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GET A VIIATCH LIKE MINEI N ??Mt????S???? A GUNNER Get a watch that will never let you down-one of "?????T? ?=?)))?? w11 H ?K??SM??? DELIGHTED H. Samuel's world-famed timekeepers. Call and see '??-f????M £ && £ & djjlj^gSSrCt Gunner J. W. Finch, ?th ?c new wrist model with luminous dial (as illustrated). ? 3'? ?? 4 JF {?S??M?E? w BhMde Staff, R.F.A., writes High grade, fully jewelled, keyless movement, handsome <!????  October 11, 1915: "1 am nickel silver i £ HCt°M d' i"9Iht d ^[h nickel silver case, strap any shade. Wonderful value, 17,6. J. r, i25 /#^B the ".minou. wrist Many other designs, 21/ 25/- upwards. EvelY ITr" /^j 3 t ???C??t???j?MB ?*?e?' 't'att.n&?n- watch warranted for s years. Satisfaction guaran- <  ?. ?' ? ??B?'? r???' Msks^Ji ????? S?' cteneWfttfthTotMtMy teed or motiey refunded in full. Send one to your   =-  ? jr  ?!  ??"???? M   j?''a*????M? should be without." sailor or soldier friend to-day 1 y-f. (■ 17*» Commercial etp" t ?MMtMOUS WRMT W?TCH. n ??? ? M t M N ? ET t M, M A Mt, High StM?, .???.-?.?'i??? .MMIN0U8 WRIST WATCHb, y Bm BJB | WMm llm «Ww— l UI a u I tKT^ U I 22, S3 ft 26a, High Street, ^g%515& >■ ^1jrdf l||)i felrH ? ?how. the b 0 SAMUEL NEWPORT.   S   M i-I.;ght or day., Fine jt!wt'an (Wø/chmQ/¡.er to the .IIdmiralty)   k..p.r. sy..rs  t F? fM<<,?? ? ? ??-r<??. (..??;TD) ???????SS?** jS -f-r-4 ;A NT -.n is-h o r r*i!, Fu r: n ish Wisely Arid W.ll; you cannot do better than pay me a visit. Most of imn- oods are made in my own Workshops. I have been Es- t tablished in tbis Valley over Half-a-Gentury. Re-upholstering, Re-polishing and Repairs done only by Ex- perienced Workmen. No Shoddy Work done. ESTIMATES FREE FOR ALL WORK Special Show of Kitchen Dressers, Bedroom Suites, Bedroom & Ware of every description. Motor Oycles, Cycles, and all Accessories, Venetian Blinds a Speciality. Buy with a Firm with a Half-a-Oentury's Reputation. ISRAEL FINE, Lawn Terrace, Rhymney, and Commercial Street, New Tredegar. If vV 1/ TOONS t ■HH| Liptons own thou- If you want rich. aands of acres of some HEfl mature, leafy tea, of the finest Tea plan- Lipton', the best. tations m the world, —iJami Jt A? ?z cn,cn</? tations in the worlcl, It a ays » the best, thepossess ionof which rs so still. Just gIve pons ? that advantage over HB If you want small tea, others, enabling them Ml Lipton's is the best. to gi. ve better quality, KsKjgral has been and better sete-ction, and  So still. ¡ If you want flnBg LIPTON, Ltd., theb?t tea. mm cbylon. go to the firm R??Ht Bra?eAe? and ??encM< tb it throughout the UnitJ that frows it ??BaHs?? kOJZ ?-? TIT-BITS 6^v The chowied and paptr to na4 to TOOT bey at the Front. Keep bin \W ^1 ..cI Bright. i 14 t. Shops selling FOOTWEAR Travellen being called to the Army and circulation of Price Liata oSoialIy prohibited, we inrite .11 Boot Retailers to send va a line saying class required for coming season's trade, when particulars or samples of 'in .tock' A lines will at once be submitted, E. C. MIDCLEY & SONS LEEDS" < V >: ,<;a;. nIICI ACMIV CQQ A ?? 8impl French remedy, which has OEAFNESS permanently car?d 1'?1 "t f tt!?W hundMd* of M?reM gladly explains) FREE. Write QHLENE" Co.. Wailing 8treet, Dartford Kent. DO YOU WANT POSTEr-S to adnrtisc roar businees t i r If bo. write for samples and prioes.—Stafford and Co.. Ud. Notherfield. Notts. RUILER KKATE8.—Wanted, to buy quantity for cash.—Jacobs. 80, Hactaiey Road, London. E. 2. ITrASTR PAPER—Old Book*, M"ines, News- ?t papers pUfcb.d in any quantity, 103. 6d. per ewt. Cost of carriase refunded. Prompt cash by return post. Sed bv Good, Train to Messrs. GRIFFITHS, 84, Maiden Lane, STRAND. LONDON. SKRt SUFFERERS! DO NOT GIVE UP BOPB OF A CURB UNTIL you have tried the hundred-year-old remedy, BAN EX LOTION, a certafn Cure for Eczema, Ringworm, Itch, Bad Lega, "Co Bucceasea after all else hava failed. Testi- monials upoa application. Will not soil linen and has no disagreeable adour. Prioe a/6 per bottle, poet free, from aANEX LOTION COMPANY. GLEN8IDB, POTSHAM, PAIGNTON, 8. DEVON NATIONAL SERVICE.—Health PreeerTa- tion is essential for all workers. The germs of disease are carried by insects-Beetles, Buge, Fleas, Flies, Body Vermin, ALL are disease carriers. Therefore KILL them- with Keating's Powder. Sold everywhere, 3d., 6cl.. U. British Macic WASTE PAPER, Books, Newr.per, Ledgers, Ac. YY Any quantity bought, cash on delivery, carnage forwsrd._Iol Gray's jpn R"f>'l, London, W.C. 1. w ANTED Blue, Ruby. Oreen and Amber Vases, &c.s Blmn White and Coloured glass Cornucopias on a -Taylor, 26, Newman Street, Londoa. BEDWELLTY UNION. I CONTRACTS FOR SUPPLIES. TENDERS are invited for the SUPPLY Jt- of the following Articles to the Workhouse at Tredegar, and to the Children's Homes at Tredegar, Blackwood I and Ebbw Vale :— FOR THREE MOKTHS FEOM THE 1st JULY, 1917. Milk, Beef, Mutton, Fish, Flour and I Meals, Groceries, Jam, Cheesemongery, Tobacco and Snuff,House and Engine Coal, Drugs and Surgical Dressings, Bread for I Blackwood and Ebbw Vale Homes. Also Beef and Mutton for the Outdoor Poor upon the order of the Relieving Officer for the Tredegar District. Groceries, Meat, Fish, Poultry, and Fruit for the Officers of the several insti- tutions. Boots and Shoes, Leather and Grindery, Clothing, Drapery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, Ironmongery and Cutlery. Oils and Brushes, and Male Officers' Uniforms. For the Conduct of Funerals of poor Persons dying in the Workhouse and in each Parish in the Union. For Chimney Sweeping at the several Children's Homes. Tenders must include Free Delivery of .the several articles at the Workhouse, Cottage Homes, or Scattered Ho mler" a Forms of Tender may be obtained at my Office at the Workhouse, Tredegar, where sealed and endorsed Tenders must be de. livered before 10 a.m. on Tuesday, the 19th June, 1917. No Tender will be considered unless made upon the prescribed form, or unless delivered at my Office by the time stated. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender, and re- serve to themselves the power to accept any part of a tender. By Order, WILLIAM HALL, Acting Clerk to the Guardians. Union Offices, Tredegar, 7th June, 1917. HEARSE, Light, Glass Sides; equal HNew Low Price, Cash or Terms.- Marston, 24, Bradford St., Birmingham. WOMAN'S UNFAILING FRIEND. T0WLI?8 pills Immediately you notice any irregularity of the system, tak" Towle's Pills. They will quickly remove all suffering. Boxes 13 and 3 of all Chemists, or sent anywhere on r-feipt of P.O., by E. T. TOWLE & Co., Ltd., ii, Long Row, NOTTINGHAM. Write for Booklet containiiig most invaluabl information for married women. Post free. ) I





