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flubltc Shmiaemcnts* CAR DIFF. THFATIII: IJOYAL. CARDIFF. Lessee and Manager ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVEMXG at 7.N. and SATURDAY at 2, ?RRL&,3 COLLETTE In the Most Sitccc«sf'il American Farcical Comedy. WIIAT JJAPPKXI;I> TO JOXES, As Played at the Strand Theatre, London, over 350 times. jPrccded at 7.30 hv a Comedietta, '0 -IRY Special Desire, on Friday and Sc aturd,ay Evenings, instead of the Comedietta ri'irman('p  '?"? ?' ?'' COUt .ETT.E i his Unions PATTER MONOLOUVK. HARD LICK, Next We k:- WHY SMITH LEFT JlO,n;, Box Office op»n 10 to 5. Nat. Tel.. 362. a510) G R A N I) T H E A T RE. Lessee and Manager .EDWARD Qt IGLKY. TO-MOIir AND DClUVO THE, WrEK, TiLK HIGHLY SrfVESsFn. DRAMA, AT DrTYS (JALL- A TALE OF UORDOX AND KHARTOUM. Q Rm Office at Thompson and Shnckell's, 24, ym ■■n-aireot. Time nrt prices aa usual. a103 (\ARDIFF MUSIC at, SOCIETY. SEASON 1'100-1 Conductor—Mr. T. K yr. \Rn, FIRST COXCER T, PARK H ATX, iU.rXESDAY. NOV KNIBFR ffith. ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS, 300 PERFORMERS DVORAK'S "SPECTRE'S BRIDE' ..STANFORD'S "REVENUE." Prine;1 Vocalists: Madam oS,O^B,RLN r. CHARLES SAUNDERS Ir nA VID lll CUIES. Reserred Seato,S.. and 2., 6d.; Admission, la. ??ll°^he at Messrs. Newman and Pens. nQtteen*st rcet, after Monday. November Q: a6 P ARK-HAL T., c A n T) I F F. TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 4th. At Eishf. MISS LUCY CLAIIIKII18 WELSH eOXCERT PARTY, Lnder the direction ot Mr. N. VEnT. MM!iIs! s MAGGIE DA i'tv DYFEn I.EWYS. TIV LAPR,aK* E Mr, MARRY UNDU.N. 8(,10 Violin: At the Pianoforte: "?S""? 1'™' ? ? ?"??'o?. M1;icr'Bl1: rRe.:e'). 3. ViTiil?5 'Ly^r""v2' •of Han. 19, *.♦t J ct '?"" Thompson "d ) 'f? W arehouse, Qu?n-strett. Im ,,i aHer Xot?nt?r 12th t\ 0pea 7'30' <ommence at 6. Carriages forms j"1"11 Manager Mr. RICHARD Fill IOTT. I.t7g93 SWANSEA. Glz-A -ND THKATRIi,SWANSEA Lessees and. Manaecrs: Mr. II. H. MORELI, and Mr. FREDK. MOUILLOT. MONDAY, November 2S, and Every EY..u., D?,r ??g tho Week. T E j.p. f.   fiwynne H. Brartcr's. Heath- c!è..gtre('t IeIo,>h:>n/> Xc). 291. To commence ,\t 7.M p.m. 7?.).) T^ISH—The MILFORD HATKX FM? ?-SUPPLY ASSOCIATION" ;)ehvcr. Carr??e ?n' ? i, ??,;t ? tbe Kin?.m BASKETS; of tKLah f1Sit. Ci..and tor Tab:e. from ?.. 28 6d,. to 3x Special Terms to Hoteh. Inautu? ttOnô, J"'1 Larg C" To Avoid Dis .T,Poin ment and 'o'' A???beap?ch ?'n? B'?t. Quality. ^ote th" old r?'?ifo?' eommunica-' tion. to Th^. Jenker>QI1, "iford U,?,,n 13801 ?u?hc amusMicuts. _CARDIFF; ",(,'11 do more: deserve it."—Addison. rjpHE 0ARDIFF EIPIRE, QUEEN-STREET. Mnuaging Director OSWALD STOLL. j'O-MOHT! First Appearance in Cardiff, from tile Palace Theatre. London— 1; It T T?EUT r?ILBEUT, Cha racier Singer and Actor. "How dare you, you Bluckguiird?" Miss HETTY JONG. Cmnclhennc ifnd Dancer. ALBERT ATHAS & LIZZIE COLLINS, In their New Comedy <4 E"Nutric Dancing Act. MtUle. I)E 1)10, In Ircandescent Dancing, wish Effects by the Electrical Expert, J\ II. Bosuis. THE SISTERS HOSAXQUKT, Otieratic and Comedy l'uettists. MICHAEI. and I'OLO, Athletes. SWINSON SISTERS, Dnetliot. IInd Dancers. Mr, GEORGE NENO, Character Comedian. A Ilr. du,tioii of \?A?5r A!!? A Synopsis nf the 8ceueq' and Action will be found ?t 't'?'c ?roc?n?m'??ni's?' !:t? !)''UON of th° C.I.V.'a in Lu.NDON. and other Pictures of thrilling interest-, by GIBBONS' JJlO. 'l.vP.l.EA UX. CRAXI) FASHIONABLE MATTNKE, under dis- tiniiuished patwnage. SATVKDAV, December 8th. in aid of the Cardiff Infirmary. Two Performances Nightly. Early one between 7 o'clock and 9; late one between 9 o'clock and it. r-t Office open daily (with exception of Satur- days* 11 ito 4 1',IU, and 7 to 10 1',111, Satur- day. 111\,111, to 2 p.m. Plan feir?le. No Booking F?-s. T",? pl,.I?, No. 629. ?_ L179M ? NEW?ORrT 7 EW P 0 R T E M P I R E, CHARLES-STREET. Managins Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NKIHT. 1 i". "!■ i' Artiste, Miss IDA R" • ITíXTFORD, COllle- ¡: c HCHILl, Comic S-. ( >: r ( •• •! an: the BROWN- Kllt.i.V I'u.. m a com <•»'t:ed The Lay Ficrure": The "t. ".t.TMRHt'L. LONIN'l, a Prince ol Vim MAUDE g,tiM.hT)rl11;(i\,< I 'íi; ::1" :MWr. and A?bm.<. "After (he B..i;" Next WM'k- T(?t CIOS?rFLLO. L17955  j-Y C E r M JJ E W port l'rj]>rictor x A[,. CLARENCE SOUNES TO-Nicnrr. at 7.30, And SATURDAY NEXT, at 2.30 and 7.30, THE GREAT LONDON SUCOKSS- \Y1IV$mith Jjeft Uome- MATINUF. t'KUKVIint 1st. at 2.30. ??? 158 %at. Box O:. ? toja- 7)M4 SWANSEA. !'?'' H E K' At I' I R"'E? ] HIGH-S'I'HEE' I MaEaging Director OSWAH) STOLL. TO-NIOHT. The Original Comedian, TOM COSTELLO. of 1 11 ry l?'i l?, Sl)i.p I L,), .d 1":[ ,rI \!¡;t.r-:(cte-f 2nn: Tho Th,- "I I IC NYl'TE: ?c OF GLEE SINGERS; .LI: i,\('¡::D"l1sll¡nili ??. A   "> National Danee8 BEN H NEVIS. Coaufiue; The Jufrg'ins Jap—PRINCE KOKIN, )[ th? 1-,ding Europe; r 1.179,,6 'M-M_M_!J,l: CompaiufS. The SUBSCRIPTION LIST NOW" OPEN, will CLOSE on or before THURSDAY. November Th. SrBSCEn?OXLI?XOWOPEX.?mCLOaE??rhef?TH? ?DA Y  "botl1 'I'own «»<! Country. ? LC? -? O MbCKiPncoi to 0. for THE LONDON C'OA1R!P., OKATION (LDIITED) is ?,.thri,,?d to OFFER for LODDON VALLEY GOLDFIELDS, LIMITED (VICTORIA). (Incorporated under the Companies Act3, 1S62 to 1398.) CAPITA! £ 750,000, I" 1511,(0) BRA lŒ3 Or' £5 EACH. IN- 15 ?OL) SHA IIES OF E5 EACH, AT P.P. WHICTI ARE NO IV 0 C)tk?'iEPI.Ll !R 81'BSCRIL)'FIO-N AT PAR. Upp ward* of ilW.OOO b^ rcart. lc'i cxwmiecl m development and equipment, and £ 50.000 additional ^"rkijj; pI is p "?ip'I?,'ibis ,I.ii).,nt? and 150,003 ?r..t. of AMlIloottmmeonAt t lwi-Vin ll Jbie .g. iven to Shareholder in the London and Globe Finance Corpori? tion (Li.it,?1). DIRECTORS. ™ 1 „ "0"£ pAR.1. of WARWICK '?"? TAsgtrihJLvR p C, BICKNELl,. Esq.. MI,U;, l<RhOT?RGE Lt.VE80?-(}C)\VKR. E3q. ?I'?I )Ry BOARD IN VICTORIA. JOSEPH ENGLISH. Esq, !Chain)?n). ?e Hon. ALEXANDER J. PEACOCK. A. MURRAY. for Victoria). Melbourne. JŒGIXALD A. f' MT,RRAY, F,GS, (fomerly Government Geologist for Victoria). MelbouTne. ™(l WM. NGINEERS. m;M;Y GOHE. C.E.. M.E., Mel?urne. BANKElts. ROBARTS. LL-BBOCK.??'?t5. L..b.,d-.tr?,,t. EC. ll I?OKE'I ? S. HAGGARD. HALE, and MX ?; 15. Austin-fhars. E.C. SOIKTTORS To the Company: ?VIM.I:\M'9and xrMLtE. Whirh^tPr Hon-p p n To th(- lM!n? Honse. BUR?T and BERRIDGE, 11, Old Broad-??et E:C. FORD. RHODES, and\OR? ? "nnon.street. E.C FORD, Pll()T)Eq, I' A1:DITORS 11 ,n.t,,??t, E. C an T:K['tiY fm tpm.? AND OFFICES' M B. MITCHELL, 43, Lothbnry. KC, PROSPECTUS. This ComPany ba been formed €s» S"" r Wteaa mining ProiwrLl-, ?A?)jut i,zjC )clc Vll th, G??z,t Ba¡:n.dtic Plain, lJet\\een T,,Ilurcop or beep L?ek 011 the w".t. a11ù the L?du,)iL Hiver ?x?ili J 3c(" Ur ek on tlw ea"L, in t 1! 01 Moo¡vrt. (;vliuty of 'la]bo:. Pro\'1nce f \eHwgton, I. the Q"io,?y f V\C- len^hbr^Utof^niYerniNfidTrM ? ?"? in length by fr, 12 to III ?Vi I 1. of (lIe "ell-J,nown ziurift deep lecul lb eltILlluwn as the B?r?y Le.tds. from whih Gold to the "allie of over ?i m¡JjjuII sterlig has been won by t .?El,ry ?r..p ,?d i.\ujaceut IJ..üU8.. the     t hu I ?tti.'l of drift, ?,-a r 'I'll, lep(,,it,? of sitnd, grtlvc t loam. and day, accumuL\tl'd by the eti.11. iverzi or su*e?%???., and ('outllill gld fr.. the finest dust toUW M With th Si? n"d g'!ld ftom Ule worn, and of all S¡ZC', The sand)' clays. especially un 'le b?d-r,,tk.  rieh, 'lIw "waoh dirt all aurIferous th'egold is USually bt,,itd ,Ily has been found U t"lCk' aud in some cases evu" twice this thicknea. hi" bfen fouad. M thevilaeof1*?^5ia0mpany' working a mile of this '?. deep lead, obtained gold to h,? _.I f ,.518. ^^th^1,C"UBVe^' Af,ace^ "cries of Goternment b.r 10 Ihe ncrth and south of the ^n-iin h,ft hi, ,r,p" rlY. pr ,in the course of the de?p mmnd, ori are iT^H ?,' K° V nS ^ably ?sxs??????n????h ot'?ep??'? b? ?q?d?y? ?C'???"'?"?''° the e,r8 uf' ? 'iJI?p;t¡: tÏ)l)i,se['rn; baeg ter'f¿  A hui, f t 22ft. by 71,. 6 in.. li%,ided into ?'ou,, (:otnpz?rt-ment8, hiis been sunk. scleurt?ly tim- bf>red. to a derth of i and 1,11,, 1Ilp,, ,,iti, the following machinery :-Wrought-iron .t hli.t.1 (?..p. t?6d triple ,.P!ristoti litit?iiiiig  of the \UGH moùern and econo'.uicnl typC, cap"bJe of ra??..g the 11 g:lllous of water p,, da-; t.'iple expansion .,Id ?!ig engJues, oil of raÜunf: 1.200 tons 0,( 11lhtrw.l l)(:r day; th  ir-compre..ing'" maehinery for supplymg  awl to the rack drill.; puddling ma(!hi."Y, 'nth the n('e8eary dnvingpoW'r; underground hauling  tr,un line!i; CMB, &c.. &?. aurh;I1 ae h¿l;:r:r; c:tuO;i)ùc'. blhh¡gt15,iie    th. L, "'Y "')? ?e l ?i n to ?et ht itbove the s urface of ttil groixnl p»;rr^tiv,«3s^ *d -tt?,?  and f,?.. t the have been riven at a depth tf 3?7i ?', ?5,fi.hi? 35 7t. le"el has been dvtiiee(I 2,96Vft, :lcr"ss nd beneath the 8hallower a.rif us h, t>t>en put "P t pro,. the value  d,,In ,nd prepare it for extraction and tretmcnt. A "ery con- value r,)un(l..t.n ,?.bl. 'ru?'i and dr,dued prl'paratory for p ,nd pddli?g mach1nery IS .w in course of erectiou and practically co.plet?d for,th? ¡rravel ae it is raist-t!. In rpg:¡rd to the probable of the auriferous gra%,el in the shallower ehnncl. the lollowi^^js^in^x^ract^om^n'ponbvMes^rsG^ro 'I'rynl thl' deep alluvial r, ?i,?. the whole formation of bed-rock and overl?!in-y lic-rf?et, and It,it b the n1 most ¡:rntificatiou Ibat, we report th? f('t tla the ¡rrollnrl CI'ntlIIs gold in hi¡:hly p"rahle quant,iOes, averaging, fro ni th t1" 1. ntl, 'd" t ;,at an ()unce per "quare fatho,n, '1 he gold is of an   anti estsily d the p,, In r (¡ he;ie a'' i tleje ¡:T.,i I I i'd:t r t¡ If; r'(hhhPil;rcsk: )fo ih ;leÍ'[: i?8dat^? ?.? .?-?"?cy. The quaiity of the ??o.dh??h?n????T. ?"" ?.-act<.r 4,,? ad, per '?un?. mo,7,he Jevel hRS h-n drive 1,4lfl is advancing at the rate of b..t 2  ft. per ln".tb. This ,,e%e ?is being d,h('hhlld be accomplished in the ccu".e of a f? mo"n? ths 'I hi- ,,h il ^lcl) »* the one already reached is eonfldeSt exacted to ^rove V.Vhi^ thi, ^^per- th;in confirmed b), the stn.erior results obtained by the b.vrinK* on this section of tb^ l' 18 &nd A iddi i" Ins been ,structed from tbi? Main tine ('iroolnri Castlcmaine and DonoUy Railway to the ,i. Shaft, a distance if abJit a mile ° ,he S frnoSl'nndH.0" The developments have demonstrated— I X{|at £ rkca" be carried on under most favonra?o conditions 2. ??!?p':h?.n'<? ??????.?'-? "??"'? in the 8ha" channel, whilst tip "ilIh,tl, 11?, b ?d. 3' ^Tr^ry^^rb^'t^drif^1 to b> an obstacle to .ncc? in developing the propf'rty h\s been easily It lvtll 4 per onne!0ld is of "? ?'' ?'?- the ?"?!"? so far t?n assayn.K ?4 4s. 8d. per ""n"?. returns ?oald commence !Umo9t iiiimet'iatel'v ,,h,z is an approximale estimate of th« Prt'its which oV,r>nM be reaUMd. without '"??????'?"t? '??????????f',????? '?? "? d'?. which in .,ighb i n .able:- cut in drh'ÎlI(t. whirh in 133 ,,hi, fathoms of waah dirt per dav: 43 cubic fathom, to be taken fvo^m the oha))o?r or we8tPrn channel, valued at loz (or £ 4 4, 'Li l fathom, and 90 "utHe fathom. from the decner (nr ??? ? 2. (or zES 8,.) per at hoin. equah 300 c'an-s in the year 0 0 I>tdo £ ?' -e- f^tirom oE^ ii^ Vcd.i for worklng ^nes X290' 980 0 0 costs 75,477 10 0 Leaves an annual net profit nf, £2õ5.5õ2ïOQ »JS,rS* the prol*rty ? ? -?'- ? ••3™aSS,K& SSi! W"- C I Pl'-IAI,Il -i lI be appropriated from th,? issue for Working ?p???e?r:ir???'????'?''th?-?? J''d' ?T ?. ?"th?e propertv, as above stat" bein lrd,- ?pMdw)t!J?.'?i? '"e'?''?? ?mnty Mme.ent. pr,pPc?UrtRvC. HARE PRICE 11 price "S been fixed hy the Ycndors t R700,000. pa'ab1e in-h or f"lly_p,1 1, C, or p?trt ly in cash and Tytrt y in Shares, It the option of the Dir,,t?..     t, allotment other than the lg!\1 expenes at rpgi9tri\tlon fee., whkh will be 11 "id b, !,ill C<>mpally. A C.?trat datM the  ,by c?f November. 1900 has been enterl'd into between the VicArian G<Sd EstateJ'lSnHt^dr ^d A^hS John ?om»ril>'» for tho .ale ()f tb, e*i?'?h'>e'eCn# P..y i? a. p.,ty-rel?,t. to the  ,,? a g'.i.lr th ? t"4, ..tt ?h?h the Com- ^J>f Capital. anb?ribcr. will be deemed to have eof .?n?'?' ?''Baaran- with the Company, as Trustee for the Direftors and other wr<o? ? ? "?t" ..i?e any f unheV compl i anccw Uh the wuvem^nunfsmion o? thoc- "?"'?.??e th.n COnta,Bed In tW* r.opectn.. Directors are also Direclors T'the Vender T\ie nbove-fpec^ed Contract and the Memorandum and Artf*cilM es of A*s_s_ oci.ation can be I"P" d?,l a'J t h.? Offi,? of the ??mp'aa?-? So??i?or?'? '? ArtiOea of AMociation can be Company60'1'868 "'? be °"?"'? from the ?"? ? ??"- and at the Offices of the Applications for Shares should be made on or in accordance with tb„ t™„ » the Framec/ns. and sent with the 7pqtitr,d d@nosit tot eI' «in Bb"]lot '?'i b'I.15:than t lio number applied fer the surpl^?us nf the monnt paid nn,dep"'i! will he atinronriated towards the .nt on ?"?" and **dnieer4 c nno0 a.lotment is made the d, "it ?iret-?,?d in fulL London. November 24th. 19('.0. T170;1) T17 P CON ACHER AND CO., OnGAX BUILDERS, THE OLD FIRM. H U DDEBSFIEID, flrinth Wales Agency: 20, LANSD(WNE-EOAD, CANTON. CARDIFF. Tunings by Contract or C:t8uaUy- Estimates uad Specifications aent Free. 70045  -?EWPORT, MON, 'Established 1870.) THE T)E REES RILL-POSTIXO AXD ADVERTISING COMPANY (LTD.), PROPRIETORS of 300 of the LARGEST POST. ? STATION! in ?.??-?t?"??' Risca and Eastern and We.tern VnUeye, Terms on application to 21. Bridffe-street. J. DE REES. Managing Director. aaDieggtg* BE, EVAS AND C°.'S ^HRISTMAS BAZAAR AND JfANCY JfAIR J S ^Off Q P E N THOUSANDS OF USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, INCLUDING fJX)YS, J)OLLS, GAMES, &o., SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. Illustrated Catalogue on Application. BEN. EVANS AND CO, ARE AUSO EXHIBITING A RAND COLLECTION OF BALL DRESSES, DINNER AND RECEPTION GOWNS, CLOAKS, WRAPS, AND EVERY REQUISITE FOR EVENING WEAR. JJEN. JjJVANS AND CO, Also respevtflillv Invite Attention to their J^JAGNIFICENT STOCKS OF GENERAL DRAPERY, HOUSEHOLD LINENS, FANCY, FURNISHl-Nt;, AND SHOWROOM GOODS. The Rest Valtwand Selection Obtainable. A VISIT OF INSPECTION WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. JJEN JjyVANS AND CO., LTD., gWANSEA. 71346 STOP ONE MOMENT. XOH. DEAR DOCTOR, MUST W MY' DARLING .DIE? A THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY I TUDOR -^rUilAMS' pATENT I BAI.SAI OF JJONEY, Which contajns PURR W"I,h Honcv and an hsscnce of the Purest and f'af;n Herbs, S?'?''? on t'M biil of W.ie,. be? gathered in 1 h" proper season, when their virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thousands of children who die nnutMUy from BronchitiR. Whooping C?neh. and Croup This is a grand discovery for the Cure of such Complaints. I ClHe iflcrumntfr Weah-chp?t?d Men. Dphc:ue Worngn Ind ChUdren. It CnrM when at: other r,? ;'di- fail. It Care, Coughs. Colds, Bronchi'i.. Asthma. Tigbtn?,. of the Chest, It Cnres ThoumndA of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It Cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY rr, If yon have n Congh, trv it: if von have a Cold, try it; if yon have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promoter expectora- tion, produces warmth and comfort to the chest and gives refreshing sleep when yon have lost nights of rest. BALSAM FOR THE CAPE. Tho Braennar Castle left Southampton Friday Inst with R good ammly of Tmlor Williams's Balsam of noner for British Troops. NURSE DARLING, NURSE HOME, KIMBERLEY. Tudor Williams's Patent Baisam of Honey you kindly forwarded to the front, I am pleased to be able to say that I have found it InO,t beneficial to my patients and self. In one case I attended a private 01dicl'. a native of Gloucestershire. lIe had been wounded in the chest He hd troublesome ?.,rh. He as res ;'ud iIR'TJ;i fuIne;le f9 Surprised at the wonderful effect it had on t'?- poor fellow. Boothing the n?ist cough and I goi¡IWireSeO():i;to;io¡nsCO;rn:t I clear¡n the bronchial t-bes and air vessels of the accumulated m ucon!. He wished me to drol" vou this line. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE, SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. Sold by all Chemists ad Stores inls., 2s. 6d.. and 4,. 6d. hot ties. Sample bottles sent (post roid) for 1.. 3d.. 38.. and Sg, from the inventor. D. TCDOR WILLIAMS, 29118 MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE. DALE, FORTY, AND CO.'8 pIANOS AND ORGANS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED LIPP piANOS. "The highest development of tone beauty." All Information on Application to J) ALE, FORTY, AND CO" HIGH-STREET, CAIIDIFF. Also at Cheltenham, B'lniingham, &n j Nat. Tel., 1,103. a8736 CSAVF PJA PER CENT. — —— BY DEALING DIRECT with the Manufacturers, TtTAPPIN BROTHERS. AfAPPIN JAPPLN ESTABLISHED 1810. ?-?T? APPIN NO „ CONNEIi'HON WIT 11 ANY X>J- OTHER FIRM. -yfJAPPIN T"VlAMONDS, Pearls, Gems, <Sc„ of the FIRST b????lTY?F???'v??'D "? "? "??? -t?ATCHES. R!h-erw?reQt?r? Heotre- Y ? plate. DresBinR B;?3. SUPPLIED at- Actual Factory Prices. M ???'??' AWARDED TWO GOLD MEDALS PARIS. 1900, for EXCELLENCE in QUALITY and LOW PRICE8 99n BF,GENT-STREET, LONDON W Write 220, fnr CATALOGUE, POST FREE. G? sent on approval at our own rich on HEAPSIDE, LONDON. E.C. 66, ? 'Next Sir JnhnBennett'B.) WEDDING PRESENTS, CHRHTMAS GIFTS NEW YEAR PRESE"TS. WAR SOUVENIRS, Ac 1VTAPPIN BROS, (the original ?rm)' 2'JD, ¡lEGEN'l',ST" W, ( f On!y London 66? CII DF': W'. And Qu,?.,?' -Mannfactory. LI7935 COMPLETION OF ALTERATIONS. THE R. 0 Y A L TIOTEL, CARDIFF. RE-CONSTRUCTED. RE-DECORATED RE-FURNISHED. NEW RESTAURANT ELECTRIC LIGHT NEW BILLIARD-ROOMS. PASSENGER LIFTS, BANQUETING- ALL. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER—6.30 to 8.0. ae950 Frank Taylor, Manajor. TXTRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Infections Diseases WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Skin Diseases WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Delioafce frkin WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP 1" For Pimples and Blotches. "WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For the Complexion WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Toilet, Bathroom, and Nursery. SOLD EVERYWHERE, TABLETS, 4d. each. BOXES (3 tablets). Is —————————————?? Lt6486 __L THE SAFEST MEDICINE For Bilious and Liver ??'N"' ??'?'"?. WInd. Spasms, Foul Breath, ervoua Deprea: eion. LOBH of Appetite. Irrilah'lity, ???X'?' DYBpepala. Heartburn, I,ownes. of Kniriti Giddiness, &c. As a General Family Ape,i,t M>dicrae ?R. gCOlTS piLli ARE UNEQUALLED. PREPARED ONT.V rtv w? LAMBERT, 173 SEYMOUii-PLAOE' LONDON, ?V. Do not be per3O by ;iYone to bu 'nny other Medici, ne instead, but insist upon h?"ilg the right th)!?. which i. wrapped in & M?e green pMkage. By post for 14 or M stamps L176g3 N0 DECAYED TEETH N If YOU1a Îi';mF'h PH'fr. HrLp' TOOTHACHE CURE, 1.. per Bottle, Sold by "II ()I), SoJe Manufacturer, PHIL PlflLLIPS 24 .at slrect, Cardii..44N







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