o' FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE SITUATION AT SIJAKIN. I RENEWAL OF THE NIGHT ATTACKS. C.. D.\lLY TKLEORAFH" TFLEOFtA-d.3 I t-UAKIN, WEDNESDAY (7.0., p.m.). PCl tho ftrst lituo since the Buttlo of Gemeisa the reb- ls have resumed their former systematic tliglit attacks. About one this morning a party of Dervishes ciuiis witl,io a taw hundred y.irds or Zeruba No. 1, which is in front of fori Sbuata. The night was « bright moonlight one, and fire Shots wuio fired, which went whistling over the goreba, now hfild by a company () £ the 9th Sou- danese, who replied with II Xotilonfeldt, The enemy thereupon retired. At eight o'clock ",w, a rebel patrol, which his fceen Cm*i- g cksor and closer day by day to our lines, c-inii up in lirger numbers than usual from iQantl ,ub, Fouritcii Lo! SeWCD, nine cami-linen, and some foot were scan creep ) to within 600 yards from our p'.cket, but tin- .>u*h and the undulating Iround makes it illll s.blo to Ray how many of tiie foe were buliiml lle advancing party. Hough I: is know n ihvre were moro of the Mihdists near. One body of four rebel footmen got as close as aCO yards to our patrol. The rebels opened a Blimp iifl«-tiru upon the tiyvti-All c ivalry, whose turn it wus for picket llu'y.l .jor B b, who e')JI}lv.mtJ". directed his men to dismount and reply by volleys. This th»y cid in a very creditable way. A Mounted Infuu- try purol cauie out and assisted also by firing Volleys, wllilit Fort Haodoub sent one shell Amongst the group of the enemy, who afterwards gradually fell uack. To-day no deserters have come in, and no cattle, but metsergers luve arrived from the Etkoweit liibeewith lep^ita to the procjamation of Governor :nith. After the usual compliments they 5:\Y that its the Crovemmcut haa an army, arms, and money, and ii very rich, while thpy arj pt or, they are surprised the Government d d not tike Dan ioub at ooce, thus giving peice to the country, which the proclama- tion iuvite3, and whi"h ig ..1$0 anxiously wished fJr by the tribes, 10 former times the Govern- ment gave thelD arms, auiiii-jultioii, und food with I which to euable them to protect themselves and their country. l" RECTEB's TKLkOHAM.J [ SUAK'N, 1'horsday. A tic'ashrnent of flus-ars whiJ" reconnoitring to-day encountered a patrolling patty of the enemy, which was stronger than usual. After an exchange of glints tie enemy retired. Tiie Hussirs managed to cipiure two of them. It is Xfported that Oj :n ,u Di;:nll will bd re-placed by a local Aoiarar sheikii. A ta'ivo messenger, who was d^pitchod by the E^yp'iin authorities at b'uikiu to gather Information in to the state of aSVirs lit Khs. toum, has leturu d, having made tlie j urney f" ni Khirtoum in 24 day*. He JvV-Ttji tlwt Lupton Pasha diod in captivity on the 8;h of May last. Nothing definito was known at Khartoum concerning Emin Pasha. 11L simply reported that tho Equatorial Provinces had Surrendered. All the European pisonets t Khartoum are we'1. N EW-i rilOM KHARTOUM. I [FROM OCR rORSKSFOJtDKSiT.J t-UAKIX. THOBSDAT. if Tha Intelligence Department have received im- portant itiiormation from tlii) Ceiitral Soudan. Souie time ago mesenl{PU were despatched to with the object of obtaining trust- Worthy news. Otit) if tikeph men has just returned, tnv¡u been 2\ ùar3 on the re urn journey. lie brings a letter from an Europeau- presumably one of the captive.. in Khartoum-to tin effect that Luptoa Vey died on the •h of May list year. In regard to the n«ws communicited to General Grenfell by Ostein Digoa, the messenger states that when he was in Khartoum reports were current that the Kquatorlaj frovinc-fs had surrendered to the Mahdi's force, but mthnig seemed t,) bo known respecting the fat,) of Emin Pasha personally. When the mea- lefi Kiiartoum, on C hiUtmss Day, Slaten il.'y and tho other European captives were in fairly good lie,iltli. There is little to record herein Suikia. The tribei continue fiiendly. Cattle are rllt in daily, and the enemy remains quiet at "andoub.

THE QUEEN'S VISIT TO I BIARRITZ. ('' KECTgK'a" TULKOBAM.] I oAN &EJMSTIAN. WjDNgsOAY. A lltal newspaper ta!ea that the French client hasordtred four troncliida to escort Onsen Victoria to Hinriitx. The journal a^.da Ibai the Queen will also visit San Sebastian in company with the Emprejs Fred rick, and that Qu. •en Chri «iin»t escorted by a Spanish rquadroa, ( WiU subdcqutntly visit lier Mujeaty at Biairitt. ¡

LATER NEWS OF STANLEY. TlPPOO TIB REFUSES TO JOIN HIM. A letter in the Paris Temps, dated Uanna (moaib of tho Ci nso), 14th Decemuer, gives some few par- ticulars beyond those mentioned In Mr. Stanley's letter published yesterday. It appears that Mr. Stanley had started oo his jiurney.and thatTippoo Tib had declined 10 accompany him:— "Acourier has arrive, I from the upper river *»ith import mt news of b anley. On tlie 17th of August lie rejoini d IiIm reiu-j;uiird at Urenia, where they had rem ined since M.ijor liartlelot's deatli. ^Cecru iij t, a Ie t'r soot hv him to Tippoo Tib at the Fulls, he suc- ceeded in joining Kmin and Ca-ati, not at ^ad< tai, but at another place on the Albert Lake. lle found tnofe gentlemen in good health, and **it'i provisions In alJundallc,not. 18 than 10,000 head of c ,t, Ie. It .vuld, llietelore, b', mi ic c>riecc to sny tint Stanley was succoured, And not rl,at its fucouured ilieui. S'anley gives no intiii-mation about his maicii. He reports only thr"6 clt ni i s amoug tlie n.ittves. Tiie Europeans m • a" ar ive I wil«:y. limiR'diateJy oa arriving »t Un>nu Si.inhy sent a messenger to Tipp<)o Tib, infuriniiig hitu of his return, and asking wlie'lier b "ould accompany Ilim, for if fo he must lose M lime, at lie c uld wait only till the 27th of Augus, the dale when he expecied to siart. l it, replied at once, refusing to accompany S tlli-y, junt ns he l a I refuewd a few weeks pre- Tl01Oiicc'"lll'ttn>' J '"u s n, who i Hered h? -»7>cw,000 ,to make the j umei wunhiui.  Hhmuf.e- d .n h? )?(.er toTippM Tib, ft kionia 'II iho :7.h, again proceeding bY 'I,, Ali,?,, L..?. t ikiny .?ti? hIm "II hw peopl", and, in t..d?!oo.l00 porters mors thn the 400 "up,.? by 'n?po? tih )? Jun. son. As usual with "'M,S!t.,ii,)?vMyt.i.'gt.Jt<td<.t')i?.A«h<!My< is u?t iiii? returt) eig)iiy,-two Accutdn?io?hat he WNle at thcf.tih, the route "?rf?iy?{,n,t,,?,p?.,t,,?,t,???,?? Ht?)?ew?)i?anju.t'tnt?<n(ivu)-t.j??,? tio iafor'nati in nb iul his outward j"uro> T'? tl?-kd, if ilit, ut" i, as 1'. a at?s, t?-t pte< Btedhim from gi,i,?g ne?s to his [em- ^'b'eli renutined more limn a year without <ouw.t:i: ?h?t h?d U?c. <a.. of him."

N AUnow ESCAPE OF A THAIN. K The twelve o clock train from Downpatrick to r"c?.,CountY?.wn,on-rhut.dty),td* veryn.trow?.ap? h?u. Idul ??.ctteU. A.the nt?nt.?tru'tn???tfntapt.eju'e driver n"ticad fcubs?ucno.n !h. hue ?<ietp<uttt.? kl?OW-? Cut. I]. applied "Mb.<te,dbMU) to a standstill, tp<,n ex;,w'nath>o ?'*<?ttrucHott proved to be the d-??? ot ? pan of & b?undMy <?t which mn* f" ue lide of the embankment, and which MQ iaiii»u bodily on to the permaoent way. The hour, and the train PtOceed4d 10 itii dstiuai ion.

COLUSION OFF DOVER. STEAMSHIP SUNK. I LOSS OF LIFE. r lpstly on Thursday morning the FrtDOa itsamer JJSljiano, or Havre, from London, after landing a Pilut at Dover, rsn Into the British steamer IIIQIU" which shortly afterwards soull The tw*r»'io»m(a!iied damage to her bow, and wea Won lull of water forward. Oue of the crew of wnmus was d'owned. The remainder were > \ak.D on board the French steamer, which PTO- I:ttded to Dunkeruue, her captain refusing to allow o the survivors to bo brought ashore by a Dover I Ik"107, which was near at the Unie.

I'mhii CocM II abeolutely Part. It << .?"?Mtt.??t.u «tb, ?tMtth-«M«MM pttMM<t«   na?< "I,v"c. ««;ir .U.t'n*d. ana 0( <«*< C5iu«e! £ wluuru^a Imakfast WYFLTY S°mpvvk».—Aethroa aû BMaehtiM <M I I -J- -u. wI\, MtttO?'M?

MAX O'RELL IN AMERICA. HIS IMPRESSIONS OF OUR Y ANKFE BIUiTHUliN. Veni, v'ili, scripsi. Max O'Kell lias made a six months' visit to the United StAws, aod the inevi- table Volume ùf impressions is about to follow. Tins time tiie gentul ot itic of ljational iiinijii- rs l'i. giveu a foretaste of his book in mi article contributed by him to this month's i'urunt. It must be ctinfessod that the artcle does not exhibit the writer's u*ud liveliness—a fact which may, no doubt, bo accounted for on tho supposi- tion that he is keeping his best things for tho book. One witticism, however, is worth quoting. Keferring to the 1 iw-necked ball-dresses Worn by ladies when receiving afternoon callers, Max O'Kell says:—" It in not only the' bud,' as she is cailt,d, w?w is in fuil warp,tictt, it se tile Loui's mamma, or aunt, or ootil, in looking at whoso bare necks 1 have often been inclined to exclaim 'Ladies, throw a veil over the past 11 THIN MES AND FLUMP WOMKN. That which struck me most in America, from first to last (writes Max O'Kell), is ilia total ab- sence of stupid-looking f.?ce?. All .?e not hand- some, bu, .11 are intelligent a i beaming wÜh activity. In my opinion it is in this that Ameri. can beauty mainly consists. In the large cities of the East the first thing which caught my atiention was ihe thinness of the men and the plumpness of toe women. This seemed 10 hint that the former lived iu a furnace of activity and the latter in cotton wool. This impression soon deepened into a conviction. Ttio more I saw of these large cities and the brilliancy, wit, and refinement of society in them, the plainer it became to me that, if America had thus early ivalied the older nations of Europe in alt the elegancies of fashionable life, It was because of it4 treatment of woman, ft seemed to me that her lot was as -or to being perfection as "0 earthly lot could be. A respect amounting to reverence is shown for her, and it appears to be the chif ailll of her protectors to surround her with luxury and m ike her pitth through life a sunny UIl, So far as adding 10 her mental and physical grace goes, this plan of making tvoty woman an uncrowned queen 11,.8 answered completely. Seeing her high posit ioo, she has set herself at work "'1 fill it becomingly, and it is the cultivation ot America's daughters, it is their charming indepen- dence and a consciousness of their power, that make them so attractive and render American society so d.-lightlul to the stranger. In their treatment of women the Americans might give more than one lesson to the men of the 0." World even to the Frenchman, who, in the matter of politeness, lives a good deal, I urn afraid, on the reputation of his ancestors. The respect for woman iu America seemed to me to be perfectly disintere-tad, purely Platonic. In France ibis respect almo-t always boldr on gallantry. A Frenchman will alw .ys stand back to let a woman pass, but he will geneially profit by the occasion to take a good look at her. THH COUBlNATIOM OF SACKED AND TEOFANK. I Is thmo (as!<s th" writer) anything more bublinie than tha ""y in which the American cn combine sucri!(i and the profane ? Whr. he is a greater adept at it th." John Bull. On hoard the sieauier we had a paity 01 Americano who passed seven days 01 the voyage ill pl aying poker. Tin* smoking-room rang from morning tonight with the oaths that they uttered every time that they threw a card on the table. They were so fluent with them lint they hardly used the same twice In au hour. Their stock seemed inex- haustible. Oubtiadmy, aftir breakfast, a young lady wit dowlI to the piano and began piaying hy3)114, Whit happened then? Our poker party gathered round me young lady, and for two hours sang psalms and holy tunes to the edifica- tion of the otlier occupants of the saloon. I was dumbfounded. In France w" have men who swear, and &W men who sing hfmn: but I be- )iev« that the Anglo-Saxon McexI'no can furnish men who do both with equal facility and gusto. EDITORIAL • CMPWITION. j Here lias apparently bWn some competition I an?.- No. York edilra to obtain the exclusive pri go of publishing Max O'Rdl'. impressions of the United States. Oatentonriein?eoit.? MtMhed his Victim even b«ore be landed. M?x 0 ReU had just arrived on board the Qermanio in Liverpool, ?hen <M WM h«d<d the Mtowtng tetter from tho editor of a great literary p?pw Tu New York:— Dear Sir,-—Could you, durl the voyage, writ* an Mtto'e for me f I MWM like to pubUth it toon after your MriT*t in the 8t&t@L Subject— yout preconceived notions of America. Our last extract from Max CBell's Jottings on American Society" has reference to the Irlab In Amaim )-- to Contemporary Amt?c? (h? MTt ) seems to me to tw governed by the Irish. icl) =."O to: IfC8Ddf:IaD8,.t;r, Cfo«d< of foreigntM "L4 y<M by year, dock to th< New World to find a livelihood, and wiiioh America gradually UAMI- latal, go West to fell forests and reclaim the land. But the Irish pHoh their tents for the most parti In the large cities, where tbsy congregate together and take up politics. The city of Hew York, which has been auaoeseively ia the idowor of the Dutch, the English, and the Ysakees, is to-day tbe real capital of Ireland. Tiie Koglieb are always wondering why AmeriMoa are all in favour of Dome Bur. for Ireland, and ready to beck up the cause with tbirir dollars. m7. i will tell you. The good AmerMm hop* Not when Ireland Is restored to Um Irish, aUibelriefa will go boese.— rdu Area OOSOO&

I THE PARNELL COM- MISSION. I THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. I I, I CROSS-EXAMINATION OF THE INVINCIBLE. I MR. DAVITT'S POSITION. I [" FBSSS ASSOCIATION TEUtOBAU.1 I I LONDON, Thousdav. The Special Commission, consisting of Sir James Hansen (president), Mr. Justice Day, and Mr Justice Smith, appointed to inquire into the | charges and allegations contained in the Timu i publication, Parnellism and Crime," sat again to.df at the High Courts of J?tice. delanby's cross-examination continued. Patrick Delaney, the convict from Maryborough Invalid Prison, was le-cnlled for further cross- examination. Cross-examined by blr. Reid, Q.C.: You said that you had heard or known of Boyton giving Brady an order as an Invincible? Witness: Yes; it was some time in the middle of- the summer of 1882 at Guinness's-gate on the Quay' He pointed out Mr. Uurkc, chairman of the Prisons Board, passing down the Quay from the railway. He had travelled on the railway with him. Did you ever see floyton belore at any meeting of the Invincibles had qevtr seen the man before, nor have I ever seen him since I was told by Brady who lie was. Did Brady say unything more than that you wero to meet a man numeu Boyton ?-He told nie who h was, and that he was to meet him that morning coming from the King's Bridge Hallway Station, and that he was to point out Mr. Burke, cluiirmaii of tha Prisons' Uoird. You say that Mr. Sharmiu came to you In prison and brought a letter of introduction, saying that he was a Crown Rolicit?,r, nnd that you might pøk witt¡ cOI,tidenc to him?—Yes; I do not know who 6 ge,i tt'. letter. 1 had ob j Li to :eW'lIf,nljv!;¡ ;t'. P:¡$ ao:ttko thai ibis gentleman would not, hBV been let in unless he was a Oovernlllent official. Cross-examined by ltlr, Davitt: Where are you at present located Witness: 1 am sleeping in a prison cell at night. I nui in what is called the first class of prisoners. There is no o- her prisoner working with me. Tbere Is no ono with me except a warder, named Mont- gomery, somet imes. llave you had any conversation with him ?— one whatever it i, strictly prohibited. Toll u:e striitgntforwardly. Has ho spoken to you about l his c',mmii"n-Sov( r; I knewnothiog about thecommis-ion more than theciiild unborn. 1 hard had a letter from my wiie within the last six mouths. Thete was nothing in thllt letter tib, ut the commission. Tlie principal leaders of tho Amnesty League In my days were Feniaus. :.iI', Butt was not a Fenian 10 my knowledge. I thiuk ho was ilu president of llio Horue llule Liaijue. There was nobody allowed in the Mechanics' Institute but members of the Fenian organisation, 1canDot fix the exact (lata of the meeting. It was shortly alter your reloase. You have got a very bio memory for dates.— I have never made a practice of keeping datis. 1 never thought I should to in the position I am in. 1 should think the meeting was about a week alter hir. Carthy's luneiai. What W?S the object of the meeting ?-I cannot sa y. We weie ordered to go there. sa.ou \=:r:I;eI.( iy ttO I\¡[,orted O'Hanlon at the Rjtunda meeting?—You imisted that he blwuld be allowed t? rcad from Ilw a¡Jer. Has that tho extent of the sympathy which I extendel:1 to him P-I ihink s i. Did O'llunlon und his fiieods come to the meeting to break it up ?-Not to my know- ledge. The resolution which ho read was partly against the Land League movement at that time. itness, continuing, said that it did not 8lr,k him whenMr.DiWiit asked the meeting to allow O'llanion to read the resolution that he (Mr, DaviU) was trting to get fair-play for an avowed opponent. He did not, read the proceedings in the Hag of Ireland afterwards, but he knew thittliiii paper was one of tho reputed organs or the Fenian orga- ui5niol1, and that O'Uonovau Koss i, the head of the Feniaas in America, wus one of its correspon- dents. Mr. Davitt here read the i&solution pa-spd fit a meeting on the Sh of Miy, 1880, which wad to the effect that, whilst they were ready to make any sacrifice to give the land to those who culti- vate it. they protested against 1) dece p tiv ;tc ot 1\e'\IShn:5S¡;urcoft\: l'ri80nIS, who Wf" trying to a?duce the pe; pie from the straight road of ¡lid:pende!\oe into the coriupland crooked ways by which parBolII of questionable chaiacter obtaiucd seats ill tho Eng- lish l'arlinm nt. Witness replied that ho could not say whethor thai w.3 the resolution to which he liaa refortel(jr The resolution uaighi he egaiust IIfr. Davitt, but after tbe e,!t,?g those ?, it were not a-siu?t him. He had seen Mr. Davilt with Daniel Curley in Talboi-sireor, Dublin, in 1881, in the latter end of which year witness first heaul 01 the organisa- tion of the Invincitilrs. He knew Tnomas Brennan perfectly well, and the last tituti he saw him was when he was leaving lus (ifr. DaviU's; house In Aiuiens-sireet, Dublin. You are certain about that?—I am. I remem- ber whoie you handed a revolver out of your biraM. Supposing In-psctor Mallen should swrar tint I handed him a revolver iu the Castle yutd afier 1 was anes. i d, would he or you be riht about the revolver 2-1 can't say. 1 cat» only swear to wiiat I saw. I^weirlsaw the revolver iu your hand. Whether you gave it to him, or put it back luto your pocket or noi, I don't know. I suppose you admit thai Junes Carey knew more about the Invincibles than you did?—Yes. He headed them the othcf9 lie duped. You were on" of them, I slIppose-one of his innocent dopes ?—Yes; one uf tie., to my grief. Answering fuither questions, witness said he never saw >ir. Davut ;tc a iy Lmrt Le igue meet- ing excepting ihat at tho 1btundil and one in Phcenix Park, but everyone knew that lie (Mr. luvitt) was one of tho principal leaders of the L iiid League movement. Don't you remember me being attacked at the meeting in tire H tunda for having left the Fenian orgatii-a;ion?—Mever, to my knowledge. You were always upheld. 1 am certain aoout time, no withstanding what the Kemuu papeia may may to the contrary. In 1881 und 1852 ?—Yes. Cioss-examined 1,y Mr. Biggar, witness said that the in question was put to the meeting and carried, and that Mr. Biggar'e action on the platform showed that tie was in favour of the lesolution being read. I WITNESS RE-EXAMINED. I Ke-examined by tlie Aitorney-Geueral: He never saw Egan in Dublin after he went to Paris. The news Ol Ih« cl'-ver way in winch the latter had esc ined was ciicnlateu amongst the members of the Fenian org miaat ion in Dublin. He h id seen Sheridan at Mullen's public-house three or fout limes. Up to 1879 the Fenians had only the sub- scriptions aC the members. Did you ever see much money about in the Feiiiuu body ?—None at all. The "centres hud to plulge ilicir watches to send delegates to America, You spoke of the arrest of :&. nllvilt-wbu was present when he was arrested -Urennuu was there. You spoke of Boyton pointing out 14r. Burke 10 Brady—who was with Brady?—No one but 1111- self. How many meetings of the Fenians wore you at where you saw Kfan?—Two or three. Where did you first see Mr. Davitt?—After his reh a-e—at » recelHioo heldjiy the Fenians at I I-e Mechanics'Institute. Two men, named O'Brien and Chambers, were with Mr. Divitt. Ttiey bad also been released. You said C;irey identified you—where was Iht P —iu Kilntainliani. I was brought from Mountjoy Prison. Until (hen I had not known of flim making I atiy statement. Who is that (shown a phot,,gr,.pli) ?-'I'hat is the gentleman called NI>, 1." Have you ever seen that photograph beIoceP- Never. rCKTHKB CBOS3-EXAMINATION. I CrofS-examiued by Davitt Have you any recollection of seeing me at any meeting at the Mechanics' Institute except one ? Witness; Not to illy knowledge. Was it not a meeting in to the funeral of a released convict named M'Carthy?—No; it was t% Fenian retfbption of you, O'Biien, and Chambers. OTIIFR K>ID8NCK. I Mr. Reginald Digby, agent on the estates of Lord Digby in King and Queen's Counties, Buid that up to 1819 the arrears were very small, lie tenants being well-to-do with exceptions. 1879 was a bad yeir, and Loid Digby gavs reductions of from 10 t,, 20 P, r cenl.,and rents were very fairly paid. 'Ihe Land League agitation began in tha foll.wing yvar, I'd when the time came for paying the Nuvember r. lIt. the tenants declined to paT more than OriHiths's valua'ion; but many p d Po??ratly, and he produced Dumher of letters wriHeobyt.hem.fhowtngthMttWMttttret being Boycotted which prevented them from pay- ing openly. In 1882 renin began to be paid openly agafci, and nice that date ti.. b,.nahs of the lea¡uA had not bean s,ticularly QOlivu, Be fT 1C81 there was no dimculty in II" ting land In Queen's County, but after that date the condition of affairs underwent a total change. When re.Le were id to it ocretly requa4ti nU="Tw::crrt¿> never ba sent dlrec The first time he hard 018 tam land-grabbing" was In 1880 or lBel. A DISCLAlMSB on DSXALY O. Mil. I. 0 GOMNOB, ILl. I Mr. Lockwond, Q C., said that be had received a telegram stating that Mr. John OHianaat, IIP, w". under arrest In Ireland on some charges under the Coeroion or Crimes Act. He denied that he was the Mr. John O'Connor, of Cork," spoken of by the convict Delaney, and was willing to be oon- fionted with Delaney if thsy thought. it necessary, Uo understood that the Attorney-General did not suggest either that Mr. O'Connor, M.P., was the man or that he was not. < The Attorney-Genet*! said he had no instruc- tions one way or the other about It. 'fhe fMeMwt rantMM that he oouid .ot"" DohMy io London for QI,reat 18ø.us of titM? l rt.e AtMraey??M?t MtdttMH If no t= evidence than this was given he should not euggeet that the ladividuel referred to was II" ullor. Mr. Lockrrood observed thstthls was, of course, a very eerious matter for Mr. OVQG=. a The Preeldeot thought the statement by the AUorMy-Owtal wooia suffice. Mt. ittmnw iauu's coiiMronawa I of ine Attorney-Genera) proposed to put in copies of letters to and from Matthew Harris. It had been arranged between Sir a. James and Mr. Lockwood that the copies should be accepted In place of the originals Mr. Arthur O'Connor observed, in the absence ot his leader (Mr. Lockwood), that these lfttters-th. originals of which were taken from Mr. Harris's house by the Govemment--on tlieir return, having no necessity to keep them, Mr. Harris destroyed tliem, and he was not disposed to dispute the accuracy of the culiies. Further than that be (Mr. A. 0 Connor; personally knew nothing. The Attorney-General proceeded to read the copies of the letters referred to. The first was dated December 4, 1877, end was from Divitt to Harris, in which Davitt Stated that Parneil, Lowden, und himself had agreed upon the list of objects the previous night. This was, no doubt, about the use of Power's name. It would meet with opposition in America, but to ignore him on such a representative list would be impos- sible. He (the writer) thought it would be difficult to turn the Lnnd League movement from iis legiti- mate purpose. William O'Brien would do immense scrvice by his letters from the West. The "Strollers" were triumphing sll alone the line. The second letter waa dated January 28,1880, and was from Michael O'Sullivan to Matthew Harris The writer said he was very much afraid be had got into a very narrow-minded set of men, who were honest and earnest enough, but who :t:Jr:ron:w in f?ct. thoueh they :e very flashy, they were of little ?.pa.ity. Egan, Da,itt, and Brennan were assembling by them- selves, and nobody knew what objects they had in view. He was willing to go any length to sup- port the principle of Irish independence in its extremest form, but he was not going to be led by the nose by a little cliijue devoid of Judgmentand capacity. They were without, IIn eye on the past or the future, and he believed the agitation would result in no practical good. The thing was to extend by visiting North and South. If tbey stripped the league of its Shell, they only found' Davitt, Brennan, and Ellan. They should send men fdr- ward who had plenty of ability. "Send Brennan, Davitt, Egan, Boyton, T. D. Sullivan, nnd M'Hugh (barri.ter.t.lnw) to a meeting in the North, where M'Hugh might be understood, though he was no great things." (Laughter.) A letter, dated the 28th of February, 1880, from Michael O'Sullivan to Harris enclosed a cheque for £10. On the 4th of April Mr. Dillon wrote to Harris, agreeing that the state of Mayo required serious consideration. He found, however, that it would take an organiser of great skill and judgment to do any good there, and as yet he bad no such man at his command that he could offer for Miyo. unless Harris thought he could undertake It himself. On July 10,1880, Mr. Michael Davitt wrote from Washington-square, New York, to Harris, con- gratulating him on his splendid letter to "that rag of an Irishman." The letter would render itn- portant service. Perhaps he (Harris) was not aware that John O'Le vrv was there, having come over from Paris to upset his (Davitt's) work. Sw a few 11 gossoons 11 wlic) folloa-ed Rosm, the Nationalists were sensible men, who followed his (the writer's) ideas and Harris's. Rosea was a cowardly ruffian, who had not the couiviga to resent an insult. A lettera Idressed from 15, Park-road, Clapham, London, and under- stood to be written hy a Thomas Mooncy, said "Davitt has lost his head now they liavo made him au M.P." (Laughter,) TUII LETTRBS AFFECTIKO Mil, Pinvrrr I The President said ho had intimated that he should refer to other letters tijau those read by the Attorney-General when the occasion arose, ntmelp. the letters affecting Mr. Parneil. He thought this was a favourable opportunity. The Attorney-General intimated that he would take other documents to-morrow, Mr. Georgo Young, whose father is the owner of estates In Donegal, deposed to tha resignation of his fathers sub-acert and bailiff through fear in the year 1881, to its being impossible to get suc- cessors, and to tenants paying the'r ren:. eecft t)y a.d then asking to be >81 vd with proMMes. The At!omey.General proceeded to quote in'lance of the worin& of the Plan of C.mpaig. from United Ireland, to which Mr. Ruid made formal olijecrititi, atid the argument was proceeding when the court rose. 1Il-

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE GOVAN ELECTION. I Mr. Wilson, theGladstonian candidate for Govan, replying on Thursday to n deputation of Scottish und English workmen, said he was entirely opposed to the system of foreign export bounties, and in the interests of British labour ho would go so far ns to siy that, should the system bo continued Bny i fuither, he would, as the only remedy, meet such unfair competition by mams of counter- vailing duties. The p ldiig takes place to-day (Friday). The candidate* are Sir John Pander (U.) and Mr. Wilson (G,) The vacancy la caused by the death of the lIte member, Sir W. Pharos (C"I. rUE, Ioua 14LICOTIONS. 1885, issa. r?ree. (m 3,677 | Pearce (C? 3,574 3.212 M.jority. M ui.ity JU The electorate numbers 8.998.

"JACK THE RIPPER" J." LLANELLY. A SENSELESS HOAX, Considerable sensation has bten caused in Llaoelly by a letter which has been received by Mrs. Stephens, William-street. The letter is as fellows Jan. 13,1369 Dear sir hare took the pleasure of writing thoao I.-W line. ro vou I mean to D-o a murder In WiUiAtn street JUnelJy on monday or Saturday next about 10-3j(<j4 o clock about the halt moon Please report it to the rapera your truly .1g?!db3- J,?. th* Kipper.* In the left-hand corner is a rough drawing, with the words, u The heart of a wonnn;'

nfiis PROSECUTION OF MR. J. O'CONNOR, M P. Mr. John O'Connor, M.P., was removed from Cion. mel Gaol on Tlmisdny morning under asfrongescort to Tipperary, where he appealed before the Crimes Court. Mr. Bolt in, Crown soliciior, applied for nn ndjournment, on III" ground thit ihe Government nuetaker was not present. Mr. liouike. for delen- dant, protested "sI v this coutsL?' hut tl?e Inur- 'o? ;¡¡( tourteen d'yt, bMt of IÓÕ being accepted.

A MASTER MAItINEiCS CERTIFICATE SUSPENDED. Judgment was given in the Board of Trade inquiry at Middlesbormigh on Thursday afternoon re--pectli> £ the stiandinu or the steamer Lunehurg, of tVest Hartlepool, off Wiesmar on the 261h of I November last. The master, Captain Ganc, was found in default, having navigated the Visset at too great a speed in the fogey weal her prevailing, and his certificate was suspended for six months,

A PRAUD OF THE FIliST WATER. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will be suiprited to learn that theie ia a lady stvling hcr-elf Prince.s Athale* Kteophas, who too making a somewhat precarious living at Newark, New Jersey, by selling amulets and telling fortunes, who claims him as her faflvr. According to her account her motner was the daughter of one of the many wires of a king whosp domain was in the vicinily of Singapore. Her mother was in the suite of an Fast Indian potentate who visited London 101861, when her mother was but sixteen years old and still unmarried. "When the Indian visitors re- turned to their native land," 1,.il1 tlie Princess, 1 was born. Explanations followed, and the matter leaked out that I was the daughter of the Prince of Walest" This lady, who appears to be a fraud of the first water (says thu fall Mall Oazittii, gives audiences in a room coverall with Persian rugs and Rast Indian tapestry. In persons! appearance she is small, below ills average height; her jet Mack hair Is fastened with big pini around her shipuly hea,l. Her features, while not regular, are pretty, and are Set off by II pair of black eyes that are alternately slumbrous nnd sparkling. In herbusinets circular she describes herselt as a sagacious soroereso, panic predictor, and prophetess. As she llnee on to say, "she can be consulted on all affairs of business, love, marriage, lawsuits, speculations, divorce, sickness, &c., ke. describes friends and enemies removes all troubles and ei-trangument*; every hidden mystery revealed," H.H.H. would do well to send at once for hit alleged daughter. Much a woman would be Invaluable In any Household.

GREETING A DEAD HUSBAND. According to an Amerioan exchange, a devoted and eccentric widow lives in Wilmington, Massa- chusetts. Every morning she diives to the elabo- raw tomb of her deceased husband, t..pI gently at the door, <MM) )My, M<y 1 come in P" Silence ttvi"t coMent, she unlocks the door of Uis mau- .nleum, and enteri6 remarking," Good morning, my dear, bow have you passed tha night f Then the i?tptCt* tl? co ,n, puts fresh ?'WtM tMtttd of the preced\n day -s bouquet, and goes off to Boston to carry on her tWobanWG bmtMM— a medical inllhute. 8he also paye a Watchman 91 dally to enter MM tomb SVOr morn- f.,1 d' *ix, **yina. "Good 'JDfo. ,?-in ? Wh4lCk tIT06iiUiMgat <t< he must care- 'U' In pootmegrove.6 dromrkl. a ISK Dr.mUiw, we Va you mt well," MM. saaw keeps her own coma In ? E adjoining bbe boom% ana often lies down In it to see 11 it will M pro- perly, getting herself up for the occasion in a pro geous burial robe of white satin.

I ¿. ektommig? -C08ItblJIt. invigorating =u:==- =.t'r;ii:!tI== YI4. -r.:mf. i»43|jg U* 7u Law*{Aty,yoto.wasforaors  Pamt aim Romiep Iftltk L'anu «r« fas '?ssES?r? -V

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
COUNTY COUNCIL I ELECTIONS. YESTERDAY'S POLLING. 1 GLAMORGANSHIRE. I Theelectionof countycounclllon for Glamorgan- shire took place on Thursday. The council when properly constituted will number 88, but of these 22 will be aldermen, who will be elected by the 68 representatives who were tetumed on Thursday. There were eleven divisions In which the candi- dates were returned unopposed, leaving 37 to be contested. The poll was open from eight o'clock In the morning until eight in the evening, and in some of the districts there was considerable excitement. The deputy returning officers for the electoral divi- sions are Mr B, Orton Gary, toUeitcr. AberdtM. f: f:b:' GHb:I!t¡¡iC:rtÐD. I Mr T. J. Hughes, solicitor, Bridgend. Mr B. 0. artNtht, eoUottor, Bridgend. Mr B. T. D*?d. w[Wror. Br)d<<od. M r:. Btoekwood. MUcttor, Cowbridga. Mr R. H. 0.?. toHct?ot. Bridnd. M James Keinptborne. soliottnr, Neatb Mr Arthur Wald" toOetto?, C?rdttt. Mr Olement Waldron. ""Ù!lter. Li.edff Mr C. B Waldron, solicitor, Cardiff. Mr D. T. Williams, solicitor, Bridgend. Mr T. ff. T. Strick, solicitor, Swansea. Mr iiobcrt Scale, .ullø1tar, Msesteg. Mr D. R. Jones, solicitor, Abergvon. Mr D. K. Lewis, solicitor, Jdrtbyr. Mr John Janin, solicitor, Mertbyr. Mr L, White, solicitor, Merthyr. Mr Kowland Lewis, sollaitor, Merthyr. Mr D. W. Jones, solicitor, Mertbyr. Mr J. W. Lewis, solicitor, Mertbyr. Mr J. O. White, solicitor, Merthyr. Mr John Vaughan, IOlioltar,1ferthyr. Mr William Btkddw. solieltor, Merthyr. Mr H. P. Linton, solicitor, Cardiff. Mr Charles Retimbote, solicitor, Cardiff, Mr W. H, David, solicitor, Neath. MrH. CutJibertson, 101101001'. NaIll, Mr M. A. Jenkins, solicitor, Atieravon. Mr J. W. Morris- soliciior, Cardiff. Mr D. B. Turbervtlle, solicitor, Pontardawe. -Mr J. K. Spkhtt, IOlloltor, Pontypridd. M, E. 0. Hplekett, solicitor, Pontypridd. Mr William Sp ckett, solicitor, Pontypridd. rti rIt. L. Grover, solicitor, Pontypridd. Mr G. B. Haynes, clerk to gnardums, 8wansea. Mr Edward Irlok, solicitor, Swansea. Mr Samuel lii(Ige, solicitor, Pontypridd. Mr :I, '1fl:n;:O;;dd, The re? urning officers for the boroughs of Neath and Aberavon are tbe mayors of those boroughs. The following are the returns which have reached us up to the time of going to press:- m SWANSEA DISTRICT. mere are seven uivieions Of the western part of the county (exclusiveof the Swansea Valley)wbich may be justifiably classed as belonging to the Swansea district, they being rural districts of which Swansea is the very heart and centre. These are Oyet<fmfUth (which includes tbe Mumbl. and several a Ijac-nt Villdgeg), l'endeny and Loughor, Sketty, Tyrdeunau, Gower, Llandilo- Talyboni at;d Llunsmilet. In nil except the last- named (in which Mr. D. DsvieS the well-koown proprietor of the Beaufort Works, is returned unopposed) polling took place on Thursday, The oistrict wns for the mOlt part enveloped in a thick fog hom <)M early morning. Thh considerably impeded th6 p,)Ili?g in d'strieta w?ere the voters geera ;irI:c:.I:et¡; votea. At S?n9cft the atm8pt.ere may be well vdmotep?r: lbed as filthy, and a d?.u,- f04 "?"ot be remembered. The divisions in which the elections caused the greatest interest were undoubtedly those of Ovstermouth, Skattv, Tyriteunaw, and Fenderry. la the two fast named the interest wis chiefly aroused bv tha opposed cindidatures of Sir Hussar Vivian, M.P., and Mr. J. T. D. Uew<!ya r,pecliv"'r. and the poll will pMbabtf be fouud to tin comparatively larger heM than ia oilier d;sttif!s. MI', J. T. D. Llewelyn'e .-up- porters have every confidence that the el most list- prper atleiiipt made to eacluda him from the new council has failid. Sir Husefy Vivian is reported to have had a tonwali u hard tight against Mr. Davies, but i* genera ly supposed to have triumphed. At Oysteruiouth there were (for a wonder) two Conservatives in tlie field against "no Liberal, the Squire of Kilvrough ted &11-. Nicholi Morgan having ns a common antagonist Mr. John Taylor, managing director of the larits grocery concern of that name. There has i been no love lost between these catnbatatte, but it is expected that the great Jooallntluenet of Mr. Morgau (who is chairman of the local board) has stood him in good stead at this election. At Sketty there ara also three candidMtel-two Radicals and olle moderate Conservative. Ma- John Powell has undoubtedly, made the most strenuous efforts to secure support here, and it is possible that, he may havo found a eeat, even againit the undoubted power of hir. Hichard. The list of candidates shows a preponderance of Hadi- cais, and there are, undoubtedly, splits in their camp in every direction. The deouty-returning oliicerH in the seven dittdcts named ure:—Messrs, E. Strick, T. N. T. Strick, and G. B. Haynes. The following were the polling statioiis t- Pensebbt AJrÐ Louason. Mvnvddbach School- room. Treboth Board school!, Gorseinon; National bchooli, Upper Town, ixnighor; Board Schools, Gowerton. Llixdilo Talybost — Hoard School). Pnntardulals; Schoolroom, near Hallway 81."1011, Qnmlnon. exsTTV— Board echools, C.mb.r, Board Hellonl.. Wauniulwydd linard SrhooU, near Sketly Church. LLtysAMLE'r.—Board Selitiols. at Bethel; Board 8<:110011, Cwni Hoitrd Schools, iilrcbgrovc. IrRuxtryaw.—Caenalem Baptist belsoolmra; Board btJoo)s, l'1aIDJd. OYsrKRMouTH.-ij.iard Schools, Castleton; Schoolroom at Uower lUll, Patlimill. Goivkk. Sultwimni at Penclawdd; Bcbo Iroom at ftcynuldltone. It wai hoped that tho polls would be declared some time curing Thimd iy evening, but owing to the distance of noma of the stations from Swansea (such as Heynoldetone, Gower) this was found to k,. The poll is supposed to bn fairly largp, but not fO largn ns midlt Imve been expected at a first election. The results will be declared in the majority of cases at Swansea to-d ty (Friday). MERTHYR TOHN (2,079).-0ne member. I In the Merthvr lval-d there were Ave polling p\a'l:s :-81. David's Schools, Tydfil House School, the Vesvry-room, Giebelaml; Caedraw Board Schools, aud Mr. Hi 0ughlo. 98, Twynyrodin. Public interest centred chiefly upon this, the premier ward, of ?he borough, and tuenuotM <tt!om were mtde by each of the three con?dttM to tiring ev>ry supporter to the poli. The voting was nitlier blow during tlie foieooon, but at two o'clock the collieries stopped to enable the miners to record their suffrages in go>d time, and in tlie afternoon cud IIVllning there was greater bri>kne«a perceptible at. the whole of the stations. All the candidates had carriage*place 1 lit Iltelt dii-pnsal, and they were employed chiefly in bringing up women. One of the carriages used on behalf of Air. David Williams came to smash on the ti amroid. but beyond this there was no incident whatever calling for note. Mr. Jenkins rested his claims principally upon the fact of his being a Radical, und he fought, there- fore, on political lines, but the other two relied entirely upon their personal qualifications. There wits scarcely any aciive excitement shown until awaiting the declaration of the poll. The resutr. was IltU8 IInlJotbtclIll at St. David's Schools by Mr. T. L. White, tija depuy returniny-orficer:— I Mr John Jenkins, brick manufacturer (L) £ 43 Mr Frank James, solicitor (U) M0 Mr David Williams, brewer (Cj 600 X.jrity H ABEKDARE. With the exception of the Town Ward, in which Mr. D. P. Davies was returned unopposed, contests | took pltca in eveiy division ot Hie parish. At Hirwain Sir W. T. Lewi* had as an opponent hir. Kichard Morgan, a Methodist minister and china dealer. Mr. K. H. RbJls. J.P., was compelled to test the Llwydcoed district with Mr. Griffith Georgo, draper, nnd an ex-grocer named T. J. Jones sought, the suffrages of tiieGadlys electors as a rival of Mr. James Lewis, J.P. At Abersman Mr. E. W. Bann, of llin Powell Duffryn Company, was opposed by Mr. T. P. White, gr >cer, and it was believed the issue would result In a very narrow mj"ritv. Throughout tite contest Sir W. T. Lewis, R. H. Rhy?, and Mr. J,me- L. wit b-ld ? MftM of meeting* in their several di,ttid, but the of rneetin l; .berat -n,ll d ates, n-tably Mr. T. J. Jonc? 'ouGht 'hy of the ratepayers in public meet- ing until the eve. of the pioll, when w email band of supporters met in Siloah Chspel. On the sanio evening Mr. James Lewis was escorted home from the Oadiys by a huge procession of voters carrying lighted torchet, tllIl houlrl on the line of route oeiug illu- minated with Candles of various colours and Mme pretty gas designs. Mr, R. or ton Gell acted as deputy-returning ome-e and made every arratigeutfnt necessary to can y out the work. B<H>ths :t1'8 provided nt mnvi-nwat placi-s, and a staff of competent officios placed in ohargit. The roll opened at eight a.m., but during tiio first few hours very faw votM W)i'o ;,f::e.e: Cnmaman. All the candidate. paid frequout vidto to the neighbourhood of the boUthl and w. wll received by their various supporters. Soon after eight o'clock all the ballot boxes were conveyed to Aberdsre Town-hall, where an efficient staff of clsrks were 10 attendance tu count the papers. The results are as follow: member. Mr David Pilee Davies, J.P. (L) Onoppoeed. Abraham (t?<6).—0ne m_ber. Mr Thomas Phmp White, g oet < t, ) ?m Mr tc:øa:l\ l:ïi;t I: Majority eg Gadiys (1,824).—One m.mbor. Mr J. £ e»ts. Pbrndale, ootllwy proprietor .fin 901 Mr Tboe. J. Jones, Forn"io, re groesr,. i (l) wy Majority IU HtMfMX (9M).—One m<mbtr. Si I W. T. Lwi.7Ab.=minin ago <M B? Kleliord Morgan, Absrdore, OaMaMM M<tbo<<ttt*!MttertaJATbBttd*M. atbtHhNo )!t<tttt<f.?.(B W & Uwriw*D (6J8).—<3i»» ngMaber. SS j Majority tnMwiMwn.wiHwiiwM* W I DOWMM. POW'9 Isom tbmp "I" of P<*?? ?*- (?tt)M?Bt?)?B??'??<M'?'*?tt.epMtd ?t?t??aA. tnNX* htpt ap ?Mt 'I' greater bri M«m bad b«« 400sebod. In Ca"ft Mr. a. UnfoW* madidate, had thing* p*uy mwh hh olm way (Mm the'SM All per" 0(oodiaw&Mnghihiolvdq the reoflf «aMw<?UMDowh)< IM c c),. Lo" at O'?o.rM? J&. SK?. J?. Ow bftpodat UbMi a;ii" w" "room* MM  ?N)<C)ttetttttt,M<.t)thet?<<M3a imelait eftfw""Nn"msw *¡æ' elu.W"u7'a Um, m« the Mah %Meb jTSGf t? thtt???Mthjh? B !tStM?M&th MM<<t, ?3S&?? hit Division a most determined contest took place between Mr. Thomas Jenkins (Couxervativo) and Mr. David Jones (Olsdstoniaa). Every possible effort was put torward to bring voters to tile POll. aad the most lystsmaUc organisation on both sldsewaaput Intoplay. Feeling ran very bigb in this division. Crowds of young people sang the election songs of Mr. Fritchara Morgan, with the substitution of "Pritchard MartinM Jlnkinl" for the name of the M.P. Tbt poll was I declared about eleven o'clock, as follows t— Dowlais |1,073).—One member. Mr T. Janklim farmer and contraetor 469 Mr Davtd Jones, tailor and draper 441 88 Caoabbis (UOU.-One member. Mr B, P. MartllI. manager Dowlais Works.(0) 763 Mr I. Lewis, Dowlais, grocer and auctioneer (t) Ul Majority AD SBLLTVAKoe C7Tl).-one member. Mr G-ilym.Tam.?, Uthyr, soteltat. (L) 418 wr ywm" Jom, Dowlab, NNW .?.. (L) Ut Majority 155 PONTYPRIDD (1,353).-01)8 member. This town was full of excitement, it being the centre for the Town Division, Grain and Treforeet, and the Rural Ward. In the Town Ward, where the excitement was greatest, the supporters of Mr. W. Morgan (L) wore favours, and there was a good dsal of cheering for Mr. Lenox (I), but up to the closing of the poll everytw <M companti"eI, quiet. The noa was dectttea M foUnw*:— IIr W, K. lIorpn. IIOUc(tGr .(L) eoø Mr W. H. Morgan, solieltor (L) 603 ?3ir L 0. x. J.P Majority 118 I Large crowds paraded the afreets of Pontypridd carrying torches and there were some processions, headed by bands, until a late hour at night; but beyond singing, hooting. and indnlgbig in rough fun, there was nothing to reoord. Mr. Walter MorPA WM escorted around the town from his residence by a torchlight procession, headed by a drum and fife b?nd. Mr. MeM?o delivered a brief 'ddreM. Mr. jMMt RobIn.. the victorious candidate in the Gnttf Ward, aim addressed :the multitude from the window of Post-office-clumbers. • PEXTRE AND YSTRAD (2 £ 61/.— I Two members. The great centre for this district is Pentre, where the voting for the whole of the Ystradyfodwg Local Board district takes plaoe, embracing seven divisions, in two of which, however (Fern- daleand Ynyshir) there wss no contest. The utmost quietude prevailed all day, and the polling waa steady, but without great excitement anywhere. The colliere io the neighbourhood of Tetrad left work aliortly after one pm, in order to proceed to vote, and the polling became somewhat livelier alter that. The poll Wat declared as follows AI,W.J.?kin..T?-ky minfug.ngli 1,118 MrB. Morris. Pentre. schoolmaster (L) UJee Kr D. gsus, Ytt?d. mining engineer (L) 7K Mtjertt? 18 MAESTEG (1,308),-0118 Member. On Thursday < proper electioneering spirit possessed most of the iuhsbitants of tlli. place, The valley re-echoed with shouts and electioneer- ing songs, and there was a plentiful display of bunting. There were three polling bootlu4 vis. i- At the Town-hall, the Local Board-room, and Old Salerft Schoolroom. Dr. Daviee's committee- rooms were in Church-street, and Mr. David Grey's committee-robins in Birch Villas. Most of Die electors polled earlv. In Llangynwyd Higher, out nf about 340 electors all but 92 bad recorded their votes soon after mid- day. Dr. iiaviee had a uiosteutiiuiiastic recep- tion in the Upper Qatnlet, and also at the other polling booth*. Mr. David Grey visited the central polling,booth,anrlwas loudly cheered. Intheetreets the red colour (Dr. Davles's) predominated. There were, however, a good number of elsctors who did not wear distinguishing badges. Up to the lime of forwarding our parcel there was no violence of any sort, and no one was under the influence of drink. The result was declared about midnight, as follows:- De John Davies, Bryn Uynv) .(M Iú David Grey, t in-plate manufactunor .(L) w'. 163 ABERAVOX (904),-One member. The contest in this division was very severe, both candidates being popular and men of position in the town. Alderman John Dsvid was the re- turning officer, and was nbly assisted by the town- clerk (Mr. M. Tennaut). Alderman Bichard Jenkins is a Glsdstooian and Home Ruler, and Councillor J. M. Smith an Independent. Much excitement prevailed at the declaration of the poll. Mr Blchard Jenkins, tln-platemanutaeturcr (L) 401 Mr John Morgan Smith, pmvision ow- enanc (I) I Majority 63 NEATH. I Great excitement prettied throughout Ux day, tho <)Mp)ay of feeling on all <Me< becoming very mnked after ni&btfall, when the working classes polled in large numbers. Vehicles were used on t:h;.If.tti,o -ndidt-. Up lo four o'clock a much larger number of votes were recorded than is usual at elections. Tbe poll will be declared by the mayor at the Town-luill at one o'clock to- day (Friday). FKNARTH -(I,489).-Twomembm, I Excitement ran high in the Penarth Division, and the result <4 the poll was an eye-opener for the Radicals, who made n;) secret of their conft. dence of securing the two seats. As will be reen by the return, both of the Conservative candidates have been elected, and the announcement was received with general satisfaction. Mr H. 0. ybb", Uxndomh, ctttt engineer (C) 66! =". R. ;O,: g: 4V I Mr Th?. (L) 425 Mr D. T. AkMt.d.r. MnM Fwis (L) 367 Ustjority. tSA I KIBIiOR (1,044).-0118 member. I After the closa of the poll and until about eleven o'clock, when th9 result was made known, a large number of ,11.. supporters of the two candi- dates whiled awaiy the time by singing, &c. On the announcement of the result of the p.1I Mr. Lewis'* friends gave vent to their enthusiasm with loud cheers, and chaired the successful candidate to the cominittee-room. Mr Henry Lewis, rongwynlals, J.P (0) 688 Net D. Evans, Wbitcbunih, Calviuistio Metho- dlst (t) 284 majorily 305 BAKRY AND CADOXTOtf (622).-0118 member. Mr John Cory, merchant (I,) lanppobed. BliIUGCKb (849).-One mmber. Lord Duuiavcn (C) .Unoppettd. CAERPHILLY (1,177).—One member. Mr David Lewis, solicitor (I.) 531 Mr Henry Anthony, gentleman ((,) <06 Majority. 126 COWBRIDGE.—One member. Alderman T. H-es (Mayor) (L) 331 Mr Itees Thomas, liovertoii Pl«oa .1°> 14 Mr Tbarstaii ByMtt, estate agent (C) 240 MaJorIty, II CYFARTHFA (1.643).-One memtier. Mr Wm. T. Cmwsbay, gentleman (D) unppond. OYYMER (1,257).-One member. Mr R. Nsuntoii Davies, Portli, sargeon (L) 738 Mr Thomas Griffiths, colliery agent (1,) ill Majority 474 DINAS POWM<t.OH)-0<MtaMnber. Mr Oliver Henry Jones, bu-rister .i(Cl) l) 443 l .? .7. .?. ? 443 Me William J.nki no, Immer 271 HajorllY. ITa PBHHHALB (1,131).—One member. Mr Fred Davis, colliery proprietor (L) Unopposed, GAHW VALLEY (W).-Ofte member. Dr E. T. Parry, Poutycymmer (L) Unoppoeed. LLaN DAFF (908).-0118 member. Mr R. Firrest, 8t. Pagan's, land agent (C) 448 Xq witus-A Bvaus, gtooer (L) SSI Majority 191 LLANTRISANT (1,392).—One member. Mr J. Blaudy Jenkins, gentleman 609 Mr J. Lewis. Ty'nycymmer Hall, genUeman(C) 444 If¡¡Jority 166 IXAHTWIT VARDUB (IS).-Otis member. Mr K. Bdwards, Xreharrls, stone merohaM.IL> 367 IIrlabn Bvani, tlaw 114 Majority H MABSAM (IJOD.-OOS member. Mr Arthur P. VlvUn, J.P., Tallwoh .(I) 118 Mr Llewellyn Howell, Port Talbot, Ua-plate manofacturer .(1.) 377 Majority. "51 MENTHTII VALK member. Mr. BIll, colliery agent, Unoppoeed. 11, D. DiORRIMN (M).-Ons member. Mf De Ditifs OlydMh, Mtt?te .() .=.tYnoppGIIII, rxNTOAtm? c?M).-o'M m?btt. Mr T. P:M.;t:a ..) ON Mr J. Plews, Mertbyr.soheitot (C) S< BI*Wti iF M?or)ty.?.?.?.?. o MTMOUra (l.mi.-Ooe member. Mr H. W. Lewis, Abenanaid,eirlt engineer (0) 8M Mr <. owoRvu*rtbrrkroda2=.(Ti ul Majority 239 POBILOrryjf (990).-0ne member. Bev. Aaron Davies. Oaivlnlsiie Metliodlst .It) 481 Mr J. Mathews, Kbymasy Worts eashier .(C) Ut Majority iff PORM (U«).-Oim seam. Mr I. J. GriStUu, iwmiiw&ntu" 9.b"- M"$Qr .?..?.?.  M <!I .iii¡;¡;¡:ë¡'¡üïâiiiï"iièõi-oSH II s; T. JeM*. oolU., pMtdtKt -3 | Mejarltr IS T nogf(14"O" ol ??3. Uri. Rbmu steel »u> be ■isneser -.—<L) IB S i;.?w!MRSSM?? II Majority 88 1n.lU.n'r;u If KrWX.K"b" Mwm?. I MONMOUTHSHIRE. Dm TbWobdowles of 4| ooaoeUlon (or ?T????tteMot "1i8 ttt??Mt. M UtOM rop-I 00 Mwt M <t<*?wt. '1'118 88* to be It .1 so thM tiM total will rsaah M whea ths osmmU Is 0 Ttt* WtM?ifhtMttet? ??t "'1- 1-. j Kt MfXM. "DII1'. i&F.W.BM?, ?t<?o*?<f. Mf?. U. W04 saiwtor. itt?tttt. =':p::O, ooork Kw 1IOII'Ia, Mr J. A, SbWar4. edwitw. The following an ths returns which [ham tuaw us up to the time of going to prw NEWPORT. I Nswport was muoh more astir on Thursday in the beautiful clear sunshine overOoontyOouncil matters then the former quietude seemed to warrant. People at last screwed their interest up to Aickft point and went to tbe poll wilob oon- tidsrabls fervour. Some few vehicles were lent for the purpose of bringing up the laggards, mostly oil the Conservedw* side. In a!l,i there were eight members to be returned to the council from the borough. Polling was conducted at the following plaoesTemple-efreet; the OddfeUowe'-hidl, Herbert-street; the Catholic Schools, High-street; the Drill-hall, Caroline-street; the Town-bell, Dock-street frout; the Carn exchange; Caxton- place, St. Woollos-roed, the Albert-liall, and Mrs. uwelkin's carriage works, Clarence-place. Voting began at eight o'clock in the morning, and con- tinued till eight p.m. The mayor (Mr. B. Faulkner), having become a candidate in one of the divielons of the fouth Ward, was incapacitated to act ae returning officer, and Alderman 8. Batehelor was appointed to that office <a his stead. On. etdereMe feeling W" imported into the «<ht in some dlsl*ts, notably. at ?!)), In the d"ivisi? on where Mr. G. Hoskins and Mr. M. Mordey were the ftodidet?w Blue favours were wom by m&Dy =o worked on :O: side; <h* *Wpm 01 drivers were similarly adorned, and dop were decorated with the coloun of tbair owners. Nomw WAav.-Ne. 3 Diftriet (634).-One member. Mr M. Wheeler. roured tradesman .(Lt 888 Mr t-Corder. grocer and provision merohant (I) Bl4 majogity ft Afos. 1.2, and 4 DutrieU (1.166).—Two member*. MrR. 0. Galium, timber merohant ™XC ) 611 Mr H. J. Parneil, oora miller and merchant (L) 606 Xr J. Moses, merohant and shipbroker 461 "¡orn, 6 loOT. WABB.-ATe. 6 DiMrict (679)—One member. iir H.Brown,aaent 4L> 374 Mr H. Faulkner, ehemlst and druggist.u..(l) 208 Majority 187 N,. 5 Dt«t?< eS).-OM momtw. Mr O. Hoeklns, colliery prop^rietor. JO) 400 Mt M. ttetdey.tMpbuuStt.?.? M kwority 17 CBSTkAr. Wabp.—Aiss. 7 and 8 DittrieU (SM).-OSS Bimber. Mr D. A. Vaughan. Iaurchant (L) ST8 Mr J. Bandear, plumber (0) 806 31.30rity "m NOI. II aJUl10 Di#rieú (711).-008 M•• r O. H. Llewellyn, solicitor ( £ ,) MO Mr 0. C. thtUtpt, manuUeturer (0) 821 UaJOIity. 59 East Wabo (633).-One member. Mr T. Goidiworthy, oontraotor (L) 348 Mr J. W.Jones, trou merchant, Malpes .(0) 242 Majority. 107 ABEB3YCHAS. SOtTTHBRJT (1,112).—One member. Mr W. L. Pmtt, pontnewynydd, gentleman (L) U-pp-d. BKDwKLLTY (1,100).—One member. Mr N. PM)Upt. Ntw Tttd?ftr. eoUiery mtMgef .(t.) 423 M, J. D nJ BI&ciri i (LI) m MrT.t?omt..NtwlrMtttM.tuni«eptf .(L) N U.Jority 20 BLAKKAVOX, BAST (1_).-001 member. Mr W. Edwards, provision merebant (L) CTuoppueed. BLAENAVON WKST (8%)-Oue member. Mr R. W. Kenowd. Blaeuavon House, (O) 6S4 Her J. Oeprge, Pontbir, Baptist minister .(L) 182 W"jodt" 478 CaBBLBON (!.OM).—One member. Mr H. Partitt, Pontnewydd, builder and con- u-Mt«r I. (M t? Mf t. J. JWiiUWii.'M?F it, [Awer, g.?t. (1) = Majorlty. 130 CHBPSTOW (811).-0118 member. Mr H. Clay, Pieroefteld Parle (O Unopposed. CHBISTCHU BCH—UuKii (468).—One member. Mr A. Brans, LlaDglbby, bairister. (C) 262 Mr T. Parry, Oaerleon, auctioneer .(0) 123 Majority 128 CHRISTCHURCH.-IlusAm (IXI).-Ono member. Mr D. B. Bvans, Liswerrv, solicitor .(L) 447 Mr J. Biadon, Maindee, geutiemao (0) 886 M4.,Ity 161 EBBW VALS KoBTaaax (SIOI.-ODs member. Mr J. E6,ri.. P-1.1- merchant (L) 470 JenMnt. c<?e?.???.tu 281 Majority 189 BBBW VALB—Cbxtksx (968).—One member. Mr H. Grove. Newport, accountant .(1.) 606 Mr C. a. Holland, general manager (I) 3tO Najorlt). 1B6 BBBW V.U,B-80UTa&R.{9J2),ne member. Mr B. Phillips, provision inarctiant (L) WJ Mr W.H. Powell, Bbbw Vale Work. inauatjer .I. Majority N)7 LLANVAIB (5N).-Oue member. Mr A. D. Berringtou, Aber^venuy, gentleman (c) LLANFBECHFA UPPER (476).-011. member. Mr D, Thomas. Upt>tr Cwmbran, farmer andgrooer(L) Unopposed. MONMOUTH DISTRICT. Jane member. Xr. Croniptun Boberw, Monmouth (C) .Unopposed. SASTYGLO (1,046).—One member. Mr E. MorgAii, gentleman (L) UnolpftM. NKWOHDBCH (473).-One member. Mr W. E. C. Carre, J.P., tttouCourt(Oi Unoppoeed. SEWBKlDCiE (1,549).—One member. Mr G, Jonee, Atieraarn, draper and pro- vislou merchant (L) Unopposed. (1,057),-0". member. Mr O. Jones, Pontymolle, mereliaut (L) 436 Mr BuUer, GdMthatoown, steel manufac- 4.» turer (I) 3G8 U-J-dty fI1 POHTLLANFHAITH (1.1).-o. member. Mr M. W. Moggridite, Blackwood (L) .Unoppoeed, POSTS POOL (I,343).-00e member. Mr W. Oouway. Ponthir, tin-plate mauo. facturer (L) 627 Mr A. A. Williams, Maesderwen, estate sgent .(1) 410 majority (IT BAG LAB (443).-0- member. ur a. O. Bosanquet, Monmouth (0) Unoppoeed. BHYMNBY (l,446).-Oue member. Dr. T. B. Bedwood (L) 618 Mr H. V. Tramp, manager of the Abymnev Ironworks .(0) 674 Msjorlty 1M KtS?A (1.1m-one membr. Mr J. B 'b'11a..tymistw. corn ad to., merchant.(IA 876 MtJ. WtUf??e?pott.<e!!t? pfOptrttMf? m Majority 888 ROG]TRSTONB (6W).-One awmber. Mr B. Steer, lwpu, Maus&" aud duw tet(t) .?.Ueeppottd. 8IUBOWY D)VMION (1,08).-00. Mr B. Phillips, provision merebant .(Ll 670 It J. T. Jet&tM. Tredegar, brewer (1) 270 Majority 100 BtBNfKmt (46!) .-CM member. Kc J. A. Wt.. Tb. Htu?< .(0) 318 Mr B. Aborpeiguy, t.,=.r (0) 31 MrJ. Davfis, Abergarenn> (armer 4L) 41 U406ty 8If ST. MBLLON'8 (I=).-Oa member. Lord Tredegar, Tredegar Park (0) Onoppoeed. 2IBDBGAB.—lows WARP (l,Oil).-One member. IS. Williams, draper .(L) Mt r W. H. Wt?hm*. b-tel proprietor. (1) tM Ibjorlty. 343 VBBDGftAU, Gioaerrows Dtrmoa (811),- Oa. miinbur Mr W. Thomas, obeekweigtwr (Ueboer).Oneppeeed. TBKLLBOK (Ub).-Gia pioutbw. TIae Duke of Beaufort (0) Un-ppsoo& USE (1i691.-Gae memb-r. Oolenel P. U'Domwi (O) Unopposed.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I WEDNESDAY'S POLLING. I PliMBROKESHIKE. "SMU (3*)-O-o mmbsr. Mr. 8, H. Owen, Marbervb, aolloiter (0) !M Mr. k Pb'llipe, Melleetoo, tsrmer (f M 1f.trI. MNtUY ttan-One amber. Mr. U. LU..if:f.?. Cn$Wiy. 161 MfBMS'T??'<?'W*r4?J'Jt?? ? CAKSMS(Ul). owtwr. Mr 1!,I, ?_—?-?M M< BttMf.t.T?ttt.OMM<ttt)tt<.)*? Msjortty « CLIDft (111).-0. ??'M??SSS=r??. JlÑldtr- MOW* C" ?'jS?SSS?S? Ka^estty 1i tOBSSSSSSSk j Majejtty-.— W ?isS??!? ?{—?;?-?, t 1Gft1. mm JII t. ii. MriDijiffiTNyB^AInRCT8MiL?8 TlM Ml NW Or fS filfbrmiiM lBSMitTFa m Jl L'Ma M m 1 h n in 11L i>USw I. Kr.o.œæ 1IIw IIr.W.š VMVBMM (414)^-Otae mieatsr. ,I_n..0:> 18 !bj.B.B<MMt.t?.3?wyM?tf?.??tC{ W "» M. DOMmUM ("0. Kr.Y, Handra, Urmar lt> Mrm.?%tNS?3?J')ttSi<<<!M) ?S &* Majority 6 IBRBLL-6 Ptf-.Om wamw. .0, B. Viaken8aa.l.r..I!n Ks*.I??'J'P" "a a U.Jeft 888 STBTWWN 0").-0" _W, M„ rJ. T. Fisher. Harertoedweet, gentlemen (C) 166 Mr I, ø- I«wsr (L) 86 Majority. 71 ISHBY (672).—Two .? tM Mr. Blehards.J.P sw X'jf'?'-??!?'?'* ——< sm Mr. f-eob. JP. PembK*^ (0) Mt Sr' ?J. • A. Jenkins, Tenby, auoUodatr ™„(L) In Mr. M WALWTb'8 CABTLB (288).—One member. Mr. W.BoweUWalatn.Utela Haven .(184, 150 Captain Goldwyer, little Harea XC) ID n DENBIGHSHIRE. I The votes for the 40 electoral divisions of Ðea. bighshire were oounted en Thursday at the Town- bell, Llangollen, and the numbers were declared 08 Thursday evening. Seventeen eaadidat81 were = unoppoeed and the oontests ia the remaining 23 divisions were unosuslly beD and exciting. The results for the entire oounty aw ss IOU&W e)td««o Ian'Liberal* m ==.=::= I Conservatives H Liberal majority 14 1 ftteen aldemen wUt be elected at the first 1I mwdag of the newlpfon*4 amety Gonma. 

LONDON. I The raults of the poIIlq Ie some of the divisions sending members to the London County Omafii were declared on Thursday night. In the Walworth Division Messrs. Msrslsnd end Saunders, Liberals, were returned, obtaining a total majority of 1,802 over the Conservative can- didatee; Mr. QAWJ4,6 Socialist, polled 100. In Hammersmith Meson. Cramp and Artar, Conservatlvee, polled 106 then the total number of votes received by tbree other candi- dates. In tbe Tower Raml*W Knom 81 end MM. tineau, Liberals, bad a majority of OonMtTtU?«. In Weet Soothwark Messrs. Haggis end Rhodes, Liberals, obtained 978 vote* more titan two Con- servatives and one Independent combined. In Bermoodsey Meter*. Cooper and Thornton, Liberals, received a majority of 1,838 own two Conservatives and on Independent. In North C*mberweH Me?'t. SMM<; Md Chap- man, Libor%14 beat two Counml. with a majority of 688. In Peckham a Liberal majority of 1.112. secured by Messrs. Jones and Lyon over two Con- servatives and one Independent. In Buw and Bromley Mr. H. Hunter, Goriestea- tive, headed the poll, snd Miss Gobden, Liberal, was the other sueceeeful cendiowte. A Liberal and a Conservative were a long way behind. In Rotberhitho Messrs. Gomm end Stevens, Liberals, were successful with a majority of 1.461 over two Conservatives. In West Newin«ron Messrs. Bo! t oind Hopkins, Liberals, polled 566 awm thou two Conservatives and an Independent. In Chelsea Messrs. OIbome aod MneuI Smith, Liberals, were returned with a majority of 883 over two Conservatives and two Independents. In Mile-end Meeers. Charrington and Hotliagton, Liberals, obtained a majority of S80 over a Conser- vative and an Independent. The results of 26 divietoos eliow a return of 30 Liberal and Radical candidates against 22 Conser- vative, Independent, and nnn-politteal candidates. The result of the elect tons so far has been tbe defeat of the candidates who were members of the Metropolitan Board of Works. In Woolsvtch, how- ever, Colonel Hughes, M.P., who was a member of Vie board. was returned by a Urge majority over the mmnd candidate.

I CONSERVATISM AT CARDIFF. I MEETING IN THE CANTON WARD. I ADDRESS BY MR. MEREDYTH. A meeting of the Cantoh Ward Conservative Association was held at the parieh-romm MWA- road. on Thursday evening, when JIr, C. Jonee presided, and on the platform were Mr. W. a. Meredrth, Mr. George David, sod Mr. Veall. Mr. 1, H. Brain w« e)?Md cbdrumm4 1. W. Bill and B. Upbam vico-jwram, Mr. C& W. Melhuiah secretary, and Mr. Bellett trsaeurer. The following oommittses were eppointedCanton: Itov. Vincent Saules, Meesrs. T. Lamb, Oeone Strong, F. Book, A. W. Hill, J. B. Plews, J. GJIL E, C. Chittingden, Madley. Hallett, 0. Brsdshaw, E. D. Robinson, and F. Hybart. Gtangatown; lite liev. R. Gibbings, D.D., Messrs. E. 8ouurse, J. Day- born, Charles Jamea, Hugh lioyd, W. Brown, IL Heliier, Philiis, PeterOrofta, William Child, William Hesdford, W. E. Psnn, and O. Spread. Mr. W. B. Mkbkdttk delivered lID address, in which Ite nUuded to the apathy ebown by the middle classes in the Conservative cause in Cardiff. Frf?ure abouid be brought to bear upon tboo, and unless they took itwir proper position the working dees must have leader* of their own. M. ox DLvm M'd 'Amt U the middle md upper c1.- c .u)d be ?Vtaittd t?M ttft? he bad no fear for tiie Conservative cause ia Cardiff. (Applause.) Some of the resident landowner* did not do tlieir duty. but from the large ieadowners of the neighboorl&.A the association received tbe greatest possible assistance. Mr. David gave very valuable aovice to those present on Use question of organisstioo. Mr. Mksbpctk then delivered a political address, in the course of which be said the Radioais .46-0 fond of stating that, though the country retarded Unionist majority in 1886, it had ehaaged its opinion since, and would not return a Unionist majority at do nut iwwd olutim In order to -war this awrtion it was oBi BtetMMy to take =be;U-d it :b:U:t u- result up to June lst-le bad not tlie returns of subsequent olmicas--itave the Unionists au increased poll of 200 votes since 1B86. (Applause.) The Oovemmeut, noiwitlistaoding tile obstruction with which they were met laet nesstoo, succeeded in carrying several important toaaeutes, and bad it not been for 1.1:0 tactics of the OppoeiUnn tlie Titlie Rent Bills would have (MEN peseed aDd a gnat deal of ill-feeling which now exiated in tiie Princi(>aiity would have bean removej. Tlie Radicals would hsve the people of this country believe that the Irish members had wddenly changed ad Were desirous of restoring peace and goodwill between ti T British and the Irish peoples. Mr. Arthur (YODnoor. in a speech he delivered ia New Jetser In October, 168T, said:- tn whthtMr war Gt?n Mt4a 't?y be iuvwv :tI:= -n o:.t Mttt rowM c-Wd count UK'm 100.000 In.b &a. to fight under her flag." Did that simm any desire 00 the part of Nr, Arthur OconAor to restore peace and goodwill between Gn-M Britain and liektid P The Unionist cauee -as making pro- gress in Ireland, fiven la- Dublin iteeif, Wtth its Paroellite Corporation—ite Wak-wad k was even more Parallito than that of C&Miif--mughter). there wsa evidence that tlie Uoionist came W" improving day by day and year by year. (Applause) ihe Cuaibmau PROPOSED a vote of thanks to Mr. Meiedytli, and Mr. W. HllX seconded. Mr. A. W. HITX, tn supporting the notion, sug- gested that more ward MEET Inge ehouM beheld. the leaders of the party did not attend tiie meet- Inal all they should, but when an election took pises thsy wanted to tWo the work out of ti-S hands of those who had attsndad to it. rco"). Mr. Vsau. remarked that ttiegr had one 0DnIR- vative town councillor for CASIon-ho suppowtd he was & Cooeervatlve, although lie did not vote as he ought to have vuted the other der- (applause)—but be was not pmssm thst eveoit*, neither was tlieir Conesi raiivs aMerman. Mr. Mbiboisb ssid be bad writtsn to Mr. Draft informing him that tbe MOSTLY was to he held, but had received no reply. The propoettiou was canted with acclamation, and vote of thanks to ths meeting.

I LORD 8 LISBURYV VILLA. I Lord Salisbury, who recsatly purchased an aetata of about 80 acrse at Bisnlisu. nser vide. emache (betwom Sim &ad o ? k ?w buUdLW Villa *bw4. It b (fVfA .) w.ow tMmM< ——?-*t)T. M<mt* t<*txS MMi? io two I -*M a to <<M<? 04 006MON MtMMt? Be NM t)))ttM a :a. "1 of ..Ireet winda" "d &WM of dw voik W" iD Un bmkew?tMtetph?MMt ? t?Hthbt ??eMw* MW*. The whole pmestrwUt be iadad«diatiie POM Tbs wb=we 1= so 0 go,? eve to lie" O,t m dw to dpaup 16m I OM in MMV(eM<ye«tt<tt<Mtt <t'HftM<Ot ttt? '??-

TIIZ RITGUM Aill) BRISTOL I CHANNELS. sonams FOR TMOt OOWMOHOW/ I A "b"" ow me- ad "e!A ammlb* gm be --W-- b do *run w o bw Moesd Nm dbt" Is 1"90"0 lai? Elb. Iridgwettr Be*, pasrtng through tha mm «C wsBsr, Ls«Mn»t» BMBShh ea« Oiw|l ^9 09 SMIMI OlHHHttL IMI wt ?- 01

 OP-Rd-al  l? iC! ???4'W "?' J<*?  <.

CARDIN. TBOMMOUtsids tlie Cf-ntMU for cooatyoonn- ciiionhips that an HOW on, Cardiff h still kamly watching the prugreae OF we tcbt. aadtl>c great eet interest la taken in the reeulta. Being tbe Bret election under the new Act, tMngtdtHMt work so smoothly on organised lines ss do other electoral straggles. To this, doubtJser, is due the etragg ing way is which the returns 8ft made. Those to uand show that the Conservatives havu bald their own to a gratifying degree.—Weather mildsr and more wrisdike. Pnnuon Lbaods (Bawtatiom 302).-la come- cusoce of we ward woobdp of the CoMttVftvt AmocktAos boW Mnt wet?, Ute ordinary swedv ohbo above habitation is postponed until Thurs- day. tbe 24th Inst, wben ttie Ruling Councillor hopes to eee a good muster of members. Wsunou Quoit CUIII.-The following officers have bIoeaeleeled for the coming amwm dent, Mr. T. Levy; vice-president, Mr. B. Palmer; captain, Mr. B. Jauus; vice-captain, Mr. T. Steven*; secretary, Mr. A. Crocker, care of Howell and Ox, Cardiff; treasurer, Mr. E. D. Spi-ncer; committee, Messrs. Oiney, Bosser, Hornby, Heee, Jarvw, Peorhya, and Walters. Hew Damome Kxwnuu Two diinking fountains, which low. beeo preeented to the town of Caroiff by Mr. Alfred Thomas, M.P. are now in course of construction, one in (UWAP-? fronting tbt Am4 Bot4s4 Md the other at (la <md of C4?me. the infirmar y. Both fountains are very :tb? ?Ba LI wUo:= #4d to the attractlveneee of our Streeto. The fountain oppo- aits the Angel Hotel will be fifteen feet high, and baa been cast in iron by Messrs. MFadaao. of Glasgow. There are four drinking cups, aad the streams of water fall into four large tanks, The other fountain, thst asar the infirmary, IE abnoet precisely aimilar. Bach ooeuglOO. PnonsTr Saua.—On Thursday sssshg Mr. & Hern,0T thetfrmof W. and 8. Hem aadCVv, aoctiop- een, Cardiff, offered for public competttlsB, at tha BTJSL B.Iol, a hemkwiwa as Ty,ne sitamed at 177, Nesrport-road. Then wwsa fall sttendsnoe, and tha lot ultimately diaagutf bauds for TLFIST, toe purchaser being Mr. Oeorge Robertson. School ns Daur am Don, Laamasv.—Mr. Melviiie begs to acknowledge vdk waW theake Um fbompt of &I b,, bet fpooeo& of a DN*SM Tournameot" at tiie Orana CAFD, Bute Doebs. "d 4U It from the Cardiff Dmpotsl Omdit Asaodatioo. Gueat BNSDIWT in Winier Overooats and Omtblngs mast be Lqm.4 at 3w* M<? OMt?- aMt?rhM.. o.?<M? OMMttt, et. MM?tM)ta«w BtAtMM Pa. @ad -L. ????-<at.!M?t?B??t?tt??St.e?????-tHMm<???t lor rJedlill' Caumu" PtMMTt IN HsvTtukOm- flee Bleetro-plale ana Oatlery.—Fertdns Bern, snd OO^ 04 ft. K.,y4we6t? aw&ff. Mx5? OMMM —Ttt ?WT but obt8iMd 8t BM OytttfBM.BMhM't*. ttU<Mt<MoMt?M<ttt?tM?< U_uEI'UI8.-A Paw." WW hxmtttt ftt? Mtt.-Wi'ttM. 0<y. CenI8e8W Oathays. CardiB. supplies Bees aad AppUanass, gmda? MM. the Management of tttt? Mt HStEEThttt?tM. he for tnttxeUMt A" A4.. 8s. J ftwdllM Extra. 60886 A CAjw.- Mr. Bert Harris, Portrait Painter, ULI, Dnmtrlss-plaaa. OardiB. Foovs&tA.-Nm Rules now ready; price, 3d. poe.,1d. be oStaiaeS ot Meaers. MD Owen Thm OLD Dotnm, Carunar-entwr, Is still notsd ler Soap. Hot aad Paid tanehsess. Wlam, Bs.. Bs. QM4M Fooraau—Baw Boles new r-q I prtesw SCJ postage. Id.-lle, be tfaaiwd of Kessfe. DIWW Oem sad CT. (Limited 1, OardiS 8086 Ak Aarisric Pnonocnott.—Ths CerttBeatseftba t?thW?tAtt 6<e<<ty<m<))t<tt)tt<tC)<?.tt<Mt< Md )tUt<?M«M by Jimmy. D"ld O? ?" OE. <U_), CM<m !t"MM Art Printing yet Wkoed from tha press in SENSFC Watsa.* JCsUssates for tsebmd aad Utbogmphy 0IM aa appUeaUoa. <me ScutsTmc HroaorATUT.—Cutative BXtMfKy. -.?MowkM B"I Fasalysm, BskMee, M*t<tttMHm. <!t)n??!tt5trM<tMt< tw? Saad ettctfe?p?tt lIMIM.d -1. "'p«. ØIr4Ia. CtIo88W.

NEWPORT. To laviLLv UVNLT is OVttr. tad the battle ie last and won tor Weerport's reprseeatatloa ou tbs oounty council, with aucb resnlts as ars to bs sssu elsewhere in this morning's issus. Ths slsctiau day will bs a measorsbie one to many. Although ut Brat there eeemed to be a good deal of iaiffffstunes in the oootsst, wlien the day of battle uotuafly arrived thete were unmistakable eigne of anima- tion, and it waa felt that the p" --14 be a heavy one all round. In the division of Um Horth Ward. OOIdeIted by Meaers. B. Q, OuSoss (C) and and J. Moeea (L) and H. J. Parnail(L>, Mr.ThMaea Cordea, memtier for tile Mouusuuth Boroughs in Pariisment from 1874 to 1880, came fee tbs (own and reooided his vote.—Tlie wsaihsr Wis beauti- fully fine and genisl.

SWANSEA. Ta. Cotwrr Counol Elbctiow which were taking plaoe in the rural districts around Swansea on Thursday aroused but a flickering flame 01 interest in tlis town. There were ftw means of ascertaining how tie periling was pwasedinc What little intereat there waa irsi fslt tij flusnsns people aa to the fata of Mr. J. T. D. Llaarelyu and 9ir Bueeey V,vi-& remarkably donee rot prevailed daring the whole dily. In the umutog Ufwas difficult to sss serosa even Swansea's narrow etieets.and tbe prospect was about as chssrisss as oouid be imagined. Towaids evening, however, the atmosphere became a little less humid. Swaxsba HoernAi.—Ad abstract of Uo relfi- dent momeal oM.- Mpon to tbe womr, I from Jan.10,1888,to Jan.17,1888;—Indoor netteote: Remained by km Mpon, 9; dmhA" t!oct.M: dioebwged. MMdM? t?'?ed.M; dW4 1; t?- maining, OL Out4oor pausot.: Bagn" bf Ion report, 339; *4mittd tteM. 64; <titctMx?. caM and relieved, 60; dled.O; remaining, 151 Mediral offioem for tlie WEEK Physician. DT. D. A. Davies; surgeon, Mr. H A. Latimar.—Jsmee Kerr. MB, red- dentmedical ffier. Committee who ttes" Bev. Oscar T. Snelling.Col. Morgan, Messrs. William Stone, H. W. Oowhurst, Kdward & Williams, II. M. Grose, snd J. P. Pry. Sunday—Religions sesvioss conducted by Mr. Parneil; during the week-by The liewl Oscar T. SnoBing, Matthews^ Bvaaa, J. Wolfe, and T. Williams. Jan. M, MWL—Jett W. Morris, secretary. N-L-Pnmuto at books, prints, lfowcrt, old linen, or eaUoo, old betlime, and any useful artde will he most thankfully leceived by the matron. VITAL STATISTICS.—Week ending Januarv 12.— Births rexiatered, 49; annual rata par 1400,834.1 Deitlie registered, 33; annual rate pw 1^ 926. —EASN. Uavias Medical Officer ot Health. Mtxftwoon BOM. Adam • srasn, Stbakd, Lokdok.—Bedueed Charges. Bedroom aaS Brselctsst, with meat Supot-oa Tcmtiau Bavn, 8'. HsleuVroad. Swansea.—Swanssa Bathe and laaadry Qempan^JTA.). linoi. Sisuut saw Brvvio, 13, BsatuBeld- etreel, Bwansea, will be open Sarlag Obristseas beli- Uavs. 864 C)tAMMw'< Smmo. Bt<h?tM<t, vW bt Op? aU Cb 110114& Rd& oir Am as svps6 I and ?ott ben In 1M PrMwN"ry. FoorSau-—Mew Hume om ready t price M.; paM.St?, M -M*y b. bt-tu" << Umm 0«m -4 t).. (LA.1 VAN All AUTISTIC PnuDOCtiou.—Tbe OrUfioate of toe South Wales Art Soetaty sad Sfcstctolag Ob*, prtSSad *nd litbogtosiod by Kenn. BM?<0<t« ?< Oa. <Mm)?). t?dtt. & ")t. ?t? en&oIAe" A. rduug vK im"d h- dw 6. tomb wow ftumma tw Aft FCWUM UthagraahF 0.r opptiou-

MEttTHYB. ilL David Davius, at U* Olsbsland, who is a big MAN in N small way, stems to have a ssai ttllois I feculty for CRCAILNG die RNIL U. Bis conduct at tbs Teuipetuaee4iui on ttt occasion OF Mr. Ms Jenkins's meeting, in amis dig by name a reapec- table member of tha audieaoe of fomenting a din- uirbanee, waa groe-ly dieereditah)*, AAD it Is no wonder Uiat a «torm VOWEL and that tiie MURLUI ended IU ebaoa. Mr. Daviesis inmany Mpects averr aiiarp man, but be has aot yet iearot the Ussou of tbe late Parliassentary domim Be was then taught—one would Have inagioed sffsUasBi that hs is no longer ngarUed as ■* Bir Otwcia, to be heard ia saute arquleetenoe. aad uat hia prestige, outside obapel cirulra, has bitsimsluBul- tez-IMAI, If, indeed, it asiaia atalL Bowurs^usbe gains wisdom Of iw|isiieas% ustbaiw be aaag be more sensibly Imyiamsd wttb IM tktM II humility.—Weather

BIODOEKD. Dins or Ma. P. CL DAM-40 OW Obftffiff column to-day (Friday) wiB be fouad tha AssBhM Mr. F. C. DAI%ef atioft 194K at Mm advauOsd go* ot so "am Mr. D" Im n is ku 0 tIt the dlatriot. 2% ftWO 90 ode placs at Mewtou on Mneflsy.

I nkath. ,CiI&w. bMW MOA dW 091 Bftfibgh GgftNft body was diseuvewd in a ueudia t8m CfiaBwee4» Tbsrs Mf'UI 88 TM bsa aome dtmMMSsas :rC.=r' WBBADSM ?d th. )t ??TtS??tY?!)?BSS 89*1* 00 w of 1.?. 2nbo,M- ?tMy??.?A-t?X?nSM.

I cakmabwbn. I of SL I and NTJFAT OHUBAT, aud ars now «|i|i| st CBBBty Cbmtcu.—A UMtelftMpMM <t «K t? MN lal M «H»IL<IHFFI8GG<BI «CMM<?(t?.T ?)MJ?!)??? VW held ON fluMday eveals« at tbe MmP«MhI 't^.tWM.h.W y -B- | £ *1 SS5TU2eeaLTa-^2JS- S .ma-? l2S £ .s £ S8SS^  SS''tN*?L2S?T?&tt!R<B'E?SS'  tweDW4" cmi*m hwe  twm?tww eM'<Ma h?t JrS!?? St ?Mt?S <K?t!e*<Mtee?Mh'? by thaasisaus ,o..8Dd. ('1M tM-tP*I) tt? hw &" t )MtM)t Cmanns" Po? Mt? ttM? Tt?Qn?— Oa.7-4%dd6i Btm asdfu "? Msry Ustsst»Cardl<.

PONTYPBDa CTAMU rsusauisiau "—TiusTs TLW See BtMdmelals aad Osdny^Mlu W gm8 Oa. 63, Bt. tCy^traet, CUrdM.  t«<<tt <tt<  AM Aunsnc H(WEIIHE>IMChMiMMfltt (UID,:t ttt<?X.!«CMS Att MnttM EaUatatas ofr Art PrtaUag and Hbsmugbu tfitBMI &PPNOMJG& w-

WELSH GIRLS AT THS I CARDIFF GRAND THEATRE. The reeœd or tile GnaII o.M. tb8 ti- tb8 pautoo&w <<Met WMM?EE* b" be?Mnt?t bM been OM of tM«? tMMM. but = bas bow an of ini? ?tMttt?whM. thMtMt do 11 1 In of NMWL D"m J.. ..E oar A.L towMotnLafaaaiiucaaraB It was ustel wus LA- tmdooed l.0 me and PwftnoasoL U& ow TB» MpeMMMt M <? t?t << stetssugnuli l Welsh snsirtmo, and ?? '1"1"" andisom at IOM Webb «toL ?t? t? WtM gme at meow& joews &"Dry st so young ladies made their epoeeruueaiu tha PETTM 'cee? &Wmk of owaro% C = <?(te)? «? WD8 Md MtM?)? b?L Thok st thtM?WM?tt?tM-.tM?JEttS? ef*M?..??).?ttM<?dwMn?m?M ?<W?t<att<tMyAMDtwtt«t??WM)t Mr. D..M -R.,L- t?Mt )B? D&ww 9-c b- mu- owsmdm w*mW- ? tageow muds u nistty aud M III" Mm WL= sppeaiud tortbe seooud time M thatsasw wteu & us" proomm" t?M rho% Md bm I" ."80& ?tKwpot?et. !nhMtt?<<?tt<MMt?wB *&ttNMeh?wtMF?.??ttMOM<HmtMt Mp'?'?t?? &A??TS .L i" --A. ???tttet th.tJT.r X tf??C pmtOVUMa

I AERONAUTS DRIVEN TO Ift AMD Movna Tbb D" sirouunt, IL Beat! WAT* MIBAB Utwwp" dMAtH?jMj?Mt o'DOCK ??''?f??? Be vu T J 4dismi it--&i 'o.). ttewt?teMttt«htb?).t!t<?t.?,?t??, -o.t. b. Oft.= bnrd d as hro. It Is tsersA, with sulr ItB ?tN&-tB)y. ?tMt ?*-?JL < <P'W' 11M beassl being piskisd EM by a pasMuafSussM TOTBBMK =:LA""

THE QUBBK AND THE flffimrif II Wrfd8Æe(tII8. S?ga?S?S=-?KN?a&S? TO! -M-P :-ft, L".Z- 6? vamgiom% ? ? SMORPMEN?P- :"Ci: ?FtM? th.TKetMt? t?t?n ,M- k bw M" am MMMT. knowing to #a m" a Id? as ?SM???S'y5??5S without WiDe mordam a?w bee gained in ssdnctive shuatella. flmaaaffi i& 0 dii -m k? im i nI88I 21 1 Is <???M??M?SSH?BS& pt<mat)t)t.tM?.htt<t<<tE)? <CT35tpt& 6s mests oaths banks <4 the Bslau. kwifi ??r- -?? --y, (?j[!ituUjL a< od8øI8II. TM< t?w? oh?? ? Ci <.tMMttU?t?h.<M<?r.tMtittM<?<n? IL At th" time dw M?tt NMttTEttMtt a<otd.e<teM?<??t<M?et«SP<tt?«)tx<)? PeN to fottod one at do od do Tftb Ovidbft With ?MA baboizi bwi to OL CIO84 UbM tba Qom WAO"D to pa k *a. I" to ba haste toast tbs new garment, and la bar insamu- pwmg aoqWi:to-d4E&ad b bw WWP ftd em ?, obi-amow fasteninxtbovwimwr*L 80 8& "4 taw doeftliso -?<<M tt?t?tt w? 1 tTttDX INDcbe4 CNt"" "d to B<? ?tMtt Wo do coul It tMtt??M?.Mt?thMtt?n?B3,)K we sn bs sum, should, w?M<«< I" TMtMtnM V?Ukols=Mmbc -1

MBS. POTTERti NERVOOSNB9B. »ew York, laaasw U, 8ha JRas ..O/xiJ? baU 'MM?t—HM boMOMt bW pK*Mat cb? M aW ?"ato)p?''hM w?- ?<<t t?Mtt of um ?Mtht?tt? «*< ?? t tombovan tk4mt f- go@&* Tbb effit= 88Ù Uw f. 8D mush WbH thtt?th?NtMt?A?.??ttjtSXX <o?eetth<tt? lowigm ba IicatIe8 01 cp .?rs???c smnt f expe? 0-am an iwem?eV* bit pwfonmsam of I Ckvpmw _r"¡gT ft? md D4 of del%% Mm Ibm Oaced tM up 10" tdffis5 3 ?M???w?M?M????ttSSTS wu oM ba bw lmume am kU&^ -Wd by &Mt -I I N imb sko d&U of dectma œ <t< M? the M<?t .onIW4 <ht ?eM?? t?XtWtiB y_ chttM<<? <<f <M<B ?Xt* M??tKH? ?tMB)ttM?«y& *too& ban-agm ??tttMMtMt M?St?tOt dast cww u tortl

A LOVE TRAGEDY. A UW wbkk ba ? MttMtOt t?nttttet? pM SuAstme Iu Puria bytaasM of tM t«r4Un? romembkoft M the'CaamklM 8& tiM. 1M som2w My. who Weise" M* )nM)tt)??M '1_ th88 <tMea<pt<? to emu" rad#i II =dw *'Ot'MAt?" & w«M (MM 't-lAa1l Ghtr?M -em bftut" Amuian lot. >ifola| W" me ? tht bw 0 vebd" 8& V. w<? Mtt <<jr* t?MOtmont? ?mM?ttt?S? 0<M? Bttt t ytat? ell Mt<M?X jtwsdwra^husf^a't^y u> busastfcuay ?< ,)?  t .r: ^M|Ma7b7MtnS^ M 8MB tabflb Am> ::¡ Is eaid to tmeu bud sauaml ■» <M)t<W<eM<t«MK«M)tt.wttt<)XM«t«Mt bw Wft ON as Now* 49 m  aar & .lilt bb tsM «a*a8Btt» WHp ==:e ,}- r'     liiiiiii P. am wa_  't

MASSACRE OF MISSIONARIES. HORRIBLE MUTILATION OF THE BODIES. A GERMAN STATION DESTROYED BY ARABS. LIBERATED SLAVES CARRIED AWAY. The Timet of Thursday, in a stop-press edition' publiahed the following telegram from Zanzibar of Thursday's date:— The German Mission station at Tuga, fifteen miles west of Dar-es-^laam, where a mnjorlty of the slaves captured by the German war-ship Leipzig lust month have been lodged by order of the German Consul-General, was attacked and utterly destroyed by the Arabs on Sunday last. The station, which was entirely without protec- tion, contained, besides the slaves, nine German missionaries, male and femalo. Of the latter one is reported to have escaped, but the other eight are believed to have been massacred. The bodies of two men and of one woman iBwarians) were found barbarously mutilated with knives. All the slaves and the mission eervants were carried away. The extreme facility of re-capture offered to the Arabs by the disposal of the Leipzig's olives doubt- 189 prompted these raids. At Dai-es-Salsam on Friday some of tiyse re-captured by the Arabs wero actually under the guns of a German gun- boat. Large numbers of Washeheri Arabs from Muscat have joined the coast Arabe. The French uiissions,cspecially one near Tuga,are reported to be in imuiineut danger. The Bagamoyo Mission offers a specially tempting bait in tha thousands of helpless refugees who are daily fed by the charity of the priests. The Germans at Baga- moyo or the fleet ate utterly unably to protect or to assist them. The Arabs who are aoir joiniog in slave trade operations on tlie coast are believed to be princi- pally drawn from the neighbourhood of Kilwa Liudi, and, possessing much greater wtalth and in. flueute than Bushiri, they are likely to overshadow hiw, Their action will give the revolt, which would liave long since died out ltad not the reten- tion of Bagamoyo and Daises-Salaam by the Germans kept it alive, a new lease of life and vigour. Thii is specially important to tho lluga- mora Mission, whose whole safety lias hitherto been entirely dependent on Busliiri's goodwill. Scyyid Abdul Azij, tho Sultan of Zanzibar's brother, is reported to liav j left the Petsian Gulf with tho intention of seizing Petnba Island. A profoundly unfavourable sensatioo has been caused in Zanzibar by the receipt of this fresh news of the massacre of Europeans. nEUEPTlO OF THE NEWS ly LONDON. Tlie"Ccntral Jiew-s" say s:—The telegram announc- ing the attack on the mission station at Tuga and the subsequent »:a.s-acie was rend at the general meeting of the Ideal secretaries of tho Church Missionary Society on Thursday, and produced a most painful sensation amor g the delegates who were present from all parts of the kingdom. Much sympathy was expressed with the lUvaiian Mission, whoso representatives were the vhtims of the Arabs' brutality. Tho Church Mission has no miwionarieo in ittei immediate vicinity of Dar-es-S.ilaam, but great is felt 101' tho safety of ilia native converts, ug liest whom the most, vindictive efforts of the slave traders are directed. The secretary of the L'uiversities Mission has received tho following cable messago from Zanzi- bar, dited January 15:—"Magola goods detained l!t- n alleged rea«on Meyer's ransom rOI"in.d ?t Ie?, The exphimtiou (,f this dispat"h is as fol- l's :-80me tune back Dr. Meyer and another German subject were captured by Hushiri, tha chief who commanded the attack ou tho uiUsion station at Tu<<a. It appears that Dr. Meyer and his companion" ere released on promising to pay a iniuniii, the amount of which, it is sta'ed, was £ 1,200. The ransnw has not toep forthcoming, and, consequently, the natives have shown a opposition to lay hold of the property or any white man which may be within their reach, in order to satisfy their demand. The goods leferrt-d to in the dispatch wero stores which were on the way to Alagola for the use of the Universities Mission stations, which lie corth of the Pangaoi Hiver. The news of the latest atrocities on the East Collet has caused a most painful impression in the missiouary world, and in well-informed mis- sionary circles the feeling exists that further reprisals on the part of the slave traders may be expected.

CARDIFF HISTRIONIG SOCIETY. ANNUAL HALL. wbm;m cm CKAW k*bmb -"? Mg?f?h )Md ?? It MtttM???Xt notbinryMCto be '1IJL so ? WO. fbam- 4w n%b^ Wbm do 6& do —?. viA givm &$ Oo ? -T ftssW || dovoc?bodbwed, 1-tim- -?!S p *MMM<Mtth?,t? b?MMt e?tEBnS '?t tM<M)[tot)M eexMUe?tttttt? ?<t tao look wMII. Ioob4 -1 A' us dumb. XCTib. owe um In tbe mb» — r"t ~tTbl TSSllllSll 6nmSl IM <?t ksd am k a ? VWNod as Ibm -1 im <p •Pg*«j»oeot tbs ?SLJZSLXJS?X? DlIr A Ir MM?. M? << "MA *w? ««N? H?obMNt?Mtm. These ware 46 usadesBMUMlk a mmbwi6dii-atto sums Htrsuj to et?ftt* )M? <Mw<t?'A'SMtCS!SS queuing sfcjKI ?'???'y?ct??s'xns -d4 el eoumi wee bum—br U.b.ft M 1=-. d."d