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BARRY COUNCILLORS IN MONTHLY MEETING The monthly meeting of the Barry I Urba-n District Council \va? jto>ld on Iünday evening last, Mr. J. ía.li Sh.al!, II J.P., presiding. The iuca.Uiber$present ?ver? Dr. P. J. C'Donneil, J .P., Messrs.. H. R. Jones, D. Lloyd. 'I Lowell Y\ il- liams, G. Wareham, F. C. Mikior, D. E. S. Browne. F. E.- .J..JlulT{\tl, J. E. Levers, J. Mix Williams. T. Evans,. T. Preece Prichard, and Beck. In. tho mi mutes of the Gas and W ater Committee, which were taken first, it was istated it hat a resolution was passed that the chairman and engineer be ern- powered to deal with the erection of telephone circuits from the Ga-s- Office to the engine 'house, and the engineers private house, and the assistant s hornse. Mr. F. E. J. Murrel 1 asked the En- oineer what the expense would be. b The Engineer (Mr. T. S. Franklin) replied that the cost would be much lesis fli-,t,ii tho ex is ti ng system. It was allso mentioned in those minutes that the supervising officer of the Mil it airy in the town., to whom the engineer had made application for an armed gua,rd for the gasworks, had not been able to grant the application. Mr. T. Evans: Are we taking any precautions at present in the absence -of this guard? The Engineer: There has been a gualid there every Saturday evening a.nd Sunday since the war broke out. I THE HOSPITAL DOCTORS. 1 M'r. Felix Williams asked a question with regard to the decision of the Hos- pitals Committee to pay the doctors at present on it-he rota at the Accident Hospital, Drs. likisuii Janes and Six- smith, an honorarium, of £ 50 per annum from April 1st. fo.r their services at the Hospital. He (Mr. Williams) Would like to have some explanation. It was only reeentln- that the salary of these doctors was gone into. He would Hike to know the reason for this change. Mr. Milner pointed out that Dr. Holers was' away, and the work foll o h .J hI yery heavily upon the doctors remain- ing. Ma*. S. R. Jones thought- this should 'l>o included in the resolution. He moved this. Mr. Felix Williams seconded, and itina was carried. HOLTON-ROAD SUB-POST OFFICE. Mr. T. Evans irose -to support. the -resolution of the Public Works Sub- Committee, that application be made to the Postmaster at Cardiff that a sub- post office, be opened in Holiton-road, Barry Docks, between the Council -Offices and Tho mipso n-<street. Holton- road, ho said, had had a post, office for the past 23 years. There was a- great ileal of complaint, especially in the flolton Ward, that the post office had recently ibeen closed. He moved that a letter ho written to thnPOrstmasteir- General. MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIA- TION. The Clerk (ilir. T. B. Turdoif) read a letter from AAr. R. Llewelyn. Cardiff, with reference to it-he applieation. of the Barry Master Builders' Association for an advance of halfpenny per hour, asik- iiiu tha,t the master he deferred in ordor to tallow the men to staJtø their ca.se to the Council. (The Chairman: trhis wiOl practic- ally govern the .resolution. Ir. Felix Williams moved that the matter bo doferrod for. a month. Mr. Howell Williams seconded, and it. was ca,rried. BACK LANE THAT [HNT THERE. Mr. Beck raised the question of the "back lane ibeitween Bassett-st-reet and Evera.rd-st.reet. Why could these people not get the lane made'? Dr. O'Donnell said the old Drill Hall in Bassett-street prevented it,. Thi.s building belonging to the War Office. Mr. Beck said this was lamentable. The War Office might have the Dril-1, Hall on hand for 20 or 30 years. Could the (Council not find some wa.y to give the tenants a iback lane? Dr. ODoiiittall: Will the tenants be willing ito pay? Mr. Beck: I am not thinking of the tenants, but of the ratepayer. He is paying foir a Iback lane that is not. there. REFUSED. Mr. S. R. Jones referred to a. para, graph in the minutes of the Parks and Licensing Committee, in which a.pPlâ-I' cation iby a coloured man for a lodging- hou ,licc,m,o was ,dcus.soo,and no re- solution no i-esoau- tion passed, Mr. Jones asked. The Cha.irm.an pointed out that the application came (before the Council- three months before, and it wa's then refused. A cfuirther application was tllade to the Committee, Qntt nlO decision had Ibeen arrived at, owing probably to the .small attendance. » Mr. S. R. Jonas moved that the appli- cation bo refused onco more. This was agreed to. It was istated in the minutes of the Ila-rk,s and Licensing Committee that complaints had ibeen received from fenants of allotments auear the Cemetery that there were gap in the hedge ad- joining it he field, the property of the v -• C I' .] I. ). 1 I I County Co unci]. It was decided to writ? to the latter Council. Asked .by Mr. W. Beck whether :t rerily had been received, the Clerk re- plied in the afifrmative, and added that the County Council -suggested that the Barry Council -should repair the fence. Mr. S. R. Jones contended that the District Council should not bear the expense, inasmuch as tha fenccs uc- (''x p ?'n?p, 'nas)m).p l i longed to t hn County CounciL It was agreed to repair the hedge. BOWLS FOR THE .SOLDIERS. I iltr. W. Beck then raised the ques- tion of allowing convalescent soldiers to nso the bowling green at Barry Island free of charge, Mr. Beck said he had asked IÍille caretaker to allow the men to play at a.ny time of the day, and would like -tho Cotiiicil to confirm his action. iiAIr. D. E. Broiwjie,,s,,ii,d flie re,,sol,ii-. tion should be recast, giving the sol- diers the right to play. Mr. Walton agreed. Mr. Browno ii-ioved the alteration of the resolution to the effect, that the care- taker be at liberty to allow the wounded soldiers the use of the greens, such per- mission to be left to the discretion of the caretaker. Mr. T. Evans seconded, and it was carried, a few rinks to be reseirved for the public. A NUISANCE IN COMMON-ROAD. A letter was 'received from Mr. A. I Denskam. Victoria-road, Cadoxton, ask- ing that .something be done to abate a nuisance which prevailed in Common- road, and suggesting that. a. ventiliating sha!ft should be erected. Mr. Felix Williams1 moved that the matter be referred to tho Health Com-1 mittpp. Mr. D. Lluyl seconded. I The iC I-erk said the Committee had IIl- terviewed Mr. Gihbs, the owner of the house, and he refused to allow the shaft to he erected. The resolution was" eventually car- ried. PLAYING WITH THE COUNCIL." I Mr. W. Beck called attention to a nuisance in Hol.ton-road, which, took the form of a largo hoarding in front of a shop. He thought the landlord was playing with the Council in the matter. He moved that if the trouble be not rectified, the license be opposed at the next licensing sessions. Mr. J. E. Lever* seconded. Mr. S. R. Jones suggested that a sub- committee visit the place. M r. D. E. S. Browne s.aid the clerk to the licensing justices should be com- municated with. At length the matter was left to the Health Committee. ALL OVER THE PLACE." On the proposition, of Mr. Murrell. I seconded bv Dr. ODolltneH, it was agreed to revise the Council's bye-laws, which were described as being all over the place." THE SOLDIERS' CLOTHING. I Mr. Murrelil stated that the soldiers had 'semt their clothing to the town dis- iiifector to be disinfected. Had an ac- count Ibeen sent- to the War Office? j-inir. C. B. Brown (the accountant) No. It was decided to send the account immediately. l THE BAN ON THE PRESS REMOVED. The minutes of the Library Commit- teo were being considered, and, as was expected; a halt was called at No. 5, which required the elimination of the Times ialid Da-ily Mail from the Reading Rooms in consequence of the Kitchener criticisms. Mr. D. E. S. Browne thought it would be unwise for them to allow the resolution) to go a:ny further. However much they might disagree with any newspaper, he thought it was distinctly taking away the freedom of the Pnesis to adopt so drastic an attitude. Since the publication of the articles complained of, the eyes of the country had been opened to the very great danger of lack of munitions. A Minis- ter of Munitions had been appointed, and while inow they were- expressing condemnation, of the attitude of these papers, it might be that in twelve months' time they would turn round and praise them ifor having called pub- lic attention to this serious defect. He moved the elimination of this minute, which he characterised as a mistake. Mr. T. Preece Prichard seconded. What right had the Library Comtaiittee, he asked, to pass' .such a [resolution, and to assume the role of Press censors. They had the Press Bureau and the Press Censor, who should say what was to be published and what was not. ''We pride ourselves upon the liberty of Press in this country," Mr. Prichard added, and if we com/mence to inter- fere with it now, we shall be taking a. very retrogade step." Mr. Murrell ggaid the InatioB. should show its condemnation of these- papers; it was a mean and despicable action on their part. The attacks on Lord Kitchener were scurrilous. Mr. Browne's amendment was car- ried, the Chairman, Messrs. B?ok, Browne, 'V ham, Felix Will,iams j Evans, Lloyd, and Prichard (8) voting for: and Messrs. O'Donnell. Howell (I M), I


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