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"LEADER" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SCALE Of CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under—3 INSERTIONS -ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Thrta lnse.-tons-Ons Shining for 29 words, ami ad. extra far tvery 5 words mora. LOST AND FOUND. Three Insertions-One Shilling and Six- pence for 20 words, and 4d. extra far every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM & SYMPA i HY NO i iCES. One Insertion.—One shilling and sixpence far 20 words, and fid. extra for every 5 words more. This scaio does not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notifssi Sales ajwi Let by Temier. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER BUiLDINCS, SWAHSEA. Telephonos: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). TelegramsJ "L;,ader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.G. Telephone: 227S Central. LLAMELLY OFFirE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS ST. Telephones No. 174. NEATH OFFiCE- ALFREU STREET. Telephone; No. 259. SIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLES. you are cordially invited to call upon X YR. ERIC EKES, F.B-.U.S.. h.SM.C., ete- (LondJ, 26, CaeUe-ei reet, Swansea. Con- sultation free. 'Phone Central 520. EDUCATIONAL. TrfE^TS Trained to speeds of o. cr 1uO Words a Hinute in PITAiAN'S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully Prepared for Civil Service and Local Marino Hoard Examinations. Lessons given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Navigation, English. Satis- faction guaranteed.-A,lt. J. HARRIS, 56, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. Day and Eveiiingr lor all subjects. MISCELLANEOUS. OUR Glasses look go nice, and they fit jL you so well, I can. hardly tell you are wearing glasses* Yes! and what is most im- portant, these Glasses have done my ejes so much good. I got them from Mr. Hutchins Etchelle, F.B.O.A., of 9. Portland-etieet, Swansea (opposite the Market). Try him; he will advice you free of charge. U8A7-23 MACHINERY. FOR SALE, cheap, in South Wa?s, to 6tne t- removal, iO n.h.p. OverLype SemrPort- ible Engine, by Marshall, for about lGOlbs. working prw-u,-e.-Bom K.17, Leader Oflice. J?01i SALE, 75, 60, and 56-lb. Flange Rails; 10 st-ts 56-lb. Points and Crossings; Sleepers; 3iu. Pipes; 7 Vertical Boilers; portable, Horizontal, and Oil Engines; Pul- someter and other Pumps; Air Receiver; Mortar Mills; Colliery Tubs, etc.—List on application.—George V. Perry, Gloucester- place, Swansea. 112A7-31 POULTHY, DOGS, LIVE STOCK, &c. you can get an extra batch of eggn dur- J- ing July, August, September, by giving Karswood (harmless) Poultry Spice every day. Thousands did so last year and were delighted with the results. Packets 2d., 6d., —Evans, The iiong Kong, Gorseinon. 115A7-27 -BE your eggS "tailing off"? Remember that hens moult quickly and continue laying On Xarswcod Poultry Spice con. taining ground insects. Packets 2d., 6d.— Davie6 Bros., Chemitste, Hebron-road, Cly- dach. 115; 8-7 PIANOFOFITE TUNING. IANOFOKTES, Organs, and Player- JL Pianos tuned, 3s 6d.; lost tone and touch fully restored; repairs warranted live vears.—Herbert Strong, 37, Carltoll- terrace. and Christina-street, Swansea. 'Phone 245 Docks kiat4 of Gwynne If. Brader's). 115A7-3 'lAXOfOETE TUNING, 3s. 6d.; reeom Puiendation3 from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, an 1 Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from Becbsiein, Hopkinaon, Collard, Brinsmead, etc.; Sale or Hire—Charles Eadon, 53. Brunswick-street, fcwangea. A. C, LO',z'r AND FOUND. OSTTTwo Uncuried Ostrich Feathers, be- J tween 25, Oak wo oil-road and Temple- /treet.—Finder rewarded on returning to ibove address. 1.8A7-28 LOST, between Mumbles-road Station and Swansea Bay Station, a Black Bag con- taining a Pur-e and a Railway Ticket from Swansea to Hanehefct«r.—Finder returning toO K.21 Leader Office, will be rewarded ^TP.AYLD from a Field at Birhgr",e, Mountain Sheep, red 6POt on the Beck and on the rump.—Anyone finding please Bommuuicaite with Isaac Joneti. Butcher. Morriston. 117A7-2.7 PALMISTRY. p ALIIISTRY aDd Claii-Yoyance.—ConsulA JL Madame Virgo, late of Cardiff and Aberystwyth, now 238, High-street, Swansea, two doors from Cameron Hotel. Advice daily, 10 to 9 p.m. 118A7-31 MADAME DRLSILLA, F.B.I.M.S., Palmist, A*- Clairvoyant, American Mystic Read- inga. Advice dally. Hours 11 to 9.—Address Carmarthen Cafe, 49, St. Helen s-road, Swan, sea. Late Royal Spa, Harrogate. 115A7-23 n AVE You Consulted Mdme. Warne, Palmist? If not, do so to-day at 31, Oxford-street (above .the Auction Rooms), Swansea. The last few weeks. 135A7-27 FURNITURE, LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, etc., WANTED AND FOR SALE. Mas. ROCK Buys all kinds of Second- hand Clothing, etc.; also Furniture to any amount, for cash. Postcards and parcels receive prompt a'ttention.-15-1ó Prince of Wales-road, Swansea. 115A7-27 ECOND HAND Furuiture. Best Prices given by me. Drop a postcard and will call. W. Jam-FA, 8, iabian-etreet. St Thomas, Swansea, TO Hill's Announcements. F TJR.NITUP,E! Furniture! Furniture !-Buy JL before the rise, which is bound to come. Just for a few weeks, Hill's. Central Buildings, Gower-street, Swansea, are offer- ing the whole of their Stock at their old well-known prices, whish are far below the usual trade prices. We will store any goods at the present prices until required free of charge. All goofia delivered free. The fol- lowing are a few of our special lin:- Strong Kitchen Couches at 16s. 6d.; Full-size Kitchen DerB irom 356.; Full-size Bed- steads from 14s. 6d.; Dining-room Suites from 3J guinea. Bedroom Suites from 41 guineas; Sideboards, Fenders, Fire Brasses, baddle Bag Suites in endless variety at your I own prices, We have a few Special Lineg, in Solid Oak Bookcases, 4ft., at £ 3 1S.a., which we cannot Tepeat. Intending pur. chasers should not delay, but call at once to the Cheapest House in the Trade.—Hill's, Complete House Furnishers, Central Build- ings, Gower-street, Swansea; also at Cardiff, Aberdare and Barry Dock. 118A7-51 H- -E ELLISlS HERBAL PILLS, Made from prescription of celebrated Nurse for Anasmia, Bloodlessneas, etc. Send stamp for free sample and particulars; also testi- monials. Prices Is. 3d. and 4s. 6d, post ai.d. under cover. Advice Free. Kü. LLlS, 12. V ALLAN CE-liOAD, UOVE. SUS&&&, I DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. TIT-ANTED, at once, respectable Working Housekeeper; small family.—Apply 116, King Edward-road, Swansea. 118A7-31 | IV A-NTED at once, capable, trustworthy General.—Apply with references, etc., to Mrs. Coakley, 81, High-street, Gorseinon. AC7-28 "T ATED, experienced General to do Plain Cooking and Light Washing; references required.—Apply, 8, Chaddesley- terrace, Swansea. 116A7-28 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. Women. j STROG Woman, with Wa?h-hou?e ex. ►J p-erience, Required for Steam Laundry; 114,z. per week and l)arhal board.—Apply Matron, General Hospital, Swansea. 11M 7-28 "r AXTED, Young Lady for Florist Busi. v iiess; one with experience preferred.— Apply by letter only, Parsons, 6, Oxford. street. 118A7-28 D R-APERY.-Wanted, Young Lady Assis- tante for Fancy; abloõ to serve through; (for London).—Apply 10, The Parade, Neath. 116A7-29 ~V"OUN £ l Lady required in office, to aeei&t -y with day booka and invoicing, etc.; salary 10s. 6d.—Write K18, Leader Office. 1l5A7 -28 Men. ANTED, Boiler Fireman, unfit for Army.—Apply Nobel's Safety Fuse Factory, Swan&ea. AC7-28 A.NT.LD, a Clerk (not eligible for mili- J tary service); must bn a good penman, with knowledge of Welsh, shorthand, and typewriting; age not under 22 years. Apply, stating salary required, to "X," Leader Office. 116A7-30 "\XrANTED, a Sawyer; permanency for good maii.-Apply, stating age, experi- ence, and wages required, to "Wood," I Leader Office, Swansea. 116A7-28 BOOT Trade.— Wanted good all-round Boot Repairer.—Apply W. J. Evans, 5a Fabian-street, St, Thomas, Swansea. C7-28 w A-NTE-F), Doublers, Furnacemen, Behindera, Buudlers. Apply Old Lodge Tinpla.te Works, Llanelly, C-TC ,i ANTED, at on-cø:eason Hand for the Grocery—Apply Walters, County and Boro' Stores, Aberystwyth. 116A7-29 Men and Women. REQUIRED, for Iron and Steel Agent's \¡ Oiliee, Young Man ineligible for Army, or Young lady.-State f iLU particulars and salary required to Box K.20, Leader Office, Swansea. 118A7-28 XilA S" CHOCO LATif (fLUB S .-Any person, young or old, can earn £1 to 910 spare time. No outlay. Particulars— Samuel Driver, Beeeton-road, Leetls. 11&A&-21 Boys. "ITyANTED, strong Lad as Porter for ''? Grocery Trade; wages to commence 12s. per week.—Apply Delivery," Leader Office. C7-27 i STRONG Lad Wanted for Wholesale ADI-?i,p4ei?y WaiehouEC; good refenm cee Apply J. D. and S. Rii-lia, 54, Alexandra- road, Swansea. 116A7-30 :v,iA:\TED6artLad, just leaving school, '"?as Lather ?jy.—Apply Moors, Hair- dresser, Queen-street, Neath. 116A7-29 ED, Smart Errand Boy at once; I wages. B. Watts Junes, Draper, Oxford-street. C7-23 SviARi Loya Wun^d for quick gales of the LeacLer and also HersAd of Wtiles land Mid-Glamorgan Herald"; good money can be easily earned by smart and deter- mined boy.-Apply to the following offices and agents: John Morgan, Woodfield-street, jMorriston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Qtil). etreet, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72. Brynymor- j road, Swansea; Ceaton. Mumbles. | MCTOR CARS. CYCLES &c. FOR SALE I IFO*I'OR CYCLISTS.—Please turn to Page xr-L Ihree for Special Bargains in New ana t'e;"ond-hand Motor Cycles for Immediate Delivery from Stock.—W. Luther T. Davies, Motor Expert, Garnant. C-T-v rpALBOT, 14 h.p., perfect running order, 1. thoroughly overhauled, two-seater new body, and differential splendid lamp*, { itwo ignitions—24, Walter-road. H6A7-2ti Ivor L. Roberts' (Oxford-street) Announcements. LIGHT CARS.-Early delivery of the re- nowned Perry, Enfield, H umberette Models; prices from 1160 complete. Please send me your inquiry, which shall receive my personal MOTOR CYCLES.—Sole agent for B.S.A., Enfield, Dougias, A.J.S., Celilhorpe, Humber, Morgan, Runabouts, etc. Bock early to avoid delay in delivery. Deferred terms arranged. Send your inquiries. CYCLES.—Sole tigut for B.S.A., Royal iC Enfield, Robin Hood, Humber, ,etc. Prices from LS 19s. 6d. to SIS 13s. Easy payments arranged. Send for lists. IJ'NiTELD Light Car in etock, immediate -? delivery, four-cylimJer, Sve detachable wheels, square tyre, dynamo lighting set five lamps, hood and screen Demonstration runs free. DELIVERY this week of Douglas Model I DB. 4 h.p. Secure by wire or letter. DELIVERY this week— Sporting Model Morgan Runabout; also B.S.A. h.p. 3-speed Model Enfield, 2-stroke, li-epeed, and Enfield 6 h.p. Sidecar Combination. Wire or write to secure. 'l>hone No. 21 x Cent. EARLY Deliveries of all Ford Models. Terms arranged., C-TO TRADE SPECIALITIES. I AM Sure if you could realise what it is to have a Boot Eepairer where none but the best work is done, and where you are assured of having the beet attention, you would send at once Ito White's Central Boot Works, 4, Prince of Wales-road. It paya. 117A7-30 MADAME JONES, M.B.H.S., the most eu-c- iVI cessful of present-day Herbalists. Cure for Indigestion, Eczema, Catarrh, Nervous Debility, Piles, Ead LegOi, and Kidney Com- i plaints.—69, High-atreeit, Swansea. 117A7-30 M" ADAM LEVnS, B.M.H.S., the experienced and leliabSe Herbalist, curer; every description of complaints; in strictest con- f idel)ce.-Only address; 15, Talbot-street, Aberavon. 118A7-31 YATES, Sewing Ma/cliine Man, 11, Lower Waterloo-street, Swansea; Sewing Machines of all makes, Oil, Needles, Shuttles, Parts. Agent for Bradbtiry. 116A 7-29  MOLYNEUX, Ltd" Fiah Mercha.nta?lZO. P. Hightret)t, Swansea; cheap%t houce I in town for Fish of all varietiea; Whole/sale and Retail. Trial Solicited. TO (?A „PAGE BOOK about Herbs and how to I Utie them; free; send at once.—RllSi- NELL. The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-mad, Cardiff. Established 3379. TO A LTIFICIAL Limbs, Eyes, Crutches, De- formity Boots, "Steel-less Easifit" Trusses, Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady At. tendants. Belts, Belt-Corsets, Trusses, Seamiese Elastic Stockings, etc.—Alien Fearte, iZ, Chirles-,qtreet, Cardiff. Tel. 232. TO PUBLICATIONS. LONDON Time-Table and Red Rail-Guide.- The current issue of thie popular rub- lication is on eaie at ail Railway Bookstalls and leading Newsagenttf. Nearly 600 pages, it deale with over 3,000 railway otationti. At t wopence it is the best and cheapest jiall- way Guide ever 1XJ; HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. | "C*OR SALE, House, central position; owner leaving town—Apply in first instance at 25, Cradock-street, Swansea. [ 116A7-30 OR SALE, Loughor, five substantially- biiiui Leasehold Dwelling-houses and One Shop,-Apply W. Edgar Morris, Auctioneer, Clydach-or.-Tawe. 115A7-28 FOR SALE, llorriston, Five Well-built Leasehr,d Dw,- I Leasehold Dwelling-houses, in good locality near several large workc-Apply W. Edgar Morris, Estate Agent, Clydach- on-Tawe. 115A7-28 "jnOR SALE, Pon tarda we, in one lot, Shop and Two Dwelling-hou in central jp06i:io:i, abutting on ithe CTOS.S.—Apply W. Edgar Morns, Surveyor, Clydach-on- Tawe. 115A7-28 j ?pifREE Croeses.—For Sale, well-bijilt cix. roomed Dwelling-hou^e, standiiig on three-quarters of an acre of land; lease 99 years from 1898; total ground rent £ 3 3s.— Apply N. Nevison Grieve, Auctioneer and Valuer, 234, Oxford-street, Swansea. C7-27 T^OR SALE, or Let to suitable tenant, a -1- Charming Detached Villa, situated in the most convenient a (xnuturesque part of Swansea, ECea; Uplands, ad- joining Cwmdonkiu Park. lhe house con- tains five bedrodm?, two sitting, and dining ?hal?l, ana possesses a delightful view of tiie park, bay, and Mumblee.— Apply to John Pye, Belle Vista, Glanmor-road, Uplands. 116A8-7 l.^OR SALE, Griffithe-row, Waunarlwydd, Cc'ttage, comprii-iug of floor, kitchen and scullery, and bedrooms; 39 years lease to run; quarter of an acre of land; ground rent 10s. per annum.—Apply Benjamin Griffiths, Griffiths-row, Waunarlwydd. A C7-ZS F-OR SALE, Gorse-road, Cwmbwrla, two Cottages, Nos. 10 and 11, comprising two bedrooms and kitchen each; 12 years' leave to run; ground rent £2 per annum.— Apply Benjamin Griffiths, Griffiths-row, Waunarlwydd. AC7-28 DAVID ROBERTS, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent, 19, Heathfield-street, Swansea. TO LET OR SOLD. S KP,TT)C.-By Tram Terminus, 7-room Hous-j to Let; immediate possession; rent, 8s. per week and rates, TJPLAN 1)8 —7-room House to Let; immedi- ate possession. s T. J.M.ES' G -NS .-Commodious Resi- denee, with every conveuience, to Let in this favourite thoroughfare; early pos- session. (JASTLE-STREET— Lock-up Silop To Let on specially favourable terms during war; very suitable for Tobacconist. TJNION-STBEET.—Modern Lock-up Shop To Let, iu good position; immediate possession can be arranged. Sziit(- of OfJices ill ctnlral position; low rent. Stable To Let in [ Wind-street. OJt-gE' ON.-S eve n-roo,-n House To Let in Brjghton-road, at low inclusive rent; immediate possession; to close an estate the property will be sold at a very low price. B R iX-ROAD?—Semi-detachedHouaeIn I this favourite street, for Sale; long lease; low price, immediate possession can be had. or full particulars of these and other pro- perties to bo Let or Sold, apply David Roberts as above. Mr. Joseph Harris's Announcements. ST. GEGEoL S-TERKACE (just off Walter- road), Charming Residence with all modern conveniences for Sale; cheap to immediate Purchaser. Apply. Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, l, George- etreet, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. | "yiCTORiA-TERRACE (jiwt off King Ed. %\ard s-roao), well-built House for Sale; in grand condition; absolute bargain.— Apply, Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Vaiuer, 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469 Docks. N°RTH HILL-ROAD.-Two substantiallY- built, Houses with polled atone fronts, for Sale at a low figure; long lezLz-e.-Apply, Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, Goorge-street, Swansea. Tel. NQ., 469 Docks. r ARCtE LOCK-UP SHOP to Let, corner of Oxford-street and Richardson- street; low rental.-Apply. Joseph Harris, Auctioneer and Valuer, 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No., 469 Docka. -OA^SIREET, ST. THOMAS.—Two excel- lent Houses for Sale at a remarkably low figui-e.-Apply, Joseph Harris, Auc- tioneer and Valuer. 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel. No. 469, Docks. f* EC 1L S T11E E '1, 11 AN S ELTON. — To be c Sold cheap, well-built House with all conveniences—Appiy, Joseph Harris., Auc- tionee-r and Valuer, l, George-atreet, Swan- sea. Tel. No. 469 Docka.. jl/rORlGAGES.—Several sums of money ready to be advanced on good Lease- hold and Freehold Securities at a low rate of interest.—Apply, Joseph Harris, Auc. tioneer a.nd Valur, 1, George-street, Swan- sea. Tel. No. 469, Docks. C7-30 J. Pugh Williams' Announcements. i 0? .HIGH-STREET—To Let, compact 94, double-fronted Shop. with good living rooms over; suit any retail business; very modest rental. Also several other ex- cellent Business Premises to Let and for Sale in best parts of the town.-Appiv J. Pugh Wiiiiams, Auctioneer and Valuer, 12, Colleges¡'reet, SW1l8ea Tl/f"ALVERN-TERRACE and Bhondda.-strGe? l'fJ. -For Sale, in order to close an estate, Two splendid Houses; reasonable prices; long leases and low ground rents.—Apply J. Pagh Williamb, Auctioneer and Valuer, .2, College-street, Swansea "OOSEITiLL-TEERACE.—For Sale, a Sub- —" stantial Block oi' Property, consisting of Five well-built Houses in good condition; well let to good-cla.?s tenants; lease, ?99 years from 1914; ground Ðn t, £4 per house; a good investment at price asked; will sell singly if required; tliree-fourths of pur- chase money could remain on mortgage.— Apply J. Pugh Williams, Auctioneer and Valuer, 12, College-street. Swansea. C OCKETT.-For iale, compact little y' Freehold Holding, consisting of House, SU: hIe, etc., with abcut an Acre of Land; I con venieutly situated; a bargain to an im- | mediate purchaser.—Apply J'. Pugh Wil- lia.ma. Auctioneer and Valuer, 12, College- sctreet, Swansea K-ÏÜ.Ay.-F'sa!e, Two desirable Six- roomed Houses; recently erected; long leases and low ground rents; very moderate prices for a quick sale.—Apply J. Pugh Williams, Auctioneer am Valuer, 12, Col- lege-street, Swansea. ROOMS TO LET. TWO Unfurnisll€d Bocima to Let.—57, Westbury-street. 118A7-28 HOUSES WANTED. "WANTED, SVnall House near Swansea.— Box K. Leader Office, Swansea. 11&A7-29 ~WANTED to Buy Houses in 118-1.7'291 Peniel Green, HkeweD, Neath.—Kindly send particulars to "Allies," Leader Office. 117A7-27 OFFICE TO LET. FREE Telephones.—Omcee to Let with sole F and free use of two telephones.—Apply immediately to S. Bubens.tejn, 25, Gower. street, Swansea. Tel. 67 Docks. 115A7-27 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET T ARGE Ijoft in Mansel-lane to Let; snit- able for works";op or stores.—Apply 29, St. Heleu's-rcad, Swansea^ 418A7-31 J MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1 Deposit only has to be paid before the Piano o.r Organ is delivered free to your door. BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR pIANO OR ORGAN From any firm at ANY price call and inspect the Magnificent Selection at CRANE'S. The stupendous reductions that we are making from other people's prioe6 will positively surprise you. Our show- rooms are filled with the finest example^ of ALL the Leading Makes, which we sell at infinitely lower prices than anyone else, and on far easier terms of payment. Below we give you a list of juet a few Sensational Bargains in Second-hand and Slightly-soiled Instruments: Cash Per Price. Month. JL?Q Harmonium, by Sunday ?/? X hool Union, walnut c-,  expression stop, powerful I tone; cost X9. jp? American Organ, by J. ?/- X5 Brader & Son; wa'nub case 2 mirrors and muaic cup- board in back, 3 etops, knee swell; cost 15 guineas. -P'Y American Organ, by Clara- 5/- I & bella Organ Co., canopy 5/- mi rrored top, 10 stops, 2 knee swells; a very pleasing instrument with full mellow tone; cost 19 guineas.  "Stella" Organ, by Crane K/m and Sons, Ltd., 8 ?topa, 2 0 knee swells, mirrored in top, condition as new. X8 Rosewood Pianoforte, by 6/. Adclis>on; powerful rich I tone, ivory keys, in good condition. ( H Crane Piano, in rich walnut 8/6 ca-e, marqueterie panel, — iron frame, check action, •trichord one of our popular Model Pianos. 18 Our most popular Upright Q/^? '?-? Grand Pianoforte, built like ?'  a Dreadnought; iron frame, brMs pin plate, check re- I peater action, rich walnut case with marqueterie panel; very little used. fO?) Crane & Sons' Walnut Up- m/? right Grand, over?Lrung, -??' ?' complete iron frame; a magnificent instrument. £ 0^?"Matz" Upright Grand, 6 lovely burr walnut ca-A. marqueterie front,, over- euung, underdamper action, ivory keys; a very fine instrument. X* AZC Player Piano, by one of the £1 '??? leading makers; C06t 95  guineas; rosewood ease, all the latest improvements; come and hear this instru- ment. 0IAlE & HIS,1 LTD., THE LARGEST PIANO AND ORGAN FIRM IN THE WORLD, 33, OXFORD ST., SWANSEA. PIANO for Sale, Second-hand, full OOm- P pa, good tcnc; suitable for learning; £5 15s.—18a, Richardson-street. 113A7-28 Iron C,and Piano in L Rosewood Case, full iron frame, full trichord, overdamper check action, fine tone and quality.—Gwynne il. Brader, 17, Heathfieid-otree:, Swansea. 116A7-27 '?rEW Model Collard and Collard Over- LN atmn? Iron Grand, handsome rosewood case, beautiful tone and quality; 55gns.; discount for cash.—Gwynne H. Brader, 17, Heathfield-street, Swansea. 116A7-27 0" ER3TRU6-Irõ"n- G rand Piano, hand- 0somer walnut caEe with marqueterie panel, underdamper itape check action, very fine tone and quality, fully guaranteed, £ 25 15s.—Gwynne H. Brader, 17, Heathfield- street, Swansea. 116A7-27 ? T\ALE??ORTY' & 00., LTD., Hi?h-atreot. D Cardiu.—.?ew Model Pianoa. Second- thand Pianos at low prices for cash; easy Csrxae arranged. Second-hand Organs from C2. Second-uand Piano Player, £ 8.—Lista on application to Local Agency: 20, King Edward s-road, Swansea. Thompson & Shackell's Announcements. BRINSMEAD PIANOS.—?ole Agenla for -? South Wales: Thompson and Sbackell. Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc.. etc. The possession of a "Brinsmead" iB a never- failing source of happiness. O ECON D-HAND Pianos from 98 upward& ? Thompsou and Sha?kell, Ltd., 39, Ca^tle-stieet, Swans<?.. etc., etc., have at present a Splendid Stock of Second-hand Instruments for selection. Catalogues froo. TEY ORCANS.-Thompeon and Shackell, Es Ltd., 39. Castle-street, Swansea, etc.. hold the Sole Agency for these unrivalled inetrumente. Prices, from L12 (cash). illus- trated catalogue free on application. BROADWOOD Player Pianos, Simplex Player Pianos, Auteolao.-Sole Agents:^ Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 49, Castle- etreet, Swansea, etc., etc. Largest cash dis- count, or easy terms arranged. SAILINGS. CTJNARD LINK LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. From Liverpool 6.t 2.30 p.m. ORDUNA Saturday, August 7 TUSCAIÅ; Saturday, August 14 ♦SAXONIA Saturday, Aug. 2.1 CAMERONIA Saturday, Aug. 28 .Ca.bin and Third Class passengers only. To CANADA. From LONDON and LIVERPOOL. Apply CUNARD LINE, Liverpool; London, 51, Bishopsgate, E.C.; 29-30, Cockspur-street, S.W.; or Paris, 37, Boulevard dee Capucines, ABSOLUTELY FREt. BERTIE PERKINS AND CO., Passenger Steamship Department, 11. Somerset-place (opposite the Town Hall). Swansea. "lOOK PASSENGERS to America. Australia, India, Canada, Africa, Now Zealand, and to ill part of the World. Handbooks of information and all par- ticulars iiLooiuteiy free. No booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Steamers at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co.. are Official Agentd for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lanes in the World. -A1&.ERICA. Ca.na?&. South Africa, Ans- ? ?- tr.?lia.—Jatendmg passengers can have their berths reserved at lowest rates. All information free.-ApplY Bobert: deam- ship Passenger Agent, Moriiston. TO II EMIGRATION. ¡ For Cheapest Rat<? and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and East I Africa, United States of America. Arson- tine, etc., apply at once to HOULDER nnOTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGE BOOKED BY ALL LINES rIO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—"Houldera." Telephone—Central 1215 (2 lines). ■J1 V J1' — MISCELLANEOUS SALES. rpO BUTCHERS—For Sale, Tubox Sausage J- Machine, Sausage Filler, Scales, Steel- yard, and Two Blocks.—Apply Gordon Francis, 60. Stal). Market. Private a,ddress, IZ5- Rhonùda.f1t.r mA7-28   w. JIS'> I PORTLAND STREET, I SWANSEA. In order to enable us to devote more time and attention to our MAN UFAC- I| TURING and REPAIRS Department, | and to develop more fully our trade in DIAMOND GOODS, we have decided to |i SELL OFF the whole of our present stock 1 of JEWELLERY and SILVER PLATE I at a discount of 5s. in the £1 oif the prices | marked in our window. | m BULLOCK BROS., § JEWELLERS. j ,r_-=.;u. n?F NOT TAKE YOUR HOL/D?vs I A 7t;:? ? You will find it ■ 7A?E?PEA?7VE. A /? EX777LE??r/A'G !???????? HEALTHFUL.  ??' HEALTHFUL. ?o r?  CYCLES to ride ?-—- ??? ?Q? bY A N !?OR?AM, I THE CJL CENTRE, I 218, OXFORD ST., SWANSEA —iBir iMh limniv iini ii «■ ni'ii ■mimnui mu an i'i>»mwi iii.i ■! iiininii '■! m ?. ?<. Eft J BE0HI2STS SS; l!i@BSH¥ HEEDEO j W- BY THE I I" 6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment. This fine Regiment was raised by the late Colonel j | j Dillwyn in 1859 (known as 3rd G.V.R.), and has been ] associated with Swansea and District ever since. The | late King Edward VII. was Hon. Colonel, and the Bat- ) talion took part in South African War and is at present doing DUTY in France. g! Young Men of Swansea, Neath, and other places f I in the neighbourhood are now called upon to come for- I ward and do their share, as Recruits are more urgently |! I wanted to-day than ever before. Upon joining, men are billeted in private houses in S the Town until transferred to the Battalion, or may be 1 permitted to sleep home for this short period, | Minimum height, 5ft. 2in. f Minimum chest, 32in.. j a Do you wish to be able to say you offered to help f your Country when she needed JVf I j Full particulars on application to our Recruiting I Sergeants in the Town, at Drill Hall, Neath, or to II Officer Commanding Administrative Centre, | § 6th Battalion The Welsh Regiment, 1I J Central Drill Hall, Swansea. MONEY. CASH. Advanced to respectable House- holders. Strictly private. Easy terms. Apply personally or by letter.—M. Foner, 9, Carlton-terrace, Swansea. 84A8-9 CASH FOR SUMMER HOLIDAYS. c A Change of Air docs anybody good. A rest from busiiie-^e worries. A Holiday bv deferred payments. That's what it meatis when you get into communication with us. Loans for Holidays is our speciality. Write now for special Holiday Circular showing how £ 10 to £ 10.000 can be borrowed promptly, privately and cheaply and with- out sureties or loan office routine;- Y,10 repay 10s. month. £ 250 repay £8 month £ 50 „ £ 2 £ 500 £ 16 £100 „ £ 4 £ 1000 £ 30 Larger amounts lower rates. Press opinions fi-ef).-THE BRITISH FINANCE CO.. 20, BRIDGE-ST., BRISTOL. Tel. 1675 Bristol. HALF-A-MILLION TO LEND to all do spes at One Hour's Notice, in sums of L5 to £ 5,000, privately and simply on own promise to repay. No inquiries. Oaii or write in confidence. STANLEY DOWDING, LIMITED. 1, QUEEN SQUARE BRISTOL. STANLEY DOWDING, K.anAjrer. SAME ADDRESS OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Swansea Mercantile Co., Ltd. 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY from £10 to £ 1,000. No Charge Unless Business Dona. 13iJ1;; Discounted. Strictly Private and Confi dentiai. For farther parti.alars apply- H. B. JONES, Managing Director, j £10 to £10,000 TO LEND by the Oldest West of Eng?nd -L Firm. F. LAWRENCE, LTD., on Written Promise to Repay. Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or ether Security. Principal Remains, or can be Repaid by Eaay Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle- man will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Diatancc no object. Do not expose your requirements locally.— Write Manager, VICTOR HAMILTON, DON CHAMBERS. WINE-STREET, BRISTOL CASH ADVANCED pRIVATELY FROM xio TO £ 5,000. To Tradesmen, Professional Gentlemen, Farmers and Respectable Householders. WITHOUT SECURITY OR SURETIES. A WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY IS ALL WE REQUIRE. NO FEES or FINES. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. Repayments to suit the convenience of Borrowers. Terms mutually agreed upon before business completed, distance no object. Loans from 5 per cent, can be arranged for persons entitled to money, in. vestments or property under Wills or Settlements. Such edvancee may remain unpaid for any number of years. CHARLES STEVENS, LTD., Hayes Buildings, The Hayes, Cardiff. Telephone No. 467 Cardiff. MONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from JE5 Upwards to Re- spectable Householders. Easy Repayments. Apply DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY, i-T j MARY CHAMBERS, CHURCH > STREET. SWANSEA. Ii' Aid for I i the Ailing- i » « It your peace is threatened by J any ot the enemies oi health I I such as dyspepsia, bitio?sness, [ ] constipation, sick headache, loss | } of energy, and consequent { depression,-you will find a useful and reliable aHy in I Beecham's Pills. These will II assist you to fight your way back to digestive heaitli in the. j most satisfactory way and in j ithe shortest time. When your |  tone is quite restored by a course I of this excellent medicine an f occasional dose wHl keep you 5 fit and well, and you will join II} the ranks of those thousands i who need no other remedythan [ BEECHAM'S j?i?LrLr? ?in iMri? ?? B Prepared only by I THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Hekm, LtncMhtK. t P Sold everywhere in boxes, I price 1/1J (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pflls) i 1. -'IIiIaDC II' NATION'S CUSTARD NOW IN SEASON. MAY BE OBTAINED OF ALL GROCERS. At Aberavon on Monday William Jenkins, collier, Pontrhydyfen. Afon Valley, was eummoned by Evan Phillips. Penrhyoe Fawr Farm, Pontrhydyien. for keeping a dangerous dogr. Complainant also claimed 303., the price of a lamb alleged to have been killed ky defendant's greyhound.—Defendant was ordered to destroy the dog and pay the damages claimed and costs. Six strokes with the birch were ordered to be inflicted upon an Abergwynfi boy of 11 years, by the Aberavon magistrates on. Monday, he having stolen a packet of chocolate by placing a disc in a slot aiachine at Abergwynfi railway station.





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