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^arliammtarp f1.otítts. "YTpaimjamknt.—SESSION m. C A B 1) IFY RAILWAY. ..ITERATION* Of LEVELS OF PORTIO" OF E4ILWW No 4. AUTHOWSKD BY THE RDfFF lUILW A Y ACT. IBW; ACQUISI- TION* OF UAM)S; TOIJ.S. RATES AN1) !iOS (S; "{ic, o:AIS1;g :'rTHUI¡¡"E!), CAPITAL TO 'R()08f!D WORKS; POWKR TO IUH.t.S ITNUEIl XHF W1I.i. OF 1 H. SECOND MARQVKSS OF BITE AN1> A DEEl) OF TRUST lH THE TTrÍRD MAKQUE88 OF BUTE TO TAKE AND HOLD OKDINVRY SHARK; EXTENDING TDIK Inm En BY bKCTION* 36 OF THE lien; POCKS ACT 1895. FOR ISSUE OF ORDINARY MIARK* TO ESTATE TRUSTEES Of SfcCONP MARQUESS; EXTENSION OF •nut F°K ACQUISITION OF L VNIW AND "PLETfO" OF WORKS UDER fARDIKF RAILWAY ?IVM. 1397. IM. AND 18». SID- I'¡(;' AC.. TO In, MADE BY THE RHYMNEY RU1.WAY COMPANY AND IHtOVlSlOXS ,I TO WORKING THEREOF; INCORPORATION, AMfN'PMI NT AND REPEAL OF ACTS; AND orRUt PURPOSES.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application it ia;end?>l to I, mada to I'ai-Jiamcm, in the 5t«ion of 1901. by the Cardiff Railway Com- ponv t'1I ¡.('d "the Company") for i«ve to br.Hii in a Ilil! (hertinafUT v\i 1 k <i "the lll"1 fur all or some of the following, unions other, lmrpui's, that is to say: — 1. To ia|K»wer thll Company. in the construc- tion of Iho RaU..ay No. 4. authonM'd by the Cardiff Railway A(?t, 1897 (hereinafter called "Uie Ac: of 1897"i. to make the following auction m tho levels f that railway, viz.: — An alteration "f the levels of the eaiit autho- red railway, commencins at a point "011 133 yards or thereabouts, measured a westerly direction from the south- ernmost corner cf the block 01' cottapes n as BtaU Cottae8. near a vla0Q Iktl B'ueneSlyn (being I- point oil tho c! authorised ra-lway 1 furious: 9,9 chains thereabouts, n)-e¡\8tlrd from the com- iiicerueiit I)f that railway), nnd termi- ring in the bed of a mill stream at, a int distant 132 yards or thereabouts, casircd in a north-wejterly direction :-om tho north-east corner of the most i .t!hern bnildins of the Treforest Tin Plato Work. (being a ikiint on the said «t!i: i?ei railway 6 furlonirs 9.1 chains or H'rah(\ut8 measured front the eommenc?- ant of the said railway), which alteration levels will be situate wholly in the \tri-h and Urban District of Pontypridd nd Comity of Glamorgan. To amhorise the Company to deviate lute- .y fnvn the lines of the propos-ed works to the extent showi on the plan* hereinafter mentioned. or as may be provided by the Bill, and also to deviate vertically from the levels ehnwo on the sections hereinafter mentioned. j To authorise the Company to purchase, take r.nd we. either compuls.>rily or by agree- houses and other property, for i of the proposed works, and also "lhl rishts in. under, or over, ür and other property. T" dtolare and enact that the proposed works shall form part of the undertaking ot the Company for all intents and purposes, and apply thereto ail or some of the provisions tho Bute Docks and Cardiff Railway Acts, to Vf9. including the provisions of those 1 ';n; to lolls, rates and charges. r or amend, or to repeal, so far as *?;??,iry or expedient, any of the pr(? i1, A, ,f 189".with respect to the n of Railway -No. 4. authorised by It Act. ? To authorise the Company to applv, for pr.rp. set ùf the Bin. any of tl eir exiating tnthttrisd capital or fonds winch may not required for the purposes for which the 1:0 were authorised to be raised or directed Se applied; and to authorise the Trn-te. of will of the second Marquees of Bate to eql, any trust moneys whether representing pual or income in the ordinary stock or '3 of the Company at such price and 011 li terms a-s may be provided by the Bill. and • iiold >uch stock or shares accordingly. To authorise the Troste<>s, under a Deed of >,<t. dated the 6th and 26th dan of May, 1387, 1 certain relative deeds executed by tho •d Marquess of Bute, by which ho trans. to Trustees certain ordinary stock or res of the Company and directed the result- .1 thereof to be accumulated for the herein mentioned, to invest the ""¡11 or that has arisen on such or shares since the date of the T'ust Deed in ordinary stock or shares of the Company at such price and "n such arms as mar be provided by the Bill, and :o mnJse provision for modifying or gâ! »r otherwise in rel ton to th- rishts ,nd inieresu of the persons interested under the Bid Deed of Trust. 8. To ext",d the _pe,t iv(? times limited by ¿ reif:yt:a t,r::lliíf: the P.l.?ry Purchase and taking of land. for. and fer the completion of all or some of, the -1?ay?, and works anthori-?ed by t,hme Acti respectively, and to further extend the time limited by the Act of 1897. as extended by the Cardiff Railway Act. 1899, for the compulsory purchase of lands for. and for the completion of all or some of. tlierailwavs and works authorised by the Act of 1897. 9. To aUl""¡80 and require tae Rhymney Railway Company to provide further and better structural and other accommodation and facilities for the conduct of their trattic to. from, or in the neighbourhood of tho docks of the Company, and particularly to provide aiding to such extent, in such manner, it snch tand in such places, as shall or may be provided in the Bill, and to make provieion w",h regard to the working of the traffic 01 the Bhyraney Railway Company by that Company. 10. To extend the period of eight years referred to in section 36 of the But, Docks Act. 1395, and to amend the said section ingly. 1: To incorporate with the Bill all, or some, of the provisions of the Lands Claa-ea Con- solidation AIM. 1845. I860. 1669, and 1883. the R,;ilways (,Ianss Conolidation Act. 1845, and ir.e Railways Clauses Act. 1863, or any Act unending any s-uch Acts, with such variations, modifications .nd exceptions (if any) as may C'6 deemed expedient, or as may be contained m the Bill. 12. ij alter, amend, extend and enlarge, and, tiocd be, to repeal, so far as may be neces- my for the purposes of the Bill, all or some of the provisions of the SEveral Acts of Parlia- ment hereinbefore referreù to. and of the fol- 1,in, Act,, (thai is to say):—The Bute Docks an Cardiff Railway Acts, 1865 to 1899 and all Mer Acts relating to the Company or their Wdartaking; the Act 6, W IIt. IV.. can. 82, and «l other oIcts relating to the Taff Vale Rail- "IF Company; the Act 20 and 21. Vict., cap. 1JO, and all ether Acts relating to tb4 Rhymney Lilw?tv Company, and any other ) ?et or Act. Par lament recited in any of the before- ii'nti-ned Acts, or ?ffecting the above Com- Wor IUY person who or pr,)mrt.,I t?v "ff,,t4?d by any of the Powers or p..j mions of the Bill. 13 The HIli will vary and extinguish all ttht. and Privileges which would in any Banner impede or interfere with its object confer other exemptions, rights and privi- «ws. and will contain all such provisions an ■ be r.ss:lrr or incidental to its ()bjec:s :J Da""e.te Plan. and .ections, descrlbin: lb. lines, citnation and levels of the proposed orks, and "f Ibo lands, houses and other Property in or through which the same will be male, together with a book of reference » 8uch plans, containing the names of the 6"t'Q0ri and lessees, or reputed owners and lessees, and the occupiers of such lanrh, houees and other property, together with all NDanf)e Map with th line of the proposed ?Orks del Inea t,,(I t?py ?,f g;ttiil. as published in the London Ga.t,e "1 11 ,r b,,fo,? th. 30th day of •Hvember instant, bo d?,p).it?d for public 4"lti?. -?ith the Clerk of the Peace for the ?'unty of G'amorgan. at his omee at Cardiff; Ud T,-ith the Clerk of the District Council of Ilie Urban District of Pontypridd, at his Gill, Printed .pi, of the Bill will be d"osi td in the Private Bill Office of the Home of CQIIIIIIO"" on or before the 21st day of December next. Dat.d the 19: h day of November. 1900 FARP.ER & C.* 1, Fi,,Id- ) F'IO:< I,m Fif'/d1. w,e, SoHdtüt. JOH STUART CORBETT, v' for the Bill. C.I.AH\MES, CU-PRFY & SPEXR, 3' Great Georw Street. Westminster. Parliamentary Agents. ?-9058 Q R E A T SALE. pIANOFOKTKS AD ORGANS BY ALL MAKERS. ypXPIIiATIOX OF LFAS E, R. J. IIEATH AD gONS, 51. y'KKX-STHEET, CARDIFF, JJEMOTISG To LARGER PREMISES, C0RNEU OF CFIAHLES-STREET. GHEAT It EDUCTIONS. Cash and New Hire System. Also at P'ARTH AND POXTTPRIDD 1! A V u FACTORY—LONDON. •^ Telephone: Cardiff, 1.21; Poutypri3d 21, 'S~oFTHlTiolR ~VAM, ??fOO-N? 6F -?IIF,i36-ER N?,kit- f ra' LoTiUiN M AT I LUUTEU, J}aiiia!iuntarp potters. IN PABLIAMSNT.-SESSION 1901. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. (ADDITIONAL LANDS; EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PURCHASE OF LANDS, AND COMI'LK- TION OF RAILWAYS AND WORKS; ADDI- TIONAL CAPITAL AND APPLICATION Ot' FUNDS; AMENDMENT OF ACTS.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that applica- tion is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session by the Taff Vale Ualway Company (hereinafter called "the Company"), for an Art for the following purposes, or some of them (that is to say): — 1. To empower the Company for the Rcneral purposes of their undertaking to acquire by compulsion or agreement and hold the lands (in which tenn in this Notice houaea and build- it,a aro included) and easements in, over, oil under the Linda hereinafter described, all in the county of Glnmorgan (that is to eay): — Certain lands in the parish and urban dis- trict of Harry, and in tho parish of St. Andrews Major, in the rural uistriet of LlandaT and Jliyiia Powis, situate on the northern side of and adjoining the public road between Cndoxton and Sully, and Dinas Powis. and extending from thoe bridge cnrryjng the Cadoxion hranch of the Oom. pany s railway over the mid rand for a distance of 170 yards measured from the said bridge in a westerly direction. 2. To empower the Company to purchase and acquire a part only of an), property and any easeineut in. oTer, or under any property with- out being subject to the liability imposed by Section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845. 3. To extend the times limited by the Tuff Valo Railway Act, 1890, as extended by thfljf^aff Vale Railway Aot. 1899 (hereinafter called the Act, of 1899"). for the compulsory purchase of laud for and for the construction and com- pletiou of Railway No. 1 by the said Act of 1890 ant horise; 4. To extend the time limited, by the Taff Vale Railway Act, 1892. as evt-ended by the Act of 1899 for the compulsory purchase of the lauds in the parish of Llautwit. Fardre, described in or required for the purposes of tho work. authorised by Seetion 4 of the sudd Act or 1892, and of the land" in the parishes or Llauwonuo and Ystradyfodwg, (teser-bed in Section 5 of the sam" Act or of some of the said lauds. 5. 1'" extend the time limited by the Taff Vale Railway Act 1894. as extended by the Act of 1899, for the compulsory purchaso of th" land. whit-h the Company were by Sectioll 18 of the said Act of 1894 authorised to acquire or of H1I1W of the said lands. 6. To extend the times limited by the Taff Yalo Railway Act, 1896. as extended by the Act of 1899. for the compulsory purchase of lands for and for the construction and completion of the Railway No. 3, by the said Act of 1896 authorised, and for the compulsory of lhe land. which the Con panv were hv Section 22 of the said Act of 1896 authorised to acquire. 7. To empower the Company to applv to all or any of the pnrp'ue3 of the intended Act all, eapital or funds belonging to the Com paD", and for tb. alltl other purposes connect-<1 with their undertaking, to raise additional capital by tho creation and issue of new shares or stock, debenture stock, and by borrowing, or by any of such moms, and to prescribe, define, regulate, and determine the rights, pri- vileges. and priorities attached or to be aHached to such new shares or stock or to tho shares cr stocks in the existiug capital of the Company, or any of thew. S, To vary or cxtiuiruish all existillg right* and privileges which would in aziv manner impede or interfere with the objects or pur- poses of the intended Act, and to confer, vary, or ext nguish other rights and privileges. 9. To alter, amend, extend, or repeal, so far as may be necessary for the purposes of the intended Act. some or any of the provision. of th" several Acts heriubtfore referred to. and of the Act (local and personal) 6 Will. IV.. r. 92, and any other Act or Acts relating to the Com- IR, Y. 10. And Notice is hereby given that on or before the 30th day of November, 190D. plans relating to the objects of the intended Act and a book of reference to such plans and a copy of this Notice as published in the London Gazette will be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Glamor- gan. at his office in Cardiff, and with the Clerk to the Urban District Council of Barn. and the Clerk to the Rural District Council of Lian, daff and Oinas l'owi. respectively, at their res- pective offices. 11 A?d notice i. h.r,?y that n r before At ;:k;a; ;;e:ni¡r,n ltpit I-Pill- of the intended Act will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the Houae of Com- mons. Dated this 16th day of November. 1900. INGLEDKW and SONS. Cardiff, Solicitors for tbe Bill. SHERWOOD and CO.. 7, Great George Street. Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. n 9059 IN PARLIAMENT.—SESSION 1901. RHD[EY AD ABER VALLEYS X\J {US AND WATER COMPANY. (EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPUL- SORY PURCHASE OF LANDS AND EXTFN siox OF TIME FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WORKS AUTHORISED BY ACT OF 1898; AMENDMENT OF ACTS). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applica- tion is intended to be made to ParJÜlInent in the Session of 1901 by the Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company) for an Act to extend the period limited by the Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gaa and Water Act 1898 for the compulsory purchase of lands for the purposes of the reservoirs and other Works authorised by that Act and also to extend tie period limited by the same Act for the ocmpletion of the Reservoirs and Works described in the same Act. To vary alter amend or repeal nil or of the provisions of the Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Act 1898 and to vary or extinguish all exist ng rights and privileges which would interfere with the objects of the intended Act and to confer other rights and privileges. Printed copies of the Bill for the intended Act will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons on or before the 21'1. day of December next. Dated this 14th day of November, 1900. FRANK JAMES and SONS. 323, Queen-street, Cardiff. Solicitors. W. and W. M. BELL, 27, Great George-street. Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. a9060 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. GEECHAJIS piLLS, J^EECHAM'S PILLS, JJKECHAM'S PILLS, FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE, WIXD AND PAINS IN STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINTS, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes, 13Jd. and Z., 9it. each. L17161 "OLY THE BEST." ROSES, FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS. 15 S'erCent. DISCOUNT "CASH WITH ORDER." G A It A WAY A N D (O, DWARF H.P, ROSES. ALL BEST Nf.1ŒD. 6s. per do?et., 40s. per 100. Combiner Rcpea. (HoÎre de Dijon. Marechal Siel. W, A. Richardson. Ac 12s. per d()"en, Fun and Espalier-trained Apple, Cherry. l'e.-r8. and Plumii 3s. 6(1. each Standard Apples C7 Ills, per 100. Pyramid and Hush Apples. from £5 per 109. Standard Victoria Fluuis 2., each £7 10s per 100 Dwarf-tramed Apricot, Necta- rine, and Peach Trees 5s. each- Catalogues on Application. GARAWAY and CO., DUEDHAM DOWN. 6X56 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. 1.6';5A1LNTEÊD-T!i¿/!t66i G ACHE by using PHIL PHII.UPS' .OOTHACL-E CURE, Aota like Magic 1. per bottle. by pew t» Id Rold by all Chemists. aAtlf HEWETSON'S Furniture Catalogue, ZIGO 1- pL,g,?. F-e. Well IlJu.tral"d, Descrip- don" and P,i-. of Odd Pf Fnrniture, Suites. Specimen Rooms. Ae.-i\HF.WETSONS. 212 Tottenham Court-road, London, W. H79M -T. Yl'EWRITE';G TAT HT AT THK TWI?STEIIN HAIL Ok'kl4 CARDIFF. 330arb of CraTOt gottrtz. BOARD OF TRADE.-SF;SSION 1901. T LANDAFF AND DINAS POWlS RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTRIC LIGHTING. (The product on storage and supply of Elec- tricity by the Llandaff and Dinaa Powis Rural District Council within their Dietrid. The purchase of Electrical Energy from the South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company and otliera and the acquisit on and appropriation of laud. and construction of Work. the breaking up and interference with streets, and Railways, the laying down and erection of Electric lines, wires, posts, and apparatna, the taking and re- covery of rates and charges. Incorporation of Acts and other provisions.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rural Dietret. Council of the Llandaff and Dinas 1 owis Rural District- in the County of Glaraor- gan (heroh,after IM id,'the C.U.,jl") and whoso addreM is at Llandaff Chambers 35 Saint Mary Street Cardiff Intend to apply to the Board of Trade on or before the 21st, day of December next, for a Provisional Order (bereiu- | after called "the Order") under the Electric Lighting Acts 1882 and 1888 for all or øome of the following amongst other purposes (that is to say)-.— 1. T. -I,tb.?' the Council to generate and Isnlp' :I;;r:i)h;cII,g'i purposes as defined b' the Electric Lighting Acts witJun the whole of the Llandaff and Dinas Powis Rural District in the County of Glamorgan aforesaid "(hereinafter ferred to Its th, ''area of supply"). 2. To enable the Council to acquire by agree- ment or take on Leaso and hold lands and prenlieeo or ''nterests or easements in 0\' over lands and to appropriate for the purpose cf tho Order ativ lands belonging to or held by them and tü ronstruct nd lunintain upon ench lands all necessary Stations and Works for the generation and supply of Electricity together with all buildings engines apparatus works and appliances necessary for the pur- poses aforesaid and to empower the Council to eell or dispose of any lands nt r,q.i?-,a J(r ei,, (;n:,I¡):e If t;,y J:ta:\?t;rc thought fit to empower the Coaacil to pur- ,chaso and take front the South Wales Elec- trical Power Distribution Company or any other company body or person authorised to supply electrical energy in bulk a supply of electrical energy in bulk for distribution by them under the Order 3. To authorise the Council to break up the following Streets and Railway « Vil, (A) Streets In the par sh of Llandaff— Palace Road, Howell's Crescent. Cardiff Road. Llantrisant Road, Bridge Road, Mary Street. Ely Road. Cowbridge Hoad. River- side Terrace. Dyfrig Road, Robert Sireet, Shears Road, David's Place, Caerphilly Road, and Merthyr Road. In the parish of Llani.hclI- Caerphilly Road. In the parish of Saint Andrews- Klmgrovo Road and Edith Road. In the parish of Whildmrrp- Merthyr Road, Caerphilly Road, HawthoOrn Uuid. Huzelhl11't Road. }1ellc\'lw Road, 110ad. Ilarrett Street. Station Road, IIe()ldon. and Yelindre Road. III the parishes of Uadyr. St. Fa¡:lIu'9, Llanillterne. and Pentyrch— LlankiEaIlL Ioad. III lIl" parishes of Caerau, lI!íchoelstone- super-Ely, St. George's, St. Nicholas, Bon. vilstone, Ll atictrfaii, and IJhlutrithyd- Cowbridgo Road. <ll.l nailwa3: Great Western Railway. Taff Vale Rail, way. Rhy:nney Railway, Cardiff Railway. Puirry Railway. Vale {If nlan\()Tan Railway. Cowbridge and Aberthaw Rail- way, Krecon and Merthyr Railway. 4. The name. of the Streets and parts of Sireets in ",hieb it iFa pIth. t, Electric lint's ehall bo laid down within a period to be specified by the Order are as follows:- In the parish Ll. daff- Cardin Road, the part of Fairwater Roa*l which is Aituatr between its junction with Pwllmelyn Road and Cardiff Road, Bridgr Street, The Green, The Steep, Heol Fair, an,1 High Street, In the parish of Llaniflhen— Station Road, the part, of Ty-IIwyd Road which is situate hetwern the Railway Station and Mill Road. Church Road, aud the part of Fidlas Road which is situate between the Station Road and the Rail- way Bridge. In the pariøh of Radyr— Station Road and the part, of Radyr Road which is situate between Tymynydd and Woodftcld Cottages. In the parish of St. Andrew8- The part of Barry Road which is situate between Elm Grove Road and Station Road, Britway Road, The Square, Station Road and the part of Elm (trove Road which is situate between The Square and Elm Grove. III the parish of Whitchurch— Church Road, the part of Merthyr Road which is situate between the Church Road IInd Tynypwll Cross, Old Church Road, and Road. 5. '1'0 p"crihe and limit the price to be charged for the supply of electricity. 6. To confer upoOn tbe Couneil all or some of the powrr. of the Electric Lighting Act. 1832 and 1883 and enactments incorporated therewith and to alter vary or extinguish all rights and privileges which would or might interfere with any of the objrete of the Order and to confer n!? other rights and privileges nere88ary for carrying snch objects into effect. 7. To incorporate with the Order with or without modification all or some of the pro- visions contained in the Schedule to the Electric Lighting (Clan8e8) Act 1899, AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the draft, of the Order will be deposited at the Ofllel's of the "Board of Trade on or before tho 21st clay of December next and printed copies of the draft Order when deposited and of the Order when made may bo obtained (at tho price of One shilling for each copy) at the Ofttce of Mr. James Holden, Surveyor at Ely within the area of supply and at the Office of the Council Llandaff Chambers 35 Saint Mary Street Cardiff and at the Office of tho undermentioned Solicitor and Parlia- mentary Agents. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Map showing the boundaries of the proposed arra of supply and the 8trN.ts in which it is proposed that Electric Linen shall be I(I()p wn wl' h it it "pecifled tame "nd a copy of this advertisement as published in the "London Gazette" will be (lep oiitoct on or before the 35th day of November 1900 for public inspection at the Offices of the Clerk of the Peace for the Ccunty of Glamorgan at his Office at Cardiff and at the Office of the Coundl Llandaff Chambers 35 Saint Mary Street Cardiff. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that .very 1. ?.1(?r), her public authority company or person desirous of bringing before the Board of Trade any objection respecting the application must do so by I'?tt?r addressed to the Bnard of Trade marked on tbe outside of tho cover enclosing it "Ele-ctric Lighting Acts" on or before the 15th day of January 1901 and a copy of such objection must also be forwarded to the undersigned Solicitor or Parliamentary A;:rntn, Dated this 23rd day of November 1000. R, W. WILLIAMS, Solicitor, 8, Charles-street. Cardiff. SHERWOOD and CO., 7, Great. George-street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. a 9089 rjTEtE BEST pIANOS BY THE JJEST MAKERS ON THE BEST TERMS. rpHOMPSON & gHACKELL (LD,) HOLD THE ROLE AGENCY FOR MOST OF THE FOLLOWING MAKERS • — BECHSTEIN, STEINWAY, COLLABD AND COLLARD, IRACH, NEUMEYER, PIANOS KAPS, pIANOS. BRINSMEAD, x mULLE, AND THE ESny ORGANS. LONnON PRICES FOR CASH, OR ON EASY TERMS, rjHHOMPSON & gHACKELL (LD), CENTRAL MCSIC WABEHOTTSK. 24, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, And at Swuii2eu, Newport, Merthyr, Lianelly Pontypridd, Bridgend, Ac., to. PIANOS BY OTHER MAKERS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FULL VALUE ALLOWED. 26107 NO DECAYED TeTET H If yon Clean them with PHIL PIULLIPS' TOOTHACHE CUlti,, !a. per Hottle SaId by all Chemttte. Sol@ Manu!acturer. PHIL P11ILLIP& M. bt. Mary ■treet. Oardig w4e, ?1U?UiU?'?L(J<?'PURlF? A THOMPSON'S BUKDOCK PILLS purify tb. foulest blood and relIeve 'Hery Di. of Stomacii. Liver, and Ktdneys Pure Blood gives Health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills where disease could not be reached by any other medicine. Sold by all Chemists in boxes, 1 lid. and zg, 9d. each. Sent by riul to any address from the Manufar lory. 44, Oxford-st.wwt.. SwfwaMO. 4S6d9 ^ustiifss .nrr95£. ELECTRO-PLATE AND CUTLERY SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR Exceptional Bargains. INSPECTION INVITED OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF LAMPS, FENDERS, COAL VASES, OILS rOVES, AND ALL SEASON'S GOODS, AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. CROSS BROTHERS, 3 & 4, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. a7669





