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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. }-oR S-U?E, .ElT'io P?amio. ,ft.hYamh-Jj: 'I' 3. n d X.v lop hon.e 'MttarlKueuvt; in ?ood and Xylophone warking order.—Apply Bay View Hotel, S^ajsaea^ 217A11-7 f~\ V BRS'PliUNG Upright Grand Piano in beautiful rosewood case; only slightly soiled; cost 60 guineas; beet iroa frame; 7 ootaves: a, rare bargain.—Apply 206, Ken- sington-crescent, Swansea. 213A11-13 v Godfrey's Sale Bargains. T>IANOLA, with ail latest. expression de- ?iee?, including the famous Themodtefe Metrcstyle; a. real bedgain; only 11OP-1' Miled. Original price 55?1?., reduced to S?Tia. cash or monthly paymeule arranged.— Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-roe.d, Sva.aaea? ?l?Ul-3 j T7" 1MBALi Organ, Vestry Model, 17 stops, 8i sets re-eds, knee swells; very fine j PiPO tone; in handsome solid walnut cd.se; only Original price <€gn^ re- duced to ,25gDf;. cash or i2;=¡. 6d. monthly.— Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, Bt. Helen's-road, SwajMea. TTI'EIGHT Iron Grand, our own manufac- ? ture; juM returned from ahorc, hire, in new condition, fully guaranteed, very fine tone, bandsom* wclnnt or-te. Original price ( eigne., reduced to 2.1 ens. ca6h or ids. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, At. D. J. Sneli's Announcements. -PQ ?Os. Od.—Pi?Tidtc. by l.n, Lon- y tfmtxJ d?n, in lierfeo? order; beautful tone: ber.-ain.-D. J. Smell, 14a, Hiffh-slrect Arcade. Swansea. 215A11-9 Ol 10s.—Second-hand Upright Grand Pianoforte by MoningtoIl & W«ston, in fine Walnut Caae-. brilliant, tone; raxe bargain.-D. J. Sneil, 14a, Hieh-fitreet Ar- adfc, Swansea. 5.k 11 X1 "j £ 10B.—Upright Grand Pianoforte, by „ Ohappsll; in beautiful Rosewood Case; eup-erb tone tMid touch; tremendous bargain.—D. J. Snail, 14a, High-street Arcade, Swansea. Z:5 iJi ) GRAMO PflONES from 21 a.; New Double- ? aided Records, Is. Id. each; all make# in St<wk; old Records Bought or E:thanged. -D. J. Snell, 14&, 21 and 22, High-street Arcade, Swansea. 2.15A I 1 0 Brader and Sons' Announcements.  CASH.—A beautiful tone Upri?t ??*?? Grand Piano in Walnut Ca?c, quite equal to new, full overstrung etaie, best steel frame, fall trichord; list price 60gns.; returned from hire.—Brader and Sons, Wind, street, Swansea. OVERSTRUNG Upright Grand Piano, in Rosewood Oase, fuU all-over iron frame, full compass trichord scale, a magnificent instrument, a.nd a great barjj.uii; ;3g n. at 14o. monthly.— Brader and gons, WiBd- street, Swansea. 213A11-6 BEAUTIFUL Model Piano, in Rosewood B Case, f?I trichord, check action, m&r- Queteric panel in centre, grand singing tone right through; offered at ne.. at 12e. monthly.—Brader and So-ne, Wind-street, Swansea. 213A11-6 I CIOLLAR-D and C?La.rd, a Sne new in- ? nient by this celebrated maker, the very latest morel, and certainly the best all- British piano, 50gns., at 21s. monthly, or dis. count for cash.—Brader and Sons, Wind- street, Swatfteea. 215A11-6 XTJALNVT American Org-an, suitable for Small Chuivh or Sciiool-zxx>m, has 14 tpeaking stops, two eominny-tion stops, and kneo swells; a very g/eat "bargain at £ 30 pafeh for quick aaie.—Brader and Sons, Wind- street, Swansea. 213A11-6 Thompson a Snackell's Announcamenta. HAitllONIUiL, in Walnut Cam, very good -d tone, and in perfect order, reduoed to jM "aw to c4ear.-Thompaen and eiaacfcelU Ltd., æ, Cattle-street, Sws-ztfye*. TLQ. PIAXOI OETE. in handsome Walnnt Case, by Hopkinson, London; coet 6fj guineae. reduced to ZO guineas; will accept 10s. 6d- pei DOnù until paid for.—Tbotnpeca ?cd BhM?eH. Lt., 39. Ca?tle-ft?e?. Swansea. T.O. PLANOFGE.TE, by Chapped, Louden; foreign modal in carved Walnat" Case; cost 55 guineas; will accept 20 guineas at IDs. fid. monthly until paid for.—Thompson and SbackcLU Ltti., i), Caetle^treet, Swan. eea. T.O. p I.LNOI!IOIELTE. by Ward, Londoc; Waamut PinÐtte; coet SO guineas, reduced to 12 gnineae.—Apply Thorn ptxra and. Shack el I, Ltd., 33, Onetle-etreet, Swansea. T.Q. PIANOFORTE TUNING. IA-NOPOBTK TUNING, oft. 6d.; recom- meudations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone and Broadwood and Sons. Pianoe from Bechetein, Hopkineon, Collard, Brinsmead, etc.. Sale cr Hire.—Ghari«« Eadon, 5.), Bruowwicb-street, Swaosea. T.O. n „ TRADE SPECIALITIES. V,-ro()I..S! Woods! W-oota! all ehaxies at Way's, opposiSe Hcepttal. Bla-ck and lb1 )urod EBoTtaes, Bodioes, OomijinastiwiiB, liaods' Bresseti, Caipe, Itualin arid UollarM TU y>JTT BE DOWNHEA-BTED—Prepare for Xmos. Your 1"Doto to send your PrieaidA cut price from 2s. 6d. per tLoz.—A. A G. Taylor, Gainsboro' 8tudio, St. Heien'e-road, Swaxnea. 215.A1.1,.9 A RTiElCIAL Limb&, Eyc%, Omtchea,De- Aformity B<?tf. Steel-less Easi&i" Trusses, Plat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendants. Bella, Belt-Corsets, Trussed, Seamless Elastic Stoc5dng«, etc.-Allen Pearce. 2.), Obw-ke-street. Cardiff. Tel.: 1282. T.CL 13 MOLT NE Hi. Ltd., Fish memhaste. • 12C, High-Btroet, Svransea. Cheapest Hoaas in Town for Fish of all Varieties, VThoiemale anc Hetafl. Trial Solicited. T.O, /? A ASE BOOK about Harbs and bow to use them; free; eend at anci. TKI3 £ XELIi, The Herbalist, 144. Biciunond- road. Cardiff. E«tabli«kAd 1379. XXI EXCHANGE. XGHA.NGE.—Would Escbamee Trpplecra '.1, for gwd petf!?rree TerriBr Doe.—Bor 100. Lead«r, Sww,T»ea. 801j,.7 ui WHERE TO DINE. /XWALLA Be»otu racrt., 199, Oxfand-fltoreaL SwwuweB, (opposite eei^naai-ce to Ver-h Pisftd). Bireahfea^e, Di»nem, Teas arways ready. Very moderate charges. Ope-n on Bftndaye.—J. J. Griffixhc-, AC11-11 ■ I. in PALMISTRY. Iff ADAME DitUSLLLA, F.B.IXA, Paimiet, dairroyant, Ajnerioan HysUic Read-I imo& Advice daily. Boorg 11 4o 9. Address 49, 8t- Hnftezi Vro-ad, Swainsc*. (Laba Tie Hoyani ftfl, Haffruewte. (Last few weeks). 217A11-11 A ST-ttOLOGY.-Rel"able written We Horo- scope, Future Events, Marriage Part- Per described, Changes, Journeys, Money Prospects. Fortunate Daya. Fortunate SeacoMs, Business Success, Speculation, ete. Send birth date. Rirfrervce P.O., stamped ea- neloipe.—Madaiae Marion, 1Z, Shandwick- piace, Edinbursk. 215A11-9 tlUV,L Epping tores: Gypsy Palmist, the only Gyp&y in the World Patronised by Eoyalty. Very good on Busineae Trea»aac- t.ion6. May be consulted daily from 10 ain. to 10 p.m., at 33, Trafalgar terrace, Swansea. 214A11-7 "OAliMJttlTltY and OJaarvcyaacsk.—Ooneuit  Prof. &7Mi OH ,,x <?faijie of life, at )MT ae?et <M?d Priva?? n. SG3. Iligii-Atteet (over Myrddin liavies, the Caeaaiet.), two fcena from Ilotai Cameron, near Castle-ewiaoU (Laste the Pier, Aberyst- ■wyth!. 3E4AH-7 = SITUATIONS WANTED. ¡ -r ANTBD, a STt(iatir»a by Eespechable YOUIg lady, e Banaraid; «teeliea*t j vafmvoejm-VF rite Leader Qfioe. 2UAJLU9 J HOUSEKEEPERS REQUIRED. 1 ,V.A.¡,rTED, 0. sty #Tousekeeper, abmt 40 w Yeai*i of .a?.—Apply t? John Arthur Bryrigeliy-row, Tieboeth. 216A11-10 T7TrANTIrEiD, Ho^i&ekeepex tp reepeotable Widower and Tbree Children.—Heply E. B. Evarw3_ Tirdennaw, Liaaidore. 216A11-10 'V'A.iE'D: M?rri?d C-Gup.?-e hi-I dren to look after E?a4,?belore E<?i- dlOO: m- be %ble to cook; house, coal c.nd gas found.—Apply axy evening from 6 to 7, at 29, Vip, w-terrace, Abervavon. AC11-10 DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. Y^AXTED. a. capable Young Girl ais General; rniisl, be clean nai-il have good reference.—Mr*?. Dariea, 22, Brunswick etreet, Swtansea. 217A11-7 "^TICHOIjASTON" House, P Mima-on.—Wanted, A 1 Cicneral Servaint; no cx>okiffig.—Apply fiirst ,to Surnmcm, Cu^fiorn-a and Excisw, Dyuevor-place. 217A11-11 7 A 1 ,\r A;Tlill. _c¡;; G1eÐeral-Wd wwmlc November; family two; good reference.—Apply Mrs. Bowen, 12, Quoen- tvtreet, N<XLth. 217A11-11 ANTED, Girl o help in Housework and t-ake otit Ba.by; good horae.—Apply, after 6 p-m., 3:1, Long Oaks^ivenue, Swansea. 215.11-10 "OEQUIKED, Strong Gwneral Servant for Bueinjstsj llouee.—Apply, Lewis IJCV;TS Go., High-turaet 215A11-9 TyANTKD, General; early l-fser; reter- *encos; small family; wages according to expcricace.—5, Sketty-road. Swansea. C.A11-18 "^T^AN'TED, a Good General Servant; good 17 home.-Apply in fittit instance, Mrs. GoldtitoTie, J. Cburch-«treet, Swaiasea. 215A11-9 XTIiSo SMITH, High-claes Eeriati-y ,1'1. Sorvamms.—Wawted, good Ger.eii;il«, Hou3enMt.ida, &l"»o Kitchemaaida amd Between maida.—1, Uplands, Swen- aea. Tel. 677 O. 216A11-1C MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS j VACANT, I TX^EAVFKS.—Wanted, G-ir's far plain plaid i aJtd kereey emoetiezit wage&-ILey- no-lde, (J LUTKIU laia F&etxxry. P cnitaxd ulais. • C11-7 WANTED, ecu (UMe. Vanman; Wate age, experience, wages required; aiso say iT oJbie so drive motor <:æ.A!JØDWdro Lawndry, 11, SwaaMta. 2UA11-7 M AOONB and Ù1bOw&ti Waa?tOed at Aj??e<i Bi-ickwo^-ke, laeor Port TwUwt or Cym- mer; "uiidge ooaawaot.—HUl B*\w., Oo.nfTaxv tors. 217.All-11 rptXSMlTH Wanted.—Apply "Tinplate," ijeatlar Offices, Swansea. 215All-9 I TTTANTED, D-river fox Garrett." Suyer- bewited Stoazn Wa,gon.-To¿ba.m., Jones amd Eailton, lAd., Crymlyn Burro we, Swstn-, sea • Gll-ó TVTAJNTED, ElaIn to ftz Wire aad lijirte.—Tophatm, Jones amd Ka.lliotn, Ltd., C-ry-mtyu Burrows* Swanf^eA. 011-6 "jiTASONS for WaRiug lVanted.-Apply Foreman, E. Turner and Sons, Pare Gwyllt Asylum, Bridgend. A.C.13-0 ¡ .u ^pWO Nicht PO1i Waubed; !?!sLNiM9 Tor similar men enit?bic.—?ttM?'w?r?h Hotel, Swansea.. 6-11.9 C4.EP.KS. f?A?fTED, a Juaior Ci?rk; nm? be good f ?!b<M'-?a,u'd-typ?t.—Re??y Q) Box M.?, of thii paper. 2l7Al1-7 T^rANTED, a .j uaier Oowk. f6 about IB.— W>ri!te t'ioz ii.12, Luaslec Offi.ee. 216i\lJUll w A.NTED iiamecllately, ginart Yputh, age 15-16. for Office Work.-A.pp,y. with references, Tbe Ijovzboor Oolli-ery Company U91&J, Ltd., Loughor. 216AU-9 "TXT^.i-gtfBaritiirtnl y, feaiart Youth £ «", with experience-; in film renting preferred.-Apply Manager Kinematograph. Trading Co., 28, Castle- fa tree t, Swansea. 213 At 1-13 SHOP ASSISTANTS, f HOCEBrY and ProvisMM. Sevemi Gvacancies for Joniorb and Improvers; good wages given; applicants liwist be so. cmwwmcd to good-class trade.—Z5, Leader Office, Swrusezt. A.C.U-9 p SOOEKY and Provisions. — Wanrted, several smart Assistants and Juniors; quick promotion to euita-ble axiplicanta; full Jones, India. and Cbina Stores, Yatalyfera. A.C.11-9 \\TAitTE-O, Immediately, sman Aeaistant W-' nV h speaking); a?o Errand Boy (opportunity for learning butter tra,de).- Apply Maypole Dairy Co., Ltd., 283, Oxford- áreet. Swan-gea. 214A11-7 AGENTS, &c^ WANTED. A GE.ÍB WQ.1llted PJva:t;- AC?w?(;; ftmple Book of C1wiœøt. Desi mis Free; Brroffcfr nwan«factu<re; best oommiacWyn. Treble, tyo, VikAoriciHStreet, Lojndon. Cll-12 A-NT)M, a gced CkunNepw?r 1m- S'jKs.n- wae?% and d-Wte Box M.ll, Leader Of&oe. 216.M.1-10 A BMUTIFUL SA3CPLB BOOK of ,riv4Lto -?- Chnetm?a Ce?rds a?t?utjely Free and Poet Paid. The Famous" Vietoria." Series enables you to make a..£5 Note without rit-l or outlay. Magnificent range of inii,e Kovekies, Patriotic Designs and Greetings. Every CWd me.Dufactmoerl in our own Works by British Labour. Write now to Jones, Williams aad Cc.. Dept. 51. Victo-via Works, Prerton. 214A11-7 PMVATE Christmsw CaPds. Agfyms Wajated. Beautiful Free Sample Book c-ontmniag 100 Mequisite designs, with special Patriotic CarcU; poat 1-id; eKtraordmary commiesion imaes for cJL—Eiiglish Art Co., (Dept. ?.,64). BUotbum. 2.14A.1,1-7 T'ljOrDR?B?Aa?n'a ?lour''M?.r*Ltd? FLiverpool. require Agent to work Swansea. and D",ipt. must have e&tab- Liahed conneetioo and thorough knowledge of the flour trade. Give fuH details as to experience, particularly as to turnover, also references-, with first application. A.C.U-14 AGENTS Wanted to Sell for Motor Vehicles, Gas ejid Sieain Engines, iDyna-nioe. etc., on oommiesion; would suit insurance agent.- Dyntu&o," Laader OSloe, Swansea. Cll-11 A GOOD iiioojBe Aesured.—Heepectable itou in regular employment can im- crease their income by supplying Clothing, Drapery, Boote, Jewellery, aiiti other House- hold Bequieitee for cash. or credit. No capital required. No ex-pen set LiBesal com- mission. A proiitable and pieaeant work for tiipare time. Every encouragement and sup- port given.—Dept. 0.. Joka E. Fattorini, Mancjietiier-road. Bradford 211AU-12 APPRENTICES. IBOTTMONGErSY.—Wanted, a well-educated Youth as Apprentice to the General and PurniehiDg Ironmongery Trade.—Apply to John S. Brown, Ox £ o«L0t>reet, Swansea. 214 A lw ERRAND BOYS WANTED. STBOiWi Erraand Boy W&o?)&d; good -pa?kw-  em*w mi aired. -Cu&a B-u4w&m ,;Amees? Oxford-fcUntaet, Sawwititak 217A11-7 qttA R.P Lad Wanted as Erm,nd Boy; g-wd w-l). J. Smell. 21 <5c 22, Hssrh-et-eeot Areade. 11. 9 SMART L&4 W. W:r-ro::ul: Swaasea. 214A11-7 S- -iüRTBo' 78 Wanted for q??'-? e&teeof tD. 0 "Leader" aad <?o "Herald of W?ea and Mid-Giamorcan Herald"; good money «»n be eaaiiy eaii>ed by 8mart and deter- mined boye.—Apply to followjjjg offices and agentsJ-ahn Morgan, Woodlield-street, Morristan; Edwin Hemmrne. 39, '"Que«sn- street, X-eaib; Ohao-lie Evoas, 72, Brynymor- raad. Swaaaea; Ceatos.. Keeafcle*. LOST AND FOUND. 1 T OST, a Lady's L-Iig Gold Wa.tch Cnaan, on Octo-ber or since, be-iwoeta St. Jamee'-grardens and Uplands-orescent.—The ftr-der bring:Jig it to Mr. JaiEuep Madge, 16, Upland s-creecejit, will be handsomely awarded. 217A13-7 IJjL the Person who took the vrrcog Umbrella from Moimt Pl^neawt Schooi- rcom, Oct. 2-5th, please xetiu-n to 39, Tcnace- road. 216A11-7 I-ooG-BTyn1'Oa<lJl &.1,1 llay *7<-?- Liiiq, Black chipperke D?-g, Zulu.— Please return to Xaobel, c/o Dr. Edwards, 64, King Edwajrds-ro«d, Swaneea, Al :1-6 LOST, on Saturday, Oct. 24rah, an Oval- shatped Gold Brooch with eafety pin attached. Finder rewarded.—^i06, road, Plasmarl. 2.1.6 A 11-7 FOUND Straying on Cefn Bryn. Three Mountain Ponies. If not claimed will be eoJd. May be elaimed a.ny week-day.— Apply W. G. Jenkins, SeQ., Perris Wood, Penmaen, R.S.O. 213A11-6 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. npO LET, House, No. 9. Frogmone^aveinue, J- Sketity.—App'iy W. Th«imaa maid. Com- pany, GIO'sukt Bcd,dijn,-a, Chua-ch-vJtreet, Swansea. 217 A11-7 BUSS NESS PREMISES TO LET SHOP to Let, any b;»»ss, seven rooms, 105, Lia.nfe-yiela-ch-road, Bi-ynhyfil-d.- Apply Thc, Peat Office, Brynhyfryd. 216A11-10 TTOUSE and rahop to Let at 67, Pemtre- trebameroad, Lan-d-crre.—Apply to Eliaa Wilis, Llvry norwn-road, Llansamle^. 216A11-6 TVTEATH.—To be 1?'t. Four ncwiy-crecn?d ?N a-ttraotive lock-up Shops. ea-ch with show or ewre room, small yard and DrL atises. aituate oo ma.in road close to very centre of town, and suitti-ble lor tho -busi- jicic, uf Tobacconist. Jow«iler, Chemist, l'iori"t, Fancy Goods Dealer, Dairyman, or Mercer, etc.; rent moderate.—Por further particulars apply to Henry Parmimer Estate Asrent, Neath. 214A11-9 "^rARD and Wcrkehop to Let, ai reai- of 1, Castle-«tiuai'ft; also offile on ground floor. Eutland-atreat. Apply Watkins, Printers. ZliAll.5 BUSINESSES rOR DISPOSAL. T ANDORE Joinery Works fo-r Sale or to I I Ijet as a going concern, wiitb. stock or wit.h.oa.t. stok, value £ 7.—Apply T. IL Wil- liams, No. 2, Pwli-e-uret'ii, Laaidoire; or 39, Aiulnow-atreet. Lla..lJ&.ily. 216AU-6 ?'OEAP FARMrpri? f6' P«-- F'- houae Buiidinga, 540 <Mr(?. Vilt<-?:r?; hoiiae 5,ib acmr-, Wilto,,h-"re; T&nkertoni, Pelaoee-road, Sureatbam. 216 All-JO APARTMENTS WANTED. ^yTTANTEtD, Puraished Apajrrmeirts for Boigiam FaaUiiiy.—Ap t»iy, tttaiing tes-me, to Bopcmgh EBualte Ag-cnit, 3, ProaiWict-iJ-laice, Swansisa EDUCATIONAL. OlN G IMTC TCD EN'I^S *p ;epar ed ~f o r Ex- J aniiiva:ions, Opera,, Oratorio, Ooncert Work, Comj^etitione or Social, .Accompiisji- meixte. Pulii- riiay' bo "h&l' by ttit* ment. Vfrite or call for Dfcapecttuj' aiid terms.—Prof. Dyved Lowys, Singing Master, aseisted by Mr, Dalisiel If. Lewye, accom- panist, 33. Hajttael-»i,r>eel, Svrartwoa. 156A11-30 STUDENTS Trained to ep«de of o?r 10C sWc),rds a MimuM in PITMAN'S Short- hand. Oandidattoa Sucoessfully Prcpared for Civil Service and Local Marine Board Examinations. Leoeona given in Arith- metic, Book-keeping, Navigation, German. Satisfaction gua.Ilteed.-MR.. J. HARRIS, 56, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. Day and Evening Classes for all Subjects. Mlfcl»'i»'?ii ii, ji-y"' i. I N E Y. £ 10 to £ 10,000 ?0 USD by th? Olde" Weat of Enctand 1 hrn:, F. f?AWM?CE. LTD., on WriM? Prom^e to Repay. Life FoLci-t-s. Furniture, Farm Srock, or other Security. Principal Rexnttins or can be Repaid by Easy Instal- ments. Promptness and Privacy. A Gentle, man will ce..11 and hand yoll cash at your house if desired. Diotanoe no object. Do not expoee your wajuinwaeuto iocall, Write UlAriag. VICTOR EAMJtl/TOTT, oo¡; CHAMBERS. WINE-STREJST. BEISTOT* ?IFSa:' Oy&z' Tbe Moratorium ?aa w,.f :Ex:. <U p?.  All ?r?M i^nui^Koki Assietanoe to pay o3 their Account and .LM?ihttM. or Capital for Bu?Mee Bxten eicne, ûe rat;p<?!,fui!y invited to apply to the B. F. Co.. wh-oh is expressly established and registered pursuant to Act of Parlia- ment. Tbe problem.! of finance are now solved. We Can Help You. 41.0 Loan, repay- able ISs. monthly; 3&. monthly £ 50 -pj monthly; £1Di>, £ 7 monthly. Writa for Prc-c Proopeettie and Press British Finance Co.. 20. Bridge^treet, Bristol MONEY TO LEND. — Gnah Advanced from £5 upwards to Ee- epaictable Househaldera. Easy Repayments. Apply District Loan Company, ST. MARY CHAMBERS, CHURCH STREET, SWANSEA. NOTICES. W-HL-UF IT MAY COKoRRN.-I, the und. am in DO way oommeetjed with a-Tty party oT parties oi a eimilar name I conducting bu-aiuesg in this town, artd thea I hove had nothujg to do with the pac.,ty paartiea rurnrpkng e. sisi-ce September, 3.-P. J. Deniwinn, M'a-noger for A. GocdaiJ an-d Co., Pier-3tree*, Svmaaaea. [I HIIRSES, CAflRIAGES, &c., FOR SALE. Fr Oooa Mexchointo ajid Othors.-For S,,Io, Hoarse, 10 baeids. C yeawooad, also Poaty, lAStr; and Fi8lt. Car suitable foir ooke.—Apply Coke, Leader Office, ?171_11-7 oryCWT. Van for Sa? ch. Trial <m 2Oappl,amtioti.-Apply AmAIvws and Wat- aom, Uplands Gcurace, Swansea 216AH-10 R Private Deal (OWDeT having inctor -— power), ood eiaart, ati-O'nc-built hatrmesB lXoTBe, 6 years old, 15 hands, euii gdaatieinan'a I tTCij) or amy tradesman's van or cart; one I tbick-eet Welftb OOIb, 8 years, 14 hands, both J warranted sound, quiet to fide and drive, reliable in aS t?'c..Si&, and free I from vioe or trial, price 25 amd 15 guineas; and a strong- Cant. Golt, rityiirg J. uitbroknan, cheasp; also Rubber-tyred Trap, Trwl-eamaji'« Oajt, 2 Sets Good Harneas, Stable Utensils, New Cb-affcutter, etc.—Edwards, Jug House," 17, Gaistle-stroet, Neath. 216A11-7 -— e m?— 'j —' — -— —  J  —imaaB-stSBa? l;¡EEiL I. URS.—Lu^ urioualy Large Set, Bkuck F<? Frew recently, costing ? M?.; tarj? shaped StcAa, beautiful ajiiinal Muff, headti, tivlfo, ete.; accept JSZ siiimiUd bargain; approvaL—Waite Box iL15, Leacter Offioe. Swaauwea 217A11-11 01TW1XG Machines <? all makes, new and ? se?cmd-h&nd. Oil, Ne?dTtea, Shuttles, etc. Agamt for Brtwibury Machines. Repairs a Bpeu'aaiity.—YaXee, 11, Lower We-tierloo- street, S waa35*M)- 217A11-11 j. .o)..chd', i^maimty ef B^iirewood for Sato.— Tophiain, Jo.w2a aaad JUiilton, Ci-ymlyn Burixjwe, Swansea. 011-6 SAPES (FirepTOof), all eases, for Sale, bar- gains. Enquiries solicited for Second- band Engines, Boilers, Saw Benches, Motor Lorries, ate-Birt. 47a. Strand. Swaccea, 011-11 LONDON Time-Xable and Red Rail-Guide.— The current iueae ot this popular Pub- lieation is on sale at all Railway Booksralle e-fld leading Newsagents. Nearly 600 pages, it deale witli over 3,000 railway stations. At tswopenee it is the beet and cheapest Railway t Snide ever publiehed. (BSD SESS FOR ALL Housewives | AND Caterers. First-class Provisions offered at NORMAL PRICES at the B STORES College St. Perfect, Mild Cured Ale HAMS, per 9b. Canadian, Irish and C/cut BACON, Choice Cuts; only Bids per lb.     '?' L h ^ted^ Sa^rphiff^ CHEESE^ 7id. per lba Centrifugal Creamery ????x???- BUTTER ONLY 1/2 per lb. Fresh arrivals every othor day. j <?><■:■ -S&iiV High Class Selected Blend TEA, 1/7 per Iba No better value put before the Swansea Public. SUGARS REDUCED Farthing per lb. BEST QUALITY FLOUR, S I O per Score. New FRUIT. Choicest Currants, 4d. per lb. Valencia Raisins, 4id. per B b. Groceries of every descrip- tion sold at rock- bottom prices for cash. by Yours faithfully, DAVIES liCO. THE Boro* Stores, College Street, SWANSEA.



