FOIIEIGN INTELLIGENCE. GERMANY AND SAMOA. I ["CENTRAL SEWS" TFtLKU U VII 1 ) BERLIN, THCRSDAT. Hie AortA Gt'rmao G.I!dltJeni.s lht he El1t'Clpan 1*%ec? &I' prohibited by treaty from c'dninK TatJII1 JUnt influence in Simoa, and says Ih,1t America has ro greater claim than other cations.

DEATH IN THE UNITED I STATED PARLIAMENT. ["cSNTHAL Ntws" TKLBmRAM.] I NEW YORK, Tkcrsdat MOBXIXO. A CongMMman named BMn, 6. one of the repre- wwtiTH from Missouri, wasssizid with apoplexy during a sitt.nj of die H:u§t list, vidht, and ex- pired almost immediately.

THE TIN-P(iATE DUTIES IN I Af AMERICA. tt -— I A DENIAL. I The r,n'r,,l .A ebl?gram ?on u g *n puhli-lie,d in Engl mil on Ihinsdav .n:n tii ih« ff-et th' & mm rained Jim., perporiing to r P,?.e"t tli Hope Iron, Si?tl, and Tin-i.'ate Company at lp; n, "«I dec!,?r.d i,? I,h? city ilitt ilicli i'Mli inaiiiilai-iuiera inierestrd in that trade li»d sent one million dolla-s to Americi to 1m used in dif a, in it ilie | roposals to innea.e the dul e. it import'd tin-plates. Our local i e- rreseniitire hud an interview un Thursday morn- 't',p'o? with 11io "ger of I,e Hope Cowpmy,who suted 'hut J mu s wa^not authored |b re^rrdftut tI'm, and IItt his t.?.me.ts we,* itoitticiy without foundation.

"WELSH V. NORTH COAL. I fiPLECII BY LOUD KAViiNSWOUTlI. 4' the annual meeting of the North of England Aasnciati >n, lied t Newcastle on Thursday, the President iL<ird Kavensworth), speaking of the coil trade, said th- re wss a para- i,, tl e report, which ,el.t.d lo the telalive qualities of Welsh and X >rtli Country coil. When ha was in tiie House of Commons, twenty ve-are ago, t!i«v ware constantly besieging the Ad nirallT upon that cubj-cc to obtain whit lie called lair justice for tl.e tmployment of North Coamiy Cial. The Admiralty instituted » "rie "r most important experiments conducted In tile Queen's -h p' at one or more of the dock- Esrdf, and the fe.ult was th it, if c*re were takeD ,Vki.g the c".), Md if 'h Are b?, in c??.ide- a.j,. ,f th» highly bituminous quainT of U.. r1', worn propt r!y ?tted, the North Country coal WM lett?,i?!y ?qt? il, if ??t superior, In svipnr.itive «r» ftiin-producing p,?-er to UxWe'tth ).-(«).A?ny ,ny1'a'to., (. amutu'S r.f the two, and that was used, lie bthtv?t.w?hTtfy gre*t tucne?'fdr?contijfr?b!* &im. fh gailln! c"!lénge of IIi! friend Mr. ScrU\10D hd been taken up, but neer came to anything. He off-red 10 All "06 bun Iter witlt nn7 ion of fcal or mixture of corto it-i e^'ilnst Welsh foal Be hoped tlwt that clmlleng-, lmring been fcken ul), would be carried out, becauae his belief Wat iLai tljey would come Tery well out of it.

SHOCKING CHUELTY TO A I BOY, •EVENTY-TWO STROKES ON HIS I BAKE FEET. Tbe Liverpool magistrate! on Thursday grantotl twarruut fir ihoarrea' of KJ*ai d Coe, mechanical *rti«t, incoiii-street, at the ii.aiance of ih» Secieiy for the l'.cveiiii.m nf Cruelty ti Children, 811^es of all. kcJ eiufl'y lo a boy oaintd Kinielin, his upp entice. Kin9«IU atated tlrnt on Hn?mM Eve hi< m.tste'. t-k.) of! his ina?fli t4 k ,j off hie boots om1 Btnckinjjs. put liini on the bed, and e»ve liim 72 «trok. s on his bare ftel with t c'ne. Tiiu dw:or stated that ti,e boy hid beea bidly bsateu, md Wth lot w,z,, blistered.

MURDERED IN AN ILLEGAL I OPERATION. An elderly woman named Ann May, of Hunger Hi! -road, Nottingham, against whom C4)-2ne Jury rettirned a votilict Wilful murder," was an 'rl ursdty commuted by the Notta county ■iigis rates for 'ri>\i at tlia assii a for the wilful m-i r of gu?n F-,wY, domestic s,r,a?t in the tmp'??thtViL-Hr of Harioo. It .11?gd tkat tri?rn?r p?,rfot-ined an utilaiviul operation c&?ing '?r io?. a.d <*e..m,ny dMth from p.r.?t.t. Mforo the magistrates prisoner Mid that if the •peration was performed at her house that tlid not how she did it.

A MEDICAL LIBEL ACTION. 'In the Q??ee,la Bench on Thursday (before PMon foil ;ck nud a special Jury) Dr. Allhutt, of Led8. Woujjht an action to recover damages fM the (fuj< of hie name from the list of medk.1 pme- Rt i= by the Council of Medico Educati n and Bffr stra'ion, and for libel. Dr. Allbuti is the luth. r of a book called The Wife'l Handbook," trid the council have power to remove from the list of praciitloaers anybody who he efn guilty of wJadtu¡().1n,jur, or who has la 'he r Judgment been guilty of infamouj Kmiuct in a proreMional respect. Th* coun- Sll res Ived that in publishing his book at a price which wou'd bring It wiihiu the reach of yeung people of both aexes the plaintiff had been guilty of infamous v,alluct. and that was the ground for ^miring Dr. Allhutt frotu the list of IMJica1 p, actitioners, The libel was contained In the publication of the resolution with the plaintiff's Bame in the inci-x.-Ilie Attornew-Getiorel. who appeared for defendants, submitted that tliere hid been (lue inqu,ry,tliat the publication oftolnuies oy the medical council was privilow, and, therefi ra, Ihere WM no MM to go to tht )ury.—Th< Juike J H the mne Tiew, and gaY» judgment f"r the fe?da?t?% with c,)st?.-fhe Aitornty-Ueuera' W<hed it to be understood that Mr. Clifford I jklibutt, elthongh a doctor in lM, bad no con- fcectiun %vbatever wiihpl»intilT.

MORE WORTHLESS SWORDS. I The swords of the 5th Dragoon Guards, in I Dublin Barracks, hive just beea tested. It is alated Ia all broke, though Kiev were suppoeel to have t«»:ed the Enfield te.t.

ATTEMPTED suicide Of A YORK- I SfJJKE CHICKETKK. Bites, the celebrated Yorkshire cricketer, lltempted to cmimt suiciite on Thursday porning. After bri akfast his wif* went upsUir.% Inn on lier return f und tier l.usband lying on h()itthru:: ..iol, his tlm,at cut, and.. blood- •» ai■ ni-d jrat .r by his side. An alarm was raised,and Bediol assistance caPeJ. Three doctors arrive. tal si itched up the injured uian'a throm, but it is Itated, however, that his recovery is doubtful.

ALLY SLOPERS LIBKL ACTION. I In )h" Qt?-'n't Bench on Tt)ur«?y Baron P"lIo. P?tMthty<)"fMfrier 1.I. I'll, If,,U foncn d• ay«, provided thai, ,f d f.ndiot should t t' l'o p,s, th?, 1 9 .?ld C<13t to phinUfY. wll.. h0111d give an und"rtJ,kin 10 e'rn Ih .eyjutbo hut ut the verdict bt ng reversed.

"JACK THE RIPPEU" STORY I m'JMMA?DEf. J Jick the Ripper s-ems to be ubiquitous. A *Ory cf; ..? f.oni M?.n<fM to h? effect t?t a man W-d- I,i, f,w ni '-I.t8 g,, i,, I 'o,ol In I ll&t -uh-rb,)f Ne?l,o,t -t-ut th,- Ilro sun i, y *T '?'< by (he c"mpnny to be ■ j •"ni1 "?M. tcHjefe?ftMj-), Wrrd taken to ?e.,vo him.

DEATH OF AN IRISH SONG WHITER. I W" Michael Joseph Harry, one of the Young Wand leader* of 1848, and author of Mvaral latJonnl si ill popular, died at Cork en ivi,ic y n;ght, aged 72

BÅNKRUlru Y. OF MR. BORLASE, I EX M.P. li" 'PplicaUon was mad* In the London Bank- ?)"-oun[.r)Th)tf<.)?for*nort)<rforthe<J)t<ht'te "B.t?.t.tx.Mr. and r.rlian'.ntury SCre- kr, II) 'h. ly cal Government Bojrd in th. la'* -?'? A<?..i..i, T?e account* show the ?b?i.i? ? 142,653, ..d (1,. tMett )nt9.371. th. ??'upt -.? un.b? to t,e.d M he h :rir, 'rOln tu?X-pnjt.—Mr. Sydney opposed ""Pp!?)Hion. ti.y)nff he ali?uld &)logo fr*ud "n.t th" b-?k,uvt.Me application Wa» po.' '"?aet.tApri!M.

C4/)at' (ocot 12 tbMOute'T Pure. It is a! 'I"'I" o{u.. "r;kl"¡", prlhMC.r 'aj »« *f 164  ? d' o( 41: »is- I: ,1.\1. Ior. IArlo bce^kfwt C.Î" *ctiow*Y'» Pitu. amd Orvrmeur — Bilious ,t;?<<? ,tth t1 l^r'' ''1IDUllt¡tn' tnn.?.nM. h??«) t. i-h»ntwi. Of t4K> iiiwv»l Ute*. shouut M chniwl at t S cl ?'?'??'??'?? ).?'!??'?..?.? ,t <>Uijb/ » ^WooIuphM- o for t <*«»• u« wi*y t« • *u!»'•» h« W In of l wr» U »« n^ln*. IM hbo *1; !K)?,'??"'?<"H.???'? p?. '?.' I rlG09. "X tfinpy m* §i**mWp r. hi« !??'M?Ii.?* '?"???. ?*?'t!tMn?)t? W fbbd <r*f ib« '?'"<????'???' '?*?*' *}?? ¡ A iw ft %oo  ??"MM—fM?Mtjt??tt?t?. kit) I

TRIAL OF HU. W. ] o nUIEN, M.P. EXCITING SCENES. 1 POLICE REGULATIONS I DEFIED. DESPERATE CONFLICTS. I THE COURT CLEARED. I MR. O'BRIEN MAKES HIS ESCAPE. [ CEKTKAt, NNWS T8LX0&1K.] CLONMKL, TnrnsoAT. The triil of Mr. Willi,im 0'Hri*n, for allsged offonce* under th" Oim-s Act, commenced hele to-day, before Messrs. Bodkin and Considine, itsident inagisttfiiei. Frotn tm early hour In the mornmg large crowds ermmtnetd lo assemble in the streets of the town, and throughout tlte d»y ilia greatest exci'ement prevai'ed. All nrganlaad di'tnonstrations had been foimally proclaimed, but, notwiilist*! tiding this, a great crowd, variously estimated at from 12,000 to 20,000 persons, b'ocked the approaches to the 1 own-hall, and Mr. O'D, i on arriving »t the raiiwsy station, wae met by variius 1 >cal tx'dies, ind pructited with an address of welcome and sympathy. Mr O llrien and his fiiendi then pioceedsd to the Couri-houae, hut found theii way to the entrance door blocked by policemen, who refused to »llow anyone to pass except Mr. O'ihi. n. That gentleman said ihat m that case he w >uM not move fuither, and Mr. T. Henly, M P., his counsel, who was with him at tho time, protested against such an interference. There- upon the county inspector ordered his men to fall in, and most rxeiiing and violent scenes .uu"d, Mr. O'Uhcn was ►eiied by f\ policeman, and dragged a illati.n. a of thirty >ards, protesting loudly (iii- while, Hnd Mr. Healy «», *,a ul,rd ami threatau d wi h a bayonet. The c.owd, m idde..ed by the stu^Io in which «hoir leader-i weie involved, now attacked the police, who in turn charged repeatedly with tAtons and ftxed batonet-s. l' .r several minutes the people held their gr. u: d. and above the yelleof the combatants -L.i?t be' y hoard the thud of bitona eet. 'it. \r. J :r\'r r'a\ rf gbtítri parrying staves. foIany of the crowd and a few policemen su%tained ugly wound*, and blooO flowed freely, finally, ilie disciplined movi-menu of th* police prevailed. Tim crowd were forced back, and soma d their tingleadere were arrested, M-anwhi'e Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Healy lud reached the Court-house, pale and almoat breath- less, and at onc. cotnplalneil of the conduct otths police. Mr. O'liri-n, in an agitated tone, said th t the county inspector "was quite bejide himself, dlher from excitement or drink, and he had nearly caused a bloody riot." He (Mr. O'Hrisn) had been draped 30 yards without the slightest CRUCe. Mr. Healy said lit had w-oly escaped wi'h his life. A hiiyonethad iITTi placed V) III- breast and a dozen bitons had been flourished over his head. He would like to know whether they weie in a civilise I o unt.y, when a law vet'? i t, was imperilled by li?e fo,??. d 016 Crown when coining into court to d-fend a client. After some remarks from the bench, the rase proceeded. Mr. O'Hrien was charged with having on the 28h of September, 1888, at Cnlloneale. County Tippc-rary, taken iar, wnli several pelwn. unknown in an U' l.wfol cot epiraey, to incite cer- tain persona to withhold payment of rent lawfully due. Mr. Ryan, Q.t', prosreu'ed on behalf of il,e Crown, and Mr. Ho;dy appeared for the d«'*ttce Mr, Ri an having opt-nrd t lie ca-e, Cons aldc Wil- liam Mooney, Govflinnient tnj:e- t 'iker, waa calltd and his evidence oicupiBd gevoial hours. The evidence of wiujoeses for II, Crown occu- i,it:(l tlin court six linure, and at its conclusion Mr. Healy, for the defendant, npplii-d for snmmonse" to Ml ure the attendance of L'rd Salisbury and Mr. Halfour, who lie inaint'iine had used" language simdsr to tlvit uttered by Mr. O'Brien, Ttlll Court rerllqe,1 tho application, "nIl as the decision was received with nunds of dis ipptotia- tion from l'eople in -u,t, th" p .li"* "0 "idered 'o clear the galleii»s. Tli'-r^upon Mr. O'Brien and Mr, Healy rosa and said they would clear out also. Th m.¡¡i.&t8cal'e'! npon ihi police tA prevent Mi-. O'Hiien from leaving the court, and, amid intensa excitement and tuinult, a sergeant s-iied the hon. gentleman. Ifr. O'Brien struggled and rr.iimged to get away, but at th cost of a torn coat. Helped by those around him. Mr. O'DrioR reached the street, and, surrounded "nd followed by a great, crowd, marched through the town. A warrant having meanwhile been issued against bit, O'Brien, the police made repeated efforts to force t) eir way through tho crowd in order to execute it. But the people repliod with Tolleys of etones, and aeveral police- men were injured by the utis-if" Over and ov. r again the police cliarged, using their Mtons freelv. But they seemed to make litile impression upon the enormous mase of mn, whose pa.ikions had by this tiriii been roused to an extrnoidinary pilch (11 violence. Several times the police got near Mr. O'Brien, and upon one of these occasions the hon. gentleman received a violent blow in the chest from the butt end of a rifle, but up to the time of this dispatch (6 30j he had not been arrested. Eight o'clock. Mr. O'Brien has apparently Rot clear away, and the general impreseion seems to be that he has no Intention ofputtingin an appearance to-morrow at the re-assembling of the court. Fighting continued In the streets all through the evening, and ro early as seven o'clock at least 20 persons were under surgical treatment for bayonet wounds, several cases toisg vorj, serious. Numerous arrests were made.

THE STATE OF IRELAND. I SERIOUS RIOTING AT CLONAKILTY. Telegraphing at elgbt o'clock on Thursday even- ing, the Clonakilly correspondent of th*" frees Association says itis town was in a terrlblu state of cxcitement, alraost amouatlnf to a panic, until a late hour fit night. As soon as darkness fell gang* of mln attacked the police patrols, using stonte and bottles a* missiles. Up to eight o'clock ft,' fewer than thirteen policemen had beeri injured, two very seriously, and one, Il is feared, mortally. Wherever till crowd ventured to gather the police chfuge l, and in the various intltu a number of persons were wounded. SUPPOSED ATTEMPTED DIABOLICAL I OUTRAGE. About a dozen stones, each weighing about iewt., were on Thursday found piled on the railway fine near S hannon Harbour Bridge, Umsghor. Fortunately, the d'iver, nn meeting th* first ot'stiucti. n, managed to pull ut> his train qukkly. the eby avoiding a teriible disaster. Among the passenger* in the train was 1.1". Mercer, resident magistrate, wlio was on his way to Bur lo hold a special Ciimes Act Court to-day (FriJav), and it is assumed the outrage eras directed ggaicut that gentleman.

THE CRIMKS ACT. MORE WARRANTS AGAINST M.P.'S. M»«sra. Carnw and Kilbride, M.r.'s, Tailed to appear at Kildare 00 Thursday to answer charges und-r the Ciiuies Act. Warrants were ia»ued for their airest. Mr. Mauninc, of Waterford. waa »rvrs>ed nt Biacabu.n on Thuteday morning under the Crunes Act. Michael Chine was sentonced to five weeds' im- prisonment st Limerick on Thursday for intimi. duing Michael Kyan, who took a farm from which a farmer had i een evicted. M, Sl,e,),v, ia being prosecuted In connection with I Iiii case,

SHOCKING ACCIDENT IN I IRELAND. TWO WORKMEN KILLED AND 51 ANY INJURED. A gable wall, seventeen feet high, of a new aseembly-hall fit Wicklow, now in courea of erection, fell on Thursday afternoon, and a number of workman wero buried benoath the ruins. Two mn were killed outright, another •uet ined injuries whIch it is f.ued will re-ull at?lly, and lev.t.l oU<tM "a.. iDjlued 1. seriously.

EXTRAORDINARY SHOOTING I OUTRAGE. About foar o'clock on Thursday evening John B} es was ploughing at Laurel Veto Farm, n*ar EnitiN when lie was startled by a eh from twhind a ditch. H. turned round, and was horrified to see a man perfectly tiaked. except that he war* a liandkarchief oyer Ih" floC" in tie foian of a mask. Hayes imaties run for his life, and th* nsked man fired fire shots after htm. all of which inissed. Pat tick Dillon, a herdsman In the service of the parish pileit, for whom alto Have* srorked, hae been arreted GO suspicion nf beinii concerned in Ih* outrage, which It attributed to personal spite.

Th» Latmt N*ws.~A Laiiv, who wu for tI'IMel tb_ Sh mcmÛ1a unable lo IrQ' on b., b-. Wa1l8 at m.«t p« Coma, aFwr tnrhif. wtWmal aur bmaSl, aararaJ ..r the .Ud.u-I .11& <n? <? a ? Ic>' *1 Mnnday'i Vlr\dl. whl. k h /A# t.lirv. ami In do 'u CCKD8 .11 .0- aa4 ate hat W4 no .rcubla 1- 'U»> ??*S!?!?MS!M ? <s? <« U. T!o<!S. ? jM? I;r. "D4 Mt«*t Ctu<M. "Cauiao-l.tusmm." — Odwh LcIDiI.r. waft ot all ckawl.u. Mor PM all tl- Now. of it'* W"k Ux W?Lv ?lf,LIL. 'h< Hu?t ym?T WMZM ?Mtt )« 00 CIA«"" tt?<*? Ctma'i Lnvw Lma Pnw bbm ?My "to tM?.<t?t« tmere? tht dig.,L*? aa4 sasislHs^ ?.? u)MMMt.ttt)!?tM? Mn?w

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
COUNTY COUNCIL I ELECTIONS. I GREAT RADICAL DEFEATS. I IMPORTANT VICTORIES IN CARMARTHENSHIRE. BRECONSHIRE GOES CONSERVATIVE. ( CARMARTHENSHIRE. The election of 51 representatives to form the couti-y counci I fcrC(iTwattl)e-, st)ire took place on riiuridny. Six worc rrturne,1 bv municipal boroughs, and the remaining 45 will represent the country divisions. There were eight unopposed rettiins. The number of aldermen to bo elected is 17. The returning officer wa3 Mr. J Iin Feel. Danrrallf, Llangadock, the higlt-slieiiff (Mr. J. W. Gwjnne Iloghea) being a candidate. The (loputy ieturning officers who acted for Cannar-j ttionstiire were:— M, J. W. !t)c?)n)«, «)Hr)to)-. H*nd)to. Mr J. F. ?Uctt<.r. C?m?thtn. Me n DcU'n Bn.ii, MtWw, Car.tigan Mi-inioiaas I'arkil,.oltcttor, Carmaithen. Mr nah??f?wn.toUeitar.L?n???. Mr Thoioai J.jiim, io;kit.,r, Manilnvery. Mr J?l Jeitnlng*, (df" to the jns'ic>s, Llan I'v 3d D L,?,. tft.'i, ,?,;Jr. t,?'<!?'?''  M W. li ?k 1, !"t?, 'I.k, Wr 'n?mtttL'o.nt.??dU.r.r?nn?t.r. Mr U.C.t?w?.))citor.H.<)y. ltf r W. RrtT1 Gr fiHIu, • l!tit or, C*rr:iRrU:en, Wi ThtHJI.' Waber.. if-lid'or, C",rmarthtn. Xr Jm.. Jobn, loUcttor, Or.rmar\hen. I CA'iMARI HEV. I [FMOK OCR OWN kKTORTSU.1 THUHSPAT AnrRNOoy. The voting liere has Rc ue on steuWy all day m four pol bO'W}% ani Uio a^owu ici <)n' ",lfedQ" Iia« pr,d considerably greater than wa-- at ticpsiod. The "trft't leading lo ihe ar Sf'dfi?t groups ufp<?.p).t.,7t)h.?.Mhot;te r.ty..ho??t)titynnt?et;c???.)(,f rädi fmt:n ?nyf)«'ti?n<ft).pe?rt"t!f?h).rJ?t,w,,? as ever. )'?t!?ou')yin?)).rtsoft?e)rw.))he)nt.'r''st M in Ihe mff4ir can hardlv be Said to have risen to excitoment as yet, but cnco or f\'k9 lo.JarallMtly there h? t?en a 6'irrmrth!) contn ho.»lh, in GuiJ.lJiiill-sqiKite, makf. peaceable people fem thin there may bo a row before bedtime. It is impossible to form nn"v good giiew 98 yet concerning ttie litobible result of the p,l). Tiie Conservnieoj in th« WV<tern W.rd aie hopeful of reluming Mr. James rhilij p-, although 'tc<nnotb?den?dnMcMr.DKi)tf.nMnrt;anf?.n of the '"< K.v. P.?..?m gi,n) i.? ,t,* g can didate on th? Liberal id.. The chances of Mr. D. H. 't h'litins, another Conservative. ar.> considered sn.i t*tt»r, for he U a popular member of an old and popular family, a successful farmer, a large ratepayer, and one who is greatly interested in the welfare of the placa, while his Liberal opp n-nt i Mr. Warren, fo raerly an alderman of the b irough) is not now even a resident o! ilie lown. In Ho Eastern Ward Alderman Norton, a Liberal Cnh nut, has an excellent chance Brewer* are gener-.lly successful in elect iori.ering. -tr.(t bir. Nortt,n Ilits ttlw!tv% been n fav-,uritj to- many reasons among bi, fellow-c'itiiens, whom h» in tt?,, ."A 'Ii e ('on-(,, va'ive candidate for the olher division of the ward tMr. H. Brunei White) is a rising solicitor, an-! although a yyungman, he lias mad. vert favour- able impression already, both in his ptofes-don and in tlia s'cial life uf his nnt ve town.o far as news h., yet cottio in Trom the counlrv divisions, everything appears io be going on quieily, but ir. mt st places political leaders, especially Libera'e. show great earnestness, and it is piobahle that only sinitil numbsr of voters will remain un, polled. In rn s, will be de- layed till to morrow (Fi idaj ). Eur VepsR (4881.—One member. Mr Henry Norton. Gteeu HI I, t.revrer (tT) tlj 191 Majority Z2 Iast Lcwkh (16). -One member. Mr T. Jenkini, Park H.aife, merchant (T.) ?X5 Mr Brunei Wiiit*. aoliclCor (C) 230 Majority ft Tht« was tha ifgure given by a leccinrt eeunt, which era* "a,,(j.d. lh. lint announcement btlnl: 1\ majority of only 3. WMT PfFM('St).-On< tncmbtf. Mr 1). ». Morgan, soticilor L) 251 Mr J. 1'h.Ulpa. draper (C) 18ii Msjorlty G9 w*st Lower (J54).—On* member. .M. r Thomas, Derliyn, (irmar (C) ITS Ur W. eI. G. Warren, Teiiby. Merchant (L) 132 Majority 47 There were in all four divisions only seven spoiled votes. The whole- constituency nuuihets 1 816. rut of which 1.620 were polled. Eight hundred and four votes were recorded for the Conservative candidates and the Tnionist, and 818 for the Liberal candidates, It is confidently stated that Mr. Brunei White would have easily wo» the contest but for the unfortunste fact I liat 130 loss than ton of his supporters woro too ill to como out to vote. BEITWfl '5Ç9L-Ono member. Mr W. N. JonN, Ammanford, auctloneor (L277 Mr James Kees, Cvrmamman, draper 230 lIaJority 47 CRNAnTft (488,00e member. Mr n. Davlea, Cr*'KtMn,f<trmer IL 239 Mr 11. W. ?.11 )W? Gl,-p.I. ?C) 16,5 Majority. 74 CltTOWH (SM.-One member. Rev T. Bvans, Hcnllytfawr (TT) H6 Mr R. C. Davyi, r gentlemen .(C) 137 Mr 1). (Z. Vaugbari, Pantyrhedw.gentleman.(Ct 6J Majorily IS KIDWELLY BOKOOGH <3I6).-One member. Mr 1) Htepbeni iL) 135 Mr. T, W. A. Evans <U) 85 Mr D. J. Jbn .(0 28 Majority 50 ILANBOIDY AND WIIITLAND.- T.mb-. Rev. W. Thomat (L) fiS2 Mr. John IJe?.1 l y. (L) 452 Mr. J. B BMM. (h, 321 Mr. job. Beynau, J.p (C) 2C6 I,T,tNDEB:B (481).—One member. r?.rd D C) 250 k'I;j; t i:¡;i; 'k"ii; ;æ i HAjorlty. 74 m?DTO !!U)JAL(&).-OMmemb<t. MrThOM13 Powell, uetttlenien (I,) 351 Herbert Feet, l'åli,l¡'; ,Jj 1 Worlty 149 LLA^DILO URBAN (310).-One member. V. J. Owynna Hughe*, gentleman IL) 174 Major John Thomai, tinibrr meicliant VC) 120 Maj irity 54 LLANDOVERY BOROUGH (315),-On member. Colonel D. E. Jones, Velitidre (C).-Uiiopposad. LLANBDY (372).—One men.ber. X. Evan Kvaus. Biwfawr (L).—Unoppoied, LLAIfFIHANQEL ABBP.BTTHICK (390).- One member. Viscount Smlyn, Qolden Grou (C).—Unopposed. LLLNFIITANGBI,AR-ARTH «01).-0na member. Mrfiran Harris*. Khuwlyd, rHorlaer (L).- U Mppveed. LLANOADO' K (531).—One member. Mr J. Jankluf, Glansawdde i.L) 270 Mr IV. N. Lawli, Cefngonorth (I,) (;13 Majority 57 mNQELFK (59t).-0? member. Mr Iewlt, Meirm-lull (L> m I H. 'J:iiï::¡:p' 2 rl Majority B IXANGBNDKIP.NK Mr Bvani, Alltyuailno (L).—Unopposed, Lt.ANOKNNEOlI member. Mr J. Olrn Thomas, mmiufaoturar (L) 202 Bev B. A. Uavtes (C) 111 Majority 91 T-LANOrf (278).—One member. Major K. liilry (U) 90 Majority. ó5 LLANSAWEL (316) -011- member. Sir J. U. W., b»ru (C).—Unopposed* LAUGIIAR 'ip Mr 145 JJr Jl, >Auikuer,(C) 12U Majority, 17 MOTHVBY 13(1).-One Utmber. Mr Oeorge june.. geittlaumti (L) 173 Mr John L*wi», gQiitlemau (L) 13G Majority 40 PttMBKEY (I,rff).-T,. memben. Mr W. J. Buckley, brewrr (1) 111 Mr W, 110".11., New Lo<Ue. iolleltor .(1.) 460 Rev 1). Kv*ns. C""I(T'eJlot1<nlal mtnliter _(1.1 397 Mr 7. WlilUmi, MU6t. f-l-Of (C)M 3" QUARTER BACH (491).-0. member. Mr Bowel K*«»p Cwminmin (L).~UiioppQMil. lIT. -W"Oppwd. I zl I- BRECONSHIRE. The election In this county took place on Thurs- day. The numner of counelliore la 45, and 0' these nineteen were returned unopposed, leaving 28 aeate to be eonuried. Tber. mutt be firteen aldermen electa d. ü Th* deputy-returning olsam *We I M John l'=' MH.O.!<)eh. l?n.. I% own. D. B. Tn?bet?))*. Pnuedows. itr U. Ii M!«.Mwthyr. Me It- 0. .DUI, "n. Th-e Wtill.?., T.It.,t Brew Mr 0. Bydntr Davlet, Orlnkhnw*ll. Mr )t.M.A.UtHtt.Ort<owt)). Mr Wi'?'n ?. I<w)t. OttettM?tt. iii. Kvan O.en, IInlith. Mr ■ 1' Owen, RuUth. Mr H. Valli" V'Q.bD. BnllUl. I Mr t?.. H?M. JIullb, Mr E.BCnMtt?. ,? Mr c))M)ttehmu)'.Hty. Mr l> T. J? #I"-n. = II v Rlcha, Ø.'II-. S-'OD. Mr M F. Ttv m a. At OOt<M*. Nt«'« 'b;J3:t Mr 0. fhnt)p<. Btotn. i. i WUCQX BOMMN. ?? 'he <M MM* ?!tt? th* banub e?t ?? 'MWt WMtM' ? W?. teste were very keen for tho divisions of St. Mary e and St. David's. Colonel Morgan and Nr. Lewis Jones were the candidates for tit. Mary Division and the Rev. Bees Pi ice and Mr. Morgan for St. D,tviis. A good deal of exc.temcnt prevai'ed in these districts, and a lienvy poll wa* expected. The results were declared about iiine o'clock '— r?n. ?*"? DIV1810 31),Ont MIMIx-r. I ('0101, John ?"?' hl^h ""="" and "?r of BrOCII" .(0, 143 t Mr Lewis JoitM, wine mcrchaut (L) J9 M?ortty. 84 t;.??' ??'s '"?'X 1374).—One .?tMber. !iey ife?t rtce. t)(? of 8t. Davld'i (C) 123 MrJuhaMo)gft!),cunkr .i:.) 113 MsjorlJy g nf. T ?'' ?"'s Division (199).—Oj)« mcmXr. M*iv i JtoI.m Evans, broker (C).~Dnoppoted.  ?JR1)Ivlsl0* 005).—One, Alderm." W,dh.m GlIJe,.aollcl\IIr ..O,).-l'norpÐ'I. WA'?"? DIVISION One member, ?Utrnt.?. John ij.'t?'? ? .?.?.!?.?'):<,Md. After iJ)o po)l nan <Je<l»rel in the liornugb the oan.U.?tps (C< bnet John Morgan ?od ilieRw. Koo.< I'rkp), afOidt iho gre excitement, were Uiwvvn through tlia town in a carri"go pupp i-d hv ?!r. Medc^lf. Tho Wellington HoUl W"8 i!JuJI.i. ?te:t with Jtpun?s.- lamps, & U'?nka to Mr ,wtJ Mr. Lewj. of )ho hotel. T?r tM?r?)9 were ,oll,d through the town in eAmmeivtorttii#»n of tite nhe cxciUmeut inMounrp g tu<> return of St Joseph Hailev. Hiri., M.P., L^rti-heu'cnani of tho cmrtj. Mr/itaike#, A»d Mr. Umtrva Dnvivs. BATTLE (i37).-Or.. member. Mr n. D. Cicasl'V, I'cnojre, J.P (C).-V:ioppo«-d UKYNMAWn.—Four M.ita. (27).-Ono menil^er. Mr li,l! I I Jajne, Mr J.lliomfvs vU>}* ro local hoard .(1.).- t'in rposed Sonn <One member. "'£ST (213; nile RIml.ler. Mr J. L:1 J, LyJiiui), pluntber ani BClT.TIT (31),-0", member. Mr. Joini DmvJms wine merrhnnt ————? 131 ••nten, ««ent (!-) j i» j\¡M {¡ ¡I¡ ??'t?"?"? ?)' i Majority 60 Ç¡;l"XCO¡;lJ'.CY!\nrr.R. 0" V AYXOR (.31).-000 M. Wm. TLommn Crawsimy", CyUrlliU I.. I. (U VnoppowJ. CRAY (1q;O" IHtOlh r. hlr Owm Price. Xsn yrarn, f.riner CRICKHOWKLIj (269).—Ona mt-mbrr. up'aifj K. G lJade. afi'citor (C) 16L 63 Mfijmity 93 CWMDU (171>.—One member. Mr. Robert J.p., Pcn;drth (C) 83 Mr.y.K,t).vkh.?.o.?'cr.?p,M- ?' ———(f.) 71 Majority 12 G l:LLY A-ND DUirriYN, or VAYiiOU UPl'KIt (95).— 0,,e mm. Mr Thomas J^nes, Dowials (L) 15 Air Wor'"r M. >'urlh, Vaplor ?C) 44 Majority 1 HAY (314),— One member. Wr R. T. Grlflhhs, solicitor (,L).-Llnopiiosed, n.v. D. A. Grifli hs. Imlnpen lent minlsier (I.) 126 Mr. William 0. Alu^g, Brynwer;» Hull ^C) 61 75 Til.ANI>EFAhLE fl5O).-O, Immher. Mr J. Williams V;iug!iai>, jun., VcJiiin-.wydif, J ,}' L) 265 MiWi.iiitni AiorgAii.CourtiUeoa, iurintr (C) 61 j Majority IXANRLLY. RL'RiL. Ea^tkrk (194).-One member. All Wiii. Tuaber%i,l .I. (L).-Unopposed. RuBAt, WiiSTEUN (325).-One member. 11\' Lewis Pritch&rd (.L).—Unopposed. ttANGAMMATtCH (19g).-0Ile member. Mr Cl,a,],. N.ti (L U, Mr ETau Joues, Gai th (L> g-j 1I.¡orlty. 10 LLANGAITOCK member. Sir J. K B?itty. Ban M.P (0) 77 Mr hU::I'I:CriJi:¿iPeii:Z f1 Majority 4 j TJ AN'GYNIOKR (07).- One member. Mr M. P. Jones, Talybont, Umbei merchant (L).- Uuoppoeed. I.T.ANSPYDD)D (107).-One member. Cn] v. J. W. Morrit),. Uu?.d, J.P (O) 4# Mr ?uU&m 6 .Id -I ?,, IoU e,' .(L) 4? tttiortty. 1 member. Mr 11. L. Lloyd, lti.yd (C).-U.Iopposed ItLANWBTYD (232).-0"1 member. Mr Penry Liyd, J.P., GUnhenwye(LU)—Uuoppoeed LLYSWPN (168. >— One member. T. TM'' y_4,. Ti,? COCk8, J.P (0) 73 Mr S. XMvies, machinist (L) 68 Majority 15 AtAESOAR (Z'One member. Re? PiibcnHary William*. J.P., Abercamisis (C) 118 lie? Kees Williams, Defynock. Tnd. minister (L) 81 Mr Lewis Lewis, Penpentre, farmer. (C) 18 Majority. 31 MERTHYIt CY* OG (166).—One member, Mr John Jonee, LbinfUlo, fsrmer (0) 74 Mr. Wutkia JJavies, CwmacUe, farratr (L) 72 M.j",Ity 2 PALLEG, or YSTHADGUN LAIS LOWER No.1 (284), -0 member. 11., Rees, Pwllrhydighoavr, coHiery pro- prietor L) !4? Mr. Ree. Wl1jj"u. Giynmeuri^, farmer (L) 12! YajorllV. 23 E,;L)F.RYN oZM).-One member. Mr WilUum Williams, Uirwain (L> 149 Mr John Jenkins, Trebanogfawr (L) 66 Mljorlty, 83 UHOSFEU1G (174),—ne member. Mr. Davitl Williams, BuMth, farmer (O 95 Mr. Jolll1 Williams, Brecon, manufAc\urer.(1,) 1>7 Ahjúrlty, 3S TALGARTH (Zil).—One member. Mi F. W. Hoolis, TmRtinter Park tl>—Unopposed TALYttOST (223).—On. member. Mr 3.1'. W. ;ii¡I:;¡?nc'IrJl'. (C).- Unopposed THKOASTLK (186).—One merabtr rr Morgan Watkins. Bryntwarcli, farmer.(L) 1C.q JU r Joseph Joseph, Graiggicli, tatner ke) 5tS Maj rlty 6 VAt.E OF G ROYNEY (177).—Ot e, Mrll. Q. Jamea, Crh-kli "Well, manufaettirer(I.) 75 Mr J. A. Dovle, Llangattock, J.P (I) 73 Majoritr 2 TSTRADOCHLAIS HIGHER (lOl).-One member. Nir J. E. Moure, NeAth, J.P (Cl-U,ppod YSTIlA UG UNLUS IOTBH (326).-One member. Mr i:. S. Ho"t1nn, landtgenf (O) )28 Hev. Lewis Jones, Congregational ml"bter (L) } 19 Mr J. T. ..rg (L) 67 Majority 9

I SALISBURY CONSERVATIVE CLUB, SWANSEA. Ti,ean. I or ti,e memhersoftheSwansea S?)t<bury Cluh w<? h')d at the club on 'i tmm?y evening, Mr. Roger Reck, president, in the chair. There was a large attendance. The itntemi nt of acc ums wa. verv tavonrable, and showed I tin t a profit cf ubout £1,300 had been made during the year. Alter paying another instalment on tite, fUrni, turf, tec. tha hilinoe in favour of the club was L400. Mr. J.T. D. Ltewplvnhid announced l.i* intent inn of taking up 200 more shares in the huildinff, tnnkiiiu 400 altogether. Ttie ballot Icr inemtiers of the "11Inemeot committee roaulted ill tha election of the (. ll .wing:- Me-.r.. J, Aikms, w. Wnl o.«, J. Unfierwo'in, J. Viner l^eder, K. <ol', J. M'l.uclili.n, O. Jaspnr, Wright, Simpson, II. R. I. ovd, J. M. Davie., W. T. Hj-ett, C. Howltloud, J. Daties, and 11. J. R isscr.

SWANSEA DOAHD OF GUARDIANS AND MH. BIHCHAM, At tlit! weekly meeting of ths SwnnS" Iloard of nuardi.ttta on 'I'hiirs lay (Mr. J. T. D. Llewelyn presiding) Nlr, llaker Havne* re nl a long commu- nication trim the Local Uovernnient lloatd con- c rning the relief of local taxation 10 be made during the curiint 1\"8nc,.1 rlmr. T" ? I fri in th pr"bat« duty wor.ld he £ 1.109,000,but I)!) who was engaged by the union in any either c'pl<city thHn Irainer or a teacher would be entiiiid to rf'<¡''6 1!"lIt on account of IIi. I..b.,ur.-Mr. 8,rcham explained that for the pre- sent financial ytar.if they wanted to be relieved of abortion of expense, iliey would liave to divide the duties of their officers and apportion their salarlet accordingly. They would, for instance, In dealing with the gardener they bad at the Collage Hornet have to put down ofimucti for him a gatdenei' and so much as liD indus- trial triattipr ofyouui. His rations would also have to be divided, for what he ate in hit capacity ts gardener and al", an indusi rial UI\IDer of youth ,gh ?;- n d they oulJ han to decide how muchheaiein blø capacity ?(gado,r and how much as the industrial uainer of youth, and enter it ac-ordingly in their return, (lioud laughter.)— Mr. Biichain, In the course of a further short speech, stated that, during ihe last year the exports from his dUtrict had greatly increased, p tri it-u- larly coal and tin-plates, and this incieased output 011u",1I1 meant increased work, and one would hav* thought decrease of pauperism, but there had been no decrease, tiie statistics of p opeiism remaining Bbout the tame as at the end of the last year. He thought ibat, in view nf Iho increased work, the guardians an.1 their officia's should be very careful in administering relief, and should he a Utile roM..eytwe than tit. had been, and relief in all cases should bit inade for short periods.—The Chairman Faid that the non-docit o.*o flf pauperism due to stoppage ,I (he 6,,dlro Works an-ip rtty lo sic knest, which in Ibt t?gin. ning -t 1888 -.a very ever, an d l.d told greatly on the funds nt f?n<)?y«?'iat)6*. Atf?f'Mtm Um< the hMhh of (he J)t rtct wu .dØlfllb

PAUUT AIM Ronrt OrdSh J'mu tn 1m lit. Cotau*?p OMA"au.-Mm lmt)nywd ..ard PIuMr,-QnIIII 1ft d8e\ tm *H"mI pa- 0- .4 dglk, M.; r..o f?. -.$ -1 mu. W-AA? m 2 fowl 41- ?T P. Of dl oboo%m = .1.1.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
PEMBROKESHIRE COUNTY t COUNCIL. I ELECTION OF ALDEUMEN. I Whl|jt contrsts wero raging in Carmarthenshire and IJrcconaliiro on Thur-day ttie Pembroke-hire County Council was peacefully conducting its primaiy bualnesa nt Haverfordwest. Out ot the 48 elei ted councillors who form the council there waa only one absent, Mr. W. S. Jenkins (Henry's Moat). Tho fir-t bwino s wns to appoint a provisional chairman, thai is, chairman for the day. On tho motion of the Karl of Cawdob, seconded by Mr. Seccojidk (mayor of Pembroke), Lord Kensingt• wag appointed. H i • LOIIDSIi iv, "Ù a.u",iU lloc chair,thanked tholle pro«ent for t?H honour they h?ddonJ him, and Mid ttmi the permanent chairman could not tie elected llllt l [(,1110 lime after their busineae that day. ihtir fint business was to elect Bixte^n Midi'.men, tho proportion which lhey were .11.?,-d in additi"n to 48 et?teJ t-ou?fi?.? ilavirg explained the mode of voting, which ho oaid wo'.ild bo open, nnl not on the billot ptinci- pl. ha went on to s iy that doubts had been cx- prt>8cd—but he ili.iuyht fiey could ret the niatier at rcit—-is to whom ihe details of the election cxp. Ii».s were to bo hattd-d to. The Act laid it d"Wn as the town-clerk, but. he to: k tint to refer t.) lite, clerk of the peace, who would b come the r'i tho couiu-it. It. had been auijgeatpd to t'o Loot Oovernment D I\r.1 that, it would be ,\lr.ri. il Ihc r.u,S Wo'o given to the derk "t if o pellcr, nlld he would ptoposd that tlif «hputv-iMrik of the peaca (Mr. W. Ditvtcs Grorg»') should apply for mi orurr empowering 1-im t) rcn-wt- the Air. Mowpi.r. Waltkbs (HiroMs'ons) secrnhd, anclthi. wa, Agrfrd to. Mr. II C>. Ali.ks, th dfjr.rty.ct.Tlc "Î the ) ra (Mr. W. D, <ie >rz<-) hp ih" k'k In provi^i<ir;a! o^:ru'i.' un"?)?-.?tp fOr be app-.ia ing of Ottilia. Mr M. MATMf*< THu?s Ft;c-m'ea, and his was came i. T,f1.T' lL("I'IO" OF AI.DFIUfR^. I IhC th c'i'ir. of uluernii n wis thru ptnceidA.! | wit'nn.)? ,r., d ?, -y' ,k. T l?.. I lo' I ? l?L- til. t.nrd "cir-lnnton (T.) (T.) 4? *ili tx-ccni> \h■, P< ml r.'h- Inrk ^L) 7 32 Mr )B.n.I.? Mr Ji in, Thomas. I.ffii*r (l.) ^0 4Mi G V. Btewi-r, hi:ivi*rth (L) 2b Mv W (til'bs, Jf'Mfges'on ({.) «> •« •Mr U -liiunsns 'irc|, vt-v \l) j> .Ir \\H'hm }.lil, n..thrr:"()la' ¡q \)? Mu?!?,n  U)!?: (f) 2 *Mr H..1.1''hon)' I/Kiitwiphin (f.) :■>, Mt?.w?'?)ttu?.<.D:tvr.i-.(r.). f; LL) i7 Mr i.liam i;!inine, iiuvurfoKivvtst. < L) 1? \)rK.A. K.t.).(C). 'iptaln H i^r/r■*»« yooho« (C) .-irChMr:t-!E.G.t'hmpt)<((;??.???"'?'? I llMse ni ti kc A arc* to rc*Ire on ;iic YUi of >'orcmber» 1'91. '1 he o1J.:r /■•!jre in lc9*. '1 h Chaikman asVfd 10 ho empowers! tocdl a IlHHÎIICI (f t' c ,'0Iln,'i1 1\' fomo futur.^ ^c: iod, l1tt (,S:1 th1) '.)1.t' l' d i\o .lit* y the det.ti,n. in iho^1 di.lrict. wJ»-e r*presentitiPes had been cr^ateJ ^hlirroen. Th. meclin;; "g¡tÙ lo this ;u d ti e cojncll th?n VOfC. With the excsptlonof Lord Kenfiinptonr Mr. II G, Allen, Mr. Secemnbe. and Cnptain Qiggon, all thu aldermen are elected from outiidQ tho council.

A NOVEL POINT. I A nove] pnjnt ar>>s*or> ThursJ.ilY in connection wththn counly rouncd election in D-irlington. One of the rundi livt^s Eilwin Luene Peas# d»<}tj nt one o'c oc k I h ursdur inorniti!? I Iron. tI,P fffects of 1\ rertni aocidtni i;i the "Un,. iny fi-ld. litfoio the intini vii u of the ev^nt l ad r,a;,I, fit!,@ 11,3-11?' If's Tl,,io I, no )ror 'I it in ilif., Act fi)t- Fuc,li u < oniin»< ncy,but S ttion 1 nf ihe Billot Act iho- rid" for a I,h diction in ihe event of «»n j of th. c.-wtdidnffs dtinf.f bcfi-rr* the poll is <»tvn« d. Kv th»< ndvic e of ihe iown-c!eik, Ihe nvnor do,;e,I,j¡.. poll ut eleven u.m. for » week, The rnend of I L" o'l-erruvJi-iiite (Mr, OUivftr) t-lum thr ?car. Th. J/;c, hoini ha, been of plie.l tc fvi i' 8 opinion ontiir point.

LUNDY AS A HARBOUR OF I HEFUGK TIIL I Ala m'eiine ot Hie Bristol Clwmlicrof Com- nlNcr 11(' d on Tliur-iUy Ihe GuctiOI1 fur a harbour "fn.ft'?ct.)!t?')<r?t,iCi.iU)npt?'m)t1i.- "lih"d,-TII l'rrei lent r.prl¥ù it., i"rprd." of ')?)<te)U'.?in?fjH]]tteSuc)e? t)fM??)).<'? Veolitic'S, the (ar.liff, Buetol, ni.d èwport C'hambcis of e, the N. wport Harbour Comnii«Moi>er», and the Cardiff Shipowneis' Society to the Swansea Harbour Trust and th- Swan gait Chamber of Commerce on the glli iiiM. icJativ.. to those bo lies appointing to serve on tho executivi: cominittei for securing a haihour of rt-foaent Lundy Island.The President stnti'd If, it ti (- two \an8«ÀI boKiiep w--re evidi 1\1\ indispjred to join in ih) reprosentiiions wiihoot, tho inclusion of the Mumbles schuvie. Th,s., hollies hall not yet given thiir decision, but had promise 1 to do eo in rhe cou sa of a few wei-k a no President, therifure, moved :—■' i', shuutti it be found necessary, ilio rcpresentative.i of tliij chamber be rCI milted to support tho consideration of the two sites for the proposed harbour of refuge, so that nil tho Hris'ol Channel porls may npppnr before I the .Admiralty or no r otller Gov¿rnll,eu( depnrt. ment with a unanimous voice."—Mr. J.awson stated that lie believed, as far 118 that chamber wm concerned, it would, as it had in the past, support the vjtetil Lundy in prefmence to itn), oll¡,'r-:l1t. E, G. Crew seconded the motion, nnd, after a lotig discussion, it was Carried by a considerable n¡¡¡j"ritr.

MADAMK PATTf. I Madame Tatti, accompanied h." Sifjnir Nicoom Old" parI r of a.ivtn, pafaid through Heath on • Wednesday. Tliey travelled in thu luxuiiou* saloon carriage which "11< used by hu R,r,y"1 Higli I ness tbe I'dn"" i f Wales when ho visited J-outh j Wales, and which was attached tn the altcrnoon e*prc«s due at Neath at 4.15. The jaloon wa« j promptly detached, and proceeded on it* journey to Pinwylit Station lor Craig-y-XoeCastle without any delay. M??me r?'U W!K ill excellent he?u. art ? pj¡it. and wRa lookin(r forward with pl"asull? Lotifrf?nhromit?tourinS'uthAmeucft. Tht' conceit wh!ch slm gave in Utu?seis on Tuesday in htt.wn;t;ir!MiJnfthoci'ych''n?t-trMti.?e<)t)« 16M a sum than 91,100. The maJor mil cirpor#?. tion prtsmted their dietingubtied vieitor with a jewelled memento of i:Iii.d:,i,liliI leiva Craig-y-Nos on the 28th inst,, and sail tr,T Bordeaux for South America in the steamship' Portugal on th* 5th of March. She will go to Buenos Ayres to fulfil an engagement to give n series of operaiic ptrfoimancen, for which sll" is to be paid ihe sum of LI,250 a niglir, Accor inj; to present ariangsments. site will return to England in the second week in August.

TROPOSED SEPARATE PILOTAGE AUTHORITY FOR BARRY. ACTION BY THE CARDIFF PILOTS. I Following up tho action taltenbythe Cardiff Pil"tIIgf1 B"Brd in sending a deputation to. tiie l'tr.i imenlary commit-ee of the corporal ion to F%?k for a-siaiance in opp iging Ih" pi'otage cI.uoea in'h?).ropn-e<<H?r)YD)c'<andMntwt't)!t?. I:i; :¡rrø; ':?;J Ct :I:ù Bairy Conipnny a sepaiale pilotage aut lIorit, Conies the announce- In,nlllla! the pilotA of Cardiff aie iloins all they can to HVeit what, thev "PI eir to consider nt tiling abort, of a calamity. I lieeS'Ktiliihmerit of an indr- pendent pilo'a?« bard for Hairy would, they declare, seiitusly ji fleet theni, by reducing tiieir fanilnjra 11,- a third. In order, if possible, to obviate such 1\ state of things, they have n1,de certain cent8"i'II'Rt which thev C Haider Stioulil be 60 natiofactory to the li irn Dock of a own would III. longer be entertained. The-e cuu- C"I"AÎnIl8 I'liictly consist in alteiinK the port pilotage ,iist,ic, -F Cardiff. AI p"s,t II d,?e? n,t go b8'nnd Lavi'tn.ick P"in'. but shouh! lhs -m, :led b3 :'avs be sanctioned the limit, will be extended to a point westwurd ol Bariy floclt. Tlie-c alletati! it,, it Is thought, "j!luIlr:t ih- ol.jfctioiis and the tequiro- unnUof tho Bariy Dock Company.

(SCHOLARSHIPS AT l.l.ANDOVKHY. I The following boys have been BUCCh [ul in g iining echolitrehipa ;— jn.Jun''t.jE«);W.9.Mnr?nn?<)!V.J?,?! fiSQeaeh n. L n",iJ, lr25itint.ini Oi.ive \'1lOl.lulltn), <t)<)'))t''nM'.r?;H.Pr)*m?()tnwjy?f'n?!t!.M' School), £ i0; O, A. William*. UXO; T. iMtclitril (Higher Grade Seluoi. Hlaenau Kle*tlnt,ig., £ ,0; H. W. lilnniai, J. U. 'UIUmM., 1). J. Kvan>. J. Edward. (Hlulmr Grode Bcliool, m. Ffeatlnloji). a"d Olauu. 915 •ach i Mlchail, £ 12; J. J'nttM. ?t0 ('Y'ttf)td" 6?ho)«r- I:t¡! ¿..IÎI,O'eoil' ¡'J':r.l: el,if? G I-im ri(t"'g:o .?t. B T. P. J. Tho.nM. L, H. H. W.1t, ,D. 0, Qnmth'.K M. Lewi*. 1). K. Hoberls, It. Jones, U A Davis, M. A. K. Thomas, 8. VV. Uriflhhs, ami it. Owen, i'8 Hi. each B. Iwno. J, A. Howell, K.O. Morris, H H. Jonci, J. E. Powsli, and W. if. Morgan, £ 4 4*. each.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LOCAL PATENTS. I The f.Ilowl. a P.t"'t rtcor? to ;anurry 19 Is mpptied by Mr. N. Wnt!. ofH"<-< for p.tents des, gns, nnd t"adA ,narb registration, 31, Queen, -t,e,et, C.,r,iiff; 30, N--po,i aoJ 0, Silubrious-pl.ce, Wind-streets Bw.n.-Aa:- APPLIOATlOXS FOR LUTTKBS TXTXXT, Oennaro Atwronl, Curdilf; An Improved spiral trio. tlo".1 brake. No. 6F0. Jau 11. Henry Onhden Fithtr t Apptintus for opersflon by ndlwftv psssmgrri for sttractlng sttsnUoo of guri. snd drivers- J*n. 11. W. V. I!cc» j Improvement# In kettles. Williani D. IV" k" Itnprorernents in moohlfttry nr «ppsrttus for nuuufAOturs of ^psrforstsd luel. No. 995, .1.11.19. INVtSTIUNS no v1610MALLY PROTECTKD. TTosreil Juim Jtyniis. C«rdi/T: ImurorsU Wind roller ..d.d hmrk^U* Mo. IK,175. l>so* r'-A -in O. l>«n(ekt lmpmvein«nts In mftno for 1m, parting tnrtroollon In hunOvrritins. P&Ü!r.II"='I:Oln' C,.rIÍnI. HrohanUm for itftiisUtiK bo 1-d t w*rp I" th. iiwidlei IIf looms. oompurrs MpnelrICATION AC,?CXPTM OObttt aMn.)t.) T)tn)«.0<trdi<r< t'nt.rovenx?H ia UU eomtn«.Uott of bakers' wem. No. 16,443. lied. PATKXT SSAUID. Obsrtes Warren. ObutnletgU t improved sposimtoi fsr tamlgMlnirgresiihouse*. Ko. 4^518,1886.

LtKm C&Ta&wrmm Pnu, opsrienlI JH..JIo. 01111 ow

THE PROPOSED STEEL RAILI SYNDICATE. ACTION BY SIU HENRY TYLER. I NEGOTIATIONS PROCKEDING. I Strsnurus effortfi are now being made to form a i syndicate of the principal stnel iail inakers, or, to speak more correctly, tv resuscitate the old associa- (ion of steel r'1 makeis Ihlt ixistcd some short Ittne ago. This association was formed nbout the year 1885, and waa in active operation till ill) end of the following year, when to ail practical pur- poses it ceased to exist, though, as a matter of f .cf, iherd was no formal dissolution. Duiingthetwo rer.t.. or its txi t, nco it ssctned to have answcrcJ the purpose for which it was est,,bii,l,e i, L",l operated to the advantage of the rail malors; but, for some rea-on or other, tho combinati "n fell through somewhere abiut the c.,l f 13S3. Tiie nucleus of the nssoci it:on still icr.iains, ilnJ fur sr.ViMsl uionlhs negotiations hiive been going oil for its ° revival, Pat, ti.'ularly duiit.s tho absence of Sir nnry Tyler, the chain.m of tho Hliyianey Iron Com- pany, who j-a.d a visit lo Aiueiit a in tho autumn of list yi.r. Mi only after his return Sir Henry addressed a letter 10 thu honorary secietiiry of the pioprn.d assreiati ti, naming him for a reply in wrh"g, putting into definitc form Ib" schene now xu^esied for the revival of the nssocia ion. riiis w-ir d.-ne, and the mat'er was then thoroughly gone into t.y tho directors of the Hlymney fron Conipany in t'lfii* ha'f-yiariy lefioit, which is to ho pre<,entcd to the sharc- holcTcr At the fnd 1)( ih:3 rnnnfh, fhn diieotor* Tcftr to lite fcubicct iu the iollovin^ Hci'.lii: — "Jndijing ftoui past expetiince, it would wunt-i be impov'ihle, und'vthe txistiit? competition, in "Ulaiii ft re\8onab:t' priee for, 01 profit upon, stoel • ads until toaie mudo of o. luuinat.oti has he- n Adopted hy the trade. S-g-tiations are (till proceeding v/ith a view to som- r a'nible arrangeuifnt beinf; come to mirionirst II. sixteon tirms who make steel rails, and the ,:ire: have rcct.ntly te.U.n an impfrlant pfop ill t'lI<j:lIf: lotiiid to t:, diieciors nni general nuiiigersol th^ v.iii 'ti< c mpsnies an'< mtmh 1" of the flrmll int'rested a carefully coi (jidercd eircular on this aiibieet, in the hope of advancing ltu objei-t in view, and Qf obtaining fur aH pari it-1*; a fair itttirp, Ijut i o in re than a fair return, f r 'l.'j ca; invented." Ihe •• impoitnnt st-p" alluded to in the foregoing excerpt was the circu- lating among the lirms particulaily irdcres'ed .*( Sir Henry's letter, together with the rep'y of ihe honorary bectetaiy. I!v thcie means it is b >i>ed ,hat the difTiculties appaier.tly present to the minds of some of the g,.tleai( a connected with the interested fimis will be removed, and that the liopts of establishing a tleel mí1'yu¡Jic .t.)..iII be speedily realised. Aeconipany- ing Sir Henry's letter and ihe secretary's reply in a circular containing the uirectois' view= m the suhj ct, and u wish is expressed that the other makers will frl' in wi h tli and a^bi4t in forming a c."1nhin,ltion that wi 1 operate to thti. mutual iidvau;age. The ncguti itior.s UI e still in this -tag, antf no fuither B'ep can be taken till a nieciiiig of I lie dffii'itit lirms b. en held, l'hi.a, we understand, «ill ta^e place thortlv. It .t b,, t,,t,,l that, lliou^h the pi-oj^ctom of the .:dllmc aro very eanjunie of its &1.a.C£S". fillers cqu illy interested are rather dut iou lu u few neks,iiowevcr, it v.i'.i bnp>Efihletj 5¡;c,k «ith greater certainly on the lualttr.

CARDIFF NATURALISTS' I SOCIETY. ANNUAL MEETING. I The twenty-ifrst niiniial inestin" of ilie Card £ [ x itur.ilisis' fyM'ieiy w..s h'Id at tho l.icture I'll -.tre of the Univtrsiiy OiU'jje on Thursday evening. Mr. T. H. Thorn* R.C.A pr^sidtat, ami Was u large utt—urtti.c of m.-nib-rs.—Mr. n. W. Atkinson, the t-ne g"tir la cret^ryof tlia hodel". read Mm annual, \>liicli sliowed lliat theiv •vere 409 men,b.-rs, being a slight decrease on la'-t yar. R. fer.nro w»s jo .da to tip valuable dij- eoveria* which hnd been made at Llan, wit Major, all thti excavation* hav;lI bÙdt coveted in und ootueiiUd at the i .vpensc of L' lxl 1,'ute..trrifge- uients had b'en nude for tlio t .tiijfer of the Ixxikt liel nging to tlio sn-icy t" Ci.i teferetice library of the tatiiirt' 1'ific Libi.ny. This wascontidered to be acharg.- for tiu bitter, inasn ueh i s tli, tvic lis would b» morea;ee«sibie to tho membara than at prerent.— Mr. W. Konnfeldt, in moving that tlia report be adopted, referred to the excellent work "hich had 1,"011 dono by the secretary, and concluded by pro- posing that a lieaity vote ..f thanks be accorded to lIilll.-1>I, Peter Price seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously,—The financial statement indicated the society to be in a prosperous condi- tion.—The following gentlemen wire elected ollicel" for the ensuing year: President, Mr. W, Konnfeldt; vi.v-piesidenls, Air. K. li. Kvans, i-{ M.S., Dr. Taylor. Mr. W. U dlownr, Mr. P. P,ic, Dr. C. T. Vachell, Mr. II. Hey- w.xid, Mr. J. Oavey, Prineiual J. Vii iamu Jones and Mr. T. H. Ttioma*, RC.A. frea-mer, Jlfr, Peter Price; enratort, theltev. W. E. Winks and Mr. T. W. i'roger; leeretarv, Mr. H. W Atkins u>, Mr. J. 11,11, Mr. P. RltisGriftiih-, Major 1-1 R. Jones, Prof. »..>r N. ParWer, Mr. A. Petiigrew, Mr. B. Seward, Mr. A. M. Sinythe, Mr. H. W. Thoinp^on, Professor Thompson, Or Thompson. hit-. W, J. Trounce, and Mr. C. T. Wliitniell.— Mr. T. H. Thomas, in vacating tho presidential el-air, Said that during I he past twelve month* the soi irtv had done very good woi k, equal lo thit of IIn" 1"Yi"u- year in tl,e history of I lie society. This was simply due to the ennrly wbicii had lately come into tlte society, and which was still eus- mined by nearly the wh ile of the members. (Applaii-e.)—Mr. Hontifeldt tilen took the rhair, and propuocd IV vote of lhank- to hir. T. U. Thomas and Mr. Peter Price for Ihe valuable e.-rvices they had rendered during ttie y.r.-Dr. Vachell seconded, and tho proposition was carried unani- l11ouol)',th.. compliment being briefly acknowledged by the reci¡¡ieots,-Mr,:¡lönnrehlt, in deliver ing his toaugnraJ address, dwelt in eloquent tJJrnl8 on the !•« luttei and studies of Nature which were to be found within a few miles of Cardiff. Uefeiring to (tie had condition of the high road;, lie said it was a disgrace to a laigo town liko CaidilT that they had not got good footpaths for soiuu mile* in the c untry; but. perhapsiliis was a work which the county cniucil would undertake. lIe also itieri- ti"ncd the itidalaiigablti exertions of Mr. John Stottie, to whoal tlwy were Indrbled for mllch vatnatiie Information.—A vo'e of iliauks to the chairman terminated the proceedings.

THE SUDDEN DEATH OF A I NEWPORT PILOT. INQUKST. I torr, MOIUn I'.dwnnls, district coroner, hold nn ¡nqu.s! at tiie Talliot Hotel, Nt-wjjort, Ou Thursday, ■ottchmg tin- sudden deiith of Mr. llavtd Lloyd J"o.o, aged 70 yens, a retired | ilot ul limpet, who, a* nhea-y report d, fell down and expired m Coiiitneri ial-road, wTlii.t going t t c't ipel on I'lIe.II" 1)\'1'11;11.1 about seven o'clock.—Mr. H, Llovd, «i lieitor, waa present on brtaif of ilie rela- tive s of itectt.ised.— A *Onng lady named Ilo ini JOIn" Walts, living at 16, Alice-street, spoke t' r>re< niythe ilecCiiE d gentleman walking up C'II'I1WT.. 1 i il rotid. :-11\' was walking behind him. A, be •;ot opposite ttie iitte- of lie 13ii leChr snan chapel I," 8"II!I("rf'd and fell, ..not 1,[.. nppeaie 1 to, be ex- tinct immediately. Mr. (jilmoie, plot, who was wa'kioB neir, went to d -ceased ai d Itfte t him up, — M r. W. T, I" !'?'.<.)t' g .on, who Wis called tn ti e :'p\ 'f..I''¡;I;II;,f; f\I; he ";I I Mr. Jam". "ltl\n on a chair inside the ta,li?g, ol the lbblo Christian chapel. Life was th-n gone. Mo Imd not made a p ist-morirm ex-iniiii-a. tion, but his piivate opinion was that dc-ceiS'd suffered from falty degi neraiion pC the lit-ari. The co dmss of ttie night would hava off cted thu cir- cu'alion. and tile two Causes together titouglii about t) n. ope or failure of the li- art. Several 01 I h" jury sahl they had seen and sf" l; n to deceased in the course of the div. A verdict of •* Deatli Irvin heart disease" was returned.

NEWrOKT BANKliUJTC* COUilT. I Tiiv;m.kT.-(Befnre the rn(;tsritkn.) I He Isaac Ma nits.—The debtor, who cairiad on business ns an ouiftiter end jewcl'cr in Coirmer- •,ia^rood, N. \)01 t, had fotmerly traded At Tredegar and Puntv pool. The statement of aff tirs ehowt-d liabilities atuounlitig to £ 534 19«. Ild.. to meet which there weie asse's of £65, hav'nga deficitncy of £.3. 19-, lid. No books of account hnd been kept, and the debtor's transactions wire, therefore, not fully dl.-closed. In answer to ,he Official Iteceiver, Mr. Marks said his expenses amounted to about 93 per week. Bis takings we, e about tlS per wee k and iio pr.6!s .,ro about 16 per cent. It never occurred to iiim ihit ti e profits wur. not sulCiient to coyer his expenses. The examination was adjourned.

Nkxt r Nothing.—How often we roett th. tmlabl* acquaintance who itrilrlita to 4$lxillsr rnrob? -bi.h on-i "next ft i.0 F.b., tnlth »• "I" wltlob ,ltln, i.Ity wort*, iwii ..In In oov»uiu*r (n health awS f. b.1iit T::±.g. 1(,h. dalteioua, .M V-" '*I of A,ent. I" "bi. totality;—CaiMffT; itoweil, ilaie^irMtt "n,. and «nu, V)nta^oa<1; Anthony, 39, 8i. Mary-auvet Ier.;¡. JI:A'æ:¡.. t)!em? D' .,d ftikLt)wrx *Imd a<n'. <))«-<«*. HI. On)«n»aa and Co.. 9, JOUf'tt, Oh"mt.. llo»ih;, Bnta-svreec tf.n. MH) C'H'«th' MtUt!f.)?'a)'')oU'?""H?rr)M. lot QMD'itRtl: Yursili. (JhomUt, C*uif><i CtruiMiUii amiiui 'i. \t:i :(.RI&r'I: UII'8quu.: BitetxM.h. 'I,  1"0_" 'n<bf<<!t<t; TUoowa, I(ri4faad: William*. Pua> «Mm. fM*?- pr1d4, )t*?. ChoutM. U*??????n?t UM<<)?«. 0he8. prhtda: t K4<aoy«, liHilaa. Aht«tt«: ?. J. U, Oh«?*< r:r.=i.='i g <ti>t<*nM, i l*Mwir*h • tVnaiar. <•*• QMSI pa, Wn<w Ohi'M, m M. FOBMmi Jwjg Kir's Oommomo.—AWhna tad BraocMti* art —iftmnrnMmikr n, m ni^ciw.. am

THE SHOCKING ACCIDENT ON THE TAFF YALE RAILWAY. DEATH OF THE INJURED GUARD. I INQUEST. I On Thursday evening Mr. E. B. Reece, disti iot coroner, held an ioquity nt the Cardiff Icfnmary into lie cireum^tnnccs attend ng the dvath or Jame* iliadler, lute of l/l'opaz-S're^t, Sph>t'aml«, who met wiih an accident on the Tuff Vale Hailwav line near Walnut Trle on Wodnesdu' uigijt, and die(I at tiie Ititit iiiat y at flt ven o'clv ck on tlift following ov;ortiini!. Tho body M3< identiliect by Jilm William Hradhy, aon d' the ftecoasod, wlio deposed tj^at Ins father was 52 years of age, nnd wa a gu ;,r-I on the 'Ciiff Voile ltiiiw;ky.iii;)iii.,i%%S'eeks, a deposed that he SIW firanlev cu inuiad y nijjht irt Walnut- Trre Hrid-e Sta«i(i\. tli \va« act irg im guard to the down r:\8'I:('r train d" in« on iliti pluiforui Hhowing the greeti light. He aft, rwat-ds got iati) his v.,n. T«n minut^e Inter a t-^ep!ions iiipfBtgd wno received from U-idvr olating Ili t Bradlry was not on the train and hud probably frtlieu out. On ncept of the Into8S:lgd witllcs. and the inspector went down tlio line in fearch ot hit!. He was found mar the Ini* ISridge, on th^ lei t-I and r)iile -f I tic a gutter clear of tho rails.—Police o>r»r Mahi^ n Wdjitij Nntt, of the Coumv Constabulary, sllid hn \t** on duty war iho Ynis Brltlee h I.w minutes b"'o'6 nine oVIock r-n Wmineeday night, He enw th« train pn*s, and ,ft,v at- ,n, Jowarde tile Lri Jg/% uhe>e he (IIe a men wlio fold him that he heard ArornOl1e groaning on till' line. He thereupon got d wn on tli» lin», at^d a'-n: imo?euia ey found d« censed i^iog in tf»e diicfi, au"ut tift, (>n )',¡r¡j from Ihe ¡',j,¡"l', Jj,) ))lI,j 1\ :«rgo wound over the left t yt a-jd one < u thf top of tiie hea i, fiom which blood ii w,i hnn.ta^d the wi: h I is pocketMiAmlkeri-hicf, "oi fh-iUy af c; W !id- tho hiai wi?ni?s r.rrivccl. it- n-s:1 <-d t.i> put au inline nmi I acc»u.p«n»td hhn to C-»rihfr.—;}vntv Newinur, a poiter ut the H-dyr StHtu n, s .id wison (ho down train r ■j.c^ifti Ktiiy, he missed dcce-ined, and on going 10 his van found it errpty and Ihl door open. H" lep uted tha ciicum^iur cc 0 t!.o I <?t?.n-[nM3?r.wh.t'.p'ott''tt<WMltur'fr<?.— Mr, Ti'Oin ip, thi* hon«e having do-cii;M-d ,lie of susttiii,d bv tf?c tle- cenw,?, cen«ed, Ihe jury returned nn r.p-n ?erdic?

ALLIXJED FOJKJKKY OF A WILL AT SWANSEA. roLicE-cocar i'lioci-jcrnxoy. At Swfiiiva Ptlice-couit on Tlnirsi'ay (L<. f >re ?t'?.' J. C K w'e-, 6'ipcndi.w J. C. V,?,? F^rtnin- ?r,.tMd.4.&iit?n J.)t.nttt.Kh('sU)Vi&Th'))Mf[?<t)< 1) »vio •. HUii Mainwaring p ohar^'w] wifJi hnvifg, oji t!ie 17 h of Ootobw, 18S5. f^niouVv f')rCl1 n certain wi!t and t^'amcnt, putpnrting i) ''t'tt..itcff"('<?i)!itt!t)M!tinw)ri?.with)t?'-t? thereby to d fnvj f. They were lunhir clMr^O w. h uttering and di«posinv of 1116 docuinuni wi, n,e,it t<» di fraud. Mr. T. 11. Si.» j»lie-k, Cardiff, nppeired to prosrcuie on behalf r( ih« Puhlh* Pio^ccutnr, nnd Mr. C. H. Ura<ccn-ine, lorrKtyr, for 110.. <If('n["lnt" S'ime of the f.teia c\ I hi9 ijtculiar have 81r"ad ai Mr.Ste;>l:en^sui.i that thederea edtWm.M;dnwar* I ing, was a haulier, who livfii at p.'f.tre lC*tyh, nnd died«'ii the of Mareh, 10o6. leaving a widow »md thn-e ri1ns nnd two .la\1g"'I'l' Hi will w-8 tach "f tJ", lJir ke t:e(elld,.nt having awom f.T»-» the Prph"L6 Court that tI11'' HI"t taken pait in forging the ígn""u!o of Wt!l:am M-dnwaiiiu-r i"t, th« d«ath Ot Afiit«*aring tin v*i«?ovv r r.-i i snlteJ Mr. IC, Austin WMli holicitor, wiif»s** in- ■ portant e\ M«nce in thd Ie h' (Mr. Stephens) h"ti bumu>^i .Ke^i. Mr. s*ud fhit after Mr. Mainw/i2i?'« CMKidiedhiin lv* RW J <hn H.111i" D^vi* i,. I ir fo:m-ri "im that Im had ",ad" a ""I f.. Wiilia'n Ila a,) ti!al it i,l ltis 1, Al sub^ptcnt interview If piovlm-.d a I co- in* nt (nuwp..tin)d..t''?'h"17<t'"fUftb'r.t.?f Wltn""e'" to Ulr uilfg^d oignatvirM heing John H. Pavie^ nnd 'J*. pities. Mrf.Moin*ttrh)c doodled it-* vuluiitf, Antt niinc^K Ul ttituied processings to test the qncsthm. Aftirw«r<lf« tho nciiofi "'n8 compromised ht-t\fr(f"fI b**r a dornn eni (produced) giving the terms of tlvs con promi.-e was «iiuwn up, nnd signed by I'l ilip Vainwar nL' und J-hn lingfjAH Davies. At ihe P'obtte O-urt on tie D,¡e.¡ S-iv 'l at the d cmi ent was f ng-d belv^e-n liifn «tid i'hiiiift. Ho <*oid, **Me an<t Phdip to^et/wr doiie it. Al the emnts litre lie Inard T':oum.h L. ¡¡"V;(S e>y I". I,UI hi. II.Hue to the will t., ob ige hi-* brother. Philip M'tinwiuiug »a d » e had tak«u biimplf.B of i)b lather'^ (-i^ooiuie w l)arie« foi bitn :o copy. Mr. Ulascodine, after a el-.orf cress-examination "t thU w Slid 110 Cv'uld 11.1 proceed further, R8 Mr. Wihiams had nol biou^lP Iho proper docu* mint* with him l?? would apply for an adjourn- men' Th" case was accordingly wdjou red iiii ihu 7U» of Kebiu4iy.

LOCAL BILLS IN PARLIAMENT. BAIinV AND CAIKlXTON GAS AND I WATEli COMPANY. This Hill on Thursday cutne tieforeMr. Robins n, I one of the examiners of lliu House of O'linnons, for p-OJf of C<JIII\IIi"nce with Handing Orders. Thu "bjoct- of ihi- Bill b to coi.f.-r htrtlœr nn HI" company I1lhl to enable the.. to ruse unrioit-ikitit; and £ 19,200 for tbei' g a undermkin^. Toe Kx iinin-'t li.ivuiy heard the 'ormal evidence, the lltli b-ing un- opposed nt this steg- declared the requiictnento of Pl\rliiUl1ellt dul.. complied with, and (hi, will be reported t-) the House in due cmrtC. TAFF VALE RATIAVAY. I This Hill a'-o i .itivt L-erore tilt. I having heard tho formal nvi in.c d.c'and ihe St Hiding Orders duly complied with. The object of tlio Kill is to, nm Igainale with tlio undcriaking of tinT .OVale Hailwiiy Compauv the undei taliingi of the other railways leased to or worked by them, for consulidating t ie rajiitnl of the cotnpany, kc. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY and J.LANMLLY HAILW" Y AND DOCK coiill?knil I The J'xjn.inei a's > ht.d th a Hid beofre l i.u, and declared itiut it had louittlird with tiie c iwnii of Par:ilunc!1t. The ot.j ctof the prom .ins is t" amalgamate the Ll-ineSly Riiilway nnd DJck Companj- willi the UrciL WV^tirn C- uipany. NEATII HA UROL R. This Iii[l, which wh- for .V'n:on of lime for the c"mp'et" cf a itt'O'is'd w?rks, and for eiilaigintfsnd improving tli« p?,t and hai boar, .I&u complied w.lh the Standing Ordtts.

SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION AT NEWPORT. The t liennial school board eK'ction f iolt i.'io1 at Newport on Thursday. Tln.r« nreel. ven s ats to lie filled, and in all ftftrcn candida es, viz.Mr. John William",Trout Inn, Market-btieet, i.depe,,de?,t R. T. M?rtyn, J. ad is'. B. Harnett, reconi.d Churoli candidates; 1011-. 1'. J. IKytiyrnr, unteciynUeJ Chu-i-h Can- dida e; K-ther lSailey nud Mr. A. Wiliains. Catliulic ca/idid:t!e«; the lie v. I). Fl. Wi.'linn j and Mr. fJeury Mullock, llnrl'c"\lI.1 Nottconforn i.i psiididties; the Kev. il. Abraham, Mess- W. H lirowa, L. li. SI out e. M. Win.]-r, |. 1,1. .iyn, aud A. (i. Tholl. M P., mojn .1'Ll None aitot u,i,t candidat/s. The poll opened a'C'ght n.m., it-wf d"d I eijjht (• in. ft is flint ttie votes w II be coiiuteJ up by tmlv ihi. (hid",) iifier- noon.

SINGULAR FATAL ACCIDENT AT CARDIFF. On Thursday evening Mr. E. B. Hecce, coroner for Ih" ,; held "II ii qui-at at Ca< t/in on thr body of an o?d wi'tnun, nault!?i Jemima W.itk'n-, & wld'iw, 'a'e :?f 6'3, !? vrrn-n>ad, who ?is found deal Oil tho floor uf her bedroom on TnurcHv moruing under r-illioi i?,r ii Ktrinta Cl.iike stated tint deceased lodt-d with ¡ her, and h id been unrh'r medical trN"mtlr for ooina iiiiis pist. Mie.went 10 bed about eleven o'clock on IVcdiC'd vy nigh', api ac ily in her Uluulh,ol:h. On Thiiis lay morning uitna.-s Ao?ni to 1,:r "'Ílh ln<r breakfart. whpn ,h" foun I her l? 1, g on lhe d"or— Ur. Huhaids .id he ln.d LLo.n decMScd for years &l?d h,d fr. quently attended liir. 0., Thursday mr)'ni,' lie WI' cal'e t In by ILe la*t wIITl(" or. ,? f umi th- d- cease I li iriir on the fliK)r«sd<-sctib«J. nt r note wal broken tnd bh. bad apparenty been dead f.t hours, lie hrlipvcd tiie inuirie«li'iii been suataine by d,Cl?71,?' d accidentally 4I ing of bed —The jury returned a verdict In accordance with tbe mcdictil evidence.

YESTERDAYS TOLICE. I MONMOUTH. I (Before Mr. G. 41 stirrix, Dr. T. PitonM and Mr. T. Jambs.) I Hkbioos Cvaiioc.—KlitHlttth Jeremlali, landlaaiv nf ihe R .pomtki-rt' Aruit Inn, Monmouth, was fined undrr the Licensing Act, 1878, for 1\11 .wing her lioentrd prvtnitrt to to 11,6-1 ts an habituitl rmoitof well-known pmaticutm, and was wamtd that if .he cam* befote the bench again the penalty w. uld l* n uch heavier. Tairrr.—Elijah 134rrpit, M, labourer, was con- vict id or ttealiiig £6 i i. belonging to Tltnma* I'owe l, pnttinan, hi Mon-unuih, l»twi:en the 22ml of 1I,trlb.r and the 21-t of January, and een- t-ncrd ti one ronoth'. Iiupriai-nini-nt with h8f,1 labour, the Hercii remaiktng Hint hi. previout excellent ehar tcier savrd filin frotn a heavy sen- tence, as the case was a very bad onOl

BENT ABATEMENTS IN WALES. I Tiie Earl of Powis and Sir Wttkln Willima- Wynn, Hart., who aro the largest land iwncna In the Prineipalii y. ba,* ann-ainord a wluo 100 .110 pergeot. for Ills pact Iwlf-year toal) their Unaat*.

CiiH 7?a Pi, u an" so so Face j <?<?MtMm<t*<?.?M.<Xtt<)t?M.)Mt t f

",«, 'J'" We cannot publish any letter unlevi the writer •ends 111. "LIIA". Ali<I aPl^RC66t tbfL linOMMrily for puMi- caUoii, l«it K» a u;u%rknt€c wotxi (aith. Tiie JB»ht«r cannot nodrrtske to return rejected com- mnnications muier nny ciroumstAiicet. *#* All ooirc?poiKtents must write on oks $I r?s of I he p»i>er only.- *>r their letter# will be reject^?. 1". d. -9 th,h tht TW.

Mr, W. (Curdiff) "rit1 ut respecting a c-ll-1im hf mfti'ly mndpoii ?"?'?? ??-i. :,t!fj. ii'K hisiiftlon Iffeln. girax'Mii.vDR^T Xyavf, Head conitabJe Or Nt-aih, 5- n('s us i'\ P' re from nn auonY;.T10\lS c,r»v 6f oniei.t, <h.ngtng the toc?t ?.ot?.e with a)!K.rt<cf offfnirea, wpon o evidence which to K"? tiltnlv unsupportfih G, M." <<;h*pti'>w) writet to mv that •hr«-tirjjf ata bl«< kbh«.i ye terilny be U onKln ^cwn >; haviktinrh. \1'1<1.-1/). (U'Mmlet) h In atcr?<«m<Mit with lhe ^eni'ral view appointing a Wd.¡Ni'IdUi prelate to ti.e wuvuiT 'rl' of Mt, Att\h. >3r. J. JOJJ V..Vll£8 IGel'y PumpMh;»| writes tit crifl- ciiiujjtho aJ1ollJtmuJt8 mae by the County Koudt li 'ir t uf Carman 1¡II.f¡in. C41'J/)'I"IK'S —" A T,irv Vottr" it adviwnl "Iuu the rxpeurct me:¡ti -nt-d In hit fir!lt inqnirv would be rJI «ir^d U Ju amount. We <>/» not t/ffder- ,tA1\.1 hi M'cúnd quettion. To what Act of tar lament d<wj he rrft-t t PoiX CtKHK.—An t. Jnql\ir.r" (Abergavenny) mu»l inait* '11, .wii It<<rt!alu. There t. no uniform iinlft. Poti ;o»-p ami Pkj« — cannot advtae "An AuXin", One < hnasrdidaii) utlesi lie wiii tell ut oil about the-. £ T«ir. At lie did Wit a^rte fa pav any rent, *!<d Ibeoconpier nf the fi,.t.i provided the manure* the arrangement "1\$ n very I ec-u'iar one. and we douht t)it- p: u-iciice of iii? bringing I. bi. tor 1»'i coinper.snMnn in th.' cncnn:t'anc««, 3?t £ rAiH« hi that a t('nI.' h expected to the l.t'Oty in a c^rt-fiii n-at iifi. t>ut unit*! he a lefeaee b chuM noi iwiMnab y l»e ex|>ected V> re buUd or do ftutolaijUal h'h'n, W* prefer lo .j\dM' on f*ct# :Ial. d,

I MONMOrTlirHJKi:. 1'(1 nt*. r.niTOR or TUY. "wvstkkv vAti.. oik',— i •v ie."Ui:s ,f I (' de,ti ns nf the Wc-iern Divis'^n 01 Vooniouihs^ ire wdl, no <hmbt, ù.! (1i.. '')'ph'ui?)(.esra'y <?"?'rt-tn'.? bt.t I I tor onu nm n t in 1}' Umbi *orfniseJ. Wl ere "tp the lenders of C>us< reatir* npininn ji. the division ? NVhat i? b hig done to educnte tliii it, in triie Otisfuivotive principltvy, un'ortonat ly. too a «Rp between tlie classes and tiie nj'i^s in th.j liivtsinr. At Uh last I'arliumwfUin «lecti n a Conservative Association w«« fotmetl for Lilt: < iviBioi. and a te^i^tra'i<-n':gert appointed, hut n(,qin Imn lit: **v- mplisJu-d. TI(. nt.H(.r.J.. linve a er" d orqanis^tion hp I n hmd worki'ij/ *pen». 'in be A\tcw.p:ful the vut»v»- part. tun*' e rquahy equipped, and thfo J:IClttl- rlyJi.d C- U' U^ have its connleip/irt. in til C .n<«rva*.ive }u. Is¡t j:npo,to;iul.o fÖt III brunch-a r lIw l):il1l1'o LeJlltl10 thr. u:,zll:ut tÜI ? Ar preterit* the working man Con?** \<°U. tive hnv nothmj; wl.a-evei to ht';1 ut^-n p i' iv. \\h. (d we \IVfi an ol ro, of hi CVn r-vativv M r, or lie «rir lie-e The pa h « f tho^ who vovi'd winh 10 yaiJ) th*»eiif port 01 the wo* kip* 1\1;"1) iA clea- Tiivy must tr 1,11 t"u!;wat. and perpetu «te h" sririt in thr Om* li vative i rt • d Dieirduty je m keep a'.ive ("to!inett (\n!llu:h' ly»i "'4 nrouse out (,f (H)f afi'1i,H.o. and Hot ùu. m()lt(1 b* Or^nis#», 0» taniM*, Oigititifie." L^tthe aId tlu* m'twft join hand in hand mid hv»k aftvr thl' n xt rvi¡u, Rnd 8:,CCt! will u,eli cro"wn tiieir df"rrø.-I -M. &C I A PHOGUESSIVfi COa^SEUVATIVK. I Htiymney, Jan. 21.

1NTKKMKDIATK EDt'C-ATION AT CAIIDIIV. I to T r iporToR or TvK wksrvnw kail. ris,~ l r^tid with cohm :«rable Interest fie verr able and lucid let! r f Civ:sM in tho fFnttrn Moil "f Tuendiv. It i.4 cert'dn'y uuo 11;&! t< e C-irddi JV«|).ieV</y Od!cge a»'d" Other kniod do ti'»t euj- y th-c ncojrit on a,1 f iv. ur Hut I think V.-e c.-iu«e i, far fr, sc* If. Tor severe] re »rs pat. the iini-\ qd.1 ^utcc^ of pub ic int r:n« diate schoola! as i;;a -u-dly ie«-olv(-d i:fl.d£ ¡r¡ln thr¡\o cordiii<nf# s- hu ti u.iky b brit fiy ji ateJ as [w fees, l iofi ? i:mbe and >)> n\\ nnd attractive iraults. Now, n c ni.ot be ih?>t a wave "f il f-ty^hiy dovel^pin^ fi|»ain*t. the eril consequences or ih?* B'.1irll:d C'JfI(1i:(jn of tliifjf*. A m 'Vi'menr aif iii.ft the evil mohsof ct mi-cti'ive cxamins- ti'»bs received d. finue tx) in an a-hlrss to (he H i> e we< ief«ry ,Vgt Oc'obrr, nnd there j. nt) doubt that th. movement j6 spreading, Unrr Ih. p e put rf'vi cf niis.hnum fet s 'he n;.re 'Ipport a seli?l el,j"r lite larce. a.nd qnrinible whether even th«^ profr.undA«t n;r<f-Rwob'U bec^mr* its chtairs, while it v^-ry -ch«»! •r«h;p ifc''d wi-Pt e m« f discipline, ran eopo fucceasf>tl r with ihi *»ried m» ntal r« qni-nnenta of » 'onn of fr tn thirly to Mil pnpd-. The minds d oliiid en are not more evenlv n,ou'f1 than the miud- of rn". atid ca^es occur, neitho- t. n r r"r hefwven. In wri^h stetlirg ".IlIn,) ahihties that require n fl^vr dev«lopment — like Iho-e grrat pmJul;,¡on. of Nitu,, w.ic*» even now exe t? tilC wo dor of tJ. world, tho \HIIHI- 01 >ears alt« i mor.. rapid ^rnwii»a h»vr t-unk back into the ground from vrlnch tliey ^pru»g -aro in d3n..r, ihr.Uf<h want of tl* parent- «*uhure tii^y specially r quirc, of bri<ti? in ti. haste end rush of mcdfin education and the unvaticd and monotonous «ystem< by which it is conducts'. 11,c J.l"liod from b yhcod to youth undoubtedly requires more car-fiil and sp rue instructi^-u tl a » more advanced cg». ftiid srho »ts ",1,(151' t>bj«c? it is to cducat( boys at this period < f lif* ip tict lose suppoft if t,ii(- btrgencss < f their C'1&P5 renders individual training iinp<s- sibie. Where this is the case the obvious remedy* iMo dhni:1ibh th8 t-ii* of the firms by iucieafin # their number, and projx»rtionat» ly to ia;se the lee* to provii** f"f the conesponding ifwr' 8'C of To ensure 1!J.' specid attention nh:ch oach pupil ro()oi«e-a class 4-f boys of the hc« con- tSidereô ought not to contain more than twelve; and In III" c^o ur schools for the sons of parents wlu» are under no nec<sity of reducing fees t.) a minimum, there retms Utile reason wi,y iiiis num* bir ebould be oxceeded.—I am. EDMUND C. Qi:D £ 02t. 73, C,.tliff. )

THE PROPO^KD ME\!OX!A!< TO TEE 1,ATK! MR CfI.ŒLE flATU, TO TIIP. K^ITOJt OF TER M WKSTBflK MATU" Si*4,— .011 Iwve must kindly allowed seveial lOIl-r. and p-iragraphs b.aring upon the nbovc -u"j 't to uppcar in the cotucnr>s of paper. May I solicit jour favour to all.. mo to inform your numerous readeri wti;it progress has Ix-en inntit- ? ^veral meetings, called by public "nnf>uJJeemenl, have ben heid in tbevestry of our church, and it has been decided to erect a Mutable Church nwm "hI to the pious memory of our deputed friend. Mr, Ilath did a grMt work fit i ho. Clitirelt, and for many years he fu'fil'ed the duties of the vicar's churchwarden, superintendent of Uie Sunday School, kc. The foun of the memorial b," been submitted to and approved by Nil. bath and other members of ilit family. It is to C'IR- sist "f a pnrish-room—much iieeded for crening clauses, Sunday Scfu ol, &c.t and which Mr. TiAth hiinstlf was very anx ous to lite built-tn b" called ilie Bath Memorial Tarlsh-room, and^to add a tower and peal of Harrington 01' nther bells to Christ Church. Theeite of the IJI\r!.b.r""m is not yet dccideJ upon Iwn are being "n8hlrAd by th cr»mtnittie. 1 nOfc1 hardly say it istlie earnest wish of our people—'with whom Mr. Bath war. shipped so m-n, yeir«—as wnll as many other* who knew hilll nnd loved him for his work's sake, that thpy should have an opportunity of esprrss- ing Uiph- Iti^h «pprecia>iou of Mr. BaUi'« goid andust Hlc. 1 turnteUy iupc ti,t this dlurllo perpeiuate the revcr»d memory of our dear brother wili itiect with a ftearty and ¡;errOUR recp nse from all who kn^-w irm. Ma»»y kind and tib"ral prnmiFe* have be**u already g,v"II--('ol.>n.\ \\rl¡:ht, £50; Mr. Rosc r Bsck, £ &0; Mr. J. T. D. Mr, A. tiili>erW>n. CIO 10s.; N., C. R. N. Jatiol, M.i' 910; and ihe J""J Hie" Chancelh.r, L5 Otliet promises huve bi-en given, and ihe sums will sii rtly he n,I, Kinot letu-rs Inve been r&?iv,?d fr, in I/>rd Ated.,r, Rn" mRnr "tties. 11 oi thai t: ,I.. s-e ,hi. "i\1 f..How I heir goud example.—Thanking ynu in udvaDi-c, am, t. nm, to JvCLAKKi;, Vicar or Elot C. i'wsnf-e*.

M:AMK\'S Al)VnN< ». I TOTUK tvirouoi- TIIK \Q11n kttL." I zli4-1. e ns. nf the abolition of seaiiien's« notes, the only I, gal m i le "r making adve- ces to sninei is by a cash pay in- nt. The amount ts n¡:nC!1 upon betwoen the captaio and crew upon signing articles at the Shipping Office, arid Ui-j captain must Q; nocesfeity pay II." eame immcdiisteiy before his vesael leaves ttie port. Tins lias ti be done nt the Tie:-head, and 'he gr- at "f doing &" picj^rlv must lie Pot once "IIvare.,t 10 HI iierson contiecteu wi'h shipping. '1 he crew have t,) be musteted, and bslore ii-L, effects of il.e m n are put on b. aid the cnsli mutt te paid. '¡'hi¡, process must cause a loss of unicii vaiuuble lilac 10 the captain, inde- pendently of the risk of payme: t being made to tho wroii" per>op, flDd tiie string induce- ment offeie I for desertion, thereby ca-ising ION to tiie ship and 1\ waste of time in getting substitutes, WhO al«o have t" be pant a cusli advance 111" C'td ff Ucatding Mastets' GuiranteeA?s >ci»linn (Limit,) have made nriangenu-rtts wtiervby this diffiiulty i, got ov. r. with bcuefit to all ()n""ml"c1. The plan adoptc* I is for iho sinphsokcr "etin for any ship to pav to the secretary of the association tli 'll'bo'e am -unt of advances, aq per art icier, previous to the tailing of the ship. An undettiking is tlicn given to re-fund any money piid oil account of any por- tion of the crew who may desert before tiie ship leaves the l'icr-hej.d. Ttieadvancee are paid aftc- • wards to th we only presenting orders tinned by tlm captain. 1 tx-g to submit tho following, which I 'rust wilt aatitfy ihe ir.ost sc -pticsl as to th, liiiancial ititegrit) of (he o0!\6(\{'ialÏ<>n:- Card if Znccrpoiated Shipowner.' AsKielatton, Cardiff, December 11, IM. The tkc?etuv. CRrdiff B wdtng Kattars' Guit?litee A<Me'iAtio)) (UmMtd). (Abstract J This admits tbe tioiKHitaUe &Dal&uer in which U?,- b-rd,g t?-t- ?f your astociatinn 1,.v, ;,,= 1{D1:nJ:I their upt gbtnessot eonduetiie<i<nllv. and prfeurd to be tn accord "ith IhelD 10 the extent pt?iSW In Uit Ir wi,i?b I h.- tb. 1,-r to sign .I f.itl?- tu?y. W. L. Htw««. eeeft., T'ie aitenti n of all tboes interested it called to the fi ct that any guarantee to re-fund givet, preriou-ly to tl e payment of adrancee, and con- ditional upon the men proceeding to tea, it agaii »t. tile tstw therefore, the plau now adopted i« U,e mil wI&! "-r wtiereby I<'& i'l t* avmded. *n)e nhipb'\kert of tt? pnr: are rxpfctfu )y \Jib:;r C(5j tr;r;ef'1 of iho a eo- <"Í1lt.:?U to take notes a* a personal matter, t.ut as tnm"" of protection f,?r all p&,tiH int?r,.t?, t. ,.d aa evidence ,f "D arneM d-re to p,,?,?t delay IInd di put-^« at the Pier-liead upon the- stiil- I11Z (If vessels —1 am, tc.. JAMES RfS«P,LU &*r. tary. Car'.ifT R>'i.Masteia' Guarantee Association 11. n¡:t!.d\ 6, West Bute •strct, Cod if. 21.

DISTIXGUISHEl) SUCCESS OF A LOCAL LAW SlUDENT. Iofr, C. Pear 1 Clarke, solicitor, who was CdUCAt-d at Gard-ff Propri- iary 0.11"1", as some of ou- readete inmy rem- mber, in the honours ea imi. a- ii >n for -,ol lei t. rA last June obtained tiie (I uieni ►' Inn ai d D-mii t R nr.ton prii»s, of ttie value of 35 guineas in books, li und at tiie Incrp. rated Law Society's expei-e. T!.es -j>r se« wi I hll1l as bring first in thw examination !.>r which »M»sst. Ti, I^jiw Hvictr hold fourtxmiiniti^ns for br.n urs io that the, ",e f"ur iir6* p,iu.,n for the whole year. Tbe g-&,il,- tut* ))igenc* h. recently Ik en re. cive.1 that Mr. (latke is the firs' of the fmr prizemen, and as *urh wins I Ie Soon Schofft slop,ol 'be value of 156. ,inle the •* best a'-QO-iof J wito ilie theory, .d I.r ic kt. of the law." The cumber «»( c m"fot. Mr, CU'kt'f Ss i* all tlx* iu -re «..øil"blt- t., himteU frolll iu f.v *ba* I. hml tv c-mipet* witii .ver I d>s in^iinhed DK'O'bers of the untversiii^s ajid otheia wit,, h io b**n c< a^ lwd f t Ijh) vKHtnina* lione, whertJiS his hifh di.4imtion olitlifted by ills oun uuaiiWd vft -rts. Mr. CUrko is II.EL.,ti 01 Mr E Iw iu Clarke, Fiimroe** Yilr*, screed his uit<<Ji« with Mr. l\ O. U, d, Brit gwa er.

I GLAMORGANSHIRE BBE- KEtPIiRS' ASSOCIATION. I ANNUAL MEETING. The annual geneM meeting of glie Olamoifan- shire Beekeeiwrs' Association wa* held at the Coffee Tavern, Great. Western Railway Station Appr.itdi, Cardiff, 00 Tliatadty evening .ur.dor too presidency of Mr. C. F. Oooch. Amonget GdIer gentlemen who vera present waft Mr. W Oav, Mr. I ?Ktigmw, Mr. B. <. Klackmorv, »tr. W. Williams and Mr. Laocellea Oarr, OantMf; the Iter. L. VA Jon*«, Usndoufh; Mr. K. B. Slow, Raviesti"; Mr. J. Herr, Steiswoo. Mr. W. B. JanUns, Sweaus, M.. E. J OibbiM, Nft,b; ad Mr. U. P. Dvia% h-? -t-.t-r "m nd bal?om ob.*U which »as "f a wory atid-otmy cbmwerw" sub. tpit'?d '0 'he M<?M? &old 46opWd. A n-wof n.w mlabom wen entogti? ..el.. oflio?re "m reappointed. Mr. J. T. D. Lieweljrn, Pewliergan, aooetiting tii« poeitioti of preeident. Am-aist.- t kV j-por b-k?"Aw, ? Mr. B <?WMt- .1 (Adiff. r.A ..d =.d arrangementt have bsati made for tie pnbKostlea I b6 WI&IO If-d -1 P-W 8w7 1 ltw otiier but I rites of the meeting aeomesd of award- lite t we adniiraMy-toitliMtandfvlly quipped ht v*e t" two m.emh»rw cf tlieaocvte. nanMi, Mit KnlgM, of TytiwgAm Court, and His. Beard, of K=g Baal* A vote of thanks te the chairman and 'M pfM? <tt 'e w?et))' t '< Ttt *wb<ttp'tt' ? do Mde^ l* 6? p<r <M"?t? wM,h. bo. to"" fer Q-uitgyi. in ,no for MO- bw&*Mpw. wmdv. =.m l?ttttTMTMW??tht tM??MtMtt Mr. W. 0-Y. of O.t<?f ?" "?"?** <t? b?m ad .dviwo "f1f" .-a.

Hv e«. ■■itie at< HMfe*MlMl«t) æI::LV ¡

CAKIJIFK Ox TiTCBSbAr, In common with proceding Thursdays, floods of excuieionistc poured inte Cardiff fiom all pa ts, filling tlte places of ADm- ment and ree'aurants to ovetflowing. At the Grind Tlua'ie money had to be refustsi by seven o'clock—and still they came. R-vals of Cur.iiff may carp at litr claim for ir.etiopolitan uprciiini-y. but in the eye; of the VV. ldi L->ic#-s..iu«t a vi.i, '» the tow n on ilie -r.df is ncim lo. ked ui on alai:4t n the light of a journey 10 Lni-don It II;I\;¡IH businett for the lailway companies and cat' rers nt all de-criptinns, aud liieii IwarU rejoice.—Weaiiwr mild and dry .%tU.IICAL IxAmt)i&rioN.-In our lint of successful CanUi tatea at ihe Trinity C,Ipg., it was Mated honours award had tmen wiUi- heli from Mias C. A. Morgan (leaidwr. loIi.. on account ot '.oeint over age. This was incorrect. Mm Morgan was not ovei ag. a&d slie r«*iveii Iton..ur. &ward. Cans in- HIlt AVD FAR HOSPITAI, 18. Cttshivs. STIKST —Open dsily at 2.30.-Attendaure du, i, the fortmgiit eniied Jannaiy 19,18f9.—256; m-v. casta. 63 w. A. B aitey. 118.11.. coneulUne mi- gron; J Miiwar.t, M.D and B.C. kow,,r, I& R. .Urge,o Tl,- h .ri. *e. rr»f y acknowterig-e v- iliaiik* £ 110s from Mr. Ja-net Evans,Sergi.eny-i.i- I road 10*. Od.fiom Mr. Munrfay. Duke-«it>ei 10. from P.C.M.- S-iety, p.. 1If.. C.noploe:1 lenk.n.; 12a. od ftoin Miaa li. ,( Ct.. i.-to« lflt. gd. extra proceeds of Ua ar. and £ 2 Sr. i.- m.U < sums fMm imtients «h iniv.- rewiveJ benefit at the bo.pi sL LECt?x* Of Wnu Music.-At an czdi,,mt me-tm- of tl* Pn>.»nUi a„ d bmreS« on Thuf«<? ??ni..e in U)t t?tort' all ?xTh.? t't ilie iliurcli in Winrlaor-place. Mr. Robert M'Kirdy, ii^rpni to ti-<-Ma qinea ot mo t -n-ei.sti.-g .,ml p.ner on -W.-l-l. Mueie and .t» Ills!i- The JUv J. O. Watt,r-p.e-,d.<t. Ih- paper was listened to witl. much b". il.e codic nom^-r of n emlten preterit. A' the <vmclu«i'n N., MK«th play, d a «el etion of eiin illustrative of paper. A hearit vote of thank, was returned to him. and his offer .,f an -tli. paper wolq tctiv-d with enthusiasm. fcr. Jokk Am» jjimk AssocianoM asp inr Bdtk Don i.i.mrn-e "Jut' ■ f the iiisitint.ii glv. u t v the ft. Join, Ati.l.nnno' As-ociatjon tin's l«*n in- g. i.. <1 lor liie Iiu •> D'd. I'i. P-iveai..i the t on-p 'h.1'I sei vants, und on TnuiMiav t1"II;'t; Z{;Cr"dn:f) in-c rial:>Ltle»,w faof;a"' h ,nI'1nlcL:,( ?.yn S. Wallic, w<-r. ?tnin«J ?t the T.n- by IÑ. Kvan Jones,of Atx r-lare. Tiie etamirirtti. n waa |. ny and ta-archu.g. nn-i. in ndoli!i oft In (\&1'<" ts illcbdpd biida^ing, ariifitial IfIIl.irll.iOCI, at.ii stretch r oii 1. men ap|ie rad t Uiorouglpv undirut tid the work, and gave tiie examirw. g-vii rat sl.icli .n. Another lar*«daasIiest eenfoimeJ. GH.NI, Thkatuk Mr. All. l'hil i;«. wi>o piayt Captain JiwlftstopjHr In fie G'tr.d paof.» in», wines 8"till, liiat In Otir notloe in TuefdayV itsue S,ou;r.b: "e.,hDn was inadenf II", "b-t. nutor, latt Ihe |>raiae was liy n ieukv given te Mr. £ Wit ic insLiwd of ld Mr. Pitilliti*. C'nllwr>ol<wl< CaKaDi-Di). A? r Gym- ?i))t.. ud,oJ H. iio n", W?.M) t?. D. H..? R?' tt?.. ('t't)?') m? uoFon"?. M G" A"nliL' My!t.?t..t <?<n IV Mtodtu yo fbM; M)tj))c''? dielnlog rrun. 6". Foasian Swum vcb CoixMcroae.—A frfwil Mr- l-l.v at Miw. Moritan't, litatioiMt, ricr-btak Etchatae. Agent for biaSiird 8mith. Pl*OI'l>SED tOMMEHCUL T»aVMXJii«' A-oocta- TIO* run Wiiu .KS MoKHut-nuo IKs.- A 1DeL-u,,« for the PMHH..I tun 01 U,k olijrct will he liel.1 at Put. Hotel, OtrdtR. Saturday. Jaouar) 2Elli, It's, at Seven p.m. All wtio aie Ihlr¡"' an: earnestly k altend. ?MM tUN" Oi p-Huni'y for 14 riayt Only. 6.000 V..lour: <.f 1' 10"" bated al tb unnreue- lenied disc -unt of 4d.I" Ute (billing. Maudanl Uookt. l i'ttion, Rewaol |to*i, Pt -.iii* Hooks, Ac. Iu*pw-ilon -rill, Csut ic Wi". r Oveic a'S and CJoitiing: must, be < tea red at Much Below Omt.— &mw) Bf<? U<.))?m) CIAbk. OR M.r.uø.f8CMÇ HtJUNtfK.'t r.twnt?"ti)<.? ami J???Otry E*t*b- tlsbineiit. Z ..I.d 3. r.ute-t. ,n.e,Cardiff.—Privlle Øo t? FWgi,.C. K- .bli.l. IVA. ?)r?<M<  Lo?t,ow.-A??ikaw's IloTfcu M 'Uvtt.DFokw mr<tM?. W.< MttttU.fQt'tM.-ttMtr.otn Bf?tf? am! At I "ndanO" .'mm Je. per Da, Vwy OMivenleiit for ButineM nr Fh:A8U!(>. L68$s Hst-smieiso — A Pioft.,bls And )m?<«iMt Cur- suit.—Wtlllani r.r, Onjltnate.1 .¡wort. 4,. Oatl.ais. Cardiff, «n(.|rfi.-• <??n?<(?,tne«t O'.6w takesthe Management of Mii-ea.aitd litiriKit uanao rur 'Uc>n and 'Ift" i'?M. A Cam>.— Mr. Bert Harris, Portrait Painter, 23 I)unifr>s-tilsoe. Cardiff. FotiTBALt.—New Rulee now ready; price, 3d posta^r, ld.—May he obiaiiieii «t Mesars. DabM Own, and < o. 91225 Oni DoiratK. OfBcB s-ntwrr, is a. ii, noted fm (soup Hot and Cold Lnnebeons, W ines. Ac.. Ac. i £ M«( AN A RUSTIC Oriilicate of tlic Bmith Wales Art Society tnd I'k<"lelll". Clnli, prtntr.) and iilbrh.oo1 tijr Most Uanirl Owen and 00 <Liraiw-d), ""Miff. i. mrmt arUath-spiaaineM I Art Prndiitg yet itsueii from tile prut ill frjutli Wale* KMimates for An ?" Uttgf?by gi- appllellon aim Scikktihc FfvpaorsTrrv.—Cora'ive F. eoti icitj —KowSaod Ilouvlil<in.—.s, eciaily Ftralvsi. Neiatio Rh-m.ti. -ud Uyspc;«i». ?*t b? b-I atrane e)w'ro-*apour tatm and .1..crm.&< B<¡d .CvIII. ek?.L??&pVLKvU?. J1574k;:?

N [-IWPORT. Fuuu au. orraaec ArpiLAitANm on Ttiorsrisy 0.. rcliool b ard election «fl quite a one-lKni butinese, and it. will surprise many if the poll, lC be declared this (Friday) aftemoon, is anything like to heavy as at foi-mei elections. An impar- tial uriHc-k- r C;:D sctrcely escape troin tlw oonvic- i i it, t at the selol board and all its was at Newport are very low in tiie estimation of tint aveM|;e ratepayer.—Weal hai fine and tm. Xew 'fx"II¡¡.-)!lf18 .¡""r.vlCVII Wahd AKn W. II, Vravo* in F.r, M, X." I(,.mct.t .1. Friday. d? ti I L, I*d t?. 'M?w. ?..?PLn.?M?!?t. <)<?< FOOTk&u. Xc?f?rt r. Cafdiff. f Newport J.uary 2%b.- It, -,d C.d M.?d: Udk.? SHspi-nce Gei i^maii, o ShU¡\nc, Ptow at A?i.?i.i- to Qronu«1, »i _I, Kkk-off, rem o'clock. FooTSAlL-Kew Rt. now -<If; prioP, N,; postage, .d.— M*y befbtainnl «f luesan. VtlaI81 Owen MidC Oardiff 6188b Av ARnntc tiie i &^itl Walet Aft .1 Skttciking 0. printM md lithoi;i-at>bM by Mmri. DanM 0.- ?M* Co i < ). c.Utr. U 11,? .-t MtMk P..i-1 Art FnMU't< "et i.,wJ fntm Uw mn in Sotitb W. ?t,=;! 44is 1, et atKi Lithography giveti on | appliOHtiou. t r,i

 SWANSEA. CossinrBABL* imtksgst it displayed by Uk public in the prosecution commenct d at the polieft- ()o)urt yesterday for forcing ant uttering a docu- ment purporting 13 b" a "I&-t wil' and testamrB' A Cardiff i wytf out eifrustoi by the rubtic Prosecutor with tiie prosecution, tnd tiie ftctt which lie eti.ied be wot ilbic losur-part inevidenoe are sndkaeritjy startling. Tliat there sh»ald be a contpimcy nmongst three m- n (upon tiieir owe edtnission; to get bold of a dead man's proper!y tlat one should supply another with oopi.sof his signature to) ¡>nrti. on, and ilmt » "0011" omi", should artuaUy tie afterwards agteed on tion the paittii a, to the propeny ara allegations eeriras enougt to demand \l1é! roost can-tut ttxjtir;. TW .Ide"da.,t- ate repiesenied br IIr. GIa.-c"lilMl..h. is sure to do all tliat can be done on titeir belutlf Tite I. atne.' judpe, in lien ling litis case, stated tlia .1.1 foigeiv sa^mrd to he ea'ciuive'y praciieei in Mai s." It is to Ve hfipr- d th-refore, forth r-Mit of Wales, t 11..1 iliis clier-ge. for one, may b. ■ii«(.r."ived.—Weitltcr fine anti mild. MtUTtar I.XStdlNSTIOK—Mr. E. UO Iqnh it" third em of Ca; tain O iquhoun, t-d.<ft1L'!IlIb. imongR tlir s- who lisve rut c- ssfully pa>«<sl i) pre'imii arj- S in^tiurst Mili ary G 11-ge cx*n :11" t on. Tliis -<So, uv.e Mew s. J F ienkim. and Oswald Knrth. An Autistic I'sonceriOK.—The Cntifi" (,f t 1. fW.tith Wale, tit Voeiety and Sketching Cot. pi 11-- arid litltogranhed Meters. DanM Oven and C" Linatt.Ù). Cardiff, is "lie R,t.-t mniUic .¡.ci_en Art Ptfhliu. n. í.( frowi I? I- tu boutli W" t-^tln^ite. f.H- Ait ri iiittiig and gi, application. I¡'¡ Sl)r"oll TfRKtsH Baths. tt. Rel-nV-r > d M.«.?..<M ?t.t)?J.un? Coirtrwi v tt d., :70.k!y PBi tiW\*iD HOTri. AraN. FTRt1"T. "• tmaso Ie*lsm —Hr.1ui*t C"h..r£l"8. fte d "'0f\ØI and It¡,kf. with or l.ali.ta.Ul. ada% W. H. Prusl,fr«Hi**rtwr. Wr»vLs. S'.mtK linos.' ^rbio, IS. HejiUih. iJ- slieit, br.ii'Si, ?.. t> .en don.. g .r.?'MM t».l davs. W< (:.61'1. Stvdio. High ulrre', will lie O¡1fIn "II I(.,n. fit.o (t(.J(. Prior. MtM ,.I %k liest in ilie !*nii»i[*ln> Football.—N«w Kuiee n- rvady pi ice 3d. (sKtsge, J — May i-~ i.ed ,1 at-. L)-ij -.nJ Co. kl,.i d,? .C.'aiff. 84?z

MllrrHYR. Au u roar is being made :10 eeciuv eome iw, proven* nl In the M'b, r aide appmadi to Aber- canaid B, i IV. As it exist* at present the approeel it one >.f 1.1.. quxrisl qwia. A. of the engineer*! art to be found in 1"We range of tlw 4 ntir4 universe. N t only is it an infamoue abortion, Im It 18 II eoarce of 4.1'. The de»igner anc tilt locil be. have been reviled without meatun on scexmnt "r its hideous daf.wm ti, but. after ..U ilie fault Ï8 ea. to croumatancea owr which the) I tad no control. 11m hrtdg" waa oldWed to bi built aa it stead* ct D It c- nsituc'ed at all, be- cause term* could not 1* ananged with lbe Plymouth Company 80 18all#?W @l a I per itu iwft f*<?. but h t* ff'v?Uy <n b. "?,.d Um the negotiation* now pending will have a msn satisfactory i utcotue.—Weather fine, though dull.

ABKROARK. a?? r AvmoK, at It. OwiitltliliW, tOtHtf? *a OMW*kf "A U"d-Y. <<<«"y Wtt M< Btt.'S' <* E'?''??<5T!?*??' '?< <t tiyiHnr O.I t?tttt?? ? mMmh tuMlfc tuts ata t? <X<t< ? Knae^^e-

BRYKMA.WK. Sr. Dar —Tb. aswsai .8

XOOUHlA«nOAL IKTSUUMROa Ma. bw 1 4 1 -t- l- um-= 6,?m

BUCttY lORT. II rusarut1011-Mr, Janm L. M. N,&iflgwn. of Pembt ey House, and a member ot u. 'wn fM'"y. pmmwd tn LA.Wwy CtayM- I" few da-- W a baDd- -f &,W- m<Mtt« ?)M, 6?. o-simsc 4 lagno, dxlin, paten, end cradewre fttta explain OeKiy,«f ffsaoes, lai aleo gtven a are for the cwrtody ef tbe plete.

YCTWVl.WrriPHANV. I TO TlIII KOITOB 01' T«R HK-TkHM MAIL." Kin, -('nn >n IJi vaii s Ch"h"')' lel'er sh >wa th' S/</I, ¡,. ,he 'e 01"" Epiphnn\ i.nol ?') ha1 f"<lly fU||i sot It Wal), ",y mnru than P.Iii caatHs i. u" < f "coca-crow," a m. re Infeient-al ilidne i n br C"¡'k phihlufji te from ih» asc«iUiii 'd sense of itA We'sh dei i vat i't t'il? b th original lenn. pi i kitly weii-knon i. cue* in <•<•ie'iisiie-il Lit" 1 new fin invse-f driven to cr-ive an-I fear— unc>nseioniit I- share of wur space '0 ciiti-is<-t'n- lifeiilly iiniounting ,i 1111 T* gr ..d "Ihn"er ,( M. \S"?"?f!?'y!Bjt.'<)? evn if I CA I byavy »urds of ,?in. natdiallv en'tghten M V'nv"'d d lkt a-s, I hope I be ?bl,, by y< ur illduJNICf!. tn open thp m es <it some of T< nr UM.iets t, the true va ue of bis and similar thenries. 1 believe 1 am the person referred t,, by rll' Fiem-h e. r;r;j nndent (hv t'etivincyjfuyn fivm tltllt) indiil g itig i. ,It, uencral mania of :i.'t.e'dl(:I: hn m: .:i r:: incteiml anc's 018 euros f, ('"rd, 8bd ue as muih Wrlsh at C'oiintbian tn aaa WS8 gold —ee, perhaps I CIIn ell" myself B iiisli In more than "lie sense !) "10 look into e"ic 1.0guac,?s f..r tlw origin of their wor<1e." It an, 1 can only reply to hhn in the words of one of his c*uutty greatest 1'°.18:- 11 "«I4I, d, mm II', .U fa eonservsts "fOI) And if I aid thus on my way to Uanwell orC -ln.y H'lieh, Hire, or Cliaienton, I tuny at leaet cou- gratulat* myself that I sm goinjf there in ih* rspuiable company of one tnd all of the greet Celtic philologist* of &16 ahote feet I hope I bare bitl,er\lJ ¡,My ttie.) to sit. Bur, ah! I wig-, I cf.u d but think th;t,t waa "t lite fe-t nt Gaidnt, le-Vi. or Arboitdt Jubain.ille tliat II. Vignnn had 1 I .-bib-I hi- |trlncipls* of Celtic, or, indeed, r { nr Oi i\.11nr,!¡(!¡; I';r't;¡' I ter?s from their I'r"f_lffC'haira would he some. what different. f.& from Uot of M. Vigwmls I !)M'tuM iByourco)utMM. Hot It Is high we Iook him wrk?usly; 'rt us dn n, by ?ll M..s. And fliet I will dral with his"mixf-d (very much mixed!) Ariao"ptdluk^y. "Pmcul, O! pr-cui eete, piof&ui and ye, 0 esoteric mortals 1 be Hli nt white the oraelK apeak* I N..w know ye* (aaltii the prophet, may 1* n-ry to remind your ""d" hoW. f,"?l (rom 'he (rimy mcs,-b?m 0( 8-& ML the pellurid air of Delphi or D ,41. I) "tliM tiie lalin rtert (to etainl) begot itmr II. b. ip)t M"ny <<<? tx?t MUm b?"t &*v" estfwta b?f" a"k. ov blot Mmb fin atuiidird Fieorh ?<'?. pmnouoced ty I 20,000.000 Frenchman M?xt?t or TM. at Uti., yMr )nt''U?'" "d?m Wt re»am- ber, (* not ev- enti?.1-49 58 feN" 1nI& m' ef?t. ttmtt? and *?' M "The U't ? OHttm' 8P <?M. ?tt? h* t? "I. c- tt?trt W)tHMM. *< C" ghlop W. 6,0. a &,&mow In IM-0 ou a*$* .11 J?." Mm t? (do a"$ k pM) t? ? <?)t. 8M Vignnn'a linenlMiot in the dotail they c!Ø5rv, (1.) 1 btVi* always been in tiie habit of regard- ing a knowledge of ttie faetitiat our etnrve and atar are purely Teutonic worde (rrpresented in Ge,m.. by ????. and #t"- Mtp??ve 1}, ? pai t c{ 'he f?n'on ptf?.e?y of evry edueat y? i%litl,. m.n "ho p?e-et?st M?Xtrine of Getmati On i referring tn a ?n?rd book by <me of Ole g,;?tept ,(  Kngli b h'M gists and tfhoitt. P,.f?w-r W.W. ke", of Cunliti'igeiflndl was righ'. In his C"nd- Ktyinologtcal Rngtish Dicti-.tmry" (Second Oxford, 18651 At.t is deduced fi m an old loun gterre (ct. Dureh tier), and in turn from A.I.Sxo" t«Mv<. TI,. Old Hi?h I Gennun i-" gi,en _"rD, and ths Gothic M  (the PfanJinuviM and mo? f. rms all nm;)nr)y pr_r\'e the "). There will <t? hetuu).dU?L*Untf<?< for an older stemla. ?'tt-k?t tórÅ. the G,ak «?)-, and the Hret?n I ?f'M tuisuttti?e from «?: Wd.I, ?, term h.?M regululv I,,t the A,rn t I.b t?. ??)c. M?f. Il'arn, and other w udsl, TtM whole family I, tt?r.. dedui-ed fiom ? K?< It" "to ?<r)n)[?.K w ('r L,tt i.i "to B'Md." Iu MotStK?t. ?ivf< M 4(«,MdinEnf;M?t' -usi,, as Iud d nnv English t.ub?c FC'?oj.?y i't.b:t ::rh) should tLi,?. A" for ?t nt we," that is dedu?d f-om A.S. t??M (in Dutch ,-d Old E'g)i? «?M). ? die," in (j< r«.an stfrbtn. (2.) The now is Skeat ,ers- Vignon; nd I -k tl,e 7t. <f your valuable i,. "tfrt tf?M. CXtrKM'" But I "'V"U" y.t ¡ ..¡:til: t: .to. IIB"d I w)u!d &RLin .ok your IDt,.lIiet rwdera. '))< Loin ?<r< solemnly set to woik and beget" (all M. Vtgnnn maintairis It did, with as much as Umujfh be bad been t,e,- annnllv present At tlia operation) a word 1;11.. Siar," which is lndisrutabtv aho-n hy the allied form. of it inotht-r Ar%&Fi toguea lo have r«it'»J in the parent-tpet-ch apnken II.ou.n,la of ye.,r, «K" t y thec-smnion ancestors of Hindus, G, eek., Latins, Celts, and Teutons before any, of the respective tongues of th- se n il ion* had spl)atal oil off intn a distinct entity? Bow, again, I would •e't n j}y ask, (-t,u Idtfie "111111,10" gt^rhave bar-n derived f). m t't U iti ttart (metand). All wnld.. C'onw tlf IIS as hn.n.woid1 not lie pait of (Ire priii al bone ard no-rrow of nur ,nOcIS(:! Dt1t if tl.e Paaina of ihe fifth or aixih rentnii^s I, d wanted 1 n borrow frotn lAt1n a WMJ for".o ar it would have hten derive! tt?i?ht frMB th L'x in word therefor, <'?/a; if O.e Kngli-h ;i: t!rd ('r, I-a:, Itkn II:ne Knn"h, tb." ?outd have b-d ?ec,,use to sm" form of enloile or eslovtlli. Tiie idea tint (lUI ancestors lit any period of tiieir liistoiv hnvi- dihb"ia ely ("me-.I their common vernacular woid for ilit- stai.4 tfitjy saw (even in our climaie • yen frw mill's from en exuic Lii n wont nien'i.j; "tosUrd" is renliy quite tooaheurd— t.ot Ie, nnvh dy, t ut for m. ot ua. (3.) M. VinnonV ffrJy J< -mtuce p))it .tc?-ttn. not in posit in udvqu.itely to (iitj.i^ A'asl our hi¡:h"cch',la8Iic LI "'t.lorr, 8" Ut ir .m i¡lut nbe t'> "üdu a D;er.s Romance Dicti nary, t aunot even (At least to my kno*- I..d,) s| oil Ii horn. Kkeat; end for thu U,t,or I 11;1' !:« I t i "'ninn er, 'ninn i-r, 'ntntrer on t'ie ltd 'igh II. Id" to ttie oompara-ivs civilis.ti- n of tt-e wi ds nf C« m 11"lInol b; ck. ion f—a pwce "f liisinteresu^ exeiiion ior wlnih llrut the much- abus' 11 "Dll p-iticnt MOl ieii, his iiiuch-i.s-aolt n^ M Vt;non, bad ytur ctl,c-r l.t tuU |y«d<-r* (Iheir ntitiiit must, bo legion) wilt t, tJ- qu lU Iv «i iteful to mp. To piocee.) —Kl. ella I', 1 h:Jit ve. Sp'.liisl: (or a efnr," and, fu .ubt I k').?.)t may be Catalan nnd Prf?.'nst'.tO): i- ",ay 6? LapWae (roe t"'eralh, but if iL does not -ilr in the -ld L-Ve d* uU (of hi,,I, luodt m íi:r1 Fr. i cii and the ;;is ("kC"I:r:. .);.? fr'Xt X :n)antt? 'n French Fimder Ct1M b' M. Vi«non, are nit dllll-cw), (Asa h", in deriving (ftouel/r, fftdile (through rttrdle) from (itrtiln, i- perfo-iniiij: II fen anil g"us to tiie derivation f the Yorkshire tlialocl fioin the D. voi shire, Ot f tie- lar^U'ige of Iium« (t. jit tiiatoi Goldsiuitn. If »•>. is it renl' y nrc-s- .r> In ). nnt out nt this ¡i,,¡( of lhy th.1 ,he various Romance lalJxuI: nn i dialei-te B ;-ok -n over sti much of I'.uio: e wir • euek r-rtned itjrjtrneenlly on and I mm life lingua liemema rnst<t« -Iu("prt":¡d from L-itium ovn I ? Wis'.ein hlllf i f the EttpircV No d -libt there were muny Joc-il vurictie: of it ovei uh, vast extent 01 ccuntty. M. Vinnon opens his fhilological l-ctuie exctitutjra wirli a .olcinn I. ktow y" i," as tJouClt lie we c an 0: ade on the aut ject. H .» far lie is M»title1 to, l"k ih.-I.T. Hiitiifj,ity <>n &r,y euhjc-ct connected wit II lb ..1, inentarr pbi:o ogy of tny Aryan language, I have atK V-J i n Jravouied to at lOW. I can proceed to demnnatri.te tha> his claims to tp. k as a p,,r--tv Celtic I hil"I"L:j¡,t uttd ethnchgist nest on no wo, e a, li.il1 '■ '««-i*. lIut this, my dear sir, if the limits of yotirnt d j t ur reudi r,' juiiienreat d our avail- ibie spsce ate not si ike nverpas^-d by uiy inl,r- dina'e scribbling. I tiust to loc t.ble too do in another Jett, I ill M. Vv.- I "tn, kf, I ii tn, & KGKRTO^i fUILLIMOKE. I| Llundjvery, J n. 16.