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COFFEE Roasted per lb. !/6 Costa Rica 2/2 Pea Berry 2/4 1M. TT STONEHAM, COFFEE SPECMUST, Argyll. S"tores" Aberga,venn.y. < ACCOUNTANCY. Systems of Book-keeping Mr tlifFerent Businesses provided.. Trading and Pront and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets prepared. Periodical Audits performed and Businesses supervised Income Tax Returns, Accounts, Adjustments, Claims for Repayment, &c. Excess Fronts Duly cases a speciality. D H JACK y U Certified Accountant Wh8 f II ib Ii JAGKSON,9 and Auditor Ivoyhltwell, Aberg avenny We claim for our MONUMENTAL WORK that it is equal to the best London firms in DESIGN and QUALITY of WORKMAN SHIP. but at least 50% cheaper. I Genuine offer of Memorials in stock at old prices. Photos and inclusive terms on application. ROBERT PRtCE&SOMS, Adjoining Cattle Market. \1e Move with the limes PiANOS By the teading London Makers- Gramophones. 2,000 Records. AGENTS FOR -mSMASWSVO!GE" QEGODS & MrlCHIES. w Cash or HEINS & Go's Easy Payment System. HEINS&Co. LTD", The All.British Firm, Broad St., and Widemarsh St., HEREFORD. AND Froamore St., Abergavenny. (') DOWNES BEST & CHEAPEST FOR RELIABLE FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, < —— FROGMORE ST. I I ABERGAVE?NY. I ABEI[tG.AV.P'4 .N!NY, f REDWOOD'S sBMEAD i I AND .1 I CA ES'l I PERFECTION. I Redwood's Hygieaic Bakeiy. I W. H. BUTT, Ladies' & Cent's Taitor and Chitdren's Outfitter. CAI.L AND SBB 0" R PATTERNS FOR TAIWR-"AADF, SUITS. HIGH STREET, ABERGAVENNY. „„„„ nm.m.m!) !)! !)))!)! !!)!M ) m!M THE ABERGAVENNY SIEAM LMM. CO., L?D., Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. HIGH-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE CHARGES. Address Miss TAYLOR, Manageress. I I I is Business Booming ? ¡ tF NOT, WHY NOT? IS IT YOUR FAULT? ALL THE BIG BUSINESSES HAVE BEEN BUILT UP BV ADVERTISING HAVE YOU ADVHRTISRD YOURS ? If you have any Special Lines, proclaim them in bold type. Tell People the GOOD VALUE You can ofTer. FM<t Profits are made on 11Jkat you YELL, NOT on -vhat Ivou KEEP IN STOCK. 1 tT PAY3 TO ADVERT!SE I THE ABEREAVENNY CHRONICLE I THE BUSINESS BMN6ER, I DO VM COmTEMPLil"fE MATQIMOY ? If so, you should marry irid furnish your home with the lenst p)sible delay, for furniture is continualiy becoming scarcer, and the indications are that for a con- siderable nme AFTKR THE VICTORY furniture will be ahncst unobtainable. At their Seven Branches and numerous Reserve Warehouses throughout South Wales T3?7V ? M &/ m T LTiUT?.y bJuVAi? 0? UU.? I Wates' Largest Furnishers, ¡ Newport, Pontypool, Cardiff, I A<a., still have iiameBse stocks at reasonable prices. J ISEF-USEMSELECTIOKS. RELIABLE SCMIB. ALL REOUIllEMEIITS. II Free BeMwery abor"n.y «)< Dmtrtct. I & EV ANS TXM3 SUPPLY STORES, I IL]bejvgn7weimixy and I HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN OFFERING Very Fine AMONTILLADO AND MANZANILLA SHERRY ALSO SOME Choice Old MADEIRA. BOTTLED 1887. PRICES ON APPLICATION. LIGHT DINNER ALE 6/- per Doxen Pint Bottles. t HEREFORDSHIRE I CIDER 4./6 per Dozeb. Pint Bottles. STILL WHITE WINES 3o/- per Dozen Bottles. THE WHITE SISTERS GIVE LESSONS IN French, Pianoforte, VtoHn & MandoHne, Painting, French Painting, Poker-work, Meeciework I to Children j.cd Adalts. both I&dies and geatlemen. I t'hey take &!so youcg !a,dies whc ba.ve left school for accomplibhmeuta, Frinch &r:d Keedlewcrk, at modera.te charges. FRENCH CLASSES are bdà. Terms: 12/6, if Ctaaa is composed of at lekist B'x members 15/- tf only four members. Per further p&rt.ir;nl&ra Apply to The REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR, ¡ Fen-y-pound Hoose. P 0 30 Abergavenny. ? Telegrams Stanley, Abergavenay. CHAS. P. STANLEY, BLACK UON YARD, ABERGAVEMMY. Always a Buyer of Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Pewter, Spelter, Gun Metal, Raga, Bones, Rubber Bottles, Rabbitkins, etc., etc. BB8T PRICE MVSN. Upon teceipt of Post Card will wait uponlyoa immediately. ALWAYS NUMEROUS ARTICLUS R. M. WILHAMS, LTD., Chemists and Opticians (Opposite th3 Angel Hote!, Abergawenny) EYESIGHT TESTED. I ALL REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. r- ,'t I: I, f, >- =-I(-== \1 '¡;F 7(/> ¡=- r ,.p-?_Y: ? ¡11 ? flJ -'0 u ;#' ¡: 1:\ '1" Ó'J '#4 ,I ? ? r"' ?? ? 'tU— ,I, !jJ ¡:7\lrti" l,f¡,) &" ) I OCCUUSTS' PRESCRtPT!OMS ACCURATELY DISPENSED. IFULL, IRANGE OF SPECTACLES & LENSES IN STOCK, 1 YE OLDE FYRME. WILL. EVANS, SCULPTOR, 2 Brecon Road, ABERGAVEMNY. Compare my work with others and not I be misled by bluff advertisements, as all I want is a fair price for an honest job. j Unequalled for accurate v.'ork in 'MASONRY, CARVtMG & LETTERING, as I specialize in this one business alone, and it is impossible to put up a nrst-class job and give satisfaction at shoddy prices. I JESSE PRITCHARD. I PRACTICAL BUILDER. i 1, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, ABERGAVENNY., .Svt'r* de''3nptioa of B'T'diBp W0rt ¡:romptl: fx.e- CeEiented or M w',err,te Cliref-d ønn to '< ,JobbmR \\iork. Hea.ttBg App&rat.n?, Bniter &nd Urate Fixing a A T?i&l Order respectfully ao-,(!ited NO COUPONS NEEDED WE HAVE SPARE RIBS FOR THAT BROKEN UMBRELLA. The Umbrella Repair Depot: R.J. HARRHY, 5 HIGH STRERT, HAIRDRESSER & TOBACCONIST. VEGETABLE PLANTS. Cau!!f!ower, Celery, Cucumber, Brussels Sprouts, Tomatoes, Vegetable Marrows. Savoys, Cabbages, Kates & Broccoli aHat1/-per100. Beduing Plants! Bedding Plants I Geraniums, Begon!as, Calceolarias, Mar- gHrieies, Heliotrope, DahHa, Vtotas, LobeHa, Asters, Stocks, &c. Insecticides. X Potato Wash, Kalakiha, Abo!. Ex All, &c. Bordorite, Sulphate of Copper, and Pare Washing' Soda. Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets & Cut F!owers. HENRY PITT, (F li. El. B.) Brecon Rd. & Old Nursertcs, Abergavenny. to stock sell Poisonous Com- pound s for ase la H<r:,iculture. TeL No. 19. New Grates soon pay for themselves apart from increased warmth and comfort, and are astonishingly cheap at ROBDTLRTPRIGE & SONS9 UON STREET & PARK ROADA District Agents for the Celebrated Oakeley Slates, and the firm for 2all Building Materials, Timber, &c.