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Children's Court.


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I LEDBURY URBAN COUNCIL The monthly meeting of the Ledbury Urban Council, the last of the Council year, was held on Tuesday night—owing to Monday being election day-at the Barrett-Browning Institute, when the Councillors present were-Messrs E H Hopkins (chairman), who presided, W L Tilley, J Preece, A Warren, W G Davis, R Lawrence, J E Craddock, A T Jones, H Thacker, A C Lewis, S Clarke, T S S Gardner, and C H Bastow, together with the Clerk (Mr Reginald Masefield), and the Surveyor (Mr R G Gurney). AN ELECTION ECHO. Mr Warren asked the Chairman if he was prepared to say the same across the table that night as he said the previous night outside the Town Hall, and was he (Mr Warren) one of the men he had referred to as a man who told lies and what were the lies ? The Chairman The matter has nothing to do with the Ledbury Urban Council. Mr Craddock rose and asked if that was in order, and the Chairman said it was not. Mr Preece made a remark, and was called to order by the Chairman. Mr Preece This Council has nothing to do with what takes place outside. I ASSESSMENT OF THE ROYAL HALL. Mr Davis asked if the Overseers of the parish had taken into consideration the increased value of the Royal Hall through it being used as a picture palace, and had they taken any action in the matter ? The Chairman There are no overseers at the present tioae. Mr Davis Have the orerseers in the past considered it ? The Chairman was understood to say they could mot. Mr Davis Then I beg to draw the attention of the next overseers to it. THE PROPOSED WINDMILL AT THE PUMPING STATION. Mr Lawrence asked if the question of the proposed windmill at the pumping station had dropped altogether out of existence ? The Chairman said he had heard nothing since the last report of the Streets Committee on the question. Mr Preece said he understood the question of cost caused an abandonment of the question. The Chairman Mr Preece, I cannot allow you to discuss a question. APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEERS. The appointment of overseers, which was adjourned from the last meeting, again came up, and Mr Craddock proposed the election of Mr Hopkins and Mr Tilley, remarking that t-he Chairman had had a long experience of the work. Mr Bastow seconded, and said Mr Hopkins had been overseer a good many years and no- body in the town understood the work better than Mr Hopkins did. He had given a great deal of attention to the duties. Mr Thicker proposed Mr W G Davis in place of Mr Hopkins. He thought it was very near time they had a change for this sort of job. It was pulling the strings from one end of the table all the year round. Mr Warren seconded Mr Thacker's amend- ment, and said he did not think they should have one man in the same position all the time. This sort of thing ought to go round. Mr Preece, in supporting the original resolu- tion, said it was not a question of a monopoly. He considered the best man should occupy the position, and no man had devoted the time that Mr Hopkins had to the financial arrangements of the Council, to which he belonged. To knock him off would be an insult to hin* and not complimentary to the urban district. The amendment was then put and four voted for the amendment, and seven against. The original resolution was then put and seven voted for it and five against, Mr Hopkins and Mr Tilley accordingly being declared elected as overseers for the ensuing twelve months. BANK CRESCENT ROAD. A letter was read from Mr H J Pritchard, on behalf of the Ledbury Building Society, to the effect that the Directors of the Society were in agreement with the terms arranged between the Sub-Committees of the Council and the Building Society for the taking over of the Bank Crescent Road by the Council. The Directors were pleased to know that an amicable settlement had at last been arrived at on the matter. I FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Chairman presented the report of the Finance Committee, which showed that since the last meeting the sum of J3207 7s 3d had been paid into the treasury. Bills for payment amounted to 2209 16a 3d, and a further sum of 13s lld had been struck off for voids. The collection of general district rate and water charges completed entirely th" amount of the rate and water charges. (Elea-, hear.) It was very gratifying to the CommL;;ee to find the work had been done in such an efficient manner —(hear, hear)—and he would like to add his meed of praise to Mr Maddox' aid his work. The wage bill of j539 13s 6d was slightly in excess of the ordinary monthly amount and was accounted for by the overtime and extra work that had been done daring the period in connection with water services. The Com- mittee had under consideration a letter from Mr Symonds, clerk to the County Council, with regard to the establishment charges for the main roads and the services of the Surveyor. He was of opinion that now they were acting as agents and not contractors, and had to find tools and the services of their surveyor they certainly thought they ought to be in the same position as the other Councils in the county and the committee recommended that application be made to the County Council for the usual five per cent. on the cost of the repairs done. When the matter was before the Roads and Bridges Committee they could rest assured it would receive his very strong support. Mr Clarke seconded the adoption of the report, which was carried unanimously. I STREETS COMMITTEE. Mr Bastow moved the adoption of the follow- ing report of the Streets Committee :— Tenders-The Committee recommended that the tender of Messrs. Bebbington be accepted for oats and bran, the tender of Mr V W Meacham for oil, and that of Mr Hodgetts for hauling. New Main in Church-street.-The Surveyor reported that he had accepted the estimate of Messrs. Spittle, Ltd., and that the work would be done immediately after Easter. Pipe Joints.—The Committee recommended that the tender of Mr R Preece be accepted. Leakage near Mr Molesworth's.—The Sur- veyor reported a very serious leakage at this spot, which had been repaired as soon as ascer- tained. New Plan.—Plans for a new warehouse at the back of Mr F W Juckes' premises in the Homend were inspected. Mr Bastow said that the leakage near Mr Molesworth's was a serious matter, and for- tunately it was early discovered. There was as much water running from the leakage, or nearly as much as the town was using. It had now been put right. With regard to the ques- tion of repairs to the Railway Terrace-road, leading past the electric power station to Messrs. Hill and Sons' premises, since the meeting of the Committee Mr Gurney had had a letter from the Electric Light Company ask- ing if the Council would take over the road if they first of all made the surface good to the surveyor's satisfaction. He thought it would be a very wise thing for the Council to do. That portion of the town was disgraceful at the present time, as everybody knew who had been down there. He would add that to the report, so that it could receive the sanction of the Council that night. Mr Lawrence, in seconding, said it would be a very good thing when this matter was settled. The report was then unanimously carried, with the addition referred to bv Mr Bastow. I RECENT FIRE AT BERROW. The Chairman presented a report on the recent fire at Borrow. The expense of the Brigade amounted to £9, which was made up as follows :—steamer j35 5a working expenses 5s Brigade 23 10s. I SANITARY COMMITTEE. I Mr T S S Gardner presented the report of the Sanitary Committee, which stated that a sub-com- I mittee, consisting of the Chairman, Mr Davis and the Inspector, had bee* appointed to go roundtthe sewage ditches at a convenient date. This was seconded and agreed to. I MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. I The report of the Medical Officer (Dr J Mc- Kean Harrison) reported that during the past month there had been four births and eight deaths. One case of scarlet fever had been notified. I PLAN. u I A plan or a new warenouse tor ivir F w Juckes, Homend-street, at the back of his I premises, was produced, and the usual resolution offering no objection to it was passed. I THE TERRIFIC PACE OF MOTOR I CYCLISTS. Mr Davis asked if the Council had power to call the attention of the police to the terrific pace at which some motor cyclists went through the town. The pace of some of them was extremely dangerous, to children especially. The Chairman said he quite agreed with Mr Davis, but added whenever they made any attempt to draw attention to this and other traffic matters they got no support whatever. There was a case where a traction engine broke water mains and because Mr Gurney was not in Court it was dismissed. He thought the Standing Joint Committee might have their attention drawn to it. Mr Davis said as a motor cycliat himself he would not like to see a speed limit, but it was dangerous riding he wished to see stopped. Mr Clarke There won't be anything done till somebody is killed. The Chairman said the Standing Joint Com- mittee could not put on a speed limit without coming to the County Council If the Council passed a resolution asking that the Committee call the attention of the police to it that would be sufficient. Mr Craddock thought such a resolution would be casting a slur on their Superintendent of Police. The Chairman did not think so. Mr Davis said he would rather call' the atten- tion of the police to the matter. Mr Craddock I think it unfair to the police. It was eventually decided to call the attention of the police to the matter. I ROAD MATTERS. I Mr Lewis- moved that the attention of the G. W.R. Co's, engineer be Galled to the water coming from the railway bridge at the station. Mr Davis seconded and this was agreed to. Mr Warren raised the question of the slippery state of the road near the weighing machine at the Town Hall. Mr S Hodgetts had a horse down there that day. The road was like glass. The attention of the Surveyor was called to this matter, and it was left in his hands. I ANNUAL MEETING. I I The annual meeting of the Council was fixed f for Friday, April 17, at 6 p.m. I JLEAVE-TAKINGw I Mr Bastow said they had with them that night a most valuable member of the Council, Mr Jones, who he was sorry would not be with them in the future, and he would like to bear record to the value of his work on the Council. (Hear, hear.) As Chairman of the Streets Com- mittee he could, say in all sincerity that he had been one of the most useful members of the Council, and he was sincerely sorry they would not have the pleasure of Mr Jones's prasence with them in future. He would also like to say how much they regretted the infirmity that had attached itself to Mr Morgan, who had been a valued and useful member of the Council and he regretted very much that his infirmity had necessitated-his retirement from. the Council. Mr Preoce, Mr Clarke and Mr Gardner associated themselves with Mr Bastow's remarks. Mr Jones thanked Mr Bastow for his kind remarks. All he had been able to do. was to attend as regjularly as it was possible to attend, aad what little good he had been able to do had always been a pleasure to him. Probably he would not be leaving the Council had not some of the wire pullers been at work, but if they would forgive him for what he had done he would forgive them for what they had very successfully tried to do. This concluded the business of the meeting.

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