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SCAI.C OF r;;i-:iv.n> advertisements 1: fain advance the ordiuouy iredit rata war Up charged, T Nix Tim** Vhrt'e Si* P*Hvand t: Wor t*. Once. i Tiuieg. Time*. 'tr* in Wi-eklv. ,{ it. v »1. d. ") (')'i) 1 t;?' 0 "? .1 ) (I :>, :{ 0, 4 0; J 10 I: ■; s to 5 L) 4;0 V*'™' }- 4 12 Th cliv «. which nvnt h- prepaid. apply only '» r\:li"'I:"I"IÎ\'t' h'4.rth)n. of the fo;1I rlMv. nf a,\v,r l»-nwn*« :oiitultt¡.m. Unit-I. !iil nation. OfT"I" /■■nrtwei.f \1\ 1". Ao»rm-it» *1"J W??'' ?'r'*?''?''<.n?)t?.??)?  V >IIM M' '«c« UmiM, MmnN'S, 2 S HJJ. o*♦ J'uMIohik L'' or S«l., S-wif.e A,rld. fllf 8th" Ii th !r'i.H'. he n.'i nm,tt¥uth'p. op If pnvTivit l>* 'w' mn.lr iwevion, t" i>m' •lUn.fnn. TlitM'ifdtt r1Ct "11 >* ?r'?.?'?o''?''?' «w tk,,i f I'?. t)?." tl", ''X?.'?..fP.rt'?.M..?<<?.?" I'etf In «r» oli»r £ Ml 2f11. 6,1. Htrh. H not PXWlilis: "3 »or,lj mill 1'i. '"r M1* ••<<llti«rftl y r.l. 1'. >11 ('»■< the N .'n;e» mint t'\e .n"1"I.t\' by tht Signature ,I A<Mrw» el "r!err«it*t nu»bt»km to Inwrt advortij-nient? on til" (h. o,\I..tt. «» well II to 9f'U:' ,o,r«fv Mii.tv.1: lxi> e>m.o. n'sponibJ f¡lr )n»«':nolrs in f,'h#r of !>>?»• re'i.Mts, nor for »nv C.U geowncs arising I ht":orhom. Ch*qu»$, and ?''?!" ?"" P st-oflR>* <?" mtt?.?b.' t Mr. Uittn Watm* Thomas, f!?w' _tla:! Oirdlff, ''?)." .'?.?"?MF"?0"?,?j ANSWriJS TO ADVKIM'l.SKMKNTS. '.?r/?f..Y?7/<'?7n/t/)rh)fr/.s't'f.w. 8diir!ild t,} Initiator hcUtm* t»l>eeale\ f.r I,t iitinertd 'I?. c»»v$;T <-e '4 Rh' *«»* rJ)I' t;<?K.t i.t;'r'?<ct. fo le immerfuife.'y retu»'ne»i f rn A A PVKRT1SKRS uro CintlrtttM !h_t rotrm-»«»»r« -yt AA?'<.t?1'? ''c?'trt-t!<?A?'r.-<?'??'?? or flo'ltiMU* Sw\ \t \0, P,),t'1!I" J,_U\H "t,'r'I..t *• Of 11\1\\ 1U;1t ta»*r th. ,1" •! tn. .("r:.tr (IT 1'1:' or Ua' j iWntrmioninl. MATRIVOXY —Yo«rf I/T?y, who ha* oon»u»n!"»ii f in ? t?htn.'?'"?'?.? ?"?.? «ouM !:le tlif t*r »reoti«vi of W Hu*b»' i"he *•< CS> -.m i i* o.>M« U er^» *^ry P>t" ?J7Th.fn T, to. 114m9 M A ntIM' N Y. -s Ws;V.7*^T y.ar jr ar.l otliw P «- r::E:,r:i;t:i;JÇF,:f T>e*trf wcrecy. Addw* M:M A.-#<twNh'<» Youn* VVojp 'f), »ye C4. WishM to Torre- •n-ird ffl'h Y uti? Man; t,.d rre* f,;('r1.-01', 11" ,> r,- saa. ?'?H? ■ [ ;v (H^KTTF. '"«; ■■■Tu ■ ■ 1 •' AgenTy.th^ T'/I; J ''I"; l')i'{;i:E..¡,i: ,-r r ion r>e.< ) Vr M~ (its v. • 'n o> ^r*a-!on. 6>\). 4-\ 1i t 1 on ion. or on.Ur «f N«w«- Wi™ ih» O'l-I min Who Took a >Wim ,oIs:i:I:tJG:o ;r': ;t!1trl;)t,¡\r;: i:#-ori! lh« am'Chftl' IlJtt'. St. M ry rt»-l. CL?, v "tv.I ill i "T "'rr*~ L' Vi.tl'v Ch.'»Ttgert their I V.- J' • >' :tiv.Tii'«at:nf w'tb fl>o ,T I'^JIP 0 ■_ 'ig- te> • Pani>I Or^;» noH .:r..l'li n. ¡.,o.' Clrnrai. T'll'tCr*r' S*. AJ «ph.~Cur ,tp WintM. about first |/ i- a Mirrurf Pn'i^h nvar two rdJ. ,r,. ;l)talnr: iuosl^<l; • aIA 'r 'Y V -^rilUOUiili«, t<» 1 V y V r< t: 13835 V* ••• ivu-< 1 PrVs*; e*cfl« ?? ?.?" ?'?a '?.f?L- r <• of x C.'jurob »'i\ l C lZH 11: v 1 >;3• ii;* t 'w/;¡p,i: ¡,f: I n l -'» lews; A-Mrew Yicir. Mt. AnAf f \W> iWflnrai. jf\ 4 PPRPNTTE Waot«A ouUo if); who has paw-A ;r ••* trv "X'lmtaution irriyrr- d .—T. V. Yor^th, C. r VMS. i -> AsjtfKhine. to Vwit, Disi^1 Jft -wl -r frrT: imloov.—Avply. reference*, AW:KfV, i Tifton srreet. V. res;.ocUl»l« «n«l fair!» e-hj- p4.i y, in 'o^tj. 844L0^ ^rholaetir. TRjf3Kn'< WAN'THP. ''F:6rHETn W A"TF:tJ. M-v«c and PR(F.f,tit2 ¿:I¡ve\r::J.(àn 5. tron «r«« P.o th Of Pu:^K nl; !524hl" U'AN Kl>, M-»>r.«r for i'larach A1; »aUrf. ^36 (fttedl. t\i;(!), *r*nt anü tolo\1t f gisnt; 0<1 6f"lf:t aaeDdall 3-4; IW¡-G.} Y to Vl'¡f, LUogorweD, A1'f'r,"t- with. 7'5hS «n hx-r.T. t<>r n lh>y*' Nciiool.—Fur par'icu-  i?'.?XM 'i'.? D. {\Í1:iùi1vr ?M* Ti/ANTrrrimm^iat«'lf, 0,,t:6,?l., Mader (temporary ) ?????!3?n?'°?y'??*A'?yy?. Penbt 111 I R.o, 10Hh8 TVAVT'I'. C»thi'!ic Yf'Uittf Luly an McK h -r'- !M;> atul ? Nursery fi^v,riiesg.-AdUrert Marshy, V rfi-e, T r»-forest. *'h7 ?il i 11 ) iSkew ;Nl tl.- 1\ imiiJ'laflv, "õtgj¡;!1; to usa ii1.1 )V. .nr1al': -ai ry £5{'AppJ,. "ith teSthll()ui¡9 aii<\ fuU l-)ntcnl. HtMtlma'e: W4h7 AIIFII, Young T.d, as Nowry Governess. Abo l<xx\ li«:.cral.—Appiy Mrs. 8h«af. >V'tn;sor H^ns?, K-wpor- Mr.n h \V AN l'KI» a tn- rou^nly miwiitit-vl U*ily »» by \.4.0,\tl IOn. Hurb 'I1rt. P., r-h KWh9 ANTKL>, .» Numry under iO, wber« a Com- IV f.»rrwb.p» Ji:\r:n Houi« w(j«l-i be ùref ''8t):¡ thun •• ary dutiM liga:.—Appiy, with terms. R 18, It' stem "laj 12CMhl" \1- A>*TK» ii -we u u y tor 1V:> Moiitbt, aoAMJit»'it- »* Master /or < wiu4a School.—Api ly Clerk, Tnlley 0 to-ll: IJ^lili. 1^3 At'¡:m'fs-tllfr,,F:r.df:'i 11 xed »* -rune t. St^tr ciuilitio-tt'-ns t»rd ?a!>r* re* qUIJ,-d .d montuly) li«ad-H«t»ter. National Kchoo',L>un* mh. 138¡;II 1 AL'ANTF.i) )in:i.«- d itte'y. through uu*xpecte<J t»canoy, 0'»*efi.«s-^ttul«n*. (lailf); t afnung an d ai accom- p ;ff. limhg __T'Y\I: I pr\ ret'ntt.P, I r h i j\]. r. r., ,] \j un! »r fin mi j,riv\t- njiiun i ,iy dl,'a U'I',lt,l for Hcholn^bh'i awl ugh thf'?M?'r'/W/ H.?. ?u'b'?yt?'? ? t. '.?t. COlùl" ,Yd iiiueirai. \l,rAXTri) luQinediAtelf, fj'od lady Vocalist and M*n?t: A,tZ:;te;r,I :J; I:;h 't :J:.la::j: tnon!a1', 4\, to Tor?, ArtwtUlnp A"Dr.f. Brynmawr "n 13:'h1' BAN'I> K ru're aj) "adoxmn and Ii*rry HÁ • r > [• i in Kteven ».m. to Six i-.tn ).—PrlfM mul Ii>.r: J'}I(JU. retar;(!I. Moigao Br.jihers, 10. V r« T 3352 MK?T ALFUKIi \U>KH1>, Ij.K.A.Mi, B*|«> to JI;I th it *tie U^nun*^ Lewoiw lo Sln^inR, Vo!t»» Pro<tnc at lJ. Nortbcote 8treet. C.riitt. on 8>t-ir:.y. Mi\ ?h 13819 if, A.N Kit l.a y Tiardrt Hint Voe.i.tet good *» -nir. I" ev-it» ii:n<!0 reider A: i > i:. :r.,«v:-i .U,.» M»r^hyr Tydfil. 97>-h? ^ouSfkrcptrS, C()mpaníún. Szt. nor- ivM.ri.' v C >\I!jANIO.S-, A. wanI FD. T\ n': i; W.nsttd by « •• I. <J-riy ji.tio o"k ng "el wh-»1hii« r**ui ,),; 1 '¡:I'¡Æi:\11iliF h'yitr.- >1 13,03 ^I'ANTKD. VfT-o'i^wi'h V><#\ ref^retictB, to Attend Jrv.i.- d t" iy- ;n Ten p.m. to Stveo am.- A,li, Q i6 U".4t,r:1 .\flli( C»r.H(f. 413h7 V* ANT'KD. Wor If. Houseliefp^r aze ab^ut 5' stite » xa.nr y —Amly 1, l>jv d »tre«t, MaD^eltowr, <t SO, II .1 "t..t. k."uPfI4. 1137119 U'OKKINU H»(uw e« *r Wanted inMne<ii;itt<!y for Sjr'gle Oent emnii tConniry); «ood cu<; k mm kt-p*. — iply Mrs. Uflglq", 11#. Qu^eu utreet. 0-*r- C lttOhlO \t'ANTKI>, wo iu faaiiiy wflling to make »" h*r«-it t«nat»Ur uccfr.l nod act a« companion to a bod, in demote h. Ub.—nuta age, ref^rtnee, ext er^nc*, ai»-l Jiry expect#t, to M 3, W$tm>i V'I¡l <r- dill. '.P" S' W**l Olt);? ? 'j" 1,7 HOr>KKK PFUS.COMPANIONS .ir.,WANTPJ ArK? t as <■'■ 'Á- Y,î¡;;H::1h r t \r)I' ::r: I C'1\:1a, h»"f • •emtit in kept.—Attdrera Kllen. Ki^i i's JLihrtrr ? ':1'1. J_3»»'J.ll 'lie! j; ]• r, < S' tu a v .;j j-orvl liianu^cr XI «•■ v.r il >>■ us' goo.i reference If: .1 ;r:'f:;i,:f.'Tr'.f.'g¡t.i: | | K '• j;. r M atron, or Aee««d;irit on Invalid XI »- x v4 —H '2 !r**4'»r»' Cardiff, [W5 a >. V: l-•>»■■>•, •, ,• ab.o Working Mao: ooniforfalde t i .rtU huh wages.—w. J„ C*fTf", N, 1"5 h6 (^U.MPANI«>N—Voting Kuftlf h l.»d) V ) JJP^ire^ Ku « ••• met-t inJitue, C r dfl or T»eig-»boHrhootl; thoroughly orufstic ItM: Yer, "nl:.bJ", ch-erfu1. mulcl. "miuie, and e311 (In." w.d: highly ret-omui'ml-d do pmlotw I'e- rI"nc"L1" Mtus Sled, OoiballK Dunaany, Co. W#a'h, Ir^Jiri i. 9'19 KK-v:N'(ii; i jKNT I^dy tf i 1^Of Hou«e«e#»i»fr. by t:==! HW .4. ^b5. :Ú}Omf$tlr ^eiuants. FT:MAT.F VKKVANTS WANTKD. -II\-A)lT \A:I'TEIJ I'VKiJTJrtKK^ Hr iU.i»te» ,il/. IVwtM.w-ter- +rv S<* *v Allowed to Deliver fitter* A-'dre^^ed tn Initial* or ïct"h.. amM at aoy }J08t-onlce. I.ottera 11t\r'tV..t to initial* ar flfMtitmt iiaTiien 11m, heav the luldreas rf tin- a»l*f*rtij* r <iri>n«oft)e< 'rt'cea uf the n" Mail. T- W!' "T, r: J, Nur-ea Uood needlewoioen). Haveral 'i' k '*neral Servauta, .O.-JOD'" Melsot B«~ i HwitnuM. 3117.' \L' A:>r,. •, >;ih< (>)iprni for MtuaU Paniilj': go«>'lvldn • ;Ii.: :<;}Z:Ii3 %■<- s u is. yf-nl. C.rdi/T 136CS "1 A .N y. thorjjug) lycojnp'K.'ht (jeuerai i» a Pamdy of -ttr0T:ik\f-:1\fr:: cf houw 1,)od Wate" LO «ukable person,—Revly Madam, Tre 1..1.11. near Car tiff. 13604 AV ANTF1», for Family of Two. g»o<l Oi>ok, with nati*fa • tor? chur-ic'er from la«t t- U c»- of e uplojiaeot.—'sice- i g &ok l l '»u»e. T-V r*h •L* ANTKl>. uwfui M ii t. to vt *o Chdd of four and i. He f in HouscwoiL; must b» first-rate newilewomati. it: Wydeheme, JJwyuteuw, tfougath, K.S.O., Poiitfofii- ^rrliaiito. # fEMAI.K SEIIfAST* XVANI KD ('OlltiIlUn1)). ,:t: ;15:]f.¡.i-;ç>1\2' 'I' ;f:,iI; ll. 'iw Ci w'T. 15 anTKI.1 k T-hI c.H*AWa». KHtl y c r. j i.iifa :I!r{B.¡; )\i::P 1/1 Hi' 4'-u- •. G1 «:n. U antj:i» (miut.i I Htrvain; ilue* in lamdy; aiiothet k tl }.ei.r, i>) tuau to ruttgh work.—Apply Mrs. Ur. V vi-K \r*v T. :»'1'. n "ASihl\ mi' K.r:virtu,.iu .and Ui>per Hoiwe- rnaut 'ngpij .<■' to <(.>. Ai«o strong dJiYi- m s r.»x- rfj vf 8 It' t, .M .« y l, ;u, iifiitftu l ^civ.tut, A ..« t*• l>.» it Cooking kooU refevciiOe.—Apply Hull I'-ink, CVhe.lril •" d Crti-ditf, 34irti0 U, 'A.NTK1>. by inil-'le or May, an e>perieDv«»d Hotre* r .i: 1'iniiiH'- V i with references, lirynbo me, St:>w Pavk. N«-'Wi>or• M ■• li$ A'i'!v'v Mix'V/ I »1 |Mir<'OVoltr MV «• .•»-!>•» hoim« ::I:El:il ai'd Cie-niiug.—Api ly 14, CV/| 'ii1:: tvr- .«ce C.irMtt. 85'.W r N f It V-W( >\f A N" Kt-quirfd Igood chirf )ian in ]j A sunll K.m; y ;» b l- to do Hons/ cleaning. -—Ap:dv 14. (\,i ^:r un iwrace. Canliff. SSlh* \nisf W.ti'.ci ,»l.e to t.ko yotuii.' biOy; iitttii be i;Ii):t;2:g; a1117IP;¡; general Servant for Pe'taith. — W (b an jefeiences to Mia. lluimau, h'tcbutvh, t't rr-r.'id 9'7hrt Al-r> vM.t*w*»iirAT o:s;«4f" o7 Sertanm; Sliu tlon-» Ij >• iu-tf'1 tor Servant*; fee ls. — \fisa Walter*, v, 1 'ige» H' 1" s»i M' 1031\h7 Kl oUlRKU at once, good House-Par onnn id Icr Conn i> rartuii! ,rs as rouge, wnge?, IIIt:en w h* «pnt "• Slrit. Per.ra it. Cardiyt). t:"j- ALl:' of Mala an<« Female ^rrmta Wanted t Kupp .led.-A -ply Adamwlnwn Roclatry, Ad nt^own W ^t end savant alight know- lT »• .cod inference.—A) ply. Btanus V rmnnrtU-1, Vi M '« I' ^e-.tr S-T iiM*K'Ut JC> Ab.e to .lo Pia'n :11C\I¡} ;¡;U()(:t, Harris. AttUt, Me thJr. ^llh7 IV ANTKU, Yout»j Oirl for Hou^worlt.-Addrw#, 'T tf y t' and tefereiitv*. Kron-y-l'sro. M'e#U-r. [b7 TT^ASli'D i. tvu-'worthy, r<- l .bio Person for u Small !l:¡i: it;I;;I;'(I)t,:t; ;Itt P:ro)(:î::(\k:n: under 3'. M 1 Hkitrwa H^^Teuby^^ J'93b7 il ANTJ v •-r d £ r?ant for Two; m>ir be ti- wor<, honest, ab;e to ooolc and iron: s- «i.l: "on;t W'aa!¡1I.i1 AnKud.V" ii* toa'. Ab'T^Avenny. 91 hi 1MMTDI\TKI.V, eiw ier^ced Ueneial: deai-.trustw-rthf, ano »bl- to do plalu cooging; A w .gen,—Apply■ W, 'lI.rtr"eT""j1. !:oath. tltn1t'r, j('I'Wh7 Tv AN re i> iiuHip. I :? ':IÖ;:a\l:¡¡l.i.ltBld: *» Mr ^> G «tje'al Ser*an;i. Dlaentfaged, Kit('h[: 'I V 5'• Msemaid*, Chr..()nhHJ.118. IVirirv :'f HI!hj Vi* "T\'t •• i, *:i. ]i F.ttu!!}' ;i too.i GeiH<r:<l m- v.wit f ?iot ii-der IS vpii-9 nf Mge —Apply Mrs. R. Ii. K»»n«, 30, Rridge *trt-wt. Ner. p'-rf, Mon '• ? Gï: Stv :nt Warned ijimalitit'dy • nee. fiotn 554, ( T -Apuly, witli reference*, to <>. F., l».W7i V«« >watw,«a. Il.o5117 %"i; A-ifitf7;f:if; ■ ditf. ininied 'it. It, Co-' k a. Wouwinaid*. Par.ouruiai 1s ( u-d-r-taud P6,1l"wl'r). rwi-ertable Genfrnl-, i !!111I. X I en w*^«. 11)27r.1 \t* AX l'F.T>otiee. aOenetal Scrv tnt. Able to }^qb.— \» amI- 43, O'kti-'ld "trt'. Rotth, CanUff. 104,1)7 >■ CJin wa?. h fog out soi l! Vi/ ANT' -i i- uit'u rcftTftnce, Mrs. Lewi- J-n- MtH (1v 1070b9 ;r;i,2:i:¥ lie j. f. -laughter preferred; no dvry or clildren. — Mrs. Ptar^. Ashelugen, Kow, 1-,iYÄ:t,t:I).1t 8e'Vlllt. who j. go<A (,f'¡W;IÜ-t- maid.—R 8, 11 « <r» .Mad omt'o • ar- ,»t Win.g ,Xfi:l). ■» tr0¡ccurl)llled to Cows aiv 'ùle » ti S-ll Milk; reference* required.—Erars, Herb<Ck, A U -r J .tr.' 1 U' ANTKD. an expcrieu' d Nm mn t be go<>d nee-Mc- w,,»n.n», — A p IS, Cwy^-V'l roa'i. P^Q Tth. [Ii? AT D. <n experience U"tr.l sdYl\nt: must be M tood ,AL>11y]8. Cwrt-yVil r ad, Pennrtb. f b9 ^ANTKP. a Plain Ct>0! £ 18; »" d Glr», abom 16. to «*siwith work, £ 7 to £ 9.-Mrs. Gwynue V .nigh-p., Cofn. ne «r Man .S .r-rv, 1 U a n m —i'* d fuvtr acrTant^ i:ei>t; v -s what exi>erience.—Mra. Hcc k e-'v Xi'iitfi. 1047h'' !> )i,¡tl:. ll\1 not under 25; .1 *■+■■«<: ttuitHl-I» vrBop.—April, by le'tcr, or MfrerSx Mr». Nib^s. 63, Fair View. Gra^etown^ r- 11/ 4NTKI>, Oeuer'l Servant for Private Hou*e.—M-ply, 11 Qu<-en street. Car jff. 10*4h9 IVANT? respectable Ci«rl, ?s Third St??%nt )V?? h?m?"?? l!'(' Q?'!?? t!ilJ. lPv^sllS (, r,l K able to w ish and iron RinaU if > 1 k it .r-)ee required; hou-ernaid tent, -V n^it, 11031,9 «l aN'I'i-1» ui'iieral Servant; mus*. be fltrictlr ? ''?.?. ?o? ?.?.?n?M'?'?i?t???? h ??. Pontypridd. "?M TvaNTEI a goo j c ok, and a.'so expenmced HcU* IÅ\ï.j R'ti o:¡StldXrl1i;J ^o Mw. WllUamH. Maes-yGweinen Ha 1. Morrlston. 1l0jh (S"K5?KRAL8erract W in;K. lô f )S; T uo WtshiDK.-?tdrtM A. B. C., »♦ ««er« Jfarl (jfcee, SUIIe¡l. 11 6119 I A.!f(1 I¿tr\t. ¡tit %ur H.ouit:\ror"iEIY ANTED at once, Housemaid and K;t "beniuald age I >▼ about in >v.;r*App^ 1. Herbert place, tlr,1 road. SvAn«ea. l U 'i h \ar A" -TE') KO-^d General; ab-e to w? ut.d | ? *')?n'(?"???'!X'm: ?m"' ''mi'T h.Mem?M and nurse kept.-Apidy, 8taltue Ia\'tkuhrs Mr. Ivor Paries. B'vnzarw, Porth Pontypridd. l!<ih9 W ????B.?.?''?C???'. *ooA wages.-Apply }>l t;e Ben j ainin,9 Clie«Toad, Penft th. '1 8h* Ai]:n Gener1 1 Servant; "ble to do thin cooking- two in family «otnfoTt:«tle home for good ttnt.n? to? w.? ?e?.-AM? ?7. PI.,tt.- t?" CrJi. "M''? WANTED, a e ood~1;<K'k.—At>y. stating age, wage«. ,d \V A!f(:Ki::r{,tr;{T;l,r; town, Pont?.r? 'r?? A exi>erienced General Servant Wo.ted for h Bu«l"-sa A''H')'?.?[?"'?*M??'Mts. M?!oti," S. Q?"- «f*» t ''ardiff. \V ANTKI>at once. rce -eetal) e Gir., uboctt lutir wu. ???'*?'m?.! r;t;:d-i'ltH;8('àicl:S Pn' eol Wellington, H» rea, C'r ?t. 1H3h, LNEUAlTServant Wnnted ago ab ut 10 to 18. «"o VT character.—Apply Mrs. Newman, High street. C ^ox- -l ANTED, in A < ount y Hnu^e, H«-u«-P irlounuald an.\ H\)Ut.K;t'heTlIn.¡i, lll1r,(\ ('hln('er" nq.'1irt.'d. — 4n»)v b» letter. •J' .'i f 'j g age» anrl wher« last in service, to C.I). 18. »teimey p!»"e. T.l attell^ C'rroMthenaWre._Jjl49h6 WANTETi, foci Plain Cook at nnce wages £ W\ la. 6d. »v washing money. —Aprly Mrf. Hi^oei-t, P^nclose, U?rj.'j' °°°°" f "hR  /■>ENEKAL C s-rvU!t ?'?"?' l)u.tCer 'trt. :r (1n! y-. Cu "tf, 119h!O nSXPEIi. n~ex;ieiiei;ca t Kou*e-P»rb u*ru iid rau« tlK'ro^fhJv <ii.d»r*tand b,, d I good yf- j ^rPTir* frooi lrv«t ftiin«tio!i; wa^e" A nply to Mrs. w. M il O'lc, NrMltrds Cytha Pari-, N-wi or-, Mot.. A-Tt.0 ni id —Ai-p't Oeen. Ci»ren>ont. Newport, Mon. [no IV A?' clean, active Ho tse-P rlourm dd f->r Fxmlly %V of Two; g-I character ndispeiipfthle.-Aprly Mrs. Moxon, TI ge. Nt It. fI"2 I t^ANTFD "immediately. c:o(Kl Pldri Cook; wages from *» £ ?o to <22 ?, ?,,(l refr? ,I -V.ply Mm- Al'en, Portbktrry RectOry. B*rry.^C*»- WANTF.D, on experienced Cn..k.— A j.ply, by U-tt-r v» onJ ly, to Vincent. "Barry Rt1lff;iyi» Company B-rry pock. HtlhlO "W ANTED. Home-ParlourrnaM Chnr-hw..iu::n vefe- j rences required.—Arrlv Mrs. Rnbf\rh. St. Olive s, Pennrtb 122'h'O MM>K.-tV,inte gooit ooi:, who thorougblv unde>-3tan>ia her .tut'ei.—apply 14. iru teri-'tce. CTditf. [hC SOUNTRY~ n *o 'nHtf-Wanted, a thnrõnghly trust- C~ j worth v Nnrse for Yomw Baby ,,)d needlewoman.— Ad 'rew Vfr^, "oS Mattop. Pvnaa Powis. 11 l1hF' A1'ËÎ;ï;d-;r;T Children; good »* need/e.'om-n ¡¡t¡t./t ae. wag*, ami reference.— Apply Cameron Hot»l. w1nfOR. 12-32hl6 U* ANTI'.P itnm-diately, good General Servant. »a Plain Cook; assistance given. Also Nurse,—Apply M fl. G, H. Wew-llyn. Pencralg. Caerau Park, Newport. 1253hl0 WANTK.T), truvw rtby Nurae (ibout, 23) for Three LiMle ChiUVen m»ist be atrong an.1 well recommended.— M-». }fflW" "f1.rnna2P. A hF-r" 'f'11Uf. 121 h6 W'ANTED, g«.od .v:15 Servant; plain »' .ooking: notntifler ?!»; good wnges.—App l v, af>T sir, 3. Pbs'tirton wardens, C .tIH iral road. C'fdiff. [V32>il0 \l* ANTE." good Genevnl Servant: pi-in cooKing, name *v k- i't good WA"-( to auitahle )1tton.-A P¡I)y Mr*. Vugh, M^tv'or utreet. Splorl.mi#, Cardiff. 13'8h6 rHoli 'UGHI-Y good Genet»1 Servant W nted for Small i I rH;l¡i:'i t;\ 5, rR¡1r::e.R: pl^PA f n ,HI' 1404hU \t' ANTED, for P«*uarM\ g.»o'i Genfrt»l Servant. 'hie- to » » fainilv rnmfo-»abIe home for a (lean girl.—Apt ly ."1 H. ">.«/»•" }!"U pm"e Cdr.-Ji. 1:fCjhll ANTED, ;«n HCtive Girl as (Jeneral age ;ibout50.— Apply, Sirs. lies, Grocer, 4, High street. "'I1Hel 1 99b11 IV'ANTEP. a strong, active Gin h# Gen.ral Servant — A 1,1 ly 8. Oxford street. Swansea. ;4ff'hl: 1VANTEP, h good Gener 1 Servant; two In finally; *v small dairy gooo character indiarens»ible.-Mr«. R. H.,Tone? Wbton Yicar*ge. H 'vrfordwe t. 1330h7 \V' ANTED, an experienve«l Doraeetlo Hcrv.mt; «fe It A20 :xr::f\I:1Pl'I:U:J\);I Mr lea M, ('(Hj"' rOild. Canfon Cardiff. 1321hU \vV T ANTED Imniediattly. a gfod, tra^.w« rthy General Hervint. t" Aesis* in Waiting; two »n amily. Stale age and Proprietreai, Windsor Temperance Hot° (?»e' nliilly, 13Ohl1 V' ANTEDTmm»».lHtely, a g«K»i H »v tr. wait ^t t .ble ami clean plvte;good references,— Nn ly, w»h fu l iiartlentan, to Mrs. F. Trehrlle f:48 penvdioren H-w■ Mer"hvrTfdfll. 13 *4 ANTED, an experience 1 G' nei i; aluo Young House- i Ir iiri —Applya? 18. P y 11 d. TVnarth. |13^1hll I>VT ANTED. experienced Parlourmaid.—Apply M r H. Otkden Fisher, Tymynyrtd, Radyr, ne>r Car- dliff. 1:1.¡hll W ANTED, h refpecable General ^ervnnt; able to io washing on# from the country preferred,—1, C arence terr«ce. PIms»«- ptreet. Pen art h, t333h" frmalk seiiyantb WANT placrb ANTED, a sltunion as General Servant to ne or A;d1 it;ïb:o,eh'r:o.}\rsp' (rn: Ah-rg'vnt^ 1168t16 VT* ANTED, a Situation as Nurae; w.iges. from £ 16 to •* £ jgoM neediewomau.—Apply L. Meredith, B ttws XewrM. » r r<k. rn^hs W* ANTI 1>. Situation aa *ewlng or Young Ladies'Maid vT thor nigh needleworann and dteismaker good refe- r^n-OS.— ft. Oxford House, I'enuth 108r)h9 JUll k .4 by a respectable Y. unc Woman .;1f.l;; R. A., 10. G*adya»t.reet, Or bay. C.rHff. lP83h9 AIrHf):¡T:iO;Z a)erQhtle1E:m.Ti v* smai l t? years' good reference.—E, .Tones P, mrP<ohii\. ,.w),n.?g- H" lz 1 1 i"al t "PA", mxn' rt Smai' Ftmlly or Hou^emal 1 Where Par'"tir- w i- Kept ex ell^n:. cl1M.c"r Church family prefervefl. A livil Mr .1, 1.n,' Vf-r. st.t:-»-.er, 1.1I\n'1IIo P. 1119 W- aNM'D, iti a Gent.einao 's Family, Situation as \t; "Ü;1; -ï.t31.Ú.)¿. P.-cto.y. Car- diff. 129!hfi BKSPRCTA UtiTWoman Seeks Rmplovinent; exc llc:t cook ouicir at irt'miniii or hote wovk term- mode- ra»e.—C o 0. l'.llv nt<" t. N« wown. ar-Md. 13 l AFuruie r D..ng«.t«r \V.u.ta MMn.non ax U**UU Help [offl~C. A her/avenny. 135'2(i7 AXTE n in Roath. a Situation as Parlourmaid or Hi.'i.e Parlourmaid In & IIIMI1 Family 10011 ueII. "n!l1;T1,n V., Vs. UI('l,1 street. R -ath, C.rdtff. 1Jh '(1. I^THGNG C.i.nory Gnli, with good chuacter*, Want O Situa'.loiH a* Onoral ServRnts.—Mrs. Coster', Beptstry, 4. Hot'eweli-stre«\ Glonoetter. '.K7hl0 -"It /t.'Sl;j;¡t-i: «o<1d P .in C <ok or Working- 11 Uoust" per in G^titleman's E Ily; ??ol references. I- T. G.. U t¡¡!t¡U ftla¡l, Swaosea. 1'ii^biO sonirsnr ^ffuaius. FKmTTe '-KRVANT3 WANT PLACES (Continued) H¡dl/1JS-:l'1(jl;rIII.l' AS A,I(Imu E. H„ ¡t Vvn KeDP(Hh .uect Ro- g| Jl6t i 1'1 J181M AT' s S««-ii l' r Yonng Lanies' Maid; <;3; !Too.t neeolu* MwthnTritidiessmaking; good refeiences.-E„ Oy/arthfa, woman, U. — H M MH,F. SKHVANTS WANTRD ANTEuTvoung Mau, »iUi knoaledgo of Mower and k'ft.hen GnrdetiK, "«nd to loot «r How; live out, Pt ,te w.g.s- A od.e fs P l W'tfrnJ IaiLC irdiff. 76?h5 V ax' TI'I' >4 Footman under Butler age a b out '0; :;i'¡;i;i:ï;g:1ltç;"b¡8j:i active Man, underftt ndiny Farm Work. \TA-f:j:t;in'D;I\I.tlí .¡tr::J Rb'k Ma'Mnv l ief.'r -nces and fu.l p.«rtKMiUr. and wages to \i\,ill.I\llt:"altt::t 1:: :r,I:II) ü: -=-5to A ;f::r:(niZirt I;,r;'J t:,bi.n:i1; drive well; indoors.-Adires? Z. H extern ( /COACHMAN*, who UnderstandsGfecnbouse and FCJTCinr. Wanfi under 30; teetotaler; experienced clri 9tr ;I: :l.° r: ih:,¡(rr¡)dt,C'IjllXper{Ntd i Ro«»M Cou' MAN Keijutred, Knt re <?harge Four t; R 111¡:¡t'\) e\i'd,I:ei,tu:s. rrc:; ak. height, weight, references, WKi¡l1 K 1, Is' \1"11, 1>AGE-VjoY Wanted, age about 15.-Apply, after h*e,J 5 ï >Á- t!1 iie ;il¡; ■ ir a\TEIi Y"Uiii M.nableto Plongn well aud Take W V iitne O't tree of Her es boo<1 references required. —l'enyr u- Farm. -S t. Si ry Church, near rowbriuge. a ANTED, a Youug Man aslT-der Groom, to d toasslst Aj'J:el:1 :t\:hi1øilr1;ufu1 tOwa:: IS. hfdro<?iufound.—Apply, r-efore 11 a.m., at^WlJJ.r 5*n' hiU^Cardnf, 1f)45h9 17 'V: F.1Jf:ttr:l:,rnl.U;i:;ieI' 17 t, !4 -W e age, hoight, vages, un-i "t experienc e.— Hou. H.C. B,. Ynis J.ûn. N th,iuti? Wa'e-. [lC46ha it"'ANTED, )ln f-r PlI1,}in-d Take Charge of *v t)ttiite iiti g.r(lon found.—Apply r.Ge'Tge, Deri Firm. Whitchurch. Cardiff. l''o2h9 if ANTED lointeuiately, « g]e-haod''d Coacbinau; Å;'b';Üiiv:uhl;apU;d MW'bb: Gl>ndderw n. -wanssa. 1\O"lb5 Vt ANTED, f'ouchiuan, Able to a Greenhouse; good reference indisrenaable.—Apply K. M. Hann, Aberaivan, Abr '*re. 13.53 l\' v.STED at once, good V,»lec; wno cwn also wait a' t, le and look *It,, ,,i gardeu age b t soldier servant preferred.-Gener-1 BerthoD, LI »ni«hen, near Canlitf. 139ahll ANTED, steady Man, Used to L .uting After Sh?.p »' and caul*; to live indoors.—Apply Gethln Farm, Ahercm.id, Merhyr. 85h MALK SERVANTS WAST PUCE ASGrooui, Under-Coachm»u, r 1:Ä bit:li drive well; pood reference ago 2C\—Apply i*. l.oveli. T^Chapel etrej^, l.1amtatf. 18h5 U~ ANTED, a Hit a Uon as Qroom am Plain Oardeuer ,\ANøf;a :ul1u rïtrtiIr.l;r'; Davis. Treuiaios Hou e, Bridgesid. Ghmor(mlhlrt'. fu)i*i9 :1 A ;¿I r r1' :8 (ti:\lil'Và:Ir)b-:d axe 27; rid- and drive aingle or pair; -if. I-od hundred one h 1, four years oil.— \d ies< Coachman, C v.iii^iwen l.odge. Clynoerwcn, Ijuth W,11. 114?hg GiI("0 :¡.¡; Racouimeud his Groom, a.ed 19; extent, h uacter. — M M„ Siranagban and tepht"D C ¡stlo C., iAj t18b6 T%?ANTEfiT^y resizable MtdU-»sed Married Man, Sitiutioii ag Gardener or Groom- G .irdener: x;.e- rieuccl in uJl br:H\e)¡e:8: no faaiilv: wife good IuMdr»-«; ttitiwoni Is i to chaNctcr atlll :bitit,A¡jJres Garueuer, 4g. Mapgel terrace, "id road.Ne vth. 11 Jhlft W ANTKD. situation a« Gardener; married: no chil »eu; > v to.'d references.—Apply to Dd. Thomas, 85, Cyfarthfa Pfnl!"t. 1 I ¡tho C lrr1itf. 13bb Ta ANTED, as Gurda^r, by Mfdvde age Married Mon n» >v encumhrati' di tnta^ed on 10th May refeienc- I;(;t'{o¡!i;'I. r:l¡'; \Ar::I; O-w-,¡I;ef3: F'I;'1: rence m rrled .9- -6. -Apply tt 43, Fitzbamon- embankment, Riverside, Cardiff. 13-7h5 AS c"?'m uuder coachman, or Gmrim-Card?n@r ex- 'Pr¡eHced: good references cue 22; w(iht 9 t.-H W i I I I ,,P,r 1,, 1. (1 h I hw c i h t IR AN AND WIFB WANTED IDDIaE-AGED Sfm till' Wife, without children,. Warned, lo li,? 1. <^untry—man i«s gardener and L'goom • «ife as cook, Ac,—Apply to Mr. F. C. Williams, SC. Wind street. ^wai)se>i. 12<chl Uy AN TED, a Man »n 1 Wife, to Undertake the Work of a -mail Faui.lv; must. »-e resiieotable; wif" good rook: [.0 eucumbl'<tI:ct>AppJy M. J., Hau.&8 HHu"e. Tet-by. 8"hS MAN AND WIFK WANT PLACES A S la1ïM";It!; Ih 4iiij?extwrien? 1,, tarOl- rlg: et- e ler-t ?estimonia)p; »ge3S; wife dairy —A. B.. 13.^tll^strej^TotteiniowtK Bristol. ^hll^ Jotet t$erba1\ts. FEMXtE WANTED. 4 UVKKTlAhUHare Cautioned tnat 1'ostmaatera M" Not Allowed to Deliver Letters Addressed to l."i"" i r Fictitious Name. at au, FOlt.ottice. Lenu ad\1NIW,1 to uitiala Of 6ctltl(IUI natues must bear the artdrws of the advertiser or oue o* thc OOices of thf■ Wt,t"" 3fail. WANTE., &t the Blue Bell Hotel. High »tre»t, Cardiff. ltt»n7 11/ AN TED. i»ii experienced omaier^ubroua Waitress. \l Ai?i;:{ G={8c:i,ua:.ïh re'i: C"u"ty H?f?bbwT? l?7  ( -,uuK..r Ih,f NVaut&l imniediai-Ir, for First-cUss Hotel hot ?,bly experienced. AhlO Kitchenmaid wbo Undor.*t<nds Plain Cookii u. Good references required.— pply Mrs. A rw?.hi F60?r6 LAD Coambermaid Wanted.—Apply P??th HDet JT. Pem»rth, _? -? 'Wb6 IVf T ANTED, General Servant, Able to do Plain C-oking reference.—Apply British Volunteer Hotel, Car- dill m 117 U- ANTED, a thoiouch y ext,?rie.??,IH..Ie?eeper, Well Y? '?'p tn ?M??n' -Apply WeDvoe Arms n,"?l C.idoxton. 1073h" "uTaNIKD, a Chambermaid must be expejie ed and *v h?ve .d reierdnces.—Apply Raper'd Temperance Rote1- "afÙift. ^b9 W W ANTED at o"œ. a thoroughly good, steady Barmuid, n>ei to quick counter na,e »lsoa good General, about 5. aVo to o pi do cooking. lhinle Hotel, Lhnnt,¡a 11241?9 IV AMED.a re-pe. UtileGe?ie/al -erv*nt; miwt be ai l e ? ?o '?*<X'i??° ?'?' Xu?"?r). "t?AB i? 'n Utht H..UM?or .M.i! im.u?t.M?. to Mrs. H rring- tm. T<vrj)inin Hotel, CnrHt'r. U3<t9 Ti AVfED. a Batma.d. o! eunie experience: wilting to »T m.ke herself useful. -Apply, personally, west oi Ench'.? ??).'?? ndra t''?t''X'?J'?t'  [110^ \i ANTID. » Girl. Able to 1, Ai;o One for the ?? *?!.?n* ??fA<?t'!n t(bOÐ at:d{h: no^l.Crrdiif _?_ ^9b9 ,vö1Ç\;t:,fj:Jj:i bit'}luoO 50: it, 'ow!eiee i,f d?iry j' wi?,w with,ia (uglittr tate reterani J,, Black Horse Inn. Hir%, -in Ab-rd%re. lUOho Vi AN ED a. ouce N ™-Hou-e:uaid; ?ge 16 t( ? ?\ ?N?' Q?<?.H?)?A'M'?"" 1tí42i!- U\ANTKD at once, an Experien^d Barmaid used to sharp counter trade.—Apply, with refereuco Davies. B iiley'fl Arma, Peutre, Rbon^tda, 1:58-¿1 \VÃi :fcfrfi; WMiif;iihlb M Ciiur b C,Ii ff. 11/ ANTED at ouce, atr.-ng. a 'tive Gin another kept.— • v Apply Antelope H -tel. Bute Btr^et, Caniiff. (1^4<bl0 v V ANTED at once, experienced Barmaid, also an Under- v" Barm dd tnowled.e of business ) need to quick counter trade: J¡[()1¡11 relerences required "1111.18 Ig. fwi ry.—Apoly, personally, between Thre»Hnd Fin, urbr letter, to Plummer, E.?oX of Hi,h.tr.t, Newport. M5'M W ANTED, eximrienc-d Barmaid far Hotel.-Write, » em- l? in,, hot 12, Mi'l, C:trdf?. (13Q6hlO HOUSEMAID Wanteo alii" to wait attil.lt, Al o a I J Buy f\,r ?' Work.—Appt> mert&,e D street. ¡"r,liff \3(15hiO .i ANTED at once, good, quick Girl as Cuaiuberma. d ? Ai?iy. ti'a:def'e.iri: ThO; Rotr!. 1I'n.,l 131h9 \V ANTl.D, usetul, iiomesticated Girl as Barmaio Alsii »* G Servant.—Ap»dy 5tr?. p. X<ondoii and North Western -wwnset. 12P?hll i»t aNTLD. good Plain Cook and Kitchenmaid at one Apply Mrs. Pearse. Windsor Hotel, Docks, Car- flift. 1:;Ù(ihll II ANTED, experienced Barmaid; good references. — ??,'???'S?-i?!? Mt?r. ?'S)') ANT» I). good General Servant, ?l h Knowlclge of C ki -Apt,ir Willi-ml, th,r. 13<4hll U AN ?.1, to A.list in Washing. Auply R"" ti ?4 ( W Hotel. Nortit treat, :;ff'38äf' I A:cl.-pi;i'sëib k:tli: I r,Ap P oprietrcss, Lion H.1,1, lltb We'l*. Breconshir*. l"tDhl1 rANTii;D immediHtelv, Two Servants for a Small Hotel, one as Cook and Kitchenmaid, the other as W., Itod CbaD1ùel'ffla,d; mUl!f)1 '8 good ami long referencos; I35067 Kem ilo Servants (60) -< 'col.s, Kitcheum dds. <,hamber- maids. Barn.atdf', W..lireAs'I. St1!lroOlu.m:if'. Laundresses, P!4?,-I!(_hJ.. KEVAI.K SEKVAN'l'S WANT PI.ACK> ANTED. R—?• gagr-mentas Barmaid experienced and v douie«ticated would help in household duties; age n; good ri-fTMiceP.-B Ro. P4, B^resford road. Ruath, [h ITi;ATI<JN Wanfe.i as Secooo BarmaM III au H tel or a Coffee Tavern: Cardiff or Aberdare preferred— Ad. iree< S, L., "iT 4 )fti('e. Merthyr. 7 8h5 RE-KNGaGEMLN I' Required by a Young Lady aa Bar- muM In Hotel Bar; ♦■xperienced; good refer nce1'- A, ly Miss Tears, hireuewton, Chel"tow, Mon. 6h7 ANTED, Situation «a Barmaid; experienced four v v years last situation,-Address Miss Thomas, 80, Gadlyt street Aberdare. 072h9 SITUATION P,-quired as Birmald; tsll and of good 0 appearance: a;e 25 "ea»s; good refe ence,—Apply 8t-p»ev.w Select Registry Office. Abergavenny. 174b10 W ANtH». Hituatiou aa barmaid; iiBeu to quick counter ■ trade good references.—Q 12. £ vtning JFxprM*, Car- diff 486hl0 \v'ANTED, by Married Luity, Slmatloii »s ManHgcressor *v Any Responsible Pluce; ref r«nces, if re i nlred,— Addre-s Man.gere»s. U'M^ern MnH, Merthyr, 1382h6 V/UUNGLoiy Wants a Situation in a B. ge,, 17; not JL. efl out bfo'e wiilo? to gi the hrst ."?t Addnp. Mia- O,«;! 1398hll M AJ.K .rafA">JT"; »V4N 1 K' KV'ANTED Page Boy. 11?l,.b Cuff*, A;o\Btt'PIaA,J'A,ldËIC: Q, D?,L' Cardi'T. 1h5 W ANTED .1 once, a haudy 'I. as House P' iHmtle). V-t gJ¡' P: i:;dHer.°nC.' diff. 1090h9 W'ANTED. Scrom1 (looh; must be experi;nct.lfih hotel duties.—Apply Head Hoot*, Westpa^e Hotel, Newport, Mon. l 6Gh, H1'Ji.Ka; Wanteu hoy pief«rr*d to live iu.—Stah'e wages anu referenced, Ivy l>ui<h R.y., Hotel. C."?.rthou. 1332h7 U "ANTED, Grdl Cook and C'niv^r; a l so Boy for Bake- li< use.—App'y Banr's Hotel, Ctrdlff. Hoy »09h7 I'll ,P. it r 111! 1 1VJVT PMCES A'Jt,;rMy:r11t ;t8; Public-house or Hotel, by 'v exi»erienced Young Man exceptional r?fe,. Apply R Hi. Wesltvn Mai C.lrl!in. I 191hlO \AI5-t¡O:II'U1, 8Ib,¡nrt: v4 willing 1. ba useful.—Haines, 37, Richard street, R_y ]",k. 119thl0 AS Barman or Biihard-marker: ag«d VI; good rofe-euces A :'dr.t::l;dr;s: .o:;ll¡,{j. j Swause-a. 897h8 w7:TED.-RitutlOn aïBi1Ii[1i'dMark;r;orwou;) a i" 1'00111 fir(cI8 rderpucea tor abHitr and charncter. j -M<v«re, .11-oi, Newport. 1234hI0 'd AN AND WIFE WAN I' FLACKS. WA:i:;idt\rJf'bi::i: of *T Trust, or Would Manage PabllC'house. View to Taking -aim-: sccu.i y if icquireti. —Addrena R 19, llV'm ^hop ^Issistaius, xc. SHOP ASSISTA Nrr, WNTED. l'U Diapers' :iÏi:u:ätiilÅ:JI;rit¿¡C Hand; 1 .t bi, 1. poak WtMi.—Apply to A. Ru^h n and 0Khymney. 1:^379 l y ANTED, Apiir.-iitlce to lb. Fancy,— Apply 14 aud Ite* tl Royal C?"Ilft. .$I)op si £ »^i £ !tnnts, vSrr. SHOP ABSI3TAN WANT IID <Cn»tiuued)._ SHOP ARRI3TA 1' IV AXT;W (Continued). GKl:;ïlIe;1 :)liteN;'6 it1Jo."r::t. Q 1, 1I"I,p' Cardiff. 8.v-h6 G KGCEUY.—Wanted Immediately, smart Junior $1¡ taut' u^ed to pushing ready-money trade and solicit- ing- ,ve:lsh.-t\dl particulars, Day and Bell. New""88 Emlyn. -?. O Ù'l'l"-IT1.'nHt-Wanted immediately, experienced Young Mhuh" 8Ûe8UJuu; good wjiidow dresser aud stock- keener-Mjply, atailng parti ulara and sidary required (10 ll^ oir) to 'lRWlb-n ml ■•<> Abyrtlli^ry. 11Mhl0 DRAPERY — anted, Several rttnait Junioj-K; must tie 1) Ur\s:=-l.t:'r:lí;; oflt'ilt .l¡¡;r8.lIlï::i: .loups Drtrfr. Blacliwuiiil. 'don WblO -AEH. an experi8"Ceit Assistant to tbu Grocery and I'mvts on Tr de WelRh necessary.—Apply to William Harrirf. 144, High s're-t, M rthyr. l2t»3hl^ l')A WNBI!OKINO-\hnl,d, Youth (expt rienc-:) for Warehouse and Shtm.-Apply, stating a16. salary, and reicrentv ro E. Burkle, Treorky. lBlhlO f ROCERY-—Wanted, a swan Youth-as Improver to th« VT Ir and Provisions.-Apply, with references, J. L. R..tltHtlO, G-oc-v Tredegar^ PII.'b6 ILLINERY Wauted. a good Hand, Accustom*! to Serve; must have good referonce. Also a Secoua Hand, to Assist und Hen.- A1Ipl1, with full particulwr! O. Jones. Victoria House, A- ercarn. 74!-1h5 D TiAPERY.—Wanted imme hately, experi-nced Young Ladle .-Ap^ly, with full particulars, to W. Williams and Co.. rOl!Yi'r¡dt1. 1:'04hlO O RAPERY.- Wanted, respectable Young Man. alno Young Lady, an Apprentices,—Apply M. Daviea, 145, Hilt" ptr f. Swansea. l99biO DRAPEttY,-W,md, In experienced Ymlul Lady to Aa>4i m Showroom; Welsh.—Apply 11 W11illuUI Paris Hoiw. N-ath. DO'2hlu I I 'O Grocers' Assistant*. Wanted Immediately, a Junior Hand Wel«h.- Apply, :1 ,,I:ií:i required, to Thomas Powell. M'Jrrht-on, Swansea, J:¡bl0 YUDNG Lady Wan tetl JR:p:f8rtr.o¡it, Business-Apply Mrs, Browge 'a Refiletr, 115. Queen stieet. BLAIBERG, Pawnbroker, Bute ten-ace, C î;( Parents or Guardians. — Apprentice Required; splendid upportuni:, for & respectable lad; trade learnt thoro ghly. l.'8-hlO 'IiO i'rai'^rs,-Wantetl, goo>l. puling H «d. with six to X bt;' ';lc:'l'III¡:;1gt Wiu i<»w Dress- tD: oul, good ba1ld need applv Wetst: state full parti- c»ll:.r».-t t ;t It t*t"« JVnil. Clt.lditf. 975 7 lLLINKK.-Wiiuttil. a go.iu, stjtlsh I Har. iblu aiul nilliug u> »tr»0 in 9 h "wrui.m "hen reiiolr.-d Welb preferred full paitcfnliira.-Q 24, ll'alcrn Util. JT- dirl. 87 4h7 /iKOOKKY aDd Provision Tr«.ie.-Waiiteu a; OD; V I ,J Yiiud< Mull (indoors); Webb preforreu.—Api ly Eilffnr Skynue. Ffiitre It h ninVi. ln'n7 '1'0 Oro ere.-W.nt«.i, T»o J:, :rruw! »h. Ueiieral 1 r.nu-rry; W |,h —Applr Gi-orgt. Hlrwaln H0'6li5 UAI'I'.KV.— SV an teil, ottun M«■ for Manoi.e-ter Depurtment: ulao well-iluuatod Vontli as l: conrersant in Wphh,-AUl)h to W. R. E,1w¡¡r,ta, ( t. m"r: h,.n a14.h5 ILLINERY.-Wanted. Assistant Milliner. BCcuvomed i.f j to serve through.-Apply to E. Grilttibs, IIbop, B.id,<nct. IISlh6 N Assistant Milliner Wanted at once. Aho Young IJ8dy .t A('('11>ltmnell to Millinery 9ale!-Ap'1y Taylor, 19, Ctlfton street Cardiff. 1185h10 T r URNITUaE.- Manager and Salesma.. Wanted for r Br-ncli hoi>; marrie 1 preferrod: good wages to com- t> fnt man -Gill))" Furnishing C- top my, 1217h6 ll xphUY — Wanted, smart Youug Man for the Genera l I ) t D\ ;-i,ït;rl;I:I:or !L Driper, Dowliis. lqhl: I iKA EKV Wanted utonce. experienced Young M-.o; Is h J -o sharp Youth aa aa Apprentice,—Aptly I>. W. Ilù9rl, "nrlh. 189 HO; 11'r.;1!17' W inted, energetic Manager; good f1 m .ii and window dresser: married.—Atiply, with ful rarticlll&rs, Leeds Bont Company, Pontypridd. 1396h13 1 v'RAPERY —Wanted, 'Junior Cler k with Knowledge of U R1); refined.-Apply to W. R. KdwariiS, Gn't- hld1 eq1.1.ire, Carmarthen. l.UlhU DRAPERY—Wai ted, good Young Man. Dress Depi rt- inei t. Also Junior and Two Bovs Apprentices,—Jones an^ Cf., Cash Diapers. Qaeen street. Cwllti. 1331bl f)R and Outfiftitig.-Jonee ami Co.. Pontypridd. r nave Vacancies in Dress and Gut&ttiug Depanmsnts must bo good wiudow dressers. I407hll SHOP ASSISTATS WANT PLACES. 'iOU;G Mnu: (;), threerê:m'êî:p;flèüt;m Shop, A Wouni Like Situation in Grocery; ODe with patent me Heine line pr ferred 8m >11 salary required indoors.—J„ 3, Union terrace, Llaneiiy. "48h5 { ROCEKY ano Provisions.-War.ted, Situation &A Im- \JT prover. I'OO references out; Card1ff preferied (i'g- engaged).—A.nness F., 1. De8J;Jt!Dser garoene, Cauton, Car diff. 1243h 6_ mLJ.IEHS AND DHES,)IAKElh WANTED. 'IiLI.lr\ ERY,—Wanted, astylish Milliner; able to serve Welsh.-Apply, with fUll par t.h:uhl n. toT. Lewi>, Tb. Emporium, Trf'mk" K>34hl MILS.INEKS,—Wanted, au txpenenceu Fira' lUm. A\Jrh. stating Iderence an i salar" to W. Lewis, Tr II". ris. 15'Jhll At\L'8 a Skirt and Bodice Haud.—App y Mis. Gum, >' Dress and Mante MuKer, Georgeatree;, Po<><y pool. 14h7 DRESSMAKING.-Wanted shortly, Cletcr S:;irt liaud; i.blecut. iir«pe, fiufsh skirts; best work; state waj-'es; out'loor. -S 7. U'Mew JfaiM'ffic-, Oaroiff. lo.Yhll \| ILLINERY.—Wanteo. a *tyli*b. Practical MilSh^r.- 4.vA Apply a: once to Havaxd, Jenkins and Co., Oxford strew, Hwa.Mea. 14¡1h1\ 1 |RESSMaKERS.—Wanted at once, experienced I' Hand, wno has betn accustomed tonrst-dass woric.— Apply, persona lv. Samuel Hall. Ctrdlff. 1{14h9 DKEs-MAKINu. -Wante u l.nuooi Improver« foi Good Class Busin-js#.—Apply Tnoma^ '20, Caerau road, Newport. 9O""h6 DREs&MAKING.—Good Bodice Hand Wanted at ouce,— Apily New aud Pr'tcharu, 94, Quu street. C*r- iff, ?88h5 M IlXiNERY, Dr ss and M»nt e Maktug.—V -canoy in Uign-class Private 1&3f'J:lío\lÏr"¡¿ aud Assistants; ood home.— ClarKe, Bridge street, New- poit. drohs fjartllfr51)lpS. Ax experienced Architect and Surveyor Ie desfrou* nt 8 Partnership, A would be paid,— 8 4, il'tt, Jfatl Ottl, Qudiff. 1329hll ANTED Par'nersor C.pitaHsts to Form Cotup»ny to vv uild a Large, Popni «r Price Theatre and Circus in C ,rtJiff: splendid site A.n.ble; adveruRcr will take1 shares equal to one-fourth or entire capital; good "¡rMf'n,!8: ¡:tr6utet,Al.lctresll No. It 23, ir«jt«r»» MBi/ Office. Car-1 d;!f. 90b. PARTNER ( i'-e.i.ng or Active) Wan e-i, with £ 500 to Jt"i.0fV>, to Exrenu au Est Mi^hel liu'lneag; large profits: every iuventi^atiou C mrte soicitors; tn'Rteo tv a _e1:¿. 0'( f'¡ J[ai:' _(S4¿t ClrrhsJ an]) iHanagers. AND MANA*>PRS -VANT^TJ U'ANTED at. onco, Audit CUrk; good penman; state A:L' :1 tl21I ciídko: m rB1il,d P 1;\ W(*«r< Ma I Cardiff. 7o0h5 V V AN ED, ny u i'irio of AOcountauta, Auctioneers, aud Vt Estate Agent.), oi high at.in lug an Articled Pupil tremium returned in salary.—Apply 1', 2t'. Wtuern Mai Cardiff. 71(1' v i aNTEL). Junior Clerk, wi h Knnwieupe of Snortb tnd; 'v ou»5 whohaabeeu in Ironmonger's office preferred — R(f-;rences, wages, aud "Ie to Q 21, Jrtlll.rn Jfaii. Cir- ctilf. 9j.;n7 Ö R !:F.;1ed immediately, a Juuior C¿lt wlio has had similar experience in Drapery. Counting- bOI1St!litH.t.fJ 11,11 parti nl*r« D. Williams, Abe'dwr*[^K<4 .7 W ANTED, Youug Mau ks lerk aadTimeKeepar; We;sh »T prefer;e".—Apply, by the 6lh lust,, enclosing re f e- fenceR and stating ø,fr' nqulret!. o W, Spickett, Secietary Co icbbulldiug Com. any, POtlt11\rltt. 13333 J Ulott Olerk Wauve>> ill a Wme Merchant's útlic. It Reply, ill own handwriting, stating salary required, S 13- irwterw 0\111' Offl'-e, ■ ardilf. :6?h1 W** ANTED 'U Shipowner's Uffice. General Clerk; *u t 25; nowledge of shlpchnnnler's accounts; shorthand. -Stntl", )If!. nxperie ce, all" wary, 8ecrel\rr Clerks Akso- rintiou, Bur" Docks, Cardiff. 13Î,4h7 SMABT Ofli'-e Lad Wanted state age and whether had i revfous excerience.—Apply S 9ln. ::lnWji.r Car- ",If. 1311h7 WANTED immediately, i:¡btlnl,:røk in 'v Brewery Offive; must have thorough knowledge of shorthand.—Apply, In own handwritiug, tTl Buck11 Bros., Lhn.IIJ 13871 CLKltgS ANI) MANAftKKS WANT PLACES. SITUATION Wauted as Clerk; e'Xprri-nced age 24; shorthand, book-keeping, typewriter. Ac.: wages 25s.; Hood references.-B:-ta, t. Lower Cathedral road. 00.1"- <I,tf. 137jlin_ SITUATION IV..ti Clllk or Hook.ftper: thorou,h knowledge double entry system ,I quick at figures good rd('lreDce.-L. James, 84, William stre., Ystrad, Rhondda 12G i?io 1\ ORWEGIAN. 2^, pen for Engagement; speaus aud N olw'writlc?% kln??Nl'-mii nd French fluently good knowledge Germ"uApll1v H.O., H'iter<i Muil, Newport. L'NGÂGEM;ÑfW.nted by Female Postal Clerk; S.N,; D A.R.O.: accounts; take entire charge.—Clerk, 1f.r'rl' .}fll;' omce-, Newnort. l1Uh9 \'OUNGEtigJishnan, ten years' exper.ence as (le, ..l. Wan lEngsvms ,t where Prei ch aud Spanish would be ?f 7. IF,.t,, Mail, vwans-a, 1007h7 SHIPPING Li. Yonng Man, .9.12-. Wi?h?. 81,. ?ti.. o at Book-keeper, C alder, or Gcuerl Clerk eight y' experience; ftnt-cl as t.?timouials and refe,e.?, i 4, Wfttern Mai'. Cardiff. IOOSu1 » S Geueral 'erk C <rd ft fi:.rr:I:: 21 shorthand, (ju-ck nt. figures; bli, A,Ilr,. R 2, 1;7,,1- M it, C??dlff? 998h7 W ANTEl', a .Situation as Clerk or Boolc-keep»r, by v* Youth, aged 17; highest references.— Q 19, tftafnn M il. Cardiff. 9621>7 2Iqrnt, CrabcllffS, Slc. TitATBLLERS. AGENTS. .tc.. WANTED. CATERERS, &c.—Special.— Pure Tea Du-t; aplen id I liquor 201b. cauiaters 1, 61, ,.r candy; carriage paid in this digtrior. tid. extra; alllb terms.—Select Ceyl >n Tea Agency, 39. Lime Rtreet, L"Uilon. 1170hl7 GEM" Want.d t?6 per a I?u?ii(i o experience unnecessary specimen free,—Address P?'t ?. fr.e,. A??C_L in the if E) f(¡¡;r:rf:7: Glamorgan, nl OL.?,?,th.?.. Canvas Gentlemen s ",rvant. and re li?c?blo Artiwin with P -.1 bl e,, Ni'l? Alb", "nd 1 ad Ie.' Watcher.—Apply, with iefe- rem-es and security, to N 16 Western Mail. Cur'iff. [r i02 PUIICliASlN-; 1. N 16 N.il. i.ff. io2 PU Stokescrott Brewery, Bristol, ?r. Open to Appoint Wi-o'e^ale Purchasing or Bot )iag Agents for heir celebrated I'rlz Mednl AI 8 and Stout.. These mKcn Beent J"M have he??, ,F'iv,l two prize medat for ex ellence, an" are menu?l to none ju the market, comparing Dlllle than favourably with the finest Burton products. Liberal fnns to lnrge buyers,— Apjily. as above, or to Mr. J. Cooi»cr, The Hen"re. 'j Jllre- tre^t. (t irdiff \r'SI) AGKNTh Warned, throughout Glamorganshire ami Mon- At' .0,ml ?,ke Orders (on our New Syst for our well-known I.N o?.g. HArmolJiums Melo teons. Concertinas, Viollus, Banjos, and All KI? of Brsss Musi- I'l'l Iustimnents; Watches, Cl.k.. 8"in M.?ht,?e., ;\fu.tJ!Z1e". Washing Machines Family 8Ib¡p". Albums Upera. Glasses, Electro Pbte, &c. First-class commission to capable men; 110 rlalc ur reioll)odldbll1ty; illustrateu catalogues on aptlicatio- gO(11 references Mild aeourlty indlspensible.— .TolI" d Jones, Por h 12 03 CLUB A,?, Form Ombs i.»r Wu-chts. Ciooks. Jewelierv, Silver I' l aU), Opera Glisses, Musical Instruments, &" M"mberø 1*1 1«. p'-r week.—Terms, catalogues, Ac Kendal and Dent. 1QK, Cheapside, London. Splendid v due. Great success. Mention paper. L.Ii??, and Gcpt^' Nvr Levers, 4t" worth 70s. 3141 GRAIN and F our Trade.— ^Wanted, a Traveller with a Gnb1n"FNr ld;:t'e T;5:Ob: GRAIN ..d P yR?.?B d,e.d. Og. Neath, 4c.- 1 Apoly, stating refaietues and Inti particl1h,r8 ami *nl»ry required, t" John Hibhert nrt RODR. Oasilo illlf, CI1.ff'Htflh GENT«» (ie labk) Wauted For b., S lo ot Best Qunlcyl Iudi. Robber Stamps; liberal terms; free .1..1? Upplugfon. Rubber and Metal Stamp Mauufacttir«r, 6. Wioe1 Office court, London, EC. 392hi I H l)ít''tYu Wan ed. h.viug firet-o.iM Conntv- tion with h'i iug and I. Ac., t. Take ('h?rg. .1 8mal' Oitit-e and Store: no (,,h,r. need apply; salarv and nII Ii. ;:Oi ¡ IIFou!r:r'PJl'i:u:f/, I 9 N,w6,0 .1 street, London. 135^h6 AGENTS WaDleù Everywhere; .1."y .?d oomml..lou £ 3 per week,—Peudlebnry and Co., 12', Harwich road, Colchwut. I Slgriuif^, Crabfllcrs. &c. Ta ULLEJtIl ÁGBÑTŠ. ¡;¡¡ Ni'(ê ri'R A V fi 1:;el::[8:lÍb: iBrfJ,i;t t « Cigarette House making the be,t Bli''l in '1', h 1'nu].ta! particulars and referencea to o Sfccre r.f>ry/, Wilion chambers MluJche!lttr. 9J"1 A Gr:a'II:!Ü 22OIt:;S,urL::f Address "Finance, 222 to 225, Stran„d, Lo,udon, W4 mw W tu' Aa N T 1 Ii" U11 il Gentleman to Actus Traveler and Agent n,raRhoSr H ,»» ltFI;.af;lI"a and COUll11i.iOI!-API!Jr (!" StarIM> SI!r. 9. l • AY?;f Traveler to Ktpresmt ^l™ ™ Hrewm. Newport awl IHstrlrt; saiiiry, i "™" ] alon' references require^.—No. fj05'O. Loclc- Ad,ørtulhur OtHopB. N .-wpurt 1112h1 A la;g: Wanted: whole c «pare t:) )rtft::II toing: large profits; constant liiconio particulars frpe. aho pocket nbhcl stamp oi jour mHue and ajMreH. ltlch'o\,e,8uow.bHl, L.mnon. 13t:>hU '1 liA VK 1,1,lilts, AItENTS, ta.. WAKT IvM PI.O V M HM f I I'KA VKIX KR. A lieiille.uaii oi ouieri.T eiltt-Htlon anil Kok< owledged bmliieKn iact and »ni.re.» t:-¡ Desirous or Ubtalnlng an APllotutment to Represnt Ii 1,'ir"t.ollJ"" Wille and Spirit Firm fo Routh Walei, hlrbest referen es and set llrily If r. quired.-Ad r.M "i 1I'tl'l"lI \1"i1 (' rHf'I 1!I'J.h11 jtU9«ila»cou5 .(UU 61TFAT1QN9 VACANT. A l)V .It'1'1ht{t') are lJ:lOUt'l I'h a. lJOIISLIU;Ultt" :Arll CJ A AlloWf"d to ¡)eU'er JAltturø Addressed fO JuittaJa .r Pictltions Names at aoy Post-oftlce. Letter, v.! trm«t(l t. initials nr tlam08 Blust boar tbe artdnfl.{ of tft., or 11IIf!!lf tile <)lli.;«» of th H'K'rrii » 'I. AIHh.N c.iri ham 1lUIP iiu IoU 0O1. Weoa } .1 Homo lIy til. Auiomatlo Kulttlng Machine-.cash or e.sy pur- cliaa. terms; work A!.rø Company. 0, Houtkmx Itr8"t.. Lout10D. Agency, 33, Oxford "trt'et Hwsnsea. L94..8 IjaINTERS ana Pai'erhaiigers.—Wanted, a Few go. ;<l tVoik.nen.—Ai'Ply Ford anil Vllaiis. Penartli. b. U i^ I ANTKU, strong, »ilnug youth us H.nebi.uee Halpei 1' :ii!b 18 — r Sievens. Confectioner. Queeu strn-i, Cardiff. 1::S697 HUBBtK Walling Mason., also Urict ayers, Wanten.- Apply Foreman, Wickwar Brewery, 17hl H 4 hNTAltlO as u Home f. r the Bii-tsb :I!:II: \J Who Desires to Become His Own L tiidj oM. A Pamphlet beariul the abl" Title, with C doured Mai', iua> be oüuiued Krre on Application to tbr UutH.ro Oi.Tern-i ment Agei cy, 19 Brimswii-g str-et. ljleflll)1. 31711 IlSONS-rt uined, KOOU ,lett rs; w.><fS goo.1 m .ii 9 d. Iit-r hour: ,ut> daily; oomfonabli nuts :(kk, also irorision "tore.II'b M..ner. Omtrelf Reøcno'r. Cwm Tail Fawr, uear Mei thyr. 1:/1,8. 7I |X> T i uis. -t'utw» s Wanted at Horn. by a F rst-clasa Cutter.—Applv 8 O-utle road, HI b1 7t51m hOYWaiird* ouel-vi g school would do; Wag.-s 4»:— A Pply 59. Tudor road C.roift. u A'iîl'r.I;Ill 4.: tr:t c ,ert.IJr9-t;r. S v Vv llowh. Dentist, l4. Q u.-en street. Carmrt. [.8?..h5 ESPEcTaBLE .u'BA'r:Wt;š honse.—Ap y 9, Bridge r-treet. Car, m. AVI I- J()NK aud CO., Oxford street, Swansea, Want Two stroug Men who Undt-rstana W reh« uhb Work. 13809 I ANTED, Af»istii.t-LiiUej}m^ii,.<c usr-omea toTiu-hou e Work.—Apply, suing age, exp-rie:: e, wage# ftquir. (I, awl refejenij-s. to WiJJj"lU '1'111111IM:-I. 11 fm and Ip • I. t" Wor.Õ Li ngenne h R.S.O. Or[lll\ h osh r«. [133 \« A NT D. Iivu Lwu. ¡¡.lIe ¡liver:>, Two KiieiUM. Otoud! M Ta-o Shunters.—Apply to Powl-sl.ma "ud 5¡;¿U, Rou.hDook. -'wau^ _hi_ U ANTED. gooa Wheelwright as Working Foreman, At4ct(;:a iu Ab*eu « of Mas'.er con-taut and '000 wages to a uihle m-u. Also Two "oo' Men ue' to Van aDd Waggon BuilJin¡; c"nf}.nt wora.-Appl; to WIlliam St augward. COùch and Waggon Builder, Huntinfc- rtoo. N'ooe hllr Stp ,t1. men n"'p'4' apply. 84.hr. BUTU-jER.S,—a Yoong Man R yui td for Z^aUud and A merican Meat Trade; goou vra;es to roini>eteut no-t ■ b nur i-outnerm .u must hate 6ht-c!lISS rt:feriiuC6S.-hlll,I, c„ JfC,lt:¡ ..Uail Merthyr. 9:-I1h7 II A ED immediately, gowi hlanphtcrmao; u-wi to tl li joo.is —Apply Hoshtngs. Mer'hyr. 101.h. I to Tailors.— Wanieo, ae^dy, reliable M n to Mak lp i 'tu itr(;.a\D':Ir:t Ie tJrM;im Com try, Address, wÜb t-ims. U 3, Wttitrn Mall Otn 9. Cardiff. 1(01h7 SMART Youth W .nt«d, aD&ur. lo or 16. for Fnrnltur.- Tr .de. -w; wm.v, lP.Ciw»m Hon. sire t. (il9ll»b GUOi 1h H*uner Wanved.—Apply Ü. "11 U.^ *hi_ '8 Hieh street, Merthyr. ^N'l'LD, a respectable Boy for Grocery Bus ness: to A r:WI,\íJ useful.—Apply *2, Wells rest, Cantoo, Cr.il:¡. 121gb 0 ¡ l'U Bt::Pjl\F)ïrat:t:e-Óà:: r L Bauds.—Apply F. Hook, 2/e>ern-roa •, Canton, Car- dilr. 32-9"b l)AKt-:RS.-WItI)U'f1, strong YCJurb, AMø to Moulo and 13 )>• lifer whb Hoise -F T. Broad, 80, Peuypeel r ad, Cardiff. 12JOf¡fS Å TED, l'aiptera 11d Pal'rhanllt'li-A1Jply t ouce fl, o. tL llUDTf H- use Decoritor, 29, ew Odoru. 8trfet, Swauu. R'i5hft W ANTED..« goou Plumber; Uo a Few I'.iniers, ft Apply to Dando and .son*. Csdorton. 124Jbb T^OACH-oMlTiiING.—Young MII Wanted immediately \j to Woik ai Vice n l Asnist Smiths—Apply Mijes and Co.. C .rri.ige Builders. S"n!ie. 1301hlO 'I 'O Taiiorebse««. -First-ciass Jiutwiii-m.le Haud Wauted 1 A>«o good MachJulst; must be expereucea.—Applv 'A C 'ustellitlon ireet I 'urll. 1S\lh'¡ U HEELWRiGHTS.—Wanud. a competent Man f- r H:l .?::¡Dt&w:o:RZ}:'en e« "Rdw?i»ts. R, Comractrr, PwHynaUt, 312b6 rI po Butchers.—Want^U, Young Mau io Manage Bianch I rl'U Si,tC\I'Ã:tLo-1lt; IhttI:;frl; ii.disp»nsabl» A r" Bridged HntPJ, P-nt e Rhondda. [hIQ Butcher*.—u«m-d a ooc«, strou,- \ontb ImpiovT: Welsh: live out.-Apply. with full parn- onlars. cott, But h*r. F»*rTi 18;0. 1391hll UTC H ERS.— Wan tea, Youug Man used to shop and 1) UI;I:;I;\ee v iU¡ A 8:iDO experience and gal ry, Butcher. Ifeifern Mail. Swansea. U03b6 ^pO Tailors T -X'oat Hand Wauted one wno under t tids X Singer's orp'chltie yotuig man prefeirea,—Apply Cmtis and Curtis, "beJlRtoW. '343h7 ASON (Working Forem m) Wanted; must tfaomuahiy understand pi. us, A.xtato age, lefereuces, and w cfs required, tn Williams, RuIMr KUi,htl'U 133Sh7 BRICKLaYEK "oni. Foremui) Wanted; must thoroughly understudd plans, 4c.—State age, r»f* rmce», and wages required, to William*, Bu lder, K, l¡hVlu. j MA>ONItY—Wanted, u good V. i-lldrf.- Foreu.au M. son for Bridget); piecework.-Apply 8. Puarson andison, near P;,IJCluth. tii:5 GRI"I Ma<on».—Wan'cd, a Few g'lVI3M :Int G Nohbdng; a D o a Few Wallers; about welvo months w¡"rk.-OII;Y not1 and "tea ymisn neeii apply to s. pf¡;n. unaS 11. hh1"j¡lie or Rrent, Tlfor Piymou h. 1 )ofili I 'UALH-1'AI.S'l'ta':oi.-W.¡¡er1 Immed.ately, gooft Hrl1h V/ Hand.— Apply t1mutl Probert, Coach Builder. Abpr- i .,v"r!r1r. 12AAbli. />O Weekly Au.1 Upwards Ir be Hniieatly Realised by «V<w Either S< x. without Hmderlng Present Occupatioll. -F(u aample &*• enclose addressed envilope tu Fv.n*, Watts, aud Co. (P 71), Merchant, Birmingham.— Th.s iø \4 'ANTED, for ft Small Factory l'« Soutt; Wale*, tise "o:iXt' :,I ¿rOII\f't)'I: I for American Pre-scs r Pres.man, to Take C:Htfse of Presses, Spinning Lathes See.: Japanner, to Take Charge Of Japan- ning Shop.—Applicants to state age, expel inc, and wages, fo IK '■>af«w» V't'1, C rdi SITUATIONS WANTBKj ITVATIOS WANT! ONFECTIQnTsRS.—Wanted, by ;Õf:trïf; perieuce Workmen, situations aa Piret, Secon l. or Single; please itate terml.-35, Moukmoor s'r e. Here- fnrll. l.i51h)l I>EN>It>NER (late Sergeant. Drill-instructor. Cttdry) X Be^ks Situation us Timekeeper. Gatekeeper. Oar. taker, or any Position of Trust,—Apply William Munell, 53. R'»bei r. Street.. Malistdton, SW IlIi'I" 12Oh'O ft <J HitM-rs.— W anr<M, SituafJon .>h Single or Seeoun used r lU tJ':¿;'Ù-¡Âî;. jt; JiK! 'J)'t;{CHlt'; c I'jlf. 1:3h10 SITUATION W inted L9 C.rma.v Driver, or W.r'-house- i man pood references,—Apply K. Morris, 41, Cowbridge rotn, Canton, QarHff. "84h 0 rPO Humes* Makers.—A good Geuera l Hand Se.k9 a] r 1'0 Situation; used to LdO;L Bbl Malmes- burr, m", Itj;;h10 AS FIT PER, Bell-hanger, and Hot Wa'er Fitter Requires Re engagement; thoroughly 1:ten A.. Berts,01 C ."U.. f"(".d, 1.111 eBv. ■ arm -rthenshir CbS TEWARDEsS.-Wanted. Situation as Above; respec- tably connected; highest, reference; age 31.—Miss Smitll. Å:fe¿ :ce: Croft. n:írHte 3hr.48S AKjFRS and Cmifectioners.-Wanteo, :r! by ex- perienced Workman; first or single ha> d good refe- renCt!8; Unengaged.-Add I' Williams URktr, Merthyr [h7 £ OOD Turner hud itter Requires Employmem used to T general work.-Apply Q 15. Wtlttrn Mail Office, Otr- apaitments. UPARTMENTS WANTED SINGLE Lidy R auires Two Rooms, Furnuhed, or P"rtl, Rt,tPrllh\ R 5. H'mwh Wni?. C Irdirt. 10b9h G.-u lcman and bis Wife Require sitting-room and Two Be^im..m« In good locHI1; Koacb preferred.-R lt>. Wertern Mail, Cardiff. I019h» APARTMENl'S '10 l.E'f. C^O.M FO Ta 8LI Lmttlln for Pw» Gentlemeo.—Englaua, J t43 Glei.rov street. Castle r>»d, Cardiff. 1365nll (>OMMODlOU weli-furnishea Apartments: quiet; no J children: b"tb, hot aud cold. Or d..tr&bl" Home; _nod locality Roatb.-RJ4. Wtitern lEaH, Cardiff, (l"O:'hIO ATH and West of England Show.—Superior Accomm- datlon DUfuR Above; tWO minutes Walk from show; lalle dining-room, one single, bedroom hot "lid cell1 h(\th.-Tumø ou application to West, ITesfern MRil. SwapBea. 98nl) OAKFIKLD-STREKT.—Apartments. Suitable for Lad* or Lady and Gemlemat), in good position,—S 1, w, Mnl Cardiff T^7h6 JIF j^URNIflHBD ApurtmentstoLet, alth Attendance; good front sitting-room: no children; terms moder*t#37, Georl" st-e t, Swansea. 12::11h10 APARTMENTS to Let; five minutes' walk iY:, Caswe 1 I and Langl .nd Bays.-Mr*. Tucker, Park Villa, Caswell Bay rond, near Mnmb'es. U76h6 OO/i CaKtle road.—Comfortable, we11afnrntøhe Front 220. Apartmsurs f »r Matned Couple or Two Friends; every oouvenien- e no children "mtlfhueq pass door. [ho TW Let. comfortable Apartments for One or Two 1'U :I:3J(;:r::I.emO1)lrO: :,llt¡t\\9 27, 'Í1,c;:r::I:Înr:aè-ab: t Front Sitting-vo ;m, Al9 Bedroom adjdning; extra be .room: good poking 4ud attendance; comfortable home; no children. Il7th9 OOMStoLet at Mrs. Wood's, Thornhlll, nesr Caerphilly. CCOMFORTABLE Apartments anlt two gentlemen every j bomp comf rt, with sm^ll family; b'tb aDd neT, suitable convenience —9. Albany rOiui. 824b5 1^' RNISHED Apartments for a Gen'leman,—31, Words- worth street KOAth. OUllUt 796hfi PENARTH.—Comfoitable Al'lutmn\B-f!tfn8-room ;.nd One or Twu 8tdroomø; hot and cold bath.-Chnrlp1 HoUle, 8rallnham place. '"bo PBN ART H —Lansdowne Private Hotel anu Board ng Residence. Extensive Channel v: Superior accom- mor1&tion. Moderate charges. Special terms to lJrm:1nlIt residents. L, u 4C< PlfllllSfS. T pyVELLING-HOUSKS WANTFD W' AN'I'ED tn rent, House In Charl1I street, Pembroke terr.-ce, Edw-rds terr«ae. or very near; early pos es- don.-Åe1;t"¿l :\W:I"1 J:tti;: cl¡fj. earl, J;6'" tV* T ANTED, In Juue, u six-roomed House, within tea minutes' walk of t'StJ;bs:dIIR 11, irmfrm Jlail. C r<\W. 1186h10 WANTED, Neighbourhood Caerphilly orPetiartn, House; five b°<troomt. three reception-rooms, stable, garden, 4C —Anply X, Newport Rubber and Waste Oompauy. I1ICb street, Newport. 1'57hl& U ANTED, to Rent, or Purchase. Hinail House In Country near Cardiff; within short distance of a ¡1k 24, Wmterit lIail. C irdiff. 1284h10 W ANTED, a House; Roath preferred!; rent about £ 40.— m Apply S II, '» Mfern Mail, Cardiff. 1348hll DWK I.LING-HOUS E5 TO BE l.ET. PfiNARTH.—AuchorHouso; beat >ndmostgtburalpoil- tton In th, town.—W. Beult. 30. Clin road. ISllbll rtI\115rs. DWJ:LLINO.1iOUSES TO IE LET (Coutlllu" 1"¡'UltHl;;7f-ltJVet. Villa, Malndee; r two reception, four hù room"; e'er, convenience; ho:, cold water, II"; amnle grouud (}r erecting lIable. A130 Home and Hhop 44, Commercial road. Newport.-Mr. Jones, Maindee Hall. Newp«irt. «<!(})6 CÃ.wït¡;R;¡;¡:¡:¡¡;'W; Me^rs Hern's Roister, 72, Sr. Mary street, Card iff f">c riI lo L- t with immediate possession. Fm-ni^bet o»- Un- l furnished, a Nnwlfbuilt Family Reside ce, known R CU*n H tilog. Rituatod ou the bauks of the Uek, about oue î ,:I1fw:inU T: t(:¡: ¿fninYf;a:.t :I: dining rooms, each 18 by 16, study, excellent khch."n. ofUops and cellarage. '2 bedro- ms, 8tlhlH whh four loose box s. do-1ble coa.h'llOme. harnesfl- oom, garden planted wHh choice fruit treeR. gardener'^ cottage good hunting-nd | fl.hioginthe Immediate n'lglitourhowl.-For furthfr par- tfcubira apply to Thomaa Parry, Albany chambers,^New- r1 *V) Eet to good (Jenerai Farm Labourer, goo-1 C «'Uge. Garden • five lm(Ite:1 lkmr:or::8h' st -tion; inime-lime possession.- Apply Mbs Jones. Rhewbina Farm. M.ir- h He 'l. f irHtf. f9'h' ':r;v.r:HIÎ1-.r'\IICh"Y neir nrtt.o,.jc:I" i (T h-t (Pnrnl'hao) for (De Tear, from Mulsumjiur, ruperior Fsmily Resident, witliln my dl.tnnce of Ru lway { D:lf1:h:; 't;rlC(. I leading fro,, dlnine-room) six bsd.ooms. drp8inaaronm, 'hree 'rfant' b"l1ronm two k'tchens, "rIJ» butler's pautry, celiarn, coar.hhou and Hbb\PII. ft/l,er ami ¡¡Itch"" t">rden, wII-"tnc'c. .inrv. Ac.; perf-ct sanitation pin.'l f.ni'lv preferred; r«u' moderate.—Smith and Cu;. W. Au/u.t'i.e's parad". Bristol. S.L., tn. 23 l;!ii T- (T be Ut. No.. I.hiiiIsimiw ,laoe. Llandaff; »n«m T(: 11n'lt¡;ri{I' :n:tolt'.T.r::) bin". M„e n..1" R.iilrr..inrQir-it Ä-"1;;ïll:ë"Jr;'h:O:aWJt; A li us^. conta l nlne ten rnoms, situate in main fitre, t; easily converted into good business premise* has back vard, Ptf\hl. and back entrance.—Apply Ke,. 53 High s ^t. Aberavon. 10"I;h7 FÓR Sale or to Ivt immelistelr, Marrland. r ore cent; nine rooms, twow.c. hath-room, with hot Rod coM water J!lld on m ,gt: fi elit lea .Iew.-A ppl, '0 )-fr. Lai* House. Oor-e lane, swsnsea or T. K. Cin¡('j¡. 011 t.11" Prf'mi11". 101191,1 RENTS «'o-leeted and Management of House fJ): Person iliv Supervised term" mogt reasonable prompt monthlv seclemeirs; security riven If £ *.red. I.od Sales Effected ot Properties e R^lster.—ObwhIU C I'm n. Ho1tse Agen% Sal i tbu ry -ch s mbeXi1, Castle Atr"et, "u,1j". 6Ort PABK ROAD. Penarth. Cnmmodinna House (with Bi'lf tvd-rooml Ftirnish-d, to Ie»t for Jutie. Julr. and Angus' good garlen: use of plat- axOUnen if rcquived- Apply P 12, care of "tern Ma i, Cardiff. 131(10 TO he L*t 7 for tbe M -nths of June and July, a D nched TO ;'J"f:'1.'tifI;JI1irè lf;\tifi: uninterrupted view of the Swansea Bay, and overlookin/ »h« Vi to.i. Par>, the Publi" R creation Grou-.d tind ncket nel1 (om hich grounds the Bath and West. Enghnd Show !s to be hf'l): is within three minutes of th .I"lA. Mumbles Trams and the L uvton and Nortli-W^^em Rs'lwny Sta'lon. The bouse contains three sitting ro^nu C-Of]. by 14ft) ix bedroom! and b -th-room, a good-dzed garden,—Appiv L K, li'etfpr^ai' '1'j",I'Io'. 81!'h5 TÕI;t.(\t;W;U.t.John'R ë; n"ar Br'deend Ave mi'utes from sea charming rountiw and coast 11:" and '=r}R: ':h':r'IIE': pix hedrooms — A 'f1rl" Mrs, n., 7. tn" HU-. X"nrt, M II. 1Ûfnh7 r|I "vi L-' Caatie roaii: teti rooms; ev*ry ac-commoda- :is;;76:l;r: possesion.- Iiioolre lSS. Cts' l ^ros^, C •fllff. Pr,-■NA i'TH — 1 T, e'. F i'li''hed Hou», for June i.ni l part .Till?: suit small family; fir miuuM from »»»«»■. C me to «■ 'no. 7 ""F. Capliff rtlln9 "C"uC«^WN:oT ;>}fn;p(1i1qp(:;I(I:J: St'.loo- T o b I with imme'M .to prs es>ion, ellb.r pirtlr fnrni!1he,1 or nJ)f11rnfhe.1, fI.,u", contsivioir h-f, ki 'hen, fnUI" 10, w e., *e., two- stull s'ahle. wi'heosch-hMUS", ".cetberwlth 5!n I ga-d'.n sni r mgh shooting oyer 1,700 .arcs. aNn front rt'htt'f. If faV';o f"r lvmaio 'ei of lease (shont dl' yearO a ,ery low rem »nu d h accepted.—Apply -o R. Hnabeq. Auctioneer. Wlnd ^reet, TO Let 8. Windsor idace. Car'iff. with S'aWe and Coach- bonse: pnes^'ion.-Apply Mr. Lews 10, St. fn-'r^«v'p er-°eent. Ca-di^. W* ESTON-XUPER-MARE.- To L t, Sm»U Fur"l,¡"'d Home, near q. and -tatlon. Any Perl.; moderate ren .-P., 4, Eint' Vila 167b5 mi| J,e-, »« v.i»h I utoti j lace.—Apply Market Ho^ l, Trinity s're- t C 'v d W. lg'ShTO nr^O h L'-t fnr a F -w '1ontq a Y"ry Comfornble, Rmn I Furo'sbed Cottage, wIth preU1 'jrt1 G-rden; M"yant left If desired: gas and water.—Apply Z., 52, Stow M l, N*ewi>o»t :1t15 ASWFT.r, K.1Y. Munib) t. — T n let (Ktirof-hell, C;¡ ;;Rr' to fIB.Ih:=rpl,etMr'UÖ!.I::n: I' Ael-R-vn. Swansee. 12{f.h10 TI -0 Let. Prh:lte Hf4\1e tn QII",>n slreet n«r T.ff tat¡nl'A,Vre"8 M., care of F. J. Byrne. 1" 9. Bute Dock. <1ttf. ■■ n10 ^I^O l^t. Lvrwoodi nesr t.bn'shen Stati n; Swiss Villa, I containing e.-trsire h- U, two reception moms. cons»r- ▼atory fix he'rooms hutbroom, large, p^odif tive gar en- lmmedl'te posses'io,Apply on the Premla»s. be^en9aod)2 .m. »n'y. 1"7h7 PWKTX'NG-HOU?ES TO BE BOLD. D\VF.T,L'NG.HOUE TO RR SOLI). OR 8 de, 33 Windsor place, Cardiff PJHI, possesalon.- Apply Huhe.. 801 citor, 05, James Ilre* (:lr. rli. 19¡'5 I pOH Su No ??. Adam str eet; three bedrooms, good I 'Otf) C)rT 1: I'd: r:el.rfi9!. P 13, "Itrn Mall CorUI'œb5 r FOo1 RocfrfleM Hoti*e, The Parade !;th1 corner house ) Ft price and particulars apply to Cnthbert ØDlt Co. the Exchange, D;\Cka, C irdiff. »«vh5 F'OR Sa'e, House, in Talbot g'r-»e t C*nton good coodl- t|on; possession imm-diately given.—Apply Wll Jam Thomas. Alb-rt-chambera, High 8trt, Cardiff. 778115 T 0 be Sold One Hous«i. Liantrissant stree'. Cithavs sl% fÖ:n¡ shop, corne-«f Railway street Catbays: Two Houses in fiQktn lrtf". C fba,B: splendid Shop. Salisbu^ ronrt; Two Houses fn Church road. Canton.—Apply W. GUI, UP. ct. Marv street, IIfl1iff. <«7h.r- To be HoJ i. :Sf). t6, Carlton terrace, Swansea In IIlltel1"fIt condition; P9 years to run; nominal ground rent.- Apnly Syd Solomon, 9, Cwmdonhln _t.enace.Rn.J- GOOD House for Sale in Park terrace, Despen-er street; snoth aspect; a:p;' r:e:);e; near tow.—Anpiv 7, H >w ,r; gardens, O\l'diff. 9a^b7 on Sd. Two Cnnven!Phr D"ubl -fronted H(,t]f1" 'n F R lishury road, c()ntatDin Three Reception-room*, Fife Bedrooms; all newe t 8nuitar, arrangement*.—Anplv 50, P'rtridgeroad. Cardiff. 30^h5 FOR Sale, 111, Crwvaroad; corner hou^e; ten rooms; ev»iv convenience; stable by arrangement; near trmis- TI:ql1¡rp. 1?S. Ca«tievoa ¡ o ''I'iff. JA:-Rh9 -'OR ale. Workmen's Hon>es, V'" hnp, fn <Jrd:ff, r Barry, PonhJlfPI1. Cilfynyd.' P ..tb, Ynyshir. TrIon.. town, Ferndale, WIItMm"tnwn. Tonypandy, YRtr;:d "fr.nr!¡y. Clvdacb VaK T,1,arrfR.- onh V. C thavs terrace C -dltf. 10 7h9 T INTERN Wye Vu- l ey.— L ove l y Nine-roomed House TI;rt. with eight >cres nice meadow land; £ 770; | g%i Vns, OrchNr¡!Pr1C8. Tfo.ern. 117^h-5 i;ï4) R S de, 53. Park place, Oirdlff modem house: pt,.V@D r rooms, bllth.roolU, pantries, c.-AtJl,h on the Pre- i! 122.;hg BUSINESS PREMISES T8 T ET H OUSE and Shop to Let,; immediate rO!I!!tfon tv?t position In neighbourhood, — Apply E. A. Smith, C'trn,W. Von 81)b5 TMJ Lpt HOWIe u"d Sho 14, Hil»tt rORl': double ,lite X front* h st. t'o!itf; pnft:th1e f.^r IIn bn* ne>s: f10Ø!le¡;" Ion May 2.159.—Apply G. R. Poker, II RII"" street. lVESTON-SUPF.R-MARB ROYAL A RO t>ES _—These V. Fir^t-riass Shops To T„-t also Hairdressers M on "lib Lavatories.—For Llartkulan, apply H, A. Fnr8", con- t"Mctn" t hPl' 17h6 rpo Let, House, Shop, and Stable. 9, Dnol-y place. Docks I -Apply Oh the Premises or O. Richard's rr:'ce, Roath, Cardiff. 1088h9 St. John's -quare (one of the best business positions In 3 • C"d!ff) This spiral Sb pand Premises, with excellent and commodious DWt'fliul.I1OUIIIl' Suitable tar conversion into offic.fi). mLrt on L»a* elthe»* with or wi.houc the Old- estab ishe Butcher's Business n w curried on ih- rr^mfs^s— For 'urtber f:IolU:t1 terms op'df w: 1 9. Hem, E 'ate Agents, 9". S, 1\fRr, rreet. Cardiff: or Mrs. W'i ;il. t.J"hTl'fI.ql1R.r.Cn',Hlf. ;?'7h 0 S- HOP und Premis..s f.() Let, 111 one of Best flubur an Tho oi-ghfares in C rdiff for Family Grnœ'r1.-Honqn, 10. Qu.en. el, Cardid. 14l7hl0 8USINESS P&M[SO:: TO BE SOLD T7H)R Sale, Corner Saop, ''athays; suit butcher, baker, r grocer, r: pawnbroker, or other business,—Apply H dll6inllon. 1 8, O-stle roal). Gr dff. 1OSïh liHJR 8.11. Silo., auà Business Premfses 1f In2, Bute ro »d. J. -FUT 1Jrlce anå particulars aflr1, at 17. Custom Hnt1Re street, CMrdlff. i9Jb9 OFFICES TO LET- ENARTH. Poa'-offlce Chambers.-Oiffce^ to Let; cipital position—Apply imtne lately to PoKtma-ter, public Rouses anti :6ttGltttgSC5 T pBLu THOBSES WANTED PURI,IU-BOU8ES WA.NTED House (Free W A; ): al tSr:Rg,urv}r, Mail Office, Cardiff. 111;b10 W anted Immediately, in Cardiff or Vicinity. Small Single or Double Licensed House, or One to Manage; good MJC\trtt"rt 20. U"Rr.. J'(,lil. C itdlff. 129 h6 PiJBLIC HOUSE* FOn II\SPOS.iL. E8:H:itla:b:Lf.UR;:i:. fiitO JCj Lar est most Re table List Hotels, Spirit Vaults, Country InDI, Hr werles, Bur-boUle8, Temle.ncl! Hntel. C ffee TMoff!rUtl, Gtncer" Drapery Baking, Dairy, OrefD- ,rnear1, Butchers' Tobacconists'. Boslueaaes Every Dl:!8crip- tlon, £ 10 to t'80 000. Loan Arranged, Consultations Free.-Jobn Downing, LJoenled CerUftCMted Auctioneer, Hot1. rubllcana' Valuer. Pellow Ancrloneera- InøtJlut, I, Nel<on s reet. I1rt-tol, Established 184, I'99hl0 J- ERSEY,-Fl1mnu¡.. Freehold F 'IHicened Hotd for &Ie: clORe raUway sutiou, market*, landing stages. Ac.; one family tweDtr ,n proprietor retiring; Immediate poshes- sion; price £ i.2Qfl.—Downing Hotn| Valuer. BrisW.(1200hlO CA>H ii3u0.—Valuable Free, Fiili-b«m«e.i VII au Inn; twelve acres "ro !uctive meadow, orchard, Ac.; ren, £ 38—Downing. 1, Nelson street Bristol. 1.2QihI0 BRISTOL.—C <sh £ 60 —No ed "111r1t-hoU88, UNr Co lee. Green. &c.; tharowrhJr genuine, h"ndom., old- established concern.—Downing, Auctioneer, BrtøtoL (1202hl" IfiDCLIFFfi HILL. 8r;01. Eleg.mly-flt'ted Spirit- home; taking £ 20 to £ -5 weekly;very large P otl; cash required. £ 180.—D-wniug. 866b6 JrT rULL-LICKNSED, dellghtfully sltnate Riverside Hotel, near Ma l vern Hills; 17 acres rich pasture, gardens stabbllng; £;'100, furnished. First-class Village Inn, near G<oucestcr; remarkably productive orchard; €160. ROM. aide Inn. near Devices; 8t acres productive land: £ 101. Vil1:1le Inn. near Bristol; £ 30.—Downing, Nelon street, 11,l.tol, 8 6,06 C~ ASH £ 2Gto £ 0,—Choice of several Old-established Single i CAl¡£J\:I;'IPè;<1:If{oC:Å"=IB,: Downing, Bristol. RI'-TOL.— £ 140 Only.—Restaurant, Dining-room-, Tem- perance Hotel; greatest thoroughfare close railway ¡tBUnn; changed ODCP 16 years; spacious, well-fnrniahed vremisea; valuable lense; spleudld investment.—John Downing, Auctioneer. I. Nelson street. Bristol- 1020h7 cVif}«5(\\ C*eh.-<»M«esrablfsbe<t Beer, Wine Ho.«»e; h-n- £20 Som¡. premises; near Joint station; facing four great thoroltlEhflre¡;f)nwnin.. Auctioneer. Bristol. |1021h7 'i^O Let, single-icensed House, Foresters' Arms, Pan'du, t Apply Win. Hancook and Co. (Limited), Avon Vale Stores, Abernon. .2618 ABERGAVENNY^—To Let, with Imm.>1fatopau.loIJ Fn Hicenaed Home: tied for 1Mer; Ingoing In", Applr Phil P M- rgan, Antlon. Ahe"nn" 1Y-73 ra-H) It. One 01 the Best Doubb-licens. d Houses cnt A offered In Csrllff.—W. GilL 119, 8t, M. .tr. Car- di fr 114h" U'E Inve a Number ot Free and Tied HOWJøl to Let In Cardiff and N.lebbourbood.-W. om, above nd('e 77^5 riiO Ler, immediate pc^se^slon, s> lendid Double-licensed I Publit. -houseat h e Docks; taking* from £ 3& to ^^0 per .k,-A\lply W. fJlII.M Co., 119, Ht, Mary street. Car- rltff. ??fh5 BEERHOUSE —Go/kI B.bo. to Let In the N.(b. hon.bow cf Cardiff.—Apply Hng'nei, Boot Hol.t, Aberdare. 1380bll HAMPSHIRE.—snug 8"1"11' Hote1, wl b G.rded Arable I>aod; rent £ .'0; Incnmtu8 £OO; furnished -G1&Y. 0, lare 8tlp.et. Bristol. 8C eh5 ( COUNTRY Inti. with Eight Acres 01 Land and Bakery incoming, b, taluatlon only, under £ iC0.—Giv, 10, Clare street. Bristol. 8?9h5 1M R -Snug Corner Beerhome in busiest Suburb ot £45. rlfo1o;í :i; h£21-8y bI"sl!nUJIO; £22r:I!WI'O¡,rl;U'I't II £ 2fi a year, C*u be bad (Farpished) for 4^30.—10, Clare itrtet, Bristol. S31h6 public Rouses ana iBiisutesses puer,rO-BOUSP,S rOR DlSPOSAf, (Cot¡nu'1 d t i cajb W'lll Purchase Gei.uiue Onrhouae near R., 1 Way Station, doing monthlv; rent only 7s. gt:i!iJi:;iiiWIS]:/f: *ame teni.m a x years. -An: ly Mr. Te b b; Licensed Valuer, 83. Old Market a're' t, Bris*. 1. il*h:L — N ice, snug Betruome. tuKin^ £ l0we'-L)y; in e j- £9():- -fit' ¡:t ,íil,4'11.I 11::r t.1;7,IJ ;6:J,i I opportunity industrious pco: -Apple T-bi s. r ViEN^Out. o .I;I::() ;:I£II: :I;;li:'I'' i I from £ 40 upwards.—Every Information by applyiog to Mr. 'f,.1'Ifl'" address. 870"6 /••t "A Ca ll Fullv ll'-ensed Hotel: .lose ♦<» shipping £15() :r;1 ;b:I:; :1t;,j},ll;t¡;tfi:ot':I; auit vf.i.ng beginners cap!' Ily, V»1 Q/\ C isb, Attractive ;1.'í;jI.(nO;1r11:¡:; inanding splendid view r v- an shipping direct route fSU80eua¡ou Bri<1ce; taking £ 16 weekly.— Aai ly Tfbh*. 872h« T I MP1 'KTANT—Ch-lte- harn -We h-»ve Severs) genuii.f, 1 \t ':I' }J'¡;I:lt;;rn'1 ;IV i,i):e:eH'(,i"i':lu: i'li hen'ih resor' to L"l; .alnation only no no. dwill.-Piirt'- ll n.s C >!tnn -Hid Co.. Alli'On slrei.' Clcl'^ohro. ll. VlOUNTKY I; R: tr.de; Infonm ilM. Foii- 1.1 Jf,,f>r,seil Coiner House; eentn!: i'81. splendid position; £ 30.otton, AlMon s'reet, CWPwi- hII) —iNnintry Ion; large dwelling; nice orcn^r; £50. -dl;'ll;rh:dn 1lbrJ\irtí'f:r: rn, iI rent £ 2*i-Gage, Nicholas street, Bristol. 97 h 7 II rit,S -n'I::I*i!;i;2!IK Co,,tI;t:tt; 1. free for everything; nfn" acr^« of land; f"nt 'is; eveything, £ 5M.—).$*80hi st-t tv» oi Off r. — Pretty Couutry Inn, wetl-Wnown dwiLJiO 01 Marker. Town Rom"rsetshire; ::i;; M g-ir d '-n Gape, Vf nolas street. Bristo', Pgtb? rn n k (ire-4'est Knrg tin in Brlsto ,—Prictici.liy Fi-e Fullv- 1 licensed Inn; tr»<lc approaches £ 20 weekly tboroogbiy geniiU>e concern. Gaff'- Auctioneer. Brist' l. 9Q?h7 — Beautitul'v-fit^d Fuliy-llcens-d Ion; twenty mfl out Gloucester side; splerididly-furnfshed uou e: trade nearly £ 20 weekIS.-GI:, St. Nicholas street, 1 rk/\ {h?>0 Advanee-l If r»qtibe .—One of the i>est vL* 1 lvlllU Free Spirit V»ul-s 11 Bristol: trad t35 w„f.. ^43.-G^get Bd.rot. 9AAh? < «>/1 V .-ry attractive Be*f anJ W!ne V inks; rent, dtOv* £ C8: this bu iness hns rea'ised £ /00; aplenrtid orpor-nn;^v. — (t-v. Auctioneer B fatol, 989b? -» I.SOLUT LY Fi-e Outdoor beerhouse. taMt.g £ :al1;:l: B; corner P* no'«es: uou u il opporftinlry. —Gage. b f 9^lh7 a -Or e of the best Free Spirit Vaults lr the Mar- 3W-0' kvt; taui gs, £ '100 monthly every lff::i rivf. Gage, "t.. Nichoj «s s*ret. Hr¡:t,1. 9-II,h1 ~VI-:RYTHING. £ 2 Exceedingly-nretty Slngl-licensed Inn: an iaooie k>t er premis-x cmpri.'es attrs'tive bnr. IIIrnok¡'J'rooU!. A .-Gage, notel V luer, 8Ü:tnl. [935;11 CO1':D;j¡ short way out; trade, £ 27 weekly; rent, i*45* one o^ h best busme ses going.—Gage, Sr Nicholas "tf'Pt, I Ms-ol. -gt,h7 D OUBI.E- ICd-NSED I'onso, in Populous Neighbour- hood, for Disposal: no a"ent* purchasers onb need api 1-.—'V. Moor t. Phil ;>'■» M Irsh [h10 { j^RKE Doubl'-llcei.sed Ho.ise facing important entrat ?e to the ft iinwa Market, to Let upon 21 ye .rs lease fron the 2<-b Jnnei ex': ingoing £ ^00; good premises, nM ¿ It g'l/tr i or d er.—A »7 ly Jflmea -nd J .m-a Swrnm. ICT'Sn'O |?REE Gn.i.d C'-mer H -u «• uisio thorougb are, Sw;t- 5/ sea; in fX'e d e-t order; £ 500 cash down ork will secure i ogse«afon.—J »mes and Ji<nies. Swan«e'«. 1 9*«h'^ h^REE Fr-ehold Doul»'e -ii-"n^l now. "ear hrge wor-s, for S;d«»; prlc^, t'1.3<>0; tr<d<\ about three barrel* per w. eV I)(, ,{\; ilf\h(,rr: I and J Imp.. !iwRn¡w. l97h 10 GRAND Free corner Market H«»use. Swansea; long (; K: ;info£lC£/)t;5ó'aTlHh;r!' I¡)t gage: S» urd y's takings a l one snfti lent ro clear ontgoirgs. .'1 :I(SJ:ft.tkl\J;:n; H'1rjJ:II:; :fl'I'i::ó /)»A Cash. —The pre'tiest Beer and Wine House n all dwOvr Bristol; f;(hfIlr: nlceg rden I: £ 24: desperate hagain.-Gage, tbe leading Hotel Vditer. Ni"bolar s-re^t, Brinol. l2H"hin /lHAKMfN'GLY Mtuateu .Suburban Pun>i<- j:r»"t I i'oi:f.i:I,t.kt. £ 27 weeklv reut f45: R'reatetit. bargain 10 IDBrket.-GMgP.. Brewery Valuer, Bristol. 12-9hl0 Cash.— I mportant., Valuab'e, Vretty Country d^OO" f Hotel, nestr Bristol; trade, £ 35 weekly eno— mousprofis; larf" Iffcheo garden, quoit 01w,h, ¡; u¡j;)) nt, greenhouse: one IIf the best concern- in the ouiitrv -fhce, th" Trading Vie obs street, 101. (i?70bl0 Gl,' U 0' the i.et Fully-lic-used Houses iu Ihi" well-known City tr-de approchos £ 20 weekly r-nt £ 49; incoming, nelftbini uuder £ .50; no loo-will r-quired.—Gage, "nfl". T21thtO /♦D|\A — £ 500 can remain if w .nte a pretty Marlcet £800. Inn, p-rfectly £ 90 montrly; fieq lented by farmers and dealer* valuable lease; exceil nt ^tabling on h-h'-use, larK" yard; ",r, couvenience.— Gage, the Principal Broker, Nicholas street, B ist&l [127?h1Q \rR. GAGE, the tl Broker, has hundr^da Family, ^» A cominerci.l Hote l s, Spirit Vnuita. Country Itirs, Home.. H1}.;jnej!p P-Yery description Ob bie est n, sive Office HegíRt rø; every conceivable prioe; orders to tiew and lists 110st above. 1273blu />O^A.—To Siogle-tlcensed House, in good ^^t)v position In Csrditf, with Bowling tl satis- tory rí'lJ1:Oo;! for leaving ImD1údiate (lo8!1eujOJ'A1dr"8 fST, Wett.m Mi l, C41dff. 13i.ihl BUSINESSES "on DISPOSAL. BRISTOL.—X5", including Stock.Tob,cCO\bt. 8a" tionery, and Gel1er1 Business: .£35. without stock; othera.-Knhzht. :-9 NichOI&8 fltrel, Bristol. 1267h^0 DRAPERY—Le 'ding D6P&rtîü¡õj)réë;iÏmtMao;ï; h..r"f'r of North Walee,—Addrese 0 15, !F«fer»» jVaii flttic.,CtrriHf. !)3;hlll a^O Boot Dealer?.—B ait aud Shoo Buslneas for Ste- oldest eat iblish«*d business in Neath.—Apply Charles, 48. Wjod street. Ne",tb 1: "4hl) SWANSEA I'OCKS -Gror^ry. Provision, Ba^ipg, and Shii ping Bu-ine-s for Disposal spieodid position, main thorouglif .re; excellent for branch or beginner incoming modf'rat-A¡)"1y \'I:t'1", HWtem j/t Swa- sea. PUt-ih9 I^'OR Sale. Ypr1 Profitable T)b. conist's and Fancy Busi- ness; bt position lo Bristol; established 40 ,e-kr.- Applv R.trfoot A uctlonpf>r. Ni-^vpo-t. Ill3h5 R ImcnetUa&e l-poxal ( brougb iU1Jet}", Small Genteel IT Dr .p(:ry Business; establ sbe<l 20 rears.-Apply E. F.lwmt Draper. Br-dge street Unto lM £ b9 EXCEPTIONAL O'.port mity.—■Gerutue Dinin.-rooiiiS, Tea. Coffee, and Refreshment Bltin, facing Brf!tol Shipping: p ofit8 £ 4 weekly; netting bed8 clearA the rent; f" 12f(; splendid opportunity to industrious !)101't:: Apply M«. Tehbs Agent 8^. Oi Marxef. s- .r^ec, Bris-ol (hS d lOFFEE Tavern Iud it^fresbmen' Bu\nes in splendid J thoroughfare for tra"e: tbf old-establlshe\ bu-iness can lie pur-hased for about £8O.fe',bs. S74h.: Jj^RUlT and Greengrocery Business, Centre tI £ 15 weekly: smart, att.rae'iv shop; nice dwelling- hOI1.e: ingoing ^5. —Apply fr. Tebbs 8í"'h6 IGA R8 ,01 Tobacconist Business; magnlfi -ntly tf(tr1 Very øU¡lerior class trade lrofitA aypre 50s. we»«ly lease ingoing 190: bUliCl\f1't.-AIIIlrT/bh. 87ih6 CiIGARS and Toba-coms Busin g, principal street. B t¡¡tnl; nice trtde; capha.l opportunity for lady or young couple; Inlltn £11 .—Api ly T"bbs. S:7b6 —Uo-lerv, GenM-men's outfitting; best position; £70. mo&t unopposed tra<le; f^h^ionable, popular seaside resort; rent. £ 25.—Downing, Auctioneer. Bris- tol. 864b6 I^OBA'COand Cigar Div.m, h populous suburb; grand b IDce for add¡nlf h^irdresstng; price £O; S¡ leflHd premi es.-10, C1 r^ street Brtt(11 8::gh5 L'tHt D;slœll, C "ml!!t nll Druggist's Business; excel- r lent, OPPOTfUI11ty for aD ener et'C young mltD.-Tt>rrns. applv. person lly, R. Lewis, Auctioneer M"rtbyr. 823h6 A Compact. O'-nuine Groe'>*7 Husines*;$on i opportunite for energetic man lea ing ihoronghfire, Ctrdlff; fIItk "bont f 00 or less.—Evans and Hl1vhe< BnIns Brahn, Rorough-chambel*, Wharton ecreet, C irdirt. (791JJ5 FOR S de, 1\ Studio, in ¡:on41 cooditJon—12ft. wftIe, ft. I mg, 12ft, bl"h.-Appl, M. M., Uail 'ffi e, NfWi»ort. 8"'2h') —ForSwle, as a going concern, a we l l-known £ 1 200. and ;A: btd'5)¡:-QI':)' 111 tbe Foreft (If Dean, including ori:?, Steam 8;iw)filh. with "even Quarries; owner retiring from the busit1e" Address M 21, Wettern Mflil. Cardiff. 'Z535 BTAHLB8. &C., TO LET. 1- -'OLet, good St;bl for Two Hordes and Coach-hoiue^- 1. Appl, W. H. Reed, Hoi>e and Anchor. Dock "tr(>tt Newrxppt.. T £ '9hC lano. AGRIOUI.TORAI. 7.A SI U? ANTED, about 0 Acres of Grass Abe>-gavenuy nlstrict preferrei.—Apply at ouce, Wm. Pow.ll, Penwaln HouAe. Nelson 7-l in alacb. 1:110hl0 li^ARM tu Let. with immediate UO.i<;cssiou :zre;'ab"1!- 100 r acys, ne rly all PfUlturø,-Apply to George Th mas and 8011, Bsute Agents AUctionl"n, and V"luer"1. Cowbrldge roql. Ctrdlff. 1?04h;fI L"ItEF.flOLD Farm ( 0 8crt>fi). 1101186 RuUditJi8. (hr"en, X For Sale: H\rt rnone, ren.sln at of per cent,70, ffwferw Mrrif. N"f1(lrt:, 1'9 -<- !ost iIIll) jratuio. LOST. April lit. Light-brown Curly Retriever and Maitiff Bitch. Anyone detaining aame fter this notice 1'oiU be n1'Mecutec1.rlp\, E. RT&11I, 6, Danl row, rentwyn. V, chriw. 14j);h5 LO.^T. hom Ll.ngvf'l en Fair, Red (HW, with 1;1U1l: knee; anyone finding and returning samo W.. Hich.r.-1. Ce n Gol.u FIrm. will be rewarded, Anyove detaining 5&m aftor this nottee will be r,rowcut..t1. [1 8:4 I OST, :r Foi Terrier-brinal e bead, biact w: A-/ ou shoulder black wif.— ^Finder rew rdeo by W. Davie*, Court VI11a.. To",oa.ndr. t37r>hll 10*T, from near Mt Beds, AhertiUt'ry, Dark-re.i Mare PODY. 12 to 13 banda: n. J. marked under Jlddl; tall cropped. Finder wUI b.3 rewarded. Anv person found :f.!DJ t\r6. this notice wil> b« prosecuted.—Address George James, fi, James st-eet, Tre<legar. I | 63hl0 IOsT, i: Jrf>Wir kfhl1; Colt; white mane J and tail, little star od forehead finder rewar d Henry Rfrd. Hlrtfain i?2h9 OST, » Bracelet (Diamondsaud Saophires). n«nr Tudor I J road. Handsome reward b, 1!nder returning ft to 18, Tudor road, Cardiff. 1089ho LO T, April 20 h, from Llantrisant Common. Illack ony. ag d. 12 hands high; four new shoes martted M on front of 1.rtlbou!,ler.-A4drell David Thom&$. New Inn, Llantrtsnnt. t:311h1 I"OUJ) t l4>l,ncrlmtb, a Mountain };.R'8 and Limb; 1: owner ("ItU have R:me bv paying expenses.—Apply P. CO:8. Hoeldon, Wbitchurc ;jlíI (SrtllalltoU5. MIRI1"I.I.A N"')nR W "'I'll \V ANTE1 Left-o'l Clotbi g of ev d description Fnrni- » Å Pianos, and old Violins Changed and Repaired Jlt price given,—W. MAnce. 33, W.rnhøm Arcaie, Car- 1I1t!, Il:<th (; E,1r)d Ladies' Left-off Clothing hij tn town or country. Or era prompt'y attended t<» by Mrs. A. RPer. 3n,CRlfJl!nøtrt,rft. (1arl1! KstaMished '8M (AA5¡fI LEF! F XOTHEs.Mr. and Mr7ri^oj it, Saldon- I4'P"L'11:dA1 Gentlemen a Wearing Apparel, Ac. AU orders punctually attended to in town or country. Good prices given, (JWTi GENTLEMEN'S and All Kinds of Left-off Clothing Bo'uht, Orders promptly attended to by Mra Green, 32, — Caroline street, Cardiff M3d WANTED, good Second-hiind Suit of Female Welsh ti Otne. Including Tall Hat.—Price to Wuttrn Mail Correspond nt. Tenhf. 11281\9 \|Rh. D. G'»RMAN,7and 8, Bridge street. Ca-diff. Pui- a-' A cha-er of L dies' Gent l emen' and Children's Ward- rO(I: good prl.-esgiven. E-»Ubli'hed 1gg3. I2)>hl0 Mt<CLLANEOUe SALES. VI AM» I-A« IU-. K Hovsiortii, ODera tos Oivu direct front the loom, at. Mill Prices, vis. :— Rrje8, Fancies. Caabmeres, Reil. Meitons, Mantle ClOI", Patterns sent free on application. Ra,tllnte"h,Ut&te profits. peclallut of Dross Meltons, all .11.<1. at tJ. per yard. ",1orflllJ: M AN I! KA t TURKK. HUR"lutTJf. NKAI; 1,FFH!i '8::i1f' H1I,('IARDTÃB('E for D1,po,"l. 8 t. bv 4ft.. splendid con- I> di'iop. —A'idfss Q 13. >C enter* Matl, C\rdírf. 93hf OlANOS nud or^aiiS Extr.iordmarv.—Phenomenal t: t gains.—Ducx. Son, and Pmktr Offer a 45-fiUiue» t'ol- l«rd f .r I gs., at0-guin«a Broadwood for J9gs., a 66-gulnea ll2Ø:R:?r1n:u':r.r for 2Ggs.. *9 0 -gulne- B.-cbsteiu for 45acl.. a 55vuinea Ibach for 32g«., alul300 others by feeding mabn ttq!1 lily cXt."eptionf11 value. Organs by E*tey, Boll, Smith. h",¡a alld thlT11in. & i» PIIOfm0\18 renu tions.—Ful) p-rtic ilarn (In apIIUatton \0 Duck, Hoo, rind I nkpr. the Great H-mo q;oftJII. Bath. 1 717 :J¡W-¡¡;Tu¡¡. 6S by 12'" 8; lood, useful boat; "¡; ;u:, lua mouth.—Lace and Sob, UdIcu Foundry, Car- :iT.1Irt lIa Ittlltt5. MISCELLANEOUS SALES Jontluuei)" I^OR Mi l Ch dw. —A Cargo of g00> v ft Chalk-Aril Brit^nnirt Pamt Works, Glamorgan yt'eer S" wuruMt Packers Of Wbit-ing. MOOh? i SPIiENDID Gl-ir-de-Dijon R0'- B'.oomi, 2s. per ). fr* rash with rn'ar.-W M()rrl8 St. I u,A4'. Y-r}_ 1:r,h7 TEAM Tr.wWs 10i V x llj re*dy f r «ea; fi ted ST\:t::lr;iU' )bf 'W..ahrý.ih iD6 all »ven. imprnyetneut —A pply to B. F. Cr.tggs, «, B'tbors- r"»rWy r'. London. V., C 2 hi" ^AHEAGE Plants.— L .-e Druuihea- .ts, 5-. pn ~75T 'mors, for ir.ip«i Imti'ig, is. per 1/iW, c*<* 1ft M ..inn, Wi^l^-torj Her*f»r V; 11)r,AuHp..o, Jeweilei, i, Bu e terrace, C^r iff -21c ) Weddmg King, 3idwt.. 19s,; PltMrdlurn. "H.: Cfif^pes' rji g in Etui nd 1blO J!{0;t:K:1;'I: *r', 4v 6 < .em Rin„' 4- 6 13c. K-eper. bilver Watch, Ifr. 6 Gold Signet Ring. 3s. E)87h!0 L'OH Sale, 0. Pleasure BIILt, 17ft. tot I: calls 1tf1. vnr, (1m: • p'et sails well; late.-ALJb trJ Mr. Full. 20 Clivt r41,hTllth. '21hIO I^OR Sale, Palm K en.ia Fosteriana ) Fern (Also hilia -Ï't, Austral!-) fin-^pedmensin 2in.tot«: (:I: ""JIII: to" I,, for owner's house. Also Ril Vene-ian Roll Sun Blind*. '.Cft. Inne by "t.. wide; in goo-l C(.I.It1 II wHl p.ell togetberer separate.—Drake. 44. Cathaya terr.»c^, «'ar- ijjrr. l' 87h' I' LM,5 f B(Hrdsan-i A^i PI oik (2C,mft. ot e.,cL f'-r T Tej dryand partly dry,—Apply CuiMmore and Ru-.nuilng, Tinp er Merchant", Saw Mills, Thornbury R.S.O., Gl-ucester* shire. "74ft? M~ OKDEY, JUNES, juidco N-wport i»re l.ocal Age&U ,1-ó;JÙ;ltd Sand, an't Have Part Cargo for Hc Rt Parry ,r Ic-t15 ARQUT"ES,Pavfti us, CifcuKr Tei.w ,d-, F.ag T T Hire, E»steddf«idau. Horti ul ural Shown. Pi^ni ^i. tic. -AprJ Jonathan .JnJ¡., Swaii.Mta, 05hl8 I VÃC¡¡T.ï.õu;tr,¡j¡.9i¡;¡Ôd.tlo-to' <•«bin wid} ilidi gtoi.; r>cen')y oV d¡:.u¡ "bd ft-' f»at/-ned.—Dr. Ah>q!,f'el, Porthcaal. 91'hr; 'pRADE Pattern Books ou application, Htywood, Higgle- 1 s-otiom, Smith, and Co.. 9, Bri-ge street, Cardiff. Works: Hanc h eV'-r. IOb6 F'OR :1:):'JI'11!ó! S-ones. Dressed <>r Rougb; Kir# I Rdckl and vur-ons cbiaaes of Building Materlll. .1, Wrought Iron Roof, l?,3ft. long. 58ft. span.—Ap;ly at ( Iiriti h Ir itiwor s. Ab-r»ych in or to T. P.Jones nd <'o., p .mhNI(" ch\trnber Hth street. SO .port. OOlb13 F'lREWO' j. — A Ftw Truck T.oads t<.r S 1 ai short lengths; cheap—Price Willi-rns, Timber MorrHnt. L"OR Sale, 'ink Bookcase. 4jft by 8ft.; I. price sixteen guineas.—39, Flasturtou gardens. C.fa diff 12^1.10 /1LAY Pi|*?.-IrJ-h. Straws, Meer;- haum P-tumB, Ik,fid. Vv Gro;«. S.-ven Oro<s If* a-amped with n^n;p and a.Mrr Thr Gross 5R. 6d. 8 I (iro-e 10- '!I:1!!trte-l 1,atlef¡lft tree.—Corcoran, Manufacturer, Lwrob street, Hrldft S:2h! S Eiï;f 1¡t¡;F:)p.C. it Trees, strawberry lie-Is, Tetjnls lawn, F»-rc'ng, A- one, two, t b '*e, and f.Qr vfirdpwide; 1,1. square yard (carriage paid).—P^mel) and Co. Bedmii > er, Bristol. 1>'1 (/(rRNf^H on our :ni3í e (i;J::ttt -¡ Wa-es Furnishing Company, 31, Castle sweet (opposite the (';¡Ft'f'1I',rt-ff. I/i: I'M- II Niv Private Hir- >»*e!i.Soi: Wa.ee Fnn Vi'in/ t'oinpany 31. Castle nrw»t. Cardiff. No I.M i:.N 1-SM on <ir N»-»r i'r:* k'e hire >y.em.—Soutb Wale* S Fa-ri-oing Cou'pany, 31, C^atle street. <?aniiff. No I't' I: IH OH full !'w J'nmt:: Ulf Sys e:n.-»o'st:> WVt4 Fnrniahing Company, 31, C&MUe Fteet. Cardiff. O I']!"I,, 17iUKN|sH (H our New PrivateHire System.-Soutb W.d' Frirnisbi'iir COnlplinr. 31. Castle street. Card! No l-'xtra Clunveit. I.M;iCNlSH onourNew Private Hire System.—South Waiea Fnrnishlng Company. 31. Castle Rtreet, Crlf{fr CAI! TMHtNJSli ou our N«w Private Hire Hysiem.-Houth Wales '4' I j FIii ë;<tor(:, ;C;d: l Mlwrv, i/EK'NIsH ononrNew IVivateliire Syarenj.-South Wa.-ts Furuilhtn Company, 31, (:.tle tfrret t01>pœe the Cistle Ev-rythinir Privy- I 'lJ f I H on om New Private H If Hystem.-South Wa¡" EiiTiiishingCompany. 31. Castle tn:et, Cardiff. Ü" L.H'KNIkH on our New Private Hire nytteiu.—noutii WuU;i Furnishing Company. 31, Castle 8U'88t. Canlitf. No Hl110f M-tle. 1/L H IMi 1m our New l'ri"a Um fiyarcui.—Sout h Wale* 1 Iqlfllll<hln Connany, 31.<astiestreet. Cardiff. Eleven b'URN'tHR ou um N-w Pnvatt: Hire System.—South W"I!I (" Furnishing company, 31, CuUe street topn'isi> the Cat1e: f':u1ítf Ufth?0 RARE BOOKS. The Bnde. "le. Cd,; "Sspptto iliiiu- tratedt. Is. 6*1.; Arwtotle's Works, coloured plates, 352 pages, 2s. 4d.: Boecnclo's famous Decameron," two vols.; <omplete, 3«. 6d.—Unexpurgated Tranl1!1otJona: C:&tAÙorf1. two stamps; iJ: Liuwious Photos 1ø,-R08entha! Park Ridings, HorTl" T 1)1I,;on J.lj}tóo-I GARDEN Seeds, Flower Seeds. Farm S^ds, Seed Oat*. Bariey. Vetc b t- RyeGraJis, C overs. Ac., Ac. Imple- ments and Mw. hinery of an kio(Ùi, Carta. Wn.lom. Ac, Catalogues fl-ee.-Jobu Hibbert nc1 Sons, 10 aoo 11, Castle stree', Cardiff. *>'51 hnsijesa Cards. Memorandums, Billheads, JvFvF Pui2b Card*, 4s.; Handbill-, Publicans labels, C gar Bags, uDe{¿ue.l1ed.-RO¡Ce1"6' PricCÚ1C Works. Arcade, Bristol. 236d, :\1 ARQUKES and Tent» to TEf". Wide for Hire; distance a.v A no object,—Apply Thomas Pug&iey and Co.. Newport, MOD. 1409d SHOP Fronts, shop and office Woo; Fittings. Counter G aas Cases, Ac.—Bartlett and Son (Limit-d), Welsh Back Bristol 48134 Irfkikifctfk Ueefin Hatidtiile, d&. fcu.; l.CW Caiiis Memorandums, or Ruled Billheads, 4s. Bottle Labels, best yalne.-tJaher and Co.. Broaditiead Bristol. tZ10d TEETH.-Complete Set. One °61nt!Q:. years war* A ranty.—Goodman and Co., 66, Queen street. Car* rifff. 8C1A- ABERDEEN Granite Monuments from £ 5. carriage paid inscriptions accurate and beautiful. —Pians uc fromLegge, Si-ulptor, Aberdn, 3.>At?d m C. ^oultiii, ^iijcons, St. PHEVSANTS' En.; from .(rone, bellthy birds war- nntt>d fre«h laid and ferule: price 8. do2en. or £ 3 3s. 100,-J. F. Allen. Old M rke*. Br't;fo1. ;b7 EGUS for fti tiug.—Black Mm rc.e, wonderful laying strain. 3s. Fitting, to end of season.—Ruperra C.stle, N M->orr. M.>n. MOE? WANTE8 i ORTGAGK,—W*nteit,8uius of Money, up >t. good tlH. In amounts varying between .£300 and £ ,JOO: interest 6 per Ct"nt,-A Lipt, Vauahau and Evans, :C"Il¡dton, 8. HIh tOtrf"ct, C irdiff. 13S43 MONEY TO LEND J BLAI8EHOi"IH;lnder Rnd Ilou Agent. 1. Bntp !pr- J ra" "ar iff, Arranges Advances from ilW to ';2.wa ou aU Classes of Security (except Bills of Sale). Privacy gutr- teed. 9t1779 \*|ONEY.-The Empire Deposit B.«tik, o. AdeU-.i«le-streer. a A Cbi'.ring Cross. Loud'in, Advances Cash from One to Ten Yeirsin :O:umsö( £ 20to £ 2,0C0, to Male or Female, "to Five per Cent. Interest. 0 commission chA.t',1, deduc- tions made, at sureties "quir"t: prospectiu, rhowiug wode of rt>-pl\ymf!ut. free on w.ppllc ,"ou. 19* H. OCN8TEP, Manager. MoNEv iientupi.u Note of Hand Alone.—A Gentleman in J>e*irous of Making Advances from £ 5 npwar.l*. at 5 per Cent. fnt.f>TCR!, to Male or Female, in Town or Country, "nhout Rill ot &.1. or 8nrAtiM, and strictly Private, tor any period not exceeding ten years.—Atmly to— 9320 1[,. York-read, Wat-rloo u:'l,p, London. ?. F. T T O.NEV I.ENT PUZVATELV AT A FEW HOU 11* NOTICE.—A Gentleman having a 1:UI::tJ of Capital tit willing to gran: ..dvances upon note or bund aioue. for any term not exceeding 15 ye«r*. from £ 16 to £ 1.l0, at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Proprietors, Keepers. Tradesmen, or to any responsible .r:rlÅ\111r Female, in Town oi Country, without loau ofii. e formalities or Rill of ale. Distance no object, aud JI(I ono ov the fttlerur fs raid 011 capital can remain. So (en nine application refused. All uomrnuniCilotloul are • rested 8t.it1, private. ANII, t.1t the actual T,IJ 1r, H. HARRISON, .1., 8: Vor\ rla,1 Wesi niinster Bridge mimI. London. L732I IMPORTANT NOlTICE.—If you WantMoney send Swirp for Prospectus before borrowing eisewhere to Mr. Pike, 43. 8k\tebnr, road, Cardiff; or lnhnd ReveD1õe Build- ings, Dock street, Newport, Mon. No fe*-s. E¡1.talt MESSRS, W.audS. HE^'N, rotate and Financial Agents, 72, St. Mary street, O •rdiff, are prei ared toA vanow £ 100 to £ 100,o00 on good Freehold 0' Leasehold Property, Hornugb Of County Rr.te, or on Avvrond Personal Security, '41 HONEY.—Prompt aud Liberal Advances Made to G » tlemen. Farmers, Householders, or any respectable ¡)(OriOu, wale or female, on Noof Hand 10" Intereat: easy payments: no ft>e -AtJ.1y. in strict coufLûeDC8, T. u. Barton, 15, Bridge street, X8wport.. JlI4f HiE JJlltKCTOIt* 01, 1. •) ANU CO iLIMITKD Advance Daily Hnm4 rom £ 8 1'0 £ 1,000. Method nt Business: t FAIR INTEREST. KASV RI^PAYMKNTS. ABHOLUTK PIU.AU\ rw DEEA r. No 1J1t1TII!I\. TRADE 1iIJ.1. DISCOUNTED. Piosp-ctuaes i d j'«rti tiiara Free. Apply to "1 The Harp" Puildlngs (side "¡\hD08, near Batchelorg Monument.), The H ya .1 irdiff '1)_1> 1- A CAPITALIST is pre pit red to make [MMIDIaTK. PliOMI'T, and STRICTLY PRIVATS 0*811 A» V AXCE8 in 811ma from £ 10 TO £ 1,000 Professional Ladies and Gentlemen, Florists, hrk.t G.rJ.,ert, H(OAI Pro'rMor.. Job Matters, Aud Il clAw. ?. N.Pe of any deacrlptfeo No HII of tJ" e. No public or toe,,1 exporare. No objectionable Inquire*. 1'to usual Loan lor lJ1"lltHj. A u 1 at "Rouo.al. R,II of Interest* ON NOTE Of flAND ALONE. Intending Borrower? are CauUonP.fl:a¡.\inlt tbe FlstteTlng Advertisemeuts tiiat appear daily. The ma j ority of tbeiu emanate from Ageuts, whose Sole Object 111 to Obtain Feci (fall Descriptions. Applicant* CII Rely upoo it that by Applying tome they do so in Confidence, and that they will be treated io a Fair and BusloeuJike Maont-r.— Apply lir. F. BMWI. 30, PLANTAGEN-ET-STRVFT. 13648 CARDIKF L t,N i ),N 'N,,Iih; .,k' I I All' THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BAN, BALDWIN-STREET. BRISTOL. TIt Directors of this old-established, well-known f)Ø1CI'l. baviuu- large nnliahle hUll". ntfer unl1111al facltitlM tO ..11. ttlltItloDle and trustworthy persons wbo tlfr. cither temporary or permanent aaaistan Casn I- amounts from £ 2j to £ S.C»0 I, advanced in all parts .1 lb kingdom, without sureties, dI., L"bli,Y, ."a -1 'be ?r')?" nu"?< ?. borrowe.'s written piomise to re*P»». 'ib- advances Uiay 1* 'Iald by .tnl. m«>utoiy. or flnarterl, iiisuluieuts, Itxumth" rer a psrio»l of win convenient tÐ the borrower; oi the 1.rlucJ.d may .elU.18 o long an the interest Is J.1d. No Bills of uken, and the traosa«»ioos are published in any news(.aper or gaictte. Apply, stating amount rtl{ulreJ. to Mr. T. C. 3I1I.UP. 13147 General \bnanr. ill! PHILLIPS,' r..rnbroker, » holwjle Je,ler. M. I. ?t. Mary '??. ?. '?." ?'(-m S'?ct 01 ??*' Diamonds. 4o., at Low Hate •> Inure. f 4j MUSnieUes or cjlhiteraUecurhj? by u Vr]^9^1r^ J.1 any mt.f"1 III rOllàtef'A( t"curf'r b, II. I'rj'H,t.e Oell:le'ljoU) ,b j:-l;h;tfr:u!aa :ea t:tl(;t:Ie f; t.f,??M.?,?h.t?h?tht M.ct ?" '°'?"* JBn=,■ :(jrc:1.1 2: b1 trCt::¡duLQI ?. Established at tblo addreu ':DCO ISSI, L ?b