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GARDEN GOSSIP. Planting Dahlias.—It is time to plant old tubers, concerning which there is not a little confusion as to the best way to proceed. The tubers do not need to be started nor trans- ferred to pots to be grown on. All that is essential is to split up the stock so as to pre- serve one or more tubers, each with one or two buds showing. Set these in selected posi- tions, keeping the buds not more than four inches under the surface. In due time the shoots will appear above ground, just as potatoes do, and if the soil is rich they will rush away at a great rate. Tuberous Bego- nias may be treated in the same way as re- gards planting. The Double White Meadow Sweet. — Good alike for the plant borders and for waterside, the double form of the common British meadow sweet is just the plant with which the amateur can make a start in flower gar- dening. It grows anywhere, thrives where- ever it is planted, provided it can get plenty of plant food, and its floral display is as lavish as it is beautiful. The plant's habit is a model of luxuriant growth, delicately lobed leafage clothing stems one yard high, and these clustered so densely as to support effec- tively a foamy mass of double white flowers that rival the Arabis in purity of colouring. Early Chrysanthemums. — Well rooted plants from cuttings may be planted where they are to bloom, or set out in lines in a re- serve space of ground, whence, at any time, they can be transferred to fill spaces which have become vacant. Some nicely decom- posed manure is helpful if dug in just under the surface, and the ground round the plants should be made quite firm, this inducing a dwarf, floriferous growth and the production of roots close to each plant. Chrysanthe- mums in pots are now safe out of doors if stood in a sheltered position, and not exposed to the morning sun. Pinch the points out of those intended for bush plants and for sup- plying flowers for cutting. Selaginellas.—It is a good plan to raise fresh plants of these at this season. Fresh young ends of shoots, if dippled into sandy soil, quickly form new roots, and soon grow into healthy, fresh looking plants. For a few days after insertion in the new soil a dewing over with the syringe should be given several times a day. S. caesia or uncinta is a favourite for placing in pots for standing along the edges of stages; the trailing growths of a bluish tinge are much in re- quest for mingling with cut flowers. Smilax.—Seeds sown now will give plants which will provide some useful sprays of material before the winter. Plants from an earlier sowing ought now to be ready for pot- ting singly in small pots. The plants need gentle warmth and a moist atmosphere; grown in a dry, cool house, the growths are too dense and sturdy to be really useful for decorative purposes. Supports should be sup plied for the growths. Lawns.-It is unwise to allow the grass of lawns to grow much before cutting. If cut at short intervals at this season the lawn be- comes much finer, is easier kept in order throughout the season, and on the whole re- quires less labour. < Evergreen Shrubs.—Although the gener- ality of the shrub planting is done during the autumn and winter, it is wiser to wait until the roots have started into fresh growth with evergreen kinds. Now that root growth will be again active, the earliest op- portunity should be taken to move any that require such attention, retaining a good ball of soil about the roots, and watering them thoroughly into their new quarters. Should hot, dry weather supervene it will be good practice .not only to provide abundance of moisture at the roots, but also to syringe the tops of the plants at frequent intervals. :Ii: Planting Violets.—The sooner this is car- ried out the better, as it is very desirable that the plants shall have secured a strong hold of the new soil before hot, dry weather sets in. The ground for their reception should be deeply and thoroughly worked, and if at all poor some manure must be incor- porated as the digging proceeds. The popu- lar and vigorous Princess of Wales should be allowed 15 inches in all directions, and the smaller growing varieties 12 inches. Choose healthy young growths for planting, and make the soil very firm about them. It will be absolutely necessary to provide water dur- ing intensely hot weather. Trimming Ivy.—This is an operation that could have been carried out some little time ago if it had been necessary, says "The Gar- dener," but, as early cutting means a longer period of bareness, nothing would have been gained. However, it is now time that the work was brought to a conclusion. 1. Opera- tors need not fear to put severely, as new growths will soon push forth, and the naked- ness of the wall will soon be again covered with shoots brighter in colour and far more attractive in appearance. Peas for Succession.—Main crop Peas should now be got in, not making larger sow- ings than are deemed necessary at one time. The soil will have to be in the finest possible condition if the plants are to do their best in the matter of cropping, and the seeds should be distributed thinly in flat bottomed drills. As soon as the plants are through the ground and the thinning has been done, twiggy sticks should be- placed to support them until such time as they require the permanent stakijs. Fruit Thinning.—Peaches and apricots on walls will be ready to thin, being not too severe on the young crop, and partially dis- budding growths at the same time. All of the last named that are badly placed should be removed, and if leaf curl is present on peaches the affected foliage should be en- tirely removed and burned. It is advisable to leave a good number of apricots on the under side of the shoots, these affording pro- tection from late frosts, which not infre- quently cause much loss, Strawberries.—Finish off all arrears of planting; those planted earlier will benefit by having the hoe frequently run between them. Established plants may now have a liberal mulching of litter from the stables laid down amongst them. If this material is used at onee, by the time the fruit is ripe the litter will be clean, and prevent the berries from becoming gritty. # # • Onions.—Onions started in heat are now quite ready to transplant. The soil in the boxes, if a little dry, allows the plants to separate with better roots, and the plants also take to the soil better. It is always ad- vantageous to draw the roots through a muddy composition, which does away with the need for watering after planting. For ordinary use the rows should be 15 inches apart and the plants four inches. Hoe the ground when planting is completed. Celery.—Where it is necessary to have an early supply, trenches ought now to be opened and manured. The plants for placing in them must be prepared by hardening in their boxes beforehand. It will now be need- ful to prick out the main batch of plants upon a prepared bed of compost. As ground can be spared, other trenches should be thrown out, so that they may be in readiness when the plants are ready. Lettuces and Radishes.—The former may be planted along the ridges thrown out from the celery trenches, and radishes may be sown thinly in the same position. Owing to the depth of soil and consequent moisture, very fine lettuces are "suallv grown in this manner.

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