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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT SCALE. This Scale does not apply to Business Advertise- menta, Notices of Eisteddfodau, SDorts, Concerts, or to Announcements emanating from Pnblic Bodaes. Bodies, ¡Six Ti- Three Six Dfl, vd WntdN. Once. Times. Timee.f? ? in Weekly. s. d. s. 1 s. d. s. d. SO 0 9 ? 6 ? 0 2' 6 28 102330 38 36 1 4 3 0 4 0 4 10 44 1 8 3 9 5 0 6 0 P-1, additional!  -1- ei?ht words. j0409 1 0 12 These chnrees, whteh must 1. prenaid. a.p"i,. only t,, consecutive insertions of the following class of advertisements Situations Wanted or Offered Al\rt1Uenh. Money Wsnted, Purtne-'sh p. Lost and Found, MisceUnueous Wants, Businesses, Houses hop, fM?.a to Let or S?ll?li,.i? e., ?r Snlc Privately. If the insertjonR b not consecutive. or if payment be not mfHl. pre"ions to publication, the crcdit rate will he charged. do order will b. ?d for '?"' th"n THREE SHILLINGS, Notices of "irtiis, Mftrrmsres. Rnd TVr.tbs are ft?e.] 2s.6d. each, if not eMeedJnc- 30 w-ri?. ?(') Jd. Ir ench additional word. In all caseR the Notice must be authenticated by the signature and address 01 the sender The crentest care is ?'?" '?'?"t'aementt en the dates ordered, as well as to "lull their b*dng oorrectly ?rint?f) hut wy ?i)?t °t? ?,,)ns'iM? for rur ;uraciet1 in either of the8e respect8, nor for AUY OU<fe:1l1"l("(' ftri il1 therefrom, WESTHRN MAU," EMPLOYMENT BUREAU An extm chare* of 611. entitles lmv tady adver- tiiu fo. ii servant ti) a book of five coupons, one for h'r own na me and address and couv others to send to applicants for the it".ti.n vacant-. T eidvprtiser can fill in the** four c >upons with d\f names of the applicants and the J?t, and time at whi" the advertiser will meet them at the "West?,m JViitl Ow" t On ,?ptitition of the a-tverEi?r's own conmo at the Western Mail Ofloo, tho anolicant* wil! be conrt««tert to her. one by unu, t. be interriewei in a portion of the hull screened off from observation. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. WfstersMaii. (postfree) 9s. M. per quarter. rvKNiwo Express 6,. 6d. Wkkkly M? ? ?''?; NEWSOl'TJHV"ES: .?.9' ? AU subscriptions must be pid in advance. BACK NUMBERS. Back numbers of the "Western M.?L can be snn led at the M')o?iu)rr*te???" ?"' ?'' ?? w Mi less t,, han one ,,Il, from date f "?ER COPY. .le'!1cfo:,n.ot from date } ld, If one month ni les than two ) 01 months i 4tt* If two months and less than three > •»* ?.th? f Amt one penny extra per copy for eaeh additionn month. In ?e?? prepayment must be m?o, ?nd anaddi. Wonnl half-penny per copy should be remitted to cover cost ?f J'oRtae Jlai;>i<'so,thr WEKKI.V Mail and the ??' o, ,thk W. ?,, be had at the same rates. CR.Qrl?s or Post-office ORI)S?R should be • remitted™ „Pref. erence to Postaee Stamps. Postaze «amw (H?1f.pnny) ,r..t refused. but, they aw ?ft?. 1."t in the P.?t, tbev U.t, f,tt.d, be SenTat the Subscriber's rtakf mU8t' remUte be he""es a.,d J.O.. shonM and Md. Pa,v,,¡'¡. to D. W. TH03T.1 ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE TOA:Dy??RTISFr-S.-L?t '!)5S or Fictitious N-?. to be -lied for. are not del'veied from anv Post-office but «re sent to the Returned Letter Office, to be imme. ?ately returned to the aenderq. ORIGINAL TESTIMONIALS should never be sent with pli? address ?dto the ompe of ?' t'n.per. Tbe ?roTri.tor? ,L I undertake anv re ^l^hOTl^sliia^ documents he lost. personal. -HJaa.Tl ^ifc 1? Ef'-S* Supplement of "WMera At.d,, El.c, Fl.' M?' me. an(] John'-If You Do X o, f?-?(t thp B.-k f ?'uppi"t fWi,,t Nisit' of nibl?r ?tli Yen St?-11 N(ver Come to Mr. OilT-lk to 0., F?r,,Id? 173 Wt-ti, ?purit Qiff p?lie' ConfldenI&1 Jnves ft ISon' Ate?ndra.rMf). Cardiff; hish.?t *»fe. 33927.2 iftatrimomal. Widow. Chfrfl1l. dome!?ed' ??e)h,? ?)t'. ec('I!(OÜ('f\1, heme ;'°"lf°r,s studied, Widiw to Marrr $rv»'rfi? ffi '■ comrort?bte portion.'—B ?" W??rn  385al27 *!r?J. >ny'~f'entlomanlv To™K Bachelor, a?d 27. <. i™ ?ocd-'onk.n. h.vin? furnished house and n annum, P" C'orpondel1( with Jdy. lu 15 -,Mre o! Poswinjf imi1ar amouJnti. Vi l. w  ???''?"" to -?? Ho??eepe. N.. p, twelve months previous to marriage; photm and Il «mmirai.titioni honnorahlv returned ai-ents ?-nortf) -A.MraM B 55.?'?<-r? Mail, ?rdjit. *? í£lenral. A.,i.tAnt Pri..t W.nted for Morrhtton: muolcal:   m?n M)? tv.y? liberal st.ipond.-Kev. D. ?atcyn Mor?n. ?.ca.rDge. Mr.rn?t,n. 4o02z3 W?t,ed, temporary Lay Work by experienced Ma.n; »ith view to title at Trinity preferred; good refe- l?-B 33, Western Mail ()fnce. Cardift 128 R.R1rn¡äTriohnfõrgän üMrpè- SÙri(]ay Dti ty; reference the Rev. Ebenezer Morris, The RectoSrv: w1^^°'JU,,a-B £ nT- "«"• C-ardiff.lAddreir \Vir.ci(lr.t(>rracf', Penart.h 40758 iHehiral. W^d *t °"c* tf"alifled <. '??' "?? "? to rirle; 1i;rht weicht: photo, rderenCE6. age. salary ?uirrd.-Appty n M. W'M&r?M?'?rd?.' "'?dS Qu:.liftecf '? A.?sistan? Required, Large CÕuntry T?mcti,p; lirolremive mla?; permanency offer'?( *?it.hi? genSJn ?ot ?nu? I.M ?k'?hot? ?' ?'?'?) "P,, '?. full parti(?ulam,"8 M:'»:=.d,ff. 3733d28 Me«li;'ai. -Sl1rg;-Č8Ji(lMnœm1y X,,niM lupphed.—Apply NiTses- Co-c.pcmt.ion. 152. Newport- "ad, ""Iitl Te?TanM: "Prompt. Carùlff" 367&1 iHusiral. Wanted, Young Lady Pianiste and Vocalist; statt: líve in honie —Eucloee photo and age, tt:k. We.t.rn :II.i! ,Merthjr Tydfil. 334402 Wanted, bv Lady Pianist, Engac-emenF7o~Plav at ?Mnc OM?.-Appiy B 44. We,t?m Ma!). far. tiff '— —— 3810d27 -\me-n-aa OrlM.-No Heme OS^iit^WiihoiIt .one of I'ttt'se Lo,-elv hlftrument8-The Fmeet St,k sli, Jt, eii?n!r!>al'tv No. 0n View ,t Si ;?,k :ll, Nume stabli,%Iiments Ðr:( ,r™> 8 to 120 guineas; may be had on new hrLl^t ™ T' ''uouthly.—Bea,utifuily-iilus- ratt'{1 plice free on 2 pplica.tion to Tltomp0n M.lld ??e?)'?!?? '??'?'' '??0?'? r?'. F,rndalc' Ite1'. ?nv%?ig.m6Dd3o fot ur(vvafh-l"i V* So,T.f 'our v..)TM. nOs.-at) y Vt equal to Dew.-Xatthews, 73. Tudor- ^(LCaldSV eq^' to mw.-3fatthews, 73, Tudor- c:m-nne BardOT >,aa Sow for Sal~f5VeHl l-(«I P.an?rtc, an ?-it'?0?')? ?p,o???'     "??' 20 U:I,( IiR ('f.¡h. X(Jt arirlr8: 17, Heathfie]ct.trf'et, S""8 fI,l. PMtie Ih!' free 40397.3 rbolattr. TEAC'nKM wantrr A<ïTt'rtlen.-âre CauLioned- that F08triMtm -areÑÕi AlIcwerl to DeHver .I.etters Addressed to Initia]s or •Jctitioua names nt P,?t-Office. Lf.,tten add-?d 0 i.,ti.). must bear      or one 01 the oth? 04 et the "etem Mllli1." Howey Xtj-;hI-Janu;;y6:1ä Head MiMifm; avenge 64; h "?'' salary, SM; house and brge garden, with b. 11 for year when 17 6? re?tM? within one »nd a three quarter nu'S at far-famed Spa, Dandrindod W,16. aKe ex pencnce, and qu??fifimt,ion?, with three recent test! m..?ab and "Opi. of last Government re?or??o ?' Pnc.« Powell, Howey Hall, Llandrindod, R-d?.r Wjnt?tT?BaMaieg?atJocai?Aoo?'aiTAMitM? t '? to Take Chaise of ?<"<t and to Teach St?.dard? HI. and H-. ,„ h- Oinary Subjects; ?lary x45 per annum—Apply Rev. J. Jone. B.D' °*'?*'? v gprage.Neyycrt, Mon. 372&128 _,=;i;'p_-= I French.— _Madante OoflUn (Brvet SupfTieur, Univer- dty of Frarce) has Opened Classes at wH;gh flchool p??'"?''??'.???!d"?e?tS ircn; French composition, oonveniation, and litem- fm re Also Daily at Ca.-dift, at M.&- Gomn'a. S' The W lk. 3977z,3 Certificated Mn^ic Govern- .enga¡rem.nt Ia dool after Chn.-tnM? pupils u('cfuHv 1¡re. ..red for 1-i xam. R.A.M. th ve»rs: rf,- rence f- I.. p?, ip.l: -i, t0 DOD-residnt. «uia!l -.try if some time allowed for self.—B 78 Western Mail, Cartliff. 973z3 <?ot!6dtMpfr? Contpanioiig. ?fOt?RKRHt't?RS_ CT-M?AXIO?a. WA-NTED. .t Wscted, a BOWlekeper; M -Lt )n htr ?ed ■»>out 35.—Apply tc Mias R- The 0rift' Frog- acre-street, Abergavezu.y. 40Sjd29 Wanted, domesticated Mother s Help: ROOd iieedl ~pna.n; salay t£ 1°; edu^cfed girt treated a« one cf ^ie ki-, Tr?b. Vr. z3 iiiunedi»telv7 > 'ttwrcugfily mMftahV Miutlle-aged I ersur ?''W?k? Housekeeper ?'" a Hngle Gentieu.e.n.—App)y. pefOM?ity. N;, Newport. rM.).C?-(ut). ?,,R.) HOUSEREEPERS. COMPANIONS, lie" WANT PLACES. A Lty ;m.n<18 l'o-rAdY-M-R.ïpo;: Companion thoroughly don^eeticated; accustomed Wd fond at children.—Addre« Miig B. Morean 12 _l!ryI.J-Nc:nva:8'5_- Situation Wanted m Housekeeper t?o ?' Sn;?) Fam-iy; L-ood referturM. ?ed 3a—Apply B 76. Western &)) Orfloc, C?ntiN iSM-a tt??? Hoœek.í,r;-<itAf;-goi'¡¡ jeok and ncedlewnman; with reforeire —State w'ees 1« Oannarthen-etreet, Llaodik). 3998d28 Wanted, by rMp<KttN? WidowT Re <-MMen?.t"M Boufe?cper Lady or OmUeman; .MnfMSbje home ?.r. th? ?ry.145?, ?.r?.?° Newport —————?_.?_ z2 Want^Ttl»tion~ a8~Working^Houiekeep^~aiged 30 good cook.—R., 52, W?db?,mcl, Canton, .r .? ??'C??o?p WtereSer?t is Kepi7 R-d needlewoman; highest dff1,4-; ?'?I?'*??_ ?-?' l, Cardiff. 3?9? -W"DtedbY1&ble¡;er;õD:SitUàt.¡;n- Working ■cutekeeper widwtcr prefer-ed good cook • care- ?) manager; good reteMocM—E. B., 2M. H"It" X..d, B.y ''Maids) ProfeaBed Cook-Houjjokeepcr, Gwtleman's FimiTvT wliere kitchen and scullery maids are kept; 2± yeare* k,t, ?n ..d -?=xv kevt; 2i?6- ,.d (,b. momettr .$trbant, ] FElrALE S]mVATS WAXn.D.I '?i th-t -P-t.-t?r r? N.t 4llcw#d to Peliver Letters :\ddreN ed to IniU1\ls or Fictitious Namt's at anv Post-offlre 1.ttere addr& wi to Iaitiala or Fictitious Names must bear the addicts of th, advertiser or one of the office* "f the Western W\l1t,( t'l'l'; in- No,:pnih-cl<-i)al:10ûrn1a;<J;II\Jl;' underNt&nd her duties j»ood needlewoman.—Write, witti full particular, to Mrs Lascelles Can', Cwrt-v- I!iti, 1"11 =,v"ïítect: pl.i¡'Co-)k,=30,-qu\,en:.ir".t; C'\HIti29 i Wanted immediately, Houtte-Parlourmaid; cook and bov kept —Apply 54, Ch-t,?.treet., Cardiff, anv tmu» ^fter thiee o'clock. 4014a3 :un¡;l: il-¡i¡l,Picitbj{- ('(jtintry'a ::):(' I j 17. as Nurwe-HouHcmaid; one little girl: ners»mal nfeiuue. — -Vnply, ,ftr six otll),. HcuseUet*(>er, ILuidUley Hnnse, Ne\v])ort-road, Cardiff. 401.r>7:3 Wanted, C<»ok at once in Gentleinon's Houm- at C'aiditt E19; wahing put ."t.-Apply B '1'4 Wiyteni NT Ail, Cardiff. 3S6X/3 ^'•rttcd im'neiiiately, good Cook no objer-tion largii fivn;i!y aged 20 to 28.—Apply, full particular* 51ie.« Irytliwwy, Syf-ainore Huuso. Poatyj Kiol. 330bz3 Wnnte d a «t"ro»i.seful Girf as Ki^ftemmld, or a gcoil Servauf. for Country Piaee.Mrs. Justice, CXistleton, CXntliff. 4C»6y3 Want<xl at onre. (iirl (Young), as Nurse, to Mind On ChHd; to travel; comfortable Merr y, C linerv, Huilth, ttreionshire. 3?9Sd27 WantinJ, Pla:N Ook.—lie v. H. P. Sonjeij<eU The Rwtory, Crickhowvll. 39?6z3 W"ante<L Middle of December, good House-Table- nwid; thive in family; country.—-Full pariu-ulaj^ to Mrw. Clyndcsnven House, Clvti.lerwtn K SO. '008z3 Wanted, experienced General Servant. AIA,) Nur?e Houwniaid ;g," uee.Uswoman not undo!- 23 — ,I:);C;1:toæ" f.ew <, Llar.elly. '1007z3 Servants.—Wanted, a good House "and" rä,'h'1Ii'- Maid for Business Mctisc.—Mn:. George, II, CouuntTcial- place, Aberdaie. 40227.3 Wanted, good Plain Cook; evening dinners; tn*() $4; r"\I,l, tit ami hoy kept.—Address, with references, to Miss Jones. 31. Cae»'au-ioad, Nc\vpci-t. 4017/3 Wanted, General Sj»f"U1t.; able to do plrttn^wlv n' -Apply, with references, Mns. P'lillit1, Fron St. Ol.rphillr. 3W4z2 Warfted ,inunrdSately. good "Plain CV.ok .maH family; good wai;e.<; aged ahout 25—Applv M., Box b. Pwt-oftice, Llanelly. 3919z2 Wi-nted. a Superior Xm, to Take Coinpi^te Charge of Three Children; a good needlewoman; good tempered strong; not under 30 vears of age; E;):b;h pr{'ff>l1erl.-Appl.. between one and tWl) or six and seven. Mrs. G. Lockwood Morris, The Hafod, Skctty, Swaused 3927d2R Wrnted, a go<4 General; a<"d about. 22; w.g"i 48. per week must have good character, and on* that understand h^r work.—Applv, l?" letter, B 68, We?t?r. Mail Oth,?. Cardiff. 39]3d28 Wphted, good G, n -ml :.I] f¿!UlHy;-ntllse housed m?4ii and boy kept.—Applv Dr. Thomas Brid^- tn\ Ti. *2" Wrnted. at New Year, experier.ced House-Purlour- :¿, If e,7t:)-:J,1IeJf.i:¡f rMo,in? "h.—Mrs. Pen-y, I.andowne, Pen.rth. d28 General for Small ¡,"ándly. iI1-PI\rkl,Jnc{; must be willing and industrious ani have ()(I,1 n. ference good wages.—C., Dorothy Cafe, High-street V,jT 41435 Wantfeil, gocxl Plain Cook small dairy and "t>t\1,ini: kiteheumaid kept; gochl reference l'equired.-AlJrly )1. Hartley, Larkrteld, Chepslo\v. 3937l2 Wanted, good General Servant", "able k, do" jdaiTi c^.king; housemaid kept,—Apply Mr.. LewU. Hock Cottiige, Blackwood, Men. 393.2 Wanted, lit*t)ecembja-; goodPlaln"Cook~oTOenei5i7 good references indispeneable; hoiLsemaid kept.— Mrs. Searlc, The ',awn, Maindec, Newport. 3955128 -Glm<lr WwtR-Õn" j5;yFortru1!it- 1:6d ASc' Lautidre? Take Thin Home t, Wash; bd. doy.en.— Addiess G 30, Western Mail, Newport. <128 Wanted, respectable, good General Servant ~over 20? good wages; .,fegiLn?c'l? required.— AnWv 18, Ph\sturton-aveaue, Cardiff. 3801d30 r,.l t.t?l, G¡rl,16orïf,ïi8(rä:ï. H, orth,??..?trtet, Rmtli, Cardiff. 3800d27 Wanted, a Young Girl, about 16."— A^ly^sTCMtle*- ro: l. Carrot! 3&'6J30 Wanted, 1; ibl, to -k; three" iü family; good wages to suitable percn references required -(ns, Gwvn, Bank, Aberdare. 3130 Wantenl, experienced Housemaid "mi^Tliavc good reference last sit.uatiûu,-Applr L ;44, W,?l't" Mail Office, Swaneea. 3358d27 Wanted, good Plain Cook wages £ 16 "to" £ 18.— Apply, ?t-ti?19 I'?, &I.. M-. E,-?., Enville House Newport. 3354d30_ W!1ntN1-inlJItiately:-nn-exper!wè-ed Gencràr. nut. small family. man ?tpt.-Apply John Fvam and Co, Dru.pp, Pontypridd. 3878d30 Ge!:eu' Svi-vant Wanted immediately; no children"; good character indispensable.—Applv, after siv p. 15. Onkficld-street. Cardiff. 3782d29 Wanted, thoroughly reliable, experienced General Sl*,e,??t; t?. in family.—Applv, with reference, .t.1,??g age, w.g., B 43, Western Maii?Card?f. i .i7tMM -Wánted-PJain-Co(k- V/itling to fl?l? with H. work —Apply Mrs. Bowker, C'?vmbr? H. Pont- ne^vydd, near Newport. 37S0:1?9 ?^'ifetry.—Wanted. Houpe-ParlournTaids ,KTi.tchenmaids, Generals. Nurses, Housekeepeis Laundresses, Kitchenmaids. Page, Gardener, iipsiec- table I.odRinj? Obtained.—Dave's. 45, SXt'ke ?i-Tt  ff :869.)M Wanted, a General Servant; housemaid kept.— Apply, before eleven or after five, Mrs. Dyer, No.8, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. 3745d29 Wanted, Gene-d Servant for the Countrv"; three m famdy; ri»fereuces requiiod.— Address Mrs. Orto-i Owm raff near Merthyr. 3738d29 )6cf PTA wages 220.-Rply B 41 Western Mail, Cardiff. 41375 I -\1h1.ntb.n:-aírla OC1:-eral; —— aMe"to rah, plain iron, and ecok; aged over 20.—Apply 31 r'sI)Iatn iro)n, ?d ?ok; aged ovi?r 20.-Appl), W.,?t,,d, g??Ge,,er-i 38, BuW. ,t, C.,diff. 36V,127 ::e:A\G;r:tt]- good reference^.—Apply 5, _?ild.r-pi, C?, ff. 36VM7 Wanted, Useful Maid; first-rate dressmaker; will- "'? to assist i?? parlour ?''?- Also strong Kit,-I???- maid,-Mrs. JameR Brogden, lscoed, Ferryeide. fd27 » good General Servant; aged-lrom~"20 t 22.W 30, W;ft.dY! FEMAT.Ti SERVANTS WANT PLACES. Wanted as General Servant# for Several Country Girls; various 17 to 21.—Mrs. Coater, Kegifrtrv Office, Gloucester. 4005d A Young Woman Wants Daily Employment,^or Ccok-General on Job.-AI)ply to A. Edwards, 11. Rure. 8t"t, R??th Cardiff. 1972z3 Housemaid.—Respectable Country QTrT l20)_Seeis Situaton in CDiditf;?d disengaged.— At:Ur)?i R., eMa of Mrs. Watt., Peutreport'?.Sf.tet' ??"t. ?"d27_ -'Va-nredatõncê:-&tUõn M Ngoo<l-family. or 03 Mother's Help or Sunery Gov{'rnr; Kood references; moderate salary.—A 1, Western Mail S? ul,?( 3851,127 Ladim Suited with AU CttMM of-Semlrts; Sit." tfl1Secured for ?o?' ?'?'"?""?7?' 30, Pg,tr"f. Swan..a. 3857(130 Wanted. Ktitiom W'pfitocSk' andTBou?ri'ar' lourmaid in Small Family Penartl: preferred aces 24.—Apply K. and L., Chronicle Office, Bridgend. 2791d £ 9 Gciiera1 Waiting Place (23); plain cooking; IUIlg, excellent cinncter; £ 12. Others Engaged; difl ferent ?e?.-BritMh Agency, Aberdare Juucti.? St«n.ped?Ad.)rM9. 3670d27 Wanted, Situation as Housemaid or House-Parlour- W."t,?(1, Sit?c-?lotias iiotTwn,??d or b)t; P'e.)S)/ or'' ?d?"? ''?t.tcrr?e. "'Pe?'S' 3642d27 MALE SERVANTS WANTED. ??Vanted?T?unf; Man for Dairy amI Hetp'in?ene?) H^ork in Farm-house; nnderflrvant kept.-Apvly B 8!, Western Mail, Card tl. 4033z3 Wanted iininediately, Su^VMab to Maoism HoniT' Cows, Pigs, Mk. Htoaelf Generally Useful; able to drive.— Nicholson, "ngibby, Monmouth- 3922d28 Wanted, m the country, within eight miles of Cardiff, a Handy Man, single preferred, age not exceeding 35. thoroughly competent, to Look After Small Vegetable aud Flower Garden, and Willing to Help m the Stable when required; )odginpj and noard could i. .d for a single man. Mply, 2^*2 ^Jerences and particulars of wages requirecl, to B 64,Wt,,r. Mail, C.-?n. 3%8d?,, Wanted, a smart Y??g Man as Groom, Willing to Make Hi.?'1' U-?ful.-AI)ply Spill?l.' %?c?"' B.t?. street^Cardiff. 3744d29 -WAnleft-GromÛ':¡;;iener: married; live m'Mee' gmd driver; no children preferred; to(2trer;: y!'  ? ?.'y' *?M. height, B 21, WMtern Mail ?k?Cardirf. ?4M27 Wanted, on Small-Faim7"»taid~ Single""MuiPwbo Can ?Hed?e. ° Milk, Make ?,n?, ?Sfv ?f?"° ?pply, personally, Gurhay Vach F'&z lly U?ful.- r Bi. k- ^00<1 .??_ .? _? _—— 3660d27 i Wa.D-ted- Gröõm;-ëipriënCëdinbrE;(f¡Jîg-¡wd hrrAKing. Al.- t?l.("I, ,;pen(:i in breeding said- U ntier Grwm- U pr. <lene¡,-8tAte particuJars, v?.aM, 18coed, Ferryside —??????_ __?_ Mo?7 Tf'Wanted Vn experienced T-, and ciu '» several wN>k' work; wage., bd per L hcur. AL?o an Under Hand: WR¡:e, 5d. pr h-.r.- Pi-rvonal application to Mr. R. Congdon rdener Cwn?yt?Pe?'rtn" '?" °' ??' MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. Wanted, Situation as Coachmf n single-handed • aged 30; man-ied.-T, Mat,hews, South Lodge, Hoek- l £ y H-th, Idrminghsm. 4023z3 Tliê- Rev. Fielding l'altMr Wd">"bc Plea^ed to ne: ".?-.d His (4.,d-,r to Any lAdy or C?.tie- Iteq,.iri?w 0 good practical Man—Apply G,i- "tclilf. r Ch?rt?,?. ''? S?d?n"' Wanted. Situation as Coachman, wbeie One or More Grooms are X?pt; th-"Zhly understands the m.e.t of honft and all stable duties; aged 2.?r,? h"ight. 5ft. 61.. ??ight, IDst, well '*t?)m?t(t?; unmarried.—Please state l ?W?. (d%e-g-g?d) C.,?h. .n, Ot..Y-ll ,Y.nwrd. a 13 Wanted, Situation for Boy14; uM-d to ?MrsM. cQ..(f:: fa:e tin:f; iU1se:pv h:i !t:r near Nv!13dIiJ I 'Vn, Situation M Qroom or 'aroomOM?htnM? ndj anddnve .iu?e or ?r: -g,?d 21; good "ha. ruct<r.—Tuck, Biistol-stxcet, Newport, Mon. 3948z2 W-.ted, Situ.ti.? G-i:??-???IR- or i»ir; willing ?' be useful; married: good '"r?* rent er.—Coachman, Pantysbanel. terrace, Ik?w,, ?' "?? 59? Situation Watpf-M Farm Bailiff; married n>ia? j.] and trustworthy; can take entire t' "? wife experienced in dairy and poultr' y.— Applv J T' WAt? .P?li-d i- d-ily ..d p.It??l.-APP)3, J. Bft?.. Oiff,??, B- or OnmnfT good n ? -APP'Y J. Aplin, Bhubina, ? futchurch. 3875d30 :r; eHe:'oiïii:e &5^h^d>l thorou?ty Mpen.nced in .toye and greenhouie   metom. tomato. kitcben, Oower -,ri?d; -d 10; fr':D chiM?I?? Pb:Bge&1a;, ..B?t<?e<?' Sit?M.??t.d-?Qr<?6.a.,h?? dri,e wen, fcur yea. cbM?cter; a? 27.- Ad lre« ? ?? ?L? Z;?r. ???Wimbom<?D.?t.?759? oârdên; well up in Tnelor.s, cucumbere: era™' and aowcM; in aU bm?? ?' oS?t?""ST?)d??. ??T; ?n?.Ad<)?, X?wt_, Bairdreöaer, -:AQ<;DUemUl WL.b.. to Reœmmend ?, ?o,.EM  rL* Slm,lar D. '?,?.? Q" Abergavenny. 3654d27 Ooooliiran or Groom hman ride and drive' •irg,e or pair; good character; single; aged 34.— R.M, 29, MM?.,tre<.t, Pembroke. 3624d27 o??'??°'???"°?°*<?' ?'eorp.F:Med 24. h?ht-w?ht.. miMt. gead st.b)em<n:f?ct? ch.tMter.-Bn?? p? Bill, Newent^ GICB. fd? lBOmtiSUr bants. MAN AND WIF'E WANTED. Warned Couple Wanted, or Sifter and Brother- latter well up in Stork Feeding and Carriage Horses c(.lI,hibOO: wages £25. furnished rooms, coal, vege- tables gv.-d for small ft1miJ.ddrpB$ t?T 11 Mail, Newport. 3952<l^8 !¡k: í'lit -W"I; Chaipel, Penarth, a Caretaker; man Iwd wife, no children pre- f,'rred-A,m1.. iving full particular*, to H. Wallis, Exchange, Cardiff. 3867d30 \¡{.;i,- Married Cõ,;p¡;mall to do general out- door work under bailiff and have some knowledge of rough hooting: wife to be eiperience? laundress and undertake management of laundry with daughter or helper; young children ohjectPfI to: good ('ha.r8('tpl' es->-< nrfinJ.—Apnlv J. C. Richanison, &. Glau^rvchn Park. Manordeilo, Carmarthenshire. ?140' ^otrl ^rrbants. FEMALE SKJIVANTS WANTED. Advertisers are Cautioned tt1Bl Põär; Not Alii wed to Deliver Letters At! Ireased to InitiaJI .?, Filtiti..? N-iUjes at at-y p)t(.fth:(o: Letters ?d. d',?('(1 to InHi.ls ,r i?titiotti Xame mut i?r the afldre^s of he advertiser or one of the cificee af the Western Moil. 'I\J1t t'1\ r'(l;t'rielil'E'(l-'Ba.ll1lad-l;êa-iëk ccunter trade.—Sjnd photo, terttiinouials, state salary required, to Hotel, Western M¡1i1 Office, Swansea. 3928¿o,2 Wanted, ciciiitftieated Yo>ing Apply Mi's. Boncn, Brookrand Hotel, R\n\nRE"a 3929d28 Wanted, a good Ge-ural Ren-ant; r,lg ie- l;:r"'I/;af;J:rrl;k Wanted, fi gcod General Sen'ant.-)1n..Tunes, Eugle HoteK C's.rdifT. 3914(128 Managers, B^nntid (i?26> Barmaid £ '16), Chambermaui, Cooks. Kiifhenmids. Generals, Nurses, Page, Gardener, Wnntp<1. Lodgings Ohtainfd.- Davies's, 45, Cbarlce-street. Otrdiff._ 30'rd27 Wanted imnnvliateiy. Hotel Cooks, Rikhnma;{1R. Sctdlerymaid, Wsitreswes, Pages; best wages.—Apply Hotel Employes* Registrv, Castle Aroadc, Canlift. Ssinl. Marks. Manager. 3818d30 ;1\rl:rfJ,- !rjvrlhI\;4r.J\- ,d2IJ: The Langler Hou?»e, Haverfordwest. 3P3?,127 General', good references req,1ir?f1.-LI!I. Wiltshire, Cambrian Hotel, St. Marv-street. Car- dift. 38?7d27 Waitress.—Wanted, an experienced Waitios.— Apply \1:0\. J1arrot. Connoercial Hpte], Ferw]a]c, jd29 Ritchenmaid.—Wantevl, experienced Kitchemnaid in First-class Restaurant; wagea £ 18 h\iinf"K c!o5«vl oilSApply 164, Commercial-street, Newport, MOil, 3713,123 ,:diJ:t:Wäitre6jÿ Mrs. Rowe, iiotel. N",Por t. Wanted, ftt good General Servant; reference re~ qiurcd.— Apply Mrs. Lewis, Duffryn Hotel, Ferndale, near Pontypridd. 3669d27 FEMAlE SER VANTS WANT PI,ACES. Hctels.— Situation Wanted by experienced Lady aa Manageress; highest references.—-Full particulars R., Burlilpigh Villa, Kingslev-road, Tetland-road, Bris- tol. 027z3 Wanted, Situation 00- Waitress or Cliambennaid; %?r?l 25; go?l i-e?ereiiee.-Arply S., 27, JaIl39Š7,29t'l Blacuavon. -9 Wantwl, by expeu-ienced Young I>ady, Situation as Barmaid; mn produce good references.—Address 133, Coedpcnmaen-road, Pontypridd. 3976d29 Wanted. Ke-engagemont BarmaicH thoroughly ::i¡(;{e::n\nr'a J;[- lrou'v goo:1 referenl)(>tI.-Apply C. M., Esplanade Hotel, Pcrtbcawl. 3iJ84y., HoteK—Rc-engagement Required by thoroughly experienced Young Lady to Assist Generally; five years' experience bar, books, and storee.-Addrel!lt:i B 72, Western Mail, Cardiff. 395512 Wanted, by Two respectable"PcTeons, SitiTation^^ Lannaick in Vaults 01' Wa'-tress n good Coffee-room aged 22.—Apply N. Smith, Roval Clarence Hotel. Burnhnm, Sop%r»rset. 3946/2 Barmakl (Workiagf \\1.1111:8; good inference.— Bedford, Pulson, Here- nI 3921d-8 "-¡\lÜ.ed, hy Young Lndy. Situation Q8-BtÜ-iiu\irt • no previruB experience; aged 18 woulrl give little time —Address L 47, Western Mail, Swansea. 3795d-9 Wanted, Situation £tEl Under-Barmaid or As¡;,h4ant- willing to give .?.th free no rreviow experience • :1rg1':nt'e:)',r M.ry A-, N" Irn. P?ntypool. „ 3714d28 Wanted, by a PersohTliied"30;~Ite^n^^ii^nr'in Bar or Working H,iti? kt?pp?,r in Busin? House.- Cheltenham H..?, R,?.b-),-r-d, Rdfi,1,1. Brits- tol. 3645,127 Wanted, Re-engagement as Barmaid; disenuaged" experienced domesticatetl; willing help in house, if necessary good references.—Frome Villa, 4_9, Devon-plire, Newport, Mun._ 3653d27 Waitre«i Desires Situahon as Commer"iabroom Wpituss in Ho'el; good reference8 and particulars.— Apply R., 34, Upper Parliament-street, Liverpool =- 32(¡d27 | MALE SERVANTS W.AN== Wanted, experienced Bar Ce 1 larman tii-st^clam refe- re,:vrif."elš:t;la", l:;e. ,li;¡1 iiiTniätG'gÕÕ(f Ml1(frÕ(;nl1n P06Úlïg Yard must he willit tobe«r, and indutr¡ou. HohnM. County HoM.M)).w V?e.  40i?0d29 Wanted, a sinartUid, One who UndN8ta.nd c,?ll- ?k. ( g-'l mfemnees.-Apply Weaver, Loudoun Hotel, Oai-di 38911',B W?i?tc?ll ?'?trOA.? L-d', 16 y,?.i, .f -a??, f., So?'C ??"'?''? ?neto?r?t ?-'e.Jm Hot"?l, C.?'liff 38^9d27 Wanted inim?di?tel?, Ste?rd, Aberv?vm and Dis- trict Constitutional Club; wages W.. per week. Wife to Assist Evenings.—Apply "t?Y' not later than Saturday next. Without encumbranoe preferred. 3-?12Z_ male servants want places. Wanted, ty a respectable Youn^c Man, Situation as Plateman or Bo-Xe; well f"rienœd; first..cln.ss refe. Tcnceg.— F. I.lwton, Angel Hotel, Cardiff. 3979d29 Clief Seeks lie-engagement; good-ill-round and eC(Æemical worker; hotel, club, and offl-' re«*s Igfgl'ence. —Apply Chef, County Club, Cardiff. (diS MAN ASP WIFE WANT PI.ACFS^ Mcrried Couple, without encumbrance, Prepared to Take Management (or View to T.ki.g) Country Hotel or rvvectable Wine and Spirit VaultB; ample Beeu. nty and references.—Address L 43, Western Mail Swamea. 3664d27 %enncs, Crab tlltrg;, &"r. TRAVELLERS, AGENTS, &c.. WANTED. Advertiser* Cautioned {W PostmaaterPare Not ?' *? to Deliver I?tten Addr.d tc 1nitial. or Fictitious Names at -1-Y Postoffic. Letters ad- .M t: Initials or F?it!? ° N"?' ?S?t?r the ?d,rm, ,f the adverti.er or one 01 the .ffI" the Western )1..1. GOO,1 Sala.ry ';nd 'Commi?ion?Asen?' Wanted to Sell Pi?kl,, Vinegars, Sau" &e.-Apply, flratly Turner, A lbi?V?ll-App Newing 525'. 4006z3 t.London. 4006.3 Agents ?nted Everywhere atMamtnK"'Shop: kll), P4 earned weekly by enerbic ?.tMrnea; .Illerdid opportunity liberal ternis.-Meo-?, C. Pam. phuon, Conglebon, Ch?bire. 3985?Z t,r':f'w\: smM-t, pushi.? MtnTo S.li' and Collect; m?t b: ^ood canvower; wa?ee and cc.mnuaaion' a.U pa.rtMutam first !ette.e' mod ?ereneM.App!y to W. G. Little, 32, 'leet.etn"'L, SWipdüll, 'Vilt. !9?d28 -Wanwd in Jft;;tl&í,Representa.tiV'e for Wales (.It h r,, 'ntIy ,?red in Clothing frade —Brodenck and Co., Who)em)e Clothiers, ?Ii8toil 4011d30 Traveller, ,edt? (jil-fi'f upon Buitdertr pamtere :.3m; ,nL-:¡g' a¡- oih' ccioum. p?pe-hangtnp: trade.-State age? exneriMp?' a™' Mt.ny required to B 73, Wcetem MM) Car. 'im- 3861d27 ?'???'"?''d7'' ''? ? ?'? a First rate Man t? be Tiv?ined for a Collectorship salary and cl.nIJJJ¡Jõ.c¡on at the uommen<"ement; jf api>omted collector, sahry and commiæion on collections, in addition to commission on alee; must be energetic and trustworthy; previous knowledge not necessary. —Apply Singer Manufacturing Company, 68. High- street, Newport. 41396 E, Wan,wl to Influence Business among the Glamm-ganshirc Constabulary and Canvass Orders for Book that ought to be in the hands of every cffi?r; price .d?,.t?; only man of b.? ability ,,?d .?pty; nn)t.e)M, men treated "?<? hbcmP??Atph?Wmtem =, ""d29 A'ji.ít;W,mted *° Re?irCeyton'Md?ther'Te.; in PMkeh), from U. per lb. upw?rdo; -h terms — He?M send envelope for r.rice )bt. Setect Cevton Tea Agency, 39 Limntreety E5C a Month Can be Made wlt.h £ ia—Forl>arti(.u: I.. dd-. C?nei?, 154, Leadenhall.Btreet, L?,,d 35b5z3 g(In tcd in this Din rict., Tea 'D?ters?nd Il' Se" our Special Ceylon, Indian, and Blended Teas u. i packets or '°°?'' most liberal pm. fit H.? 'd? Company, 132, Upper '?'?- street, London. Established 1844. L12549 < TBAVELLEKS. AGENTS, ,k., WANT EMPLOY- MENT. Beer Agent, having a good CODDPCtlon in Cardiff and H ,11 Districts, RNuil'- Agency for Wines '"d SwritF to Work with it.-Apply B 62, W,Ptern M?! OIBce, Cardiff. 38811128 R?'"?' Poeitton t8 TrweMer or Agent :"?er: tier knows ground well, and h. connIJUOn8 -ng?t 9(" b.k?.Apply B 19, Wt,?- '?! Car- <Ii 11'. 3633(127 Clerks anil jJIanagtr. CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANTED. "S Cautlont d that Postmastera al* N Allowed to Deliver letters Addressed to lnlti"¡. or Fict1tioUR Names ,t any P( at-oWce. l,ttr. ad dnwed ? '"?'?" or '?ttou. ?' N?aM must bear the "Hy o' the d" rti., or one fth, offices at the W ter. Mail iV.t,?d. Fi.?t- l?.. Account OIerk for Bute Dry Dock C.-p-y (lAiWted).-Ap??rkf;? Bute Dry stating age, experience, and sajajy required. 3978(129 ttat??ng and saim,y required. 3978ot2g t'lity, -9?, "?"?'. Md,aSry. B? WMt?n Mall ef..d? XB9ri2fl ..t,.d, Junior ShorthMd Cl??!rk; b..t 17— Appty E. B. Si?, Stm-k and Share Broker, Bute 5???'?'"  3924d28 -We-nFM, B?o -ek pei (-D to AMiot Tern poianly one wiWi k?ledge of ?mbf?de nre- fined—Lewis, W..d-r..d Saw Mil).,p PT"^ L ?_ ? 3917 B D??eru Y,antoLfofSheet Iron^Workj.-AppK- R B 51, Western Mail,, Crdiff. 3846d27 M Wanted immedMoty, f- Colliery (MBce. Vouni Mm, of ?ood tddr?N..ndMperieDoed in Coal Tntd?,  s knowledp of^nch and ?c?tomed to Travel.—State a.,y Mpectt.). and copies 01 m t?mon?, to B 48, W?km M? 0 C.,diff. 41412 Om«<XrdTnt te8Kmonirt. B «. ^^ail Sili,r42i,in, Blit.1 Ch. J.- ly, ?' ing ".P?", P, ?? ?'?t? B <5. Western Man, Oardjff, 3æ5d27 shorthsnd; fh?""? ?''?PMd MOOUDttttt; ?.orttMBd' week ?d houm.-S 'pi,?.ul- 7g2-B,'W. Mail, Cttrdiff^ MM<t27 CLEI??S 9" MANAGERS WANT PLAOtS"? -wo.ntëd, Situation u Time, 8tore Keeper, or h, by Y..W M-; W "t -IZr W. e^o^ S?'?g.? Ei-9t??., E.T to 3M7d27 Surveyor*, Fftte Ageota—ClerE (19) °' Seeks Re-eupgmmt; 51 years' ?p.ri?2 in MX? inMnt?e.. property reg&ten.. ?,pL? <xrr<fp(mdemce. accounts, obortbnd; MehMt ref!' ?e?" -B 27, .11, 0.?diff. 36VW7 FYXLY iw?ANNED WS OF TV ?w? ?acect?nan)? artntrt)tp5. Law.— Partnership.—North Wales.—Half Share In Country Practice, with Public Appointments and Advocacy, for Immediate Disposal; must be Welsh- speaking 1;\JH:mi._m:. £ 550.—Address B 42 WYsrern Mail. CaidiH, M2566 Wanted, One or More LùpitÐ.HtR to Join in Forming Svndkl\t to Work valuable Patent.—For 1,3.?l*?l-I.I. -P, ly B ?9, W..tern Mail, O>rdiff, 3672d3' Wanted, Partner, with £ 700, to Assi«t in E?t.t? 1ilJili a l}lHins in Cardifl-.B 58, Western )lnU, Cardiff. 3853d30 ^>l)op g5i5tant. ;o7 WANTED. Advertisers are Cautioned that Poetmaster* are Not Al10wpci to Delher 1.eUerø Addressed to Initials o- Fi,titi01U Y, ii at any Poit office. Letters ad- (1fpUI;'(l to Initials or Fictitious Names must hear the nddrees of the advertiser or tne of the offices (f the Western M. ii. li- and C. the Cardiff Drapery, Cardiff, have Vacancies for Li Few Young Ladies in their Fancy Department: applic8nts must state experience and frnhry required. 4016553 Wanted at once, smart, nll.rot1nd-A-s8iatánt:- AIo Lad for Ca.di ))(>ijk; onp. leaver,g school }ln1er-red,- Sht, wages (indoors) jo B 79, Western Mail, Car. to 4018d29 Provisions.—Wanted at once, a tli-orol1gh *n>art Provision Hand for quick ready money t.mde: Jive ID 01?.iBeYjiuPav]Ule-street, Cardiff. 403(?d2s) CrKcprs.—Wanted, Assistant, Fo~&rve~in""ShopTDe^ livw Goo<la, and Soliait,—Tlicmas, liveipool Umlse, Llwynypia. 4025d29 -Winl. a Junior to the General Drapery; WelslT indispensable.—State age and salary required J, 41, Western Mail. SwaIlS\>a, 4042z3 Wanted, un Apprentice to the General DraperyT to live indoors.—Applv to Cloth Hall, Civdaeh. Swan- s_?a" _[ 4041 z3 Provision Salesmen.—Several'"gowl Men Wantr*d.~ jypton, __St. Mary-street, (\uù'!I, 4-010(129  I' oimiongcry.—Wanted, a compcTenfc I-Iand St/;ck-takiug-Apply R K* 'W{'hrH Inil, :)anHIf. /2 Grocery and Provision Tarde.—Wanted alVact'aii Mi-n, £ »bout 23 year, of age.—Apply David Davlf#, Z' ^n-^ treet, Aberdare. 3933d28 Diapery.—Wanted, experienced^Young-^ I:v tir Showroom Sale*; ubo One for Fancy Counter.— State full particulars Jones, Manchester House }JontsP)oJ. 3351d28 Ü I¿( eJ'ä.n;l P;(vi"ions:SmarfJtrufõr;-ä.tiô\ít- 18- w.lI up at soliciting; abstainer; photo,-Ca.h Supply Skrt-'ft, Holton-Had. Bany Dock. 39FÎ'l28 Wanted, Apprentice to Hosiery W-,i-d-G? it'sm 11 no premium i?,d, live ouL-Apply, M. ?.1j" n. Jam. 46, q'? t. Cardiff. 3&JQz2 Boc.ts and Outfitting.—Wanetfat once, good~Haud well up in beth d?p?rt.-t?.-Apply, p?.Ily c op.'oth'o, malna, 41427 01'í;cer). and Piwision^WaStedrthorarghly" F.X pf.ncncej i'md must he well up in pl'OVuJionA -,I fresh meal trade; outdoors.—Applv, personally p. Co. operative, lUaina. 4^37 Drapery.—Wanted immediately^ Youngl^TdyT"three pr four (' .xpr o n,'e-~SUtf> Falar>' reference C ;t? ?r, s. 290. Butp-^troet, C&rdiff. 3881<12? "I?O Provisions.—Wanted, good Provision Hand, also good ,Tunior-Apply David Jones and Co. (Limit,d'? WeatinnKer St. Qattbff. 3841d27 Grocery.—Wanted at t nce, smart Junior w good Improver; able to ?p?.k Welsh.—State wa J'e quired (indoors) and references, John LIcwI, T,. 3817d30 Wanted, a Young Lad, 14 to 16" vears of age7~a« an Apprentice for the Grocery Tm'dc; from the country preferred.—Apply Evan Jones, Manselton ittoiea, Cwr/ibwrla, Swansea. 3855d30 At prentice.—A Vacancy Occurs" in a Large and established High-class Drapery House for a well-edu- cated Youth as Apprentice; term, three vears • ii doors; premium required.—Apply, stating particu. lare as to age, height, &c" to The Cavendish House (x ntpany, Promenade, CheH!1ham, 41401 -PfÕ\;ïi{on.-=\VäïltCd, smart Salesmen 3772.i;t Dra|>ery.—Jones "(1 Co., Pontvpridd, have a VOf air, y for a good, pushing Hand; aJtso tor an Apprentice to General Trade. 3826* 130 Gl???ry.-wpnte?' ,m?rt Junior; used to .solicit-I in?? and driving; indoors. -Appl?,, full part:rulars, 0, 'T. 11 ? Abergivennv. 3783d29 Grocery.—Assistant Wanted immediately used" to soliciting; permanency and good wages to steady ;-bin 1'(i:)y a:inre.ti\ and Cl?., P.?t Offi, C?tilicry. 3'7c0d28 a¿It1'a: :I;d cutr:Od: I man indispeoMhle,-State wages required E.t. Abergavenny, or Merthyr. 3728d28 At":jo:iunlOXford'stree:n: 8e, ItC"Juir sm?.?, wtivc Junior .??istan 3180 IfJi b?,?,t 18, U «7ke, of H.r?, ?,? Trap 3Jtd D. Warehouse Work; indoors; first.elMs refe- rences indispensable.—Personal applications pre- 3719,126 Wanted, an fi-î,pröVerïOt:¡;e-Grooory Trade iiî dccrs.—Apply to R. A. Morgana, 78, 11,yn?elyii PenYl'a11: uq^.ioo Urufery. — Wantea immediately, Young Man" (Welsh) for the Dresses; serve through-State age, solarv, and experience to Ueee, Guild-hall Car. Lrilrl1 3623(127 Gioeery and Provision*.— Fiist-class Hand Wanted at once; outdoors; atate age. wages, and nence.—Address B 18, Western Mail, Cardiff^ 3631(127 Grccera Smart Assistdnt-y,rl"\ntt;d immediately ■ inùno.Apply F; W. Mander, Aberdare. 11341 SHOP ?SStSTANTS WANT pLAOBS? Iror.monger's Assistant Wan-SitUatkMï; fou l'Íe.en yrars experience.-E. Mg-, 39, Ad?-st?t, ow- ''f- 396ftz3 Toti:ùcers.-A88istant; well up at both counters; good refertnt.M; dMengi?td; a?ed 20; ouMoor. T. P hd?rde. 2, Hi?h-.t.ct.t. Ra?an. 3828d30 Y(?u gLad-nggE??,.t in CnnfMjioaeiy or Tol:?nisyt; rill -1 give good efe,??,.?. Apply ro M.Jj->'K^, 110, Castle-road, (;.rdM. (129 W-t?d, by Y?-g Lady, a, i Con, fect:oner s; ?perien(-?d.-Addm Hies Ewing, Mdlcrn Bakery, Barry D-k,37710,12 'I-ngLay Seeks S?i-t?6ii i- ,,r Any Light Buiint?.??; Cardiff preferred.—Apply E ??J?"'?.'?'Mi<ki?M??mj?''?M(M AND DRESSMAKEltS WANTED, Milliner (stylish>; I>Ccu8tomedto æne WeUh 'U dispensable; state reference, experience, 4c, Also, a Young lady aa Apprentice.—Morgan Evans, Ysta.1- yfera. 3755d29 Milliner.—Wanted at once, First-class MillineTTor >ataU South kfi?a.-Apply, by letter, to W. H. G., care of Cowie and Co., 17, Gresham-street, London, EC. 3693d28 °' ilfltscellancotts Situations. SITUATIONS VACANT. !f Advertisers are Cautioned that Postmastera are Not Allowed to Deliver Letters Addressed to Initial. or Fictitious Nam. at any Post-office. Lstters ad. drt«aed to Initials or Fictitious Nfznet must bear the address of the advertiser or one of the cfllcet of the Western Mail. Wanted, for a Tin-plate Works, with two mi)h, competent Black-plate e Weigher.—Apply Manager T.\7^ew-;ydd Works, Pontnewydd. 4038z3 Evan D.,i. and Co.. FuntMhem, MMMiiyTRMuire immediately S?-Mat experienced Cabinet M.k- Applicants should state full p?rticul&m of experienc fi.b let  ??* Wfor 1§?ry Doiak, Young ran tõ Dnve Out and Make Himself Genere?iy ° \;f.e?.— Reference and .alary B 77, Western Mail, Crdiff. 3971z3 Wanted, a General Smith.—Applv W?nt?ed, Gen?.1 D.ty Force near Cardiff. 3969d29 War.ted, Saddler; accustomed to colliery work and to fill up epare time aa oeHer.—Appty E,i,- ?t;! Bevau, Neath. 3938d29 Siniths —Wanted, good WI-1-ight Smith.—Apply J. LL-is? R?lth. C.,diff. 395i?z.2p" W?'e'? *'sood 'Foreman Siupwnght'muet?e thoroughly competent; good character indiflpenfable none other need apply.-C. H. BilW, Tyne Engine Works, Bany Dq?k. in4 ?4 I- W-td ?r General En.rung an3 R-ii?l.g Shop?. including locomot. ee, p.,tbl. and lth?, tB?nes, bill. of all kinds, twi?,b? and machinery ?''?"y.-A'Mn'M. stating fullest quaHficaMons and1efercnce8, age. and '? required, B 49, ,.t- Mail, Cardiff. 41413 a ^rart-clajs Coat M"afcer.— ApplyJioHoway and Son,PontypooI, Mon. 3815d27 g-, Youtt.AUOh.i.e.B?in?7?:nM?)oy: ?,-t -,ito3 tit -u- guide free; busy tLne. h-dr,d. ":Itld t d '?1Y.-Tn.,?, and Co., Box   Newington-causeway, London. Men l?t? Anr.y. ?y, a? wr.te. 3760d29 hav Engineering.-Messrs. S^d^~FrWaIk^ ?   !11\1rpi79 tM SE?le' ct*rica^ l Wmks, &.yH,i.mad, C.,diff. 3740d29 Good Home for willing, honest Boy im FithTFrutt Tradt early nser.—Apply, with reference, Arthur TPr&'ldE early ri?r.-Apply, with retwelle?,Arthur W..t,d, Bridgend.  73Od28 Wanted, Surface Labourers; also Sawyer t?? Work Ci?u? S?'.?p?y'?" G??un.<??en ?oXery Cpmp.My?waun?e Gurwen. 13,ryn?m _,[d2. Wa?ted-.Tif?ber ?aulier, with Thr- H.,i? .?,f Timber Wagon, or HsulinHeavy Oak by C..tr.,?.- LewM. Timber Merchant, Pontypridd. 3705d28 Ba.ker8,-vian: a thoroughly Pr^ti^l^Hand~ bread, cake, and ama? U=ariied; live iadoOM — St4at. age, w?ge. reference, B 29, Wt.- Mail, ?ar- ?- 3668d27 -Vanmaù Wanted, Accustomed to HorM.; l6(etèDCëï M, ir?d -Apply Manage ,rdiffsz: u, Carpet ?d Window Cleaning Company (Limit?i!) C'?' 26SM27 a Salary of 12s. 6d. to 25s. per Week Can be Earned In Spare Hours or Evenings by Either Sex Anywhere; proof sent free to anyone sending addrem enTtMpt. inot nd.?itii to T. Smith and Co. (F. 132), St. .grdem. i, rib TK::? f.:nZ.lW' S" Lll665 SITUATIONS WANTED. Bm? Bl for Procuring Young Man Berth ae Under or M?-z-oom Steward on Steamer; knowledge of ?t'??', W?tem'I, ?an?a. ??29 °' Compositor Seeks =lx,w,Nil —— or Jobbing; moderate wage noo-Society.—W. Willk 52, l?fi Park, Brixton ?iU?nd?&W' 3a33d-27' To t.ng, h-rp 1,.d (.W 16) !?rn th- Trra™d7e „ has a fair knowedge 01 slaughter. n??App)y_tt?Wa)t?. 'Queen-??Neath'?' -To n Bu1Îde.BriČkAiid St'?- Wark Waited-^ pP™rs?cUHc«al I Man, any dit?in,,?- good Mf?n<?.-J. A?. 29, ?aMy O..t. ?;rdiff. 3749d29 -Wanted;-Situatiou aø iter; ten y? with er<:¡:loyer splendid relerenCf8,-Ad4reM B 32' Western Mail, Cardiff. H.- S, d?nL-Wnt?d, P..IUOD —— m Abf?e; at  bt charge of stud of nearly NO c-ili??Y h disengaged at the end of the y-r.- Addre??<?Mt.rnJ?U?OM?i<t. ??7 Bakers and Contecnoneer.-SUady Majried~Man (33) RN-11- Situation First or Single H-d.- Hurley, Greyhound.terrace, Sebutopol, Newport Hoo. 3617d27 aoartmrnts. I" APARTMENTS WANTED. Wanted, bv Two Young Ladies EnMedDar^D^: atting-rooin '00 Bedroom; piano, bath. —State inclo- slve tenna B 75. Western Mail, Cardiff. 387Se3 y APABTMENTS TO LET  u?.n,?mm? Apwk-1. f- G-U" D'? Out; no children.—3, WMdiMd-pt?. W.?t?E Menue, RoMI" OanCff. 3961x3 Ccmfo?bte Apartmenbl; nel»nhnnrh«»J P)MErte? t?M; ?t genUman dimnt oat; aooSer r.:=; terms moderate.—ApplyS 70, tiv" = Q"rdiIf. 392W To Le6, and Two OW- -g-d  &<t?.-?, w??-p??; t? ? ??  tpwwtllto. AP TMRNTS^ TO LET '144;-ä:iCíÎmón(¡-I;¡¡;¡;-omiift,-ci>mrõrt.able APàrt. irents ro Let; hot and cold h..th; terms moderate and inclusive. 3901«2 Superior Apartments, Cathedrai-road, for tlentle- nian; every convenience.—Applv B 60, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3893/2 Medical Student, Reading fix Final m., Wishes Another of BtudioUft linbite to Join Him (Country home), whre they ??ld studv t.Vtl'er; moderate len"8 54, W..te,n Mail, C"rdift. 3849d27' T. It. (JOII"õrt4¡¡¡¡; tieman or Two Friends; no chHdren termR mode. rate; bath,—Apply 128. Richmond-road. Car- ff. 3787d29 To l^et. Comfortable Furnished Front AparlnuMit/>; Buit married couple; terms moderate—52, Salishuw- road. Cathays, Canliff. 37^1(129 A:nt()ï:-one-or"TWõ-'f:i; 6epcH1'.te b?,6?,, -23 Cardiff. 2d ;:t;t:,I:tÜ: healthy, cpntraliv t,W t?- and stations; i.t and .I,t txi'h'; highly recommended.—6, Llanbleddian-gardeiw Car- (iiff- 27 Superior Front Sitting-roc«i, with Red and Bh Ko(m en euiet; convenient to station and town; moderate teims.—2D. Glynrhondda-street. Car- (!iIf. 3659d27 A comtorbt lp Hnrnp Offereù f,?,r Youue Lndses engug-1 in teaching cr business.—Applv, in first IMh\I!N. te 62, Qlwen-street, Cardiff. 360Pd27 PJa<?turton-girdens. — To Let. Nicelv-fumished Rooms for Gentleman or Two Friends; no other ins for Gentl(?man or Two Frien,i.: hnme comforts; modern conveniences.—Applv B 17. W,?,. Cardiff. 3613d27 !7.?";a;r''¡tmf;n wiÜleve¡:YCOn\'?ih 8HH, grnt'mxn or two friends.—Apnlv 80. Phtllrion- aveNKo (off Cathedral-road). Cardiff. 3009:127 ;JarrllU5fS. DNVT5LLING-HOUSES WAN'i ED. -WÑtf inm>e<l lately, near Qucen-stitet", taff Suition, a Dwelhng-hou.sc, containing twn rccention- JOùJ1).. five hedmoJJ)8, bath-rooom, and usual oflicee. -Address Lewis, Belgrave House, St. HeLeJÙ¡, Hwm- .ea. 3130.2 Wanted, to Pt-;a8e Villa in Riverside or' Cttnto in thorough repair; price under £ 350.—B 47, Wes- 'rn IJitil, (Urdiff. u- 38?5d27 Advertiser off'.? Buy Private Dwellinga Tn" 8uHable ,itiom for Conversion Shop*; no fancy pri'-e« i.id. rke, 24,Oakfield-oti,wt! ?.rdiff. 3632 8 DWELLING-HOUSES TO BE LET! 58, PariJ:i1iOad.Cõmfôrt6ble- House ;-int ()ny £ 24; immediate possession may be l?.d.-Ap, ?o6? ^l>r^^d.J2ardiff. 4OJ9zj To Let, Sketty Hall (two miles from Swansea;)," from 25ti December, 1895 land, if desired —Apply L D. Nucholl, 4, Trinity-place, Swansea. 4036z3 To Let, 8, Chureb.terra.c, Llanishen; tÚrëë minute.- from ftatinn; seven roonus; larga gar.l-n.— Apply on the Premise*. 396?z3 11, Belgmvia, off Catliedral-road; every modern cOI"enler.ce. rent 12s. weekly.—Applv Heatherlon, CalViedral-rottd, Cardiff. 8dóz2 'I'ret,'])wel1inöu8f.uateciinJtlme881i-p¿: Cardiff (Number 33); suitable for business (1' private dwelling. Apply to Phillip James, Surgeon, Senghenydd. Aber Valley, near Caerphilly. 3007d28 -To-Let; good Double-fronted Houst, 2; Richards-terrace. R?.h; containing hu&e drawing- room. dining-room, two kitchens, v,alIhhou.8c. con- servatory and outhouses, four bedroom-, bathroom (hot and cold), w.c. separate seivante' staircase; the premises have now heen renovated inaide and out; nmt. £ 38, tenant paying taxea.—Apply Welch, 1, i.jet or Kell, fine HouseT*CatliainU-Toad; well built; every convenience open, hph hi "itual:i.1C,; furniture at 1lr.iuø..tiOIl, if required.— Add'tss B 61, Western Mail, Cardiff. 38«:Jz2 62, Glenrcy-steeet, Mcckintc«h Estate; every .;on- ^etience; bath (hot and cold); 12s. 6d. per week.— Evans and Hughes, Auctioneers, Wharton-street Car- ditf, 3771d29 To Let, 5, Chailes-.street, Cardiff, as DiveHing- house or Offices; early possession; rent modJate.- Apply on the Premises. 3?7s,da# Ystradfelite. —To Let, S-11 Riden,, wi tii Land, called Mellte Castle; six miles from Hirwain Station.- Apply Jones, Penyrock, Llandovery. 3830d30 Maesycwmmer.—to Let, GeUyder Housed' with Out uilclings Coach-house, and Slble8; contains draw- ing and ,i.wug rooms, kit?nhew, pantri?, study, and .i. b2ro orng; hot and cold bath, &c. verv large garden; rent moderate; immediate p088es¡on.- Apply Morgan, 21, Dumfli.pJace, Cardiff, E?. Y., MZi? n?e,. 3750d29 Co. Double-fronted House. ?ide entrance, to Let or Sell, 327, Cowbridge-rocid; renovated for .ret-pecUble tenant.—Oswald Coleman, 1-ifgh-st.reet, '1 5,11 I T, f.,?i7 at Docks, rent 31a., and Cottage, in ¡IIf¡¡.-AP"IY Lewis Hopkins, 10, Qut en-street, Ca rdiff 36%'(1 281 To Let, )Idd6i? VilU, 57, Cotnway-road; an tt-. tive residence; thl' reception, six bed room*, amI bathroQm-.Apply Hernc, Llaiidaff-road, C.,diff. <128 T. L,t, -d?, C.,diff; d?,i. lable redidrDce, in eentr of the town, in splendid condition, fitted out with all the most modern domes- tic appliances hot and cold water baths; indoor }av&.tories; moderate rental, with immediate potwes- sion.—Apply Samuel, 1, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. 41336 Bryngwyn, new Raglan, Mon.—to Let, from^nd February Next, the Country Ilftid,- known &8 Brvngwyn House, with 27a, Or, 15p, of land prac- fa«iljy aU gCSSB, c.nd convenient Btabüug and Gut. offices, about one mile from Raglan and seven from Abergavenny near main md; excellent neigh hour- hood good h..ti.g.-Apply Mr. F. S. C??lit.?So 'j. oitor, Rosa. 41335 34, Park-pla^eTcirdiff.-This most"flMililt)!? He;¡: dence is to be Let or Sold on very advantageous ternw The house contains dining-room, about 24ft. by 22ft., with large bow window: library, about 18ft by 16ft. cloakroom, lavatory, w e., large kitchen, scullery, chh1& pan. larder, and othr offices, all on ground ftcor, with two large 3dditioll&J rooms in basement. On the Irst floor there hiv 1\ magnificent drawine-room about 30ft. by 24, ft., with two bow windows; an elegant boudoir, with a how window; and two bed- rmw,, a dressing room, w.c., and bathroom. On the M, on t upper floors there are six other rooms, making in all eight bedrooms and four reception-rooms. The dining-room, draving-room, boudoir, and principal bedrooi command extensive views over the Cathays Park.—For further particulars apply to F. R. Rainer. Western Mail OPlce. Cardiff. 40383 'J'he South Wales, Monmouthshire Property IteJie- tor fcr Nov. Free on Application or POlt.-Hem and Perigee, House Agents, Auctioneer* Valuers. &c1., Cardiff. 38813 DWELLING-HOUSES TO BE SOLD. For Sale, Well-built Villas, Penhevad^streetTGrvnge T four bedrooms, bath, wc. upstairs; back entrance.— Apply, afetr five, 23, Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 1.3 To be Sold or Let, a niceLittle ViliaT^ 907Richmond" road; 58s. 4d. per month,. -Ponting, 2, Harold-street, Broadway, Cardi/f. 4024d29 For Saie, a good, commodious House; large garden and jrtable^—-Apply 126, Newport-road, Cardiff, 41437 ¡;11¡:'i\Shëï;Thê Hollies, near station, containing three sitting-rooms and ten bedrooms; large garden; lovely vicws.-En.ior, Ward, and Gilling, Solicitors, 3980z3 ForSale substantially-built House, PlYUlouth.ro&d Pct-arth; three reception-rooms, eight bedrooms; every convenience; two consent tori ee; large garden; price moderatcapply B 69, Western Mail, Car. dill. 3916z2 North Luton-place, Cardiff —Well-built Hõuse, to be Sold at sacrifice, to close estate.—Evans and Hllghr Auctioneers, Borough-chambers, Wharton-street, Car. di ff. 38¡¡- J*°r Sale or to IÆt, n Fine Freehold Re6idence, within ten minutes' of Newport Station; three recep- tion-rooms, tilliard-ioom, coach-house, stable, tennis lawn, 4c.; electric light—Particulars Young, Accoun- tant, Newport. 3793d For Sale, 1, Richmond-terrace, Park-piac; Oar- diff; two reception-rooms, conservatorv, five bed- rums, drc:.s8Îng.I"OOO1. bathroom; ood garden; Hide entrance.—Apply Lock, 6, St. Andp eu. diff 3743d29 FISale, Two Houses, Nos. 1 and 2, Moira-sbreet, Cardiff; n good repair; a b.,rgi.Ap Iyt N.. 1. 3? lod?a Partridge.rmd.-Well-built Leasehold Meesuagc •' 080,very ohmp.-Gottwaltz, Bmring, aui1=, Hi. gh- t, Crdiff. 3517.2 -W.U-b.ilt L.1-d If-u.g? now let ,t2,5 10 -(4.lAwIt. Elowring, and Perry, n, High-.t,? Ordiff, 3518z2 A=-dF!3if.N. 41 øuit6bJifur conversion into shop; excellent investment, owing to great demand for busi,??iiUnin this the main gr?;ry of the Roath Park ??tr .-P-ti(!.I.. on application to A 77, Western Mail, Cardiff. 41323 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. -ÎIOiïBë&ïid-Sloop to-Ltt;ti¡ebeöt¡;re1iii8æiïi T,I=.?APP-IY to Th-, Morgan, Bristol H.?., ^orstown.. 4050d29 Shoo to Let; two plate-glass windows, cellar,par 1- ikh., and scullery; b.,?k entrance; P": rooms rent IN. clear. AIw Two..tuU StiMe Couch-house, and Loft—Apply Mr. Itiley, 133, Port. in a ri moorroaJ^Cardiff 395;^ To I«t, Shop in very b^^o^^n"Q^?enTtrert: Cardiff.—Apply Thomal Ed.d,, 80".e Ae«nt 53, ?lu-t,-t, Crdiff. 3936,.2 To Let, Large Warehouse, vi." Colonial han; BuiU fo L-et., f? (0)6 i.1 ].it ?" able for dry goods store; admirably adapted for .bit? for drY 900da atore; admirably ad, for T. Let, To Let, Herne. Shop, and Stable; immediate P. session; 4, Dlllnyn-street.—Apply M. P. J- O.f.rd-.tr?et. Building Y.,d Swansea. 3819d27 Roath.—Good Opening.—New Comer Shov. Beres- f?rd.road, near Bi.?.it Factory; suit bt(?h or any nice bnoi?,Apply,8N??p-t-d, oi. dift, 3809d30 House and Shop, West Bute-street, new Docb Station; suit tobowcooist,-Ev" and H-Ch., Aue. Uoneers and Business Broken, Wharton-street, Car. a"t- 3770d30 -'í'õ Let, the Bmr MiT Caerleon, Mon., together^with 17 Acres of L-i and Orcharding.-Apply to Mr' "™y. on the Prmt? mi. Young, Tredegar-place ".I.rt. 3791x6 19, Ca1'lisJe.street, Mo°™. Cardiff.—Corner H-. at. with Warehouse; b-k -? ide entrance; pljlte.glaoo w-; '-it _??h??l-L-Apply 16. [d29 J*'?' 247, Bute..treet, I.ie? -.lpWgi. front; 7 )a N"=.-od.Iti-AppL=b H,. .1 0, Q. tntr??tt, C_diff. .& "essrJsn^Li^^ vated Pn>Ql!øee, suitable Tobacoon 1t-&1" Bv" -by Goods, &treet, ,Idiff. 36æd28 OFFICES TO LET. T. Let.omceø occupied by Mr. Cœ, Solicitor.— ApplieaUooa to Mr Kempson, 16, High street, Car- aff 3969d2^ St. ge Boom, Sgft. by 19ft, 61^7 with aplendid top light, suitable for showror a, tc. ■ to let weekly or otfiovin. Abo ?e cheap paces.—Apgly Mr. John J- 10, WestaJS»te<teee £ Hon and Pertww, M, St. ry^itreet. 3631d27 STABLES TO LET. To 0-b Pr?pli*Fr Sale, ElgbwtaUed Stable, with Loft over, liuge Yard, at PeolieTad-street, off Oorporafaon. —23. CWIlale-øtreet, 13.,dW 4028s3 BAck CbUroh.road, CaHtbS, OII'IWI, & Portion or Whole.—Applji Clt -d 0>" Kkw. Brewe^ Oar- J To Let, Eighth tall Stable and Large W8I1!bou8e; To Lk Wg-bWt.[F-Btbk d Irm 122, ^ueen- .Mt.] r&Apply M, renwK I=,- Hcpktga^ig. goeao-streat, Cardiff. Manx XfiT EEKLY mail and NEWS of I rJlQB W œm! j ^ublip'iyAm^eg anfi Uusmrssfs PlJBUCHOaSES, &,I WANTED. Wanted, good Country "inn, neaV Cardiif, by the late lamllorl of the Blue Bell, St. iu¡«,ing low —W. Gill, 43, Spring Garden-te.-race, lt".th. Oardi pr;f\UC.HO¡:SES FOR DISPOSAL. To L-t, Centre of Swansea: abso- lutely tree long leDse; low rental.—Anpl* v to Pro- pnetor. No agent*. 4<J43z3 ■ To Let, Free Doublelicensed Housp, The Old Ivy Buth Hote). H?h-etrMt, Swtn?a.—p.'rtM?? to be had on PremitM. ? ???_ 4044?.3 'F- I,t, i.? "iittl (ne of ti? B?t ?ij.!f;f.))et-')iM;J H?fM !n'?'K'?'rt; "?d<'e .B!M.5'' S.V?,pn.MM)Om<f?,M. <M8<9 'fill'> (lJjltl.hall, Ah^rgavenny. Smart Double- m.*ei\«-e<l Hou«<o excellent no^ition; ingoing b' v valua- -A,,pl), (ju Prcinii^ 41442 '? Bwrh/.iM?to Lttr' tbe 'Whitf"Hu??*'r,? clawdd. (^amorgen; skittle alley, &< collien' dis- t.i, t.p?y H. W. Miller and ?'). ?iiiited), Stt)k? croft Brewery, Briiitol. 41411. FHi*t-<dsw Fully-licensed House, the-Six" BefîØ; Lnion-strect, Swansea, tD ]Æl; satb<f.tctorv reasons for disposal; good yard -(I t.bli,,g.-Al,pi >n 4144C  P", 41440 Monmouth. —Agricultural and Commercial Hotel; valuAhlc invento-ry, rhO\lt £ 1.000; no ooùwilJ.- Povell and Co., Borough-chambers. Wharton-street ?'L 3"72 Forest of Dean.—Full-licensed; tied for heer and stout; Htlt Jow; ingoing £ 100.—Powell ami Co., ?xve ad<)re? ? °' _90°? Bmtoi.—Seventt Dnu)?.f.-)i..n..<) H,.u9?;"mmim from BSO.—Powe)) and t' ?.? .re. ?wu?))- ejiunibiTs. Wiiarton-sti ect, Ur.' ii; 39(97.2 Cardiff.—Several Well-km-wn Hotels oniy appli- cimt's with at least £ 500 ca^h nerd appl' v.—Powell ..d Co. tthme tirl(reF!30Ci3:2 Near Aberdare.—Oid-e»taV_ ishrd Free Double- i?fMSK) Ho.?e kwg lease; at tfMt ?00 m?h.? P(,weU and Co.. above address. 90?7.2 -roW; with -mmed;ate r.õt-il)J" the-Stag inrT rreoynon, Aherdan (Fully Licensed); ingoing and ?t?'res modc-ntte.—App? tto? B're?'? Ahr. dai'e- 3840d27  Cardiff —. Old-e^tAhlished S?n)e- hn"l — Hous^- & lea..e. satisfactory reasons for leaving. -U»t«- road } Tavern, Bute-road, Canl:ff. 38r8d^0 60 Column*, Post Free. Uigesf' Published List" Hct<-k. BK-v.-nM. Sp rit Vaults, !!e<rhou<M. BWli. ne?M Kverv Dcription, 220 to £ 50,000; joane ?oh?.d.?hn DMynin?. F.A.I., X?on.ttiwt. Bri.. ?_L<'?hhf![K.() 18t3. 3862d30 Firewluss BmpoSe Tailor's Busim-.?r?ree'hand- snme plate-glass frontages; entra.ncm two great thorou^hfareH; twenty years' c()lmf\dQn; mluable 'eMe.hatf rent, Miity 8ub-t; fullest °'m\-e?X.o? allowed; incoming E?oo, ini. valuable nfti,? -Jne, Ðowllin, NeiBoH'street, Bi iit?l. 3863,13? Cig»r a.ud Tobacco; immenseiroint)ioroughfi i 7 .It route to milway stations; thousands ewtintiall? ?ic..r; ""t"blished half-century: elegant n?'<'? nttings plate-giass frontage incoming £ 140.— Down- 2"BneloIl 3»Md» Confectionery BusitMM. ?rand poMfion,—rtirfct main thoroughfare to Hotw.-ih. bf?k- Ra-iw? Statione, SucptMion Bridge; E200, including stock — Dn.ntn?. 'M6M5C ^ne °1 the Beet JJoub?-tieenaed Houee?m South Wales; magnificently fitted out- imnJediat powssioii; I'aml oppc.rtunlty.-Apply, }Joœnna.lly, Daniel Morgan, Auctioneer, Duke-ctroet, CMdiff 3761d29 N?wl,.rt.-T, t,,ke? R 2 ?-L ). £25õ;TW B<-erh&uam. at 275 M ) £5; Twmtv-nvc 0;he? genuine.—HiUnir.n, Ne,vpol't. ,722cJ28 Ftte not?i head p'.u-MarM' T(.wn?Mi??)M)Y aud18 -liib» ''? ? good posting tiada lease valuation held; 11 d-2; I.C? Jultacewea N,Iwp.rtg 37*2d28 C<? (S<th "W?: £ 300 reqSr?i. ??',?? H!ih)-.tn_ Au?tioneer? Nov port. 37.?4d28 Near Monmouih.—Tbe~ino6tT TP-11!t FrM?toubIe' li(,d Hotel (.r PuMio-hou? in this .mnort?t neighbourhood to Let. on if.ng lerse. with about 30 Aei-t s good ?" P"?"?"y no g.dwill; StlTt80 '"ee'dX—Apply, Pemomlly, W. Gill, 11, S hry.treet, CanJitL 3803(130 C;tof-ëä-cÏ¡jf:=Hndsô'Tr;:Iv.ftÚ;d- I- Double^ lieclld Public-house; rare oppoitumty; "en or ten 'us' lease.—Gill, above address. 3803d30 Card:ff (centrally situjvted, nee.r tlie wliolc )f the outputd of the T),X-k?).-D(,u?l,-l large bar trade; good ?e?.—App)y. pe.?)n'S;v'"?! U? ?tMary-tt?t. C?ni.n. 3803d30 Near ponty!,o"l.-To Let, One of the Best Double- Ucerse<l Puo/ic-bouscs in this ?eighbourh,?oJ: four acred of land.-nin, above address 3803<130 Llantrissanl.—To Young Beginners, opportunity rn7 91 rg, opl)ortunity scldcm mot.—Hand*omelv-fltted Frer Douhle-liine<1 House; large garden; long lC{t8e.-Gill, above address. 3803d30 1 To Let, m-¡K;pUïõu;- pari of Cardiff. Handsomely- fitted Double-licensed House; guarantoed takings £ 55 weekly; Jong abol,4? addm?. 3 1& Centre of Ce.rd:ff.—Handsomely-fitted s i ngle- ce!?d ;old mtab'i'hf?l good opportunit3? for young bpgl.n?.. -Gill, ?ddrSs. ???' ? K'O?S°? Suburbs of Cardiff,—Old-established Single-licensed House; rent low; good opportunity for vOU'lg he- gituiers.—Apply, personally. Gill, as above. (d30 Wolverhampton.—Undoubtedly the ?w t Free Double-licensed Ptblie-houee in 'b" important Town to Let; IOl;g Je&se,-Apply mil. above' address. !d3O Six Miles from Cardiff.—To Let, Nicefy-fitted Single"- lictiited ruhlic.houiJe; entirely free.—Applv Gill, above address. 3803d30 remhrok?Mre.—To It. the best Md ?Mpeot Flce Double-licensed House ever offered; adjoining market: splendid ?mr; billiard and dining room8: ingoing low.-Apply, personally, T. John., 13, AN 1 'ti Cardiff. 3873d30 Cardiff.—To Let, Three Singledicensed Public- hc::ff'¡;7:: Clon to S-red""Jc; I apply, 1)f'n.ülla!Jr, T. Johns, above addtt-ts. 5?73d30 Cardiff (Main Thoroughfares).—Two splendid Double- lieensed Pub)jc.h(U8 to Let; good j>osit:ons; can thoroughly recommend—Apfilv v T. Johns, above adcln-s. _387M50 Cardiff.—To Let, Old-established Free Double- licensed House; long lease; splendid counter trade; grand opportunity.—Apply T. Johns, above address. L 3873d30 Pontypridd—Two Double and One Single Licensed Pullie-hotii?? to Let; prim from J550; gr?t loar. g:l?t ?s.-AI)plv T Tobn? above address 3373d30 Monmouth.hire.-(¡ord Double • licensed Public- house to let suit small family; price required. £100. —A\ply, personally, T. Johns, above addre. d30 Glamorganshire.—Splendid Free ~Df>ubfe-1 i^^nsed Pufclic-bouse; long lease; price, including every- thing, £350.-Apply, pen!onally, T. Johns, above ofldress. „ 3873,130 Absolutely Free Family and Commërcial Hotd with Small Fi'.rm, in Glouceseti-shire, to Let; priYl- cipal houøc in well-known market town; doing lucra- Uve trade; ingoing about E450.-Apply Tomkins, Auctioneer, Abergavenny. 41358 -df:"nume H6tel-iii(I-Postin?-Iin P? I.nt in mmoutti?hir4e, to Let; free for r t,hir, g except beem; trade l? e and of an ex(*,ption?liv profitable character; splendid ?tl,li,?g; lent E60; ingoing abcut Bl'.OOO.-Appiy To?M. A.?ti?-, '°S? £ 1' ^V; 7AJ±*L Excellent Double-licensed House, prominently pituated in main thoroughfare of flourishing market town, to Let; weekly takings £25; can be greatly increased; moderate rent; valuation about £180; popular brewers.—Apply Tomkins, Audloneer, A her. gD.vfnny. 41358 To be lyet. the London and North We^errTHoter Swansea; very fine bar, good 8moking-room. coffee- rocm, sitting-rooms, and good bedroom !\ccommoda. tion close to the London and North Western and Ovstermouth Railway Stations.—Apply Win. Han- i cock and Co. (Limited), Little Wind-street. Sw. 3663d 27 fit^SINESSES FOR DISPOAU Bi.'ilder dContračlRBu¡"¡ï¡M-or Sale in the West of Englarid; going concern fil'st,.cl.18 C01lnt"e- tion-Go-rcl'J1ment, railway, and private; excellent freehold dwelling-house, garden, and extensive wo k- shops, with t? ""w mill, 'tbj?, and P-Ls., w? eritig 2* acres; owner retitm?. but ?ou)? ?'a? t-, initiate successor; principals or their solicitors only treated with.—Address H. 8tev" Hazeldene, A?hburt?n, Devm. 41451 :=B¡;lheer Busin_, dOiDgtj¡¡;eel I heads a week; rent £ 30.—Beale, Lewis, and 00, 8, St, Cardiff. 3906/2 Business at Cardiff for immediate Dispotal • in a d-ty-p.p.l.t?d district; old Act; satisfactory reasons given for dispoMj.—Appty B 46, W?Wr6 Mail, Cardiff. 3811d30 Snail, compact Refreshment and Confecüonery Business, Castle Arcade.—Evans and Hughes Busi ness Brokws. Auctioneers, and Valuers, BorOtlllh ch:.m" Wharten-street, Owliff 3769d-J9 Co<? Te?: -d Ref_hment BtMMM?'BrMMT comfortable living for t-h- persons; incoming, £ 18 -App)y Tebbs, 23, Newton?treet, ??.S,r?ad ri.t(,l _?__ 3729d28 -I Water A7iiT?r?ti' B S-J? in F?P.?. 'Al.1kig South Wales ■ grand premises, with long lease; best prices obtained' lantr. lII.h.tlh.-AddreM A 87, West, it 0 Criff. 41?24 AGRICULTURAL LAND.  OwnmMthopkin Farm, about 80 aCi'ëi;2TïiiTiëõ I fr? BrYmmrnan and i4 from Pontard&we.—Apply ro !?. Je?kim, Auctio?r, Gwaun-cae-Gurwen. [d30 GrMt FieM; 4?acrM7?triH)e HMtEtTto Ftir'?ter R>ad, rent £ 18 10b.—Gottwaltz, Bowring, *? Perrv High-.6-t, C6rd1aN -Gtt?.1t, Bowring, md iMiserllancous. Wanted, Half Ton Hoop Irou, inch half. aSo Cider Preo.Acldreho, with lowest price, M 30. Wes- tern Mail, Newport. 3954d28 Wanted, Left-off Clothing Every Description, Furni- ture, Piacoe, Violin., Old China, Silver, Old Gold, &c.; best prices given.— Mance, Wyndliam Arcade, CIlrdilf, 3372d30  ??*"? '° ?' Q'?'tity Up to Five T ,n SeMp Pipe, or Tea Lmd.-pMtiM having 9 ?y (PQY rol any for d.i.sposal (pay prompt cash on <'e)iverr). wri5 Jenkins, Ironmonger, Dow fais. %34d30 Clothi,w 8t<?. &e., WM.tedT'for'Prompt'CMh? hr? or small—L 46, Watem Ma, Sw-. d28 Rich"" Cuh Prlœ G! ven for Old Gold nd Silver Jew?.?. Pitte. ()Oiw BooiL. B&.im"" &?.-R. Hales, ;i;.d?: (%rfi 36%d28 Gèntleinén'. Md All Kmd, Let?oe eiih Bought;  °rCOr> ordtr.prompUy attend:?? McZjHA n<J TL:&n~mrryir6-32- cuo,bK$z? M.. A. G-ii?-W l? i- 32;' M ff. -"bibld 42 Y- 3708d W?Siu? 'Ar?' ??,?' ?"?'S?hTTMd?' fashioned Seal Jackete. he. Bstaiblished 1863 (^7 f.h-.o..d ?l 4-k?t., p,. th,,M;;i IW (d27 &ODdbaad Ho.bold 01' OftIœ Furnlt"re Wanted; ::11 'I,ood,M41I diIf. 3610d27 S•tStm^ded CIoUlIII.-Jln. Boddy, 8, 1I8adoa If. to" CaMiIl, P.,eh,- of Lad\ea' aad 0e0t18 :ln/rln Ap=, :e't1IOO= I"ett %$ ^d Gett, Wrtb. Bomfatl Sn°uat. P r°rdt™ proar^Uy attended to b, SUM P"?  )(1LLANBOU8 SALE&  S?'  J S *?'  ''3 ?°* O'?'cc.?iet?imI Novel&-i. aegymwen h-bound nmgwomt VO'U? ?; .uit My Dobla?'s Mt?;?. £ 510J.; will ?pt 450.-B æ, W<.tem M.i) ofnm, «0JUS O.Wiff. M-.i- lk 11 UM I I I fiW-r. m iad *^tnmg; oommunioatkms with Cudif, OweijiBirtjp, ▼»0ey* OriOtt, | iWt5rflIaneou5. M^^LLANEQtS^M^ET (Continued). Apples, beki bort»j, Culinary and Deusert, cheap, direct from the growvr.—For partfcuUrs applv to B., Broadlande, Hereford. 39^5-129 -TI1, Cheapest Retail Timber"Yard~In~Car*ff, k. Deacon, CaoIDn Saw ?tilLT Bvlev M"w.l" "Pp.. site (?".Cy P?ii- Office, Cowbridge-ruati. 3965' Cure for Piles.—Perfect Cure guarant in mõ stubborn cases; p08t lru 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d.-La Trohe. Chemist, St. Bristol. 3702z9 Type?itcr; in pel,f?l-t ordl?r; tal,, EB lo. h( U(tIy worth double.—A|>iriy B 63, W^L^n. Mful Office, C?Aiff. :? 1%12 Lyons Silk I)r- I,-gth-(BI.,k-(Irdd).-A Y, ung Ls'dy, rquiring money, Offers 15 Yanis lHa. nifieent Silk, I'ir.ht>st, hriht, lustrous quality, cost ^oven guirejie, for 458. (uHt\niJnd,: approval. 'free — ] Nurse Douglas, 30, Auriol-road, West Kensington, W. 3a29d30 Fur Boa.—I>ady ha^ few immediate Private D oosal, a Real Russian 't.1 Fur B- very (i?'r?k brnwu, loft long, iminenM^ly tlrok ..d .,)fty -l.k. 75s. sacrifice for 19p>. 9d. pwfwtlv nt-w; oan he seen hy writing—B 56, Western Mail, Ca»diff. 3851(130 Smokers.—To introdut* our exquisite linvaniT- flavflurrd A N." Mixture, we will st-nd 2(\ a h3.J1(:( mc pipe, and excellent rubber t,()b8C(O pouch for 12 )tJlIn t«tamp6.—H. Pain and Co., 194, Hr,¡oke- r, 1 1, lyondon, 1\.E tilúd30 Clotli*. Wag.tn and Cart Covers, >> f Kvfi'v Dehcriptioji.—Ajipiy Kred. Morgan and Co.. t :7,2¿;,i 1,000 Business Cards. Memorandums, or Billheads 3s.. 10.000 useful Handh lh?, 3s. 6d.; .sampler ,after and Co., Machine Pl'¡nœre; Rroa(hn, Brig. IFI?96 1,000 Cards. Billheads. Memorandums, Tallies, arcu1Kr. Handbill. Ptlh}¡cKn' Labels. (ala p. !n ing, unequaMed.—Rogers's Steam Printing W.nu, PA-. (Jrani i e Monuments from £ 5, carriag e paid; accurate and hea'diftiL—Pianr- and prices front Ixgge. Sculptor, Ah-rdren. 1472d ArMfM?f?th?-For??h?hu.-Wo?' t1,wA Fee, go to the Cardiff und S'-uth Wftle<t Denture :py tQ Ht1.tt.lfT('1tr,(t B't'R;ai7d R'rrv. _? J  !!0t? Shop Fronte, Shop and Office Wood Fittn. :Ù Counter Glass C- -b', -B.,ti,tt and Soi a im1t1). Weisb BacK. Brisv¡J. 1758 Teeth. —Complete Set, One Guinea. Five years' waJraut.v-G»dnan and Co., 10, Duke-fctree*. "i 56. uf>en.OôI.tr. èt. Cardin f ;47? iBonrp. MONEY WANTED. Wanted, the L?n of E23 by a. Tradesman upon ;ànjd:td- £B at -,f"t. u d,fr. 4032d29 Mortgage on Half Value good Ho. in best part of CaJ'(hlf.-8tat lowest tenns to B 66, W,t,- Mail'  389&t. ;;n£l.OO) on Tliree Shr^» and Or^lhvellirig b,lle. now lei t- good teunuts, «t yearly rental of £i32 12).p)ity B "°, w?nr? Mail, ?r?tt":?lft2S Wanted, £ 1,000 at 3 per C<")t.:?);ntt'm&n:.ht w?, "tlld, 21,000 t 3 Mail. Car-  o605d MONEY TO LEN1X Mortgages. -S Hern and street, Cardiff, Mortgage and Inhurance Biokers have Numerals Sums Immediately Available tOl rrceholds. Lerweholds, Reversions, and Lilt1 Inte ?'  — L ? ?'?'1 !:i;i8-of-£æC B5CO. EMO. <nd"B5M 3t1 be advMicod by V'lr Morgan Morgan, Auctioneer, High-street, CtU. cliff. 376-,d2g diate Investment on good Leasehold or FrWhold Secu- j.*—Morgan ?'?"' Auctioneer, H?h-?r«..t. QudiJf. 376M29 -kf"oodl £lO,OO:'JTh KndSm?Uer Amount .?m be Advanced on FIt.cla"ft Secuntlf-oharl Clarke ?l Co., 12, 1!?tt_gwte-stmvt. C& rdiff. "? 3704d2H ,fäêJöll,pan)':98, ?"?-?<'? C.?.iit: Lend Money without giving too much trouble. [3514d He who Gives Quickly Gives Twice—Wallace and Company 98, Q?"t'eet,. Cardiff, Lend M,, ?,y WtMMut J)?l.?-. 3574d Pontypridd to Merthyr.— People in th? Di?hc.tN Wanting Money 'p" y \\tallai and CompaII\ M Quee???.'?rd?/_?t? E300 5d BM to E5,coo LeKt Pri?teiy in Town or Country t- -11 IW PcrjoM on Note of Hand Alone without Bondsmen or Securities; exceptionally low interest —Apply H. Thomas, 25, Bridge-st., Bristei 39865 MONEY LENT on NOTE of HAND, without few suret.Cfc, publicity, or delay, to Any responsible Person, in rowl or Country. Strictly Private Ad. vanced from £ o upwardti Re.payment.i arranged to suit the horrower's Advance Bank, 40, Wood-street, Cardiff.—S. Harris, Manager 33c7d Fhil Phillips, Pawnbroker. Wholesale Jeweller, 21 St. Mary-street, Caidiff, Advances M^ney on Plate Dismonde, Ac., <i-t 1..0,"0 Rate of IntercsO. 31 Private Cash Advances Made.—Apply, by letter only, to J. Williams, 42, Arran-street, Roath, Car- diff? ? 40195 M,?ney T?t upon Note-ol-Ran?d-,W,?b..t Bill S*ie 8, i'ti., fli?- V5, ??payable in 24 monthly imtalments of 21 2 5 »» 24 „ „ £ 2 4 v) eiln 24 24 9 7 Urger ums in proportion. Strict gusrhn. trgerNua:n¡irtrict ¡;r;[p g: ob- ? ?'? S?' 15, ?°'?°*?' W-?r)o<, Bridge, London, S.E. LilW MOKET.—! Mn Prepared to Lend frMtTElS upwards ¡le Ir.a\f: o;\t;f int-.t very low; no fees, no ecmtty: ?y re.3,. men-,J. Edwards, 18, Smin.B?dtte, 'C)if? B??)J — 40724 1. S. FIELDING iad COMPAKT (LIMITED) (F?tablished over Half a Century), MNANCE. MOR?aE.'AXD tS'?A?CE BROKERS, HEAD OFFICE— THE HAYES, CARDIFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED CIO AND UPWARDS, At the following Rates of Interest, payable Monthly Quarterly, or Yearly: Withdraw1 on demand .4 per ct. per annum. ». nt 6 months' notice5 per ct, per annum. •» nt 6 nohœ.b per ct per annum ?t 12 mont-m' notie. 7 per ct. per annum. Depositors have the flmt char upon the entire M.?te'?; t? C??.n.? ?.??e "?f'M?M?'? paying inrMtm.-nte of the rh. -de in ?,?y Sum upen pemonal and t':v: ;Jit:Jrro;u£lO "!o"E?S°"? T(; t,rC'?..ty without delav or nublioitv ,RAY)E 13ILLS D!8?0t?'T?D PI"Pllt-? and P?rticuhn Free by pplyi?g t? M.-?ger as Above. BRANCHES: London. Oxford, Bath, Manchester Orcydon, Kxeter, Gloucester, Leister Readme. Liverpool, Cheltenham. 4, St. Catherine-street (opposite the Police.station), Pontv ;u jdd. Alliai-t-chambers. Stow Hill, Newport, Mon Mone?-Mr. P.h-. 4J. Stt.tbury.road. Ctrd'it?: Special Feature*— Actual Lender, Sole Proprietor, N« P?iFL1 Feattir? ei.U&1Lender, P' ?prilt.r, »on: ?)'?*? P?*'?'t'" ??" h?hmt r(-. n!'Df'e-ø. .t,?bli.h,d z7 years !t9Jij Those liequirine Money at a Of7mr*rativeiyIx,w RiU of ;r%,iff.Short Periodo, apply, M3ö;r' ? Bute.terrtce. Otrditf. J01«7 Th- iu WMtcf Ch R -.?.dd to Appl? to the Provincial Union Bank, 1, Queen-sQiiat Bristol.-DisMct Agent, Mr. E- W. Wehter, 3, Work- Itreet., Oardiff. 33319 jyjONEY' LENT ON NOTE OF HAND THE NATIONAL MEECANTILK BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. Cash, in amounts from 920 to £3,000, is Adv?ceO t 0 all parts of the Kingdom. without s.,?, i. d,!I.?, be pit?licity, and on the security only f t?, bor- rower e writ?i, prom?ii tore-pay. Theseadvances may or re-paid by weekly, monthly ,or quarterly instalments, extending over a pei.d of ti- convenient to the borrower; or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paid. This Bank is entirely distinct from any money. tecdm? -M-, %nd h.. I..g-A-di. re)?t"? ?t fair d?g,l.ing and the ab?enc* of extortion and pub city. ?tti?ig amo?t required, to Apply, s',Ilc.°MIttI:dG)er"l MMa)!er. ? -?R2c,a,,y advantageous terms for Lo?s of L&TNšg:ùv:fëSRÊt'Ékg;OJ -d OONI ,MORMAGM. 40864 VAR 01N?FY Mn t1:Iretftr:la; WPrivate Geritleiz:n i. Prepared to ,.k, Adv?nM from 210 to €SM to male or in town or coi r.try upon the pronussoiy note alone of any reapon- ,iL,l? pr, ,it.?t formalities, and so long m ?be interest is paid the capital ea. remain. No ruine ppli-ti,,n r?f.d; .11 comttiunirotiont strictly prtVMe.-Write direct to Mr. E. Dr lB018 5, *n?U?t, C6vendiah.3q?e, London, W Ll2223 Worses, libc Otork, &r. Wanted, strong Gelding for Hilly Country; beiglit 15.3, or not. under 15.2; perfectly quiet to drive: sound; not afraid of steam; must allow trial.— B 50, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3843d30 H-d-.? W?ll-b,?d H. 151, i.i.;z five; good action; perfectly quiet 11 ride and drive; has b&:n hunted; owner having come to town to lile d? n"t W"t him-S, J., 5, Langlaud-road, Mum Hies. (?-3 Mr. T. ste.),à.- à good HorwT to SelL^Apply 8mart's Livery Stables, Cardill 41436 A good Pony, Ave years~oldT"l^h^^bighTlast tro; warranted in harness.— Apply 121, Glenroy- 'strœt, Cardiff. 3968z3 F. ~7 -,d -f3i?7, For Sal?," HorSNerenea:s. 15 2,^7,i Har ne& Suitable for Farmer or Crank-axle Ct\rt Apply 171, Bute'8treet, OaroUf. 374EM29 For Sale, Hunter Brood Ci-9-11?, b Y Pearl Dillr-d- by G,_ ?i Williams—g d by Blair Atho! wiroer of T,i- ?t Carmaitben Hunteis Show aged.—Apply Colonel Lewes, Llysne^-ydd, LImi- dypgu»- 41351 For Sale, powerful A-t G?ldi'g' "g tlr y, rf.3': .=t-}¡i1.t wrfectly quiet; c&n be at p?rthmwl &fter "be 2oth.—James Brogden, Iscoed, Ferry- "? ?_ KM?P A Cbt..t Gelding, 16 hands; suitable for a brcugham; warranted -Apily A. Phil 8e"-d, C-diff, 3616d27 "Welsh Fiier. pony mare, 12-hands, 5 oft^ won races; cannot be beat paoe or looks; dodle: dnven by lady; warranted udI unb1emÛ!!hed.- Pril from Tardy, Ki(i?,jly. 3618f)27 ^/re Shoulders, Ac., quickly "Oured~by"Coody> Jluid. Horses suffering from sore sbculdeis, sore Fluid. -?:fferig b Id, wounds cracked hee", speedily Cured by Bathing with =y,. Fluid utd) It -kYt4e bar grow ='.ru= ffIU)dl ¿;I: 8.. t 13o«. 20.; full '"tn'cW? with er?" bottle. V'PW,rimry book free by n<Mt from C-dY- F)uid {!J<lbrn forspeedliy Curing Sprains. Curbs, tnd Splints when  a ?' T 0*f'P<? Hocks, RhfumttMC. iWSEmSdR*a*l. ls, Scurf, after Btittenac, &c. I-rge box ?t free, ? M.. from Co?y. Fluid Work.. 44 TurpiniH-sfereet, Ix>ndon, RC. L12470 NK-1, 1 iNd AA SS.Urti,,pes ?t)liM-. C4 Hounds, owMn of d?u?ht borMt, U-, boto .t h- d abroad, p, tt? vai"e of EtUmM'. F-b.-u- for ntMy purposes in .tH <?MM. Bott)«. I. 2»m ;k M.. 6cL jm, !0t. M. -d !0<munM. aont. ::č Co., ¡..ù,r:.E.tr' .<1 L11980 For Sale, Two gnad Pedigree 8t. Bernard (Dog) Puppies; handsomely marked; two ..tw old— Guy, 4, z3 Kennel Setters, Rebiev sp¡..iîleïï'Tor8&ië;-Uäit perfectly broken—-grouse, partridges, pheasants, ..ip,. I<: t?Ct.' =fI=i:-t Booee, ft-fd-.t. 3991e3 1 Fwa?, M?'Ttit&cr fcMr BfM in Lamb; K???'S'L'°" 'M°M)'' owdit.—Apply T. J. '?-?M t!Mt ? ?tB, Btt?x? CWxUC j Carnage, ftarness, arrtag', JtarntS, &t. drivirt? phpri- E25.- ? ? H,,id?me Prince Ho?r?Ott?r?th-??? cr..? St?er? Cnb a.5 Pony Cunjp Ompx.y, Y -Iwd C,,t,, For S?e. iiht, well-made w- r 7.2 in !(Rj;:a:n'¡II\nl!' .nd *?'?-? 31. SUMrt-ottttt. Oardiff. <.   For "S?. Se<xmdhM<i?U.ht"r<-— B.r?.hM?; ),n??.n?.. N — rvl UM. C*rt.-a.? B?.. Vict.,na.,tr^ (iS Twù C.hur?. r.h..? M.? '?' V '? (?rt.. Pony Jta? C,?. Pnn? and C?T? °*nk (R;koJ;: ? Ti' B.rf:?n.-G<.nt?m?? ttunt.nf.<??)..— ?- fqu? to n?w. ?th nickel ;r?. ??. '?PtE: rein Bridie -i?h "i"k?l hiWurb ??'?M? t.. d M. r2 worth «K- \?'?'' Johtwnii, Trewailod, Llantuho fiesseni.t ;f'I', ? Cover's, WlkarT''i.t.r;¥,/ (C^— >e* Hu!iI)K CM't nd (a.rly Sew BtJ'" ?"' Thw Ku«'htm' Block. cufm? ?  F(r Sale, Spring 'rrnnv 'r ?.?'  nfw   :3::1?r¿\; o nt: iner, Carnage F», t,.rv. New,,or, 3661d27 ^portmgl Wanted, ?t ;;o;; for '?    *"? Br«M Ish're name nearest Kation Z! .nd '?'? rr?A'?'?'B ?" ?t.?: iBaci)inrn), Cools, J?? H  MU    For Portable kntfin W Vert:<»r,i .nd ?w" S?.?"n?? ?u',?L??'??''??. ;;¡}: Co ..?t? W?.. c?, ? ?? ,«« Sole Aeents f.r Mu.h*l). S<w. ?.d Co ? ,t.;I: :ie,7 Ci:i7'o,u" St.?h. f,? 6 t? S.hp A!M" ))? )w:' £ 1* ia M Kn?? rh?f?t .n<t h?t -m <hf M?,? ?' K?ttra. ? ??.-y?,.? Con-rp,,rr*~nc*,V*- ?. T.vp.. a? V.r. S.? ?'  oSfc Cr&r'k"rtI,n ^V.ilr^ i,iI H..7,???!? K.<t S.?.t.h?.t ?n.. 18.fi,?' ")) ^aT ci^,8"- ^"ndtW- D   "]¡"¡"'y" ;111'.n" ¡;I1'h."I, 3C h", 20 II.¡¡, ?d''16 h. bui 1,11 ?r"?t'????, ? '? RATCMKFf SOXS!  Hawarden Ironworks, Cbttt.. Tf)fptm<- R?tcMe ?f.?.w?K?*' '?  rO BUILDERr, CONTRACi\JRS Ifvcu want a really good MOBTAB MILI o. «„ nest t{>rJl'¡f. enher for C&Hh, tUff', M l>bue-h1rt write, "Jre. or telf'nll('w. to ?HAR?ES  D. PHILLIPS XMWPORT, MON Telegrams —" Machinery, Newport." v.k 'I clephone—No. 18 5ft„ 6ft., -d 7ft, Mill. ?w.? kept in stock .< p?rt and Oouee?ttr ready for prompt ?i?"?" 35 P(IRTA)iLF, EN?(; ,,??'Sf frrp, 4'pt "-t? t whkh ??" had the same -P-1. ?&k,i improved SAW BENCHES are the  m the mari.et. Lot of other Wood Machines. The best stock the New :md Second hand Mant, S<tftiug. PuMerZ, rJ? 'nft, &c., ready for qmc}¡ dclnf!r. I^ratJ"J^ZY Mill, AS "ood 88 new AJRO in -t?lk Tweh I_ rnoUves, var.ous sires, from 8iu. cjliadem to is f T:}8': of?i.ic?'?r.'r?'? ??. lIe ? ? 3IWt Wagons clilb CoUtrrp ^Requisites. Wartfd. about 30 Second-hanrt Collier? Trama, te rrv gauge 2h. Sin.-—Price and uarticutui to B 37, Western Mail, Cardiff. 41361 NEW AXI) SECOND HAKJ) 10 TONS COAL WAGONS To be had on Short Notice fron th* CARDIFF ROLLING STOCK COMPANY, CARDIFF. Inspection Invited. 41458 ?tfpftfg, Cricprifs, Safety. Ili^h Grade, IVtachnhle Pneumatic; £ 1; Safetv. !lih G!HI., Dt>ta.ch.ble ¡>n"um.aât; £8; ;lLI:t¡, :rJ;7;; Morrs Br-, Cycle W-1-k, -Pc?nt?pidT-iW af Bai-gaiiis and New "I, 1-k free 6d, stsnua. Few '.j¡riI.e'Clak B?. tor '?N'?MS' tA. i., gt" 29?. W. p J9S. éd., l.lg, 29.. M. Ik¡>&j,. TY.& P,?, %14 lost ano jrounfi. P One Pound Kev.&rd.—Ix*t, SWm, or &k fM Hofton FieH. &iny Dock, One Mare, about iT teadf; dtü1 body, fcur black legs, also mAne 8Jki tail Aisi One Hlapk Colt, with a white star on the forMoa4 aixjut 16 months old. with nev; t-bjes OL apply to J. Djxr, 28, Tliomjjson-street, Barry IVxi 3'.t':Dù L'^st, Sable Co,l.lie Bitoh str.ivrd Sunday mun«ig! ?hil, ring -nl neck, brl.. -d tw; fofH 11;JJJ.d,.nmely rewarded; any detaining MDt "11¡ hf piosecuted.—Jackson, Llangcwue Villa, Serpenknw road, Geld Taps. Newport. 399M2!< St. B.d Dog: l«t -0 It tin RtwH Oak Hotel, St. Mary-street.—Bv giving uifoflMtiot to 273. Buto-sire^, Oardiff, wilj'be rewin J e d JKM Lc<.t,?'[uMday7 U)e -l3tbC,-&t.-tbé ttenHun Show, Purk HA.J. ? Gúkl Hmooh Th.; » reMDr?—H 67; W?tem ?. Ot?_ NIM* Lost, u- v-iilma. p £ 01 ;:&eS:V;tt=-rt n WA be d?d ?'? to N-. 9, Nutkn-raad. CaMiff. 4Lg 4 wiT, from LJanwrtyd Wells, Of] 19th Komnter, GleyhculId Bitlh light Ihohti, with tbkn, bk" rtzeate øx:r0t18 back; three years old; finder rewarded.— Gt rdon House, Llaiwrtyd Wells. 3694d28 Busittfss premises for j)alt, FOR SALE by PRIVATE TREATY, With Possession, all thewe VALUABLE, WELL-BUILT, and COMMANDING!. SITUATE BUSIKK-S PREMISES, I 11 IQ" t I I Situate in p"road, CarditT. ?'? adjoining the Show-rooms of Me»Ts*  anci Sou, l«ve in the -.Pti,,? af Me*™- D. q EvaM?nd C?.. ?[???"t u«? Depot of the Santa GIau? Fund. The Property hae a Frontage to Pen" road of 50ft, 9;n., and a mean Dtpthot low The Width of the Projjerty at the baat, oP"- ing on to Trade-laue, is aiM 30ft. 9in. .The Buihhn? k of K?.d )Iir,?t?-. b,?ilt d Wh.te and Red Br:?. with BathM^e^ in?. and ?pri? TWO SPACtOt S SHOFS on the Ground Fi?r (wth Stde E. 1-d ..? to F,? Floor). D<'?? SITTIS(>' ROOM (?ith Fc)d? D?r ). KITC?H?S? WASH-HOUSK 1. F? F'<? TH?? GOOD BEDROOMS and BATH R.OOM o* the -nd and Third Floors. In the rear is a SPACIOn; WAREHOUBE Of Four Floors, adjoining ..d oommMtCthet. h-i.g a good fmMa? to ?M<i<- t<"t. '?*? with Large Y&rd with G?e?T E"? The Prop??v i. in a ?&d owte of NIJI'IIo h?ing but ?nly h? buUt. .d Ii, the unexpired term of 113 years, tt Iihe lw ground rent of Lio per annum. For Full Particulars and Orders to ViØw apply J. E. GUNK, 41072 Westyate^ DANiEL OWEN AND CO (LIMITED), GENERAL AND FANCY STATIONEBS, ■. CABDIFP. Neath AND DISTRICT BnJ< NPOBTMG Cl:)xp. NT.-I-t- T- WA" -ss!5 —"Tssinar" A