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"LEADER" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SCALE OF CHARGES. II WORDS and under-3 INSERTIONS -ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Threa In&e.-Uons—Ona Shillir4 W SO words, and 30. extra for every 5 words mora. LOST AND FOUND. 7" insertions-fte Shilling and Six* ptnn tor 21 words, and 4d. oxtra lor every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MAR R4AQE5, DEATHS, IN MEMOfilAM & SYMPATHY NOTICES. Qm in^M-ttaiK-Twe stoUingi lor 28 words. and td. extra for every s words more. This scale does not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices. Sales ana Let by Tender. tfEAD OFFirE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Telephones: U34 Central tJEJsvsn Lines). Telegrams; Leader, Swansea." I-GODON OFFICE— 151, FLEET STREET, E.C. Telephones 2276 Central. ILAMELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDING?, ST. Telephone: N- "EATH OFFICE- !■j if ALFRED STREET- Telephone t No. 253. IIGlty TESTING AND SPECTACLES. YOU are cordially invited to O&U upon MB. fiJIlO J'JLM.S., F-S.&-C., etc. (Lond.), 26. Castie-eireet, Swaasea. Coa- sultaotion free. 'Phone Genual 520. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. FOR SALE, Up-to-date Bottling Plant.- Apply 63, Wind-street, Swansea. Mk&, POULTRY. DOGS, LIVE STOCK, & T>KETTY little Toy Yorkshire Terriers for gale, deg and bitch; cheap to good home, ipply after 6.-19, Pinewood-road, Swansea. 73A.6-2 —^ MATRIMONY. rA fTHE ¥A.TRLMOilL ClRCLE.-Hundrede -L of GIWLIE a?lv?rtie?ntente, &Ppeeunic to all olaesee dwirous of marriage. Sealed envelope, 6d., post free.—Editor, 18, Hogarth- road, Eari's-ooun. (See Article, "John Bail," Dec. 19th.) CU =' = FURNITURE WANTED AND FOR SALE. SECOND HAND Furniture. Best Prices given by me. Drop a poetcard and will ?U.- W. James, 8, ya.biai?treet. St. W. Swa.n. ilhonia,s. VOICE PRODUCTION. ..=??B'f??AISEBT7*0'pera.?? Vocalist. M Teacher of Voioe Producuon end Sing- ing. ?1 bel canto." Good voc? r?ul? ?nd r?id progress guarameed. Va.an.oi for Pupils. Terme m?od??ra??-A,d.?dr?- ?j8, Trafalgar-terrace, Swansea. nA PUBLICATIONS. T ON DON TimeTable and Red Railuid-e.- i? The current Msue of tnis poular Pub- lication is on ea,e at all Railway Bookstalls and leading Neweagent6. Nearly 600 pages, it deals with over 5,000 reilwav stations At twopence it is the best and cheapest RaiÏ- way Guide ever published. TIC LOST AND FOUND. œr. bet?veen'A?xaLndr?rcad and Fort L Tenant, Gem. s Gold Seal Pendant; valued for associations.—Apply Morgan Thomas, Union Otiice, Alexandra^road. 75A5-31 "P~7 reWAeJ). LoatT between WcodJacde. v terrace and Goawtreet, a iilligiee Silver Pendant—Anyone returning the same to 7. Goat-eireet, will receive the above re- -ward. 74A5-aJ PIANOFORTE TUNING. XANOFOKTiES, Organs and Plalyer-Pionoo Tun.ed..3-5. 6d. Lost, tone and toucm fully restored. Repairs warranted h\ e years.—Herbert Strong, 37, Oarliton-terra-ee, and 3. Chi-i.,tin4L-.etreet. Tel. ZA5 Dowks. (Late of Gwynae H. Bi ader a).. 75AM iANOi'ORTE TUM?U, i& 6d.; Tecom wendations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, an 1 Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from bc-cbeteitt, llopkinson, Oollard, Brinsmead, etc.; Sale or hirc.-Cbnrles Eadon, 53. Brunswick-street, Swansea. TO AT STUD. LIGHT Horse Breeding (Season 1915).-The Thoroughbred Boards Premium stallion, Dick Donovan, the property of Mj-. Stein, St. Hilary, Cowbriuge) iravele Lhe Western Part of U'iamorgan. t'eee, Cl; groom, 2s. 6d, Further patricniars can be obtained from the Owner of E. T. Lloyd (address -as above;. 75A6-4 AT STUD.—The well-known wire-haired A Fox Terrier, Champion Wycombe Re- sult; winner of 10 cn»tupiouships; fee, £ 1 50.—Apply Danygraig Kennels, St. Thomas. Swansea. O-TC M ISOELLAN EOUS. IS it Boot Repairs You Want? Then the rig at shop ie White's Central Boot Works, 4, Prince of Wales-road, awaneea (opp. the Palace;. 74A5-3) ANTED, Peeler, to peel 601bs.—Apply "Peeler." Leader Ouice. 741 L EFT-OFF Clothing—Now is the time to clear out Old Furniture, Carpets, Clothing, etc., beiare spring Cleaning. Beet prices given. Pooitcaras leceive prompt attention.—Mrs. RUCK, 15 and 16, Prince of Waies-rc-aA, Swansea- AC6-2 OTABLES and Yard To Let at the back of O Maneel-street; 90 feet long.—Apply 19, WaKere-road, Swansea. 7JA6-1 TYPEWRITING of allptiom.- TL4peeiticati-,jne, Circulars, Authors' -M&S.. etc. All work neatly and accurately exe- cuted.— Miss Olough, A.C.T.S., (I, Llautwit- road, Neaih. Teacher of Shorthand and Typewii ing. 06-.3 HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c., FOR SALt. FOR SALE, Crank Axle Cart, equal to nerw.—For particulate appiy to Builder," Leader Otiice. C5-29 TjMDR Sale, Strong Rubber-tyred Gig, aleo A- Market Trap, suitable for termer; both in good condition; cueap to immediate vu,rcba-oer.-Apply. Williams, Ivy Bush, Cwmtwrch. DTO HARNESS OILS.—Hammond'e Jet Black -LL London Harness OiLa, 3e. 6d. per gallon tin.—Sole Agents for South Wales: Swansea Saddlery Co., High-street Arcade, Swansea. Wei. 103y Central. 72A5-31 A.R.N-F,SS.-Gig, Oat), Van, Tradesman's -LL and Dart Harnees, hand-sewn on the premises; Horse Collar Makers, Harness Contractors.—Swansea Saddlery Co., Manu- iacturere, Sigh-etreet Arcade, Swansea. 71 { DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. "f/\rAiNTED, a respectable Girl as General. — AptpJjr Mr. T. Craven, 68, WoodSeM- sireet, Morrisiton. C9 "1STANTED, good General Servant.—Apply, wijili rdewneee, Mrs. naan, 162, St. Helen's-road. 75A6-3 "IT'ANTED, General Servant, West Cross, near Swansea; two in family.—Apply Box 59, G.P 0., Swansea. 74A6-2 WANTED, good General Servant; an- other maid kept.—Mrs. W. A. Rees, Clydach Bakery, near Swansea. 73A6-1 XV'ANTIID, good Gener-at-Pljh- lfr. Williams, "Hareslade, Rotherelade- £ oad* liangland. C"o-22 W ,TF,D. Cook-Gener.al; private family of three; Waiter-roail. SaDsOO; wa-eg £ 17.— Address, with reference, to Box F.15, Leader Offioe. 73A6-i- I G$.nÅr. Serva., with expeineqce; ema? G family; Wlsb pre?erj-?d; good Mfer- ences requked,-Write 17, Ravemcroft- j avenue, Golders Green, London. TO MISCELLANEOUS SITÙA TI ONJ VACANT, A-NTED, experiencfd Young Lady for Wu-Oie&iiie i>mpery Ware no use iitlir Swan^a.—App;y by xeuer, w^ih rttenenc«e, stating ^ge ami wa.ge.-> requited, to 1. D. and b. Riviiu, Iku-Qiebuye Drapers, li, fcaiofce- stteet, Caraiff. í5-4 Ar A-t'ERiENCED ??tor Driver Require for Light Dtuivery Van; ?ood w?? to smMttIo man.—D. ?. Evamg, Tn? Pi'?vMtOn Experts, Watson 6 SLOl??. Bi-ynym?J-roa-d, I ?waas?t.. C5-?l W A.NTED, o, thoroughly experienced Ohaud'eur; Hace lull particuiart, Apply iiichard ingii-etreet, Swansea.' 73A.6-1 I P.OCERY Trado.-Y<)ung Ia.(iv Wanted fQr Books and Counter.—Apply Tea," Leader Oilice, Swansea. 74A6-2 w A-NI'ED, immediately, fmart, Man for Cleaning; good opportunity to learn motoring.—Appiy Aiinrewd and Watson, Lip- ■an-ic Swansea. C6-2 A LARGE AseTiiance Company requires Superiyiteri-aent in Swansea to intro- duce Agents and Bu«ki-e»s; good opening for successful worker; 30s. and liberal com- miesion.tpply in tiret in-Siame to Open- ing," office of this journal. 74A6-1 T7lrANTED an experienced Washer for coloured work, and a strong girl for war,h-hou,&e.-A,pply Manageress, Berths Laundry, Swansea. Cl-6 -AIR BATB:, MORRilSTON PASK. WANTED, ATTE-NDAN.T-INSTRUCTOR.- Apply. stating age, experience, and wages required, to PARKS SUPERINTENDENT, 56, WORCESTER-PLACE. SWANSEA. IV ANTED, experienced Warehouseman for Wholet-,ale Grocery Trade.-Apply by letter to "Wholesale," office of this paper. 7SA&-28! W A-NTED, Black Annealer for Tinplate Works.—Apply Clyne Tinplate Works, Neath. 73A5-27 — QA/, WEEKLY.—Envelope Addressers re- quired immediately (work home).— Enclose stamped envelope, own writing, to Waterman Co., 43, Theobalds-road, London. WANTED, Driver for Motor Van.-W. Thomas and Co., Glo'ster Buildings, Swansea. 72A5-31 WANTED, Mam for Retail Trade in Motor Accessories Department.—Appiy Box F.3, Leader Office. O-TO X7"NITriNG Maohines! Knitt?MiMbinee! KBe6t home work of the cenuuy; men or women, inT&Iida or able-bodied, witb per- 1,3?evera,nc,e. find it the means of good regular employment; lessons free, W. Griffith that. 187!1. 30, Q ..een-etreet, Neath. CT-C OFFICE SITUATIONS VACANT. T71TANTED, Junior for Solicitor's 0?<;e.— A?ply A.B., eader Omce. 74 TXJ"ANTED, at onoe, Junior Clerk; kylow- le<ig« book-keeping essential.—Apply, in own handiwriting, etating salary required and when disengaged, to Commercial Col- lecting Co., Ltd., c-3/39, Worcester-plate, Swansea. 75A5-31 W A-NTF.D. competent Book-keeper with experience in ehipping awounts.—Ap- ply, stating age and salary required, to "A.Z. Leader Office. 74A6 2 XXT"ANTED, SborthaiKl-Typewriting Clerk. » » -Apply J. Ivor Evans, 6, Fieber-etreet, Swansea. 74A5-29 Y ¥.C.A- Swansea—Temporary CleTk W 'nt-ed. Book-keeper, ShorthaBd* Typist.—Apply, with full particulars, by Tuesday morning, June 1st, to Secretary. o«a w A-NTED, a Clerk; not eligible for military service; must be a i ggod penman, with knowledge of shorthand, typewriting and Welsh; age not under = years.-App,y with particulara stating salary, to Box 17, Leader Office. 73A6-1 BOYS WANTED. Boy Wanted; wages 6s. per — week and meals.—Apply Matron, (jren-erai Hospital, Swansea. 75A5-31 "TX' ANTED, smart Lad for Grocery Trade; wages to Goaiaieiice MS. per wee].i Apply D. R. EvaJia, The Provision Experts, I Brynymor-roati, Swansea. C6J& ERRAND Boy Wanted.—Apply Kirkle-nd, Boot Esta.bdiolimen:t, 17, uoat-street. CM1 | SMAin Boys Wanted for quick sales of the "Leader" and also "Heraid oi Wales and Mid-vilamorgan ii-aral(i good money can be easily earned by em&rt and deter- mined boys.—Apply to the following offices and agents: John Morgan, Woodifeld-ctreet, Morri»ton; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- street, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor- road, Swajiaea; Ceaton, Mumbles. APPRENTICES. D R-ESSMAKING. Wanted, immediately. Apprentices and Improvers for a good class trade.—Apply 41., St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 74A5-29 t PALMISTRY. PALMISTRY and Clairvoyance.—Consult t Madame Virgo, late of Cardiff and Aberystwyth, now 2.)8, High-street, Swansea, two doors from Cameron Hotel. Advice daily, 10 to 9 p.m. 73A6-1 "VTADAME DRUSIJLLA, peaML-L, i-VA Clairvoyant, American Mystic Read- I ings, Paliaiscry ani Astrology Taugnt; Ad- vico Daily; hours 11 to 9.—Address 49, St. Helen's-road. Swansea (late Royal Spa, Har- roeate). 73A6-2 rpHIS is your appcsrtuviiti tD c-onswt I.J. Madame Wa.rae, celebrated Lon- don Palmist their Una visit), at 31, Osiord- street labove Auction Room;, or by ap- pointmen-t &t your residence. Hours, 10 to ? daily. 72A 5-ol MADAME Edith Dalma, the celebrat«d Welch Paiinist, Phrenologist, Clair- voyant, etc. Advtee given on marriage, che-ages, speculations, baihs, and diets. In attendance daily from 11 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. Note Address: 173, Wood field-road (next to Morris, Drapers), Morrieton. Last week. Removing to 2. SheffieJd-place, Mnmblea. j 1^ f 75A6-4 THE "SPORTING NEWS" IS PUB.; LISHED AS USUAL ON SATURDAYS. | HOUSES FOR SALE AN" TO LET FOR SALE, Three new exceedingly well- built Hon'sea situate in Puiewood-road. Uplands, Swansea; contains all modern con- veniences and has R-n unin cetrupted view of the bay.—For full partieuia.re apply t-o Bjore. of late Griffith Davies, Pajcton Yard, Oystermouth-rced, Swansea. 73A" l-IOR. SALE or to Let, House situate in De- la-Beche-road, Sketty; double bay front, commanding an excellent view and having all incdem conveniences; recently renovated throughout; immediate posses- sion.-Fo,r particulars app;y to Exors. of late Griffith Davies, Pa-xton Yard, Oyster- mouth-road, Swansea. 73A6-1 I OOR SALE, 28, Windsor-terrace, Swans?a.- £ • Partioulara from. Percy Sees, 33, D-imond- I street. Peanbroke. o l Messrs. J. Biewitt Jenkins ind $cnV Announcements. 7^OR SALE, Semi-tetta-ched Villa on Sketty- ) road -r.th sidcf; two reiep do'n-i'o-oni», 15 bee'roenis, etc.; leiUoe about 95 .yeatfs; ground rent £7 1&. annum. j'rpo LET. Silwtantjai Fa.i»iiy Residence in I. Gwydr Garaen«; ample aocommod^i- tion; vacant Jane 24th; l.en.t IC-0 per annum. i <3KETTY.—Attractive Semi-detached Villa to Let with early possession; 3 lecep- tion-rooms, 5 bedrooms, etc.; gaiden; rent £5() T'RNISHED Hou&es at the Mumbles to Let. for Uie Bumoier Months at moderate rentals; convenient for Days, i'vain, Vier, etc. ,t"1ll¡ pam<cui«u» c a i ioli. SKLTiT -SOAJD. — Coc'?r:i€ntly-?t?3.?d ? bdmi-detactied Villa. to Let at moderaie rent-, with immediate possession; ta>stfciiuiy decora ted; eieotric ligm t hroughout. B P.Y-XMILL.-TG Let, near Brynmill Park, —' Corner House containing 2 eitting- rooms, 3 bed.-oiii&s and box room, bathrooid, etc.; rent £ 30 p.a.; possession Junoe 34th. s T. THOMAS.—Six-roomed House in Jersey- terrace for Sale, cheap; lease about &4 years to run; ground rent £ 2 15s. 4d. per annuin. F L-LL particulars of above, with keyfe and orders to view, may be obtained from Messrs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons, Estate Agenis, Surveyors, etc., 4, CodieseiStreet, Swansea. CQ-3 APARTMENTS & LODGINGS TO LE "VTEATH.—Furnished Rooms to Let, central part of town bath (h & o); moderate. —Apply C,om-fort," leader Office, Neath. 75A64 rro LET, Furniehed Bed-Sitting-rooan; suit erried couple; 5s. 6d. weekly; or Fur- nished Kitohen and Bedroom, 7s. 6d.; two minutes from Albert Hall.—43, Carlton-ter- ra.ce, Swansea. 75Am HOUSE WANTED, LANGLAND Bay.-Wanted for last two weeks in July, Furnished Sittings room and two Bed-, in Langland Bay. —Write terme, inclusive of board, to "Langland," Cambria Daily Leader, Swan- sea. S.T.D. TjVUBNlSHED Cottage at Mumbles, wanted J- for Summer Months; Rent must be moderate. Write "Cottage," "Leader" n Swansea. D.To 1' I; ■, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A TTENTIO! Eyes Front! Quick Ma.rch! I O.I.C. Pianos from 17gns. Cash, £22. 8s. 6d. monthly; Second-hand Pianos, 9gns. c-aeh or llgns., 7s. 6d. month; Organs, £5 5s.„ £ 6 10s. and ill Ils.. 6s. eqd 7s. 6d. monthly. Six mont.he to pay cash price.—T. Rets, G.W.E. Station Restaurant, High-street, Sw aneea. 74 A6-2 DALE, FORTY & OO., LTD., High-Street, Caxdiff.-New Model Pianos. Second- hand Pianos at low prices for Caola; easy terms arranged. Second-hand Organs from L2. Second-hand Piano PlaJr, iCS.-Lists on application to Local. Agency: 20, King Edward's-road, Swansea. Godfrey and Co.'s Announcements. BljOtr Model, shop soiled, our own menu- ¡- facture; just returned from hire; in new' 'condition; fully guaranteed; iron I, frame full trichord, check action, very full tone, handsome burr walnut case; original price, Guimeae; reduced to 16 guineas oasth, or to. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 23, St. Helen's-road, Swan- sea. 72A5-31 IT PRIGHT Grand-, by Duck, Son end J Pinker, in pxectically new condition; iron frame, full trichord, check action, burr walnut case; original price, 55 guin- eas; accept 16 guineas cash, of 8s. 6d. monthly.—^Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Sweaefea. 7iA5-31 PREMIER Player-Piano, flitted with all -L latest expression devioes, enabling you to interpret, yo-ilr favorurite pieces with the skill of the raoot famous pianists; 46 guineals cash, or monthly payments ar- ranged. GodJrey* and Co., Ltd., 22. St. Helen's-road,. &VO-naea. 72A5-31 Thompson & Shaekett's Announcements. BRI.NSMEAD MAXOS.-SoJo Agents for South Wales: Thompson amd Shackell, Ltd.; 39, Castle-Street, Swansea, etc., etc. The possession of a, "Brinsmead" is a never. iaiiing source of happiness. SECOND-HAND Pianos-from U upwords. —Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, CaaPIe-street, Swansea, etc.. etc., have at present a Splendid Stock of Second-hand Instruments for eelection. Catalogues free. ESTEY ORGANS—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street. Swansea, etc.. hold the Sole Agency for these unrivalled instruments. Prices, from £12 (cash). Illus- trated catalogue free on application. BROADWOOD Player Planoe, Simplex -D Player Pianos, Auteolae.-Sole Agents: Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., .39, Castle- street, Swansea, etc., etc. Largest cash dis- count., or easy terms arranged. TRADE SPECIALITIFS. ~V/TADAME JO-æ, M.B.H.S., th r,? &ne. ce?ful oi present-day Herbalists.— Cure for Indigestion, Eczema* Catarrh, Ner- vous Debility, Bieedaig Piks, Bad Legs, and Kidney Complaints.—<i9. High^ireet. Swan- sea. 74A6-2 XIrAY'S (opposite Hospital) for" Buckets, fc-padas, Ha-iMPeir Baskets, Fancy Goods, LadieW Pinafores, Print Dresses, Black Skirts, Muslin and Holland Aprons. 74A«9 TjlOE Glass and China-, and other goods, so to Se.don's China tatores. This week: Special Sale- of Bread pans, Salting Pans, Mixing and o.her Pans.—1, North- ampton-place, Swansea. 73A6-1 N 0 aOilE QUAR'iER^ LOST.—Try Bebing. ton 5 3s. Douhle-beil Alarms; ail guar- anteed. Main Spring and Cleaning, 2e. 6d,; Cleaning, 1@. 6d.—ISeOiJigton's, s.ddall Build- ings. Alex an da-road. Swansea. 73Aô-l ?AYES. t? hewing Machine toa, ftt" Lower VVate^joo-siieet, Swansea.—Xhe B?&t 4id Ch?a?test Piaoe for a.a Ma'd? d Wi4g Macaines, Repaits and P?rte. Agent for Bradbury. 75A64  BOOK n bout Herbs and how to V* u?f them; free; Hend a,t once.—RlM. NELL. The Herbalist, 144, Eichmond-rond, Cardiff. Established 3879. TC PMOLYNEUX, Ltd., l ish Merchants, '20. • Hiffh-street, Swanrea; chekappst hQ.l'c, in town for Ftsh cf all v are ties; VVhoxe io j and itetall. TriaJ S^'u-ted. TO A RTLFICIAL Limbs. Eyes,- Crutches, De- formity Boots, "Steel-less Easifit" Trusses, Flat Foot Supports, et,c. Lady At^ tcndants. Belts. BeK-Coraets, Tmeses, Seamless i.tn-? ?tcckin?a, etc,-Auen Pearce, &3, Cb,%?rles-ptreet. OardiS. Tel. 232. 1'0 I Holiday Anncuncements. ORDERS for ADVER- j 3 TISEMENTS in the CAMBRIA DAILY j LEADER for Blackpool I and District, Fleetwood, | Southport, Isle of Man, I' should be sent direct to our j iiepresentative: | j MR. T, MAYALL, i 33, Granville Rd, Blackpool 1 I BLACKPOOL T3I?ACKFO?'L.—DiTo.n'6 Famous Board? ing E..LaIJlishmœt. Gents. 25s?: Ladies 213. <?uti?LHy eltuam; *very | l faeii?ty for comfort md enjoyment, j Appiy 68, CHarnley-rOGc. | TJLACKPOOL.—Mra. Greenwood, 63, 1 ? Central Beach; public and private f j AF?rLments; &ea front; near all am"e. Ii ] ments; home comforte; established 30 J years. RS ROBINSON, 57. Albert-road, Black- 1: '—' pool.—Homely Apartments, close to j Central Pier; 2s. bed two persons; special ( Urnis boarders; cyclist accommodation; j piano. ¡, 'BUCiKPOOL,-(Jl.ark'S .h.U1oUl> HO&rdmg; ), ? Ecyiaousiintent, Souta View," 12Z,i A?'bert?rou,d; m06 t cental p<Ml..M?n; do" 6?. <imu??nm!'ts; fuil beard; Gent.'s 246., j .d?A Xls; &?? AD?t'tnMRt? U- eacn person ,4. B L.ACUT-G,OL.-Mann's Famous Boarding Estateiuimaent, 89, Aioert^road; Oenc.'e Ladies 21. ¡ near 0«;nUai Station, sea, ana amusements; &OWjjUUo.,iatAou for oyolists; piano. B UOKPOOL,-=M-GrY:- Tyldeeiey- terrace (late 27, Charnley-road). Com- fortable Apartments; facing sea; with or wilhout board; terms reasonable, i BLAOKPOOL. Ulvescroft," 3, Waterloo Bank, Prom.; superior Boarding or Apartment House, fMing eea; near all amusements; highly reoom=puded.- Arnold's, Proprietors. IB LACKPOOL.-Mro. F. Aehby. 46, Banks- street; good hdmely Apartmei)to; board optional; 1 minute TalbotnroAd Station and i Piomenode; terme moderaite; stamp reply. "DLACKPOOL.—JLrs. Johnson, Grange House, 62, Tyldeeley-road; homely Apartments; min. sea, Central Pier; 2s. bed two persons; special terms boarders; cyclist aocommodation; piajio. BLACKPOOL (S.SJ.—Mrs. and Miss Street, 6. CrystaJ-road; homely Apartments, public and private; board optional; min. Promenade; good beds; piano. Book Water- loo-road Station. BLACKPOOL (Sooth Sbore)-Miaoes Borwey, 10, St. Chad's-road; public and private Apartments; good æa. view; near Promenade; highly recommended. TJ LACKPOOL.—Mrs. Baker (late M.r8. Dick. ] son), 42, High-street; comfortable pub. lie and private Apartments; close Talbot- road Station, sea and amusements; terms moderate; piano. T>LACKPOOL.—Mrs. B?U. 96, Albertroad; Bcomfortable Apartment?, public and private; &<. per bed two pefeooe; cloee to Central Station, sea and all amusements. B LACKPOOL.-Mr,q. E. Hobbs, Oar It on House, 7, Ravelock-street; Apartments, with or without board; ftses wet or cold, no extra; 2 m;ns. Central Station and sea. piano. !B LACKPOOL.-Miee J. Balfour, 27, Charn- ley-road; comfortable Public and Privato Apartments, with or without board; centrally situated; 2 mins. Central Station; terms mod.; piano. BLACKPOOL (S.S.)—Mrs. Richardson, 36, Rawcliffe-street; comfortable public and private Apartments; board optional; close Waterloo-road Station and sea; terms u-oderae. BLACKPOOL (N.S.)—Miae Twigg, 209, War- breck-road; comfortable Apartmente; board optional; near clitts and eea; terms moderate. r.ArKPOOT-i.— Mrs. A. Morion. Thornbury -D House, 50, Central Be"tL (next Palatine Hotel); superior public end private Apart- ments; board optionaJ; facing sea and near all amusements. BIiA.OKPOOL. Mrs. Earnehaw, 64, Adelaide-street; comfortable Publio and Private Apartmente, board optional; 6 mine. Central Station; home from home; terms moderate; piano, LACKPOOL, S.S.-Mrs. Davey, "Runt. -D mea-e." S. Alex&ndraro"; comfortable 1B Ptiblic and Private AV- -uU; cloee em and prom.; 3 mins. Waterloo-rd. StaUoc; terms moderate. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. Abraham Holt, 66, Paiatine-rd^ off Central Drive; Apart- ments, with or without board; close Central Station, gea; piano, bath, electric lht, etc i j .uACKPOOL.—Mrs. Wigmore, 7, Weet B, Caroiline-at. (off Chapel-st.); comfort- able ApartmeTita; 1 min. Central Pier; Is. eaoh person per night, cooking and attend- ance. B LA. Shore.—" Stinny Bank," King Edward-avenue; Public and Pri- vate Apartmente; every comfort; highly recommended; near sea and golf links; moderate terms.—Misses Orabtree. BLACKPüOL.-MøSCG.rrick & ŸKenm, B2, Havelock-st. (oN Central Drive); homely Apaa tments; board optional; 2s. two persons day and night; close Central Station and Amusements; piano. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. Lister, Ivy Dell," 86, BHoi-nby-rd.; comfortaNe Public and Private Apartments, board optional; near Central S ation sea and amusements; terms moderate; cycle accommodation. E OU CAT I ONAL. i\.| ONSIEUR RAYMOND CLAEYS, French l.l.i. Teacher in the Municipal Seconaary School, gives Private Lessons at a low fes, aim g-ua-Cjiitees his Pupils that in three moiita3 they will speak French fluently.- Write immediately to Maes teg house, St. 'ino-Uias, Swaiic-oa. 62A5-31 DENTS. Trained to speods of over 100 *5 Words a iiinute in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully Prepared tor Civii Service and Loml Marine Board | Examinations. Leseons given in Arithmetic, l'-ook-keepinp. Navigation, English. Satis- faction guaranteed.—MR. J. HARRIS, 56, OJ.FCED-STREET, SWANSEA. Day find Evening Classes for aI. Subjects. NOTICE TO BOWLING CLUB SECRETARI ES. The Leader and Sporting News will, as usual, give a good deal of prominence to bowls during the next few weeks. Score cards, and also cards for use on the rinks, ¡. can be obtained on application j being made to Pendroguji." I t BEVAN 8 COMPANY, LTD. 280, Oxford St., Largest Swansea. -f Furnishers! The Arcade, Rock Bottom Swansea. Prices —:— Ifnmomp  c?'" ) c?? ? < F? Llanelly. S Delivery Free Cwmb^h^^ B'CjQ H Selection! L!ane!!y. /???S?N??1??8—A? 200 Miles! TrainFares jt?????'?   ''??? ?????'i?/ ??*?-? ? ? P??. ?" ?C-??? Catalogues Gratis! iONEY. LOANS. LOANS, LOANS. A WEuL-KNOWN ENGLISH FIRM, approved and recommended by the Press, and noted for hon^uia&le and straightforward busmesg inetntxis, are making anHWCetl ao fU'llow8:- £10 Repay Xll. JS10 R-epay 30s. Monthly. ?20 Hewy ?22. ?M Itepay ?1 Mon?ty. .EM Repay £ 55. £ 50 Repay E2 Monthly. £ 100 Repay £ il0. £ !00 Repay £4 Monthly. .ei.ooo nepay £ 1,100. !fo Bills of Sale, Sureties, or Damaging In- quiries. Absolute Privacy Guaranteed. VViTte, Call, or 'Phone for Prospectus and Press Opinions Free. Pres-s BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20, BRIDGE STREET. BRISTOL. Tel. 1675. II ALF, -A-MMLION TO LEND to all olaeees at One Hour's Notice, in sums of JE5 to £ 5,000, privately and simply on own promise to repay No inquiries. Coal or write in oniidence. gSiAJSLEY DOWDING, LIMITED. 1, QUEEN SQUARE, BRISTOL. STANLEY DOWDiNG, Manager. SAME ADDRESS OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. CASH Advan-ced to renootwbae Rouse- holders. SUictly private. Easy terms. Appiy peitton&iiy or by i#<-ier.—jil. loner, 9. Uarlton-teirace, Swansea. 37A6-4 Swansea Mercantile Co., Ltd. U, tJAHK STREET, SWANSfcA, MAKE CASH ADvANuES L)A"JC from £ 10 to £ 1,000. No Charge Unless Business Done. Bills Discounted. Strictly Private and Confi- dential. for further paru-.iuara apply— H. B. JONES, Managing Director. R.10 to P.105000 TO LEND by the Oldest West of England T k tria, F. LAvv ttjciisuiii, b'liJ., On Wvitiuj, Promise to Repay. Life Policies, Furniture, Farm Stock, or other Security. Principal Remains, or can be Repaid oy Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Genue. man will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements locally.- Write Manager, VICTOR HAMILTON. DON CHAMBERS, WiNE-fcsTEEET, BRISTOL MONEY TO LEND. Cash Advanced from £ 5 Upwards to Re- spectable Householders. Easy Repayments. Apply DISTRICT LOAN COMPANY, L-T. MARY CHAMBERS, CHURCH STREET, SWANSEA. SAILINGS. WHITE STAR LINE. IAVERPOOL-KEW YORK. tCTMElO Wednesday, June 2 tARABIO Wednesday, June 9 ADRIATIC Wednesday, June 16 LAPLAND Wednesday, June 23 Steamers sail 5.30 p.m., except t Cabin and Third Glass Paseengars only. CANADA. WHITE STAR DOMINION LINE. LIVERPOOL-QUEBEC—MONTEEAL. MEGANTIO Saturday. May 29 •NORTHLAND Saturday, June 12 Britian Twin^orew Steamer carrying Cabin and Third Class Passengers only. Far furtiher particular's apply to the Looal Agents; or to WHITE STAR LINE, 30. Jame&-atreet, Liverpool; Southampton; 1, Cookspur-street, S. W., and 38, Leaden- hall-et-reet, Lowtcxn, E.C. ABSOLUTELY FREt:. BERTIE PERKiNS AND CU., Passenger Steamship Department, 11, Somerset-piace (opposite the Town Hall), Swansea. lSOOK PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, and to ill parts of the World. Handbooks of information and all par. ticulars absolutely free. No booking or any fees charged. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Steamers at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co., are Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lines in the World. AMERICA, Canada, South Africa, Aus- tr.ilia.—intenu.ng passengers can nave their berths reserved at lowest rates. All information free.-Appiy Roberta, (steam- ship Passenger Agent, Morriston. TC EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Rates and Earliest Steamers for Canada, Australia, South and fclast Africa, United States of America, Argen- tine. etc., apply at once to HOULOER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-isTREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGE BOOKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—"Houldei's." Telephone-Central 1215 (2 lines). ELLIS'S HERBAL PIL.LS, Mide from prescription of celebrated Nurse for Anasmia, B.oodlessness, etc. Send stamp for free gamp,e and particulars; aAso testi- monials. Prices la. 3d. and 4s. 6d-, post paid, under cover. Advice Free. MBS- tiLLiS, 12, VALLANCE-ROAD, HOVE, SUSSEX. II THE BICYCLE IN INDIA. Although Germany made great efforts to git hold of the IndMrcycIe trade, phe was singular^ unsuccessful, except in the very cheapest rubish, of a class to which no Brit- is'i manufacturer would attach his name. It is the maintenance of consistent high quality which has kept the Indian trade it," the British bicycle, and an illustration of thi- w afforded by Major de W. S. Pasety of the 25th Punjaubs, who has been riding a, B&ltigh for many years. "It has never given me any trouble." he writes, "indeed the Raleigh has always done me well and I am very pleased wish it." The maintenance of high quality has al- ways been the chief asset of the British maker, -and it is an asset which improves in value as buyers get to'know that they can rely upon the product ot-60 first-class British manufacture*.  @ ? The South W a I e s TraBsport Company, L?' ? WV §. I MOTOR COACHES, fitted with all S @ ♦ Modern Improvements, available /or ? ? PICNICS and PRIVATE PARTIES. ♦ § For r?r??, apply to S ? ? ? ? jRL\.H'UTiL? AANi?JH L? ti.< I & 2, 7 RUTLAND ST., SWANSEA. I — j.ô.@.$. MCTOR CARS. CYCLES &c. FOR SALE 1913-10-12 Four-Seater Belsize, complete with 5 Lamps, Sankey Wheels, and first-class condition; any trial or examina- tion.—Appiy Andrews and Watson, Uplands Garage. 74A6-2. -J Q1 A-—<13 '?-P Belsize, in new oondition; 1914 Dynamo Lighting tet, 8aukey Wheel, Speedometer; bargain. Apply Andrews and Watson, Uplancbs Garage. 74A6-2 FOE SALE, Gentl'e Cycle; three speed; J- good condition; £31&131, St. Helens- avenue, Swansea. 73A6-1 hor L. Roberts' (Oxford-street) Announcements. lIGHT CARS.-Lorly Delivery of the re- [ J nowned Perry, Enfield, Humberette Models; prices from LLZO complete. Please send me your inquiry, which shall receive my personal attention. MOTOE CYCLEE. Sole Agent for B.S.A., Enfield, Douglas, A.J .S., Calthorpe, Humber, Morgan, Runabouts, etc. Book early toavoid delay in delivery. Deferred terms arranged. Send your inquiries. c YCLES.-So,le Agent for B.S.A.. Royal Enfield, Robin Hood, Humber, etc. Prices from £3 19s. 6d. to LIS 15s. Easy pay- ments arranged. Send for lists. E NI-IIELD Light Car -In Stockmediate delivery, four-cylinder, five detachable wheels, spare tyre, dynamo lighting set, five lamps, hood and screen complete, £ 185. Demonstration runs free. SECOND-HAND Motor "yclee—I have to I ? offer &everal High-claaa Sound Machines: B.S.A., Triumphs, CaJthorpe. A.J.S., Enfields, Sincere, Douglas, etc. Several of these are being BOld, owing to owners having joined H.M. Forces, and are being offered at bar- I gain prices to clea.r.-Send your inquiry to Ivor L. Roberts, 223, Oxford-etreet, Swansea. -3-ÓH.P- Enfi;ïd'Sider outfiu com- 191 plete; owner joined Army; LSO or best offer .vor L. Roberta, 2.2.), Oxford- etreet, Swansea. DELIVERY this week of Douglas Model B, I 4 h.p. Secure by wire or letter. TC MACHINERY. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE- SUCTION GAS ENGINES AND ELECTRIC PLANT, AT LOW PRICES, including:— One 100 B.H.P., with Plant, Double Magneto and Self-starters; done about 3 years' work. One 80 B.H.P. do. do. do. do. do., about 7 years' work. One 110 Volt. 6-Pole Generator, with inter- poles. One Switchboard. One Sue. ion Gas Producer, nearly new, about 150 B.H.P., with independent exhauster. APPLY— rpHos. W., VVARD, L T D., BRITONFERRY. CIRCULAR SAW-BENCHES. GOOD SECOND-HAND AND NEW. At BARGAIN Prices, as BEFORE the War (NOT WAR PRICES). NEW 24in. SAW-BENCH for £7 7s.. and up to £ 16 10s., according tJO quality. LARGEST STOCK! INSPECTION INVITED! Saw-benches for 18in„ 24in.. 26in., 32in., 43in„ and 48in. Saws. Rising and Falling Table, Rising alid. Falling Spindle, Chain-drag Bench, Rack Saw-bench, Seli-acting Rope- feed, etc.. etc. OTHER WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, and also PORTABLE ENGINES, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, etc. Charles D. Phillips EMLYN ENGINEERING WORKS, NEWPORT, MON. Established 1867. Local Representative: Mr. ALBERT BEES. 7, Connaught-road. Port Talbot. ■Iff l""1"' '"J ■»<■< t "JUL', I1 :1. I U.S.8. CHURCH PARADE IN SWANSEA, I Eiliytire Sunday will be celebrated in I Swansea to-morrow by the local members i of the United Service Brigade who, with other units, will attend St. Mary's Church in the morning, mustering at headquarters, A" I:tid-street, at 10.30. The Rev. W. G. Hardie, M.A. (chaplain) willi preach. The Mayor (Alderman Dan Jones), Lieut.-General Sir James Hills-II Johncs, V.C., G.C.B., Colonel W. IJ.,¡I Morgan, R.E., Colonel J. R. Wright, ,V,D., D.L., and others patrons, are ex-l pected to be present. The Swansea Tram- ways Band will be in attendance. Th3 London Office of the "Cambria Daily Leader" is at 151, Fleet Street (first floor), where advertisements can be received up to 7 o'clock each evening for in. sertion in the next day's issue. Tel., 2276 Central. I Aid for j the Ailing- j It your peace Is threatened by I 1 any of the enemies of health | truch as dyspepsia, biliousness, 1 constipation, sick headache, loss I of energy, and consequent depression,-you will find a j useful and re!iab!e ally in I  Beecham's Pills. These will assist you to fight your way back to digestive health in the i most satisfactory way and in I the shortest time. When your j 1 tone is quite restored by a course I 8 of this excellent medicine an J | occasional dose will keep you 1- I fit and well, and you will join 1 the ranks of those thousands S who need no other remedy than i BEECIIAMS PILLS. I Prepared only by I I THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Hdens. Lancashire. I J Sold everywhere in boxes, I  Fr;ce t/ij (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pt11») L, BEN EVANS 1 & CO. LIKP F,U "R N HE -S Telephone: IOiS. TeleqramsEvANs.SWANSEA. FUNERALS CARRIED OUT IN ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. CREMATIONS ARRANGED. ORDERS BY PHONE RECEIVED AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. ALL ARRANGEMENTS AT CEMETERIES. PF-RSONALLY SEEN-TG-BY EXPERIENCED ASSISTANTS. SWANSEA 7 NATION'S CUSTARD NOW IN SEASON. MAY BE OBTAINED OF ALL GROCERS.