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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SWANSEA. # u • p 0 Claims of the Town to be Recognised. J PROSPECTS OF A GREAT DEVELOPMENT. Report of the Welsh Commission. The U Cambria Dailv Leader had the honour to announce in its H.311 edition on Tuesday Uiai: the Royal Commission en University Lduoaiion in Wales—or which.i Lord Haldane was chairman—has r<■! oo,rte-<l in lavour of Swansea Tochir- a1 Collgû a?. a constituent college of tn: IJ'niv?r?ity of Wa?fe. This i mtbjfct i ill? luilil-ment Wale6. Tli?s i,? T!L' w Commi&gion, ia l' I- report, ears that tE, j claim of Swansea for the transformation I fit tho Technical College into a constitu- ent college of the Univers:ity, is recog- Jiised by the I)rc)-iiif)tars of the South Wale« scheme for a technological 1 acuity and degree, and the jtetitiou for a charter is now before the Privy Council. 'M onht to be ?ta?d that the com-I miosMi recommend that the proposed national medical fchool shouM be or- ganised as an independent constituent 'college, goveerned by a council and Senate oi its own. The Commissioners refer toHhis fact in its remarks about Swansea. In the University College of Medicine tcey* recommend that an institution pro- vikliing education r'n a siltgIe "Faculty should be granted the rank. The case of Swansea, however, was not quite the same. The netf college at Cardiff would find itself in a city in which a University tradition was already well established. In Swansea "there is no University tra- dition, no University atmosphere, very littls even of pioneer work in the field of higher education and scientific research, nor is there any immediate prospect of the development of higher humanistic studies." CLAIM ALLOWED. j The Commissi oners go on to of a groat development of higher education and scientific research at Swansea as a "crying need." They refer to the metal- lurgical pre-eminence of the town to the great support already provided for the College scheme. The all-important para- graph in the report is to the following effect We h&v come to the con- elusion that subject to the ?ulfihnent of certain conditions, the claim of Swansea should be allowed, ard that the much needed proviilon of higher education in that part of South Wales M more likely to be made within a reasonable time, and with a suitable range and standard if the institution 4.10 question is given the rank of a con- stituent college and brought into the inner life of the University, than if it is restricted constitutionally by some partial recognition to a narrower field. The principal conditions to he laid down are, we think. the following:— (a) The constitution of Council and Senate should conform to the recom- mendations made in pars. 203-4 [these paragraphs lay down certain conditions with regard to the number of members on the Senate and Council. With re- gard to important local industries, both employers and employed should be re- presented; and there should be a limi- ted number of co-opted mcmhMe. Women should be represented on the Senate.] (b) The teaching staff must be ade- quate in numbers and qualifications. (c) Satisfactory provision must be made for full courses, at least up to the standard of the (initial degree, in the Faculties of Pure Science, Applied Science, and Technology. (d) Pending the establishment of a complete Faculty of Arts, ,ti:fd()ry provision must bo made for higher education in subjects belonging to that Faculty. (e) Satisfactory provision must be made for buildings and equipment. (f) Satisfactory provision must be made, by endowment or otherwise, for the maintenance of the college. With regard to the provisional pro- J cedure for the admission of the college, I the Commissioners recommend that if the promoters of. the petition for a charter I wish to obtain it with the least poesible I delay, the Privy Council, before making their report to'the King, should obtain advice on the subject of the fulfilment of the conditions they have laid "down from either the existing University of Wales, AT the Advisory Committee on University grants. I THE PRINClPALSHfP. I The report proceeds to deal with the question of the Principalship as follows: H We recognise the liberal spirit in which the Swansea representatives have approached the subject of salaries for the teaching staff generally, and we have no doubt of their determination to meet this and the other conditions in a satisfactory manner. We may, however, take this op- portunity to lay stres^ on the immense importance to be attached to the first step' they will have to take in thclJcon- struction of the new University College. Much of the prosperity of a college must always depend upon the wise choice of a Principal; and it is hardly too much to say that this is the leading factor at the beginning of such an institution. The provision to be mads for the post and the qualifications to be sought in the candi- dates must be determined not only by a sense of the great future of Swansea as a centre for metallurgical instruction and research, but also by the necessity of securing a man who will help to win for the College its due weight in the coun- sels of the University, am! il also keep constancy before his own ■ i and that of the people of Swansea tiu- nuty of giv- ing the College such a range of studies and such a wide outlook as will save it from the narrowing effects of a too utili- Itarian standard." THE PLACE OF WOMEN. I TJiere is also another note which ought i t<> he-brought to the attention of Swansea, dealing with the provision for women etudents. It says: We must not leave this subject with- out expressing some sense 'of disappoint- ment that the promoters of this move- ment in Swansea should have eliown in the construction of their plans so little regard for the needs of women. If the new University College is worthily to discharge its responsibilities tor the great and growing community of which it is the centre, it must spare no pains to re- move this defect in a scheme which is otherwise so hopef-al." Elsewhere in the 100-page report, the Commissioners speak of the great enthu- siasm of the citizens of Swansea in the tastk of founding a School of Metallurgy, which shall be second to none in the Kingdom. The report also speaks in detail of the present technical courses at Swansea, states that the local Education Authority are prepared to spend about < £ 40,000 on enlargements and improvements, and they had, at the date of their evidence, received subscriptions to an endowment scheme amounting to ovef < £ 70,000. The Authority themselves propose that no pro- fessorship in their college should carry with it a salary of lees than ,£600, and no Readership less than J3300. SIGNIFICANT. A Significant reference is as follows:— "It is clear that the importance of the commercial interests of Swansea, and the necessity of providing for the educational needs-a point which ap- peared not to have received the attention it deserves—may be expected to lead to a rapid development in the demand for subjects in the Faculty of Arts when higher education in Swansea has been started on a University ptane." RE-BIRTH OF MOVEMENT. One notable fact brought out in the historical retrospect contained in the re- port is that in 1862, when the Welsh Uni- versity project "bad ftillen away from pub- lic attention, active interest in the University prospect was revived by a series of letters addressed to a local Welsh newspaper, the Cam- bria Daily Leader," by Dr. Thomas i a minister on the staff of the Carmarthen College." The appear- ance of these letters led to a conference of leading Welshmen in London, and may be practically called the re-birth of l1e University movement. ALD. MARTIN'S VIEWS. "Swansea Realises Her Ambitions" i Aid. K-ichard Martin, J.P., Swansea, can justly be termed the father of the move- ment which has brought into being the University. Tn the course of a conversation with a Leader representative, the Alderman expressed his keen de-light at the decision of the Commissioners. Swansea," he said. "has at last realised her ambition,, and we must now strive to reap the bene- fits which are to be derived from this boon conferred upon us. We must wake up and work hard, for there will be plenty to do now. To the children orf Swansea and district the University will open out a new era.* It is difficult in these days to conceive the future, but'no doubt the benefits to be accrued by posterity will be immense. INDUSTRIAL NEEDS. I Councillor Ivor H. Gwyiine, J.P., the chaiMpian of the Swansea Education Authority, sitid that although he had ex- pected that the Commissioners would be in favour, he was very pleased that they ha doonsented to give Swansea the Faculty of Technology, constituted generally on the lines suggested by the South Wales Business Committee. "I had something to do with this committee," 6aid Mr. Gwynne. H I attended several meeting. at Cardiff, and these were attended by the Swansea Chamber of Commerce ntH; other South Wales Chambers. At thes., meetings it was practically decided that we should give higher instruction in tech- ,nolicgy in Swansea, and that it should meet the needs and requirements of tht various industries in the district. Wt were afraid tli.it the Commission 'Wouid not agree, but they have, I eee. suggested that it should be established. We havf now obta.ined the object set out for many years ago, a-nd Swansea has ca-usse to con- gratulate itself to-day."










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