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C3 0 ±< ? ?E B ??? ??.m?? -?- ?Jt.t —<))——t? Roasted per lb. t/6 Costa Rica 2/2 Pea Serry ,3 2/4 V. T. STONEHAM, COFFEE SPEMAUST. Altgyll Stiores, AbergaV"enn.y. -Vc -C- "7',¡-C''r_> BUSINESS MEMS. Farmers and Income Tax. Farmers should obtain the oSic :i annouBcement of the Board of Agri- culture in regard to Book-keeping and Assessment, and if they desire to be assessed under Schedule D instead of Schedule B. should give notice to the Surveyor of Taxes before 5th June Income Tax and Book-keeping. A reliable system of Book-keep mg from which final accounts can be prepared and certified for the rveyor of Taxes, is the only means by which an over assessment of In. 'me Tax and Excess Fronts Duty can be avoided. R. H. JACKSON, Whitwell, Hereford Road, Abergavenny. We claim for our MONUMENTAL WORK that it is equal to the best London firms in DESIGN and QUALITY of WORKMAN- SHIP, but at least 50% cheaper. Genuine offer of Memorials in stock at old prices. Photos and inclusive terms on application. I ROBERT PR!CE & SONS, Adjoining Cattle Market. < We Move with the Times. PIANOS By the leading London Makers. Gramophones. ¡ 2,000 Records. AGENTS FOR REGORDS & MACHIES. Cash or HEINS & Go's. Rasy Payment System. HEINS & Co. LTD., The All-British Firm, Broad st.,Iland Widemarsh St., HEREFORD. è AND Froamore St., AhersaveBny. DOWNES BEST & CHEAPEST FOR RELIABLE FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FROGMORE ST. i MORE ST. ABERGAVENNY. I REDWOOD'S BE P AND CAKES PERFECTION. Redwood's Hygienic Bakery. j -„„,„„, ,„„.„ ?m..?.m .-m m —— GENTLEMEN'S SUITS JUVENILES' SUITS ? LADIES' COSTUMES PATTERNS AND DESIGNS ON APPLICATION W.H.BUTT, I Taitor and Outfitter, 7 & S High St., Abergavenny. THE ABERGAVENNY STEAM LAUIDRY, GO., LTD.. Merthyr Road, Abergavenny. I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ¡ HIGH-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE CHARGES. Address Miss TAYLOR, Maaageress. BANK HOCL5E ARE NOW SHOWING THE LATEST wo SUMMER MILLINERV. Voile Frocks. Voite Btouses. Summer Underclothing Cotton Costumes, Coat Frocks, Jerseys. Summer Qtoves, Hosiery, Fancy Neckwear, &c. Prints, Zephyrs, Voites, Navy Serges. Large Stock White and Unbteached CALICOS & SHEETINGS. I JONES (DO-, (F. TREWOR JOMES. Proprtetef) Everyone in the District I Should Know that no 6rm on earth can possibly supply them better with every description of Househotd Furniture THAN THE WELL-KNOWN HOUSE OF BEVAN & COMPANY, LIMITED, PONTYPOOL. NEWPORT, CARDtFF, And other Branches throughout South Wales, DESIGNS RIGHT. QUALITV RIGHT. PRICES RIGHT. DELIVERY FREE MP TO 200 XMLEt. BEVAN & COMPANY, LTD., Wales' Largest Furnishers & Pianoforte Merchants. t. & lETVANS TM:E SUIPIPIEX- swonles, Abergavenny and HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN OFFERING Very Fine AMONTILLADO A-N D MANZANILLA SHERRY ALSO SOMH Choice Old MADEIRA. BOTTLED 1887. PRICES ON APPLICATION. LIGHT DINNER ALE 6 per DoT-cn Pint Botdes. HEREFORDSHIRE CIDER 4-6 per Dozen Pint Bottles. STILL WHITE WINES 301- per Dozen Bottles. TEE WHITE SISTERS I GIVE LESSONS IN I French, Pianoforte, Violin & Mandoline, ¡ Painting, French Painting, Potter-work, I Needlework ;o Choree and Adu'ts, both ladies tad gentlemen. 7bt-y t&be alac yonng Indies who have left school for accou3p!i..hmeat8, French a,ad Needlework, at moderate cha.rgea. FRENCH CLASSES &re belj. Terms: 12/6, if C!aas is caa-poBed of a.t leMt bix membera 15/- if only four members. For rmrtber particolara App'y to The REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR, I rec-y-ponnd Hoaae. P.O 30 Abergavenny. Telegrams: Stanley. Abcrgavenny. CHAS. P. STANLEY, BLACK LION YARD, ABERGAVENNY. Always a Buyer of Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead. Zinc, Pewter, Spelter, Gun Metal, Rags, Bones, Rubber Bottles, Rabbit Skins, etc., etc. BEST PMCB GIVEN. Upon receipt of Post Card will wait upon you immediately. ALWAYS NUMEROUS ARTICLES FOR S. R. M. WILLIAMS, LTD., Chemists and Opticians (Oppeshe the Anget Hete), AbM'eawenny) EYEStCHT TESTED. ALL REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ?if? ? < y" OCCUUSTS' PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY DISPENSED. FULL RANCH OF SPECTACLES & LENSES IN STOCK. YE OLDE FYRtME. WILL. EVANS, I SCULPTOR. I 2 Brecon Road, ABERGAVENNY. Compare my work with others and not j be misled by bluff advertisements, as all; I want is a fair price for an honest job. j Unequalled for accurate work in' MASONRY, CARVING & LETTER!NG, as I specialize in this one business alone,! and it is impossible to put up a first-class job and give satisfaction at shoddy prices. JESSE PRITCHARD. PRACTICAL BUILDER. 1, Trinity Terrace, Baker Street, ABERGAVENNV. Every deaoription of Bmlding Work promptly exe onted. Ya.rda &iiet P&th? Aapb&!ted Cemanted 0? GraveHef* at moderate charges. C&refu! attertior given to &U Jobbing Wro-k He&ttQg Apparatus, Boiler &nd Urate Fixing & speciaJitY. A Triid Order respectfnUv solis-itea NO COUPONS NEEDED. WE HAVE SPARE RIBS FOR THAT BROKEN UMBRELLA. The Umbrella Repair Depot: R. J. HARRHY, 5 HIGH STREET, HAIRDRESSER & TOBACCONIST. VEGETABLE PLANTS. CauHftower, Celery, Cucumber, Brussets Sprouts, Tomatoes, Vegetable Marrows.. —— Savoys, Cabbages, Kates & Broccoli all at t/- per 100. Bedding Plants! Bedding Plants I Geraniums, Begonias, Calceolarias, Mar- gurietes, Heliotrope, DahHa, Violas, LobeHa, Asters, Stocks, &c. Insecticides. X Potato Wash, KalakiLa, Abol.,Ex AlI, &c. Bordorite. Sulphate of Copper, and Pure Washing Soda. Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets & Cut Ftowefs. I IIINRY .Pl'rT, (F.R.H.S.) Brecon Rd. & Old Mwrseries, Abergavenny. Licensc-d Auent to stock and aeH Poiaonona Com- pounds for cae in Horticulture. Tel. No. 19. New Grates soon pay for themselves apart from increased warmth and comfort, and are astonishingly cheap at QOBEQT PQICE &. 5°"5, LION STREET & PARK ROAD. District Agents for the Celebrated Oakeley Slates, and the firm for raIl Building Materials, Timber, &c. -¿