Housing Schemes in J Denbighshire I DR. LLOYD'S ADVICE. I Housing ard town-^planninsc was considere d ,i Housing and town-rb,nnin was ')11. Frid&y at a conference of members of the Den- bighshire County Council, representatives of the urban and rural councils of tho county, county imsura-nc-o committee, and tepreseni-ativ of the. various Labour orfjam-sations, held ,t Chester. Mr. W. G. Dodd (chairman of the Denbighshire County Council) presided. Reports were received from various centies in th" county. I A representative of the Llangollen Rural Coun- cil said since the Llangollen reply was sent in they had had four sites under consideration, and decided before making a purchase to iave ex- pert advice as to which was the most suitable lite. It was proposed to erect 18 to 20 houses in connection with the first scheme. DR. LLOYD AND SANITATION. I Dr. Lloyd (Chirk1 said plans had been c-ent to I the Local Government Board for a housing scheme for Chirk. S 3veral sites had been Ín- spected, but the boot was a piece of land which belonged to the Denbighshire County Council. The County Council had met them in a noble spirit, and offered the land at the agricultural rate. which was £1.430 for sixteen acres. They were hoping to built at least 120 houses in their village. One very important point should be observed in building these new hou6e9 in rural ) districts, and t?at was that very stringent by- laws should be passed that these houses should not be kept in an insanitary state. ?)ne of the greatest faults in a workman's cottage was the j utaircase, underneath which was made the re- ceptacle of such things as old boots, milk, the meat left over from dinner, etc.. and to obviate I this he thought the staircase should be outside I the house and built in a sort of turret. GINGER WANTED AT1 WREXHAM. J ¡ Mr. Sti'uford Wrey-liain) said the Town Coun- j cil had provisionally agreed to purchase land for j the purpose of building 700 houses, -and at least j 10 would be erected M soon as practicable after j obtaining the sanction of the Local Government ] Board to the necessary loans. ¡ Mr, Aston said Wrexham was in very urgent j1 need of houses. Nothing the conference could 11 do to ginger up the Wrexham Town Council j would be lost. The Town Council had played with the question almost as badly as the Rural District Council. I Mr. Stamford: The only thing to ginger I up the Wrexham Town Councikis to get Mr. Aston into that council, but so fat we have not | been able to convinco the electors cf the neces- j eity for it. (Lcud laughter). I At the conclusion of 'the various reports, the I chairman said they were in a better position I than they at the last conference, and they were really getting on in that very important mutter. jj A short address was given by Mr. John Owen < (North Wal as Commissioner for the Board of I: Agriculture), who suggested that rural councils ihouid co-opera.te with the. Small Holdings Com- mittees in the building of houses in rural districts.

Chirk Rural District Council. I The annual meeting of Chirk Rural District Council ( wa held in the Parish Hall, Chirk, on Tuesday. Present: Messrs. G. Rowley, J. Edwards, A. W. Bevan, Richard Edwards, W E. Thomas, S. Rogers, j and R. E. Ellis, with Mr 0 JEL. Bull, clerk, Dr. J. D. Lloyd, medical officer, and Mr. B. Green Davies, sanitary inspector. Jlr Rowley was unanimously jcted chairman, and Mr. Sevan vice-chairman. 'I The Chairman was appointed to represent the Counc1 on the joint isolation hospital committee. ■ iio chairman, vice-chairman, ant Dr. Lioyd were appt;.iited representative to the county housing con- fen-net; he Clerk submitted his c-stiniated expenditure for the ct, rpn- yr. a 2d. rate was levied on the district, tt) S¡"L' so in previous years. An agreement it thv joint isolation hospital was executed Counc'l. The resignation of Mr. Simon Rogers, fuel and light j overseer, vie received in consequence of Mr. Rogers being elected a member oi the Council, and Air. Ed. j Jones, Glyn, wv.s appointed to the vacancy. A -as received from Mr. Rooper, offering to "arty out certain woTk in <•.nn-aect.ou with the Glyn water suppi: aiid his oi. was accepted.—The Clerk 1, was asked to convene a meeting of the parish of j Glyn to discuss the further development of the water suppl.y. Bills amounting to £68 14s. were passed for pay- meat. HOT] SI KG SCHEMES. The' housing schemes fer the district were further j considered., and a Jester was received from tho Den- bighshire County Council, offering to: sale to the Coumcil,' subject to the &mctit, u the Board of Agriculture, a cartain portion of Chirk Green Farm of about 16 acres, fc. X.I. --SO, for the erection of houses for the working classes,—The offer was accepted, and it is intended to builc- over 100 houses on this site. The question of building sites for the parishes of J Glyn Traian and Llansantffraid, Giynceiriog, where new dweiling8 are urgently required, was considered, and a committee consisting of the members of the Council representing thtss parishes, with the medical officer and sanitary inspector, was appointed to select buildings sites and report to the next meeting of the Council. Messrs. Berrington, Son and Watuey, engineers, Wolverhampton, were- appointed engineers to the Council for all hcusing schemes in the district, and j they were instructed to proceed fortawith to report on the schema already submitted to the Council.

BRYMBC. I Wednesday evening, at a* well attended meeting at the Institute, it was decided to form a Public Utility Gocieiv for the purpos- :)f erecting about 100 houses at Penygrtig.. Mr. Boll -3, managing-director of the Steel Works, ws.3 hi ihiiir andl explained the ,emc which had Men. brought forward to provide housing for he steal workers In the first place and for aa many others as possible. The land was olÏeredJ by Sir fhnf) Itobartaou it ;he low price of sixpence per vard. The Brymbo Steel Co were prepared to advance a considerable sum by way of loan to assist j i-b^eheme. A plan of the proposed scheme was ex- ihited showing 108 houses At eight to the acre with a nice playing field for the children in the centre, considerable garden space for each house, and addi- uoriai allotments Oil the outskirts Ci the plot. The whole, when completed, will form a model village, and there was n, difficulty in securing a sufficient number of shareholder*. to give the scheme a good Start. Mi. Boilings was heartily thanked' for hie keen Interest L, the matw"

An ingenious insurance sc!>iiie is being de- vised whereby hotels would hs put in a pos- ition to wake a rebate in their charges to holiday visitors in any week in which more tfeitn two dwye iraja- fell to-oyer 0#02 of an iaeh.

Too Many Lodgers. I WREXHAM MAN'S FLIGHT. I In the course of the hearing of a summou5 for alleged wife desertion at Wrexham, on Monday, the defendant, John Mansiey, said the house was full of lodgers, and as his com- plaints about overcrowding, with its attendant inconveniences and discomforts, were useless, and as his wife also told him he could go J' he did not Hkp it, he went. The defendant further stated that the house had only two bedrooms, and there were nine, if net ten, peopie living there. He was on night work, and when he came home early in the morning lie had to wait until one of the lodgers got up before he could go to bed. He was quite willing to return to his wife if they I could have the house to themselves. I The wife said all the lodgers had gone now except one, and when asked if she would agree to her husband's terms she stipulated that the one should remain. No," said the Mayor. You must get rid I of the lot. The bench consider the cottage is only big enough for you and your husband, and your daughter when she is there. Your husband is a man who works very hard, and he requires a good night's rest, under proper conditions, and he does not appear to have had ) i it. This charge is dismissed, and my advice o I you is to go home and live happily together, and have no lodger. < — I

s Welsh Rsiief Society. I ACCUMULATED UNDS £ 10,804- I A gratifying report of last year's work was presented at md annual meeting of the ?North i ? aies Permanent relief bociety, which took place at tie Churcii liouse, YVrexham, on f Monday, under tne chairmanship of Mr. | oJ allGS Darting ton, 1 At the eicl of 1918 the society had 3,100 members, an increase of 16, but since then ¡ several hundreds more had joined. The revenue amounted to £.3,687 and. the expendi- I ture to £ i,4i0. The accumulated funds I amoanted to iLIC,,604, compared with E8,527 at the end of 1917. During the year £ 2,600 was in vested in 6 per cent..National War Bonds. In tiie period L under review only two deaths from ace aerii, h'ad occurred, and the numbef i of disablement cases relieved was 572, includ- I ing seven nystagmus cases, and the disable- ment pay amounted to £821, or 8s. 9d. per case. At the close of the ysar, 14 widows, 13 children, and 60 members were in receipt of relief. In moving the adoption of the report, the ¡ Chairman expressed satisfaction with the figures all round, and referring to the fatal | accidents to members, said the ratio was only I half that of the Central Association of Miners' j Permanent Relief Societies, and the lowest in his recollection in the statistics of that society. j The report having been adopted, Mr. i Arthur E. JSvaiiG, Vron Deg, was unanimously. sleeted president, and Sir H. B. Robertson and Mr. W. F. Butler were re-elected vice- presidents. The retiring honorary members and the retiring ordinary members of the board of ) 1 management were re-elected, as were the arbitrators and the auditors (Messrs. W. D. and G. H. Haswell, chartered accountants).

I- WREXHAM HORSE SALES. At their May san in tlw North Wales Repository, | Wrexham, on Thursday, Messrs. Frank Lloyd and Sous had afl entry of 250 horses. A large number of j buyers from all parts of England were present, and bidding for all classes wa" of the Keenest descrip- tion, very few lots failing to R. Rainford, iormby, and C. Roberts, Gswe-:try, j judged the various classes and made the following awards (the prices quoted being in guineas): -Champ- j ion mare or gelding: Jpt. Vfm. (Shepherd, Burton, 183; res., 3ir. Olias. Davies, 170; pair of marcs or geldings, j H. Weaver. Castletown, 404; res., Mr. Chas. • Ij,-ivies, 360; lurry horse, Ir. Cbas. Pavies, (ivesfcrd, 186; res., Mr. Isaac Roberts, Llangollen, 12; three-, Mr. J. E. Foulkes, Denbigh, ,S4; res., Mr. David Parry, Rhewl, 140; other prices in He heavy seclion included; Mr. Lewis Jones, Brentwood (pair) 104; Mr. Thos. Studley, handley, 140; Mr. Wm. 'Price, Holywell, 140, 144, 120, and 100; Mr. T. Roberts, Tvlold, 125; Mr. Chas. Daviee, 170 and 144; Mr. Hy. -Lloyd, Chirk, 115: Messrs. Pugh, Rnabon, 120; Mr. Wm Roberts, Corwen, 15 Mr. Chas. Jackson, Hand- ley, ISO; Mr. W. Thompson, St. Marlins, 149; Mr. Chas. Roberts, Corven, 129; Mr. W. Alderson, Kerry, 160: Mr. W n. Cittins, Euyton, 150; Mr. E. Jones, Llanfihangel, 152 and 130; the Cuke of Westminster, 134; Mr. Taylor, Johnstown, 114; Mr. D. T. Morris, ( Chirk, 107; Mr. R. Pugh, Llangollen, 106. Light i horses: mare or guiding over 15 na:li Tin Duke of Westminster, with a bay gelding sold for :H; ccb over 14 hands, Mr. William WUImms, L.aigollen, ) 58. There was a great improvement in the tT .;èe for light Vorses, msny cobs and-ponies changing hands; at prices from 40 to 60gs. J

OVERTON. I P.M. CHAPEL.—The Sunday School Anni-j versary was held on Sunday, the preacher both morning and evemng being Mr. Leake,! of g n In the aflernoon, an eellent pro0 mn j was given by the school i and choir, conducted by Mr. E. Haynes. j j\ '3S Morris was at the organ. The soloi'&t,s| Vëre Miss Lea, Bangor, and Mis;- Nellie Lea, r, Overton. Th-' chair was taken by Mr. John; Manning of Knolton. There were large con- jj gregations at each servics. t fentre brouohton. I HEROES H")NOURSD• -—Pte. WLlíam Davies, Gwalla Road? Pt?. A.bert Edwards, Eagle's Place, and Co-pl. W. Thos. Jones, Clayton oad, have received gold; j vetches and chains and a wallet of Treasury notes from thei., fellow-workm.M and officials at the West- j minster Colliery, Moss. The presentations were made by Mr Edward Davies, manager. J BANGOR ISYCOED. ?i DANCE.-A very successrul aanoe was Held II. on Friday at Bangor, in aid of the soldiers' welcomo heme fund. j

¡ Colonial troops marched through London |] on SaiurdskV to celebrate viotosy. I

WREXHAM. I IV\. I (Tlie local oftica of the 'Border Countiee Advertiser i8 at Border Pre&s. Egcrton Street, where all som- toualttations should be addressed --lo Mr. U. G. Lerry. locai repro^ntawvt. S THE INFIRMARY.—As a result of Mr. Walter Roberts's successful pantomime, the infirmary funds will benefit to the extent of just over £ 1,000—a truly magnificent result upon which the whole of the large company of workers are to be heartily congratulated. SCHOLARSHIP.—Mr. Samuel Harris has gaiaed a Welsh Exhibition Scholarship of £ 60 per annum for natural science at Jesus Col- lege. Oxford. He is the son of Mr. B. Harris, Wrexham, and wa.s fcrme^y a scholar at. l Grove Park County School. PERSONAL.—The good wishes of a very wide circle of friends will go with Mr. F. E. Morgan, manager of the London and Provm- eial work, who is leaving to take up work for the same bank at Wood Green, Totteu- haul. T.. NA.VAL.—First-class Stoker Vivian R. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randle Jones, Mile Barn, Holt-road, is expected home on leave shortly. He is one of the members of the crew of the famous cruiser, H.M. S. Royalist,which has returned. to Ports- mouth. He has served on the ship for the last four years. A BY-ELECTION.—There is a vacancy on the Town Council owing to the resignation: of Mr. Herbert Thomas, who sat for the South W-ird. Mr. Horace Blew is spoken of as a. Conservative or Independent candidate, and; Mr. Ernest Taylor, a Norman-road railway- j man, will contest the seat on behalf of j Labour. It will be a matter for great sur- prise if the Labour Party are able to secure a victory vote in this district of the town which has invariably preferred candidates i wearing the true blue" 1 GRAND FETE.—Wrexham Kennel, Society," owing to the outbreak of rabies, are unable to hold a dog show. The Kennel Club, Lon- don, could not for the same reason, grant championship certificates. The Powell Ath- letic Club, therefore, approached several gentlemen interested in horses, etc., and i strong committee was formed to organise a para-de and show of heavy and harness horses. Over £ 70 in prizes is being offered for trades- men's and farmers' turnouts and for harness horses. Further, valuable prizes are offered for heavy cart horses. It is hoped local tradesmen and farmers will give the show all the support they can and will enter their turnouts, etc., so as to make it a success. For further particulars of this show apply to Mr. Horace Blew, Parr's Bank Chambers, Wrexham. j ACREFAIR. WE SLY AN CHURCH.—The Sunday School Anni- I versary was held on Sunday, when the Rev. J. Col- liver Williams, of Wrexham, preached morning and evening. In the afternoon Mr. Ralph Darlington pre- sided and special Lyrrn.s were sung by the choir. Collections were taken in aid cf L' ccaccl tunds. ENtBRTAIFMENT.—Mr. R. M. Foster presided over a large audience at St. Paul's Church on Tuesday week, when a good programme of songs, recitations, a part-song, Comrades song of Hope," by Cefn and District Male Voice Party, under the baton of Mr. Edwin Humphreys, and two humourous sketches were giv m by Sunday school workers and friends. Miss Hilda Davies and Mr. Williams accompanied. ST. PAULS CnURCn.-The Easter Veitry was held on Thursday, when there-was a good attendance of parishioners, presided over by the Vicar, the Rev. D. T. Silian Evans, support d by the Curate-m-charge, Rev. Walter Ellis..Mi. J. E. Morris, people's warden, presented a statement of accounts, which showed re- ceipts to be £1(X¡ lit. 5d., expenditure £ 136 3s. lid., and the balance 'n the bank to be £ 29 13s. 6d. The accounts were adopted. Mr. Ben. Glover was nom- inated by the Vicar as his warden, and Mr. J. W. Jones elected people's warden. The tOUowing were ap- pointed sidesmen—Messrs. J. E. Morri', John Prince, J. ?.!l!s, A. Ashton, Jarres Thetford. George Jones, Ernest Jones, and Bert Harris. Mrs. W. H. Thomas and Mr. Prince were elected as representatives to the ¡ Chanter tnee. iugs. A cordial vote of thanks to all church workers for the past year was proposed by the ¡ Vicar and carritd. > I INSPECTION.—The first inspection of Boy Scouts, in connection with the Presbyterian Chapel, took li place on Thursday evening, in t'he Dr:!l Hall, when ) there was a large. attendance. Gymnastic and ambu- lance display was given as well as presentation of f prizes, badges and medals. The chair was occupied by JIr. jSormaa •ui»esaer, supported by Mrs. Gracbser, Miss Jard'ne, Capt. Chas. Morris and Capt. Percy Lio/d Jones, it, W.F. The Chairman delivered an encouraging address and stated he was very pleased Iy¡th all he had seen. Capt. Percy Lloyd Jones, who I inspected tae Bee uh, tc the number of 80, congratu- I lated & G. A. She Hard upon the Sne appear- ¡' ance of the t ? ya and eulogi?ed the troops. Solos were rendered by the Misses Bessie and Eveline Tiffany.—On tie motion of Mr. R. O. Pritchard, seconded by Mr Geo Taylor, and supported by Mr. hrry, Council School, a vote of thanks was accorded to the. Chairman, Mrs. Graesser for distributing the prizes, and to Capt. P. Lloyd Jones for inspecting the j troop. The meeting closed with the singing of the Nationa.1 Anthem. PENYCAE. I PARISH COUNCIL.—At the first meeting the Rev. I W. B. Jone- was elects v chairman and Mr. Dnie1 Williams, vice-chairman. Mr. Jonathan I., rancis was i appointed clerk and Messrs. Evans and Daniel Wil- I, Hams overseers. The question of housing was con- I fidered and it vvas agreed to ask the District Coun- cil to build, at least 50 houses. An application for the re-ooeniig of Wynn Hall Branch to the G. W.R. was agreed upon. .—————

The Minister oi Labour proiiqises^a Com- I mittee of Inquiry into the operation of the I Unemployment Donation.

RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG. MUSICAL SUCCESSES.—Among those who have re- cently gaiaed prizes and passes in musical examina- tions are: Miss Muriel Owen (who gained 93 out of 99 marks), Mr. Watkin Dodd, Miss Rose Roberts, &nd; Maste- Maelor Davies, have all won prizes at local competitions HOME FROM GERMANY.—Pte. D. Evans and Pte. J. C. Smith are on leave after a stay neSr Colonge. SOLDIERS WELCOME.—The Rev. Bayley Roberts, who has worked so hard for the soldiers, has weh corned nearly all the CO he helped to join up on their return. Four have made the sacrifice. The soldiers had a hearty reception at Hill Street Presbyterian Church, including supper and each was presented with an illuminated address. WELCOME HOME.—On Monday, April 28, 109 church sold;?-' we entertained to a supper and aft-.rwar eaÙ received a. suitable gift from the hands of Mrs. Lewis Jones, Bank Hou on behalf of G.F.S. members. Suitable addresses were made by the Vicar, who presided. Sir W. W, Wynn, Bart., Mr. Payne, Capt. Godsal, Lieuts. loan Bowen and Cyril Jones, Rev. D. T. Bowen, Mrs. Dennis and Mr. Chac. Morris. A short programme of vocal and musical items, and a recital by Miis Blanche Bowen were followed by dancing. RUABON, VICTORY FETE—A grand victory fete is adver- tised to be held in the Wvnostay Park (by kind per- mission of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt.) on August Bank Holiday. | | PARISH COUNCIL.—The adjourned meeting was held on Tuesday week, Mr. R. A. Jones presiding. Various committees were appointed. The Clerk was requested to write to Sir W. W. Wynn, Bt., asking if he would allow the Council to supervise the allot- ments in the same way as the old Parish Council had done. A letter was read from Mr. W. E. Richards in reference to the returned soldiers and their wel- come home. It was decided to invite representatives i of various committees, places of worship, and friendly societies to meet the Council and discuss the matter. I CtFN. k BAPTIST C'HAPEL.-Preaching services wer-held here oajbaturday and Sunday when the preachers were the ltei. J.Morgan Jones, of Whitworth, and the Rev. J. T. Ev .AS, Bangor. BRAVERY REWA.RDED.~Mr. J. E. Roberts, Queea Street, has been presented at. Liverpool with the Silver Medal of the R,fc.S. and iC5 for rescuing four boys from a disused lock at Devizes, LECTURE.—The Rev. David Griffiths, Chaplain to St. Dunstan s Hostel for the blind, ecturcd on Wed- nesday evening in the George Edwards Hall to a good audience. 'a he lecture wa.s illustrated and the pro- ceedi will be given to soldiers who have been deprived of their sight through the war. Mr. Norman Graesser presided, NURSING ASSOCIATION.—The 19th annual neet. ing was held in the Council School on Friday even- lug, presided over by Mr. E. Lloyd Jones. The report for the year, on the work of the nurse, was sub- .mitted by Mrs. D. W. Roberts, also the accounts by Mrs. Macdonald, which showed a credit of £i4. On the motion of Mr. Parry, seconded by Alderman Christmas Jones, a vote of thanks was accorded to the workers for their* generous subscriptions and to the lady collectors. Mr, E. Lloyd Jones was re-elected president and Alderman Christmas Jones vice-prev ident. RHOSYMEDRE. ORGAN RECITAL.—An organ recital was given iu tiie. Parish Church on Sunday evening at the enclu- sion pf the service by Mr. G. F. Robertson, A.R.C.y., Llangollen, and olo- we.e rendered by Mr. Hastings Green. A silver collection, was take." in aid of the church iunds. PRESENTATION.—On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Joseph Grin .Utw, headmaster of the National school for 43 years, wa.5 the recipient of a number of pres- ents f;om the scholars on retiring. The Vicar, the Rev. D. X. Silian Evans, presided and was supported by the Rev. A. W. Rees, Vicar of Manafon, Messrs. E. Lloyd Jones, Aldermen Christmas Jone-, n. W. Roberts, Messrs. William Davies, Be Hive, ..aiaes Chatham and Dr Macdonald, chool managers The Vicar referrtu to the retirement of Griuishavr and to the excellent reports received from Ruthit., for many years on the discipline, etc., of the school, audi wished him, on behalf of the children, long life and happiness in his future life. On behau of the infante department-, iviiss Edwards, headmistress, presented Mr. Grimshaw with a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles in case. Miss Janet Tasker presented a silver-mounted ebony stic- suitably inscribed, on behalf of the child- ren. Alderman Chrtstmas Jones also presented a wallet and referred to Mr. Grimshaw's excellent qualities as headmaster. Miss Amy Jones presented a gold-nibbed fountain pen, and Mr. E. 'Lloyd Jones an attache case and, in the course of his address, said he v. as one of the managers when Mr. Grim- shaw started his career .;3 years ago. Addresses were also delivered by Alderman D. W. Roberts, Messrs. William Davies and James Chatham. Mr. Grimshaw suitably replied and thanked one end all for their kindness and hoped the boys and girla would grow up to be useful citizens, always endeavouring to aim high in their future liic. Three hearty cheers were then given him by the children. COEDPOETH. » PEAOJ: CELEBRATION ARRANGEMENTS—At a large gathering of representatives of various bodies at the Free Library, or Thursday evening. Mr. Fran- cis Carrington, who presided, said the meeting was called to consider suggestions for the local celebra- tion of peace.—Mr. Wilcoxon proposed there should be an united itrvce of thanksgiving and this was carriea and, on the motion of Mr. Williams, it was decided the various Sunday schools should entertain the scholars to tea, and children not attending any Sunday school be allocated to var'ous Sunday schools in the parsh and entertained by them. It was alsii proposied that Sunday school children mallCb in procession headed by tho village band- through the village. Mr. Parry Griffiths and Mr!* Edward James Joo's were appointed see ctaries, and a representa- tive executive committee formed to carry out the suggestions.

Sir A Griffith-Boscawen has announced that the Government are setting up a Royal Commission on agriculture on which all parties materially interested in agriculture would be represented. The case-for quick inquiry was overwhelming on such questions as corn, meat and milk production, and if the Commission had wider" issues to defij with, they would ask for an interim report, like that of the Coal Commission. Wales is to be represented on the Commission. iiiliiiimw II

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