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r AMUSEMENTS.  ————— j 8.15. TO. N G HT! 8.30. | '■' -*Phoii9: Central 92. Central 92. f p, HARRY DAY presents the C., MEAT HARRY LAI'DER R?VUE, j Tp -co' ¡,' (. Cheersl ?Ba?F?'  ??L M?N N?????'H) J)irwt from the SKAFTESB?RY J -T??TRE, LONDON. ALICK LAUPER, I $at" N ashV H am ish McLeod, DAISY BINDLEY, iPflggY Yeoman, Aristide Semis, I ARTHUR REECE, -fteby Duval. Gveen and Ellis, KITTY CURTIS, And a Tfstoon of Discharged Scldiers I (Beye wTM* have done their bit), in {Tlw Famous WHITEHALL Scene. NEXT WEEK- fTtw Oxford London Success, jlTHE BETTER 'OLE. •GRAND THEATRE MONDAY, MAY 37th, 1916, s Six Night* at 7.30, and MATINEE on SATURDAY at 2.30, tlftvocol Visit of Keith Kenneth and Co., 'inehiding Miss Betty Fairfax, with the Loudon P«»dfl*tian, in its entirety, of "REMNANT," WMtt Week.—The ScreMniagly Funny Faroe, "OHI I SAY!" THE PICTURE HOUSE. (FR. HotiM of Goed Piciurat and Musle. Jf<W&AY'S PROGRAMME. :c,: » Z J> £ uflS»s Fairbanks in fTHE M. A LF-BREED A Txijuigi« Dr-ama, .};t DALE, No. 8. ;I 4/1 \'Ii'; J £ Eva Balfour, in -{rHE WOMAN WHO DID, V i Fiom.fehe JJov41 by Grant Allen. Wenday NMt-BLOOD WILL TELL. CAST Li* CINEMA (Adjoining Leader Office.) Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 1' THE SPINDLE OF LIFE, ,A-, Play, -Full -of Happineea and Jolity. I Ar ^Feast0 to the-Eye and the Mind Alike. 'Btiftitiful Sea Scenes. The Man Who Was Afraid, VA Tnrilling ç Essanav Drama of Love and War, featuring Bryant Wasnbue ■NextWeek:—AN ANcTeNT EV14, Com- panion Picture to Where Are My Children (for presentation to Adults Only).. CARLTON CINEMA The ttwlss with an Orchestra. TO-DA V'S PROGRAMME. JRoljerfc Hiehen'e Great Love Story, THE GARDEN OF ALLAH No one bni God and I know what w is I my heart. Wi-tvout hesitation we this to be the Greatest Picturisation of a Novel Ever Presented. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, The Matchmakers." «,flon. Next. The Countess Charming." 1. y, I U m "? From 2. t% till 10,30. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, WUSam Pox presents that Remarkable jlrtiat, Valeika Suratt, in A RICH MAN'S ,LAVTHIWG a Stirring Story ,?f a girl and a man who doubts her power to resist the influence of wealth.—Ex-Ambassador .Tanue W. Gegard's M Y FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY (Episode. 2). It is a Genu- ine and Accurate Exposure of the Plotters of Potsdam.—Charlie Chaplin in Th PROPERTY MAN.—THE RED ACE -<Epieode 6), Fighting Bloon.H E R MATURED DANCE (Triangle Key- owne),TOPICAL BU DGET.—Thursday Wext: The LI-RE OF LORD KITCHENER SAILINGS. I ? kWHJTE STAR LINE. LIVERPOOL-NEW YORK. LI VlSEPoOL—BOSTON. LIVERPOOL-CAPETOWN- AUSTKALIA. LONDON CAPETOWN- .-NEW ZEALAND. NEW YORK-MEDITERRANEAN IVia Azores). BOSTON—MEDITERRANEAN I (Via Azores). REGULAR SAIUNGS. hree.-To Australia. £ 39 to L52. to Gape Town, £ 22 to £ 31 3s. WHITE STAR-DUMINION LINE. LIVERPOOL-CANADA. ■ a < BRISTOL-CANADA. -BE(iDLAS SAILINGS. For Rates of Passage and Freight, Dotes t< Sailing, eM., t?ptv to wmTE 8TAR JUXE, jUvecDMot: Southampton; ,ODcks "XF" 4,Livl. wo ? and 38. Leadenhall-street. E.C.. 3. London. 9 .> l.. MONEY. U T5WBAI, WW5H A F1BM NKm?Y BBCOM. II MENDED. £ JjQto £ 5P,D(p granted on your own signa- turn to Befool masters. Ctn. Farmers. Professional Mou, Merchants, and all re- sponsible persons. Cash by Post. Pay- ments include principal and intereet. £ 20—Eepay £1 monthly. £ SC—R«pay £ 2 monthiy. monthly. jBSflO—Eepa-y XZO monthly. .Any. Aistamee. Business arranged pri- 4Fa^e}y. Writo call, or 'phone in oonfidenLP. THE BSISISH FINANCE CO I BSIBQE-&TREET. BRISTOIi. Tel 1675. > EDUCATIONAL. t y. r.. ) CfirAfWBA BUSINESS OT-LLEGK Aletan. O drtwflr Day- and Evenlnjt Instruction in I aU Basinees Sabjects LangTiaees. Mathema. tip, and Madame Drawing Ptoapcotas Free. I SIGHT TESTING .i < (for Spectacles). t [ r IWTeWHS-ETCHELLS, F.B.O.A., I HONOUB8 Bxam. (Load). ,J trpdYfft^D STREET, Swansea j ■ • jOptoei Market), 1 AMUSEMENTS. IROYALI I 2.10. 10.30. I MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THE BAIT) I DranHJ, Five Reels. Florida's Enchantment Vitagra,ph Drania, Three Beels. The Queen of Diamonds I Drama, Three Reels. f 3rd Episode— A LASS OF THE LUMBERLANDS, Drama, Two Reels. 3rd Series- JERRY COMEDIES. I PUBLIC NOTICES. Glamorgan War Agricultural Executive Committee. MOST URGENT. To All Agricultural Workers, incladinf Agricultural Blacksmiths, Seedsmen, &c, LIABILITY FOR MILITARY SERVICE, I TTNDER a recent arrangement between the Food Production Department and the War Office, all men who have reached the age of 18 and have not attained the age of 31 on the 1st May, 1918, are liable for military service if they are engage4 in any of the following occupations:— (a) Men occupied as farmers, market gardeners, fruit farmers and dairy farmers in the production of food of a character and quantity which is of national inyportance. (b) Men (not within paragraph (a)), en- gaged in agricultural work, including men occupied as Bailiffs, Foremen, Grieves, Stewards, Byremen, Cattle- men, bowmen, Horeemtn, Stockmen, Yardmen, Carters, Ploughmen, Team- sters, Waggojners, Hinds, Shepherds, Farm Servants, Thatchers, Stallion Men or Leaders. (e) Repairers of Agricultural implements and repairers and attendants of eteam ploughs, tractors or threshing mach- ines, and drivers and mechanics em- ployed in connection therewith. (d) Agricultural Blacksmiths, Agricul- tural Farriers .and Agricultural Wheelwrights. (e) Heads of LlepariFmente and experts employed in the i?holeeele food eeed industry, or in connection with Forest tree nurseries (hut not general em- ployes in these industries), (f) Managers, foremeu and highly skilled employes employed in connection with Agricultural drainage, (g) Retail harness makers and repairers who are wholly or mainly employed in their trade in dealing with the loeal requirements of the Agricultural community. (h) Land Agents who are wholly or I mainly employed in assisting Agricul- tural Executive Committees, or who are essential to the administration of an Agricultural estate. Any man thus affected who dæiree to have hie claim for exemption considered must at once apply, through hie employer, to the Secretary of the District Agricul- tnral Committee of the District in which he J" resident, giving the following infor- Ination Total acreage of Farm. or nature of business, acreage under plough and stock, names and ages of all persons, both male and female, employed on the Farm or resident in the house; medical category of all men awl any special circumstances that it is desired should be considered. If he dots not know the name and ad- dress of this local Secretary, he can apply to the Secretary of the above Executive Committee, 10, St. Andrew's-creecent, Grrdiff. All applications must be lodged immedi- atety, as the District Committees' raturne must be received by the Executive Com- mittee not later than 5th June, 1918. DAVID DOUGLAS STEWART, DECEASED. A l I?L Persons bavintr OT?IMS apinat ?he ?i- Estate of tu? !xte MR. DAVID DOUG- LAS hXKV."ARF\ of 2 Richmond-road and Quay-parade, swansea Metal Merchant, are reouesfpd to gend particulars thereof to the undersigned. DAVIFS. INGRAM & HARVEY, Solicitors. 4. Goat-street. Swansea, SPECIAL LINFSm LINSEED OIL. 5^5 srallon drums Linseed Oil; 621iS Callon drums extra pale boiled Linseed Oil: price oos. per 5 gallons, in free drams. Net Cash with order. Free on Bail at Bristol. This can only be supplied to buyers who can fulfil one of the- followinz conditions:- I.-Carrying out any odd tract either di- iectly or indirectly with any department of R.M. Government. Z.—Carry fn? out any work in connection with which the Priority Department at H.M. Ministrv of Munitions has scanted a I Priority Certificate of a grade not lower than Class B P5. 3.—Supplying anr order authorised to be carried out by a Linseed Oil permit issued by the Oils and Fatoi- Section of the Sfinistrv of Food. Note.—As the supply of Raw Oil is so t limited, buyers wilt oblige by ordering t boiled as far as possible As these goods are part of the salved I' cargo of a torpedoed steamer, thn oil is offerod without guarantee that the con- tents of ttre are absolutely intact or in perfect ooi<?ition. Saamila case3 may be bad on approval, and if found uiS-atisfactory we will take them hack 011 payment of carriage both wave hv buyer. o JFSMTfGS A ND CO. LTD. Ptnny^«ll; roacl Bristol. CTO IN STOCK. MOCCASINS! MOCCASINS! One of the Mosi Up-to-Date and Reliable Gentlsmen's Foot Wear made in Great Britain. Also Ladies' and Children's High Grade Brands. W. M. THOMAS, Wj4rL RELIABLE BOOT STORES, Ki^a Edward's Road, Swansea. SALES BY AUCTION. ALBERT HALt, CRADOCK STREET, SWANSEA. Important Sale ot Superior anù I Well- Preserved Household Furuiture, re- moved from twu gentlemen'# residence^ to %bove liali for convenience of Sale. r. Joseph Harris -AS )x'?u i'?vuLUcd?tt.iin.t?t.rueUons! R to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, ou WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, 1918, a Large Quantity at Superior Household furniture the chief items of which comprise:— HANDSOME BURR-WALNUT BED- ROOM SUITE, Two Dark Walnut ditto, MAGNIFICENT DARK WALNUT GENT/S WARDROBE with two plate glass doors (almost as new), Ebonised Mahogany 5tt. China Cabinet with mir- ror back. SOLID MAHOGANY ROLL- TOP DESK WITH BOOKCASE COM- BINED, 6it. Solid Mahogany Sideboard with mirror back (by Bennett, Swansea), Italian Walnut Carved Side Table, Solid Mahogany Telescope Dining Table, Dark Walnut ditto, Mahogany Cheffonier, Liifht Oakrtramed Dining-room Suite in Leather, Handsome Crimson Plush Draw- ing-room £ uite, Excellent Spring Rocker, Oak Bureau. Handsome Gilt-framed Con- sul Glags, Black Oak Hall Stand. Walnut ditto. Oak and other Bedsteads, Wire Mattresses. Wool Overlays, SOLID M AH OKA NY BOW-FRONT CHEST OF DRAWERS. ANTIQUE CHEST OF DRAWERS, REVOLVING MUSIC CAB- INET, Walnut Overmantels, Brass Fear ders. Fire Braasee, Carpets, Hearthrugs, Kitchen Tables and Chaire, Wicker Easy Chairs, Walnut Qeemiouul Tables, ae well as Full-Compaesed Irfrti-Framed PIANOFORTE, American Organ with 7 Stops, Splendid Cabinet Gramophone and Roeorde, GENT."6 FREE-WHEEL BICYCLE (as w>w ), OA KtCASED GRANDFATHER'S CI10(.X; with Bra Dial, 6ft. Pollard Oak Sideboard, Excellent 6ft. Linen Cup- board, and other articles too numerous to partieulariee. Goods OIl View Mopaing ef gale from p o'clock. Sale to commence ] romptly at 101 o'clock a.m. Term#-—Cash. Auctioneer's Offices: 1. George-fctreet, Swansea. Tel. No., 469 Doeks. 8ALE OF STAN DING TIMBER, Subject to the Home Urf;we Timber Pricey •Order, 1918 (Board of Tra,(4t), To Timber Mereh%nt«, Colliery Pro- prietorts and others. On the GARTH ESTATE, GARTH, BRECON SHIRE, on the L. & N. W. Riy, Important Sale t4 Well Grown and Valuable Timber. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas HAS been instructed by the Owners to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the GARTH HOTEL. GARTH, on WED- NESDAY, JU NE lPtb, 1918, at 3.15 in the Aftorwp, su bject to (Jondition§ of Sale, the following valuable lote of Standing Timber, Lot 1.—All that thickly planted well grown SPRUCE TREES, standing on tht) BRICKYARD PLANTATION (more or Ites 630). (As painted in yellow). Lot 2.—AH that thickly planted Western portion of COED-CLYN -MELYN WOOD, MÍating of (mors or less) 360 OAK, 21 SMALL ASH, 111 SPRUCE, 152 LARCH, 13 SCOTCH, anid about 4 acres of ALDER. (As painted in red). Lot 3.—All that Eastern portion of the BREST-Y-GARTH PLANTATION, con- aistin^ of nuore or le £ t>) 791 OAK, 235 SCOTCH, 349 SPRUCE, -19 ASJT, and about 6 acres of ALDER. (As painted in red). Lot 4.-All, that Western portion of the abov* Plantation, consisting of (more Of leas) 286 OAK, 711 OAK, D5 SCOTCH, and about 3 acres of ALDER. (As pointed in bine). The Plantations are situated withdn 1i milea from Garth Railway Station, and approached by good convenient roads for the loading up of tho timber. Mr. Wm. Lennard, of Garth Lodge, Garth, will shew the timber to any intending pur- chasers. For particulars and conditions of sale a.pply to Arthur S. T. Lucas, Auctioneer and A-Xeht to the Garth Estate, 6, Rut- lanjd-street, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Tel.: Central 236. BstaMiah<-d 1885. (No, 1M2) SALE OF 2 FREEHOLD COTTAGES, WITH GOOD GARDEN GROUNDS, AT GARTH, BRECONSHIRE. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas HAS been instructed by the Owner. to X1 offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUC- TION. at the GARTH HOTEL, GARTH, on WEDNESDAY* the 19th day of J ONE, 1918 (subject to Ccmditions of Sale), at 3.30 for 4 o-elcie-h in the afternoon, Two Freehold Cottages, Known as Penybont Cottages, standing on al4 comprising a Plot of Land about 249ft. frontage to Beulah-road, with a-bout 300ft. frontage to the LlangrtCQiuurch-road and Treftys-lane, aDd a depth at the widest part of 165ft. The Cottages are near the Bridge crossing the Dulais Brook and. within 200yds, of the Garth Hotel. For particulars apply to Arthur S. T. Luoae, Auctioneer and Agent to the Garth .Estate, 6, Rutland-street, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Tel. Central 230. Estbd. 1885; or to Messrs. Lewis Jones and Co., Solici- tors, S3, Victoria-atreet. Merthyr Tydfil. Tel. P.O. 20. (1643\ By Permission of the Ministry of Munitions of War. Dismantlement Sale of the Whole of the Valuable Fixed Plant. Machinery, Buildings, and other Effects at the GARTfl BRICK WORKS, GARTH, on the L. and N.W. Railway, BRECON- SHIRE. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas HAS been instructed by the Owners to iL SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Works, on WEDNESDAY, the isth June, 1318, the whole of the Fixed Plant, Machinery, BRICK AND TIMBER BUILT BUILQ. INftS, and otbor Effects, as follows:— 1S9 I.H.P. High and Low Pressure Cross Hor. Condensing Engine, Galloway Boiler. 25 H.P. WMer Turbine, Brick- Making Machine by Alexander rfnd Co., Gandy Bell Elevator, 9ft. Overdriven Clay Grinding Pan by WEittakor and (-,o., Double Action I/ever Repress Machine, 60in. Keith Fan, 3()iTt. Do., W.I. and C.I. Piping. Jubilee Tip Wagons. Tanks, Forgo, and Touif-, Anvil, 2-rf)n Lifting Blocks. U?ubi- Geared Pillar DriU?? M??hin?. W.L and C.I. Pulleys, Whedlng I'lut?s, Train Rails, 'rum Ta b les, Rarruws, Trulley, Stocks and 'U4,iblet,, ,tocks and Floori'? Plates, TlUS, Ca?tir)?, Laddero. etc., etc. ,lsü ?evet'?1 large BnVk and Timber Built Kil?-. Drying Sh-eds, Brick Stacks, ek. SmaM I<? of Office Furniture and a nearly new Remington Typewriting Ma?hin?, No. to, Blak and Red Ribbon, '?o. to, B i a.- There 16 a Siding from the L. and N.W. Railway Main into the Works. The Sale to Commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon precisely. Term? ('ah. plus 5 per ?nt. on each purchaser's account as lot mon" to t?e Auctionr. For Catalogues, ?r for any further in- fonnation. apply to Arthur S. T. Luca^, AuciioBee" and ??aluer. 6, Rutland- &t(>t, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Est. j 1885. Tel; Central 230. (Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs Registered.) i iNo. lC44.) j SALES BY AUCTION. 'I' Preliminary Announcement. SALE OF FREEHOLD RESIDENCES IN THE COUNTS BOROUGH OF SWANSEA, MESSRS. John M. td; and Son l-I AV B received instructions from, the Owner to oiler for SALE, at the HOTEL METROPOEE, at an early date, the following Valuable Freehold Properties: All that Commodious and Well-built RESIDENCE and PREMISES known as No. 2, GLANMOIWTRESCENT, UP- LANDS, SWANSEA, having a frontage of 40ft. or thereabouts, and readily conver- tible into one or more Business Premises. The Property is in hand, and will be Sold with Vacant Possession. All that Conveniently-situated FREE- HOLD DWELLING-HOUSE and PRE- MISES, situate and beipg No. 76, MAN- SEL-TERRACE, SWANSEA, now let at £ 38 per annum. Particulars and Conditions of Sale are I jji course of preparation, and, when ready, may be .obtained from Messrs. R. I and C. B. Jenkins and Lloyd, Solicitors, 4, Fisher-Street, Swansea, or from the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 46, Water- loo-street, Swansea. THE VICARAGE, HAFOD, SWANSEA. The Rev. H. H. Williams has instructed Astley Samuel, F.A. To SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, 5th JUNE, 1918, the fol- lowing Household Furniture AND EFFECTS, SPLENDID PIANOFORTE, Drawing- room Suite, Carpet^, Rugs, Mats, Lino- leum, Brass Fire Suiteg, Pictures, Orna- ments, Walnut China Cabinet, Occa6iona l Tables and Chairs, Telescope Dining Table, Dining Suite, Queen Auto Ches- terfield Suite in Red Plush Moquetta, lieather Suite, Mahogany Sideboard, Solid Mahogany Bookcase Bureau, Mahogany Pembroke Table, Stgir Carpal; oiad Rods, Mahogany and Oftk nu Stands, All Bra&s Bedsteads, Wire Mattresses, Orerlaye, Feather Bedja, Bolstej§ and Pillows, Cop- per Kettle and Stand, 6ft. Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite, tift. Burr Walnut Wardr robe, Plated Qeods, Cardtno Pish, Cruet, Overmajite Is, Washstandts and Dressing Tables, Mahogany Bow-fronted Cbeatrfif* Drawers, Bedroom Ware, Tea and Dinner Ware, Kitchen Tables, Chairs, Dresser, Mangle, Cooking Utensils, etc. Fowl House, Wire Netting, Treljie Work, Garden Tools, etc. Goods on View Morning of Sale from 9 ,m. Sale to commence at 11 a.m. Terms-Cash, Auctioneer's Offi., King's Çbmbe", Swansea. Preliminary Artnouncemest. SW AN SEA. QALE by PUBLIC AUCTION at HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, on WED- NESDAY, 12th, JUNE, 1918, at a p.m., by Mr. J. Pugh Williams of the undermentioned properties: Lot L—Freehold Retideuoe, NO. 37, St. Swansea. Lot ^Freehold Reeidftttee, No, 38, St. Geoi'ge's-terrace, Swana" Lot 3.-Leasøhold Dwelling-house, No. 173, Lower Oxford-street, Swansea Lot 4.—leasehold JDwelling-house, No. 3, Llangyfelachistreefc, Swansea. Full particulars later. Auctioneer's Oifices; U. College-street, Swansea. j?; Me Lewli Williamaii, Deceased. GENDROS, SWANSEA, SALE QF VALUABLE FREEHOLD HOUSES AND LAND. Mr, J, Pugh Williams TS favoured with instructions from tbe Executors and Trustee^ of the above named deceased to oifer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION at the MILE END INN. GENDROS, on THURSDAY, tith JUNE, 1918 (subject to sych Conditions of Sale a? ehaJl then and ther? b? pro- <IL"d). the following valuable Freehold Dwe?sMg-?o?ses I and Lan? v?.: Lot 1.-All that Freehold Poll-etone front Dwelling-house, large Garden and Premises, situate on the south side of Weig-road, Gendroe, containing Sitting- room, Kitchen, two Bedrooms, Gla-sa house, outside W.C. and Coalhouse, now in the oocupation ot Mr, Gomer Williams Sit the low rental of lbs. per month, landlord? paying rateii and taxes, IJbt .AH that Freehold Stona-built Dwelling-house, large Garden and Pre- mises, situate next to Lot i, couuining Sitting Room, Kitchen, two -Lix!rooms, outside W.C. and Coalhouse, now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Williams at the low rental of lbs. per month, land* lords paying raws and taxes. Lot 3.—Ail that Freehold Stone-built Dwelling-house, large- Garden, and Pre- mises, situate next to, and being similar to Lot 2, now in the occupation of Mr. Charles Gamage, at the low rental of lis. per month, landlords paying rates and taxes. Lot 4. All that Freehold Stone-built Dweilingdiouee, large Garden and Pre- mises situate on the south side of Weig- road, Gendros, and being opposite to Lots 1-3, similar accommodation to Lots 2 and 3. now in the occupation of Mr. John W, I'isk, at thy low rental of 15s. per month, landlords paying rates and taxes. Lot 5.—ALL THOSE SIXTEEN PLOTS OF ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate on the south side of Wieg- road, and having average frontages to Middle-road, Cwmbwrla, of 17ft., and average depths of 200ft. or thereabouts. The Mines and Minerals under all the "tjofcs are reserved. The Auctioneer begS to draw the atten- tion of investors and others to this rare opportunity of securing well-built Free- hold Dwelling-houses and Building Plots, the same being situated convenient to the Town and neighbouring Worke, also for the cam Buses and Cockett (G.W.B.) Station. The Plots of Land, which will make excellent Garden Allotments, will k offered singly or otherwise, to suit pu reliasers. Sale to commence at 7 p.m: A Plan of the Properties ra*y be in- spected at, and further particulars ob- tained from the Auctioneer, at his offices, 12, College-street, Swansea; or from George L. Thomas, Esq., Solicitor, Central Buildings, Pisher-atreet, Swansea. Preliminary Announcement. 1_ OXFORD STREET. SWANSEA. (Next door to Messrs. Liptons, Ltd.) WEDNESDAY, 12th JUNE, 1918. Mr. Trevor E. Williams HAS been instructed bv Mr. S. C. Morris to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION without reserve, the whole of the contents of the Photographic Studio. Full particulars later. < Auctioneer's Ottices: 17, St. Mary-street, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Tel.; Docks 124. PONTARDAWE MART. NEXT MONDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1918. 1/AT LAMBS' and CATTLE will be Graded and Sold according to liegu- lations. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. J. E. VIILLIAMS, Auctioneer. YSTRADGYNLAIS MART. NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1918. "L^WES and I.AMBS wtH ? Sold accord- -? i"? tOI Kp?dationi.. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. t J. LL \> iLLi^ril Aticliunoer PUBLIC NOT ICES. Swansea District United Evangelic Convention, A CONVENTION FOR THE Deepening of the Spiritual Life, Will be held as follows: MONDAY, JUNE 3rd—Mr. SID SOLO- MAN at TABERNACLE, Skinner St. TUESDAY, JUNE 4th-Rev. JNO PHIL- LIPS and Rev. R. J. WILLOUOHBY t SALVATION ARMY HALL, Prince of Wales Road, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th—Capt. GIL- LETT, S.A., at CARMARTHEN RD. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. THURSDAY, JUNE 6th—Rev. W. W. LEWIS 4t CARMARTHEN ROAD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Meetings to Commence at 7.30. A Hearty Welcome to You. (P.P.) A TREAT FOR EISTEDDFOD ENTHUSIASTS AT BETHEL, PENCLAWDD, ON Saturday, June 22nd, 1918. RECORD ENTRIES. Pr.eeident-Sir Beddee Rew, Cardiff. Adj udietors- Music: Dr. Caradoc Roberts, Mua. Doc., F.R.C.O., A.R.G.M. L.R.A.M., R498, and George Llewelyn, Esq., Mus. Bae., L.T.S.C., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., Pt Talbot. Literature; Dr. Gwylfa Roberts, D.Litt., Llanally- Elocution: Dan Matthews, Esq., Po- dujais. Eisteddfod to continence 16.80 a.m. sharp. Programmes I-d., post 3d., from Sees.: Mr. T. F. Jenkins, Benson-terrace, Penr cdawdd, and Mr. W, Roborhs, Emlyn Cotr tage, Pone law dd. Skewen and Neath Abbey Saiior67 and soidiers, Recfrptiqri & presentation Fund (Registered under WAr Charities Apt 1016) Under the auspices of above, a Vegetable and Flower Show Will be held at 9KEWEN on THURSDAY, AlJG. 29th. Schedules shortly from Secretaries: Dd, Abraham, 2g, Buc-kland-terrace, Neath Abbey | Tom Lloyd, I, Spring Gardens, ,ut4, Skewen. EB e N tElE R CHAPEt, Dunvpnt, The 3rd Annual Eisteddfod Will be heid cu SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2$th, 1918, Chief Items; Children's Choir, t5; Cham pion Solos (Mule and Female), 1;1 lie. 6d; Solos, Recitations, Essays, Poems, etc. Programmes ready shortly from Secre- tary: D. R. Griffiths, Hall Stores, Dun- and D, Julian Davies, Llysifan, Dunvapt. m M> "V»> LLANGYFELACH MART, TUESDAY NLKT, JUNE 4th, 1918. FAT CATTLE and SHEEP will be Sold at Graded Prices in accordance with the Live Stock Regulations. E. RICE & SON,/Auctioneers, sun Rises 5.11. Sun Sets 9,19. Ughting-up Time, 9.49. S .bdue Lights visible from the Sea— Swansea 9.49, Llajieily 9.50 2-3, Aberavon 9.49, Pembroke 9,534. ^u&due other Lights— Swanaea 11.19. Llaneily 11.26 2-3, Amman- ford 11.20, Aberavon 11.19, Neath 11.19, C4trmartiion H.21, Pembroke 11.23^. High Watar, 11.24 a.m., 11-44 p.m. King's Dock, 35ft. 2in. a.In., 35ft. 7in. p.m. To-morrow, 0.20 a.m., 0.43 p.m.


,? —.———.——.?.?=— I PONTARDAWE…

[TOWN TALK. f___.___