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QTONE OR OS. I' th' f.,I,' Ahlernmn (}, A. Stone), (Son,o C 0 11 P L"E'T E ?°* ? FUNERAL FURNISHERS FUNERAI, DfRE(-TOPS. BVtMEMnS!TEFORfUNEHAL30F  PK? ?L?STON APPH?T?tON. W ?: 'K*I N C ? S'T? E ? E T 1622S; '?fO?E BROS. CA]t'J!FF. E 162f" .s '10-N? 13?OS. CAU1JIFF. G. A. STONE AND CO" TTNDERTAKERS. BSTABHStiED OVER 30 YEABS. At iheOM and On)y Address..— M, 11, AND 1:?, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF, AND CXDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MISS STONE, Smtton?umm.trp. TelegmphicA,L(trHs-IISTO-N'f?. Un(lertker,  l 21 z5 £1ndion ;:èmmnit l'J!. and CO. ? ?ftMM.A? T.andA. E.CROW? 30 Sbipbui!(tin); Phnt. tc.. at MiKord HM-en..M!ty 2? to 26 Me?rs. THOS. DAVtS and SON. ai 23 :1:i¡1,fJIt¡;¿: t?m.! tp b!mr?. "?a ?. ???. May 25 Corn Mc?r(!?nt's Etis.rt '??' ? ?srs.?'??REEMAN. H_ B.P-li Ch?lt,-l? 1. L?,n,l?? June 6 F :ture a¡":e';Jari1r:)Iay 25 'MM:n. GOTTWA?TZ. BOWRING, and PERR'? Col\ection 01 PamtlUg.. ?t C.rdiff. &2Ô Ca.t.. P.1 'My 2? 1Jj1:)::{fQ nd McMrs.W.andS.HERN. L,b,d t The ,M S. op<.rt?.a? ?e ???rdtt[.Junel2 F,,?h.1-1 Pat :f?;' .Jnne10 jF ,N'KINS. CLARKE, -dC.. L?thotd Property, at theMaft, Carding.?..May 24 Fr,e d an( ot eir  Chep?t Juhe 6 )lJ'. W. G. ATTY. 20 H. C.,ia 1 at Repositorv .M a y 20 o-?. Mrt???a?????.??. May 20 n-i- swct)i;eE.I.I.May 23 THE DUKE-S?REET ?UCTJON"' AXD"'ST6R?GE ROOM-J. &. MADDOX .md SO?. Auptioneer.. 25 O? H? M ?M.,? LSSaft Yard.?. ?ay 2? Purniw.. aw 'SI! t ifï?:MAV 26 Cottar ?d (Xb- D-k Juiie 8 Lh'e Stock at A\t,May- Al r, ,TRULE OWR?N an(i hold I- ."i?' July F,.h?l,l P,P"tv, ,7'?p-rt M., 31 The hte Dritt-hai?. M N e w p o r t.—"—— ? ? RiMa Est:.te. at X?rport ..?. Pr?hoM P?"rt?r?" "??CH:and: CO. Freehold Properh", at Ponrspridrl.June Lea.<hoB Prope:fst CaerphiUy MaT 31 PrM-h<;MProper<y.atC.MrphiUy. M-?? M?C????" ALEXANDER loM'hotdRMidmem.at?rr?' '? ?"??' !!°?. & ?Cardit"?,?i lpr ?h,), ,l Bnd eaw hId Properties, at 6 '??"' ?'? ?? ?'P?p?.?" ?Md?u.) Worh. at'&,rdiC ;.7??J?-s šiliJ}ftt1:i )1r J"H" THO.14  Furniture and Effect.. ,t Ll.?li-gh e. t 24 to 31 =:?ss??-'?: n?r Pont3-pri(17M., 25 -? ? ? ? ?? anftmn. ??1 ??? I-?SHE?NEAR?ARDI? "'fESSnS. STEPHE1\"SON and ??LEXAN DER are instlltld bv J. Hnrn"'n. t,q.. who i. i' ?p hi. Dairy P- to SELL by .p?????J???M??? L1ani.l1en, Ilf the?,5ih May -i ?x?????? A ?qCTf?oITXS,DAY, 'T SH( )R W foat pI'. ?o p1 6 '1?VON AM) OTHER MILKIXG COWS AXU HEIFERS. Tbt rf'ter number in full "?"t. ?. c). t. g .'h?. t raln\ at seasonablt" dates. ? c.K'i???i'.tC?;?????? ?A.\D HAC??EY HORSES AND PONIES. l?Plutting some rare steppers, "-l-bl? BROOD MARES ??S??? Lord V?ll "u'y BoY. Bretwalda. J,,], -9, Th, Gentleman. and ??? ??- ????-? D RK BROWN GEL ?, !5.3 ba?,1., by Saucy Bo out of an t'oxce-Ilent Inan'. OWn brothers, a ?? ???????? to  C?S?d' ?h ??'? A?LL?CES. SPMNG CARTS d ?p ?'" ccnneetionwitba.i exten,ive :\Iilk Supply. tiM?"? °"t''e Stock.subject to eondi- ?t??r? '?"y favouraNe oppor- =?s"?????????? rliable ?ldle or harnes hor?, yoan nook. and u br?A mares and foals. Ll%vy,lem' is v-?thi? in,,t,, ?.lk f the ?e.?????? ,ilwy, anù is "?"t four mile. bv r.,?i i èardift. Catalogu. with full Purticulars. ? ??? Li.i:o:) Auctioneer's. Hj?h-street.?ar? d, 21895 B -i  qCK7YARR)?- :1! OF åIJiittR};SID- ?f?????? nd ?S????? I A t:c- DAŸ,th3i;If. r\t3.?  WZ D?L" IW3. t 7 30' x, DAY, EtbI, GSHl?t T,EE' S??TIALLY- E?RFECTED LEASEHOLD VILLA RESI- Jú¡ DE?NCES ?y s,?' ?- ?nd????''°. ?.«. Dock.' ,.52, b4' anù 56, Kingsla.nQo.crœnt, Barry Tbe Houses nre let t 10s. wr v, ?b, with the ????-?'???.??? per Th' ''? fora t?m .[99 year. from the ??.?&9? ;nar":ofn :['£'3 iÓ'. 1 K''t!o?.,n? eceptlon of fouses Nos. 25, 3Z, anti. ?hi?h are L4 lol 25, ZZ, and ?*'?" ?t ."?e.n? ??'???S'??y- ?? "? ?" lliUen eon'lition an,] rular)y te;,auted, and, being :n\i':tthiy':rte \0 Doek 11""11. afford a oare and permanent investment taru: rirf.;sh:¡aör.rotf'" ma ?.n: i il'UM upon application t- the Aucti<1l1ecrs, 1;, Ui?:h. ?'?"MC.dMt? J. ?' Hu?he:, E?q.. Soticftor. ????uS'??TYO?? ()p A Dou ?:BH T \r<?SED PCBMC HOUSE. WIH ABOUT ???,?????  ( ) Lt)LD, \?i ?AS?SR??S T E P H R N S 0 N and th.laL';DER ??cM by theE.ecuto? ?-.??.???????????? at Tb O'cl?k in he "Iu¡;:n. on SATURDAY. June ,d, IW, the ?s?s'?? lii'NËu tbe \{I:sn¡ "-is IVN ad abont Mm.,n,;? ?D?whteh?ntbeSotdinthe ??''??S' ? aetermined upou "??''?? S..te.nay 'e, A ?°.M t''eK)n,?Ann?!? Pub)ic-h .< ???'???.???? Cp'?M.??'?ePMtur<. FieNs. know?aa "?Cf? S??? ? .p?? ?? ?? ? near to th. ? ??' ""?"? ?' ? th".PA..?'???o?i? upon .ppUc.- ??. SPE? ??__rd?"t. bp. Qluction.  SALE OF VERY DESIRABLE REEIIOLI) A,ND LEASEHOLD IIROPERTIES, DlNAS POIVIS, AND A Port ion of whi.'h belonl{ tollle Estate of the late 'I E S S R S lenYilti I N SOX and 1." are inshurted to OFFER for T UFSD?%.Y, ttie 6th  t Junf?, 1893, at Three p. m the AND LEASEHOLD Sale, Lot 1. The Freehold Residence, known as Heathfiel(i "ith t.9t.bl" and tb.ildi?g, th,??-,t.:  f  1.l ?,t.d.?!?dy, P?r4iff, in t i, P,??,i?h f Lt. d.ff,,lC"p U?hi, Lot U ?p?tble, of development for bildi.q purposes, ftn(I offe>rs exceptional ru.1\'Rl1tage:; thh; of thli tQwn of Lot 2. A Farm amI Land-, situate ami being at Cdn.Cot'(l.C'mUll'l', in th }>nrisb of v?!.(I,blln ?Nlertbyr Tydfil, known as GoitrL? Coed, and containing. :}(02;'  Map of t?o aid }'arm wus are('(l to be- to the 1ate Crawshay, Esq.. for the t{'I'Tn of 99 vears the ht No\'t'lnbel', 1833, at n. rental ol £80 Lot O\VIWr. situate on the rOUlL lcacUuj.{ fr(lnt Lh\lldou${H tu Ditlf\s Powis, within 10 of the Diuas Station on the small nnd corn. part country cottagi) Il distance of Cardiff, 1hn-y, and Penllr!h 1> road or rail, and will be sold t imnied ?kte ?ctipbt y on. Lot, 4. All those l'hree or Enclosures. of Free- hahl Pasture Land, Nos. 37. 54, and 56 oil the Ordnance for the Parish of St. Andrew's, nenr the Sa, 3r. Ip., or thereabouts, aUlt at present in occupation of OWTlt'r, and win bE" sohl with immedinte ti-Ii. Lot 5. All thosø Six Leaseliol(I Cottages, situate in (I rmerl, Canton, Cardiff. occupied by weekly tf"naut and for a terln of 99 yeaI" from September 29, 1856, at the yearly Rround rent, of £16. PLms, I'articulars, and Condition9 of Sale may be obtaint>d upon applieatioll to the Auctioneers, 5, High- street, Cardiff; or to R. W. NVI LLIADS, Esq., 2\897 8. Chrl-street. Cardiff. SALV, OF HIGHLY VALUABLE FREEHOLD, AND MINERAL ESTATE, 'll? mile. from Cardi 13? miles from  3 mi1e from Pontypridd, and 1 miles Irom the L1antwlt Station, on the Llantrisant and T.ff Vale and onlv mUe away from a line comm.unicating with the T: Vale Hailw:w "stem.  STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER have received in,t,.&I. from 'I'. ?Vil [i.? M.rri. t. SELL  AL CIO?N. t the Ne,v Inn Hotel. PODtypridd, on  of Junt>, 1113 t T',I,k in'th, Aft, snbje<:t to C..?diti.. fSale t. be then p,.d,-?, aU that Valuable RESIDENTIAL, AND ESTATE, (la Witl, thereto, containing in the wholc about 80 ACRES, With the  i,iiin?als IvR ijtg S'thereimtler. b.,? be. pr?- Plans and reports of iiiimng ha.ve been pre-  ??' t hese le? doubt t at remnnerative se?s ,-I ?it be fouid under oiM:r:i1h';h;: :d"[hh:s"et;f th? Xewbridge- Rhondda ColHerv, the -?t ?olli,?,y to this e5tate, "nd they bave l.à.ed property to within about 260 yard. of it. ?th,, pr.i in the direction f Tyr M ,L-E It, E ?t?, Tli, "rki,,g??, po," the No.3 Rt,oudda steam coa  üft;dsi:{f::ed by the Messrs. the d.i.i.i?g pr?p? i??.  ?.rris;  tl,I, h pl,? re PO rt ,,i 11 di, ?, l  be tA(! ti,.Iz 5i, h_tre e;! -C.r -diff, or  Harry Cousins, Esq., Solicitor, 97, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. 22245 SALE AND FREEHOLD FUEL WORKS, WITH FXCELLENTMODPRN MACHINERY, Situate ?. the Gla ??ganshim Cn,?l Bank, and Wlthio. a Very Short Distance of the Town of Cardiff, AS A GOING CONCERN. l\ K E S S R S S T E P HEN SON and 1.l, ALBXANDER are instructed to OFFER for    Hotel. i, rli"I?,TI-IUITSDAY, the Bth June N?-t-at S.,?o n,he 'A tr?n, m Going Concern, the FREEHOLD WORKS, Known TIlE CAMBRIAX FUEL WORKS, Occupying altoRether about 3 ACRES OF all important frontage oi about 1,165ft. to the Gla- all impoiuut Froyi  th the morganshire Calml, with the EXTEXSIVE BUILDINGS, OFFICES, AND TWO Erected thereon, and together mth the whole of the VALlJABLE MODERN FIXRD AND LOOSE AND MACHINERY. The Propertt i. in direct communication witb, and The 2P? m?ir,re7,"?' the East, W.t' and new R-th Docks. Cardiff. A portion of the purrhase money may remail'1 on if dC9irp.d. Plans. Detailed and Conditions of Sale, may be obtained upon application to the  Car dift; or to Mes,rs, Sp,.?,,r, Corbett,    LLANSANNOR COURT ESTATE, NEAR COWBRIDGE, GLAMORGANSHIRE. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. 1M  STEPHENSO Nand J.: LA',IDIIII r" d by Sir J. L. E   the  Hotel on TUESDAY t  e 27t,h June, 1893, o'cloe? in the Aftern?n, t t? e to,, VALUABLE IèARMS AND L ADI, Being the fir.t port !on f this E,t., I inrluding the ClIL-RcliARUTYMANVR PAR-4, tLiÔRTEG FAIT.M.  VAIVR }'ARM, FOREST YACH FAR-d NFNVTO ,!A?tl.l,? T.,?t i h S,i.dryLO.NVVS ACCOllIMODATION Amounting altogether to 700 ACHES of rich pasture and arable land, and which win be iiito22 lots for sale. Also THE DOUBLE, LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE. known as the WHITE LIOS. In the village of YSTRADOWE.)I; all.1 the we ii-known GAME PRESERVES, THE TRENCHES, AND WOODS AND PLANTATIONS. The  ,l  r? situate in th" fetil. V.1 l.n. V,?, t,n th, C" bril-1,1  harry, are all near to Ystradowen Station t 1,?, Cow- bridge B,nrh f h?3 Tff Vale RlÚlwa, within two miles by road or ?t from the town of 'owbridge, 12 roUes from 12 miles from PontypridLI, and 6 miles by r?d from Bridgenet. Plans, prticulam, and Conditions of Sale are In course of preparation, and will be shortly  the  application to Mr. .VH uTtC Donat's, ear Co"bridge or to the Auctioneers, 5, High-street Cardiff. 22246 THE DlNAS COLLIERY COM- P A1\"Y DIN AS, NEAR PONTYPRIDD. IMES S RS. STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER are in.truct<d to SELL by AUCTION, t these Collierle., Cc'mmenelng On TUM-  "ing foi the Three Pollowin"t??,? ,the ?VALUABLE COLLIERY PLANT AND MACHINERY In and about Di.. Colliery, tg?th,?, with the MOVABLE BUILDINGS, STORES, Al\'D OTHER EFFEM,  I,  engine. wilh t  bv ro, ?t,; pair 21.in. dit, by Drown, L_"n" ",I  pair 12-in.  enRlnes, bv Parfitt aud ?,nki. piliI' I'in. 'i' Llewellyn and Cubitt; piliI' 12.in. ditto,  th,?  1-!r 9- ln- I!tt, *It b,ll,r, byII,wllyn nd Cubitt; hit't? ,to Wild an o.,  single Clairton, Shuttle?-or:t,r..d by lo v ,n, C, four??-beel ?upte(I l?motive cylinders, I?in -trk?, k, Th. H,?..]?t EngineerinK Copanf' pair 241n. air c! r' Walker Bros. two 'r,  d"" by the PS..dv,?.EVt Engineering C.. 11,?h fan and duplirate ,In, 26ill. ,Il,ler, bv Llewellyn and Cubiti; 8in. ot'm winch; in. Worthington pump; 16in. ditto; 2Iin.,12In"and other Tangye's Pumfs: three Caim? r.n'. d-k h ? el ron'8 donkey pump9; steam  LanCf\8hire. and eK.cnd boilers; egg-end water heater; six Rir receivers; 20-ton milwayoveigbi?g  by Poolev; ditto  Brtl,.tt; t.wo tram ,,??.g hi.g mach!nes; Billr '.Fairp!ay anrl balance, coal screen.,   a t,e and wooden roal tmms, pit framins and a ppllnces, about 10,000  round  t wi"! rope ;?,v :r?'I h..(I,,(Itons o \'arioJt ipin from 2in to 9in., .;ld,?ilwl?. 8?'tillv? with points, crossing sleeperl:lt an(\ iitt.ing compleu., 'ftS Ihr:Ji: :iôt;raatbf.t to lh y. :?; b.l.t 500 ton. t?m il,, 181b. 201b. and n,. to the yard; several th.nd t,  wh.1,? .f the bl-k- .To ,th .titt".?,, !.It othef twl,; ,argo quantity wrought \nd ca.st SCRAP; The of an,1 carpenter,'  the whoIe of the stores, and a \"try izrge and el ws.,t.?nt, of PLANT A-N"Di"?ATrRIALS, A?dth?.bl, bildi.g, .?,l fittings used In .n- nq?ctim with one 01 the larRest equipped collieries in the distrirt. a.,ale wiU commenre Day punctually at Ten F" Part will appe&r in. Catalogue., whirh will shortly le ?,pp ll ,,?ti. to h';YAe1{î:I,nérd& appl¿on THE 'L NEWS OF THE WEEK" is the 6J L b-t .d I. r t x_. #.r in the muritry. Sveu alt bv. Rurttott. WINDSOR CARDIFF.   E S S R S. S T E P HEN SON and 1"  Instructed to SELL by E "EAT"' VALIT,?A?E WORKS, C.-P *i?g big? engine. boiler, &c., together with till9 pIant mId =(!hinery recently manu. d and ernte The I. EASE of   for a term f 99 year, ill a be Sold. D, mav be obtained upon a %li h- t,. t') Stplensm, and street. Cardiff. 21228 LLANSANNOR COURT, COWBRIDGE, GLA4011GA, SHIRE, to ?, LET, P.?-ni?h?d ,r Unfurnished, for surh Term of Years as mtty be gr?,d upon. with or \\ithout Excenent There are good Golf Links. Apply Messrs, Su,phenson and le,a?d,, Hih. 'p Cardiff; r Mr. W. V. H??tl?y, W ?h !,t. 20386 109, BARRY DOCK. SALE OF IAnBLE ST-LILPTLTRE. MR. A. Will COTINUE SALE of ITALIAN WOnKS OF ART IN SOLTLPTU I'F' D MARBLE t Ab.,d For ti? Pr apply to lb23 SALE. MILFORD HAVEN 'SOUTH WALES. IMPORTANT CLEAII-OU T SALE of ENGINEERING aml Slllp.B UILDI NG BI?'kit  UB "I'll '?ITO lh,r with STEEL Ytt IJXTENDED FOR IIFR. MESSRS. A. T..d E. A. CROW, Con- tr-'t" "d Mechanical AuctIoneers, Sunder. !nd, h., ebeelt honoured with from th Heee;e..s fr Deben;ure'holders cli T. R. Oswald and Co.   bY tfti?;y)nM!,hiJt ?Ig t It (al ?d -g (i?? if _a. r, N 25th  Y?rd, Milf.M H-, the of the V,'11.?b I Ext,? ENGINEERING AND SHIPBUILDING PLANT AND MACHINERY (of Great Size and Power). TIMBER AND GENERAL STORES; Together with T h?, C-1-9-t(d and th,?t  :;ti1Eti\lint in Half,fram e, with ATEUIALS intended for h,r. Sal? to Commence Each Day at Ten for Elcven o'doek pl'eds!'1y. maV be bt.l.?d fr;a(fle;en1:: enB::tllrq s\irl Milford Haven; or A. T. and E. A. CROW. Auctioneers, 22089 Sundl'rbnd. HAY ANI) CORN STOIŒS AT THE CARDIFF,  D. EVANS is instructed to SELL It'-L by AUCTION, on thB Premises as above, On WEmŒSDAY, 24th May, 1893, t Two o'dock. ,?i Tr.11?v, 2 Spri. Carts, 1 Tip Cart, Business :¡;I(rtr:fii'OS S:ffa;' 41 S; of rirrs6 "eihing )iaebiii? (2 patent), Corn Bins, Sack Trucks, 2Safe, ..d q..itity of Oats, Maize, Barley, p" "? rp B, &C. Auctioneer's Office,  C.diff. [MBI SALTMJ<lAD; AND CANTON. SALE OF VERY DESffiABLE LEASEHOLD DWELIING-HOU-S ',S, STABLING, COACH- HOUSES, WITHIN DISTANCE OF THE OF THE TOWN. M ESSRS. JEKINS, CLARKE, and CO. l' have been instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at The Iart. ank-buil St. c- 'iff, on WEDNESDAY, 24th of May, nt Seven o'clock in th", LEASEFIO ELLING- 0 SES, STABLINI}, COACII-IIOUSE, AND OTHER PRO. PERTY, Subject to ronditions of saJe to be then read CANTON. 1. All that well-built and modern known as 40, as now in the occu- pation of Mr. at an rent of 129.,  l    fround .oor two first-class rleeption-rwms, large fitehen and s('uUery, -t th "I  n the ftt  -Il bt"' :uE:r  and three l?,g? b?T,?  with su g ?. This fo ,,s held for a term f 99 Y.. from September 29tb, 1& at an annual ground rent of 10s CLARE-ROAD, SALTMEAD. Lot 2. AU that mpital and convenient DVellin house, No. 68, Clare-road,S.1t..d, withinf lI1inut<J. -lk ?f St.  t" 9l n.int at tbe low !rental of 98. per *?,,k Held .?avr tiIO 99 29th, 1890, at a C,LAMORGAI' r  VE' SF,T, COWDRtDGE-ROAD, CANTON. Lot 3. No.  Gl=org?in-street, Cant?on. now let to Let 3. lq.. I2t 7?I, pll week, wit b a larga garden at tbe rear. Held under a l?L-for99years at n apportioned ground r?.t f R3 5,, per annUm. Lot4All that d,?irble D,,elli.g-h.? n(I 0s¡No9,tài:eael(a£j :n a covered carriage way and well built range of 8tabling, coach-houses, and offices, t thee w ?,ole as now in the m4?u- pation ofmr. Andrews. This Lot is held under a tor 99 y?rs from Mav 9th, I, at an annual    rent of C? 69. 4d., and my Wught saessiort i f re( ired. (LIMITED) SHABES Lot 5. Five fiill-paid Shares In the Porthcawl Hotel Oompany (Llmitea). ForF,Irth, rP' I'' t' t   t J"" Morgan  37" Sl M-t,? L, as w(,t 2 to Mes.srs. Sp,r, Corbett, and =, Solicitors, Working'street, Cardiff; as to Lots 3 ?d 4 to ,lk b'Il' Cardiff; and as w the whole of t?, Lt? to t? AllcUoneers, J.ENKINS, CLARKE, and CO C4.bri -b'mb"'?, 12, Westgat<street, C.,diff. Dated ay 1 ? 1 h, 1.893. 22070 NEAR CHEPSTOW, ONMOUTHSHIRE. SIIIRENEWTON, AND M ESSRS. ,TENKDIS, CLARKE, and CO, SELL by AUCTION, .1 the ÐœuIort Arm. Hotel,"TUESDAY. the 6th day of Jlme, 1893, at 2,30 for Tbree o'c!lmk In the Aftem n (subject to Conditions which will be the 'St' D AND COPYHOLD PROPERTIES Lot 1. In the Parishes of and The as The with about 60 acres of Pasture Land and 85 acres of The m?sion is about three mues fronl  bar- ,ing I' "itu't  view of the Severn, ,i.d, db? fi.?l't rd b-bb,j,.?:     t -g 'n" h -bilnli ?rd 82 4d,'O'?yrsitting-rooms, qei?ants' sittin an d b,?? r- and tg?ig mb:?h?.om ,avatorio, an( exett' "ti' offices, 2??tlingfor 8piggcries, and  f:'   acres in nm. The bilding .Tl substa  tially  "P '.a?he?l by a ?rive  R fin? ?enu of chestnut trees. Posgession f the mansion and grounds mu be baa on completion of tbe purchase. L.t 2.I?t ,epr..h ,f Shir,.??t.. "T ,Sh??p 'o" Farm ri in g 'lbt,,tial A fr. blill2g,a ,? r:J :i71Fsr pasture land and 9 ácres of the whole con- Lot g. ap'  Shirenewton. The Cmlllit§ Farm," uftte near Lots 1 nd 2, comprising a sub- stAntial d??lli??g-houst?, farm  and premises, ,,?d .bo -t 1 60 )f,p asture land and ams of wood- I.n,l?, the wbole containinR about 126 ?, r, Lot 4. In the Parish f S?,renewton. "the Grondra ercet,ed clvvelllngdhoil f. rm b"I' dt,' and remises, an rich  nd arable ]and, tt. "h"f,? .ntaining about g "cres. Lot 5. In the Parlsb of "The Pandv ?..pri?!nv six  puture land, adjoining Lot 1, and containi n bmt t I wres. LOio? aë.d Ignh'ng¡:"f.' ltch"ï"renewton. Upper   n del I  a sitb?tiitial t;I:f'srîa3 :o'¡; ab%t "3a, and La 7. In the ?aarish of Liangwm Ucha. Tywee F: 'sia;eh:b[,rOn: Um;rD;e: newly- meted commodious 1, farm ldg- nd ,mi?es, and about 225 acres f p-t.?e And -?bl? F?, and 48 acres of woodl?d,. the wbole containing Rbout 274 acres. Lot 8. Adjolnin Lot 7. Brlrk Rln C""g"" com-  'ri"' wiclr den; also tw 2 closes land l?u near Tnd known as II D.ff, ,? Meadow' a.(I"?lpper Duffren," the wbole containing about 1611. 2r. Lot 9, Near Lot 8. A Close of Pasture ?*nd, part of The Formt,?, an& known as "Far Meadow, containing 4a. 3r. 16p. Lots 1 to 6 are Freebold.     hold. That of COPYhol(I Tenure ]a e ql,.l t"Fel l ld, the fine on death or alienation being m relynorinal. P"artlculars and Plans ?.. I,e obtalne?or, appi-tion  Chep- =,?ti r,, J ,,kin el ke' an  C o C?lfi- bri4n ,"t r ec?t ?Cadiff or of THOS. H. CHUBB ..a SONS' Ma Solicitors, M.I?.esbirev, Wilts. FARM. MACHEN, Minutes' Wlllk hom 3fwhen Junc- tion StAtion on the Brecon and Merthyr and Pont prid(L C-r thil and Ne rt t R?ail??mys.y Dntm 'CTSNSI?LS, TOGETH O R WITH P UT OF TIM M ESSRS. HEN1tY LEWIS and SON have been favoured with from E, Th 6 inits, &, who Is giving up the farm, to by PUBLIC A ? CTION., at the above-named place, an TUESDAY, the 23rd day of May, 1893, the whole of the following FARMIN6 STOCK, &0., vi., very Devon heifers in mlf, 1 barren cow in forward condition, 2 t-?-o-yw-old beifen In calf, 1 fat heifer,Ifour- (?a? old  bull, 1 thrm-y r-old ditto.  couples of mountain c?w? ?d lambs, 0 Ir? e" dtt. RÔnSES.-One g??t -,?, bo,.t 14.3 hnd.  .uibble for agricultural or underground pu rpose, ditto four- y mr-old, about I hands IAI P -b,t, l, gr,?  ¿;e?'0)¡"bla1h Ji quiet to ride or dl'h'e. ho been dtlven by a lady; 1 a I'?,d stronlz  about 12 h,d? higll  fill" unbro et?? n ) I ld "4 l t (unbro1<en). 1 tub,.k-e.), 1 yearlin/{ luiy, 1i g mrt colt.  dairy f utens the rt f the uu,nsUs, togeÍIútii8t "FNITUiiE,  witing-deek,  1.. p 1 d..bl, g r.1 beh-l-dig g-, Itb locb. on the tables at 11.30 o'clock; Sale to Commence at One o'clock punctually, OM. JI.8.0.l2, 1893. 1121411 alt5 2IurttOn. SALE THIS DAY. 11, CARDIFF. EXHIBITION AND SALE OF IUG II_ CLASS OIL MESSRS. GOTTW ALTZ, BOWRING, and PERRY have received instructions from tt)L' pro rietors of the LONDON INTERNATIONAL ART G I LLERY to SELL bv AUCTION, on thi! Premises, 11, of the COLLEarION VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, including many well- t uo,,lvn aii g exhibition works. The Owner., be/no determined to rea lise, every picture Iæ 801,1. Sale bv Auction TRUll DAY, and following days, at 11. 3, anil7 ,21.,k Each Day "n. be btin?a t the Pl-.f Sale -d.t the AucUone.Offl._I, Itigh-street, Cardiff. [21888 SAE  DAY (SATURDAY) AT TWO O'CLOCK. ?,;RE, ?PRVFD SALE OF CHOICE STOCK.  GOTTW ALTZ, BOWRING, m"" JPPRRY have received instructIons from :Messra. Crahøtons. Kinx's Acre Nurseries, Herprtillrd t() SELL bv AUCTibXNi- 't the Rr?, Exchange.Cardlfr, THIS DAY SATURD 20th,.tT.- n,,C 1rdiff,  LARGE CONSIGNlIlBNT OF 1 -k, BEDDING OUT PLANTS, Comprlsln/: GEnANIUS of all rlll'letle., CALCJ!:Oo LABUS, ChrYSo.btbcmnms, Carnatlon8, Verbt:-nas, IvtM, and other Ten-suntcd a'l/¡ other "Brie/les, 22065 ON MONDAY EXT.  C?OTRWALTZ, BOWRING, M.ud PERRY will SELL bv AUCTION, at Canton MONDAY NETT M., *22nd, t, 32 ll:WES Wll'll LAAIBS,  propertv oWi1l1ams, Esq 22175 ON THURSDAY NEXT, 25th MAY, 1893. SALE OF OFFICE FURNITURE (Witl?it Re??erve.) Removed from a suite of offices In Mount Stuart-  and by order of R firm of large shipowner., and effect.8 from se"eml offices. Also SIXTEEN WROUGHT IRON AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, Direct from the Manufact.urers, Mes.rs, JACOB CART- d SONS. West B,?.i,h. WRIG1 (70p CLERKS' DKSKS in ;i,d i?th ine,setof pigeon- hole.. b-k-.??.Itl, g??,,??d ..d p..tU?,?l OAr, and MAHOGANY C?.1.1-.  DOVBLE-SLOPJ9 PEDESTAL WRITING TABLE, an Oak- Pedestal Tabl,? Rtte(I J'or n r2.ga::descIO;lc ,In'¿r wtl:e]('rA:k ,top I,v III Ldh.1r? with revolving. 'upholsu.rèd, and cane seats. MAHOG.'NY TABLE, 7ft. mahogany office bookcase, walnut, oak, and     boards, -,tnti a i-ariety of oth4§r office furnishings and THE SAFES Comprise these Ith both single and double do r.. Min. to 141, h,gh   banded, double -door 0,,1, f. 'n hi gh 30 in. and 261n. deep, with separau. compartments and dnplicate keys; orband f. 54ln. h "(I smaller 8IIfes for the use, of private- house. and trade. pre serve the contnts from the fiercmt t it,=e and mi.t the attacks of the most skilful burglar.  GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING, 1".L and PERRY Will SELL bv AUCTION attheir Salerooms, 11,  on THURSDAY 1893 ?Vbuive Saleroomt hse Z5th FMUa?y :N71fl?RF, AND SAFES. Sale to Corilynen(!o at 2.30 o'clmk ptinctiiallv. OF SALE. 22177 ON MAY 30TH. FIRST SUM.NIE, R STUD SALE.  GOTTW ALTZ, BOWRING, mand PERRY beg to announce that they will hold a SALE of 100 HORSES At the li-? B.?h..ge Cardiff, as b.,?, I?l,?l.dini:- 3 Horses, the property of a Gentleman, without resen'e. from R. Ralph Fowler, Esq. 2 g:: } H lh;r:' 2 C.rt, H.? from  Con t. 0r  Valuable 3fare from Ra(tgwill P. Walker, Esq., Castle-   ""P,r 'o, W W Berwick EN good post'lion In 1M Sale, and only a limited number of Horses wi/( be accepted. 21971 ON THURSDAY 1ST JUNE. LARGE UNRESERVED SAT,? .1 HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE nd EFFECTS being THE CONTENTS OF A RESIDENCE IN  A?,l from .the R?,iden  ?s.  GOTTW ALTZ, BOW-RFNU, 1".L and PWRY h instruction to SELL   pu  ?iff, on THURSDAY, June I at Eleven o'clmk  the above HO SEHOLD APPOINTMENTS,   THREE SMALL BEDROOM SUITES handsome 6? WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, capital walnut and  toHet t.bi-, h??t. of drawers, Brussels And tapestry èarpet9, t.il?t services, and ,tjous b,d  ?,xt""t DRAWING-ROOM SUITES I. ?ilk h-.t?ilc? and lush, ,.I.ut bi?i?t and chiffonniere, walnut Ic ?(lpcard t bl' a OSE VOOD 1: LAID CABINET, cabinet ornaments, COTTAGE PIANOFORTES, musIc atc?o,aand cabinets, Turkey &nA Wilton Pile mrpets, FIRST-CLASS WALNUT DININC,-HOO-M TUnE, comprising slite In Morocco, wltb table, DINING-ROOM SUITE f. E'IOLOSEI)  =   marble clock.. .,I t.?e, orna ents, mk hall suite, 011 paintings, elec!to1>late and mt7lfy, cWns and glass, kitchen furniture, and various household effects. ON VIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE. Cl\talogues may be had of the Auctioneers, 22243 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCBMENT. I ESSRS. GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING I  PERRY -111 HOLD their ANNUAL "AL of WOOL, \e :?ffiin   of the 1),in,2i  .1 'Fl, -t I. the Ditri?t. PRBLIMINARY ANNUNCEENT. MESSRS. GO WA TZ, BOWRING, and PERRY h?e r?iv(?d Instructions to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION ?.rlV I' .Tune, se\"eral DESIRABLE PROPERTIES, Comprising Residence. In the Cathedral Bnd N?wp. roads, and other pr t? of the town. Full Partlcularo will shortly appear. 220G7 THE V AlNDRE HALL E' TATE. I MEr1m   ?, d  I &JAntor SALE b PRIVATE CONTRACT, andi? tbe event I 11,1?,iot bèlnwsold ihe same may be offer ?d by Auction man early date, that by M(jIÎLÿanDËIBE FREEHOLD ESTATE, the1"DËseiiALL a4 B.itti.the Flkabethan style, with Entrance tadge, wu.fully laid out la?s and pleasur4? grounds,  tIve and weU-st""ked  excellent stltblln!fõ t. ?tbU?r it-h 18.. Or, 31p. P IE wfkN"pI;aW snab aIe road from St. M,e Ions, and distant about four miles from also a convenient and BUILD- 1"08 and TWO PADDOCKS of rich accommodation Pasture Land, contltlnlng 41. 2r. 21p. Earl oitsenion may oe bWA. For gim and ?urther Particulan and Orders to View  WMemm Gottwaltz, BowrIng, and  stre,t, Car ,?.ft PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CARMARTBENSnrnE AND PEMBROKESHIRE. SALE OF IMPORTANT FREEHOLD FARMS AND SMALL M ESSRS. T. RULE OWEN ana SON have been favoured with Instructions to OFFER for SALE by PUBM C AUCTION, during the Month of JULY NEXT, the followl PREF,HOL"D FARMS, Vi?.D..kilbach, Middle Manordwylan, T?WLR- Manm,dwyltLn, and Wayne, In the Parish of Llmi- fihan e1 Abercowin, In the County of Ca?rthen,; .1. 0 tte.r, fV, fb Parish of cefn; the two  ,I,nd, W, Mill nd l i d, and the The Men n:a, :rdadtWroaoIT: V- In th- Parish fCru?e?, all In the Count, oi Pem- broke. Flill Particulars will shortlv t he i z oie<r.aIafl fa- nd tlu or Mr. S. N. RISCA. nlghly Important and Unusually Attractive Sale of all that VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, Known as the RISCA comprising all that most -Pat FREEHOLD FARM, known R ,SCA LENT .I-&.b..t 68 A6RBS OF EXCHI, HOLD COTTAGES AND GARDENS, GROUND RENTS amounting to over £400 'r  wil secured  Foundry, Li"2. n;e:¡oTe8li:W;t Ii'iNO&sIEef= to the Pontymister and other Work,, the wbole of which  THOMAS PA1tRY 'bas been Afavoured with indractinns fmtn Frederick PhlJ ;p., Eq" to OFFRU for SALB by PUBLIC AUC- h,, jiL' t the Westgte Hotel, Newport,   1at 2.30 O!cloek in the Afternoon pllnotul\lly. pDuAnYet, ".Ily?ioneer c!speciall_v    P" 1"" 'd e' the sl, f this very ,lnable propertv, which Is nrbl .1t..tek In  of o}ho=ntu, and rapidy -t- of Xo Full P?ftim =, With Pi" of the lbtate, ahowingthe ,Ad- Lot-, ?.,t C??.ditio- f S.I., a- 1. f ='<;»'th on li?.tio. t, the AnWoneet; or of Mr. ARTHUR It. OLMER Mr. AR:nšo'lt"8"fport. Dated-Auction d  'AlIu.r-eham  asth.18M. ru&Ií ,t)aIt!.1 n. 4ONXOUT"S'I'R  SALE OF VALUABLE ACCO-M-)IODATIOM LAND. DWELLING-HOUSE. AND CONVENIENT 'o A'" MESSRS. THos7 Dk-?i-, and SON nave been favonred with instructions froi' the tepr ¡sentath'r. of the law Mr, Geo. Lloyd Hollis 00 OFFER for SALRby Al?'1)11?.-l.  h e 'lWb ite H.'t'H.t']'o I b;uC¡;:l?,: ;VftM:. ahte¿'è .tlely, -mder Condition. to be tho'n produced, the FREEHOLD PROPERTY: 1. A OIose of rfch Land, situate in Calcli- cot InclOfure,  -,en acres (more oi, less),  of Mess1'S. R-ki.? .d Cairns. P. J. L?-' Rq., II. S. Wilna?,, P?q., nl Mr. Jones, now In hand. 1,* 2I'll of rich Pasture. situate In C.Idi-t Inclosure, caned !S, containing 10 acre!  1? Iands belongin to Messrs. ?'N.J., .,Ild In I of Mr. Luff i cot"J: le Drt.fnî'g °J; (; le.o). bounded by Jands ool.Jling to Mess1'S. Adam., less),!?un= Horner, and now In the occupation of Mr.  who.e tenancy expires the 2nd February, 4. A close of Arable Land, It-t. at Caerwent'o Broofr. -nt, In2,r,, (more or 1,-) ,lb_ lands 1-? -ion ,n?g t? d,b, lq.,b. 1. db, G t.n; 1':ifI r ;t' ;.T; le tenancy expire 2,, 8'A. teZnt7 A 01.0 of 0,.d.ti- Arab]" L-d -?led (,h,?l? Y"f>ld." -n,tfning la?e3m?ts (more?o? 1(>3), bounded bv lid,  the Rev. E. T. Williams, Me'r'.  In hand. L9t 6. A.dpInd, ?el(?d Upper riJ, A<1amStLlld Her.r;Ç..al..di' :t ¡ t'V. l,(,t 7. 1[ Close o. pl'o,lucti,'c AJ-.blo ¡"Id, .1100 :O,t I" nl, 4. rmg, ris. and U4rK?-Vo Charity, now In hand. I,ot 8. Two Clo..s of rich Pmture Land, -Iled Caldl- rot. Fiptd,' ('ollt,ainin  (more o le?), bounded nl ?" f 0' 13?.nett, JThn,OlfntSt5. Howard, Hollis, Bennett, l.t 9. All 1 hot M?,?,g? rD??lling-h,,i,, known a  it,m ..?vay Cottage, situate in the ce?itre of the village, arljoininA'the main roail from CaILliwtto  having' a f ntz?rte twfo boIlltj he t ?k,I fitt,?dh? r four n{¡'ms'rl"-Ji:¡ th ?pri?ing-h i to ti? up fourt..1 Iblwa on-house, chaff-liouse, piggeries, and fowl-house   con-  three roods, 38  b..?d,l by IV.. I ? an hapet Vi,oerty,I erbc?rt,'s Charity, and laml t  io, ,nK to. E  i ll"m "o?v in the ?tlpatio of ¥f ad 'ha.;l:e-l;f;t; ?at, u now in band. w'r[ vr.ÄN'e"¥helci::e:'th Imn-to build- ?n no u.ed 118 a table ahd cow ahed, .Ituate and ad- joinln;: the above lot, ha"ing a fmiitag? of 86 feet 00 the main ed ledi f? om C. laimt. to Magor, each œn- ta,n,n w baek kit? glien, fitt.I'M=?n an?f boileearc, h mn- garden, ntrv, and two 'ith prd.,ti,? kitchen, g-!j ng two r?ls. 11 perc g, ?'-or''    of Messrs. Gwil1am nl Sp!-?. in t respeetive -,?p-ti. o MI. 9,1 rd,, John Hooper, and Zmuel Brooks as weeklv teuants. Lot I' I t -t. piece 0' b. Land slt\¡nte between, Lot. &and 9, havÚ1g a frontage of 95 feet to th8 main road,  two imds, nine perches (.or. ,le..), bounded by   Mr. C. Gw!Uam and Hc?rbert's CbRpit,y, now in hand. Lot 12. An that Cottage situate In Sam1y-lane, mn- taining b.,k-kitt?,n, fitted with oven  boiler, kitchen, parlour, and 2 bedroom., with  garden, bounded by I..d. beloun 00 Messr;3. ollis and ,rbl'.  now In the mcupation of Mrs. Price as ""kl y T. Vf,! the L,) pply to the respective Tenants, -,I Further Tarticu rs may be known of Mr. Charles HoUls, Jubilee House, C-ldimt; the Auctionee. Welsh- otreet, Chepstow; or of Messrs. T. and F. EVANS, 22214 Sol citors, Chepstow. SALE TIUS DAY. ON.SATURDAY ? EXT, MAY 20th, at 2.30 p.m. LOÀWDAIÊiftyhé_rBlt'F:- SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &0., by AUCTION. Present Entries in?lu,l,- Styli.? T,n, from Dr Sotl,  six years, 13.2; Ui?t to rid,dd ,,ve; ?rrin e't I sound; oogetInor ?it. Dogcart and Set of SilvL-r?ounted Bar- ne8. Two Powerfnl Cart. Horse. from Messrs. Sessions and Sons; both are out of constant work and warrantd good workers. Bav Cob, .Ix years, 14 ha.d? quiet, tD rifle ad dri-. Grey (ob, 1 4.3, quiet to ride and drive. Al. iee.1 other H.,?e, St? lish Cob-sive Dogmrt (new), Four-wh?l Dogmrt, Fnll.sbe Gig. pGl,?egt? of S]I? and Bmu-mounted Hameo., of flitish. Two Saddles, Four Hnntlng Wdies, Twenty Double and rein Bridles, /te. Sale to Commence at 2.30 p.m. Sh. 22080 GREENFIELD,  NEAR THE T.V.R. SA,RAI, SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS.  MORGAN MORGAN is instructed 1"J..  Mrs. David Samuel (who is lmvilw the neigh- rh 0 00 SELL b AUCTION, at the above addreas, on FRIDAY, the 26,Vh dsy of May, IM, the major poi- F'CfŒITURE,  pJahoforte, n walnut Cl\ge, by DTI 'antlqne carved oak cabinet, thep p., t,?d by mns.lve  r, 1,I) antiqueoearved oak linen chest, ltpler-glass, mahogany ?..?h 1 hair, ditto easy I Etta small ?h.fr?, walnut ,7 ,htnot,, -1, "-v lb fenders and  two pr!gh 'I,,h, .?k., Iron bcd.teads, pai, and mitttresws, feather beds. chests ofdmwers, ?sh- 8 Auctimeer'.s Omces, ?lbert?hamben, Hlgh.streot, Cardiff. 22193 BARUY DOCK. IMPORTANT SALE OF COTT GB PROPERTY AND BUSINESS pnltMISES, SYDENITAM?STRBET, FRYATT-STREET, AND GREENWOOD-STREET, BARRY DOCK. mR.MORGAN MORGAN hu been favoured ?ith instructions'  to SE"L   t th, Barry if t(?l Tllll .IY the N8ili day of Jllne, at Seven o'clmk in the 'Evening (subject to tonditims to be then aVnAd tL hui%LE P ?opERTr!kls Lot 1. All those Six substantlally-bul!.t "-t situate ,d N". "L6 I 1 k 1 9 ,d Iyd,,  .g B:; N"y: g:'i;rt!a;n:m"  the-houses is as follms:-Ground  cmlh nd w.c.; and three b?d, 011 the first fioor. Two f the honses r' let ,t f,It 5,.9d. t>erweek reapeetively. Negotiation. arc now taking pl?fdr the letting of the yard at a rental of £8 8s. peir annum. The houses and yard am held on lease for a term of 99 years at an annual ground rent of 59. eaeh. 27 L 0t 2. All those SI:< Cot g, b?fg N- 23,24, 25, 26, d2S yd,??h 'in ?t?Lt,. The ?"?modat f th? hou?e?8'19 aim ifar 9 Lot I. Five are let t 6,. 6d. and one at 6s. 9d. per week. Ground rent 22 5s. per house. Lot 3. AU those S i? Cottage., being No,. 1, 42, 43, 4. 41, lnl 41Sydllhll,t as Lot IT; "h 01? the h. ar, let t 6&. 6d. per Groun d r,? £2 5s. per house. Lot 4, All those Ses, hg?IsT e, Ns. 47,48,49,-50, 5 I' and 52, Sdeiiham-strect,. Five houses let at 6&. and ona t ;?. 9,1. per week. Ground rent 22 5.. Lot 5. All that Sho and D?,elling-houm nd Cotta9 adjoining, being Nos. ? 39 and 40, Syuenha?"tret. T. Shop I' -er "I"' h1\vlnl( a fl'ontal{e S.,de- h.. r,?t.dPp?.tt-?tl-e,?l,Ig,,nh,,    L.d fo,, 1 bedroom$ Oil fimt nool.. r?,4 to desirable t .tV.   Th tt. I, let at 6,. Sd. per week. Or..(reiit £1 2s. &I. each. Lot 6. All thOle Si- Cottages, .Ituate and b?in N-1. 1,2,3.4,-6 &nd6, P 7.t t-street, Barr Dmk-Sg?mfl r accommodation a. Lot I. Five of t eyhou ts are let at 6s. gd. and one at 5s. 9d. per week. nd nt R2 61 each. Lot 7.AII Six be.ing Nos. 2:5, 24, 25, at 69. 6d. per week, roun d rent gr house. Lot 8 All those ee Ct  35, Fryatt-street. O- 10 let 6?,. 6d. -d two t Õ8. 9d. per week. Ground rent £2 5s. per house, Lot 9. A. Two C.ttg??, being -1.. 41 ?nd '42, Fryatt-street, both let at 6&. Sd. per week. Gmntid mut £1 20. 6<1. per h. Lot 11. h and ._n,?.. Thr0 tta, bIng N. 4].5, and ;el 2..6d. All !.t:e t.? let :t. !?i. ?".e.?, uround rent RI IN. per honse. THe whote of the let at 58. 9d. per week are taken on an agreement whereby the tenant does hi. oeroneer wishes to direct the attention of ptir? :i;h:v:m o re"/ol 0:'1; -Ily g tr 11', b ? -It, with .1 e L.t4. ':d' b?o  nearly all ihe HouBel have been papered The Property 1. well situated, bein, within three mlnut<!s' walk of the Barry Dwk Station? and Is Inclose dn::idh:naæo'  oard of Trade and Sustorn. Offices, 0,e  L 'Offices f :rzd  Ground Plan can be wen, and Ftirther =?ulas ob- UineLl, on appumtfon 00 W. H. Lewis, Esq Solic!oor,  Crdilf 11?,Rberl, ,,I Rl,"rd, Thompson-otreet, Barry k; -to the Auctioneer, 3, 4, 5, and 6, .h. ?. Riah-.t-t. C.?diff. [22191 THU DUKE-STREET AUCTION-ROOMS, CARDIFF.  WEEKLY AUCTION of TUES- TDAY and THURSDAY, My 23rd .d 25th,  at Two o'c!lmk  will consist of a  ASSORTMENT of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE .n,IA.PYBITS 1., Il de };'l:u::r.bY'aaeï.:en of fumiture i  anufuturemfor .I,- y,?ti.n. e g.?, 1. are f tM very best make ?'d d oign, an wi n'thy :=nmIt<!i:fe.purchaser.. 0. ?i?? for I. .P,ti.n in orriing of n e. 222M J, G.  &e. COLLEGE LLANDAFP YARD, NEAR CARDRFR ON FRIDM NBXT,  20M. Commen'In &a' Two r' SALE OF A HO'US,B. 'AITI,,IEAIWN ICS 8!IND HOUSBH.LV .FUR. ?U. MESSRS. J. 0. MADDOX and SON have 1, 1* SELL PUBLIC AUC1'IÓbolg t se.ftafUBLIC CART HORSE, In good   Of ponitry, two tip t. t" brm s, t -w' t d"'h, ,ba. Zp,- ;E¡ .MOUSMOLigUR.B, iwlnd- faí.f:te&Ilt¡que wmet. Further- l'artIculan of the Anctlolf- at.2.It,  "'n'7'EBxI, 1fAIL, .oWL- y" 81 fJOUDØ8. ONl.r.tUIIl5" hp attftton. SALF OF STEAMSRlP SHARES AT THE CARDIFF EXCHAt-GE, ON AT THUEE P.M. T?fESSRS. TREG?R?HEN DUNN and mCCP' have re?ei?,ed instrut*tion. to SELLby AUCTioN'; a?bove.?e'?i ?!n?? ? SELLby STEAMSHIP S;TARPS, ? ?S S?'-es Dout;hs?i)i?.s. Company (Limited). 2 H?'Share?Anne Thomas S.S. Company (Limited) ? ??T ,o"rC'ril } ? § "? Whitby Abbey .of CardS 1 ? ?" ?' ?"?. of Carditf. 2 64th S""? ?''y'' °? Cardiff. ? ? ?" ?'- R'?nshoe. of Cardie. S ?' Shares a. L. E. ChaDewood, ot Carditt 12 ? ??' s.s h?oMsby. of Cardiff' 12 64th ? Porthti). of Cardiff. ? ? ?? ?"? ?"'? < CtrdttT. IMthShare 8.. Restotmc), of 0<trdj<T. So? t ??" ?" ?" S? Re,p?tfu)ty 'or Tenns anft parti,W.  to Trerthpn ?????2.?? ??????'A?H? TO pA ES PURNI"WNT Ci A NO)OTHERS. ?TESSRS. EVANS Md HU&HE8 aM AU ? m ?'?T?? ? ?''y' ? SELt. bv FtTBUG AUCT 'y,r,t on .A ???-???-???? Co??C????? ? OTHER EFFECTS, ?' ??)?i'?'K)?,"??r '?, Spt'S!? various tables. pier glaoses. "ther ¡(lass, capital hall Comprising-Capital dlning'room sUite In leather, I!tand, wlUltnot, electroplated cruet Mcl Rpirjt stand, ::¡on! cMM. decanter.. 'erent! eMe. ?MunSt hM? th. u.M? Mtchen req<itt:t.<. fenden). window .Mn?M?. ?.. h..)f.t?.ter an! ether b? ? hM ? i;S:t:il::es taNes and ? httttnd., n,-ing xIamM, bedroom mtre, )Nt))), ?c.. te. On Vtew Momfn? of Sale. EVANS and HUGHES. S?''? _Whart?Mreet, Cardtff. 222441 NV]iarton-st?t, Cardiff, SALE by ACCTtON of VALUABLE FREEHOLD ? ?ASEHOLn PROPERTIES on MOKDAY. Juno 12 189, T?ESSRS.' W. Md S. HERN will SELL <?<f/???, ? ?? ??' St. Mary-otreet, Cardin' (subject to Condttiona to be then produce.!) — ?? silop a. WAREHOUSE, B?tea< 162. Bute-street, Cardjft. havfn){ a frontace to Bute-street of ?reandSon?C'ur??? ??"? ? ?-' Ware and SODS, CUI'riers. &c. Lot 2. LMf:e SHOP and DWELUNG-HOUSE, to- eether ?th StabUnf;ituate at 242. Bute-street. Car? ,li," i., i,?n "'? t?n. be-street of24ftand adepth roomJ' 61. '? ?nt,i,llg )arf;e ehop, three etttinf- ?msc,venb?dr=n', .troom,Iftrge k,tell?n: and ItD(3 In b,??.ent. This most YatuaNe property h stt'uatect in the im- portant thorouEhfare of Bute-.treet, and is now in the and*Co ?e?' '?' ?'" *? ?" Haneock Lot ? NO'RTHmtBERLAND LODGE, a most de?ir- aM&reatdence.contamfnt: three reception-rooms, eijtht bedrcoms. hot and eotd bath, capital ifitchen end otheea, very com-enfmt ttaMin? tennit ]awn. and SS? fT?.? ? ?'' °?e' ?'tuated in the ?eat?partofCathedrat-road, and now occupied by Mrs. T"l. BADLONFA. a charming litHe Bungatow. ccn- tain.ng four ?_% and the usua) oSieee, ha?De t frontal to Stanwe)).road. Penarth, of 6Sft. 6in. and a ???. and "°? ? '?'??tton of Mr P.A. Willi?. p??; ?°y?? ?°'' WORKSHOP, at Satop-street, de Sh?t' ?'"?" ?"?? ? Satop-street of 20&. and a ? it 6. deE G.f goLlNG-HOUSE, at !9, De?on-place, Salt- mead, tMymttafroMtge to Devon-ptace of 15?' and a d?? tli ,f 25ft., and no L"?p i e ?b 7 of 15ft. an d a de Purser' Par?""?' ?"P'? ? ?' Hamiitoc. pFor Further PRrt-iculam as to Lot 1 ?ppl.?? to Tde?. Press and !?''p.S?eXo? Br?'?o L<? t ? Mes?. MerrH8 and Ede. Sottcitom, Cardift; as to Lot; to Messrs. BhMSe and Arthnr W,z,laiff; as to Lot Z: Cardiff; a. to Lot 6. to Mr. Gtadbtone. SoUcttor.Car.S? ?eeF to all the Lots, °? "'° ?"<°°?"' ?. St. Mary: st,,?et, Cardiff. 222n PEMBROKESIIIRE. ???H?S?AL?? 1. .??H AIIIILXNDS, T?TR. WM. GEORGE JAMES h?rt??ed ?)'- ?"y?'?'? ? SELL by PUBHC AUOTMN, K the '? Hote? Haverfordwest. on SATURDAY, ?o'Lo ?? foM ? ?'? ?'? In the fol I."Ino the TwFo RLoEtsE, HOLD PROPERTY, Viz -— Lot 1. The exce]Ient Farm of Lower Frofhote.other- whe Fr?hal). tnthe Parish of Spitt?. eoMbtine of mbstantMl farm house, extensive farm bn))din? and ::N¿a'fh\?Ihtne:=tr:, 1A.l?fdre, d 7 -*IZ :,y lh,, 0", Ai&d'A'Uen ?? °?''?'°° ? Messr.. Wm. Qeorg. and Alfred Allen. Lot 2. The Two Fields or CI(Me<?)t yaluaNe Land ??h?'??''°?"? ?M'-es and 37 perches, and abutting on the road leading from Hxferforda-ett to G?'T a'udA?red A? '?'"?"? °' MeMn. WiUitm Possession of both Lots wiU be gtven at MichaeImM e.t. ?eabore property lies In a good agrtcclturat district. .d -ithi,i 1. miles of th e town of H.fra- we it. aMi about two mHos from Clarbest<mRoad Station on the Great NY?t?ern RatIN Further Particutars may be obtained of Mr. William ?°? James, Auctioneer, Sc., Dys-yr-oaec. near  f Meesrs. BATON-EVANS <md WILMAMS. Vendor't SoUcitors. Haverforttwest, May 13th, 1893. 22237 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT MESSRS. POWELL, ROACH, Md CO. bave received instructlons to SELL by AU TI ?l 1, Pol 11 ly In TION, at the New Inn Hotel, Pont'Pridd, Early In JUNE NEXT, FREEHOLD LAND, Ii S te :bg7Mm:cJ'H' or I' a' and and t rd,. and Ski,rd d,ii.i-g, with the use ofthewaterfn the Mill Stream Oowint; from the River Rhoudda; the ?" ?? House being iu Lease to one David Willi?,.? for term f60 -years fk? a? to one David ? ?'an a '? or S? ? ?T ?°" ? September, 1&90; t pp.rti..?d g,? d .,?d '.t "r There' ?i? i?dS ° Se ?ot'tae' ?n s!?eam. a E v' R?h??da ? '? d' ?'?'?" ?* '"?* the River  Land between the stream and the board sehoot waU. and a width in' aUo?tner?ts ot ? River Tthoiidd,a11. kd,I Stream, the whoi?containinir I rood, 29 perches, moreorieM. but subject as to the nrst =r jg h to f rmd = fqr all Eurpo.es-from the t'l.'2 arcb of tEe viaduct carrying Se ? Va!e'R?way'? "aBord "acce'ss"'to'*the'? between the railway and the Biver Rhondda; and subject II. to tbe second crt, t.  f way for .11 F'nd l md ??ho??d''ro??° ? ?? ''?'??''? r. J nd the Rb,ildd.rov?t,. Jo?es ?d*'Row?d""8* !??° ?'?' ?'n)yn 'ron? and Rowland, Solicitors, ? aligor  to the Auctioneers. Temp)e'-ehfmbefs, ?°John?-?u? T\4TR. R. T. RICHARDS haa been in- J3'JL strueted to SELL by AUCTION, at the Castie Hotel IC,, W. DNESDA!f,31.tdy f PROPERStES? ?°"°"? RO i ;hE TT?I.ES c1:t 1;¡IG.?et a;iolle":ii:. ie:t:"t¡on-terrace, C? igil let to 3ir. Allen and gr. Fi?t. These houses are held on tease for 99 years from 1st ?"?' 1875, at ° ??'y ?' '?"t of £3 5.. &1. Lot 2. One Leasehold Mesouage sitimte In Slatlon- ter- C.?,phUl?, in the Mr. J. ter"ii:ídCT:a1!e:¿0:f :Oe: at the year? ?entot ? ?° 2d? ?'?'' ??' Lot ?Fit-e ?5 f.Ily-p?id- Sht?. 1. the Caerphiny ?'?' ?°?4,? Water lvork?i Company (Limited? For ?'H"'r Particulars, app)y to the Auctioneer, Pentreb&ch, or to Mr. DAVID LEWIS. Solicitor. 21799 6, Charles-street, Cardiff. GROESWEN, CAERPHILLY. BALE OF VALUABLE MINERAL FARM GROUND RENTS. BUILDING PLOTS AND SUPERIOR RESIDENCES. '?/fR. R. T. RICHARDS hM been icatrncted Sl L AUCTIO th. ?n NESDA y?thet,,td?ymokt*t yll, 3??t 'l"hree o'clock I. the fte-, In the following  Lot 1. All that freehold grouti l reat of 22 29. Sd. w?d on pmmlws lmwa to Philip Price, it-t. t G:2').;1\ that freehold ground rent of 14s. 9d. secured on premises adjoining, ,ftuate at Groswen, leased to David or an s for 99 from 1860. Lot 3. All thme thr=?ble freeholdh the plot of gr?u?id 9?djoining, upon which anotherhouse annual rent of 168. Lot 4. All that  it? it-t.? and :d elnlng the last lot, with a te ,f 48ft. or them- ""t 5. All tbat moot desirable and well?mnged fr? hold dw ?ll ng- 4 ouse situate at Gr?m?en, now ?upi, ;Io,;ell'1i: n st:p:so d r?nt?'i or £24 per T".I?.An d -ntining 15 _Me. Thi. n o d,I_bl, _id,ti I 9 t?t. 1llsI'iIt¡:cr;;eral and build- Ing land with oubstantial farmhouse and outbuildinp known ao Tir Trebarne Gwilyin G?owen, no*occupled bYp7u;r":  urthe r Par culars ai?aly t the rental f 940. Pont ridd or Da? d Lewis, sq., .11,'itr, 6, Chrl?.? oti?t7C?Lrdiff.? 22098 TY MAB ELMS, NEAR PONTTFBtDD. IMPORTANT SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS; ALSO A QUANTITY OF VERY OLD WiNES. M R. JOHN THOMAS has been favoured with Instructions fr.. Mr. WIIUam MOrrlo h. It teavinj;) to SELL? b?UBSc A'UCTIoS. o? TH?S? DAY, M?y 26th, 1893. and the FoHowin? D*y. t( nece*- :=t T wel? 'clock nwn, the whole of t e veii-p? served d uoefu I ??H?S?OLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS,  with a cellar of old wine of the very be9t brads. For Further PartJc-]. Pply to the  2, Berw-road, Pontvz)rid?,i ?Aroptrtp, etc., to Xct. LLANDOUGH CASTLE, NEAR COW- Jj BRIDGB, GLAMORQAN. Thi.,R e?id?n., which "? ? C?M?e JStation, S b? L?. ?n?nHthS l?e?MM, if.req ?Md. ??'' em be had with the Rouoe, ibequl1"ed. ?i'?th?'?!!?H? ?'? ?'t?" ? '"?" *'? or,wiihout.tite Mo?, andalso tfistri)ut pWLiug rouf CotMf?t tt?'inctuded i? the*Le??§tj?)t. ??SSo ??'?"'?'' <?r&'M)?. wltIi tSeBbdotig. > N-hrther PVtInIan apply t.o-mn" ???????''? .j)alt bp anrHon. TO  GENTr.EMEX. CONNOISSEURS, LUB Cum,IITTEES IFRCHAIITS, HOTEL PROPRlETOHS, AND )IHNRS. SALE of a L?INE CELIA is-I fEs T th Hi¡¡best Class, belonging to the a.tat" of a Oentleu.an '?'"?''? of the 'Eminent 'Firm of M.??; ?-??-&?-?? the T?/TESSRS. AJ?XANDER D\\IFL ? ??-tion" ???????? AUCTIO?? thc, BFLiik 7tetion DrigtoJ,' on ¡;g.u J,!o h, 1893, by di;??tion of the 980 DOZENS OF HIGH.CLASS WINES th?"???? ?? i? v.?e.. and of !-&?????? -f lJetrier Jout't. l'ommpry. Giesler. Louis ttOt.'th'rN', Hddsicek Dry ){onopolc. &e.. tGhle e,R3,BTS and n?7Be?eb?v?ile Cimt,?au Leovdte Tiaitou, Chateau M?i;.?? H?uS?' ??- ?"? Hautbrion. L.?m:e. L? Lon?uel MnWul:¡;I: J;t',  ???g?R?'ud??Jm.??.:r?c? ???.??. RILIES, i.,i Milk, I ???Mar?rit.. V' ""?  India and Cboicest (')Id Pa1e Imperlfll ?ADEIRA.Nast India and Choicest Oid Fa)e Imperial ??S, of the Vintages of 1847, 1858.1870.1878. ISM, I ?'? ????'? ?? .ue?..?Pp)i. C.t.1 )g" ?ith full d?,.il? may ohttinf"(t on ppli. -ti.n. !MSS.???????  nt, j, p,io, be ta.ted lit Mes.ro, Joh?? Un"'e\' find  Denmark-btmt, Br!sWI on T i ii,mift 2?? ih i.e. I::r:f;u: a.,i tgh, "*4  the 29t- M?y, and ,he M. p?e? '?" ?'?"? "t a.tf.pa.tT<? .-3<? ,pr. e? v. 22%7 I ?? c P? ??S?OUCNSTMtSHinB.. 1\TLSbRS. BRLTON, KNOWLES Mtd, J. CO"are i-tr.ad to SELL b, AI;CTLO-'Z, t t Y_,h" Hot..l, Lyd" )?fDAY, the 9th June, 1893, at"'1'breE." "), Fu?. ?, 1(,(. k?"the GALE or COLLIERY, ?? n? ?'? .°? CAXNOP EN(,tX! on the. ?M and Wy<. Ratt?y, ,n<<ext<.ndm? .,v<-r about,?   bl had of 3te?rs. NI g. F- and Stntola So ? ?ct ?rB, Chpsto\V A. W. wytt. E, Solicitor, Cheltenham or thf A.cti.r?, Al ?.hainbet-.i, Gloucester. 22 I HORSE EMPORIUM CHELTENHAM. ??-.?-??? M ??????? ?'???? ??.??.???' ? ?. ?. J e b Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, ?, .????????????? <'ompris!ng, modern-buílt sprlciou8 oo"cred ride, loo ùoxes 'for 661 ?-??-?-?'????????? ..?? ???i ??e?a?n? '?i ??'?''??N?os ??t ) <tM<UnK; the'r?Xn?. 7?K), Z.KttpierCotta?M.thewhc.ie formic tve?con ???°''?'??''?'?"°'"?'"???t? r.?di iig est?,abli?hment. The .?.?'???,?. ????: In-trade ca11 be k at a vRluaUon If deoired by ti. P?? ??. ? -'?" ? "? ? ? Tt)e &bove property wiU be offered in one )ot, at a reMrve. Md h not MM.wmthen?imme.U.tt<-)ymtt up for Mte )n .K-paraK )ot3. m the foUowinB order lThe Horse Emporiam, compri? exttustyt mod_ern sttbtes. apaeioat riding wliwl? nSiees, an<) tarEe yard, with a frouta?e of IMtt. in Regent-.treet. Chcit? Dam. m the immediate victnjty of the Promenade, the pr1:h": 'resldence of the present pro rie- I ttor 7pF? te Wtth every com'enience.with for,:c, stabflng, yard front ?rden. and tucrative veterinary "TprMti-e andB h oe.?t.usine..of 70 yea?'?uding. ? ebook d?"t.,?, t. i. ,ti..t?,i ?' ?°°?. '?" be taken 3. T b? H. M.. 7, B?"?-P''?. let at B80 per "'4u; 1 and ?' ?'?'' Cott&gea. eape0a!ly buitt M .ffor?emen 9 dweHin?s, bringing in a rental of ?30 per annum. Partieutafe and Conditions of MeMrs. Freer, Blunt, ?ow;at..and Winterton. Soticitor..L<.iL.e.tcr. Me? Wmttrbotham? and Gamey. Solicitors. Cheltenham ? Mi th.,=tion_W..7 ""? ?' ?' (AMridee'e), St. M..ti  T?/rESSRS*MAUGHA?, of XawcMtIe-o?! in- Tyne. Live Stock A?ente. wit) SMU. at Avon- ".i'ToMI. honWEDNESbAYor THt-RSDATtfEX? 27< g'b ëi:fEliS1ITLE,rDsme: i Srdin.t. Fordennite dat< of Sate. and whether ?ey ?a er? ? P"?te'y or by auction, KeBr..tot daiiy Papers On Tuesday. =51 Oalt!5 tp Pribate (Lai,,trart -fRINTlNG AKD STATIONERY.—TO JL be SOLD hy PRIVATE TREATY, as Goina ConMrns. tbeee BCS!NESSES. mccesefuUv ?carried an hy Mr. DA?D JONES, Dece-?ed, at Am?cn. ?ey' for the ia ? 30 years. Soid by order ot the Adminis t?niM So?Mtor? ? investi?tion.-?tppiy to W {nsturanrp Company. C1 uN" HSSU';A.\CK OFFICE ?.' (FUtE). FouNDftD t7H). :S, £391.800.000. '°'' CARD?" ?rJ PrLe ?D?kee.?.??tMet Charle! C, 21, WOIk:lng-street. Mr. Charie! CrM!. 2i. Wn,tth?-!tMtt. Cl?.,?be.. ,f Mr. F. E FnrM. Aberkenng Mr.JeMeHt.riey. l;ttù"swn Mr. n. G. Da.it-fl. Oowbridge, 1I1r. TIJom"8J. Pal8ons. -t:,rd f;Ol Lh\lItrl<nt. Mr. William H.ulin, rpONTINE ASSURANC?i ACTUAL RESULTS, NOT ESTIMATES. NOT A COST-BUT INVESTMENT, ???'?.??'?' "? ?92. Ii D?-Ti'. application to the ?? L??S?.?. of?e?n??? for a fresh JE2.000 Tontine Pofiey for nfteetn-tjr, i was quite Mti.tiedw.th MM resutt of the twe.?-vea pohey whtehe?ired .n the 9th i?t. paj.) fc, ?0? insum;)ce .E96 per annum, h.?in){t.iken;),ypo!fcvwhe., ?S ?.dT the moruJ"?'.? ?? ??? the "n,,y du,, o?EuS.?nd ?'" JM,??'? A, ?h?ho??rs.?r?th?.r ?? for the ed foi -22,00( Mr DunS??d th CHAmES W. DcKLoF, Mr. Dunlop hRd the follo,,inl: option. ;C,3= 4 ?Ann'?or?.?. ?? 8 t & 2 4 2 0ci Any person who will his name, wid,.s,, nl d.b of ?rth?o {h? Manageror an?A?n??)?re?? of birth to the Mat tf rt ?f P61icy ??litiilar to tl,, ittustration of the resu!t of a roii?.niXr ?.?n. am?unt'D?een?'M? ?' ?? '"? detirct d.OOO INFLUENTIAL AGPNR$ itEgUIRED INFL::JIM'l?fl:E,ID. I THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCJET?' OF THE UMTEU STATES BANK-BUtLDINQS. ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF' 57, BROAD-STREET. BRISTOL. OXFORD-STR'EET. SWANSEA, Lr TRIG ffS, ACCIDENT INSURANCE COM?NY A(LIMITED). :P. ST. SW1THrL:B.\ONDON, EC. I ACCID?TS". ACCtDEKT!). D??'?- ?1??. Agente throughout Wales. I?-l-?? SS! C. HARPING, MaBa?r FASHIONABLE FUR BOAS (BEAR), B. EVANS AND (COMPANY, HAVING PURCHASED 287 CHOICE BEAR BOAS AttBtgDttcountoft Co<t from the BEST FPRHIERS tn the TRADE, now offer the tame at most ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES. AT NO TIME OF THE YEAR ARE tjlUR 'DOA8 More NeeaMtry ttmn in the coot?nd often cold Mom- tup md lcvminp of hot ?(I mnny day-' ?d no Article of*w-, eqtmlly gmmful, ? be kept 10 .,dy at band for comfort and TmtPLB-STBEBT, SWANSEA. [22200 J. B 0I1'01iJan B1 to tbe t o-t ,UId .8th- -3"kgam wmth a"& iJLrblrr fippl)t!ttmtHt5. (-ILyè¿'Hí,(:i_:iÍiOl)i:li0.'lliõ. (S!:T!r!CATrUASStST.tXTMAStKRWA!<TBH f(,r tht, Gh'lh.'V.lT90 Ð-xu.\ Cil\lli1s. .\ppUce.t:<)II', ",ith t<:atimon'aI.. b¡. nt W the Clt'.I ks 'If tÙe noari on or hdtllOt tile6th JlL, 189J. C{;'fHIIElil'>II;¡ u),1 \r.:tt'f>t. X(':1t'J, lSU)')I: 1'3¡3. 22a)8 &r. 'b" "p. /?J,A-MORCAX BUILD1XC SOCIETY. ?? .5.0?EEX?'[){Bt.T,CAKUIFf. )! 0 N :E Y, D Y A X C E 1) D('ro()1t:) Tt'C'eh' ant .i:&¡U'(>"I IS1n.u. daHv. A PoR NEW PRt),PF,(-TUS TO ;'uS 1, A J.)AymS. ¡¡"7. H R lC 1.P L TrY PER AtAXF.KT ,[ TTI ,OClETY. )'- pr cf'.nt. on DIU'r¡JT"ghort *<Hc*. 1 )Z per cent. <m?.AK<jH!: t)ETUSItS.f<.r ?t '?' pt cel )1 ??? N 'l'TA (, f;;JW& .? pctee! H t'KBFERK?TTAt.?tMtiitt. "-f-? A¡';L:i'K"T.'rt: ,t. J. ,1. '\OOD. 24.Hib.f't..rM fe?.?'h and )!\r.v: ?"b. H. )?L.???? 33. HiRtlt¡f.rtf;'t.' l? t.th. H'Oj Kbbw'Vftk.: Mr? J. A, t?VtM. !th ph?. 2\p:¡:nlYH Axj) 1)OWL\.18 t)UILl'!XG Q<C:HTY. C !rtml1!. Yr. A¡,.1(rm!in \\IJ,LIA11"i;, h'"8l'\h UClUtlf', h,rth.\T Ty ;hl J.OAKq ADVAXCJUf) IN P!\I" FROM £100 TO ,P]O.OCD. T      ??°P???'Jt.)?'?'?.?.i-l?'WtLUAMS. R('!Ttat; (;!f>helanj 1fOU(\ :\ft>rtllyr VIILLIAMS,  ttblíri\tton£). TEiHLITY IN \\(J'¡; ITSCArsi.3 tj AKD '[)tt;\TME\T. By J B. III.L-. M.6.. M.K.C.S.. L.m'.m. A JH.H-S- 'J!.ATNK EMJTIUX of tMi. Wotk .a KUW M.AHY. S m n (I :f\W Editioll. JUoft Puhl::jh<> I, ¡.t-:rf'e fix øtamps. A TREA'i iKE OK KERYUU'-YDMMAi-tES .1.d WEAK:"l;sS III I¡¡. wit!> '>e, 'pHon of Ü. 1J1œt C()rnmou¿;en5e ail.1 deQtjtic 'l'reatmeut e\er 1."11<1011, A. J. MIGT!. 62 .d *)3. GrM.<. Ll(;8j -n_ 18!)3. lf.v"ELL AXD ??'??PA?T AKN KOW SEU.tXG A (} R A N D A ? S 0 I: T M.JE X T ?'E\V ,?F /-10ODS rNV !K IOODS I, A TL I" S (A PES, A\P T A C K E T S TT'tM:.H).H MII.HX).t!Y. HATS tmd BOXSRTI, FI,O',VE'CS ..d kEATilERS. SFNSHADEg ..M' I'VBRFI.tAbk 1-AC'ES. r.ACt: SCARYESanf) TIES, 'n;t;Mt'Ma Hr.\TLEMr.K'sH'OS)EKY'.T!);S.a.ndMERCE!tY. I.))EA atiLi cnn.DBEN'S Ot.'T'tITttfG DEPAHT MH,;l' W.) AMortfJ with New Gootit. KEt: LACE Cl"nT,\ VPFTONNES, ;tnd CARPETS. ALr. COODS SOLD HETAH. AT WHOLESALH PMICES. TTOWEI.L AND cmLPA,'Y, THE CARMI'T DRAPERS, cARI)IFY. 2,i358 ? H,UIPI())) and SO\S' KE\ CAIALO(,n. sow READY 'LH A:lIPTU?\ and SOXS AM. XOW t.%L't\& THEIR KKW HqfOOK o( DESIGNS Md COMPLETE J.L3 PURNIESHING CATALOGUE [LLUSTRATED ESTIMATES }\,r Compl,.ocl. Furni.'Ün¡ E <-LA'S rf HOLSE r. arf)tr-r"ntfMtureofthii "T'EW, lTn);II! lXG GUIDE, .J.. with HøUmat-f> for i't).'??? for Fat??hins ?-ROOMED 3??-.<??/ !fOU6K. E?e-yJ).a!?Ft.?! .v?!!di.t??'.?? t AMPTf? Md.S('??, H Jt ?'A!.L MALL BAST. 'fitAt'AUtAR-SQL'ARtt, LODON. Wo,k.-IJ.I.kre-I, Lon'¡,'n. SR. T)EST PRING EDICINE R:-t'ti1ihed f.d.v 100 Yf'8t' :K_AfE'S "TOHSIÆI,L'S PI1Hv h B!OOtt lh'J:,ou¡:thly. A B('ti!ld: A Gure IHÔia:c'Sf,jrm. Cure 'I l?io  hl\l1hlAble to I.lá7¥ of 'all o.;¡. tv'move lrregula, i., -f? It-t"" U, H.O^ VA t Ch? _? 'Ie, MO!? "fM.. MOM NEWPOR1'. 'fON 'EHEDE REESN?M'OST1X<. ?? COMPANY (I.nf!TBO). PROP1:1&1:OHS of li>:J of LARGEST P05TDi(J STATIONS in r:.Jf'r:i. Ri&l. an"- E" 'hrnIs GIC, AHC[Ar,p'r¡ 0



Family Notices