm, r- k 272^i_ WANT I'M), >v Single Man as practical Gardener.— Apply it p, v- :U Mail, Cardiff. 7lfc>2 WAN'll.T;. lie, nn nll«n»und Man a# Gitvm-i understands fniit under v' t- marruil. 'j; a f- w cows and pigs kept; wa^cs ill per week and lodge.—Apply il 3. w-"?'iu Mail. Cardiff. 71625 Y %7*A-Vn.D, Groom-Gardener; must drive well; fonio V make hiin<elf generally useful— O SJjep- parti. Cartrerte. Rridycnd. 3564<130 Male Servants Want Maces. WANTED, Situation Farm Raiiiff; life experience; uood references; married; aged 3 3 .— M Western BUTLM.EH {Siugle*handed}, 26» di^-eurwved; speaks Freaeh. ItaUau; lour jxars with Dr. J J atnten Williams, Fairfic d —49. Taff-strcet, Pontypridd. 37/8(130 CHKP, thoroUp'hty experieneed7 ~Un«i' .lob at Gentlemen's Own Residences or Hotels; well up in banquets, weddiug breakfasts, ball suppers; at mode- ru]u^rrl^ J ^J uior-road, Swan-^ea. o669«;3 Man and Wife Want Places MAN and Wife Require Situation as Caretakers of Offices or Any Place of Trust; refeivticea.— 75. Alay-tftreot, Cardiff. 375424 TT^AVILD at one»', gmii l General; eapab Wof eook » I m«; frujall taruily.—d'aviiiou Hotel, Hayes, Car- WANTED, Under Barmaid, to ^ist in Hottoe- w^ ric; pot-d jereivnces indispensable.—Appiy or uauiess Mrs. Hams, Dyuevor Aims, Merthyr Tydfll. WANTED at once, Two food, strong Girls, Ouo for KtUheuwurk and Ouc far Housework; good wa^res Riven.—Apply Koeping, Lord Nelson ilotel, Mil- f i ,rd n3 tt- 71689 TXTANrj-.i> v. ly f >r tlio 1.. I' Vpply with 11 v WAXTKli, .• v ;k Yinuvj L'Uiy 1, 1- 11: iiun-t; .-ik.i o rnu'n required. —-Vpp.% y lUwe Lfirnps Motti, Sv. -aii^ea 3951?»5 WANTED, Youni? Girl as otaffniaid.—App Jy proT prietress. Great Western Hotel. Card i ff, 3864^3 WANTED, a Barmaid.-Apply Proprietress, Great BALM AI US, Barmaids, ('00 ks, Cooks—Numbers Wautul iiauiediately.-MdrU's Hotel R^istry, Cattle Arcade. 3325^1 WANTED. 8tli December, experienced Jiaroiaid good reference required.—Apply Eagle Hotel, WANTED immediately, experienced Barmaid Appiy, with photo and address tor tpfrv-nca, B 41. Western Mail. Cardiff. 3747d30 \\7ANTED at once, experion.-ed Barmaid; tt-nTdTi'^ T T rencc.—Castio Hotel, Shaftexsbury>street. Ncw- WANTED, Manageress fur Commercial Temp^rai Hotel and Rostauraut.— Apply Crane, l'ark WANTED, thoroughly respectable Barmaid; used to quii'k ivuitter trade; in workiu? district.— Ap\»!.v^with r,>ferences, B 25. Western Mail. Cardiff. zZ WANTED, Barmaid for Colliery Disti ct iwc-d quiek counter trade. Also experienced Chamb?r mad. Good references indispensable.—'The County. Eblm Va!C: jjgjjj WANTED at oucc, got^d General; nbie to wash and iron.—Apply to Ryan, ltuiiway Hotel, Trehcrbert. WANTED, fjood General Housemaid, understand- in.? Still-room Duties. Also Seullerymaid; re- quired at once; references.—Address Mar-amess. Espianad" Hotel, Porthcawl. 3524d30 WANTED, Youte,' Lady to Attend Bar ancT'FKl Up Time in the Housework.—Apply A 94, W, torn Mail. Cardiff. c>517d3Q Pomale Servants Y \nt Places- AV' « r L t" .11 «..Uov;:u. d 1U1U; A:"> 'v i n WANTED, Situation as Chambermaid; disenV a.^dT —Apply T. Clarke, Oid Cross Keys, Ni n^^rt, RE-ENGAGEMENT, experienced Barmaid; refe- rences; tewn or colliery du-trict.—B., Western RESPECTA_ BLE Married Person, 25, Req-iirei T Even- inj Employment; bar preferred.-B 11, Western Ma e Servants Wanted. WANTED, Coffee Tavern Waiter; about 237 all through winter months, to mark billiards — Alipe d Abergavenny. 3878s3 "fTTANTED, smart Lad as tJuder Boots—Head v v Bo.'t^. Iry Bush Hotel. Carmarthen. 3806zl WANTED nt cuce. a good Man as Ostler and Hvlp GenT.vlly; uiu.it have pood rc-ferenees; single man; live in.—Apply Manageress, Marine Ho»el, WANTED, a strong Lad for Skittle Alley aud to Make Himself Generally UsefuL—Apply Pro- prietor, Mount Stuart Hotel, Cardiff. 3758d30 WANTED at once, Ostler; live in; referenc re- quircd.—Castlo Hotel, Shaftesbury-street. New- WANTED, a Young Man to Look After Horse and Trap and Make Himself Generally Useful; also Lad to Attend to Skitt'e Alley; good references required. —.Vpply Tredegar Hotel. Booth, Cardiff. 3635zl WA.STED, experienced Larman; must baTo ood references.—A 93. Western Mail. Cardiff. d30 Vale Servants Want Places. YOTrTH, o^ed 20. Desires Situation Grooin^undT r Coachman; three years' good reference.—Apply Thomas Pipor, Wellington Hotel. Brecon. 3767z4 Man and Wlff. Wanted. WANTED, Man and Wife to Manage Refreshment- house; without encumbrance; wife must ba a pood co»>k; enclciso references,—Address M. U., Traveliors, Asenta, £ t c Wanted. OILS, Paints, Varnishes.—Agents, Traveiler NV^riT^T T exLCptiunal remunerutiou.—B 75, Western Mail rpliAVELLElt with Connection "in Pembrokeshire J. and Carmaithensbire Wanted, hiffh-clasa Vinegar and Sauce.—B 72, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3399^3 WANTED, Buyiug Agents for Bristol Brcwe T y Bxewins: First-class Ales; liberal terms.—J, L. Lewis, 100, R-icbmor.d-road, Cardiff. 3895z5 SECPKITY Granted to TraTeUers, CaihicrsT Public OiUcials, &c., by tho National Guarantee and Suretyship As s ociation iLtd.), 10, St. Stephen-street, Bristol.—Atteui G. Wbittaker, Secretary. 1026eto CORN nndj Flour Trad 0. —Wan od, a Tra roller at prc-SMit jho'.diiw other conimwsions to Assist in Working Al-erdar.- Merthyr, Rhoudda, &c.; one having a connei tirn and residing in the locality preferred. B 64. Western Mail, Cardiff. 3852^5 FLOUR Trade.—A Large Firm of Flour MUiers R-equire an Assistant Traveller for Cardiff and Surroundings, &c.—Apply B 65, Western Mail Office, MAN, trustworthy, of pood appearance and address WanK'd to Take Up the Representation of a popular Company; liberal terms and unusual oppor- tunities lor promotion to important position.—Address B 59. Western Mail. Cardiff. 384125 AGENT Wanted Calling on Bakers, Confectioners," Grocers; liberal terms to the right man.—S. A. Budcett, 23. Lim«sstrect, London. 147699 "VXTANTED immediately, Commission, G'n^prirV a 1 T Calling upon Buyers of Cakes, by 'eadiui; L<-n- don hou«e having depot on the ground South Wales and Motinvnthshire,—B 54, Westr-nt Mail, Cardiff. 3809<i29 ARepru R ntative is Wanted to T QiT Ti ur ia T^om- pany; to a suitable person the remuneration will b' most liberal.—Address B 49. Western Mail Car- AGENTS Wanted British Viavj Omtpany flamitr i Apply Local Office, 16, The Parade, Cardiff, be- tween two and ,ix p.m. 3649d30 rpRAVELLER, with First-class Connection amon?st X Contractors, Colliery-owner?; good salary to com- petent man.—References, B 19, Western Mail, Car- rt2s. 6d. Weekly.—A Salary of 7s. 6d. to 22s- 6d. Ottered w to Either Sex (who can write) for their Spare Moments; work may be done evenings.—For particular*s Rend eddressed envelope to M. Truscott aud Co g a Travellers* Aconts, &c.t Want Employ- GENTLEMAN Callini? on c^ rorer Ba it-cos iiiiti Co-opf rative. So. ietiM in South Wale3 past fifteen years Desires to Represent a flrst-elaw Honsc; on S^'nry and Commission. reference tmd security.— h 70 Wes-.t-ern Mail, Cardiff. 3925z3 GROCERY.—Advertiser, thoroughly experi7 nr. «l and reliable, Soeks Engwem^nt; traveller, tsana^vr assistant; highest references.—D. W., 23, Tnlworta YOUNG Gentiemau. Canvass for all kinds Assurance —State all particulars (in confidence \sases ana commission, B 40, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3742d30 ADVERTISER, 22. Seeks Env:-»?;ement qa TT Tivojler or Otherwise in Established Business; com trade nre* ferred; capital available, with wide county connection,' and highest re f erences.—James Hunt, 39, Broad-str^t,' Clrrke a no iHanagcrs. Clerka and Manaircr? Wanted. W-iSTKbTT ManagSTortity l.ToiiS~ on Mri»toi o t liannel; must be well-mi ia f»tlroa«;t<x, and had exp:-riel!t? in repair work.—Apply B 70, Wostern Mail SMAUX Lad ltequired tor Office a :id \Varehon«' t-ood writma e88Mitial.-0.ppI)-, ,tatiag a?e, H 71. rn Mail. Cardiff. 388Sd30 f '1 h d a resptetable Yoiins .Mnn; k ami accurate at tii;ure3; singV; utins full particulars, Buchau, Lawn 2- 1' 3982«3 COLL1FLY Clerk \Nanted; used to making up pav*- sheets, looking after stores, country sales &c colliery iu Ammanford district.—Apply, stating a"V esperience, waged, and reference, B 53, Western Mail BOV Wanted in Auctioneer's Office.—Apply ii. zT Western Mail Oflloe, Newport. 3782d30 WANTED, quick Shorthand and~i ewr i ting Cterk (Remingto n machinel.-Salary, testimonifils, and qualification* to ii 42, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3748d30 immediately, practical ^Manager for Colliery Iram Works at Llantrisant; must thoroughly underetaud speciflcatious and costs; one with knowledge of ergineering preferred—Appl*e' wit-j full particular', end qualifications, to Mordam Law. son, aud Cfc. (Limited). 300, Exchange, Docks, ^Cardiff ANTED, smart Offi -e Boy for Cardiff BranciTr Apply, stating to Wa Povel), Auctioneer, Clerks and Managers Wanted—Con CLERK Wanted; good general; acquainted "engineer- ing works j. ferred. Also Junior Wanted.—State nsn\ oipejttnce, r« ierence, .va^es, to B 30. Western Mad, WANThjD, res p ottablo Office Boy; must bo got.d writer.—Apply, in own haudwritiug, Westyr- Evana, SoHoil(?rt Quay-street, Cardiff. 353821 ABERDARE. — 'Wanted, a Juuior Clerk; shorthand necewarv.—Apply, by letter only, Jackson, Worth- iiigton's Stores. Abrr d are. 3534^130 WANTED, Young Woman C^erk, County Post* office; single needle, and some knowledge of counter work—Apply, with references, stating salarv r.qiiired j induor A 96. Western Mai Caidiff. 3519d30 Clerks and Managers Want Places* CLERK, 19-20. Seeks Situation; three years' erpe- rienee; excellent r*;et«tnces; young.—95, Shnftes- bury-RVcnue, Montpelier, Bristol. 3612^1 WANTT'l]), r.-irher, £ 400; fro<>d paving businefs.— Ai-ov 1! WiMvrn Mail, Cardiff. 383221 PAU'l ii witJi £ 15 0 to Put in the Market S[i iitvi i.:n>wu and in demand; very remu- nerative; genuine; this would suit iady who would sujwrintend offlo-j or gentleman to travel,-Apply, par- ticular*, Patent, c o Griflilhs, Stationer, Thespian t re«- t., ±PtLAlR *lpTNlEh: it. with £ 5C0. Wnnted; bottling and pro- vision stores.—Mr. Wjlmhurst, Accountant Car- (1 £ 3 53in PAHTNER, with £ 1,200 nnd OfReo experiouee, anted.—Mr. Wilmhurst, Accountant, Cardiff. *1 1>AR'J'NER. with £ 250. Wanted in Gent 's Hosiery 1. Business.—Mr. Wilmshurat, Accountant, Car- PARTNER, with £ 1,500 Wanted; old -establ'ishcd cider business.—Mr. »Wiimshuret, Accountant, PAR IW'llK v. -'t!) i l,f>90, Wanted; family coal trade. u:> i: i, Accountant, Cardiff. 3585^1 WAX'l'Kl1 r.iitnrr or Partners to Join Advertiser in Prinfiii? and Wholesale Stat;on?ry 'rado; or would Bring Over Large Connection to Existing House. — Z X., Western Mail, Swansea. 3550d3Q GROCERY aud Provisions.—Wanted, smart. Assistant at once.—Aj»ply, enulo^iiig full particulars in nrst letter, to CV>-operativo, Ferndale. 71700 T300TS.—Wanted, u Young Man t ? T S tanaTO "BoSt ±J'Shop; live mdotus.-Apply, giving full particulars, to Renry Jamr.H, ireherbert. 3951/4 YOUXd I.ady, po.3il Saleswoman, MOfirifri and I- u:u v. W illiams, 25..Uoyii Ar. ade, Card;9. m JAliAVKUY lJuyer.—Wunt.d, a tlinronpllly T\yc- jLjf nenewl .Man Ca.mWe ot Undertaking the AIiiDHrement of Drajery and Li;ien» — AV ppty V. Edwards, Swnnsea. 3931z6 0 ADUI.l'.llY. —Wanted, a Youns Man aa Sa ijiimn I0' I't-ry uml Hamesa Department.—State fu"Ill, RRt part!i? culars to Den Kvana and Co. (Limited],' 1\ V s T for tl.i t. MerV rv ii;:d •"•tor House. Cardiff. s3 a. rv "l junior 1,.i~8e S wi V '••• Oeonse, Merchant, Hir- "l XANt. Y lobaceoniat.—\V anted, an experienced Youm,' »«<1 also Improver for Above.^Apply w. H. Saliatiiiry. Our Boys, Cardiff. 3847*1 rP° l i iitcliers.—Wanted, an experienced Shonni-n 1 must be sober, industrious, and a Rood cutter; one v.:til a kieovlch: of shipping prefetred— Apply, 3r'!p- :i- '■ •'1 111 disen^raged. and wa^ts r(i"'r w v>: Office, <■ardiff. 3846^5 Wanted, We sh-prjea i VjI .i l; \Yalcs; must be flrst-class U" "Unt"UJ iucus,0I>i £ |l to guod-clM. ?t haddee.-Sstat.e ago., ca;ary ;out), and particulars of last threa situation, to Star Supjily Stores, 3, Cojiwy-etreet, W'— ANTED immediately, smart Young Ladv ;UUI r i'ancy. Also Apprentice; li\ out VT hint nnd V .V fuft, Qu.^en-fitreet, Cardiff. 3808z5 pXl'llMn X' i: Y. uv i:ri,i F w;;nled~fo7"nrape7y ;r aud references to ( '• '• y. M na Sfr^zl /"IRix KRs- .—U ai.tt-, a Junit.r Assistant; in or out \A do-.r^; state termt.-Awly to William Lewis, u ,ansyelmn, Abersychan. 3807*1 TAMES Howerfmrr' ar T l-hrf^rdl^ 7°ra cmi1! r v 'i!: Mpn and Young 1 nii ^jn A*n n Br.epar. fancy. 3312*5 • "\70UNG Man, .\ii. c.partmenti Young /T^ f 6' a n t y .— 290, Bute-street, Car- AN TED, ".mart Junior, Grocery Counter; Welsh- f T good refer?joe; lire out.— B etts. Neath. 3718d^a WANTED, smart Junior Youns Man for Dr J ss Department. Also experienced Young Lodiea for millinery and Vaiity Departineuta—Apply Evans and ::I:v 'iiante d Two experienced Womet T t_or ■ ;v. and Oenejal; no others need a' '•• "lainn. 71660 •ISTAVl-En. exp: v;i YM;ul lor ,ui- cSnen 3 Drapery—, i: Keath. 3701*3 DRAPKltY.—I'A, :i: Lndieii Wnnted for 1-aney and S h .o. \i Apply, giving full par miliars, to Powell and .Tones, 24, 26, 28, and 30 OUTl IVriXfl.—Smart..Tnniora an frd T mnn iliatcly T liberal salary nnd prwniuin.— Apply to the Hon Marclie, 24, 26, 28, and 30, Somerset-street., Alter- ^"VTTTFITTrXG.—Wanted. January 1st, 1901, expe- ri. nced .Man, used to IJwpoke Trade and Window A.pi. v t sin^rt. Junior for Cient. 's Mercery.- WANTED, Assistants.—Apply Cordey'a Stores, Neiv- GKNT. 'S Mercery.—Wanted immediately, smart Junior; outdoor.—Apply, stating salary, frc to TOT Evans, Merthyr Tydfil. 3535,! ASSISTANT .Junior to Ironmongery and~Furnitu FejT' ab.e to speak Welah; smart and active.—Apply Minaball and Co., Barmouth. 362fli l DlUI'KltY.-Wanted. experienced Yonn ? Man for Manchester Department; WeUh.—John Priie Po rtyjt 3572430 DRAI'WiY—Wanted iinm-rtiateiy, founs Ladies Showroom; \\elsli. A'so Yniiw Men, Manchester nnu Dre-ss Dcpartraenta, eiiht wars' exiierience and well-educated Youth Appreuiwc.-Il. H. Lewis, Nenth WAXTED. respectable lad aa Apprentice to T he (1 roccry- high class family trade in Cardiff- wa^vs throughout; outdoors-Apply, by letter, A 99, V, cst^-rn Mail Office, Cardiff. 3532d^fl Dlt.AlT.ltY.— 'Wnnted, Iniprov S Also Apprentice -Ain"y i>ith particulars, Thomaa (Limited) i'!IaiL i1" fi'i1?: 3503J30 Dl^rt;liv —liitnor Wanted; Welsh; good wases to a suitable band.—Apply Rhys Jones, 123 OUTFITTING.—Assistant Wanted at once 7 stat« ex-pericuce. salary, when disengaged, and references Uivmg (.nt).—Apply Jones and PeTonald. Treherbert. d30 TUONMONOKltY.—Assistant Wanted at once- mVist X be emart and of good c.ddrcss.-Apply, personally, or send photo with partirniars as to experience, age, height, *nd salary required, to Cross Bros., 3 and 4 gt. Mary-street. CardW „g Milliners ancl Draasrtiaksrs Wantod DRESS jr. t KKlfS ur.d Stirt aadBodico Hauds; a'so Apprcuticas.—Miss Bc.rnv,-el], 48, Qu«.i:tr<e«, WA.VTKD, a Dressmaker to Work by Day in the House.—Apply, f>y letter, givin.: terms and refe- rence, to Ritchie, 12, Vic t oria-square, Penarth. 3901253 WANTED, en experienced Milliner.— Applv Cui« antl < o Trehert t. ,$Q73z5 QlYI.l-L I" :• 1 SFi'ljcr Wanted; aUo »xpe- r■ 'Unter; Welsh.-Apply Jia? mM '■ 37?72 r MlO.I> 11)C 'A 1: )*• •- 'Ijristmas, stvl lsh Young Lady jts 1- ir?t. H^nd.—Apply, giving full particu- mrs as to sn.niy, a?e, exwrirnce, and references, to E. ■ttu'nes. London House, Bridgend. 3750d30 WA ? T' V thoro,nr -v rxJ>friern'eT MiT i it .e7 -T. an d M». n1 honiiis, Temple of Fa«luon. Abr ravon. z3 BC'i CHEHS.—Wanted, flrat-cln i s, all-round Mnn sober; good tra»i* given to good mau; outdoors sraw a-e, an-1 cxperreiice.—Apply Co-oi,erativ« J-utcli" 39wM T()i In hardwood fitting, Wanted— Hotel, Bany Doc-It. 3937z3 (/"I" 'M Mail UantiKl as Sale-room Potter, Wlfiine Himseif Oencrally Useful.-Apply John -\Mr I, i^ l r and j Son. 46, Waterloo-street, Swansea. 23 T' V X'riri:> yi™Ils San to Deliver j j read._K » » ,iri..onii.s, Iontyvain, Mon. 3977«6 (NApnLERi?.—Wanted, ffeneral Hand; well up iu '1'1a!1^ strawing collars and general colliery v.hik, 3bs. wasca to steady mau.-Apply B 45, Western WANTED, a steady and reliable Shoeing Smitl~ one accustomed to colliery horses prefcrrt d regular employment guaranteed; rent low and chra» coal-Apply, giving full particulars, with wages required to B 51. Western Mail. Cardiff. 716C8 PRJNTEllS.-6obOobbing Hand Wanted" at" f he Express Office, Merthyr. 3859zl Xfif ANTED immediately, B7 iii TabiT7>iverer and ? v lu-pairct.— Masons \Limitcd), Custom Houses BLACKSMITH Wanted jr.r coiifery; 7uii?t K used to pumps, splicing ropes, shoeing, frc only thoroughly practical men uced apply.-Cwmgorse Col- liery, Gwaun Cae Ourwen. ll.S.O. 71672 SAUDMSKB.—Wanted, Tou i w Man u Oenetal Hand or Improver.— Hovrse, Saddler, Monmouth. 3797zl WANTED, strong Lad.—Al p Jol^Thoiu a5 7 liciei s -row Cooperage. o814z5 fAJiMS Itowcll aud Co. The Cardiff^T37ipeSTTiav5 O B,v,.ral Vacancies for Lads a* Huuning Cashiers GROCERY.—Driver and ImproveTwanted f obliging fire in.—Statii wages, reference, first letter, Thomas WANTED immediate Tyl Two thoroughly compefce K t Carpenters; full society wagv rates paid.—Apply R- Jenkins, Builder, Church-road, Bridgend. 3766d3Q BUTCHERS.—Youth Wanted; about 181 iised to trada—150, Penarth-road, Cardiff. 3769d3Q r j lINHOUSB Assorter Wan red; must be a capal i 'o X and sober man; able to take entire charge—State a«e, wages, with references, to B 44, Western Mail WANTED, a *mars, respectable Lad, agtd- ^ho can Ride Bkycle.pply Publishing De- partment, Evening Express, Cardiff. a9124 LADIES' Hairdreasing Apprentice "Wanted aF once — Apply 1, Windsor-place, Queen-street, Cardur. z4 mAILORS.— 'Wanted, a good General HandT^Grifflths^ I. Cloth Hall. Nantymoel, Ogmore Valley. 3703z3 WANTED, smart, steady Youth to Delive7 and Collect.—Managerttss, Steam Laundry, Aber- VJTTANTED, Three Painters and Paperhangers.— V V Apply to C. 1\ Evans, Decorator, Hay. 3678*3 GROCE RY.-W anted, a YrmTiT Man to Del ]7e7and Assist, in Warehouse.—Apply Jones and Rees* Victoria. Ebbw .Vale. 3575al WANTED, Two Slaughtermen wh(» thoroughly understand the trade. Also a Sausage Maker (by steam acquain j pd with small goods.—Apply Tom B. Brown. ButchCTT Swansea. 357ld30 TO Saddlers.—Wanted at once, an Improver Thomas, 17, Castle-street, Merthyr. 355$d30 itusmiaiifous situations. Situations Vacant-ContInued. ROCER Y—HauTier"m>T Warchmweman WantedT singie; indoors; good wages.—Metropolitan Stores, Ystrad- Rhoudda. 5515<130 WANTED, a Journeyman Sweep.—T. Williams, W Ï!¡ s'e;,l:r_Portj-J; W A:TI'{fd::pro;lItb, top wage# P»id to good men.—Apply J. Phillips, Coalbrook Vale C't; ry. Nantyglo, Mon. 3376z5 Situations Wanted. W Situation by experienced Pattern Maker; peimanency pwrferred.— B 35, West«rn Mail> Car* difl. | friO Tailors and Outfitters.—Cutter of first ability X Open to Execute (Jrders; style and workmanship ¡roa runte-I,d i ('PtUl1H' a speciality: all orderg promptly attended to.—For tcirna address M. 1'" "edtun Mau, :r:1nort.. 3697z3 apartments. Apartments Wantod. SWANSEA.—lentlcman Requires l^oard-residence at oii"e; Goyse-lune neighbourhood, trms not o .'Heed £ 1 'nl""ve.-Reply to B 69. Western ME", Cardiff. 3834^3 WANTED, Bed and Sitting Rooms at Penan)).— B C6, Western Mail, Cardiff. 38l8sl APARTMENTS Wanted by Young Gentleman, about Bnd^eud; permauent if suit-able.—Apply B 46. Wi-stern Mail. 3763d30 Apartment • tc ._t. CO¿-HryLo1'lieï:lJ Man; board optional; every convenience.—2, RaWtV-n-place, Curdift. 3891z6 r p WO Bedrotuus and Sitting-room for two ladies. rr two children, in Cathedral-road, or neighbourhood. —8, Teilo-stre^t, Cardiff. 3879.3 TO Let, comfortuble, Furnished Apartments.~35, N.wport.nmd. Cardiff. 36õ3z5 43, Newpoit-Toad.— Bonjd-Residence or Rooms; best part, of CarditJ; telephone. 3773«4 ;i;1[,;};i:i;i .1 Kitchen; no ehi'drcu.— 1 7 3 Castle-road, Cardiff. s4 SUPERIOR Aeeommodation French Lady's 1(i dence; 8elert; very central—B 39. Wœtern Mail, Cardiff. 3743z4 SUPERIOR. Apartments for Gentlemen; board if I S U !3JP'oar R.tl; C';[{ 83 BOARD Resideuce. for Two Gentlemen; every con- venience; moderate.—18, Dumfries-place, Cardiff. 3605z1 SUPERIOR Apartments; good cooking 81t dance.—9 Catliedral-rood, Cardiff. 3545d30 V1;' to Loudon will tiud the Wilton Hotel, ad j oining Station Victoria, S. W Comfortable and espeeiallv convenient for reaching all pjrt« of London either, by direct omnibus or \1ndenrouud rail- way; l'addnn.-tou underground to Vktnria 20 minute& Niht J)orter-Tfi:legral}hio address, Tuffato, London. 3356d PENARTH. -Lan^downe Bo«rdin« Residence, oppo- site station; view; special terms permiineiit rr>f,idnh 801rtc JrrmH5t. Dwelllna-houQoa Wanted. WANTED, to IU'iit ou Lease ir Wales, relt House; unfurnished; tbreo or four reception- rooms about fight bt..Jr<,(lm:o\. including e,('[\'I:I1lt, "1\rlÍn, stabling, &1" with fwm about 10 to 20 acres graas and nnd, if possible, u fow hundred acreg of good rouch shooting; house must lie on a gravel soil, within B drive of a town, and reasonable distance from a roil- way station.—Apply Colonel, 6k. Hyde Park Mansions, London, W. L17970 FG:ll¡' Wonted, good J: ct !it«. C-.tdiff. for Six or Eight Months; seven or eivlit 1. ili i.- ;II,i1 modern ('unYen1fDce8.-Apl>ly Knapp, ,r r t-f. CRrdilf. 3759z4 C01-'N'J'J."l 1!)' Wanted; 10 to 12 r{mm8 near C rulv.av H:lii"ll; within 10 miles CBrdiff-D 43, Western Mml.^CaidifL ^3751d30 WANTED to Buy, House in Cathedra'road; at ,1 f least thro? retvptions-room. ith t3h1e or place for one pMerrcci.—stato price, particulars, B 38. Wes- torn Mail, Cardiff. 3744d30 Dweillngr-houses to bo L." ESS its. s: HERN ANJ> PERTWE ~E, M1;sSíiS. AVION;t, VALUERS, SURVEYORS. HOUSE AXl) ESTATE AGEr-TS, hare the followiLur Houses for Sale or to Let:— r.\ltK.PI,AC;, NEWPORT-ROAD, and CATHE. DRAL-ROAD.—Several excellent Houses to bo Let, Furnished or Uufurmshed. CAERPHILLY.—Detached House; 3 tPœption, 6 bed rooms; stauding ill i-acre; rent £ 40. 35. XEW POltT,ltOAD.To I", Let, this capital Resl. dence, with good garden, staking; Tent moderate. CHARLES-STREET.—Good House, with stabling; luit- able for doctor. LLANI3HKN.—Detached Residence, with $ .acr6 of round¡\. for Sale. SHOOTING over 1,950 Acres (360 acres wood) in Glou, cf8ter Printed Monlhly Register (Free) 01 },.tates, Houses, and Business Premises tt) h Let or Sold. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT for the MANAGEMENT of EtBte..3. Houses, and Collection of Rents. a8368 Offices: Post.nf!lee.(hawb(>rA, 93. St. !dary4lt.. Cardiff. TÓ Let, éU Villa, 78. Clare-road; newly reno- vated; 7s. weekly, exclusive.— U Custom House- street, Card it? 3892*6 18, Glynrhondda-street, Onrdiff. — App i y Next Do.^r, or ¡18, -{.n[t::id;:t¡!w6'¡r DANYCASTELL, Crickhowell, Breconshire, to Let in m )farph 25th next; contains three reception- roo.ns, six bedrooms, servants' ditto, kitchen and other offices; lawn and ood garden, tabhngand Of {'hard beautiful R(>enn.-A11ply or addns Mrs. E. C, Herbert, High-street, CrickhowelL 3a58z5 C1 orx V.ALTZ, BO^IcYnG. and PERRY I* 11, High-street, Cardiff, Have to Let: — STTOP and D\gL],Jí"k-: Cowbridge.roed I nW¡';LT,L,Ii,HOT:8¡' C",bridge,road; 108. 10 160. DWELLING-HOUSES, Beda-road; 103. And Other Properties. SKVEILVL In Charles-etreet &9139 friO zbé ;f:- Furnished or Unfiimisbed, within about X 2 miles of Bridg^hl, a churmiug old-fashioned House, tanding in grounds of about 1 re. It coa- tains 4 T(>(;(>J;ltion, 9 tied rooms, bathroom, &t,; stabling, t'tJJ1¥-f'HMory, &e.— Hern and Pertweo, Cardiff. 3829z1 GLAMORGANSHIRE.—Near Cardiff.—To Let, FuK nished, Lluntrithyd House; thrt"e miles from CowtJride and four from Peterstono Station, and jn the centre ut country hunted by the. Glamorganshire Hounds; four sitting-rooms, twelve bedrooms, with usual (1ttlCJ:S, and stabling for 6ix hor5e; largo gaTden, orchard; gardener's cottace; OW} pasture laud j1 required; moderate ¡ent.-Apply David alld David, 27, High-street, Cardiff. 382805 CLALOE Road, 101, to Let; front, side entrauces.— Webb, 184, Bute-road, Cardiff. 3834^5 TO Let. from Christmas Next, commodious DQUblë: fronted House, No. 3, Ryder-street, Cardiff, m capital condition, and at a very moderate rent —Apply Morgan and Cü, Solicitors, Skinner-street-chambers, Newport, Mon. 71674 I Tii¡f¡-,t:1n;ad Arc bedrooms, double bay windows, .in good condition; rent 13s.—Apply 113 Exchange, Cardiff. 3798<5 T-Ö Let, superior Residence, stauding in it8i r(1unds in Park-street. Bridgend, called trn minutes' walk from etation j three reception-rooms, t'ix bedrooms, all modern con. veniences, recently renovated; stahle and coach-house; large kitchen garden, weu supplkd with fruit Apply Metropolitan Dank, Iir¡dend. 3799z5 "VTE'VS PORT-ROAD.—Residence; suitable doctor, &t: X^i DINAS I'OWr.S.—Modern Villa; large garden. TELFORIj-STREET.—Small ViUa; 8-h. 6d. weekly. CLI\'E.nO.\D-Sovel6\ Villas; reduced reuts. 4, MAJOR-ROAD.—In ood repair; 10s. 6d. weekly. 18 CRICHTON-STREET.—Near centra 01 town; 9s. 6d. C01'T:\GES.-thri'itina-st" 8s.; Angelina-st., 3s. DavId. 6s.; Ethel-st., 411: Llan.lIy,.t, 7s.; Chester- St., 6s. (;<1; Sopú\U..t.. 9s. 6<1; Saltmead-rd., 6s.; IrndllUnlt.t. 7". 6d -Fnll particulars from R, H, SEEL and ISAAC. Theatre ltoral-ebamb. Cardiff. a9130 Houso in Charles-street, Cardiff, to Let.—Apply A W. C. (Clarke and Dovey, 35, Queen-street, Car- LL.XIIU:. -To T.et, Furnished, & Detached Rel' deuce, with good garden; moderate rent.—Apply H,'rn find Perllv" Home Agents. Cydiff. 3662«3 13 Craddock*stre!;t, couvenient House,* 8 clear; newly l.e;;t¡;iu:e;us'I:f 9, Chaiies-sireet, Cardiff; rent £40-wis Hopkins O 10. Qneon-street, Cardiff. 3539d30 PARK Place A.1\ efo Let, Itesidence TTh feo rccvption, five bed rooms, kitchens, &r.; cellars 1:1.I(n.8 ¡electric light fittd-Apply Alfred Lewis, Auetioneer, 18. Queen-street. Cardiff. 3531430 74. Richmond-road, Cardiff; 2re^ption, 5 bed" rooms- I h.c. bath; rent £ 38; vacant 28tb ir>.st.A¡>pjy 72 (noxt door). 3596z1 74, Cardiff-road, 1-4!nüdutaiuing 3 reception- rooms, gocd kitchen, ecullvry, and wine ('enor.1 17 large bedrooms, bath (h. aud c.K lavatory, w.c„, and drwing-ronm. witJ:.n.-Kr: door. I Tudor-road, Cardiff, close to G.WJl Station; n 9 thirteen looms, bathroom (hot and coid water, &c. rent, £ 1 J9. per week, including rates and taxeg,— Apply to Mr. fu It Crafter. Western Mail, Cardiff. — 87665 Owolllns-housoa to be Sold. FOR Sale, a most, comfortable i Tideuce known as Riclunoud House, Ciytha-square, N^w- port, now occupied by Mr. W. J. Orders; electric light aud every modern convenience; largo greenhouse; immediate possession can 00 arranged.—For further particulars 8ud 1JlrUliB.siun to vi<ew apply to the Occupier. ._3917'-6. ARE I'on Paying Kent? If so, ;S:d 661 behind tlK times. Why not send post-card mentioning h18 paper tn )1anar, 72, Bishopsgate-street Without. London. EC., fQr booklet explaining "How tn Live Ro>nt Frec"? L17964 10 Houses, Canton; price £ 2,600; let t 9s.; oplS^d luvMtment; valued £3.100-PUlhll, 47 Queen- .Ireel, Cardiff. 3601z1 Sale, I'cmiirolrwliir.; good Country Hoiiie; large dining, dtawin? rooms; largo hall; eight bed- rooms; 2 dr.Hsing-room: servants' room; bath-room (hot and eal-i); three w.c. 's; four-stall stable; coach-I ¡:I.e"'iI;¡)o: 'lt;t:;I::le'ddn:;l:; i garden; seven-aero field; two tennis courts—Hector' FOlt Sale, Marlborough-road, Koath Part, beautifully- dccorated corner residence; suitable doctor or pro- gentleman; every c(¡DvenipDcc:>App1y Williams and Hoare. 6a, Dalcross-street, Cardiff. 3746z4 FOIl.-8a;(Ya('eu.pDint Dwdiing-house' containing tour bedrooms, with bath /hot and coldl; centrally situated; four-flfths purchase money on mortgage if rrquired.NilliBW8, Solicitor 119. st. FltKKHOl.II Oittage, 19 Acres Sheltered LandT price £ 6 6 0.—Kvans, Henllis Vale, Cwmbran. d30 Business Premises o be Lot. I IAHGK Warehouse in Ship-lane to Let.—Apply "sr J Bmkewich and Co., 113, Bute Docks. Car- din, a9152 SHOP to Let or Sell; .good position for grocer — S}Q;rlit;;tO£. -=: G};t;:7on of ToiroL—Loct-up ShLri» tS Let; good positions; rents £ 75 to £ 100 per annum. —J. T. SaundT8) Aucth.meer. 29, st. Mary-street, Car. ditt. 3823il CORNER Shop, House, and Stable*; euitabie for grocery.—B 47, Western Mail. Cardiff. 3770d30 CASTLE-ROAD,—Several Shops; low rents. CASTLE-RD.—Warehouse, 50 x 50. and Stabling. BRIDGE-STREET.—Commodious ^3hop and Warehouse. <"OWBRIDGK-ROAD.-Lock-up Shops; low rtnt3. COBUIIN-STREET.—Double-fronted Shop- 13a weekly A!'AM,STltEET.-8HOP and DweUing,hou&e. s''J-Fu1¡ wfcPSi;i Lots, various districts.—Full particulars from H. SEEL and ISUO, Theatre Royal-chambers, Card. a9131 SHOPS in Bute-street, ne»r"Pier-head^Hopkiirf. 10 Queeulltrd, Cardiff. 3539d3O -1¡-1 Busines, !=tlnueC! CAPITAL Shop, in good position main street or Ab'?r^a^nnv; adequate living accommodation a:ul back premises; early possession; rent, £ 70-—Apply T. H. Torakins, Auctioneer, Aberffaveuny. 37211.4 Tudor-road, Cardiff- doso to O.wu StationT U 9 thirteen roon18: bathroom (hot and cold IllrI &r,); rent, f 111 Per week, including rutes and taxes.— Apply t" Mr. E. H. Crafter, WOJItern Mail, Cardiff. a7666 p O Let, with immediate possession, Shop and X Premises, No. 67, Queen-street; best ;f¡on.¡: Cardifl.-Apply HCBrd. Sou, and Clogg, 24, T street, Cardiff. a8388 ST. Mary-street, Cardiff.—Very fine Premises; suitable for a <;lothier's, draper's, bootmaker's, or other retailer's business.—Apply John Jenkins, 10. 'Vt."t;mt tr!?t, Cardiff. 3526d30 P;m'ö-; to be sï.u TO be Sold, Bakehouse I To t'?-'3 t1851; '1 t?" per aniiuni.—Wi'li-iai Piummer, 6, Diysiog<treet, Iiri*ry- hill, J.918'1 OfftC8.. to Lot. COi;If:.r:7tDp:i'tiOt:I;fDii!r' Mary gfre?t; centra! position.—.Apply Alfred Ak^n- head, C.,di 3815V.5 Stables to let QVTABLING and Livery.—Private Gentlemen Requiring Same shou'd communicate witli Bell, 98, I.lanfuir- road, Cardiff; first-class accommodation; 40 years' cj- perience. 09104 iublir-bmisrs anh ^3usinrssrs PubHc-noases wanted. W-rnlllifa!ldPr(>ft'rr; would 'Wku stock at va)utwlJ.-Appb' Cbi<k, Trebonos, Swansea Valley. 3837z5 p.,t;/lC-rv..lUS8G or Clsf>OSal. RAILWAY Tavern; been in same hand.Pif yrariT T t^lose station; largo uiHrket t^svri; 40 miles Lou- dou (G.W. Railway); excellent payments; Lojjdon- fitted bar; parlour, six other rûow; yard, stabling; price £ 190. Înduding furniture, t1xtl,1rt,-Ito!'l:I. 161, Eustou-road, London. 39131-6 TO Let, immediate :o;tt::(: I and Restauraut; facing G. W R Station. Swau- gea.—Watkins, Bryn>-mor-erescent, Swansea. 393Z.6 BIUSTOJj.—To Let, large, commanding principal Hotel and Spirit Vaults; situated il,'? of Bristol, in a very largo and increasing neighbourhood; 1 now doing a trade of over £3,000 per annum, princi- pally over the counter; large profits; billiards; stahtimr; auction and commercial roonu; a D10,t (omf0It.ahle. modern hotel, with an e&iI)"ulanD{;ed busine68; intûw- ing moderate; part lent if required; no one need apply 11- l?l,Id )I capital ?.d good lefer,.n<Apply Clune, Brewer, 14. u.a Market-street. Bristol. 71691 J-Of;fuid{'weI1';treetBr15;ï.=s1ihU1';U HoteiT deposit 0"£250. returnable if not .at 11' d. 71644 JO; £ 40 8-bh;i e1:;J; b8:íŸ renovated; suit beginners; exceptional be/vain. 7l694 JOXES-C"utr" City. Bforhome; deposit £80-r; turnabte if not .a!1< d after trial. 71?94 JOi1]i:IlrJu :tU;trod ;:J9¡Tî JC150« returnable if not .t;lll"L 71694 JONES.— £ 800-—Commanding Llot,?C ent. trade guaranteed; fortuue to 8n}on 71694 -JO;; :¿::7';i¡e;('ePt ;l'-£28Öït;I!' licensed B-; frl. -pt I-r?. 71694 TO Let, immediate p-t?n, the ?V?Ttii?r and TO-A:à::at:ti(:r[ ;1 ticulars apply Wni. Hancock and Co. (Limited). The Biewery, Cardiff. 390426 TO Let, York Hotel, Llanelly; corner position main X street; nearest house fair ground; early possession,' —Apply Buckley's Brewery (Limited), Llanelly. 3791t4 R1fTfg}ï. for immediatpi^ PO$?l; no ingoing; deposit R150, returnable.— Further particulars apply Hanoock, 41. High-street, Bristol. 71^34 ROADSIDE Inn; taking £ 12 weekly; ii?"'did ptace R °î:I;n; £ng;J,aÖI: Hillma". Ski?er-strtet, Newport 3699^3 RA/LWaY Hotel, important t-own"near G«nu«*ief 7 handsome bars, 15 bedrooms; commodious stablins; net profits estimated about £400 per annum: through iHUP:i5 of proprietor. I (,3U8(,l evervthiug at valuation, about £ 1,000; »o go< riJl.—Applv Mi. bb., k?! B it,)I. 3%5430 C-Õ-ftC FuHy-Uwn^d"ous cen- trally -it..t,d Bristol; doing nice, respectable counter trade )f 420 weekly; e.t £ 50; tied beers only; incoming £ 450—Apply Tebbs. B,i?t.L 3%54 FDLLY Licensed House, centre Bristol taking F about £ 17 ?,ekly; rent CZ9; incoming £ 270; thoroughly genuine h"u8e-App'l 'rebb Bnoto\. d30 lb.TPUgh)y glui?i"? h,?,Apply 'rbb?, B?l.t?l: d3O FULLY Licensed House, respectable part 1,1- F¡;u; ::d w¡r:húfl20æ::b1I\'ir;r8à easily jnanaged.—Apply Teth" Bristol. 3565d30 FULLY Licensed HouseT"Bristol; £ l^kiv7'eomT fortable house; incoming £ 90 cash.—Tebbs. d50 V1¡t Public. «ix miie« from Bath! £ 160 Another i? il. from Bit,)l C220.-F?ll jiar- ticulars Tebbe, Victoria-street, Bristol. 3565d30 A 11I: Bristol; faces three im- portant thoroughfares; possession .,?.d £ 100 c..h-Tebbs.. 3565d30 T6 8-d -lilp,?tly,of C-,Iiff; g",d pp" best position m centre of Cardiff; good oppor- tunity for investment-Apply B 4, u.t?,. Mail, Car- diff. 354Dd3D BEEUHOrSE, payiny brewers £ 25 month; rent "Y low; sume bands 13 years; £ 80-—Michael Clark, Auctioneer, Cloro-stoet. BristoL 71616 I AaI;j: Complete Rar~Fitrers, Lecoratorai ?nd Furnishers, Billiard Fitters. Every N,,iit. in .,k. Trained Men Emt Any Part of South Wsle" Call or writo for designs; estimates free. Works, Bit- minh8m Buy Direct from tb, Makers, Cusfom House-,I 'et. Cardiff. a8356 Wanted. WANTED, a Milk JWund. dornr about 15 to 251 :3 df\-B 31, Western Mail, Cardiff. z4 Businesses for DHppsat. TO House and Estate Agentsftild'~0"thei»SmaU Hi for Sale, cheap,- wpfta 1 office, well fur- .i,li.d; learlng district.—Apply B 73, Western 0C.ff., Di.i?, andlioarding Busi ness for Disposal; 6uit ladt; dla:1d hands once in 20 years; valuation b..t £ 80-—Apply 8. Llua- SALE, Radyr Brickworks and Quarrj-{combine i i T new brick plant, 20 horse-power eugine; railwav siding into works; exceptional opportunity; '0 near, _M,, b..t, P.ntp,id(l. 3757W' OLD l??t.bli?b?d Boot and Sh^ BusineM for D". posal tm"liff), "ïth or .lthout Stock; giand ('I1Jt>niD for a young mSD commenciulr 43, Weot"n Mail, C.,diff. 3771.4 RÉt-i\rD-tJIYto5ii:ef;; tol; profits guaranteed from £ 5 to E6 weekly; nnt S?; JMt tenant nearly 20 years: incoming fM cvsrything rtand, inehiding a11 fnrnihu(>, £ 160; guaranteed thoroughly Gf>nuine; every investigation allowed.-Apply Tebbs, Victoria-chambers, Victoria- -tr?t, ErLqtol. &%5dL DINING Rooms, œntr;Jfr1MtWõ-händ!Df. dtnm-rootn8, 12 '? b?dr?ms?; frœ b, '1ne licence; business couple an take ze40 weekly; 1r](Hru- in"- going concern, £570-Tob"" 3565d30 R_ ESTAURANT and Commercial Hotel, Bristol ,iY nice but!iD, 8uitab!e for 1ødy; incoming as stands £350; genuine iDYf?8tmIIt-APP:Y Tebbs. d30 COFFEE. Refresh men t B us i'ness, Bristol; food living three persons; incoming £ 55.—Apply Tebbs. 3565d39 iLanh. Agricultural Land. Fit. Little WhitelandTst. Weonard X Here^ fnrdshire; 2' .,r. good .b'e, pasture, .ad orchard land; suitable for poultry farming.—D. Sparkcs Home Farm, Kentchureh. routrilas. 3621zl Bulldln&r tana. WANTED, Eight Acres of Lond[for \;t or Abandoned Works, near shore, with plenty of pure water and railway conveniences; important—B L Wastern Mail. Cardiff. 3537d30 iirltsrtllanrous. IIIIrscollaneou9 Wants. WANTED, Steamer I,ass^iircSdM~o_iromliay — StilW terms and when available to 11 77, Western Man. C.,diff. 3922-3 TO Farmers and Dairymen.—Milk Wanted, 2"C~5 6,,p td.-Api?ly B 63, W,,t,. Mail t:artig. 384€n WAXTED, » I)mo\dõPï Chiid 'just under nx months; state t,r-Add,- B 65 Wis- t', Mail, Cardifl. 38^5 ALL Kinds Caat-off Clothing u,,It 1, M?- Aa'2;" MitS. Gorman. Purc)7ase7~of Sdi«,(Srrtl(.men'r Cbi.dren's Wardrûb. Furniture, Ewts, &c —13 and 15, BrídC;Htreet. Cardiff established 1M ?T13 GESpr'Ji'c-;D¿ &c.; biclieet prices.—Mrs. S. L. (.meu, 32. Ca? tC"dilL E7t-l,li,h?d 40 Y, -9D53 LADIES, and, Boots, tC ?.ty.-O, punctually a t?nd to, Mr or Mrs S. Beer, 30 Caroline- stret, Cardiff. Established 1864 577 CLJiLe:t,r'{: "ChiwTeWTeft- C ff Clthi.? Bought.—Mrs. Rich, 109, Ctlc-roa'l' Cardiff. W?t p,i- Ordp pundnai!y att?ndd to 241M LEl"r'OFF Cl.th?i?-?" Roddy, 9. Sandon"t«'e/ L Newtown, Cardiff, L9?di,I d ..d Gen- tlemen's Wearing Apparel, frc.—All orders punctually attendrd to in town or country. Gf>od prices given. 69 Miscellaneous Sales, FOR Sale, 30 to 40 Tons first-class Swede*: also Black Oats, and Wheat, Oat- 3r.1 Barley 8traw,\DP1)- Mrs. Hughes, Peupergwm HQuse, near Abtrg%* ,,r|.T- 3945d30 RELIANCE Dining-room Suite, £ 4 15s.; Saddlebae Suite, £ 7.—Harris. London House, Abertillery. s6 MASSIVE Walnut Side'^a7dr £ 5T5^Wtnut Over. 3,IAS,SIVI-, IV?a)n' :lOll. 394326 IMPORTANT.—Table Knives, 5- £ uuiea P-t, 12 EmaH .I'. M-t Carvers "d Steel, ?ith mas sive real ivory handles; acrept 10s, 6d.; approval free. -Mi. Seymour, 6. Ladbroke-grove, Holland Park' London. W. 391526 ASTROLOGY.—AU Important Events in Lif<fFore- told, Marriage, Partner De-8t:fJ, Children Changes, Journeys, Legacies, Planet. &c.—Send birth date, 12 .t"mpo, -d t.Td nvelovc Mr. Cole 30, .htD.i;b.t(:, Sussex, 909z6 iyTEW and 8eWd-hand'~Shop~Vittin^~Sb^~Crase« 11 Scales, \Yelmg '4wbin", Cuh 'fiU., BI"i Fjttin;s.rnall,ltrri5!1. ?5 BRICKS—Several Thousand Bricks for~Sa'e at Ragland 2,3,. per 1,000—Apply W. G. ?Zdm?. Cokfo,d, Gloucestershire. 3833x6 LUXURIOUS Baths, hot i, or .apou,. perfumed or mt>ÕiœWd. 11 the Tnrkh prindple. can be had in your own roo", at a cost of lid. per bath.-A highly valuable end beautifully-illustrated book entited, "Health. Btiength, and Hvgiene" will he sent f- to aU who write the :S-.M Century The-mal Bath C?bi.,t ILted), Dept. 349, 3U 205, P-t- street, London, L17853 LADY S handsome Solid Gold-cased Curb Chain LTe8d8fo:liO=lJ piece Brcxxh, ??olid Gold D- Ui-9.d Albrt Chain: lot 10s. 6d.; 8.J}pro&l; cheap at treble crioe.— Holloway, Z4, A ILS- West. o83&5 FR Sale, Shop Fittings; suircoufectioncr7~consi«tl mar ble top counters, mirrors, glass shelves. Also quantity 1;1 -how jars and other useful .rtjcleo- Apply Chamberlain, Auctioneer, Aberwou. 37l9d30 4tlt5CCliailfOU5. Miocellaneous Salor -Cont'nued. -FÕUS&k' Three Hundred (-'bäTi/i0ülõt-ftn I 81}i eus^m-vr: suitable fN public halls, rni?sion- rOl). ('DJly Jones, Assemtdy-rooius, Abetavou. dJ N¡¿'1: and Coffee Service. 40 pieces, Chippendale Six fine Chair*. Also Antique China, Cabinets.-—Pearce, 115, Queen-street, Cardiff. 374Ot4 LADY Sacriifces Long l8ct Cased Guard Muff Oiaiu, 4.: Two tandsome Rings, ¡;1H1faDd (f¡f 18rt. gold Mt finest Oricut stones, 28 9d. each; approräL- Mrs. G, 28. LoudotJ J..lï914 CiliPPENDALE Grandfithw Ea«y Chair for Sa l e privately; unique specimen; in good condition; seen tJy Gppoiat.rncnt.-ll 36. Western Mail. Cnrdi1f. d30 I71EATHER Bed, never used, 6ft. x 4f £ 6'n-; Bolster, Two Pillows; 50s.; cash needed.—Write B 24. Western Man, Cardiff. 3673z3 A STROLOGY.—Kuow t^iy Future and all Important j\ Events in Your Life, Marriage, Partner. Fuil Description of Photos Given. Prirate Advice Upon Anv Mattu Magnificent results.— Sem birth-time and n stamps Mr. Falcon, 181. St Mary' A ond, Shm(>1d. zi YISIT Madame Procter, the Rei! Id-L&dr Palmist, Phrenological Practitioner.—Wharton-street, Caf ùifi. Z,587t1 CURE for Piles.—Perfect Cure Guaranteed in most stubborn eases; post free, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6^ —La Tcobe, Chemist, St. llr1!{toL 3429z5 AN Invaluab e Boofc to All Engaged in Tra d e.— Heaton's Ready Reckoner, containing 135-000 eel- dilations; prit'e 2« 641.. po6t&f.. 4d tltra-StahoDery J)f"I\rtUlf-nt, Western Mai1. Cardiff -u DREAM Book Fortune Teller. Is post free, Is. 2d —Wfasten) Mail Limited, Cardiff. W.U'ERl'i.OF f vers for f*aita, Wntons. and Every Other Purpose. Horse ClothR, Driving Aprons, drc., as supplied to H. M the Qn«»n and H.ii H. the Prince of V»ales Best value obtainable only from the 8tual mnber. Charles D Phlm"p, New- port, Mon. 30 year*' reputation in borne and export for samples and prices. 71329 tf1:-J h, S]j* 30 by2o7 it T CoU-urs!l»rice'one penny eac h postage id.; 6s per 100, carriage paid. -Wcstern Mail. 50430 piI:1;;n o;:ta;¡ Calendar for Four Year? is.—Stationery Depart- ment, Western Mail. Cardiff. P:oÆi::r Files. All :e:ti;TI <♦ The Sequence File. "The Warwick File, TIall File." "The Common-sense File. "— Stationery Department, Weltem Mail. Lar<tilr APPLESf rom Growers (Finest): b^xes 5s. upwards ft'^e.—Howard B*van. Pendock Tewkesbury. n6 KHAKI Notepap' r. Is. per packet, postage dd.; K'kl Envelo;«, 10 per 100. postage 3d.-We&- rn Mai1't_tion(tr7 DAprt_f>t, Cardiff. ADHESHT5 Linen Tape for Repairing Music, fcc.. 3d., post free per raiL—Stationery Department, .i>"t(>Tn MaH, Cardiff. l\IIí:¡;1 3gf' -2dL extra.—stationery Department, Weeiero JIall, Cardiff. Ti18 ¡;, 1, ;0' o,i certs. &c.. Is. 3d., postage 3 d Western Maii Limited, CArdiff PHIL Phillips's Bheumati'* Cure.—Send lor rpOOTHACHE X C»rF; is bott'e. by poet J». d PHIL Phillips's Rheumatic. Cure has cured when doctors and bath* have failed.—Note the eddrees: ') St. Mary-street, Cardiff. HIL Philliiis' Rheiimatic Cure have curTd for 10s 6d ^hen you have paid more pounds, TOi}Hfo;{8eUéi,G 1;;jttlr;;i Phillips' Toothache Cure, 1«. per bottle, by post 1'. Id —24, 81 Mary-street, Cardiff. a6261 r1 pHE Latest Improv->d Letter File, l*he Modern File; 4s. fd.-Stationeiy Dep-irtmcnt. Western Moil. C'Alrdi1! CYg Pocket Cas*», containing Pneumatic Tyre Repairing Outfit, Medicated Court Piaster, and ID!lurs!1fe Coupon OT 12 months; one "bdli.1.St. tionery nt>fl3rtmnt, Western Mail. Cardiff. miLVVELLEW""Thpricate^0rder Books; 50 leaves .L in triplicate: 6d. cath.—S t ationery Department, Wtpro Mflil. Carditt FODNTAIN Pen; carries a week'* supply. Is.; post free.—Stationery Department. Western Ma'il, Car- ditt. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cure, 28. St. Mary-street, TOOTHACHE Cure.—Note the address: From ail rhemists, or from 24, St Mary-street, Cardiff. Sporting. WANTED, cood Rabbit or Mixed Shooting —Send W A;.DB 33. ir,;ootin;:d SOH-J);mPtd: Guns on my New Easy Payment System —Write tor particulars to Robert Bevan, Gunsmith, car542 J)iCpdt, Cncpdts, &f. BICYCLE, Marvellous Baegnin-G(>nt'ø 8('m; Roadster. West wood rims, very beet pnnmat Ie trees; most (>xperU5in=! and high-grade bicycle; only used on month, not soiled; beautifully finished; ith accssories; new; no use to owner; (ash £ 5 11)1,; will send OIl appro1'aL-K Fear, Seaton Roust, Richmond- street, Weston-super-Mare. 367Sd REPAIRS, Enamelling, Paring; trade prices,—Morris Bros., Cycle and Motor Works, Pontypridd. 85144 J)ortg, 11. ibe .$tork. &£. WANTED, Hor?e Pony, 12-2, 5 years; cheap.—Par- '1:XT-TED, Hor"" Pony, 12,2. 5 24. Stow-hill. New- ,1, trculars aDd 11TH);! to .Yanhal 24, Sto"h,J11, ".(-'w. port 3781d3Q HORSES Wanted—Messrs. Bailey, Giller, and Teller are Cotami^sioned to PurcbMc 30 Cobs, 142 *<> 15 hands, not under 5 (if orCr 7 years; workably sound; for riding only.—Full written particulars, with prioe, should be bent to the Corporation Horee Repository, CAr- diff. a9I05 USEFUL Howe for Sale.—Apply at 5. Harpur-street, lVnartb-road, Cardiff, between 2 and 5- 3%Oz3 A Bargain to Builders, Contractors, and Others.— A- ,l ta,u: ?:n::=.6. 5 rø O6' i6 }Jan; warmntcd sound; staunch worker in shafts or chains; trial and warranty given; price £ 28; no reasonable offer refused.-Apply Lion Coalyaid, Caei- leoll. 394406 FR Sale, good Turn-out, Complete; prioe. £ 40.— L' IL Custom House-street, Cardiff. 3893k6 IT^OR Sale, good, all-round action, fi-oÜinl! Bay L' Cob; 13 bands; 5 off; sound, quiet; £ 20 — William Hawkins, Keeth. 3801&5 FOR Sale, ;[:8:y 15-3: strong; strongly recommended every way; good; reliable.-Car<er. St Clears. 371G&3 EXCf;TOS ALL Y -l)[ttYTurn-out -fÎ:Ú¡'"&l; (omJF.hu1! pretty Welsh Ponv. 5 years, 1 bands, perfectly ound, splendid action and speed; stylish Dog- enrt, feat two or four; Rugs, Mats, Limps, and fpJ"n1,d Harn<"II,5 to match: complete turn-out, regularly driven by lady; price of lot 35 guineas, cheap, or 6CU sepa- rately.—Edenhoime, 33, ClarNlr" CardIff 3636z1 FOR Sale, grand Mare, 5 years. 15-3; m8ke hunter; i FÕ¡tba;; price £ 4reA3i)o:bl¡¡ "bio" mate, complete; nit 14 to 15.2—B 7, Western M;<q Cardltt 3566<130 0/ T stron 7 T~ h Itby ^Pigs r i s tTr T eacn 7 can ;:¿;n :at: U¿;d: Woolpits F.^roi, ^^bury. 5646*3 j IT^OR Sale, pedigree ,b(6) Bull Calf; five months; sire, '« Cardinal (76,2995; dame, IU*edale Rose ill"; 10 r.oînea.-Baihtr, BrYl1gwiIi, PODtardulaj z5 £arnag-t. l!arnt5. &r. Fon Sale, handsome Funeral Cor, .itb pole, 4.bo. barp., handsome silver-mounted rails aud circular dress lamps; fitted aU modern improvements.—To be seen at CoJœ Bros. Carriage Builders, Cal Newvdd, LlaneUy. 379C&4 I RA;tl;t0611J new, all sites, including 3 rubber-*yred; 30 various Dog and Licht Busmew Traps; 3 Second-band in5peti()ll invited, —Avery, Coachbuilder. Newport. 3698z3 LIG^T Brougham; 30 Light Fouy. Cob Traps, Ac.— -Ie.:bt'treet, Newpcjrt 3562*2 ri^HREE good Broughams, Waeonette with~movable X bead, St-anhope Phaeton, Gig, Polo Cart.—Perry and Cù, 44, Frederick-street. C8rdift 3658^3 CHE VP Landau for Sa'e; price twentv"7»ounds77u'it jobmastr Also Other ood C< achbnilders, St, Georges-road, Bristol J44d SMART Brougham 9 ewr. ) rubber tyrST; Single S-UfBt.) ;9t ;a'r" 45 guineas.—Tott*>TdiU's. Co'st/>p-street. Bristol 71049 GREAT Bargain.—Gentkman's HmTtiijg~Saddl'' mm- plete; njekfl lTnDs Also first-class Duuble-rein Bridie, Nickel Bit and Curb Lot 4^ worth double; "rut on approval—G. Smith, Great Skmid Farm rear Abergavenny. 3556d30 ftoultrp, )lgtOn, &r. CHIUgT"'S I'ou1try-Quanhty of finest quality Turkeys and Geese for Sale.—Offers, &c., to Collins. Bridge House. Brecon. 5330e1 FOR Sale, Three fine grown, good plumaged P dotte Cockerels; pri»e strain.—George Brycban Rees. Union Hall, L!8nt{>pbaD 3804z1 CANARIES.—Cardiff Sbow, December 5th.—Exhiiv tors, for Yorkshire, Norwich Cinuamou, Scot-fh Famy, Hartz Mountain ol1.r, Mules, 8::(', call at Baker's, Empire Hairdfrssing 88MD, 17, C&f;te.r()ad, Cardiff. 3761s4 GREY Parrot, fix months in ?;ngiand. coiumr& eed to GIi, 30* including cage.-Saunders, 145, 1 enartb- road. Carditt. 3655z3 £ 10 Reward.—The above rewaru :ilcncP:i to any person proving we sell tnem a hen for a cock. C-anarics: Hartz Mountain UOIHg. witb 14 chantfcs, 7s. 6d, j Schoolmasters, 10s.; no German bens sold ft)( {:<){'k"8 at 2s. 100 Singing Cook Skylarks, 1 eaeh; 200 Cock* Linnet.8, If;. 8ch; Goldfinches, caged up thne rcontbs, 31- 6d.; Piping Bullfinches, 3. 6d -Hrown, C&r ditr Bird Stores, 4, Caroline-street. Cardiff. 09123 SQUIRE Giles* Roup Powders for Pouifrvectual and ooMty given; 1d. per packet. Squire fji;' Roup Pills: specially recommended; 2d., 3d., and 6d. per box.—Of 3011 Com Merchants, &e., or vf Sn;re Giles Company, CanL1f. a91Z7 iBonrp. Money Wanted, WANTED, at Months; re-payable in monthly or weekly instalments.— B 6Z, Wettem Mail, Cardifl. 38lOz1 WANTED, £, Pme.te Loan, 5"per c^nt. year? _=,.t!Iit. Cardiff, '1 ABU¡ Safe Mortpag^s.—Wanted, i vyi £ 550. £ 790. £ 1100. and £ 3,000. at 5 per t i nt., on property worth nearly double, Glamorganshire 8Dd Monmouthshire —W 75, We«ternMail. Cardifl a7632 Money to Lend. M OUTAGES—S. Hern and Pertwee, fit. Marr- street. Cardiff, Mortage and Insu: ee Brolera. hae Kutntrons SU1Ila In.mool8tely Available for }ree. bouts, Leaseholds,Jetyersions, and Lit. Interests. 3891 MESSRS. Bailey, auier T aud Teller, Finan.* and Mortgage Brokers, 15. High-street, n have Bums ranging Irom £ 200 to £ 20,000 lor liamediate Inv.tm.nt on Freehold or L.lo8ebo;d Securities, a8S6G 250:ÖOO Vl ''end bTtCrPrwlnciiai tnien ,om', of £ 1° w £ 500. on fNor te of D HanY d akme, or on ny other turit1, at 8 f. hours' notice, to all classes lD. anr part ot the c.-ountrr j re-payable by eaay instalments; with and without .UT ties; no delay. This oid-wtabbahod Bank doe* the larg bosineaa m the k-Wrí'" or call upon ::¡._r. Mr' St4Dk!' dWr, t iHoarp. M..ne1f to Lend, -eontlnU"d afON:Y -i0};¡-¡;\¡-f;T"ï:\ MKVTS EAST -45 letjt for 7s.. £ 10 Inr ,U xf eZ. 1'l ;7, 1,1, 1"! /1'> rr'J;.1.HH,j" bY 20 weekly 1t¡"t.a1n:wnta. OTHER BL}{S T .tILAR RATES BW. I>»connt«l Ail Business Cond.uted with I'? .I,h I!ro.pe<tns frf-e.-APDlv THE WKSTKRV F? NCR ()N Ld THE 'T'rq'STi:;fÊlSW rLld), CAMBBIAS-CHAMBERS NEWPOB"* Hl-.N-WT R DRAKE, l».t^ n tm, MONEY Advanced Proi :P¡:f;J?! .-7-. total .liarRe for (k i' XIO. 19- 6& for CIS' ro-payable in 20 V^v payment*. Appli,?, reccive immediate atta,. l'rn4t,u[l¡ fr'e.—.Vpply Cardiff Finance AssoTlJ. Jt(! Q('t!: Ch., S. AYq!'a:_H ) FI E L 1.)14; 631-TD, FINANCIERS, Are Prepared to Make XOETRY D'CES From £20 to L, 000. Personal aJd Other "ecuritios Accepted Trade Bills I!o.{"nunt.ed. Property Purchased and Mortgau-es ChllTt8 ard lie-payments Arranged Before Trarua Registered OfBoe: — HAYES-BUn DING8, THE lliYES CARFIVP 5per Cent, per Annum Paid on Deport* A _DVANCES — £ 10 to £ 5.000 °n Note ol HâciCõf A Otb. 8 it,. No Bondsmen Required. Advance* also Made upon :Fl1rnitur Farming StorV &: Without Removal. T' H¡1l Disrrni'-f Terms .,d re-payments 8rr&ud b(nre eomp}^,nn bU"lD{> T?ttem or P,l applications t" 'Z* country, receive prompt afteution. Straightforward Transactions Guaranteed Apply to Actual Lender— MK A VA,?T;i.?, 7a?Mal,, Houfu» 71583 0. V?tlaDd-road, 3ir;?t??l. T,I. 6731 Pi Ate £ 1.000 Txnt Daily. Borrow er>^Own Secortr interest low; easy repayments; biiisdisconntli -S. Harrik 5, ParL?t., 6-,dif f(.Pp.it. LOANS Cb-p -d Trivatcly on Ea*v f7ryy Try the Swansea Finance (Ltd.l 14, renarth-road C?,4pz. B"t-Tt El 1, Cïi:J: Fair t"LõjfÇ};f: LoiTt7~Ar» Amoont 1 Ey to £ 5.000 Lent *iihoo i <U!m 01 trouble, t. 811 respeeteble Persons on Note of HA d or on an Form of Security ofterf>d. This otf1('e 1: hfn making advances m the W't of Englaad -.r,4 Sru*h Wales 1.? the p»«t t?'l"' J'!I., and it » 1rt!l known -d roco-amended by all "ho bhad d^na with it T, *Dd re-payn-ene tarranged to the (,m- phte satisfactio, 01 the tf)I701tfT-Fmllltl free (In apns cation to the Manager, London and Bristol MercsatiW Bank (Limited'. Bo:4.in..t,œt, BristoL Bristol T,, W. 1,241. 1884d pHr:I:)\;ak(f! Money on All Kinds of Jewellery. Deefc Shares ut Lo? Rat? of InUr?t.-24, ?t, Mary^trw^' cr1;-¡mXf;F.1. ERc;\XTiLF.-3'K T iLIITED) M.1 C.h Advances f". £ 5 £ 500 to all iepectab1 H'3?,'6?dPrg. on their t'I"-n Note of Band, ft a reasonable rate of interest: st'^«'r private and conifdential.—Apply H. B. Joa« 18. Park,'tr""t. Ru.IW>A. 663j(, T OANS from £ 5 rl)-,d. M?? npon Bon{' LN'?t..1 Hand, at 11'8Mnable ra interest, to Respectable Householders, by THE SWANSEA FINANCE COMPANY (LTD), 16. GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. Easy Re-payments to ujt the convenience of bonttwen. No fee. or expenses. 71330 ;fflarbUttf}!. Cools. &r. Machinery, Tools, &0.. Wanted. WANTED. Second-hand Circling Ma- luD^rtw^Vla up to 28in. dianaetr-r.—Apply, wjth full psnnu. la.rs and price, to Y6taJyfera Ironworks. Glam. 388Or.6 Machinery, Tocgo &c.. For Sals. BEFORE Finally Deciding it wili p^T STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND MACHINERY for SiLfc both at Newport and Gloucester Works refpective^ (Will Let on Hire or Purchase-Hire on reasonable tenmL batin for prompt cash. THOUSANDS OF TONS OF ALL KINDS AND CLASSES OF MACHINERY. LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF CO-N-TPACTORS PLANT, Including LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. PORTABLE ENGINES. VERTICAL BOILERS. &A W BENCHES for r. suse saws. And Other Miscellaneous Wood-working Machinerr STONE-BREAKERS, STEAJA WINCHES PUMPS OF VABIOUS KINDS FOR LAND AND MARINE PURPOSES. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND* HAND PULLEYS ELECTRICAL MACHINERY EOrGBT and SOLD and -CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN. SPECHLI Send for a copy of ^Phillips's Monthly Machinery Register," 6è. ppf copy; subscription. 6s. per annum. CHARLES D. PHILLIPS. NEWPORT, Volt Telegrams: "Machinery," I'o"1>Ort, Mon. National Telephone, No. 18. 58813 Fli Sale, Portabie Engine, Mort^r MiVls r Saw yo l'ÕMe-};, ::¥: Boilers, and Mortar }[i1-Geo. Kyte and Co., Atlae Engineering Works, Cardiff. N.B.—Sole AreM.- fr-r Marshall, Soitf. and 0.). Ga.inf,bürcm;;b, for South Wales and District. One Each 7 and 8 b p. New Portable Ensinee by Marshall in Stock; inspect.on invited. a8675 AULING Engines for Sale—Four Sets; 8 in<be« H' by 12 ieb.; dy for t-,d,?,t. d,li?,. Alsa Two Stone-breakers. 12 inches by 9 inebe*.— Inquire Howard Kyte and Co. (Limited^, Whitchurch, Cardiff, 71596 "¥7H>11 Sale, good Lancashire Boikr; double furr.&;)M, .r erc." tu; at present IMured At 6OLb. rrewurr; length 18ft. x 6Jt 6in-—Apply A 63, Western Mail Ctf diff. 33Sit4 SSaagons anh Collirrp Requisites:. WANTED t onc-e, on Simple Hire, M,?t 50 pxd W A;nnirn SP1o- :t particulars, with )(,w?t price, to Ormteg ("lJ19Ir, 1. Sometset»plaoe, Swansea. 3793433 -¡;;O-lt Sale or Hire, 50 Coal "'aNns, 10-tonners; nd. .L' ond .d d, u..4 G.W.IL Une.—B 81. W"t- tern Mail, Cardiff. 39 Sale, <iieap, either for oash or rHJemptic. 7 :.Õt1IÛ:&t:r (?..l fUfW:¡l 1me traffic,—Geo. V. Perry, Neath. 71698 COLLIERY Sleepers, g Pitwood. Dunnaps Boards.—Shaplaad -d B. W?" D?,k 1". diff. 3598tl READY THIS WEEK. WESTERN MAIL ALMANACK AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1901. PRICE SIXPEXCE. CONTAINING THE NEW PARLIAMENT AND A MASS OF USEFUL INFORMATION ON ALMOST EVERY CONCEIVABLE srBJEOT- POLITICAL, LEGAL, STATISTICAL, SOCIAL, DOMESTIC, ATHLETIC, Ac. NEARLY 3 Ú 0 PAGES, PBOFrSELT II.LrSTlIATED BY DIAGRAMS. PORTRAII- MKPS, Ac. UNDOUBTEDLY THE MOST COMPLETE AND VALUABLE BOOK OF ITS KIND. PRICE SIXPENCE. From ail Booksellers and Newsagents, or free by Post from the Western Mail I.ieited for 3d. extra. L- ORDER AT ONCE TO ENSCRE COPIES OF THE FIRST EDITION. JJIGH-CLASS rpYPEWMTER AT HALF pRiCE. THE "E H P lIt E £12 128- WRITING ALWAYS IN SIGHT. SOLE AGENTS:— ^TESTERN- MAIL LDam, ST. KARY-STREET, CARDIFF. UY ~fimiTVENING EXTRESST* PEKS ILALfPKOT-