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The County Observer Forty-ninth Year of Publication. ——o—— bIn for Advertisements. MtB MmmTMN. ?MMMAmaouncemeBt)).? Single Column. filamentary Addreaaea..? XtOg??ottOM f td.perHne. j?Mtpeetnaea of Companies AddresMt ') ?wpo-ty and Stock Sales t AMMonSale* MtMeipal and other bodiM t CrdiBary Notice* ? 3a. per inch in depth. Bthmee Sheets. jMatements of Account* BoMes Wanted tCMMMteLet .J ZhtetttHnments ? Agnenltmrat Shows. I .šPÜOll Lutt. ? la. 6d. per inch. WeMmg Fresentt t t. attALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. ? &<PMmtt) W&Bted. B wordw 18 worde 34 wordt <)thM,tMnB Vacant. Apartments Wanttd A,iartments to Lot M. M. Is. jtBoney to Lend Articles Loat. AtHeha Found. Aj?M for Sale ) Three weeks for double above ehargM. Xftitlm p&id for when the order is given, or deuMe the above ecale eharcee wiU be made. Hemittaneett reeeived ta IPOStAge Stamp& la' prtnting olrevery Descript *on .&vcP.rIOXBB1I8' Particular*. PoateDt, & Cataloguer aeMtOTOaa' Frospeotusef) Lithographic Map9,& Plan. .jrit6jrl,B3m9iv Cards, BU' 'aads,& Note Headinge. AU eommuBicatione to J. H. CLARK, COCNTFT OBSKRVBR Office, USK, Monmouthshire. 1- A t.ADY fMommenda TWO YOUNG MEN ?T? to work on a Farm mnxt live in; accaa- tMMd to looking 'tter atock —Miss S. CxAWM'T, 'Bcyngwyn, Raglan. f;IN49,LE-BARRF,L BREECH-LOADER GUN, ? 32 inch steel barrel. EnN'i'<h proof and cboke r., Stted with automatic ejecter. 30<. cMh.— ,BuXwm,o, Iront-ongar, U'k. DRIVATE GREETING XMAS CARDa, Jt. eheap ae auywhere. 8<'nd for, or call and ,ge&%ok at JoNM', Stationer, Uak. "W j:!D f1p0 LET. NO 2, JUBILEE VILLAS, USK. .L —AppHy, T. Jowm, Carriage Builder. TTOUSE & GARDEN TO LET.—Apply, R. ?1 C. RosmM, Maryport Street, Usk. L ,3 STRAYED to ?weheloK, about the middle of t0 October, THREE WELSH EWES. Owner ean have eame by paying expenses.—Apply, J. G. CAM), Butcher, Uek. TT OST, from a meadow near OakBeld, LIan- JLj badoc. < EWE. pitch.marked on side W.P. Information to Police Station, U ilk, or to Cwm Farm, Llanbadoc. ?C?at ?/—8?? ?0/ ? tt??? )t?St<tA prewentMerwe?rand? WMtrMnMu ?f?' ""? "?? ?it Ufa of yem' Neetw ? Revot? .<<?S? Slnarter ..18ILY I'IXD. \v¡1=. WSW. se"e domains IRBIWW ot*Anp"  I gWoo&MUxa'on tkg -7!77= W1t. 81H ALLDAYS on Musy ??M, War to* say. -ft CYCLES ..um.. LO"ow Showwwom&- mmilmmil ?? *MtMt<ry. MtMMtea H<MtM. BA ?? d g.. so -\1 SUN PIRE OFfICI. Faoda in haad—. mopse:3vaacb Tef all particulars apply to MR. THOMAS REES, JUKL, AGENT AT TISK. -r-< a For Printing of all kinds try the 11 County Observer ogice. ————————' === I PIANOFORTES -A-t ]M:ost .A.sto:n1sh1n.g Friers t «THE CENTURY" PIANO 916: 16: 0 "THE PRINCESS" PIANO 221: 0: 0 "TIIIS EMPRESS" PIANO j642 0: 0 THE PIANO OF PIANOS, of which we have Mtd eeotes. trety one of which ha< giYen unbounded aatiaiaotion. is TIIE PRINCIPALITY" PIANO, PRICE TWENTY-EIGRT GUINEAS. It has brass wrest plank, iron frame, check Mtion, easy touch, grand tone, beautiful Marqueterie panela, handsome walnut (or Maek and gold) case, double candelabra, and is a splendid Instrument in every way. WE DEFY THE WORLD To produce a better instrument at 28 guineas. It will be to your own interest to eeo this Aov?y .Piano before paying many more pounda elsewhere for aame claM Instrument. Ten Years' Warranty. We ws:bow oSering a Manufacturer'a Stock of 137 SADDLE-BAG SUITES OfepIondM deaign and nniah and of almost everlasting durability, at the unheard-of price (for cash only) of JE5 19 6 PER SUITE! Large Catalogues and Delivery Free. BE VAN AND COMPANY, LARGEST FURNISHERS & MUSIC WAREHOUSEMEN, CLARENCE STREET ANn D??T?yTTT'D??T' HANBUR? ROAD, ? C/?VjL J? JT (7 (/? ? OPPOSITE 7?7?I!?P?I9?. TOWN HALL, ?TJL!/ ?jr?J?JL ? CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND PONTTPRIDD. Good Coal! Cheap Coal!! w- w. THE PH(ENIX COAL COMPANY, LTD., Are now oSonng, at V<cry Low Prices, aU kinds of House and Steam Coal, At their DEP6T AT USK it A, x X-MVV.A,W a wmanr x C31 W-0 Besit Noresit HOlUB Coal c ftpecialitg. is ASK FOR PRICES. Manager :-MR. A. HATHAWAY. ? MBt!BE of Evf!!? BmuM AT THE "My Otsmr" OB!); BUCHANAN'S SCOTCH WHISKIES. Black and White Blend 4/- per bottle. Special Buchanan Blend 3/6 per bottle. W" SolOL bY- V E. JONES, CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES, USK. T!!E "Cmty Mmfif" N OW8 payor and 'I! ..PrinnnŒ CtmmTBr" J PUBLISHING OFFICES BRIDGE STREET, USK ? ¡-if Colt_IV '¡.cfic, hM been estabfishea 50 yems, Md &cm the ? adYAntageoua poeitioB of the PnblMhing O&oMt— IN THE CENTRE OF THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTB —and ita CSMula?on i* the Burtd and J?ncultural Dietneta it wtanda PRE-EMINENT AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM Foz the Sale by Auction of Farming Stock, Produce, Famitare, and Landed Property' ior Wanta of all Mnda, & within a radius of many milea. It ia Mad by all daasea of the community, being eMentmlly A IPANXILY PAPER combining Beporta of Local Bventa (many not dealt with at all by otha joumala im TMy shoray noticed). Local CoMta; Cownty, DMtnct and Panah OMnoila, and other PuMie Bodiee; with IiLtw"ag NotM on Local and GeneMi OMMnt 2epi OPsr* &44 ilistoric Sketakes; 71014, 7MM6 =A O&nU& OpetatieM; HoMakaepota* Beaipea; Ladiea' J'we.; Aii aa4 LiittatMe: Markatt: A s.iù Aad a-vaidy of otis. iatwating n"ing mom -r- Eye" Beporlt are gl;ven oj 'Àe Jl Of the "JRO?I'IIMr(G.øty 0A8tù. of .A Ie., WWa 'W'àieà 80 oiller Paper ia tbe ÐnatJ' .tlUl¡d1 to j

t Railway Tim- Table for November.…

