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PUBLIC AM USEMENTS. INEV THEATRE, ^ARDIiT. Sole Proprietor ROBERT RED FORD LAST TWO WEEK'S. EVERY EVENING, at 7.15, J) I C K WHiTTINGTON. The Most Gorgeous Pantomime Ever Seen in W ales. Corning PERFORMANCES EVERY WED- NESDAY AND SATURDAY, at Two. Children under 12 years of a.ge admitted to these Performances at the following reduced Prices: —Dress Circle, 2s.; Orchestra Stalls. 2s. and Is. 6d.; Pit Stalls and Balcony, Is.: Pit, 6 1. -Box Office at T'.ieatre. 10 to 5. and during the performance. Nat. Tel. Cardiff 376. a6626 ■CARDIFFEMPIRE QUEEN-STREET. goi Director OSWALD STOLL. 6.45-TWICE NIGHTLY—9. 60a**s may be Booked bv Post or Telephone 'b- -Nat. 625. Zooking Office Open Daily from Ten till 4.30; Saturdays, Ten till Two pm. TO-NIGHT! CHUNG LIG SOO, I'Fm WORLD'S GREATEST ILLUSIONIST AND MASTER OF MYSTERY, In a Performance of Oriental Splendour and Weird Mysticism. MUSICAL SILVO, 'with hie Musical Glasses and Silver Ohimes. THREE WELSH GIRLS, In Harmonised Illustrated Num??d TOM STUART, the Well-known Character Actor and Mimic. VICTOR WIDDICOMBE AND COMPANY, In a New and Original Comedy Episode, entitled, Her Devonshire Dad." EDWARD CROSSLAND'S 1 MELODY MAKERS, In their Phantom Soena, The Burglar's J)ream." LIZZIE GLENROY, I In Song and Dance. New and Interesting Subjects on the AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. A G?Ieat Comedy Act- JjTMERSON AND BALDWIN, Cute and Comio Jug-gling Cusses. Bicycles Stored Free of Charge. "To amuse and entertain is good; To do both and instruct is better." PANOPTICON, ?HILHABMONIC-HA?L. ST. MARY-STREET,  CARDIFF. • CARDIFF. Mr. A TETLOW.! MONDAY, Jam. 24th. 10, and iulï;ra:' '\80 Week, at 7.15. ntin-s: WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, at 2.30 e AMERICAN BIOSCOPE CO. Present Some Wonderful New Pictures, including a VISIT TO THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS IN ANTWERP. m all points of view this film is of 5™.mense value. The pictures are perfect, and the colouring, which constitutes a vast im. j^ovemen.t on similar black and white views, j* also without defect. A large number of ews of birds and a,nimals has been included. he monkey house has also come in for much O,ttention, and various oomic incidents add A, touch of whimsicality. THE TRE A-DVENTURES OF TANTARIN THE YOUNGER. Another Comic Play by Max Lindetr. A DISCUSSION ON POLITICS. 1 The Film of the Moment. MR. FRED DYER, The Popular Cardiff Baritone, In New Songs THE PAINTER'S TRUNK. A Delightful Story by Henry Germain. AfAR CELLA., the Masked Elocutionist. Who is She? SOENES IN MEXIOO-Travel Pictures of more than ordinary interest. THE SHORT-SIGHTED SPORTSMAN-A Very Amusing Su bject. MR. JAMES HOPE, -SJke—Vecalist of. Merit. A •. J, OURNEY TO THE MIDDLE OF THE fjARTH—A good and acceptable Subject at the present moment, since so few of the kind have been recently published. A Screaming Farce Comedy, entitled- CALL THE PLUMBER IN One of the Funniest Pictures Ever Seen. And Other Magnificent Subjects. L18866 NEWPORT EMPIRE, 1 CHARLES-STREET. )ta,D %-n Director OSWALD STOLL. To-GV.1 From the London HiDPodrome, YM &ROTES(Q?UES. Florence Esda?e. The elI.known Comedy Couple. Swy and Monti ?,'Iite Harmony Boys, in a High-class Vocal ?ct The Great 6 Northern Troupe. Premier Int,ernat,ional Spœiality Danoers. Olive Armi. oale The American Bioscope. AMuIIah -"?bs. Twelve Real Moorish Artistes. Harry 'AMbs, the Australian Nugget. Bicycles Stored £ ^e of Charge TO SKATE IS TO BE GRACEFUL. OLYMPIA ROLLER RINK, It QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Manager MR A. TETLOW. THREE SESSIONS DAILY. 11 to 1 2.30 to 5 7 to 10.30. Instruction Given Free. %» » Cloak-room Fees. No Charge for Fixing Skates. Mv ILITARY BAND. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS. Admission:-Morning, Free; Afternoon, -.all iœ Free, Gents. 6d; Evening Admission, 6d. Ilire of Skates or Use of Floor 6d at all Sessions. L6733 ALL SKATE AT OLYMPIA. CENTRAL- R-OLLER RINK — THE HAYES, CARDIFF THREE SESSIONS DAILY. «.0 a.m. to 1.0, 230 to 5.0. 7.0 to 10.30 p.m. Instructors Always in Attendance. MILITARY BAND. AdmissionMorning Session: Ladies Free, States 6d Gentlemen, 6d (including Skateg « reqUIred); Afternoon Session: Ladies Free. fikates 6d.; Gentlemen, la. (including Skates required). Evening Session: le., and Hire Skates 6d. Books of Tickets at Reduced Rates. a5961 AMERICAN ROLLER RINK; WESTGATE-ST., Carcuu. 'Phone, 2233 GRANT) MASQUERADE' CARNIVAL, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 2nd. 7 till 11. If you would be graceful learn to skate. el340 T E M P L A R MALINS' NEW TEETH ever Change Colour. Never Wear Out. See Particulars under, Dentistry on Pa-e 1. ✓ ADDRESSES: QjARDIFF: 51, Queen street. RT TALBOT: 26, Water-street, Aberavon; and SW ANSEA 240, Oxford street. a 5%f A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS a physiological meaning is even of more -Portance to the individual than "^nat is 44plied by the same expression wm used Xt & national or political sense. To remove Wnew and deranged conditions of the bodily 0r»ans is of supreme importance. To regain, •stablish, and n.aintain the health is the first duty every citizen owea tO himself and to society. In this oonvae- .1011 it is asserted with confidence, based on the experience of three generations, that iPeeoham's Pills are quite invaluable for peeping the general health up to the taa,rk. No family, no person of either ought to be without a box always Callable, because they fortify the con- JUtution agaixuet the inroad of disease, 4.6& oompliex nature of modern life CALLS FOR lpargy judgment, strength, confidence. 'these quzities can never be efficiently Serviced by those who are distressed by a VUraber of. often neglected, ailments whiah rial), the vital powers and enervate the J^stem. Indigestion, biliousness, constipa- tion, feeble appetite, nervousness, poorness of blood. and disorders of a liktf nature, if flowed to continue uncured. will end in Vitally unfitting the sufferer for the work demanded of him. It should never be for- gotten that Beecham's plilc, are a certain edy for troubles arising from digestive Pieturbances and the grave evils that follow gi their wake. Do not. therefore, neglect tb-q symptoms you know so well. and •■front which, perhaps, you may have long lltUtered. Get to the bottom of the trouble and eradioate it by taking UEEC H A M'S PI ILLS. IT y p B W R I T I N G. iWmW MAIL TflMTim cmaum LAST SIX DAYS OF SALE. JAMES HOWELL & CO.,Ld. ANNUAL :WINTER SALE NOW ON. vl?/ DOORS OPEN AT 10 O'CLOCK EACH MORNING. JAMES HOWELL AND CO., LTD., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, CARDIFF. SHAVE IN EASE AND COMFORT AT SALISBURY'S SHAVING & HAIR CUTTING SALOONS NOW OPENED AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES 120, QUEEN-STREET, Near T.V.R. (Tobacconist). 82, ST. MARY-ST., Next Theatre Royal (Bag & Trunli Stores). 3, BUTE-PLACE, D3CK3, Opposite G.P.O. (Tobacconist). XSTO? ONE MOMENT. M ?? OH, DEAR DOCTOR,  ?? ?IL?T M? DARLING /Jl\k  DIE?  TH?? IS VERI LIRME HOPE BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF EONEY, I Which contains Pure Welsh Honey and an j Essence of the Purest and Most Efficacious Herbs gathered on the hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, wtiea their virtues Me in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. There axe thousands of children who die annually from Bronchitis. Whooping Cough and Croup. This is a grand Qiscovery for the Cure of such Complaints. Jt is invaluable for Weak-chested Men, Delicate Wome.n. a,ii-d Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma. Tightness of the Chest. It cures thousands of Children of Bronchitis, Whooping Cough. CBhroesntc. hitis, FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH CURE FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH AFTER MEASLES. It, cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If you tiave a Cough, TRY IT. If you have a Cold. TRY IT. If you have Bronchitis, TRY IT. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, pro- duces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing BJeeP whn y?a have lost b t,; of rest. iu ?POR?NT AND INTERESTING FACT FROM A POLICE-OFFICER. For weeks I suffered from a severe cold. incessant cough, tightness on the chest, and bronchitis. When a severe oough came on I though I would rupture a blood-vesseL One of your bfllls was handed to me on the street in Glasgtow. I went to the nearest chemist's shop and purchased a bottle of your Tudor WiMiams Balsam of Honey. I took a dose there and then in the shop. Th. effect was marvellous—it eased my e&a?h I instantly I ha« found nothing so effectual I I consider it a Golden Remedy. Words are far from being adequate to describe how 1 thankful I am to you for making known you- great disooveir to the world.-Yeurs I truly, Donald Mackintosh (Police-oonstable). I Clvde-etreeot. Glasgow. For Vocalists and Publie Speakers it has no equal It makes the voice as clear as a bell See you get the gemnine article. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT B A J.SAM OF HONEY So many imitations and fraud. Sold by all Chemists and StorM in 18.. 2s. fd.. and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent (post free) for Is. 3d., 3s., and 58., from the inventor. Saving in purchasing the large sisse botue. I TUDOR WILLIAMS. M.P.S., As., Atih., London. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST. ABERDARE | {!J-{fo NOW BUY YOUR PIANO FOR THE NEW YEAR. OUR GREAT SALE OF PIANOS WILL SAVE YOU POUNDS NOW Prices to suit all Purses. Write To-day for Lists OF 4.50 BARGAINS Duck, Son AND Pinker, BATH. Payments to suit all Purses. LATEST DESIGNS IN WEDDING CARDS. AT THE STATIONERY STORES, WESTERN MAIL-BUILDINGS. SALES BY TENDER. BOOK DEBTS FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. TO BOOK DEBT ji.s LD OTHERS. MESSRS. HARRY DAVIES and DAVIES are instructed to OFFER for SALE by TENDER the outstanding BOOK DEBTS, in connec- tion with the Estate of Wm. Williams, Grocer, Trallwii, Pontypridd. In a number of oa.ses judgments have been obtained. Schedules, Books of Account, and ConditiomJ of Sale may be inspected at 2 and 3, Taft- streat, Pontypridd (or 20 and 22, Queen- street, Cardiff, by appointment). Tenders must be on the form provided, which may be obtained frorm the Brokers, as above. Last Day 31st January, Twelve Noon. 4902 SHIPPING.. EMIGRATION TMRBSHINC WESTERN CANADA CANADIAN. PACIFIC DIRECT SERVICE FROM GREAT BRITAIN TO &. THROUGH CANADA BY MAGNIFICENT "EMPRESS" STEAMERS AND COMFORTABLE EXPRESS TRAINS. SPECIAL CARE TAKEN OF WOMEN to CHILDREN EMIGRANTS FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY Oanadian Paoifio Railway, 18, St. Angus tine- parade, Bristol, or Local Agents everywhere. i —■ .'a ASK YOUR GROCER FOR TIIE QUEEN'S GRAVY SALT. It is truly delicious for colouring and flavouring Gravies, Soups, Stews, &c. It pleases every Cook and all EWd Housewives. NO TROUBLE. NO EXPENS Warranted made from Purest Sugar and Salt. Try it! You will be delighted. 8&It. Sold Everywhere in id" Id., and S& Bloek& THE Manufacturers: THE BIRMINGHAM FOOD SUPPLY 00., LWIT&D VICTORIA WORKS. BIRMINGHAM. ami DEAKINS MIRACULOUS OHEST, COUGH, AND LUNG HEALER, "THE BREATH VOF LIFE," The Best the World can prOdnce. For COUGHS COLDS, CROUP WEAK LUNGS I ASTHMA, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS WHOOPING COUGH REMEMBER! Neglected Coughs and Colds frequently turn to Bronchitis, Asthma, the forerunner of Terrible Heart Disease and Consumption. DEAKINIS, a BOON and a BLESSING to THOUSANDS of SUFFERERS. Prices, 1/lJ and 2/3. of all Chemists and Stores. 1/3 or 2/6 from the sole proprietors and inventors, G DEAKIN & HUGHES. Inflammation Remedies Co. BLAEN VOM. Mon DALE, FORTY CO. (LTD.). AUTO-PIANOS (NEW FULL COMPASS). THE DUALANO COMBINATION PlANO, FROM 48 GUINEAS CASH. OUR £ 16-10/- PIANO BEST VALUE FOR CASH EVER OFFERED, TERMS—FROM 10s. 6d. PER MONTH. PIANOS BY BRINSMEAD, CHAPPELL, OOLLARD, LIPP, HOFFMANN, WALDBERG. ORGANS By BELL CO., MASON A HAMLIN, Ac. SEND FOR CATALOGUES, D-ILE, FORTY J'CO. (LTD.), HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Also at Cheltenham, Birmingham, Ac., Sec. axzi ===== ===== WESTERN M^IL DIARY FOR 1910. FOOLSCAP FOLIO, FULL CLOTH, THREE DAYS TO A PAGE, I INTERLEAVED WITH BLOTTING. 1 /6 Mri?iT? ?? J1 L//?? ?. D??PMMMA?. MAY BE ORDERED THROUGH ANY NEWSAGENT OR BOOKSELLER, OR POST FREE FOR 1/3 FROM THE PUBLISHERS. WESTERN MAIL LIMITED, CARDIF F. v PREPAID SCALE. COMBTXED SCALE for Small Prepaid Ad-t- ments tn the WBSTKBN m.a It. and BVESING EXPRRSS 'I THBJUt SIX TIXXS. TIMS8. a. a. s. D. 8. D. 14 words 0 8 1 4 2 0 15 to 22 words 1 0 2 0 3 0 S3 to 30 words 1 4 2 8 4 0 Each extra 81 Q 4 0 8 1 1 0 words Small Prepaid AdvertlMinents are I.Derted In uw N EVENING ItXPE&SS at the following rates;- aMC- ) THRS* SIX OBC8.. "lM&8. TIM); 8. D. S. D. S. D. 14 words 0 3 0 6 0 9 15 to 22 words 0 5 010 1 3 23 to 30 words 0 7 1 2 1 9 Each extra 8 I Q g 0 4 0 6 words u r ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Beplles to Ad'lert1sem8 dli?ted to the "E?etdce EXPl,ow" amM will be handed out on prod?Mi?c of mtok?t, wbiKh may be obtained when the Advertise- men t wdwed, or they wm be forwarded to the Imen? is Ord&A ?n ems, provided A&mpa to eo?er pitas' are S.Ppitd. -? APPlIcants for Situ?iona are req eøted not to send origlDal documents (copies should be sent) or p?hot? graphs with replies to advertisements when lottats are addressed to Box Numbers at this offioe. The proprietors cannot u~dertak« any responsibility if testimonials or nbotoerapha are lost. PERSONAL. FDSZKNMF vhcxd Czsloa?nx hvhkkgzud 17952 I- 'nqdmcn vhcxwmc xntqeke kzvxdqr! xdsrgtqd %zk5? ezhsghen knudgdd 24th? bzmhsad yours (19775 ?) M 21st? (cdzqgdlqs!) John 13.M. = n586 gvhbdrydda ? 17536 17677 18140. G. B. Y. e778i27 MANTLK left at 1, Jones-street, Phillips town, New t Tredegar; if not claimed in three days will be sold. eS50i2S "1 8437. 13099. 17568. 18187. 19077. 17551. 17624T (dganx?) 10035. 19561. 18970. Cdzqknud 18826 cnadkhdnd atsbntkcms endure repetition! vhkkvqhad truthfully nexntrzx hlzxaqdzj 19326 17748 fearlessly, honourably! 19971. 18808. — e840i28 "Y^ANTEOD, Address for Receiving Letters.—State terms, K 58, Evening Express, Cardiff. ei29 LOST AND FOUND. FOUD, Wire-haired White Dog, witn lemon colour ears; owner can have same by paying Xpen8es.- ionin Tucker, Copper Works, Risca. ° e843i28 TCXTONi), White BuJl-terrier; if not claimed in 3 days will be sold for expenses.—10, Nora-street, Roath. e83oi23 T" OST, Golden and White Collie Bitch; finder rewarded; detainer prosecuted.—E. Davies, Waunllwyd, Mon. e&02i31 MEDICAL A CCOIJCHEMENT.-Nairee Wride receives Patients; COm.forta hie home; n-oderate terms; private.—66, flacturton-aven ue. Cardiff. c643i27 EDICAL Practitioners before applying for Appoint- or- menta under the Ebhw Vale Workmen's Doctors Fund are asked to Communicate with the Medical Sec- retary, British Medical Association, 429, Strand, Lon- don; or with Mr. R. J, Counter, 11, Clytha Park-road, Newport, Men. e2573 7^ PUBLIC NOTICES. A GRAND TRADES AND INVEN- TIONS EXHIBITION Will be OPENED in the PARK HALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. Aptvlioarfaons for the Few Remaining Spaces to Mr- C. F. BILSON, Park-hall. a6634 SAL'E! SALE! SALE! AT AFRS. WILLIA.NLfS'S, 28 and 30, ROYAL ARCADE. Oh"" MILIZNEUY AT ??? PRIOE. ?UdrMg Rats and Bonnets from is. eaoh. U Coats and Pelisses from 28 1HL ??' UD?i?hing. Cor?t?, Houee.madds'D?a? wa Aprons, Umbrellas, F?. Bto?'  Wam^L i ^01R^ed,u<fd PrK?s. to e??t a Si?y Cl-r".e to make room for New Spring GoodJ &6054 WAVERLEY l o roir 3 QENERAL ELECTION. NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATE By Joining in the Great TORCHLIGHT PROCESSIONS. For clealn WAX TORCHES. to burn from 20 mmutes to 2!hours, also COLOURED FIRE, gend tO MOP-GA-N A RICHARDSON, LTD Illumin.a. & Decorators, No. 20, Womanby^ ¡¡to (oPPOsite the Caetle), Cardiff. Nat. Tel., 326. Telegraphic Address. "Tarpaulins, Ca-rdiff. —————— el645 the Stationery Stores of Western Mail, Limited, ARE SITUATED OPPOSITE THE ADVERTISEMENT COUNTER, THROUGH VESTIBULE. THE PUBUC ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT THE SPLENDID STOCK. The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Building*, CARDIFF. smozz "2A.NION" CIGARS CBM. NO. mum, ,¡ TO KNOW HOW GOOD THEY AM. 3D. EACH, 5 FOR 1"4 9/- PKR BOX 50. TIMOTHY'S QIGAR AND rpoBACCO STORES (Owner Hirh-«tr«et Aratde),  JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF t.J e1161 ^taat in Asthma, Bronchitis, h pMd Whooping Cough by the nse Croup and Whooping Cough by the use 1/?TOUERIS ASTHMA CURE, in x ms. Sold everywhere. For FREE ???NM??? ? ? SAMPLE send Post Card to ???BsM? t POTTER & CLARKE, ArtiHery ?t' ???tHft Lane, London, £ Mention paper. ??-?ZM??f/-?/?' Horton's Original Benedict Pills !It FKMA!.M OXLR) *? d>y* WMot ? L\1e8 M< wwi 't ''?"'??tt?, ?u, Md bo wu"; to ths  '? attglo tn?'MtM*. By pook undw "'? ??*?? ?' ?<?' kart" Md Co. CbemUt*  ?'?*MM tM?a BtrminthMn =: ?''??.?' ? Dept., Jutton MMor. atra.. "d Svbs rTnL ecppmn& D!RZCT O"Y. IIM ZVBA FA.U? IE Km FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPtON??? pu!arremody used '??g?<?Ho'pitthbyRicofd,R<M?n, Ib?,+p *iLn&ot4ors, =sses t-v?TtMn? hitherkeemplo,TOS &f  t?nm??emtt. JtidD81 A: dw. Ølid8re.dùch ill .ti8i,cha-8ti080 '{?!? 6e ..OLtl:S. w. w.- ?t? Mt  iSS??.??'??S?: ft.. à: M LEGAL. 1 LAW for tie MiItioo: By a tactical Lawyer. omT- .y a r. om- L tainmg ali the information reqn!N!è fw ordinary purposes. No home should b" without this book. Prioe Is., bound in cloth 1& 00., postage "a Tie Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildlnsr6, Cardiff. DENTISTRY TEMPLAR MaJins' Dental E-.1s, Czdiff, Swansea, ra v o n ?z. addresses below. N, EW Teeth.—isittgio Tooth iioiri 2s. 6<L; sata from one guinea. TAHE Henowned Five-guinea Sets, unsurpassed for J- eiegajioe and durability. E" XI I!ACT10NST—o7di 1 sary Is., or with Sinedol (Pain- E,e.,s proC&8í 2?. -h tooth. FRtE Extractions with Sinedol wticn now teeth are ordered. REPAIR? to Artificial Teeth of any make done promptly, cheaply, and well. T E-MPTAR De-tal Ro(lm,,?.-All ()p&a Daily- Cardlff-5L Queen-street (?eA? Empire*. Swansea-NO, Oxf,,rd-stre??t (oPposite Empire), and Aberavon—2t, W ater-street (near Market). el-+£2 CLERICAL. HOW to Enter the Church. "—Booklet Free to Ca?ii Hiasf:lep;:g;Ÿi;i t'E'G;r: Salop. etC4p2 LOCTTM Temens required for 3 months; all English.— Rector, Llangattook. Crickhosvtll. e7C2i29 SCHOLASTIC GRADUATE and ex-H.S., experienced and reliable, Gd?iros to giv Part-time Assistance in Cardiff or neighbourhood.—Apply K 29, Evening Express, Cardiff. SCHOLASTIC. CAMBRIAN Mijng Scnool, Porth, Ives the most thorough Pra<tical Postal Lon8 for PreTamtl,?n Colliery Managers Examinations.—Writa for syllabus and successes list. el671 P\AILY Governess wanted, take charge girl aged five; ±J musical; good needlewoman.—Apply, letter, sta-ting references, age, a/bility, 39, Ninian-road. Roath Park. Cardiff. n _6821i28 FKi:.VCI'l..MAN Ú9) wo?ld like to Exchange Lessons with German.—Re tout, 22, North?mbeTland-tr",t, Canton. e658i2S PROFESSIONAL. Prelimmarj' ExamLuation&-Those wishing to enter Legal, Medical, Banking, A HC- tioneer's &c~, must, pa", entrance exa<n;na- tions.—Full particulars of preparation free from Secre- tary, -Skerry's College, 134, Queen-<tteet, Cardiff. ",¿g SHORTHAND.—Individual PrivateTpuition, by regis- tered Teacher; eveni,,?ge; either sex; termb.Ir. lbomas, F.C.T.S., 12, Penliill-road, Cardiff. e705i26 STAMERERS write Mr, Yeareleyi Gold Mty'al Specialist, "Rosador," St. Anne's-on-Sea. elC34 MUSICAL. c),5 Guineas, Us. 6d Month1y.-Good Piano; cost £ r""ntly 36 guineas; bargain.—W aldington and Sons, 29 and 31, City-road, Cardiff. £ 18 Cash.—Very fine rosewood Waddingtqp Piano, like .C new; easy terms to euit YOU.—Waddington and Sous, 31, City-relarl, Cardiff- SBEINSMEAD Piano, ieautiful tone, fine case; S. accept 30 guineas, payable 12?-1. 6d. monthly.— Haddington and Saxisi N and 31, Citv-road, CardLff. SECGND-Hand Pianos, all prloes. Call and see them. £12, £14, £16, up to 30 guineas —Waddington and Sons, 29 and 31, City-road, Cardiff. ORGANS by best makers from £ 8 upwards; also several nd-Ra.nd. Send for li?t,A'adding and Sons, 29 and 31. City-road. Card iff- n3of IF you want a Piano or 6,-gau donot be persuaded by any interested person w> purchase until you have ascertained the extraordinary value we are offering. You will save many pounds, be most liberally treated, and get the easiest possible- Wrms by purchasing from Duck, Son. and Pinker, The Great Piano Mere Pult.ney 13ri lze,? B?at and at Bristol. Catalogue and L*ok of advice fr?6. Name this paper. &358 fpO those about to buy a Piano we send free a A handsome book containing much valuable information and advice to purchasers as to the right kind of instrument to buy and what to give for it. Send up a postcard; it will prevent you wasting on-y, and it will save you monev bv -howing you the best way to buy and what to biiy Io matter het: ny c: second-hand.—Write vüIo Fg]tW: and Co. (Ltd.), the Piano Merchants and -Nla??fa?cturers, Cardiff. And at Cheltenham. Birmingham, &c. e474 Ni R. C J. Phillips, Leader Empire Orchestra, has Vacancies for Pupi Is.-8, el759 MISS Clarke (certificated and trained at the R.A.M. and German Cons?vx*toire), Re!<Uru Lessons January 19th, Pianoforte, Singing, Theory, Harmony, preparation examinations; schools visited, Cardiff, Pen.a.1"t-LI:J:II.=-15, Wororthavenue, Cardiff. ei26 PIANIST, Violinj:-ts, Orchestras Supplied fox Dances, Socials; extra-loud Gramophone, with complete set Dance Records, on Hire, 7s, 6d.-Kin£hott, 23, Castle-street, Cardiff. è1792 XTTOiR Sale, Gramophcne and 60 Records; no reason le8rierG:fu19<b,o ¿:dY: e&>12i31 ENGLISH Concertina for Sale, 40 t good con- E?ttoInS pg<£lC:dfh fie)O oo;:C\SQe;Or first cash custom.-J 66, Evening Express, Cardiff. e684i2S OVERSTOÖKED. &lrTificW- High- class two-manual Church Organ (new); 12 stops; all latest additions.-W. E. Richardson and Sons, Central Organ T, orks, Manchester. Established 1845. i e1794 VALUABLE Violin, with mar'&Jlons tone, labelled Stradivarius, 1690; case, bow, tutor, stand; worth £12; sacrifice 256.; approval.—Mrs. Tyler, Rockingham-road, Uxbridge. e794i31 PIANO Bargain List for January Free on Applica- tion.—Several high-class Instruments, equal to new, Returned from Mason's Hire; early application invited.-Tbompson and Shackell (Limited), 24, Queen- street, Cardiff, &c., 4c. e636i2S HOUSEKEEPERS, COMPANiQNS, &c SUPERIOR Middle-aged Widow seeks Re-.engagement SU:;d<¿;e-leo ee1nf:g1: hold management; good cook, needlewoman; excel- lent references—J 74, Evening Express, Cardiff. ei26 RE-En^agement as Housekeeper tJy superior, reliable -JL t, Person (widower); good references.—H., 45, Eleanor-street, Tonypandy. eB68i27 V ICAR higbly Recommends his late Ho.?ek,-e VIriig'rddWS thuf;se= three YOOM' reference; to gentlemanCardiff preferred. —J 87, Evening Express, Cardiff. e72&i26 WANTED, in Cardiff, Po?A as Working Housekeeper, w by a thoroughly reliable W?l, .od p ,i n coSk; excellent reference6.-K 11, Evening Expre;e, i 7S<1i27 WANTED, Situation as Working Housekeeper to working mama very fond of children; disengaged. -Apply S., 24, Coronation-street, Aberkenfig. eS4U28 WA lI,'T'ED, Situa'tion-a-s-V"-oikIJ}gHoÚ6ekeePer ?)r WH.lp; elderly; good health; total abstainer; good references; at onœAddreas L., rxg??nt House, Wood- land-road, Barry Dock. r761i27 PARTNERS, &e.  B.C. Guide to Stock Exchange ?mh Edition; — A • Stock Exchang: Operations thoroughly ex- plained, also Call OTti?jn& How to open an account with limit?d risk. How to avoid brokers' c,?nlmisfp TWL Contains highest and lowest sales for last 15 years.— Gratis from Publishers, Farrow, Graham, and Co. (sucoF,?i?s to Freeborn. Franklin and Cb., established IM), 6, Ba?stK?t. Maj:chest< 61454 "PARTNER wanted in Building and Gontrac?ng? Re,stablishlgd business; fullest ilivetstigati(,??; exoeji ? o.? p  tional opportunity for young man not afraid of work. P. G., Evening Express, Newport. e82&pi CLERKS, MANAGERS, &c. B' u,ILDER'S Clerk; experienced; st-Othy, J" methodical; good at aecou?is, Plans, and general management; not under 30; abstainer proferred.Sta salary, Worsington Bros., Abergavenny. e350i28 CLERK-SHIPS: £ 35— £ 450: Admiralty, >Var. Excise, c Customs Offices; vacancies now; upea to all, aged 15—22; experience unnecessary; special explanatory pamphlet free.-Seemtaxy, Civil Service Bureau, Albert- ball, Edinburgh el692 M- ANAGERE,"S required for small bo?e j]i coIHery mdistrict.-Apply, with references, J 78, Evening Express, Cardiff. c5146 WAITED, in C,-IlieY -IDPriet'D-' Oflace, smart TT and intelligent Office-boy.-Apply, with full par- tioulars, to K 60, Western Mail, Cardiff. eS175 WANTED, smart, experienced Shorthand Typist W'A(Pe'A=:'1n own handwriting, rt?%ting aga, salary required, and paxtioulars of experience, Joseph Rank (Limited), Atlantic Flour Mills, Barry Dock. e5166 WANTED, Typist; knowledge <? ShcrthaMt: 6 to w 8 each -oning.-Apply, i? writing, with an par- tiOlÙa, Brown, 59, Oowbridge-road, Cardiff. e8Mi28 WANTED, smart Boy for Shipowner's Office; good  hand'wht'n? ess?ntjal.—Apply, stating age and wa.??s required, K 33, Evening Expr. C?rditT. &i28 I WANTED, in large Works in South Wales, CJerk  who can speak and write German fluently; must ?60 be thoroughly proficient in both the English and German sy?Aems of shorthand, and mut be able to type quickly; only nglishmen need apply.-State experience, wages required, to Stenograph, G 11, Even- ing Express, Cardiff. ■ o4985 WANTED, a smart young Man as M&na?r a.nd W Collector; 'Bs. per week salary and commissi -Apply, with first-class references, Thursday, afternoon, 3 o'clook, at 79, JTolton-street, Bridgend. e £ l&127 SHOP ASSISTANTS, MlfZjNERS C. Evans, Dowlai.?, DETa.n8, Dlaj¡;, ]?as a Vacancy for an D. Assistant for the Grocery Counter; Welsh; out- doors; perMllal application where possible. Nli26 DRAPÉRY amd F?imy.-Wanted, smart young JL? Lady.-R. ?. Beynotds, Oompton House, Burry Port. e845pl 1-4 ROCPRY.-Want4ed, Junior; good counterman, XX qaiÍck and obliging; reference.—state age, expe- rience, and salary required, Chas. Phillips and Sous, Newport. e760i31 READY^lade- Clotbing.—E. Morria~and Co.^ Car- marthen, has a Vacancy for a gOQd Ian a? First Hand; able to measure correctly; Welsh; outdoor; salary about 50s. to 32s. 6d. per week; full particulars first letter. e832i23 T.o-BACCONTST.-YOUng Lady wanted as Apprentice, for Canton.-Apply 100, Queen-street, Cardiff. ei26 WANTED, smart Assistant, Draperyl assist sew- TT ing; live in.—Fullest particulars K 36, Evening Express, Cardiff. e647i28 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS. APracticalexpet-ifmocdMech&nic? for 4DWliery, A de:ibtT;enJ iora;x.ci to winding, haulage, and pumping engines, and also rope-spi icin gAddress Brown, 141, High-street, Merthyr. e737i26 Anew amT*&of Income for ambkicus Home- AworkeM Involving whole OT spare time.—Write. London Incandescent Co., Station-road, Camfcenvell, S.E. e793i31 B'AKERS.-YOu.ng Man, 22, disengaged, as All-round BSingJ49 Hand; practical a.t bread, cake, and smalls; excellent references; abstaineT.-Wheeler, 31, Wat ton, Brecon. e72H26 BOOT Trade.-Wanted at once, a smart intellTgent -D Lad; used to finishing.—Apply Smith, 93, D.?.id- street, and 5a, Dalcross-street. e7Sci26 CARPENTERS.—At New Entrance, Alexandra Dock i Extension, Newport, Three or Four Carpenters; experienced in dressing greenheart heel-posts. ei27 EX-Coachman wants siiuâtïoî;a;s Chauffeur"; garaie Eexperience.-Apply J 95, Evening Express, Cardiff. e723i2S FARMER'S Son as Bailiff; single; )ife erpartenM all -U branches farming; entire management or other- wise; first.dà refea-enœs.-G. M., Evening Expr, Swansea. 772isi TJERE'SChanoe for You!—Sanitary Inspector, School JjL Nurse, Lady Health Visitor; £ 100— £ 350. Postal Coarse Lessons now commencing far Cardiff Exam.; 450 successful candidates; fee 25s—Muohens, Sanitary Expert, Sunderland. >1734 i JOINER and Machinist Foreman requires Situation; accurate setter-out, good mmaaeer; conversant with sp-Uxtete mnv^tnery; itrWite, J 42, Bvening 0aM. eIDIIØ MONEY'-ilaking Work Offered (spare timel.—Par- Ikl:ag f rg &'treof t: name and aid-z?s free, E. Richford. Sn??w HU!, IA)?don. ei28 N1('?HT Port??r.-The Mana?i?er of the "Western Mail begs to Inform ]]umerous Applicants for tiie aibove-rnenticned post that the Appointment has riten made, and all original testimonials have been returned, e5178 PERSONS wanted, eithor sex, to Address Envelopes; p work at han,e; experience unneoewsary; spare or whole time; no canvassing.—Partioulart, envelope, Supply Company, 2, K-ingly-street, London. el755 REQUIRED. in or near C%Miff, by retited Marler- "t.m>" Royal -Na??y, i osition of Trust: !?pleidid testimonials; total abstainer; aged 40; married. Robinson, 6, CaNw-tenace, 'loiwint, ne&r Devonport. etfici'o SMAHT Roy wanted at onœApply, with references, S. Eps.tein arid Co.. Tailors, 7, Fitahamon- embankment, or 203, Bute-road. Cardiff. e7Jei26 SMART Youth (18). reeks Situation in Any C P"i?7, whatever; lodze of invoicing, &c., and 0! general offiœ routine; nt afraid of work: "nd-iabIZ lvierencefc; low wages to (?ommen-?o.-J 27, Evening Exp?es, Cardiff. e37?i25 W A-TRI), D?iTeT for Mann's Steam Wagon; m?,?t 7 be steady: good wages paid and constant (?mploy- -Apply, with references, to K 35, Evening Express, C ardiff. c5174 ,V TED at once, good Improvers on Vests.—Apply' vv 79, Mav -str-t, C,athay?. e75Li 27 WANTED, young MatT to Deliver Milk; aged 30 to 22: m'Lst be good milker Lnd have g refer- enOOt'Mrs. Phillips, Maesyderwyn, Aberbeeg. epl WANTED, a Nrcnlar Sawyer; young man-Uing to work Preferred.- -?pply. stating age, wage, and references, to ^J £ 2, Evening Express, Cardiff. eI29 WANTED, Handy-Man for Warehouse: spare time l' in garden; good references; 186. week.—K 2, Evening Express, Cardiff. e740126 WANTED, you-ng MaAi, indoors; acestojied to all arm work; good milker.—State wagee, references, T. M. Thomas, Church Farm, B eLtw? Newport, Mm e759i?7 w AI,TTD, by respectable Woman, ScrubS In 9 or f' Restaurant Wark, good references.-K 8, Evning Express. Cardiff. e76fi27 HAIRDRESSERS, &c. w at once, good and Ti:?,-er,to v v Manage; good wages and permanency to si?it- able man. —A ere, and references, W. Foster, 8, Garth- street, Pontlottyn. c6165 NURSES. T-HOR.oUGHL Y experienced and reliable Nume TwaA'ted (in Penarthi as Sewing and Children's Maid.—ApplyM., Box 70, Post Office. Cardiff. ei27 WANTED immediately, a refned Girl, about 17, as W Nurse for one baby.-Apply, frst, to 7, South- terrace, Neath. e6151Zù WANTED, Situation as Nurse; trustworthy, needle- woman good references.—Lewis, 4, Erw-ioad. L!allelly, Carmarthenshire. e714i26 WANTED, a Trained Nurse for an In?alid Lady 't" in the co?nt?i- another nurse kept; sal-Y 50s. a month, all found.—Apply J 79, Evening Express, Cardiff. c514? '1;'?'AN'TED, for boy aged three, superior X ur8C- Ho?-aii end February.—Apply Mrs. A it ken Xort- wood, Barry. e657i28 WAXTED, by middle of Maioh. Nurse.—Write, if stating (particulars, to Mrs. T?omas, Longford. Neath. c517 GROOMS, GARDENERS. G ARDENER seeks Situation, seoond or single-handed X experienced under glass, kitchen, garden, and pleasure grounds—Apply F. U. Evans, Miskin Manor Gardens, P tyclin. e657i27 G .KRDENER Secon for Miskin Manor; young man a'c"stom?? to kitchen garden and pleasure ground work.—Particulars to R. Carter, Corner Park, Ponty- clun. e828i28 W Apt' good Stable Helper, with character from private service.—State ?jo, height, and weight, by letter, Coachman, Tredegar Park Stables, Newport, Mon. Only suitable applicants replied to. e623i28 iiT.\NTED;-GaTdener;wDf¡ng to look after pony ald make himself generally useful; must under- taud vines, fiowers.-Harris, Clydach Bouse, Gilwern, Abergavenny. e738i31 AGENTS, TRAVELLERS. liliOVIDEXT Friendly Society require ±-art time Dis- -L trict Agent, firsb-(??lass tables; unique benefits; splendid terms, including over-riding commission.— Apply 38, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. e732i26 STEADYEmpIGyment Offered reliable Agent and Home-worker; £3 weekly easily made anywhere; new industry; exceptional opportunity for mbiMr/us man.—Enclose addressed envelope for full parti■viiire, International Company, Hulme, Manchester. "oJii; Firm of Wine and Spirit VT Shippers is prepared to make most remunerative terms with those able to introduce l;ll6inœs.-Aà3 "Activity," c/o J. W. Vickers and Co., 5, Nicholas- lane, London. e827i29 HdTEL SERVANTS. Strong Girl wanted at once; refeTenoe,3 requii?d-. A Mrs. Jenkins, Care Park Hotel, Abercynon, ei29 BARMAID seeks ifo ii; goodreference w:l!ing to assist houeewoTk.—L., 14, Pmtnewyd -t?arra,?e, Trelewis, Treharris.. e762i27 -B-ns requires Situation; live Gut; experienced; BCa,rdiff aistriet; disengaged February 1st.—J 81, Kvening Express, Cardiff. e7(13i29 WANTED, experienced good P?ain Cook; must be 'V"'tghl,xn:gf:de\' wAi:;ddI Cardiff. e7&ik?7 WANTED, good Ba.; used -to Do?llierT diatrieti I' Welsh Preferred.C?y&ch Vale Hotel, Rhondda Valley. e736t31 WANTED young Lady to Assist in Bar; light if house duties; musical; good home.—Apply Mrs. Pritchard. Talbot Hotel, Kington, Herefordshire. c5161 ANTED, 6trong General; good home.—Apply) v v stating age, references, and parliculam, t, Mrs. Austin, Royal Oak, Mountain Ash. 6'4131 WANTED, the Management of Hotel or good-class 'V-iDae hr;t highest reference; LlW seourity.—P. F., Evening F-xprees, Newport. ei28 WANTED, for a Family and Commercial Hotel, an .f experienced House-Chambermaid; also a Betweenmaid Apply Mrs. Clive, Boar's Head Hotel, Carmarthen. e791i27 ANTED, good General to Assist in Bar when required Apply Harries, Crown Hotel, Morris- ton. e790i31 WANTED, a GeneTal; able to do plain cook- ing; no washing; Assist in Bar when required; good references; personal application preferred.—Mrsl Thomas, Lord Nelson Hotel, Pontlottyn. e681i28 WANTED, good Working Barmaid (experience not neœ$ary) to k,-z4 ? in Housework; also a good Cook-General to Assist in Business (evenings).- Apply, Ltating age and references, Burnett, Greenfield ApplyY, 'etrad, Rhondda. e631i26 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. A t-ng young uenemi Servant wanted; good ref?- A enoes 1, Senghenvdd-plam Cardiff. e74Ii26 A good r,.?pect?,bl?, Servant Girl wanteF-?i'bo?utl?. Agood home.-Apply, with mfere?net?, to Mrs. J. k Jones, Bryntirion, Troedyrhiw. eS09i3l COOK-General for clergyman's family four; house- C parlourmaid kept; must be trustworthy; good references.—Apply, 8ta.ting age, wage-s, &c., to Mr. EYDB,luEeo:rœd, Porlock, S<un.ert!e863j28 CoOK-General wanted; two in family; bouse! par- lourmaid lept.-Apply, by ietter, stating experi- ence, age, and wages required, Mrs. vVitkie, Uanishen, Car,ditf. e329pl COOK-General, also Housemaid, wanted dE ? wages.—Sta'te age, experience, a?d when di?en- gagerl, Mrs. ^Jewellyn, Caederwen, Neath. e848pl ga?-,oii Mx,. weuyn Cat COOK-General wantoo.A.pply MIs. Sydney Simons, C Langdale, Merthyr e324i26 ~lSE5TGA<5«D experienced Cook, business -or D private, would go Temporary.-Apply, by letter G. M., 97, Pen art h-road, Cardiff. 6741126 XPEEIENCED C()okneral wanted by February E 24th; doctor's house; three in family; good references required.—Apply to Miss Armstrong, Gilnoc- kie, Treorchv. e786j31 EXPERIENCED House-Parlourmaid.—Apply Mrs. Sawrs, 31, Newport-road. e685i27 EXPERIENCED General wanted—Apply, cvenuTm. Eafter six, 24, HajnsmiUi-r?d, Ecath, Cardiff. 0598126 GENERAL Help wanted; aged from 16 to 40; no V)r young ohildren.-State age, wages required, Gutt- ridge, Aberavon, Port Ta1 bot. e799i27 n ENEEAL Servant wanted for a small familyC (cC Craig Owen, Uanishen near Ca.r e-rL" GIRL (17i years old) wants Place; Housework; sleep in.—Apply J 88, Evening Express, Cardiff. ei26 ? CODPlain Cook waited; one whohMbe? G Ohl:id :k servants ke7 Churchwomaji Apply, stating wages, Mrs. Summers, St. John's Vicarage, Xevl1:)()rt. e6,%la T~ HOROUGHLY-Experienced Genenù required;h;? JL wages; thoroughly capable pezi*gon- ames, West- bourne, CUaord-cre.s&ent, Newport. f'?Sl TWO Friends require Situation as ODob,:?? ?real ?lid THOU ,-Parlourniaid; good rOfeTOnom.-ipply 3" Inverness-place, Cardiff. e645127 WANTED, superior Gill as Cbok-Generai good referanoee required.—Mrs. Harding, The ks, \V\V TAXT'ET), experienced Houee-P-lourmaid.-AprAy VV Mrs. Lewis, 31, Newport-road, Cardiff. el65finl ANTED, good Cook-General, m Cathedrajlroad7 two othea maids kept; good referenœg requiired' good wages.-K 47, Evejung Express, Cardiff. e82?pi W.A!lil'ED, thoroughly experienced Coo^GeneraT7 VT small family.-Apply 2, Victoria^square, Penarth e814i31 ANTED, second week in February, gocd Gen?raT" TT three in family; MothM kept; comfortable place and good wa?es.—Mrs. Jenkins, Tylamorris, Briton Ferry. e339128 WANTED, smart Woman for Housework and Assist VV in Business; must be well up in giving change.- Apply, by letter, K 39, Evening Express Cardiff. ei28 ANTED, respectable Girl for Housework; aged TT about 20; must be able to wash.—Apply 26, Patrick-street, Docks, Cardiff. eS36128 WANTED, a clean Girl Daily for Housework. Vrmlv 1, Owmdare-str eet, Cathay s. e6LDiz7 ttTANTED, a Kitchenmaid on Feliniary 7th, who must be able to do plain cooking and assist the. cook- Also wanted, a strong, willing Girl ae Ward- maid.—Apply, in person, with reference from last situation, to the Matron, Cardiff IRflrmaxy, anv day day before 11.30 ■WANTED, experi&noed Houm-parlourmajd._k7m W Lawrence, Hnnpetor House, Narberth, Pembrote- h j reo &79'l J2.7 gh i re. b?i-ok.o ral; owntry.-M, WANTED, good Coot-Geoera. country.—M?. W I?wrence. I-PIt- R-, Narb?, Pem- hrokeshire.. e804i27 WANTED, Single-handed Housemaid; able ta?it. Yr —GUbertson, Abe?e4u?s, .BMcocsMre. c51M I WAI,.1'ED- <.horcng'h!y-expeheBc?d Gen; help tV gjven; Lood ref-e-93. da.'?e-ro.?d. Ca.r<M. e76^31 ANTED, strong Day GiTI, a.bout IS.—Apply, evea ings, 83, Bom illy-crescent, Canton. e66&i26 ANTED, a re?peotabie Gir! fts*'WajdmaJdT?ed ?V ?bu 20 vears.-AwIy Matron, CajmajthenaMre Infirmary, South Wales. C5153 WANTED tmmeciat?y, 8troniGe; he!p ?fvpn; ?'W ?ged about .w.-Bowen, 103, C.Me,?W-,tle'A' Tredegar. e708i29 WANTED, by respectable HiTl, a Situation euch as Under Housemaid or Betweenmaid; aged 16.—G. Morris, 1, Cassie-street, Tjiorstown, Giam. e703 £ WANTED immediately, • good Hou-e-ftrionTniwd In tV doctor's hopse; 3 in family.-Reply, stating wages and references, Mrs. Banks, Hollies, Aberdare. C5139 W AN,=D, an exp??riencad HOu-;e-Pwl?l-maid; 'V 'g:)s. :!Jtl5ten, 11:-i:;r1 ishen. c5138 W ANTED, good House-Parlourmaid; small family; good wages—Mrs. Hann, The Oaklande, Aliera- man, Aberdare. t e630i2S WANTtSD, General ??er?t; 2 In fa?ily; plain V M??ng; refemoce reqmfed.—SB, Oewbridge-road, Ca.rdM coamb ;imaMd?te? y<?0jj; QM « Qeno?l B..a-4m?, U.. BefataJme^Tto~* ?M<<t vnan WANTED immediateiy as ooraJ. young Girl, ag,d 17 to 20 p f, -Apply Mrs. Fifoot, Sully House, S wan b ridge, Pem?th. e625i2ô WANTED, an experienced Hoi"maid.-The Volun- tary Hoopital. Barry Dock. eCO8126 W ANTED Housemaid for llanieb?m; ?wo in family: cook'gne.raJ kept.-Apply, ,t-tLag age and references, J 18, Evening Express, Cardiff. e;26 w -k-,TED, mr,?ng capable neral; plain cooking: 'hr?ee in family; younger maJd kept. Al. Charwoman onoe a week; must be over 22.—Mrs. Wontiedge, The Nook, Ebnw Vale, MOJI. eTE^.iil W A-XTED, gocd General; 3 iii fimily; cooking required.—Apply Mrs. Boulton, 26, Archer-road, Penartli. es,07431 WANTED, to Place a Giri (not. left school), e"enin!!8 and &hturday.s, to Mind Baby or Light House- work; willing and clean; honest.—K 7, Evening Ex- press, Cardiff. e753i27, WANTED Immediately, an experienced House-PaT- iourmaid; tw in family; oountry.—Apply, with full particulars, Miss Finlav, "Vt"lton House, Bridgend. WANTED, clean, respectable Girl. about 18 to io, for General Housework; fond of children.— Apply 90, Pena,rth-road, Cardiff. e777i27 "?T7A NTED. Coot-GE?ieral: no wa-shlrg; cha-w??fn,,n daiiy: good home.-Pooie. Dentis., k<)"Tn<- CIE'1soent. Ca..rdiíL e15. ■' 1 ——————^ APARTMENTS TO LET A CCOMMODA'MO- for to CardL*F.-Ped- rooms. Sitting-rooms, bv day <)r week.—Summer- b?ayes, Prilat? Hotal, 27, Cla?r?stie?, Riv4L?r?s"? ep2 APARTMENTS: F?it gentleman or friend: share Asi-tiiiz-rc)oni; every convenienœ22, Taloot-<;trt. Ca.tJ,¡edra1{)a.d. eSlSiol APARTMENTS.—Two or Three T-nfurnished Rooniti to Let; best position in Cat hays; every con- venience; vacant for 31st January.—Stone, 2, Fairoai- road. e775i27 BOARD-Residence Vac&Dt; wit gentleman; every Bh e comfort; terms moderate.—147, Albany-road, Cardiff. e742i25 COMFORTABLE Apartments or Lodgings; near town; suit friends or married couple; no childHID w other lodgers; terms modcra.te.-22, South Lutoc- pl,u Adamsdown. e851i23 C{);ilLh Lodgings for 1 or 2 respectable Men, with h?A 4M cold bath.—Apply 1Z, Eclipse- etreet, Roath. e £ 17iZ7 COMFORTABLE Apartments for young Man; no children; no other lodgers; quiet fam4ly; near cars and city.—Address J 97, Evening Express, Cardiff. e73ii26 COFORTABLE Lodgings; snfTyoung gentleman or ladv; board optional; terms moderate.—63, Sfratli- na.irn-treet. Roath. eiZ7 COMFORTABLE Lodgings to Let, for 2 respectable Men; close to trams; no children. Or Furnished Bed and Sitting Room; terms very moderate.—K 16, Evening Expiess, Cardiff. e776i27 COMFORTABLE Sitting-room and Bedroom; Euit gentleman or Mends -?haring: good cooking and attendance.—1, Ryder-street, off Cathedral-road. Car- diff. e747i?c COMFORTABLE Combined Room offered to young pereon during Accouchement, with wide. Barry attendance, fire, and gas, 6s. 6d. weekly.—Apply J 36, Evening Express, Cardiff. e722i_6 COMFORTABLE Apartments; suit young gentleman; separate bedroom, share front citting-room piano; no children; nice locality; mooerate.-17, Richmond- crescent, Roath, Cardiff. e713i26 FURNISHED, or Partly Furnished, Sitting-ro??m, Fwi',?h One or Two Bedrooms, Vacant, wIth widow; terms very mooerate.-22, Angus-street, Roath Park. e,S57 i28 -L-NUR.NISR.ED Apa-rtments; suit gentleman (without .r board); terms moderate; reference required.—17, Piercefield-place. Roath e852pl FURN,IHED Apartments, with or without board; telephone; terms moderate.—44, Richmond-road, Cardiff. e'383i28 LODGINGS for One or Two respectable- Working Men.—Apply 110, Cathays-terraoe, Cardiff. ei27 LODGINGS for young man, abue to share bedroom with another (separat beds), with or without board.—Apply 191, Mackintosh-place, Roath. ei26 LADY wishes another to join her in home; must be reSnod; private teacher preferred; wait on self, menial work done.—J 96, Evening Express, Cardiff. e7ioi26 fTHO Let, UnfuroiShed, 3 Large Rooms, Front Sitting, JL Bedroom, Middle Bedroom; no children; terms moderate.-15, Bedford-street, Roath. 13i27 TO Let, Two Unfurnished Rooms; every con- venience; hot bath.—88, Wyndhain-crescent, Can- ton, Cardiff. e693i;9 r¡io Let, Two Well-fumi3hed Room,?; suit young l? ?a,diez: best paTt Whitchurch-road; termamoderate. —K 18, Evening Express. CaidifT. e806i27 WO L'3 Weil-furnished Rooms, In be di?,?et T4n Cardiff; terms moderate. -Apply E 43, Evening Express, Cardiff. el6? WELL-Furnished Apartment9 to :Let;éen tral.-7i>, Colum-road. • e598i2.G WELL-Furnished Apartments; suit gentieci.-n íY terms model ate.—114, Newport-road, Cardiff. e[23 WELL-Furnished Front Apartments; ev"r:I ELL-l'niF?h,,d Frnt A C?rdi1f. ep1 2 Unfurnished Rooms- to Let (Corporation-road) wita young couple; no children: oven grate: hot and cold bath.—Apply 106, Corporation-road, Cardiff. ei27 APARTMENTS WANTED. BOARD-Lodge required by young Man; Clare-street Bor RiHT'ide; state terms.—Box K 25, Evening Express, Cardiff. e £ 16i27 RESPECTABLE-YÓu.ng Man, constant situation, requires, Bedroom: must L.?, with lesltable people; off Corporation-road; small children objected to.—State terms, K 31, Evening Express, Caidiff. ei28 W :ATED: near St. James's, a Koom. 'With r6spe?t- w abla people; no attendance.—1Terms and particu- lars to K 33, EvenjnIi:ress,1_ff.-C5 WANTED, by young coupie (one child), Two Unfur- nished Rooms; Roath district: oven grate if possible.—K 13, Evening Express, Cardiff. e770i27 HOUSES FOR SALE. "T7V)R Sale, Houses (cheap)—4, Windsor-road; 3, Jl. Llewell" yn-street; 1, Alexandra-road (suitable for shipbroker's office).—Adams, Gibijs-road, Newport. ei26 N ICE C4)lmtry House, gOQd building, beautiful high I position, with or withoit 33 acres good land, for RaJe.-Eya,n5, Cleddon, Tr6li?e, Monmouth. e838i28 SEMI-Detached House for Sale; modern conveniences throe -"ption. ooven hed T?mis: ];lrge garden, greenhouse; Llandaff district; easy distance tram and train.—K 55. Ever.ins F' rre.'s Cardiff. elG-89p2 | 2- Houses n at -Caerau. Bridgend; rent £ 3~per month: iii st offer accepted; must Sell at once.- Apply K 40, Evening Express, Cardiff. e844i28 HOUShS TO LFT. MESSRS. S. HERN A?D PERTUEE, JM- AU(?TTo'?%EERS, VI;5, PERrl\ EE, SURVEYORS. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. For List of Business Premises and Houses to be Let or Sold see "Western Mail" daily. Printed recister free- Offices, 93, St. Mary-street, Cardiff: Established 1849. HOUSES WANTED. -J HouSE wanted, Roath Park district; inclusive, J!'L about £ 50 per annum—J 12, Evening Express, Carom. e537i2S "'IX1 AKTED, between Abergave^inv and Us", Fur- nisbed or Unfurnished House.—P. E., Evening Express, Newl)ort- OFFICES. c ART)ITFF.-TWO good Rooms (en suite) in Western Mall Chambers; lift; electric light—Apply Manager, Western Mail, Cardiff. e839 C A_RDrrr.-Single Room to Let In Western Mail Chambers; lift, electric light, &c.-Apply Manager, Western Mail, Cardiff el 141 rpo Let, Offices in Western Mail Chambers, 22. High- -L street, Newport, Mon.-Apply to Local Man,ig:or, 011 premises. t-5779 BUSINESSES FOq DISPOSAL. RAPTIRY'-Business for Disposal; also Branch same" colliery district; t-ear inspection; bargain.—K :57, Evening Express. Cardiff. e84Bi28 IF RT.TITEREP'S, GTeangrocery, Cliifton, Bristol; good- class trade; takings £ 18 weekly; ingoing fIliD, includes horse, cart, &c.—Apply Tebbs, Valuers, 41. Bridge-street, Bristol. 1896pl  EFTAUR-?XT, Ccnfccticnery; ma.in thoroughfare, jLt suburb Bristol; good living tmde; in?oin? Lft- Apply Tebbs, BristoL 1395p1 "L-'OR Sale, Boot Repairing B mess in WesteTn FVa,ileys; Vona position in m&in *oad; low rent.-E. Paget, Jamesville., Cwmcarn. e782i27 OR immediate Disposal (through owner receiving JC appointment), flourishing Outdoor Ale, Wine, and Spirit Shop In Rhondda Valley; good living premises attached; books, &c., to be seen; any investigation invited.—J 83, Evening Express, Cardiff..5152 FOR Sale, Fie'n, Fruit, and Poultry Busine-s?: F'Üeoo:' profits; .try agpo:\W g=n for Inspection; good living a-0-odetioiL-Apply Brown, 59, Cowbridge-road. 0853 m FRIEDFish and General Business for Sale, cheap; A; reason for leaving.—Apply 00 premises, 21, Angelina-street, Docks. e662i27 F rl-zh and Chip Business for Disposal, with sheds, J' stables, pony and cart, fowls and houses; good li,ing.-Applv K 17, Evening Express, Cardiff. ei27 FURNISHING Business, established 1881 (cash trade); centre Swansea, few minutes from market; lare? corner premises: lease 24 years; average rent B105 13s lid.; portion sub-let, yielding- £ 124 per MNjm, leaving ample shop, warehouse, stabling accommoda- tion for the business; sitock invoice price; satisfactory reasons given for disposal; grand opportunity for axee additional hire-purchase trade.—Full particulars trom Luoae, Auctioneer, Rutland-street, Swansea. > rifi31 LODGING-House Business for Disposal in Newport; fiiliy furnished: good living for two; capital opening for greengrocery; ingoing EW. which includes everything.—Particulars, P. B., Evening Express, New- porL e>757127 1_- nn BUSINESS PREMISES. R Sale, Commodious Premises; best comer P pœiti()n; centre Roath district; excellent house, stable, warehouse, &c.; can be altered into shop to suit anv business; plans passed.—J 4&, Evening Ex- press, Cardiff- e673i27 XX? POR 8a.Ie cheap, 2 Shops; well let; net yield on J? purchase price 7! Per omt.-G-. Coop,?r, 48, Queen-street, Cardiff. e735i28 Sa.le, Shops Clive-street EJdon-toad, StephensOTi- Jb street. Tudol-road; also Yard, 9I.IJt,<¡.ble for motor garage.—Apply Brown, 59, Cowbridge^-oad, Cardiff. ei28 "VOR sale or to be Let, a very promising Dairy p; Jb situated in centre of Pontardawe; with 20 acres of good land joining same at a very moderate rent; cow-house to accommodate 15; good speculation; present takings, about E18 n. week, could be trebled II.-Ap,I,IY M- P. Williams, Dairy, Pontardawe. i28 rJ r*0 Let, Room, suitable for workshop oc miæjon- room.—Aply Plant Merchant, The Haye?. ei? rfV> LetT at UMharran. G-rooer's Shop, known as the _|_ odd Post-office; the best position in village; with house new bakery, coach-house, and itsbler.-Apply Morgan Morgan, Troed-Y-bryn, LlaaWran, Pontyoliin, Q-lam. e7lLi29 WAREHOUSE, new and commodious; facing Queen- Yt street, Cardiff; moderate rental.—Jenkins. 100, Frederick-street. c5OO5 PUBLIC HOUSES FQP D'SPOSAI ?OU?TRY FuUy-ltC?Daed Howe, importMt market C, town. Wjjt. t&kin? about E14 w?eidv: .t £ 20; ingoing £ 150.—Apply Tebbs Vahiers, 41, Bridge- street, Bristol; lflSSpl PROMINENT Comer, FuHy-ijcensed House, main thoroughfare. Bristol; cheap busiiegs for £ 150.— Apply Tebbs, BnstoL elSSSpl /^VOMPAOT H, oera Bmtol;-œed-" Sundays; ? pr<>fitab bar tiide; suit beginners; in,???-ing tiaO.—Applv Tebbs,Bnstoh eIS95pl 1. Vaughan, Manufacturer ot Bar and Smoke. TY room Seatinge, Ilabies, Ring-boards, and Qnolt Oameø. Skittla Pins and Balls, &c.-rbonezer-OL. Cardil. ) el475 STABLES, YARDS, &c. rno 1Å -r' r CIO-oced- LAND AND FARMS. A Site for Works, with sidings, &c-, Let or Sell.— A Ponsford. (ntralhambers,u -ewport. e7lOiV R Sale, Small Freehold Farm (27 acres); good J- pasture; good Íl0l1"e and 1>uilè.ings; on main road. -Apply A. R iidwards, Grocer, lsk. e78Si31 rJ1ú Let, compact Farm, new dwelling-house, modern A out-buildings: keep five cows and pony; healthy and picturesque position.—P. D. Harries, Pontyberem. e63-5i26 FARM AND GARDEN. E-APLY CHiCKKNS PAY BEST"! We havûe district agency for TAMLIK'S f2!r,ous Incubators. Price list and full particulars on a¡., plicatIon. VAPC RITE. VAPORJTE VAPORITE. For t, DESTRUCTION OF NVTRFIA-ORMS. GRUES, LEATHEP.-JACKETS BEETLES, ANTS, SLUG, and all Garden Pest5- fli, into the soil now. 561bs. 7/6, ll?lb. 11/6: 71b..sample tiw 2/ 2Ub. -?ample tins 4,1& JOHN HI B BERT AND SONS, The Agricultural House. 10 and 11, CASTLE-STREET. CARDIFF. 913 GARDENING for the Masses."—A Gardening G H1\ndÀ containing all the information required for Amateur Gardeners; price sixpence; bound in cloth one shilling extra; by post l^d. extra. Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings. Cardiff e427 'j;T-TED,llorse Carrots.—State price per 11 tm], on rail, Y24, Evening Express, Cardiff. ei26 'V/TTANTED, Fur or Five Tons good Meadow Hi:. T -ta.te lowest price to J 6, Evening Express. Cardiff. e664i26 PIGEONS, POULTRY, &c. BRAZILLAN Parrot (?rmnted talking', E3 10s.; Bliaxga-in.-OrmoDd, Taxidermist, 25, Wyndham Arcade, Caitliff. e433i28 CANARIES.—Grand Young Buff Yorkshire Oock, can win in gocd company, 1.; Two Buff Cocks, Bs. each: a few 1"1"1111" Hens, from 5s.: all OJI approval; br,cx1 from best blood in the fancy.—Harry Owen. 3, Bloom-street, Canton. Cardiff. el8W)30 LAHUE English 13 ec'e and Turkeys for stuc; alo Grand Lot of Laying Fowls =d Dwks. All hmds of Poultry Bought.—Ingram, 22, Penvpeel-road, Canton, Cardiff. e7Eli27 PURE-bred White Orpingto-n Cockerels for Sale; also few Sittings for Eggs, 3s. 6d. dozen (Cook's strain direct).—W. Gore, TaJ^Jjont-an-Usk. -e85Si2o ■VSTHITE Wyandottes—Cockerels and Pullets (March YT and April), from 5s.; utility or exhibition; best blood obtainable: eggs 46. 6d. per sitting.—Write for testimonials, pedigree, and list of prizes won, Merrey, Saddler. Tongwynlais. e4270I27 WRITE Wyandottes.—A few Pure-bred Aprfl Cockerels for Sale, cheap.-24, Arran-street, Roath. e785i27 HORSES, UVE STOCK, &c. A Bargain, Farmers and Others.—Active, thick-set A Cart Mare; a7 years, 15$hands; due to fmi end of My; perffetly sound, DO blemishes staunch puller; all kinds of work: £15; 10 months warranty given.- Burns, Haulier. 1, Rodney-parade Newport. epl F)"¡¡-C:bestnuC-Cob 15 hanà (4 yeai:-J.1i..J; J- brol,??n ? guaranteed in all liarn??; pass all traffic; stand unattended.—Leigh, W&stfield, Llanis-hen. ei26 R s8fe,-rongPo:nter Bitch; colour, liver and -L white; excellent guard; pnce 35& Or Exchange for something Church House, Liandebie. eOZ7 i23 FOR Sale, Prize Pedigree Toy Pomeranian Puppies, Fft-om £ 1; lovely coats and healthy.—Jefferics, I Pork Butcher, 45, Corporation-road, Grange, Cardiff. e771i27 UOR Sale, or Exchange for Pomeranian, hand some 1 y X- marked Collie Dog; good pedigree; splendid watchdog.—10. Earle-place, Canton. e721i2.6 HORSE, Covered Cart, Harn?; -Ood condition; HâE¡'rede corn C;eTr:¡p.wcrn: Barry. C-800 i7,7 N- E W Pony Governess Cars, £11 12s.. zEI6 11)5.. RaiIi .4. Trap. £16 10s.; several Cob Rallies, Governess Care (rubber tyres); bargains.—Avery's, Coachbuilders, G'uildford-street. Cardiff. e604i26 TWO Smooth Fox-terrier Bitch Puppies for Sale, £1 Is. each; dam is by the winning dog "Tynewydd Don." ex a bitch by "Champion Captain Double. "—Morgan, Oelyn Cottage, Efail Isat, e71Si26 CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c. YJIIOR Sale and Hire, 4 Light Furniture and 3n- J: grocer's Wagons, i Spring Trolleys. 2 Governess Cam, 20 Hand trucks, ?. Sets Cob Harnese..—Apply Elkington. Wheielwright, Windsor-road, Cardiff. el FOR Sale. Brake and Double Harness, cheap; or FEx hange for a good Flat Cart, with brake on i- Davies, 1, Jonos-street, Phillipstown, New Tredegar. e&59pl 1 MU?ST Sell. -ITWon-tte to m-y -?i,-ht; cheap to I 'M'ediate buyer.—Apply 69, High-street, Aber- tridwr. Caerphilly. e803127 6-H.P. Rover in good OTder, with hood and screen, t,"J Stepney wh??-I =d lamps, complete; cash proo £ 70.—Lewis, Motor Garage. Tndor-la.ao. e3600 MISCELLANEOUS. I A Stammerer wishes to hear of Cure; terms must Abe moderate.—K 10, EveningExpress, Cardiff. ei27 BAZAAR Goods, Id. and 6id.; greatest variety and value in the trade; wholesale.—Salmon and Matthewman (Limited), Gloucester-street, Birmingham. e875p9 BLIND LATHS (Venetian), i5s. 3d. 1,OMft.; list to B L;I -åi:;SoV:I\on'5SA:' tlijeb British D-o,, Mouldings, and Joinery; compete atinst foreign. Sand.for list. Also Timber of all descriptions. —Jennings and Co., 262, Pennywell-road, Bristol. e1525 TTWJAGS and Decorations, Election Badges, Photo X- Buttons. Rosettes, &c.; Rink Decorations a specialit' y.—Dymond, Decorators, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. em28 LADIES. Ma dame, Indian Palmist. Phrenologist, and Psvchometrist, Bazaars, 16, C1aTreet, River- ode, Cardiff. > el7U PHRENOLOGY, Palmistry, 4c.—Madam.e ^Elvira. lp F.4G-.9., Distinguished and Expert Delineator, will Shortlv return to America; if you are in doubt about business speculation, travel, marriage. or your children's welfare, consult this gifted lady.—Queen-street Aroade. ",1698 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ASH of Brken Incandescent Mantles Bought in 2ny A sad.n&ai;:befit stf road, London. e'122131 S E:; wanted, 7 to 9, Court-road, Grangetown; makers c,U ? deTelothing, Tail ?.r-made; Skirts. &c.; all kinds of Children's Dressmaking. ei28 fI'A1 LORS' Chip-pgs wanted, &ny quantity, 3d. per X lb,; carriage forward; cah 8ame day prods arrive.—Apply J. Lewis, 65, Dyfattv-street, Swansea. el708 W ANTED T Tons of Basic Slag (mÚt contain very b?l-t fertilising properties) and Di?tributor for spreading 6ame, delivered paid to ,tatiün 15 miles from Newport.—Apply J 60, Evening Express, Cardii e515T MISCELLANEOUS SALES. AGATELLE.—Sacrifice] 8ft. Mahogany Folding JO ?be?t'; cu?hior?d 450; approval.—Butcher, 50, Richmond-terrace. Clapham. 05174 DRESS Suit for Sale, 8s. medium siae; Oci can- dition.—66. Salisbury-road, Cardiff. e&05i25 GENT'S ChitSHing Stock at Barry. Dock for Sale G ETd2'tror ;¡o)ra;;iy r¿o;bS: and Co., 51, Queen-street, Cardiff. e7cr.'2V A CCOUNT B'?.M.—Lt?S'er, Ca?h Book, and Journal; A. complete -?et; five quires superior paper in Ewh; red. rough, or buff bmdmg; 1. the set, carriage ra; 'd.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, t r. rdlft. COPYING Presses; "Lion" brand; 21s., Vm 40s.. 45s. Stands, 12s., 14s.—Prices and particulars on application, The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, CaTdiff. CARD Index and catalogues on application, Tne Stationery Stores, Western Mail !1uildings, Caxdiff. COPYING Letter Books; ?Peetal slue; 1,WO p. ? boun? bMil: 3s. 6d., post free.—The Station?ry stores. dstern Mail Buildings, Cardiff. COPYING Letter Books, the "Peno Type"; best I thin tough white copying paper, suitable for type or hand-written letters; strongly bound; 500 pages, 4s. 6d.; 1.000 pages, 6s. Cd.-The Staticnery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. DISH Papers.—The Premier Box, containing six dozen assorted: useful sizes; 6., postage 2d. 72 Oval Laae Dish Papers; assorted sizes; Is., postage 2d.—The Stationery Stoms, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. • /"VNOTO Self-filling Fountain Pens, from 10s. 6d7. post fr?.-The Stationery Stwes, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. "TT<VENING EXPRESS" Desk; compact, useful, and Eexc!e]!E?nt value; holds full?,ze blotting-gheet; 2s., carriatre 6d.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings. Cardiff. GARDENING for the Ma<»: By a Practical GGard?nc,r. A Gardening Book containing all the Information required for Amateur Gardeners. Price 6d.. bound in cloth Is.. postage l-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. GUINEA Ledger; 720 pages best quality account- ?'?mNEALed?er? 7M pa.ee T)e"t q?MtUtv binding, indexed and lettered: carriage paid. Also Cash-books or Day-books to match; same mice.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. TV/fEDICINE for the by a FamiIy'phvsic??B. WA MM'cal Book mntaining aH the informati? required for ordinary purposes. Prioe Is., bound in cloth 19. 6d., postage M.-T,ie Stationery Stores, West err Mail Buildings, Cardiff. T?'OTBPAPE.R.—OM pound F?uperi? qualitv ? Note- JA paper, Albert or ordinary size, printed address, with 100 envelopes to match, 3s., post free.—The Stationery Stores. Western Mail Buildings,' Cardiff. PLAYING Cards, Goodall's or American makes, JL Is., rs- 6d., 2s. 6d per pack; reduction for half- dozens.—The stationery Stores, Western Mail Bul'dings. Cardiff. AVESLEY Fountain Pen. fitted with 60lid K?M if Wa,erly nib in fine, medium, or broa? points; an elegant pen, supplying a long-felt want; 10s. rd., post free.-Ine Stationery Stores, Western Mail Bui1ditl, Cardiff. XTfTKITING-Case in Roan Leather; x 6: ith "f pockets for notepaper, nvelo, post-cards, and stamps, gussetted, blotting-pad: compact, strong, and useful; 2s. 6d.. post free.—The stationery Stores, Western Mail Bundln. Cardiff FIFTY Japanese Serviettes: assorted designs; very -U artistic; price 1s" postage 3d. extm-The Stationerv Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. "iTfHIST and Rrid Markers, Scoring Cards, and VV Bade-M.—Fre?h 1j¡m st The StaHocery Storo? Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. THE "Cardiff" Per,; superior qualitv shonlder-pen; x suitable for school or office: one shilling per gross, post free—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Build- ings. Cardiff. MOURNING- Cards, Cboice -ero a sample book any distance: carriage paid.—The Stationery Stores Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. PAPER Fasteners, best brass, round heads- 2 gross in box assorted sizes; one shilling, post free.— The Stationery Storee, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. "CJWAN" Fountain Pen, from 10s. 6d. to 42s.. post 10 free- write for price-list.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings. Cardiff. rpHE Empress Stylo Pen; a splendid pen, and very X reliable; Is. 9d. post f,-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. rrmE "Western Mail" Quill, a soft, metAt pen, _L adaptable to any hand; 2s. 6d. per groes, poe free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. rImE "Express" Pen; soft, lfexible steel, medium X i>otnt: a first-clai*s m,sine3S ren; one shilling per gross, post free.—The Stationery Stores, W7estern Mall Buildings, Cardiff. qpYPKwnTTtNGBiMbons,aJIco!ou? for aU machines: best quality: 28., 6?L, "t free.-The Stationerv- Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. JEWELLERY FOR SALE. AMES Keir (10 ;J.r:Oti>¡.w, IT Watches Ri?ht. The Best and Cheapest Shop in Cardiff for Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery of eiv? description (English or FoTeJgn). MusieW Boxes Cleaned and Repaired promptly.—Note addre.?&-U, Castle Arcade third shm from Castle-s'ree> 1 DOMESTtC?RTt?L&S. FOC SaK~Bab7'a H*h Chm*; in 9-d ommiann; J' ett? ?tM ??m W?t Ca? «, <Mt?? ,??,rM**«. dam J ATaa'kkble for 3 Dafcys Prom Dttt*. ADVT. COUPON. Special Offer for January. Any person cntting on-t tbia Oonpon and sending it, accompanied by a 6d. P.O., will be entitled to insert & S-SU Advertiaenwsnt not exceeding 22 Words Three Times in the 'Evening Express,' or by sending P.O. value 1/- vrill be entitled to insert am. AIvertioament not exceeding 22 Words Three Times in the Evening Express v AND Three Times in the 'Western Mail' THUS SBOTJRING THE WIDEST PUBLICITY AT HALF USUAL BATE8. N.B.—This offer does not ctpply to Bttskiees Advertieemertitfl. JANUARY" 27, 1910. MONEY TO LEND. CHARING CROSS BANK. ESTD. 1870. CARDIFF BRANCH: 73, ST. MARY-STREET. luead Offioee: 28, Bedford-street, Charing Croaa, Londcsrv and 39, Btehopsgate-street Within, London, K.C. Branches: Manohestor, Liverpool. Leeds, Bradford, Assets £1.607.949 Liabilities £ 1,256,871 Surplus £ 371,078 X CANS of E30 to £ 2.000 ?ntnt<?! at a few ho?rr? -L? notice, ,n town and mj,trv, on pemnal aecurit? jeweHery, previous -t. stocks, shares, and tumitri without removal. Stvcks and Shares boragfet and sold. 2i per cent allowed on current account balances. Deposite of £ 10 and upwards received as under:- Subject to 3 moattM' notice cf withdTaoaL 5 pc. per ?. 6 6. ? ? ? ? ? ?? I S8J term@ ro.r"l parted, T,,tw? p?<! qm MTty. Owing to the nature of OUT !Ðmentø we M< able to pay rates of interest on deposits that will oem. pare favourably with dividends paid on almost aaj class of tk or shareholding insuring the safety ot caprttal. M e have been established for 40 years, and our portion in the banking world tonfay testifies to the succwes of our business methods and to the sat1ø- faction of our customers.—Write or call for prospectus. A. WILLIAMS a->d H. J TALL, Joint Managecs. rfTfTE Old-established Pro?-itM? Union 'Baa? ODV"nm J" Lend fmme.nf? Sums Daily, from LID to £ 1,000, on Not, of Hand Alone or other security. No -IMIN Inqulq. charges wliatever Moderate interest. Easy instalments Specia. rates for short period*. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the King- dom. Thousands of our regular customers have ex- pressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman from Bonk will wait upon you at once with cash. Can or write, in confidence, to— „ *1^ AGER. STANLEY! DOWDHTO. 1. QUES- PQUARE. BRISTOL, 0' tc, Mr WILLIAM JAMES. 168. Richmond-road (top of City-road), Cardiff. e5526 TO C5 000 ADVANCED, £ 2" J;'at/ :1e onA Eimple PromiaBory Note& ?o cf Sale T?ea, and Ab90lute PriTjMt guaranteed. FiTTt letter of application receive* prompt attention, and intending borrowers ar4 waited upon bv a representative, who is empowered to complete transactions on tesrms mutually arranged. NO CHARGE beine made unless business actuallj completed. Special Quotations for Short Loans Write, in confidence, to C. WELLS, I B, CLAEE-STREET, BursTOF., £ 2 £ 20 LOAya JgQOTTAELE A VANCE co.. EXCHANGE-CHAMBEKS, 1, EDWAKD-TERRAO (QUEEN-STREET END), CARDIFF, and 10, FRIARS-STREET. NEWPORT. NO FEES FORMS FREE. Call or write for particulars to— M A V A G E R. at Above Addresees. Tel. No. 2399, Cardiff. el478 -0 to ?10,603 on Note of H&nd. and every c?seoi £lOsourTl:OO Fair interest, ca? repaymen* and co?'I pleti" First and Second Mort?a? g; Write or call Nat. 1.. 497.-Il r& D,, ?, 7-e4 HA1 E8-BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. e5147 /^AJT YOU DO WITH A?Y MONEY JUST NOW' ?? If so let me know. I am prepared to Advance vou any Sum from £ 89 upwards SIMPLY ON YOUR WRITTEN PROMISE TO RE-PA Y.-Applv J. LAWRENCE. 1, PEMBfiOKB- TERRACE, CARDIFF. Nat. Tel.. 1C36. el298 CASH AOCOMMOnATION, tN to tl.OM. Interest 2s. 6d. in the B for agreed period. £ 20 re-pay £ 22 10s. iC50 re-pay JEM 5s. £ 30 re-pay £33 156.1 £100 re-pay £ 112 1.08. Call or write to the well-known Financier, W. JACKSON. 25, Tudor-road. Cardiff. 33, Commercial-road. Hereford 31, Hagley-road. Edgbaston, Birmingham. 26, Bernard-street, Russell-square, London, W.C. eHH MR. W.M., LLOYD makes IMMEDIATE ADVANCES in UM8 of £10 to E 10. 000 to th«w« in temporary need of cash. No security ',1' bondsmen required. Personal Note of Hand only. Twins of re-paymoot monthly or Quarterly. Gentlemen engaged in professions, ot in tusiness, or holding poeitioae of trna can rely upon the strictest confidence being observed. EYery transaction carefully explained before completion Oonrteey, tact, and nonourablo treatment aasured- el607 APPLy TtTM- LLOYD, 4. CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. Nat. TA to. you CAN JgORBOW ANY STTM FitOM f-5 to RltWA Direct from the Actual Lender- Mr. PHILIP MORRIS. 80. TAFF-STREET, PON-TYPRMD. Manager of the Pouth Wales Loan and Finance Co.. Upon Yonr Own Promissory Note, and Re-pay to Suit Your Circumstances. No Sureties required. Lowest Interest Charged Strict Privacy Guaranteed. Call or write. in confidence, to- PHILIP MORRIS, BO. Taff-street, Pontypridd. Apnlications frcm all p4rte receive prompt attention. el773 SUMS up to E;1,900 to Invest on Mortg&g,Geo. Cooper, 48, Queen-street. Cardiff. e734129 w ITHOUT A NY SEe U R I T Y-, FROM £10 to ;ci,ooo. "RAparahte by eaev tnsta.tmcnts. moderate <4virgm. Ladies or G^nt^em«n requiring a Loan can relv on strict PHTVACY and prompt attention bv applying t€ J 1,. '??TONE. 102, QTTF, CARDIn. 1 -EN-I;TRI-?,ET, CARDTYF. e6621, MONEY WANTED. ft?b to £ 3,000 wf)nt?d7 ?rrtx?p«. S?cttrM?, Fr?hoM, .C or Leaæhold.-P. H., Evening Express, Newport, e76gi3l FURNITURE. 4 Massive W?nut Std?o?rd, Be-tt?om Suite, Ov5^ A ?a.ntte, Ped?iead. a?d other Useful Articies of Furniture; 'must he sold immedi.ateoly.-195, Mackintosh- place, Roath Park. e765i27 C()fP'LETE-HOUæ 4,?Merior rUTIlItUTe Almost new; onpertunitv hœoe fnmi,?hilg or d.le: wg separate: bargains Apply, after six, 8, Morlais-street, Roath Park. el40Spl FURNITURE ?3t? Wboleale PKr7s.^Solld "B<?room FS,it,s, C5 15.: Dining-room SuiteR, 3 guineas; Bedrteads with Bedding complete for 428.; niamjva Sideboards (6ft.\ £ 7 15fo.: Bookcaseis. £2 the Market. Furnitnre Warehouse, Newport. All goods pid. Send for e620 V()!t. Sale, Oak Sideboard, £ 4 Saddlebag Stlit;, r £ 3 10s-. Bedroom Suites, £ 4 10s. and £ 5.-358, Cowb,.idg-e-road. e728i?6 MUST Sen at once, Hoiiee of Pumiture, through postponement of marriage; genuine offer.—Only bona-nde buyers need apply, in confidence, K c. Ev n. ing ETprp'6. Cardiff. f??? 29 j MEDICAL REMEDIES. I MEDICAL REMEDIES. A-.ii- u<'ICÍAL' I<e? Hands. Ey, cStdhesl Defor- Amity Ap'pljance; Makers of Steel-less Easffit Truss; Lady Attendant, Ladies' Belts. Elastic Stock- i. &-c.: list fr- catab. 1?3S—Allen Pearce. 23. Charles-street. C&Tdie. N?t. 'M.. 'liiJ:e]l Pe1463 23, MITCHELL'S "Rheumatic >ills,- l^ld. post *fMc 7 cured tho'.isia.nds; Herbalist Herbs, In pwket?p. f,d. cure yourae4f of all comnlaints; advice free of Treatment and Magnetic HeaJer. 16, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. emp2 rrmiMNELT.'S Pills and Powders have Cured X Thousands. Why not yoru? See that you get "Established 1m" on every label.-Trimnell, the Herbalist. 144. RiVhmond-road, Cardiff. Agents wanted. rFL.kGVF,Ll-NE Herb&-WomderfW Medicine for Indil X gest,ion, Conrtipation, Headache, Backache, Stomach and Kidney Disorders; post free, 1 packet 10d., 3 for 2s.—Teague, Station-street, opposite Theatre. Newport, Mort elTDS TO Prevent Fraud see that you get "Established 1879" on every label aner-wrapper of Trimnell's preparations, without which none are genuine.—Titrn- nell. the Herbalist, 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. eS49J 64-PAGE BOOK ABOTTT HF.RBS AND HOW TO USE THEM, post free; send for one. TBIMNELL, The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-road, OnffiX. Established 1879. SHOP FITTINGS CLOTHING Fixtures, practically new, at 90, Taff- c street, Pontypridd, for immediate Sale.-A pply Empire Clothing Company. Perth. eT07i36 CROSS Brothers'  Scale D?partmMt.—Eyfrv class of %-) fcal" Ro?? in stock; repairs promptly done at low Twiom. rend for illmtrded lit?. f:roo.-Croæ BrotheM The Cardiff Ironmongers, 3 and 4, St. Mary-street. CROS-S Bros (Ltd.) Safe Department.—Large Stock, various makes. Griffiths'?, 18 x 13 x 12, 48, 6d. 20 x 14 x B 55s Perry's. 22 x 15 x 14, 855,; 24 x IT x 16, 90s. Milner's, 25 x 19 x 19. 105s.; 25 x 19 x 19 two drawers, 126s—Full illustrated Hsts on application! COAL. &c. COALS Supplied from Sbr-neY Coal On,, TATL, i, F-de-ick?st Cardiff, are reliable as reeards weight a.nd quality. Internat!onal or (?anaock cbae 23!6 Forest 22/6, Red Ash 18/ Cobbles 16/ Nat. Tel., m el 540 HOUSE Coal Sp?.&iijsts.—LoTte Mtt! CoTTLtdJT?orth road Coal 01tices; best at lowest prIces. del1ved 22s. 6d.. 2nds 19F.. 6d., Cannock or Forest 23s. 6d Cobbles ig&, Nuts 18s. Orders received Nat. Tel. 8CE. 61539 LOWEST .Pr{OM for -lh on deHTerr.—CobMM, 15s., JU R?tbbt<? 17.. T?rce 19s., 21s., and 23s., Beet Nut* 20s.—Shields, Crwys Bridge, Cardiff. N.T. 4282. el50 WAGONS & COLLIERY REQUISITES R Sale, Sleepers, Fencing, Deals, Boanta, and QZ X: sorts of Colliery, Railway, and Estate Timber, Creoeoted and Uncreoeoted.—Charles CaJder and Co., Swansea am igLL?"1 — "W| MACHINERY, TOOLS, Ac. T7V>R Sale, Tinker Dry-back Boiler; only worked eighl -JL. vjeeks; insurable 1351bs.-Apply Box K ;)4, Evening Express. Cardiff c5168 GAS Engines, Oil Engines, Suction Gas PiM?' New WLd Second-hand Eng!1l&, In Binet at Cardiff; (SaaSi or deferred paymei)t&-(Ye"ey Bros. (Limited), 37, Westga-te-etreet, Cardiff. afoil   /?VEBHRAD Tr?reajM; OMMLBa M tO)M. epM? tY? _MCL; <(Jaa iMo?m?ttffttm tM<T nmi J £

