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ALFRED JENKINS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, MONK STREET & CROSS STREET, ABERGAVENNY, BREWERY AGENT AND BOTTLER. AGENT FOR «Lorne" SCOTCH WHISKY ER OF Hennessy's "rrhree Star" BRANDY (Guaranteed Pure Grape.) smppER or High-class Vintage PORTS AGENT FOR Meet's White Dry cillery CHAMPAGNE ALFRED JENKINS' poticy is to set! nothing but reliable and high-ciass goods ca.tcuht.bed to enbaQce the reputation of the business wtticb has stood the test of 130 years' trading. WHOLESALE DEPOT-3, MoNK STREET. RETAIL VAULTS-49, CRoss STREET. ALFRED JENKINS. Wine Mercha.nt. Established 1775. SPRING 1909. FOR New Prints New Delaines New Dress Materials New Millinery New Costumes .8 New Curtains 8 New Casement Cloths 8- New Bolton Sheetings I GO TO THOMAS & SONS The Ctoiden Fleece P.O. TEL. 53. S?& —7 -PBL FN?? '??;'RSB. 1 ? 7 x* ?JB &j? < A.T ?.? ??. J!tL.?t Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailor, HOSIER, HATTER, &c. Ladies' Costumes, Riding Habits, Waterproofs, &c. SOLE AGENT IN ABERGAVENNY AND DISTRICT FOR Slitter's Ride-easy Cycling and Walking Skirt. 56. FIZOGM4)RE STREET. IL IB IE: IP. C-w n V IF, W M'Y ????????????????????????????????????? GREAT BOOT SALE. ? 441 1 GRE T Bo v ISALE ? j?rjijEisr?s ? ? ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. ? 41 ? ? ? ————?-— —————_ !jt. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. ? NOW PROCEEDING. ? 41 P-ROCEEI)ING. ? HUGE BARGAINS. 43 ? 443 1 T IIAVILAND, c L 1 .1' (LATE WATKINS & SONS), S&nita.ry Plumber, House Decorator, and General House Repairer, Paint, Class, Oil and Colour Warehouse, 30, CROSS ST.. ABERGAVENNY. Large Stock of New Season's Wanpapers. INCANDESCENT BURNERS & ACCESSORIES, GAS GLOBES & PENDANTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. WELSBACH MANTLES 4S. 6D. PER DOZEN. ABERGrAYENNY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY, LTD. Send your Linen to the above Laundry tc be Washed, tl:der the Best Sanitary Arrangements. Good drying ground, and an abundant supply of pure water. On receipt of a post-card the Corn pany's Van will call for Linen, &c. Overcoats for Rain L Overcoats for Warmth L Overcoats for Riding! Overcoats for Walking! Overcoats for Motoring! See my Grand Selection—READY-TO-WEAR and TO MEASURE- MEN'S from 12/6 to 55-; YOUTHS', 8/11 to 30/ JUVEN!LES from 2/11 to 20 I have been most successful in my LAD!ES' COSTUMES to Measure, Fit, Style, and SatisfactiQl Guaranteed, from 38/- to 110/ TiUT Yjr T?TTT?T 7 & 8 H?GH STREET, W fl. UU i 1 ? ABERGAVENNY. SENSATIONAL SALE OF THE LARGEST STOCK Or FURNITURE PIANOFORTES, CARPETS, &c., &c. in Mon- mouthshire and South Wales, in preparation for the Fifty-ninth Stocktaking for the nnancial year ended March 31St, 1900. The whole of the vast stocks at their various establish- ments have been marked down twenty-five per cent.. thus affording purchasers au opportunity of securing the reliable Goods of this well-known firm at unheard of prices. The following are some of the Leading Lines on offer during this Monster C!earance Sa!e 172 OVERMANTELS, all Best British Plate usual price, 27/6 Sale Price, 19/11 250 Home-made Full-sized FEATHER BEDS (Splendid Ticks) 49/6 „ 32/6 320 Massive Full-sized Black and Brass BED- STEADS „ 35/- 25/6 300 Full-ized Wire-woven MATTRESSES (Pitch Pine Frames) 15 9 9 tt 175 Strong and useful COTTAGE BEDROOM SUITES 5/5/0 3t3/6 227 LEATHER CLOTH SUITES (thorough- ly reliable) 5/50 „ 3/t9/6 156 Plate Glass-back haudsome SIDE- BOARDS „ 5/12/6 „ 3/i7/6 58 Splendid CHIPPENDALE CABINETS.. „ 6/7/6 „ 440 196 Saddlebag strong and useful SUITES „ 8/12/6 „ 5/19/6 1750 VARIOUS HEARTHRUGS and 696 CARPET SQUARES, Greatly Reduced. Bevan & Company, Ltd. Pontypoel, Mewport, CARDIFF, and Throughout South Wales. I J. H. G0b!b, TRADIKG AS GWATEIN BROS. & CO. Painters, Decorators, and Plumbers, Respectfully beg to inform the public that they have opened a NEW DEPARTMENT FOR i{OUSE FUQNISHI"6 THROUGHOUT, Dintng-room Furntture, Drawtng-rcom do. Bedroom do, BEDSTEADS IN BRASS, tRON AND V.'OOD. HYGIENIC ? BEDDING. Good QuaHty. Lew Prices. Furniture Repaired & Re-covered. ESTIMATES FREE. 4Z Cross St., Aborgavenny. The Engine for Farm & estate Work Tangyes' Oil Engine. Simple, Reliable and EconomicaL I No Lamp Required after Starting. Low First Cost. Head Office Tangyes, Ltd., Cornwall Works, Birming- ham. South Wates Office 6 High Street, Cardiff. Redwood's Bread Perfection. _FOR ALL RINDS OF Cake & Confectionery GO TO THE Cosy Cafe, Frogmore Street, A1\D THE Hygienic Bakery, Ftannei Street. SPECIALITIES: Redwood's 3d. Currant Cake. Welsh Bakestone Cake 1 td. each. Sole Manufac'nrer cf the Celebrated Boi-amua Tarts ¡ and the New Prima Donna:Cakes. i Redwood's Bread Perfection. Bitter Oranges, Californ ian Seedless, Choice Jatfas, Valencia and Tangerine Oranges LEMONS, 6d. per dozen. BANANAS, 6d. „ 19 DAILY SUPPLIES of SCOTCH SALMON. S. J. Ruther, Fish & St¡c¡es. ABERGAVENNY. The WHITE SISTERS St. Mic h ael's C07,bVe7,tt, Yenn ?S?. J?C?e?S Co?Z'67?? ??' A RE now ?ivin? Lesaons in French, Piano, Vioiin, J-j L Mandoline, Drawing. Painting, Poker-wo?k, Plain Sewing, Pillow Lace, Gnipnre, and every ki?nd of Fancy Needlework. For farther particulars apply to- The REVEREND MOTHER Penypound House. Racking Coughs. ?F??M?C ?LAntN j MtRACULOUS CHEST\ COUGH, AND LUNG ?EALER? \\Tl immediatcly arrest the course of the and s'uard against all m effects. It pú.,>l'SSe8 healing and tonic pro- perries, and thves inst?mt ReMef to Coughs. Co)ds. H?trnenet-.x. BroBchitis, Dinlcutty M cWo It í" very and proved for ni.my yotM a BOON and a BLESS t?G to THUUSAXDS of SUFFERERS. Prices. lIt and 2'3. of all Chemists and Stores 1 ? or 2 f from the ule proprietora and inventora. S. DEAKIN & HUGHES, Th<- ih:mm..ti" t7ernediis Co., SLAiEMAVGM- SPECIAL AGENT. R. M. WILLIAMS. Chemist, Cross Street. t By Appointment to His Majesty the King. Stewards Royal Hunt Biscuits FOR THE HUNTING FIELD AXD GOLF COURSE. AN IDEAL POCKET BISCUIT. I[XIDIISIP]EXBILIBILIE TO SPORTSMEN Convenient and sustaming for long penods between meals CRISP AND PLEASANT IN FLAVOUR. Supplied in Tins, t/6 each. LtQUEURS a comprehensive stock atways earned LIQUEURS :JM:ORGAN &. EV ANS:J THE SUPPLY STORES. ABERG,K-NIENNY aiid CRICKHOWELL. TEL No. 27 P.O. TEL. 31 P.O. TEL. P.O. 57. Savoys & Brussels Sprouts. ALFREDE MORGAN FRUIT. A VEGETABLE STORES, 12, FLANNEL STREET, Abergaionny. Has a Large Supply. Also VEGETABLES & SALADS FreBh Dally, Best BOILING POTATO-F,,S and BOILING PJ£AS N6 t)!o?B Ni)!! ihB 'limes. EstabHshed i330. PIANOS From !0 6 per Month ORGANS ? From 76 per Month. /?? Gramophones /?/ ?. From tO per /?? ?? Month. /L?/ CaH and see the new /?/ MODEL /?'/ /?// ?Tl /Sheraton /L' PIANO /*y/ < Obhque Scale. jf ? t ? Ftd! Trichord, ?-? ? t /?ron Frame. Check Action, /L/ Sheraton P.ineL ?X? /'F/ Scat Carriage Free. /< </ Tuned 12mont.bst;ra,tia. v; arraated for 10 years. Price £19 ics. net cash, or on Heins & Co.'s Easy Purchase System. High-class Tuning and Repairing. HEINS" Co., Ltd., 2S, FROGMORE STREET, ABERGAVENNY. Also&t Hereford, Brecon. Leominster, &-c. Telephone P.O. 42, Abc:rgaver.iy. THERE IS MORE to be considered in the purchase of FURNITURE than the price you pay, but the following are a few examples from mv stock that will give entire satis- faction in wear and appearance at prices that are extremely moderate Walnut Sideboard, solid and weMmade t.5 15 0 Easy Chair in good leather cloth Ot9 6 touch in ditto t 5 0 Chest of Drawers, fuii size and well made t 10 0 Satin Walnut ditto. 226 Full-size Bedsteads from 0 14 6 Kindly favour me with yonr enquiries before placing your next order. DOWNES, Frogmore St., Abergavenny N.COURT, UcenMt! Hef$e Btaughterer, TtLBACH FARM, MAMNILAD, NI-. F<WTYfOOL Utmost value given for Live and DeadtHorsee. No Agents allowed. Horses and Cows removedoij rl' Jbortee notice romanytttataacp MADAME ARDIN has removed to 13 Nevill Street, where business will be carried on as usual. Tailor-Made Costumes, Morning, Afternoon and Evening Gowns made at moderate prices. Nota Address :— 13 Nevill St., Iberg&venny. SEEDS. SEE3S. SEEDS. FOR IHE Bi ESULTS GROW P!TT'S NEW .(UJ\BL£ SEEDB SEED POTATOES, 20 Tons, from Scotland a.Ed t,be Fenca, to select from Cut F!owers, Wreaths, Crosses and Bouquets a specialty. Estimate:, -iven for Lpying On< and Planting New <j&rdena and Re-modelling old onea. HENRY PITT, F.R.H.S., BRECON ROAD, A IZ r. It G A V E N N V DRINK HORNIMAN'S PURE TEA Fnll Wéigbt witboat the Package. ALWAYS GOOD ALIKE. Sold by ABERGAVENNY:—Morgan & Ev&ns. WhoIea<Je Agents. 5 Cross St; Morgan & Co., 21 Frogmore St. James Tntt & Sons, Wbo]esa!e Grocers, 21 High St. BRTNMAWR: Liverpool Stores, WhoIeBateAgenta: E. Wtt.tkiue, 1 Eing Street. BLAINA-Ctsb Soppty Stores; E. J. Bancroft, Liverpool Stores, High St. CRICKHOWELL Coliins's Storea. High Street. CALIFORNIAN SEEDLESS ORANGES. Jaffa Oranges. Bitter Oranges for Marmatade. Atso PALETHORPES' S.tH!SAGE. FI,IEsfJ DAILY. AT — A. R. FISH v FRUIT MERCHANT. tt. CROSS STREET, ABERCAVEMY. P.O. Triephoap. 13. Aieo a Quantity of Large Empty Boxes for Sale. We Shall SHORTLY Remove TO 17. High St. 4444ii 7Jarned itoanef The Perfect Fit TaHors, 32, Lion Street. Aberavenny. Now is the Time TOTAEE COD LIVER OIL AND PREVENT OR CURE THAT NASTY COUGH. Onty be Sure it is the Best! The Ice Refined Fjord Brand is the Finest Oit. Purer Cod Liver Oil cannot be obtained, PRICE 6d.. lOAd. and Is. 5d. Agent: RobertsJ Chemist, Abergavenny.