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r- Strsttim ^.Sifissrs. tTnHS ia caHt>dd age of Philosophy, because enlist sen. people T.-ei:ywhere demand r-<i8onaole grounds for waatever belief they are asked « acctpc. Ibe whole sei<e of this paragraph is con- tained in the fallowing ii- • "Th Alliance Clothir Company, 01 C3, St. Mary treet. Cudiff, are Bond, ue Manufacturers of Civrh. tMf. tb..¡' Factory beiu, at 44, Commerc jal-s"rect. London, a!i,, their Br nebe=; at 77 and 78, Wl' Holfoom 2SL lanijate-hij- 33, Bigh-street. Jslin. con Vi2, Shoredituii, and$4, Sil*er.s6r««t, T'> h^ie- m»«? 511 ^.tfora to .e 11 from 2b to 35 per cent, less ordinary shopkeepers, however large way 01 tiasine?1 they may bo in Ail our Clothing is "labelled in plain figures with -s proper descripucn, "rusting nothing to our Sales- man's knowledge of ±'<mirics. Unlike other Houses, w<» tell Mia Casrotnt t all we know about our Cloth- ing, and givs AUstiL ouraNTEE with every s: le, as evidence orcar r ncerity. This guarantee feature was but recently introduced into our business system. Our customers wti- i:v.. heretofore found our simple word ab«ut goods slif¡ic¡nt, may not care for the written ^uarant^c, but we give it all thesame, be- "■cau-a we want to relations of perfect con- fidence w:tl1 new customers; besides, the register number of the guarantee ticket is an index to the dace and details of ach transaction, and useful for reference- We anticipate a very severe winter, and C0m¡,.qunt¡y a large trade in winter overcoats. We have therefore unvoted ;.o that department an im- mm* stock tc itself, v-jring in prices from 14s lid JiO e )oe not remind our customers that we are the originators of the new: tem whereby the money is ■ lituTred to customers who are not satisfied with what they have This system was introduced by in :8M. and we Crnil" believe is one of the Secrets ,t our Great SLCct. THE ALLIANCE, MERCHANT TAILORS & JUVENILE ITTERS, 105e 33, ST. MA PwY-STREET, CARDIFF. K- U X T E N SIO.V OF V I S I T sjj ANOTHER WEEK. BMINEST PHYSICIANS HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE A E T A I R E (Fic.ected by ^oyal letters Patent) FOR IKE PREVENTION, RetjEF AND PURE OF DISEASE. M Fl S D A L E M- e., Inventor Patentee of the "MAGXETAIKE IS NOW RE-VISITING CARDIFF, AND ALA YljE DAILY CONSULTED, FREE OF CHARGE, FOR ONE WEEK MORE, At his Private Consulting Rooms at MR J. LOXG 3. PHOTOGRAPHER, 63, CROC XHERBTOWN, CNIIL -IA-NUARY 3, 1885, Wbw t)A « ,ll give Ad "ice as to Aoci,cation of Cur%tivs: Electricity, snri Explain the Priaeinifts of his Patent M.tgnetaire ppliances, of which he has a Large A:;sc-truent, i,uif;S>le for every part of tht body. HOURS t; ATTENDANCE:- Ten to (t ie, Two to Five, and Six to Eight. A 32-paga Paaiph ft. :onta:ning Testimonials, Price List, ar.i full particuU Free on application. The following are selected from a mass of testimony in possession of the Patentee :— CARDIFF TESTIMONIALS. I ORT t NT TESTIMONY. BRONCHITIS AND HEART DISEASE. 8, Winds, r-road, Cardiff, Dec. 17, 18801, Dear Sir,-F:<r many years I have been sufl^ring from ,chiti.H ap.' Heart Disease, and although I bitve t:oni,Lt.1 with several physicians, and tried niany I b, ve reepi,,ti very little benefit from them. I veeics ago I bought one of your M&gnetx'.m if ppliances, and am glad to tell you that 1 have f'urwed much benefit from it.—lam, yours respy< tiuiiy, JOHN EVANS. Mr R. Lansdik. INDIGESTION. 39, Croft-street., Roath. Cardiff. Dec. 18, 1384. Dear Sir,—A short time ago I purchased from you all apri'an •« for Indigestion and nain in the oack; 1 im verv pleased to inform you that I have derived gTeat benefit from it. Can now eat any- thins I farcy, and am quite free from the pain and Inconvenience I "elt before purchasinthe Mag- ae"ire.N-, .rs truly, Mrs C. WARRE, Mr R. Loasdaie TfcST'MONtAIf ?RON THE REV. R. H. DIGNUM. ( j-ti^e, Pearl-Street, Roath, Cardiff. November 24, i884. My Dear Sir,—For the third time I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the continued benetit 1 ivee;ve from wearing your admirable "Mapietaivj Belt, lo oe its effects are simply comfort nz, uJ delightful. lean eat and digest my tood with comfort. That tenible nervous action with winch I vaa troubled for Jea's his been sub- dued For months tose her I hlwe been free from It aisc^ had the" Nlagnetaire" So es a perfect luxury lh* appliances are a blessing indeed to me for the last two years. I wish tou success in yoar efforts to benefit suffering humaraty. I shall be t.lad to an -wef .ny questi ns which anyone may desire to ?sk me upon the matte. With gratitude for the go d I hif 3 myself received, with Very kind regards, I icicain. Dear Mr Loiisd-ile, youi- most faithfully, xtOBT. HAYDON DIGNUNI. To Mr Lon.«Wo. IfEAK LEGS, NUMB "EET, S,%OLI,EN 4 vitr p A.M. WEAKNES?> OK THE VOÎCE. 214, P- street, K„athi Nov. 17th, 1884. Dear years o lhad an atack of cholera, vvhich .1ft a thorov?h weakness in mv legs, Bumb-m in feet, and sw)1Ien ankl causi" an ?^v/ mconvemenc^n; me iu ttin^ a^ut I r.len,ea to te.l you «lat after wearing the bi-!r, a n.i isoles I purchased of JOl, duri f. 1ac,č vl-,iit a tow ours I began to f^{ an imr)rove. meat, ilnd after a week's trial the charge was won- d?riu!; my lees -vealtogether stronger, the swell- ing of ankio had gone down, feet free frorn numb- »e«i, and the c reulation restored thrush my b..1y great improvement also "n my V<"I("> very weak; can now speak avoBgar is ten year-, since my vow hr»K# €i«wn l am Hghly satisfied with what your Appiitiic^s nave iioiIt and shall always recommend WU'1 "0r!tl nc* in any similar case.—Yours „ -OHN TAYLOR Builder. >iT &. rheumatism. Sir -In ?u'e"r°ad, Cardiff, Nov. 1, 1884. -• it y°ur inquiry about the la# Visit to Cat:" UamwW °f T* a o-or.i' p<i, i, K dC* to say it ha done me Cnxap as 1 v oi i-ii^ Vv,remo7',i» Rheumatism an corao with'a-e" also e ^veral complaints that won. S1I« rp etairevd K"°.wn several who have *«Kefed a* c mobem. ai ll? every case it has were ho e<uo » -i w stray lL rich person or two V-urchase some of vour o1.pp?vere.lgns together and tus prror an i who clce>, and give them to blessfn^g buy such earthly and I waited them." If any per, Thoy were sick, more ab<-it tie- appl/anct-s th^ wishes to know and 7. can give sham son. e practicii]ay on me, c Respectinli'v yours, tperience. GEOL GE ÁDLl Mr R. Lonsdale. Artist. sifjXATTO X AND RHEUMATISM. Metbouj-iis i' ia, Plymouth-place North, Pen a Near Cardiff, Oct. 6th, lSi. Uea* o«r, I -:su to express i^y great sat'isi. j-on Arid tescijy to the benetit T have df^rivevi Irod 'la^netaire" appliaiu T purchased fraia yea t% -.rs ago. After a ve lort trIal I a ',r J" -hout the whole sys. -ad coiii- to pain in my hip am ees from whicn I aau itnlered acutely for thre, ears, and bad Tie al; -ts of remedies withou receiving the fiats g >CfL But I can safely say, af .er wearing the I h,,tye since beer entirely free »rout piiin. I .shall spare no trouble in. recommend. WK appliances co anyone Iknc-w suffering. I relMh1, you: i very truly, Mr E- Lca?-:iaie. DAVID WILLIAMS, Pilot. ? MR t-ONSD.VLE HAS NO AGENTS. "BIS AP-PUACES CAN ONLY BE OBTAINE D AT THTl \H0VK ADDRESS IN CARDIFF, ANi ) ARE STAMPED "MAGNRTAIRE." 71.596 J_j0 N ^D A L E AND CO., f OLE MANUFACTURERS, 11905 T 44V, WEST STRAND, LONDON SW A 5 3 K A 0 F F IC E OK iUF q SO nTU WALES DAILY NEWS,' A.. ^°-' 2' c°LrjEGE STREET 111 NEWSAGENTS will receive pioim;, Mtaation eaer>uted un-.tn the tu,-ne tencs k» Mtaation eaer>uted ;¡rh'!} the tu,-ne tencs Îi. tfwu see ;e.dei:vt.re^ to Subscribers ear j of th* t«wu. | of th* t«wu. | •eive. jp to Sever, o'cioi. mcrniBg'ii tutti oi t ^ir?sr;^s. AT the urt ~ent Lime Clothing iii-, ra ich de- rvf.te.^ the position of the wearer that to be ill clad or clothed in garments that are badly mid" ar:d fitted at once conveys an im- piessnn unfavourable to the wearer. It is, therefore, of great importance that all who study appearance should be careful to tnak their p ai chases rrom i-oases a = make Style, Fit, and Quality, combined with economy, their leading features. Winter especially requires that change in our attire which is so necessary for the due protection of our health and comfort. It is, therefore, of great importance that we should be supplied with overcoats and other warm clothing, not only at a moderate charge, but, also fashion- able and well made, as well as being selected from materials of modern design and durable character. To these important requisites Masters and Company have especially devoted their attention, and the reader may depend upon being supplied with all lie re- quires at either of their establishments. Every person to whom economy is an object should certainly inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere. The position occupied by this firm in the markets as the largest buyers of clothing in Wales or the West of England enables them fre- quently to secure goods at such prices as defy competition, it being an indisputable fact that the tradesman who can buy largest must buy on more favourable terms than the smaller buyer. There can be no surer indi cation than an increased trade that tie public duly appreciate fair dealing, and tlat the efforts of Masters and Company to supply goods of sterling value at the Invest remunerative profit have been fully recognised s proved by the result. 102e LA uns who have learned Scientific Diesscutting, have;; V) res-makers' bills this rnristmas.- Scientific Dresscutiing Association, 21, Angel-street, opposite Cardiff Castle. 540


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