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$utoltr Smusirmfnts. TH ET R ROYAL Lr,'H »N»W»N»(1KR !ilK, EDW ARl\ PT,}:TeHB. TO.ItiHT AND RING THE WEEK, at 7,30, Mr. Fmt G 1,;trh.ltm'J Cowjvmy, umter the direction of Mr Hour? evi1le. "Ith all the Ordinal KcenT' V ami FlVi'ts from tho A«lelj>hi TbOHtro, Lou- 1)17Yl if l;I:t:i tNcO fI?D l l l:;I.t'; :lYil:t: AWM A REVENGE, By Henr.r l)eUitt. tia wi 'y'), at 7. 0 ?, 7,30. M. :o,,03tHr7c;7Æ_- MONDAY N KXT, NOVEMBER 6TII, Ami l>i:rinf the Week, K. HOYLY CARTE'S -p EPKKTOIR K OPERA 0OMPANY. AS#V 26th THK MIKADO. i v' h YfOMEN OF THE GUARD. s^Sth H.M.S. PINAFORE. •> ,-o.u liONDOLIKBS I v-ii IOLANTHE. ^w iird.o' >><v. lr»tt :Moruil1 ut T.I 1:u"at7,3(J 1'ATIENCK. 1\li¡> :\lJ.t"!p.r"t Cockbwrn. Miss Kate Forater, Miss TK'i Mthv \.t\:tt", Mis* Mary Morison, Mr. George TJiorue, :1\11". Fr t'd Bllhngt011. Mr. Richard Clarke, Mr. Thomas Kedmoud. Utt* Plau Now Open lit Messrs. Thompson and Sluckell's ,Liiu*ted), Queen-street. Telephone No. 33673 G BAND THEATRE CI JT WKSTOATE.STBKET, CARDIFF. lessee una Manner Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES. TONUIHT, aud During; the Week. at 7.30. Mr. 1'\1.D}:t( O HEIKN'E S COMTC OPEBA COM- rAY In Lfiocq's Famous Comic Open. LA FILLK DK 31A DA ME ANGOT. UUsClAKA "tKNAKOuaMdllc. LANGE. Full Cumpali.v, itaiiil, allll Chorus. (.Vn'if lor Nlr. W. F. BnuUlmw, RA.I. VrtKNIXO PERFORMANCE of this ChRrming SATI'BDAY NEXT at Two o'clock. I)A N E T ? QUEEN'S EVIDENCE." Prices -M. toil i» Box Plan at Messrs. Heath s Music Warehouse, Vaeonstreot. j3658 T.)86D CRUSH ROOM, STANDING liOOM ON1.Y, O D PARK-HALL, CARDIFF. JY/|~ADAME ADELINA JpATTI, Anil Distiotfnislied Party of Artistes. ^RAND J^VENING 0ONOERT NEXT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26IH, 1894. Crush Room, Siauitiuif Room ouly, 2s. 6d. Crush UÙ()D\ Tkklts ntU now be obtained t. Mr. \ilh&U1 Icwis's, 22. Duke-street. lKn>rs olk?ii at 7.15. Concert to commence at Eight o'clock -W A. MO&GA, Olen Ly., th.dr,?l. I Cardiff. IRC'S GRAND WAXWORKS lil"t",?,, Cardiff. [•uparallelci su,v "v of the 'l"t"I So'"ct7 lai •• l'ELLA1 NVi,0p(j T." K" Her Temple Twice p. ¡ ;u: I Mnu till Teu, in High v( i" 3 (17 to S. '1, 'H l\Ac.U(\]te Renth)nal illuM^u never exhibited in Cardiff before. E?,ry. hhould Tn)t.. Tbe WJ:work eoiitAius aU the leading Celebrities or ;«U Natious. Just ud ledmasnihoeat life-size tiguro pi IN' late Cz;u- <f KU>MU. Oj>en from Tea till Ten. "¡IIJJ:tm. 3d. Children. 2d 862l1 FISHI: FISHI .E The MH.FOKD HA VFN FH SUPPLV A?S(I Deliver. Carriage Paid, to uu>' 1 :/):CI¡rlfÈ;rialiÍ' FRESH Pi"14 Clcdued for Table) trom 's. 6d. to 5». l-cial terw? to Hotels. Institutions, and Larire Consumers. All1 oaimuuicatioas to HECKJ Milford Haven. 2350^ BUY THE gVENING jgJXPRESS,' 3MARTFST EVENING pAPER IN THE PROVINOES, SPECIAL 0ARTOONS EACH DAY. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. j) J J^JEATH AND SONS cARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, AND L UNDON. pIANOFORTE AND ORGAN jyj^EROHANTS. (FBOU SOUTH iVALES &AILY XEWS, 9u JANUARY, 1894, "VERDICT OF Nnn; HCNDKED" Under tkifi title, Messrs R. J. Heath auu aoas, y ueen-street, Cardih, 1,Ut,.ll,Aorte makers, orcau builders, and music ware- housemen, have collected au impoaing array of test! monial s and Press ojumous relatJUg to the qualitj or be wusiealiusr-run;autt; KuppiieU b1 the- The, tlnn iv se. well known 11] Oaruitt auJ. indeed, throughout s,,uih Walc4 aud tuc West of England that it is v ••lU'ccss'irv here to well upon its nd comuiauduu' vositiou This collection of tea .liuomals ftcrvt-s however. v> do something more than ce1fy to the excellence of the ?.str..e,:t, Y Messrs. H.tb and Sou*. It shows, iua»eubebow hte;\dv is the growth aWOU the general public of a desire for n Knowledge of WUSIC, aud how mcreaaimriv numerous, even in the uomes of the workintr Classes are fiauos. orwius. ana harmoniums. The 2Tettt "It ?tv ot tb letters in this list relate to pianos 'inn wLil? manv of them have refereuoe to most co*tlv instruments contaimag dl the latest improve- uvnth. supplied to tbe wet lo-do, the greater num. her rol ited t.(. serviceable instruments purchased for t:Jt' ,join«» of 1b watfe-earninif portion of the ciimnnuity. Tbis '"1'owlDg love for so reflnhit' an art iI" music i8 u. most îavourable sitfn. For though in th" Vnncinality music has for generations been the duet recreatiou of the peop1. It has for the ml part l»een choral uslc in connection with chureh: 11 fiud enapels that has occupied attention. Instru- mental music ia no". however, receiving its fair Ah* re of attention, and all those in true sympathy with thB art must trust thot the movement will go fcte'ndily onward. Tbeëe testimonials have been re- from every quarier of the Prinoipality, while JIO. 1 few CODH from otber portioue of the United :K!(10m, and some from outb America, Imha., and OtilU distant countries. All speak most favourablv oi Aleears. Heath's business methods as well a. of ben i..tru. t?. J» J -pyEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. FULL LUSTRATED LISTS AND VERDICT POST FREE. Grand Theatre Booking Office fJlEETH! JQBNTISTRY rjlEETH Restore Mastication, Digestion, and Beauty!! MR. KEALL, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Y' Experience; 28 Years in 9- 199, HIGH-STREET, WANSEA. (Just bk 'i" Western Railway stti..), Fl," 1. intimate that he can produoe a perf?tly fitting ???ct of T?,th in ouo clear day. The very b?At ;l:tPd íe;ab'en::r;bJ &: also Aiitcsthetics, sC i;i.e, and Eth?, Spray. 11 8 tif5 per tooth. Upper or Lower Set- roui Two Guinea*. KK.vTJ/S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, bur, I,d Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Dolorous Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. 1. 1d., and 2s. 9d. per bottle. Through auv Ciuj,iiist. <'j'rdiff: Mr. Munday, Chemist, 1. Duke-street: 3M^. Kcbb, Chemist, B-th' Newport Messrs. (,rrl'rt Bros.. "h"i"' 171, lommrcjal'Htree J\ll. Mr. J. (j. Isaac date Hay in), Chmi8t LU1.tYy: Mr, Morgan W. James. Lou N,?b,?rr. rnd Son. 30131 rjlEETH, — j^MEKICAN J-^EXTISTRY AT CARDIFF, f!ETH.-F. OWEN. -4L THE 01..J-ESTABMSHED DENTIST T(Co Set Fitted in Dy), Attendance Daily 9 till 8, at 42, QUEEX-STREET. CARDIFF, 4, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. haries stridly moderate. Consultation l'ft. daily NE S SY E A S T ..I) BEF. BRAND. iu 110u.eb,)ld or Bakwy. Prodauces tie 1';)1' •• Order sample for trial against any #t" T- JA&-SCALDER ?d CO. (LIMITED), B'Vness Distillery No. 9, London-&t. 9131, Gi. ■R. IARRIED WOMEN Arrested 1V A PoaitivolT byTo.kibR HEMEDUX Gl,OB1'.TLES. v. nr-juited I.d eouveniR,at. Prioe 29, 9d«; by 1"t:,r::1t=I:è;o-jar P.:ffh :) At 1. Uik. wum.4?s? flublir amttspmrntsi. CARDIFF. RP HE M P IRK, Maaager OSWAI.O ST#LL TO-JI'iGHr: Dainty, ekLHt. and artistic m INNIE CUNNINGHAM. In her playfully sarcastic son*, Did you ever see 11. feather?" and her ahsolutely unique (lancimr. EMILY SELLS, the Honeluas Lady, and FRITZ YOUNG, a Clown of the powdered fuce nlld cjuieal hat, the ouly one left that is really t'unu7" THE PYLADES iutheirMarvelsof 1IIet"lliorphosis. NELLY GEirrINE, Santa Claua." JESSE BURTON, Vocalist. PHRISSIE MILTON, Serio-comic Artiste, And two otber 11Otl\b1. items. difficult to place with equal lirontinetiec- 1. LILY MARNEY, iu Arrah, go on!" and 2. THE LANG BROTHERS, Appalling Knockabouts. Next WEKI.—VESTA VICTORIA, the original II Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me allow-wow" ^TOLL'S PANOPTICON 1^^ (Philharmonic-hall aud Buildings), St. Mary- ?'?""?Mt. CARDIFF. "?  OPEN ALL DAY. ADMISSION-SIXPENCE, TO ACCOMMODATE MULTITUDES THAT FLOCK FOR REVELA- TIONS OF SCIENTIFIC PALMISTRY, ANOTHER SISTER OK rif: EPFINTF FOREST I GIPSIES HAS ARRIVED. TWO TENTS ARE NOW IN FULL SWING. NO MONEY TO BE GIVEN BY THE PUBMC. T-f.lk should come early. Train"t?ads,??.. outlyiu districts create Ii. crowd tlS the day pro- ^Tents Open One o'clock Daily. THE GIPSIES ARE GOING SOON. Stage Performances At 330, 7. 0, aud 9. 0, THRICE DAILY. Thi. Week the Pro* grtuumo excels itself. THE BURNELL QUARTETTE of Musical Eccentrics. LIZZIE RAMSDEN, Transformation Daucer and LÜrhtuing-c}¡uU1re Artiste. Tho TWO AUBYNS, Sony aud D. Experts. The BURY SIS' V?V Charwing Duettists. Other Attractions R. ALl. Pbreuologist and Palmist, THE MYSTIC MAZE THE PHONOGRAPH, The Optical Illusions The Shooting Jungle. The Empire Euwrmin' ment by Telophoue. The Waxworks. The Skatiug Flat Taken all-in-all THIS EXHIBITION IS THE WORLD'S SIX- PENNY WONDER NEWPORT. T H EE m P I R E MmmLtar .OSWALT> STOLV. M&mjtsr.????. KATIE LAWRENCE The Ori?uMi" Di?y Bell." TheKARNO TR 'UPf; (tin in nnmber), in that grotesque and irresistibly funny pantomimic treak, ?" H?r?y? POOLE'S MTNS?RFLS, ?uoth.-rbi? Troupe. 'WINGARD, the Gay Deceiver a Musical C??iM.FLO  P.I?11,El', K ICONLIN. and the Droll Irishman FRANK CA IIF RIY, Next Week—ALICE LEAMAR, The Langs, &c. SWANSEA. I ATEW THEATRE and STAR :1? OPERA HOITSE. E, VIN'D STREET, SWANSEA.—Proprietor mul Manager, A 51?l "ill. TO-NIGHT ,,l During the Week, ?t 7.30, Fir t A, pear?tue ?SYD'_ E? \R\K'hfèoWst ?f ANY'i. l?i. Great Play, "JACK 0' HEARTS," I.t?.d",iug the most thrillin sensation ever intro- duced on any stage, the GREAT CREMATION SCENE. Monday Next, Nor 2b-AT DUTY'S CALL. [31590 rjIHE jgJMPIRE MANAGER,OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT I[ISS ALICE T EAMAR, And a powerful programme of picked performers. Next Week-The BURNELLS, LILY MARNEY, Ac pARISH COUNCILS ACT. 1894. ELECTION oy DISTRICT AND pARISH COUNCILLORS, 1894. FOR All KINDS of FORMS, PRINTING, and STATIONERY for conducting the First Elections in conformity with the rules of the Local Government Board, APPLY I DANIEL OWEN AND (Ld.), sT. JUARY-STREET. cARDIFF, Queen's Printers' Copies of the Local Govern meat Act, 1894, kept in Stock. 33427 rjpHREE YEARS' SSTYEM THRFE rARS' SYSTEM, NOFORTES BY COLLARD, IANOFORTES BYBRINSMEAD, PIANOFORTES BY NEUMEYER, pIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN, jpiANOFORTES BY ERAI.D, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, FROM 10s. MONTHLY Until Paid for; after which, and Without any Ful ther Charge whatever, the instrument becomes the Property of the Hurer, fJIHOMPSON AND SHACKELL LIMIT EJiI QUEEN'S MUSIC WAEEHOUaE CARDIFF. rjVHOMPSON AND gHAOKELL (LIMITED), 32, CASTLE-STH8WT, SWANSEA. fJTHOMPSON AND SHACKELL (LIMITED), UB, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. fJIHOMPSON AND SHAOKELL (LIMITED), 5, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. AND BRANCHES. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED ESTEY ORGANS. OVER 270,000 ALREADY SOLDI ALLKINDS OF JgOOKBINDING EXECUTED BY D AINIEL OWEN AND CO. (LIMITED) GENERAL PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, AND STATIONERS, jgT. jyjAF.T-STREET, CARDIFF PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS CHOICE AND NEW DESIGNS. Sample ou application. Write early to eusure the best. [33060 THATCHER. Art Stationer. College-green, Bristol NEATH AND DISTRICT BILL. NEJliJNP .&:E!eCT W !rIL. ONcM :-AS8EMBY ROOMS. NEATH. ManagerJ. 1, BOBISON. MeMM and P,,eton of the best Posting Stations ,u iith..d ]Oistict. P" titotnto5 ABIRFGSFES X "OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, X Wliat will you recommend for my Tight Ck"t tb" ?"?SS?Weatherr this Ou. THKBE IS NoiaiNG Lnuc TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. THERE IS NO MORE TRYING SEASON FOR THE HUIAN CONSTITUTION THAN THE PRESENT WEATHER. Beware of the suusbine iu the day and the cold wiuds at nigbt, Should you catch a cold, nip it in the bud by biking the certniu remedy. ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE, T UDOR WILLIA-AIS' pATENT JJALSAM OF HONEY. Thousands ot Children have been Saved from a Untiuielv Death by the prompt use of Tudor Wil- hams' Balsam of Honey. No Moth sr should neglect to koer» this i.f,llibl? Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that f is hr::r r::h::k a ?light Cough at the c?meucemc?nt than to allow it to develop into a rl. com p laint. A?kdi.ti.?tlY rrlr .w:lli:Ol;ary. d:;iUtC you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whoopiug Cough and Bronchitis when all other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give it a trial. L ARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH ,If EDICINE IN THE WORLD. QVERWHELMING TESTIMONY. IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME. My wife rle9ire me to couvey her best wishes fo the success of your Balsam of Houey. It has been of great benefit to our little olies, who suffered from Bronchitis and Coughs during the last two most in- clement winters. It gives them iustaut rehof. Further, our medical attendant, Dr. Jones, quite concurs iu the frequent use of the Balsam when occa- sions require.—Yours faithfully, JOHN* WALTEB MORGAN, Brynlieulog House, Hirwaiu. County Magistrates rejouitujjd ic. ARTHUR JAtOB, Esq., Pontithre, Three Cecks, Breconshiro, states I find your Balsam of Honey au iuvalu¡¡.ble remedy for Bronchitis aud Coughs. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is 1/1ù., 2o.9d" and 4s. 6d. bottles Sample bttll .?-t (post paid) for Is. 3d., 3s„ ..d 5s. f,, the Inventor— 1[? rpU?OR WILLIAMS MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE. 29118 FROM SUNNY CEYLON LIPTON'S ELICIOCS TE A. 8 Have reached a JJÏJluilcle of euccess never before attained by any other teas in the world, and their iucreasius' popularity IN EVERY HOME is the surest test of their appreciation by the public. IF YOU WISH TO ENJOY A CUP OF TEA THAT EXCELS ALL OTHERS DRINK ONLY I P T 0 N' s T E -& s THE MOST POPULAR OF THE AGE. DIRECT FROM THE TEA GARDENS NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS TO PAY. LIPTON'S TEAS GAINED THE HIGHEST AND ONLY AWARD IN THE BRITISH SECTION OF THE WORLD'S FAIR, CHICAGO. NOTE THE PRICES. RICH, PURE, AND FRAGRANT. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS. 18. AND 18, 4D. LB. ENORMOUS DEMAND. THE FINEST TEA THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE. NO HIGHER PRICE. PER 1S. rjD. LB. No HIGHER PRICE. LIPTON, I TEA AND COFFEE PLANTER, CEYLON. THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. Sole Proprietor of the following celebrated Tea. and C.ff. Estates in Ceylon Darabatenne, L,y.t.tt? Monerakande, Mahadambatenne, Mousakelle, Poop- rassie, '.g.11., -d Gigranella. which cover ???mnd)t S' ?.?8 ?" the best TEA ..d COFFEE t}:ldelOtÜ: and Coffee Shipping M?dd- M?ll-, Ci- Gardens, Colombo. Cevlon Office: Upper ha?ham -street, Colombo. Indian Tea ?,l.l)ping I V?atreliouses ?d :Stor:r:retiêr%d,'flseÎI1dia Offices: Dalhousie-square, Calcutta. Tea and Coff. Stder?mns* Mi.?" g, LONDON, E.C. Whole- .,I. Tea BI..dig ..d Duty Paid St.?: Bath..t?.?t -(I CLyt?,t.et, LON D ?, E.C B..dd and Export' ??t?ores: Pef?rless-stmet, LONDON, E.C, Nt{i: Br:.š aJde M: f?(?t" Old..t..t, LONDON, EC. Vkol..J. and it Provision Warehou. Nelson-pla?, ÔDtON ,Pč!Biv:ruit\}tor IŠ Bermondsey, LONDON, S.E. GENERAL OFFICES BATH-STREET, CITY-ROAD, LONDON, E.C. LOCAL BRANCHES 7. HIGH-STREET, AND ST. MABY-STREET, CARDIFF. SWANSEA Arcade-buildings, High-street. LLANELLY 9, Stepney-street. BRISTOL 22, Wine-street. LARGEST TEA SALE IN THE WORLD. BRANCHES EVERYWHERE. AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. LU488 SEE JQANIEL OWEN AND CO.,S X M A S AND NEW YEAWS CARDS, GREAT VARIETY. 33419 WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Infectious Diseuese WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Skin Disease WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP W For Delicate Skin WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Pi mplas and Blotch, T^RRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For th Complexioa WRIGHT'IS COAL TAR 'OAP W For Toilet, Bathroom, ?d N?;,r, SOLD EVERYWHERE. TABLETS, 6P. AND Is. BOXES 11. SD, U'I! 3- LI009 39 QUEEN S???- 39, 39< ? CARDIFF. PURE TEAS OF GOOD QUALITY AT FAIR PRICES. ELJJIS DAVIES and 00, HEAD WAREHOUSE 44, LORD. STREET, LIVERPOOL. 33484 p ATON'S ALLOA KNITTING WOOLS. WHEELINGS, FINGERINGS, VEST, PETTICOAT, AND SOFT KNITTING WOOLS To be obtained from MORGAN AND 00., THE HAYES AND BorAL ARCADE, HMN CARDIFF








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