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IN THE POULTRY Y&39. | N t:i ,o(f A: ( ,t  iii? L..i .i. Xa?? I Ir By COCZCP.OW. I A BREED FOR BEGINNERS. I j C- At thia time of the year there are always now recruits to the poultry-keeping industry. This year the num ber of beginners will be considerably less than his been known for yea.rs past, but, nevertheless, there will be a number who take up the profitable hobby of keeping a few bird. The chief reason why fewer recruits will enter" tho field" this year is owing to the iuestiorl of food. The coat of keeping birds lias considerably increased since the war began, but, in spite of that, when all the paying out is done there is still quite a respectable margin of profit if the birds are kept properly. Now, new beginners are often m a quandary as to the most suitable breed for them to take up, and our notes this week are to be de- voted to a breed which i9 considered to meet their requirements. Their doubt will prob- ably 00 set at rest, and our notes, therefore, will not have been in vain. Without the slightest doubt one of the best breeds to adopt is the white wyandotte. For the beginner they THE WHITE they answer every practical WYANDOTTF. purpose. They are very hardy, and that is one of the chief things to take into considers tion. As winter layers they are considered ex- cellent, and you will admit that to get a full egg-basket during .the winter months much more profitable even than to get it full during the summer. They rank as wood mothers and do not require double mating. One of the greatest advantages they possess is having the rose-comb instead of the large single comb, which is liable to the ejects of frost during the cold weather. As a con- sequence, you are not quite so sure of a reduction in the number of eggs as you if you are the keeper of such breeds as white leghorns. All things considered, the white vvyandotte is one of the best breeds fcr a beginner to take up. Evidence of its popu- larity can be had by noting the number of experienced poultry-keepers who breed it. It is as well to know some of the points about this popular breed before you take POINTS ABoer WYANDOTTES. it UD. in the stanuam 01 the "White Wyandotte- Club the comb is described as follows: HRoge, firm and even on head; full of fine work low, square at front, medium in height and width, and tapering towards the spike which should follow the curve 01 the neck." A single c-ombeki wyandctte is by no means a. rarity. You should be most particu- lar to breed from such a bird. The head of the wyandotte is short and broad, and the face smooth. The ear-lolxjs and watt let; are of medium length and are fine in tex- ture. The eyes are very bright and the neck b well arched and of medium length, with full hackle. The breast is full and round, with the keel-bone straight. The back is broad and T Hz B I P, D'.S BODY. short. The saddle full and broad, rising with concave I sweep to tail. The wings are of medium size, and nicely folded to the side. The tail is well I developed and spread at the base. True tail I feathers are carried rather upright. The thighs and the legs arc of medium length, well covered with soft and webless feather.. Fluff is full and aWnidant. The shanks are of medium length and are very strong. The general shape and carriage should be grace- ful and well balanced, and somewhat re- semble a Brahma in general outline. The hen has all the characteristics of the male j bird; the back should be short and wide [ at the shoulder, and the tail well spread at the ba.-»e. Beg'nner,-?, when IHrchasing pullets, phc'?Id 1 not nHov/ tbem?ives to be persuade it,1 ( PURCHASING PULLETS. buying large bird.?. Such birds very often result in faHin? to fill the cg basket. I Th best sort to buy are those cf moderate size. One that is alert, fresh-looking and graceful in appearance. These may be a little more iii I)riev, ])-,it they more than repay the extra cost. It is bad policy to run ducks ana hens to- gether, even when they have plenty oi UFCKS AND I s s. room, and more particu- larly in a small enclosure, (says "Poultry"). The trouble arises at feeding I time, when it is very difficult to apportion the food satisfactorily. Ducks are big feeders, for which reason it is a great ad- vantage to give them unlimited range, since under these circumstances the food bill ma y be reduced by at least one-half. A scratch- ing-shed is no place for ducks, yet such ac- commodation is absolutely essential for lay- ing hens at this time of the year, even it they have free range. B-at, even if ducks and hens are fed together on soft food, it will be very difficult to give each the right quantities, and it must also be remembered that ducks are foul feeders, and requlIc their food mixed softer than hens. It would be well to bear in mind that ducks and hens, being of different natures, require dif- ferent treatment. Ducks, especially of the Indian Runner type, which are the most profitable to keep on a farm in present cir- cumstances, thrive best when allowed free range on the fields, winter and summer, for wet" weather will not hurt them, and only snow will check their acti vities. On the other hand, hens will yield far better results in winter if confined to more sheltered quar- ters, with a dry hovel or shed to serve as a scratching ran" when outdoor exercise is impossible. Very often disease is brought into a poultry-yard through the introduction of stock birds. A wise plan, INTRODUCING therefore, is to keep the NEW socx. new stock apart from the rest for a week or so, in order to make quite sure that they are in good health and condition. During thi- period dust them a few times with a good disinfectant powder. It should be remem- bered that many of the complaints from which fowls snffer arc infectious, and quickly spread to the other birds. Immedi- ately, therefore, you observe any signs of disease, remove the affected bird. If tin- precaution is taken it may mean the saving "f a great deal of expense, time, and worry, :is the disease will most probably be con- fined to just a few birds. ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT. Amateur.—For thirteen birds yours is a poor average. From them you should secure at least eight or nine per day at the oresent time. The cross-breds do better than the Minorcas, because they are har- iicr. They stand the coki weather eonsider- 1 ibly better. Minorcas aie a good laying 3tr"in, but lay best warm season Df the vear. You should 11:1 H: borne that in mind when purchasing your birds. Your feeding arrangements call tor improvement and alteration. Stop giving grain in the I morning' and soft food at night, a?d revise j the order. The soft food digests too rupi?Iy, ind the birds need a food that will keep them satisfied and warm throughout the night. They need sustenance during the. ir.ug winter nights. Try this, and if the v.rranc gemerit does not work write me again. p}. chief point to remember is ti-, ii t Minorcas are not very hardy for wirdei i-'ving. i

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